THE DM ATT A DAILY BEE : SAtgBDAY , SEPTEMBER 21. 1889. A RECORD OF EXTRAVAGANCE Tbo Miserable Showing1 of the Doucc- los County Board. EVERYTHING .TOO COSTLY. OntnlmVholcsnlo McrclinntflVnnt Itatcs Ailjustcil no nn to Ho on nn EqunI KootlnR With Ofllolnl Ittincllni ; . County Auditor Kvnns 1ms nbout com pleted his Itemized statement showing what the now hospital 1ms nlrcady , and what It will approximately cost before it is com pleted. EvorytliitiK , of course , la flqurcd with Hynn & Walsh's contract of $120,000ns 'nbnsla. With this undorntnndlng ovldonco of extravagance Is bolng discovered much inoro satisfactorily than was at first antici pated. Up to date the expenditures liavo been $113-IOO.-i3. Thcro nro estimates enough In sight to make a total cost of f 153- 000 , und the hospital is not nearly completed. This covers simply the building , though the grading of the alto nt $111,031.10 , and the or- cavntlon costing $1,509.15 , and making n total of jao,880.85 , has boon included in the $112,400.43 already paid. The stixtcmont in not Buniclcntly comnleto as to justify reproduction , but Mr. Kvans ex pects to hnvo It ready for the grand Jury by the time that body Is rcudy to moot. The grading feature , of course , comes In as the llrst and principal item for investiga tion. AR has already been stated , tlicro nro ncriouA disputes butwccii the commissioners , contractors and all others who had anything to do wlUi this matter. Tlicro arc the sto ries , however , in hluclr and white , proving that for removing 511.211 cublo yards of sur face dirt Hynn & Walsh wcro paid at tbo rate of 85 cents n yard. On the other hand , a contract now on flic , shows where C. A. Jen sen did grading on the tame site completing what K.van < fc Walsh had loft un done , nt 12Jf cents per yard. Jensen , according to ttio estimates , removed i8,934.1 ! yards and has been paid for the same ? U- , 050.,15. In addition to the amounts already stated , Hyan & Walsh too ! ; n smaller Job , only 1 ! , < MH ynrds , Tor which they charged at the rate of l5 ! cents per yard , the total being f 000.73. This brings thototalcost of grading the hospital Bite up to 22.631.05. Another apparently auspicious transaction is found In the brick work. It Is generally understood that brick in the wall , nt so much per thousand , Includes the cost of sand , but in this case a very different stuto of affairs exists. The estimates Indicate that , In the main building , 5,1)37,000 ) brick , atll per thousand , have been used , the cost being $55,937. Added to this is a bill of $ M2.2.ri for sand without considering the cost of the cement and other articles which outer Into the work. These increase the cost of brick in the wall to nearly $12 per thousand. Competent con tractors Buy this is from $3 to $3 aoovo the prevailing price. In his statement , Mr. Evans incorporates n few Items relative to the poor farm , how it was originally purchased oC Henry Z. Chap man for $0,000 , nevertheless costing ttio county $18,032.07. When Chapman mndo the transfer , ho re ceived a cash payment of $2,000 and took four notes of 51,001) ) each for the balance. Subse quently , the commissioners discovered , it scorns , that these notes were worth less , consequently the matter drifted along several years unsettled , un til , finally , Chapman brought suit and in duo course of tima secured Judg ment for f 14,732. The county took an appeal and the case finally reached the supreme court of the United States. As the attorney , J. M. "Woolworth received for his services $1,300. But the investment proved to bo n good olio , islnco half the farm lias been sold for $350- 4SO. 4SO.With With these facts and flguros'cotnes a com plaint from Wulstinns& McEwunaml Henry . .Lehman against Ryan & Walsh , to the elTect thnttuoy Imvo boon unnblo to got their pay lor gas fitting , painting and glass. Each firm bus a bulanco duo of about four hund red dollars , Lehman makes the statement that all payments on future estimates Imvo boon unsigned by Hyan & Walsh to the LJiuik of Commerce. Pours' Soap is tlio most elegant toilet adjunct. _ OMAHA. RATES , Will Tlioy Itoduao or Increase Hates to Interior Towns. Omaha will cither enjoy a reduction in freight rates to and from Chicago or the rates to the interior points in Nebrasun will bo increased so that tho- wholesale mer chants of this cltv will bo a moro nearly on equal footing with these of Chicago as fates os freight rates are concerned. General Tratllo Manager Molten , of the Union Pacific , returned yesterday from Chicago , where ho has boon in nttondenco nt n trnfllo mooting which considered rates on the western roads. "The situation" bo eald. "Is somewhat complex , and I urn not prepared to say what the outcome will be. One thing Is certain , and that Is that the rates between Omulia and Chicago will have to bo lowered or the rates between Lincoln mid lilto points in the interior of the state and Chicago will increased. This rate between Clilcaco and Interior points in Ne braska and Kansas will come up before Chairman Walker for arbitration Tuesday next. What the outcome will bo remains to bo developed , but u change in the ruto on Ne braska business is required and must bo made. " This Is a desideratum which has long boon sought for by the wholesale merchants ol this city. The through rato. from Chicago to points In Nebraska , as compared with the sum of the two locals all along , Is said tc linvo been unjust. In fact , the through .rate , in a general summing uv nt the present t.ino , It is said , will not represent moro than ( MJ per cent of the rate formed bj 'tho ' two locals , Certain merchants uro said to have been allowed to bill their shipments 'from Chicago to points west with the prlvi- lego1 of unloading and storing nt this point , using the same way-bill when making a ship racnt to the given point. In this way , thoj Imvo enjoyed the same rate as