THE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1889. NUMBER 96. NOT THE DSUAl PROGRAMME , No Turbulent Mob Surged Through the Parisian Stroots. . NO STORMING OF THE BASTILE. MlUlOInnnorcil Man Onst Their Votes Without Demonstration A Disap pointed Correspondent Ilio Uattlo ol'tho lillV Posters. Reronn I'otltlcnl Slcloi. trotij/rfflht l8V91 v Jcimeionion IfemietM PAHIS Sent. 33. [ Now York Hera Cable Special to THE BEE. I From early morning there has been a considerable amount of animation , moro especially in the ) quarters of the town principally inhabited Dy the working classes. Everything , how ever , passed oft In a good orderly manner. The majority of the voters recorded tholr votes in the morning , so that having dona their duty as citizens they were frco to BO and nmuso themselves at the exhibition , cr elsewhere , ns fancy prompted. The drizzling rain which fell until near noon had the effect of preventing idlers irom congregating In the streets uround the voting stations. The bill stickers , who had been working hard all night , wcro bthl going ou with tholr paper war , working hard to pasta over bills stuck up by tholr predecessors. Intho ono hundred nnd eighty eighth nron- dlscmcnt ono cnorgotlo bill sticker was In dustriously occupying himself by pasting up Boulnngcr posters over these of JolTrm then thcso of Joffrin over Boulangor nnd so on. Inside the voting stations there wus no ox- citcment. The HCCIIO was the same In every arondiscraent. Gentlemen sitting behind the ballot box examined the electoral certifi cates of each voter who immediately deposited - posited In the box his ballot. , which in must cases ho had carefully folded in four , before entering. There was nn nlr of mystcr.v about the whole proceedings that seemed to Indicate that the French appreciate the sys tem of secret voting. In front , on the stdps of each polling place , a score of men were discussing the ballots.of the different candi dates. Everybody took the papers , but most people throw them away ns soon ns they had entered. The interior was thus carpeted with whlto papers which gave It a strange appearance , somownat resembl ing the gardens exhibition after a popular Sunday feto. I called in upon Maximo Ltsbonno , the can didate who , in his manifesto , proposes to deal in honest peculations anu not us < ! his parliamentary Influence for any person who docs not first hand him over a sum varying fron 20 to JES,000.X I found the former colonel of the commune In the furthest corner of his Tavern du Bagne playing nt patience. Ills attention seemed somewhat distracted from the game by telegrams which ho was receiving every few minutes , at last ho gave UD cards for politics und told mo ho fears Boulungcr's success is certain. Ho nlso showed me a telegram saying that Jules Terry wus getting beaten iu Vosgcs. The strange tavern ho presides over Is worth n visit. The wall is hang with cap ital pictures portraying scenes of the com munist convict's history. When you enter the guardian whistles and shouts to another life convict. When you pay for what you hnvo had a strange looking waiter In couvlct dross hands you a circular pass upon which Is a certificate signed by Maximo * LIsbonno that the convict has con ducted himself well , and as you present this nt nn outer door a guardian Informs you that nro free. In Minllmontant , Monttnartro and Belleville , People were strolling about as on any Sunday or holiday. Everywhere pub- llo buildlncs were hideously disfigured with electoral manifestoes , oven the Lion on the Place do la Repub- Ikiuo' had not escaped. His body was covered with brilliant tricolor posters of Boulun'glst candidates while his eye was closed by the numo'of vnlllunt und his lull BoveTcd as u stuff for Hugs. "Where is the light , cochor , nnd horsemen churglng the mob and tbo naked sabers ruddy with Parisian gore and all thut sort of thins ! " . ' Such were the anxious queries put by the Herald correspondent this evening to the rod headed Jehu who was driving him along the highways and byways. The silly Mont- motracochcrshook bisbcad blankly. Ho had scon no gore , no surging crowds , no riot , revolution or anything else nothing but slippery pavements , mud and umbrellas. "Alloz vlto I" was the order and keen'on the scent of carnage , the carriage rattled awuy over the cobble stones. It was no use. Each new street was as quiet and desolate as the ono before It. In front of various voting headquarters were gathered groups of men brightened by the presence of nn occasional woman , und good uaturcd groups were smokintr , laughing and chatting about the elections. Therefore , there wus no mad frenzy , and no oratorical ravings , nor did these excellent people snow tha sllclitcst disposition to tour ono another or anybody olao Into pieces. There was nothing of tbo down trodden populace thirst ing for the blood pf iu oppressors about them. Tear down tha has tlio ! Not n bit of it. Much moro apt would they bo to adjourn to a cosy cafe and to pass the night in ex changing ready blagues. In tlio whole of his wanderings through this section of the city the correspondent saw absolutely nothing In tha uhuno of violent * > lent demonstrations , and yet it was precisely a hero that General Boulangor wus running aA for office us the avowed enemy of the gov A ernment and to tbo masses In Montmartro , aI General Boulangor Is the hero of the hour. I No bettor Illustration could be given of the law abiding disposition of the Paris crowd , The nearest approach to a row wus u little incident which occurred near the Mario. In the center of a noisy group which nearly blocked the struct stood u disreputable lookIng - Ing Individual dressed In a blue bluuso. Ho was gesticulating wildly and with evident indifference- the persons of these who cumo within the radius df his swinging arms , "Mesdnmos ot Messieurs , " ho cried. Gen eral Boulungor Is ejected. The republic is at our mercy , Carnal , Constans and their gang are a lot of The orator commenced ou n catalogue of the most uncomplimentary epithets which he emphasized by bringing his (1st ( into close and emphatic contact with tno visual organ of u black hatred youth In front of him , .vlioroupon ha of the blaok hair in formed the speaker that ho wus all sorts of untranslatable things. Great wus the Jcko as the news spread. TIIK MU3NCH Jiuulnnucr Klcotuil In Montnwrlro A Hint nt Avluunn , PAIIIS , Sept. S3. Notwithstanding the facj that the electorate teat was proceeding , the trooUof Paris early to-day presented u do- tertod aspect. The rain clourod the boulo- rurds and kept the people within doors. ( The wuutry Yiiltori to the exhibition loft the city yesterday for their respective depart ments to participate In the elections , leaving the different sections of the exhibition loss crowded than usual. Crowd * of electors huvo thronged the malrics for the lait two days obtaining voting papers. It is there- fora considered Improbable that the pre diction of a largo falling off In the vote will bo fulfilled. The voting began all 8 a , m. Around the electoral urn * the representation of the different parties kcptassldlous watch. There was no excitement or bustle any where. Telegrams from the province * re ported equal tranqulllty. Aftor3 o'clock the polling places wcro thronged , still perfect order prevailed. The crowds were good- humored , and tlicro was no apparent ten dency to disturbance. The authorities had taken elaborate precautions against riutlng , but , thura wus no display of force on the streets. Soldiers wore kept In readiness in barracks and the police were massed under cover nt various uolnts. with Instructions to remain Inuctlvounless compelled to interfere. The clergy of Moumurtro ordered prayers in Boulangor's favor. There wni a riot at Avignon. A crowd forced the doors of the building occupied by the Botilanglst committee , burned the voting papers and set lire to the building. Then the crowd wont to the Uoulanglst club , broke In the doors , wrecked the furniture and drove out the members. 3oulaiigcr has been elected nt Montmntro. In the First Seine district another ballot will bo necessary , no candidate having received the requisite majority. In St. George's pan theon nnd the Faubourg St. Honoro districts another ballot will bo taken. Hoturns from the provinces arc coining in slowly. Thovenet , minister of Justice , is elected in the Second district of Lyons. In the other divisions of Lyons u second ballot will bo necessary. In all the divisions of Bordeaux n sqcond ballot will hnvo to bo taken. In the First district of Havre , Seigfricd ( republican ) was defeated by Marchund ( Boulnngcst ) . There was n great uproar In the office of thoPrcsso in Montmurtro , when the an nouncement ofgUoulnngcr'a victory in Mont- martro was displayed nn a transparency. The news was received with mingled cheers and hoots by the rival contingents and us n row seemed imminent the police and mounted guards charged upon nnd dispersed the crowd. Several persons were arrested There was a free display of placards rep resenting Uoulanger on iiorseback trampling upon the corpses of workmen and Inscribed the ' 'inurdcrorof the communists. " Most of the foreign diplomatic representatives made it point to bo in Paris during the elections. Notable exceptions were the ambassadors of Germany nnd Italy. The uoulevards were thronged until mid night. There was much crying of "down with Ferry.1' THE W1ZAUI ) IN ENGLAND. Edison Talks ol' Mil ICiiropoan Visit His - , . LONIION , Sept. US. [ Now tforlt rieriild Cable Special to THE BEE. I Edison is pass ing his few days in England nt the beautiful country residence of Sir John Ponder , nt Foot's Crag , near the village of Cutllp. A reporter who was granted a few minutes' in terview with him yesterday found him rather seriously indisposed. Ho caucht n thorough chill , which has so aggravated the chronic but slight deafness from whlcn ho suffers as to render conversation with h'm ' a matter of considerable difliculty. Ho was , however , as cheerful us over , nnd looks forward to the resumption of hard work which will irn- mo.llatoly follow his return to America as most men look forward to a holiday. "I had a very good time on the continent , " ho said , "both in Pins and Uorlln. I was received with the greatest cordiality , nnd I shall remember this visit to Europe as one of the pleasuntest of my life. It Is delightfully quiet here , and I want quiet. I have had a long walk through the woods to-day , and It has douo mo an Immense amount of good " "Your visit has not been purely ono of pleasure , Mr. Edison ? " "No , I have gone about a good deal nnd seen many things which bavo interested me. Science is moving fast In Europe. " "When are wo going to hear from you ? " "Hear from me , " repeated Edison. "How ! " "When is your next Invention coming out ? " "I huvo two or three little things on stock which will bo completed , I hope , in a month or two. " "Would you mind , giving mo a hint as to their nature i" "Well , " said Edison with a sly twinkle in his eyes , "they will not he altogether un connected with electricity. Further than that I can't say anything at present. " "Do you remain with us longer1 ? "Only till Thursday , then I go back to Purls : not on business but because my wife and I have one or two friends there to whom wo wish to say good Dye. Wo shall leave Havre for America on Saturday nnd co direct homo without touching England again this time , and now I must ask you to excuse me. " _ _ W AN 1 S I'vfllAG K S. An Kllxlr Patient Coming Hack at Ills Pool or , CINCINNATI , Sept. 22. [ Special Telegram to THE HEB. ] The first notion lllcd in the United States on account of damages arising from use of the "elixir of life" was filed In the court of common pleas late yesterday. Plaintiff is Cornelius Stcclc , the carpenter , builder and contractor. 13r. George 1C Tay lor is the defendant. Stcola asks for dam- aces in the sum of $5,000 for mental nnd physical suffering superinduced by the treat ment , ho underwent , and $500 for loss of em ployment and expenses incurred for medical und "irglcal services. Stcolo wus partially paralyzed. He claims that the doctor called him Into his office nnd injected the elixir into his left leg without his knowledge of what the substance was. Steclc's leg was finally cut oucn to complete the healing of too ab- cesses caused by the eliicr. All in Hut Ono. CHICAGO , Sept. 2i. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The mammoth trust has ab sorbed the glass factories of northern Illi nois , both at Stroator and Ottawa. The Stroator window glass works were sold to an eastern syndicate yesterday. The price paid was ? 100,000. The now "trust" is known as the United Glass company , The fifty-five window glass factories of the country are to bo united. The trust controls all the factories in New York , Ohio , In diana an d Illinois. The combine is capital Izeil nt (3,000,000 , and has already purchased the works .it Itock Island and Ottawa , Jonv- ing the factory ut Belleville tha only ono in the state not yet in their control. The local management of the Stroator factory will not bo changed. The stockholders accept stock in tno company for their interest in the Strcator Glass company. The works of the Ottuwu Window Glass company and the Uock Island Window Glass company have ulso been purchased by the United Gluss company. The main ollleo will bo in New York city , a local manager and office man only being retained ut the works. This movement points to uu early opening of the factories. The plunt at Ottawa is worth { 400,000. ISoii-I'urilHiu\H Ic m a iidoil. ' CHICAUO , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB UEK. ] The popular demand for nonpartisan - partisan nomination * for Judicial officers for Cook county U likely to bear fruit. A full mooting of the Chicago Uar association has been called for next Saturday to elect a now committee ou political action , and to take into consideration tbo Judicial nominations. The object of this move U to head off weak nominations by either of the political parties und to secure the nomination of such Jurists only whoso known Integrity will place them above suspicion of party bias In political action. CLOSE OF THE ENCAMPMENT The Bluooonts Gladly Dosortlnff Oamp Qoorgo Crook. THEY ALL LEARNED SOMETHING. A Pew ailld Criticisms Some Usolcsfl Drills nnd Military Alnunlitlc.s- . Newspaper Correspondents "U'cro Down ou Their Luck. Sirllclnir O.amj > . CMP Gr.ouan CIIOOK , ( via Fort Robinson ) Nob. , Sept. 22. [ Special to TUB BBC. ] The first summer encampment of tluo depart ment of tlio Plutto is over. The troops which composed it , gathered from three states nnd territories , nre rapidly and gladly moving homewards , nnd D.V the time this letter Is put Into type Camp George Crook will bo a thing of the past. Tno plain , for a month whlto with tents , will again bo n grazing ground for cavalry horses ; the valley of Sol dier Creek , which has echoed with trumpet calls and the hoarse orders of drilling battal ions , brlcades nnd divisions , will lapse Into Its accustomed quietude , and the old buttcs , which for long centuries have calmly looked down on the slopes of the over flowing river , will once more stolidly survey a peaceful stretch of country where for weeks gone by clouds of dust have rolled from boncuth the foot of half a thousand horses and the dry turfs boon tramped by the tread of four times that number of men. All of tlio commands with ono exception have loft for their former statfon , glad to re linquish the tent nnd the drill ground for the comfortable quarters and grassy p irad'j. The Seventh Infantry nlono will return homo to pack up for n transfer. The historic old garrison of Fort Luramle , for more than forty years nn outpost of civilization , is to bo abandoned and Colonel Morria in and his command will exchange tbo sago brush of Wyoming for tbo bracing air nnd the more congenial surround ings of Fort Logan , near Denver. The last two weeks of tho. encampment were fully occupied In grand strategy In the .field .and n concluding series of division drills. Of the grand strategy In the field tlicro is , little to bo said. Both officers nnd men nro reticent over the trip to the Hat creek divide and Sowbelly canyon. A mls- take was made In the start and the retreat ing force under General Kuutz , which was down on the programme for easy capture , upset the plans by refusing to bo taken into camp as anticipated. But all reached homo safely after n five days' campaign iu rocky canyons , whcro a couple of modern rapid firing guns would bavo knocked the command into smlhterecns while the old-fashioned guns of the artillery were unlimbcring to go into ac tion. The soldiers learned something of campaigning , the stuff officers something of riding and the dismounted officers something of profanity. So , altogether , something was learned and that was the object of the ma noeuvres. Now. that the camp Is over , it may bo well to hurriedly glance nt its objects , at how well these objects bav < 3 been atulrnvl and to note in what respects results hive fallen short of anticipations. As said before , the camp was admirably located , excellently and thoughtfully planned for hculth u'ud con- veniencound well administered from a purely military standpoint. Gpnoral Brooke acted ns if ho meant business aud not play. Ho was general commanding in fact us 'well as in name. No officer stuck uioro rigidly to the hot and dusty val ley than ho did , none wus up earlier or later than the department commander or busied liimsolt moro earnestly about details' . lie was sincerely anxious to make tbo'llrsr , largo summer's encampment of the United States army a success , and much of the success at tained must bo credited to bis endeavors. There was n dally Increasing prollclencv in drill by battalions and brigades noc to be secured - cured , of course , except whore brigades and battalions could bo brousht together. There was unquestionably much now Information acquired by recruits who had never been in the field before and know nothing of tlio minutiae of pitching and striking camp , of loading nnd unloading wagons , of acting as skirmishers and flankers on march und of the details of camp life as day by day they developed. Unfortunately the instructions ceased at this point. The practical experience gained by officers for whoso benefit moro than that of the men the camp was instituted , was largely nil. , Why ? Because of 170 officers supposed to bo at tached to fifty-eight troops and companies , only