Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Few Lots of Nebraska Wheat Free
From Smut.
Lnruo Votnnin or Operation * In the
IMt IltituhhiHon Help * the Mm-
bet Up A Dni'cnt \ir Ilitloh
A. l''rulit-ul Voar.
CHICAGO , Sept , 20. ( Special TelORrnra
to TUB BKK.I Inspection spot thti morning
allowed that out of 171 curs of whout received
hero ycstcrany not a single car was of the
contract grado. The poor qunllty of arrivals
in this mnrkut Is a subject of comment and
wonderment. In explanation the revolvers
say that low lots of wheat from Nebraska
and that section tire frco from smut , and this
statement Is confirmed by the supervising Inspector
specter , In the noithvvcst the receipts nro
jet below expectations , but an Increased
movement Is forcalmdowo.l by dsiutuho3 )
from thu elevator Intcrestn In Minneapolis
and Duluth. The ro-estublUhuicnt of ono of
the "disciplined" ulovators In Mltiueaiiolts
lu the "regular" Hut wai also ono
of the pieces of newa sent In
from that section. Tills Is important only
because It puts back about 700,000 bushels
into the visible supply that dropped out
a couple of weeks ago. Cables were almost
unanimously strong and brought many buy
ing orders for cash and futures as a rule ,
though they were uelow the market , par
ticularly cash orders , the reactions which
occurred late In the session enabled brokers ,
to execute some of them , however. The
local features of the wheat .market were
nervousness and speculative activity. The
volume of operations In tlio pit was largo ,
and there was a great shifting about
of opinion during ttio session. The
mnrkct was strong am ) higher
at the opening and t lie re was no open dis
play of weakness until about noon , but from
12 o'clock on values declined and the closing
quotations were practically at the bottom.
The Initial quotations were about ; ' o above
yesterday's closings and on strong cables ,
poor Inspection and persistent advertise
ment of light stocks of contract wheat in
store hero , the shorts covered with freedom.
Hutchlnson helped the market up and the
little bulls did uuuiu. The chronic bear
contingent fought the resulting small ad
vance with courage and up and down
sold heavily. In the final battle of
the day they were victorious , breaking the
"pugs" Inserted by Hut hlnson and over
whelming the opposition for the tlmo being.
Heam reappeared in the arena for the first
tlmo in many weeks , and was an open seller
of a largo lino. December opened at 60c
and during the fitst hour ranged 80 ( iSU o ,
then from SD c It advanced to bu * c , but
subsequently yielded to SO.Ji'u , where it was
hold for a good while by Ilutchinson's
brokers , enabling Mitchell and thu quick
running bull scalpers to llnd a mantel for
their property. The withdrawal of the png
precipitated a decline and the market did not
stop until 7tJ ! c was readied tlio last price
being "y OT'J c. May opened at 8ye , ad
vanced to Ml@b-l | c , llnctuatcd for an hour
or more between tiU o and 84c and declined
to 8l ) c whore It rested , September opened
at 78c , ranged at 80@78 } c and closed at
"SJ c. On the general list the average not
decline of ( < * MO 'B ' recorded by the closings
or just about yesterday's improvements.
' 1 ho demand for corn was moderately ac-
tlvo at the start and Inclined to firmness but
later weakened and closed at about } & @ \ a
lower Uuin the day before. May
comparatively steady and the present month's
delivery was the weakest. Tr.iding appeared
to bo of the usual local character. Uecoipts
exceeded yesterday's estimates and for to
morrow they promise to bo again heavy , beIng -
Ing estimated at 700 cars. B'rost is no w prac
tically out of the Influence : ) governing value ,
the crop being geneially accepted ns secure
from dainugo. The speculative fooling is
now under the influence of dally receipts and
shipments hero and elsewhere and the condi
tion of the market In the matter of its being
evened up or oversold , another year of
abundance being now conceded on nil bunds.
The closing prices were : September Uc ,
October 3a@a3/18' . May 833i2 : c.
Oats were inclined to ilrmndss , early , duo
chiefly to the indirect influence of the
strength In wheat , but were at no tlmo active ,
and with the buying support withdrawn later
except at shaded prices a weakness ensued.
After touching 'iijgo Muv sold oft to 22 % @
WJfo with prominent operators offering
freely at 22Jfo. No. 2 regular was nearly
steady but dull around UJ > o and trading in
cash outs was chiefly by sample , with
nearly a quarter of u million re
ported as withdrawn for shipment.
For No. 2 white , September , 20 > c was bid.
Provisions recovered somewhat from their
Into quiet condition , under the lead of Oc
tober pork , which was traded In witli moro
freedom tlmn on any day for over a week.
The cutlro trade exhibited Increased activ
ity. In October pork the movement , ua
usual , wns Irregular. It opened ut $11.00 ,
and subsequently fluctuated between $10.77
and S 11.12 > $ . Urokor Hovoy , who was sup-
pJsca to' represent Field , Llndluy & Co. .
was tbo largest individual buyer of
this article , while the sellers
were mainly parties said to bo in the employ
of Hutchinson. In ether lines of produce thu
1 1 fooling was quite linn , based on yesterday's
i last quotations. Closings showed a decline
1 1 of lOu In October pork , 5o In September short
ribs and 2)ijU lu October short ribs. November -
bor pork , January pork , January short ribs
pnd Boverul deliveries of lard were quotably
unchanged. Cash buyers took 5U5 tierces ol
inrd at ffi.U7 @il.OO and a few car loailsio !
10-uounU sweat pickled hums sold
CHICAGO , SopU 20 , ( Special Telegram to
TUB BBK.I Cvmi ! Arrivals wofo made
up of 4,700 u all vos , 3,500 Tcxuns and 1.80C
westerns. The nmritet ruled active and 5@
lOo higher on all desirable qualities of na
tlvo steers , cows and heifers. Texans soli ]
no stronger than yestordry , but westerns do
velopoa a slight Improvement as on Tliurs
day , The exporters wora the freest buyers ,
though Doth shippers and dressed beef mui
operated with more freedom than for sonu
tlmo past , and were not so exacting li
their discrimination as to quality 01
so indifferent about bidding a fall
market price us the llrst offer. City am
cbuntry butchers were also liberal operator. '
nud but few cows were loft ut the finish.
Canncri curtailed their demand , and while
coaimon nud old cows and bulls sold linn In
sympathy with the strength in the bottoi
dosuilutlons , sellers mot with no little
trouble In finding an outlet. Stockers am
feeders were in poor douiaud , thougl
prices nro at bedrock and so low
as to attract attention from afar
Choice to extra heaven , t l.50@-l.70 ; me
dlurn to good stuora , Ii50 ! to 1500 Tbs , W.SWf
H.-tO : 1'JOO to littO Ibs , fa.UO4.23
050 to 1200 Ibs , W.OO ( . < U1G ; stock
era and feeders , $ } .00@3.00 ; cows , bulli
and mixed , S1.25(3JOO ( ! ; bulk , | 1.75 ( < $2.2ft
tocrsli50 to 1050 Ibs , $ J.85&3.10 ; cows , $1.5i
02.10 ; western cows , fl.55.10 ! ; wcstort
rangers , | HO ( < ? a-75 ; cows , ta.002.40.
