Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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No odvortlsomnta will bo token ( or
those column * attor I2 3O p. m.
forms-Cosh In advance ,
.AdtertlsernenU tinder this heed U ) cents per
line for the nrst Insertion. 7 cents for enrh sub-
requent insertion , and 11.60 per line per month.
No ndrtrttaemcntft tnkcn fo * less than 25 cent *
for tlrat Insertion. Seven words will be counted
tothollno ; niiey must run coniacntively and
mutt bo pn'd In ADVANCE. All advertUe-
nents mutt 1 > d handed In before 12,10 : o'clock p.
m.nnd under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by ulephono.
Parties adverCalng In these columns and haying -
ing their answers nr.rtressed in cnro or TUP. HER
trill please ask fovn cherc toennbla them to Ret
their letton. M none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to nd-
TcrtlKemetus should b * pnclreed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished in both morning nnd evening editions of
TDK HKR. tl'.o circulation of which nggregatet
more than 1B.OUO pnperi dally , arid pivot thond-
yertlserH the 1x > nellt , not only of tfm city circu
lation of Tnr. HKE , hut nlfo of Council HluuX
Lincoln nnd other cltlrJ nnd townt throughout
thl section of the countyy. _
Advertising forthrso columns v/111 be tnken
on tli * nbovo conditions , At tbe following bust *
ness houses , who nra authorized agents for TUG
lice special notices , and will quota the same
rates fin cnn be Intel ut the main ofllco.
K & J'DDT. Stationers ana Printers , 113
V/Bouth 10th Btrect.
SH. FA UNBWOHTH , Pharmacist. 2115 Cum-
mlng Street.
WJ. Ituanns , Pharmacist , VU North 10th
m Btrect.
GEO. W. P Alin , I'hnrm-ci-t. 1COD St. Mary' .
fcruaHKErPHAHMACr,2203 Farnam Street ,
TENOOHAPHER ( Hrst-class ) desires posi
tion. Addrosa. K. 17. llco. KIT 24t
"Mf ANTED Position by competent joung
Y > lady with best of city reforonce.i as TJOOK-
kcopor and tonogrnpher. Address K,31 , Hee.
Al4TE7) ) 10 experienced solicitors ; good
pay. easy work. Address Occidental llulld-
Ing and Loan Association. Umulia , Neb. 517 " 2 !
WANTED-Onoor twogood steve blnckera
Monday morning at UK ) Satimlcrii st ,
\\rANTRD Salesmen nt f"i pel-month knlary
TT nnd txjH'nsus to fecll n line of sllver-pluti'd
ware , winches , olc. , bv wimple only ; horse ami
team furnished free. Write at once for lull pni-
tlculai K and sample case of goodH free. Stand'
ard Silver Ware Co. , Itoston , Mass. 654
W ANTED A first-class coattnaker iit onco.
J. K. Olilman. lloatrlco , Nob. filM-iSt
\X7ANTED City salesmen to sell Rpoclaltlefl
V T to retail grocery trado. liofon-ncea. Call
between and 10 a. m. W. M. lltulford & Co. ,
12U7 Howard st , 6Q.1-S2J
W ANTED Experienced newspaper mini to
take editorial char * oof country weekly
in western part of state. Light worK and goofl
salary. Address K 20 , this olllce. 002-21
W ANTED Shirt mnuori. 1112 i'ninum st.
WANTED City salesman to f > ell specialties
tore-tall grocery trade. Hoturemos , Cull
between Hand 10 Monday. W. M. Hadford &
Co. KMT Ho ward. LOJ--2T
"VS/ ANTED Colored waiter ; dishwasher ;
V farm lia'ids , * 2 mo. ; : 'd cook ; men to cut
brush , S''O ; Mrs. llrego , . ) H' ' . S. loth. 6'J7-22 ?
ANTED Auonts to sell the plulo-s clothes
linn ; tint only line ever Invontcd that holds
the ciothuH without pins ; a perfect Miccess ;
patent recently issued ; sold only bv ngonts. to
whom the exclusive right is given ; on tucelpt oi
50 cts wo will send a sample line by mall ; also
circular. ' , price list and terms to airents ; secure
your territory at once. Address Woi coster
Pinlej'j Clothes Line Co. , 17 Ilormon st. , Wor
cester , Mass. fiiif-o'tt
50laboreisfor newrailrond nork
in Wyoming ; ; good wages and steady work.
Albgrlsht Labor agency , 1120 I'nrnam. 510
ANTEi ) 2 shocmaV. ra for Bocond-hani ]
work ; npply lot N. Oth. 541 2U *
Wanted Good assortment worker ;
J- steady work. 1210 South Hlth st. 530 22 *
WANTED 5 good cornice men nud 5 good
tinners. Western Cornice Works , I4lh be
tween Jackson nnd Jones. 540 2.1
WANTED Five traveling salesmen ; snlary
nud expenses ; no experience necessary.
Address with stamp , L. 11. Linn A : Co. . Li
Crosse. Wis. 4b7 2tlt
VITANTKD Hoy.iiot under 17 years ot nge ,
T T with good sound pony , two hours in mornIng -
Ing nnd evening. Apply to Ueo counting room.
LIVE men with small capital can secure
money-making Hpeelulty without competi
tion , ai < u paying $100 to JOJ ! monthly prollts. it ,
0. Crelghton block. 120 S. ISth st. 483-32 *
WANTED A trimmer nnd n bushelmnn :
steady employment given nnd only llrst-
classmen need apply. Irank J. Hamge , 13th
nnd Havney. 4J2 2) )
WANTED 1'our hundred men tor track lay-
lug in Wyoming. Apply to i P. H. Johnson ,
H. &M , passenger depot r , Omaha.
WANTED-UOO graders nnd tie makers for
TY the Hlsick I1I1N extension. lilluy , Kramer
& Co. , Mux Meyer building , Hth nud Kanmm.
AN'1'ED-l'X ) railroad laborers for the
west. Company work. Pilloy Kramer .V
Co. , Max Meyer uulidlng , Hth nud runiam sis.
1)20 )
"ITTANTED Agents ! To solicit orders for our
T celebrated Oil Portraits. The llnest made ,
No experience required 1 Heglnners earn a
week , fjoutllt frne ! Send for full pnitlciuara.
A ruro chance. Sallord , Adums & Co. . 1U Houd
St. , Now York. 8IUO Bt
WANTED A mun in every locality to net
us privhte detective muter our instruc
tions. Send 4c for particulars. Central Doteo-
tl\o Ilureuu , Topekii , Kan. TKJ-o.H
" \7I7ANTED A coed olllco man to go east ;
T must invest yJ.SOO ; mustbonnood uuslnoss
< mnn. Address the ( Joe , S. Cline Publishing
House , 315 to ffil Wabash nvo. , Ciilcngo , ills.
W ANTED Mon for Washington teiritorv.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam st
'w ANTBD-Wiudow dicsser at The F"air.lith
nnd Howard ts. 6HD
. /ANTED Oood second girl. Apply < W N
1710th st. 620 22
W ANTED Uood girl forgeneral housowork.
inquire 210-1 St. Mary's uvo , 519 ) t
w ANTED A good girl for geuoral house
work. IHI1 Dodge Ht. 654 2:1 :
WANTED Ijidy steuogrnpher nnd book
keeper , E. 1' . Seavor , room 201 N. Y. Life
building. 61X1-22
I WISH to employ n few ladles , on salary , to
take charge of my business at their homes |
entirely iniiibjectlonabla ; light ; veiy fascinat
ing and hcnltlitul ; ao talking requited | wages
tw per week. Oood pay for pait time. Mj
references include some of the best known pee
pi3 ot Loulstlllc , tlnclmiatl , ntt-burg ami
elsewhero. Address with stamp , Mrs. Marlon
Walker. Hit and Chestnut Bta , . Louisville , Ky ,
G1HL lor housework ; steady plnce , In small
family for good girl. 8118 Sid. 610-2J
TXTANTHD Porelady for skirt dcpartinont
TT at once , P > 1UHoward wt. M. .A , Wiillncd ,
WANTED Olrl for general housework ; twc
in family ) two cooked meals n day. Call
tiai8 o2 < < th. 4U7 22
W ANTED-Oood girl , Kli Georgia ave ; muull
fnmlly. Mrs. J. H. Haynea. 61U 22t
ANTED Woman about 25 orM ! years ol
w ago to take care of children. 101 No. 18th
614 2IJ
t r ANTED-TH o apprentice for dress
i making , 11)14 ) Chicago st. 4TI 22t
\\7 ANTED-A good first girl , must be a good
TT cook and laundress ; good wugds nud f
good homo to QUO who in competent ; refeience
requited. Call at room 10 , Continental building
or nddrpaa bux 22J. 485
LADY tgeuts wanted for the uow Hygeli
Corset , Most satisfactory and best money-
piaklng article out , Kor terms etc. , apply tc
Western Corset Co. . St. Louis. Mo.V > -itf
W ANTED--A girl for general housework ;
small family. 18--J California Bt. cor. 20th
WANTED Olrl for guueral houaeworii :
family o * three , ( Juruiau iiroferreil ; apply
to atM Capitol ove. ifJJ
WANTED-0 cooks In private famiUea , Id pel
week ; 1 tocond girl , IJ.U ) ; U padtry cooks
IT to 110 ; 2 waitresses for Norfolic , 'faro paid
cook for Stautou , HI ; 0 dining room glru lu city
I1H month ; monographer. K-U : cashier. { 3 week
(0 elrls for guuurul work : lots of new place
every day. Oiuulm Bmp. Huroau , Hi ) N. luth.