seventysixvoro present for duty with their companies. In the entire command , nineteen cautains , fifty-one first lieutenants and twenty-nine second lieutenants wcro either absent on leave , on detached service or serving on staff in the camp. Of tncso twenty-four were on staff duty in the camp itself and seventy-six were absent outside the camp or department limits. Two captains or the Eighth Infantry , four of the Seventh , two of the Second , four of the Seventeenth , ono of the Sixteenth und five of the Twenty-first Infantry failed to put In an appearance. Six first lieutenants of thoNintn cavaIryHOven of thoKighth infantry two of the Seventh , three of the Second , six of the Seventeenth , two of the Sixteenth nnd five of the Twenty-first were wanted else where , and an equal proportion of second lieutenants found other occupation. There were a number of companies , llvo In nil , which had no o Ulcer of their company pres ent for duty. Forty-eight company officers were ausont on detatclied service , fifteen on sick leave and tnlrtoen absent on Icavo. It was a current comment in the camp and In the nrmy papers that there was too much staff , offering soft berths for youngsters who above all needed the instruction und hard work of field duty. While old gruy-hcadcd captains who had fought throujh the buttles of the war and the Indian campaigns subsequent , did company duty , twenty young company officers were comfortably enjoying llfo on horseback or in the tent ut the time when their seniors were marching on foot , attend ing roll calls or drilling in the broiling sun. For many of the details outside of camp tlicro wus excuse. Each regiment had Its detail of recruiting officers , of officers at Louvonwortli , of olllcors selected for work as college instructors. In addition , officers wcro necessarily left at the posts temporarily arily deserted , some not so necessarily. Tbo pardonable absenteeism was largo enough to have , caused a rigid drawing of the lines in other cases , nnd should have induced u paring down of tbo various staffs , nt the expense of display and easy berths and to the credit of hard work and Instruc tion whom both were most needed. There wus much quiet criticism among all grades of olllwrs over the excessive amount of needless drills oidered under nn August HUH. A largo portion of the movements exe cuted will bhortl.v be iwlpcd from tactics. The movmnoiits in masses have almost disap peared from modern tactics , shot to pieces by the long range rillo and improved artil lery. Whether officers or men become thor oughly conversant or not with evolutions lutions which \vo\jld ' be useless In CASO of actual warfare , Is really of nn Importance whfio a tactical board it sitting at the national capital to rovlso the military ideas of Frederick tlio Great into some approach to conformity with changed conditions. It was a pitiful commentary ou the subserviency of our army staff organiza tion to exploded traditions to see officers and men sweltering in the sun as they painfully performed with great precision movements which would have meant the annihilation of the command in the face of nn nrmy corps of the meanest European power. There was no opportunity for laziness nt Camp Crook. It may bo seriously questioned whether there was lolsuro enough In some quarters. At tha outset the calls followed each other In such rapid succession that the cavalry had no time between afternoon drills to care for their homos and the horses no time to finish tnolr food. This was of course rectified as soon ns brought to the attention of the coinmanding.onicur , but It was a curi ous mistake to have occurred at nil. An hour was also taken off from the hot after noon drills after the nbsoluto necessity of stion a change made Itself manifest. Kvorythlng possible was done by General Brooke to Iteoi ) up tbo somblancoof war days around the camp , sometimes with very amusing results. But there was nothing amusing In the entire affair to the general. The minutest detail hud to him nn almost sacramental vnluo , nn ostimnto which was of Ion considerably higher than that placed upon It by others. Such differences of Judg ment may hnvo given occasion for criticisms , charging tack of consideration nnd uncalled for rlgldness tu rules nnd regulation but criticism is inevitable wherever there is dif ference in rank and pay. A moro pertinent comment was that inudu on the very trans parent voll of secrecy thrown around the orders to come. To u civilian mind , at least , It seemed absurd to witness the stately reserve - servo concerning some little move ment about to take place , nnd which had been , discussed In nil its details by company commanders , pri vates and cooks for days previously. The excitement by anticipation was consequently not even intense enough to be dignified as "a tempest in a ten iiot. " But it Is easy to pick flaws. It is much harder to map out and plan and administer. The encampment was nn excellent starter of what will finally develop into' annual divis ion camps and perhaps later into encamp ments of the ontlro army. In future gather ings of the kind it would be advisable If some little consideration should bo shown to representatives of the press. At Camp Crook two correspondents detailed from papers five hundred mlles distant , were handicapped nt nil points In thotr nttomptti to gather information ot Interest to the irabliq nnd not lacking In either interest or advantage to the army. While encyclopedia peddlers and commercial travelers from Now York and Olilcago were hospitably entertained und furnished touts nnd accommodations , the newspaper men re ferred to were placed deep in the "military soun" by belm ; forced to make n trip on foot of throe miles every time they desired to visit the encampment or to secure material for a notice of drills or munmuvros. Their stay was naturally a short one. It was a mistake , If for no other reason than that thorough public Information of the .workings and necessities ot summer encampments must precede n voting of public funds by congress for their development and mainten ance. W. E. ANNIN. THE CliEAnANOE UECOUO. Financial Transactions of the Coun try For the Past Week. BOSTON , Sept. 22. fSpeelal Telegram to THE BKE. | The following table , compiled from dispatches iroirutho clearing houses in the cities named bcldw , shows the gross exchanges for the weekended September 21 , 188'J ' , with rates of percentage of increase or decrease as comparedA irith the amounts for the corresponding yffick of 1S3S : 'Not Included In totals ; no clearing house at this time last year. , nOBlBSTIC INK'BUCirY. Tnlo or Woo oT a Dnautlful Young Lonvonwortli UriUu. XiEAVENWOKTii , Kan. , Sept. 22. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Society circles in this city are stirred from cantor to circumference over the skeleton in the closet of ono of our most prominentsociety counjes. Less than a year ago Mr. Ed S. Phelps , the Junior partner of the commission { Irui of Phelps Bros. , was wedded with all the eclat with which a wedding among the " 400" ' ia attended , to Bessie Nathan , a charming and beautiful girl pt Topeku. Since then the couple huvo'lived In this city. For some time it has [ boon whispered be hind fans and over teacups and crazy quilts that the highest domestic felicity had not attended this union. So It was not with much surprise that the announcement that divorce proceedings bad boon instituted wus received. ' , Mrs. Phelps is the plaintiff. In her peti tion slio alleges that her husband has made life un unbearable burden for her ; thuvlio has been guilty of extreme unklndness ; tins failed to provide for her , although amply ublo so to do ; has compelled her to live during his protracted absences , etc. , ia tno house of bis mother , wliuro sha has boon subjected to Insults and indignities ; that her nurlty and womanhood will not allow her to llvo louecr with him. Mrs. Phelps is a beautiful girl of nineteen , and alone in tno world , Sbo has loft her husband and is living with friends , The affair has profoundly stirred social circles hero , from the high position occupied by the defendant aud his family. Tbo petition Is a pathetic rccltul of heartlessness which has shadowed the life of a trusting aud affec tionate girl , A Tcrrllilo Hhook. BATTLE CHEEK , Mich. , Sept.J3 [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. | Ono week ago W. A. Pcnluson , a brakouiun , wus killed in the Grand Trunk yards hero , and since then his wife has been in u sort of trance. Her body Is rigid and she scorns unconscious. S be took no uourlshmuut for six days , but yen- terday a little beef tea was forced Between her lips. Violent spasms occasionally btiulso her frame. Jiurat n Illuod Vonxel. ST. Louif , Sept. aj. JudijoKdwurd Lewis , lute presiding Justice of the St Louis court of appeals , died suddenly lust night from the burning of a blood vessel m his head. The District of Columbia Bocomlncr a National Marrylnu Mart. ? _ _ _ _ _ ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND COSTS. The Price oftlm Irooo i Kmliiood to the Minimum nnd no Questions Omnlia Capitalists In- In Maryland. WASHINGTON BUKRAU THE Ouutx tEB.1 518 FOUUTCESTII STHUST , } \VASIII.XUTOX , D. O. , Sept. 82. ) There have been so many runaway mar riages in Washington during the past year that the city is becoming a veritable Grotna Green. Children falling to rccolvo n marriage license or to got u minister to perform a mar riage ceremony huvo only to fly to Washing ton aud tholr hearts are quickly made to boat ns ono. Attention was to-day called to the loose condition of iilTuirs in this respect by the elopement aud murrlago of Clntborn A. Wilson nnd Miss Maude Glnsscott , of this city. Ho Is twenty , she seventeen. Ho Is n nephew of President Arthur's ' United States marshal of this district ; she was a belle In the youngest channels of upper so ciety. On both nidos of the mutch there is a protest , but It is too lute. In the multiplicity of complications which huvo brought forth hundreds of sensational marriages in the District of Columbia during the past three years , making this a resort far-famed for all who hnvo obstacles In the way of marriage , no ono has over been made to suffer. It is not a crime In the oyesof society and the law aids and abets amusements of this character. From Maryland , "Virginia nnd all directions they come e\rery \ day , till the list of marriage licenses Issued by the olork of the district court runs as high us tnat of a whole largo state. Congress will not , how ever , bo invoked to stop this truffle for the people here seem to enjoy it , on the contrary it will ba encouraged. No troubleaom o questions nro asked when n man applies for a license In Washington to wed the girl of his chol o. All that Is necessary to secure a wife is to get the girl to say "yes " nnd to raise SI in cash for the license nnd secure n minister to tie the knot. It does not matter whctner you nro white or blacker or copper coloicd , or whether your sweetheart is ono calor and you nro another. It makes no difference whether you nro twenty-one or seventeen , whether your girl is fifteen or forty or whether your parents are willing or unwilling , $1 will PO- cure the order of the court upon a minister of the gospel to solemnize the rites of mar riage and no questions will bo asked. So much encouragement is Just now afforded young people to elope to Washington that fathers and mothers In the surrounding country are not a little worried. TWO INTEIlCSTlNd SUBJECTS. Two subjects huvo been thesource of much inquiry among the officials at the treasury department during the past week. The in terest is general throughout the country nnd with the approach of icccmbcr it will be come greater. They are us to whut congress will do on the coiuago of silver and for anew basis of national bank circulation. The Impression prevails that the p'resident will 'make' Important recommendations on those suDjccts , A.treasury official says the coinage of silver will remain as at present , but that in all probability u recommendation for a 2 per cent bond , especially for na tional bank circulation security , will bo recommended. Ho contends that the most cxpcrieaccd men in the department favor and see the necessity of it and he believes that the president and sscrctary of the treasury will urge it. This official suggests that these