Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Going UD ns Though
Groasod. *
Clonrnnccfl For R.xport Bmnll A Wild
Jliunnr Lots of GonMj ) A Wonk-
ness In tliu C6rn Pit
Jjlvo Stock ,
nCrncAOo , Scp' 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BKB. ] The xvhont market xvont UD to
day as though It xvna grained. The range In
December prices xvai tt'/fc / and In May 2)c. )
The market was big , broad and very nctivo ,
n tremendous business being done In tlio pit ,
The net ndvnnco coUbllshcd was lj @ 2o.
December led In activity und In Improvement
ccorcd , the difference betxveen that delivery
anil Muy narrowing nt one time to iy/c.
There were reactions , of course , but price *
slipped up , ' 4@ ? c and Ji ° without noise lilto
a thief In the night. The market wns re
markably "bulgy. " Outside news was bul
lish to-day as u rule , but the advance made
hero wns attributed m a largo degree to local
influences. The IOCA ! croxvd xviw bearish In
temper early , Belling December down to 82
@ 82 > c , nnd Muy to 8IJ e , The absorptive
power of the market was very great , how
ever , und it xvus not long before prices begun
to creep upward , Cnb'cs ' began to tome in
firm and higher and Hour men reported for
eign Inquiries lor flour from neoplo xvho have
been steadily refusing to notice American
cables. The actual clearances of wheat for
export ore small , but tlio majority of the ex
porters agree lu saying that foreign mantels
nro very strong nid ; that foreigners xvant
wheat. In such a market ns this , details nra
apt to bo lost , sight of , but it can ho said in
goncrul terms that considerable xvhcat wns
nought to-day in St. Louis , Now York nnd
Chiongo for shipment. The demand I'or hard
northern xvhent is especially urgent , nnd
Duluth parties are asking l@lu | over the
nmrl'.et for what little they tmvn In reach.
Receipt * at that point nro very light. Dunn
had bid for a cargo of Duluth
xvheat lie had already loaded In a
vessel. Not all of the foreign houses
are bullish. A London cable xvus received
Baying that Husslun xv heat as good us our No.
2 xvns being offered in unlimited quantities
at prices equal to 72c hero. Torontd parties
wired that Canada would have 10,000,000
bushels of xvheat to spare over nnd above
her own requirements. In the west receipts
are not increasing , nnd tbo country is getting
interested in futures to a greater or less ex
tent. Foreigners and professionals are the
heaviest buyers through big houses , but the
general run of commission houses re
port a large gain In the number and size of
miscellaneous scattering orders. December
uctn us though it might bo pushed up by con
contratcd buying on a largo scale , but aside
from the continental purchases of Sxvartz ,
Dupco&Co. , aud tliu covering now and
then of an Important line of
shorts , nobody can point to a concen
tration In that direction. This buying
alone would not have put the market up six
cents in the day. There was a xvild rumor
floating nro und that Partridge nnd Ins side
pnrtnor , Charley Smith , wcro running n
huge bull scalp but it found few believers.
Another theory xvns that Hutehlnsoii had
teen xvorkiujr the market with -'dove-tailed1
orders ntid secretly buying heavily. This
was so much uiero gossip. The fact remains
4hat the market xvus very active , very broac !
and very booming. New Yoric ailvancci :
J@i'o nnd St. Louis J/@le. December
opened at 8-j < c , u loss of % c over night. It
sold off to 82Jj@S3.J.fe , anil then without an.v
important backset advanced to 83e. ! Are
action to 82fo folloxved , and for tin hour 01
thereabouts the market remained around 83c ,
now and then getting } ± c above nnd often t
hade boloxv. About 13 o'clock it started 01 :
a second sharp unturu , this time going llrst to
b4o , then to 81)4(3 and ll'ially ' to 84 ! c
closing at 84c- There wus no trading
in September for an hour or moro after the
opening , and very Uttlo at uny time. May
opened atS5 > c , sold off to 84o , and cllmbot ]
In an irregular and Jerky fashion to B'ljf
The close was 87c. The last quotations
marked an advance of 2c in September , 1J <
IKo In December , and 13fo In May.
The corn market received no help from the
strength in xvheat , unless it. might bo that :
still further break xx-ould have probably
taken place but for the excitement in the
other market. Foreign quotations xvere
barely steady , and outside domestic markets
xvero in complete sympathy with the xveuk-
ness bore. The receipts at this point xvere
nearly one hundred cars loss than expected ,
but 20,800 bushels by canal went a long way
toward compensating for this. Them xvas
no apparent demand until October hud re
ceded to OlJ c , around which price some
shorts xvero Induced to cover.
May xvas comparatively steady , hut
was also tending doxvn. September sold
from 31c , ! )2c ) early to 31 ? < fc and October had
about the same lunge. The closing prices
xvere 81 , ' e for September and October anil
839 < @ 38 > Sf for May.
The trade in oats xvas largely in Mny
today though increased activity in near
futures xvas a feature of the market. As on
yesterday Ilutchinson wns the principal
seller. Ho began selling all that was
wanted at 23 (323 ( 0 , then ut 22 % and later
nt22) 022 ! c. Toward the last the pressure
was removed and ttio market became rattier
llrmer at a slight recovery , May leaving off
nt-12JB'c. October sold freely down to lO o
n nd moro December than there was a de
mand for was offered at 10B'c. 'lho range
for the dity xvan 's @ &o nnd the not decline
averaged Me. The market xvas over-
shadoxvcil by corn , but it wns nevertheless
qulto active.
In provisions the day passed in n compara
tively sloxv manner. The action of the
directors yesterday afternoon making 0.50
the marginal price for October pork , had no
effect upon the uinruot. In the squeezed
article trading scarcely exceeded 1,000 barrels
cud lu other deliveries of pork the only fea
ture xvns a little buying of November by
upposed clique bouses. In lard and short-
rib a there xvus no special stir or development
Quito u strong fooling , however , xvas wit
nessed all nrouutl. aud fluctuations In prices
kept xvlthln a moderate rungo. At the ad
journment , October peru was lOo loxvor than
yesterday's closing. September lard and
January short ribs xvoro 2JjO higher , and
October lard nnd November pork 7J < o bettor.
September nnd October short ribs undJanu-
ary pork and lard closed unchanged. Cash
buyers made rather free inquiries , but the
prices they ottered , at least for meats , xvero
usually under the views of the sellers. They
paid 0h'o for 1(1 ( Ib. sxveot plcltlcd hums ,
5 473 J for boxcu short clear sides , und $0.10
yo,17Kfor Iiird. Purchases of cash lord
UKftrcgutod 2,230 tiorci's. October pork
ranged at fll.05@11.12 > i , and closed at
$11,05. The pivotal delivery in future dealIngs -
Ings xvas again In January , which sola nt
JO.)3X ! ) ( < l0.40 for pork , 5.M.02 ) ' } ! { for lard.
t4.7 > 'Kf4.bO ( ! for short ribs. Pork for the
t ' same month closed nt f0.87Jtf , lard at fS.OO ,
and short rib * nt M,72 | . Other deliveries
closed at W.15 for September lard , $5.30 for
September short ribs , $0.10 for October lard ,
15 10 for October short ribs , und JO.OO for
November pork. In a general xvuy the clos
ing wus quint and tamo.
iavi : sroou. .
Sept. 20. | Special Telegram to
TUB lji-c.1 CAT7I.B Hocelpts , 14,000 ; busi
ness fahly active and prices steady as com
pared with yesterday on prime to choice na
tive export and dresscti beef steers. Plain ,
coartouud half fat uittivo steers wcro again
low and sold about the same ns yesterday ,
but good wora lOo lower than last weolc.
Tcxan ami ranger * wnra stoadv to Etrotig.