w , TANTRD A Rlri for general housework at
1 1018 Capital nva. 478 Si
WANTKD Housekeepers , cook and second
plrl In game family. Competent girl for
family of 2t2j ; cook for private boarding
house. - < ) : Klrls forCouncll Illiiirsrvnd Illalr3Uj
M COOK for short oroor home , f.1 It nice young
girl as nurse for child of a ; laundress for pri
vate famllr , * W ; two nurse girls ; 4 for country
ilacos nnd M for general housework. Mrs.
lerga. ni4' { a ICth st. r > 9S-Kt )
TKNTglrl wanted for Bninll family ,
middle ascu woman preferred. Apply to
Roberts In cigar store , 4d3 North 10th street.
W ANTHD A girl for general homework ,
211)0 ) Douglas. 000-24
WANTKD Two apprnntlco girls for sowing ,
Inquire at Mrs. J. K. Winslado's. 211 North
13th St. niO-22 *
W ANTRD A good girt for general house
work In sniAll family. Inquire 1818 ( Xirby.
r > 77
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
J Mrs , J , 1Coota , 1231 8 , 10tn st. 6IO-2IJ
V\7ANTEU Experienced girl for general
T r housework. Mrs. L. 0. Jones , 718 No. 21st.
D ltisSMAKINa : In tamlltes. ( U7 Ho. 17th avo.
133018 *
Dltr.PSMAKlNfl in all tlio latest styles , by
I ollet'8 French system or drt cutting ;
terms modnratu. Itoom I ! * , GUT S. Itith st. 6"5
"OKSPONStllliK carpenter to llgure on carpcn ,
Xtter work for 5 houses. Iflndloy & Slileldf-
Chamber ot Commerce. 478 2 *
WANTKD Good brick for cash , second
mortuaaes , contract" , lots , hoases , lands ,
farms , etc , W. J. I'&ul. 1BOU I'nrnam. 67U-22
\\/ANTRI ) A secondhand safety btcyclo In
good condition. Address K 37 , llee olllcc ,
0 7
W ANTRD The use of n good sound horsu or
ponyfrlU ng or driving ) two hours morn
ing undo ng. Address J 63 , IJeeolllcc.
WANTMO A largo nicely furntshcd room
for mun and wife ; mint be near street
cars ; private fuiully preferred ; references ex
changed. Address K iil , lleo olllce. WS-2ij
WANTUD Furnished room nnd board in
pilvate family for man nnd wife : no
children ; uoiild make permanent arrange
ments : references given and resulted. Address
K J. lleo olllco. AK-rJJ )
WANTED llygcutleman , wife anddaughtor
aged ten , one large or two small com
fortably furnished , well heated rooms , with
substantial board , In good neighborhood.
Answers to Heenro attention must utnto terms
and full partlculais. Address 1C \ llee.
WANTED I unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping In house \\ltn lawn and no
children ; references exchanged. P. U. Itox
noii.ojy. -L ? . * _
\\TANTEU-To rent six ( Gl or suvon (7) ( ) room
TT cottage. Address with location aim price
J. M. Iledue , care Omaha Hardware Co. KS
\\7'AtifKO to Kent-1 want largo room partly
T fiiniUhed. bed , washstand and catpet ;
have other furniture. Addioss K 10 lieu olllco.
4C8 22
TJiUH ) HBNT $2"i per month. 7-room house ,
JLJ con\enlontly located , gas nnd city nater ;
$ . 1. beautiful new house In ( Counted place , all
modern conveniences ; $ " > . a lurco ID-room
brlfK house , 2ith st near St Marys avenue ;
913. n-room cottage.2i ! l Dnvonport st ; Ji. small
cottage. Imiulro Nethertou Hull. 1112 lainurn.
Poll HCNT-4-room Hats " . minutes' walk
trcin postolllco , cltv water , gna and water-
clofot. Itoberts , 402 North loth street. 013 24J
" TlT KENT Steam licnTeiiTniU ; In Tstabrook
blQCK. lloberts , 402 North 10th st. I112-2J ;
I/1 OH HI/N'T A 3-roomhouse. newly napared.
I' good well and cistern , 2bUII Trunklln street ,
Knciulro next door north. lUl-Sit
TT ylt HiN T by Bholos As Hamilton
-A ? Hoom 210 1st National llnnk Illdg.
WS 14-ioom house , ull conv. . " 4thand Cass sts.
J 0 11 room houso. all com' . , name location.
$10 8-room hou&o , all conv. . Hnnscom Place.
} .C1 27-room Hats , inth and Howard nts.
J.JO 7-room Hat , 20th nnd Leavenworth ? ts.
* 2"i 8 room houso. all conv. , Windsor 1'hve.
S.'O 2 7-room nouses , all conv. , Windsor Place.
$12 4-room house nud bari > , 29th and Taylor SIB.
IilOH IlKNT Houses for carpenter work ,
painting , etc. W. J. Paul , lOJ'J Farnam st.
\ F.r.T IlenutUul ten-room house with all
mndein convenioncerf. elegantly furnished ,
located In Kountzo place. AppilcautR must
have good references. Address room ; i ,
Crelghton block. 580
FOU HKNT A pretty , seven-room house on
California street , gas.clty water nnil clsternT
rent moderate to goo 1 tenant. Inquire lllng-
wait llios. , itnrkor block , city. HBl 27
J HOOM house for rent , S3 per mouth , S. E. cor
Ollth and Vlnton. fi'm
SRVKItAljnice houses and Mats for rent ; cen
trally located ; furniture for sale on eisy :
terms ; very desirable for rooming and board-
Inc house. 2 slx-iooni cottaues vacant. Co
operative Land nnd Lot Co. , 203 N. 17tU at.
4 5 22
Q-HOOM house , ga" . bath nnd all modern con-
Ovenlenues. 1C1 8.21th ave. 50J 22t
G HOOM house. 417 N. llth st. 402 22t
VEHY low , two 7-room houses on 18th nnd
Ylntou ; two S nud 0 room houses on 27th
and Woolworth ( with city wntor and bath ) ; two
n-room houses lu Lincoln Pmce. Hoom 610.
Pa-ton block. 480
6-HOO.M house , furnished , until Jon'y 1st ; ref
erences exchanged. Call lOOii No. 2."ith st ,
4'il 22t
8 HOOM house with all modern improvements
Including splendid furnace , uenr Hnnscom
pnrk , r > , too. C. r. Hariison , Merchants' Nat'l
bauK. | 401
ITIOH HENT A neat furnished cottage , city
JL1 water and lu best locality , near high school.
Call at the Western Printing Co. , 16th & Hurnoy.
TjlOH HENT (1-room ( house with barn , 11510
JL.1 Charles st. Inquire at the E. M. Hulso com-
p.iny , 1J07 Nicholas st , 3tZ \
"IJ OH HENT House with nil conveniences ,
JL' hnid wood finish , throe blocks from P.O. ,
east front ; 21tl N. Hlth st. U70
-room cottage. No. OJI N 20th st ,
D. C. Patterson , 518 N. Y. Llfo. M
T710H HENT 2 lints in Llntou block , rooms
JL1 each , heated by steam , newly papered , rent
moderate. Inquire at UI7 South liltli Bt. John
Hamllu in the block. : )722J )
JtENT No. 2411 Capitol aveifue , 11
rooms , nil modern conveniences. The O. F.
Davis Co , 232
FOH HEN'T 5-room cottage on South ) rd
street , $25.
Two i-room cottages on 8.12th st. , SU.51.
TnoU-room Hats on N > 17th ss , suitable for
light nouhukooplug , $17.
Two ( ! -roum Hats , corner 24th nnd Leaven-
worth its ,
Apply to Green & Wllllnms.Ist Nat. bank bldg.
