6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JjgJBFTEMBER 22 , 1880.-SIXT3DEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlBLtJFFS. OFF1CR NO 12 I'KAItb STIIEKT. .Delivered brcnrrltr In Any r rt of TV only Cents Ter Week. . . _ _ . , 11. W. TH.TON. . . . MANAGER. THLHl'HONKSt OFFICE No. 43. NIOIIT KDITOII. No.21. MI.NOU aUSNTlO.V. N. Y , P. Co. Glcnson coal. D. W. Otis , city and farm loans. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Boston store leads thorn all. Dry goods. Carbon Coal Co. , wholesalorotall,10 Pearl. C. C. Klrby Is erecting a flno residence on Graham avenue. The reorganised Otlolls and an Omaha club will play ut Falrvlow park this afternoon. Thu Sons of Veterans will glvo n ball to morrow evening ul tholr hall on Pearl strcot. The city auditor has Issund 117 sidewalk certificates , aggregating $ t'JH. to Thomas Galvln. ' Atcn-nouml baby girl has Just tatcon un licrnbodu with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Felt , to their great delight. E. B. Bowman , Jr. , has boon elected sec retary of the Council Bluffs club , vice B. A. Troutmun , resigned. Peter Beck's undue hilarity may bo over looked mid excused , us that now girl Is enough to turn any man's head. The son of Dr. C. Oeetkln , who resides at No. WO West Washington avenue , loll und broke his loft arm last night whim playing on thu lawn. The cnso of O. S. BarkotiHky vs Jennie Goldberg was on trial before Judge Alaoy yesterday , thu jury having boon exi-usud until Monday morning. Special motor trains will bo run between the two cities for tlio accommodation of the Omaha people during the Klsoinan opening to-morrow and Tuesday evenings. The infant son of Andrew O'Donald died nt Weston Friday afternoon at I o'clock. The funeral took plaeo yesterday morning ut 11 o'clock , the remains .being buried In Hazel Doll cemetery. Tnc cnso uf Evans vs White , in xvhleh n verdict \\ns returned Friday for thuplaiutiff , Is the same ono in which , at the preceding trial , njuiy was out for fifty-two hours , standing six to six during the whoio of tmit tlmo. tlmo.Mr. Mr. J. W. D.imon yesterday loft the ban ner apploutTni ; Bun ofllce. It weighs 'M } { ounces and Is 15) ) , ' inches in circumference. It was grown by Mr. Damon In his orchard on Pcrin u venue. The apple is on exhibition In tlio window of this office. Hawkcyo lodge , independent Order of Odd Fellows , llllcu a motor train of three cars Friday evening and visited Omaha as guests of the Omaha Odd Fellows. The Odd i Follows' band of Omaha came ever and es- coiled the visitors to their city. If any of tlio ladles have not received an invitation to the Klscman opening it is be cause of failure to obtain the address before the supply of printed Invitations was ex hausted. The building will hold 5,000 people ple at ono time , and all are welcome. A reception will be given at the new rooms of the Young Man's Christian association , in the Mcrriam blook , on Tuesday evening , September 2 , ut 7:110 : o'clock. The ladies or the W. C. T. U. will servi ) refreshments in their rooms. A cordial invitation is extended to the pu ) llc. The lire bugs are still In the city , as was evidenced by thcirattumpl to lire u building lust cast of the Broadway M. E. church. A bundlu of hay saturated with oil was found next to the building , nnd the boards weru charred , but the lire was put out before it obtained a foothold. Several of the enterprising and kindhearted - hearted merchants of the city uavo fitted outJimmio Davis , the crippled boy here , with clothing , underwear , etc. , and tomorrow row morning ho leaves for Tabor , to enter colloL'O. His career will bo watched with interest by the citizens of Council Bluffs. A largo party of Omatians plcnlclccd in Falrmount park yesterday afternoon. A special train of three cars brought , a number of thu party , but it would not accommodate them all , and the others came on the regular trains. There were about ono hundred and fifty In attendance , Tlnd a most enjoyable tlmo was had. The rain compelled them to return homo earlier than was intended. The German Catholic ladies arc few in numbers but strong m good works. They are working most zealously to make their ha- raur the coming wcekugrand success. Their efforts being laudable and ihuir entertain ments excellent , the public should give them a liberal patronage. The Masonic Temple hall should bo crowded every evening of the bazaar. It opens to-morrow evening with u grand concert. The men who were arrested bore In con nection with the Mint shouting a few days ago , and taken to Nevada , have been Identi fied as persons who were there the day pre vious to the robbery of the jewelry store in that placa u short time ago. The authorities hero were requested to send witnesses most conversant with the facts developed after the arrest In this city , and accordingly three men started for Nevada Faidny evening. The window display nt Kiseman's new store attracted a great deal of attention last evening. Both of the immomo windows on tlio lower floor were very artistically draped and trimmed by the veteran dry goods dra per , Phil Atirons , to whom the greatest credit Is due. The west winllow Is devoted to dress goods , and the east window to lin ens. Kltner of the windows , is u marvel , and it Is sofo to say that they will bo admired by thousands during the coming week. The Avoca grand jury , for the east end of the county , is investigating two seduction cases this term Onu of them , it is said , has been settled by the payment of $1,800 to the prosecuting witness. The general feeling of the neighbors and these acquainted with the facts , however , Is with the defendant. It Is alleged to bo n case of blackmail , but tlio story told by thu prosecuting witness was so straight that the defendant preferred to set- tie than to go to the penitentiary , as ho ab solutely ruiused to marry the girl. Tno case Is still attracting a great dual ot atten tion , und disinterested parties Btato that the end is not yet , . B. Wndsworth & Co. loan monoy. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call und examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co. ' The Now Ogden , Council Bluffs , finest and largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial men. Attend the W. 1. Bus.collcgo.Councll Bluffs. I * If Kcatiiirprc8orlptlonsand ( drucs , 505 B'd'y , Chapman's art parlors will bo thrown open to the public on Monday and Tuesday uveii' ings. IfI House and lot for $1. Buy your tickets In grand drawing to we will not have to dofoi I rulllo. Sou' notice In special columns , this pugu.Western Western Lumber and Supply Co. , 13th anil 14th streets and "d and M nvenuos , carry tlu largest atock of lumber , piling polutloillme cement und building material In the west B. W , Raymond , manager. Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway. Grand Concert , The following Is the programme for the German Cathollu ladles' uazaar , on Monday evening , at the Masonic totuploi Quartette. . . . , GleoClnl Messrs. Wnscott , Ogden Allen and Mo- Dennld. Guvott ( original ) for violmcollo. . . Mr. John Brov.'n. of Omahi Duel , . . . . . . . .Missus Merkol and Portortloli Solo Mr. F. Wcscot Duet. , , . . , . . , Clarinet and Corno Mobarj , A. Kurbach , ol.Oaiuha , and Perrj Budollct. Quartet , ' . , , , Messrs , Wcseott , Ogden , Allou und Me Doruild , Solo Miss Palme Flute Solo , , , Perry Budolle Solo. , . . . , . . . . , , , . Philip Pasoha Solo , . . . .MissOllvo Solo MM. Thorntoi The admission will bo 'J5 conU. Suppoi served at U o'clock. Got FountainCoclgar , next Klsomau block i J. C. Blxby , guaranteed stoaiu heating , 33 Broadway , THE PRIDE OF THE BLUFFS , Such IB Acknowledged to Bo the Now Blaoraan Blook. THE CHIMES OF THE CREEDS. The Wolf Club's Hounds The Grnnil fury Will Invcptlscato the Hpnurs Murder Case A Oltl/.pn Do- ItlfUUU MIS The I'rldn of Council BlufN. Simultaneous with the completion of the now bridge across the Missouri wan the com mencement of the modern nnd comodlous 'our-story ' dry goods palace , with nearly ono aero of salesrooms , erected by Henry Klso * nnn .t Co. , of Council Bluffs , la. , at a cost of (100,000. Never , slnco the rebuilding of Chicago , lias any city of the west possessed such inherent advantages In building as docs this city. The Etsoman block Is sur- msscd by few of its kind In the United States. Its Interior arrangement , llnlbhlngs nnd embellishments nro exceedingly line , while the beauty of Its atchltcctural dcslim s not surpassed anywhere. Thcro are larger structures but none bettor. This modern novel structure has produced such a wonderFul - Ful change In our Broadway appearance , owe ring nigh above nil others us it docs , that wo feel our city looks qultn metropoli tan. Its courteous proprietors have leaped from the ranks of their competitors and lukon their proper place with these whoso lives are Intensely active , whoso methods tro I'osmouolitan und who set the pace for the rest of their followers , Entering this grand emporium of fashion through the commodious Broadway doors of French pluto glass and veneered panels , you stand bewildered , doubting oven your nvn o\es. But this is only the entrance. The reporter for Tuu BCD was allowed a glimpse ut , the greater treat which awaits yon the interior display. No pains huva been spared to make this u sight worth seeing , und all , from the little tattler to the gruy-liuircd , will go into ocstucy when they meet tliuir fancy m the Loy department or sco a famous Ucgattu silk , Luxor or Satin da Floru In all the handsome combinations and shades of Mordoro , Sasu- fraa , Vieuxrouge , Brnnzedoro , Veronese , ( a beautiful compromise between terra cotta and crushed strawberry ) , Vurte , n peculiar green , or Florida , the queen of shades , In company with the delicate tints in velvet and plushes , both novelty stripes and plaids , marvelous to bnhnld. Across the aisle is the 100 feet of fixtures , loaded with importations of dress goods in all the latest colorings , both plain and fancy , representing the medium as well as .ho richest uroductions of foreign lunds. Stepping on down this broad atslo , pausing only a moment to View the line array of Scotland's spotless and checkered damasks nnd doylies , inter spersed with Germany's boastful reds which are neighboring with the nameless varieties of muslins , flannels and sloths , letting only their friends , the high-colored prints , out shine them on the uoposite side , and you find yourself surrounded by a monster stock of ladies' nnd gents' hand and machine sewed kangaroos , French kid nnd Doneola shoes , while suspended from racks hung the moru Utractivo pumps and fancy evening slippers. The cast aisle has been given over to the men's and boys' portion , the tables nnd shelving being covered to their utmost with everything from u four-in-hand , a working- man's jumper , a little one's jersey or kilt to u groom's precise lilting black. Passing hur riedly on to the west nortlon of the main lloor , not anticipating justice to the number less notions , you Hint brocaded velvet and satin combination ribbons , the great 1'aris exposition button , ( Huntenawveauti ) , escu- rlal point lace , Gimpure-Persian trimmings in delicate tints and high colored hosiery , from infants to adults in the purest silk aspd , when suddenly you are attracted us u bee from its hive by the sweet perfumes from New Mown Hay and pleasant scented' soaps. Landing on the second floor by means of the latest improved elevator , you find your self confronted by a vicious looking African leouard , representing the fur Industry of this country. Tripping along noiselessly over brussels , hero and there passing an outstretched cat or wolf robe , you find you are lost ( as it wcro ) among the innumerable racks of comfortable English walking jackets , princess , or the uioro stylish paletat. towing hero and there to u graceful form at tired in a lovely tea gown or delicate robe do chumbiM. Silk chineel portieres hnnir in festoons separating the Mackinaw and California olankctsor acceptable eiderdown comforts from the glass cases of plush and sealskin wraps , thu $1,000 b'ridal veil , etc. , and thus we arc issued to u third story , the children's department , where Noah and his ark nnd very describable fowl and animal are float ing in peace among the perfect sea of im ported toys. The fourth story being used for reserve stock , little remains to bo said of it. It would bo only Justice to give a r.ioro minute and interesting description of this beautiful dry goods palace to which yourself and friends are cordially invited and attend the grand formal opening on Monday and Tuesday evenings , Septem ber 23 and 34. Aside from the building Itself , which stands without u peer In.tho west , a palace of steel and plutn class , a trip from Omaha and any of the neighboring cities will be well repaid by an evening spent in examining thu splendid