THE OMAHA DAILY 'BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 22. 1SS9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 13 PRETTY PLEADER AT THE BAR Mlwaukoo'B Lady Lnwyor Brains , Youth nncl Beauty * SARAH IS STILL DANGEROUS. Judge Terry's Itcltct May Aunln Sprencl Desolation Among Mascu line Hearts nncl I'ookelbooks Gnrlcra Galore Gonslp. Alltirnukcn'ft YOUIIK I/ady liawyor. An entire family of lawjors. That Is what the Plor family father , mother and throe daughters ni-o lobe. Colonel nel C. K. Pier , formerly ot Fond du Lnc , now of Milwaukee , Is an old prac titioner. Ills wife and his oldcstdnugh- tor are also practicing , and his two younger daughters are talcing the law course at the Wisconsin state univer sity. Mrs. Plor and her daughtorKato II. Plorgradualod from the law depart ment of the stiito university in 1837 , and wore two of the only four women law yers who have thus far taken the law course of the stuto university , the ether two boinp Mrs. La Follctto , wlfo of Congressman Lu Follettc , of Madison , who graduated in 188-j , nnd Miss Jostle HutchhiHon , of Richlnnd Center , Wis. , who graduated luwt your. Mrs. Plor nnd her daughter nro asbooiatod to- cothor with an olllco in the Miller block and nro enjoying a largo practice. It was Miss Pier who attracted such interest in the supreme court last weak , from the fact that she was the first wo man lawyer v ho ever appeared before the supreme tribunal of that Htuto. The attention shown her was unusual , she appeared but a. young girl among the colerlo of old lawyers present. Among them wore ox- secretary of the Interior William P. Vilns , General E. K. Bryant and General Lucius Fail-child. Miss Pier appeared for the defense in the case of Sutton vs Wdgner , arguing u motion to eot aside tin order of the superior court making a reference to tuko testimony. The case was op&neti by the appellant hlnibolf , T , , T. Sutlon , of Columbus nnd as boon ns ho had finished Miss Pier addressed the court. For half an hour her argument was followed with the closest attention by all present. Even the dignified judge" boomed to nn- prcclate it as an unusual event and mingled an increasing docrreo of auster ity with a certain amount , of extra in terest in the fair young attorney. , Miss Plor stated her case unhesitat ingly , and frequently turned to and cited authorities , allowing an acquaint ance with law and a degree of solf- posscfiblon. At the conclusion of her address she was cordially congratu lated for the successful impression she Had made , and among themselves the lawyers were unanimously of the opinion that she made an exceedingly strong and convincing argument. It was a trying ordeal for u lady so young , as Miss Plor is but twenty years of ngo. She has a strikingly hnnd- some and Intelligent face , and is pos sessed of u wealth of black hair which in a single coil almost trails the floor. Like the exceptional young woman of to-day she wears no bangs , but combs her hair back. Miss Pier is a native ofFend Fond du Lac , Wis. , and a graduate of the Fond du Lac high behoof. In 188Gnt the same tirno as her mother , she en tered the law department of the state university , and by takinga double course in ' 1887 obtained her degree , en titling her to practice in all the state courts. For ton months she hold a "po sition in the legal department of the Wisconsin Central railway , roth-ing April 1 to associate herself with her mother. "Yos , Illko the profession , " said Miss Pier to day , "and also the science of medicine , which I have studied , too. for some years. While , of course , the t.wo are In no way identical , still L think it well for a lawyer to bo moro or less familiar with medicine , as it is often useful , particularly in tho- taking of such export testimony ns is likely t j bo offered in the Groniu case. " Miss Pier's two sisters , who have just entered the state university for a course In the law department , nro Carrlo H. , aged 18 , and Harriet H. , aged 17. Surnli Miy : He Heard From Air a in. Californlans say that Sarah Althea Hill has not yet finished all the mis chief she is capable of. She is still a handsome woman , despite her years and the rocklosH manner in which she has given herself up to her passions , and oven yet she has a marvelous attraction for a certain sort of man. says a corre spondent of the Now York World. Old Sharon was her dupe nnd Terry was completely under her thumb , nnd they nro only the most conspicuous among a long procession of men who have found her attractive and dangerous. She has tremendous courngo nnd vitality , and , while very passionate , can bo as cool nnd sharp us steel when she is playing a guino with , circumstances. She COIIIOH of n good family a family thnt had no money , however nnd her passion for intrigue , excitement and adventure has induced her to break with all the tradi tions of her station , and has , by the way , succeeded in keening her pockets filled in ono way or another ever since she be gan her career. She Is about five foot BIX inuhos in height , oxtromolv well made , and is still graceful , lltho and slender , She has a pale , oUvo counte nance , with delicate features and a pair of starry brown eyes , and her thick , wavy , brown hair lias never boon out in a hang , but is brushed back and ripples around her brow nnd oars. Her eye brows nro very black nnd arched and