THE OMAHA PAILY BEE : MUDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE , COUNOIL"BLTTFFS. OFKICIC. MO 18 IMSAKIj BTUDIiT. .Deliveredby carrier la Any Part ot ho City a ' 1 wcnty Cents 1'cr Week. . . . , . . II. W. T1L10N , JIAMAOK1U TKLIIPIIONKS : OrriCK No. 43. h'lOUT KlilToit , - m MIISOU JIKNTION. N. Y. P. Co. Glcason coal. D. W. Otis , city nnd farm loans. Boston store leads them all. Dry goods , Carbon Coal Co. , wliolosale.rotall.lO Pearl. G. C. Klrby is building a ? 1,700 residence on Graham avcnuo. A colored anti-prohibition club of thirty members hus been organized in this city. A fac slmlloof the Jewish tabernacle is to bo built in the Congregational church this cvcninc. Architect Schoock is drawing plans for O. W. Butts' now $1,000 residence , at the corner of First avenuu and Ninth street. Tlio body o' the man recently killed in thin city by n Hock Island train was Iden tified yesterday us J. F. C. Nnul , of .Toilet , 111. 111.Tho funeral services of A. W. Benton will bo held Sunday morning at 8 o'clock from the residence of- his brother , E H. Benton , No. 2-JS Third avenue. The remains will betaken taken to Hastings for Interment. Unity Guild will hold Its regular meeting this ( Friday ) afternoon , at U o'clock , with Mrs. Harris , South Flrt street. Members will please note change of date. Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Henry Lighthull , of New York city , and Olllo M. Arrasmuth , of Omaha ; Irving G. Baright , of Omaha , und Sophie Uiunnns , of PoUKhkcepsIc , N. Y , , and Carl U. ICraugU nnd Mathilda Hanson , both of Omaha. The "poverty party" nt the resldcnco of Mrs. A. S. Heck , on Glen avenue , last even- jng , was very largely attended , and was a great success. It netted a neat sum for the Acme club , under whose auspices it was given. It was qulto n social event , and all who attended enjoyed the occasion most thoroughly. Tbo gavel which was used by General Bclkniip , who presided at tbo ctimp lire last night , was captured by him at Charleston , S. C , , from the burning state house , on Sep tember 18 , 1S4 ( ! , just , twenti-llvo years ago. nnd ho gave it to Orderly Clements to care for. It is the gavel that was used in thu llrst confederate convention , and it is for thai reason a very rare and highly prized relic. A painting of Washington , which ho cap tured at that time also , has been returned to the South Carolina capital , at the request of Wudo Hamilton. A unique and interesting Iccuirn will bo given this evening ut the Congregational church under the auspices of the young ladles'society. Hov. Mr. Mureh gives a lec ture on the "Jewish Tabernacle , " and during the evening erects what is said to bo nn exact miniature model of the ancient place of wor ship of the Israelites during their sojourn in the wilderness. Ibis will bo of special in terest to bible students and Sunday schools. At the close of the lecture the young l.tdles will servo an oyster supper hi the parlors of the church. Iho incoming limited train on the North western bumped u boy named Van Atta nt the Broadway crossing yesterday morning. The boy was stealing n ride on another pass ing train and jumped from it just in time to bo struck by the limited , which was slowly bacKlng. The accident was wholly due to the boy's own carelessness. Ho would prob ably have been killed If it had not been for a brakcman who warned him of ttie approach ing train. Dr. Lucy attended to Ilia injuries , which were not sovcro. Miss Julia J. Sullivan , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan , died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock of consumption , aged twenty-two ycais und live months. Deceased was born In Now Haven , Conn. , nnd removed with her parents to this city when but an infant She was one of the teachers in the public Bchools , and was highly esteemed by her associates nnd pupils , 'iho fuileral will talco place from the residence of her parents , 224 Tenth avenue. Saturday morning , September 21 , at 8:45 : , from St. Francis church after hifh mass. Tube paints 7) < c at Chapman's an. storo. Pine Jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn's. ' Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'wy. "Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y Dr. Murphyopticiau , room210 Merriam blk. ' Puirinonnt Pnrlc. The beautiful gem of Council Bluffs set amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant boughs of forest trues. The most des llghtful place imaginable for picnics , tontii parties and quiet rambles. Take the electric motor cars bridge line which lands passengers ia the very heart of the park. Faro from Omaha to the park only 10 cents. The park Is owned and controlled by the city authorities und the best of good order is enforced. _ A Week's Ijntortalnmonr. The Gorman Catbnllo ladles' bazaar com mences next Monday night , t'lio programme for the week will bo us follows : Monday Grand concert. Tuesday Operetta , "Rebellion of the Dai sies. " Wednesday Musical and elocutionary en tertainment. Thursday Quadrille party. Friday Drill by the Light guards. Saturday Voting and ruflllng oft articles. Supper will be served each evening at promptly 0 o'clock. Among the articles to bo drawn will bo an elegant easy chair to the most popular mer chant ; a handsome silk hat and cane to the roost popular railroad engineer ; to the best looking gentleman dry goods clerk , a gold ring ; to the cutest baby , an elegant cane chair ; to the meekest butcher , a lamb ; to the most obedient little girl , a largo doll with trousseau aud traveling trunk ; handsome chamber set to tbo most popular hotel- keeper. S. B , Wadaworth & Co. loan money. