Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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.Tellttred by carrier Id Any 1'nrt of
T enty Cents Per Woo * .
11. W. T1ITON , . , . MANAOKH.
HrpiNrpft OrricK No. 43.
N. V. P. Co.
Olcnson coal.
I ) . \V. Oils , city and form loans.
Council HlulTfl-Lumbcr Co. , conl.
Lioston fttoro leads thorn nil. Dry goods.
Carbon Coal Co. , Pearl.
Jimmy Davis 1ms been presented wltu u
fine pair of crutches by Mr. A. D. Foster.
0 ho Ihlrtconth regiment rnlscd $705 to bo
applied to thu Indebted ness of the brigade.
S. T. MoAtco will occupy the Fisher build
ing. opiiotltc the court tiousc , nftor Octo
ber 1.
Thomas Millar , nn individual suffering
with the truuicns , was taken to the county
Jail yesterday.
Jnscf Huliio will give a concert at Masonic
hftll Octobur 1 for the bcnellt of the Uercan
Baptist nhnrch ,
At the meeting of the Eleventh regiment
the old oftlccrs wcro ru-cloeted. U. P. Koso ,
president , nnd K. U. Lewis , secretary.
The greater part of the old soldiers of the
Crocker brigade loft for homo yesterday
morning , although u few iiru still loft U : the
The resignation of Kov. .1 , II. II. Heady as
rector of All Salnta chuiial lias been ac
cepted. Ills successor hus not been de
termined upon.
It Is probable that Ole HasniUKSen will
furnish the street sipns icecntly advertlBod
for. Ho wim the cnly bidder und the \votic
nhould bo done.
MarritiKO licenses were Issued yesterday
to Louis Ottonholmor und Annlo Ilerz , both
of this city , und A. G. Ucrry und Lilllu York ,
both of Macedonia.
The cnso of the Union Stoclt Yards com
pany VB Citizens Slnto Uunlr , to collect
charges for handling u lot of cattle , is on
trial In the district court.
The yucht race nt Ltiko Manawa Thursday
nfternoon for $100 a al Jo was won by tlio
Psycho , the Ciirrio second. 'Ihe Coco was
disabled soon lifter the start.
A now paper bus been slotted in thu city
in the interest of the Bethany Baptist
church. Kov. 12. N. Harris is thu editor. It
Is called the Bethany Haptist.
The ronniins of Deb Younger , the famous
bandit who died ut the Stlllwiiter peniten
tiary recently , passed through the city
Thursday in cbqrgu of two sisters of the de
Plats of Draw's first and. second subdi
visions were lilcd with the county recorder
yesterday. They uro located in Central ad
dition and Squires' addition. They comprise
three lolH eiicn.
Company II of the Fifteenth Iowa , to
which Captain D. 13. Clarke , of this city , belongs -
longs , outnumbered nil other companies that
attended the reunion , numbering twenty-
three uurvlvor.9.
Thomas Hulston , the party first arrested
for complicity lu the Slieurs' murder cuso ,
was released Irotn custody yesterday morn
ing. as there wus no evidence intioduced on
which to hold him.
The ofllccrs of the brigade were lavish in
their praise of their treatment. With ono
pccord they state the arrangements wcro the
best , and as a consequence the reunion wus
the most orderly nnd enjoyable ever hold by
the association.
The new building which J. M. Palmer has
contracted to erect for one of Uio largest
carriage factories In Indiana will be com
pleted by December 1. It will bo located on
Bixtl. avenue. J. A. Murutiy wus awarded
the contract yesterday.
The locul committee in charge of the re
union excluded nearly all home people from
the banquet Thursday evening. This wns
a necessity owing to the largo number of vis
itors and tha limited spuco in the hall , which
wus crowded us It was.
In the bids for the street paving opened at
the lust meeting of the city council , E. A.
Wlckham Is the lowest , bidder according to
specifications , $1.53 , but G. S. Miller has
put in a bid at fl.fil for Bluffs brick. The
contract will bo awarded next Monday
The funeral of II. W. Benton will talto
place at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning from
the residence of his brother , B. II. Uenton ,
828 Third avenue , Mrs. Benton will arrive
on this morning's train. The remains will
bo taken to Hastings , la. , on the 9:40 : train
over I ho Burlington for interment.
The hotels , were crowded during the re
union , und many of tbo visiting veterans
were compelled to go to Onmhu for lodging- .
This was duo to an oversight on the part of
the committee , as many' private families
would gladly have tuKon in some of the vis
itors hud due preparation been made.
The lecture at the congregational church
lust ovcnlnir drew a good-sized house. Kov.
Mr. Mnrch spoke on the "Jewish Taber
nacle , " and erected what Is said to bo u per
fect fac-slnille of that ancient structure , in
miniaturo. At thu close of the lecture the
young ludlos served a Jluo supper in the
church parlors ,
Quito n number.of members of the Beth
any Baptist church mat ut the residence of
O. H. Smith , No. TU3 South First street' ,
Thursday evening for supper , the occasion
being the tirst anniversary of the organiza
tion. Several short addresses were made.
The tirst anniversary gathering of this con
gregation will long be remembered.
County Attorney Organ came in from
Avocu , where ho is working with thu grand
Jury of the east end of the county , to uo
present when the grand Jury hero mudo their
llual report. Owing to a few unfinished
matters this was not done yesterday morn
ing , and Mr. Organ returned to Avocn to
complete his business there. The grand
Jury will innkp tholr final report to-day or to
Tbo work of l&ylncrtho oriel ; paving on
Sou tli Sixth street , between Fifth and Eighth
nvcnue wan completed yesterday afternoon ,
nnd work commenced on Seventh aveuuo be
tween Sixth and Eighth streets. The work
is strictly tlrst class , and the material used
the best over brought to the city. No com
plaints huvo been mada to the council by the
abutting property owners , \vhlch fact speaks
wall for the work.
