THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 , 1889. 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , The Wheat Pit Bxcltod With Higher Quotations. HUTCHINSON A ShLLER OF MAY. A Bis nnslncsn All Iny December's Krrntla lluhnv.or Corn a Blindo KnHlcr In tcrcstliiR to Provision Traders. OI1IOAGO I'llODUOK MAUKI3T3. CHICAGO , Sept. 25. [ Special Telegram to TUB UEB. ] Wheat was excited and nlghor to-day and the inarkut as yet sdows no open signn of reaction. On tbo last bulge of ycs- tordny conslderablo wheat was Bought by room traders und carried over In mitlclua- tlon of n strong and higher market Disap pointed In this particular the scalping class of holders let io their property and a reac tion of nearly lo In December was the re sult. Heavy buying by hou oi with foreign connections soon strengthened the market nnd turned It uu. The recovery was slow until the session was well advanced nnd in the fuco of strong opposition on the part of Linn nnd several other local heavy weights. As on yesterday , Hutehitison seemed to bo Boiling May largely , but his hand was not shown In December. Dunn , Warren and Schwartz Dupeo led In the buying. Decetn- beropened at 81J e , sold down to 81 > @ 31o } rallied toS2Xc , sold oft to bUfc , but during Urn lust bull hour advanced to 8'J c and closed there. May opened ut 84 , ' c , worked uown to SJI'fc , whllo December wai losing * * { o and recovered to S4 > c. A roactlou of i/o followed nnd the prlco again wont to 84 @ 8 < ° c and later to 85'fc , the last quo tation was 85 0. September ranged from 80) c , at the opening , to SOc , up to SO' c.bnck to WJ4C nnd closed at 81c. A big business was done in the pit throughout , the entire session , tbo periods of quietude bolug In frequent. News was Bearish us n general thing but the boom could not bo ' 'fuzed" nnd the buying fever Is apparently fnr from be ing exhausted. The volume of general out- aide trudo is seemingly larger than It has boon slnco the advance started. Outside mantels uro alow In following the lead of Chit-ago and have only established u small improvement whllo Chicago has been making its 34e gain. December , the inontli lo which the boom hus centered , has scored a disproportionate advance. This is a feature that neither the bulls nor the bears exactly llko. The bulls In particular would llko to see a more uniform improvement iu several active- futures in the various markets at homo und abroad. The corn market averaged a shade easier , and trading was not very uctivo. Receipts were in the neighborhood of yesterday's estimates and for to-morrow 000 cars were predicted. 'Jbo outward movement from Atlantic ports was heavier than for the past few days , nnd the shipping demand hero Is good , There were 20,000 bushels cleared yesterday from Now Orleans , and the out Inspection was indicative of a free movement. There was DO significance in the trading except perhaps free purchasing of December by the lending operator. 'Ihero appeared to bo plenty of May corn for sale at 33-fe. } 1'rlces closed as follows : September UI5 c , Oc tober aij c , and May USjJfo , which is a de cline of about 2 < c since yesterday. Outs vvoro dull to-day with fluctuations within the narrowest limits. There were few transactlon8 except in near futures and at no tiuio was especial activity noticeable in May , tbo principal speculative delivery. May opened ut 8JX@33 o und the range was at "split" and S-J&o all any. At tbo outside the demand was supplied by Hutcliinsnn , who bus been a steady seller for two weeks. Trading In September was on a basis of isyrf@10j.fc , In October at 19.jC , lu Novem ber at iGXc , and December ut 1'JJjO. Provision traders wore again favored witb o reasonably interesting day. A couple of houses abort of October pork , having re quested tbo directors of the board of trade to establish u marginal price for the same the market claimed considerable attention. Manipulators of October pork were good buyers of the aamo article for November and among the shorts n generally increased disposition was shown to cover. In ull lines of product the buying against outstanding con tracts was a loading feature , and with moder ate offerings a strong icollag prevailed , prices averaged higher and us a rule closed at n substantial advance. In September lard the improvement established was ITKc , in September short ribs Co , in October lard and shortribs 7 > c , In January lard Go and In January pork nnd short ribs sy c. November pork sold higher , though the closing was the same as yesterday , October pork was ad vanced 20o by parties In control , resting at J11.15. CHICAGO IjIVH SroOll. CIIIOAQO , Sept. 25. | Special Telegram to TUB Biite.j CATTJ.K Cuttlo of high and low dcgrco , principally of the latter , poured in from all quarters this morulnir , divided at 0,000 natives. 0,000 Toxnns and 2,000 rangors. The trudo opened slow oud rather late on account of the time taken up to yard this big run and the late arrival of trains. Hocolpts now show an increase of 0,000 , ever the same time last week , the Increase being largely in Tomans nnd rangers , yet each day natives have formed about half the supply , and to day moro than half the natives were of that naif tat , almost unsalable class. A salesman nald : "It required the skill and labor of a man and two boys to soil a load of this half native stock today , and the durncd stuff is iu@15c lower than last week at tliat. " Prime export Blears and good dressed beef stock were barely steady. Some salesman were quoting second class export ers as slow at a sllaht docliuo. Texans were also slow and prices weaic at a dee'.lno of 10 @ 18o that sot In on Monday and is yet in force. Hungers underwent llttlo or no change , and prime nutlvo butchera' stock continues to sell at about the same as last wook. Yard speculators reported a fair business in stock' crs and feeders. Choice to extra beeves , W.-iO4.05 ; medium to good steers , 18.V ) to 1600 Ibs. t3.85@4aO : lliOU to liloO Ihs , J3.5X9 ( 4.20 ; 050 to 1201) ) Ibs , J,00 ! ) ( < iJ.S5 : ; stoekcrs and feeders. $1.75@2.00 ; cows , bulls und mixed , $1.25 ( < $ U.OO ; bulk , f I.75Q3.10 ; Texnns steady , for good steers , 050 to 1250 Ibs , S'ifiOfiW.Sd ; common , dull , ? a.lO(315 ( ! ! ! ; cows , ? 