her lids whlto' and drooping , but her mouth shows the result of the life she has led nnd has grown coarse and hard. However , the rest of the fnco may os- cnpo the lines plowed by passions , the mouth always reveals what the Ufo has boon , and hero is not a pleasant or trustworthy mouth. She ia tremend ously clever , nnd no man who talked to her half an hour could bollovo anything against her unless ho had previously steeled his heart against her plausible manner. Him lilt From tlio HIioulil'T. An Arab woman loaded down with two or three bundles and baskets and a year-old baby and accompanied by a youngster loaded with bundles boarded the 7 ; 1/5 / train at Sprlngllold this morn ing , savs the Ilolyoko ( Mass. ) Demo crat. Nothing daunted by the looks of the other women occupants of the car , her llrst act was to treat the infant to ita meal. A tough-looking young man had fol lowed the family Into the car and took a Beat near the woman. Ho tried to etart a conversation with the hey , but got little mitibfnotlon , as the latter was not able to speak much English. The tough young man's ticket was to Chlco- pee , but when that village woe reached ho had made up his mind to go further , and having managed to llnd out from the boy that this city was their destination , paid the conductor for a ride hero. When this city was reached the family disembarked. The woman slung the infant up on her shoulder , the obi Id fastened its fingers i in her hair nnd hung on like amonhiw. Then they started olT , bundles and all , down Canal street. The tough youth had kept his eye on them , and when ihoy loft the depot followed them at a little distance until the party had reached the vicinity opposite the lower mills. Hero the woman stopped as if puzzled and looked around her. This wns an opportunity for the lough young man. and ho approached her and began to talk. What no said could not bo hoard , but the woman evidently did not llko it , for as ho approached closer and familiarly put his hand on her shoulder she dropped the basket she had been holding in her left hand nnd gave him ono straight from the shoul der that staggered mm. Only ono , but that was enough. * The tough young man wended Ins way back to the depot somewhat abashed by the laughter of those who had witnessed the episode , and when last seen ho was buying n ticket for Chicopoo. Women nt tliti ninyiirlck Trial. It was once my misfortune to witness n. trial of this sort at Leeds , says Ln- bouehoro , writing of the Maybrlck trial in Truth. The , prisoner was a woman , nnd she was accused of poison ing her master by administering to him a prodigious dose of arsonio In his food. I shall never forgot the sight that the crowded irallorlos of that court pre sented , for about flvo-slxthsof the audi ence were women women , old and yocing ; withered crones , with one foot In the grave1 children In their teens , plump and blooming matrons , girls of twenty , who looked admiringly at the barristers when they could tonr tholr giuo from the cowering figure in the dock. Even on the bench there were a few wall-born Indies who tried to us- suinonn air of high-bred Indifference. And all of these women had assembled to spc ono miserable creature tried for life ! They sat there resolutely staring during the whole of the proceedings. When the prisoner cried and moaned they whispered nnd nudged each others when she tried to avert her fnco from their prying ga-/.o they craned their nocks to got a bettor view , and openly grumbled at the fact that she was nermittod to wear n veil. The foreman gave in the verdict. It was , "Not guilty of murder , but guilty of manslaughter , " and I sny deliber ately that throughout the audience there was n distinct murmor of disap pointment. The ghouls were baulked of their prey ; there would bo no black cap , no sentence of death , and they loft the court noisily ; there wns no injjrcy in their hearts , only a sense that they had wasted their time , and that the prisoner was amazingly lucky , and the Hcono years ago at Lnotis was repeated the other day at Liverpool. For a whole week they gloated ever the agony of Florence Mayhrick , and at the end of the period their patience was ro- wardnd , for she was condemned to death. And now I have little doubt many of the woman who rovplcd in tlio horrors of that trial arc actively en gaged in promoting petitions for a reprieve - prievo ! Such arn the contradictions of human naturol Tliirtnnn f'nlri of Gnrtors. The Prussian princess , sister of Emperor - poror William , who is about to bo mar ried , is havintr made for her thirteen pairs of very splendid garters , says a correspondent of the New York World. She does not mean to add all these to her trosbcau , though among them is thnt traditional pair of now and blue stocking supporters said to bring brides luck , and this is the thirteenth , made of pnlo-bluo silk and clasped with buckles set with largo diamonds. An other pair will bo put away with the rest of the llohonzollorn collection of garters in the museum nt Berlin , and the rest will bo distributed among the nobles who attend the Greek prlnco , her husband. Tills IB a relic of a very ancient custom that survives nowhere now save in the reigning family of Ger- mnny. In franker mid ruder ages it used to bo the privilege of the best min , when the bride wns about to retire with her attendant maidens , to unfasten