Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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AH the Drothorhoodfl of Labor Unlto
for Protection.
How It Might Ho Mmle to Show Up
Moro HfUlfll'nctnrlly Under tlio
Bjflteiu Ktiitiloycil In
Knnnnn City.
Tmbor In Fcdcrntlnn.
It was lennlod to-day that th& labor unions
and brotherhoods , coinprnlng ! the employes
of the Union 1'ncific system , had foJorutcil ,
nnd Hint they would henceforth bo known as
the Brotherhood of lUllvvay employes.
The amalgamation Includes the H roth or-
hood of Locomotive Engineers , Llrothorhood
of Locomotlvo Firemen , Hrotharhood of
Hallway Hrakcmcn , Swltchmou's union , and
the Knights of Labor.
Tlio matter Is being kept qulot. Whether
the move has oxlondod to other roads could
not bo lonrnod , A well-known engineer ,
when questioned concerning the matter ,
soldi " the Union Pacific road
* ci , em
ployes und the Knights of Labor have
amalgamated. Wo docmod this the only
way through which our rights might
bo protected. Until a year nit
the Urothcrhood of Locomotlvo Engineers
resolved to go It nlono.Vo thought Unit
our organization was Kiifllclontly strong to
moot any encroachment Unit tnlght bo mudu
on UH. In the Burlington strike both sys
tems wuro given a thorough test , nnd whtla
wo wore not defeated , wo were prolty badly
laid out. Wo then began to look at the situa
tion in a different light and concluded that
the only way wo could meet the issue was to
combine our 8trom | i with that of the others
nnd have done so as far as the Union 1'uclfln
Is concerned.
"Tli It notion on tlio part of the engineers
has not boon endorsed by the Brotherhood
as a whole , but will como up before that body
ut its nnnual meeting to bo hold In Denver
October 10. This , of course , shuts us out
from all benefits that wo would derlvo from
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers in
caao n strike should bo declared on the
Union I'nelilo. But our organization is
powerful und wo could cope with any Isauo
"I think that , at the meeting iiiDomcr ,
the nctton will bo sustained , nnd It will bo
followed UD by a consolidation on all roads
in the United States. In fuel , It has been
passnd upon by all orders except the Broth
erhood of Locomotive Engineers. " -
Engineer Livingston , who is thoroughly
posted on the subject , was seen , and while ho
was indisposed to giva nnv of its details ,
admitted that the lauor unions und the engin
eers , firemen and brakeraon , comprising the
employes of the Union Paclllc hud amalga
mated and that the same would colno if | > be
fore the Denver convention of engineers for
Html action ,
Mr. Livingston runs n train on the Union
Paclllc out of hero and is n member of the
Union I'aclflclongmeers' grmvnnco.commlttuo.
The organization on the Union Puclflo alone
has n membership of nearly seven thousand
men , It will be remembered that the sub-
Blanco of a circular sent out bearing on this
action was published in Inr. BEE
about four months ago. It was loaraail that
nothing further will bo done in connection
with the amalgmutlon until after the Denver
To tlio Con ) Kinltls.
The Burlington will ondo.ivor to complete
Its Alliance extension before winter sets in.
About sixty-flvo miles of road have already
boon completed , and there are yet 105 miles
to bo laid. Nearly all thv grading nnd tun
neling has boon finished. The
road will bo extended to New
castle , in Wyoming , 170 miles west nf
Alliance. Man for track work are being secured -
cured , twenty-four leaving Omaha for the
Bcono of action this morning. When com
pleted , tin ) Burlington will hava immediate
access to Incxhnustivo coal Holds and the of
ficials state that the mines will bo dovrloped
ns rapidly as possible and that some of the
product may reach Omaha before snow flics.
A Mammoth Kromlit Depot.
J. E. Hubbard , ox-supervisor of the Ne
braska division of the Union Pacific , and
now superintendent of bridges aud buildings
of the Denver & Ulo Qrundo , Is In the city.
