Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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i.i lOH attitude , matnilflecnt Tlevr , parent tr
JLJ-elcgdnt lots , all nt Hninmlt I'nrtc , Bouth
Oin&ha. Kloclrlc motor ; finest suhurbnn r M-
denco proncrtT In the mnrKot , We have trio
largest list. M. A. Upton Co. , ICthand Farnnm
"filOH SAI.K Cnolce fnrms near gobrt tnar-
J-1 kct.1. ctiean nnd term * < * i"y. or will take
good trnde. LotrU & Co , , Htorlinif , Colo.
ONlifnrm of 4dincrcs In Tftgo county. Iowa.
One tnrm of ,1"0 acres In Ailams county , la.
One ( arm of 1 > 0 acres to Itock county , Neb.
One farm ot 1C ) acres In Orand Forti , Dak.
Alno Mndormaa hotel furniture , Clarimta , In.
L All of the above described property mint bo
I eloied out In olxtr ilays , regardless ot price.
Cull or addroM K. M. 1'nrt , Cl.irlniln , Iowa.
, ni ta
" 13 UAL estate bargnlnx.
4-V lluslneas corner 7 x97 , JOth and Vlnton ,
Klcn cottage nnd lot , a pretty home , 1.200.
lilegant new reaidrucu just cotnploted ,
modern Improvemcnui , healthy nnd pleasant
location , splendid nelKliborliooil.Si.OJO.
Splendid brick block , two houses , ad modern
conveniences , double floors throughout , fur
nace , tmtli , hot nnd rold water , hlnh and
Lenlthy location , first-duns neighborhood , only
two blocics from new olcctrla motor car line on
1'nrk ivo ; can make a npeclnl bargain It sold
nt onno.
Cholro ton-acre tract , West Omalm. . . ,
lllpptantoast front lot , llanscom i'laco. . n , 01
rineatwcst Trout lot , Ilnnscom 1'lnco. .
1'lvo aetoi close to licit I.lno. . . . 2,70)
Corner , WixlW. 7 blka from court honao. . 7.WW
Tracknxo , aWxlWI , on licit Line lly . 7.WX )
Thirty acres Just outside city limits , , , ; 21,1x11
Nice rosldeii"o lot , Bouth Omulm . . K
Jtesldenci ) lot near 27tlt nnd Ilamey. , , . . . nUO
Coal nnd lumber yard location on Ity O.iiO )
040 acres cholco Kob. farm land . n , < l
Klegnnt flvu-acrn tract . . . . S , n
Pnloriilld location for homo and poultry yd.MX ( )
Ifiifllnrss lot near depot , Honth Omaha. . . Sfon
J/otd , block fi , Bouth Omaha .
Cornor.Mxlli ) . 'lth and II Bta. , H. Omalia. 4.U.O
Itesldonro lot near Llith nml Vlnton. . . fi'u
Corni-r , south fronton llanscom I'urK. . . .
Corner. Il > l feet. Illst und 1'oppleton nvo. . 7W )
'Ton ncres with house and barn , bargain. . 7tufl
Itcsiilcnce block. paynHpcrcontoiiHw | .
Cull and see the bargains wo olTcr. Houses ,
rottatres nnd stores tor runt. tluo. M. HlcKs ,
Ko\r York Lite linllalng. 6D1 S3
mo MANnPACTtniKitg-i win
JL ground , with splondld trackage facilities.
on the Kromont , Klkhorn fe Jllssonrl Valley
railroad , or on the Missouri Pacific ( licit l.lnei
railway In Wcstlawn , Just outnldo the city
limits. In WestOmaha. conveniently Hltnatnd as
regards nccena to the iflinlness center of Omnlm
and South Omahn. to parties for the location of
any of the following Industries :
Furniture Factory , Hutton Kactnry ,
Shoo Factory , Iard Itellnory ,
StarcluVJlticose\V'ks , Poap Works ,
1'npor Mill. I'uriner Mnnnfactory.
J'low Works , Ilroom Factory ,
llnrvestor Works , Woolen Mill ,
Nail Works , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , Hex : Manufactory ,
BUBS. Door and DUnd Wlro Works ,
Manufactory , Machine Shops.
flour and I'cud Mill.
Or anr good manufacturing plant : Wcstlawn
Is just outKldo the city limits , and Industries
planted there will escape unary city taxes.
If you nro thinking of locating In Omaha It
vrlll pay vou to Investigate this.
( leo. N. Hicks. New York Life building.
Omaha. 7UU
Homes. Secure homes in Omaha
View. Now that the motor line is to run to
Kid nnd l.nko street In Omaha Vlow , homes lu
this beam If ul addition will bo eagerly souisht
after on account of the great advantages of
location , altitude , healthtulness. ncciissinlllty ,
peed nulghuors. schools , entireties , nearness to
buslnuss and the wonderfully low prices at
which lotB , or lots with now hnusus unlit to or
der can bo bought. This Is the one single addi
tion that has never been boomed , and the
prices are as low us though no boom hud over
occurred lu Omaha. Vou get tliu lots at an
lionest price and get honest values la return ,
People wanting homes v.111 never legret pur
chasing In Omaha View , nnd uhoiild at onca
callon Hoggs > V Hill , 1104 I'armun street nnd se
lect their lots , and make terms fur Imrlnga
house built to suit. 18' !
FOH SALU Improved and unimproved Ne-
brnsica City properly , consisting otlli ) cholco
rosldonrolots In central part of the city ; ton
lots with smnll duelling houses thereon , rentIng -
Ing from Jltl tojlft per month ; tun lots ouCcn-
tralavo. , In business part of the city ; one store
room , ' 'Ixl'Ostories hiBli.nnd two store rooms
SixlCO ft. . 2 stories nigh , linth opposite the court
house. In central business purt of the city : the
Grand Pad lie hotol. the best hotel In the city ,
centrally locatci ) , ! 1 stories hljjn , with ! t store
rooms , one harder shop nnd the hotel o'llco on
the lower lloor ; r > 7fl ft. of frontage on the II. A :
M. It. II. track , with 40 lots adjoining nanib ,
nn elevator thereon and a 11. & M , side track
limning up to It. . Terms , one-half cash down ,
balance on S to fi years tlmo v Ith mortgngn se
curity , or in oxrhniiKO may tiiko good Nebraska
fnrmjand It suitably located. Vor further par
ticulars , enquire of H. H. llartllng. Nebraska
City , Nob. MS !
A2r > 01 buyn n nlro homo , two to tllreo hundred
tDdollars cosh , bahincoon best terms , abstract
Zunilslicd , title perfect. C. V. Harrison. Mer-
cqantH' Nnt'l bank. 101
GLOI1K HOI KL-Nowly furnished nud nttcd
up throughout ; centrally locatud ; $ - per
day. lyOJ-iaiO.HIU . Uouglas ft. Cfil
TITUimAY HOIKF/ Newest , latest and only
J-TXtlrBt-class hotel lu Omnhn ; & 1 to Jt per day.
H. Bllloway igruprletor. f > li.
(1OraF/SJlotol ( , corner of th nnd Hnrney
V streuts , per day. No dark rooms.
Table flrat-ulass. Try It. M. J. Franck IIIKH
INDSot HOTEIi-Cornor of luth nnd.Tack-
Hou streets , U blocks from Union depot.