her garter and keep It as n trophy. There was always somewhat of a dispute about it , custom requiring that the groom should resist the attempt and that the best man should insist upon his privilege. With the growth of moro refined manners this custom naturally foil into disuse , and the only relic of it ifl in the comic opera of "La Jollo Parfumouso , " and in the marriage customs of the Gorman royal family. The form it takes witn them , however , is that the princess should have prepared thirteen pairs of garters , all of thorn having buckles with her initials sot in diamonds , nnd of those she wears opn pair herself , be stows ono pair on the reigning sove reign , and distributes the others among her husband's attendants , the eleven of the highest rank getting this bridal favor. There is a very curious collec tion of these royal garters in the Berlin museum , some liftv or sixty in all , many of thorn extremely rich and handsome and some very queer ones from the past generations of princesses. Some of those deposited In the reigns of Frederick - erick William III. and IV. are marvels of oluboroto needlework and bullion fringes , and are buckled with the finest jewels. Hints For BnldlioudPd IVonirn. Now ns to treatment for incipient baldness , thin spots , and so forth , says a writer in Good Housekeeping : This is what an eminent physician said to a gontlomnn who consulted him for the ilrrit named trouble : "Have you boon accustomed to wash your head In soapy water ? " asked the doctor. "Yos. every morning , " was the reply. "Well , that Is the cause of this bald place ; stop washing and begin brushing your hair. Use n bristle brush and brush for fifteen minutes every morning and night. You may not notice any Improvement for a year , perhaps not for two , but bo nssured you will have a flno crop of hair and never grow bald i f you pursue this course. " a As fifteen minutes seems long while vigorously moving a hnirbush hither and thither ever the surface of your head , it would bo well to Involglo one's friends Into assisting , wouldn't ' it' ? If the hair is falling out remember that it is owing to the unhealthy condi tion of the scalp. First , cut oil about two Inches of the linlr. next wash in clear , cold , soft water , rubbing dry with a crash towel ; then begin the iiftooii mlnutoB brushing process , nnd in a few weeks you will see the tiny spires of now hnlr coming all ever your head. Beware of being tempted to the use of any nostrum whatsoever , no matter how plausible the advertisement thereof ; all are moro or loss Injurious generally moro , ns you will find out to your sorrow row if you begin the use of them. iirn Not Jokers , A writer in the Washington Post has discovered that women as a rule are not fond of jokes ; they listen to cjovor stories with simulated amusement and forgot them immediately. The reason for this lies in ono of tlio essentials in the mnko-up of woman her profound and tender sympathy. Humor deals with the weakness of humanity ; it exposes - poses foibles and punctures tender skin. Humor sots the world laughing at some blunder of a man. It is woman nature to cover up , excuse nnd reform. Follies nro too serious In her eyes to laugh at. If women wore humorists they would not bo the most earnest church-workers , the most tender of nurses , nnd the most sentimental and refined portion of humanity. The same inherent quality which would make a true woman , a real woman , shrink as judge from pronouncing a death soti- toncu , or soldier from shooting an enemy - omy through the heart , makes It im possible for her to become a humorist. Wit a woman may have , wit she does possess , nnd is a formidable adversary with her stiletto points of irony and satire. But humorous in the common nccoptation of the term , In the care less , rollicking , stinging art of current quibs and jests never. Un-/Vniorlean American Girls. It is tlmo that this practice ot Ameri can women buying titles nnd impe cunious husbands abroad should receive the fullest amount of ridicule nnd cen sure , sayos the Boston Globe. It is un- American nnd ridiculous in the extreme and is calculated to make the name of the American girl a byword in other countries. A prominent American heiress IB now negotiating for the hand of a dissolute and insignificant German prince. Her father , an American railroad magnate worth untold millions , has just joined his daughter iu > Paris , and she now awaits only his consent to consummate a matrimonial bargain , which if carried out , is likely to wreck liar on tire future. Absurd as It may poem , the price-which this titled naupor places upon his hand Is the payment of $800,001) ) worth of debts and a settlement sufllciont to maintain himself and brldo in a prlnco- ly establishment. If the father does not now take peremptory stops and put a sudden OIK ! to this foolishness ho will subject both himsolt and his daughter to the well merited contempt ot the American people. It ia but a little ever ono hundred years ago that our forefathers - fathers spent their life blood to expel princes from this country forovorl' MVSlOAli AND OK AMA-TIC. Charles Abbott mid Maggie Mitchell will bo nmrricd on the hitter's retura from Eu- ropo. Monday , September 10 , William II. Crane produced for tlio first time bis now com edy , "On Probation , " In Chicago. Mr. James E. Murdock , the nctor nna render , will henceforth