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots nt lowest market prices. Call end examine our list , E. II. Sheafe & Co. The Now Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , finest und largebt hotel in western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial men. Attcad the W , 1. Bus.collofic. Council Bluffs. Keating , prescript Ions and drugs , 505 B'd'y. Personal Dr. F. McCUllan und wlfo , of Cedar J5np- Ids , are in the city. Er-Govcrnor B. U. Sherman , of Waterloo , arrived in the city yesterday. . Hon. S. L. Bestow , of ChaHton , domo- 1 cratlo nomluco for lieutenant governor , is in the city. J , M. Bcclitolc , of Burlington , division freight ami passenger agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , was la the city yes terday ca route homo from the Sioux City convention. Now Pacific House , best hotel in the city. | 19 per day. Meals ! 13o. m Get Fountain 5c cigar , nextElsoman block. J. O. Blxby , guaranteed steam boating , S33 Broadway , House and lot for $1. Buy your tickets la grand drawing go we will not have to defer runic. See notlco In special columns , tliiu rage. * Western Lumber ana Supply Co. , 13tb and 14lb streets und 2d and 3d avenues , carry the largest stock of lumber , piling poletiosllino , cement und building1 material iu the went , E. W , Ituyuioud , manager. Social Odd Council Bluffs lodge , No. 49 , L O. O. F. , will visit Omba lodge , No. id , this evening , and luvito all Odd Fellows ia the city to join them ut thuir hall at the opera bousout7:15 : ) > , in. und t'o along and visit our sister lodge across the Missouri. B. V , STEVICK , N. Q. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Victim Idontinod But the Murderer - doror Still at Largo. THE END OF THE REUNION. The Itopubllcnn County Covcntlon Selects Nominee * For County OnicoB Notes of General „ nnil Personal Interest. Tlio Murdered * Mnn Identified. The munlcr ctuo , of which a full account appeared In yesterday's Ben , wns thn toplo of KCnrral conversation on the streets yes- tonlny. It excited far morn attention than did the republican county convention , which wus held t the court house. Everybody wns Inquiring for clues , theories und the latest developments , but there was but very llttloto bo ascertained In ndultlon to what hnd already been made public. Tno Inquest , which was to have hocn hold at 10 o'clock , was again postponed until 3 o'clock In the afternoon , to BOO If some Important facts ro- Kanllnj ; the murder could not bo ascertained , or If perchance the victim could not bo identified. In both of those particulars wjis the Jury successful , for several very material developments have .since- coma into the pos session of the police , und the Identity of the duad man has been fully established. Among those who viewed the remains yes terday morning was mi acquaintance of the deceased , who recojnlzud him 111 William Spears , living on Sixth uvonuo. His wife , who worlis nt the canning factory , was noti fied , mid she Immediately visited the under takers , where the body still remained. Stio stutcu that there was not the slightest doubt that the deceased was her husband , whom she last saw atlvo Sunday afternoon , at which time ho stated that ho was going to pick tomatoes for a gardener just out of the city ; and for this reason she had felt no alarm tiocnusc he dm not return. Sno could furnish no Information that would glvo n clue to the murderer or to what led to the uwful tmgody. She stated that when ho loft ho had about $3 in money , but other fuels In relation to his notions at that time show where the money wont , so that thorn Is not the slightest ground upon whieh to IJHSO n robbery theory. The animus that led to the dentil of the un fortunate man must bo looked for elsewhere. The Inquest was finally held , but with closed doors , und all newspaper representa tives were religiously excluded. Neither the coroner nor Jurors could bo prevailed upon to reveal what transpired or what was the imturo'of the testimony Introduced. The only resource for the reporters was to watch at the door und waylay everyone who at tempted to puss eitlier in or out. In tills way several important facts were gleaned. It was learned that Spears was scon sev eral times Monday afternoon und evening , the last time being but about an hour before no was killed. Ho was drinking heavily and wns considerably under the inllucnco of liquor. Ilo was seen in a North Main street saloon about 4 o'clock , and HIM in in the alloy in tno rear of the "lied Front , " on South Main struct , about 0 o'clock , ut vVhlch time ho was very drunk and alone. Shortly after 7 o'clock ho was seen by a watchman at the Northwestern depot , in co.npany with two or three others , and was ordered away. The party proceeded up the railroad track toxvard the roundhouse , and it was but little more than an hour afterward thui the roundhouse employes heard ttio noise referred to in yesterday's issue , in the direction of the spot where the dead mini's b-uiscd and bat tered Dody was found Wcdnosdiiy evening. Such are the facts , as learned from wit nesses who were summoned before the cor oner's Jury , regarding what transpired dur ing the fuw hours preceding the murder. Suspicion naturally attaches to those who wero.with tho.deceascd when last seen , al though In the : ibscnco of eye witnesses nil evidence is necessarily circumstantial. The police huvo been devoting their efforts to looking after these parties , who , it is stated , are two brothers named Brown , and one Thomas Kulston. living in the northern part of the city. Halston was arrested curly yes terday morning by Oftlcor Cusick. Onn ot these parties , Theodora Brown , is wall known to the police , and has been ar rested numerous times for various crimes and misdemeanors. Ho is