Dent fJ a day house intho city. eGO
TN3TUUMKNT3 placoa on resort during
X yesterday.
3 11 Duller and wife to K Sluven , Dart lot
W. Kouutze's id add , w d . $ 3CX1 (
11//lmmerand husband to KMcCormlck ,
lot V lu lot 11 > . IMward's sub , w d . 600
II A Ivnaturs and wife to M Mulligan , lot
1 , blK I , Koster'saod , w d . 33
C U Campbell to MV 8onos , lot fl , blle'K , '
Bntnn'rtd nilil. n c d . 1
JM Meyers and linsiiand to V Spore. uudU
lotO , lilt -K,1 Hhlim'sSd add. vd . HX
M Ittuor , uunrdian. to K Snore , nud a lot
0. blk ! ( . ' Shlnn's 'M add. deed . 9DC
IS It Itallard ana ulto to W 1C Morrison.
lots Hi and 17 , ulk , 10 , llowilug Ureon.
\va . X
11 A Morris to t * H II Clark , lot B , blk lt .
West Knd add , w d . . . C , X
South Omaha I.aud Co to 1) I , Thomas.
lots II aiul VJ , blk 8 , South Omahn. w d. 471
J' ' H Woulon to J r 1-hiok , lots 1 tottland
40 tow , MttS. Mystic Pane , w d . 10,00 (
" \V W Iowo and wlfo to II (1 ( linnn , lots
15 nnd Iff , Mnyno's add to Orchard Hill ,
qcrt. . . 1
\Vlrtoriraud wife to 0 Sluvern , U
ftcrea In nw tin UM5-13 , w < 1 . 2.00C
A B Hillings and wlfo to It Htublilns. u b8
ft lots.blk lUOmaliu. wd . Itf.OW
A 0 and U A Moo to S K Uoddard , lots - > :
and So. blk 1 , Moo's mib.wd . one
rourteen trnnsfurs , aggregating . i.43,401.
fallo.vmg por.nlts wjro Miuol by
Ilulldlug Inspector Wliltlook voitordar :
Hr . I.lzzlo Dnlfce , cottage , Kim and
aVenty-flrnt streets . . , . . $ l.OOl
I'uter ( Jooj. viable , Qoos avenue und
'Jhlrty-llrstHtn-et . l.OW
1'our minor permits . , . ttt
Blx permit * , afgreiJatltiK . fUr
C Omaha , Nub. . Auirustill. lb : i. Realuil , pro
poaals , In tilpllnito , will Ijoiecclvod huro unit
two o'clock p. in. , central tlmu , SuptumberiiU
18H ) , find then opened , fur the construction a
Fort lu ) t hoaiH' , I'tah , ot two double sots o :
olllcura ( iiiurluru complett * . and of fronts U
three oth r doublu HVCH of olllci-rs' quartern
U ho rluht Is re f rrrrd to rojuct uny or ull bids
All Information turntshvd on application , to tin
undersigned , 01 to Ton Quartermaster. Fort di
Chesnf. Knvulo ] > es onoloiiliiK pinpoali Hlionli
lia marked prunuiuU for comt ruction , nnd ad
clresHod toVM. . II. IHJOIII'8. l.lentunun
Colonel ai.d Deputy Quurtormastor ( luueral , U
K A. , thief gunrtermuMter. lklu-22-23
.ViHloc Stonin HontltiK.
CTllldi will bu received ut this olllcn until 12 in
October lut. IKNI , ( or furnlshluK and piiltlnu' uj
of Htemu Appurutuii forheutlnit our ne\v L'onr
Iiousn In Illolr , PlaiiHnimtipecltlcutloiisonllhi
ItlKht reisi-rvi'dto reject uuy niuliill bids. II ;
order of the Hoard ,
Ciniis. UATIIMANK , County Clerk.
Nottou lei Cotitracior * lor Grutllni ; .
CITV KsoiKtiKita Urricu , I
Boutll Omaha. Neb. , B i > t. llth. 1WJ , f
Sealed proposals will be received by the un
dcmlgned ut this olllce until 12 o'clock nnou o
September 2UnU IMiU , for furnishing all the ma
turluls uud doing all the work necesiary lo com
pl to tliu following city Imiirovcinenta , viz
Hrodlng 21th Street from "N" Btroet to "Q1
& 1'lans and npeolllcutlous may ba seen , and ul
A. Information Alutlvti to Uie work obtulued. a
J this olllce.
T payments for tno work to ba made by war
rant u on the city treasury.
Sv No proposal from nuy contractor In defuul
with ilis city on any previous contract will b < will becoiiBldered unless aecom
panl U by a cart 1 tied check for t-IXUx ) to bo re
turned on nil bids not exceptrd.
The rtgbt la resurred to reject any or nil pro
Worlc to ba completed within 'JO dayo.
J Appmxlinate estimate is 31,7IU cublo yards o
excavation , to ami ( ( ,757,41) .
Jly order L'I\T Council.
Committee th Viaducts. Btreels nnd Alleys
bjr. K. 11. TOWN Cbulrmuu.
B13 d to B 33.
The late blazer Is succeeded by the fresh
blizzard ,
The dude Is llko an ciiRino in that ho car
ries n heud light.
There is nothing so holy ( und inexpensive )
as a sister's love.
The Mormons nro going to make augur.
The country would bo better pleased If they
would ninlio tracks.
Finland has very cultured society. There
la BO much Finnish to it.
Lnnpiin&i carries omo weight when out )
word brings on another.
The load in Imlr-dyo Is poisonous , which
accounts for Its t'yor effects.
Census reports nro not all rot , though ttioy
do como only every decade.
A wife owns a duty to her nusbam ] , and
the husband , as in courtesy bound , pays the
1'ollUrlana Boom to ngrco with rv.ilclans
that thorough base methods are the founda
tion of harmony.
A Dutchman is traveling on roller skates
from I'nrls to Amsterdam. Is thU u har
binger of an curly full !
An Indiana man baa taken out a license to
marry his uiothor-lu-law. And yet wo talk
of the dccliuo of heroism.
Jay ( iould's daughter Helen glvea private
miislo lessons , but bur notes are not no
highly appreciated ns those ot her father.
Fashson asserts that dresses this fall will
be dccolloto. Ampin assurances uro given ,
however , that the bills will not Do cut low.
A glass ot boor will attract moro flics thau
a glass of water. It also has an attractive
force for other .annuals not possessed ol
Whether cr uot electricity will "work
oft" criminals effectively , it certainly eeema
to bo killing off thu linemen with ruuarkn-
ble success.
Medical authorities insist that stimulants
weaken the voice , and doubtless they do. It
muHt bo admitted , however , that the >
strengthen the breath.
Whenever wo hear a man Loastlngly ex
claim that be nnd In * wlfo agree In every ,
thing wo are always tempted to ask , "Which
ono of you , then , is the idiot ! "
Drug Clerk ( briskly-"Insect ) iwwderl
Yes , ma'uui. Hero's some Swedish insect
powder that's highly recommended. " Customer
tomerdon't ! know whether that will
answer. Minaaro plain American Insects. "
No Appreciable Obango in the Local
Money Market.
The iVttttiulonr the PnrmcM Oollco-
tloiiR Are Sntisfnoiory Itnt kor8 *
Surplus Lnrcor Thnti Untinl
llntca Steady.