exposition of goods from every land and cllmo under the suii. No descilp- tlon of the building can do it Justice. It is n palace of products that every mart In thu world has been called upon to surrender for the pleasure and profit of the people of Council Bluffs und Omaha. Klseman's annual openings have long boon events in this county , but the forthcoming ono will so far surpass anything of the kind over attempted before that there will bu no comparison. Special electric motor trains will carry the ladles and'gcutlomon from Omaha. The trains will slop und start in front of the entrance. This exposition has cost us much as the Omaha fair or thu Sioux City corn pulace , and the mussivo doors will bo thrown open to the multitude without money and without price. If any of the Omaha ladies have not received invitations It is because of failure to obtain the address nnd u general Invitation Is now extended them. IComo und sea the finest establish ment In every respect between the great lakes and the Pacific ocean. Steam nnd hot water heating , first-class ulumblng , Work done in both cities. John Gllnert , 518 Pearl strcot. Council Bluff 8. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'wy , O. B. Musio Co. , KISBroadwny. * Hereafter our store will bo open until 0 o'clock p. m. John Huno & Co. Practicing ; For tlio I Mr. B , B , Young organized a singing cluss Thursday nlijht at Mueller's Muslo hull , for the purpose of practicing some heavy choruses which are to bo re ndorcd n the Gllmoru festival In Omaha on the 21th of next month , The chorus ts to bo composed of slneors from Omaha and the Bluffa , and Mr. Young Is desirous of securing as largo an attendance as possible. "The Heavens Are Tolling" was rehearsed Thursday night. . Only about thirty were on hand , which Is about ono-ilfth of the number Council Bluffs should send. The second rehearsal will be held on Thursday next at tbo sumo place. The concert will bo under the auspices of the Apollo club , and there will bu eight of the leading artists of the country present , besides the band , Money loaned nt LU. . Craft's fc Co'a loan nfllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kliulu , nnu all GUI or articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. ICelley & Younkrrman sell groceries. Chase and Sanborn colToes a specialty. Tlio Hpcan Murtlt-r Thocaso of Theodore Brown , the BUS- peetod murderer of William Spears , was taken before the grand jury yesterday morn ing , und subiuuua * Issued for about a uozeu witnesses , A stated yesterday , the nvl- deuce against Brown 1 * wholly circumstan tial , no motive for tlio commission of the crlnio having us yet developed. Brown do mes any complicity In the crlmo , and assorts that ho wna In Omaha on the evening when the crlmo U supposed to bnvo been commit ted , but falls to clearly explain his where abouts. Ho suys that ho boarded n motor train at the Northwestern depot about 9 o'clock , but III * movements previous to that time are not explained , The authorities admit that ho may hnvo taken the car for Omaha , as ho states , and still Ira n party to the murder , as the crime , so far as Is known , was committed about 8:80 : , which would give the murderer tune to get to the rlaco above designated bofora 0 o'clock. They are still nosltlvo that they have the right man , or ono of the right men. nnd the pollco are now working to find a clue that would develop a motive for the commission of the terrible deed , * See the lamb at the Masonic , temple tins coming week. It will bo voted to the meek est butcher. A walk ever the four lloors of the Council Bluffs Furniture Co. , 407 Broadway , will show the finest linn of all grades of furni ture In the city. Every plcco is bought for cash , shipped direct from factory In car lots and the benefit of every discount is glvrn the purchaser. An examination of the goods nnd an inquiry conco'iiilng prices will bu profita ble to every person who doslros to buy any thing in the furniture line , Always on If you wish to purchase n good and reliable watch ! 5 per cent less than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at nnco and make your own selection at C. B. Jucquomln ft Co. , 27 Main street. The niuhiH ol'Corporations. E. L. Strmgor , n lineman In the employ of tlio tulcphono company , was yesterday hold to the grand jury in the sum of f'00 by Squire Sehurz , on the charge of malicious trespass. The complaint was filed by Mr. George Graves , who alleged that , the defendant - fondant , in pursuit of Ills duties as nn em ploye of the company , trosspassud unon his grounds and cut down a number of trees. The trees interfered with the lines of the company , BO Graves trimmed them so as to leuvo-u space of about four feel both nbovo nnd below thn wires. The owner of the property thought there hud been too much trimming done , In fact much more than was absolutely necessary , and therefore decided to find out In court just what rights' he had in the matter. Sinilra Sehtir/ concluded that It was a question for the higher court to settle , so bound over the defendant. The case will bo tvalchod with considerable In terest , as there nro n number of citizens who would like to know whether or not their shade trees must bis sacrlllced when the erccilon of telcnhono or telegraph Hues de mand It. Flno dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173. Fulrinouiit Pnrk. The beautiful gem of Council Bluffs sot amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant bnughs of forest trees. The most de lightful place imaginable for picnics , tennis parties and < iulct rambles. Tukotho electric motor cars bridge line which lands passengers ia the very heart of the park. Fura from Omaha to the park only 10 cents. The park is owned and controlled by tlio city authorities and tbo best of good order is nn forced. . Desirable dwellings for rent at numerate prices. E. H. Sheafe & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Held Up in n Box Car. Elmer McClure , son of J. McClure , n motor conductor , started to Carroll a week ago to visit friends and nriko some collec tions for his father , in company with u young friend. The two started from Carroll for Arcadia on Saturday evening , boarding an empty freignt car. After getting out of Carroll a short distance two men. supposed to bo connected with tbo road , climbed into the car and ono of them covered the two young men with u revolver. McClure's com panion Jumped out of the car , hut ono ot the men held McClure and tcok all thu money ho had , about $10 , and his father's gold watch , which he carried. They then com pelled him to jump from the car while the train was in motion. C. 13. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Finest market in city J. M. Scanlan's. Buy 25c worth of Fountains at the Foun tain cigar store and get a chance in the South Omaha lotto bo rallied November 25. Tube paints 7J cat Chapman's on store. > Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing ut E. Burhorn's. E. H. Sheafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents and care of propnrty m the city nnd vicinity. Charges moderate. Onico Broadway and Main streets. "The Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y Dr. Murphyopticiau , room 21(5 ( Morrlam blk ; The Co ursine ClubN K-nnol. The Coursing club has started out with the nvowud Intention of securing one of the finest packs ot hounds to bo found In the country. They now have sixteen nnd have ordered eleven more , besides having an agent now on the road looking up others. One of the dogs lust ordered is a Phila delphia prize winner , and is guaranteed keen-scented and fast enough to run in the lead of any pack in the country. The club pays { 50 for him. They have also contracted with a dog 'fancier nt Dan villa , Vu. , for a lit ter of puppies not yet born. The pups are to bo delivered hero in January , and thu con tract pncu Is an oven 3100 and express charges , Negotiations are also pending for the purchase of about twenty other dogs in various parts of the country , some of them belonging to the most fashionably bred knn- uols of the south. The dogs purchased in clude fox , wolf , stag and deer hounds , both American und Scotch , thoroughbreds and crosses. In a few instances a strain of bull terrier blood Is Introduced to glvo the neces sary Krit and fighting qualities to make the dog of value ut the llnish. The club pro poses to breed first cluss wolf hounds hsrn- after , paying particular attention to pedi gree as well as to Individual merit , Thn Boston Store Continues to lead in low prices In Council Bin Its and.Is . dully thronged by purchasers. Selling dry goods at. eastern prices has been a fixed fact since thu Boston store was opened. To-morrow they will offer for snlo the largest line of hosiery and underwear In the city at prlcos that will astonish you. These goods nro new and of the best quality. The ladles must sco them to appreciate them. , Ijilid to Kc.-Ht. The funeral of Miss Julia J. tSullIvan , ono of the most popular and capable teachers over employed ia the public schools of this city , took place yesterday morning , at 0 o'clock. The obsequies were very Impres sive. A solemn reauiom mass was cele brated at St. Francis Xivler's church , with the Kov. Father Llnohau , of Boone , u rola- tlvn of the deceased , as celebrant , Father Malay as deacon. Father Daxacker sub- deacon and .Father MoMenomy , master of ceremonies. A touching tribute to the virtues and worth of the departed spirit , was paid in Kov. Father Llnohan's sonnon. From tbo church , tbo cortege , whlcu was ono of the largest ever seen in this city , wended the way to the Catholic cemetery wheru the last sad rites weru performed. An linpreialvo feature of the concourse as sembled to pay linul respects to the deceased was her former clauBinulcs ut St. Francis ac.idemy who inarched In the procession to the cemetery. The palj-bearcrs were Messrs. Ed. Wlcklmm , John Connors , John Mulqucen. Thomas Huqbes , John Fitzpatrick - rick and Hubert Tinloy. Tire deceased was born In Now Haven , Conn. , but removed to this city with her parents , when very small , and resided hero the greater portion of her llfo. She was twenty-two years of age. - Among the attractions for the EUoman opening to-morrow and Tuesday evening , is a 11,1)00 bridal vail. The Italics will go In ccstucles ever it. ONE VASTlHtEASORB" STORE Ex-OonRrossman Cummlnpta Wrltoa Enthualaatloally or the Blaok Hills. FORTUNES FOR THE THOUSANDS. Wonilorful DtT oloiincnti 1'r.omlROil In thu Two Dntotixs rhnr Httvo Tin An AJAinilant Supply ' otjailiicrnls. The Honvor of the HIHs. I plant ! nt the gntowtiy of.tho Black Hills , tiftor passing through ono of the great granaries of the tuition , writes Amos J. Gummings to the Now York Sun in ti letter datotl Rapid City. The granary excites wonder nnd admira tion. Wastes that supported a few thousand savages not many years ago nro now raising grain and produce enough to sustain 3l,000,000 people. It is iv granary so largo and fertile that it might easily bo made to food double that number. It covers Illinois. Town , Nebraska and South Dakota. The iirst two states comprise the old wing of the building , and the last two a now wing. The old wing is nearly complete In its furnishings , but tlio now ono is hardly lloorod and roofed. The latter has mar velous possibilities and supreme proba bilities. Towns tire springing up within it hko mushrooms in a sheep pasture. Steady streams of immigrants tire pouring over its ( iron. Its growth is stimulated by valuable mineral re sources , in the llrst stage of develop ment. The valleys of the score of streams issuing from the Blade Hills nre beginning to tocm with life , anil the opening of tlio great Sioux reservation will undoubtedly develop n , boom rival ing if not surnassiug that of Oklahoma. .A thousand great fortunes nro to bo culled here within the next live years , and hundreds of thousands of farms lira to bo staked out and cultivated. Corn seems to bo a staple crop in South Da kota as well us in Nebraska. The bottoms toms nro apparently especially adapted to its culture. Some farmers grind the cobs and Uoo the dust in making vine gar. When thus treated it is said that tlio vinegar Hours sooner and becomes much sharper. Christian connoisseurs have evidently not discovered that it also gives-tho vinegar a tang that re calls the llavor of corn whisky. Toward sundown n cool breeze ran over the prairies. Dark clouds gath ered in the west , and tlio sky looked very threatening. An hour later the wind whistled liercely and the rain foil in torrents. There was neither light ning nor thunder. ' The parched earth gratefully absorbed * the moisture , nnd the train turnoU northward , crossing the line of thq new btato about mid night. Wo were among what is known as the sand hills , the only un productive tomtoj-y in South Dakota. Old sottlurs who were passentrors thanked Gotl tfial the straiigers