TmOH HENT Pine 11-roora house , with all
J. iiiDderu imnrovements , No. 2-1 It ) Douglas
n. A. H. Gladstone , 1.110 Douglas Bt. fill
TPiOH HENT AB-room cottaze , city , cistern
JL' wntor , convenient to business. David Jamie-
son , 311 8.15th st. U68
TTlolt HBNT A new 0-room house , with clos-
JL ; ets , bath and hot water on both Moors ; cor
ner Hickory nnd Georgia ave , one block from
park entrance. Price W p r month. P. II. Sal
mon & Co. , 1213 Lcaveuworth st. Kit
OH HENT 0-room modern Improved house ,
comer , Apply M. L'lgutter. 111J 8. 10th. KiO
T71OH HENT HaudsoTuo 10-room house , nil
JL' convtences. paved street , cublo nnd horse
cars , 6 minutes walk , ot i.ostolllce. Nathan Shul-
ton. Hill Farnam at. 701
" | JKH HENT Several new 5-room cottnges ;
JL' rent J15 per month. Inquire of John H ,
F. Lehmann. t-l ! S. 17th street. 717
Oil HENT nnellnnd rt-iooin houses with
all modern improvements. Cass street , be
tween 24th and 2-ltu sts. . at low rates. H. T.
Clarke , 2120 Cuss st , 2ti5
T71OH HENT 7-roora , 2-6tory house , barn tor
JL' 4 horses if desired , Per terms for the winter
call on or addrea j C. 1' . Harrison , Merchants'
Nut'l Hank. ltd
OUBES for rcnt-JVilkluson , 1417 Farnam.
improvenibuw , cheap rent'a. E. Thompson ,
room.11. Shoely block , IGth&nd lionurd. .
rpwd persons can have front room and good
JL board with private family ut reasonable
price , one block from motor fine , lu pleasant
location. Address K 15 , llee olllco. Kfi
ANDSOMI5LY furnlsTied front room U new
brick with modern conveniences ; private
location iirst-claw and ceutml. Ad-
10 , llee olllco. 61V 2-t
ANT Mngln or double looms In modern
ELEO residence , Telephone , etc. , 1RJI Casa
street , CQ7-a4J
FOH IIBNT Two unfurnished rooms , over
1C01 Howard st. fllI-22J
Tj OU RENT-115 , Nine roomi. Vlrst ave pppo-
JC ? site HavlUs park. Council Illulfs. W , M , Hush-
men , 1311 Lonvenworth , Omnha. 6'J83 ! >
TOH HENT Two furnished rooms ; all con-
JL1 venlenccs ; private famllr , 117 S.Sothst
between Dodge nnd Farnam , OOJ-24J
TOH HENT To two gentlemen , front parlor.
JU nicely furnished ) gas , bath and hent. 310
N. 'llh si. 594-BW
FOH HRNT NlcoTv"1fnnii8hcd front "room.
Apply 2314 Cnoltol ave. 670-22T
HENT-Rlegnntly furnished rooms n
minutes' walk trom court house , go * , bath
and hot air. Prices reasonable. 20.0 Harney
st , . now brick houso. uOD-aj
OH HENT Ono pleasant furnished room
heated by steam. 2100 Douglas st , 442
TpUHNlSHED room , for ono or two gentlo-
JL' men , all conveniences. Old S ICth , 3rd lloor ,
north sldo. 6.11 2-1
Ii LEOANT furnished rooms with bath and
Ustenm. 1 10 Hdwardst. 6K
FUHNI8HUD rooms , suitable for four gents.
KWTi Howard st , 3rd lloor. No. 18 4Hb 22
XTICBI'Y furnished room * , ail modern con-
, L > > enioncos. JI22 N irith st. MO-6J
FUHNIS1I15D room-,1 nicely furnished froat
rooms , with Urst-class board , 407 N Hilh.
A N ELKO ANT suite of rooms , Bt cam heat ,
xXgus and bath , Wt U. 13th st. 2d lloor.
477 25t
FOH HENT One furnished room wltn use of
piirlor and fire , (10 ; board it desired. 1511
California st. 470 22 *
TT\On \ llENT-Furnlshod room , S13S. SUhst. )
JL1 modern conveniences. 484-2(1 (
FOH HENT Neatly furnished front ropm ,
nlso board if dosliod ; no other ruomars or
boarders , inth and Pncillo sts , 4KBJ
" "
NICK I/ furnished room , all convenleucos,315
N.nti 450 O 18
OOM nnd board In private fnmlly on cable
llnu ; only (4 per week. 1 ! } N. 2uth sL
TfOH HENT-Neatly furnished room , with
JU or without board , all modern conveniences.
10,1 N. 18th St. 4MX , "
IIIUHNISHED and unfurnished rooms. HI
JU S. 2Jth St. 470 8,1 *
"ITIUHNISIIED rooms cheap , tor gentlemen
JL1 only. KiOj Howard , 3d lloor. No. 18. 603-2-i *
"IT'UHNISHED rooms , now house , nil modern
JU conveniences , on motor line. 1130 N. 17th st.
572-21 *
VEHY deslrnble furnished corner rooms ,
steam heat pcimanent roomtM. Mrs. Mzer ,
now Martls.Tjlock. 7U4 N. llith St. , 3d llat. 6fcfl-22 ?
FOR lir.NT Large elegant rooms , furnished
or unfurnished. Stcnm heat ; nil conveu-
eucos. 2U2 South 2ith St. 683-21 ?
POH HENT Nice furnished front room for
2 gentlemen rent reasonable , 1116 Cass.
42J Slj
TflUHNlBHED rooms nnd board 1822 * Chicago.
JU 3U.-iOl7t
"VTICE furnished rooms. 2.03 Dodge.
389 23 *
T710H HENT Furnished rooms. Ill So. Hth.
J nb23j
ONE furnished room for ono or two pontlo-
nien. Private fntnlly. 2211 Farnnm st. 353
GOOD rooms with tlrst-cln-,3 board. Must
have references. 1314 Capitol nve. Mrs.
O. I amons. 347 22 +
[ jIUHNISHED rooms with nil modern convo-
JU nlences , lor gentlemen only , 17i/J Dodge it.
QT. GLAIR European hotel , cor. 13th nnd
O Dodge ; special rate oy week or month.
OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodge.
OOD room with bath. 519 S 2ttth st. 528
FOH RENT Two furnished rooms on St.
Mary's nvenuo , to geutlemcnonly ; six min
utes walk of business center. Reference ro-
quered. Inquire nt store , 210 and 2LJ S nth st.
FOK RENT Well turnlshe'l room in private
family with breanfast und 0 o'clock dinner ,
including 3 meals Sunday , for 82i per month.
Location hull block from high school. Addreas
J 28 , Ueo. 21:9
77011 * HENT-Unfurnished rooms suitable for
JU housekeeping , conveniently located. Ilutt's
Hcntlng agency. 150U Fmnam. 6'flo20
| 7 0H HENT Unfurnished rooms suitable for
JL1 housekeeping , 1812 St , Mary's avenue.
670-21 *
_ _ _ _ _
T71OH HENTTwo uufurnlshed rooms for
JU housekeeping at 1500 Haruey street.
Ci8-2iJ (
_ _
FOH RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , near car
lluo , pleasant yard. W.J North 2Jid st.
_ _ .VT-3 _ _
OR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms. 1109 So.
F 1'Jth Bt. 603 2.J
4 NICE warm rooms for the winter , 816 per
month. C. F. HurrlBon , Merchants' Nat'l
bank. 401
171OH HKNT Unfurnished back parlor with
-L' carpet , for one crtwo gentlemen , 2007 Casa.
_ _
EOH HEVT I unfurnished rooms northwest
cor. 17th nnd Webster sts. ; prlco $30. Oil
TT ESIC room in our olllco for an attorney. We
Jvhavo throe rooms. Hutchinsoa & Wend ,
1521 Douglas st. 4K ! ) 22
OlfltENT Quo-half of store , 1117 SauudcTs
St. , suitable for tailor or watch maker. Oood
location. Only $10. WJC-21t
TJ10H RENT After Oct. 1 , line front olllco.
JU ground iloor ; plate glass window ; heat and
Hunt furuisiioa ; a most desirable location lor
nny kind of business ; rent reasonable , Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , ! IIO 80.15thJH. 55'J
FoTTTlENT One half of sto"re No.I'r5 Kouth
15th , lloyd'H opera house block , suitable for
coal olllco or similar misluess. ( iln-24J
"IITOTUIi for rent , all furnished. Steam heat
J 1 nnd modern convonlenco ; 24 ulecplmx rooms ,
nil ir. llrst-L-lnsBBlmpo ; tine bur und llxtures.