Mr. Hubbard lias visited several points in
view of ascertaining the manner of con
struction nnd equipment of freight depots.
lie Btatos that the Hlo Grande is about to
construct a mammoth freight depot ut Pu-
obln , that will cost In the neighborhood of
5300,000. _
Riliu > y Dillon Coming.
Hon. Sidney Dillon , the Now York capital
ist , and n heavy owner of Union Pacific stock
and a director of that company , is expected
to arrive in Omaha from the west in a few
Mr. Dillon has boon making a tour of in
spection ever the western portion of the sys-
tnm ; also looking after projected lines. Ho
will remain hero several days.
Kn Itoiito Home.
K. C. Moorohouso , poneral freight agent
pf the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vnlloy
Marvin Hugliitt , Jr. , son of President
Ilughltt , at the Chicago & Northwestern
system ; L. B. Shepherd , manager of the
transportation company , accompanied by'
several Chicago friends , will return this
morning from a hunting trip through the
Koclty mountains.
From the
VVithln the past wcolt the Union Pacific
has taken up about 13,000 foot of road , which
comprised the Spoon lake yards at Council
Bluffs , and shipped it to North Platte nnd
Luranilo to bo used in making repairs on thu
branch linos. _
Railroad Notus.
W. E. Dcuol , of the Hio Grande , has re
turned to Donver.
General Superintendent Hughes , of the
Elkhorn , has returned from u trip to the
Black Bills and points in Wyoming.
Superintendent Hcsscgulo , of the Ne
braska division of the Union Paclllc , will
return from Cheyenne to-morrow.
Crawford station , fifty-eight miles west of
Alliance , on the Alliance branch of the Bur
lington , was opened to trulllo to-day , with J.
McKuddcn ns agent ,
Vice President Bolcomb , of the Union
Pacific , has returned from Chicago.
A largo force of mon wore put to work re
pairing the Union Pueitla switch trucks in
tbo yards ut this polut. Considerable now
track will bo laid.
No. 4 p.isscncor , oast-bound , on the Union
Paclllc , was reported two hours late owing
to bolutod connections at Ogdcu with the
Southern Pacific.
Slnco paisongers were allowed to rule on
the Burlington's fast mall train the patron
age of that train has boon gradually increas
ing. LttHt evening two sleeping cars were
required to accommodate the travelers.
A DniiKcroun i'nildlor.
Charles Olscoou , familiarly known as
"Wlonerworst Charlie , " Is a one-le god
Ethiopian , who poddies bet lunch about tbo
streets at night. Ho has figured in several
desperate fights on different occasions , and
while under the Influence- liquor Is con
sidered n duugoruus character.
Wednesday bo filled tnmtolf with liquor ,
and when placed under arrest last night , by
Offloor Hudson , resisted. Ho tiad in his
bund a grass book , with which be attempted
to carvu the policeman , but was ovorpo wared
nnd locked up. Yesturduy morning Juduo
Berka fined him W.W.
IVlioro is Jirowu ?
Daniel 0. Drown , ono of the letter carriers ,
bat disappeared nnd there U considerable
conjecture amongbis brother gray-coats ns
to bis whereabouts. Ho was given a Icavo
of abacuco for ono week the first of the
month and lefc ostensibly on a vlult to Mis
souri Valley , Cut bit time expired
nearly two week * ago nnd be has
not been soon or board from since. Ho Is
twenty-eight yean of use and a smglo man.
Ho Is u blonde of very short stature and was
known among his associates as "Shorty. "
Ills route was between Cans and Cuinlug
and Stxtonnth ana Twenty-fourth streets ,
and ho lived with his parent ? in Druid Hill.
HEnunw S
How It Will Bo Unliorod In and Colo-
braird In Omaha.