I lee 6 Thu market openei } slow and weal
at yesterday's finish , or lOa lower than yes
lerday morning's prlco , but closed up strouf
and Biluo ( $ higher than the opening. Puoken
were thu "bulls" in this case. Nearly al
the morning they operated indifferently am
did not seem to care whether they bough
bogs or not , Kuddunty they began to "bus
tlo , " but tbo shippers In the meantime luu
quietly absorbed nearly all the bust hogs am
a largo proportion of tbo packing grades
hence It was that salesmen , lludiug packlnj
buyers anxious to 1111 orders , squeezed ou
uu odvunco of GQlOo and cleared the | > cni
besides. The bales early were at f0.60T (
4.UO for packing grades ; 14.00 ( 1.10 fo
prime heavy ; $4.1B@4.2S for butchers : (4.3
@ 4.U5 for light mixed , and $1,404.C5 fo
sorted light. At the finish packers pali
f3.VO@4.00 for anything und everything the ;
could gut bold o ( in the shape of packlni
Nr.w YOIIK , Sept. 20. ISpeclal Telegram
to THE HBE.J STOCKS The opening of the
stock market was tame nnd uneventful , and
wns not followed by any Immediate action of
Importance. The developments of the fore
noon were of the nnluro of the beginning of a
further upward movement. There was noth
ing of u discouraging nature In the talk at
tbo lending resorts last night. Mr. Gould
again allowed himself to bo drawn out as
squarely In favor of the bull sldo for the sea-
son. Mr. Uussoll Sago snys ho banks little
on the temporary light money influence and
believes that bolero October all the ob
stacles to a good advance will bo removed.
The market opened with prices unchanged
from the close , with tha professionals doing
the trading largely , with London doing
nothing. The business xvns monopolized by
Heading , Missouri Puclllc , Northern Pacific ,
Louisville , Burlington nnd St. Paul , rooult-
Ing In only narrow fluctuations. Late In the
hour the lead trust developed considerable
strength nnd moved up fractionally , while
Northern Pacific preferred weakened and
lost } per cent. The prices in others were
maintained nt the same level throughout , and
at Jl o'clock the market was dull nnd steadv
nt thu opening ilguroi. The sugar trust ,
Vcstcrn Union nnd Missouri Pacillo was
traded in ex-dividend. During the hour to
12 o'clock there was a revival. Northern Pa
cific gained Its loss , Louisvllfc sold uu * 4
to 7. % ox-dlvldcnd , and coal stocks were
generally Improved. Chicago & Eastern
Illinois preferred sold nt par. Uncertainty
nbouttbo money market and fours of some
freMi outbreak In rato-troublcs made the
trndo cautious. Throwing out trust shares
by the banks to day nnd a drop of nearly 3
points In sugar were tno features late in the
day. Kallroad stocks did not hold nt best
prices , but closed with grangers and many
others at about lust night's figures. Tno total
sales were 104,015 shares.
ITolloxvmc are the closing quotations :
0,8.4s regular , lai'f Northern 1'aclllo. . ni > <
U.S.4scoupons . . .127S ilO'proferred. . . . . . . 7I1V4
U.S.4'.isregulnr..U > r > S 0. m M.
IT. B. US * coupons..lft > ? s doproturrcd 142
I'actncCisof Mj lit * N.Y.Contral H
Central Paclllc ai 1' . D.&E i !
Chicago , t Alton. . . . 1-3 Kock Island ll 'i
Chicago , Hurling ton 0.M.&St.l' 71) )
& ( } ulnov J do preferred UilS
H..L..VW I47H St.Paul&Omnha. . 3Mi
Illinois Central , . . . . do preferred 100 ! {
I. , U.Jc W. 11 I * .u'l Union 1'acltlo UIX
Kansas ic Texas. . . . 1-'i ' W..St. L. &P 17
I.nko Shore 1W > 3K doprotorieu ! B'4 '
Michigan Central. . 91 Western Union. . . . to
MOXEV Kusy ut 4@r > X per cent.
PUIMB MBIIOINTIL.U i'Ai'au 57 per cent ,
STBRMNO ExcitAXOB--QuIot , ; sixty-
day bills , $4,84 ; donmnd.M.h'K.
Mining Stocks.
NEW YOIIK , Sout. CO. rSpcclal TcloBrim :
to TUB 13iu. | The followlnu uro the min
ing stock quotations :
Helchcr 215 Iron SilverJOO
llestuml. Ielcher.00 ! : ! Mexican 3.V )
Caledonia II. li . .IKK ) Mutual 140
Con. Cal , .V V a. . . , OJ7 Ontario 3100
Heath ; ooilT. l.'iJ Occidental ir.T
Kureka Con . . . . MO Savage EDO
Could & Curry. . . IK' Sierra Nevada SHU
Hnlo& Norcross..28J Union ConsolMa'd.S.'Vi
Hoinpstake . . . . Itfl Ward Consolldn > d..lCi
Horn Silver in ; Vellow Jacket SOJ
CHICAGO , Sept. 20. 1:15 p. m. close
Wheat Weak nnd lower ; cash. TSJ-ic ; Oc
tober. 78 c ; December , 70 11 lUu ; May ,
83 3-lGc.
Corn Easy ; cash , 33j c ; October ,
3ai-l c ; May , : i3 < c.
Oats Easier ; cash , 195-lOc ; October , lU c.
May , 22o.
Kyo Cash , 41J/C.
Uarloy Nothing doing.
Priuio Timothy ? 1.S3.
Flax Seed Cash , 51.SO.
Wblsk.v l.oa.
Pork Easy ; cash nnd October , ? U.OO ;
January , $9.1'2X'
Lard Steady ; cash , t592)-f ; October ,
$5.00 ; January , $5.77K. ,
Flour Firm and unchanged.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $4.37 } < ? @
4.50 ; short clear , $ o.2j@5.37 } < { ; sliort ribs ,
Butter Firmer : creamery , 13S23o ; dairy.
Oheose Finn ; full cream Cheddars , 8@
; Young Americas , 8 | @ 9c ; llats ,
Jiggs Firm ; fresh , 10 } < f@17c.
Hides Steady heavy green salted. 5@
5 } e ; light preen salted , 5cr salted bull , JlJ e ;
dry salted calf , 5 } c ; dry flint , 4J < jc ; dry and
salted hides , Uc ; dry calf , S Uu ; deacons ,
each 20c.
Tallow Quiet ; trifle weaker ; No. f
solid packed , 4c ; No. a , BXo ; cake , 4fc. !
Ueuulots. bliipiiii'iits.
Flour . 15.000 2.'i,000
Wheat . 83,000 0,010
Corn . 370,000 45-1,0(10 (
Oats . 124,000 3S8.00J
Now York. Sept. 20. Wheat - Ho-
coipts , 277,700 ; exports , 103OCO8iot ; ! dull and
lower ; No. 2rcd , JjligS4 ( in elevator ; b-l ®
85J calloat84(3S5I ; ( o ; . o. b.No.3red ; , tiljtfc ;
ungraded red , 7r@87c ; options dull and
lower ; No. 2 red , September , 84 c.