Elsoman received $15,001) ) worth of luces
from onu of the largest importers in the
world. In the lot Is ono bridal veil worth
$1KX ( ) , a lace shawl worth 3C50 , nnd n fichu
that will cost 8'iJO. Those tire the most
beautiful lot of luces avar brought west , and
are brouuht hero for thu inspection of the
ladles of Council Bluffs and Omaha , and will
lie exhibited at the opening Monday and
Tuesday evenings.
October 2 , II , and 4 , at Plattsmouth. there
will bo u base bull tournament , six clubs to
enter. Prizes of $500 , fuT.O . , SIM ) und f 100
will bo given , The clubs entered are the
Grand Island , Missouri Valley , Pluttsmouth ,
Atlantic , Ulvssos , Nob. , nnd Odells , of this
city , The latter club has been reorganized
and the following are the players : Cobb ,
Abbey , O'Toole , Stephenson , Berwoln ,
Lucas. Hoffman , Flnnnery , Kliiunor. Hur-
din. Oliver and Hiley. They play tholr llrst
Kama at Falrviow park next Sunday with an
Omaha club.
S. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money.
Dwelling for gala on easy payments. Also
building lots ut lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. B. II. Slieafo < fc Co.
The Now Ogden , Council Bluffs , finest und
largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at
tentions to commercial men ,
Attend the W. J. Bug.collcgoCouncll Bluffs.
Keatlng.presorlntioasnnd drugs , 603 B'd'y.
Now Pacific House , best hotel lu the city.
ll.rX ) per day. Meals 330. _
Get Fountain Co cigar , next Klsomuu block ,
J. 0. nixby , guaranteed toaui heating , 333
Broadway. _
House awl lot for fl. Buy your tickets in
grand drawing so we will not have to defer
raftlo. 'Seo notlco In special columns , this
Western Lumber ana Supply Co. , 13th and
14th streets and 1M and 8il avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling polo.ties.llmo ,
cement und building material in t io went.
K. W. Haymond , manager ,
The Police Still at Work oil the
Murclor Mystory.
Tlio Preliminaries tlnlnc Discussed
A Soliorno For Olionior | Motor
Itntos A Pnlr 1'lnlntlfT
Personal ami General.
The Supposed Mimlorer Arrrstnd.
The nllcgod inurderct of William Spears ,
the unfortunate man whoso body was found
Wednesday evening In the woods west of
the Northwestern house , Is at last under ar
rest nnd behind the bars. As st-ited in
yesterday's BUR , Theodora Brown wns the
party suspected of having committed the
invful deed , and yesterday morning ubout
3 o'clock the strong arm of the law fell upon
his shoulder nnd ho wns a prisoner.
Onicer Cusick , having scoured what ho
deemed sufficient evidence , after working
incessantly on the cnso for two days , made
two visits to Brown's ' homo In the northern
part of the city curly yesterday morning ,
but his man wus not there. Ho wns found
Inter uiion thu street and arrested ,
L'hc prisoner was taken to the police
station and locked up , but no charge was
entered against him , und his name was not
placed upon the polieo register , as for cor-
tnln reasons , the pollen desired to suppress
the fact of his arrest.
The coroner's Jury was moatlmo grinding
away on the case , us on the proceeding day
with closed doors , ana no information ns
to tha result of tholr investigations was to
bo had. Tim Bin , however , continued its
investigations on the outside ns poislstently
as did tbo coroners Jury In secret session ,
und learned of thu testimony which induced
the authorities to place- the suspected man
under arrest.
Ono of thu witnosaos was Mrs. Murphy
who lives In the vicinity of the Northwest
ern roundhouse. She states that as she was
coming down town Monday evening about 8
o'clock , she met two men ono tall nnd very
stoop-shouldered , and tha other shorter and
apparently very drunk. Tbo tall man. whoso
description tallies perfectly with Brown ,
had his arm linked In that of the other and
was half nulling , nnd half dragging him
along , at the samu time- urging him to "uoiho
along. " The other wns resisting , hanging
back and gesticulating wildly , and as she
passed them Mrs. Murphy heard him say ,
"No , I ain't ' going. I won't go. Just us sure
as my name Is Billy Spaars , ( won't go. "
Mrs. Murphv supposed that some friend
was trying to got the drnnkci * man home ,
und thought uo more about the matter until
she heard the circumstances of the murder.
When she met the men they were going In
the direction ot thu roundhouse' , und were
then less than half a mile from the scene of
the tragedy.
Another material witness Is a Mrs. .fames
who lives near the roundhouse. She states
that shorilv after 8 o'clock two men answer
ing to the description of Brown and the deceased
ceased , staggered up to her house and then
passed on toward tha spot where Spears'
body was. afterward found und which is but
ubout three blocks distant.
They wcro seen again after this by n boy ,
who watched them until they passed out of
sight in the darkness.
The testimony of these witnesses takes the
deceased und his supposed murderer to within
u very short distance of the scene of the
tragedy , toward which spot they were head
ing when last seen , and the time was nftor 8
o'clock Monday evening , while the employes
nt the roundhouse state that it was between
8 und 9 o'clock on the sumo evening when
they heard that mysterious clubbing from
the direction of the fatal spot , where Spears'
head wus so brutally pounded by his un
known murderer.
It wns upon this chain of circumstantial
evidence that the arrest was made , and
Brown placed In u prison cell , with the terri
ble charge of taking the lifu of a fellow man
hanging so threateningly above his head ,
Brown was released from the Nebraska pen
itentiary nt Lincoln about four years ago ,
after serving a three years' term for high
way robbery near Blair. Ho was released
from the county jail only n few dnvs ngo ,
after being locked up for a couple of days fern
n disturbance created near tlio dummy depot.
The coronei's Jury returned n verdict lust
evening , but it , showed no no of the develop
ments of the two day's secret session. It
admitted that the Jury knew very little , if
any , uioro about , the case than they did at
thostait. In fact , they would havu formu
lated identically the same verdict if thoj had
made no investigation whatever , and had
written out their opinion when they tirst
viewed the body. The following is the ver
dict :
" 'the said jurors upon their oaths do say
that the said William Spears met his death
from blows inflicted on his head by a club In
thu hunds of some party or parties to said
jurors unknown. " Signed ,
\Vll.MAM HUTCllIN'sO.N , )
W. H. Woond , } Jurors.
J. F. llANEY. I
Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway.