A line opunlug for a man with small capital , in
South Omaha. J201 Douglas. . - > 07-2o *
lOll RENT Three-story brick building , 1110
JU Dougliisst. , suitable for wholosntn or ware
house. Chas. KaufmaunW \ Douglas stroct ,
4S)3 )
ONE hundrpu-foot store ' -J block from P. O.
Fleming , 14th und Douglas , 212 O 12
T A HOE , pleasant basement for restaurant or
JLJboarders , nearly furnished , 1314 Capitol ave.
Ulll 22 *
FOR HENT Store. 1111 1'arnam St. , 0 by 128
fiH't , 2stoiios and collar. Nathan Shelton ,
1014 Pnrnnmst < M
TjHH HENT Unsement 40 bv 0 ft , heated by
JU steam. Enquire J. Nagl , t)12 ) 80. 11th st.
TjlOU RENT Cheap , a double store and base-
JU mem , cornur Kith und Howard sts. Inquire
of J. F. Sheely , room 20J , Blieely block. ur 30
ri O RENT Desirable warehouse room on
JL track. , Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 * 1'aclllci.t.
TTiOH RRNT Tlio 4-story brick building with
JU orwlthiiut power , formerly occupied by Tha
Ht > f Publishing Co. . BIO Farnumst. The build-
mghaa a tire-proof contented biiBemuut , com-
pletustenm-heatliu' llxtures , water on all the
Iloord , gas , etc. Apply at the otllco of The Ht < o.
1)15 )
FOH HENT A large warehouse on Jones st.
bet. lath and 14th. three stories und base-
went , 44 by 100 feet , well lighted and very
strongly built , suitable for heavy machinery
for manufacturing purposes ; will lease for llvn
or mor years ut reasonable rent. Inquire of
Henry A. Hainan. 413 H. l.ltu st. a I 22t
STOHE Rooms Large new 3-story nnd base
ment store building , suitable for any whole
sale business.
New3-8tory and basement building-suitaulo
for heavy wholesale business.
Storr room , No , fW'i N , luth Bt.
I Store room. No. 21ft" I avenworth st.
Apply toUreeuA Willlams.lstNat. bank bldi ; .
FOH RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
inget. A Uo house on Cass st , Harris , room
411. Ijit Nat. Hank. 234
EENTAL Agency-Call and Fee Hie list of
choice rostdtnces and store buildings wo
offer for rent. Oeo. N. Hicks , room 2U\ New
York Llfo Duildlng. MM S3
OSTH1CH feathers dyed , cleaned and curled
equal to now. Mycr Levy , 203 N. 15th , lx- !
positlou building. 64' ) 23 ?
SCHOOL of Expression. Vocal Articulate ,
1'uutomlnlc. L V. Audoreou , Sheely block.
LOUIS TVlnebcrg rtrtss nnd cloak maker ;
plush clonks to ouUtajul stc.tmed : sealskin
clonks repaired , ail Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 1I2U Capitol are. ' ) repairing of nil kind.
? _ ai3
rplUS banjo taught nt aAlartby Qoo. F.Oellnn-
Jbeck. . Apply at Hee ofllce. O-'iO
TJEPAlHSfornll minte'S of stoves nt .Tamos
JLVllugrios' . COT 8 nth st. * 801-30J
GERMAN lessons Mr. < Horndruck. Odlce
Fmehaut's bookstore. 255o3J
HAS. L. Todd doca collecting. 44 Harker bit
TltCONUMIZE In fuel byjcovorini : your staam
JU-pipcs with fossil m'nnl non-conducting cov
ering , the most elllclont and cheapest of all
coverings. ,1) . O , McUwail , western agent , 1011
Howards t. > 2378-
LOST llrownwntor spnnlcl pup , white snot
on breast , Howard Ifrotutned to715 N 8il ! st
T OST-A carrier's collection book on route 30.
JLJ Dally lleo. Will Under please return to lleo
OlllCQ ? fif ) . ' )
LOST Two heifer calves marked P. K.wlth
ropa around the neck. Also n mnlo calf
nbout Hlx monthH old. The return or nny In
formation about them will bo rewarded by II.
Tombrlnck , 24th Bt. , Ponth Omaha. 57"i-a ;
T.OST A small black and tan dog. Suitable
J-Jrewnrd for his return. 1U1 S. Otli st. 48MB"
LOST Or stolen , a black mule. wolRhlng he-
twcn.W > and 1.400 pouiuis. 7 yours old ;
M reward If returned to 2010 Franklin Bt.
48J ! 2
"I OST T.nrijc. youngclosc-hnlrod Bt. Hornnrd
XJdoR , yellow with white bronst nnd feet. Ko-
turn to 1130 Ooorglu nvo. . or 1)01 ) Douglas nnd get
Toward. KM
S.l'OKANiWiM 172) Lawrence st. please
CJseml . better addro. ° B to Fred , Uox 274 , Spo
kane Falls. 447 22 ?
EDWAH1) Andrews will find his daughter at
1708 Corby btrect , Omaha. iMolllo Andrews.
OEIlbONAli Don't ruin your cycstcht by
JL rending or working by the light of au old
style lamp , when lor JiTOyou cnn buy the
nickel plated Connecticut lamp complete with
10-Inch dome shade. It gives a light omial to
the lucondoscent electric light , Is perfectly safe ,
easy to wick nnd free from odor. Try one und
bo convinced. Illustrated circular mailed upon
application , or call and see it at Moody's China
store , UOi North Hth st. 502-22
GKNTLEMRN , it you desire n wife or a lively
correspondent , send your address to the
American Corresponding Club , Uox 4I. Clarks-
buig. W. Va. 240 oKlJ
IF you wish to sell Omaha property , nnd will
make saleable llgurus , wo can furnish CUH
tomors. llutchlnsou & Woud , 1524 Duuglas st.
4V(1 ( 22
WANTED To buy llrst-clags team of young
horses ; must be good loatlcturs and weigh
between 2IW ) to 2.HU pounds. Address 122S. 17th
St. , corner Douglas. Kil-Sit
To buy 15 notes near town at n
bargain. C. F. flarrlson , Merchants' Nat'l
bank. 4til
CASH for furniture , carpets , stoves , general
rmlse. Wells' Auction Storage Co , ! H7
Ib2 Oil
WANTED 2.000 yards dirt at R cents per
yard , to nil lot in llouacl & Stobblna ad
dition. Hoom M ! ) t'axton block. 114
WANTED To buy for cash cheap n used
gns heating stove , a medium size hard
coal Lase burner und n range. Address Dr. ( I. ,
care carrier 5. 5W-22
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of ull Kinds. Omaha Auc
tlou & Storage Co. , 1191 Farnnm. KU
SlOHAGi : Clean , diy , und reasonable rates.
Wells' Storage if Auction Co , 317 S. liltn st.
STOHAOEnt low rates at 1121 Karnaiu Btreot ,
Omaha Auction and Stontgo Co , Ml
tJTOHAGKami forwarding. We collect and de-
Oliver goods ol all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage at. cheapest rates for
storage for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo had At shortest notice , with cure-
fill men for movini. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 2178. 14th
st. Telephone-Hi. HowoU&Co. K15
milACICAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL llushman , llltl Loavenworth. 530
MHS. ECCLKS. the famous fortune teller and
clairvoyant ; business , 'ove. marriage and
changed , GG7 S. 13th st.noxtdoor to Darker hotel.
MADAME Wellington , world-renowned as-
trologlst , test medium and destiny reader.
Just from Europe , Tells your life from the
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy martlage with the one you love ,
locates disease and treats with massage nnd
electric baths. All in trouble should not fail to
consult this gifted seeress. Parlor 0 , upstairs.
4178.11th ; olllco hourt , from 10 a. m. to 10 . m.
423 2Jt
TTIORTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenorman can be
JU consulted ou all alfnlrs of life. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. 113 oO *
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty , ll N. IGth st. , rooms 2 and ; i. 5,17
GOOD homes for ladles during confinement ,
terms reasonable,823 S.17th. Dr. Mrs.Kuntze
ii3 ! b30J
MUS. M. Ohlenschlngcr , mld-wlfery homo for
ladles. Oood accommodations and attend-
unco. Low prices. 2o07 North 21th St. , Omaha ,
652 iiO *
HITTLESEY'S ihorthand and typewrit
ing achool , Harker block. lay ) nnd evening -
ing sessions ; $8 per month. Il41-O7t
STANDAUD Shorthand School. PaxtonUlk. ,
( successor to Valentine's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school in the wo < > t. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory oxpert. Circulars.