Corn Heeolpts , 04,300 bushels ; exports ,
105,100 bushels ; spot lower , closing steady ;
No. 2 , 40j ( i < )4Io ) in store and elevator ; 41A (
41c afloat ; ungraded mixed , 40rlljfc ( ; op
tions lower and weak ; October closing at
41c.Oats Uoceipts , 85,000 bushels ; spot
weaker ; options dull ; October closed at We ;
soot , No. 2 white , 23Ko ; mixed western , 24J
@ 28c ; whltodo. , ZQ&Uifo.
Coffee Cottons opened barely steady ,
closed Irregular , 15@25 points down ; Sep
tember , fl5.7Ii@15.s5 ; spot Ulo , steady ; fair
cargoes , $10.75.
Sugar Ituw , firm ; rellnod , steajy.
Potrolouui Steady ; United closed , nt
Sl.OO.Jg' for October.
Uigs Firm ; western fresh , 19 ( ( | 20o.
Pork Steady ; moss inspected , $12.23Q
Laid Firm ; western steam , t0.35 < 30.70) ;
closing at $0 50.
Butter Fine strong ; western dairy , 0 ®
12 > tfc ; creamery , 12@23 } c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , OJi@8c.
Akiiinoiipnlis , Sept. 20. Sample wheat
firm ; receipts 20S curs ; shipments. 3d
curs. Closing : No. 1 hard , September , 78o ;
October , 78o ; December , SOj o ; on track ,
80a ; No. 1 northern , September , 75o ; December -
comber , 77tfc ; on track , 70) o ; No. 2 north
ern , September , 72o ; December , 74o ; on
track , 72@r4o.
nillwaiitcop , Sept. 20. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 73 > o ; October. 73 > fo.
Corn-Juiot ; No. 3 , 3J > @ 33o.
Oats Steady at 2iX ° -
Hyo Firmer ; No. 1 , 43 c.
Uarloy Steady ; No. a September. 59o old.
Provlblons Easier ; cash , pork , $11.00.
Sept. 20. Wheat Firm ; do-
maud fair ; holders offer moderately ; Cali
fornia , No. 1 , 7s lKd@Ts.2Kd per cental ; red
western , spring , Us UK < l ( 7s } { d\ \ red west
ern , winter. Os SdQOs Od.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s 3 > jd per cental.
St. liiMiiH , , Snpt. 20. Wheat Lower :
cash , 78/c ; October , 77X0.
Corn Lower ; cash , 2yo ; October , 30.Vo.
Oats -Weak ; cash , ISJ oi May , 2'o.
Pork Quiet nt $11.50.
Lard Quiet at $5.70.
IJutter Creamery , 21@23c ; dairy , 18@20c.
WhUky $1.03.
Kansas Oliy , Soot. -Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 rod , cash , no bids nor offerings ; bop-
totubcr , t)2o ) ; October , < J'oNo. \ . 3 red , cash ,
58o ; Soptomucr. 57 0 bid ; No. 2 soft , cash ,
liOc.Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 24o ; Septem
ber , 23J o bid ; Octobur , 2Jc.
Oats No. 3 , cash and September , 17o.
Clncliiniiti , Sopt. 20 , Wheat No. 2
rod , 78o.
Corn Firm 5 No. 2 mixed , 37e.
Oats Uaroly steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22(3 (
i < yo No. 2 , 440.
Whisky-Firm at $1.02.
i , Sept. 20. Iho Drovers' Journal
reports us follows !
Cattle Koceipts , 8,500 ; market active and
a shade higher ; choice to extra heaves , tl.5J (
@ { .70 ; steer , $3.00@4.40 : stookors and feed
ers , t'-.OOdW.OO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.25
33.00 ; Texas cuttle , $1.55@a.lO : wcslcru
raugers , $ iOO@3.75.
llo { Receipts , 10,000 ; market strong
mixed , W.85Q4MO ; hcav.v$3.70(24.15 ( } light ,
$3.l)0@4.75 ) skips , * 3.M@I.23. )
Sheep llofclpts , 8,000 ; market steady J
natives , 93.COft4.75 ; western , $ .TCO@4.15 ;
Texans , $3.70@4.15 ; lambs , $4.5010.00. ( ;
ICannat Cily , Scot. 20.-Cattlo Ho-
ccipts , 5MO ; shlpmcnts4,400 ; market strong ;
common to cholro corn-fed steers , $2.90 ®
4.25 ; stockers and feeders , tl.CO@3.1D ; cows ,
$1.2.X < 02.riO.
Hogs Itecelpts , 4,300 ; shipments , 700 ;
mnrkct weak and lower : light , fl.lU@l.2J ;
heavy and mixed , tJ.OO@I.C5.
Nnllonnl Klticlcixttli , Hnrtt St.
1/nnlo , Sept. 20. Cattle Receipts , 2,500 ;
shipments , none ; market strong ; fair to
cholco heavy native Rtcors , J3.80@4.53 ;
stockers and feeders , $ ! .10@2.00.
Hogs Hocelpts , 1,100 : shipments , none ;
market stondy ; hcavv , SJ.80@4,20 ; packing ,
* 3.70@l.0j ; light , 9I.10@4.20.
Stonx Cily , Sept. 20. Cattle Uccclpts ,
1,000 ; shipments , none ; bulls. $ I.OO$1.50 ( ;
cows , $1.0J2.10 ( ; stockers ana feeders , $1.00
© 2,00.
Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ;
market strong nnd higher ; light and mixed ,
? 3.724@3.SO ; ; heavy , $3.77lf@3.S5.
Cat I In
Friday , Sopt. 20.
To-day's ' trading in cattle wns stronger
and n ( rood ninny cnttlu changed hands before -
fore the cloio. Twelve loads of i-orn-fed na
tives and westerns sold tit $4.25 , the highest
price imtd for anything since Saturday of
last week. Some pretty fair natives sold at
$4.00. A bunch of westerns went at 1.00 ,
which was the saino price paid for some of
ho satno cattle m Chicago on Monday. A
itring of Toxntis went at $3.60. Butchers'
stock was In light supply , uud there were
lot many cows on sale , values remain Ilrtn.
Some natives , mostly odds and cuds , sold ut
$1.50@2.80 , with n bunch of Tcxan nt $1,30.
i'lra trndo in atocuors and feeders wns quite
nrgu , but there wns no quotable change in
values. Some rough feeders sold as low as
The mnrkot on hcaVy hogs wns about Go
ewer than yesterday , while the trade In light
ings was about 5o higher , sorts soiling at
$ J.95@4.00 und the demand wns active nt the
irlccs. Tnero was no sorting yesterday so
, hat the advance was not as much as a com
parison of the sale1 * of the two dnvs might
ndicato. The light hoga were nil picKcd up
Cattle 1,300
Hogs 4.350
Prevailing Prices.