The Hob row year , 5500 , begins at Rundown
next Wednesday. The now year Is celebrated
on the flrst day of Tishrl , the seventh Jewish
month , nnd Is the greatest of thn Hebrew
holidays , The day of atonement , or Yom
ICIppur , ! < i observed on the tenth day of , the
same month. Thcso two clajs nro unusually
commemorated by both orthodox nnd re
formed Jews in nil part * of the world.
The Jewish now year Is celebrated by
Bolomn nnd Impressive services. While all
other rollplous sects begin the now year
with gayety nnd merriment , the Hebrews -
brows miiko the first day of the year
n penitential day nnd contemplate it ns
n milestone In life's Journey. Not
withstanding tno fact that during the
cntlro twelve months mercantile affairs
engross tbo whole attention of the Hebrews ,
the two great holidays nro most scrupu
lously observed. On Now Year's day the
Jews present themselves humbly nnd grate
fully ut the synagogue and offer prayers of
gratitude for past mercies nnd earnest en
treaties for future blessings ,
Unusually extensive preparations have
been made for elaborate Now Year services
In Omaha next week. All places of business
will bo closed on Now Year's eve , Wodnos-
uny. September 25 , nnd also on the following
morning services will bn hold at the syna
gogue , on Barney street , Ilabhl William Hos-
onnn officiating. The choir will furnish un
usually line music lor both services. The
Chobrn Blkkur Chollin or society for visit
ing the sick , will moot at the Unitarian
church , nnd Knbbl Schocn , of Cleveland , has
been engaged to conduct the exercises. The
congregation B'nnl Jacob will worship dur
ing the holy days at the Exposition building.
Knbbi Goldstein will conduct the services
nnd u nialo choir will furnish music. The
Hussiun congregation will cclcbrato the
now year at the synagogue on Capitol
nvonuc. near Thirteenth street , under the
direction of llubbl Borllnnt , B'nnl Israel.
Iho Polish congregation will assemble In
the new synagogue ut Ihirtccntli and
Williams streets , and the Hebrew Zion
association , which is composed of young
men. will hold services at Cunningham hall.
Both orthodox und reformed Jews celebrate -
brato the flrst day of the now year with
equal solemnity , but the Jews belonging to
the orthodox faith keep two days with much
solemnity. On the flrst day liabbi Benton
will ofllclnto nt Lincoln , where a large choir
Is rehearsing , and the second day ho will
lecture nt Omaha.
Iho day of atonement Is a fast day , be
ginning ut sundown on the ninth day of
Tishrl und ending on the tenth day of the
same mouth. After the day of atonement ,
on tbo cvo of the fifteenth day ot Tishri , tha
feast tabernacles of Succoth is celebrated.
The festival commemorates the Hebrews'
forty years of wandering in the desert. It is
ono of three Jewish high feats and it lasts
seven days , the first nnd last of which are
voted to services in the synagogues.
An AllMiilutn Cure.
Is only put up In large two ounce tin boxes ,
und is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped h.inds , and all skin erup.
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box bv mail 30 cents.
The Cliuics Tnkliiti Plnco in Army
The official order was yesterday issued in
structing Major Benham to assume tbo duties
of inspector of small arms practice In this de
partment. His duties formally bgm to
day. Ho succeeds Colonel Henry , who bus
held the place for several years. The latter
Is now nt Fort Robinson with bis command
nnd will leave on Sunday with it for bis now
post at Fort McKlnny , of which ho becomes
the commander.
Major W. II. Boll , the successor to Major
Barriger , chief commissary of subsistence
of this department , arrived yesterday. Hoisu
poutle nen of about forty-eight years of ago.
Mnjor Barrigor goes to St. Louis ,
where ho is to succeed General
Bcckwitb , assistant commissary general ,
who retires on the 4th of next month. The
major will not leave the city , however , until
the end of this month.
Captain Hay has received a copy of tbo
ground plan of Fort Shorldan , at Chicago.
This pnst is intended to accomodato twenty
companies , ana will bo ono of the finest in
tha country. The ground nlono cost $000,000 ,
which amount was raised by subscription.