do the Chicago cage merchants. These nro exceptional cases , however , because as a rule , Omahi donlorn have been compelled to pay an oxtn tariff on tbolr shipments. The opinion ii that the basing point will bo the MUsour river mid that the through rnto will be formed by combining the two locals. Mr , Mullen was not prepared to state whether this move would bo made or not u the meeting Tuesday. Tariff to ii Now Tnrrlinry. Assistant General Freight Agent Cassldy of the Elkhorn , states that In a few days bii road will issue n joint freight tariff with tin Santa Fc , which will apply on shipment ! from Omaha to points on the Santa Fo It Kansas. This will glvo Omaha merchant : through tariff 'arrangements to u now terrl tory. liallrniul Noton. Trafllo Manager Mullen , of the Union Pa clllo , is nKnln at his desk , after an absence o nearly a month. General Purchasing Agent MoKibbon , o the Union Pacific , has returned from a busl jiess trip to Chicago , Owing to a minor wreck on the Wyomlni division of the Union 1'iiclflc , the Atluuti express arrived tlvu hours lato. An Individual has writen to the rallroa editor of this paper , makine Inquiry con ccrnlng the reported resignation of T. M Orr , amlstant to the general manager of th Union Paclllo. Tbo report originated at Sal Lulio City , aud is without foundation. Henry Cassidy , assistant general frelgh ngont of the Elkhorn , has returned from snooting of the trans-Missouri association n Kausua City , Nothing but routine buslucs Was t.rausiictod. Au Abuiilutn Cure. ThoOIUGINALAUHSTlXB OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes and is an absolute euro for old ser s , burn * vrouuilft , chapped bauds , and all km erup tlon . Will positively euro all kinds of piloi Aslt for the OIUGINAL ABIKTINB OINT WENT. Bold by Goodman Drug cempauy al K > couU par box by mail IK ) cunt * . MR. CONNIiM.'S 1'nKPKHKNOB. Ho Tnkcfl IRRUO With Mayor Hrontcli On the AVorla'H Pnlr Rite. When Congressman -Connoll stopped In Chicago the other day , on route homo , n reporter , with Titr. line In hand , sought him for an Interview. The Inquiry was upon the subject of Mnyor Droatch's declaration In favor of Now York for the world's fair. Ho said : "I hnvo Juit road the statements mndo by Mnyor Itroatch , and I don't agrco with cither his premises or his conclusions. In view of the fact that Chicago proposes to pay the freight on nil foreign exhibits , I can BCD no objections to the location of the world's fair at nn interior point , I personally nin dis posed to favor any sc&cmo that will tend to develop nnd build up the great northwest. So far n < i the location of the falris-con- corned , I regard the interests of Omnhit and Nebraska M identical with these of Chicago. I bollovo In helping these who help themselves and are disposed to help others , and I have nlwnyn ndmlrcd the cntorprlso nnd progressive tendencies of Chi cago. I expect to llvo to see the dny when Chicago will hnvo n greater population than Now York nnd when Oninha will hnvo a pop ulation In excess of what Chlcaco now con tains. Tliera Is no good rcasoi why the pro gressive cities ot the northwest should not pull together. The development ot ono moans the growth of nl ) others. Chicago In the future cannot hope to hold all her great ndustrlcs , as is now bolng demonstrated by the transfer of her great packing Interests to Omaha and elsewhere. She ought not to bo jealous of Omaha , as aho has been Inclined to bo , on this account , and I can nssuro your people nnd the press that with fair nnd pen- orous treatment the people of Nebraska will bo ready to respond to any demand that will help Chicago's public enterprises , except when they may directly conlllct with our own interests. I bollovo the great majority of the people of Nebraska favor Chicago nbnvo all other points as the place for hoidinc the world's fair in IStrj. It is also true that. If the fair Is hold in Chicago ten Nebraskans would bo nblo to visit It where only ono wouldbo able to visit Now York. As wo cannot hope to secure the fair at Omaha , wo dcslro It to bn hold In as close proximity to our progressive state as possi ble. I bcllovo many thousand people will visit the fair In the event of Its location nt Chicago , and will continue their trip as far west us Nebraska und oven to the Pacific coast. This will eventually benefit nnd Uo- . olop our stato. I understand also that it is wntomplatod that excursions will bo ar ranged to different states in the northwest , , vest , southwest and south ; that there will bo incor moro to Nebraska , to ho known as Ne braska day , and this will glvo many un op portunity to see our country ; nnd , speak- ng for myself , therefore , I am disposed to 'avor Chlchngo o-.or Now York , \Vashiug- on , St. Louis or any other place that has been mentioned. " Bulletin } ; PormiM. The following por.iilts WJM by Building Inspector Whltlock yesterdays U llonim , three frnmodwellings. Cum- ingstnet , 1'ortploton I'luco 4.WO Thomas Whyte. two-story brick residence Nineteenth nnd Corby O.OM Belli liter , cottage , 1T1U South Eigh teenth 1,000 O W Thompson , cottaRp , ItMll Howard. . . . V > 0) C \V Thompson , dwelling , 2301 Howard. . . : i.tXU ) Six Minor permits I.O..O Eleven permits , aggregating JH.GJQ For Alcoholism ! o to Excelsior Seringa , Missouri. Its waters nro n cortuiti tintidoto. Find ac commodations nt the Elms. Twonty- Hvo miles from Kansas City , ou the St. Paul road. _ Wants IIlH HorHo Buck. A. Howdcn , a Gorman , plavod in bad luck Thursday. Ho met a professional horsa trader who sold him an old plug for $7 und then m nil o Howdcn believe that ho was giving the $7 as boot money between the plug nnd Uowdon's young horse. Howden was drinking. Alter the horse trader had got away with Ilow- deu's horse the latter , who speaks very llttlo English , was run in on suspicion , and re- maincdin | jail over night. Yesterday ho began a