The following is u table of prloai pild la
this market for the grades of stoat man-
Joned :
Priino stocrs. 130J to 1010 Ibs.$4 00 @ 1.35
oed steers , 1250 to 145'J Ibs. . 3.75 ( ! 4.10
oed steers , 105J to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.23 ( ft.1.90
Western steers 2.40 @ 3.00
loimnon canners 1.00 ( f.ol.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.5' ' ) ( ! l.80
Fair to good cows 1.75 @ 2.LO
Good to choice co wa 2.0J ( u > > .40
Fair to good bulls 1.50 ( tp'J.OO
Light stocKers nnd feeders. . . . 2.25
Good feeders , 030 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2.50 ( u)2.00 )
Pair to choice light hogs 3.00 004.00
Fair to choice heavy nogs 3.75 ' (03 85
Fair to choice mixed hojfs 8.8'J ' wf a oo-
Common to rough bogs 3. . " > 0
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
n3 13tn $4 00 201. . 149'J $125
Jl 1322 400
.1303 2 10 23 . 890 1 SO
. 8J > 5 1 51) ) "V. 12.27 1 SO
.1100 1 50 4. .1135 1 85
.1140 1 50 0. . 9)0 ! ) 2 00
.1020 1 50 . 8S3 2 05
.1000 1 75 .1020 2 20
.1100 1 80 .1153 2 30
. 577 2 35 42 . 45 250
riisi : >
. 721 2 20 89 . 11SJ 2 30
.1330 1 05 1 . 1050 2 50
. 410 3 00
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
CO feeders ,1252 $2 53
7 feeders 1010- 2 05
Cleveland Cattle Co
10 steers 12S9 3 00
62 steers 1353 3 00
Sidlingtou & Hall
23 steers 1172 3 00
Dahlman & Simmons
21 steers 1333 2 70
Wilson Bros
39 Texans 910 2 00
89 cows CM ) 1 30
13 calves 200 2 75
2-1 stenrs 1235 2 85
27 steers , Toxans. . . . 1013 2 50
89 steers , Toxans. . . . 93J 2 50
Z steers , Towns. . . . 100D 2 50
25 steora , Texans. . . . 93S 2 50
37 steer ? , Texans. . , . 1015 2 50
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
0. . .270 200 : no
30. . .311 200 3 S3
24. . .252 240 3 00
11. . .281 40 3 UO
7. . ,3'i9 3
24 . .302 120 3
21 .304 80 3 70
10. . .312 80 3 70
11. . .317 240 8 70
51. . .315 120 3 70
57. . .876 200 8 72i <
42. . SCO SO 3 72U
57. . , .207 100 3 75
51. . .285 3 75
05. . .294 200 3 75
04. . , .277 SIM ) 3 75
5. . , .81 80 3 75
49. . , .321 60 3 75
54. . , .294 100 3 75
48 . , .272 120 8 75
02. . , .302 80 8 75
BS. . , .2S8 160 3 75
07. . , .292 200 3 75
75. . , .200 240 377K
01. . , .271 40 377
50. . , .301 200 3 -
CO. . .303 40 3
CO. . , H27 120 377" "
01. . . 271 100 a
58. . . . -02 40 3 80
50. . , .205 300 3 80
53. . . .301 80 8 bO
55. . , .291 60 3 80
58. . . .294 100 3 SO
CO. . , .803 240 3 80
13. . , .818 80 3 80
C3. . , .273 SO 3 80
04. . , .200 1(50 ( 3 SO
04. . .201 120 3 bO
67..298 120 a bO
Ijlvu Stoulc
Mr. Prince , of AVOCJ , lu. , wns vlsltlnt ; tlio
A. Hastie bad bogs and cattle In from Elm-
P. A. Arnold , of Scotia. baJ bogs on
Hnbbloman & D. caino in from Avoea ,
la.vltli uattlo.
Liildlniton & Hall , of Denver , bad four
cars of cattla ou market.
Noolu was represented by M. II , IlngKcrty ,
who bud bogs OD market. . .
J , K. Hunt & Cov represented Stamford ,
ana bad bogs on the market.
Mark Hlauobard , of Creston , la. , was In the
city visiting bis sons , J , B , and M. F.
If prices of hog and cattle products are not
materially advanced tbo export trade in
tlicso articles will bo materially enlarged ,
Daily Trade Bulletin ( Chicago ) .
O. A. Klmmel , an extensive feeder at Elmwood -
wood , was hero with six cars of cattle and
two nf hogs. Mr. Kimmel has lately been
looking up bis acction of the country as to
bog cholera and finds tbcro u nono.
Produce , Fruits Kto. ,
Eoas Strictly fresh , 15@lCc.
HUTTEU Creamery , funuy , 15@tfio ; choice ,
H@16o. Dairy , fanoy. lii&Ma ; oholuo , 11 ®
12a Country , fancy. 12@Ho ; coodtocboico ,
10@lloi fair , OQlOo ; inferior , ( V 7c.
Live PJQEOSB Per doz. , gl.Si ) .
QAUB Prairie chlcttcus , fd.00@3.00 : mal
lard ducks , 2.SO@3.00 ; mixed ducks , fl.&O
@ 2.00i teal , $1.2&c < jl.SO ; jack enlpe , $1.25 ®
1.50 ; plover , ( l.UO1.35 ( ,
BEAMS Choice band-picked navy , $1,76(2 (
? 200j cholco hnmlplcUeNidl m. llOS@ ; cholco band-picked country , $ l.GOf (
1.05 ; clean country , $1.60 ( 1,00 ; iufcrior
conntry , f 1.00@1.3o. .
limes PRI.TS , TAIIOW , ICrd1 Qrocn ftltrv
iltles , 4f4Ko ; dry.snltodj. Ulde * , 5o ; dry
lint hides , "o ; calf hides , 4' < 15o ; dnma cd
ndcs , So less ; shcop lulls , Rrocn , each , 25c ( $
$1.00 ; sheep polls , dry , per JO. Uji12c. ( ! Tal
low , No. 1K'14 o ; No. 2 , J < i33Jfcj. Grease ,
white , 4)4@4 ) io ; yellow , 2Hcl.Ic.
\ YooiPu ' avewRO , 15cQtOa ( ; medium ,
nvoragc , 31@22o ( quarter-blooil , average , 20
@ 21o ; coarse , , l.rKJil7o ; ; cotta und
oURb , nverngc , U10o.
CriRRsn Young Amorlciif full croamj
lOoj factory twins , 0' < u ; oft grades , C@"o ;
Van Uosscn Cdoni , fll.60 per doz ; sup SURO ,
lOc ; brlclc , llS12c ( ; llmburger , T ( 8oj Uo-
tneitlo Hwlss. 14c. .
LBMOSS 1-anc.y. M.00 ( < ? 3.r > 0 ; choice , 15.00.
Avi-LKS-Pcr bbl , $1.0l@a.OO. )
CALIFOHNIA. PE.CIIIS ao Ib boxes , S1.50 ®
PKAlts-40 Ib boxes , $ l.T5@2.2o.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , to.00 ,
Al'1'l.K BUTTKll 5(3.
CIDEH Bbls , 15.50 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAVI.B SUOAK 12 > i(615a ( ( per Ib.