Native butchers' stook was in good ilemuud
and steady , Dealers In stackers und fccdora
again raportoil a fair tratlo but al
extremely low prices , The general
1 market closed steady with nboul
everything sold , Choice to extra beeves ,
f l.ftUC'U 00 ; tnoiliuiu to good steers , 1.150 U
1500 Ibs , | J.OOi4.iO ( : ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , mO'tg
4.50 ; UK ) to 1200 Ibs , SJ.50 < 3.0 ! ; shelters aritJ
fooilers. $1,00 3.00 ; cows , bulls ana mixed
I * i 11.23 ( 3.00 ; bulk , * l.bOQJ.15 ; cows , 1.50
> & 10 ; westarn rangora. 3.40 3.63.
lloaa Itocoipls 10,000. Huslncss aetivo
with shippura taking a largo bhuro of thi
Btootf. Huyers for uaokora had orders to gii , !
blow and not pay over 14.00 for any thing ;
nnd from thnt they xvent ns low ns 13.00
to $ .105 , but fnllcrl to got the number
they wanted and a report was current thnt
the Armour outfit , xvho "hammered" the
market from the opening to the close , fulled
to llll order * . Shippers paid t.10 ! < ft4 3 %
nnd A few lots of prime , but choice nver-
ngcs , sold at Hlo@4.f > 0. Licht sorts were
in good demand at $4.60@4.D5 , and singe
sort made $1.75.
Nr.xv Vbnit , Sept. 3J. | Special Telegram
to TUB Hnn.l SIOCKS The loaders of the
stock market this morning xvoro Union I'a-
cine and Lou ! villo & Nashville. Tennes
see conl nnd Sugar Trusts xvero next It point
of activity. Not much xvns oxpectcd of the
market , judging from the comments of the
leaders anil professional operators on the
street nmt at the resorts last night. Ttio
opinion XVHS that , among other things , thnt
the strength in Louisville xvas the result of
discounting Increasing uuslncss in the south ,
There xvns loss talk nbout money and less
heard about rate troubles , but the public nnd
a largo part of the trade are xvaltlng until
the Hold Is clear of those obstacles , The
opening to-day xvas of the stereotyped order.
First prices xvoro rather irregular and the
differences from lust evening's ' llgures xvoro
% both ways. A strong tone developed 1m-
modliucly , hoxvover , nnd In nil stocks In
whloti there xvts no trading small fractional
advances were miulo In early trailing. Den
ver , Texas & Fort Worth , Tennessee Coal
and Manhattan immediately became fea
tures of the market , nil developing remark
able strength. Denver , Texas & Fort
Worth opened & higher at 27 and rosu to
23 . Tennessee Coal opened } { higher at
54 and rose to 55 , and Manhattan opened J
higher at 08 nnd rose to OJjtf. These figures
xvero not held , and at the latter portion of
the hour a decided weakness xvas developed
in Manitoba , xvhlrh declined from 114 > to
113 , and Tennessee Coal also went back to
54. During the hour to 12 o'clock there xvns
a slight upturn throughout the list , xvhllo a
a few shares moved up freoly. Jersey Cen
tral xvent to 125 , 3 points ever the close. Del
aware & Hudson wont to 153K- Union Pa-
cllle bulged to < M1 > , I per cent over the open
ing , nnd Chicago Gas gained a point to 53 .
Stocks continued Irrairulnr. There xvas lit
tle or no advance anywhere in the afternoon
because the money situation again looked
serious , with the Bank of England rate u'l-
vnnced to 5 per cent. There xvoro also fresh
rate troubles reported In the west. At. the
close Grangers xvero uuout steady , with St.
Paul % higher. Union Pacllio touched OOJf
nnd closed at C0 # , or 1 > { up for the day.
Delaware showed a net gain of 1 } per cent.
Chicago Gns gained a point for the day to
5SJ . Jersey Central closed at 125 } . Lake
Shore made a gain of J Very few stocks
showed any material loss. The total sales
xvero 183S3i ) shares.
The following xvoro the closing quotations :
U. 8.4s regular. KW Northern 1'nclllo. . J8i !
U. 8.4s coupons . . .lilK do preferred ,4' ,
U.8.449regutftr.ti ! > ; > ? s C. * IN.V 11. , ' .
U.S.4M * coupons. IfJftfj do preferred 14i4 ! !
1'aclnc IH or "itj. . . . . 118 N.Y.i'ontral looji
Central 1'ftcine HV,4 I'.U.&K SIH
ClilcncoJc Alton. . . .128 Itocklslaml W-Ji
ChleaKoJIurlington 'C. ' , M. & 8t.P 7 ! i
fcOulncv 10SS ! do preferred IIOU
J.F&W U7i ! SU'iinl * Omaha. . ! IS
Illinois Central llfiy doprererreil 1UOJ !
I. , II. & XV. , niijUillon Pacific Ma |
l.nko Shorn ! " ' .10di ! < io preferred il'-'U
Michigan Central. . 01 XVestera Union. . . . fc'l'i '
MissouriPaclHc. . . . 747.
MONET ON CALL 5@0 per cent.
PHI.MB MitiiCASiiLBt'ArBU 517V per cent.
STEULINO EXCIIANUB Quiet , steady ; sixty
day bills , $4.63 : demand.$4.b7 % .
NEW YOUK , Soot 2(5. ( rSoeelal Telegram
to TUB BEB.I rno following are the nila-
ing stock quotations :
Uclcher . 20i Iron Silver 200
' Mexican 375
Caledonia 1) . II . . : WO Mutual UD
Choller . ISO Ontario 3100
Crown 1'olnt7U Ophlr 40J
Colorado Central. . 103 Occidental H , " >
Con. Cal. .t Vn . 30 Plymouth 173
Deadxrood T. . 155 Savage 210
Eureka Con . 'J75 Sierra Nevmla 200
Gould & Curry. . . . WO Union Consoltla'l.)10 ( : )
HuleA Norcross.yjO ) Ward Con3ollda'd..l2J
Homestako . tiUO Vellnxv Jacket 310
Horn Silver . 125
CHICAGO , Sept. 30. 1:15 : p. rn. close-
Wheat Strong nnd higher ; cash , 83o ; Octo
ber. 83 c ; December , 84c : JMay , 8 &c
Corn b toady ; cash and October. I
Mny , 83 'c.
Oats Steady ; cash and October , 1
May , 22o.
Kye September , 4l c.
Unrloy September , 70o.
Prime Timothy * 1.20@ 1.23.
Flax Seed Cash , $1.20 ; May , $1.33.
Whisky tt.03.
Pork Steady ; cash nnd October , $10.15 ;
January , f0.87J .
Lard-Steady ; cash , $0.15 ; October , 10.10 ;
January , ? 5.8J.
Flour Active and firm.
Dry Salt Meat Shoulders , $4.37 } ® I 51) ;
short clear , § 5.50185.02)f ; short ribs , fo.25C'j !
6.30.Huttcr Finn ; creamery , 10J5c ; dairy ,
Cheese Active ; full cream Cheddars ,
O c ; Hats , DlfQU fo ; fancy Young Amer
icas. 0 } ( < 510c.
Kgga Steady ; fresh 10)17 ) c.
Hides Steauy.
Tulloxv Quiet and a trltle weaker.
Kccclpts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour. 10.WK ) 10,000
Wheat 62,000 40.1HX )
Corn 311,000 884.000
Oats 104,000 107,000
Noxv York. Sept. 20. Wheat - lie
coiptB. 204,000 ; exports. 15,000 ; spot quiet
and hlgor ; No. 2 red , 8tJ ! @S7 c in elevator ,
87 * ( (288 ( 0 afloat ; Bf aCSisJfo f. o. b. ;
ungraded red , TiMQWa ; options'irrogulur
nnd higher ; No. 2 red , October , closing at
87 1-lOc.