replevin suit lu Justice Unuides' court to recover his horse. Kotiirn of die Chainiiions. The Omaha ball team got homo yesterday iroin their disastrous little expedition to Mm ncnpolls. However , any games they may hereafter lose can in no manner affect the pennant that is ours. Sunday night the club leaves for St. Paul wlieio it plays the - 3dHli , and 2.1th. thence to Milwaukee for the grand wind-up of the season , which will bo four games , ono on the 27th , ono on the 23th and two on the 29th. The team will then disband and the members wend their way to their respective homes. Oood-llyp , .7nek. Jack Crooks will inako his last appearance on the Omaha grounds this afternoon , and a largo crowd will doubtless turn out in honor of this popular player. This evening ho leaves for Columbus. O. , and on Sunday next will take his position at second , his ilrst appearance In the Amor- lean association , In the game with thoBrook- lyus. They are expecting big things of Jack In Columbus , nnd this morning ho received a telegram from Secretary Nowborg , Inform ing him that his terms. 3,500 for the season , had boon accepted , aud also convoying him 500 advance money. Omaha ball cranks will watch Jack's ca reer in the big association with much inter est , and there is no nno in Omaha who does not wish him unlimited success. Know In 1'eniifivlvniiia. Susqur.iUNNA , Pa. , Sept. 20. Snow fell at Gulf Summit , Beacon county , seven miles east of hero , this morning. What is moro attractive than n pretty face with a fresh , bright complexion 1 For it use Pozzonl's ' Powder. Wyoming KulTrnKO nr < iiirptnont4. | CIIK VKN.VI : , Wyo. , Sept. 20. The statehood convention yesterday adopted as part of the constitution a suffrage chapter. Female citizens are to vote. The requirements are that all electors shall ho nblo to rend English , shall bo full-ilcdgcd citizens , aud have had six mouths residence In Wyoming , A Onac ol' Conscience. A case of conscience has lately como to our notlco , says the Boston Ilorald , which is so exceptional as to merit at tention. A merchant in this city eomo time ago applied to the governor for un appointment as a justice of the pouco. His application was favorably acted uiion , and ho took the usual oath to ohoy all the lawn of the commonwealth. After taking the oath it occurred to him that tlioro wore seine things ho would have to give up if ho obeyed his coiitacienuo. JIo onjoyoil an occasional game of poker , for instance ; hut ho must give this up or prove false to his oath. He was addiuted to numerous other fashionable vices , which , though not particularly doop-dyod , are con trary to the law. Thinking it all over , ho concluded that ho couldn't live up to his oath , and bo ho sent in his resig nation. " Inillnnn'H Slinky Hill , . Shaltvlllll , two and a half miles fron Cambri'dgo City , Ind. , is one of the natural curiosities of that region. II rooived its name over seventy years ago , when a pioneer erected his.cabin on the hill und began a clearing. Tlu settler waspo disturbed by the froquonl nnd often violent shaking of the earth that ho decided It was unsafe to live , there and removed to another spot. He often stated that the shocks wore sr strong that the dishes in the cupboari rattled. The reeking jar or shaking o the hill would only occur at intorvals- bomotimos several mouths hutwooi spells , and always the worst and mos violent in dump , heavy , wet weather The hill ia still uninhabited , and all at tempts to solve the mystery have failed * Would Cost $ li:5.0tOOI ( ) . A projected canal across the upooi part of Italy , connecting from tlu Adriatic to the Mediterranean , would take alx yours to build aud cost $125. 000,000. THE MEDICAL MEN ADJOURN Sioux City Will Bo the Next Moot ing Plnco. IMPORTANT MATT ERS DISCUSSED A Jjtvoly Debate on Ac < tulto Sovnrnl I'npcrs lloml , Of ficer * ICIeotctl nnd the Hesalon Closrp. The Morn In c Session. There was a Inrgo attendance nt yesterday morning's meeting of the Missouri Valley Medical nssociation. In addition to these in attendance nt yesterday's meetings the fol lowing gentlemen were present : W. B. Glbbs , W. Herry , E. O. Svcnson , L. A. Mcrrlatn , red 13ncon , L. U. Gillette , Si A. Campbell , Omaha ; F.V. . Houghton , J. M. Uarstow , C. I. Uowcrs , Council Bluffs ; W. C. Hcovos , jlncolu ; : . Coulter , Waterloo ; J. M. Cnott , Sldux City. Dr. W. S. Glbbj , of Omuha , nnd Dr. W. C. Reeves , of Lincoln , were elected members f the association , and three Iowa pbyal- Ions , Drs. Watson of Dubiitpje , Fnlrchild of Ames , nnd Dcorinct of Uoono , wcro elected members by Invitation. Uoforo the regular business of the soislon ) r. J. 13. Summers , Jr. , presented for exam- nation by the association , a six-year-old hlltl taken from the hospital. The mother of the child was unattended at its biith , nud oports that the child wns abused by some no when but n few hours old. The loft log s shorter than the right. The pelvis Is in its normal plauo. uud the joints in perfect work- ng order. The Hint ) is perfectly formed with ho oxcoptton of bolntr shorter than its mate. I'ho ease was carefully examined by the physicians who were interested inthucaio , md who agreed with Dr. Summers that the case is ouo of conjunctal dislocation of the ilp. The regular morning business was taken ip , the discussion of Dr. Hobby's paper on ho "Management of Strabismus , " read at ast evening's meeting , belog continued. Dr. J. E. Summers , Jr. , gave his experience us n sufferer from strabismus , nnd commended Jr. Ilobbv's recommendations for mus cular oxorclsa of the eye und its adjuncts. Dr. J. C. Denise agreed vith Dr. Hobby in the main , but cautioned ) hysicians ngulnst the great mistake of oper ating for strabismus too early In lifo. Dr. Mansfuhle , of Ashland , Neb. , read n laner that created moro than usual interest. . . ivns on the care of children born prema turely. The