VEAL Choice , medium size , BK@0tfc } ;
cholco heavy , Co ; spring luinbs , $30.uu@30.00
[ icr tloz.
HONKY 15o per Ib for choice.
JUL1.IE9 y > ( T@4o per Ib.
UKESWAX No. 1 , 10 < S10c.
Pins FKET Pickled , kits , "Bo ; pickloO
pigV tongues kits , $3.3.j ; plclcled trlpo , kits.
U5c ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , Sou spiced
piles' hocks , kits , $1.15.
Buur TONOUES S.Ut , bbli , $40.
PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
lie ; 20 to 23 Ibs , 10fo } ; 13 to 14 Iba. ll ci
No. 2 , Ul e ; specials , 12o ; shoulders , 6J o ;
breakfast baon , No. 1 , SJ o ; specials , 1'Ju :
picnic. OJ c ; bam sausaco , 8J c ; dried baof
iuiins , U > c ; beef tongues , $ i > per dozen ; dry
salt incuts , 5j < f@fU per Ib ; boneless ham ,
8J o ; Lain roulette , C > % o ,
PioKi.cs Medium , per bbl. $3.00 ; small ,
$ yoKberkins ) ; , $11.5U ; C. & B. chow chow ,
( Its. $500 , pts , $3.10.
Uos Amuricun A , seamless , 17c ; Union
Square paper , discount : lo per cent.
COFFKE Green Fancy old golden Hio ,
2-Jc ; fancy old puaberry. 25o ; Uio. choice to
fancy , 23c ; Uio , prime , 22e ; Uio , good ,
21c ; Mocha , 2.1c ; Java , fancy MuudeliUng ,
2 To ; Java , good Interior. 2tc.
CoFi-RE Hoasted Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
24Jfc ; McLaURhlltl's XXXX , 24 c ; German
23o ; Oil worth , 24 o ; Alaroma , 24Jtfo.
DUIBD FIIUITS Curnmtp , 4 > f@5c ; prunes , !
casits , 1IOO ! Ibs 4K@4 } o : prunes , bbls or
bugs , 4 f@IJ c ; citron pools , drums , 20 Ib1 ? .
Qlc ; lemon t > eel , drums , 20 Ibs Kc ! ; furd
dotes , boxes , 12 Ibs , Ou ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 13i ) ; apricots , Jolly , cured ,
2o-lb boxes , 14c , apricots , fancy , Me.
Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , 15c ; apricots , utioice ,
b.iRs , 80 Ibs , 13) ) o ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
60-lb boxes , OJfc ; apples , Star,0@0) c ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 5-lb , be ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2 Ib , 8) c : blackberries , evaporated , 50-lU
boxes , fi ) @ ( ! o ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
15c ; pears , California fancy. J s boxes , 25
Ibs , 1'JXo : peaches , Cal fancy , fa unp boxes ,
25 Ibs , lee ; poaches , Cal No. I , fancy , su
ba s , 80 ids , 13c ; peaches , fancy , ev.ip unp ,
60'lb boxes , 12@14c ; psaches , Salt Lake ,
now , 7@7' ' c : ueetarmcs , red , 12c ; neetnr-
incs , silver , bags , 12u ; pitted plums , Cal ,
25-lb boxes , llo ; raspberries , evap. N. Y. ,
new , 21c ; prunes , Cal , K. C. , 90-UK ) boxes ,
25 Ibs , So ; prunes , , K. C. , TO-70 , Oc ;
orange peel. 15c ; r.iiiiins , Calilornla Lon-
dor.s , crop 1SSS , J2.40@-J.6' ) ; raisins , Califor
nia loose , muscatels , crop 18bS , Sl.'JOM'J.OO ;
Vulencias , lbS8 , 7 c.
CAXNED Fisu lirook trout , 8 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon ttout , 2 Ib , ? 2.y.V clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clatus , 2 Ib , $2 00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , S1.23 ;
deviled crabs , 1 Ib , & 3.'J5 ; dovilud craba , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codlish balls , 2 Ib , S1.75 ; cavier ,
Ib , $2 25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $ .5.40 ; lou tcrs. 1 Ib , Sl.UU ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; lobsters , deviled. } Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel. 1 Ib , $1.65 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , S Ib , $3.10 ; macicercl , tomato
sauce , 31b. $15. 10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 95c ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. B. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon ,
C. U. , 2 Ib , $ J.bO ; salraoni Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , { 3.U5 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
$ J.(55. ( 4
CANNED MEATS Corned beef , t Ib square
cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , $2 0 > ; 0 Ib
square cans , $0 50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $11.00.
Lunch tongues , 1 ID round cans , $ J.OO ; 2 Ib
round cans , $4.75. Brawn , 1 Ib square cans ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , SJ. 00 ; 0 Ib square
cans , $0.50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $14,00 Ox
toncuei. ! > , ; Ib round cans , $5.00 ; 2 Ib round
cins , $ t.00 ! ; 2 Ib round cans , $7.00 ; 3 Ib
round cans , $8.0u. Chipped beef , 1 Ib round
cans , $ J.Oii ; 2 Ib round cans , $4.00. lioast
beef , 1 Ib round cans , $1 20 ; 2 Ib.round cans ,
$2.00. Potted ham , } { Ib round cans , 65c ;
M Ib round cans , $1.30. Deviled ham , ? ' $ Ib
round cans , 05c ; % Ib round cans , $1.20.
Potted ox tongue , } Ib round cans. 05c ;
\i Ib round cans , $1.20. Compressed ham ,
1 Ib square cans , $1.75 ; 2 Ib square cans ,
$2.75. Tripe , 2 Ib round cans , $1.80. Minced
cpllops , 2 Ib round cans , $ J,20. Boneless
pigs teut , 2 Ib square cans , $3.25. Ona pound
cans are packed two dozen and four dozen to
case ; two pound cans , ono dozen and two
dozen to cuso ; half pound cans , two dozen to
case ; quarter pound cans , four dozen to
case. All prices per dozen , net.
HAV $4 00@5.0U.
Cnoi- -$10.00@12.00. !
BiuS10.00. .
SAUSAOH Bologna , 4u4Kc ( ; FranKfurt , 7c ;
tongue , 8u ; summer , 2J { < 424 o ; head cheese ,
WitAi'i'iNO Srtaw , on rib , 19//S >
2tfo : rag , 2Kc ; mauilla , B , 5@0 c ; No. 1 ,
bo.SALT Dairy , 2SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , $3.10 ;
best grade , 00 , 5s , SJ.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$ .3. 40 ; best grade , 28 , 10s , S-.30 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $ l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb bags ,
Sic ; bulk , 22-Mb bags , $3.40 ; common , in
bbls , $1.25.
CANIIV 'JX < 312i < o per Ib.
German chicory , rod , 7l c. *
GlNOEit Jamaica , ) /ulnts , $3.00 per doz.