'The Iiocnl Out Ionic ,
The local raonoy market shows no npprccl-
nblo clmnRC. There Is a good demand from
Jobbers and manufacturers with n supply
fully equal to the demand nnd n disposition
on the part of bankers to bo liberal In deals
with good customers. In fact , money Is
much oaslcr than Is usual nt this season und
this Is mainly attributable to the fact that
the low prices prevailing for grain mduco
fanners to hold their products for n higher
market , consequently the surplus at the dis
posal of bankers for the accommodation of
merchants Is larger than us mil , Neverthe
less rates nro steady nnd likely to contmuo
BO , as the country mny want IIB balances any
General trade Is good nnd the prospect is
Indicative of a heavy business throughout
the fall nnd winter season. In fnct , ns job
bers remark , business wns never bettor. CoN
lections , likewise , are satisfactory , and'
remittances by mall nro larger than they ftro
expected to bo in September. The crops are
nssurod , peed and heavy , which moans a
surplus for sale , ovonnt low prices , and con- ,
scnuonlly nn nctlvo mnrkot for merchandise.
The situation In the business district is very
The clearings for tno week show ft reason *
nblo Increase , say 14 it-10 per cent over the
same wcok In 1839. Mr. Hughes , mnnngor
of the clearing house , reports the footingsn8'
S3.741S3.r8 ! " , nud balances Sollu99.0l ) . Prices
nro very steady ns u rule.
In coffees thuro is n tendency on the part
ot buyers to nvail thumsolvcs of any cbu-
cosslons , but speculation Is of a subdued
character. The supply of Kio and Santos
to September 20 is us follows :
Total visible supply G0l.3il !
Total visible supply. Sept. 18 , 163S. . < . . ! WO,783
Totul visible supply , Sept. CO , lSS7..41)r,7TJ )
Sugars are llrm , but no inntarml advance
is quotable in the local market.
A cabin from Malaga makes linn offers of
now crop raisins for prompt shipment ut the
equivalent of $3.05 laid down for two crown
loose , $2.70 for London layer , and S-i.'JO for
imperial cabinet.
Mackerel are scarce nnd high. The receipts
at Gloucester , Mass , , for the present Boason
up to September 1 , were ouly 4,7(10 ( bbls ,
uguinst 11UUO to the satno date hist year ,
und 111,718 to September 1 , 1S37 , both being
.years of scarcity ot uiackcrol.
Thu Now York Commercial Bulletin snys :
The Jolly market continues to advance.
The price to-day been raised to 4c , Preserves -
servos tire nlso higher , say iK"--
During the last seventeen .years the United
Kingdom lias imported the enormous
quantity of i.,107.8iS.4iJ ( ! ; bushels of wheat , of
which l,078W7.TiO : ! ! bushels liuvo been sup
plied by the United States , while Russia has
8snt n little over 300,000,000 bushels ; India ,
17-1,351.834 bushels ; Australia , n trillo over
11)0,000,000 ) bushels , nnd other countries ,
4KI.033,757 bushels. The average yearly im-
nortation of wheat for this'poriod has boon
123,938,000 bushels.
It appears to bo impossible to penetrate the
mystery surrounding the October pork deal.
II. O. Armour , of Now York , is now said to
be its author , nnd that Hutchinson's connec
tion with it is simply as n broker. It is nlso
claimed that "old Hutch" and tbo Now York
house of Sawyer , Wallace & Co. nro running
the affair. Ilutchmson , at all events , Is the
ODJII munugor of the deal.
The American cotton crop of 1SS7-88
reached a total of 7,017,707 bales , mid the ono
Just marketed , according to the Financial
Chronicle , although smaller in actual num
ber of bales (0,935,083) ( ) , is equal to 7,033,000
bales of the preceding season's weight of
Tiio exports of hog and beet products from
the United States from November I to
August 31 In 1683-09 und 18S7-8S were as fol
lows :
1883-89 1887-S8
Pork , Ih8 S7.ij,5.-ir : : 43,133,003
Lnrd , it > s 803.330,773 23 : .50C,0'J'J
Hams , lljs 43,0. ! < i)23 { ) B7,17ll,15l (
llucon. Ibs 353,071),4r,7 ) 271,74'3,153'J '
Fresh beef. 1bs 131,74.,77(5 ( SJ,42 ! , > .44S
Salted beef , Ihs r > 3,2ft4,85l ii9.04 , Uo3
Tullow , Ibs 78,033,179 09,509 , liO !
In the course of his address at the late
tariff centennial in Lancaster , Pa. , UpbcrtP.
Porter , superintendent of the census , esti
mates that the country's population is now
05,000,000,50.009.0JO being in cities nnd vil
lages and 8,000,01)0 ) negroes.
OMAHA & 1VJ3 Sl'OOlt.
Cut tin
Saturday , Sept. 21.
There was no essential change in the cat-
t'o market , values remaining nbout steady.
The supply of beef cattle was not largo and
n train of Toxnus which was to nrnvc at
midday had not put in an appearance up to
the time of closing the market. The general
maruot wns not active. One bunch of pretty
good natives sold ut $4.20. and some lighter
natives sold ut $3.45@3.85. There was no
cow stuff hero and nothing to make n real
test of the market. Prices were nominally
steady. There were nt least thirty loads of
stockers and feeders among to-day's cattle
receipts , a very considerable portion of nil
the cattle horo. About thirteen loads of
thorn were little northern stackers and there
were nbout 300 head of pretty good Dakotn
feeders. The supply of fresh western feed
ers was small. Quito u uuuch of native feed
ers sold ut $2,00.
To-day's trade in hogs was nt steady to
strong prices. The demand , both local nnd
shipping , was good , and the uulk of the hogs
was soon disposed of. Thp later advices
from eastern points uro not qni to HO favor
able , and the buyers showed some disposition
to sit down on the last eml ot the market.
The market could bu said to have closed
weak on heavy hogs.
Cattle . 1,100
Hogs . . . U,900
Horses . DO
Prevailing Prloot.
The following Is a table of prioai pild In
this market for the grade * of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1303 to 10)0 ) ll . .fl.OO 04.85
Good steers , 1230 to 14V ) Ib3. , 3.73 C4I.10
Good steers , 10.VJ to 1300 Ibs , . , 3.2A ( iiM.00
Western steers. . . , , 2.40 ( $3.00
Common dinner. ? , . 1.00 ( (01.50
Ordinary to fair cows l.fiO ( igl.SO
Knlr to good cows 1.75 < 2.00
Good to cholco cows li.OO @j.40
Fuirtogood bulls 1.50 642.00
Light stocKers and feeders , . , . 2.25 OM.H ( )
Good feeders , .I5I ( to 1100 llu , . . 2.50 W3.00
Fair to ohoico light Hogs. , , . , , . 3.90 Opl.OO
Fulr to cholco heavy nogs 3.73 ( rf3 85
Fulr to cholco mixed hogs 8.81) ) W1UN )
Common to rough hoga 3.50 ( < $3.G5
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
60 . 11731320 53 . 1271 * 3 05
20 . 10SO aiiS 41 . 1213 'I 77
2 . 14T5 325 23 . J250 385
4'J . 12IU a 45 83 . 1401 420
1 . 1050 3 CO 07 . W5 SCO
to . looi a oo i . 1000 a 05
0 . 707 325 8 . 900 335
8 . 890 355
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
5 . 1100 $350
65 . 11W ) 350
71 steers , tailing . ,1237 335
49 . 1195 340
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Su. Pr.
