Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntlvortlaomonts will bo token for
those columna nftor I2:3O p. m.
/orma-Cnsh In advance.
AtUrrtlflcmenlA tinder thin heart 10 cents per
line for ttio first Insertion , 7 cents for each mib-
requenl Insertion , nnd H.Aoper line per month.
No advertisements taken fo" less than Hi cents
for first Insertion. Boven word * trill be counted
to ttio line : they must run roniecutivdy nnd
mint iio paid m ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must b handed In before 12.TX ) o'clock p.
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvcrt&lng In these columns nml har-
Inn their nrm we rs addressed In ciuoorTitr HRR
will plense ask fov n check loanable them to Rot
their letters. ai tionu will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All Answer * to ad-
Ycrftiements sticul < J bu cncloied In envelopes.
All advcrtlscmcnta Inthcse columns nro pub-
ll hed Inbnth mornhiK nnd evening editions of
TIIK HF.R. the circulation of which aggregatei
xnorothnn 1B.OOO pnpcri dally , mid elves the ad *
vcrtlBcrn the beticllt , not only of tlio city circu
lation of. Tttr. HF.IC. Imt nlso of Council HlutTit.
Lincoln nnd othir cltleJ ntid town * throughout
thU section of the countmr. _
Advertising fortlieno columns v/lll be taken
on tlie above condition * , jit the following busi
ness houses , who are authorized agents for TUB
IIGE special notices nnd will quott the same
rates an can b had lU the main office.
t ? Btrcet.
K & vnnY. Statloncra nnd Printers , 113
H. FA11NBWOHTH. Pharmacist. 2116 Cum-
filing Btrcet.
W J.HUCJHF.S. Pharmacist , C24 North 16th
KO. W.PAHK. Pharmacist. 1W9 St. Mary'
f Avenue.
H B' PHAUMAOr , 2203 Faruam Street ,
WANTJ5U Position , by compotunt young
lady with best of city references ns book
keeper and stenographer. Address K 31 , lloo.
WANTKD Tinner ; good assortment worker.
1210B.101U SU 475 SOt
WANTKD An Intelligent olllco boy. lloom
_ S , Continental block. 4TJ 20J
WANTKD Klvo traveling salesmen ; salary
nnd expenses ; no experience necessary.
Address with stamp , L. .11. Linn & Co. , La
Cross o , Wls. 48720 ?
WANTKD-Iloy. not under 17 ycnrsofage ,
with good Bound pony , two hoard in morn
ing and evening. Apply to lloo counting room.
LIVK men with small cnpltul can secure
money-making specialty without computt
tlon. mm paying illX ) to SlOJ monthly profits , it.
3 , Crelghton block. 120 8.15th st. 482-22 ?
WANTKD-For West Point , Nob. , n first-class
bnrber : steady winter's Job for right mnn
at $10 per wcolc. Joe Tummond , under lsf > Nat.
bank. West Point , Neb. 438-20 '
Flrs't-class man to work on n
WANTED ot Deaf and Dumb ins. J. F. 11 och
WANTKD Married man on a farm : house
mm fuel furnished , acio. no objection to two
children ; nlso man and wlfo on a fnrm. t ' , ; P )
mon to cut bniHli , $20 ; baker , * 10 nnd board ;
porter , J12 ! dishwashers , wection hands , etc.
Mr * . Hregu. 8I4K a l-Hli. 4B5 0j
WANTKD Atrlmmur nnd a busheiman :
ntendy employment given nnd only llrst-
clnshmcuneodnpply. Frank J. Hainge , 13th
nnd llumey. 4ci : 2'l
'V\7ANTlsD Men with good references cnn
T > make good terms to'sell goods on pay-
moms. Apply , 1718 St. Mary's ave. Metiopoll-
tun Mfg. Co. 308 20t
\\T ANTKD 2 young mon for light work at
TV Sl.-i weekly. K om 17.220 N Kith. 310 20 *
" \A7ANTKD-Agontscverywhero to sell our
T T now book "dtunley'H Miirvolous Adven
tures lu Africa1" Host discounts. Send.Wcts.
for outfit utonce. J. M. French , & Co. . Omnhu ,
Jvjeb. 278-21f
' /"I UOII experienced building nnd , onn men
jM wunted ns gouernl nud special agents. Per-
jffanfr positions. Continental Dulldlng nud
JLoun nstoclatlcn , ' Knusna City. Kus. 210 2Ut
WANTKD Four hundred ineft for track lay
ing In Wyoming. Apply to 1' . H. Johnson ,
H. & M , passenger denot , Omaha. UII5
200 graders nnd tlo makers for
tholllack Hills extension. Fllley , Kramer
Ic Co. , Max Meyer building , llth ana Farnnm.
" \JI7'ANTKD 100 railroad laborers for the
T T west. Company work. Fllloy Rrumor &
Co. , Max Meyer uulldlng , llth and Farnam sts ,
WANTKD Agentsl To solicit orders for our
celebrated Oil Portraits. The lluest made.
No experience required 1 Ilegtnuers earn J3U u
week. Si outfit free ! Send for fullpnrtlcumr.s.
A rur chanco. SatTord. Adams & Co. , 40 Hand
Bt. . Now York. 81U O K
" \S7 ANTKD A Urst-clasH macninlst ns forp-
TT man. Apply or address Western Mnfg
Co. , Lincoln , Nob. 804
"VS7ANTKD A mun In every locality to act
T us private dotectlvo under our Instruc
tions , bend 4o for particulars. Central Dotec-
tlve llureau , Topeku , Kail. 7ITJ-Q.3
ANl'KD A Rood olllco man to go cast ;
munt Invest IJ'.SOO : muntboairood business
man. Address tlio Uco , S. Cllne Publishing
House , 315 to 321 Wabash avo. , Chicago , Ills.
WANTKD Mon for Washington territory.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm st
ANTKD Window dresser nt The Falr.lSth
und Howard sts. \ 53. )
WANTKD tilrKfor general housework ; tno
In family ; two cooked meals a day- : Call
at 13IH So Ufctll.
ANTKD-Oood girl. 833 Georgia ave ; siunll
family. ? lra. J. H. Hnynea. 513 3it
ANTKD Woman about SS orflO yenrs of
ugo to take euro of children , 101 No. It-th.
_ 514 2IJ
W ANTKD Girl for general house wo r k.
southeast corner of Hnmllton and 26th sts.
41)1 ) 21-
"VVANTRD l ndy btenographnr and book-
TT koupor. i : . F , Scuvor , room201 , N. Y. Life
. 21)
7ANTI5D Aglrl for general housework at
' 11)18 ) Capital ave. 47U 22
irANTKD Two apprentice girls for diess-
1314 Chicago St. 47J Sit
WANTKD A good Hrst girl , must bo n good
cook and laundress ; good \Migos and a
cooil home to one who Is competent ; refeiunce
rouulied. Call at room 10 , Continental building ,
or address pux22j. _ 485
' \t7'ANTKD ] Steady sensible woman ns house-
YY kt'oper for an old gentleman , ono with
daughter preferred , good wa i * given , refer
ences required ; n good second girls : annrso
Blrli ; waitresses for Columbus und Norfolk ;
cirl for family of 2 In Hrokeii Ilow , r.0 ; lots of
new pluces every day. .Mrs. Ilregu , 3l4i ! 8. istJu
ANTHD First-elms dressmaker to make
ciilldron's clothes. Hofomnces required.
lluqulrw , DO ? N.2Hh st W SS
_ _
\\7ANTKD A thoroughly competent cook
Ti nud lauuuress ; reference required. 1U5U
Georgia avo. _ 437 208
-lrl | or general housework ;
\viigeaW per week ; 1821 Cprbyet.
j A competent fjlrl In small fatu-
T T ily. Cull morniuKS. Gul South 2Hth st ,
ADY agents wunted for the now Hygeln
JCoruet. Moat Butmtactory and best moneymaking -
making article out. For terms , otn. , apply to
Weati-ru Coraet Co. . St. Ixauls. .Mo. yiS-zq
' \\TANTKD-A girl for general housework ]
V ) small family. 1W3 Cailforniu t. vor.S'Hb ' ,
'V\rANTHJ Olrl for uenerni houseworlc , C2 U :
> > N.lDtli . 14 UI
for geueral housework. 11XJ1
capable lady to tuki
. . ngeney of Omuna for Mme. McCabo'i
celeurutod tuuatlvu coraala. boat lilting am
beisc nellmg roracta made. Bt. LouU Corset Co.