The site was then donated to tl\o \ govern
ment. The plans adopted are very beautiful
but nonb of the companies or officers quar
ters Imvo yet been erected.
Something to Roinomoor.
If you are going oust romumbor the
"Rock Island Route" run the Bloopers
and chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha doppt ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. m. , thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council Blulls.
Three solid trains daily. All chair cars
are free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with nil eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties onrouto to Now York , Boston
nnd , other onstorn cities , "and every
thing a little bettor than other lines
can offer. " ' S. S , STKVU.VS.
Ticket olllco 1305 Parnam. Gon'l W. A.
Where IB Gntrs ?
Dora Gates writes from Indianapolis , to
Chief Seavoy , statin ? that she Is on hnr
death bed , and wants to learn If her father.
George Gates , is living in Omaha. She
stales further , that ho deiertod ncr three
years ago nnd started for this city. The po
lice have been unable to Und Gates or got
any trace of him whatever.
Advioo to Mothers.
Mrs. Winalow'a Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , nllayn all [ wins , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for dlar
rhtca. lioo u. bottle
A Great Name.
A man Insane from the oxcosslvo use of
liquor , who gives the name of Daniel Web
ster , is nt the central police station. In cuso
bis condition does not improve , ho will bo
turned ever to the commissioners on insanity.
A Now I'ftpur In Proipoot.
The coloicd people are to have an organ of
their own in a short time. A weekly paper ,
to bo Known as tbo Omaha Progress , will bo
started about tbo 1st of October. The pro
jectors of the enterprise nro W. F. Putter-
son , F. L. und A. S. Barnolt and Alfonso
The motto of California moans , I have
found it. Only in that land of sunshine ,
where thu orargo , lemon , olive , Re and grape
bloom and and ripen , and attain their high
est perfection In mid-winter , are the herbs
nnd gum found , that are used in that plnas-
ant remedy for all throat nnd lung troubles.
Banta Able the ruler of coughs , asthma
and consumdtlon , the Goodman Drug Co.
has been appointed agent for this valuable
California remedy , aud sells it under a guar
antee ut 1 a bottle. Three ( or $ 'J,50.
Try California Cat-r-curo , the only guar
utoo euro for catarrh. $1 , by mall tl.10
A Hhoo Man Falls.
William N. Wbltnoy , ono of the oldest re
tail boot and shoo dealers in ibe city , whoso
place of business is at 1431 Douglas street ,
baa failed and was closed np yesterday on
two chattel mortgages , the flrst being given
to the First National bank and tbo second to
n brother in Mllburn , Muss. The amount of
the flrst mortgage U { 5,800 , the second . ' ,100 ,
und both are for borrowed money.
It is believed that Mr. Whitney's assets exceed -
coed his liabilities , and that bo will bo ablp
to get out nil right. The assets are fiH.OGO ;
liabilities , (18,000.
Take ono of Dr , J. II. McLean's Little -
tlo Liver and Kidney Plltols ut night
before you go to bed and you will ho uur-
prisod now bouyunt und vigorous you
will fool the next day. Only 26 couts a
A Railway Company Which Will
Kolthor Build Nor Vacate.
Miss Mnnoliostcr'a Ilcocptlon The
StrnnRO CARD of Mrs. Oordon
Now Notaries Public The
City In Itrlcr.