llvo in Boston , where ho will open n school of oratory. "Mr. Barnes of New York" has struck the popular taste , and is ploying to the capacity of the Columbia theater in Chicago at each perloruinncc. Louis James bojran his season September 0 in Bridgeport , Conn. The repertoire will include - cludo Uiuhard III , , Othello , Virginias nnd Goncz la Vega. The first of the season the manager's gay With prospects so briijht for his troupe. But , alas 1 ere six weary mouths roll away , The prospects may be duna lo sup. Hurt Haverly , the comedian of the ill-fated "Pretty Porisinn" company thnt went to pieces a low weeks ago , has engaged with Donnelly & Girard's "Natural Gas" company. William Haworth's now melodrama , "FornciifCo , " thu story ot which is based ou Incidents of the late rebellion , was pro duced for the first time at Union Square theater , September 0. Mr. Ham A. Tower What did you thinlc of mv humble effort last night , mv dear boyj The Dear Boy O , you were an ideal Claude , boyoud a doubt. I am sure of that , for there novcr could have been a real ono HUe yours. May Duryoa , who was leadinc laJy with the Dcshon Opera company at the People's theater a year ago , is this year with Grattan Donnelly's farce-comedy "Mama. " The company Includes also sprirehtly Delia Fox , "tno devilish little devil" of the "King's Fool. " Mine. Valda , a prim a donna who will as sist In Mr. Abbey's Auditorium opura season next December , has arrived in New York. She thinks that with Patti and Tamagaethls will bo the greatest opera organization overdrawn drawn together. It is to bo hopud that she is not mistaken. The now part which Stuart Hobson is to create at the Chicago opera house In Stcolo Mackayn's "Arrant Knave , " is something between Thaodora do Barnvillo's Crlnpoiro and Paul Ferrier's Tubarin the two charac ters in which Coquelin displays the most powerful mastery of art. Miss Marie Wainwright produced "Twelfth Night" nt McViokcr's theatre , in Chicago , on Monday ovonhiR tail. Thcro was a largo and fashionable nudienco pres ent , and Miss Wninwright's Viola was en thusiastically received with many calls be fore the curtain during the performance. Manrico Barrymoro , who will bo scon In Chicago next week with A. M. Palmer's oiiginal company , is said to have made the greatest success of his entire stage career as Captain Swift. This will probably bo his last season with Mr. Palmer's comuany , as ho goes starring shortly. Loio Fuller , well known in the west where her musical education was obtained , was married in London the other day to W. H. Hayes , who claims to be a nephew or the ox- prosiiiont of that name. It is also roporiod that slits has taken the Glebe theater for the balance of Kichard Mansfield's lease , and In tends to produce "Caprice. " As she is a capricious little lady herself this may not bo diuloult. Now York Dramatic Mirror : Ono of our esteemed fellow-sufferers says that "The the Story of Munklnd , " the now inelo-drama now running at the Fourteenth Street thea ter , can bo summed up as follows : Act I , My God , my husband 1 Act II. My God. my wife ! Act IIL My God , the will I Act IV. M.v God , my husband 1 Act V. My God , the wall. Act VL My God , the child ) . The Envna Jcch Grand English opera company is to bo this year under the man agement of C. 15. Locke , the gentleman who conducted the magnificent but , ill-fated American opera company until it finally ran onto the rocics. The company will bo staged in the same magnificent style of the Ameri can opera company , and the company in cludes such well known artists as Mmo. Henlo Sorano , Sallna KronoM , Susie Lcon- hardt , I-ilwio McNicoll. Charles Hcdmont , Edwin Slngor , Franz Volta , E. U. Knight and others. IMIMET1K9. Ho moved his lips in prayer , "Thoro'll bo no parting thoroJ" And muttered as ho lay and tossed , Fruit for the Mormons Eldor-borrlos. The dying barber's hunda were crossed , Wo are informed that "Christ lores good children bocauao thoi-o are so few of them. " Preacher Yo generation of viporal Um pire ( waking up ) No back talk there ten dollars. There must have been awfully slow cash boys in the days of Job , for ho saya : "AH the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change comes. " SaraU Holland , the Georgia evangelist , gives each negro convert a watermelon. This is the first indication of the coming millen nium observed for many a day. "Mother , is the District of Columbia in the sky : " "No , my child. Why do you asic tiuch a question I" "Bocauso you told mo yester day Washiugton was In hcavon. " Mrs. Lumkms Do you know scientists declare - clare that the Garden of Eden was situated nt the north pole ? Mr. L. Then I don't blame them for hustling into clothes when the cold weather cauio on. Joe What do you suppose Sullivan will do when ho quits lighting ! Eli I guess ho will become a preacher , as ho will bo qualified for that. Too I doa't see why. Ell Why , don't you BOO that ho will bo tbo greatest expounder - poundor In the world ! On the Sunday following the vUtt of Forcpaugh's circus to Wichita , Kan. , a clergyman In the pulpit solemnly draw his handkerchief from bis pocket , and with it cauio a handful of peanuts. Ho will bo called upon to toll the douuons where ho got tlio goobers. "What makes you pound the table BO , papal" asked tlio minister's oldest daughter. ' Are you trying to indicate tbo