1.50@2.00 ; western rangers , 2.4l ) ( abO. HUOB Market active and sligntly stronger on prlmo heavy nnd light , nnd steady on packers , the lultor selling a' , l.l)2@ ) 1.10 , nnd the best heavy ntSUOg'J5 ( ! , wltli butchers' weights at M.15@I.4S. The ordinnry light sort of 200-lbs down , sold at fMStjgl.DIi , and Ingo sort at * i 05@-1.75. FINANCIAL New VOIIK , Sept , 23 , ( Special Telegram to TUB UKK.I STOCKS The opening In stocks this morning was active aud prices were irregular. This was expected from tbo Vlows expressed at the Windsor and other resorts last night. Many who have talked and worked for higher prices are tired of walling for the promised bull market. The list is now about 3 points oft from the best llgurcs of tbo month and there Is qulto a dis- I > osiUon among operators to lot prices go off a couple of points further , believing that the rebound will give the big advance expected. The loaders still talk of great opportunities for profits on the mo of 5 per cent on * tund- nrd stocks , but thora Is u disposition lo wait for the removal of the tight money bugbear and for fresh Influences of sonio sort. The dullness of the previous days was upon the list , except an animation In Louisville & Nathvlllo , Sugar Trusts nnd Tennessee Coal , while the last named was the only one which disulayed any motion of importance nf tor the opening. First prices were gen erally from & to % per cent higiior than last evcnluR'a closing Inures , but In London , Loulivllio & Nashville was sailing at the equivalent to TV , and it opened at an ad- vunoo of } f at 78 # , afterwards rising to 70 , where it wai maintained the greater portion of the hour. Sugar Trutt opened off } ( at )8Jf ) nnd further retired to 97 } { , between rhlch figure and 03j { It fluctuated violently , 'cnnessco Coal was remarkably strong1 , and fter opening up } { at 52J , rose steadily to 4Jf. IJofo'rc noon Grangers and conl stocks jencrnlly weakened M to Jf per cent , but bowed n slight recovery from the bottom gurcs before 12 o'clock. There was qulto n air rally throughout the stock list before ho close. Union Pacific moved up to Oi ; < n the favorablereport. . Grangers moved ip BO as to sbow n not gain nt the close of } { o % for all , whllo Missouri Pacific gained } { lorcont. Heading clltnood to 4" , a gain of f , Manitoba went up to 115 , closing * { bet * , cr at 114 } Louisville , after a good day , vus 1 point up ut 78 . The taking of 1.1,000,000 In bonds by the government late n the day was regarded very favorably. The total sales for the day were 103,311 hares. The following were tlio closing quotations : ) . 8. Is reRiilar. 12 < P < 'Northern ' 1'nclllc. . : R ? { J.8.4scoupons.1.7 ? < doproferrod 74 , ' < J.8.4'tsre uiRr..nrj o. it M.V 1IH ? { I. H. 4i ! cniipons..lM ; do preferred 142' ' < ftcititinor 'to IIH N.V.Oontral KHJ , Central I'aclllo 33 ; hlcngo& AUOD..I23 - ClicmioIIurllnuton ! U..M.&SU' . .73 & 0uinov - 108 ? . . ? ? rr.e.i v.- - ' ' ' St.I'nul .VOmahd. . IV , Hindis Catitraii ] . . . 1 Irt doproferrod 1004 . , 1I. & W. , DH U.lton I'aclllo C4U vfinsnfifel'oxtu IS'i W..St. L. .V V I7 , nko.Slioro .IBRls doprotorred y2Hi 'llchlgan ' Central . OHi Western Union. . . . * li lls oilrl 1'aclllc. . . . 74S MoNnr E.xsy at 4 per cent. Pnixin MunaANTiMi I'AI-BII 5'A7t per cent , STKIIMXO UxcitiNoit Qulot , moady ; sixty day bills , f l.ta" : demnnd4.$7Jf. Stocks. NKW Youit , Sept. 2t. fSpoalal .oTilK Unn.1 The following are the intn- , ng swek quotations : icstnut ) . Itelcher..ni5 Iron Silver 200 Caledonia 1) ) . Jl.xx : ) Mexican 3GJ Clioller . 180 Mutual HO Crown Point . U Ontario UIOO Colorado Central .100 Oplilr tW Con. Ual. Ac Va. . . .m7' { Occidental 145 Coniinonwenltlt. . . , Plymouth 10) " 15'J Savage. . . < * , ZOO Con . Sir , Sierra Nevada > U Oould * Curry , . . .1W Union Coniollda'djm "lnle& Norcro3.s..y.iu Ward Consolhln'cl..HO loinestako . uoo Yellow Jacket ! WJ lornSilvr . 125 ruoouon .u CniOAno. Sept. 2V 1 : 15 p. in. close tVheat Strong , active nnd higher ; cash and October , 81c ; December , S2 o : May , 85fe. Corn btoudy ; cash and October , 31J c ; December , Hl > io ; May , SU c. ' Oats About steady : cash , 103IOc ; Octo ber , lOtfu ; May , a-JJfo. Hyo November , 42o. Uarloy September , 70o. Prime Timothy ? 1,201. 22. Flax Seed Cash , ? 1.'J3 ; May , tl.33. Whisky tl.OJ. Pork Steady ; cash and October , (11.15 ; January , $9.il7J < f. Lnrd bteady ; cash , $ fl.l2Kc ; October , kOJKi January , $ . ) .OJ@o.02K , Plour Firm at .vcsterduy's advance. Dry Salt , Meat Higher ; shoulders , $4.3"X @ 4.50 ; short clear , $3.37K' < fr > ' 60 ; short ribs , . . IJutter Steady ; creamery , 15@25o ; dairy , Cheese Higher ; full cream Cheddars , S Cats , 0) ) @ 0)lo ; Young Americas. UJtfQUJc. Kggs Steady ; fresh 10 > < ; @ 17e. Hides Steuoy. Tallow Steady. Receipts. Shlptu'ts. Flour . 27,000 15,000 Wheat . lOr.OOU 27.000 Corn . 507,000 303.000 * Oats . 219,000 200,000 Now York , Sept. 23. Wheat Ho- coipts , 6S.OOO ; exports , 7.7CO ; spot irregu- rregular and higher ; N. 2 ruu , October , closing nt S5c. Corn Uecoipts , 51,000 bushels : exports , H3HX : ) bushels ; spot Iirm , dull ; .No. 2 , 405f@4llfo in store and elevator ; 41011 0 alloatungraded ; mixed , 40@41 > c ; options steady ; October closing at 41C. Outs Heceipts , 184,000 bushels ; exports , 180 ; spot dull ; options llrrn ; October , clos- nu nt yOo ; spot No. 2 white , 28 > c ; white , 27@iOc. : Uoffeo Outions opened barely steady , 10 : o20 points down ; closed iirm , unqhanged to 15 points do'.vn. September , $15.-13 ( < J 15.50 ; spot Klo easy , fair cargoes $10.23. Sugar Haw , nominal , relincd , steady. Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United closed at OS u for October. E KS Firmer ; western fresh , 21J @ 22c. Pork Firm. Laid Higher , strong ; western steam , tO.45 ; closing ? O.CO. IJutter Firmer ; creamery , 12@2.'ia ' Cheese Stronger ; western , 7 @SJ e- Mlnnoapolis Sept. 23. Sample wheat , Iirm ; receipts , U-25 cars ; shipments , 05 cars. Closing : hard , September , 80c ; October , 80o ; December , 82J c , on track , Sic ; No. 1 northern , September , 77c ; Octo ber , 77c ; December , 79.J c ; on track , 78c ; No. 2 northern , September und October , 74o ; December , 77c ; on track , 7U@70c. St. IjoulH , Sopt. 25. Wheat Higher ; cash , 70 c ; October , 7DKa Corn Firm ; cash , 2'J/io ; October , SOc. Oats Firm ; cash , 17o ; May , 23 o. Pork Firm ; $11.50@11.75. Lard Steady at J5.73. IJutler-Croimery , 222-lc ; dairy , :013c. Whisky Jl.OJ. Ijlvcrnool , Sept. 25. Wheat Steady ; California No. 1 , 7s 2d@7s 7d per cental ; red western spring , 7s7 Id ; red western win ter. Os 8Xdls ( ! o a. Corn Quiet , steady ; now mixed western , 4s B.fd per cental. llniihns City , Sept. 25. AVhoat Strong , or ; No. 2 hard ; cash and September , ( Mo ; Oc tober , Bio bid ; No. a hard , cash , C9o No. 3 suit , cash. OO obid ; October , 70o bid. Corn Firm ; No. 2cash , 24o ; October , 22o bid ; No. 3 white , cash , 21o bid. Oats No. 9 , cash , 10 , 0 October , Ifl fo bid. Milwaukee , Sept. 25. Wheat Firm ; cash , 74 % ; October , 74J o. Corn-Quiot ; No. 3 , 32ft432J o. Oats-Steady ; No. 3 white , 22@33 c. Hyo Firm ; No. 1 , 41K@43c. Uarloy Steady ; No. 2 , in store , 02o , Provlfclons Steady ; pork , tlrm ; cash , tll.15. Cliioliinntl , Sept , 25. Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red , 78@76 > < ; c. Corn Firmer ; No. 3 mixed , SOc. Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 23' @ 2Jc , Whisky-Quiet ; $1.03. LIVE 810CIC. < 'lilonio , Sept. 24 , Tuo Drovers' ' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Koceipts , 10,000 ; market slow ; 5 © lOo lower ; beeves , $ l.40@ I.C5 ; steers , $3.00Q 4.30 ; slockori and feeders , ? 1.75t42.00 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , tl.25@aoO ; Texas cuttlo , tl.rx(2y,00 ) ( ; western rancors , J2.40@J.80. Hoh' Hocolpts , 20,003 ; market strong ; mixed , * 3.90@4.15 ; heavy. $3.7B@l.80j light U00@4.75 ; skips , * 3.50@4.2- . Sheep Hecelpts. 8,000 ; market strong ; natives , $ ! ) .80l,05j ( western , J1.CO@4.15 ; Toxuns , f3.70 l.l5 ; lambs , tl.5030.00. KuiiHiirt Ctty.Sout. 25.-Cattlo Ilocolpts , 7,000 ; shipments , 5,000 ; common to choice corn-fed steers , t2.00@4.25 ; stookcrs and feeders , $1.COJ3.15 ; cows , i.35 ( < iC2.60. Hogs Heceipts , 0,300 ; shipments , 300 ; market closed weak and lower ; light , $4.10 $ 4.85 ; heavy nnd mixed , f3.50@4.05. National Hlnuk Vnt-ila , Bust Rr , IjoulM , Sept25. . Cattle Iloclpts , 2,200 ; shipments. 2,000 ; market slow ; fair to choice heavy native steers , $3.80$1.40 ( ; stackers audfoedera , f J.10@3.00. Hogs Hocolpts , il,800 ; shipments , 800 ; market steady ; heavv , $ M.65@4,20 ; packing , * 3.70GJ4.00) ) light , eJ.10@4.40. Kloux City , Sept. 25. Cattle Receipts , 450 ; shipments , 120 ; market steady ; stockcra aud feeders , fl.05@3.75 ; cows , S1.00@1.95. Hogs Hocolpts , 1,800 ; umirket stroncr ; light and uiixod , (3.85@a02 ; heavy , W.IH ) 031 All A IUVI3 Bl'OOlC * Catiln Wednesday , Sept. 25 , The moro ordinary grades of cattle were 5@10o lower In Chicago yesterday and the game decline was reported again to-day. Asa natural result tbo buyers sot outboro to pound prlcos , nnd their bids were 103 lower on na- tlVet ) . To-day's cattle rcceidta were tbo heaviest slnco a week ago Monday , a hun dred fresh loads being reported iu the yards. Willie a large proportion of the cuttlo were there was a pretty fair number of native steers. The westerns were not very good on on average , nnd a very considerable lumber of them could bo classed as feeders. 3omo of the natives were pretty fair , but .hero was nothing to comonro with the f 1.27 ciUtlo yesterday. Some native steers sold at f3.70i3.93. ( The market was rather slow nnd the number of cattle sold was con siderably less thau yesterday. * Butchers' ' stock , such as fair to good cows , sold atubout yesterday's ' prices. Cows sold all the way rrom * 1.00 to M.OO , but $1.40@2.50 bought the most of them. The supply of feeders ivas largo and there were a good many would-bo buyers in the yards , but they spent .ho morning mostly In looking around , the trade being slow. In the end quite a good many were sold. Values did not show anv essential change. Natives brought $2 45@ 2.80 and westerns $3.35(32.90. ( lions. To-dny's bog market opened strong to Co ilghcr , nnd was nctlvo at the advance , but .ho close was weak and the late arrivals had to sell nt about.vcstarday'H prices. Both pack er ? and shippers were active buyers of heavy hogs , which sold largely ut ? 3.90@3.05 as against $3.S5@3.00 yesterday. Uoston was a argo buyer , paying 83 00@8.95 for the best heavy weights. Light hogs were also In good demand , nnd as high as $1.10 was paid for peed light. Llko yesterday sellers were not disposed to sortun their loads , preferr ing to let them go mixed , nnd tbo buyers were compelled to look to second hands for .heir ports. Shippers were paying $1.10 for .heir sorts , which was fie higher thau they laid yesterday. The market on uiixod pack- era illd not show much chunga from yostor- lay , the advance being mostly on the best radcs of light nnd heavy. There wcro no fresh receipts , but some lolilovors changed hands. lleooipw. iattlo. 2,000 Hogs. . 0,700 I'rioes. The following is a Uiblo of pricm pitd In .his market for the gradas of stock man- -ioneil : Prime steers. 100 , ) to 10)0 Ibs. , ? 3.00 @ 4. 0 Good steers , 1250 to 14..0 . Ibs. . a. 73 M1.10 Good steers , 105 ! ) to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.23 < o > 3.90 Western steers . 2.40 @U.OO Common oannors . 1,00 WH.CO Ordinary to fair cows . 1.50 Ml. SO Fair to good cows . 1.73 @ 2.l)0 ) Good to choice cows . 2.00 ( f2,40 Fair to good bulls . 1.30 ( fc.OO Light stocitcrs and feeders. . . . 2.23 02.00 Good feeders , 930 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2.30 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.00 & 1 10 Fair to choice heavy noes . 3.00 fair to choice mixed ho s . 8.00 ( cM 00 Common to rough hogs . 8.75 © 3.85 Kopresontutivo CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 TOO 3 00 42 1283 | 3 80 1 800 3 25 18 1223 3 85 10 1070 3 60 30 1243 it 00 02 1253 3 70 18 143S 895 Jl .1211 375 1 1320 303 cows. 00cows. 1. .1050 1 00 10. 1 SO 1. .1010 1 19. .1104 2 00 17. . 823 1 40 21. .1021 2 00 23. . 005 1 40 1. . 1050 2 00 1 . 800 1 30 14. .1020 2 05 22. . 873 1 50 18. .1001) 2 15 . 017 1 55 7. .120t 225 .1083 I 00 22. . 099 2 25 . 010 1 ( X ) 1. .11SO 2 35 . b40 1 75 1. .1120 3 35 . 050 1 75 21. .104(1 ( 2 50 .1U.-.0 1 75 1. .1450 3 00 .1150 1 75 FElltlKRS. 40 001 245 50 1030 2 05 0 DOS 243 25 10110 2 05 24 727 250 39 11S17 2 t > 0 JO 1010 200 41. . .1213 2 80 CAI.VKS. . . 130 3 00 1. . 170 8 75 . . 893 2 00 1. . 170 4 00 . . 250 3 00 4. . . . 200 4 00 HULLS. .1332 1 55 1 1220 1 75 .1500 1 75 1 1330 1 85 OXEN. .1300 2 25 2 1470 2 35 1 700 175 18 . . 758 2 00 WUSTIiltX CATTLE. Owner and No. Av. Pr. 40 feeders 1183 255 5 feeders 1070 2'JO 2 feeders 1190 290 12 feeders 1255 290 2 feeders 1255 200 91 steers , corn fed. . .1010 2 SO J. Strode. 