TrtOH SALE A now buggy , Simpson make ,
JO choap. Hootn 5-iTj Puxtou Dlock. _ 221
FOH SALE--$1.2) ) ) worthof new furniture for
S5J ) , in a 12-room house. Oood ( entral loca
tion. House for rent it desired. Address 1C 23 ,
lien olllce. 681-221 :
" | jHH SALE Olio portable boiler nnd engine ,
JL' pump , counter shaft nnd saw table ; also
one four-ton Fairbanks platform HCU.OS , lor
sale cheap. Addreai K 21 , lleo olllco. 6UV22 *
F OH SALE At n bniga'n , the best fnmlly
horse In ) mnha , jiorfectly sound , only 7
years old. Oentlii nnd onfo in every way for
lady. Cull nt 2102 Maplu St. , next to baseball
park , west sldo.
TT1OH SALE C-vear-old bny horse about 1100
X1 pounds. Is gentle as a child and bound ns a
dollar. PncoSlli ) . 412 8. 24th avo. 58I-24J
FOH SALE For $73 cash , 3 good work horses ,
.1. K. Curtis , 28tu and Miami sts. 607 22j
TTlOlf 8ALE-LTght" lmlf platform spring
X1 wagon , in good order ; 1507 N. luth st.
DM s3W
T710 H SALE A horse mid buggy at a bargain ,
X1 tall ou Di , J. J. Hnvllle , 1104 humidors st.
ONE walnut double desk , 7 feat long. A bar-
gain. / . T. Llndhoy. " / _ 4G4-25 _
171OR SALE Work"foam. wagon and harness ,
J-1 sliigle hurse , I" nes4 and carriage , 2
wagons , 2sotBhCHvyl naas , or will exchange
for brick. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnnm. Hjd
POH BALK Phaeton atta sarrillco-only $ .10.
Must be sold immrdlutoly for cash. Willis
Yules. A gt , NebrttBk Nat'ibank. _ 34S
wngon nnd set of double work har
ness , nearly new. cost $110 , been used but
very little , will sell for (7ft,00 on payments.
Co operative Lund & ' Lot Co. , 205 N. loth st.
1 652-'ia
_ _
rf Kio buys m re , harness,1 open buggy. Enquire
tPlBltl Sherman aye. , after 5 o'clock. 44i S27 *
1J1OK8ALH A n.'i-h'orso'power Porter engine
J-1 in good condition , weight 5,10) ) pounds , cyl
inder llxlu , For particulars apply to Uuo lleo
olllce. W3
_ _
fIDLAND Ouarantee & Trust Co. , N. V. Life
-I'Lbldt'.complete aDdtraits furnished und titles
to real estate examinedperfected. , * guaranteed ,
\ | ONlty loaned on furniture , horses. Jewelry ,
iTLeta Special rates to parties in norm and
west part of city. J , U. Emluger , 1417 Farnam ,
BYBTONE Mortgage Co. Ixmns of 110 to
tl.OO ) ; gee our rates before borrowing and
sare money ; loan on horaee , trfrnlturo. or any
approved Becurlty , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , remiwal of old , and low
est rates , call H20jtiheeloy blt,15th& Ilowardst.
- * r
200 to loan on good outside city propcirtr.
Cftli at room too. Paxtoa lllk. 819-23
fl WX > ,000 to loan nt II per cent. Llnannn ft Mv
y , room 600 Paxton block. 649
, prlvntfi money to pines at 7 per cent ,
$ net , 0. F , Harrison , Merchants * Mnt'IbanK ,
MONEY to loan on furnlturo , horses , wagoni ,
cts. , or on nny approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , 1411H Farnam strsot. Paxton hotel.
, 6 < 0
MONBY to loan on any security
for short time , nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 400. Paxton block. 643
BUILDING loans. 1) . V. Sholcs. 210 I'lrst
National bane. 5U
rpo LOAN A few thousand on inside unlm-
JL proved city property or good "ml mortgage
paper Addrosa J M lleo olllce. _ 208
F I HST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
delay. D. V. Sholo,2li ) First Nntionul bnnit.
_ _ _ _
LOANS made on re'xl estate and mortgages
bought. Louis S.llcodiCo..H.iJ , Hoard Prude
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
housliold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllce In
the city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred nud slxty-tlvo days , which cnn bo paid in
part or whole , at any time , thin lowering the
principal nnd interest. Call and see Us wnon
you w ant money , wocan nulst you promptly
and to your Advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay m making loans. C. F. Heed to Co. ,
Ul'l S. I'lth st. , over Hlnghnm k Sous. 55.1
C CANS City and farm loans , mortgage paper -
per bouuht. McCaguo Investment Co. 11
M ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , ronl estate
nnd loan ngents , 1501 rnrnam nt. 614
TX7 ANTKD First class inside lo-un. Lowest
TT rates. Cnll ana nee us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1504 Knrnam. r > M
MONEY loaned for 80. 00 or 00 dnys on any
kind of chattel security ; rtasonuhlo inter
est ; conlldcutlal. J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
T \O YOU want monov ? If so don't borrow
J-'beforo getting my rates , which are the low-
CKton nny sum Irom JI to IO.UO ( ) .
I make loans on houKhold goods , pianos , or
gans , liorsos.nniieswagonswarehouse receipts ,
bouses , loases.otc. , In any amount nt the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo nindo for one to six mouths nnd
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal nnd interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have n loan on
them. 1 will lake it up and carry it for you as
long ni you desire.
If you need money you will find it to your nd-
Tantago to nee mo before borrowing.
H. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell DUlldlng. 15th
and Harnov. 65. )
h Per Cent money H. 302 , N. JT. Life lns ; pldg
MONEY to loan nt low rates nnd no delay.
Capital and surplus f1,100.0At. Lombard
Investment Co. , 308 813th st. 6J9
EES1DENCE loans 4U { to 7 per cent ; no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
neys' ' fees. W. II. llelklo. First Not bank blag.
s. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
O making your loam. 642
MONEY to loan on real estate security nt
lowest rntes. Before negotiating loaus see
Wallace , R.3IO , Urowu bMg. , ICth & Douglas.
E1IRASKA Mort. Loan Co. will mate you n
loan ou household goods ,
norses , wagons ,
land contrncts.
fine jewelry , or secnrities of nny kind ,
without publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Hoom 7 , Howley block. South Omaha.
Rooms 51S-511I , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
nlsh che.ip eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securltii'S. perfect titles , accept loans
at their western otllco. George W. P. Coatos.
room 7. Hoard of Trade. 540
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses nnd
vuigons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 8. 13th st. . opposite Mlllard hotel. filJ 4
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercla
paper nud mortgage notes. S. A. Ionian , cor
] 3tn and Farnam. r 7
MONEY to Loan Chattels , collateral rea
estate. HbOl , Merchanti'Nat'lbankbulldgln.
art s3J
MONKY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay , j.
W. Squire , LHO Farnam at. First National
bank building. 641
MONEY to loan We make liberal advances
ou all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses and wagoni , without removal , without
publicity , nnd at lower rates than can be had
elscwhcr'jin the city. Payments can be made
at nny time , which reduce both principal nnd
interest. Long nnd short time given and liberal -
oral extensions made. All business strictly
confidential. Ilefore you borrow or renew your
loan call and get our rates. Hawkeye Invest
ment Co. , room : ! , ' ] , 3d lloor , Douglas blocks. w.
corner Kith and Dodge streets. 303 s-21
MONEY to loan on city or farm property.
Geo. J , Paul. 1603 t'arnam st. 103
BEFOHE making chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to see The Western Invest-
inent Co. . room 412 Ilee bldg. 1JU
"TTMHST National safety deposit vaults. Safes
- > J to rent $5 to $ a u year. 307 S. 13th. 12J
LACKSMITH shop on 16th at. doing line
business ; price $1.001) ) ; will give tlmoonpait ;
party going away. Grocery More in good loca
tion , Ul.iiOU. Conlectlonery and bakery. Hotel ,
furniture and business in good locution in city
for StO ) ; 28 rooms and 40 boarders. store ,
$309. 2good restaurants doing Hue business ;
price. $ luO and $ MU 23-room hotel in central lo
cution , tnrnlture and lease. 11,000 ; paitly on
time. Co-openitivo Land and Lot Co , d't N.lflth.
493 22
CjriOO buys half Interest In restaurantthaTtafcoi
P in til ) a day. ItOJJi Farnam. UlflV2J
A WELL established manufitcturlng con
cern manufacturing a line ot goods , con
trolled by strong patents , for which there is an
active demand , paying good piollts , is desirous
of establishing u bruncn house in this city , and
will furnish with the right party one-quarter
the roiiulslto capital necessary for ronauotlUK
the business. Address , giving full particulars ,
past experience , nge. etc , , etc , and amount of
capital can command , liranch House , care It.