features In your sermon as you write ! " "No , my child , " said tbo minister in a rather irritated volco. "I am trying to make the Ink flow in this pesky fountain pen , " A DYING BURGLAR'S SECRET Ho Kissed. His Sloopluff Child and Wont Away Forovor. COULDN'T CATCH DAN HUFF. How an Ktitorprtaliu ; Georgia Youtli n llrlrtn ) MyVlfo' * 'IMc l lo See Ills Sweetheart , Little Honmr.cos. A man was shot iqho small mining town of Gilbortson , Pa , , several nights ago while burglarizing a stern and was taken to the Pottsvlllo jail , where ho is now { lying from the wounds. Ho said his nnmo was Tom Nankovillo , of Shaniokin , and that ho had a brother and a cousin living hero , The latter wns found , after along search , living in the suburbs of this city , and wa < ) in formed thnt Nankovlllo was dying nnd sent love to all relatives and friends. Leonard Rogers , the cousin , was aston ished on learning of the shooting , as ho thought Nankovlllo was dead. A ro- makably romantio tale was unearthed. Twenty years ngo the dying burglar came from the western part of England to Shnmokin. lie was a hnndsomo young man , dressed well and worked in the mines. Two years later a former sweetheart of Nankovlllo came herewith with her husband. Nnnkeville , learn ing of tholr arrival , boarded with the young couple upon their going to house keeping , A year later ho won t to Port Huron , N , J. , to work , and while there a month learned of his rival's death in the mines. Coming * back to Shamokln ho paid court and eventually married the widow. Six months rolled by when ho came homo ono night drunk , A cousin of his wife upbraided him , and that night ho packed up his clothing and left It was afterwards learned for the lake region , where ho worked in the copper mines. His wife gave birth to his child six months afterwards. Mrs. Nankovillo waited for her husband's return , and after six years had olapscd was told that ho was dead. She had during that time supported herself and child by doing sowing. Her health broke down on learning of her husband's death , and to gain n home she married a third time. Her last husband is a minor and they lived very happily together. Two years ago Nankovlllo turned up alive , and loarniner of his wife's marriage , crept into the house ono night , and kissed his child , then a grown woman , as she lay asleep and departed never to bo _ heard" from again until yesterday. His wife was interviewed , and on being told of Nnnkovillo's shooting , expressed deep sorrow. Her daughter was reared without a knowledge of her father's ex istence. t Mr. Dnn Hull some time ago became enamored of Miss Chandler , of Banks county , Georgia. They agreed , to keep their engagement a profound secret from the parents of the young lady. At the appointed time they started to church just afto the old folks had started for the saino destination , suc ceeded in getting } In advance of them and made their way hastily to Daniols- ville. The young lady's father had grounds to suspect the probable sequel to the disappearance of the young folks. IIo mounted a Hoot-Tooted horse and soon sound tholr trail and pursued them as fast as possible. * J.'ho young couple arrived at Dnnielsvillo , drove up to Air. Kinnobrow's and soon after the heated animal of the father passed the house bearing its master. In his haste the "old man" failed to see the "turnout" standing by the wayside and passed them by. After ho passed there was no time to lose. The young man obtained a license and the services of a justice and the couple were mar ried. Soon after the ceremony iheu n- clo of the bride rode up. Ho had also followed them , but arrived toolato. The father nad lost track of them and turned back. Ho rode up and found his fifteen-year-old daughter a bride. Ho was excited but calmed down on finding that his rage could bo of no avail. The groom is seventeen years of ago. At Tokio , Japan , is a fine bridge called Adzuma-Bashl My Wife's bridge. The nnmo has a romantic origin. A brave general who had quelled a. rebellion in another part of the empire was hastening homo on ac count of the receipt of a message that his wife was dangerously ill. On the last day of his hurried -journey ho found his course barred by a bridgeless river , and when , after long nnd anxious waiting , ho managed to Und a boat to cross in ho was mot by messengers bearing the sad tidings that his dearly loved wife had just died , before he could arrive to press her hand for the last time and say adieu. "My wife could not wait for mo" was all the stoical warrior would trust himself to say as ho stood there as it fro/.on by the shock. Ills sovereign , touched with compassion for the blow that had fallen upon him while away fighting for his country , or dered a bridge to bo built at the spot and nniiied it Adzumn-Bashi. But the people say it cost the monarch only $21 , since a lot of paper money was manu factured especially to pay for it. Thooiloro Flotow , aged soventy-tno. nnd his wife , sixty-nine , were reunited the other day in St. Louis , having been separated since 1819. They came to this country In 1817 , from Bavaria , stopping at Now Orleans. Mr. Plotow then caught the California gold fever , and loft his wife and child at Now Or leans nnd wont out to the Pacific slope. After a few years , not hearing from each ether , they onoh married again. Mrs. Flotow married'a Gorman named