said to have served one term in the penitentiary for man slaughter , and is regarded as n bad man. Brown , aside from being with the deceased when last seen alive , was the one who first identified the remains yesterday morning. Ho was very much excited , and is , quite naturally , un object of special interest to the police justut the present lime. Under the circumstances , it is quite neces sary to find a motive for the murder , but clews in this direction are somewhat scarce. It is alleged by ono witness that there had been trouble between the deceased and the Browns , over a uonplo of girls who live within about a quarter of a tnile of where the murder was committed , and It is possi ble that this diflleulty may have culminated In the tragedy. The drunken brawl theory is not generally accented as the correct ono. The location of the spot where the brutal work was done BO far from frequented paths oC , travel , and in a lonesome tract of woods does'uot admit of such a theory. In this respect , the circumstances paint to pre meditated murder. Spears is alleged to have stated on Monday that ho had no money , but that ho would have $5 Tuesday morning , ni ho was to uluy for a dance in the northwestern part of the city that evening. Where the dance was to have been hold Is not known. The case is a good ono to test tbo detective powers of the police , and hereafter , instead of devoting their time to following the latest developments of the Cronln case , they can work to good advantage looking for the man who killed Spears. In the accounts given by some of the pa pers it is asserted that the dead man was shot through the temple and badly cut with a knife. 'Ihoro is no foundation whatever for these statements , as all of the wounds found upon the head of the deceased were undoubt edly made by the club with which the mur der was committed. This is the opinion of the nhysiciaiiH who huvo oxamincd the body. Whether there was more than ono of tbo murderers Is a matter of conjecture. Tlio statement that there must have been nt least three of the murderers on account of the wounds of a club , Hnlfo and pistol is all buu- combo The coronor's jury Is carefully Investiga ting the matter , and will not return a verdict until the facts ere sifted to the bottom. Kclloy & VounUrrnmn sell groceries. Chase aud Sauboru coffees a specialty. Steam and hot water boatlne , first-class plumbing , \Vork done in both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. . Hereafter our store will bo open until 0 o'clock p. m. John Ueno & Co. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. 12. 11. Sboafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Mala streets , up stairs. The Uppuullonn County Convention. The republican county convention for tbo nomination of candidates for county offices and the stutu legislature mot in tbo south room of the court house at 1030 ; yesterday morning. J. J. Stoadmau was made tern. porary chairman. When bo took the chair ho tuado an Impromptu but spirited speech , Ho referred In happy terms to the national republican triumph , und ia strong language to the fact that every pledge the party bad made had boon righteously fulfilled up to this present day of 1B89. The Industrial situation of the country was never BO good In the history of the nation , and this result was duo to the grand achievement of the people ple at tbo polls last November , The proi- porlty of Iowa , past and present , was too In timately associated with republican party to permit of disseveranceToday we point to a state with the grandest oubllo institu tions and the most expensive public buildings in the union. To-day wo point to u elate without a cent of Indebtedness ; to a itate with the greatest number of public schools ; with the lowest ratio of Illiteracy * and with the lowest taxes of uuy of the grand commonwealths ot our nation. As the party of progress In every direc tion wo can congratulate ourselves that the ticket wo nominate hero to-day can bo elected if earnest harmony characterizes the work of all. Principles are paramount to all personal und solllsh Interests , nnd fol lowing the grand ticket selected In thb state convention lot us make It n victory in Potta- wottamio county. J. H. MoArthur , of Avocn , was nindo tem porary secretary. Walter J. Smith moved the appointment by the chair of committees on credentials , resolutions una permanent organization , who should makeup their re ports while the convention took n recess until 2 p. m. Curried. On reconvening In the afternoon there was n much larger nttcndnnco than in the morning , every seat being occuulod and many spectators were obliged to stand. Mr. Booth , of Ncolu , niado a short speech , * after which Hon. Joseph Lvman was called out. Ho told the early history of the repub lican party In this country , nnd concluded by declaring that the Gorman voters were getting tired of the way the democrats were treating them , and were gradually coming back. The committee on credentials reported at 2:20 : o'clock the names of the delegates entitled - titled to seats in the convention. Four town ships were not represented.Thov were Lincoln , Center , wnvolnnd and Knno nt , largo. Ncola was represented by two delegates - gates , and the committee reported that each bo allowed two votes. The committee on permanent organization reported the name ? of Hon. Joseph Lyumn , of Council Bluffs , for chairman , nnd Frank Llndsoy , of Avoea , for secretary. The resolution udoutcd by the temporary organization endorsing Senator W. B. Alli son , was then adopted by the permanent organization. On motion Messrs. Thomas J , Uvans , of Council Bluffs , nnd W. H. Freeman , of Oak land , wcro nominated by acclamation as members for the