Ht. 1/ouis.llo. tHJ9 20
ANTKD-Oirl for eener l nou ework It
family of tiireo , Gorman preferred ; apply
to 2(120 ( Capitol ftve. ati
ANTKD-Kxporlenc d pirl for genera
W housework. Mrs. U O. Jonei. 713 No. 2lst
. Wlnebern drea * aud cloak maker
TOU1B. cloukn to order aud steamed : seulsiit
rionki rtpalrrd , all Kinds fur trimmings fur
ulahd , Jia CuPltol UYO. . rvpulrltn ; of ull Ktud
T ? RSPON8 r HLR carpenter to flRiire on tarpon ,
JLl ter work for G houses. I'indloy * Snlelds-
( Chamber of Commerce. 478 23
WANTKO-Hoard and room by yonng man
and wife ; best references ; mate terms of
board. Address K 4 , Hce office. 44031
WANTKD Tlio use of a good sound horao or
ponyrl ( U n or driving ) two hours morn
ing nnd o tig. Address J 52 , Heo olllco.
WANTED ttt HontI wnnt large room partly
furnUhed , bed , vmahatand and carpet ;
have other furniture. Address 1C 10 Hon olllco.
WAN'TKD-Furnlshpd room and board ,
furnace or steam heat nnn privilege of
bath room for man an wlfo , 1C Si , lleo olllco.
482-21 *
ANTI5D-2 or .1 unfurnished rooms for
Hunt housekeeping , centrally located. Ad *
dress K H Hue olllce. 4TO 21t
BOAItl ) und rooms wanted by Oct. 1st , con
venient to 19th anil Inko streets , for an
Episcopal minister , wife and two small chll-
c'.ren. AddresA J. > N. Campion 1801 Hlnncy st.
QKVKIIALnlce houses and flats for rent ; con-
dtrnlly located : furnlturo for snlo on easy
terms : very desirable for rooming nnd bonrd-
Ine house. 2 six-room cottages vacant. Co-
oporatlvo Laud nnd Lot Co. , 205 N. 17tn at.
41)5 ) 22
TTOH HKNT Cottnge. nvo rooms. Throe
JL. rooms ten dollnrsjthtcn loomssevon dollars :
paved utrcet ; city water , ittl S 15th st. WO 21 j
8-HOOM house , uas. bath and all modern con
veniences , 4(11 ( 8. 21th nvo. 503 22t
QTlOOMliouso. 417 N. HtiTsU 4W 22t
VKHY low. two 7-room houses on 18th and
Vlnton ; t\\oH undo room houses on 27th
nnd Woolworth ( with city water nnd bath ) ; two
5-room houses lu Lincoln Piice. lloom fill ) .
Pnxton block. 4M )
/ ItOOM house , furnished , until .Inn'y 1st ; rcf-
vJeronccs exchnngud. Call lOOi ) No. 'JAth st ,
4" > 1 22t
SHOOM house with all modern improvements
Including splendid furnace , near Hanscom
park , ( V.OJ. C. F. Harrison , Morcliauts' Nnt'l
bank. , 401
filOK HKNT 10-room brick house ; rent , J.V.
JO per month ; now full of roomers : price of
furniture J.V.O ; part cash , balance on time. Co-
opcrntivo Laud aud Lot Co. , 203 N. 10th st.
RIOH HKNT A neat furnished cottage , city
JE water nnd In best locality , nonr nigh school.
Cull nt the Western Printing Co. , UthiHnrney.
FOlt llKNT-0-room honse with barn. Sold
Charles st.Inquire at the E. M. Hulso com
pany. 130 Nicholas st. USU :
TJ1OH HKNT IFouse with all conveniences.
JO hard wood llnlsh , three blocks from P.O. ,
east front ; 210 N. l th t. 370
IjlOH HKNT-H-room cottage' No. DM N iWtli st ,
JO D. C. Patter.son , 518 N. Y. Lite. 3
FOR HKNT 2 lints In "Linton block , 0 rooms
ench , heated by steam , newly 'papered , rent
moderate. Inquire at 'JIT South 13th bt. John
Ilamllii lu the block. iir-'SI
IjlOll HKN'l1 No. 2411 Capitol nvonuo , 11
JL ? rooms , nil modern conveniences. The O. F.
Davis Co , . 232
3r.0ll HKNT 5-room cotugo on South S3rd
. street , J2."i.
Two 4-room cottages on S. 12th St. , SU.SI.
Tuoii-room llut-i on N , 17th ss. , sultablo for
light nouseKcepltig , Jl'i.
Tvrroom ( ! tints , comer 24th and Leaven-
worth sts.
Apply to 0 reen& Wllllnuis.lst Nat. bank bldg.
20 ! )
TT71OH HKNT Fine 11-room house , with all
JL ; modern imnrovements. No. 2318 Douglas
6t. A , H. Gladstone , 1310 Douglas st. I'JI
FOH HKNTAlroom ( cottage , city , cistern
water , convenient to business. DuvldJnmle-
6011,3118. Kith St. 039
"C10H HKNT Anew 9-room house , with clos-
JL ; ets , bath nUd hot water on both floors ; cor
ner Hickory and Georgia nve , ono block from
park ontrnnco. Price $1) per month. F. II. Sal
mon & Co , 1213 Leavcnworth st. b&l
EOH HKNT S room modern Improved house ,
corner. Apply"M. Klguttor , life S. 10th. 830
TTIOH HKNT Hundsomo 10-room house , all
JO convjenccs , pnved .street , cnblo and horse
cars. 6 minutes walk , of postolllco. N nth an S hoi-
ton , 1011 Farnnm st , 704
FOIl HKNT Several now 5-room cottages ;
rent tlo per month. Inquire ot John H.
F. Lehmann. 024 S , 17th street. 717
"EpOK HKNT Flat D D22 S. ICth st , has all con-
JO vunteiices and ono of the best 7-room Hats In
the city. For terms call on Her & Co. , 1112
llarnoy st. 503
OU UKNT Finolland 13-ioom houses with
all modern improvements. Cuss street , bo-
tweon24thand 25th sts. , at low rates. H. T.
Clarke , 2120 Cuss St. 2iJu
FOU HKNT 7-room , 2-story house , barn lor
4 horses if desired. Tor terms for the winter
cull on or address C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nut'l Hank. 1
HOU&K3 for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
FOH.KKKT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
uve. Inquire , 2 J1 Dodge. ll
IXnovThoustiS. 5 to B rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address , r\ub. Mortgage
Loan Co. , room ain Paxtou bl'B. . 13M _
TjlOH TlKNT 10-room house , steam boat , all
JO improvements , cheap rent. G. 15. Thompson ,
loom 214. Sheely block , 15lh and Howard.
O FintNISHKI ) rooms , suitable for four gents.
ICQj Howard st. 3rd lloor. No , 18 49S 21 *
ICKLY furnished room * , nil modern con-
vomoncoB. . 322 N liith St. 610-20J
TJlUKNISHKD'.room-anicely furnished front
JO rooms , with , " llrat-class board , 407 Ninth.
N KUKOANTS suite of rooms , steam hent ,
gas aud bath , Oil S. 13th st. 2d lloor.
477 25t
ITIUHNISIIKD uml unfurnished rooms. Ill
Ju1 S. BJth Bt. " * 4JU 81 *
_ _
HKNT Ono furnished room n Itn use of
POll und lire , tlO : board if desired. 1511
Cullforiuu St. _ 470 22
TT\OH \ UKNT Furnished room , 213 S. Sithst. ;
JO modern conveniences. ' 454-JU
l iY furnished rooms. nowMnrtl's block ,
701 N. ltitlint,3dll t. Mrs. Slzer.
> 439-20J
FOll HKNT 2 or 3 pleasant furnisnod rooms
lieated by Bteum. 210U Douglas t. 442
HKNT Neatly furnished front room ,
also board If deslicd ; no other roomers or
boarders , llith and Pacillo ats. 44J-22J
ICKLY furnished room , ull convonlenco.s,81a
N.Kth. 450 O 13
OOM nnd lioivru In private family on cable
llnuj only J4 per week. 1225 N. 2 ; tli f.t.
44322 ?
TpOH HKNT Neatly furnished rooms , with
JO or without bourd , all modern conveniences ,
IQJ N. mil st. 4M 25 *
ICKLY furnlsliud rooms at 403 N. Ifltli St. ,
Paul block. 401 20 *
A fill and see furnished rooms nt 317ii B.
10th st. 42120 *
TiWK HKNT Nice furnished front room for
JO 2 gentlomvu rent reasonable ,
rooms and board l& " IChtcago ,
ATICK furnUlied rooms , 2JOJ Dodge.
TilOH HKNT Nicely furnished room with gas
JO uud bath at U-'l Cupltol uve , corner nut.
JjlOH HKNT-Furnlshed rooms. Ill So. llth.
NK furnished room for ono or two i-entlo-
O men. 1'rlvata ' family. 2211 Farnam 8t. 3.V1
OOD rooms with liiat-clnsa board. Must
G have roferoucos , 1314 Capitol ave , Mrs ,
li. I'ttmoiia. 347 22 ?