O..U03 401350 C3..250 | M > 3 60
5..a03 40 U 55 70. . . .270 80 8 80
r 2..nir. iso nos , 40.1'f.3os 120
IT.&M 100 BOS 7. .air , i-M ass
82..293 120 370 GiAV-035 100 8 85
2r..wo so a TO 7T.A-.ai5 400 3 & >
54..243 a 70 .vL..319 80 BBS
41..835 120 S 70 tfUj-aGO 100 n 85
09..209 230 T 73 04.-800 ' 100 8 S5
TO..234 280 3 75 KI.-tT.283 80 a S3
r.2..817 100 375 tSJU'.ClH ' 80 .1JW
6S..2t3 80 8 73 4U.2ir. SO 3 W )
49..115 230 3 7f 33..237 4U 300
CO..230 ace a 75 41.-.242 SO 011s
5S..277 80 375 OMt''SOO 120 300
05..331 120 3 7K OO.T'.MT 240 300
01..203 100 3 77 > { G3. , .20T > 120 300
r . . . .ai8 80 ! I 77 > f 70..t.253 210 3 Ol )
03..231 80 380 fin.n.-QiM 210 300
M..2S13 80 1180 T4'.C1. S2 80 300
. . .203 24U 380 GO.-.340 ICO 300
00..231 109 380. CT.-.S-tT ' 120 3' '
0.1..219 120 380 & 9.V..S40 120 Jl
ai..2V ) 120 880 6.-1..2I2 80 3 W )
TO..331 100 380 03..257 100 305
B9..201I 100 it 80 70..230 40 303
5'1.,20IJ 3 80 110..242 200 303
54..23(5 ( SO 880 71..220 303
ft . . . .2IO 200 3 W ) 7R..227 40 303
vj..srS aso 380 ! . . . .2m : 400
C3..S74 ' . ' 80 380 37. . . 223 4 00
. ! 0.fU4 ! 80 880 23 . . ,24 4 CO
( VS..201 120 SO J > 0..2lu 4 CO
41.SO ; ! 41) ) 880 O7..20 : ! 120 4 Oil
55..23S 80 8 80 CO..204 80 4 OJJ
C3..JW5 10 ! ) 8 SO
On To-tlny'H Murker.
Todd A ; Co. , of Uuby , marketed hog * .
Wiley Black brought in n car of hogs.
J. U. Johnson , of Ord , was in witn hogs.
O. Holtnucst ( came m from Oakland with
i Pepper , of Kearney , 'vas looking over
: ho yards.
O. Wcarln , of Hastings , was on the mar
ket with hogs.
Lilclity & llarnos , of Davenport , hna two
cars of hogs on market.
Henry Cook , ono of Underwood's repre
sentative shippers , was In with hoi < 3.
A. J. Adams , of Hradshaw , had a load of
light hogs aim got $4.0J > > ; , the top of the mar-
M. McKlllcp , of Hartley , writes no cholera
ntnong hogs. Feed cattle are being bought
for $2.60.
U. M. Uauman , of Lenox , la. , writes very
little news among cattle men. No cholera
unions hogs.
E. J. Eaton , of Htvcrton , thinks there .will
l > o ns many oattlo fed In that county ns usual.
Feeders nro paying $2.25 for cattlo. Stock
liogs nro scarce. There Is no cholera.
, William M. Parsons Just bet with Frank
Cbittondoa that ho ( Parsons ) would buy n
drove of hoes nt $3 , before Clilttondou would
sell lings Tor $5.00 nnd the money is up.
The wcok closed with light hogs soiling n
shade lower and with heavy hogs about Co
Higher than it opened. The heavy hogs sold
on Monday nt 53.70@.X77J und as high ns
* 3.BO and light hogs principally at $4 0@U)5. ! ) )
Tuesday's market was ftc lower , heavy going
principally at $3.70@3,75 and lichts at 84.00.
Half of the hogs sold on Wednesday nt $3.75
or under , heavy being quoted steady , while
lights were 5c lower nnd soiling largely nt
$3.05. The heavy hog market scored nn ad
vance on Thursday , nnd lights remained
steady , l.lent wnlghts sold about Po higher
and the heavy hogs lower.
Incrfineinir CnniltlcnUb in Oiualin
Hcnlty The ISmlilinjj Record.
Everything points to a season of unusual
activity In real estatei Although eastern
capitalists , from whom i Oinalm investments
nro expected , have boon1 ftt 'tho summer re
sorts for the past few months , the mantel
lor several weeks has upon" moro nctivothnn.
is usual at a corresponding season of the
year. Coutldcnco is un halcc'u ana the list of
inquirers larger than usual. : Sales are being
uiado in every part of tljo city , property on
the extension of the motor line to the south
ern part of the city -showing especial
activity. j ,
J. F. Flock yesterday purchased twelve
lots in Mystic park for SIO.OJO.
L. Crounso paid S'.SOO1 foTMot 3 , bloclc 13 ,
McCormicK's addition. ' "
A. S. Billings yesterday-sold eighty-eight
feet ot lot 5 , block 173. to It. Stebbins for
? 18,500.
D. U. Auslicr sold lot 9 in Archer Place to
F. .Tones for ? ( ) ,000.
John Ilislop paid $3,000 for a part of lot 1 ,
bloclc 25.
C. II Fowler sold to the Fowler Elevator
nnd Milling company lots 5 , 0 und 7 in Mo-
Cagues addition for $30,01)0. )
The Patrick Land company sold to II. E.
Smith six lots in Dundee Place for 310.5M ) ,
IS. II. Sherwood sold to V. II. Colfuianu o.
X Of lot 200' ' < J $10.000.
H. M. Polly pa'd $3OOD for nvo Dundee
PlucO lots.
M. A. Upton sold H. U. Woods four lots in
South Omaha for ? 3.50J.
The transfers for the week were as fol
lows :
Monday S 42,395
Tuosduy 40,272
Wednesday 23.45J
Thursday 72,770
Friday 24,210
Saturday 43,402
Total $253,593 ,
lluililin < r Matlnr * .
L. H. Spencer will build a $3,000 house on
Pierce near Twenty-fifth.
Dr. George II. P.irsoll will build n $3,030
house on California street near Thirtieth.
Patrick Mnhonoy will build n $0,000 brick
residence on Davenport street near Twcnty-
E. M. Morsoman has taken out a permit
for the erection of tliu ndw headquarters
building of the Panillo Express company , on
Ilarncy and Fourteenth streets. The build
ing will cost $30,030.
John Schroeder will build n $4,030 brick
residence on Twenty-first nour Boulevard.
D. J. O'Dotmhuo will build a .SJ.SOO dwell-
tngon , Grace and Twenty-third streets.
N. O. Brown has commenced work on
eighteen frame residences , ouch to cost
$2f , > 00. Ton of the ouildlnes will bo erected
In Oklahoma park and eight in Ralph place.
Work has been commenced on Rector
Vilholmv & Co.'s now $10.000 wnrohouso on
the northeast corner of Tenth and Juckson
street * . Thu building will bo ono of the finest
of the kind in the city ,
Thomas Hrcnnan is building a $5,000 rosi-
dcnco on Thlrty-ilrst street near Cass.