interested should address thu-ir senators and representatives in congress and say what they wish done und say it now. IF HE WERE NOT AN INDIANA MAN. To-day's Post says tiiat President Harri son would be willing , knowing the man us ho does and upon the recommendations given , to appoint General Prod Knottier , of Indianapolis , commissioner of pensions if ho were not an Indiana man. It adds that Merrill , of Massachusetts , had talked him self to death , so far as tno coinmlsslonorship is concerned. MISCELLANEOUS. Congressman Samuel J. Randall with his family is now , and has been nearly all sum mer , at Wallugford , Pa. Mr. Hundull is suffering again from his old enemy the gout. Ho will , however , bo ou band ut the conven ing of the bouso. Quito a number of prominent republicans and domocruts will goto Ablnirdon , Va. , to morrow to witness the formal opauiugot the campaign waging in that state. General Mul ono is expected to lay down the issues defining his position on the state debt and throw tbo gauntlet at his democratic adver saries. Tbo republican candiduto for attor ney general is a cousin of Stonewall Jack son. Ho will talk with General Mnhono. Secretary Tracy will nsk congress to glvo (100 each instead of ttiO , as provided by law , to the enlisted man of the navy who wcro wrecked ou the Nipslc , Vuuduliu and Trcn- toir at Samoa lust March. Chief Justice Fuller of the United States supreme courtwhoso district Is Virginia and the Carollnus , wants to trade districts with Justice Hurlan , whoso district embraces Illinois. It has been discovered that some of the handsomest costumes worn In Washington society are made by the sisters of churit.v In churgo of St , Rose's industrial school in the northwestern part of the city. A plague is visiting tha national capital In the form of caterpillars. They nro denuding and killing trees und making the sidewalks slippery by falling from overhanging branches. They oven Invade houses and crawl over the scuts in the street cars till especial attention is required to keep them out of the way. It Is expected that Miss AVannamaUor , daughter of the postmaster general , will bo the reigning belle of society here as soon as Hlio returns from her visit to Mrs. Harrison ut Deer Park. Her good sense and winning manners are her charms. With fair weather for two weeks the con tractors announce that they will complete Pennsylvania avenue , which Is being recov ered with asphalt , and have it in prime order for the Knights Templar concluvo. There is a good deal of amusement hero over the report telegraphed from Chicago that Civil Service Commissioner Uoosovult would bo a candidate for United States sen ator from Dakota. United Slates senators are required to be residents of the states which they represent , and ns Mr , Roosevelt is now holding nn oftlco ns a citizen of Now York , it Is not very llkoly that ho will appear before the public as a citizen of Dakota. To-day's Post says : Nathan Slioiton , of Omahu , bus Just bought a farm In Anne. Arundor county , Md. , and a number of other capitalists from Omaha and elsewhere - where out west are negotiating for property In tlio'Bumo vicinity. The old rule seems to be reversed. Is the wont coming cast to grow up with the country ? AInMV NEWS , Lieutenant Stanley C. Carbaugli , of the Fifth artillery , und Airs. Curbuuph , will spend the winter In Washington with Mrs. Curbuugh's mother , Mrs. Isaac Henderson. They will arrive on the 1st of October. First Lieutenant William C. McFarland , Sixteenth infantry , on duty ut Fort Duchcsne , Utah , arrived In the city on Thursday , Ho has been granted four months1 leave. Lieutenant Edward V. Stockham , assigned to the Seventeenth Infantry from the grad uating class of 183'J ' , has scut his resignation to the secretary of war. The Important business interpsts of his father demand nt , teutlon , and as the prospects In that direction give Urlghtor promise financially than u military career , Lieutenant Stockham has decided to uraburlc iu mercantile pursuits. I'JEUHV S. HEATU. A STAHTiaVO ANNOUNCEMENT. O'Gnuly Snld to Iln Guiltless of tlio Clrlino of Murder. CHICAGO , Sept. 23. jSpoi'tal Telegram to Tun HIB.I : Tlio startling announcement that Timothy O'Gnuly , who Is serving asov * cntccn-yeur sentence at Juliet for tlio mur der of Policeman O'Brien , Is Innocent hud that the crime wui committed by another man named Dyer Scanlan Is not balluvod by the state's attorney , notwithstanding Scanlnn's confession and nflldnvit to the contrary. The case Is exciting great attention all over the state nnd already the governor has been called upon to exorcise , the pardoning power In behalf of the prisoner. Tha lirosecutlon In this uiso was conducted by Assistant State's Attorneys Baker and Jampolli , and they stoutly maintain the comclncss of their position. "O'Grady ' was identified by O'Urloii's dying statement nnd the testimony of Policeman - man Dillon , who was with him , " said Mr , Halter to-day , "and when the supreme court on n writ of error reviewed the evidence of the case from n vomnleto trans cript prepared by us the result wai that the identlllcatlon of O'Grmiy was largely com plete. If O'Grady was pardoned out and Scanlau brought to trial in spite of his con fession , It would bo impossible to ronvlct him , ou account of that Identification of O'Grndy standing In the way , and the result would bo that the crime would go unpun ished. I don't know what led bcanlan to imiKo that alleged confession , but I do Know there Isn't a word of truth In It. " "It was rumored nt the time of the trial , " said Mr. Jninpolls , "that Scanlan was the man who did the hhootlng nnd wo investigated the rumor thoroughly , with the result that wo were convinced that there was no foun dation for it. O'Grady tried to prove nn nllbl , but It wat knocked out , and there Is no more in Scanlan'R confession than tlicro was In O'Grady's ' nllbl. " 1 > AUI > Y KYAN'S UNKNOWN. Oilier Itiiins Front Iloyoml the ilnulcitis. SAN Fit \Ncisco , Sept. 3J. ( Special Tola- grain to Tun Hun.l- The event of the week In sporting circles was the license of ? 