LIXCOI.X BUHBAO 1029 orTms P O\uiu Ban * i
LINCOLX. Sept. 19.1
Not many months ngo the attorney gen
eral served duo notlco on tbo Kcpubllcan
Valley & Wyo'mlng railroad company that It
would Imvo to "flsh or cut bait. " At the
time the Frenchman Valley folks requested
him to commence such action In Iho supreme
premo court ns ho thought necessary to com
pel the company to track Its gradu between
Culbortson nna HolyoKe , Colo. , nnd espec
ially between the former place nnd Imperial ,
or abandon It nnd forfeit its charter. It ap
peared then that the company had no Inten
tion of completing the road nnd was holding
to it to prevent other ronas from tapping
that portion of the state. This view was so
firmly Intrenched In the minds of the citi
zens along the line that petitions poured in
on the attorney general requesting him to
act ns suggested. Accordingly bo wrote to
Mr. Holdrcgc , ono of the principal lucorpor-
ators of the company , nnd received assur
ances from him that the company would
track the grade , commencing on or nboat
September 1. The attorney general there
upon wrote bis petitioners , setting foitU tbo
facts ns stated , but assuring them that bo
would commence suit In quo warranto before
fore the supreme court that would compel
the company to abandon the grndo It It
failed to make its faith good. At the
time agreed upon Mr. Holdrogo
caused the announcement to bo miulo
that tracking had commenced on the gratia
between Culbertson nnd Imperial nntl that
work would bo pushed on the road to Its
western terminus. Something likoudozon
woritmen appeared at Culbortson with n car
load or two of ties and rails. This looked
like business. The Frenchmen Valley folks
and citizens along the road generally re
joiced nnd wore glad. They had reason to believe -
liovo that the days for mnrkotingtho products
of the farm in towns from twenty to forty
miles distant were Hearing mi end. Since
then tho.v hnvo watched and waited , not pa
tiently bnt impatiently , for they expected
that the nucleus of materials that at rived
with the workmen was simply n forerunner
of an abundance that would follow in rapid
0 'dor. Thus far tholr wait has been a vain
one. In three weeks' time less than n quar
ter of n mile of track has been laid , nnu it
dawns upon the minds of u patience-exhaust
ed people that the company is playing them :
that is , that the company has commenced
this puttering work simply to keep Its surface -
face word good and for the purpose of holding
the grade und keeping out comnetlngirouds.
The utttornoy general received un nllljavit
from eight citizens of Frenchman Valley a
few days ago setting fprth these Tacts , und a
petition signed by about live hundred citi
zens along the line of the road In the state ,
praying him to proceed with the promlsea
suit ngnlnbt the road , or show that it is mov
ing in good faith. Accordingly , the appear
ance docket of the supreme court shows the
case of the state on relation of William
Leose , attorney general , vs the Republican
Vnlloy & Wyoming railroad company. The
case ; was filed to-day. General Loose's opin
ion in quo warranto sets up that the com
pany's articles of incorporation , signed bv
G. W. Holdredgo , J. G. Taj lor. C. D. Dor-
man , W. A. Hlggins and P. S. Eustis , were
duly filed for record In the olllco of the sec
retary of state January 17 , 1837 ; that the
purpose of tbo company was to construct ,
operate and maintain n railroad , with single
or double tracks , from Culbortson , in Illteli-
coclt county , through Hayes and Chase
counties to a point on the line between Ne
braska and Colorado ; that the company ex
orcised the rights of eminent domain nlong
thu line described nnd completed , but did
not track gradn ; that the company for the
two years last past has wilfully failed and
neglected to complete the roud ; that the incorporators -
corporators arom the employ of the Chicago , ,
iturlington & Quiney railroad company , and
have the territory so surveyed nnd graded
ns to keep out other roads ; that the incorporators -
raters compose corporations with an alleged
capital stock of 312,000,000 ; that they have
no place in Nebraska for the transaction of
business whore records are kept
for puulie Inspection ; that the in
dividual incorporators and defend
ants are not acting in good faith with
the state , and that the only object the com
pany has in doing any work at this time is to
prevent the forfeiture of their charter. The
relater , therefore , prays that all of the
rights , privileges and franchises may bo can
celled , annulled nnd forfeited.
State Houses Jottings.
Articles incorporating the Loup City Canal
and Water Power company were filed to-day.
Its purpose is to build and maintaina canal
in the counties of Valley and Sherman to
furnish water power , and to erect nnd main
tain such buildings ns may bo deemed , neces
sary. Authorized capital stock , $150,000. In
corporators : George W. IClttlle , Edward G.