II , Dunn At Co. , Chicago , III. 5C4-2JJ
( Jj2.000 will secure interest in cash monopoly
U > paying investor J8.0JO yoaily. Investiga
tion solicited. K22 , Hee 6b7-22t
FOH HENT Aio you looking for one of Tiio
bust locations In Omaha to start n dry goods
Btoro. haidwnr , barber tlwn or giocoiyif bo
see Fiod IlaiTis , lil'j ' Dodge. 512 y
TJIOH HKNT Itostaurant with bakery Inbaso-
-L1 mont and rooms nbove. bath rooms , dining
room to seat brick building , pni ties own
ing it wish to go out ot business ; party must bo
responsible. J'or particulars address ( I. W.
Whlttakor. Kearney. Neb. . Hulralo Co. 4M019 ?
OK SALE-Nicely furnished Hat ; sTeam
hout. filO 8 , IHth St. , Hat a , 624 18
A OH EAT bargain ton party \vlio has t,000
cash. ( J. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l b'mc.
\\TANTED Aman of capital to join with me
TT in estabhshlna a broedlng farm of the
best butter breed of cattle known. Oood de
mand for stock and product ; large oxpoilenco
and bodt of ruforcncca. Address K11 , llco oillce.
621 Sit
( \ OOD opening for furniture dealer for sale.
VJNOWstock of furniture invoiced at $2uoo ,
doniK good business : only furnlturo store in
town ; reason for sailing , liuubund died and
want to go out of business ; bids will bo re
ceived until September 2i. Terms , JI.UH cash ,
balance on ciwy terms , Store and lot will be
tor Halo also. Address Slis , J. L. Nelson. Oak-
land. Neb. 440-liJJ
DHUO stock , good business , in A 1 location ;
price Wno ) , hiilf cash and balance In rlunr
land or city lots ; investigate. Stringet & Penny ,
Douglas block. _ 408 2J _
| 7HH SALE Well established furniture vturu ,
U apply to Fred. J. Smith , Lindsay , pl > .
OH SALE-Clgar , confectionery and fruit
stand ; good utaud right party ; 2 i 8.l2thst ,
422 22 $
OHbALK Oood family horso. paccr.cheapj
122 8. nth , cor Douglas , 410
IJlOUHALHor trade Saloon , good business ,
L' best location In Omaha ; reason for selling ,
Address 1C H lleo olllco. 5.2-V2J
fj OH BALE The lease , furniture and peed
-L ? will of Opolt's hotel. Lincoln , Nob. , will be
soul at a bargain. Cull on or uddiexs , Joe
Opelt , Lincoln. Neb , 6Vi 27
TTHNTION Druggists-or ealo a druB business -
iness that will pay you t23 ! per mo. Addresa
H. & Co. , care Magunun it Itruunor , i'roinont ,
Neb. 41121t
"IliOH SALE 200 head of feeders , native steers
X' average weight l.OW Ibs. , mostly toppen , a
years old. Immlro 1st Nat. Hank , llubrou ,
1 layer Co. , Neb. KMiZ
A HE you looking for an opportunity to en
gage in thamercantile uusmosar II so coma
and tee us. W , H. K. & M , E. , Hoom H Chamber
of Commerce , 'lei. 1140. 15
FOII SALE Or trade , large stoct ranch In
western lown well Improved and all tindnr
fence ) with or without stock. II03 , lice olllce.
; m m
lilOHSALE Cheap for cash , or will trad * for
JL Omaha residence property , * IOOK ) worth
turnlturo In line condition. Address K 12 lleo ,
fi03 2-JJ
f WNEH of a well-establish cd brewery wishes
V/to add bottling department , and wants n
young man who understands the business to
take nn Interest. W. H. E. &M. li , Hoom 14 ,
Hoard of Trade. H71
FOII 8AM * flood elevator In fine grain sec
tion. Address John Hoed , 1-W1 E st , Lincoln.
| JUll THADE-flood ( Vroom house nnd barn ,
H with lot iVixUo to ntloy ; on S. I0th street
neiir Hrownell hull , Will trade for unlncuuv
bercjl vacant property. Ames , 15U7 rnrnnni st.
52U tX )
me ) MXCirANOIJ-lfoi- estate or personal
J- propel ty , n large lot of fin * , clcnn , fresh ci
gars , good quality from reliable manufactur-
era. Address 1C in , lice olllco. fi78-22 *
I O I' , free nud clear , In Council lllulta , fur-
-Jnlturo , pluuo , horse nnti cnrrtngo In Oinnhn ,
for house nud lot , or part payment , In Onmlm.
Cull on or addtuss 0. Chrlstollersoii , 8021'nxton
bloi-k. 001-22 *
Foil RXOHANOU IIny pacer , phaeton "and
harness , sleighs , etc. , for building material
of all kinds , clear property , etc. W. J. Paul ,
\VANTED-ltallwnyIands for houses. lot .
> ncriM. etc , Mnto oilers. W. J. Paul. 1WJ
Ioruain at. 670-22
\\t HAT have vi u In cheap equities In railway
T T lands or lot to uxchungo ? W. J. 1'niil.
\\7ANTI5D-Somogood ( Inside ) corner lots for
T T second mortKnges , contracts , cash , lots ,
lands , farms , ncrcs , etc , W. J. Paul , 100l > Far
nam st. r > iu-2a
LOTS , fnrmi , houses nna lands tor equities In
good vacant properties in city or lands
May pay some cash If good and cheap. W. J.
Paul , Kffil Farnam st. f > 7lK
$2,000 grocerv for building lot.
* IB.H0 ! Inside property , * 1COO Income foi
lloiiso und lot with dairy business forso acres
of land.
lliick houso.(5 ( room ) Walnut Hill , for good
unimproved lots.
Ilutchluson i ; Wend , 1524 Douglas st.
TpLEVATOHIn good olty ill Iowa , capacity
Jli < 2.-,0i)0 ) bushels. BO-horse power engine , v.111
trade for land or merchandise ; 10-room hotel
In good Nebraska town , only hotel In place ,
price $1.000 , all clunr. will trade for laud ; Hfi'JO '
stocK of boots and shoes for one-third cash ,
balance land or city property.IM-room ; hotel in
uood Nebraska town for land. Uo-Oporntlvo
Laud & Lot Co. . 2l.'i ( N. ICth st. 41K 23
\\rANTl3D If you nro llivblo to lose your
T T equity , in Omaha residence , business or In
side ncre proerty. nnd \ \ ant to trade for choice
residence.with land , in smaller , live town , to
gether with some cash , send nddress , 1 cnudo
you some good. Address IC5 lleooniro. 4f > 12Jt
TjlIFTiEN : acres lu South Omaha , 1'i miles
JL1 from packing houses. MO ) per acre , to trade
for vacant or improved city property. 4' ' )
lots In one of tlio best additions to Council
HlulTs , price , JIUO oath , for city property. Clear
lot lor furniture. Klmt mortgage piper for
horses , or horse nnd buggy. Co-Opcrntlvo Land
As Lot Co. , 2tt ( N. Iflth St. 4K > 2J
V\rANTED To trade good Omaha property
V for a 10 or 15 ucro tract witnln lo miles of
P. 0. W. It E. A ; M. E. , room 14 Chamber of
Commerce. suu
WHAThuvo you to oiror In exchange lor my
1.000 ccnittv In mv double House ou
Lutnrop st. Hour lOtn , or for my * > .0)0 ) oniilty In
my double house ou Spenoer st near S2d. or for
my010 equity in my double house on Wirt st.
east of 24th , nil with modern improvement * ! , all
encumbrances n years at 7 per cent No farms
will bo considered. W. T. Seaman , eat side
Ihth Ht , noith of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
vnilety ot wagons nud carriages. VJl
"OENTAL property , inside , to exchange for
-llrlear farms or vntimt city lots. Thos. F.
Hall , 311 Paxlou block. hiy
"IJ10HEXCHANn ; An elegant tract of laud
-I ? contnlnlmr. IfOncitM in Autdopo county ,
Neb. with ordinary impiovomonts.
A quatter section in Hand county , Dakota ,
party improved ,
Eighty acres near Council IllufTs , la.
House ami lot ou South ifith Ht.
Large amount of Oil Mountain a7id Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection of some houses , ( jeo.