20 feeders 1400 285 59 feeders 1133 250 83 steers 1371 2 bO Wm. Hccht Scows 1200 200 Ibull 1007 ICO Ssteors 1220 285 7 steers , Texans. . . .18U3 2 55 noas. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 5. . .150 3 00 05. . .247 100 8. . . 83 8 10 50. . , ,291 40 8 3. . , GO 8 75 63. . , .2(50 ( SO 8 02K CO. . 500 3 75 01. . , .284 120 8 02 05. . .253 ! ! OJ 8 0 110. . , .235 100 8 02 } $ 5 . .330 3 80 72. . , .253 200 8 02 49. . .318 10. ) 3 85 111. . , .2C9 40 802 } * 4. . .392 80 8 85 03. . .273 40 802 $ 10. . .303 3 b5 07. . , .201 240 8 02 50. . .814 240 8 S3 87. . , .270 liiO 8 02X 03. . .277 100 3 85 03. . , .209 SO 30J nr. . . .303 100 3 85 CO. . , .279 100 8 05 07. . .204 200 ' 3 65 54. . , .273 40 3 05 51. . .2JO 120 3 85 05. . , .239 200 8 05 50 , . .245 120 3 85 (12. . , .281 100 8 05 12. . . .80S B 85 07. . , .243 80 8 05 07. . , .208 40 8 85 OS. . , .244 1120 3 03 50. . , .321 120 3 85 51. . , .253 210 3 05 51. , .200 3 01. . , .253 100 3 03 48. . , .803 40 8 8f 70. . , .230 40 3 05 53. . , .800 100 8 87 C3. . , .203 ICO 8 03 02. . , .3S7 60 3 CO. . , .2S7 ICO 3 05 10. . , .210 8 00 100. . . .803 ICO 3 05 03. . , .289 4SO 8 90 57. . . .283 80 3 05 73. . , .223 120 3 90 09. . , .243 40 8 05 71. . , .258 120 3 90 01. . , .251 120 8 05 55. . , . 27 100 3 90 01. . , .231 100 3 05 CO. . , .278 100 8 00 58. . . .274 200 3 05 74. . , .341 ICO 8 90 60. . , .2S9 240 3 05 59. . , .281 im 8 90 57. . , .254 240 8 05 03. . , .324 120 8 90 75. . , .250 100 3 05 57 . , .800 210 8 90 02. . , .297 40 8 05 01. . , .293 2SO 8 90 72. . . .257 100 8 05 CO. . , .28'J 120 8 00 05. . . .204 100 3 05 72. . . .253 80 8 90 60. . . .817 80 3 05 CO. . . .U10 8 00 04. . . .2SO 200 3 05 05. . . .273 100 8 90 C. . , .2CO 100 3 05 01. . 80 8 00 58 . . .278 240 8 05 03. . 200 3 00 04. . . .253 120 i 05 50. . , .282 100 3 90 70. . . .278 120 t 05 O'J ' . , .273 120 8 90 09. . . .244 80 505 C5. . , .293 120 8 90 155. . . .203 100 53. . , .241 120 8 00 71 . . .233 40 4 00 04. . , .209 120 8 00 03. . . .227 80 4 00 03. . , .271 120 3 00 75. . . .281 100 4 00 01. . , .809 240 3 00 71. . . .235 80 4 00 03. . , .3U3 100 8 00 04. . . .237 120 4 00 50. . , .378 SO : i oo 05. . . .243 40 4 00 W. . , .303 feO 8 00 70. . . .2.27 80 4 05 03. . , .278 120 3 00 89. . . .190 200 4 05 09. . , .257 120 3 00 03. . . .230 SO 4 05 04. . . .299 120 3 00 CO. . . .205 100 4 10 54. . . .291 bO 8 90 40. , . .175 4 10 58. . , .254 80 8 00 83. . . .281 40 4 10 63. . , .217 200 3 92 213. . 212 200 4 10 SUUEP , 200Av. 10Pr. No. Av. Pr. 347 feeders bO * 3.15 LI vii Ktuok Not OH. W. H. Jeffery eauio in from Silver Crook with hops. C. A. R. Gordon was in with hogs from Corosco and Ithaca. J. M. Cox brought four cars of hogs in from Hampton , D. Homier , of Ward & Homier , Walnut , la. , had two oars of cuttlo on the market. J. Hroudbow bad hoes und cattle hi from Dodge. James McGuIre , of Wood River , had hogs on the market. O. II. Pitman marketed hogs from Cort- land. J. I ) . Alien came In with hogs from Waco. The market on light hogs is now at the highest point since August 13th when light hogs sold ai * 4@4.12) . K. H. Branch , the popular cashier of the Union Stock Yard bank , of South Omaha loft last evening for Kansas C'ty ' to attune the banker's convention , OMAHA W1IOMS8ALB MAUKKTS Produce , Fruits , Klo , Eoos Strictly fresh , 17o. UUTTEH Creamery , fancy , 17@18o ; choice 15@10o. Dairy , fancy , 15@Trtd ! icholco. 12 ® I4c. Country , fancy , 12714cA epbd to choice , 10@llc ; fair , OyjlOc ; Inferior. C@7c. Live PKIEONS Per doz , $ l.faO. GAsin Prnlrio chickens , $2.00@1.00 ; mal lard ducks , $2.5003.00 ; mixed aucks , $ l.50fl ! ) 2.00 ; teal , * t.25.rf ( > l.r 0 ; Jack snlne , $ l.23@1.6U ; plover , $1.00 * 1.25 ; venison saddles , 18 ( 14c ; carcasses , 8@10o. BEANS Choice Imnd'plcked navy , $1.75@ 3.00 ; choice hand-picked 'Medium , $ l. < V > c < S .VO ; choice hand-picked country , 11.0001.0 , " ) ; ilcan country , ? 1.CO@1.00 ; inferior country , HIDES , PELTS , TALLOW , Efft. Green salted ildcs , 4ii4Jfe ; dry snltod''hides , Gc ; dry lint bides , 7o ; cilf hides , 4JVW5o ; damaged udcs , 2c less : sheep pelts , Rrefln , each , 25c@ (1.00 ( ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9@12o. Tallow , No 1 , 4GIKo ; No. 2. " /3 fc. Grease , whlto , 4Xoj4 i'c ; yellow , 2 wic. WOOL Fine , average , ICoSlOc ; medium , average , 2l@2a ; quarter-blood , average , 20 ® 21o ; coarse average , 15@17c ; cotts and rough , average , 14GMCO. CHEESE Young Americas , full cream , lie ; factory twins , 9 > Vo ; off grades , C@7c ; Van Hosscn Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , lOc : brick , 0@10c ; llmburffor , 8@9c ; domes- tlo Swiss , 16c. LKMONS Funcy , $0.00@8.50 ; choice , $4.00 ® i.OO. i.OO.Arrtrs Per bbl , $1.00@3.00. : CALIFOUNIA PEACHES 20 ib boxes , $1.50 ® 1.75. 1.75.CALU'oitstA CALU'oitstA Giuriss $ l.50@1.75. CU.lfOIlNIA PLUMS $1.50. PBAIIS 40 Ib boxes , $1.75(32.25. ( BANANAS According to size , per bunch , $2.0003.00. COCOANUTS Per 100 , $3.00. APPLE UUTTBII 5c. CiDiii-Bbls.- : ; hf bbU , $3.00. MAPLI : SUOAK 12 > j@15o per Ib. Viui. Choice , medium size , 5 } < § ) flMo , choice heavy , 5o ; spring lambs , $30,00 ( 30.00 tor doz. HoNr.r ICc per Ib for choice. 9X@10o per Ib. Jr.i.i.iES 3 > sSMo ( per Ib. HunswAX rfo. 1 , 1010o. Pius FIET : Pickled , kits , 75o ; pickled ; ) lg8" tongues , kits , $2.35 : pickled tripe , kits , )3o ) : plcklod II. C. tripe , kits , b5o : spiced pigs' liocks , kits , $1.15. Miir Tosnuns Salt , bbls , f 0. llAV-1.0J@5.00. CHOP Fnui-$10.00@12.00. lilt IN $10.00. S.vnsAnn Uolognn , 4@4J o : Frankfort , 7c ; tongue , 8c ; summer , -Oc : head cheese , Co. " iPi' PAIT.H Straw , per Ib , 1J. ' rag , 2) ) c ; nuiuilla , 13 , 50/o ( ! ; No. 8c7 SALT Dairy , 230 Ibs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; jest grade. CO , 5s , $ .3.80 ; best grade. 