Corn Receipts , 247,700 bushels ; exports ,
200.000 bushels ; spot xveaker ; No. 2 , 40 } {
@ 4lo in store nnd elevator ; 41@41ife afloat ;
No. . . . 3 . . xvhlte . , . 41@413foj ungraded mixed
' ' '
options dull and lower ; October
at 4Uc. .
Oats Ueceipts , 2o9fioO bushels ; exports ,
53 ; spot llrmer ; options lower ; October ,
closing at iae" siwt No. S whlto , U8 > / @
2S'fo ; mixed western , 'J4K@23o ; white west
ern , ss@yoo.
Coffee -Outlons steady , 20 to 25 pointsup ;
SeptouiDor , J1B.G5 ; spot Hio llrmer , fair car-
Sugar Haw , nominal , rellned , lower mul
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 09o
for October.
EKKS Quiet ; fresh , active aud firmer ;
western fresh , Zl &iS a.
Porli Firm ; mess , iiiepected , $12.25 ®
Laid Stroncor ; closing at $0.53 for Octo
ber.IJutter Flno , firm ; western dairy , OQlSej
eroumcry , V &JS fc.
Cheese Strong ; western , 7 > < @ 8K0'
St. IjoulH , Bopt. 20. Wheat Higher ;
cash , SlV-jisj October , 60 0.
Corn atronp ; cash , bOo ; October , 20 0.
Oats Firm ; cash iiud October , 17J ! o ;
Mai' , 2i fo ,
I'ork-Firm ; $11. < X.
Lard-Hiwhor ; $ o.85.
llutter Unchanged ; Oroamery , 3S24c ;
dairy. 10l6o.
Wliteky 11.03.
Mvnrixiol , Sept. 20 , Wheat Firm ;
holders olTer moderutely ; California No. 1 ,
7s 2dG47s 7d per cental ; red western spring ,
7s@7u Id ; red western winter , Os 8 > { d$0s (
Com Steady ; now mixed western , 4s 3d
per cental.
lluiihna Oliy , Sent. 30. Wheat Higher ;
No. 3 hard , cash and September , Ole ; October ,
VI/JV , A1U. MtlUlU , cash , U9/ io ; Soptombcr.
no bids nor offerings ; October , COot No. 2
soft , cash and September , 70o ; October ,
Corn Stronger | No. 2 cash , 24o ; Scptem-
her nobldsnorofforliir | ; October , ' tyo bid ;
No. 3 xvhlte , cash , -4) ) c.
Oats No. 9. cash und September , 17o Oc
tober , 17o bid.
Cliioliinnil , Sopt. 20. Wheat Firm ;
NO. a uu , io \ * i v v.
Corn Firmer ; No , 3 mixed , i
Oats Strong ; No , 3 mixed , 22Uc.
Whuky Steady ; $1.02.
, I MluueupolKi , Sept. CO. Sample wheat ,
nctivo nnd higher ; receipts , 200 cars : ship
ments , 80 cars. Closing ! No. 1 hard. Sep
tember , 81o ; October , SWi on track , S2o ;
No. 1 northern , September. 78ot October ,
78-Vo ; on track , 80o ; No. 2 northern. Sop-
tembcr , 75c ; October , 75 o ; on track , 75@
78c ,
Mllvvnuko" , Sept 20. Wheat Firm ;
ca h , 70o ; October , 7 Vc.
Corn-null : No. 3 , 83@.l2)fe.
Onts-Steaily ; No. 2 white , ! MQ32 c.
Hyo Steady ; No. 1 , 43o.
13nrloy Easier ; No. 2 , COJtfe.
Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $11.03.
lit vis
ClilonKiiSopt. 2 ( ) . Ttio Urovor * ' Journal
reports as follows :
Citttlo UecclpU , 14,0 JO : market slow nml
weak except for choice to oxtrn beovcs ,
which sold nt ? 4.BOffl4.r > 5 ; slocker nnd feed
ers , ? 1.00(33.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , J1.23
. .
Hot8 Kcccipts. 20,003 ; market strontr ;
mixed , $3.03 ( 1.50 ; heavy , $3.70SMO ; light ,
Sheep Uccelpts. 11,000 ; market stondv ;
natives , M.50M4.80 ; western , $1.00@1.I5 ;
Tqxans , $3.50 ( 4.15.
kiinnas Olty.Sent. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
8,200 ; shipments , 4.10J ; common to choice
corn-fed steers. fi..U@4,20 ; stockers and
feeders , strong find higher. $1.00 ® : ) . 15 ; cows ,
steady to strong , $ l.i.X : < ? 2. " > U.
lloga Kccuipts , 5.4UO ; shiumentv , 1,500 ;
market for light steady , mixed and heavy
higher ; light , $ I.03@I.17J ; heavy und mixed ,
Stdolc Yaul ) , ttnst. St.
hiiuid , Sont. 20. CnUle-KoclpU. n,700 ;
shipments. 2,000 ; nctivo and stronger ; fuir to
choice heav.v native < * U > or.- . $ J.70fl.45 ;
stockers and feeders , $ -J.OO@'i.7o.
Hops Uocolpts. M , ! ) " : KiilpmrMits , 2.100 ;
niarkut stronger ; lionvv. ? 3.SOii$4.13 $ ; packing
$3.75@4.00 ; Ifght , $ I,10@I.OO.
Thursday , Sept. 20.
To-day's cattle market did not show any
change , values remaining nbout steady und
ttio general trade being slow. Thirty-four
fresh loads of uattle wcro reported in tlm
yards , a big come-down from yesterday's
run of a hundred cars. In addition to lho
above , there wus u train of twenty cars of
the Swan Land aud Cattle Co.'s cattle ,
which were hulled at the yards and counted
in the otllclnl receipts , but were not offered
n the market. Of the number received ,
bout tlvo loads could bo picked out that' '
voro fair hooves. There wus alao a train
f Texans on the market which arrived Into
esterdny. The natives sold ut J3iO@3.S3 !
nd a tow Tcxnus nt Si.40. The market wus
nlrly well supplied with butchers' stock nnd
ulto n good many cows changed hands.
Jutlvocows brought $1.50@2,73. Feeders
wnro in liberal supply mid there were a gooil
many buyers in the yards , but they did not
ako hold very well and the general market
was slow. Values did not show much.
iliange , but they were certiiinly no higher.
n the afternoon the trade was moro active
.nd . the sales quite large.