FAUINACBOUS Goons Barley. 8@3 > c ;
farina , -IJ c ; peas , So ; oatmeal , 2 @ 5o ; mao-
aronia , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , ( gil c ;
saco and tapioca , (5@7c. (
FIHII Salt Dried codfish , r M@S4cscaled \
herring , 24u per box ; bol. herring , dom , 50c ;
Hamburg spiced herring , $1.40 ; bol. herring ,
70c ( ( $1.00 ; mackerel , largo family , $11.50 per
100 Ill's ; whitcnsh , No. I. $0.50 ; family , $ J.75 ;
trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $ S&0 ; anchovies , 8Uc.
NUTS Almvnds , 15Ql7c : Brazils , 80 ; fil
berts , lie ; pecans , lOu ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc.
POTATOES 2o@33c per bu.
Poujyrur Ola hens and chickens , $2.DO ( < l !
3. SO ; spring chickens , $2 50@J.75 ; ducks and
geese , per Ib , 10 < ; ; turkeys , U@10c ; young
ducks , per doz , $3.00.
SuoAiis Cut loaf , 0e ; cut loaf , cubes ,
OJ c : Standard , powdered , OJ o ; XXXX
powderop , 9Kc ; granulated , Staiylard , 8 % ®
b/c ; confectioners' A , SVc ; white , extra C ,
8 c ; Climax , 8 , ' c ; extra Q. Nebraska ,
Amber , 7 u ; Californla'Goldon C , 7' c.
LAUD Tierces I tefined,5c ; choice ,
pure leaf , tl c ; kcttlo rendered , } gc. Add
} ta to J c for smaller quatititics.
OILS Kerosene P.V , , 0c ; W. W. , 12u ;
headlight , 13oj salad oil , f2.15@U.OO per
dozen. '
SU.SODA yflgStfo uor | b ,
STAUCII 5@7o per Ib.
Srovit POLIIII $2.00@5.s7 per gross.
Si'iccti Wliolo , per lu Allspice , Ho ; Cas
sia , China , 9 c ; cloves , Xansibar , 20cj nut-
niegs , No. 1 , 75u ; pepper , 17c ,
Dry GoottH.
PIIINTS Pink nnd Uobes. KIchtnond. OKoi
Allen , tic ; Ulverpoint , 5t c { Steel HivenOWc ;
Pacific , Ko. V ,
PIIISTB Indigo Blub gt. Loger , Gci
Washington , G o ; American , OJ o ; Arnold ,
0c ; Arnold Century , 9c ; Windsor Gold
Ttt't , lO o ; Arnold B , 10Kb ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 10io ; Vellow Seal , lO ci
Amanu , 12o.
CoMFOitrKits $0.50@35.00.
COIHET JEANS Boston , 7e ; Androseog-
gin , 7 0 : ICearsape , 7Jfo ; Itockport , OJ c ;
Consutoga. OJ c.
CitASU Stevens' n , .p > K"i Stevens' A , 7o ;
bleached , 8c ; Stevons1 P , 7o- bleached ,
83fu ; Stevens' N , tKo : bleached , SWc ) ;
StovenV SHT , 11 0.
DKXJMS Amosuoag , 9 oz , lO o ; Everett , 7
oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; Havmaker , &W-
Jaffroy , XX , ll } < o ; Jeffrey , XXA , 12Kc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Cieok , CO , lOo.
GixaiiAMPlunkott. . checks , CJi'c ; Whit-
teuton , ( ijfoj York , 7Kc ; Normandt dress ,
7 o ; Calcutta arcss , 7 > < o ; Whlttenton dross ,
7 > f 0 } Honfrew dress , S c@\2 \ o.
SiiKKTixa , BLUACIIUU Ellertonc \
HousoUeeper , BJ e : Now Candidate , 8'ic ;
Berkeley cambric. No. ( X ) , Oo ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
9foj butter cloth , OO , 4) ) o ; Cubot , 7Koi
Fartvoll , half bleached , 8 > u ; Fruit of Loom ,
* Xo\ \ Green G , Oo ; Hope , 7H'i King Phlllir
cambric , lOc ; Lousdale cambric. lOo ; Lous-
dale. 8j c ; JfowVork mills , IIM ; Popporoil ,
43 in , 10i" l' * | > iMr611 , 40 In , 1U Pcpperell ,
( M , 14Ko ; Popporoil , 8'4 , 20o ; Pepporoll , 0-4 ,
22o ; Poppercll. 10-4 , 24c ; Onnton , 4-4 , 8'4os '
Clinton , 4-4 , ejfoj Triumph , Co ; Wnmsutta.
Uc ; Valley , 6c.
TICKS Oakland , A , 'iltci Internntlonal ,
YY , So ; Shotuckct , S. Stfe ; Warren , No.870 ,
10 > ; Berwick , HA , ISc : Acme , 13o ; York ,
W In , 12 , 0 } York , 32 in. 13J < o : Swift Ulvcr ,
8c ; Thorndlko , OO. 8 > < o ; Thorndlko , EF ,
8) < o ; Thornalko , 120 , O&e ; Thornalko. XX.
15o ; Cordli. No. 5. fltfe : Cordls , No. 4 , 10 > 4c.
DUOK West Point. 23 in , 8 or. , 0 > c ; West
Point 20 in , 10 oz , llsUc ; West Point , 29 in ,
12oz , K , < e ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FI.ANNBI.S Plaid llattsmon , 20o ; Clear
Lake , SOJ c ; Iron Mountain , 2fc. !
PIIINTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Co ; Sinter ,
Gc ; Berlin oil , 0) ) c ; Gnrncr oil , 0@7c ,
StiiiiTiNO CnnoKs Caledonia X , 9Kc ;
Caledonia XX10Ko | : Economy , OoOtN ; , Uo ;
Granite , 6) c ; Crawford chccKs , So ; Haw
Hlvcr plnids , " '
roru O ( 4- ( * > > 4 \ > IU H v\x * t ti u/au.
Hooslor L.L. , t-4 , 5 io : Indian Head. 4 4 , 7i ) ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , f > { o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
&KO Popporoil 11 , 4-4 , 0c ; 1'opporoll K , 40-
inch. 7 } c ; Pepporoll. S , 17Uo : Pcpporell ,
04 , 20o ; Popporoil , 10-4 , 2''o ; Utlca C , 4-4 ,
4e ; Wnchusetts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 7c :
Aurora B , 4-4 , Kc.
c Fi.AN.sni.s-White G. II. No. 3 , ? f , 22' ' c ;
O. H. No. 1 , 9 2 > 5Ko ; G. H. No. 2 , "i , 2-JKo ;
Q. H. No. 1 , W,80Quochno ; No. , f ,
Quecheo No. 2 , } f , 8Xu ! Anawuii ,
Windsor , 2-J c.
- c.KedC , 34 inch , ISJtfo ; E , 24
Inch , Sl r. ; G G , 24 inch , 20o ; H A F , } { ,
" 5c ; J iCb , } ( , 270 ; G , W , 25a
KEXTUOKV JKAXS llcri'Ules , ISo ; Leam
ington , 22 > < o ; Glonwood. 30c ; Mnlvillo , 33o ;
Bnng-up. ar' ' u ; Memorial , 16c ; Standpoint ,
18o ; Durham , S o.