doctor took the position that n child boru nftor six months' pregnancy can > e reared if properly attended. This attend ance is provided for by the doctor by the usd of Incubators , which ho hold could bo cheaply constructed by anyone. Ho pre sented a sample hatching-box , which caught the convention It Is simply n square box , closed , with ventilating appliances , heated by soupstoncs , with a hammock for the ac commodation of the child. Dr. Munsfoldo asserted that thousands of children dlo annu ally because of improper handling at birth. This paper evoked considerable discus sion. Nearly every physician present expressed complete surprise and pleas ure nt Dr. Mnnsfeldo's simple contrivance that is so constantly needed in the practice of obstetrics. Dr. Lord said ho was going to turn carpenter at once and 1111 a long felt want in his practice by the manufacture of an incubator after Dr. Mansfoldo's patent. Dr. Thomas , of Council Bluffs , told of u case of premature birth in his own family m which , in the absence of such u contrivance ns shown by Dr. Mnnsfeldo , ho saved the life of a prematurely born girl by keeping the temperature iu the room at 1U1 to 103 = by u constant fire in a base-burner. The child was born at alx months utter concep tion and is now twelve years of age , although small and delicate. Mrs. Dr. Strong cited a cases which had come under her practice in which n child but live and one-half months in conception born and lived fifty-two hours by careful at tention to temperature. Dr. Bridges was highly pleased with Dr. Manafelde'8 "hatcher. " Ho recommended that the child bo placed in the hatchfei- with head Inclined downward at an unglo ot nearly forty-live devices and kept ID that position three or four weeks. The recom mendation was considered u valuable ono by the physicians present. Dr. Gapen added n further suggestion that the child when first delivered should bo placed for a few hours upon its right side. City Physician flnlph then entertained the meeting with the presentation of n young man who was suffering with gastric fistula , caused by a stricture of the oesophagus. In plum English the young man's gullet has failed to perform its functions aud u rubber tube has been inserted Into the patient's stomach and ho receives his nourishment in a liquid form through this Instrument. The case is a very rare ono aud attracted great attention and interest Iroin the physicians present. Dr. J. E. Summers , Jr. , gave a paper on a number of surclcal cases that 'huve como under his practice in Omaha. A discussion arose over ills action in ono case ia amputat ing the limo of a patient who was suffering from tuberculosis of the kuoo joint. Dr. Jonas , Dr. Gapcn and Dr. Somcrs took issue wifh Dr. Summers and argued In favor of moro conservative practice in thu matter of amputation , which they held should DO re sorted to only when all other measures fall. Dr. Summers In closing claimed that re section in the case mentioned was Impossi ble , owing to the ago of the patient and the stage of the disease when thu case came into his hands , 'J ho morning session was closed by nn In teresting paper presented by Dr. T. U. Lacey , of Council Bluffs , on the transposi tion of the abdominal uud thoracic viscera. The subject died In a film Council Bluffs on September U. A post mortem was hold and disclosed a peculiarly interesting caso. The bcurt was found nn the right side of the thoracic cavity and higher than its normal position. The lungs wcro in a compressed state against the back of the cavity. The liver was also on the right shlo aud'nbnor- mally developed , while thu other organs were out of place. The paper was attentively followed. Pend ing discussion nf it the association ad journed for lunch. rioriioon H union. ' After partaking of a good lunch the phy sicians , greatly invigorated , renewed their discussions. The Ilrst was over tbo report of the secretary who had credited hlmscll twice with to when bo should have only done so once. Tlio matter was explained uud the reading of the various papers nnd the dis cusslons following began. Dr. Jones was the first to read , his paper being labeled "Pyosulpynx. " The patient in this case was a woman , of course , nnd had suffered grcatlj from cor tii I u complications In menstruation , The doctor related the salient points in the case und the moans employed in treating it After having treated the woman for a time ho mndo n discovery In the shape of n tumor llkn growth In tbo uterus which he was at f loss to account for or properly describe. An operation was advised , accepted ami per formed. During the operation , the growtl or obcoss burstcd showing that it was fillet with pu of a very fetid nature. The abdomen demon aud intestines were thoroughlA washed with hot water at a temperature o : 110 degrees and a drainage tuba Introduced which was kept In use for ton daystbeinj cleaned each two hours day and nl ht. Al thu end of that time a dlffornnt sort of tubi was Introduced and nontlnucd for some time Fecal movement was frequent and continue ! until irritation of a serious nature sot in wblch was only relieved by a second dis uhargo ot pu of different character from tbt the first The patient has not yet cntlrt'1 : recovered. The doctor brought up this case In order t < draw out opinions regarding the natnro o the tumor-llko growth. At the conclusion o the reading Dr. Jonas was requested by tin society to write out a detailed regort of thi cuso for publication in the OmahClinic. . / discussion followed on the merits of the easi which elicited manv interesting and remark able facts regarding formations , But a usual doctor * disagreed und iu such ease , who shall decide ) HegarJInV tin formation of pus in the case o thu second discharge , ouo phyilclan asscrtei that m such instance * a solution of loiloforu nnil ott wns perhaps tfl5 cst thing that could > n nppllod. Ono poltiVIn