The general market on hoga was 5a lower
o-day , but the trail o wm fairly active mid
veryltilng was solil before mid-day. Good
Ight hogs sold nt $1.05 which brought $4 , 10
n .yesterday and ? :1..I5@4,00 : bought some
retty good light and light mixed stulT. A
nincli of cho'co ' assorted lights sold for coun-
ry feeding at $4.13. Tlio heavy hogs sold
nlto largely utS3.83@'J.'JO as agutnst S3.00 ®
05 on yesterday , but a row loads sold early
, t $3.95 or ut ubout yesterday's ' nrices. The
liippers were liberal buyers as well as the
ackers und the most desirable of the offer-
tigs were soon taken. Thus far this week
9SOO hogs have been received ns ngaiust
0,200 for the corresponding four days last
iveck. In spite of tlio gain in receipts , the
larket has not only held its own , but lius
nado a material advance in prices until to
Cattle . 1,100
Hogs . 0,500
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a tibia ot priusi piid in
.his market for the grades of stock men-
ioncd :
'rinio steers. 1300 to 1030 Ibs. , ? 8.'JO @ 4.3l )
oed steers , 1250 to 145Ulbs. . 3.75 @ 4.10
Good steers , 1050 toK ) ) Iba . . . 3.25 ( < l.90
Western steers . . 'J.40 @ 3.00
Common cannera . 1.00 ( VOL 50
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.50 f H.80
" ' 'nir to good cows . 1.73 @ 3.uO
Good to choice cows . 2.00 ( j$2.4U
'air to good bulls . 1.50 @J.OO
Light stocKers and feeders. . . . 2.Aj ® J.t > 0
"lood feeders , 030 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2.50 @ 3.1)0 )
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.0J ( it 1.05
" 'nir to choice heavy nous . 3.85 $3. 05
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 3.3 ( < g3.05
! ommon to rough boss . 3.75 @J.SO
Roprcsontauvo S.Utu.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
} 5 . 1111 $3 30 20 . 13S5 ? 3 80
20 . : 1108 a 50 3'J ' . 1337 3 b5
. 70S 240 22. . 1001 2 05
. 873 a 45 47. . , . O-T 2 05
. 5)51 ) 3 45 15. .1118 3 70
. U53 a no 20. . 071 2 70
.1110 a GO 7. .1123 270
.1020 1. .1130 2 25
.12:10 : 20. .1007 2 40
. 03 ! ) 1 75 1 . 941) ) 2 BO
b59 18. .1100 250
JO 10JO 8 OJ a. 1110 275
6S5 2 30 23. . . 003 2 40
611 3 80
5 . 320 330 2 . 110 300
1 . 120 U 00
4 . 1000 135 23 . 918 185
Owner No. Av. Pr.
25 . , . 040 $2 50
22 . 104 205
afeedcrs . (120 ( 2 40
9 feeders . 1037 2 40
Ocows . 1097 215
2 Dulls . 1100 I < JO
1 bull , yearling . . . MJO 1 ( K )
1 bull , yearling. . . . 533 2 00
4cows . 1113 215
B steers , Texans , . . 1 102 2 50
1 stocr , Texan . . . . 1400 2 50
Scanners . 030 1 50
1 cmmer . (150 ( 200
IScunners . 7HO 3 00
1 cunncr . 1160 2 35
1 Conner . 1480 2 35
lonnner . 12-10 285
U dinners . 1143 285
8 cows . 11UO 2 15
Icow . 1U20. 300
50 stficrs , Texans . . Tli'J 200
7 steers , Toxuns . . 1 1110 2 40
7 Htecrs , Toxuns . . 107U 3 40
Hrush Land nnd Cattle Co.
aOsteors Colo-Tex.lOSO 240
A , Tracy.
27 cows . 803 1 73
Nick lowllng.
steers , Colo-Tcx.1057 2 40
Keel & Hosendalo. ' t
8U feeders . . . .1210 2 C5
Ofoeuers . 1203 325
Morrow , Fulls & O'Neill.
03 feeders . 1130 340
291fcoders . 843 345
iioas ,
On tlio ninrkot To-tiny.
J. Lcmko unino in'from Mlllnrd. xvith
A. J. Adnmi , of Bradshnxv , xvas In xvith
L ; H. iiottlos , of Stella , xvas visiting the
Hustings , In. , was represented on the mar
ket by A. J. Wcarln , xvho had txxo car
loads of hogs.
Leslie Uillott , of Beatrice , had cattle on
J.V. . Qulnn , of Wood Hlvor , came iu with
two caia of hogs.
Otlia Wcarln , of Hastings , In , , was In with
C. W. Gould , of Snnford , had hogs on
the market.
K. H. Hell mine In from Dunbar with two
toads of hogs.
Dr. L. B. Goodell brought two cars of cattle
tlo In from Wilbur.
L. 1C. HnUott , of Paxton , had a car of
feeders on market.
Heaves .t Hlloy , of Defiance , Iowa , xv.xs
in xvith hogs.
Morrow , Fulls and O'Neill , of Coma1) ,
Iowa , xvere m xvith a train of cattle.
William A. Jones , of Hastings , visit-
lug the yards Icolnnc for feeders.
J. L. McDotiough & Co. . of Ord , had hogs
on market.
A lot of hogs xvero brought In from Cedar
Rapids by Sackctt & H.
Produce , Trulls , Etc.
Eons Strictly fresh , 17c.
UUTTEU Creamery , fancy , 17@18o ; choice ,
618 . Dairy , fancy , 15@lGo ; choice. 12 ®
4c. Country , fancy , 12'c14o ; eooil to choice ,
0@lliv fulr , 0(310e ( ; inferior. 0@7c.
LIVE PitiEONS Per doz , $ l.b3.
GAMI : Prairie chickens , $3.00@3.00 : millard -
ard ducks , * . ? .5t.OO ( ) : ; mixed ouuks , $1.50@
3.00 ; teal. $1.85u ( > l.50 ; jack snipe , $ I.25@1.50 ;
> lovcr , $1.1)0 ) 1.23 ; venison saddles , 18 ( < S14o ;
carcasses , 8@10c.
BEANS Choice hand-picked navy , 11.75 ®
2,00 ; choice liund-iiickcd medium , $1.05 ®
, VO ; choice hand-picked country. fl.tW@l.G5 ;
clean country , $1.50@1.00 ; inferior country ,
? i.oorai/5.
HIDHH , PBI.TS , TAI.I.OXV.ETO. Green salted
ildes. 4.fS4 ( > sc ; ; dry salted hides. 5c ; dry
lint hiilcs , To ; calf hiilcs , 4.1-t > ' ( iT5c ; damaged
ndes-2c less ! sliecp pelts , g'reen , each , 25c@
51.00 ; sheep uolts , dry , per Ib , 9ffll2c. ( Tallow ,
s'o 1 , 4@IXo ; No. 2 , aff@3Jfc. Grease ,
Wool. Fiire , uverase , lo@10e : medium ,
werage , 21@22 ; quarter-blood , average. 20 ®
Jle ; vonrsoiiverage , 15@17d ; colts and rough ,
. : Young Americas , full cream ,
lie ; factory twins , 0) c ; off grades , 0@7c ;
Van Uossen ICdoin , $11.50 pur doz ; sap Hugo ,
"Oi ; ; brick , 0@10c ; limburcer , 8@lic ; douies-
ic Swiss , 15o.
LEMONS Fancy , $ t5.00@8.50 ; choice , $4.00 ®
Ai'l-LES Per bbl , Sl.00@3.00. :
CM.IFOUMA PCVCIIES 20 Ib boxes , 51.50 ®
OAMFOIKTIA Pi.tnts 81.50.
PRAiis-40 Ib boxes , $1.75(3)2.35. ( )
BANANAS According to size , per .bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $3.00.
Ari'i.E HUTTEU 5c.
Cii > Kli-Hbls.o.50 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAI-U : SUOAH 12 f@15c per Ib.
VKAL Choice , ineulum" size , 5 } © OJie :
choice heavy , 5o ; spring lambs , $30.0Ug30.00 (
; er doz.
HOJJCY lOc per Ib for choico.
PitE KitVES-0 } @ 10c per Ib.
JELLIES . ' © le per Ib.
BEKSXVAX No. 1 , 10@10c.
Pins FinT : Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled
. gs' tongues , kits , W.35 ; pickled tripe , kits ,
fie : pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 85e ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , C1.15.
UKEITONOUKS Salt , bbls , $20.
HAY $ l.OJg5.00. (
Cnor -310.00@12.00.
UIIAX $10.00.
SAUsAGn Uologna , 4@4J < Jc : Frankfort , 7e ;
tongue , 8c ; summer , 20 ; head chneso , Oo.