0. W. Thompson is building a $3,500 house
nt 2201 Howard street.
Thomas Whyto will build a $ ,000 brick
residence nt Nineteenth und Cor by streets ,
The permits for the week were ns follows :
Monday 10,0 ;
Tuesday 0.70C
Wodnesduy 10,1'J
Thursday V. 174'JTf
Friday 15,55U
Saturday , V ; ; , MC
,1 IV
Total , , , SMI.OOC
The Girl With n Canoo.
Ono of the picturoBftue'fonturosof the
Iludbou botwcon upper Now York and
Yonkers on pluiiaanttliitifmci'ufleriioDiifc
IH the ( rirl with u canoa. The cockle
shell crnft , woighinff/MOt over twenty
pounds , la ono of the prottiuBt things
alloat , with its thin > si deb of ] > ollBlioil
codnr und its bflpht-'riyoil occupant
Boated on a scurlot vusljiou on ltd bet
tom. She hits scurlot ribbons on lior
Bailer hat nnd n scal-JiH' , suah fastened
nbout the waist of hotilurk hluo sorco
boating pown. A hooj'y Bilk skirt ol
dark blue nnd white stripes tops this ,
nnd ns eho wields the lonp ; double paddle -
dlo she skims the eurfuco of the diinp-
ling : river with the lightness and bird-
llko motion that only the cunooisl
knowH. _
IntluHtrlal Organization Arlst norntlc
The organization of industrv is still
ossontmlly aristocratic , sayt > Washing'
ton Gladden in the Forum. The state
is republican ; the factory is a survival
of feudalism. I bollovo tlmtsomo modi
ficatlon of the republican principle
must bo introduced into our industries.
The workmen must bo Identified witli
the conduct of business as they uro will :
the -iiduut of the commonwealth. Till :
needs to bo done tentatively aud gradually -
ally , but in this direction wo must no ,
Tliologioof our institutions drives UE
in this dlrectlan.
The Popular Pooling In the North
west Far From Bearish.
How the .Tump ii Kxplnlnml Fluo-
tnntloiiR in Corn nnd Onts Ship *
pers Tnklni ; Hold Treoly
Onta Tcntllnc lo Wonkno.HS.
CIIICAOO. BopU 21 fSpneial Tolouram
to Tun Ur.i.lyheat WAI dull nud steady
ot some recovery from yesterday's closing
range. Several tluioJ during the day the
market nctod ns though It might "dip" on
smnll provocation , but the supporting power
was too strong nud tha.expectations of lower
trices ended In n disappointment. Cables
were generally steady , but In European and
British inftrkots Saturday Is an elf day nnd
little business for foreign account was done
in any of the American markets. The sale of
100,000 bushels for export was reported from
Duluth , however , und luke engagements were
reported here for 140,003 bushels. Atlantic
port clearances for the wcok came at 430,000
btishols of wheat nnd 1HO.OOO packages ot'
flour. The export movement Is not whnt It
should bo , though high ocean freights may
explain \vliy tlio .property does not go out n
ranldly us could bo desired. In the woU the
Increase iu the movement of both spring nnd
wintnr wheat Is foreshadowed. Farmers'
deliveries in the nurthwoit are free , but
wheat docs not como to the front. Very fo w
mills can report nn accumulation of cash
wheat ot the grinding * to any extent ,
and thopopular feeling in the northwest U
far from'bearish , Young nnd others got dis
patches from the far northwest that Manitoba
elevators lutd'intxrkcrt up the prlco ot wheat
in that province 80 per bushel. This wiw
siicji an extraordinary statement ns to
staBgor their credulity , but conllrmatlvo
dlsoatches were received later , accompanied
Will ) the explanation that the Canadian mil
lers despaired of getting supplies of Mani
toba uuy other way. Montreal tnllloM uro
working on Toledo It Is qulto
probable that the Manitoba elevator pi > oo | )
started In the seaion with prices too low to
nttrnotany whuat , and that they were forced
to udvanoo their flzuros before the farmers
.would lot go their grain. "It maybe
bo a compulsory readjustment of
values to a proper basis rather than
nn advance , lu the usual acceptation of the
tnrm , " was the way n cautious gram mer
chant explained the bo jump. In any event
the incident goes to show that consumers of
Manitoba wheat realize that the only way
they could hope to obtain Immediate supplies
was to p.iy u good price for the grain.
Among the bearish Influences at work were
the reflections on the lightness of tliu export
movement and estimates of 2.00J.OOO bushels
decrease In the visible supply on Monday.
Small stocks in sight , ai compared with
other years , constituted nn nfTsut to these
items , however , and the leading crowd
operated very cautiously on the short
side. Docetnber wheat opnnod nt
9XC"l' ' ? c. advanced to SOc and sold down
to 7UJ < fu$71)ijg'c. ) This was practically the oot-
toin , though once thn price got down to 7'.te )
momentarily. From 12 o'clock until tire
clpsolho market hardened , nnd shortly before
fore the tap ot the bell SO JjOVc was paid for
December. The last nuotation was SOc.
September opened nt 70c. ranged to 78 } @
71)e ) nnd closed at 7SJJc. ( May opened ut 83jc ! ; ,
sold up to 83Xc , bade to S3c , up to 83 ; ' ; ? ( < S3 ! < e
which was the close. Yesterday's net dcDro-
elation was regained and the market closed
firm nt only 12o under the best prices of the
The corn market was again very wo.ik nnd
prices had u still further decline iu the face
of some good buylm ; by prominent operators.
Keooints were not far from the previous
day's estimates and for Monday 753 c.\rs
were calculated to show up on the inspection
shoot. The export clearances were fair and
the demand nt the seaboard was reported to bo
good. Shippers nlso were taking hold
freely , but of course took full advan
tage of the decline in futures to buy
for less money than on the previous day.
Hcceivers were observed to bo free sellers of
October , which was the weakest future on
the list. At the opening there was an ap
parent steadiness , prices showing some in
clination to rest near .Yesterday's closing
fiuures , but this was of short duration The
longs took advantage of the market to soil
out , and shorts also soon supplied buyers
with moro than they could take. A firmer
feeling in wheat towards the close gave the
market some sympathetic strength , which
closed it nt n recovery of about } o from the
bottom llgurcs , September resting at 32o aud
October at 31j c.
Oats are quiet with values denominated
largely by corn and tending to weakness.
The estimated arrivals for Monday were
also liberal and the posted receipts aggre
gated 219 cars with only tnodorato ship
ments. Mny sold off Ho to Simoon stop
orders , then reached a point ns a result of
the good demand at the iusido. In fact
only a small part of the buying orders at
2v ) c could bo executed. Near futures were
dull with September nt 19 } c nnd next month
at } @Jfc premium. Nothing of importance
was done In regular cash. .
CniCAno , Sept. 21. | Special Telegram to
Tun llRK-l CATTI.B Incluiloil in two days'
arrivals were 1,530 , natives , mostly common ,
and 2.r)00 Tcxuns. The market ruled slow ,
buyers evidently having lllled their orders
for the wools before the finish of yesterday's
market. About the only trading in shipping
steers to-day were the odds and ends to 1111
out shipments , and no material elm n go In
values was noted. Dressed beef men claimed
f > ( iy would rather wait till .Monday In prefer-
. 'o to dealing in ' 'trash , " ns they termed
u , on aalo. City butcliers bought
cnoicu cows nnd heifers at steady
prices , but neglected the common grades.