100 , 3s , $2.40 ; bestgrado , 28 , 10s , $2.30 ; rock salt , crushed. $1.80 ; dairy salt , AshtoniBG-lb bags , ; bulk , 221-lb bags , $3.40 ; common , in bbls , $ ! , , ! . > . CANDV 0 (112 0 pcrlb. CIIOCOLITU AND Cooov 21Q370 per Ib ; Gcniuin chicory , rod , 7 > o. ( JiNOEii Jauiuica , } ( pints , $3.00 per doz. FAHINACEOUS GOODS Barley , 3j afur \ - inn , 4Xo ; peas , 3e ; oat meal , 2Jf ( 5c : inac- aronia , lie ; vermicelli , llo ; rice , aj QOfc ; sago and tapioca , 0@7c. FISH Salt Dried codfish , 5tf@3fcscaled ; licrrlng , 24o per box ; hoi. horriue , dam. , 50o ; Hamburg , spiced herring , 91.40 ; hoi. herring1 , 70c@fl.00 ; mackerel , largo family , $11.SU per 100 Ibs ; whitetlsh , No. 1 , $0.50 ; family , $2.75 ; trout , $3.25 ; salmon , $8.50 ; anchorics , SOc. LYi-1.75@4.50. NUTS Almonds , 15@17 ; Brazils , 8c ; fll- jorts , llo ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut cocks , 80 ; roasted , lOo. POTATOUS 20@i5c per bu. POULTHV Old ncna and chickens , $3.00@ 3.50 ; spring chickens , $2.50@3.00 ; duck and geese , per Ib , lOe ; turkeys , 9@10e ; young ducks , per doz , $3.00 ; geese , $0.00@7.00. SUGARS Cut loaf , O e ; cut loaf , cubes , . { a ; standard , powdered , O' ' c ; XXXX , powdered , % ; granulated , standard , b % @ ; csnfpctionors' A , 8'uo ; white , extra C , : climax , 8 } c ; extra C , Nebraska , 8 } a\ \ amber , 7 > c ; California golden C. /if. . L < iu > Tierces Heflncd , 5J o ; eholcoOJsO ; iniro leaf , ( i e ; kettle rendered , 7j c. Add Me to J c for smaller quantities. On.s-ICeroseno P. W. , O o' W. W. 12e ; headlight , 13o ; salad oil , t.2.15@3.00 per dozen. SALSODA lJ @ 2J c per Ib , STAIICH 5@7o per Ib. STOVE POLISH $2.00@5.87 per gross. SPICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , lie ; Cas sia , China , 9 } c ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut megs , No. 1 , 75e ; pepper , 17c. Dry Gooils. PIIINTS Pink and Robes Richmond , CJ e ; Allen. Cc ; Uiverpoint , 5'rfc ; Steel River , " ' 'c * Pacltlc l > Me. QUINTS Indigo Blue St. Leger , 0 > c ; Washington. O c ; American , 0 } < fc : Arnold , Kc ; Arnold-Century. Oc ; Windsor Gold Tit't , 10 > < fo ; Arnold B , lO c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJ o ; Yellow Seal , 10 > ac ; Aiuaulu , 12c. COMl'OKTEUS $0.50@35.00 COUSET \xs-Boston , 7J c ; Androscog- gln , 71 0 ; Kearsago , 7c ; Jtockport , O c ; Cousetoga , C } c. CKASH Stevens' B , 5Kc ; Stevens' A. 7o ; bleached , 8c ; Stevens' P , 75 c ; bleached , SJfe ; Stevens' N , 8J c ; bleached , 0 > < jo ; Stovons' SHT , llMc. DENIMS Amoskeng , 0 oz , 18J c ; Everett , 7 oz , 18e ; York , 7 oz , 18c ; Haymaker , SVe ; Jaffroy , XX. llKo ; Jalfrey , XXX , 12 > Jc ; Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BU , Ho ; Beaver Creek . , CC , lOc. biiEF.Ti.vo , BLEACni ! ) ) Kllerton , Housekeeper , 8) ) 0 ; New Canaidato. Berkeley cambric , No. 60 , 9e ; You Bet , 4-4 , C ? o ; butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cubot , 7 > o ; Farwoll , half bleached , 8) o ; Fruit of Loom , So ; Green G , Co ; Hope , 7K ° i King Phillip cambric , lOa ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lens- dale , 8 > 4o ; New York mills , lOo ; Popporell , 43 in , lOo ; Pepperell , 40 in , lie ; Pepncroll , 0-4 , 14 0 i Popporoll , 8-4 , 20c ; Popperell , 9-4 , 22e ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 c ; Canton , 4-1 , Qftc ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsuita Ho ; Valley , 5e. TICKS Oakland , A , 7 o ; International , YY , 805 Shetuckot , S , 8 > o ; Warren , No. 870 , lOo ; Berwick , BA , Ibo ; Acme , 18o ; York , 30 in. 12' o : York , 3J in , 18 } ! Swift Itiver , DUCK West Point , 28 in. 8 oz , OJrfo ; West Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12 > c ; West Point , 20 In , 12 oz , 15 } o ; West Point , 40 In , 11 oz , lOo. FLANNELS Plaid Haftsmon , 20o : Clear Luke , 8C o ; Iron Mountain , iWJ ci. PJHNTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater , Oo : Berlin oil , 0 > o ; Garner oil , 0@7o. Sniurixa CiiKCKB-Calcdonla X. OX ° i Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , Oo : Otis. Oo ; Granite , C c ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw River plaids , 5 c. Siii'.KTiNo , BKOWN Atlantio A , 4-4 , 7 > .fo ; Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7o ; Atlontio D , 4-4 , Ojjc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oo : Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4o ; Crown XXX , 1-4 , O o ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5)o ) ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Xej I'opperell R , 4-4 , CJ o ; Popporell E , 40- inch , 7tfc ; Popperoll , 8-4 , 17 > tfo ; Popperell , 0-4. 20o ; Popporell. 10-4 , 22o ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4Jo ; AVnchusetts , 4-4 , 7p ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o ; 0 Oiiccheo No . ' 3 , Jf , 8 Windsor , 22 > < c. FUNNELS Ued-C , 24 inch , 15 > < c ; E. 24 Inch , 21Ko ; G G , 21 Inch , iXc ) ; H A F , Jf , 25c ; J U P , % . 27o ; G. ' , 25o. ICuNTUCKV JEANS Hercules , ISo ; Leam ington , 22 > ; Glenwood , 20o ; Melville , 25o ; Bang-up , 27 > fo ; Memorial , I5o ; Standpoint , 18a : Durham , "t o. MiBCEixtNCous Table oil cloth. $2.50 ; table oil cloth , marDlo , $2.50 ; plain Holland , OKo , dado Holland , 12V i ) . : PIHNTS Dress Charter Oair , 6 0 ; Rama- po , 4o ; Lodl. 5 > o ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond , 60 ; Windsor , OXc ; Kddystou'o , Ojfo ; Puclllc , OUc. ' IUTTS Standard , Set Gem. 80 ; Beauty , 12Ku ; Uoono , 14u ; B , cased , $0.30. BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored , $1.10@8.00. CAMimics Slater , So ; Woods , Co ; Stand ard , 5e ; Peacock , 5o. CAHPET\VAIIP Bibb , bite.lBXe ; colored , . GOTTOX FZ\NNKI.B 10 iMir cent trade ills. ; BI2 , 8fo ; OG , 9 o ; XX. 10) < o ; OO , ll c ; uublcaiilifd , LL , . SJtfo ; CO. 0o ; SS NN , 12V4 ; AA , 14c ; 1)1) , ISJ o ; TT , ; YY. Ibo ; Hll , 1'Jo ; SO. bleauhod , 8 0 ; 00 , 12JJ5 80 , l Xo ; 60 , browu and sluto , Oc ; 70 , 12 > io ; 00 , lOo. _ Groceries. PJIOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average , lie ; 20toa31b , lOJ o ; 13 to U Iba , IHfo ; No. 2. 