" " ii'jM.xo PATHII Straxv , pnr Ib , 1 % @
" rnjr , 2J c ; munllla , B , 5i'/o ' ( ; No. 1 ,
8"c :
SALT Dairy , 230 Ibs in bbl , bulk , S3.10 ;
best grade. 00 , 5s , JJ.30 ; best grade. 100 , SJs ,
? 2.-10 : best grade , 28 , IDs , $2.30 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashtonl50 > lb bags ,
85c ; bulk , 824-lb bags , $3,40 ; common , in
bblH , $1.35.
CANUY 0) @l2J c perlb.
German chicory , reiL 7 c.
GINUEII Jamaica , M pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIIINAOEOUS Gojos Barley , 3@lJ c ; far
ina , 4l o ; peas , 3c ; oat meal , 2J (75c ( ; mac-
aronm , lie ; vermicelli , He ; rice ,
saco and tapioca , 0@7c.
FISH Salt Dried coildsh ,
lierring. 24o per box ; hoi. liorriiie , iloui. . 50c ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
70c$1.00 ( ; mackerel , large family , $11.50 per
100 Ibs ; xvhitellsh , No. 1 , * 8.50 ; family , $2.75 ;
trout , $5.25 ; salmon. $8.50 ; anchorics , 80c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17 ; Brazils , 8c ; fil
berts , llo ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , 80 ; roasted , lOc.
POTATOES 20@35e per bu.
POUI.TIIY Old nens nnd chickens , $3.00@
8.60 ; spring chickens , $3.80@3.0J ; duck ami
gccso , per Ib , lOo ; turkeys , 0@10c ; young
ducks , per doz , $3.00 ; geese , $0.00@7.00.
SuoAita Cut loaf , O o ; cut loaf , cubes ,
O c ; standard , poxvderud , 0 ! o ; XXXX ,
powdered , ! ) % o ; granulated , standard , 8 % @
Sc ; csufcctioncr.i' A. 8c ; xvhlte , extra C ,
Sjio : climax , SJi'c ; extra C , Nebraska , 8 0 ;
amber , 7 0 ; California golden C , 7Jfc.
LAUD Tierces Hellned , 5 c ; choice OJ c ;
pure leaf , O c ; kettla rendered , 7 c. Add
% a to ) { a for smaller quantities.
OII.B ICerosono P. W. . Ulfc ; W. W. 12c ;
headlight , 13o ; salad oil , $3.15@3.0J per
SAI.SOIIA 1 (32 ( 0 per Ib.
STAIIOII 5@7o per Ib. *
STOVK POLIMII $2.00@5.87 per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , llu ; Cas
sia , China , ' .tj c ; cloves , Zanzibar , -Oc ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , 17c. .
Dry Gooilb.
PKINTS Pink and Hobcs Hlchmond , OJ c ;
Alien. Cc ; Hiverpolnt , 5) 0 ; Steel Hlver ,
fl o ; Pacille , OWe.
1'JtiNTs Indlsjo Blue St. Loger , OJ o ;
Washington , O fo ; American , "Uc : Arnold ,
Otfo ; Arnold Century. Oc ; Windsor Gold
iK't ' , lOWe ; Arnold Jl , I0o ; Arnold A , 13u ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 'UKo'i Vcllow Seal , lu , c ;
Ainnniu , 12o.
CosivoiiTBits M.50@35U)0 )
CoitSBT JIUNS Uoston , 7J c ; Androscog-
gln , 7Jfo ; ICearsago , 7J c ; llockport , 6o\ \
Consotoga , ( l > c. i
Ciiisii Stevens' B , 5Ke | Stox'ens' A. 7o ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 75fo ; bleached ,
Stevens' ' N , 8 > Jc ; bleached ,
Stevens' SUT , UKc.
DBVIMS AmosUeag , Ooz , 16 ; c ; Evorett. 7
oz , lilc ; York , 7 oz , 1'Jc ; Haymaker , 8Wo ;
JafTroy , XX , llko ; Jaffroy , XXX , 12Mo |
llcavcr Ureek , AA , 12c ; Ucuver Creek , BU ,
llo ; JJcavor Creek , CO , lOc.
GihaiiAM Plunkett , checks , O o ; Whit-
tenton , O o ; York , 7 } o : Normandl dress ,
7Kc ; Calcutta dross , 7J u ; Whlttcnton dress ,
7 | c ; lion f row dress , 8 012 Wo.
biiEETiNO , HI.KACUEU Kliorton , 7J < ej
Housekeeper , 8 05 Now Canaldoto. 8 0 :
Horkoloy cambriu , No. 60 , 'Jo ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
CJfo ; butter cloth , OO , 4tfa ; Cabot , 7jj i
Farwell , half bleached , 8 Wo ; Fruit of Loom ,
Green G , Co ; Hope , 7Ko ; King Phillip
cuuibric , lOa ; 1-onudalo cambric , lOo ; Luns
dnlo , SJfoj Now York mills , lloj 1'epiiorell ,
4'JIn , lOo ; Poppercll , 40 In , lie ; Pepperell
0-1 , 14K < > ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , 20u ; Pepperell , 0-4
22o ; Pepporell , 104 , 24o ; Canton. 4-4 , 8 0
Canton , 4-4 , OKo ; Triumph , Co ; Wumsuvta
llo ; Valley , ba
TICKS Oalilaud , A , 7Koj International
YY , 805 Shetucket , S , 8 > ic ; Warren , No. 870
lOc ; Berwick , BA , ISo ; Acme , 13o ; York ,
80 in , 12Uo : York , 3J In , lil.Wc ; Sxvlft Hirer ,
80 ; rhormilko , OO. 8ko ; Thorndlko , KP ,
8o' , Thornrllko , 120 , OJ-fp ; Thorndike , XX ,
15o ; Cordls. No. 5 , $ X < } \ Cordls , No. 4 , lOKc.
DUCK West Point , 23 In. 8 oz , OWe ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12'foj West Point , 29 In ,
13 oz , U > Xo ; West Po.nt , 40 In , 11 oz , lOa
FI.ANNEW Plnld Raftsmen , 3o ( ) : Clear
Lake , Mic ) [ ! Iron _ Mountain , ' 'OKc.
PntNTs Solid Colors Atlantic , Oo ; Sinter ,
CoI < : Berlin oil , 0 > ( u ; Garner oil , 0 ( < C7c.
Sitmrixn I Ciircus-Calcdonla X , 0) o ;
Cniodoiiift XXViOKo : Kcotiomy , Dot Oils.'Oo ;
Graalto , 03Cc ; Craxvford checks , 8c : Haxv
Hlvor plaids , BJfo.
SiinuTiNo , Hiioxvx Atlantic A , 4'4 , 7J o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlnntlo I ) , 4-4 , OJj
iiiti , ,7jv. i ufrMuivii , o-t , 4 > > u , L Cfffuivii ,
0-4 , i0o ! ; Pepperell. 10-4 , We ; Utiea C , 4-4 ,
4Jfo ; Wnchusctts , 4-4 , 7oj Aurora H , 4-4 , "o ;
Aurora U , 4-4 , -
-G. H. No. 8 , ? ,
G. II , No. 1 , J4' , 20 < { cs U. H. No. 8 , $ , SM
G. H. No. 1 , ( , SOo ; Quochoo No. 8 , { , 82 } < c'
Dueoheo No. a , / , y Xe ; Atuuv n , ! MMe ;
Windsor , 22K -
FLANNELS Red C. 24 Inch , 15 > c ; K , S4
nch. 2l tfe ; Q Q , 24lnoh , i'Oo ; H A F , * { .
K cJ \ U br. . 2To ; G. f , 8r > 0.
KBXTUUKr .IK INS Hercules , ISo ; Lcam-
ngton , SB # ; Glonwood , 20c ; Melville , 2Jo ;
3nng-up. JiKo ; Memorial , Luc ; Standpoint.