I IjiritNlSIlHI ) rpoms with all modern coiive-
JL ? ulencfs. for gentlemen only , 17uU Dodge tt.
OT. CLAIll Kuropean hotel , cor. 13tti and
O Dodge ; special rate oy week or month.
. I OOM with or wltnout board. 1813 Dodge.
OO D room v 1th bath , 619 S 26th st.
ITIOH UKNT Two furnished rooms on Bt.
JO Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six min
utes w lt of business canter. Iteference re-
quered. Inquire at itore , 210 aud 812 B liun at.
OH HKNT Wiill turuiahed room In private
family with bruakfaat und8 o'clock dinner ,
including 3 meals Sunday , for lil per month ,
L Locution halt block from liliju school. ' " '
TJOOMS nndVnnrd for n gontlenio'h'l'rio o\hor
JLX boarders. 623 8. Seth ave. 018 21 ?
FOR UKNT-2 unfurnished rooms. JIM So.
10th st. MB 22J
4 NICK warm rooms for the winter , tld pat
month. 0. F , Ilurrlson , Merchants' Nat'l
bank. 401
TTOU HUNT a unfurnished rooms , near CUT
JL1 line , pleasant yard. ( WU North Sird st ,
IjlOH HKNT Unfurnished back parlor witn
JL' inrpot , for one crtwo gentlemen , 2U07 Cass.
TTIOH HKNT 4 unfurnished rooms nortfiwost
JU cor. 17th and Webster sis. : prlco30. . - rm
Tp\F.SK room In our olllco for an attorney. Wo
J-/hnvo threa rooms , llutchlnaon & , Wead ,
1524 Douglasst. 41M22
Tliroo-Rtory brick building. 1110
JL1 Douglas t , , sultablo for wholesale or ware
house. Chas. Kaufmann , 19K Douglas plroct.
Oil KKNT-Two stores , 1709 nnd ITU St.
Mary's ave. , very cheap. 2-atoros. cor , 10th
and Arbor , would be a good location for gro
cery nnd meat market. 10-room house , 2218
Loovcnworth Rt. 5-room house , 3110 Fnrham
Bt. All in perfect order. Hugh Q. Clark , lloom
7. Hoard of Trade/ 40321
- M block from P.O.
Fleming. 14th and Douglas. 212 O 13
LAHQK , plrasant basement for restaurant or
boarders , nearly furnished , 1314 Capitol nvo.
FOll HKNT-Storo. 1111 rnrnnm St. . 0 by 128
feet , 2.stories nud cellar. Nntlinn Bheitoti ,
' 014 Farnam st. "Kl
steamUNT n semont 40 bvW ) ft. heated by
steam . Kuqulro J. Nagl , 012 So. 13th st. _
TilOr. HKNT Cheap , n double store nnd bnse-
JL1 ment. corner liith nnd Howard Hts. Inqiilro
J. F , Sheuly , room 203 , SHcaly block. 135 30
O HKNT Desirable waronouso room on
JL track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 PncllloRt.
FOH HKNT The 4-story brick building with
or without power , formerly occupied by The
ler Publishing Co. . 810 Farnam st. The build
ing IIIIH n lira-proof cemented
pleto stoam-lieatlnc llxturos , watar on all the
lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the office otOlie Hce.
TTIOH HKNT A largo warehouse on Jones st.
JL ? bet. inth nnd 14th , three stories and base
ment , 44 by 100 feet , well lighted nnd very
itrongly built , Riiltubio for heavy machinery
'or manufacturlui : purposes ; will lease for llvo
or more years at reasonable rent. Inquire ot
Houry A. lloman , 413 S. 13tn et. 2:13 22t
STOHK Hooms Large now 3-stbry nnd basb-
. ment store building , suitable for any whole
sale business. '
Now 3-story nnd basement building , sultablo
'or heavy wholesale business.
Store room. No. G05 N. 10th St. *
6 Store room. No. 210.1 Lenvcnworth st , ' ' ,
Apply to Urcen & Wllliams.lst Nat. bank bldg.
IJ1OH HKNT Stores and living rooms on Ourn-
L1 ing st. Also house on Casa st. Harris , room
11,1st Nut. Hank. 231 f
R NTAL AO-MCIES. > - . -
RKNTAL Agency Call and flee the list of
choice resiliences nnd stovu InillilliiKs wu
olfer for rent. ( leo. N. Hicks , r6oin 2lX % N w
Vort Li to uulldlng. ' MM S3
1IIK banjo taught as an art by Geo. P.Ocllnn-
buck. Apply at lieu olllce. U" > 0
KKPAIltB for all maKes of stores at James
Hugties1 , 01)7 ) 8 Wth St. > 3U1-30J
G KUMAN lessons Mr. Borntlruck. Olllco
Fruelmuf's bookstore. 25 ol3J
OH AS. L. Todd aoes collecting. 44'Harker blk
ECONOMIZE In fuel by covermg'yonr stsam
pipes with fossil mnal non-conducting cov
ering , the most elDclont nnd cheapest of all
coverings. 1) . 0. McEwau , westetu 'agent , lull
Howards ! . 2U7sil
STHAYED Wednesday. Uu. . . . . . -.u - .v . ,
corner Howard nnd llth , black pup. whlto
spotim breast ; leather collar with Edinburgh
address aud chain. Iteunrdat above.
> 401 SOt
OST A Rmnll Mack nnd tan dog. i
Jroward for his return. 101 S. Uth st. 481-22 *
48D- .
LOST Sept. 7 nt or near retd and Cumlng , or
on street car , pair of pearl nnd , gold oporn
glasses. Leave at Phenlx Ins. olllco , Arlington
block and receive liberal reward. . 420 20t
'I OST Large , youngclois-lmlred St. Ilornnrd
JLJ dog , yellow with white breast nnd feet.-Ite-
turn to HoO Georgia ave. . or 001 Douglas and get
reward. KM
POKANE Will 1720 Lawrence , st. please
send better address to Fred , llox 274 , Spo
kane Falls. -447 SB
GKNTLTIMKN , It you desire awlro or a lively
correspondent , sona yqiir address1 to the
American Corresponding Clnb , Uox (143 ( , Clarks-
buig , W. Vo. S40'dWJ
IF yort wish to toll Omaha property , oud will
make saleable llgures , wo cau furnish cus
tomtjrs. Hutchlnsou k Woad , IG'Jf Douglas st.
4M 2J '
WANTKD To buy 5 acres near town at a
bargain. C , F , Harrison. Merchants' Nut'l
Bank. 4B1
\7frANTKD-About 200,000 good brick dellv-
ti ered Kith and Faruarn ; price uiustbovqry
low ; write quoting lowest price , 1) ) . C. Patter
son , 518 N. Y. Life. U81-20
CASH for furniture , carpets , stoves , cenornl
mUso. Wells' Auction & tjtorage Co.,317 S.llitb.
' 102 Oil
WANTED-2,000 yards dirt at fi cents per
yard , to nil lot In Housel & Stobblns ad
dition. Itoomn IV 1'axton block. 114
WANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of ull kinds. Onmha Ano
tlon i : Storage Co. , H''l Farnnm. KSi
i'l'Oll A(1K Cleun. dry , and reasonable rates ,
5 Wells' Storage & Auction Co. , U17 S. I3tn st.
QTOHAOK at low rates at 1131 Farnam htrcet ,
OOmaha Auction and btorugo Co , ' Ml
S TO I ( AUK and forwarding. We collect nnd de
liver goods ot all description , merchandise ,
furniturennd baggage nt cheapest rates for
storage for nuy length of time. Vans nud
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with caro-
fulmen for moving , Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Oillce217S. 14th
st. Telephone 111. Howell&Co. Ki5
rpUACKAOE storage nt lowest rates. W. M ,
X Uusbmnn , 1311 Lnavonworth. 53(1 (
MI1S. KCCLKS , the famous fortune teller and
clairvoyant ; bubluess , love , marriage ami
changed. UU7 S. 13th door to Uarkcrjiotel.