Krntchhaum , Peter Truolfion , W. U. Mellor ,
J. U. Scott , J. C. Edmonson , J. D. l''ord , W.
G. Odendulil , C. M. Walworth and E. E.
John Jenkins , deputy commissioner of the
the bureau of labor , goes to Louisville to
morrow to inquire into the cause of the strike
on Iho stone quarries nt that place. It Is
learned that thn strikers are all Italians.
Mr. Jenkins says that the strike nt Beatrice
vvns caused by the teamsters hauling brick
from the vitrliled factory to thu paving dis
tricts through the refusal of the manufac
turers to nay them for the loads they had al
ready delivered , which had in part been con
demned by the city inspector , after being de
livered ou the ground , the firm deducting
the amount of the condemned bricks from
the load. After throe days from the cession
of work , arrangements were entered into bv
Which the haulers were allowed , when load
ing brick at the works , to refuse to accept
such as they thought would bo condemned
by tbo city inspector. On these terms only
would the teamsters agree to resume work.
Mrs. Slnnohestor'H Reception.
The reception to Mrs , Emma Manchester
by the W. R. C. , No. 10. In the senate cham
ber last evening was a most successful uf-
fair. The reception was tendered because of
the distinguished honor which hnd been con
ferred on Mrs. Manchester and the corps by
her election to tho.ofllco of senior vice presi
dent cf the National W , R. C. nt Its recent
session. Tbo senate chamber was ImnO
Homely decorated with bunting. The lmtii > '
letters "W. It. C. , " made of small flags , occp-
pled a prominent position on tbo wall.
The chamber was filled curly with Q , A.
R. mnn and W. R. C. people and the personal
friends of Mrs. Manchester. At 8 o'clock
the Cadet bund appeared , escorting Mrs.
Manchester , her husband and daughter and
a number of the officers of the U. A. U. and
W. K. C. The band played a march , which
was executed by all present to tbo governor's
office , where the reception committee was in
waiting , Mrs. Manchester was assisted by
the Rev , Stlno and wife. Prof. Lllhbrldgo
and wlfo , Urad Cook and wife , Mr. Spoil-
man nnd wlfo , Mm , Franlcforter , Miss Ida
Smith , Mrs , Jansoy , Mrs. Cora L. Jolly ,
Mrs. Sherry , Mrs. Crawford and Mrs.
Gatoly. ,
A Strunuo Case.
Tbo Mrs. Gordon who was arrested yes
terday morning for being drunlf , was ar
rested again last night In room 7 in tba
Hutchmgs block , at Fifteenth and O , in company -
pany with a big burly negro named Mitchell
and a two-year-old child , About 7:25 : last
evening a telephone message was received
at tbo police station saying that a drunken
white woman with a twe-yoar-old child bad
entered the residence of a man named Polly ,
at Fourth and N. The negro Mitchell wua
In tbo station at that time. Ho soon disap
peared. Shortly afterward another message
was received , staling that a negro claiming
to bo OfUcur Tout Curnnhau bad called ana-
taken tbo woman away , As Ofllcer Carnae
I I ill
hnn was In the Blntjfln n when the news com
In , Captain Green concluded that there was
something wrongsombtvhoro , and hodnUUlod
Cnrnahnn to look it PJ Ho found thorn nt
the plaoo above closernod nnd brought them
to the station. The clillU belonged to the
Mrs. Hrown who soeurfcd her release yester
day morning. Mrs. Urown was almost wild
with grief last nlghtlofMnirfor her lost baby ,
but singularly cnoufjll did not report her
loss to the station. Tfiis Mrs. Gordon goes
under n number of dllisos , viz ; Mrs. Gray ,
Miss Ida Gray , Mrs. FJynn. Mrs. Flnloy and
others. The polled say that she Is an old
timer , though she basn't been arrested before -
fore for about a yoar.iJMio Mrs. Drown who
seems to bo looking after her has the ap
pearance of a respectable woman , and Is an
imated by syrapatliy for an old neighbor ,
The negro Mitchell was arraigned In police
court this morning chanrcd with impersonat
ing an officer. Ho did not deny the charge ,
but said tbnt bo had boon drlnKing some nnd
might have done so. As there were no wit
nesses ngnlnst him the case was continued
for further Investigation until 7 o'clock In
the evening.