C. B. stoftin dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Finest market in city J. M. Suanlan' .
Buy 250 worth of Fountains at the Foun
tain cigar store and get u chance in the South
Omaha lotto bo rallied November i5. !
Tube paints T 'oat Chapman's an store.
Finn jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning und repairing at E. Burhorn's.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents und caroof property
in the city und vicinity. Charges modurtUo.
Ollico Broadway and Main streets.
Tin * City Hnll Asitln Heard From.
"What are you follows letting up on the
city hall question forl" demanded Alderman
Weaver of Tin : BIE : yesterday. "You ought
to keep punching away on it , for we open the
bids for a alto next Monday evening , und if
yet kcop it Btirrod up enough wo ought to
get some very favorable oilers. Not only
that , but wo want to go right along with It
after the alto Is secured. It will take plenty
of time , oven under the most favorable cir
cumstances , und wo can't afford to wastu
weeks and , months fooling around about mat
ters that ought to bo adjusted immediately.
It sscins to mo that all arrangements ought
to bo completed this year , so as to have work
commence early In the spring. "
A cull was then made ut the olUco of the
city clerk , nnd that ofllclal was asked how
many bids had been submitted for u location
for the proposed now building , "Not ono , "
was the response , "and I don't believe thnro
will be before Monday. It don't muUo any
difference what the bids are for , they always
wait until the last minute. Perhaps each
ono wants to find out just what the other fol
low is doing , soils to go him ono bolter. The
only two Kites I have hoard talked about are
in tha vicinity of the county court house.
One is nearly opposite the court house and
fronts on both Main und Pearl streets ,
und the other is thu old rink property at the
corner of Pearl and Fifth avenue.
The choice expressed by City Marshal
Gunnolla was the Woodbury corner , nt Pearl
and Flnit avenue , although ho would bn
Pleased to sou any locution between the
county court house und Broadway selected.
Alderman Weaver declined to stuto his
prof oroncu as to thu exact location , but wants
it souiawhera between the court house and
postofllcc. Ho docs not want it any further
down Broadway than the government build
Alderman thinks tha lots between
Main und Pearl treot , just north of and
facing on Willnw uvcnuo , would bo one of
tha finest locations in the city , to which
Alderman Weaver responds with u fervent
auicn. Ho also states that tbo rink corner ,
Woodbury corner , corner of Seventh street
and Broadway , or Plainer corner at Glen
avenue and Broadway , would any of them
make tine locations.
"I will toll you ono thing , though , " ho
added , "wo uro going to have u city hall , und
that right away , If wo were only us sure era
a new brldgo und a .Vcent motor faro , there
wouldn't bo anything left to wish for. If
you will just stir these fellows up to put in n
bid or nn offer of what tlley Will Inko for
their property , wo will htwo * omo very fn-
vorahlo propositions to consider ntour meet-
lug Monday availing. "
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 Il'y
Dr. Murphyopticmii , room'.HO Morrinm bllt.
At the Council Bluffs Carpet Co. there Is
such n profusion of beautiful patterns nnd
novelties In carpets nnd curtains that the
lady or contlcman of oven the most refined
tnsto will huvo dinictilty In deciding. They
will also have dlfllculty In determining which
Is the best of thu multitude of bargains of
fered. Pconlo within 160 miles of Council
BlufTs will save mqro than their fnra nnd
hotel bills by coming direct to ns. Comn und
inspect , whether you are ready to buy or
How to Oct. a Ftvo Cent Fnri * .
"Good Idea , " exclaimed Hon. George F.
Wright yesterday morning , when asked
what ho thought of the move to secure a
free bridge between this city nnd Omaha.
"I think It would bo a tip top thing , and I
would Ilka to see tha Idea successfully car
ried out. Wo will sell our bridge to tha two
cities nt cost , and that Is bettor than they
can do In any other wny. I would not like
to see then build miothcr bridge , nnd I
know thnb It would bo tnora expensive ns
well ns less satisfactory. The location of
our bridge is bettor than nny other that
could bo secured , nnd not only that , but it
is already built and oponcd for travel , which
is a gain of at least two years over any
bridge that may bo built hero In the future.
The brldco cost us about MOO.OOO , nnd wo _
have the bills to show for It. This is about'
f 100,000 , cheaper than another ono llko It
could now bo built. Then again , wo could
build n brldgo cheaper than the city could.
Public work always costs moro than the
same thing- would if done by private individ
uals. Wo will sell this brldgo to tha cities
at cost , which might bo equally divided , so
ns to have Omaha pay two-thirds and the
BlufTonethird ! Wo would deduct the
amount voted to us for erecting tha bridge ,
which would be perfectly right and just.
"Arrangements could easily bo made to
have the motor track transferred to the
present sidewalk , leaving thu entire center
of the brldgo for public travel. If necessary ,
sidewalks could be oxtondcd from cither
sltlo on the same plan that thu wagon rolxds
over the Union Paclllo bridge were built. "
Said one very prominent citizen yesterday ,
"Wo want a free bridge , but we don't want
to buy this ono and give the nresont motor
company nn exclusive franchise or rlcht of
way aeross it. If the motor track was put
out to ono side of the orosont and the motor
company ngreo to n 5-cent rate , it might do.
But a free bridge wo want and n free bridge
wo must have. Loolc nt St. Paul with seven
bridges nnd all of them free. Why if wo had
n free bridge wo would have nn increase of
10,000 in our population , mid nn assessed
valuation-of $10,000,000 in loss than two
years. Those bottoms would sprincup ns if
by macic and our citizens of to-day
would not rccognlzo thorn in tholr
changed appearance. Wo must have
competition in tnls motor business.
A free bridge would brinp us active competi
tion. It would bringnnother motor company
into the field , nnd then you would see these
companies fairly falling over each other in
their haste to cot tholr cars running all over
the city. Competition Is what wo want , and
a free brldgo is what will give it to us. Mr.