legislature. The committee on resolutions then re ported , endorsing the national republican platform , denouncing the democratic ollloials of the city and county for thotr neglect to en force the law , and apparent alliance with the law Defying element. For county treasurer , Mr. H. A. Smith , of Hardin township , was nominated by accla mation. In llko manner Mr. E. H. Ohlcndorf was was made the nominee for county auditor. For sheriff the names of S. B. Frum , of Pleasant township , and Gus Lavonbarg , of Hardin township , were placed in nomination. The convention proceeded to u formal ballot , but before the result was announced , the friends of Air. Lavonbarg withdrew his name , and moved the nomination of Mr. Frum , whieh motion prevailed unanimously. For coroner. Dr. ,1. F. White , of Council Bluffs , was nominated by acclamation. There were four candidates for members of the board of supervisors. They were Henry Cook , of Norwalk ; Fred Sperling , of Council Bluffs ; O. Lawson , of Silver Crook , nnd D. F. Perry , of Hiidin. On tbo first ballot Sperling received 74 votes , Perry 75 , Cook 27 und Lawson UO. Messrs. Perry and Sperling wore declared the nominees. For county superintendent of schools the names of Walter I. Smith , of Council Bluffs , nnd W. P. Swarm , of Wuluutworo presented. Too latter was nominated by acclamation. A ballot for surveyor gave Thomas Toster- vin 80 votes and C. It. Allen 29. The former was declared the nominee. After calling the roll of members of the central committee for a meeting in tbo H > rary room the convention adjourned. E. H. Shcafe & Co. give special attention to the collection of runts and caroof property in the city and vicinity. Charges moderate. Oftice Broadway and Main streets. Money loaned at Li. 1J. Craft's & Co. 'a loan oillco on furniture , pianos. hordes , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Swanson Music Co. , 3T3 Broadway. C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Finest market in city J. M. Suanlnn's. The Crocker Brigade Banquet. The llfth biennial reunion of Crocker's celebrated Iowa brigade was brought to u most successful termination last evening with a grand banquet at the Masonic temple. Covers were laid for COO guests , nnd tbo tables were filled. The ball was elaborately decorated , the stage being a bank of flowers and foliage. The national colors hung in graceful festoons from every chandelier and corner to which they could bo attached. The tables were likewise handsomely dec orated , and the scene after the guests wcro seated was a most animated uud pleasing ono. After the choice viands had boon disposed of , General Bolknap , as president of the as sociation and master of ceremonies , an nounced that there would bq no regular toasts , but that the boys might call for whomsoever they pleased , but that all would bo limited to five minutes , us they wanted to "whoop 'er up , " and were to bo tied to no set of speeches. Delightful music was furnished by the Cedar Kupids ana Omaha Glee clubs , and Mrs. Colonel Cheek , of Des Moines , favored with u pleasing solo which captured the house. J. H. Mollenry raised a storm of applause with "Benny Havens , Oh. " Miss Louie Molilroy's recitation received the most en thusiastic applause , a flttinir tribute to her ability as un elocutionist. Ex-Governor Sherman und Attorney General Stone wcro called for and responded most fittingly. Dnibo.v's band played several ol their Hnest selections , and the trumpet und ilfo und drum each had its part in the programme. The reunion was the largest as well as the most enjoyable over held by the brigade. Before tups was sounded , a number of reso lutions , thanking the proprietors' of the Ogdcn , house for their excellent provision and kind treatment ; the citizens of Council Bluffs for the extra entertainment given them , and the military authorities or the recular army for courtesies extended , were passed. Thus closed most fittingly the first reunion of the britnulo m western Iowa. See the building of the tabernacle at tbo Congregational church this evening. Buy 25o worth of Fountains at the Foun tain cigar store and got a chance in the South Omaha lot to be rallied November 25. KOUT11 OMAHA NEWS. Tlio Presbyterian Koolnl. Ono of tbo most satisfactory and pleasant socials over held in the city was the Pink social , bold by tno Ladles Aid society of the Presbyterian church , Thursday evening , The musical and literary programme was very line , whllo the ladles had a lunch.sued as is usual with them , as palatable and as nicely served as they could wish to have It , nnd as Inviting as friends could desire. Too much credit can not bo given for the good judgment and excellent taste displayed and thu interest shown to guests. It was a Pres byterian success. IMnk Social Programme. The following programme has been ar ranged for the pink social to bo given by the Ladles' Aid society ia tbo Presbyterian church this evening : QIoo , Ovcrthe.Hills Young Folks. Scotch ballad , . . . . , Miss Ella McDonald. Mr. James C. Curloy , Mra. Edward D , Munilmw and Mr. L. P. Hltto. Song , All on Account Miss Ella McDonald , Mr , James C. Carloy , Mrs. Edward D. Munshaw and Mr. L. P. Hltto. Recitation , Miss Cora 1C. Smith Cornet solo La Cadenza Mr , James U. Carloy. Heading , . . . . .Mr , James M. Grontham Quartette Old Love Song Miss Ella McDonald , Mr. James O. Carloy , Mrs. Edward I ) , Munshuw and Mr , L. Hltto ; accompanist , Allss Kate Wyuaau , A Ministerial Call. At a mceilngof the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church of Albright the following resolution was passed ; Whereas , Tun Hev. William D. Luther has so ably and satisfactorily filled bis position as pastor during the year now closed , and and In recognition of those services , and m the belief that ho is the best man for tbo church and cotaminJJ3' } . for the coining year , wo earnestly requiwVftho confcronco now in session nt Nollgh to return him to this charge if consistent. BOAHD OP TKUSTEKS. ? | .Soton Atjfi'fit ilio City. A front addition has been put on Smith's saloon nt Albrlitht. Tbo boiler for Stating the high school bulldjng Is being nut in. John F. Jackcrot'l tins Bold bis hardware slock nnd removed to-Omaha. Dr. E. L. Ernrfp\il's fast nnd valuable horse , Wednesday1i\led , \ of colic. Dudley Sullivan ha * remove 1 to Twehty- fltst street betwcerf 1C und S streets. Some of the Iron for the Q street viaduct has arrived nnd the balance will follow. Henry Mathn , of the Gcorgo H. Hammond k Co. Packing houses , is off on account of Illness , H. W. Brockott yesterday commenced work on his now house on Twenty-thirdnear I street , A nuuibor of the Masonic fraternity wont to Omaha Thursday evening to attend St. John's lodge. Dr. C. E. O. Smith pulled down some frame worlc on himself und had n narrow1 es cape from being injured. The striking coopers at the Omaha pack ing house arc still out , and the company re fuses to grunt the demands. JuilBO King lined O. W. Wooilxvorth $10 and costs for cutting a tilir hole above James Clark's right eye with a beer glass. The demands of the striking coopers nt the Omaha Packing company's houses have not been granted , nnd the men nra still out. Camp E. 1C. Wells , No. 7'J , is arranging to give an entertainment , and members urn now rehearsing the drama "Our Heroes. " Tlio Protestant Episcopal church will give an oyster supper In room No. 41)9 ) , Twenty- llfth street , Uiloy building , Tuesday even ing. President W. H. Goodman has called the trustees of , the Presbyterian church to meet Tuesday oven leg nt S o'clock in the Boomer ofllce. Peter Grant requests to have it announced that Mr. James Mclntyro and ho must have their unfinished fight fought fairly nnd tea a finish. The machinery for the new additions to the Gcorgo H. Hammond & Co. packing house , has bcca receive. ! uud is being placed in position. Joseph Hosco , a vng , was fined S3. The vigilance of the police saved him from being killed by the cars and the coroner from bolding - ing an inquest over his body. Paul Porcn , nn employe at the Gcorgo II. Hammond packing houses , got bis loft baud scratched with a boar's tusk , and now is nursing u poisoned hand badly swollen and very painful. AVilllum D. Bennett , in the hog gang of the Swift & Company packing houses , hud a knlfo slip thrcugh his right baud Thursday afternoon inflicting a painful wound oa the largest linger. Charles Porggrcn , of the beef slaughter ing gang at the Armour-Cudahy packing houses , wlulo at work about 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon , was cut on the back of the right hand. A business meeting of the temperance lit erary society will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church Friday evening , and on Friday evening , the 27th , u literary enter tainment will bo givea in the same church. The generous nnd appreciating citizens of Albright presented the Uov. Mr. William D. Luther , pastor of the Albright Methodist Episcopal church , with a purse of $50 before ho loft for conference. President , Thomas Hector has called Ta special meeting of Division No. 3 , A. O. H. , to meet in A. O. H. Hall , Uowloy's block , Saturday evening. All members are re quested to attend , as important business will bo transacted. Arrangements have been completed for the opening dance by. the Etnonon Friday evening. It is expected that every member will bo present and that one of the most suc cessful parties oversold by tbo club will bo its opening dance. The Emerald Social club has made full preparations for a splendid time at the second end social and dance to be given this evening in A , O. H. hail , liowley's block Supper will bo served at the Omaha restaurant. No. 323 Twenty-llfth street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyter ian church give a pink social in the church this evening ana expect to present the finest church entertainment ever witnessed by a South Omaha audience. Strangers are wel come and will bo served with pleasure. A literary society is being organized in the * St. Agnes Catholic congregation. A pre liminary meeting was heldand Miss Hannah Cusick was elected chairman , and Thomas Flaherty secretary. The next meeting will bo hold in St. Agnes churoh Sunday evening at 7M o'clock. All interested arc invited to attend and become members. Mrs. Frances Boyle yesterday received a loiter from Mr. Boyle stating that ho and Mr. HalTorty had arrived safely In Ireland , and would arrive nt their old homos on the 3d or 4th lust. The many friends of Mr. Kafforty will bo pleased to learn that his health is much improved , and that ho is feel ing quite well and strong. Mr. Frank E. Adams , of this city , and Miss Kltlio Curoy , of Sheridan , Ia. , were married ut o'clock last niirht at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Adams , N street. Justice E. 1C. Wells officiated. After supper the party sat down to a line dinner at the Dolmonicoand loft on tho7:55 : dummy train to visit friends at Boone and Perry , Ta. Ab mr I'copl . C. Johnson is listed among the sick. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Cressy , of Oakland , Ia. , are the guests of Mr , and .Mrs , Ferdi nand Graham. John Ilannan , of the Omaha Despatch , was In the city Wednesday , the guest of his friend , Morgan Houffoy. Pntor Grant has crone to Denver on a two weeks' visit with friends. In social circles it Is rumored that Mr. Grant , on his return , will marry an estimable young woman. Fred Decker , formerly of Kuhn & Decker , loft last night for San Francisco , Cal. John S. Prince , the Omaha athlete and manager of the Coliseum , was in the city yesterday. S. M. Press started last nlcht for Des Molncs , Ia. , to meet his father , who has Just arrived from ICovna , Russia , about ono hun dred miles west of St. Petersburg. Mr. Press has not scon his venerable father for sixteen years. They will return to this city together. _ LOUISIANA'S SCANDAL. Tlio Investigation Continues to De velop Now Cases of Fraud. NEW OULEANS , Sept. ID. The investiga tion by tbo state officials nnd parties Inter ested in the atato securities continues to de velop new cases of 'fraud almost every day. It now appears that forgery has been added to thett in the fraudulent floating of bonds of the state througuHha criminality or care lessness of the statds , ' trusted servants. In addition to $303,009 pf consolidated bonds upon which Interest payments have just been stopped , and many of which have boon surreptitiously put upon the market instead of being cancelled , rtliero has been discov ered in private hands u number of 4 per cents issued under act 131 of 1830 , Unown us bonds , that are clearly un ovor-lusuo made in fraud. This evening's indications are that the un authorized bonds placed upon the market will amount , with tlio.sum paid from the In terest fund to nearly 1,000,000. T1LJU UI < ! ' /HE CABLE. Tlio Sheriff Compels Kaunas City Mi cot Cui-a to Stop. KANSAS CJTV , Mo. , Sept. 19. The sheriff repleviucd the Tenth street cable engine lust night for Hoover , Owens & Houtchlcr , of Hamilton , O. , to satisfy a balance of f 1,000 duo. Ho stopped the engine , leaving the cars standing on tracks. The company's patrons , most of whom live In the suburbs , wcro obliged to wain. At mldnlgat the bondholders of the road , most of whom live in Chicago , came into possession ot the road according to un agreement with the stock holders , Their attorney guaranteed tbo bal ance duo the Hamilton llriu uud cars are running us usual this morning , Fatal Mexican Waterspout. CITV OP Mexico , Sept. 19. A waterspout yesterday burst over Ccrrn Gordo , near Araudez , Jails county , causing several deaths. Live stock was twopt avray and houses destroyed. The exact number of deaths and tbo extent of the damage Is not known. IT IS ONI.V A FAlltY The Latest Story About Dr. Cronln' * Alnrilcr Denounced. CHICAGO , Sept , 19. The morning papers all denounce yesterday's sensational story about Lo Caron's daughter bavlo'g furnished evidence tlmt Dr. Cronln was murdered by emissaries of tbo British government as a plot of the so-called "triangle. " The Even , ing News publishes the following : "Why , the story isn't any peed , supposing. it wcro true , " laughed Judge Longoncckor , referring to the fairy tale of letters from Gertie LcCaron , which nra said to contain the true story of thu mur der of Dr. Cronln. ' 'The letters nro utterly inadmlssnblo as evidence , " ho continued , "and then , if they wcro , does that explain away the guilt of the defendants hero ! If Coughlln secured the whitp horse to driva the doctor to death , how docs this story ex cuse him ) Why should Burke , who hired tbo Carlson cottage , oscapot It Is a prepos terous story ntiu utterly useless as a de fense. " The ilnry Quest. CHICAGO , Sept. 19. The Cronln Jury quest was resumed this morning , but up to the close of the morning session no additional jurymen wore secured. When called after recess it was under stood that the attorney for Woodruff , who is to have a separate trial , would move for the discharco of his client on tbo ground that the statutory time under which ho U entitled to a hearing had passed. The states attorney arose and said to the court , "Woodruff Is also hold for horse steal ing , and on his own motion that case was continued until next term. In addition on his motion this case was continued to August IS , and then to this term by consent. On his own showing the state has the whole of this term to try him , and under n suu'iomo court decision can continue it until next term on showing good cause. " The matter was sot for a hearing to-morrow afternoon. No more jurymen were secured to-day. MBS. HAMILTON CONVICTED. The Jury Finds Her Guilty of Assault- Inp Nurse Donnelly. MATS LANDING , N. J. , Sept. 10. At the trial to-day of Mrs. Hamilton for assault upon Nurse Donnelly , the closing speeches were made to the jury by counsel for the de- fcnsu and prosecution. Tbo court then ad journed until 1:45. : It was nearly 2 o'clock when the court reassembled. The judge at once began his charge to the jury. It was clearly against the prisoner. The Jury , after being out a short time , brought in u verdict of atrocious assault. Mrs. Hamilton fainted upon hearing the verdict. She was then sen tenced to two years in state prison. Save Your Hair BY a timely use of Aycr's Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean , cool , nnd healthy , and picservcs the color , fullness , and beauty of the hair. " I was rapidly becoming bald nnd gray ; but after using two or thrco bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was restored. " Melvlu Aldrich , Canaan Centre , N. II. "Somo time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. After due waiting , no now growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor aud my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently como to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature. " J. B. Williams , Florcsvillo , Teras. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for tbo past four or live years nnd find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is nil I could desire , being harmless , causing the hair to retain its natural color , and icrndring but a small quantity to render the buir cosy to arrange. " Jlra. M. A. Bailey , 9 Charles street , Havcrhill , Mass. " I have been using Ayor's ITalr Vigor for several years , and believe that it lias caused my hair to retain its natural color. " Sirs. II. J. King , Dealer in Dry Goods , &c. , Bishopville , Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor , yz Or. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Cold by Urueglilsuud Pcrfumen. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SM.E AND RINT. IlIG bargain I lots In Uldtllei Biib on flth ave. N. P. Phillips , room 6 , Kverett block. Gir/ri edged property U lots In Torwllllger's add. S. P. Phillips. 1 LOT In Van Ilrunt & Ulce's add. N. P. Phil- .1 lips , Everett block. 0 LOTS In Central sub. N. P. Phillips , room 0 , Kverett blocic. _ IfiOT on Lower Ilroadway. Btreotsvllle. N. P. Phillips , room fi , liverett block. _ furms in Nebraska and Kansas IMPROVED for city property. N. P. Plilllljia , room B , .Kverett block. _ 1 OTS In Kerry addition forsaleoneasyterms , UN. 1 * . Phllllpg. _ TTNINCUMI1KHI5D lands to exchange for U farms or city property. N. P. Phillip. i , room 5 , Everett block , RHAIj KSTATK-llonght and soil ana ex changed. Special attention clven to exam ination of titles.V. . 0. James , No. Ill J'earl st. TJIORSAtiK Two line now six-room houses on J ? Pacltlo ave. will be sold chesp for a small payment down and balance to unit purchaser. Kerr & Gray. 101 Pearl St. , upatalra. FOIt BALK One of the best paylnn cream eries la Iowa , making now over I.OiJO pounds butter tlaily. Also a large brick butter , ecjr aud poultry house , all complete with large cold storage elevator , etc. . doing 1)1 if business. Price of this entire plant complete $ u.OU ( ) ; J 1,0X1 casn. bai. In 5 and in years. Or would take good city property , or No. I laud tor the 94.0X ) payment. Jlnsluessdone last year$37,030 , will exceed that tals year , and it Is the only plant In the county. Kmjutro ot Kerr & Gray , Ul Peurl t. , nnitulr.-i , FOIt llKNT-IIouaos In all parts ot the city Kerr & Gray , 1U1 Pearl at. , upnalra. M1O III ! Itiillled Oct. 1st , new house , /ur / o lot. JL warranty deed : property worth I4.00J. TlckoU worth (1. At Fountain , .Manhattan , Jlooro & llowman'HClKar store and Green's Hhoe store , 1'artlculartt , addresa l 17Second avenue. EOIl SA HE Well established hardware more Including tin Hop. Good , clean , new stoct of stoves , etc. , In a-htory brick building , -'iM ) , with elevator and warehouse. Good reasons for Belling. II.Qrahl. 101 K. H-way. Co. Illuffg. FOH 8ALK Acre property in city , reasonable Kerr & Gray. Council lllulTa , ) 8AL13 or exchange New 5-room house IVIt 1 good location , will exchange for BO acres of improved land In Western Iowa , or will nell and take part la vacant lots. Kerr & Urny , Council llluim , la. FOIt KIICIIAXOK-KSO acres in Audubon On , , II miles from Co. soar , well improved. Will exchange for Improved Council Illulfa property , Kerr & Gray , Council Hlmta. "Ij'iOIt 8 A JjE or Itent Garden land with houses , X1 by J. It. Klce , lUi Main st. , Council Illulfa. T > AlllUTT Place lota for ualu by V. J. Way. GO IJOQlt at the Habbltt Place on Upper Ilroadway , then Keo 1' , J , Day. \XfJI. BIflnKNTOPP , Heal Estate. Special > attention given to examination and cor rection of title to lands and lots ta city and county. No. 8. North Main st. . . . . . . r ' I I I M l -l l.l l. I. I. II I H I - ! ! II ' FOIl SALE Acre lots In Orchard plai. Tills property is located in the itlce nuraery. soutnof. the main part of thx city. 1 miles from court house , Ueo. Mutcalf , U Pearl st , imOH UKNT ElKht new 5-room ootugos on K Avenue II , hackett'o add. to city , Itenta rery reasonable. Call and let us show you them. Kerr&Gray > TIHCIE ! Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECntlC 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications nnd estimates turnlRht-d for complete steixm plant * . Iti'Rttlntlon. .lurablllty guaranteed , Can show letters from users where fuel economy Is o < im\l w ith Corliss Nou-Conilenslng. fc'emJ for c-Rtnlnjno. * E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. CIO Pcnrl Street , Council Bluffs. If I j fiIJ FOIl UKN'T-7 of the most beautiful cottages In Council llluin ; ouo block from motor line ; new houaus ; city water in the houses ami all modern coifvunleuces. Sou K'err A Gray , IjMH SAIjK 1'JJ aero farm In Jasper county , -L'lou'n , locAtwl coal mlnoj thar are in operation. Them Is a live foot vein of coal under the farm. ( Jeo. Mutcalf , No. 10 1'oarl st. HOUSKS for rent In all parts ot the city. F. J. Day. T710H HUNT Severn ! new modern houses JJ from II to 10 rooms , well located Apply to \V. W. linger , -JS 1'earl nt , , Council lllutr-i. F Oil SAI.K Nice new house nrnl lull lot up town , SDJO ; J1UO cash. Johnston k Van 1'st- ten. GOOD lots up town , f JOO each. Johnston & Van I'ntten. FIN 1C lot on Olln avo. for snlo. Jol.nRton St Van 1'atttn. "rOUSKandloton Washington ave. , $2,500. Johnston & Van Patten. < JJO7fC will buy a lot in Pierce add. Inquire JJ.i I Oat Jonubtoa A : Van Piitten. will make the first payment or a new live-room house for sale by Johnston 4 Van 1'attcn. I7WKSALK Improved and unimproved prop JU erty m every part of the city. Karo ojipor tunHles for inventors who seek Hpecniatioin ; uplaniUd opportunities for these \ylio deslro homes. Geo. Metcalf. No. 10 I'oarl st. tr.3 _ BUSINKSS locations oc Main nnd Hroadway at great barcams. Geo. Jlotcalf. No. 10 1'earl Bt. _ SALE SO feet lake frontage located be tween C II. l > oat house and Munawa beach. Also a number of cliolce lots In llegattu place. Geo. .Metcalf , No. 10 1'ourl st. IF you want some gcmimo snaps