18o ; Durham , 3r' ' c.
llacixiANKOUS Table oil cloth. $2.50 ;
.ablo oil cloth , marble , S2.5U ; plain Holland ,
) Uc , dado Holland , 12 0.
I'liiNTS Dress Clmrtor OaK , fiVe ; Ilutnn *
> o , 4o ; Lodl. 5)fc ) ; Allen , Co ; Hlcliiuoiul , ( U : ;
iVmdsor , ll } < c ; Kddystono , OJfc ; Puclllc ,
Oj o.
o.HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. 8c ; Ueauty ,
2 } ; Uoono , 14c ; U , cased , $ il. U.
ULANKETS Wlnto , $1.00@r.50 ; colored ,
CAM mtics Slater , Do ; Woods , 5cj Stand
ard , Gc ; 1'cncoulc , i > c.
CAHPETVMii' Ulbb. white , ISsifc ; colored ,
21c. .
COTTON Fi.ix.VKt.s- per cent trndo di' . :
3E , 8 > fo ; GG , We ; XX. 10 > < c ; OO. UMc ;
inbleauhed , LL , r\c \ ; CC , OJ oj SS"T Jc ;
NN , l'J'fu } AA , 14c ; UD , 15Jfo ; TT , l Kc ;
VY. 18c ; UH , l c ; 20 , bleaclied , 8 > < o ; 50 ,
2Jj r ; SO , IB c ; 50. brown and shite , Uc ; TO ,
Oi > , Ma.
Pnovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 15-lb avorn o ,
lc ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lOtfo ; 12 to 14 Ibs , IlUc ;
o. 2. 94a } ; specials , 12o ; ahouldors , 6 > < o ;
breakfast bacon , No. 1 , Sjtfc : specials , 1'Jo ;
ilculc , 0 , ' c ; baui sausaee , K i dried beef
lams , 9V c ; beef tongucn , fll.OO per dozen ;
dry salt-moats , 5X5c per ib ; boneless ham ,
84c' hum rouloite , ( ijfc.
PICKLES iModlum. per bbl. J5.00 ; smali ,
; l.OO ; gherkins , $ U 60 ; C. & 13. chow chow ,
qls (5.1)0 ) ; pts , Ki.40.
BAOS American A , seamless , 17c ; Union
square paper , discount 35 per cent.
COFPKIS Green Fancy , ola golden Illo.
! 4c : fancy old peabcrry , 23o ; Ulo , choice to
uncy , UOo ; Hlo , urlme , 22c ; Rm , good , 21u ;
vloclux , 2'Jc ; Java , fancy Mauachling , 2Tc ;
Tavn , good interior , 24c.
COFHEB Roasted Arbuokle's Ariosn ,
.MJifc ; MoLaugluin'sXXXX24Vc ; German ,
ajfo ; Dllworth , 3480 ; Alaromi , , 24 c.
DKIBU PKIJITS Currants , 4X@5c ; nruncs ,
casks. 1300 Ibs , /f4He ; prunes , bhN or
ogs , 4J @ 4o ; citron ueels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
Jlc lemon DUO ) , drums , 20 Ibs , Itic ; lard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , 0 ; apricots , choice evap
orated , 13u ; apricots , jelly , cured , 23 Ib boxes ,
4o ; apricots , fancy. Mount Hamilton , - > Ib
loxcs , 15c ; apricots , choice , bags , 60 Ibs.
! ! } c ; apnlcs , evaporated , Aldcn , fiO Ib boxes ,
iJio ; apples , Star , C ( < li > J o ; apples , fancy Al
len , 5 Ib , be ; apples , fancy Aldcn , 2 Ib. SJ.Jc ;
> lnckberries , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 5J@
! c ; cticiTies , pitted , dry cured , 15c : pours ,
California fancy , * fs boxes , 25 Ib , ! 2 > c ;
icachcs , Cal fancy , Js unpacked boxes , 25
bs , l.rie ; peaches , No 1 , fancy , t > unp
jags , 80 Ibs , 13o ; peaches , fancy , ovap unp ,
iO Ib boxes , 12oUc ( ) ; peaches , Salt Lake , now ,
? @ Kc ; nectarines , red , 1-e ; neciarlnes , sil
ver , bugs , I'io ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib boxes ,
fornlo Loudons , crop 188S , $ .49@iOO ; rai
sins , Cal loose , muscatels , crop 1S8S , $1.00@
2.00 ; Valcncias , 18S8 , T' c.
CANXED Pisii Urook trout , 8 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , f3.sri ; clams , 1 Ib , Sl.'jri ;
clams , a Ib , $2.00 : clam chowder , 8 Ib , 51.25 ;
deviled crabs , lib , $225 ; deviled crabs , a
Ib , $ . ' 550 ; codfish balls , 3 ib , J1.T5 ; cavier. K
Ib , SA25 ; cols , I Ib , Sfl.-IO ; lobsters , 1 Ib. * 1.'JO ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , deviled , > f Ib ,
3.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , SI.05 ; mackerel , uius-
.ard sauce , 3 Ib , * - . ' ) . 1U ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , U Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , ! )5ci ) ; oysters ,
i Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon.
C. 11. , 2 Ib. $2.Susalmon. : Alaska , 1 Ib. $1.60 ;
snluion , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
Corn beef , 1 Ib square cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib
> qunre cans , $2.05 ; 5 Ib square cans , fU.OO ; 14
Ib squtmi cans , $14.00. Lunch tonzues , 1 Ib
round cans , $2.00 ; 2 Ib round cans , f4.75.
Brawn , 1 Ib square cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib squnro
canx , $3.00 ; 0 Ib square cans , ft.50 ! ; 14 Ib
square cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , U Ib round
cans , $5.00 ; 2 Ib round cans , $0.00 ; 2 } < ? Ib
round cans , ST.00 ; 3 Ib round cans , $4.00.
Chipped beef , 1 Ib round cans , $3.00 ; 2 Ib
round cans , $4.00. Roast beef , 1 Ib
round cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib round cans. $2.00.
Potted Ham , ' Ib round cans , 05c ;
% Ib round cans , $1.20. Deviled ham , } j Ib
round cans , 05c ; } Ib round cans , SI 20.
Potted ox tongue , } { Ib round cans , 05n ; 3 < f Ib
round cans , $1.20. Compressed 1mm , 1 Ib
square cans , $1.75 ; 2 Ib square cans , $2.75.
Iriite , 2 Ib round cans , $1.MX Minced col-
lops , 2 Ib round cans , $2.20. Boneless pigs
feet. , 2 Ib squnro cans , $2.25. One pound
cans are packed two dozen and four dozen to
case. Two pound cans nro packed ono dozen
and two dozen to case. Half pound cans
packed two dozen to case. Quarter pound
: ans packed four dozen to case. All prices
[ > er dozen not.
and JJtilldine : Material.
STOCK BoAims A , 12 Inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
feet , $40.00 ; 13 12 Inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 1(1
feet , $41.00 ; C 12 incus 1 s 12,13 and 15 feet ,
t3l.(0 ( ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$23,00 ; No. 1 com 12 in. sis , 12 feet , $18.00 :
No. 2 com 12 ih s 1 s , 1.4 and 10 feet , $17.50 ®
18 r > 0 ; No. 1 com 12 in H 1 it 10,18 , and 20 feet ,
$10.50 ; No. 2 com 12 in s 1 s 14 und 10 fool ,
Popj.Aii LuHnnrt Clear poplar box bds , %
In , s 2 B , $35.00 ; clear poplar. % panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $35,00 ; clear
poplar , % panel atonic wide , s 2 s , $23,00 ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , } a , $30,00.
POSTS White cudai1 , 0 Inch halves , 12o ;
wliito cedar , 5 % inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
He ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , ICu ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , ICe ; split oak ( white )
Sc ; sawed oak , ISc.