Rosewater bus always advocated a free
bridge. Ho urged it years ago , when I didn't '
sea a particle of use in It , but n man is blind
not to see it now. It means too much to lot
it go by default , and T hone the papers will
keep agitating it until it is assured. "
As the flvocoiit motor rate seemed to bo the
point upon which the question then hinged ,
Mr. Wright was again called upon , nnd
asked what his company would do in that
"Wo will do this. " was the prompt re
sponse. "If the city will bu v tha bridge ut , cost
we will Immediately reduce the faro to flvo
cents and carry nil passengers for that price.
That is all that maintains the faro at its pres
ent rate. Wo curry passengers now for flvo
cents anvwhore on our line except over the
bridgo. With the bridge off our hands , wo
could muko a straight live cent fore from ono
end of our line to the other. We think this
is u very fair proposition , and nro satisfied
that the city will not do us well anywhere
else. "
AlwnyH on l'lm < .
If you wish to purchase n good and reliable
watch 25 per cent loss than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once nnd make
your own selection nt C. B. Jacquomln &
Co. , 27 Main street.
Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottnz , Tol. 173.
Full-mount Park ,
The bcauliful gem ot Council BlufTs sot
amid the romantic hills ana shaded by ver
dant bnughs of forest trees. The most de
lightful place imaginable for picnics , tennis
parties und quiet rumbles.
Tukotho electric motor curs brldgo line
which lunds passengers In the very heart of
tbo park. Furo from Omaha to the park
only 10 cents.
The park Is owned and controlled by the
city authorities and the host of good order Is
Tlio Woman Won.
The well worn case of Mary E. Evans
against John A. Whlto was again given n
Jury yesterday afternoon. In about ten min
utes the twelve wlso men returned a verdict ,
giving her the full amount of her claim ,
$233.37 , , The casu was tried Ueforo about a
year ago , and the Jury disagreed. The suit
wus not un especially Interesting ouo , so fur
ns the evidence introduced was concerned , it
being merely on a contract involving Koine
land in Dakota. There huvo boon numerous
hints that there would be some testimony
dragged in bv the defendant , to the effect
that he was Induced to sign the contract to
avoid a threatened suit for breach of prom
ise. There was nothing of the sort which ap
peared in the cuso to substantiate thu prom
ises o. ' a romance to bn aired In public. It
was u dioiry case for those who hoped for
something k ° ssip.v. The plaintiff is said to
have been led to push the suit moro vigor
ously because of those whisperings , she
being more doalroiu of a vindication than u
meru money Judgment. She and her friends
are naturally qulto Jubilant ever the result.
Desirable dwellings for rent at moucrata
prices. E. H , Sheafo & Co. , rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Money loaned ut L. H. Craft's & Co.'s
loan office on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
and all other articles ot value , without
removal. All business Btriutly confi
dential. _
A. 'MornIni : Hln/.o.
About 0 o'clock yesterday morning un
alarm of ilro was Bounded from box fit , nt
tha corner of Fifth avenue and Eighth
streets , callina the depirtmont to the small
residence of Paddy White , on Fifth uvonuo
near the Northwestern tracks. The build
ing was damaged to the extent of $ 200 , bu
all the household effects wore saved. Mr.
Whlto stated he thought iho fire caught
from a chimney , but the ilra department
state It caught in the cellar , und Indications
point to the building having been fired pur
posely. The building was insured for (400 ,
which is considerably more than its valuo.
Thu flrumcn state that the walls wcro satur
ated with oil , which was plainlv visible when
washed oft oy tha water. The only occu
pants of the building were the old couple ,
Paddy and his wife , who nro well known
characters about the city. As soon us the
flames were extinguished , Paddy started up
town to get his insurance money ,
Kelley & Vounkpnuon sell groceries.
Chase and Sanboru cofTooa a specialty.
Stoum and hot water heatlnir , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both oltlos. John
Gilbert , 613 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
\ Lively Duel.
York township comes to the front with an
affray which may prove serious , but thus far
no urrests have beou mado. On Weflnesduy
two men , John Gauion and Grant White , be-
ramo involved in a quarrel which led to
blows. Whlto seized Gamon by the throat ,
when the latter drew a knife and slashed
Whlto down the loft Mo making uu ugly
wound. Whlto then picked up an ax and
struck Gauion a powerful blow on the head ,
rendering him unconscious. Both men wcro
removed to their homes , nnd doctors Harvey
nnd Lowrcy. of Neoliii , were called to attend
to their Injuries. ' "Cfninon soon recovered
from the blow received , but Whltd is con
fined to his room ,
Winter & Monro , styn painters , 410 B'wy.
C. B. Music Co. , W3 Broadway.
Wcok'H Kntcrtnlntncnr.
The Gorman Cat hello ladles' burnnr com
mences next Monday night , The programme
for the week will bo ns follows !
Monday Grand concert.
Tuesday Operetta"Hobclllou , of the Dai
sies. "
Wednesday Musical and elocutionary on-
tortulnmont ,
Thursday Qiiadrillo party.
Friday Drill by the Light guards.
Saturday Voting and raflllngolT articles.
Supper will bo served each evening nt
promptly 0 o'clock.
Among the articles to bo drawn will bo an
elegant cnsy chair to the most popular mer
chant ; n handsome silk hat nnd cnno to the
most popular railroad engineer ; to the best
looking gontlomnn dry goods cleric , n gold
ring ; to the cutest baby , nn elegant cane
chair ; to the meekest butcher , u lamb ; to
the most obedient llttlo girl , a Inrgo doll with
trousseau nnd traveling trunk ; handsome
chamber set to the most popular hotel-
W. W. Clmpman will open to Iho public on
Monday evening tjio finest nrt room in the
west. Every person Invited.
Halph Williams Is on the sick list. An at
tack of Inflammutlon of the bowels is the
Frank and Gcorga Wright loft last evening -
ing for Now York oily to attend Columbia
college. The ) ' will tiinKo a short visit at
Iowa City on tholr way.