5,000 for slugging clubs. This order of the board of supervisors will close up dozens of small sporting clubs hero and c.iuso in large de crease In the number of prize fights. . Grcnt things nro expected of the fight next week between young Mitchell nnd Johnny Regan. Thu famous Paddy Rvun has discovered a promising unknown who appears shortly in the local ring. Uottlng ou the coming Mur phy-Wurron fight gives odds in favor of Warren. s Lucky Baldwin has been sued for $10,000. A local actor sang "Slide , Vally , SI Ido" in n bar room of the Baldwin hotel ana Ualdwln ejected him , doing him bodily harm. By the way , once pretty Verona 13uMwin is re ported 10 bo dyine in the Nupa insane nsylum. California raisins have become an Import ant figure of trade with the Australian cole nies. Every steamer carries largo consign ments of California raisins. California onions also have a biir demand in Australia. The tenth week In the famous Ulythe case concluded to-night. This time has been con sumed by attorneys. Florence Hlytho li an Knglisn girl , claiming to bo the daughter of Thomas H. Hlytho , und there nro half a hun dred other claimants. Several months will bo consumed In taking testimony. Thus fur everything points to Florence winning the case and securing $ lOJU,000. She certainly has a strong caso. Tbo best legal talent iu the state concede her \vinper. . Forest fires have been raging In various parts of California during the week. Fires uro stiUburningfiercely in the mountains , and much property is destroyed. The loss in Sun Muteo county ulonu roaches $ t,000,0011. The people In Nevada county have been fightinc all the week to save their homes from destruction. Heavy lossesnre reported in the Siml river district. It la some weeks yet before tlio rainy * sea-on , consequently the fires may still do great damauo. Thu state fair at Sacramento closed Satur day night , after the most successful exhibi tion on record. A prominent feature this year was the ladles' equestrian tournament , which brought out the wealth und beauty of the state. John Dillon nnd party arrive here from Australia October 21) ) , and will remain two weeks , and bo given a grand reception by the Irish nationalists. I'lUHUK A i'UOUAIJLO AV1NNEII. Indication ! ) That She "Will L/cad / in tlio Cnpltil Unco. PiiiRitii , S. D. , Sept. 22. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | A dispatch from Urldgowator this evening announced that Pierre has captured another Investment concern - corn named tlio Farmers' Capital Invest ment company. Tnls institution was organ ized about the same time as the Woonsockot company , having the same object in view , but the stock was disposed of principally to members of the Farmers' alliance in Mc- Cook and adjacent counties. The action of the stockholders in coming to Pierre was , based ou the apparent load of Pierre In the capital race , nnd from whut is known no other candidate was given onsldotalion In choosing the place , as it wus considered practically settled that Pierre would win. Tbo comi.iuy | . has secured an Interest In a largo amount of city pronorty nnd will boom Pierre all it can. The affairs of the company were shown up , from which it is learned thut 4,000 stockholders are interested und will cast a solid vote for Pierre , ai their vote to invest in this city wus unanimous. A careful canvuss of every county has Just been submitted to the Pierre board of trade by friends working in every section of South Dakota , which shows that Pierre can count on over thirty thousand votes for the capital. Twenty-two thousand uro oonsi ti ered enough to locuto. A DOUH1/10 MUn Ell. A Pennsylvania Mini ICIIlH Hln Wife nnd Slotlinr-in-Lmw. BKU.FONTE , Pu. , Sept. 22. At Phllllps- burB to-day , Seoly Hopkins , aged twenty- five , shot and killed both his wlfo nnd moth- cr-m-law and then made un unsuccessful at tempt to kill himself. Hopkins has engaged in numerous quarrels with his wife during the past two or three months. Two weeks ago ho left borne , re turning yesterday. They had another quur- rol this morning , when Hopkins shot his wlfo dead. Ho then ri'stiud to the third story , where his mother-in-law wus , and shot her too , killing her instantly , Hopkins then wont to n neighboring livery stable , where he attempted to kill himself , . ilrlng two shots into his head , duing little damage , When taken into custody u letter wus found In his pocket accusing his wife of infidelity. The Wild /Mn / n of Adrian. CHICAGO , Sept. 22 , ( Special Telegram to THE UBK. ] It is reported that a wild man Is parading himself in the woods sixteen miles north of Adrian , Mich. , In n perfectly nude condition , scaring the natives half out of their wits , S'luuda of farmers have been chasing him UD und down the timber , but no man has yet bjun within shooting distance. Ho can run like a deer. It Is thought ho stops in the trunks of hollow trees nnd feedi on whut nuts ho can gather and on the young lambs und chickens stolen from farmers. Places have bcon found .vlioro ho has dug holes In the ground and burled , seine of bin plunder. He Is considered harmless by tlui men , but the women and children uru kept In mortal torrjr. Cold weather will probably drive him to shelter. Tlio Wcntlior For Nebraska and Iowa Llb'ht rains , wfnda shifting to westerly , cooler in eastern Iowa , higher temperature. For Dakota Rains , winds shlftlnc * , o westerly , lower temperature. FROM THE IIAWKEYE STATE , The Republicans Propnrluj to Optm the Campaign. EXASPERATING TRAIN SERVICED Attempted Mm-dor and Stilctilu nft ' Jl OntMnn Tliu Orcunbaolc Candi date un Vho Stump- ; Other Items. Op"nln the Oaiiinnlirn. fans MOIXES , In. , Scut. 22. [ Special to THE Bnr..l rho chairman or tlio republican state central committee has opened head quarters In this city , nud Is now actively ofj gantzlng 'ho campaign. It has boon decided. to have speeches by Senator AllUon , Sena tor Wilson , Congressman HuiutorAon , Con gressman Gear nnd Governor Lirruboo nt , largo gatherings within the next few days , and formally open the speaking campaign iu this way. Then the smaller guns will open , up all along the lino. , ) . < l. Ur.xdMlmw Hulolito * . O.ut < ON , la. , Sept. 2i. [ Spsclal Tolojram to Tun Bui : . J At 0 o'clock this availing , as James Tyler was passing the house of J. J. Bradsnaw , ho was shot at by Ur.Uihaw. The shot did no dam.i o and Bradsliuw 1m- niedlately plnced the revolver to Ills own forehead and llrod , killing himself instantly. Ho leaves a wife nnd a large family of smalt children nnd in poor clrcnmstnnoa.i. Ho accused Tyler of undno Intimacy with Lift wife , nnd has threatened to shoot bath hla wife and Tylor. 