In cliolco.lots on bottoms call uml sec Kerr .V Gray. They have lorue lots that must be sold regardless of cost before Nor. 1. MISCELLANEOUS. KXCHANGi : Kl acres of garden joining FOIt Chautiimiim grounds ; frame honsu and barn. Will exchange orniltv for : t room Imuno and lot la Council Illutls. Enquire of Kerr A Gray. T71011 Ul'CIIANOK-ISJnrra farm In I'ottn- JL' wattamlo Co. lor u IIOIHO und lot In Council Hlnirs. Johnston i : Van I'utton. tOH BXCHANGU Pour line houses In Umalm for well Improved farm. Johnston & Van 1'atten. OOI ) property to exchange for mcrchan- Gi illso. , Johnston & Van Patten. FOIl KXCHANOK-A ISi bbl llourliifj mill for good farmliiK land. Also n good brick hotel in Iowa. Illg bargains for Home one , ( Jood reasons for selling. Kerr & Gray , 1U1 Pearl st. Kerr .V Oray nnvo removed thulr RKMOVAL olllce to 1011'earl .st , M lloor. " \TOTICi : Kerr .V Oray will nntyoii upahousu X > to your own plans and sell It to you on monthly payments. Call on them It you are in need of one and get their figure * . /"V'KIJj ' IIKOS. .t CO. loan money. The most vvllberal terms olfcrod. 1UI I'oarl st. CTIAHM ; boarders wanted at l i Dentnn Htroot. -L ( Jood board ut reasonable rates. Mrs. I , W. Cooper. G Il'KH ORNTloans made on real estate , cash on , bund. F. J. Day , homo on Oakland ave. at a bargain. F , J. Day. _ HOMES foraale on monthly payments. K.'J. Day. _ ) acres good bottom land In Iowa to ex 29) change for vacant lots In Council Illulfs. H. E. Mayne. 01' ) Ilroadway. _ ep 10 down and $5 per month. Ilgood lots to hell tp on terms. High ground , fnll elzo uud title perfect , li. H , Mayne , 61'J ' Ilroadway. I iy-iaW Ilroadway , First avenue and Avon- Jnes A and 11 cheap , I" . J. Day. _ _ will buy lot 0. lilk SI , Central mil ) . . If taken $276 onco. on Avcuuo 1) . High ground , good title nnd actually worth t'M , K. K. M&ynu , OI'J ' Ilroadway. _ 011 EXCIIANGH-rana In Iowa for Council JT Illulla property. K. a , Mayiie , fll'J Uroaa- way , "ITTANTKO Some more bargains to bell. E. T > K. Mayne. tlllllroaclway. ) SAMS"or Trade-lfnll supply of hotel Foil furniture , also IOUHO for ia inunths on small hotel In Council llluiri. Apply to Oilell Dros. & Co. ( 0x160 on Oakland ave , , 13,000. 1' . J. Day. 09x300 on Park ave. , 1JXW. ( V. 3 , Day. AVKNIJK A lots , corners , great bargains , llenson to. Hhephunl. DMulimt. ana lot. Cochran add. , cheaii , easy payments , llenton ictfaepherd , U Main at. i : have more Ilroadway property than any body , Hanson tihepiierd , U Main st , I.OTon 4th avenue , Van Ilrunt 4 Itlco's BUB. , cheap , llenaon & Shepherd , u Mala t. IL L ,01' , on Illutf t. . fine residence lot cheap , lienson If Hhepherd , U Mala bt. ESTcorner on Ilroadway. opposite poi house * Hanson & iluln st. 5 LOTH in Ilayllsa' 3d. on motor line , tJOOeach. Itenson & Shepherd. ! ) Main nt. LOTS on Glen uvo. . geunlno anaps. Ilcnson & ( Shepherd , t ) Mala st. HOlJSEsluid Iof i il l cash. IM cash. tiO cash , balauco easy. Ilenson & Snojiheru U Main at , . GUAIIAM v mue property that will rtoublo rlEhtaway. K.J.Day. Amcrica'a OrandoH' Stoves. The Itadlttnt. Homo and P. P. Hlowart heat- Mrs , with the Kulicr V Warraa line of line steel oven stoves nnd range * , glvo us the representa tive ntovus of the country. We soil no ones en tire HUB , but select thu bt" > t goods of several ot the largest concents la the country. Wo also bundle : i good cheap line that wo can RUaran- tci' . our ? UI cook being a lending example. Ot this class "lib our Itiidlnnt Home , wnoroheat ing as many an four nnd iivo rooms nn from two to two undone-naif tons of loal.It hus mndo the innsl economical record of any stove over produced. Our prices are lower than any other western city , and we would cordially Invlto the public to cnll nt our storo. 41 Mum St. , opposite Citizens bank am ] Inspect goods und prices. CPUS & COLE. J. D. KllMHNIISON , E. U SlIUO MIT PrNH. Vice Prea. CiiAti , It. HAN.VANCashten CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , OF COUNCIL 11I.UFT3. Paid up Capital sisoooo.oo Surplus 35ODD.O Liability to Coposltors335QOO.OO nillKCTOll" I. A. Miller , P.O. Gleason , 15. li BhugHi't , E. I- : . Hart , .1.1) . Udmiinilson. Clias. K. Ilammn. Transact general banking business. I.argcbt capital aim hiirphu of any bank la nnsthwcsteru luwii Interest on time deposits. In'orporntod Nov. 1 , 1870 SoiU Invest Corner Ilroadway and Main Street. CAIM'fl'AI , , > t 50,000 UFKICKIIH N. P. Dodge. Pre.sldout : John HereMlielm , Vice Presiduut ; A. W. Itlekmau. Cashier. Oinicrous--N. P. Dodg\ , Hcraslulni. Goo. Kuellne , J , J , . Stewart , W. W. Wallace , O. M. Dodge. liios. OFFICER. .r. II. M. Puser OFflCEA & PliSEi , BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway , COt'NClti ' IiaTKI.\S , IOWY. Dealers In foreign . ' .ml ilonnmlo etcainae. Collections made uud Interact paid on timed * * poults. J. M. PALMER , IIASTIIK CHOICEST MIT. ( U' SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edge ! oppsrtnnltlin to t in in dlutelnvestorsan I fin. No,27 Main St. , Over Jacquomln's Jewelry Star Lively , Sale and BoardingStable No. 1 Itlus lo let at lowest ratef , delivered in any part nr the city , lioriieii bought and Eold on commission. CYnlriilly Located. L'liitnur Hunt. W. O. UTTBBBAOK.23O Broadway GEORGE METOAIiF , HHAf. KSTATH. No. 1O Pearl St. . WIHTK'S Adapted to thu pubilo schools The only complete tiling of Ita kind la existence and la cllHpvnslhle In the school room , Hcliool board tlcHlrliiK the most perfect help for tlie toackor nro Invited to examine till * , Addresa II. A. HAIjMNOKir , General Aient , 172 Willow Ave. , Council lllulfu , Jovr , Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro- lectors , Etc , Agent , . ft JJ | > | > (