could see it. They say , nowevor , that it is a fair country for summiir grazing , but. that no stock can live there in the win- tor. The grass is'tliln and the faotl poor. At times a porsiatont settler builds a Bodhutnnd tries to eke outa living , but in almost ev/jry case ho is finally driven out by starvation. Even prnirio hens avoid the sandhills. Rubbits anil prairie dogs are about the only game seen. Daylight still found us in thisundoloc- table region. As the Black Hills dimly lined the horizon , there was n chuniro. Tiny huts began to appear. They wore the nucleus of small stock farms. Wire fences again lined the track , and the soil began to resemble that of the onion patch.es In Orange county , N. Y. It was as black as William M. Evnrt's hat. Little roads ran between the hills , and a few small fields of corn brightened the landscape. The stalks nnd oars , however , bore no comparison to these in the Elkhorn valley. Small herds of horses were browsing on the short dun grass. Furrows had boon turned for miles along the track to prevent prairie fires from spreading. The Bluek Hills at last loomed boldly above the foothills. They are rightly named. They tire as black as was the storm cloud on the previous evening. The land grow bettor still. It is all cut up in little farms. Turkeys roamed around the little cabins , and Hocks of wild uovcs and blackbirds tilled the air. Meadow larks shot right nnd loft , frightened by the rumbling of the train , but no English sparrows were scon. They have no yet appeared west oJ the Missouri rivor. Passing the little town of Hermosa , the train' swept on to Rapid City through a country increasing in tidi ness and fertility. Bands of horses were grazingon the hills ami in the val leys. It is a region prized by breeders of those animals. There are ever ! ! 0,0l)0 ) head of horses now gra/.ing within twenty-five miles of this main entrance to the Black Hills. Rapid City bus about 4,000 inhabitants. In iivo years it ought to have 20,01)0. ) It fills the golden gate loading to the mineral ro- gions. It is really the Denver of South Dakota. It occupies rplativoly the same natural nnd commercial position as thu Rocky Mountain city. Put the South Pintle in the pluco of the Rapid river and you will have the Denver of eight een years ago. The city is dosUinod to bo a railroad center , as well as the main outlet of the hills. Several roads have already boon surveyed across the Sioux reservation. When the Northwestern brunch is completed the city will have an air-lino routd to Chicago , it will then ho withln.twonty-fnur hours of the great western dmporium , and only fortv- eight hours from Now York. Rapid City is built of brick baked in tlio Rapid valley hear by. It has inex haustible quai'i'les of red sandstone , limestone and granite almost within a rillo shot. Thpy will hereafter give employment to hundreds of men , for as the plains are Battled the demand for building material will bo immense. Excellent lire brick is also rondo here , Electric carbon * Hood the streets with light at night'Unii ' cun bo soon glim mering like Btaru'of the first magnitude for miles down , | the valley. Coal has also boon discovered a mile from the city at a depth of , 700 foot. Them is any quantity of iron in the mountains not far away. Marble quarries also await development. But the great fac tor in the future wealth of the city will undoubtedly be the tin mines. There is no longer any doubt that the tin is hero and In Innro paying quantities. At least & 'J,000,000 have already boon in vested in them , nnd this is only the be ginning. The mines onoirclo the cone known as Harnoy's Peak. A survey for a railroad running through the tin district from Rapid City is already beIng - Ing made. The road will undoubtedly bo built within two years. A real os- tuto boom will probably follow , and the scones witnessed in Denver twelve yearn ago repeated. The city has several hanks nnd churches , two daily nowbjiapora , and good hotels nnd restaurants. There is u foundry and two grain mills. The state university of mines IB u feature of the place. The only sign of border life is found near by . It rends thus : JIM JUSTICE , As to morality and educational facili ties , tho'clty compares favorably with many tiGoil-fcarlng Now England town. It is the county seat , and the county democratic convention has passed reso lutions favoring prohibition , to the con sternation of many n reform Pharisee , Land near the city is worth from $100 an aero up. Elsewhere in South Da kota farms may bo bought for from $5 to $50 an acre , according to their distance from the railroad. There are a few quarter sections Btlll open to preemption tion , but the great rush will come when the bioux reservation IBolllclally thrown open to settlement. Then this bin of the great national granary will begin to fill with grain so rapidly as to cause the eyes of u Pharoah to bulge , with oven seven years of famine in view , A Woman's Proprr fiphore. Says Marion Harland : "I would guard no" point , jealousy. Rightly filled , there is enough in the sphere of wife , housekeeper and mother to satisfy any woman , whatever may bo her aspira tions. Of all forms of winning senti mentality I have the least patience with the cry for a higher mission than that of home making and child rearing. As the sum of over thirty years' observa tion ot this form of intellectual unrest and the perusal of hundreds of letters from malcontents , i assort , without fear of Contradiction , that the unfortunates who raiso'tho lamentations arc in the proportion of a thousand to one , and they are these who are the least fit to take the lowest scat in the woman's kingdom.1 A luit nnil cauo will bo voted to the most reliable mutineer ut the Gorman Catholic bazaar : Among the candidates immcd nro Hums , of the O. , H. I. & P. : Folemsborg , C. & N. W. : Huldvvin , C. , M. & : St. P. ; Tuvlor , Union Puaillc ; Coehlln , O. & St. L. ; Fonda , Union Pacific ; Clark , C. , M. & St. P. ; Kog- ers , C. , U. I. & P. ; Kogerson , W. , St. L. & P. ; Blair , C. & N. W. _ Kisemati luis a single lace slmwl Unit cost $1,000 to import. It will be on exhibition ut the opening. Among < hn Church Folk. The Pilgrim Congregational Sumluy school will meet at II p. in. , comer of Ninth street and Avenue A. All Saints' Clmpul Sunday school. 3 p. m. Service Wednesday evening , 7:1)0 : ) p. in. Kcv. T. J. MncKu.y , rector. Second Presb.vtcrian Church Services this afternoon at ! 