Dr. Hoe left last evening for Maryvlllo ,
Mo. , to spend Sunday with friends thoro.
with whom Mrs. Hoe has been visiting for a
week past. Both will return on Monday.
W. E. West , of Cullinpo , Sioux countv , nn
old comrudo of Wall MoFudden In company
A , Twenty-ninth Iowa , was In the city yes
terday , the guest of the latter geiitlomun.
Hereafter our store will bo open until 9
o'clock p. m. John Btino & Co.
W. W. Chapman's now nrt parlors will bo
open to the public Monday night. Every
person will bo welcome.
Icnvn'fl ConmilNNlnnors Disjvmo of n
QupHtlon of Great Interest.
Dns Moi.vns , la. , Sept. i0. ! [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK.I The railroad commjs-
sloneis have rendered an important decision
in the case of C. J. Ilelman , against the Chicago
cage & Northwestern railroad , and the
Sioux City & Pacific railroad , which was a
petition for joint rates to Council Bluffs. Pe
titioners claimed that for all points on the
Chicago & Northwestern east of
Onawa nnd Missouri Valley tucso
roads ship brick 1m a joint rate , but
refused to make such joint rates west or
south. The commissioners decided that as
the two roads we're separate and distinct
lines , the law confers on them no power to
compel the two companies to give joint rates.
To decide that the action of the companies in
giving joint rates in ono direction wns dis
crimination might deprive the complainants
of advantages thoyi now enjoy without ac
complishing the object sought , hence the
boaul takes no action in the matter and the
case is dismissed without prejudice.
Seventh lown Hciinlon.
CIIAIHTONla. . , Sept 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bcri. I A very successful re
union of the Seventh lowe cavalry closed
hero to-day. There wcro about ono hundred
and rifty members in attendance , with Cole *
nol E. B. Murphy , of Arapahoe , Neb. , in
command. The boys , without regard to
company , greeted the old colonul warmly , ns
ho was a general favorite when captain in
the service. A warmer , more cordial und
more generous treatment could not have
been given than was extended to the Sev
enth Iowa cavalry by thu citizens of Churi-
A Grrston Grocery HOUHO Fails.
CnusTON" , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bnu.j The retail grocery of George
Derr , ono of the loading business houses of
Creston , wus closed to-day under a chattel
mortgage hold by the Iowa Stuto Savings
bank und E. D. Derr. Liabilities about
? 5,000 ; assets unknown. The failure wns
caused by a large credit business nnd slow
collections , brought about largely by the
late strike of Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
oiiginomen. The house has hud un oxten-
slvo trade und its proprietor is ono of the
leading citizens.
Senator Allison Kndorseil.
FORT DODOK , In. , Scot. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB. ] The republican conven
tion In this city this afternoon wns attended
by many prominent politicians. Tno follow
ing resolution endorsing United States
Senator Allison was enthusiastically ndopod :
Ucsolvcd , That wo endorse nnd approve
the political record of Senator William B.
Allison , nnd that wo boiievo the stale of
Iowa will illustrala Its wisdom by continuing
him In thoofllco ho has so signally honored
in the past.
A Yonnc Farmer's Suicide.
.TEFi'Eitsojf , In. , Sept. 2d. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEII.J Frank Locker , son of
T. J. Locker , n prominent farmer of Hardln
township , committed suicide by shooting
himself with a shotgun , yesterday. Ha
never would bo reconciled to the death of a
brother ubout a year ago , nnd this , with
other troubles , led to the fatal deed. Ho
was an Industrious young man about twenty
years of ago.
A Peculiar Dentil.
Dr.s MoiNiie , In. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnu.j Frank Brown , a What
Cheer youth , was playing with other chil
dren at * tickling each other's cars with
straws. A piece of straw was broken off in
Frank's ear and part of It removed by the
doctor. Inflammation set m and the boy
died after extreme suffering.
A Willow GOIH a Mile.
DES MOINKS , la , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBB.I Allco Stewart , a young
widow of Prlinghar , says that S. O. Reese , a
prominent real estate dealer , promised to
marry her and falJud to keep his promise.
She brought suit tar. . : damages , und tlio jury
to-dny uwurdcd ho ? 51.000.
Topukn Chosen F'or tlio Next Sfooi-
ln Till ) Patrluruli'H Drill.
Coi.UMiiua , Sopf.,20. The sovereign grand
ledge of Odd Fellows decided to hold its
next session at Topoko , ICan. , on the second
Monday in September , 1600. All the re
strictions placed on the members who refused -
fused to withdraw from the old patriarchal
circle wcro removed ; und tboy can now re
turn to the order , ,
The sovereign grand ledge to-day rushed
through n great deal of work. Grand Slro
Underwood is still confined to his room , It
was decided that Imrc'uftor the uniforms of
the patriarchs militant must bo nil alike and
not subject to change , Tha Odd Fellows'
memorial day was changed from Octobur 20
to tho"d of Juno.
The results of the competitive drilling of
the pat rial chs militant wcro announced this
afternoon und Iho prizes were awarded. The
first prizes in tbo different classes und can
tons wore as follows :
Class A , Canton Marion No. 0. Marlon ,
lad. ; Class B , Canton Indianapolis No. 'J ,
Indianapolis ; Class C , Wlcliitu No. 5 , Wlchllu ,
ICun ,
Itusulan JtnilrotuN nut ! War.
ST. PETEiisnuno , Sopl. 20. The govern
ment in about to organize a military admin
istration for tbo railroads of western Hiissin ,
which will replace thu civil officials in thu
event of wur.
Do not bo induced to take bomo other
preparation when you call for Hooil'a
jarniiptirilla. Be nuro to get Hood u ,
which is peculiar.
Iti Report Will Ilccntiimrml Severe
Lnw % AirnltiBt Polvenmy.
CIIKUOO. Sept. 20. The Utah commission
ers are nt work In this city on tholr annual
report to the secretary of the Interior.