0 > < o ; specluls , 12o ; shoulders , 6 > in ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , bc\ \ specials , 12o : picnic , OJ.fc ; bain sausacu , b > o ; dried beef hams , 9 > { o ; beef tongucn , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats. 5) ( ijOapor Ib ; boneless bam , 8Wo ; bam roulette , O c. PICKLES Mudiuiu , per bbl. (5.00 ; small , $3.00 ; Rhorklns , $050 ; O. ft B. chow chow , qts $5.00 ; pts , $3.40. Bvos American A , seamless , 17c ; Union square paper , discount 33 percent. Corrnn Grcon Fanoy , old colJon Ulo , 24o ! fancy old pcaborry , 25o ; Klo , oholco to fanoy , 2.1c ; Hlo , nrlino , 22c ; Rio , good , 21c ; Mocha , 29o ; Java , fancy Mnudchllng , 27o ; Java , good Interior , 24 c. CoFrnn Roasted Arbuokle's Arlosa , SM o ; McLnughiln's XXXX 24'su ; German , 2i ; ) < o ; Dllworth , 24 Bc ; Alarom.i , 24' ' o. DiUKi ) FHUJT3 Currants , 4J ( ii5e ; prunes , 1 casks , 1800 Ibs , 4 ! ( ftl * a ; prunes , bbli or bags , 4t } (34 ( 0 ; citron noels , dnimsf.20 Ibn. 21 c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 lb , lOo ; farii dates boxes , 13 Ibi , 0 ; apricot * , choice evap orated , 13e ; apricots , Jolly , cured , 83 Ib boxes , 14o ; apricots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 23 Ib joxes , 15c ; apricots , ohoico , bags. SO > bs , ; apples , evaporated , Aldcn , 60 Ib boxes , 0 ? < o ; apples , Star , 0 ( < } < lie ; apples , fancy Al dan , 5 Ib , So ; apples , fancy Aldcn , 3 Ib , 8o blackberries , evaporated , 60 Ib boxes , _ 5c ; cnemes , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pours , Callfornln fancy , KS boxes , 25 Ib , 12 } < e ; iciielics , Cal fancy , > < s unpacked boxes , 2o ibs , 15o ; poaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , * s unp tings , SO Ibs , 13c ; poaches , fancy , ovup unp , i ( ) Ib boxes , layl'lc ; pc.tchcs , Salt Lake , new , 7@7Kc' , nectarines , red , 12o ; nectarines , sil ver , bags , 12c : pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib boxes , Lie ; raspberries , evnp N Y , now , 21o ; prunes , Cnl. U C , 00-100 boxes , 25 Ibs , Sc ; prunes , Cul , II C , 00-70 , 9e ; orange peel , 15o ; ruislns , Cal ifornia Londons , oreo 1SS3 , $2.40@3.0a ; rai sins , Col loose , muscatels , crop Is33 , $ l.Ql ) @ 2.00 ; Vnlenclas , 18SS , Me. CANNED FIBII lirook trout , 8 Ib , $3.40 ; salmon trout , U Ib , $3.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.23 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $1.25 : deviled crabs , 1 Ib , $2 23 ; deviled crabs , 2 Ib , $3 60 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; cnvlor , $4 Ib. $2.25eels ; , 1 11) , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; lobsters , deviled , ft Ib , P2.23 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , 11.05 ; mackerel , mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato Biiuco , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 lo , 03c ; oysters , 2 Ib , $1.00 ; salman , C. K. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 2 Ib. J2.8Usalmon , Alaska , 1 ib , $1.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.03 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $3.03. Corn beef , 1 Ib square cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , $2.03 ; 0 Ib square cans , $ i.50 ) ; 14 Ib square cans , $14.00. Lunch tonuues , lib round cans , $2.150 ; 2 Ib round cans , $4.75. Brawn. 1 Ib square cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib square can , $2.00 ; 0 Ib squnro cans , $0.50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , 114 Ib round cans , $5.00 ; 3 Ib round cans , $000 ; 2 Ib round cams. $7.00 ; 8 Ib round cans , $3.00. Chipped beef , 1 Ib round cans , $2.00 ; 2 Ib round uans , $4.00. Roast beef , 1 Ib round cans , $1,20 ; 2 Ib round cans , $2.00. Potted hum , } ( Ib round cans , 05u ; } f Ib round cans , $1.20. Deviled hum , } / Ib round cans , C5o ; K Ib round cans , $1.20. Potted ox tongue. X Ib round cans , C3f. ; J < llj round -ans , $1.20. Compressed ham , 1 Ib square cans , $1.75 ; 2 Ib square can * , $2.75. Tripe , 2 Ib round cans , $ l.bO. Minced col- lops , 2 Ib round cans , $2.20 Boneless pigs foot , a Ib square cans , $2.25. One pound cans are packed two do/en and four dozen to case. Two pound cans ixro packed one dozen nnd two dozen to case. Half pound cans packed two dozen to case. Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to case. All prices per dozen net , Lumber and Biillrtinir Material , STOCK BOAIITIS A , 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and 16 feet , $4000 ; B 12 inch , s 1 s 12. 14 and 10 feet , $41.00 ; C 12 mcbs I s 12,18 and 15 feet , S3tUO ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $2.1.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in , s 1 s , 12 feet , $18.00 : No. 2 coin 12 in s 1 B , 14 nnd 10 feet , $17.50 ® 18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 H 10.18 , and 20 feet , $10.50 ; .No. 2 com 12 in s 1 s 14 uud 10 feet , 817.00. Poi'LAii LUHBEU Clear poplar box bds , % in , s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $25.00 ; clear poplar , K panel stock wide , B 2s , $33.00 ; clear poulur corrugated ceiling , J i $30.00. POSTS Whlto ciidur , 0 inch halves , 12c ; white cedar , 5 inch halves and 8 Inch q'rs , lie ; whlto cedar , 4 Inch round , ICc ; Tennes see red cedar , sulit , lOu ; sullt eaU ( white ) Sc ; sawed oak , 18c. SHIP LAP No 1 plain. S and 18 inch , $17.50 ; No. 2 plain , 3 and 10 inch , $15 50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. DIMENSIONS AND JTIMBEH. 12 ft 14 ft 1(5 ( ft 18 It 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft 2x4 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 11100 2x0..15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1000 2x8 , . . .1500 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 I 1 19 00 2x10. . .1500 15 00 13 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 19 00 2x12. .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1000 4x48x.81UOO Hi 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 FKNCIXQ No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft , rougn , $10.00@10.50 ; No. 1.4 and fi inch , 10 ft , $ I7.00@17.50 ; No. 2,4 and C in Ob , 12 and 1C ft , $13.5C@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 ft , $15.00 @ 1C.X ( > . FINISHING Island 2d clear. 1' inch , s 2 s , $49.00051.00 ; 1st nnd 2J clear , 1M and 2 inch , s'2 B , $47.00@50.00 ; 3d clear , l } { iuoli , s 2 B , $43 00fi40.00 ; B select , 1 # , 1 and 2 Inch , s 2 B , $37.00@33.00 ; Island 2a clear , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $45.00 ; 8d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A select. 1 inch , s 2s. $33.00 ; B select , 1 liicb , s 2 B , $30.00. CHILI NO AND PAHTITION 1st Com , Jf in white pine partition. 