1 o'clock. Sabbath school ut 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening , at 7:1)0o'clock. : ) Fourth Avenue Methodist Near Seven teenth street. Preaching by the p.istor ut 10:30 a.m. Sunday school , : ) p.m. Prayer meeting Tuesday , 7:80 : u. m. Y. M. C. A. The opening service will beheld held In the new rooms In Mcrriam block this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Everyone , ladies as well us gentlemen , cordially nivite.l. Broadway M. 13. Church Preaching nt 10:30 : a. m. , and TJO : ! p. m , , by the nastor , D. C. Franklin. Sunday sctiool at 13 in. Class meeting at ( > :30 : p. m. A cordial Invitation extended to all. Congregational -Services to-day , morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject , "How to be Kcmcniberud. " Evening , "Homo Good Advlcn. " A cordial invitation is extended. - First Baptist Church Preaching by the pastor at 10 : . ' ! ( ! a. m. and 7 : 0 i > : n. Subject for ovcnlnc , "The Nature of Future Punish ments. " Sunday school 13 in. Young pee ple's meeting , ( i)0 : : ) p. m. All cordially wel comed. Trinity Methodist Church South Main street , opposite Eighth avenue. Preaching by the pastor at 7 ; ! ) ( ) p. m. Young people's meeting. 7 p. m. Sunday school , 2:30 : p. in. Snciul meeting , 10:30 : u. m. Prayer mooting , Wednesday , 7:30 : p. m. " ' Saint Paul's Church Divine service to- d.iy at 10:30 : u. m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school , 12:15. Hlblo class , l-ir . Sermon topics Morning , "Gratitude ; " evening ser- nion , "Looking Backward. " Young men and strangi rj always cordially welcomed to these serviie J. T. J. Mackny , rector. First Presbyterian The pastor. Rev. Stephen Phelps , will preach ut 10:30 : a.m. ; subject , "The Armies of the Living God ; " and at 70 : ! ! p. m. ; subject , "Never Man Spuko Line This Man. " Sabbath school at 13 , and young people's meeting at 0:30 p. m. Strangers and others cordially invited. nasmusscn sells wall paper at co t ; also painting done ut low llgurcs. No. 13 North Main. Main.W. W. W. Chapman's art parlors will bo open to the public on Monday and Tuesday even ings. A cordial invitation is given all to come and sec the finest art rooms In the west. west.W. W. W. Chapman's opening will occur Mon day and Tuesday evenings. Personal I'nracrnpliH. Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Gorham loft yesterday on a western trip. Miss Nollle Draper , of Red Oalr , has re turned homo after a week's visit here. Mrs. W. H , Wakollold returned home last qvoning from an extended eastern trip. Will It. Huntington , of Now York City , Is hero with his wife on a fortnight's vacation. Miss Uosslo Kich has returned homo from a threu weeks' visit with friends at Shcnun- doah. doah.Mrs. Mrs. William Wells , of Doono , is visiting her daughter , Mrs. F. B. Warner , on Wash ington avenue. Miss PiiHslo Groom has returned from u six weeks' visit to Colorado Springs , and other points of interest in Colorado. Mrs. E. C. Hunt returned last evening from a ten days' visit with her parents nt Lincoln. Her father , Mr. E. S. Pasli , ac companied her homo. A. Coolny , of Jersey City , civil engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad , arrived in the city yesterday , on a visit to his parents , Kcv. and All's. D , H , Cooley , D. P , Phelps , superintendent of the Weir Plow company , of Monmouth , 111. , and vlcu president of the Woir-Shurgart company of this place , is in the city. , J. W. Klch and wife , who have been visit ing their son , C. M , It'ch ' and family for some time , loft yesterday morning tor Crawford county , to visit their daughter , Mrs. Conrad , Now Pacific House , best hotel In the city. (1.50.per day. Meals 3.r c. A UKB reporter stopped yesterday at Dompsuy & Butler's candy factory , 105 Main street , und found it to bo the busiest pluco on the street. Tlio.v were making everything that could bo made of sugar und sweetness. The Oild Follows. COI.UMIIUS. O. , Sept. 21. The sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows to-day author ized the grand lodge of Dakota to divide the jurisdiction at the next annual mooting , and authorized the grand slro to grant a charter to the grand encampment of North Dakota. The constitution was amended to provide for thu election of ofllccrs of the grand ledge an nually Instead of biennially , and permitting Bttito and territorial grand bodini to muko laws disqualifying parsons engaged In the sain of intoxicating beverages from member ship in the order. A resolution providing for an eighteen year membership amend ment to lay over until next season , was ro jectcd. 'J ho nrothorliooil of tJoniluctoM. Los AxdEMis , Cal. , Sept. 21 , The Broth erhood of Railroad Conductors closed its first annual convention hero yesterday. George W. Howard , of 13vansvJllo , Ind. , was elected Grand Chief for the ensuing year. The next session will bo hold In Toledo , O. , September 18 , 1800. Now MRXIUU'U convention , SANTA Fe , N. M. , Sept. 31. The work of the conbtltutlonal convention is nearly com pleted. It now look * as though congress will bo asked to consider the constitution and give Now Mexico an enabling act before thu people of the territory have an opportunity to pans on it , CANADA'S HIVAIj SCOilKS. A Denver Hank Teller lIinlKtntcs to Mexico. DISNVKII , Cole , Sept. 21. ( Special Tolo. gram to Tnr. Bun. ) The fact developed here this afternoon that .Tamos P. Williams , the receiving toiler of the First National bank , has absconded mid Is $4,000 short In his ac counts. Williams has been leading a ( ast lifo lately , nntl not long slnco was discharged for drunkenness , Ills father interceded nnd had him reinstated. A wrok ngo lioVns Riven a short vacation , an 1 with hU wife went to the mountains. Ho returned tlio next day , and the day following ho loft the city. The suspicions of the bank onlolnls wcro not aroused until n letter was re ceived from his wife enquiring as to bis whereabouts. An Investigation by detectives revealed the fact that ho had cone to Mexico and that tlio bank was * 3,000 short. The bank officials were rotlclont , nnd at first dcnlod the facts. In an Interview to-night Williams' father practically admit * the entire truth of the story. The neighbors assort .that Williams was Intlmato nt the poker room , frequented by Wells , who last spring hold up President Mo ( Tut for (31,000. Indeed he was talking with a friend ofVolls' while Moffilt was bolng robbed , and there are suspicions that hu knew of nnd was In with the deal. Williams is re spectfully connected In this city. AN APe Tlio FriMUjh Government MaKes Amends For Atiicrloaii ArrostH. WASHINGTON , Sopt. 