1'uxans sold dragglngly nt woalc prices. A
largo number of stools and feeding cattle
hud to bo carried over at the low prices pre
vailing. Choice to extra hooves , U.30@l-70 ;
medium to good steers , IftV ) to 15'JO Ihs , fl.UO
< t$4.30 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $3.01) ) 1.20 ; 1T.O to 1200
Ibs , J.10 ( < & 3.73 ; stockers and feodors. ( l.85@
3.10 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 91.2o@MIO : ;
bulk , $ l.75@3.23 ; steers , $2.2.1 3.00 ;
cows , Sl.fiO ; western rangers , J3 3r > @ 3.75 ;
cows , S3. 40 : wintered Toxaus , $2.53@3.iiO.
Hoes Yesterday's market closed lOo
higher. This morning's market opened not
so gooit as yostorday's finish nnd but little
batter than yesterday's start. As the day
passed the trade weaxuncd uud finally closed'und fully lOo lower , leaving about
D.OOJ hogs unsold The opening prices to-day
were around § 3 'JO for Hacking grades , $4.00a (
4.15 for prime to fancy heavy and if l.f > 0@ ( .70
for light. Later packers bought good pack
ing nud shipping droves nt3SOi3. ( ' < .iOnud the
prime heavy at f 1.00 ; pigs sold mainly at
1 HK'M.iri ; sorted light at * I,40@4.00 aud
grassy pigs at ? 3.00 < ! ? 3.75.
Niw YOIIK , Sept , 21. | Speclal Telegram
to TUB UBIJ.J STOCKS The stock market
this morning labored under the weight of the
poorclosliigsof yesterday's London exchange
and the uncertainty regarding the weekly
batik statement. Trusts were u special cuuso
of woaknass on Friday and the action of the
banks regarding them was also doubtful.
Thu trade realized la advance that much depended -
ponded on the action to-day , as It will Influ
ence London Monday , Chicago parties were
moro bullish than for dayn , Judging by last
dispatches last night. There was no surprise
wbon the market opened sluggish and with
first prices stna'.l and nt fractions under the
close last night. The principal loss was Jf
in the eugnr trust while Hock Island wab nn
exception , opening J higher. Northern
P/icltlo preferred alone among the usually
active stocks showed any special animation.
Tile sugar trust did a fair business but the
rest of the market was dull and stagnant.
Sugar , howovpr , quickly rallied and regained
the loss , while the general list advanced a
small fraction , generally wiping out losses ol
the opening. Coal stocks were the only ope
cla\ \ feature , however , Jersey Central contin
uing Us upward movement , reaching 123 , a
Kntn of Itf per cent from Us opening figure.
During the hour to 13 o'clock the bank atato-
incnl was made public , showing n doorcase
of $3,000,000 In the reserves. This was not
so bail as the oronkors predicted. The hour
brought a bettor strength to the stock list.
Louisville moved up Jf ( , closing % higher.
Manitoba Rained n full point to 111.
Northern Pacific closed ? © ' over the close
last night. The granger's group cloaod M ®
per cent higher all around with ilonk Island
up 1 per cent to 103.YTho total sales were
70,093 shares for the half day.
Following nro the closing quotations :
H. 8.4s regular. liflX [ Northern 1'ixciao , . 41S {
U. 8.4s coupons . . ,1 H Moproforroit. . . . . , , 74'i
ir.S.4mrenuh\r..l05j 0. * M.V , ,114
U. 8.4liscoiipons.,105S < lei > rororreil.H1H
I'aclnKMofJl W " "
Central 1'acino 3.1V 1' . U..VU . . , . 8 Pi
C'lilcnKO& Alton. . . .128 Uocklsl.ind
Clilcftu'o , Burlington
fcpulnrv 103 % *
J ' It , XV . * t ) * , | SM'atil.V Omaha , ! : i * > X
Illinois Central Hft'4' ' doproforrml llWi
I. , It. itV , Union I'acltlo . rl
W..SI. L. , V 1- . 17
l.nko aiioro doprotorroil.n Ki
Michigan Central , , Western Union. . . . Sli
MissouriPoclllo..v 75)1 )
MOXRY Easy at 4 per cont.
PIHMK MKUOANTII. ! ! 1'AiEiiTiftTlf par cent
Srcituxo ExciivsoK Dull and weak ;
sixty-day bills , $ .8 ; domandl.S7l { .
Nnw YOIIK , Sout. 21. fSooclnl Telegram
to TUB UBB.I The following are the min
ing stock quotations :
Tnledonla II. II..SM Holyoke W
Colorado Central , .livi .Mexican 370
Ton. Cnl. iV Vn : ) Ontario SIM
Denver . . . , . . .1UO Ophlr 410
IH'lmonto II. " . Oi-osou.v Miller..4ilH
liureka Con L1W UccMontnl..141)
( lould&Cutry HM I'lymouth ) J
Uoniestako IHH ) Sail Sob istlau 3--HI
Horn Silver 131 * . Ward Cousollda'd.10il
Nnw York , Sopt. 21. Wheat Receipts -
coipts , 10,000 ; exports , 19.0CO ; spot dull ;
No. 2 rod , SI ( HI'.f In olex'ator ;
85 , ' onlloat ; SJfJJjsfi o f. o. b. ; No. 3red ,
Options dull and higher ; September ,
Corn Receipt * , 220,000 buslnsli : experts ,
100,000 bushels ; spot inodorntol.v active ;
No. 2 , 49 Q\0a In store nnd elevator ; 4l@
4l ) onflout ; uu radod nilxed,40 } ( iIl o ; op
tions dull nud weaker.
Oats Uocoipts , 15,000 ! ) bushels ; exports ,
200 bushels ; spot dull and woalc ; options
quiet uud weak ; September , SOc ;
October 23J e ; snot. No. U white , 2S o ;
mixed western , 21 (22Sc ( ,
ColTco Options steady to firm : sales 2o >
250 baes ; aoptoniDor , $ lti.70Q13.7S ; Qctobor ,
$15.0C@I5.(5 ; spot Uio , llrm and qulot ; fair
cart-oos. $10.73.
Patroiouui Quiet nnd steady ; United
closed at f l.UO'.i' for October.
KUKI Firmer ; western 2lJ ) .
Pork Steady : moss Inspected , $12.7(5. (
Laid Steady und easier. ; western , ? 01C > Q
0.87J4 ; Soptomhor , SIJ5. ! :
Butter Klrm for line ; western , 0 ! 12,1J o.
Oheeso Quiet uud steady ; western , OJi
@ 8c.
Suijar Kaw , nominal ; refined , } { c lower ;
CHICAGO. Sept. 21. 1:15 p. in. cloio
\Vheat-HlBhor ; cash. "SJjfo ; October , " 8 0 ;
December , bOo : May , S3 7-lic. (
Corn Firm : cash , , )2c ) ; October , 31 15-lOc ;
May , ! ! 3 ll-10c.
Oats Firm ; cash , l.l ac'i October , 1'JKc ;
Mny , 'Jipifc
Ityo September , 41J c.
liarloy Nothlni ; doing.
Flax Seed-Cash , $ \ . - > r > .