33.00 ; 2d Com , % in , white pine partition , $37.00 ; clear % in , yel low pine ceiling. $20.00 ; clear % in , Norway , $14.50 ; 2d Com. H in Norxvny , $13.00. BOAUDS No. 1 com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $19.00 ; No. 2 com B 1 s lr > 14 and 1(5 ( ft , $10.60 ; No. 8 com s 1 s 12 , 11 and 10 ft , $14 50 ; No. 4 com M 1 s 15 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00. Add 60c per M ft for rough. BATTENS. WILL TUHINTI , PICKETS O. G. Butts , 2 } inch , COo ; O. G. Baits , ' < f@i : , ss , 85o3-in ; well tubinp , D. &M. and bev. $22.10 ; pickets , D. & H. , llat$20.00 ; pickets , D. &H. square , $19.00. Fi.ooniNG 1st com 0-inch white pine , $34.00 ; 2d com 0-inch white pine , $31.00 ; Sd com 0-inch white pinco , $20.00 ; D com 0-incb white pine , $30.00 : com 4 and G-inch yellow pine $15.00 ; Star 4-moh yellow pine , $17.00 ; 1st Tind2d ciear yellow pine , 4 und 0-lncli , $19.00. SHINOI.ES , LATH Per M XX clear , $3.20 ; extra * A * . $2.60 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5-Inch clear , $1.CO@1.70 ; 0-lncb clear , $1.75@1.80 : No. 1 , $ l.iu@1.15 : clear red cedar , mixed wi'Jihs , from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50. Twin CM and Jtnpc. BINDEHS' TWINE Sisal , 16 } c ; hemp , 15c ; manllla , ISc. CLOTHESLINES Cotton , 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton , CO ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50 ft , OOo ; jute , 00 ft , $1.00. COTTON TWJNB Fine. 22o ; medium , ll o ; heavy hemp , lOo ; light hemp , ifio. SAIL TWINK B , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , 15o ; ManilU rope , W u ; sisal rope , ll' o ; now products , 8c ; Jute , 8c ; cotton , I''o ; hide rope , 17c. 17c.SBROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Slocks Basement First National Bank , 505 Houlli lillli Ntruut , - Oiualia ; BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , , London , England. ADOLPH BOISSEVAIN & CO , , Amsterdam , Holland. Traniact a general banking builnea * . Fecurltlos bought and Hold on commliMon. Korulun exchnnaea Commercial and travulor'xlt'ltari of crutllt. Onleti for Londi and itocki uxecaUicl on tomniln > lon > In London anil on all Continental llouuua o Kurope. Ncifotalatlon of Itallwaf , Btato , Clljr and Corpor atlon Ixjum n ipcclallr , NEBRASKA . NATIONAL BANK , U. S. D3POSTOSY , OilAHA , HEB. Capllal $100.000 Surplus Jan. ltd , 1880 r.'jOOO OlTICr.Ufl AND DlItUCTOItSl \V. V\TBS , President. .r.wiHH. Itnti ) . Vlcu 1'resldcnt. A , K.TDU/.AI.IM , . \V. V. MOIIhK , JOHN S , GOI.MNH , It. ( J. OUSIIIMI , J.N. H. 1'ATIIICK , W.ll , ri , IliidiiK-i. Caviller THE IRON BANK. Cor. l th and I'arnainHtH. A Ueiicrul llanlcluir lluslucaj Transacted. A WONDERFUL CITY. Thirty Thousand People , With Ncltha Shop , Artlsnil NorTrntlo. Lylnjj between Asnm niul Uurmnli is .ho roinolo llttlo hill stnlo of Man 1 pur. atoly visited by. Indian o'llcora ' , ono of whom , writing on the lorest of the stnto .n . Indian Forests , irlvca an extraordi nary account of Iinphnil , the cauital , > aya the London Times. It IB situated n what appears a dense forest. "Neither fiplros iior chimneys cut the blue sl < y , i or is sinuko observed to nscond from , ho sylvan scone of the capital. Noth- njj , in fact , bospctiks the busy homo of 10,000 to 40,000 pconlo , and yet hidden away among these trocs Is tlio palace of .ho rajah , and hard by are the houses of liia favorites , ouch family having a ai'go inclosuro around the homestead. impliall may thus bo described as a city of vlllapos.or rather suburban resi dences , around the palace. Straight , , vldo roads lined with trees , frequently ntorsocting ouch other at right angles , ilTord the means of communication , nit neither shop , artiHannor wheeled conveyance exists in the city. Industry nul skill occur only in the distant rural homes. ' " The people of the capital are the promoted favorites of the ruler , who ins hud assigned to them plots of ground near the palace , and live by nossing upon the persecuted agrl- culut'ists of the stato. The , capital of Manipur is a royal resi dence dedicated to luxury nnd'amuso- nont. All are happy. The slrcotb are crowded with smiling , healthy faces. ) f which few bear the marks of toil aim .abor. Tlioro are no schools in the state , and court favor and promotion nro secured by success at polo. Coinage is unknown , nnd the men are not al- .owod to trailo. Imports and oxnorts , except in certain articles that yield a royal revenue , are practically prohi bited. The women from tno distant villages repair on a certain day tolho capital ere : o ether recognized centers. Each car ries on her head a neatly uiado square Lmslcot , in which had boon placed the surplus stock of the homestead , the labors of her industrial skill or of her husband's agricultural knowledge. Oa reaching the market place the contents of these bnskets are exposed and bar tered , when each returns again to her family , carrying ott the proceeds. On market days the long , straight road from Bishonpur to Imphail is crowded by groups of women hurrying toind fro. Each wears an elegantly striped dress in bright colors , made of silk and cotton. The stripes run along the length , and the top nnd bottom are neatly embroidered. A long piece of of cloth is cleverly carried across the breasts und just under the armpits , in stead of round the waist , and is ( Irmly tucked ui , so that the top embroidered edge falls forward , adding an additional fold to the garment , while the bottom edge reaches a little below the knees. i'ho logs and arms ave loft exposed. The women uro the only traders in the whole stato. _ Bccchnm's Pills net llko magic on a weak stomach. The followingadvertisemont appeared In n recent number of the London Tab let : ' "To parents Unruly girls and boys of any ago visited and punished at their homes by a thorough disciplina rian accustomed to administer corporal punishment. All bad habits cured by ono ore two attendances. Fee , 6 shil lings for two visits. Address 'Biach. ' " An AbHiiluto Cure. The ORIGINAL ABfETINE OINTMENT Is only put up Jn largo two nunco tin boxes , and is mi absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chnpped hands , and all skin erup. tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIET1N13 OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box bv mail UO cents. Natural ( iii . Natural gas as a fuel has been in use about lifteon vonrs. Tlioro are now employed in Us transmission for fuel purposes 27.I150 miles of pipe mains. In l ttsburg alone there are 600 miles , and the consumption of gas there rep resents an annual consumption of 7,000,000 tons of coal. Try Cook's extra dry champngno , it is the purest wine on the market and has loss alcohol than any other. COMMERCIAL Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4O.OOO Onicors nnd Directors 12. M , Sfmvionmn , ( } Jl. Illtrhcock , .loa , Onrncnn. , lr. , A. Henry. K SI. Aiulerson , Wm G.Miuil. v nros , ; I , . II. Will lama. A 1' . Hopkins , pros. ; A , Mlllartl. cannier ; I1' . II. liryunt , usslstant cu.shlcr. Boots and Shoos. KIRKENDALL , JOKES A CO. , Guecesion to Heed , Jonci & Co. f Mosaic Manufacturers of Biots & Slices Agouti for Uoston Hubber Bhoo Co. , 1102. HOI aud 1100 llarner Street , ouikUn , NebfAika. Browors. STOltZ A ILElt , Lager Beer Brewers , 1K1 North Klghtucnth trcetOni ha , Nab. Cornlco. EAOLE COJtNWK WORKS , Mannfcctnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Wludoir-cnpannd mflnllo l < illBlu . John Kpencttr , proprietor. U6and UJHuulUlUth ttruot. Steam Flttlnso , Pumps , Elo. "SfltANO & CI AHIC STEAM IIKATIKO CO. , Pamps , Pines and Engines , IMici , water , rnllwny and mining nupplUi , tie. VM , Mi and Wl 1 arnam tlteul , Ouialio. U. S , WIND E KOINE A PUM1 > CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , wind mllli. U13 and WO Jones it. , Omaha. U , K. llOkDclinic Manniier. L A CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Ebeet-lron wori , itcarn pumps , taw mllli. 1513-1215 IxiaTCnwcrth ttreet , Omaha. Iron V/orks. PAXTON A Wrought and Cait Iron BMldlng Work Eoglnti , bran work , general foundrr , machine and blackiullh wurk. OHlce anil worki , U. 1' . 1(7. and I7ID Urctt , Oiaaha. OMAHA WIRE A I RON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Rafe Dcik ralli , wloilo * xuanli. flower itAmli , wlruilgx , etc. Kinmia Utti tueot.OiusUa. OMAHA SAFE A lltON wdl7fff1 , Manf'rs ' of Pire and Burglar rroof Safes , Vaulli , 1 11 work , Iron ibulteri anil lira orapti , U , Anureeu. uruu'r. Corner lit * ) und Juckiun > u. Sa B h , P oo rat Etc. . . m r.J. M. A. DISItROW A CO. , WbolemlA rajQufacturcri of Sash , Doors , Blinds ant Mouldings , BraucU omc , lilti B 'J Itnrl ilreuti. Omshn. NeO , SOUTH OMAHA. " UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , m Soutb Oinalia , Limilci . _ Agrlptilturi > l Implomonto. _ _ t L\rilElf& 5FKTUA7rF ofT" * " Asrictilt'l ' Implements , Wazons , Carriagei ota Wholcinl * . Omnhft , NcbratVa. Furniture. DKtt'Kr A S'lOXR , Wholesale Lalcrs in Furniture , V'ornnm ilteel , Omii ! > , Nobrork * . Fiirnite , OmMin , Nebrn'kft. Groceries. . Wholesale Grocers , 1Kb and Loftvenwortti slrceli. OmnhK , Xtbnik * . Hnrdwnro. IK. J. JJHCM7CI/ , toy Hirdwarc , Iron and steel , Bprlnsi , WKKon itock , hurjirnrv ) , lumber , tla , 13Ct _ _ _ _ _ _ ni > Ull Hanur lu t. Umnbiu MOLllfKMlLnVltNASTOQUA1W CVC Mnnufnclureri" nnrt Job ) on In ns , Buggies Rake ; Plows , Etc , Cor. t'lh ' nnd I'nclMo attvets , j ; , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1113 DouRlns itrect , Omiihn , Nobrmk . Boots nnd Shooa. ir. v , MOUSE & co. , Jolliers of Boots and Saocs , 1101,110J , llUSUouiiIni ulrcol. Omnlm. MnnufKCtorr , bumiuuritrcut , lloston. ' Cool , Coke , Eto. _ _ _ _ _ 'JAMES w.'niATCUKn COAL co. , Miners and Shippers of Coal and Coke lloomSl , U.y. Niitliniiil Iliuik Hnllilliu , Om lm. _ _ OMAHA COAL , COKK A LIME CO. Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal , 3U9 South IStli ttroot , OiualiB , Ncbraskk. KEBItASKA VUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and CoKe , III South mil it. , Oinahn. Nob. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A. WAKBF1HLD , Wholesale Lnmlicr , Eta mporlecl nnd Amurlcnn I'arllanJcmcnt. . HttU RKontlor Mllwnukvaliidrauilccciueut aud ' ( jnlnijr wliltu limo. C2IAS It. LEE , DsalerinHaidwooflLinnher , Wood carpets and p.irqurt llourlDir. I'tli anil UouglM tti.cts , Oniulia , Nub , OMAHA LUMliER. CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 15lb atrcot and Union 1'aclflc track , Omnlia. LOUIS Dealer in Lninlicr , Lath , Lime , Sash , Door * , Ktc. Vsrils-Corncr "Ih And Dous'n" ' . OOlot Corner 10th and IKiuuln. FRED. H' . OR AY. Lnmlie1 Lime Cement EtcEtc , , , , , , Comer Oth and Douglas sis. , Oinuli * . C. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnfc 13th and California itrccU.Omnba , Ntbraskk. Mllljnory' ' _ and Notions. / . ODEHFELDEIJ A CO. , Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Nolions 2U3 , 210 and 212 South llth nticet. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Fnriiishing Goods , 1121 Unrncr Street , Omaha. _ _ _ _ Com itiletalo n a n d S t o ra go ; RIDDELL A It IDDELL , Storige and Camuiissiou Mercliants , itctultlus-TluttrV , cffiza , cheese , poultry , gan : 1112 IIo\f urU atrcut , Umiilin , Nub. _ Dry Goods and T ; . B. SMITH & co. , Dry Good ? , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth itrcet , Omaha. Neb. KILT A TJJ ; CK-KOCH niv GOODS co , Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions Qcmt'i furulihlnK Ronds. Corner llth aud llarntT _ itreels , Omaha. Nebraska. _ IIIMUBAUQU A TAYLOn , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' tool and Ilutralo ncalea. 1405 Douglu trcot , Omaha , Nab. Toys ? _ Eto _ . H. HA11DY A CO. , Jobber ! or Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , fious * furaUliInK goodi , children's carrlaitei , 1201 turiiuiri itrcut , Uuiahu , Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ail * greaie. etc. . Omaha A. H.BItbop , Maaaior. Popor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Driers , Carrr a'nlc flock of iirlnllnn. wrnpplnv and wrtUM _ _ pap r. SueclitlaUonllonBlren to card paper _ _ _ PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and 'SOUTH A.T 1302 PAUNAM STREKT. ' DlHHollllloil III' I'lirl IICI'Nlllp. lly mutual roiihontno Inue tliladiiy illssolvotl the Unit of l.lnd & drain , I. 1' . i.iucl rotlrlns from the linn. A , i' . Onuii to collect all out- atauillim bllU duo the Iirm und iiu-minlinf nil Kniiinuul .InhiiHon unterlni ; Into iiurtnernhlp with A. I' , drum , thn linn iiauiu belnu In the future , , Orui & Johnson. J. ] > . J.1MI. A. r. ( HUM , K.JO I INBOX , NcillOH Hldllll Illllltlllt ; . IlldB will bo received ht this olllce until 13 in. October lht , J8oii , fur furnlntiliii : und ] iuttltiK up of titoum Aiiaratun ) ] foriii'utlntfour now Court IliMiHit In lllulr , 1'liuiB and spnclllcutloiiB on lllo. Itlolit retvi'vcd to rojcctanyniicl all bldn , llr order of the Hoard , L'liuis , UATIIIUNN , County Clerk. ' 'lh piirtneralilp liuri'toforo ' ( ixlHtlng between tliu undcriilKnuiI li oivail by mutiiul con- rc-nt , Jimeph Kn i i t4.lra lii ( { , K K. anil Josopli Dworitt huiiimiul all uuiets und all llnbllltles of tholute i"jn. ! JOBKI'll DWOHAK. I'.K. 1IWOIUK. Joatru KHKJCI.