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB UKII.I The government , of the United Statoi and the Fronoh hnva finally reached n peaceful sQttlomont of the diplo matic complications arUIng from the nrrost ami discourteous treatment of Miss Dorr , Miss Van Nostrnnd nnd another Now York lady by the French police authorities nt Mcntono. These ladles were arrested and thrown Into a cell at the Instanuo of n dress maker , with whom they bad a dispute over n bill. Minister Heed has. finally boon aolo to elicit from the Fratiuh government , nn expla nation inirt an nnnlogy , with a notice that thj offending ofllcials- had been reprimanded. These I'acts were communicated to the com plainants , nnd as they have expressed thorn- selves as entirely uaUsIlod with the mo.isuro of reparation , the incident may bo regarded as closed. THAN Hlj.VCIi. RiVRT. Another Wisconsin Hotibcr AVIio IMnkos n Hie Haul. Huiiiiv : , Wis. , Sept. 21 , The sufo in the Union Exchange bank hero was blown open last night and $ 10,805 stolon. The monov was to pay the miners of the Ashland and Germany mines. The money was sent from Ashland , Wis. , and arrived hero about 9 o'clock , and was to have boon used to pay off the minors to-day. The cash ier put the money Insldo of the iron vault and loft shortly after 9o'clock. A light was loft burning In the ofileo , and a few minutes after 9 n man wa'j seen working at the safe , but ho had on the cashier's ofllco co.it and nothing was thought of It by these who passed the bank. The cashier returned shortly after U o'clock , when ho discovered the money was missing. Actlvn measures were then taken to got after the robbers , but no trace of them has boon found. Not even the famtost clue was left by the bold burglars. The door of the vault had not been marred and it was onencd by some ono who hal learned the combination. There were only two men supposed to bo in possession of it , Cashier Reynolds and As sistant Cashier Leonard Porrln. The exact amount stolen was § 30,895. iTho robbers were evidently in too much of a hurry to take the small silver , and § 1,805 was left behind. The United States Express company Is the loser of the monoy. They did not deposit it in thelbauk , but merely left it there for safe keeping over nitfht when it would bo doliv- piedtotho consignee , Manager William P. 'Lyon , of the Ashland and Gennanla mines. A AVAR MUS1CUM. The Informal OprnliiR of Libby Prison. CHICAGO , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to Tnc BKE. | The Llbby Prison War museum flung its flag to the breeze last nl ht and had an informal opening for invited guests , pre paratory to the grand and permanent open ing for the general public this evening. A score or two of ncwspauer men and many Veterans who had inhabited the old prison twenty-live years ago were In attendance and drank fragrant punch in the very room In which they munched corn-cob broad and drank pea gruel in ISM. TliOHcone was both thrilling and humorous. The oflleers of the Institution uliowcul the guests around the vast and quaint old build ing , and the horns dwindled to minutes while they held communion with the relics and the memories of oygono bloodshed and heartbreak. This evening the formal open ing occurred and u multitude thronged to tlio unique spectacle. AN OIIj UKK1NURY FIRK. Leonard & Kills' Kxtonslvc WorkH nt Klincly Siilc , VJ < Destroyed. NEW YOUK , Sept. 21. Flames burst from ono of the filter houses of Leonard & Ellis' extensive oil rclinorios at Shady Side , Hud son county , N. J. , last night and in a few minutes the whole building was a mass of flames. The lire was-cominunlcatnd to the 'adjoining filter houses , which' like the first one contained hundreds of barrels of refined oil. The firm manufactures roflncd and ker osene oil , and the works were composed of about fifteen buildings and six or eight oil tanks. 'J hreo ( liter houses contained about ono thousand barrels each of refined oil. The buildings and contents wore totally de stroyed. It is roughly estimated that the total loss is $500,000. THIS 1C. OK 1 ; . HARD UP. No Fiuuls to I'ny tlio Snlurio * of OlUolnls. PiTrsiiuito , Pa. , Sept. 21. The Leader will publish a Htory to-morrow , on reliable authority , to the effect that the ontlro execu tive board of thu Knights of Labor has been suspended , bojauso of there bolng no money In the general treasury to pay their salaries , also that all the general lec turers , with thu possible exception of Wright , have liecn called in for thu same reason. Powdorly IH said to bo preparing his rosignatlon , which ho will present to the general assembly In Atlanta , in Novmnbor , for the reason that ho Is not getting his sal ary. Ho will then begin to practice law , JOHN It. NOT AMIIIT10UH. He Doiil-n Kmplmticnlly That He IN n Candlilati ) for ConurnsM. BOSTON' , Mass , , Sopt. 31. ISpooIal Telegram - gram to TUB HUB. I John L. Sullivan loft for Now York nt 11 o'clock UMilnht. Bnfnru starting ho wunwd to make a personal ex planation In reference to his lute position be fore the public as an alleged applicant for political honors. Ho declared that ho never wrote jtho letter to the Now York -Sun announcing his candidacy fora congressional nomination , and when It nnpearod looked upon it as u joke until ho lias seen ft has been taken seriously and placed him In a ridiculous position. Ho will inaKu his first duty upon reaching Now York to cause the Sun to mane a retraction. Wiirnui and Noble Laiivn Door Park. DKI : PAUK , Md. , Sopt. 21. Secretory Noble and Major Warner lof t here this morn ing , the secretary for Washington nnd Warner - nor for Kansas City. The appointment of thu pension commissioner was not made to day , Convention nt Wilkenlinrro. Pa. , Sopt. 21. The only business of Importance at the miners' con vention to-day wi the oleujlon of oflleen * and the appointment of delecatc * to the Ben- oral assembly nt Atlanta In November John B. Una was elected innstor workmap. The convention adjourned In the afternoon to moot nt Columlma , O. , on Soptouibtr 9 , WITHDRAWS. No Pens I on CoiitmlHiloitcr Appointed Yet , LAWiinvon , Mass. , Sent. 31. Major Mer rill this morning tolograpliod Mnjor Warner , In Washington , absolutely withdrawing bis ( .Mori-Ill's ) name from nil consideration In connection with the ofllco of uonslon uommla * sloncr. _ _ _ _ _ S rnniRlil | > Arrlvnln , At Now York The Utnbrlu , from Liver * pool , nnd the Utigla , from Hamburg. At London SiRhtod , the Russian Prlnco , from Baltimore for Antwerp , nnd the Crown Prlnco , froai Philadelphia for Dun kirk. kirk.Glasgow Glasgow Manltobian from PhUadolphln * More ofSykos' Hlno. CIIIOAOO , Sept. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tun Dm : . ] The grand jury to-day found two moro Indictments ngalnst James \V. Sykos , the notorious warehouse receipt swindler. Both are for issuing fraudulent ) warehouse receipts and will bo turned Into court Monday. TWO TOlJGIl MHN. They nroVclchotl , Found Wanting nnd Snnt Over thu Mill. Frank Wilson alias Harry Price and John Murphy , two very tough inon , were before Judge Borka yesterday afternoon charged with disorderly conduct. They were found guilty nnd sent to Jail for twenty-llvo days , the first and Jast three on bread and water. Both men have u history. Prlco Is nn old Omaha crook who has served tlmo In almost every state in the union. Ho was Implicated In n diamond robbery at Still Quontln , Cnl. , and nerved six months , Ha has done tlmo In Walla Walla and In Pennsyl vania. A few weeks ago ho wont to Kansas City and was apprehended by Chief Spoors , who exhibited him to the uolico force ami drove him out of town. Ho then went to Lincoln and served ton .dtivs on suspicion. When released he came to Omaha to "turn a trick , " after which ho intended to go to Sioux City and work the corn palace before going south. Murphy is an old-tlmor also , and but recently got ou of the Douglas county Jail for robbery committed at South Omaha. Ho , about n year ago , assaulted ufHcor Hogo nnd was beaten into n Jelly for his pains. ' This Moraine's Itlnzn. The alarm of flro from Box 83 nt 3:55 : this morning was for a lire In Kunno's bakery , on the south side of St. Mary's uvsnuo , between Seventeenth nnd Eighteenth streets. TtiO damage could not bo learned. The Boys In Blue. The Second Infantry arrived nt Fort Omaha last night n few minutes before .9 o'clock. General Wneaton , with his com mand und tlio regimental baud , marched lute the barrack just as the tatto was sound * ing. The camp equipment was unloaded and stored during the night. Eight convicts from Fort Robinson were brought down by the command , dostluod foe Fort Leuvenworth. Kliondes DUmlssod. John Rhoods , the man arrested for shoot ing Constable Mastormin , was tried in po lice court yesterday and discharged , Judge Berka concluding that ho was justified it ) shooting his antagonist , who admitted hav * ing first assaulted him. Ttotton Pnvcinont. On West Dodge street , near the High school grounds , an excavation in the paving has been recently mado. From It seventy- six cedar blocks wcro taken , of winch twenty-eight were very rotten , while the remainder were sound. The pavement was laid in July , 18SS , and is only a little ever a year old. Maud nnd Mnucl. Maud Osborn and Mabel Hcddy was be- lore Judge Borka yesterday Afternoon. Maud and Mabol are ono and the same per * won and was twlco arrnsted on tlio charge of Incorriglblllty. Judco Berlci bound hop over to the district court to bo sent to the reform school. Arre.stnl a I'lokpoutect. William Knubbe , a crook well Mcnown la this city , was arrested by the police at thq Second , ward republican club last night while in the act of picking a man's pocket. SOUTH OMAllA NEWS. Eye Biirniid With Hot Iron. Thomas Lsocc , a blacksmith workingIn ! tha George H. Hammond & Co. smithy , Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock bad a piece of Iron , heated to a white heat , fly up and hit him on the right oyo. The lower lid of the cyo was badly burned , the membrane of thq pupil was so.ired and hot scales were loft in the eyo. A surgeon was ] sum- moncd who removed the scales and gava all possible relief. The attending surgeon hopes to save tlio oyo. The man suftorr tint old agony. Polieninon'H Third Annual Bull. The third annual ball of the police force of South Omaha will bo gtvon in A. O. H. hall' Rowley's block , Wednesday evening , Ooto ber 9. The following committees have been appointed : Printing Messrs Captain Thomas Bron nan. Captain John J. .Sexton and JJowltt O. Anderson. Hall Messrs. John Fallen , Thomas Loonoy and Michael Lay. Music--Messrs. Moses Redmond , Joseph Humpal and Captain Patrick J. McMahon. Reception Mayor William G. Sloauo , Councllmon Ed Johnston , John N. Burka nnd John J. O'Rourko und Marshal James P. Malonoy. i Master of Ceremonies Marshal James P. Malonoy. , J Floor Councilman John McMillan , E. B. I Towl , S. B. Fonno and Frank H , Boyd and Oflieers Moses Redmond , I Do Witt O. Anderson , Martin Spcutlcr unit Captain Thomas Urennan. , Hon. S. B. Fonno and lady will load the grliMd march. I The ofllccrs are making arrange ments to glvo ono of the flutist balu ) over given In the city and will certainly t > ur > pass all others given by the police force. DivlHlon No. : l , A , O. II. Omun. At the special mooting of Division No. Ancient Order of Hibernians , hold Satur day night , it was decided to hold n grand fraternal ball and reception Friday evening , October II , In A. O. H. hall , Kowloy's block. The corum Ittecs appointed nro : General Committee on Arrangements Messrs. John J. Fallen , Bonry IV. Melton * dry and Cornelius P , Hogan. Printing Messrs. Daniel Hannon , Mar shal James P. Mulonoy and Patrick Hi Hoardon. Not -H Ahout tin ) City. Tlokot No. 00 , hold by KoifT & Carlson , ofi n throw ol 41 , won the homo and naJtllo rallied oft Saturday evening by Michael Homer. Ollvola UotolUt ledge , No. .15 , ( Olive Branch loilu'o ) . J. C , D , , will glvo a dunce Saturday evening thu .Kith , In National hull , Twenty-fourth and L stniots. JamosOulgly , of thoOmaha packing force , In III , Miss Bertha Hllllkor , the beautiful little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Billikor , after uliiigtiriiii ; IlliuHK , dl < : d ut7 o'clock Sat urday even lut' . The Maglo City cornet band boys gave ono of their pleasant social dancdj Saturday evening. A good attendance , line inualo und , splendid social tlmumado It ono of the picas * untost of thu noted band dances. The Infant child of Mr. and Mm. JosopU ICunzol is ill , t Anderson Bros , will put a barber shop la the Transit hotmo. The Wcnihor Iowa and Nnbnuka Light rain , southerly wliido , warmer. Dakota Fair , followed by light southerly winds , warmer.