Kit-Governor Uoblnson , of Indiana , talking
of the mutter , said the report will not differ
greatly from those previously mado.
It is understood that the rccont Salt Lnko
election will bo dwelt on. Owing to the pe
culiar municipal regulations , council mem
bers nro compelled to secure their election
by n majority of the votes nnst in the entire
city. For this reason the Gentile wards
have not boon able to attend reuresontntion ,
The commission , It is understood , will
recommend additional legislation. It Is also
understood recommendations may bo made
that some of the territorial and county ofll-
cors nnd the superintendent of the district
schools bo appointed by the president or gov
ernor ; that the district courts bo given
grantor powers of jurisdiction In cases of
polygamy , oxomptlns prosecutions for such
olTonscs from the stattita of limitations ; that
it bo made a penal ofTenso for a woman to
enter Into polygamous relations , nnd extend
ing the term of Imprisonment for such of-
fcnso ; depriving polygnmlsts from entering
and acquiring public lands ; forbidding the
Immigration of tlioso believing in polygamy ,
nnd the adoption of a law similar to what Is
known ns the ' 'Idaho law , " disfranchising
persons botonglnir to nny organization which
teaches and upholds polygamy.
Baltimore Thieves Train n Dog ; to
linrnlurlzo Bonnes.
BAI.TIMOUK , Md. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. " ! A big Newfoundland
dog , trained to thievery , was captured last
night by Police Sergeant Saundcrs , in the
act of robbing a house on Pennsylvania ave
nue. The ofllccr saw thu dog trotting out of
an alley separating two houses. It curried
in Its mouth u bundle , which the sergeant
thought to bo n baby , Qllo pursued tlio dog ,
nnd the animal dropped the bundle , which
turned out to bo a fancy sofa cushion. Won
dering where the dog could have secured it ,
the sergeant returned to the alloy nnd se
creted himself. In u fexv minutes the dog
came back and entered the alloy , and soon
reappeared with a big white bun
dle m his mouth. The ofllcor followed
the animal and saw him de
posit the prize In another alley
some distance away. After some time the
dog returned for moro booty , but was cap
tured , nnd Charles Essox , an occupant of the
house , was awakened. Essex at once discov
ered that far more had been stolen than the
oftlcur hud seen the dog carry away. A
search , \\Y.s instituted , and a number of
shirts , handkerchiefs and other articles wcro
found at a corner thrcti squares oft. They
had been taken out of a drawer that had
been oponcd. Sergeant Saunders brought
the dog to tbo station house and made un
entry upon the records that Essex's house
had been robbed by the dog. The police
think the animal was trained by thieves who
wcro in waiting to receive tha booty , when
they were frightened off by the sergeant.
Four Hundred Citizens Olijcut to
Kxccanfve Taxation.
DALLAS , Tex. , Sept. 20. A special from
Van Horne suys : S. H. Allen , who has just
returned from the Illo G.rando river , reports
that Mexican citizens had n desperate battle
with the Mexican o dicers nnd soldiers in
Mexico , in which 100 participated , and many
are reported Hilled. It is said the citizens
succeeded in routing the soldiers. The gov
ernor appeared on the scene to assist in
quieting the rebellion , but wns forced to
leave or lose his life. The trouble was over
the collection of the enormous taxes.
Russell HarrlMon in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn BEE. ] Hussell B. Harrison arrived in
the city this evening and registered at the
Grand Pacific. ' 'On business as usual , " ho
said , "that is , partly on business. I don't
know bow long I shall be in the city. "
Mr. Harrison will join his father-in-law ,
ex-Senator Sounders , who is in the city on
the Utah election commission , und go with
him to Omaha , where his family is nt nrcs-
eut. The president's son has not joined his
family since the return from his European
trip. Ho waived any talk of a publio nature.
For the Gnrn Palacn.
Nr.w Yoiuc , Sept. 20. The Seventy-first
regiment band , of New York , has been secured -
cured by the management of the Sioux City
Corn Palace nnd left the city this evening.
It will pass through. Chicago to-morrow
evening. The Nuw Yorkers und their
friends will occupy two special curs from
Chicago to the west decorated all over with
emblems of corn and other products of the
Saw und 1'laning ; Milt Burned.
PoniLvxn , Ore. , Sept. 10. A special from
Snohomish , W. T. , says n fire which started
in the dry house of Blackmail Bros. ' saw and
planing mills destroyed nearly all their plant ;
loss fully S150.000 with no insurance. It .was
feared for a time the whole town would
burn , nnd several buildings had to bo torn
down ,
Roliboil of Ton Thousand.
BELTOX , Tex. , Sept. 20. The Pacific Ex
press company was robbed of $10,000 hero
last night. The money arrived on the Mis
souri , Kansas & Texas train and was left in
the safu in the car. Thu latter was entered
throuL'h n window and the sufn unlocked.
There is no clue to the robbers.
Distillers -Hlirn. .
LOUISVILLE , Ky , , Soot , 20. J . D. Mat-
tlngly & Sons , distillers , reported embar
rassed ubout ten days ngo , to-day filed a
deed of assignment. The liabilities are call-
mated-at about flint , 000 ; usseto , (023,000.
A Prominent Maryland Alan Dies.
BALTIMOUB , Sept. 20. Jesse K. Hlnes , the
Insurance commissioner of Maryland for
years , and ono of the democratic political
managers of the state , died to-night '
Ronio Celrbrntco.
HOME , Sept. 20. Tbo nineteenth anni
versary of the entry of Italian troops In
Homo was appropriately celebrated to-day.
WASIII.VHTO.V , Sept. W. [ Special Tolo-
grntn to Tin : Bui.l : Bonds offered$010,000
at ? 1.2S ; $510,000 ut * l.or .
A Plan to Givu Oinnha Plruct Con
nection With Tlieiii.
Mr. S A. Jones , of Tampa , Ffa. , Is In the
city , in the interest of tha plan to establish
a direct line Datween Omaha und Central
and South America , via Tampa and Aspin-
wull. Mr. Jones has been traveling alt over
iho wast In the interest of this project , and
will moot the board of trade at u special
meeting to bo hold this morninir , to explain
the advantages to bo gained by establishing
such a line of communication.