Prime Timothy ? l.22@l.23. ' -
Whisky ? ! . ( ) . ' .
Pork Stead v ; cash and October , $ P.00 , ;
! uard Steiidv ; cash and October , $3.87J ;
January , ? 3.77J .
Flour Steaily.
Dry Salt Meat Steady ; short ribs $ l.03 ( < 7i
Hutter , cheese , eggs , hides aud tallow un
Heceipts. Shiptu'ts.
Flour 1 12,000 34,000
Wheat 110.000 70,000
Corn 42:1,000 : IIIII.OOO
Oats 184,000 200,000
niinnfMipnli-4 , Sopt. 21. Sample xvhent
wo.ik nud lower ; receipts 2S3 cars ; ship
ments 59 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , Sep
tember , 7Sc ; October , 73 > o ; December ,
80) i ! ; on track , 80cs No. 1 northern , Sep
tember , 730 ; October , oc ; December ,
77J i ; ; on track , 7ii } o ; No. 2 northern , Seo-
tombor , 7lo : October,71 > fc ; December , 73 0 ;
on track , 7l@74c.
Alllwnulcu - , Sept. 21. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 7tJ ; o ; October , 73J c.
Corn Steady ; Novomuer , 33o.
Oats-No. 2 white , 22c.
Hyo Firm ; No. 1 , 44c.
Uarlqy Firm ; Suptember , COc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $11.00.
Ijivnrrinol , Sept. 21. Wheat Steady ;
demand fallen nft ; holders offer inoderotoly.
Corn Steady ; demand poor ; iow mixed
western , 4s 3J d per cental.
Si. liimi-i , Sopt. 21. Wheat Irregu
lar ; cash , 78'ffc ' ; October , 771'o. ( ,
Corn Lower ; cish , 21 > Ji'c ; October , 29J c.
Oats Lower ; cash , ISc ; May , 2J c.
Pork $11.25.
'Uutter Creamery , 21@23c ; dairy , 16lSc.
Whisky $1.02.
Hiin n- . City , Scot. 21. Wheat Firm ;
cnsh , CtJi'c ; September , 01 ( < i01 > c ; Octo
ber , 02c bid ; No. 8 hard , cash , G7Kc ; Soptom-
bcr , 57c ; No. 3 soft , cash und Septem
ber , no bids nor offerings ; October , OSo
bid.Corn About steady ; No. 2 cash , no bias
nor offerings ; September , 2o ? ! bid : Oclo-
bor , 2c : ! ; No. 2 white , cash and September ,
no bids nor offerings.
Outa No. 2 , cash , 17)40 ) ; September and
Octobnr , no bids nor offerings ,
Glucinium , Sept. 21. Whe.xt Easier ;
No. 2 rod , 77 } @ 7Sc.
( lorn Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3(5Jfc. (
Oats Darolv steady ; No. 2 mixed , 23Wa
Whisity Firm nt 51.02.
I..IVK srocic
, Sept. 21. Tno Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 4,030 ; market stonily ;
choice to extra beeves , $1.3504.70 ; steers ,
$3.11.30sUokorsnnd ( ) ; feeders , $1.83(1 ( 3.10 ;
cows , bulls nnd mixed , ? 1.25@'J.9) ; Texas
cnttlo. $1.M@3.00 ; western rangers , &J.OO
@ 3.75.
Hogs Receipts , 15,00 } ; market weak
ami 5wlOo lower ; mixed , f.7r@t.35 : ) ; heavy ,
? 300@l,05 ; light , $ .I.l > 0@4.70 skips , ? 3,50@
Sheep Receipts , 4.500 ; natives , f1.50J ! )
4.70 ; western , M.70Q4.15 ; Texans , J3.00 ®
4.15 ; lambs , fl.25.-ao.00.
KaiiHiii Oliy.Sept. 21. Cattle Uecolpts ,
3,300 ; shlpmonlH 1OJ : ) ; murkut steadv :
common to cholco corn-fed steers , 33,90(3 ( !
4.25 ; btockors and feeders , ? lXii'J.i5 ( : ; cows ,
strong und higher , f 1.3.r > ( fe2iW.
Hogs Hecoipts , ; i,800 ; shinmonts , 900 ;
market weak und lOo lower : light , ? 1.12 > j@
4.25 ; heavy nnd mixed , $ . < 50@l.50.
National tiinclc VuriN , ICnst Kt.
Ijnuix , Sopt. 21. Cattle Receipts , 1,100 ;
shipments. 700 ; market strong ; fair to
cholco heavy native steers , f3.SOJ 1.55 ;
stockers and feeders , $ ' 2.00@3.80 ,
Hogs Receipts , 500 : shipments , 400 ;
market steady ; heavv , ? 3.60@1.10 ; packing ,
* 3.70@l.0i ) ; lisht , Sl.10rai.35.
Hlonx Oily , Sopt. 21. Cattle Receipts ,
450 ; shipments. 113 ; murkut lower : common
cows , fl.OJ l.&O ; etoclcors und feeders , $1,50
( S3.CO.
Hogs Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , none ;
light and mixed , $3.75@'J.Si : ; heavy , $3.77. ! $
@ 3.65.
( /iiutity Court.
Will F. Chirk has begun proceedings
against P , W. Hodson , Frank Goldstein , 1C.
N , Miller and II. H. Croak to recovori'iOl.43
on an nppoal bond which was given iu the
case of Clark against Hoduon , The casa
came up on uDpoul and Judgment was reu-
dered agulnst Hodeou which was not satis-
lied and plaintiff seeks to compel payment ,
alao to rcoovor rent during pending of the
William G. Doano geeks to recover $131.S3
from Isaac Lovl nnd Daniel llurr on an ap
peal bond which they executed in the case of
It. C. Stcelo & Co. vs Edward D. Titus.
George A. Hoaglund has entered suit
against Charles lilakcman to recover f-HUi5 )
on a promissory noto.
' Judgment waa rendered in the case of Mil
ler VH McCulloch In the Bum of (112.60 for
plaintiff ,
In the case of Henderson va llrownoll
judgment was rendered for plaintiff In the
urn of f317.0D.
Orontor Activity In the Domnnd
For Loaus.
Largo Shipment i Cnlloil Pot OuUlilr
InvcNtnr.i Sccktnit n IMnoo
DoinnmtN oT Conn-
try Itnitkn.
Over the Country. *
CIIIOAOO , Sept. 01. iSponlnl Telegram
lo TUB lKit. ) ] There was moro activity In
the tlomniul for loans lit the banks , the in.
croaio coming mainly from tliu grain luon ,
not only lioro , but at interior point * , \vhoro It
la being handled \vitli Increased freedom.
Heavy advances have boon , nmdo to dealers
who 'arc storing a largo quantity of wheat In
Interior eleVators In Minnesota mid Dakota ,
and the movement of money lit
that direction la larger limit nt
any previous tlmo this Beaton.