Lobonhoofor. Vliay iCiuno hero about 185J , and up to a fovr years ago lived together very hannlly , when ho died. The family was loft in moderate circum stances , residing on JTlilrd and Victor streets. Mr. Flot6w's second wife also died. Mrs. Lobonhoofor heard of her first husband throigi | | a German minister - tor at Murphryshpro. Tonn. The re union was u very touching ono. Eight years ago Mrs. Martha A. Higloy obtained a 'divorce from her liusb.iiul in Windsor Locks , Conn , , and with her three daughters and a son carne to Shelton ii ) tup same state to live. Thu family gooiu'od work in the mills hero , and Airs. Jligley brought up her children in a very respectable man ner. Soon after Mrs. Higloy left her old homo the former husband married again , and three years afterward his second wife died , leaving ono child. Mr. Illgloy found the life of u widower with ono child a not vary pleasant ono , nnd ho east about for another compan ion. Ills children by his Hrst wife had kept their love for tholr father , and they longed to see thor parents recon ciled to each other. Through their efforts the father came to Shelton nnd met his divorced wife , The old love re vived at sight of har and ho pleaded with' thu impetuous ardor of his youth ful days for a renown ! of her old love. Ho wuu successful , Mrs. Illgloy and her children left for Windsor Locks , and n quiet wedding will soon bo cele brated. The case of Ashley W. Boyco , the Wlnstod hotel cleric , who married Miss Annie Chlolson , of Palmer. Mass. , on his deathbed recently , in order thnt she might inherit $30,001) ) which was hold In trust for him , has a parallel In n case roiwrted at Torrvrlllo , n village near Waterbury , Conn. John .T. Glordlng , whoso funeral was hold there the ether day j , had boon sick for two woolen from blood poisoning. Ho had become en amored | of Miss Kate Egan , of Terry- vlllo. but his mother was bitterly op posed to the girl and Glerding had to moot her Clandestinely for some time. Ho sent for his fiancee , hut when she came the mother refused her admit tance. Glording , honrlnjr her voice , crawled from his bed and tiowu the stairs , where ho was found by his family nnd carried back to his room. Ho died In a few minutes afterward from the shock. Glcrding's father , a Danish sea captain , died some time ngo and loft an csuito Valued nt nearly 31(3,000. ( It Is stated on good authority tnat Katlo Epnn will inherit a goodly portion of Giording's estate. In the book of Mrs. Lnulti Willis , the Samoan woman whoso husband , a con tractor , loft Alamcda several days ago and lias since boon missing , occurs tlio following quaint story ot how she llrst fell in love with her husband : "Tho llrst thing I saw when wo wont alongside the ship was a white man with a bald head. That looked funny to mo. as I had novor&conabald headed man before. He was real fat and nice looking , but ho did not have any hair on his Head , and I got my brother , who could talk English , to ask him , just as wo got aboard , where wns all the hafr thai belonged on his head. And the white man told him that ho lived in California and they do not hiivo any cold weather thoro. but had what they called 'a glorious climate , ' and the 'ell- mato' had taken all the hair off his head. Wo got well acquainted and I liked him , because when another whlto man kept talking to mo this ono with the bald head quarreled with him and knocked him down so ho could not both er mo. " At the tlmo of the llrst appearance on Rtaton Island of the Wild West show. James B. Wllloughby , otherwise 'Mini , the Kid , " became enamored of Miss Lillian Smith of California , a chumpion rillo shot who wns attached lo the show. A romantic marriage was the roault , Justice Hulselus of Port lliehmond ollleiatlng in the tent of "Buck" Tay lor. A few friends who wore in the se cret were present , while the father of Miss Lillian was watching eagerly out side with gun in hand to shoot ' 'the Kid , " as ho was opposed to the match. After the marriage the bride was taken by her parents to Connecticut , and not until several attempts did the groom finally , by stratagem , succeed in re gaining hor. The couple have re mained with Buffalo Bill ever since , but it now appears that jealousy has in vaded the family in Franco. Justice Hulselus , who united them in marriage , is in receipt of a letter from Paris in which the husband Bays that his "mar riage , is a failure , " and asks advice as to the manner of procuring a divorce. Justice Hulselus , under the peculiar circumstances , docs not know what ad vice to give his would-be client. A Shnmokin young man who is en gaged to u young lady of that city pro posed a stroll to the romantic cemetery a few evenings since. She demurred at first , but as ho was going away to At lantic City she finally consented. At the cemetery they sat down to watch the moonand the young man follabloop. Presently his lips moved with nn en dearing speech , and ho breathed the name' Mollie. " His lady love , allainc with jealousy , jumped up and gave him u push that scat him rolling down the bank and crashing through the brush till a railing stopped him twenty fc t below badly lorn and bleeding. IIo is recruitinir by the sea , and the be trothal is hung up. Fish have been cauRht in tlio Gulf of Cal ifornia at a depth of 1,400 feet. A lady at Wallula , W. T. , has a rosa bash thnt stands seventeen