MA DAM I ! Wellington , world-rpnowned ns-
trologist , test medium nnd destiny reader ,
just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
uitihes speedy martlago with the one you love ,
locates disease and treats with massage and
elect rlo baths. All In trouble should pot fall to
consult this gifted seerosa. Parlor U , upstairs ,
417 S. llth ; olllco hourt , from 10a. ra. to 10 * . m.
422 2f *
"ITHMlTUNi : 'leller Mrs. Lenormaii can be
.1 ? consulted ou nil ullnlrn of lite. Batlsfttc *
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N , Utn Bt. 113 o'J *
T\ll. NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant , modi-
-L'cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. H N. Ifitti st. , rooms 2 nnd 'J. CJ7
GOOD homes for ladlua during conllliemvnt ,
terms reasonableH2J ti.Utli. ir. Mrv.Kuntzu
D13 b3UJ
MIIS. M , Ohleimchlager , mld-\Yltery home Cof
Indian. Uooil accoinmoilutlonii and attend *
unco. Low prices. 2607 North 2Uu vt. . Omaha ,
'S ihortb nd and typewrit-
ii Ing rvcliool , Darker block. Uuy nnd even
ing gassfons ; M par month. _ UU-O7t
STA.NDAUD BhortUand School. 1'aitoa blk. ,
( aucceesor to Valeutlne'd ) the largest oxclu-
elve shorthand school la the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular utteutlou
paid to typewriting. MeoUanlcal construction
of machine taught by factory expert. Circulam ,
TJlOll 8AL1J A new buggy. Simpson make ,
-L' cheap. Kooia fr-'T. Paxton clock. 221 _
'ITtOlt SALK Kor 175 cash , 3 good work horse ! )
JL1 j , u. Curtis , Situ ana illamlsts , Wl - lj
WOn SAMi T.lqht IfaTT1 platform spring
JL1 wagon , in good order ; 1WJ N , 10th Rt.
J"1 ( ( VM s30t
IjtOUSALK A HoHldny0wlnd mill and no-
JtJ barrel wood tank , AUi ' , between D and B.
South Omahiw. ' , , SSMlt
T31OII SALK Work team , wagon nnd harncs I.
JJ alnglo horse , harn u and carrlAg , 2
WRKons , 2sots hcixvy hatncM , or will exchange
for brick. .1. J , Wllklhjoh , 14U Farnam. rfca
/ VNK walnut double dcikl 7 fe t lonp. A bar-
V-/guln. K , T. Llndsoyt 404-25
T71lH3T-Cl 8 * work teMli.weight 5609 Ibs. 7
JJ yenrfl old : also , newi'Wigon nnd bnrness ;
will sell seperatoly It rerjnlrod ; price , for all
3300. on monthly payment * . , Co-oporatlvo Land
mid Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th ila ! M
FOR SALE Phaeton ntH sncrlflco only J. * > 0.
Must be sold Immediately for cash. Willis
Yates.Agt. Nebraska Nnt'l bank. M3
fhlOO buys m i re , harness , open buggy. Enquire
3)1819 Sliorman nve. . after ftp-clock. 441 S27t
T7IOH BAIil ! A Ri-horso power Porter engine
JL ; In good condition , weight MO ) pounds , cyl
inder 11x10. For particulars apply to Tne lies
iW-ANO ounrnnteo A Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
-I' 1 lildg.cornploto nbstrncts furnlKhed nnd titles
to real estate cxamlnod'perfoctod x guaranteed.
. privnto money to place at 7 per cent ,
SIO.COO C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'lbank.
, to loan nt U per cunt. Llnanan * Mahoney -
$ honey , room 60J Paxton block. 610
KKYS10NK Mortcngo Co. Ix > sns of 110 to
$ lKi ( ) ) ! get our rntea before borrowing and
save money ; loan on hornet , turulturo. or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , ronownl ot old , and low
est rates , call HSOJ.Sheolcy blk.liith ic Hovcardst.
TirONKYto loiin on furolturo , horseswagons ,
111. eta. , or on miy approved security. J. W.
[ lobblns , 1411JJ Fnrnam street , Paxtou hotel.
MONUV to loan on nny security
for short time , at low
rntfis. l < owost rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
-oom 400.1'axtou block. 643
IUILDING lonna. D. V. Sholos , 210 First
> National bans. 512
rilO LOAN A few thousand qu Inside uulnv
JL proved city property or good "ud mortgage
paper Address J M Dee olllco. 208
TJIIHSTmortgHgo loans at low rates nnd uo
JO delay. 1) . V. Sholos , 210 First National bank.
T , OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages
JUbought. Louis8.KeocKVCo..ll.i3UoardTrade
TlfONEY to loan on horsos. wagons , mules ,
JU-linushold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest/rates. The llrst organized loan olllco In
thu city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred and sixty-live days , Which cnn bo paid In
part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Call nnd Bee us wnon
you want money , we can insist yon promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making lonns. ( ' „ F. Hoed is Co. ,
Bin S. 13tu st. , over Uinghuin & Sons. 653
T OANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
J-iper bought. McCagua.Investment Oo. S30
M ONKV to loan. O. F.'Otivls Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , IftOl Farnam st. D44
WANTKD First class'Inside loans. Lowest
ratc.s. Call nnd See us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1C01 Farnnm. , , G < > 1
"jirONEYlonnedfor 39i.OO or M diiys on any
-i'-L kind or chattel security ; reasonable Inter-
eat ; couUdcntial. J. J. Wilkinson , HI7 Farnnm.
DO YOU wnnt monevJ' ' If so don't borro\y
before getting my rates , wmcli nrotho low
est on nuyaum Irom JHotJIO.uoo.
I nmku loans on hoiu > ] iotd goods , pianos , or
gans , hor.scM.mules.wagbifswarehouse receipts ,
houses , loases.eto. . In nnr amount at the lowest
posslblo rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for cine to six mouths and
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal nnd Interest. vlt you owe a balance
on your funifture or homes , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up 'nud ' carry it for you as
long as you desire , in . n. i
If you need will flnd It to your ad
Tantugo to POO mo 'boloro borrowing.
It. P. Masters , room 4 , W'ltunell oulldlng. 15th
and Harner. 65- '
6 Per Cent money It 302 , N. r. Lite Ins. pldg
t CSl.3--
MONEY to loan at low rates nnd no delay.
Capital nnd surplus 8I.EOO.OOO. Lombard
Investment Co. , 309 813th st. 639
TDKSIDKNCK loans 6V4 to 7 per cent ; no ad
-Lldltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Melklo , First Nat bank blag ,
G4t )
SEE Sholes. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans , G43
MONEY to loan on real estate security nt
lowest ratec. .Before negotiating loans see
Wallace , 11.310 , Urown bldg. , 10th & Douglas.
NEUUASKA Mort. Loan Co. will mace you a
loan on household goods ,
Corses , wagons ,
land contracts.
fine Jewelry , or socnrlties of tiny kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
lioom 7 , Itowley block , South Omaha.
Itooms 618-Giy. 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb.
PHILADELPHIA Mortcago & Trust Co. fur
nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securltjes. perfect titles , accept loans
at their western ofllce. George W.P , Coatos.
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 640
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. inth st. . opposite Mlllard hotel. 553 u
Loans negotiated nt low rates with
out delay , and purchase good rommorcla
paper and mortgage uotcs. S. A. tUoman , cor
13th nnd Farnam. r > r > 7
ONKY to Loan Chattels , collateral rea
estate. ItuOl , Merchanti'Nat'l bankbulldglu.
MONRY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. .1.
W. Squire , 1219 Farnara st , Pint National
bank building. 641
ONKY to loan We make liberal advanceb
-on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses and wagons , without removal , without
publicity , and nt lower rntes than can be had
oliewher-jln the city. Payments can be maun
at nny time , which reduce both principal nnd
Interest. Long and short time -given und lib
eral extensions mado. All business strictly
confidential. Hofore you borrow orrenew your
loan rail and got our rates. Hawkoyu Invest
ment Co. . room : ! . ' ) , lid lloor , Douglas blocks. w
corner 10th and Dodge streets. 30J-S-21
M ONKY to loan on city or farm property ,
a BO. J. Paul. 1003 Farnam sr. 103
BKKOUKmaklngchattnlor rollnteral loans.
It will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 41'J lleo bldg. 13U
TjUflSTNational safetyjieposlt vaults. Safes
J to rent M to K a yearrtfr ; , ; B. 13th. 123
BLACKSMITH shop 'ton ' ICth st. doing line
business ; prlco tl.UOOiMlIlglve time on pun
party going away. Grocery btore in good loca
tlon , ? 1,100. L'ouioctlonory and bakery. Hotel
furniture and business in good location In city
for tiw 'M rooms and 4t ) lidarders , Clirar store
$300. "good restaurants .doing line InialneBs
price , $1UO und J OJ. Zi-vMM hotel In central lo
cution , rnrnlture and lenity fl.oou ; partly on
time , Co-opcratlvo Lana.Mll } ( Lot Co , 2Q'i NJGth
T710H HKNT Aio you looking for one of the
JL' best locutions lu Omaha to start a dry goods
btori' . hardware , barbor'MioJi or groceryIf so
eoo Fred Harrli , 161'J UodKor 512 U
: tOJ will buy the furniture and tease of 18
$ room boarding houa-j."H7 N 14tli st. 4'J1 2l
T71OK HKNT llostaurftuj with bakery In base
JL.'mom and rooms abqve.batli rooms , dining
room tOBeatlOo.nowbrlcCTjUlldlni ; , parties own
Ingltwlihtogo out oCbniluessj party must bo
responsible. For particulars address (1. W
Whlttaker. Kearney , Neb ; , HuUalo Co. 4tG011) ) ?
