THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1SS9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. S , P , Mon'a Natural Sanitary Wool Night Shirts , Drawers , Sox , direct from the Stuttgart factory , now In Btdck. Wo nro solo agents for the genuine goods. 's Underwear Odds nnd Ends of Whlto and Col ored Seamless Shirts and Drawers carried from last season , worth $1.5O , $1.75 and $2 , in" ono lot next week $1. MEN'S ' UNDERWEAR S1.5O Ribbed Natural Pure Wool , some heavy Winter Balbriggan and flno White Morlno Undershirts and Drawers , worth $2.6O to $3 a gar ment : all at 81.6O. 25c 1OO dozen Men's Past Black Sox , warranted not to discolor the foot or stain the clothing , heavy goods , suitable for Fall worth 60o ; our prlco 26o. 1.25 26 dozen Men's All "Wool Flannel Shirts , reduced from $2 to $1.26 for this solo. E11X STBBET AND DRIVING , Sizes. 7 ,7 EMBROIDERED BAO1CS , Worth ! jl.6O a pair. Wo have some lovely Paris Com bination Suits. Plain Roods , and a beautiful cut velvet panel to match see them in our window at $16 ; worth $25. ANOTHER LOT , $15. Persian Side Band Suits , Fancy Dross Suits-all now worth $2O to $30 ach ; all 816. All Wool Dress Goods , 37k 4O Inches wide , all pure wool , neal cloth effects , worth 05o a yard ; 37Jc next week. All Wool French Haltas , 75c. A now frtbrlo , 4O inches wCdo , Fal and Winter colors and wolwht worth exactly $1.25 a yard ; roduooc to 76a PLAIDS AND STRIPES 65c. 4O Inch all Wool French hair line etrlpos ohooks and plaids , worth 81 for O5o next week. SMORSE&CC LADIES' 100 dozen pure Lisle Thread Stripe and Fancy EToso , ropular Sl.SH nnd SI. 50 qualities , 50cnoxl \voolt. Aienls for Bntterick's ' Pattern , S , P , MORSE & CO , LADIES' ' BLACK Worth 75c. Moat of our cus tomers will re- niombor the colo- brntod Past Black Saxuluino lloao , of hist your. They gave batisfuetion nndvcro thought cheap at 7Cc a pair.Vo closed out the lot the other daysocheap that wo otter thorn ladies' ' Sizes , 35c. 3 Pairs SI. Children's , 5 to 7 inch , 35c. Chilhron's , 7 } to 8 } inch , FRENCH ADCLOTHS. 54 inches wide , all wool , now colors , This cloth is the regular $1.50 quality. MONDAY SALE AND NEXT WEEK , BUT TUB BEST BARGAIN IN OMAHA ! Paris Made , Paris Steam Sponged BROADCLOTH Choicest shades , best quality. A spoolnl Fine light weight , worth $2.50 ; lit $2 yard. Ladies' ' Handkerchiefs , Worth 2-5o. Colored nnd white em broidered and scalloped , ull ICe next wook. wook.HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. A lot of 60-cont rich colored bordered Handkerchiefs , on sale londay at 25c. S , P , MORSE & CO SPECIAL BARGAIN. Children's Eall Qrotohon Cloaks , In daik colors , just the tiling for school wear ; sizes 4 to 1O years ; well worth SO ; our price $3 each ( only a limit o I quantity ) . CHILDREN'S ' CLOAKS , An aeeortodlot of Children's Gr"t- ohon Cloaks , In light and medium shades , Fall' weights ; nstos 4 to 10 years , ranging hi value from $7. SO to $1O ; choice of the lot for $5. liiN'S ' CIRCULARS , Two lots of Children's Peasant Circulars , In ages 6 to 12 years , which will bo offered at nbout half usual pr.oos ; flno cloths , finely fin-1 Ishod ; choice for 86 und $8. Misses' Jackets , Misses' School Jackets , hi medium and heavy weights , assorted styles , ages 12 to 16 years , worth from & 6 to 89 each ; all in ono lot , choice for 63.6O. MISSES' ' JACKETS A good All Wool SoDtoh Cloth , neat stripe , well made and parfect shrpos , suitsble for orenoral wear , ages 12 to 16 years ; a bargain at $5 each. LA TOSCA CORSETS , $2.50. $ Worth $3.50. The inuiiaufaclurors of the celebrated I. C. Corsets wishing to still further popularize those corsets have plncod with us u lot of their $3.50 corsets to soil for $2.50. Colors Cream , \vhitotan , black nnd drab , all sizes. Ladies' Kid Cloves $1.25 $ Now shades green , olive , brown. Sang do Boouf 1 buttons ; o very pair warranted uud fitted to the hand. MARSEILLES 2 qualities in Barlow & Jones' im ported Marseilles Bed Spreads , No , I , $3 , Regular price $4.50. No , 2 , U , Regular price $5.00 , BOTH SPLENDID VALUES. S.P.MORSE&CO gSILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS g Velvets ! Velvets ! Velvet ! Monday , Sept. 23rd Rich , fancy Velvets and Satin. Stripes that were $3.50 and $4 a yard , reduced to $1. to $2 a Yard 2,5OO yards rich Brocades , Facomies , Stripes , over a hundred styles , all colors , velvets , plush novelties , etc , , that are worth from $5 to $6 a yard. On one counter , next week at $2 a yard. Highest French Novelties , B3 That were $16 to $18 a yard. Beautiful rich brocades , plaided plush , royal arinuresin the choicest colors , all reduced to $5. In order that all may have some of this we limit the sale to 2 cakes to a customer , * Black Silk Bargains. Black Silk Monday,580 , 870 , $1.35. $ i-5 ° and $1.76 , worth 500 a yard MORE. Double warp Surahi , worth $2 , Monday. Satin Luxore , $1.35 worth $2 Monday. Black Armure 24 inch wide , worth $2 , for $1.35- Black Faille Francaise , 24 inches wideworth $2 , for $1.50. Importation of English Mackin- fdshRubberGoaisandCircuiars. We received through the Omaha Cus tom House , last Thursday , the first im portation of Ladies' ' and Men's ' Mackintoshes ever brought to Omaha , and shall place them on sale next week. The prices are as low as you pay other h'ouses for cheap domestic coats and circulars. Knotted Fringe Towels , 50c. Worth | i , The finest lot of Towels in the City. Mail orders , filled , S. P. Morse & Co , DOUBLE SATIN TABLE DAMASK , Two yards wide , worth $1.50 , On sale next week. SOLE AGENT FOR The genuine article imported direct from the Stuttgart factory to our store , consisting of Ladies'-and Children's ' Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' ' Combination Suits and Sight Dresses , Children's ' and Men's ' Hlght Shirts. Ladies' ' , Men's and Children's ' Hose , At Same Prices as at the Factory , Plus tlie Duties. TIMS i J" JFIw .MMk. Ai H Fir , mb Dado Window 1,000 rich styles 6 and 7 feer Dado Shades , on best spring fixtures , worth $1next week 50o Scotch Holland Window Shades SOc. Plain colors on best spring fixtures , 6 feet long 50o , worth 85o. Chenille Portieres , plain colorsspring top and bottoms , $7 per pair , worth $15. NOVELTIES. * Silks , Sash Our tains , Hangings , Furniture Oov erings , Brocatelles , etc. Hassocks 25c. Monday in our Carpet Department , a thou sand first class Hassocks , new patterns , well made , worth 750 , 31250. S. P , MORSE & CO