MISCKLI.ANUOUS Tnblo oil cloth , $2f > 0 ;
tnblooil cloth , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland ,
" ' $ c , dude Holland , 12 > \
1'JiiNTS Dress Ch.u tor Oak. r > } c ; Kima-
po , 4c : Lodi.fii.fc ; Allen Ou ; Ulchmond , Oc ;
Windsor , CJ o ; Eddystono , 0 } c ; Pnclflc ,
\ / o
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , So ; Beauty ,
12) < c , Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.30.
IIIANKHTS While , (1.006217.50 ; colored ,
C\Mintica Sinter , fie ; Woods , Go ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5o.
CAiti'KT WAIIP Ulbb , white , ISJ c ; co ;
orcd , 21J c.
COTTON FUNNELS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
EE , 8c ; GG , tljfc ; XX , 10 > o ; OO , Y"
unbleached , LL , 5J 6 ; CCta ( \ \ SS ,
NN , 12fc ; AA , 14c ; DD , 15H ; TT
YY , 18c ; BB , 19c ; 20 bleached , 8 c ; r.u
; 80,13 > c. 00 brown und slate , Oo 70
; SO , IGc.
niilldine Material.
t. o. b. , Onmlm.
STOCK BoAiin ? A , 12 inch , 8 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 nnd 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 12inch , sis 12 , 13 nnd 15 feet ,
$3000 ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$23 00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 12 foot , S18.00 ;
No. 3 Com. 12 in s 1 s 14 nnd 10 feet , $17.50 ®
18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 10,18 und 20 feet ,
$19.50 ; No. 2 Coin. 12 in s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
$17.1)0. )
Porr.ut LUMnnn Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s 2 s , S35 00 ; poplar , % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , # m panel , $3 > 00 ; clear
poplar , K panel stock wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , J , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12o ;
white cedar , 5) ) inch halves and 8 Inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak ( white )
So ; sawed ouk. 18c.
SHIP LUNo. . 1 plainSand 18inch.$17.50 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O.G.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 111 00
2i.O. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 10 DO
2x3..1GK ) 1500 1500 1000 1000 IB 00 19110
2x10..15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
2x12. . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
4x4Sx.8U5 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00
FESCINO No. 1 , 4 und 0 inch , 12 nnd 14 ft ,
rouirh , * 10.00@10.50 ; No. ] , 4 nnd 0 inch , 10 It ,
$17.K1@ ( 17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12und 10 ft ,
$13.50C < el4.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and G inch , 10 ft , 815.00
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st and 2d clear , IJj'inch , s 2 s ,
$49.UO@51.00 ; 1st und 2d clear , 1 } and 2
inch , s 2 -17.COSr)0.00 ; 3d clear. VA inch , s
2 s , $43.00 40.00B ; select , IK , IK and 2 inch ,
B 2 s. $37.00 ® J3.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s
2 s , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s. $30.00 ; A
select. 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch ,
s2s. $30.00.
white pmo partition , $ i2 00 ; 21 Com. % in ,
white pine partition. $27.00 ; clear % in. yel
low pine ceiling $20.00 ; clear % in , .Norway ,
$14.50 ; 3d Com. H In Norway , $13.00.
Bo\uid No , 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
S19.00 ; No. 2 com sis 12.14 nnd 10 ft. $10.50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 s 12 , 14 und II ! ft , $14.50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15,14 and 10 ft ( ship'g cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50c per VI ft for rough.
Halts , 2i inch , OQc ; O. G. Butts , J x3. sso--
S5o ; 3-in wel Itubing , D. & M. and bov. $ i2 ; 10
pickets , D. & H.flat , $20.00 ; pickets , D. & H.
square , $19.00.
FLOOUINO 1st com 0 inch win to pine ,
$31.00 ; 2dcomO inbh white pine , § 31.00 : 3a
com 0 inch white pine , $20.00 ; D cam G inch
white pino. $2000 ; com 4 und 0 inch yellow
pine , $1500 ; Star 4 inch yellow pine , S17.00 ;
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and G inch ,
SinxaLES , LATH , per M XX clear , 5320 ;
extra'A * $3.80 : standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch
clear. $1.UO@1.70 ; 0 inch clear , $ l.75@1.80 ;
No. ) , $1.10@1.15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territorv , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $2.50.
Twines atul Hope.
BINDERS' TWINE Sisal , ISJJc ; hemp. ; c51
manilla , ISo.
CLOTHSLINES Cotton , 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
CO-ft , $1.40 ; jute , 50-tt , 90a ; Jutf. 00-ft , $1.00.
COTION TWINE Fine , 22o ; medium , ll o ;
heavy hemp , lOo ; light hemp , 15c.
SAIL TwiNR B , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 15c ;
Manilla rope , 13J o ; sisal * rope , ll c ; new
products , 8c ; jute , 8c ; cjttou. I''c ; hiuo rope ,
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 South lIUli Street , - Onmlm.
Capitol , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - - - 4OOOO
Olllcera and Directors K. M. Horseman , n
Jl. IlitolicocK , Jos , ( Jnrneiui , Jr. , A. Henry. K
M. AnJer oii. Win. ( i , Mnul. v pros. ; I , . 11. Will
lams. A. 1 > . Ilopklns , pres , ; A. Mlllard , ca .nlur ;
! ' . II. ! ryiuit , UBulutuut uubltler ,
( Mpilul . $100.000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1880 . 52,000
HENUV W. VATKS , I'reslilmit.
LEVMHH. UKKD , Vice 1'reslilfnt.
A. B.Tou/.tiiiN ,
JOHN H. O ) r.ii.NS ,
H. 0. UllKlll.ND ,
w. M. y. iiiKiiiKH. Cusiiier.
Cor. 13th ttud Furuum Hln ,
A General Hanking lluslni'tja Transacted ,
fl end f IM wit jour numo anil artdron to me ami I
will fern ! you u IIKCKII'B that will I'O.ITIVKI.Y
CUIUC 1'M.Kti nnd coit only 10 cvut > . UIIU. 1'UlbON.
1 * . O. lloz Ml , Unuid JUlund. Nkh.
Boots and Shoos.
Succes or to Reed , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bsots & S&oes &
Agents for Hoiton Itubber Bhoa Co. , 1102.1101 uud 1100
llurnuy fUrcet , otuana. Nebraska.
S'fOItZ & 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
. 1531 North Eighteenth street , Omaha , Neb.
Maiinfeclnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\Vlmlorv-cnps nml motillo lylelit9. ) .lohn Uponctcr ,
proprietor , lie ana llubouili lUtli an cot.
, Pines and Engines ,
Btl&m , water , rnllwnr nnd mining auppllie , etc.
to ) , Vft and W Fanmni atroet , OmiUia. .
Steam and Water Sniulics ,
tlallUar ulnd mllli. 913 and 920 Jones it. , Omatia.
G. f. Uo&i , AotliiK ilnnoner.
Engines , Boilers and General MacMncry ,
BlieeHronnori , itenm pumpi , sun tnllli. 121J.1215
l.eovcaw rth street , Omaha.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cat ? Iron Building Work ;
KQKlncs , brass work , general foundry , mncblnoaDd
blacksmllU work. Oillco anil worki , U. 1 * . Hj.
and nth itruct , Omaha.