/T'OOI ) paying business for sale ; easy terms
VTCall btar Land to Iutl Co , 1UJJM Farnam.
TOOK BALK liaitory and confectionery on
X' easy terms ; a snap. Lot In thecapltol city
of South Dakota , Pierre. Western Land ic Loau
Kxclmnge,3H P. Iflthat. 40321
OU SALK 2UO bead of feeders , native steen
average weight 1OW Iba , , mostly toppea ,
years old. Inquire 1st Nat. Hank , Hebron
ThuycrCo. , Neb. g20ii : !
THOU HAM'-Or trade , mrge stoce ranch In
-L western Iowa veil Improved and all undo
fencu ; with or without block. H UJ , Hee olllce
liJO ill
O ItKAT bargain to a party who has
cash. C. F. Harrison , > lercliuuta' Nat'lb'nk
Ul'41 ' stock , good bujlnesj. In A 1 loontlon
price tJUj. ( half cash and bulauco in cl a
Una or cltvlots ; luvosticate. Strlngei if Penny
Dougluil bfocli. 40a 21
[ pen SALK Well established furniture store ,
JL- apply to Fred. J. Smith , Lindsay , Neb.
425 S7t
[ T10K SALK Clgnr , confectionery and fruit
JU1 stand : good stand rleht party ; 2vXl ai2thst ,
[ 710U SAIiK tinobuys a stock , llxtures etc. ,
JO cigar nud fruit stand at 010 N , 10th st.
401 SOt
_ _ _
[ TUJRbALK-Oood ' family horse , pftccr.chenp !
L' 123 s. inii. cor Douglas. 410
TJOODopenlnR for furnlturo dealer for sale.
JWow stock of furniture Invoiced nt K.WU ,
lolue good business : only furniture store in
o'.rn ; reason for nolllnR. husband died and
vant togo out of builncsi ; bids will bo ro-
clvod until September 25. Torms. H.O'iOcnsh.
lalnnce on easy terms , Ptoro and lot will bo
or nale also. . Address Mrs , J. L. Nelson. Oak-
and. Neb , _ 440-2JJ
Foil 8ALK or trado-Ono peed fruit , cigar
nnd tobacco stand ; rent onlv (10 per month.
load reasons for selling given. Inquire DOS
B 13th tt. 4 11-20 J
ATTKNTION Druggists For sale a drug bus
iness that will pay you Jli'ipor mo. Address
' . A Co. , care Magcunu & llruuuer , Fromout ,
job. J124t
l/IOIl SALU--Clieap for cash , or will trade for
L1 U m Mm residence property , IIO.CUO worth
urnlturo In line couditlou. Address 1C 12 lleo.
coa aij
WNKIlotawoU-cstabllshert brewery wishes
V/to add bottling department , and wants a
young mmi woo understands the business to
nko nil IntorcHt.V. . It , IX&M , K. ( lloom 14 ,
loard of Trndo. 371
PIHSTclass stock ot groceries , fixtures , del ,
77 for salo. Will Invoice from Jisoo to SI.WO ;
) art cash , balance In good paper. Oood triido ;
Inn location ; rent very reasonable. Address J
)7 Uee. SfiO 20J
FOH SALK Stock of clothing nnd furnish-
Ing goods lu a lively rallrond town of
eru Iowa. A splendid chnuco for n good mane
o get nu old established trade. Address .1 71 ,
lleo olllco. 370-20
: you looKltiR for an opportunity to engage -
gage In the mercantile business ] ' It no coma
and see us. W. It. K. Ac M. i ; . , lloom 14 Chamber
of Commerce , Tel. 1140. Ul , " >
"ITIOH BALK Oood elevator In line grain sec-
JL' tlon , Address John Heed , 1201 K st , Lincoln.
$2,000 grocorv for building lot.
JI5i > ci ) Inside property , $3tOO Income for
House and lot with dairy business for SO acres
of land.
llrlck house(5 ( room ) Walnut Hill , for good
unimproved lots.
Hutchluson & Wend , 1534 Douglas st ,
TTUjEVATOU In good city In lown. cnpncltv
-li'Su.OOO bushels , 80-horso power engine , will
trade f or land or merchandise ; Ifi-room hotel
In good Nebraska town , only hotel In place ,
prlco $1,000 , ull clear , will trnito for land ; $ .JWX )
itocK of boots and shoes for one-third cash ,
balance land or city property ; nu-rooui notel In
coed Nebraska town , for land , Co-Oporatlvo
Land.\LotCo.(203N.lGlllst. 4W > 22
W'ANTKD If you are llnblo to lose your
equity. In Omaha residence , business or In
side aero proerty. and want to trade for choice
residence.with land , lu smaller , live town , to
gether with some cash , send address , lean do
you some good. Address K 5 lieu olllce. 45l2Jt
TJMFTKKN acres In South Omaha , 1U miles
JL' f rom. packing hbuses.J.IO' ) per acre , to trade
for vacant or Improved city pioperty. 40
lets In one of 'trip best additions to Council
llluirs , prltJo , 1100 each , for city property. Clear
lot tor furniture. First mortgage piper for
horses , or horse and buggy. Co-Operatlvo Land
& Lot CO.-2&0 N. ICth St. 4115 2J
ITIOII SAJ\K-Or Traile-100,000 cigars. A mim-
L1 ber of good forms slightly Incumbcrco , for
Omaha property. House nnd lots for vacant
lot. What naVeyou tootfor ? Western Laud &
Loan Kxchanue , Ull S. inth st. 40. 21
TT/ 'ANT.EO To trade good Omaha propoity
Ti for alOorlfi acre tract wltnln In miles of
I' . O. W. H. K. & M. K. , room 14 Chamoer of
Commerce , 3H ! )
"MT" ! ! AT have you to olfer lu exchange tormy
T T E1.000 equity In mv double house on
Lutnrop at , nour lOtn , or for my * 5.0)0 equity in
my iloiible holl&6 ou Spenoer st near d , or for
my $ . > , OtW equity in my double house on Wlrt at ,
east of 24th. nil with modern improvements , all
encumbrances5 years at 7 per cent. No farms
will bo considered. W. T. Seaman , east side
llith st , north , ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wngons nnd carriages ,
KKNTAL property. Inside , to exchange for
clear fnrjus or vacant city lots , Tlioa. F.
Hall , 4)11 ) Paxton block.
A MNK" eleven roomed house , a corner and
J-i-00 foot lot. to trade for clear unimproved
laud or improved tarm In lown or eastern Ne
braska. .Arnold & Winstanloy , 535 Paxton bldg.
TjlOBEXCHANGE An elegant tract of land
JL3 contnlnlnp 120'acres In Antelope county.
Nob. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter.'sectlon In. Hand county , Dakota ,
party improved.
Klghty acres near Council Bluffs , la.
House and lot on South inth st.
Largo amount of OH Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
or the erection of some houses. Oeo.
Sroparty , 1st National bank building. 370
BA11GAIN Choice ten-acre tract , close to
Holt iLlno railway , willtsub-dlvldde Into 50
nlco rcaldonoe lots [ hat will sell for $ IOJ to $100
each within the next three years ; can quote
special price ou this if Hold at once. Deo. N.
Hick * , NowYorK Llfo building. 600 22
rpHK beautiful suburban residence . .
JL at Summit Park , South Omaha , will double
In prlco In the next six months. Uuy now ;
pricfs advancing : Wo have It all for snlo. M.
A. Upt6tt Co. , itithand Varnani. 534-24
rpwo nlco lots In Orchard Hill on easy terms ,
JL $ ; 00 each. Stringer &s Penny , Douglas block.
PAVKD Streets. See M. A. Upton Co. . 10th
and Farnam. 501 24
A CHKproperty , well located , offers the
XXopportmilty for an Investment now on the
market. Call und see the bargains 1 offer , Ooo ,
N. Hicks , New York Life bulWin ? . 600 22
G.O. . WALLACK , 310 and 311 J. J. IJrown
. buildingloth and Douglas ,
Some of the bestlotslu Clifton Hill , C'arthnge ,
West Cumlng , Lincoln Place , Hrlgcs Place ,
Hawthorn , Creston , Polhnm Place , Orchard
Hill , Pluinvlew , Hedford Place or beautiful
Monmouth Park , on the easiest possible terms.
Will build houses on lots In uuy of the above
named additions for purchasers nnd sell on
monthly und quarterly payments , Hotter than
paying rpnt apd certain advance In valnjH.