'Ilio Ilnllrnad Uis : MOINES , la , Sept. 22. | Special to THE BEE. ] The railroad commissioners are about the busiest olllcluls around the state house thcso days. Tneir powers nro so broad that they have all manner of com plaints relating to railroad matters referred to them. They were ut Mount Ayr a part of lust week , where they hoard complaints against the poor tram scrv'co ' on that branch of the Chicago , Burlington & Quiney. A number of traveling men testified that tho- train service was so irroirnlnr that they had virtually boon compelled to glvo up tlio towns along the branch. They complained es pecially of the long waits nt stations , where- trains seemed to stay long ufter the ordinary traffic had had been disposed of. They sail } that hi some Instances the trainmen would have a game of ball whllo waiting , Another traveling man claims no got off the regular passenger train nt Bethany Junction , transacted all his- business nt that station , then walked to Lu- moui , tltrco miles up the track , visited all his customers there and sold * some bills of goods , Invoiced a stock of Implements midget got back to the Lamonl station In time to catch the passenger train which bo had loft at Bethany Junction three miles away. The commissioners have been notified that the Chicago & Northwestern road has appealed - pealed from Its decision In what Is known as the Maurice crossing case. The Sioux Ciry & Northern roud wants to cross tbo North * western at that point , but to enable thut road to do so , according to the plan proposed by the commissioners , would cost the Nortn * western $10OJO. Thut road thinks that Is. praying pretty high for n change that Is made solely to accommodate another road. so it has asked for nn injunction to proven * . the Sioux City & Northern road from aU tempting to build the crossing. lo\va'H IjiiloiIturcuti. . DCS MOIXES , Sept. 22. [ Special to Tnj } . BEE. I The Iowa bureau of labor nnd stalls- tics 1ms been organized nud in operation for nearly six years , and in thai time has done- so'iin excellent work. Commissioner Hutch ; ins will soon have ready his third blcnnlajl report to the governor. Some very Interest ing Information has been secured from thi udvunco sheets nud Is now inudo public. The effort of the commissioner has bcon to pub liimsolt ia direct communication with the worklngmon of the state so as to be ublo u ) know their condition und tholr needs , ana to bo prepared to make recommendations for appropriate legislation. Ills forthcoming re * port includes returns from 2,110 working- men. These represent forty-ulna trades ana industries , aim they report the avoragp wages , dally and yearly , the cost of living , etc. The following are some of the facts ob tained from this source : Number owning their own homes , 1,107 : number ot homus that nro mortgaged , 40-1 ; number who runt homes , 505 ; number who have saved money , 1,031 ; number who uro la debt , Olu : number who bavo life Insurance. 731 ! ; number who huvo lire insurance , l,15Ct number belonging to labor oruuulzutlons , 7211 The question was askbd by the commis sioner : "I prohibition a good thing for the wugoworkorl" Ono thousand throe hundred and twenty * eight answer yes nnd ! 1JO answer no. DuiS ing the past year 500 workmen of those rot spending have had tholr wages Increased. 2i3 have had their wages decreased ; 1.671/ learned their trades in the United Slates dud ? U in Europe : 442 state that tlicro 14 vhild lubor In their localities , and ( UO reply that there is none. One chapter Is devoted to "views of woriclngmon , " In which tholif suggestions and opinions about the condi tion of labor , nnd reforms that are needed , are printed. It makes vary Interesting rcadj Ing. Attention Is nlso given the subject off cavlngs banks , und the extent to which they are used by workiairmon. The relations be tween capital and lubor , strikes , lockouts , etc. , aru alt > o freely discussed. " City and Gnlliucu Y , M. O. A. Dis : MOINES la. , Sept. 23. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Thu cull has neon Issued for the twen tieth annual convention of the City nnd College - logo Young Moils' Christian associations at Ottumwa , beginning OctohorO. Reduced rates over tbo different roads have boon secured , und u very largo attendance Is expected. Mr. Nash , the state secretary of Nebraska , and several prominent workers from the east are to bo present. Mr. I ) , L. Moody , tlio famous evangelist , has bean specially In vited to attend. The exorcises will begin on Wudneviay evening and continue ttirouyU the week. A Grrcnhiiiik CEI > AU RAI > II > S , In. , Sept. 2J. [ Special 11t Telegram to TUB BEE. ) The greenback candiduto for governor , Kllas Dooley , opened the greenback campaign Saturday night in til's city with a speech which for its pungent wit and scathing sarcasm was a grout Hurnrlso. Ho took up each planlc of tha greenback platform and paid lua respects to the old parties anil the union lubor party without thn formality of gloves. Ho re ferred to the democraticparty " - party us a "putrid reminiscence of the stoneuge , " Ho argued. for u slntrlo tux according to tlio Henry George idea uud for tbo abolition of national banks , _ IlulliiiTurner. . MAI.OV , la. , Kept. 2J. [ Special to THU Hen ] Mr. Kdwitrd Hullrig , of Lincoln , Nob. , and Mrs. Mary J , Turner , daughter of John D. Carter , ono of the most prominent citizens of Ringgold county , were married ut the reil- dencu of tlio bride's brother , J , T. Carter , Maioy , Iu. , Scptuiiibtr 15. .Slo.-iiiirtliip Arrivnln. At New York The Alaska , from Livery pool ; La Gascogno , from Havre , for Queens * town ; the litrnrU , from New York for Liv erpool. At Plymouth Tliu Gollert , from New York for Hamburg , Pussed the LUard La Clumpafuo , New York for Havre ,