fuel high. A hujjo rattlcinako crawlnif * along the sidewalk was onu of the sights at Athens , Ga. , the ether day. There is u pond in New Jersey where the sacred lotus of the cast has become estab lished and proved itself hnrdy , although in the winter the surface of the water is frozen over. over.At Sandersvlllo , Ga , , last week i\T. II. Uird was engaged in placing a spoke in thu hub of u wheel , when it broke from the tap of n hammer and a mliiulo ball full out on the lloor. The Hpolcos came from North Cuio- Una , and it is supposed that the ball has ru- mainud in the wood smco the trying days of 18(11 ( and Ib05. A wonderful map of O'Hrien county , Iowa , 1ms been made and was on exhibi tion nt tlio BtiUo fair at Ues Moine.i. The map IB wholly composed of corn Krauts , each town and township boiiifr distinguished by different colors. The railways are marked by rows of blue-blnck "squaw corn , " and tlio wagon roails with popcorn. As a jiassoneer train thundered nloni ; near Alloyton , Nuwaygo county , Mich. , the otlujr day a I Hire baldhuaucd ouglo nroso from beside - side the trault and tried to lly across the rails ahead of the train , but it was struck by the euKino and was lodged ag.iinat u cylinder head. The engineer then went forward and captured it. The bird measured six fee' , from tip to tip across the wines. AJstcamer arrived at Philadelphia the other day with a cargo of fruit nnd a number of tarantulas on board. Members of the crew were often obliged to keep watc-li ut niuht nnd sweep tuo vipers Into the ocean as fast as they crawled up on dcclc. The vessel was loaded to its hatchways. At times the deck wns literally covered with them , nnd some wore as big around the body as a good-sized orango. Tba residents In the vicinity of the city dock at Drunswlclc , Ga. , have witnessed some very strange sights and heard some un earthly noises there lately. Ona gentleman is responsible for thostatemcnt'thattho form of a woman clad in xvlntu nan bean seen hov ering over the streets , and when approached would retreat and disappear among the lum ber piles. Another has hoard gates slam , stones rattto on the housetops , and various other noises that sounded queer. They attrl btitu these sights to tlio ghost of u woman who died thcro recently. J2DUOAT10NAL. It Is now thought the Stanford university In Calfornlu may bo opened in the full of IbflO. IbflO.A A public school at Dclmar is partly sltu- atod ia Delaware and Maryland , J2uch state furnishes teachers for lt pupils. It Is'expected that James Kussoll Lowell will 1111 the now lectureship on poetry ut Johns Hopkins university the coming year. liamubul now has nlnn punlls in her school in Now Voile. Her ussUtant , Miss Dom- mon , has established n sowing class. This would mean very little hero ; in India U means a revolution in the customs of cun- turloa , Humubal lately accepted an Invita tion to lecture before u confororioa at I'on > nub ; another innovation , us no woman hud over been invited to address suoh u body. Her subjeet was "Amurloa uud American 'Women. " A European teaching an Oriental language to the cultivated speakura of it is not a frequent - quont Bight , yet Mr. Hash Hall Chamberlain has held , during thu bovaral years past in thu Imperial university of Toklo , the uh < of Japanese and Philology , His "Handbook of Colloquial Japanese , " issued last year , lias reached a second edition. In both theory and practice it forma a thorough equipment for thu roustery of the ipokan and easy book The STAR of DESTINY Creating Sucli Excitement in the East , Will Shortly be Seen in Omaha , i ss 'I ' SW I OMAHA , NEB. ERSi i SLAVES SOLD IN NEBRASKA , How Murtha and Hercules Wont on the Blook. SOLD THEM TO PAY A DEBT. Lawyer Tnylnr Wns n Very Stronjj l/rolilbirionlsr , Hut lie Didn't Allow tlio Tact to Intorfbro IVUli lii At ShfrifT's Salp. NKIIUASKA CITY , Neb. , Sopt. 21. [ Special to THK Bun. ] .Much has been written on the subject of slavery in Ne braska , nnd while the fact has been es tablished that it did exist for a short time-before the war , thorp are few por- bens now living to whom it will bo news to learn that slaves were at ono time bold from the block at Nebraska City , to the highcbt bidder. The only owners of slaves at Nebraska City , or in the htato of Nebraska , as far as the writer can learn , were Judge Charles P. Holly and J'Yoil ' Nncholls , both prominent men in tlio community and men who figured to a considerable extent in ttho border slave troubles in the giino of John JJrown. The wlavcs owned by the two gentlemen ore twelve in number , and all but two wore subsequently run oil' by followers of Brown and taken out of the country by the underground railroad. Jn tlio course of pioneer business transactions the Hon. Judge Holly became faomo- what oinbarrasucd financially , and among his creditors was William B. Hail , or "Uncle Billy , " as ho was familiarly known. The sum involved was W8. When the status of Holly's ' financial affairs became known , Hall employed counsel , and an olTort was made to find borne way of securing the $ ,1f8. ! A judgment wits secured against Holly for the amount , and an execution issued , but when Sheriff Birchliold wont to levy upon the property of the judge , it was found that there was noth ing attachable remaining. William II. Taylor , n tricky lawyer of the early dnyn , and a somewhat promi nent