J. SternsdorlT , 1st National bank building. 37U
Omaha. The northeast corner 27tn
k Jand A stieets. llrnn new 4-room cottage ,
well , cistern , collar und out buildings , all the
very best. The exceedingly low iirlco of 1 1,000
will buy this propeity if sold at"once. . Small
cash payment dowii , balance ensv. The above
w nuld lie cheap nt $1,500. Anybody looking fern
n comtortablo homo in this direction should in
vestigate at once. Goorge.l. Sternsdorir , Heal
Estate , Loan and Exchange Broker , tirst No-
tlonnl Hank Building. Telephone 401. 6-12-37
FOK S lLh-3-J , fitter 09 feet on Park nve."at
a bargain. Gardner is B.iundors , 140. Par-
nam st. v > O.B-2.1J
BAHQAIN Choice ten-acre tract , close to
Holt Line railway , will sub-dlvldde into 50
nice residence lots ilmt will sell for iWO to itOJ
each within the next three years ; can quote
spnclai price on this it sola at once. Ueo. N.
Hicks , hew Yoric Lite building. 500 22
rpltE buautlful suburban residence propeity
JL at Summit I'm k. South Omaha , will double
In prlco In the next six months , lltiy now ;
prices advancing. W s hn\o it nil for Halt' . JI.
A. Upton Co. , Mil nnd Fariiam. 501-2-1
fTUVO nice lots in Orchard Hill on easy terms ,
JL $700 each. Stringer A : Penny , Douglas block.
408 24
_ _
OAVI5D Strcais. See M. A. Upton Co. , Iflth
JL and Tarnam. 604 24
ACHE property , well located , offers the llnost
opportunity for nn investment now on the
market. Call and Bee the bargains 1 oiler. ( Jeo.
N. Hicks , New York Lite building. 6UO 22
OH SALE 8.000 acres land in Nebraska ;
50x140 foot lots S , 13th st. at a pacrlllrinc
prlco. Inquire 1412 S. 13th. dco. II. Peterson.
615 OJtf
SUMMIT Park , in South Omahn , Is only two
and one-half miles from Omaha postolhce ,
ami is thu llnest located residence propeity
around the city. Electric motor by Nov. 1.
Prices golngup every day. Wo lma I ho largest
list. M. A. Upton Company , ] 0th and Faruaui.
501 2t
$ . ' /,00 will buy a fid-foot lot with good barn , on
Poppleton ave near 2fth st ; paved htreot
within thu mlle limit Choicest bargain in the
cly. ; C. A. Stnrr. 120' ) Karnamst. 42122
SL'MMlTPaik. See M. A. Upton Co. . 10th
and rarnnni. 601 24
LET us show you the beautiful losldimro
property around Summit Park , South Oma
ha , Lots i/OxlM ) . Electric motor there POOD ,
M. A. Upton Co. , Kith and I'urnam. 6)4 ) 21
FOHSALE Easy terms , Kountzo place.
Two homes , e.ich H rooms , each il.'k ' ) ) .
Two homes , each 0 rooms , each W.OOJ.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each JT,50a
Ail with modern conveniences.
All largo value at the price.
All within n tqiiAro ot the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For halo by thn owner , W. T.Seaman.
E.isttildo Ifith St. , north ot Nicholas Ht.
( Onialm's largest variety of VUIKOIH and car
riages , 650
TNVlisTHlATE the property at Summit park ,
-LBoutli Omiilm , You will then nuichaso. Klec-
trio motor. Half hcurly dummy. Paved
streets , M , A. Upton Co , loth nnd Far nam.
rpHE best money s worth of houseanulot now
J- for sale. In Omiiha is that which I urn now
completing near 2ltU st , , on paved Uirt st. , in
Kount/.o pinto. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlora. dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
large laundry , stationary wash tubs , furimui
and coal room ana collar , electric bells and
speaking tube , 12 cloaetu. Price only 7r > OJ on
terms to suit. Likewise n duplicate adjoining
nt same price. W. T. Seaman , east sldu Hlth Bt ,
north of Nicholas st. Omuha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages , 5.VJ
/"lOMEand sou in and Investigate some of tlio
v-/lmr alus we havu to olfer. Wo nro contin
ually listing new piopertles and "if you don't
gee what vou want ask for It , "
J'or Mile or bxchuncco one ot the fine-it res
taurants in Omaha ut a bargain.
Wo have several line hotel properties to trada
for land or other good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , at a bargain. Elevator complete , with
horse power , Bcales. olllce furnished , oto. A
Una opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In all purls of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acre ?
of school land lease , tn oua of the best counties
In the state.
A flne residence property in Omaha View for
gale at a bargain
A line Wheeler county farm , well develop * ! ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha property ,
28 > ) acres of fine land in northwestern Iowa to
exclmugo for Oinana property , ,
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , aline hotel
property in Iowa town of O.OUO Inhabitants.
Leading hoto ! ot the I'laca and doing a Una
business. Furnmlies meals for two paisongor
trains dully. A snap for therlnhtman.
Wa have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 60) ) agents scattered
over four or live utatss. List your property
with us If you wish a quick turn. W. U. E. &
M. K. . Hooiu 14 , Ghambur of Commerce , tele
phone 1410. Ffti
BEST bar uin . Bee U , A. Upton Co. , 16th
und 1'druuiu. Wl 24
LAST CIANCI5--ComtnonflnB ! Monday morn"
lug , Sept. 2:1. : I will sell for a non-roiidenfe
lltty ( .Vi ) South Oinixlm lots in II and M. park : nil *
illtlon tor ton ( f Ml each. These lota nro frea
from mortgage nnd titlerlrnr. . livery lot gttM >
antcod n building Irtt , dry nnd level , Spcimln *
torn use these lots In A trading way at MIX ) and
f > ' 0o each. Come rnrly for choice. Chnrles I' .
llonjnmln , 310 South 15th St. , Marker block.
A ( J HE AT Ilnrgaln Ono-hnU aero ot flnn land
free from mortgage , nicely fenced , only two
miles from Omaha postotlico , w ill sell tor sev
enty llvo ( J7fi > dollars cn h if taken this week ,
Inquire between U and 12 ot George r. Car ( ton *
tcr. IIO So 15th st.
/ IITV water , olrctrio motor , half-hourly
Vj/dntniny to sum mlt Park , South Omaha , W
are making a specialty ot thlrt property It la
the llnest In inn market. . 1'riccM ndvanclng.
Let us show It to you. il. A. Uptou Co. . inta
nnd Fnruam , 6JI-24
" 1711VI ! 0-room houses , now , hath room , cistern ,
JU city water , half bloce from Motor line ! Ill
pe : cent cnsh , balance monthly ; sale subject to
short time Ivnsp , Neb. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
room ril'.i Paxtou hlooje. SSA
fPO Hulldorn : Stringer Kl'viiny , Douglasblock ,
-L S. E. cor. loth and Docluo , nave some A 1 Iota
whlrh they cnn sell for } $ cash and balnnco ou
second mortgage. 4 ( > ) 1
( JTIUNIIKU .V : Penny , room 20 , Douglas
I'block , have one of the finest corners In Until *
com place for sale ; will take as part pnyinont
a clonr lot of loss value.
( ViUil v anted nt good Interest for llvo years
on Dodge st property worth (15,0 0.
Pnrnatn st. property for i-mo cheap.
Iu ldo acreage tor sale , no fancy prlco.
Snunilt-ra l. property for sale , tin per foot.
Equity in Cli foi-t ou 21st st. y mile from P. O. ,
for trade. Stringer It Penny , Douglas block.
M4 27
SUMMIT Park , South Omaha , property lias no
i t'ferewo to the stock yards , bolugonthohlgU
elevation a mlle north. You get nothing ob
jectionable out there. Purnst air , bcnutlftil
lonited lots , lluo view , electric motor , paved
streets , half-hourly dummy ; prices uilviuiclng ,
M. A. Upton Co. ftith and I'nrnnm. Mil-24
HOMKSou monthly payments , 1 have still
li lots for sale lu Aldlno square , on which
I will build homos to suit purihusoiH , ami tnko
payment monthly , quarterly , or yearly. Aldtne
square is on Urtiuo street , one bloi-k from the
motor Hue and two blocks from the en bin , nnd
by I'lthor line you cnn start from the postollloo
and got ttioro in 10 minutes. It has all uttvan-
tiiges of wator. sewer , gas , pavements , pto. ,
and the terms are the easiest over ollered in
this city , i have also 10 lots on Cans street , be- 1t 1
tvti'tmHli nnd 211th streets , whlrh 1 will sell on t
same terms. Cull and examine plans of houses , 1I
etc , I ) . J , O'Donnhoe , IfiOl Karnam Bt. 511 I
4. < 0 > bargain ; the best half lilock In lloyd's
add. on AmiM nvo and Motor for the nbotro
sum ; this must bo sold ; submit ull o Horn to D.