Mr , Jones was seen at tbo Paxton last
night and asked to outline the plan to bo
pursued and also as to the advantages to bo
gained by so doing.
"Statistics show , " said Mr. Jones , "that
wo have Imported this year from the West
Indies , Central und South America , Mexico
and Cuba , in excess of our exports to them ,
$187,000,000 worth of merchandise. These
imports have been sent to them mostly
In foreign pottoms that have como to
us from England. Germany , Franco. Spam ,
and Holland , delivering merchandise that
should have gone from this country direct.
"Nature has mudo Florida the direct high
way from this country over which our vcs-
bcU may pass with comparative- safety , and
It is the nearest and most accessible point to
send our mall nnd nierchandlao lo tl.o West
Indies , Central and South Amoiloa , and
Cuba ; uud returning , to distribute the
products from thoao countries. The bay of
Tampa hus many advantages over other gulf
ports. First , it is tbu nearest port where ttiero
Is sufllclcnt water ntlowtldo to admit vessels
to carry on this biulnoig. Second , she
has a magnificent harbor , sunlclcnt to ao-
commoduto Iho ontlro commerce of this
country. There U twenty-four foot of water
at the south channel and ' - ' - ( ) foot nt the
north channel. Tampa U 1K ! > 3 miles from
Asplnwiill ; Ponsacoln Is 1..M7 inllo * : Mobile
1,570 miles , nnd New Orleans 1ft7S miles ,
making Tiitnpn about thirty hours shorter
than to the ports named ,
"Three years ngo , " continued Mr. Jones.
"Tumpn had about 2,000 inhabitants , ami
now tboro are over tOOJO. Her busi
ness amounts to ever $ VWOtiOO annually ,
"I have mndo arrangements to meet your
board of trade to-morrow , " ho continued ,
"and will then explain our object moro fully.
H is on important subject and will require
some time to present properly. I huvo mot a
largo number of your business mon to-day ,
nnd I find them greatly Interested In the mat
ter. It is a question of vast importance to
Omaha and onu which should bu deeply con
sidered by < jvcry ono Interested In the In-
crcuso and development of the city's ' busi
They Hold n Mooting to Consider tlio
Imposition Question.
The stockholders of thn Coliseum held a
mooting at General W. W. Lowo's ollleo yes-
terdny to consider tlio exposition question. It
wns decided to adjourn until next Tuesday ,
when a meeting will bo called at 7ii < 0 p. in ,
to bo hold at the secretary's ofllco of the
board nf trado. A number of the prominent
mcichnnts nnd manufacturers will bo present
and consider the question of putting the ex
position on n moro substantial basis.
There Is about fc)3,00 ) > ) of tlio capital stock
of the Coliseum association which hus
not been subscribed for and It Is desired to
dispose of this In as large blocks as possible ,
and enlarge and improve the coliseum no as
to make It a suitable place tor future expo
sitions on a largo scale. An annex will bo
built for tha display of machinery an 1 an art
gallery arranged.
General Lowe was met yesterday and ex
pressed the opinion that thorn would bo no
difficulty in disposing of the balance of the
stock. A number of iho merchants had iu-
formud him that thnlr display ut the expo
sition had increased their sales to a wonder
ful extent , aiid > lhov were anxious to see the
matter pusned ahead.
"Tho success of the exposition has sur
passed all expectations , " said the general.
"It has demonstrated that with the exposi
tion alone a return nf at least S per cent on
the investment will bo made
"Wo expected to bo able to get la all the
bills and have everything1 settled up to-day ,
so as to maito a public statement of the re
sult , but wo have not been able to do so.
There will bo a surplus of about fl'3,000 or
$14,000 , however. "
Dumb Pupil" .
About sixty pupils of the statu deaf and
dumb institute arrived in the city yesterday ,
and at once went out to the institute. Prin
cipal Gillospio expects about ono hundred
and twenty altogether. A number of im
provements have been madu during the sum
mer. Insldo shutters have been hung nt all
the windows , granolithic walks have boon
laU' around thu buildings , ana Ilro escapes
put up.
Slight changes have been made in the stall
of thu institution. Mr. Zurbaugh , one of thu
instructors , bus gene to Ivunsas , and will bu
Huccm'ded by Mrs. Moscloy. Tlio nurse , Mrs
Richards , has gene to the Colorado institute
as matron , and Miss Daniels , of Mount
Pleasant , In. , succeeds her.
A t'asn of Distress.
Mrs. William Toy , who with her five small
children lives on Victor street , between
Nineteenth and Twentieth , is sick and in
trouble. Her husband is a printer , and
having been out of work for some time ,
went to Kansas City and got work. Ho
earns barely unough to support himself , so
ho claims , and has sent his wife nothing.
The oldest boy makes a little money , but it
takes all to pay rent. The furniture is inert-
giged and the interest is $5.00 pur month ,
which has to bo paid , although Masters , the
man who loaned the money , says ho will not
push the matter ,
The woman is ubout to bo confined , und
needs clothes , fooa , medicine , coal and
house rent , also a doctor.
District Court.
The ICcnnnrd Gluss and Paint company
has begun proceedings against Latuy &
Benson et al. , to recover 153.03 , duo on a
bill of goods furnished for a house in
Marshes' addition , nnd $72.41 * due on goods
furnished for the construction of a housu in
Kountzo Place.
Thu citizens bank has filed u petition in
foreclosure against Louis A. Long und Lar-
mon P. Pruyn , recover . f 1.500 on six prom-
isory notes , secured by a mortgage on the
east 33 fuel of lot 6 , block 3 , Foster's ad
dition. James H. Mahler mid Edmund
Paulson are made party defendants by vn-tuo
of un interest in tlio property.
- -
Will Nor Pav u NiulcH.