There la ntso an enlarged doiimiiil
from parties preparing to food cattle during
the winter. The shipment * ot outronuy to
the hilorlor were the largest ot any wcolc
this Bunson. Country bunliurH nro uUo send-
iiiK In moro paper to bo discounted. i'i the
faro of the increased domniul , howuvor , the
supply of funds wiw mnulc nud the market
oiisy at 5Ca. > } per cent for cull and 0@S per
cent for tlmo loans. There i an Increased
quantity of ouUldo paper Rt-oldng
buyers , and brokers report lurnor oirorltiRs
of money from the oust souklng Invo.stmont
and street rates atI S per cont. No v York
oxohango was llrmor , duo to the bilylnp by
country bnnUR , who are orderlnu currency
from \VushliiKton. Sales were mninly ut
STia discount to par ami closed at For
eign cxcliungo wus In fair supply and weaker
at ! > for shippers' sixty duya doo-
umentar.v bills en l.oiiUon. and closodatiho
inside. The New York Htoclc umrkot wua
dull .ind the nuiKO of prices was mirrowor.
The general fooling bearish unil a lower
raiiKO of prices was recorded. There were
few stockcru In the acttvo list , the most im
portant boinir proportion , yraiiors ( and
Northern Paclllcs. The cut , in rates made
by Chicago , liurllnuton Northern and the
feat * that other roads would be forced to in col
the reduction created u distrustful - *
ful feeling and not only lu
ll u roil n frco by the longs
but also a heavy short selling especially by
western operators who turned bearish for
the tlmo boing- . There xvas tin ubsunt'o ot
"Ions" buying wlnoh characterized the trad
ing during the preceding woolen. The close
of the money m.irkot also had coiisUlerablo
to do with the soiling ot "long" stocks. Tlui
London market also was lower mid nsslstcd
in the depression , Aflor each dcrlino , a
rally followed but they were feoDto com
pared with those witnessed a week or two .
ago , and the recessions that fol
lowed eacb advance carried prices otill
lower and losses ranging from 1 to 1 %
points were recorded nnd partly maintained
at the close. Tennessee Conl , however , was
an exception and ndvuniTd ; i , ' points , as
was also Jersey Central , which gained 1 %
points. Uonds were slow and u shade
lower. The total sales on the Now Yorl ;
stock exchange for the weol : wcru U7UKI. ( ! {
BllllfQS. .
There was a fair dogi-co of activity In the
grain trade during the past woo It , though
the volunui of busiiiuss was not as largo as
during the wcou previous.Vlnlo Uiuru is
considerable complaint oT a dullness of
trade , .vet there is u good business
transacted in speculative circles. Wheat
and corn attracted considerable attention
but other cereals were not in much specula
tive favor. Hoceipts of gram were moder
ately frco at the central imirttcts of the
west , but arrivals at interior stations were
less free. Farmers are quito busy with
their fall plowing uud seeding , and uvi-
dently are a little moro Independunt in tlicir
views having solil sulHuiont < iuintitiO3 : of
now crops to meet pronslng wants , and pro
vide for financial emergencies in the near
future. Advices from foreign marliots In-
dicutcd considornblo moro strength In that
quarter , though orders from abroad were
not very largo. Huyers are depending
largely on homo deliveries. The out
come of the crops In Europe is
not quite as favorablous anticipated , thouirli
the depreciation is comparatively slight.
The export movement from the seaboard was
fair , not showing any improvement. In the
shipping branch of the grain trade thcro waa
considerable interest manifested and trading
was fairly active. Differences in the view of
buyers ami Hollers checked business to some
extent , chiefly in round lota. Shipments of
grain from luke ports were ( julto liberal.
Receivers have sold tliuir grainqulto readily ,
but prices wcru nut quite so satisfactory.
In provisions , the trading has slackened
up considerably , und changes in prices were
slight. Outsitlo operators uru not doing
much , nnd local oporat'ors are "oven-
ing up" thir trades. The shipping
trade is moderate. The packing of the
west continues to increase steadily and the
nggregato for the summer season is 1,109,000
lioga rnoro than last season to Uato. and
lIoHH ! ( ) In excess of the aggregate returns of
last season , The receipts of hogs , cattle and
slieup at the principal western maricote have
been quite liberal and prices of good qual
ities have favored sell urn.
Weekly Hunk Stntnntmir.
NnwYoitK , Sept. 21. [ Special Tulogrum
to TIIK UUB.I The weekly bank statement
shows the following changes :
Ilcsorvo , decrease . flJl.'i7,37'i
Loans , increase . 100,900
Specie , dccroaso . aUI.BOO
fvCgal tenders , decrease . 851,01)0 )
Deposits , decrease . 4,140 , KX )
Circulation. Increase . -Jl.bOO
M'lio banks now hold ? 1H7. ) , 100 in excess of
the ZT per cunt rule. ICxpnrt-i of specie from
the port of Now Yorlt last week amounted to
lii.Sn : , of which tiIJU ! ( was in gold and
! th.iM ; , ( silver. Of the total exports no gold
mid fU'J'.tiOl ) silver wont to Kuropo nnd fll.900
gold and ifl 1,775 silver to South America.
Imports of Hpcrio for the week amounted to
MU.5I1. of which tl , 30 tvus in gold and
&T.I. Ill silver.
Nn v YOHK , Sept ai. - fSjiecial Toli'grnm to
Tun HII : : . | SuoMc Uaw , dull and nominal ;
refined , ) { c , lower and qulot ; C , t ) ( s4llifi ) ;
oxtru C , n % ( < inj ( < n white oxtnt C. TttfTKo :
yellow , ( % C iiKo ; off A , T Q/jr 0 Uoj ! mould
A , bo ; standard A , TJfu ; cu.ifectlonor's A ,
; out loaf , Sjtfo ; crushed , Hj o ; powdered ,
; granulated , 8s ; cubes , '
New York Dry GIKKIH Miirlcnt.
Ni'.w YOUK , Siipt. 21 , [ Special Toli'gratn
to Tun Uii.J : 1'horo was a very fair busl.
ness In dry goods for Saturday , both agents
and jobbers , nnd an active mo vuinont of goods
on nccounl of recent sales. The market wag
without change of any Id ml , the situation
bomtf very steady with an improving tendency -
dency , Fabrics now ready for next spring
nrc receiving very good attontlon and the
outloolc for this season nnd next la f.ivorabln
to u continued good business. There Is little
of now Interest.
The Fiomont , nikliurn & Missouri VuUoy
1ms glvon notice that In connection with the
republican htnta convention at Hastings ,
Nub. , October 8 , It will soil lionets at one
undone-third faro for the round trip , The
tram will leave hero at 112:15 : p. m , leave
Fremont , us special , -UO ! : p. in. , and urrlvo
at Hastings il&J ; p. m. Upturning the train
will louvo Hustings at. } a. in.
li'rnl'jlil Tra IIH t/nlllilo.
Two frolght tr.ilna on the Union Paollle ,
No. 24 , local o st bjuud , und No , 17 , the
Denver fast freight , oist : bound , collldoa
near Sanburg ubjut 5 o'clock yoatordaV
morning , and both uugluos und savon freight
cars were completely demolished. No. 17
was lu charge of Conductor rilrlet and Kn >
glnoor lilair , and aocording to the dispatcher
had orders to mcot"3 at Am * , 'I'hu other
train was In charge of Conductor Malonoand
Knglncor Dill. ' 1'ho fireman und engineer on
both otigmos osoapod unhurt by ) umpn | ( , "
from the engine * before they came together.
' 1 tin nieniljers of both tram crown roitldo m
Oumha ,
- i
Tasty , Indued , Is a brooch formed of four
scml-ffrfles of diamond * , arranged around a
Llrctut of peurls.