the case wns the libcot ot much coifmicnt. Immediately after the operation , luqiila had sot in and ontlnucd for some bourn ; what was the Aitsol In seine cu.soa''alcoholism ' might belie lie cause , but In this 'particular Instance lirro wns tin evidence of alcoholism. As m ho discussion of tho'tttfricral merits of the case , the opinions offered wcro very numer ous nnd diversified , t Mrs. Dr. Dalloy then 5rcail an Interesting document on Phantom" ; Prosrnancy , which , vhilo of Interest to thofphynlcmns present , is of such n nature that Its publication would lot bo apropos except in a medical journal , The lady's ' paper Wim' n very able und elaborate ono. hnwcvor , , nnd wns avornbly received , the physicians being n unit lu indorsing her action in the case re ported. Dr. Merrlnm's trcatlso "Aconltlno nnd Vcrjitrino , " was road and listened to with ; reat attention nnd was a very Interesting lit of scientific explanation. The document vas a dissertation on the use of the drugs mentioned uud their effects In cases of fever. Jr. Mcrrlam is nn enthusiast on thu subject of their HBO In t > uch diseases , but wns vigor- usly opposed bv Dr. Carter who was "for- nlnst" both with alt his heart. Ho hud lover In all his life , with cno exception , prc- crlbcd the iormor , while ns regards the Int er the Instances whcro ho had recommended t were very fow. Ho did not think that they > olongcd lo tnatorlit mcdica. Dr. Hosowatcr bought that ncf.nlto should not bo burred rom the phurmucopln ; . Judiciously used n certain cases aconite has its field , nnd Is . valuable assistant in overcoming certain liscaaos. Dr. HlldrotU sirM that It was bard u determine the exact field that aconite oc cupied. In his experience , In some cases It osultcd beneficially , while In others of an denllcal nature it had acted in a directly op- ) oslto manner than that expected. Ho bought thu USQof nconlto should bo attended vlth the greatest caution. As a rule the iconlto men were traced by the crape on the loor. This was putting the case strong , but hero wcro other drugs much safer , which nnauereutho purpose much better , amoiiR hum beln ir autl-febrin. A physician from Red Oalt said that 10 thought the opinion oC the pre ceding physician erroneous. Uugard- ng the substitutes for ncontlo recommended by the preceding speaker ho had used auti-fobrin , which was regarded as n sheet anchor , and but for an antidote given vou hi liavo had crap a on the door himself. Dr. Illldroth had nn opportunity of reply ing and quoting the speakers dose of llvo grains of anti-fobrm for the patient men- toned a boy of twelve said that it was a urge dose for an adult und that it was little wonder that a funcrul did not follow. Dr. Mansfield , of Ashland , wanted Dr. Mcrrlam o nut his paper in plainer language in order that ho , a plain country pructionor , might go lomo with the satisfaction of having learned something. Dr. Pcabody said ho had used ha alkaloids mentioned for thirty years , and had yet to sco u unso of death resulting from their UHO. Ho had seen cases of death that he could attribute to slrichnla. and that it was u common use. Ho opined that in the lisa of all patent remedies too much euro could not bo exercised , und the patient should be carefully watched. The antidote should bo ilwuys kept at hand , aud ovnry precaution taken to prevent serious results. At the conclusion of the advnnr.cuicntof the several opinions , Dr. Mcrri.un explained his position md severely took to task the physicians who md consumed valuable time in u tumbling discussion ol something "they " know nothing about. Ho would not.go Into mlnutic , but would generalize , which ho did at some cngth. It is impossible to announce whether thu society is for or against aeon- tine or Veratino in practice. Dr. Luisenring read .a piper on "Unrup- tured Hymen Causing Lingering Labor , " which wus a lengthy report of a remarkable case. It was on trcatal by Dr. Lolsouring himself , nnd as but few instances of its kind are on record it excited considerable in terest. ! ' Dr. Somors' "Abccoss of Lung" was an able paper , while Dr. Cramncr's "Electrity In Gynecolopy , " illustrated by experiments , wns very instructive. At the conclusion of the rending nnd dis cussion which followed the following o Ulcers were elected : President , Dr. , T. M. Em- inert , Atlantic , la. ; Ilrst vicopresident , D. S. Leisonring , Omaha ; second vice president , Dr. Hildrolh , Lyons ; secretary , Dr. James Carter ; treasurer , Thomas B. Lacoy. Ttio next meeting of the society will bo held in Sioux City in December. The society ad journed all ! p. m. TJiKV ALiLi WAST BLOOD. Mix Georgia 'Legislators Preparing for i hi ; Field ot Honor. ATLANTA , Gu. , Sept. 20. Qcorgia legisla tors wcro quite belligerent yesterday and lust night three couples ol representatives wcro negotiating through friends. These negotiations may ena In explanations on tbo floor or a visit to surrounding states for the purpose of lighting. The first and second misunderstanding uroso during debate on the proposed industrial school for girls , and the tlitrd on the proposition of the legislature to visit the buttlelleld of Chicltamauga. The three sets of candidates for admission to tha duelling ground are : Representatives Tig- nor and Atkinson. Feltoii and Brooks , Fouto and Thurmau. A MlANEtOTA HANGING. Thomas Drown J'ays the Penalty for Killne [ n I'ollccman. MooiiiiKAi ) , Minn. , Sept. 20. Thomas Brown wns hung hero this morning for tlu murder of Policeman Poull on the night ol October 1" . 1bS8. The drop fell a few min. utes after 4 n. m. Brown faced death bravely and died without a struggle. This was the second lognl execution under the nuw state law , which prescribes thai the condemned shall be hung at night , that no nowspapcr reporters shall bo present , and that a newspaper shall not publish the dctiiila of the hnncings. All the Twin City papers published full accounts of Browa's ' execu tion. Brown killed Poull whllo the latter waa trying to arrest him for participating in a drunken rowIn / Illllsboro , Dale. , in which a man was fatally wuundcd. A NAVAL 8GnriU8l5. Wonderful Work 1'crformoil by the Mow Cruiser Cliicngn. NewpoaT , It I. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tolo- grarn to TUB BEK , | The stool protoclcd cruiser Chicago , the largest of the four ves sels built uy John Knach.has really surprised her most sanguine supporters during her speed trials this week. The long continued foggy weather practically delayed the trials of the Yorktown ana Chicago until Tuesday , und nothing hits been published as to what was accomplished undercortain _ conditions. This is because the data taken by the en gineers had not been worked out. Thn Chi cago's contract speedy s fourteen knots , and nt her acceptance trijil sha muUo 15.1 : knots. On Tuesday eight i uns wcro made over a measured mile with a constantly In creasing spued , nnd her maximum speed was UI.3 knots. The average of the last four rune was 15. : ) knots , but there whs a difference ol ono knot in speed when going with ornguinsl the wind , which hadjofonwof twenty miles ur hour. Under ono engine , alone she iimdo u speed of 10.8 knots per hour. Something to Ileinomuor. K you are going east remember the "Rock Island Kouta ! ' run tlio sloupord and chair cars of th.olr solid vustibulc train to and from ihu Oinaliu depot , leaving Omulia ut8ifi.p : , in. , thua avoid ing the transfer at Council 1)1 ) u tin. Three fcolid trains dally. AU chair care are free. Dining cars on nil through trains. Our trainu make close connec tion with all eastern limited trains con- Meeting in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a transfer across the city to parties enrouto to Now York. Boston and ether custom clUon , "ana every thing a llttlo better than ether lines can olTor. " S. S. STKVKNB , Ticket olllce 1305 Parnam. Gon'l W. A , Ounoral Hoiilnncnr. LONDON , Sept. 20. Fifty retired olllcerso : the French army , formerly comrades ol General Boulanger , have presented the gun eral with nn address protesting against hii prosecution by the government and express ing the wish that ho may gain a striking vie tory in the coming elections , Cnshman'b Menthe inhaler cures catatrh houdacho , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever Trial free at your druggist. Prba 50 cents MARSHAL CARDER EXPLAINS Brndloy Was Doused Because Ho Wds Refractory. DISTRICT COURT LITIGANTS. An Outrnceous ARsnult On nlilitooln Girl A UnllronU Alnn SluRRcd State llntiso Items Xlio City In LINCOLS AO orTnBO UBIL ) 2tf P STIIRRT , > litxcour , Sept. 20. ) The account of the inquisition practiced upon Joseph Urudloy , as published by Titr. UEE Thursday moraine , stirred Marshal Carder to the soul. Since then It has been the town talk. On the advent of Tin : Ur.r. nt the police Motion the ntmoxpnoro in that vicinity was blue with oaths and Impreca tions. The marshal threatened to shoot your correspondent on sight , nnd to bring suit for libel nnd malicious persecution. Hut , withal , ho kept the oven tenor of his way , nnd nt this hour his pulse keeps up its tattoo nt the ralu of socuty beats to the mlnuto. Thnco yesterday the marshal called nt TUB linn headquarters for a reckoning nnd as many times found its representative absent. In turn , however , the marshal was sought and found. Strnngo though it may seem , greet ings wcro friendly , even cordial. There were no hostile demonstrations. Silence , however - over , reigned for a moment , Mr. Carder broke It by asking the question : "Who ; ave you the Information regarding the [ ticking that was given .Too Hnulloy on last Friday ovonlngl" Yankee fashion , ho question was answered by asking an other. "You admit , then , that you turned ho hose on lilm ? " ' ! do , " bo replied , "but deny that it was done to extort a confes sion from him. Ho was un Incorrigible , nnd md to bo punished to bo controlled. Ho was drunk , lighting drunk , " uud I had the hose turned ou him to keep him from hitting members of the force with n stick ho had in His hand. 1 had no means of knowing that 10 possessed knowledge that would load to , ho nrrostofnny gang of thieves , and I did uot have him duelled to uiako him cough up , as you put it in your paper. I want you to inderst.ind , too , that I am humane. Hradly vas not doused until ho was exhausted. Ho vns able to swear a blue streak when I told the boys to let up. I gnvo , hat order , though , because the hose e.ikcd und the water was running over the ofllco floor. Councilman Fraas happened o como along , but ho didn't s.iy a word. Ho ipprovcd my punishment. Besides , former iJminlstratiotm punished refractory prison ers in the s.nno way , or I have been told so on good authority. " "But , marshal , don't you think it was n ittle barbarous to drench a prisoner to the skin who was compelled to pass the night in one of those dump cells ? lu fact , couldn't ' vou have handnuffcd Mini" "No , I don't ; Bradley had a stick In his land und was striking at every policeman who passed him. It was a revolver or n Icsu from the hose , and I chose to vivo him , lie latter. I tell you I'm humane. 