42'J 20
SUMMIT Park , In South Omaha , Is only two
and one-half miles from Omaha postolllce ,
and la the finest located residence property
nround the city. Kloqtrlo motor 'by Nov. 1 ,
Prices golnpup every day. Wo have the largest
list. l > f , A. Upton Company , 10th und Farnum ,
$2.500 will buy a 50-foot lot with food barn , ou
Poppleton ' nvo near 28th st ; pnved' street
within the mile limit Choicest bargain In the
olyi ; 0/A. Starr. 1203 Farnauist. 4211
SUMMIT Park. See M.A.Upton Co. . ICth
and Fnrnam , 504 24
, buys 10-room noimo with hard-wood
$11,000 , elegant decoration , flue laundry , uud
every detail perfect ; this la Ji.UOO less than It
cost ; party Is going out of the city. This Is
simply elegant and u bargaiu ; if you Have nny
lutontlou of buying , till 1 ask Is to Hhuw it to
you ; locution K.'J ucorcla avo. X ) , V. tholes ,
210lit Nat. Hank. ' 721
LET us show you the beautiful residence
property around Summit Park , South Oma
ha , Lots UxlW. ) Kloctrio motor there soon ,
M. A. Upton Co. , 18tti and Furnam. 50124
FOlt BALK Katy terms , Kountzo place.
Two homes , each 8 rooms , eacli Sl.oou
Two lioine.i , each U roomx , each "i.UOi ) .
Two homes , each 15 roomy , each (7,500 ,
Ail with modern conveniences.
All large value at the price.
All wltnln a Rquare of the motor line.
Don't lose these opportunities.
Forxule by the owner. W , T.Seaman.
F.astslde JUth st , , north ot Nicholas Ht.
Omaha's largest variety of wagons nnd car
riages , 559
TNVKSTIQATUthe property at Summit park ,
J-Soutli Omaha. You will then purchase. I'.lcc-
trie motor , Hulf licurly dummy. Paved
streets. ' M. A , Upton Co , loth und I'arnnin.
fpllKbestmoney n worth of houxonnalot now
JL for gala In Omaha Is that which I am now
completing near 24th ft. , on paved Wlrt st. , in
KotintzK place. B bedrooms , Z parlors , dining
room , klccheu , 2 bath rooms , ii wttter closotn ,
large laundry , stationary wunh tubs , furnace
and coal room and collar , electric bells und
speftklin ; tube , 12 clnsetu. Price only $7,5QJ on
Urins tohiiit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at tame price. W. T , Seaman , east slda 10th tit.
north of Nicholas Bt , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriage * , 6.VJ
01TY water , electric motor , half-hourly
dummy to Summit Park , South Omahu.Vo
ure making a specialty of tut * property. It is
the Ilnest in the inurkut. Prices advancing.
Let us ihow it to you. M. A. Upton Co. , iota
and FarDttiu , 5'J4-24
TniVBfi-room housois , new , bath room , cittern ,
JL ? city water , half blocjc from Motor line ; 10
pe : cent cash , balance monthly ; sale subject to
hort time lease. Nub , Mortgage jAian Co. ,
room 51K Pa ton block. 82H
a(0 ( Hullllers : Strlncer iPennr.Uouelas block.
H.I ! . Cor. ICth auJPodne , uuvosome Allot *
wlilcli they can. sell for > j caali uud balance ou
second ulyra e , it/j 1
'lOMKanrt ttsvn and InTestlgata some of the
V/lnrc\ln wehftTo toolTtr. We are contin
ually listing new properties , and "It you don't
co what vou want asTc for It. "
For Rale or bxchnnafl one ot the finest res
taurants la Omahu. at a bargain ,
We have several flnn hotel properties to trade
'or ' land or other good valuus.
An elevator property with lnru dwelling
lotiso , at a bargalni Klovntor complete , with
icrso power , scalcj. offlco furnl * > he > il , etc. A
line opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots in nil purls ot Omaha for
sale and oxchMiffo.
For exchange , ( for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
ot school land lease , In one of the best counties
n the state.
A tine residence property In Omaha View for
Bale at n bargain
A flue Wheeler counly farm , well developed ,
good soH , for exchange for Omaha property.
2 ) acres of Ono laud In northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Oinatm property.
For Halo or exchange for western Innd.s , city
iroporty , merchandise or live stock , anne hotel
iroporty in Iowa town of n.Uio inhabitants.
.tudliiK hotel ot the place and doing a line
business. Furnishes monls for two pasaomror
rains dally. A tiapfor thorUhtman.
Wolmvounsurpassod tncllltlps for disposing
of prone , havlug some 50J agents scattered
over /our or live states. Mst your property
Tlth us If you wish a quick turn. W. U. K. A
M. K. , Itooin 14 , Chanibur ot Commorcs. tolo-
pliona 1440. fas
BUST bargains. See M. A. Upton Co. . 10th
and Farnnm. Wl 24
HOMRSon monthly payments. 1 hnvo still
r > lots for sale In Aldlne i iunro , on lilch
I will build homes to suit purUinsorH , unit take
) ayment monthly , quarterly , or vcarly. Aldlne
iquaro Is on ( Sraco street , ono block from the
uotor line nnd two block H from the cable , nud
iy either Una you ran start from tlio postolllco
nndKot tnero in 10 minutes. It has nil nilvmi-
tages of wntor , sewer , K S , pnvomeuts. i-to. ,
mul the terms are the ritalcsl over ollered in
, lils city , i have nlao 10 lots ou Cass atroct , bo-
twoeu 2 > th nnd 2 < T th streets , whtnli I will sell on
tmtno terms. Call and oxamlno planx of houses ,
etc , 1) . J , O'Douahoo , 1001 Farnnm st. 611
$4.00) bargain ; the best half block In Hoyd's
add , on AniKs nvo and Motor for tlie nboro
Rum ; this must bo sold ; submit all oilers to 1) .
V. Sholes. 210 1st Nat. Hank. 3M120
"VTINK thousand squnro feet In n Summit
JA park. South Onitha , lot. Lot us show you
them. Klectrio mot or. M. A. Upton Co. , inth
and Farnuin. 501 24
T/IOUSALB. real estate Hrlcgs Place , 1 have
JL ? in this dcRlrnblo addition a nuinb r of
cholco lots for sale at low figures and terms to
suit j-our convenience. If you are looking for
u 1luo residence location , lot mo drlvo you out
nnd show you these beautiful lots which I oiler
for sale. They belong to non-residents nnd
must bo sold. Don't delay but call at once 011
rioorgo.I. Stornsdorir , 1st Nat , bank uulldlng.
'Jolophono 404. 44i :
LAHOKSTLisr , Bee M. A. Upton Co. , lOtli
and Farnam. 504 21
TXCU11SION Look out for our land oxcur-
Jll/sion to all points west on Tuesday. Sept. 24.
Wo cull ospociiil attention to our Now Mexico
Irrigated land , which Is the best investment
that cnn be made to-day in real estate. Come
nnd join our excursion when you can have
round trip ticket for I faro. Wo can show you
land In all parts west ot Chicago nt terms nnd
prices that cannot bo beat. We haVe some ox >
trn good bargains on varnn" nnd Improved lots.
Call nt Kxcetslor Laud Co.llO : S 15lh st. Onmha.
QMO.OOO pressed "brick residence going up at
PStimmlt Pnrk , South Omaha ; more to follow.
Prices advancing ; Ilnest residence propnrty
around Omnlm ; electric motor ; buy now ; we
Imvo the largest list , M. A. Upton Co. , ICth nud
Furnnni. )4 21
1 OOICI Look ! l.ooSl Manufacturers anil
JLJwarohousemim. Investigate this. Northwest
coiner llith and Pleroe st-s. 100x141. only tl3fi'U.
KJ,6'm cash ; 4 houses on this property , lents for
$1,000 per year ; nbovo pricn gets the houses und
some of the ground for nothing , but the Cali
fornia owner wants to sell. M. A. Upton Com
pany , llith and Fnrnntn. 7l ( !
BAUGANS-Outsido proporty-llXKHO. cor.
15th and Hickory , J7ooo ; onsy terms.
32xS8 , 31st and Mnsoii , { l.COO , ' { cnsh. bnlanco
5 lots. 31st near Mason , cheap.
Double cor. , 3lth ) and Davenport , 14,000.
-'lots , Wlrt St. , 1 block from 24th , $ .1,600 ; rea
sonable terms.
Now Is a good tlmo to buy property nil Insl.lo
of Holt line ; will soon advance. Hugh 1. Clark.