Postmaster Gallagher suyb ho hax not yet
heard from the authorities at Wushington
whether or not un apportionment , will bu
made for the paying of the fares of thu letter
carriers. Ho thinks , however , that it will bo
allowed , us it is the custom to do so In ull the
largo cities os the country. The amount al
lowed is not generally five coins for each
rldo , but Mr. Gulluchcr believes that the
street railway companies hero will bo satis
fied with less , us are the companies in the
other great cities of the country.
K thn U. P. Trunk.
Division Engineer ScHcrmcrhorn , of thn
Union Pacific , loft for Valley in charge of a
crew of graders for McGee's cut. The grade
of the roadbed between that place und the
Plotto river is to bo raised. When this Is
done the truck will bo ballasted. Early in
the Boring thu executive board of the Union
Pacific , sot aside $150,00 ) to bu used in ballast
ing the main line from Oinnha to North
Platlo , but , for seine unaccountable reason ,
the plans wcro not carried out. The com
pany has decided to take steps in this direc
tion ut once. '
A ClOHiiul
Tuny Ting Ling , recently uppointod am
bassador to the United States from China ,
will arrive from the west over the Union Pa
cific Monday next en i onto to Washington.
Ho will leaveOmu'iu over the Burlington ,
and will talto the Pennsylvania line from
Chlc.igo lo his destination. His royal high
ness bus u special cur und is in chargu of
Hon. Thomas D , McKay , of the Burlington.
Board of Trade Spooinl
There will uo n Npoaliil mooting of the di
rectors of the boiird of trade this morning ,
nt which time a number of matters will como
up for consideration , among them the bunk
er's convention nt Kansas City on Septem
ber 2-1. It is prohablo u commit tee will bo
appointed to act with thu council committee
In entertaining tlio delegates of Iho Inter
national congress on Oo'ohur 20.
Carolr-HH Drfvori.
Considerable complaint Is maJn by the
Omaha Street Kullwuy company that the
sides of their cars uro being scratched and
broken by careless drivers backing 1 at the
sides of streets to unload und allowing the
poles of their wagons to strike mo cars. A
gang ofcarponlcrs und palnlers ara kept
busy at the motor houuo constantly repairing
this damage.
Klla Kimlmll Hcnt lo .lull ,
The notorious Ella Klmbull , who was apprehended -
prohonded in the act of adultery with James
Patterson , was tried before Judge Bcrka
yesterday afternoon nnd flnod i25 , in default
of which she was sent to jail.
Hit Hnra.Stnp With an Axo.
Felix Grobowskl wns nrroatod at t o'clock
yesterday charged with having assaulted
Mrs. Grobowski with an axe. The parties
Hvo In the bottoms. Ho will bo tried to-day.
Advloo to Mother * .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , uolleim
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the heat remedy for dlur
rhcuu. iioc u bottle
A Nebraska Appointee Bound l < 'o *
thn Knr-UfT Lund.
C. S. Johnson , a young altornoy of Nelson ,
who received notlco last Monday that ProsI *
dent Harrison had nignctt his commission as
United States district attorney for Alaska , it
In the city.
Mr. Johnson sold that the appoint
ment was n great surprise to him.
Whlto ho was ono of the first nppllrnntd
for the portion , nil hopes of scouring It hud
been glvoa up when thu offer wns mndo to
John C. Watson. It uppoars , however , that
a salary of $ U,500 could not induce Nebraska-
City's ambitious statesman to hide
hiinjolf away among the Icebergs
of the northwest for four
years and ns a consequence the Otoo man
politely declined the ollleo.
Johnson's notification reached him through
n telegram from Senator Paddock. Ho will
accept , nnd is now arranging his nlTalrs to
leave for Sltlta within thirty days.
Johnson is a native of Iowa , but has ra-
sided in Nebraska slnco ISM , and was n
member of the state legislature seven years
ngo , from Wnhoo.
To-day ho spoke briefly about the Second
district , congressional canvass , and predicted
that the combinations now bcniir formed by
aspirants living In the east end of the district
would insnro Laws the nomination. They
anticipate n division of the district nuxt year
and with that uvont in view think It bettor
to give the unuxplrud term to a man living lu
the west end.
, The Renowned Swimmer ,
writes ; ' / rfonV set ho *
I ttiulJ get along
For C
without Si.
Bonmon , Jaeobt
Ynchtmon , cS * " ' oiL , ,
Bontmon , Ac.
tirc OIAS. A. VOQLEB co. , Mimcre. MH.
Til 15 1 AND Ol > '
5 - on
nnvui.FPAv |
For sale by Goodman Drug Co
< Kfi:8S : § I
( UKtc atzi }
and. receive a
I'res. Vice I'lOi.
CliAS. It. IIANNAN , Caxhler.
/'TTlll'UllM PTH'PP Il Vir
Paid up Capital . SI5O.OOO.OO
Surplus . 35OOO.O
Liability to Depositors. . . 335.OOO.OO
DlliECTon0 I. A. Millar , ! ' . O. ( Ileuiion , K. I" .
Bhugart , K. 1 ! . Hart , J. 1) , IMimimlson. elms. 1C.
Hannnn. Transact banking hnslnosi.
Iar ( ( > 'fet capiinl and mirplus of nny b ink In
liu extern lown Intoroston time doDoslta.
Incorporated Nov. I , H70
Ilroadw.iy nnd .Main Street
OrriCKiis N. f. Uodfc. I'reHlilenti John
IlercBholm , Vice 1'rculduul ; A. W. KUkmau ,
JJiiiKOTOita N I1 DodtfQ. .1 , llprnshelin , ( lea ,
ICcellno , J. L. Stewart , W. W. Wallace , U , SI.
1 HOB. v. u. M.
Corner Main and Droadiray ,
CO UN Ulli UIjIJKIi'fl , IO\V % .
Dealuii In forolfn &n < l domestic xcliMisrs.
Collection * uiad * Mud lutarait pnld oa tlniod * .
IMHTIII ; ciioicmr LOT or
In tlio city. ( llUoiluail oppoitiialtlm to , 1 mm
dlntelnveatoMan I i > un.
No.27 Main St. , Over Jacquomlli'B
Jowulry Stor ,