1 had n. t > ig lire built in the main corridor of the city lull and let Bradley stand by it until his cloches were thoroughly dried. Your re port was a Ho from bcginnlair to end with the exception that 1 permitted Bradley to bo dousod. Now , I want you to glvo mo the s'ourcoof your information or I'll sue you for malicious persecution bsforo noon to-mor row. The preliminary steps for the suit have already been commenced by the law yers. Pleasant good niqhts were then exchanged. Clinncing to meet Councilman Fraas , Tut : BUB representative called his attention to the marshal's statements , and although re ticent , he said in manner plainer than words that ho disapproved of the punishment , nud tnat it stopped before be left the city jail , notwithstanding Mr. Carder's word to thu contrary. Ex-Marshal Cooper was also seen by Tun Bi'.c representative. , Ho stated without qualification that such punishment * wcro never inflicted upon refractory prisoners during any former administration , nud ho added that ho regarded it as barbarism iu tuo first flegrec. Marshal Carder still insists that ho is humane. A Foul Attempt Frustrated. A terrible crime was attempted yesterday evening on the person of Miss llattie Swanson - son , n girl of fifteen yaars , who lives with her father and mother nt Twenty-seventh nnd E streets. In the early oveninc Robert Price , a son of a hotel man at Bennett , and Itobcrt Hcnslcr , a helper in a restaurant in tbo same town , called on the Swansons. They are old friends of tbo family , having known them for ten years or moro. Shortly alter they catno word was received of tbo serious illness of a Mr Ucdflold , a son-in- law , who lives in unothcr part of the city , and the father and mother loft hastily to visit his bedside. They loft the young lady to keep house and entertain their guests. No sooner had the old /oiks departed than the young man made indecent proposals to the girl , which she indignantly rejected. 'iheythen tried force , when she jumped with a terrillc scream und escaped through the wludow , tearing most of her clothing oil in her frantic efforts to foil her would-be dcspoilcrs. She rushed to the next neigh bors , a Mrs. Kogera , and sought protection. Shortly after this she saw the buggy leave thu house , und supposing that they had gone she returned to her homo. On going into thn house , Price , who was concealed liehind the door , sprang upon her , and throwing nor on the bed attempted to outrage her. Again her strength aided her and she was able to make h-Jr cscauo , running a second * tiuio to her nighbors , Mrs. Hogcrs , whcro she re mained during the night. This morning Mr. Swunson and the girl came to the police sta tion and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Price and Honsler , which was given to of- llcors Malonu and Snyder to servo. The ofllcers returned about 9 o'clock thu evening with Prlco end Hensley. Price was arrested in Bennett , Honsloy in Doug lass. Prlco Is said to have admitted hie guilt. Ho is a son of Tom Prlco , the well known contractor. Hensloy says that bo was there , but took no part in the attempted outrage. District Court Canes. Annie Lanham seeks a dlvorco from hoi whilom husband , John W. Lanhuin , and al leges desertion and failure to support unii provide for her. F1. L. Dunn Is also a petitioner for justice In the district court. Ho sues ono Brown , iirst name unknown , for restitution oncer tain described town lotn , Thomas Coppiucjor vs James Sturgeon I : also on the trial docket for the next terra , Plalntilf's petition sets up that the litigants are old-time partners , but that Sturgeon it irresponsible , und the appointment of a receiver - coiver is therefore prayed. . Churles A. Martin sues Lewis Groff and Henry C. Andrews for equitable rights in certain real estate described in philntiil's po titlon. Martin simply seeks to huvo i cloud lifted from the title of Ills land , In all , nine petitions wcro lllod in the dis triet court to-day , and it is stated that ovei eight hundred cases will make up the docket for tbo ntixt term of court. Htuto HOIIHO Jottings. Auditor Benton and Treasurer Hill returned turned from Imperial , this morning , when they attended the Chase county fair. The case of Horace A. Greenwood vs II BJrboii , on error from the district court o , Gage county , was filed for trial In the au promt ] court to-day , U Governor Tbuycr will reach homo sonn Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When flttbjr na * ildc , we gave her Caetorla. When fcJiu vru a Child , sha crM for CwlorU , WUonslietocamoMln , she clunt'to OutocU , Wl > ? n vho hrf Children , she fare them Caatorl * Imo to-morrow. It Is stated that ho will make known Judge GrofC'B succo.tsor shortly after his return. The governor keeps his own counsel nnd their appointment Is hardly n matter of conjecture. Secretaries Gllklson nnd Garbor , of the tale board of transportation , have been ooklne after onlclal duties for n day or two last , while Gilchrlst Is nt Alliance , Box tutto county , loaning after homo interests. I'he secretaries have very llttlo lilou when ho stnto board will sit to bear the roads on the question of reconsideration of the order reducing freight rates on coal. It Is anticipated , however , that the roads will bo icard at the uoxt regular sitting of the ward. City N MVBnml Notes. O ; II. Chapman , of Beatrice , is the guest of bis brother , Dr. G. B. Chapman , of this city. Thu doctor will accompany him to Plattsmouth to-morrow , where they will tarry with friends n day or two. William Heotz was slugged last night on Slghth street , between M and N. Two big gashes were cut in his facet and his clothes considerably torn , lie was robbed of fl , all the money ho had on Ills person. Mr. leotz IB nn employe of the Burlington , nnd ives at the corner of Seventh nnd B streets. lo wni en route homo. As Mrs. K. P. Hoggnn wni driving homo rom the Capital hotel last evening nbout 8 o'clock , accompanied by her two little laughters , Hellen and Jcnnncttc , she was run Into by n couple of drunken roucha , who wore nlso driving , capsizing her buggy and throwing Miss Hclleu violently under the vhcols. The physician called said that she was not seriously hurt , but she had a narrow escape. Alex McNIght and family , of Spencer , ml. , arrived in the city last evening nnd nro ompornnly quartered at the residence of I. 2. Johnson nt Twenty-seventh nnd vV. Mr. McNIght Is n pension attorney and Intends to make Lincoln his future home. Walt Mason left for Denver last night. Word has been received from George