ELKCTHIO Motor. See M. A. Upton Co. , ICth
and Farnnm. 501 24
'IjlOU S A LI ! On long tlmo and easy payment * ) ,
JL' Handsome , now.well-built houses ot 8 , 0 und
10 roonu. All convcnloncos.good neighborhood ;
paved streets , Btreet cars , nnd within walking
distance of P.O. Nut him Bhelton , 1U11 Farnam.
H ALF-HOUIJLY dummy. Sf 0 M. A. Upton
Co. , ICth and Faninm. o04 24
"I71OH SAM3 Now elegant li-room hotiso , nil
JD modern conveniences , east front , In the best
residence locality In Omntmr will sell cheap.
Jlronnun A ; Co. , room 3 , Chamber ot Couimercu.
17G OH
J1INKST suburban residence property. S e
' M. A. Upton Co. , IBth and Farnam. 501 24
FOR SALE KlegantO-room house In Orchard
Hill ; modern Improvements , etc ; on onsv
terms. Also fi now S-room houses , each \ \ Ith 2
full lots , small barn.'otc. . lu good location ; will
have electric motor within 3 blocks. Make of
fers. Address U ( XI , lleo olllce. 710
BUY well located nrro property and got tlio
benefit ot the futuni growth ot the city ;
small cash payment * ) , long time. Goo. N. Hick * ! ,
New York Life bldg. 500 2J
ONE of the two liousn and lot bargains I
have been olTering on Georgia ave , north of now sold nnd occupied , became
of my very low price. The south IIOUIQ of the
two still remains ft bargain open to somebody.
First comes , llrst sorvedi To bo appreciated It
needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively
will nut rent It , though sovdfal times offered
J.riO per montlu Price , on very easy terms.J0,0 K ) .
AS' . T. Seaman , east side 1'ltli ' Bt. , north of Nich
olas Bt.Omulm'N largest variety of wagons and
carriages. C//J
WIIIJM you purchase roaltv deal with a re
sponsible , well-known llrm like AI. A ,
Upton Co. , llith and Farnam , 504 21
M . A. UPTON CO. , Mtli and Farnnm. The old
reliable ; real estate house. Dual with them.
CIOH SALK Wa.Ti : acres , too. H , tp. , 13 , r. U w.
X1 Hamilton county Neb. House , stable , 3UO
acres fenced , living watar. Price SI.O'K ) . I' . K.
Atkins , owner , railroad bldsr. IJonver , Col. 5(13 (
"THAVKsomo llrst-clasa rental property for
JLsalo cheap wltliln one mile of pobtolllco , on
paved streets nnd motor Una. Thos. F. Hall ,
Ull Paxtou block. 533
F OH BALK Lots In Stewart place , will fur
nish money for building homo , and pay
ments monthly. Hero is a chance to bocure u
home. Harris , room 411 , lut Nat. Hank. Mil
OQO feet above the river and a mile north of
-.tlio stockyards , two and ono-half miles from
the Omaha postolllce. Summit Park , Soutn
Omaha , Lots MxlM ) . Klectrio motor , paved
streets , nnd half-hourly dummy. Wo have the
largest Hot. M , A. Upton Co. , IfhUaml Farunm.
501 24
nillH HI'.ST bargain ollered Is Oiroom IIOUHO
X and lot ; city water In kitchen , north front
ono mile from P O ; * 1,300. ThU In offered this
week only , IlutclUnuonVead , 1524 Douglas.
4W1 22
TJlOll SALE 9-room house , barn and lot Hans
JL ? com Place , at a bavsulu , Harris , Room 411
1st Nat. Hank. Ml
171011 BALE At a bargain ; the 2 lots nnd
JL ! trackage , with buildings of the Fairbanks
lard rcDnery. For terms nnd price see U. V.
Hliolon , 210 iHt Nat. Hank , ; m 21
T KT us suow you Summit Park , South Omnlm
JJpropurty. Nothing like It la the market for
the money. Electric motor and half-hourly
dummy. Wo hav the largest list. M. A.
Upton Co. , Ifith und Farnam. 604 21
WALNUT Hllllot.ncnr Dr. Mercer's , K.-JO ) ;
Kast front lot In llanscom Place , ] ,77fit
West front , near Wool worth , llanncom , Jla50 ;
Kast front. Klrd nonr Lauvpuuorth. i\W \ ) .
Hutchluson tc Wtud , 163iiouglas ) ) < t.
? Dfl U
FOR 8ALE-2. , 44 or ml feet ot lot ( I , blocc TO
at 1C5C per foot. Thll It ivitlilii u quarter of
n blocc ot the new P. O. alto , and will be worth
fl , ( JO Inside of a year ,
Th9 e H lot H. block 10) ) , cor. Douglas and 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas nud M on 10th , price
} riOO , ( , I10.0UU cash , balance In nvo equal unnuul
'Hie HO U w M sec 0 , t U , r 11 'e , Douglas Co. ,
prlco8I2.IW ) . * I.UJO casli. balance easy.
IMII , , BouthOmaliaprice41,200 , term * )
eaiy. W. 1L K. &M. K , loom K , Chamber ot
Commerce telephone 144 . r.7.
BUY u lot at Sumntt park , Boulfl Omaha. It
Is thu vary beHtlnvostmcntyou call mukoat
present , Wu liare thn lurgest list. Kluctrlo
motor , M. A. Upton Co. , ISlh and Filrnam.
HANHCOM place lot for sale very cheap for
cauli , lot IK block 7. WxlOU , AdilreBi F , P.O.
borUbU. U7J
T7O11 SALK or Krchange No. 1 farm for Ktons
Jof groceries , drug * ) or cash. Address I. N ,
Darker , ( Ireelay Centre , Nebraska. 4U iU
77IOU BALK-Take notice , a Georgia ave. lot
X1 near Poppleton , at gradu , for only * 2.tioj J ,
ILJivans , 30S N. Y Ufe building. _ 4&U 21
GU. WALLACE Hrowu InilUllue , ICtn und
, louglaa , will build houeei on good Iota In
the leading additions , near to car lines , and HP U
on monthly payments. Will give home Bankers
of a mull meuuM but steady employment every
chance to get a homo easily and at the f > ame
time make a jirontable Jnvuatmeiit. ' 420 20
BAIKJAINS In live , ten and twenty ncre
tracts close to city ; no better Investment
now ou tlio market , Cco. ! N. Illcki , New Yoik
Llfa bullilln& WJ 22
TJ .
JLV HuainM * corner 7 xP7 , SOth anil Vlnton ,
$7 5' ' * 0 ,
Ntco cottage anil lot , a prrtty lioino , M.SOO.
Klegant new rtsidenco just cximplctnit ,
modern Improvements , healthy and pleasant '
location , splendid neighborhood. t7X ( > X I'll
Hplendlil brick block , two houie.s. all modern
convcnlcnrnn. tloublo lloors tnrougliuut , fur-
niico , bath , not and cold water , high and
healthy location , Orst-clitss neighborhood , only
two blocks from now electric motor rar line on 1
Park ave ; cnn mnkuanpectal bargain If Bold
nt onoo.
CholBo lon-acro tract. West Umaha . . , .t 0r,00
Klegant cast front lot , llauseom I'lnoo. . . nWJ
Finest west front lot , Hauftcora Place . . . 2,0K )
Flvo acres cloio to Holt Lino. . , 2,700
Corner , 120xlHd. 7 blks from t-otirt houso. 7 00
Trackage. SiOxUiU. ou llPlt Line lly 7fiOO
Mlilrty arrcs Just outside city limits . , . , Sooo
N'lcorosldotino lot , HouthOmaha . . . . . . . . KW
Itesldonni lot near 2ith nnd llarnoy. . . . . 3,000
Coal nnd lumber yard location ou llelt Ky ( tnoa
" 40 acres cholco Nob. farm land. B.OOU
Klogaut five-aero tract , , nee
Spli-ndld location for home and poultry yd 4NOO
Hnnlness lot near depot , outh UniAha , . , 2n < H )
l t II , bioi-k fi. smith Omaha , S.OCO
CornerH > xl5 > . 2lth nnd H HIS. , 9. Omnlm , 4,010
Itesldenro lot near 2uth ntid vlntnn ViO
Corner , south fronton llnnscom Parlc. . , , T.SOO
Corner , KM feet , illst mid Popplolon avo. . 7fiOl i !