republican nnd anti-slavery politician of that time in Nebraska City , was attorney for Hall , and it did not take him long to hit upon a plan to scctiro his client , although it was rather against his previous teach ings. Judge Holly hail two slaves Martha and Ilorculos and Taylor decided - cided that those were attachable prop erty , IIo ordered the shorilT to secure the slaves upon the execution. ' But , " said Taylor's abolition friends , "this will never do. It Is wrong and ineonblbtont , and the fair name of Ne braska shall never bo sullied by the sale of a human being within her bor ders , " "D the nltrgorfl nnd the state , " re plied Taylor. ' 'Thin is not a question of sentiment , but a matter of law , " and the sheriff was urged to serve the pa pers , Kxcitement began to run high und numerous nnd dire threats were made against tlio attorney , olllcur and creditor , if the order should by carried out , Shunll1 Birahlleld required the interested parties to give him nn indemnifying bond to secure him against any possible damage , The ollicer went to the homo of Holly to make the lcvyfollowod oy an excited , threatening mob. The attachment was made , and Martha and Hercules were taktin In ohargo by the sheriff , who was then nlbo proprietor of the loading hotel in the city , and the slaves were put to work at the house until the datcof sale , December 6 , 18(10 ( , the attachment hav ing boon made on November 17 , The "property" wore led to bnliovo that they were to be purchased by Halland would therefore remain in the city , and consequently quently they were unconcerned about tholr future . Au the day of ealo drew nearer the public excitement increased , and John Brown's men made several efforts to nii&o a mob to secure the two slaves and run them out. of the country , but Attorney Taylor's presence alwaj-a had a quieting ollect on tlio crowd. On tlio morning of the day of sale every citizen looked for bloodshed. The olllcor and bis deputies were armed and determined , and the opposing mob was equally well prepared and threatening , while the southern element was on hand to see the fun. An attempt was to bo made to take tbo slaves by force when they were placed on the block. SliorilT Birchlield made his appearance with Hercules , who was mounted ou the block in front of the old Seymour house and olTorcci for Bale. There was u murmur among the crowd and u sway ing motion toward the auctioneer , but a number of glittering guns brought the mob to u standstill again , and when Attorney Taylor appeared upon the scene and circulated a little among the crowd they had been restored to quite a good nature and were oven ready to hoot and jeer after Horoiiloa had boon ollorod some fifty times without a bid der. Finally Murtha was brought out and placed beside her partner nnd both olTored for sale. "Three hundred dollarsl" cried ono of John Brown's men , before "Unclo Billy" Ilnil had time to make his bid. "Three hundred and fifty , " put In Uncle Billy , and the bidding slopped , and the "property" was knocked down to the purchaser , who Immediately hur ried them out of town before the mob had made up its mind to tuko further action , and when they did start in pur suit in the evening , Hail and his pur chase were on their way to Missouri , where the slaves were weld again. This action oi' Hail ulono prevented the two slaves from gaining their liberty along with the remaining slaves In this clly who were soon after run out of the coun try by Brown's inc-n. Following is e copy of the shcrllY'H return on the sale , and now ono of the interesting docu ments on Ille in the district court : "This writ came to hand November 1/j / , I860 , aii'l was borveil by levying on the following described proo- crty , to-wlt : Ono negro mnu named HorccnloH , one negro woman named Martha , ulnvcs , and -i' ' belonging lo Chnrlcn If. Holly ; said levy being made on the 17th day of November , 1800. I caused a notice to bo published in the Nebraska City News according to law ( see execution ) . that I would olter the above described property for sale at nubile auction in front of the court house in Nebraska City , in Bald county on the 5th dny ot December , A. I ) . , 1800 , between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and : t o'clock p. in. , of said day ; and at thu time and place specified in said notice. I first olTorcd Ilorculos , and there being no bidder for him I then olTurod the said Uerculos and Murtha together and Hold the same to William B , Hall for the sum of $300. Ho being the highest bid der und that being the highobt sum bidden for said property , the same wad sold to him. WILMAM BiituiirujKo , Sheriff. Ono Faro September 10th und "Uh , nnd Oo- toher 8th , round irlp tickets will bo gold via the Santa Fa route at one lowest first class faro to Kansas , TOXIIH , Indian territory , Now Mexico , Colorado and Utah , reaching cities of Uulvobton , Austin , Ft. Worth , Dallas , Oklahoma , Cuthrle , I'unhaudla City , HI Paso , Doming , Denver , Colorado rado SpringiiPuoblo/rrlnldud , Salt Luke City , Ogden and Inlurmudiute points , Tickets good thirty days. Stop over privileges at pleasure while on tha Santa Fo. For maps , rates and full information regarding optional routes call on or ad- drcsH 12. ij. I'ttlmor , Freight and Pas senger Agent , H. M. Osgood , General Agent , Santa Fo Route , 1U08 Furnaia street , Omaha , Nob.