SimLAPNO 1 plain. 8 and 18 Inch , $17.50 ;
No. 2 plain. 8 and 10 inch , $15 50 ; No. 1. O.
O. , $18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 tt 20 ft 33 ft 24 ft
2x4 . . ,15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 18 00 1U 00
2x0..15 00 1500 1500 1000 1500 1800 1900
2x8 . . .1500 1000 1500 1(100 ( 15011 1800 1000
2x10. . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1500 1800 11)00 )
2x12. .1500 1500 15 00 1000 1100 1800 1000
4xl8x.81000 1500 1500 1700 1700 IS 00 10 00
Fi'.NCiNO No. 1.4 and U inch , 13 und 14 ft.
rougn. $1U.OO@10.50 ; No. 1.4 and 5 Inch , 1(1 ( ft ,
$17.00$17.5Ui No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and If ! ft ,
$13.5C ( < gl4.00 ; No. S , 4 and 0 Inch , 1(1 ( ft , $15.00
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st and 3d clear , 1'f ineh. a & s ,
$40.00 01.00 ; 1st and 2J clear , 1 } < and 3
incb , s 2 a , $17.00350.00 ; 3d clear. IJ/inon. s
3 s , $43.00 ( 45.00U ; select , IK , IH and 21nch ,
s 3 s , $37.00@33.00 ; Island 2a clear , 1 inch.
2 , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , a 2 s , MO.00 ; A
select. 1 Inub. s 2 s , 3i.OO : ; U select , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , $30.00.
Cuiutfo AND PAIITITIOK 1st Cora. % In
whlto pine partition , $33.00 ; 3d Com , < ! f in ,
whlto pluo partition , $37,00 ; clear % in , yel
low pine ceillne. $30.00 ; clear ; > ( In , Norway ,
, $14.50 ; 3d Com , % in Norway , 113.00.
HOAHPB Nu , 1 com s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$10,00 ; No. 2 com els If . 14 and 10 ft , $15,50 ;
No. 3 com sis 12 , 14 and 1G ft , $14 50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50o per M ft for rough.
iUiTB'is. WELL Timixo , PICKKTS O , G ,
UatU. 'i\4 inch , ( Wo ; O. G. Halts , @ 3 , sg ,
35a3-ln ; well tubing , D. & M. und buv.2.10 ;
pickets , D. & H , , irut.20.00 ; pickets. D , & H.
square , $10.00.
Fuxmixa 1st com 0-Inch white pine ,
$34.00 ; 3d com U-lnch whlto pine , $31.00 ; lit !
com 0-Inch whlto plnce , $20.00 ; D com 5-inch
white pine , $20.00 ; com 4 und 0-inch yellow
pine $15.00 ; Star 4-inch yellow pmo , $17,00 ]
1st tmd 3d Clear yellow pine. 4 and 0-1 nch
SUINOI.KS , LATH Per M XX clear , $3,20
extra "A * , $2.60 ; standard A , $2.00S-lnc ; >
clear , $1.CC@1.70 ; 0-inch clear , $1.75@l.bO
No. 1 , $1.1U@1.15 ; clear rta cedar , mixei
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50
cypress , clcnr heart , dimension widths , $3.25) )
lath , $3.50. _ _ J
Twin CM ntul Hope.
SAII , TWIXB n , M1 , 20c ) Calcutta , IBc !
Mnnllli rope , 13) ) < o ; alsnl ropo. ll'tfo ; now
products , Soj jute. Sot cotton , 1'Jc : liido rooo ,
HixttEus'Twixn Sisal , 15Vo ; hemp , ISoi
nwnllln , ISc.
CI.OTHB.IMMRI Cotton , CO ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
00 ft , $1.40 ; into , 50 ft. Wo ; jute , 60 ft , $1.00.
COTTON TWINE Fine. 22o ; medium ,
heavy hemp , Ho ! ; light hemp , Ific.
TNSritUMKNT3 plaooJ oa rooaM dtirin *
JL resterdav.
Omnha Heal listnto anil Trust Co to KM
'inompson. el al. lot I , bile " , j-ftumlcrs
A lllmobniiKh'fi ihuhUnd I'arV.vr tl. . , { n3
.1 H JlcCoimlct to H M liurr , 1'i ' acres In
nw no ili-UVl J , q c d . . . . . . . . . . 1
0 T Mills to s M liurr , Ui acres In mv so
: U-IL-II ; , q c a . 1
Tlioui s Itrynnt nnd wltn to U H Ostler ,
BW iM-ia-l I , \v a . * , ! fiJ
Miles & Tbompsou to U A Hole * , let X , bit
4 , Cotncr A Archer s Add to South Umn-
Ur.v d . . . ! Cj
A Kooil nnd wife to.Iulm A Orlnnii , lot ; ! ,
Albilgnt& yltsworth'sailil. xv d . BOO
i H Vronor nnd wire to II A llrlggs. lot l-iuan-
Ilk4 ) , Urammercv I'nrt , w d . . . , . . . * T 1
1 A ' 1'nniiMi to M M Unndy , lots 0 nnd 7 ,
bit 1 , .loroino I'arK , ( i c il. . 10
M M ImudytoS U Joslyn , lots fl nnd 7 ,
Ijlt I , Jcrouio 1'n.rk. d . , r > ,0:0 :
I S Ulbsim Riul wlfuto II 1. l.ockvvooil ,
lots 1 , U i\nd ; < . 1'loiunnt 1'nrk ndu , w n. 8,350
M S l.lmlsiiy and wife to J llnll.lot 0 , i.liul-
finy'H udilv a . , . , ] ,30
) mnlia Heal Kstnto and 'Iraat Co to 13 G
Merrill utal. lots 3i ami 31 , bin-.1. aun >
ilerx A : lllmcbungh's udd to Walnut
Hill , vrd . . . 003
0 K Mnyno find wlfo to K CHrlstliinson ,
lot 17 , blk 4. Mavnu's mid , w d . a'iO
I W Ponuockto W U Much , lot I , blk ID , |
lot 11 , Die IT , lots 1. 2 nnd II , blk XI , lot
U. blk p , Oirtlmcondd . , ,000
A Bnunilt'is et nl , trustee , to C ! Ilimmus-
Bon , lot o , blK Ml. ' SuunUm-3 & Illino-
Daligh's add , w d . "Tfi
A C LlchtenberKor nnd wlto to C Spoclit ,
lot * . tiliclT. OichmM lilli. wtl . 3,500
Willis 1'atrlcic to John l.urcnz , lots 1 and
, blk 13. Ullcliorii d . i . 110
Be\-eiitceu transfers , aggregating. . . . . . , J3 > .U33
The follovvms pai-Jiln > varo Is jal by
Building Inspector Whltlook rostordiiyt
C M Urley , Itnrn. Po l nnd I'lrasnnt . J 1.000
'inltli S : 1'otter. tliree tramo residences.
Cnluxx ell mul Twonty-soventh streets. . . 10,500
I , C SiiiHli. dwelling , Walnut avenue and
Jlilltury road . 1,000
L 0 Smitn. Uwcllliii , ' . ChlcaRo and Forty-
third streets . 1,000
M TlllncK , cattnuo , llodfordl'luce . 1,000
J i : Upton , dwelling. Clltton Hill addi
tion . 1.BOO
Four minor permits . 1.3T&
Ten permits , aserogntlnK. . . . . . . . 117.375
Sotnctliine to RcnioinDor.
If you nro going east roniumbor the
'Rock Ishuid Route" run the Bloopers
nnd chair cars of their solid vestibule
.rain to and from the Oiualm depot ,
caving Oinuha at 8:46 : p. m.thus avoid-
ng the transfer at Council Bluffs.