Mannfacturers of Wire andiron Railings
Dcik talli. window guanla. ( lower itandi , w
etc. KU Norlli HiU streetOmnha.
Man'K ! ' of Fire and Burglar [ roof Safes ,
Vaults , jail work , Iron itiuttcri and flro eicapca.
U. Audreen. prou'r. Corner HCi and Jaukion nil.
* ( > rOM UfitAJKBM 4 flvu * *
MnrguiiI'nrUlnearrhlcsBO ) . Hoarding
BclUKil for Olrli mid VOUHK J dlei. Fur
cauloeuo ttddreM (1. Til AYKU. 1,1 , . I ) . ,
' C'Mcaii 0.111 ,
llfuullfully and houlthfully ltu teil. tlioroiinliljr
fiuli'uoil. ' und f viak 'f > * < Inl i'nr to liunltli und niuru !
trulnluv. ' 1U llur. AUT11UU 1'11'Hll , A , U , Warden.
Horthwestern Hlliiary Mcauemy ,
Twoiitr-tlirea rallet north of tlilcairot IIKI a fall
cor PI of eiperlenceit liiitructor ( tl u cuurtt-i ol
ttuilr. and uniurpantd facllltlet ( or Initrnctlnn ,
bealth. borne coiulurti and CiirUllun luBueuce.
Uttud jor cttluloeus to Highland Turk , 111 ,
Hgricult'l ' IinplCuionts , Wagons , Carrlaecf
ItiiKsl , etc. Wkolctn e. Oinnha , Nebraska ,
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture ,
Knrnnm ttieot , OmMia , Nctiraoka.
Furniture ,
Omahn , N
" " "
, miAbr & coT
Wliols alc Grocers.
Ittb and Loavonivortli atre < t < . Omnhi , Ntbraikk.
ir. j.
Heayy HMware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprliiiii , wajcn lick , liarjirnra , lumtiur , cW. 1201
_ _ nd lll llaiutr lu t , Umaka. _ _
Manu [ ncturoM r.nd Job' eraln
Wagons , Buggies Rake ; , Plows , Etc.
Cor. Dili and 1'uclito strools. Omaha.
Artlt M ntorlnB
fA , HOisPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Dounlns street , Onnua , Nobmskn.
Boots nnd Shoos.
ir. V. MORSE A CO. , I
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1
1101 , 1103 , llttt Douitlns ilrrot , Om.itia. MnnufnctcrTt
butumuratrvot , lioatun. _
_ Coal , Coke , Eto. _ _
Miners and Shinpers of Coal ani ( Me ,
llooin 21 , U. S. Nutloiml Hunk ItulUlliK , ttnnhft.
Jobters of Hard an ! Soft Coal ,
a Hontlil3tli tlrjat , Ouialia.
Shippers of Coal and Cok
214 South IStli it. , Ouiahn , Nob.
WliolesalG Lnmber , Eta
Imported nnd American PortlanJ "cmcnt. StaM
affunt for Milwaukee nydrau.tcitmflMi and
Uutiujr white lime.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood curpi'ti nnd imrquct lloonuu. VtU and DouiclM
ttioels , Omulm , tfi'b.
Ml Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
ISth street nnd Union I'aclllc Hack , Omalm.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Dooii. Etc. Ynntu- Corner "til And Dougkva. OBlet
Corner lUtli and Douvlaj.
Lnmoe1 Lime Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer 9tU nnd Douulun its. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnte ,
13th and California ttrei-tn.OmalinNabrnska.
55HUU J ! SJli ! Noiof1-a'- . -
Ininorters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
20) ) , 211) ) and 212 South llth stioet.
Wholesale Notions and Furiishing , Goods ,
1124 llamoy Street , Oiuaha.
Commission and Storage.
Storjge and Commission Merchants ,
Bpfclultlos Huttor , PREI , chccso. poultry , garni.
1112 Howard ftrcct.Umaun , Nob.
Dry Goods anjd Notloiri .
" 5E. . SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Good ? , Furnishing Goads and Notions 7
1KB and 11011/ouglrta , cor , lltli atrcet , Onuilia , Nob. 7
Inmorters & Jobbers in Dry GaodsNotions ,
Goit'i ( urnlflilne KOodK. Corntr llth aud llarnoy
BtiectSiOiuaba. Nubrusltu.
Bnilders1 Hardware and Scale Repair ShOB
Mechanic ! ' tool and Buffalo scalci. UOi Dougla *
street. Omaha , Nob. .
Jobburi of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy ttooto ,
- - furnlthlnn goodi. clilldron'a cv1" " " ' '
r aruam itreel , Omuha , Neb.
Wholesale Refined and Lulirieating Oils ,
Axle grease , etc. . Omaha. A. II. Ulihop , Manager
Papor. f. t---w
Wholesale Paper Ds lers ,
Cam a nlco "took nf prlnlln" . wrnnplnif mi. ) nrlUn *
payer. Special attention Klren to card paper
Sash , Doorsi Eto.
M. A. DISBltOW & CO. ,
Wholesale msnufaotiircrs ol
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
Branch office , Ulli aad liartl ttrcots , Omaha , Net ) .
Ol'THl !
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Uest Kouto from Omaliu nud Council
Bluffo to
Clilcngo , AND Milwaukee ,
8t. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Bock Island , Fr i-port , Itockford , ,
Cilntoii , .Jhibiuiue , Davenport , i
Elglu , Mudlsuu , Jniiesyllle , \
llclulU U'lnonn , La Crossc ,
And all other Important point' Kill , Nortlitait and
For through ticket * call on tlio tUket mioBt atlCOl
Karnam ttrtcllu Darker lllook , or nt Udlo 1'ucifla
Dupot , *
1'ullman Sloaperi anil the finest Dining Car * In th
worlilure run on lh main line ot thu iblcavu , Mil ,
waukco It Ut. I'Bul llBllwur. nU aiutj a'.tiotlon II
paid to imiitnutru \ > j couiuoui emplo ; > ot tUa
company. lOHI.I.Kll. aenor * ! Mannxer.
j. F.TDCKKII. Aiiletiutljeiieral Manager.
A. V , It. CAlU'UNlUlt , UcuHrai I'mienucr and
Tl < kfl Ancnl.
UKO. K. 1IKAKKOBI ) . Amiilnat 0 en oral 1'uicogef
ml Ticket Aitrnt.
T. J. OUA UK , Utnural tjopirlnttndcot.
VintJCV undRllnrlnuiy troulilos oaHllynnlck >
MUllUl ) y anil Bufoly cured by DOC I'D It A
Capsules. Bererul caa s cured In seven iluyd.
Hold ut 51.f/ < ) per box , ull Urtiti tH , or by mull
from Doctura ll't'x CX ) , lit Wultu fct. , N , 5f.
A GOODRICH. Att'y at-Uw , 12J Dear
liorn til. , UitcuKu ; advlcu tree ; iil yearn ex >
Iiorienco ; buslucBB cjuletly uua legully truun-