V Sliolos. 2101st Nnt. Hank. 3-U2H
NINE thousand squnro root in n Summit
park , South Omaha , lot. Lot us show you
them. Electric motor. M. A. Upton Co. Hitu ,
and I'nrnam. 601 21
TitORSALE. real estate Hriggs Place , 1 have
JL1 in this di'sliablo addition n number of
choice lots for sale nt low llguros and terms to
suit 5'our convenience. If you are looking for
a Hue residence location , lot mo drlvo you out
and show you the o beautiful lots which I offer
for sa'.o. They belong to non-residents nnd
must bo sold. Don't delay but call nt once ou
( Jr-orgo.T. Sternsdortr , 1st Nnt. bank building1.
Telephone 404. 441
LAUCKSTLW' ' . 800 M. A. Upton Co. . 10th
and 1 arnuin. MM 21
( pressed brick residence going up at
PSmiiralt I'nrk , South Oiunhn ; more to follow.
Prices advancing : tlnest residence property
around Omaha : electric mol r ; buy now ; wo
have the largest list. SI. A. Uptou Co. , H th and
Fainnm , ' 4)4 ) 21
LOO KI Look I Lookl Manufacturers niirT
warehouseman. Investigate this. Noithwost
coiner llith nnd Plcroo sta , lOdxlll , only JI'l.-'iOJ.
$ .1,61. ) cash ; 4 houses on this property , leuts tot
f 1,000 per year ; above pncn gets the hou-ies nnd
home of thu ground for nothing , but tliti ( 'nil-
foinla L'nuT * It'lltito tn mill M A ITtitntt fiTn-
owner wants to sell M. A. Uptouj'om-
panj. 10th ana Fnrnain.
ELECTH10 Motor , See M. A. Upton Co , 10th
nnd rarnnni. 601 24
I710H SALE Ou long time and easy payments1 ,
JL ? Handsome , now.well-built hunsus of H. n nnd
10 roouu. All convenlencos.gooil uelghtiorhood ;
paved streets , street cars , nnd within walking
distance of I'.U. Nathan Shelton , 1011 l-iiTiium.
( TALP-HOUHLV dummy , Sfo M , A. Uptou
Co. , IBtli and Farnam. 504 24
POH SAL15 Now elegant 0-room house , nil
modern conveniences , east In tlio bests
residence locality In Omnhn ; will sell cheap ,
Urcnnnn A ; Co , room 'J , Chamber of Commoiro ,
1.5 on
FINEST suburban residence property. 8 a
M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Purnain. 501 24j
FOH SALE ElegantB-room house in Orchard
Hill ; modern Improvements , etc ; 0:1 : easy
teima. Alio.'i now ti-ioom houses , each with ! J
full lots , small barn , etc , . In coed location ; will
have eluUtie motet withlu .1 blocks. Make of *
fers. Address H 0(1 ( , lluo olllco. 710
/IH ) ucrcs Improved Klngman Co. , ICan. ; ICO
tr Logan Co. Kan. , well improved ; 1U Iota
Boston Heights , Topokn , cnnltnl of Kansas , to
exchange , with some cash , for equities In lots
nnd railw ay lands. What have you to offer ?
W. J Paul. 1COO Pnrnam 8tl 607-2.
BUY well located arro pioperty and got the
bfiietlt of the future growth ot the city ;
small cash payments , long time. Oeo. N. I licks ,
New York Lite bldg. 6Qfl Si
ONE of the two housn nud lot bargains 1
have been ollcrlug on Ueorgia nvo , north oC now sold and occupied , becaiuo
of my very low price. The south house of the
two htlll remains a bargain open to somebody ,
1'list comes , first served , To be appreciated 1C
needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent it , though several tlnu'soirored
t M per month. Price , ou very easy terms. ? 1.0 X ) .
W. T. Seaman , oasc side liitli st , north of Nich
olas ht.Omuha's largest variety of wagon ? und
carilagos . 5.VI
W IIEM you purchase renltv donl with a ro
Hponsfbl < ? , woll-kDonu llrm like M. A ,
I'pton Co , 10th and Farnnm. 504 21
M . 'A. TTPTONCoZ lUth nud Fiirmim. The old
reliable renl estate house , Doul with thorn.
I71OII SALE 54'l.7.l ncros , soc. fi. tp. 13 , r. U W ,
JL ? Hamilton county Neb. lloube , stable , 30(1 (
nercs foncad , liviin ? wat.r. Price jl.OiO. P. 1C.
Atkins , owner , iMlIroud bldg. Danvur. Col. 6W
T HAVE homo llrst-clnss property foe
JI Mlle cheap within ona rnllu of iiostolllci ) . on
pavi'd htroots ami motor Him , Thoa. fc' . Hall ,
fill Puxton block. 6SS
F OH BALIS Lot * In fUuwurt p'aco , will fur
nish money for building house , and pay
ments monthly. Ilorolsa clmuca to Hocitro a
hornr. Hurils , room 411,1st Nat. Mi
OOO feet above the river and n mile noith of
'tho stockyards , two und one-Half miles Iron ,
the Omaha postolllcu. Summit Park , Souta
Oiunha , Lots " 10x150. EU'ctrlu motor , paved
streets , nnd half-hourly dummy. Wo hive the
larsodt list , 31. A. Upton Co. , luthund Kannim.
11IIE IIESTbargain otfc'red ' Is 0-room house )
and lot ; city water In Iclt-lini , north liont
one mlie from PC ) ; il.tiou. This Is oiler oil this
woukomy , llutchlnsou A ; Wend , 15'JI Doiiglns.
4'JO 2J
"IjlOU BALK 0-room house , barn nud lot II mi
JL' com 1 > lace , nt u bargain , Harris , HOD n 111
1st Nat. Hank. 601
Il'/r us show you Summit I'aik , South Omaha
Vpiopurty. Nothing line it in the market for
thu nidiiey. liloctrlo motor nnd half-hourly
dummy. Wo have thn largest list. M. A.
Upton Co. , loth und Karnam. _ 604 "I
WALNUT Hill lot. near Dr. Morccr's , tl , & ;
I'.ust front lot lu liauscom Place , tl,77.'i :
West front , nenr Woolworth llauscom , * I , < JV3 {
East front. > Urd near Leuvptinnrth. ( l.wii ,
IltiltlUnson & Wvud , V&l Douglas r = t.
4110 2-i
I OH SALE-Si. 41 or ( Wl feet of lot 0. bloo76
1 nt * W > C per foot. Thl U within n quurtor ot
n bloce ot the mtw P. O , alte , anil will bo wortli
{ ( .IKK ) Inside ota year ,
The o Yt lot 8. block 101 , cor. Douglas and lOtll
sts , 41 feetou lou ) ln& nud fill ou 10th , prlca
t 'i.M ( , IJ 10,000 cnsh , balance in live equal annual
payments ,
The so > i uw ! i HBO fl. t H , r Kl o , Douglas Co. ,
prlco (12.00) , ijojj ) ; rasli. balance nny.
Lot 7. lil .i , houth OmaliH , price if 1,301. tormi
easy. W. K. E. * M. E , loom 14 , Chamber oC
Commerce ( oliiphono Hl , _ 72 r ,
BUY a lot nt Sum , nit park. South , 16
Is the very bostlnvostiiu'iit you run nmKri nt
present.V'n have the lorKUht lltt. Eloctrla
motor. M. A. Uptou Co. , l' < th imd Purnum.
HANbCOM plnce lot for wale very cheap foe
cnsh , lot 15 block T.WxIW , AddroH < I' . P.O.
_ _
FOH SALE or ixcliangeNo.T ? fiifni fcrhtocic
of groceries , druga or cubh. Address I. N.
Darker , Orooley Centre , Nebraska. 453 Sit
IDAHGAINS In live , ton and twenty aero
J- > tracts close to cltyi no butter Invoitinent
now on the market. Oeo , N. Hlcts , New Vorlt
Life building. _ 600 22
Pll ICHU IK nothing so ntco as ihose elegant ttOx
JL 150 fi > et loin at Summit Pink , South Onmha ,
on2tti | , 2ith , With IUK127 blrnets. They can bo
sold now at , > < , price ot property similarly lot
: ated ; electric motor ; iirltm advancing. Wo
iavo ull there ura for uale , M. A. I'ptoU
jq. . IflUi and Farnam. _ 601 24
TI OH BALI ! , real estate Three cnolcn lots la
JU1 Hedlck Park iiddlllou , faclmr Ji'th ave Only
II.OjO each. A lluo clans ot rasMuncei surroillnl
this property , and in less than tivo yours tho/
villl double in value , U ui'xo J , Sternsdorir.
ut Nut. bauic bulMlui ; . 44J