Ten nrros with house and barn , bargain. . 7,100
Kesldenco block , pays H p or con t ou 91 tiW ) . l\f < 00
Co II nud soot ho bargains woonvr. Houses ,
roltaitrs and mores for rent , lleo , N , 11 lots ,
Now York Life building. fyil t '
T'llKHK I * nothing so nlcons those ologantflOx
IN ) feet lou at Hiimmlt 1'nrk , * - > outhOmah\ ) ,
OH . 4th , 2 Hi , aUi , nud27 strootM. 'JMiey ran be
sold now at K prlco of property similarly lo
cated ; electric motor ; prlcns ndvanclurc. Wo
have nil there nr for sale. M. A. I'ptbn '
Co. . Ulth nnd Farimm. Ml 24
rPO MANUFAl > rUllKH8-l will give nmpla
X ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
ou the Fremont , KIKhorn .V Ml aotirt Vnlley
lallroad , or on the Missouri 1'p.cltle. ( llelt Line )
rnlluny In Wcitlawn , Just outside the city
limits. In West Umnliiv , conveniently .sltiintotl ns
reniirds to thobusttiesscrntorof Omaha
nnd South Omnh.i , to puitli-s for the location of
any of the following Industries ;
Furniture Factory , llutlon Knctory ,
Shoo Knctory , Lard Uctlnory ,
Htarch.vOlucoso W'ka , Soap Wcirku ,
Paper Mill , PurlllprMiinufactorr ,
Plow Works , llroom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolun Mill ,
Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , llox .MauuMctory ,
Hush. Door nud llhtid Wlro Works.
Mannfnrtory , Machine Shops. > .
Flour nnd ! era Mill.
Or nuy good mauufncturliig plant Wostlawn
iRjiist otitHldo the eltv UUIUH , nnd Industrlo *
planted there "ill oscnpu lioavy cltv taxes.
If you nro thinking of locating In Omnhu It
will pay vou to Investigate this. .
( Jon. t ! . Hicks , New York Llfo building ,
Omaha. 71X1
jt > 2r > 0) buys a nice homo , two to three hundred
tDdollars cnsh , balnncoon best terms , abstract
furnished , title perfect. C. F. Harrison. Mor-
ciants' | Nnt'l bank. 401
I1KAP honui.s. Sectiro homes in Omaha AlII
Ylow. Now that tno motor line is to run to -II
icid uud Lake street In Omaha View , homes In
this beautiful addition will ba eagerly sought ,
after on account of the uront ndvnntngus oC
location , nltltudo , hoalthfuludss. nccessliilllly ,
good nelglUiom , scliooUs , niiurches , uonrness to
Diislness nnd the wonderfully low prices at
wnlch lots , or lots with now hniisi > s unlit to or
der cnn bo bought. Tills is tno one 8luglo addi
tion that has never been boomed , and the
prices uro us low im though uo boiim hud over
occurred lu Omnhu. You get tlio loto at an
honest prlco ami get honest , values lu return ,
People wanting homes will never regiet pur
chasing hi Omaha View , and should at ouca
call on Hoggs & Hill , 140S Fnrnam Btrcet nnd no-
Inct their lots , nnd make terms for having a
house built to siMt 2IS23
SUMMIT Park , South Omaha , propoity Iiasno
reference to the stock yards , being on the high
elevation n mile north. Yon get nothing b-
,1o tlonnblo out there. Purest air , beautiful
located lots , line view , electric motor , paved
streets , half-hourly dummy ; prices advancing.
M. A. Upton Co. , Kith und Fnrnum.ftj 5U1-2I
HIGH attitude , magnificent view , purest air
olegnnt lots , nil nt Summit Park , South
Omnlm. Illeclrlc motor ; finest subnrbnn resl-
clouro jiropcrty lu the mnrKot. Wo hnvo the
largest list. M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Fnruniu
504 24
" 1J10H SANK Choice farms near good mar-
JL ? ket.s , rlioap ami terms easy , or will take
good trade. Lewis Ac Co. , Sterling. Colo.
FOH SAl.K , real estate Throe cnoico lots In
Hedlck Park addition , fnclna 2 > th nvo. Only
$1.0 , o ench. A line class of residences surround
this property , and In less than two years , they
Will double in value , ( loorgo J. Stornsdortf ,
1st Nut. bunk building. 41'i
ON K fnrm of 4in nuros In Pave county , lowu.
Ono farm of 120 acrosln Adams county. In.
Ono faun of UK ) acrosln Hack county. Neb.
Ono farm ot 1C ] acres in Grand Forks , link.
Also r.lndermau hotel furnlturo , Clarmdo. la ,
All of the nijovo described prouortyinuir be
closed out in sixty days , regardless of prlco.
Cull or address F. M. Park , Clarlnda , Iowa.
111 ! ) s'10
GL01IK 1101 KI-Nowly furnished and llttcd
up throughout ; centrally located ; $2 per
day. 1303-1310.1,112 Douglas ft. 604
\f , IIKUAY IIO1KL Nowost. latest nnd only
-li-Lllrst-cluss hotel In Onnilia ; $1 to { 1 per dixy.
H. Slllowny proprietor. BtBi
OZZKN8 Hotel , corner of Uth nnd Hnrnoy
streets. J2.0U per day. No dnrk rooms.
Table first-class. Try It. M. J. Franck U4I >
\V1NDSOU HOTKlj-Corner of Inth nud Jack-
i T son strootM , a blocK.s from Union depot.
Heat $3 a day house Intlie city. ryw
Notice < o Con lriotorH lorrnilinir ,
South Omnlm , Neb. Sept. llth , 1 ° 8. ) . f
Sealed proposals will bo Toci-lvcd by the un-
derstgnt-d at this olllco until 12 o'clock noon ot
September . lt < M ) , for furnishing all the ; na-
terlals und doing nil the work necessary to complete -
ploto the following city Improvements , Viz :
Uradltig 21th Street from "N" Street to "Q"
I'liins and speclllcntlons mny bo BCCU , and nil
Information relntlvo to the work obtained , nt
this olllco.
Payments for the work to bo made by war
rants on the cltvtreaHiiry.
No proposal from any contractor In default
with the city on nny provlous contract will be
considered , i
No proposal will bo considered unless accom
panied by a certified check for fcJOO.uO to be returned -
turned on all bids not excaptcd.
Tlie right la reserved to reject nny or all pro
Work to bo completed within 30 days.
Approximate ostlmnta Is ill.110 cubic yards Of
excavation , to cost lf4,7."i7,4J.
lly order City Council.
Committed on Viaducts. Btroots nnd Alloya ,
by , K. H , ToWChairman. .
S dtoS23.
Notion to
South Omahu , Nob. , Sept. llth , 1883. f
Sealoil proposals will bo rocolved by the tin-
clerslBiifert itt this olllco until 12 o'clock noon of.
Bojiteniljoraw , IKHI , f0r fuinlshlng al ! the ma-
tvrUls nnd doing nil the work nrcesHnrv to
comnlolo HID following rity ImproviiniontH , vla.i
< lradliiK "L" street from Twentieth street to
Tnlrly-llflh street , together with approaches. *
Plans anil bpucillcntlons may bo neon , and nil
Information relative to the work obtained , at
thin olllco.
Payment for the work to ho iimdo by war
rants ou thorlty treasury.
No iiropomil fioiii any contractor Jn default
with the city on nny previous contract r will bo
No proposal will bo considered unless accom *
panted by a certified check for t XKJ.OJ' to oe re
turned on nil bids not accepted.
The light IB reaorved to reject nuy or all pro-
Work to he completed within ninety days.
Approximate estimated cost $ l&,72t.15. (
Hjr order City Council.
Chairman Cornmltteo ou Viaducts , Streets ana
Matter of application ot Htorz & Her for
. , lUiuorllcousio.
Notlco 13 hortiby given that Storz &Ilordia
upon the mil day of Hnptember. A. I ) . 1S83 , Ilia
tnelr appllcutlon to the board of lire and police
coinmlhsloDHi-H of Omulm , for Ilc-t-nso to soil
malt , splrltuouH and vlnoiin lltiioi at No. 11KJ
ougla htioot. Third ward , Uinalm. Nebraska ,
from thii llrst day of. January , Us ? , to the flrut
day of January , fnUO.
If therebo no objection , rymoiifitriincporpro ,
test tiled within two wnekH from Soot. 17th , AI > ,
IhM ) , the said license will bu granted.
n-lit-2J ( Bioux 61 ILI\ .
ILIApplicants. (
i p f < CDTLEBY
An , ! nublfr Q Ballooiji , Jewelry ;
Notloii , . JJovftl ] ( , ue. , Ac , , t
lowtit prlcei , OooJi for Btree tmcn ,
n i.tuiiUTKii cmu > ui K
716 WA5HIHCTOH An. ST. 10018 , MO.
ForHpcrianlorrlMra , J.Dtt Munbuud * Hexwnl l ccur *
J Uik Of . tMrnmtmt llrMtlllu
< Ifftctupiuflit. * tit ,
ToliilriMjuct'.wiU ( IIVJ ; OMA\VA1 toVrt-ll M
I * nton IN rut biuuiitOrdwrat 01100. "
tvut OrcuUrw Vft'-a. AffpiitM ivAiitetl.