ilnycrlc , the depot hotel man who loft so uddcnly ono day last week. Ho ii in Den ver and will not return. Mr. Halter , to vhom the furniture nnd lease utort- ; aged , is In possession. Mnycrlo's family vill leave in a day or two to visit friends nt forth Pintle before joining the husband and father. J. W. Johnson , editor of the Button Ad- ertlscr and the newly appointed postmaster at that place , was In the city to-day. Hartford's Aclil IMiOBplmto Imparts Now Enorcy to the Brain , ; ivlnc the feeling and sonsa of Increased utcllcctual power. THE REALTY MARKET. TN3TIIUMKM3 plnood on rosorJ during J , yesterday. Ii 1) Mono to 0 W Digging , part * otlotB&I unilct , HlmetintiRh I'lnoa , w d t .030 8 O Snmple unit vriro to Dnnalna County Jl\ufc , lot 13 , DllcT , 1'atrlcfBiM ndil , 11 oil 2.WO J 8 McCormlok to 0 Ii Shornooil , lots & . \ Sfi , 3SIU,4"l , < V-3nodU , Archer 1'Uco , . ! < * (1 c u i , , . , , . 1 ] , SrliroeJor , trustee , to Catherine llnioy , lots 1 mul 2. blk it , ami lota 1 nud a , blk V. Drown Pare , w il 4 . . . . , 1775 Nnur&altii Savings llixnk to J DeVluo , lot l'Jblk6 { . HoiUord Maco. w il C3J 0 II Spray nml vrlfn to Oeorgo Walker , ml lot SO , bit IU , oilfton Ulll. ti o d. . 600 John I.lmlstrom anilviro to J J .McAllis ter. lotO , blk Oi South Oninha , w ill. . , . 2,030 V 1) llutiKiUo to J U Mncaulor , lotP , 10 nnd II , blk 12 , nnil lot 12 , blK ii , Itedford 1'lnco , q cu. , . . . . , . . 1 0 Ji Sherwood nnd wife to K Whitman , lots , Archer I'mce. wrt 4OW I'.xi'Ciitors of A II McCovrnn to U Ii Uhomns , und ii lots , blk h7 , Florence , 'til ] ( i n c il , T VLTrncy nnil wife to Omiihft nnd tflor- cnoo Ionn nnil Trust Co. n ! { of lot JI , i blkSJ. Florence , w d . . , , . . . ISO \m .loscpli NovAttl and \vifo to Oninlm nnil I'loronco I.onn nnd Trust Co , lot A , blk r > 7 , Florence , a c il. , . 1 Oinnlin and I'.loronco lionn nnd Trust Cote to Civtliodrnl Clmntor ot Nobrnskn. lot n. blKfiT. I'loronco d , 500 \VllllMii ICrui ; to A U.lpnicii , part ot lot ] n , blk 1 , Cninpbull's nilil w il . 000 A 1 * Tutor ot nl to M Sorensen , lot II , blk n , ciirtou iiiii. w a ro OMcCorinlclcutiil to liCrounse , lofAblk Ii ! , McCoriulck's mill , w a T.50J Ilobort Mnjor to Iidluson , lot 1 ! ) , blk 1 , 1'ruya's sul ) . Y(1 ( 003 J lli-liik mulvlfo to K I , llnlihvln , lot H , lilkil , Jljers , Itlolmrd & Tlldcn's ndd , XV d * . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 600 H Ii ItuUlwlii Him luiHbninl to O W llnyas - rt nl. lot .s , blk : i , .Myers , Kichnrd & I'll- dun's mill , w il. POO J U I'nrrotto and \ > Ifo to M I , Learned , i lot \ , blk 1 , A S Patrick's ndd , aud lot ; i , * JL/T , . blk U , I.nko Vlow , w d 3.GOO ' , ' T | * M Ii I.vnrnod to K M I'nrrotto , lot 4 , lilk 1. . A 8 I'ntrlrk'M ndd. uud loti ; , Ulk U' , Lake ( Vlow , w d 8,50 } T V llreniinn to il K Castollo , lot ! 1. blk 11 , . and lot 4 , bit 1 , DoiiRlns lultlv il 400 Tl'llronnnn to N Castello , lot n , blk ; i ' n Kountzo'H 1'lace. w il , 700 ' I < i M 8 Llndsny nnd wife to U U Wiles , part f n ot lots S and V , Iilnilsny'B mill , w il l.SJO M H I.lmliny nnd wlfo to Central Invest- rtiont Co , lot V , ulk 1 , May no'3 1M ndil , wa S.MJ Iwent y-dvutrnn sfcrs K.4S1U i Clark Palton was arrested Into this nf- toanoon for passing a worthless nrom- isory note on Albert IIildobrandtin the sum of $100. The note was given ia i , | | s payment for a team of horses. For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver , SOLD BY ALX , DRUGGISTS. P ICE 25 CEBITS PPi PWSC U .B Vfcia C.V ? * teflLultW H VB > IT EnlTfll. K\srjf\a Prepared only by THOS.UEECHAM , St.lIclciisInucasliircEiiirlaiuI. B. F. ALLEN & CO. , Sole Agents r-on vrviTKi > STATKS , sos & ser CAIVAJL ST. , NEW YORK. Who ( if your druggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bcccham's Pills on receipt of price lut inquire first. ( Please mention this paper. ) For the euro of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH , LIVER. BOWELS .KID NEYS , BLADDER , NERVOUS DISEASES , II13ADACDE. CONSTIPATION COSTIVENESS , COMPLAINTS PECULIAR TO FEMALES. PAINS IN THE BACK , DRAGGING FEELINGS , c. , INDIGESTION , BILLIOUSNESS , FEVER , 1NFL.AMAT1ON . OF THE BOWELS , PILES , and all doratiRotnoiil of the Inter nal Viscera. RADWAY'S PILLS are a cure for this complaint. They tone up the internal secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to perform its functions. Price Uoo per box. Sold by all druggists. RADWAY & CO. , Now York , I-OR THE LAUNDRY. FOR TMK TABLE Brownell Hall ! BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Omaha , Neb. The Roy , RoM Dolierty , S. T , D , , Rector , Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars Apply to the Rector. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER , TI1KNK 1'I.US UI/TltA of writing mnehlnei U noUul lor In fH | > ul , Cuiiiiiactnox of kor liutrd. Mmpllclty o ! construction , Kii u < if niuiatlori and nnil durability. Don'tKniurliiiunt ffltli cliuiip urn- cliliioi ) you know what you me vvltliiK nlmi you liujrllm UoiiiliiKtim. Don't rrly un Hourlloim inmlo uy no cHllml < imi | > i'lltirs. An oxunilniitliiii oimta you nntlilnii mul inujr mo y u from | iurclin lim n worllilcM mnchlno. Thu llumlntttuu liuldi lUo World' * Championship fnmppcil. 'l'Yl'KUITKHH roil IIBNT. tecniid hand mil- rlilnottill luuliea furHHlii. 'I'ho Ciown Typewriter wrltut CHhlmliuiiiltiiuiill li'llxrii , llK'inu , triulluni , ftc. , nnil i Ihoniiist lluilil'l | > oa | > mui-hlim roailo. I'rlcu fju. btenoKrnpliura supplies of ull kind * , f-eud foriliculurn. i * . raioEArrii : , 1GOT I'urnam Stroa STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN _ & OQKJBI 1O3South iBth Street , Opp. Postofflcp. Telephone 1490 , ENGRAVINGS ETCHINGS , , ® -JlALLET& DAVfB AHT1ST SUPPWESj HOSPEJlALLET& MOULDINGS , S , P [ ANOS & OHG A NSji MUSIC. 1013 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. , TV , *