L'hree solid trains daily. All chair cars
are froo. Dining cars on all through
, rvins. Our trains niulco cloao connec-
.ion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties en route to Now York , Boston
ind other eastern cities , "and ovcry-
hiner n Uttlo better than other lines
can offer. " . S. S. STEVKNS ,
Ticket olllco 1303 Farnain. Gen'lV. . A.
A. Case of Doxvnriclit lloneacy.
A man jumped upon u penny-in-tho-
; lot weighing machine one evening ? of
ate on Washington street and threw in
i coin , says the Boston Gloho. To his
surprise the indicator rofubod to budge.
"Ah , tguoss you threw in a dime , "
said his companion. "Tho machine
x-on't xvoigh unless you throw in the
ight coin. "
"Maybe I threw in a five dollar _ gold
) icco I had in my pocket , " said the
irst. Investigation proved this not to
) o the case , however , and upon insort-
ng a penny the machine responded
vith a hound.
Iloro is an example of unflinching
lonesty worth studying. The terms of
, ho ponny-in-the-slot mauhine are "ono
irico , and no variation from tlio rulo. "
3o immaculate is its sense of honor on
, his point that neither a dime nor a five
dollar gold piococan bribe it.
There is hope fotMis yet.
An AlDHciluto Cure.
Is only put up in largo two outico tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all nkm erup.
tiona. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
26 cents per box bv mail UO cents.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 South Itfll Slreet , - Omiilin ;
Buocesiori to Kced , Jonei & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
_ yeuta for Boslo n Hubbcr Ehoa Co. , 1102. 1101 and 1103
H > rn r Street , Ouaba , Nebraika ,
Lager Beer Brewers.
IMl North Elghte ntb itrootOmaha , Neb.
Mannftcturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
StoamFlttlngePump8 _ _ , Eto.
Pninps , Pices and Engines ,
Ittam. water , rnllrrny and mlnlnn auppllii , t .
VMJ and ' /'I Karrmui ilr el , Omalia.
Steam and Water StiDplies ,
> > <
Engines , Boilers aud General MaclteF ,
Bbeil-lron work , iteam pnmpi , > aw mllli.
I BVeiiwtrlh itre t , Omalia.
Iron Works.
Wronglit and Cajt Iron Building fort
Oram work , general ( ouncIrr.raacUtneaDd
work , unite anil worki , U. P. Ur ,
and 17th ftreet , Umalia.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaulti , Jail work. Iron ihutteri and nre liiapti.
U. Andreon. urou'r. Corner IUi ! aod Jackion > u.
i Doors , Eto.
Wboleula minufactureri of
Sasn , Boors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Branch office. 121' ' ' a J Itart atreou. Onufca. Net ) .
lOf South Oniaha , Linittei
Capital . $100.000
Surplus .Inn. 1st , IBS ! ) . . . . 52,000
EvuvAV , V.VTB * . President.
J.r.wis s. NIKII. : Vlco President.
A. u.Totu.u.iy ,
w , v. MOIIMI * .
JotiN R , OOI.MSS ,
It. C. I'lMlllNO ,
J.N. H. r.ATHIOK ,
AV u. s. HumiE * ? , c ht .
Cor. 131 li RU < 1 PnrnfttnHt * .
A Ucncrnl llnnklua lluMui'SS Transacted ,
. .
Correspondence .elicited. COMPANE8 | , KTC.
K. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
103-109 Dearborn Straol , CHICAGO.
70 State Street , BOSTON.
Capltnl , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 40,000
Onicors and Directors K. M , MorAemnit , n
I. Illtchcook , Jos. OnrnpBii. , lr. , A. Henry. IS
I. Anderson , \\ai. ( l.Maul. v pros. ; L. II. Will
ftins , A. 1' . llopklnc , prcs. ; A. Mlllanl. cannier ;
. II. . rynnt. nsslstuu cashler.
Agricultural ImplomontB.
iirlcnlt'l ' Impicinoiils , faions , Carriage !
llncelti , etc.Vliolcpa lo. Onmlia , Nebraska. _
Wholesale Dalcrs ; iu Farnilure ,
Kurnnm treat , Cmnlm , Nobrask * .
Fnrailnre , 5
Omabii , h'
WuOlBjale Grccers ,
1Kb aadL avtnworlli ilrtcti. Uninlm , N bratt .
Heiry Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Fprlnni , wnxon itock , barilirnra , lumber , to , 1X1
and mi Uimtr mic t , Omaba.
Mnnurncturern nd Joblorsln
Wairoiis , Buggies Rakes , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. Pill unit I'nclfle strctts , Omaha.
, Jr
Artisls' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1113 UotiElni ilrect , Oroahn. Kcbraata.
" Boots and Shpo8.
"fi'T V. MOttSE & CO. ,
Jokers of Boots and Slices ,
101,1103,1105LJouitlnH ilrcet , Omnlm. Hanufnctory ,
tiUDimcratreot , iiojioa.
Coal , Coke , Eto.
Miners and Sliippors of Coal and CoKe
Iloom 21 , U. . National Dunk HullJIiii , Oimba.
Jolta of Hsrd snd Soft Coal ,
BoutU 13th Btrcot , Omaha , Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal arfl , Coke ,
311 Boulh 13th at. , Oiurihn. Neb.
Wnolesale Lnmber , Eta
mported anil jfnicrl < nu I'orllani "pmoat. BUM
aguulor illlwuukfc c mont and
Qulnir wliuu Mm .
C1IAS n. LEE ,
Dealer in Baiflwcod Lnmlier ,
Wood carpets iiinl parquet Moorlni ; . iltli an
Btieetu , Umalui , Nib.
& 11 Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
lEtb ttrcetunil Union I'acltlu track , Omaha.
Dsaler in LuniliBr , Latb , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.Kto. VnnU-Corncr Till nnd Douglas. Ofllet
Coraer 101U and Douelai.
Luralie1 Lime Ccnicnt EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Coraer ! Uh and Douulm eta , Oiualia.
Dealer in All Rinds of Lumlier ,
13th aud California itrcetuOmaba , Ncbrnika.
Millinery and Motions.
Importers & Jobbers in MillinerNolions
X13.21Uaud212Soulti lull itre t.
Wholesale Notions and Furiiisliing Goods ,
113 * Barney Stioot , Omalia ,
Commlsalon and Storage.
Stonge and Commission Mercoanls ,
Bptclaltlcs Ilutter , fen * , chccie. poultrr , uam ,
1113 Howard trcuI.Oujubii , Neb.
. E. SMITH A CO. ,
Dr7 Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglaicor , llth ilreot , OmabaNeb ,
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
Geat' ( urulibliiK yondi. Corner lltb aud llaraif
_ _ _ _ _ _ tri'iiU.Ouiuha , Nebraska. _
IftMEUAUail & ' 1'AYLOR ,
Bnilders1 Hardware and Scale Repair SHOD i
Uecbmln1 tool and Buffalo icalei. 11(0 (
ilrutt , Omaha , Neb ,
Jobbert of
Toys , Dolls , Albams. Fancy Goefl ,
n furnliblug good ) , children' " carrlaxvi , II
* Urania itreet , Ouiaba , Neb ,
Wholesale Rcfinei and Lulirlcallng oils ,
Ail grtaie , vie. . Omalia. A. H , Ultlior. t'nnmtr. '
4 < PSfi ; , ,
Wholesale Paier Mm.
Carrr anlr * Mnck of prlntliu. nrpilnv > ml wrlUafl
_ _ paper. Hctclnl attenllou KlT n to card napera
Cttjsulea. Several canon cured In aevon daytt.
Bold ut tl.&O per box , all ( IriiKyuti , or by mull
from Ooclura M'r'tf Co , 113 Wliitu fct. , N. Y.
l-'ull direction * .