Now Notaries Public.
The governor to-day appointed the follow
ing Nobrnsknns notaries public : Clmrlos
Schaufolbergor , Hastings , Adams county ;
Thomas R. Ashley , Decatur , Hurt county ;
W. A. Howard , Kearney , Uuftalo county ;
Wnyno Condlt , Alliance , Box Uutte county ;
Alfred 1C Smith , Bralnnrd , Buffalo county ;
Henry F. Butte , Schuylor , Colfax county ;
Fred Terry , Omaha , Douglas county ; Har-
ford O. Smith , Lexington , Dawson county :
Emory M. Stcnberg. Omaha , Douglas count v ;
S. D. Killon , Beatrice , Gage county ; David
D. Roavls , Fulls Citv , Richardson county ;
George F. Hurlburt , Utlon. Stward county.
Supreme Court. 1'rooi'cdlinrn.
Court mot pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. J. W , West , of Omaha , was admitted
to practice.
Mltcticlson vs Smith , two motions over
ruled. State ox. roL attorney general vs
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
company ; judgment per stipulation.
The following : causes were argued and
submitted : Cheney vs Campbell , Richard
son vs Campbell , Richardson vs Stone ,
Cheney vs Dunlap.
Court adjourned to Tuesday , September
SI , 1839 , at 8:30 : o'clock a. m.
City NOXVR and Notes.
Opolt's hotel is still running , with Iho In
vincible Joe In charge , notwithstanding the
uorios to the contrary , Mr. Opcltsays that
tin gavn Judge Mason and the First National
liank mortgages a day or so ago to oasu him
self up n little. That's the story in u word.
Judge Mason is mine host proper , while Joe
superintends the concern.
Nicholas bohnoro , a workman in the em
ploy of B. F. Ulanoy & Co. , had his right leg
broken below the kuoo this morning. Ho was
assisting In unloading some curbing at the
corner of Ninth nnd M streets. Ho Is with
out menns or friends.
Captain Dllltngaloy bus closed his deal
with General J. D. Cox , of Cincinnati , O. ,
nnd transferred bis block to him to-day.
Consideration , 534,000.
The Hotel Ideal people deny that Mrs. Gor
don xvus a boarder at their place.
Allogoil Sntocnnrdf * .
Captain Rustin , of the Omaha Street Rail
way company , thinks-very little of tbo so-
called ' 'lifo guards" in front of the wheels
ou the cable cars. The captain says they
are merely put on to moot the popular ae-
mnnd , although ho believes that the cars
would be safer without them. It Is no more
jossiblo , bo holds , to construct the Ufa
luanls so ns to throw u prostrate person
from the track than it Is to build the pilot of
a locomotive to do so.Tho captain says fur
ther that the alleged life guards lesson the
chances of tbo cscupo of a person who falls
in front of the wheels ? pg these guards after
laving passed over the unfortunate pinion
iiim in f rent of tbo wheels instead of allow
ing him on opportunity to escape.
An Unholy Spouse.
J. M. Patterson is In hard lines. His wife
gave birth to a child Wqdnesday nnd the same
night tbo father was arrested for coinmiting
adultery with n character known as Ella
Kimball. The woman was also run in and
will bo prosecuted. Ella is a woman of the
town who Is well Known to the police. She
denies , however , that Patterson was any
thing out a "callor , " and claims to be i-eccnt. !
Her past record , accord in ? to the police , is
bad. Her former lover was a colored bar
ber , who was recently shot to death iu
Oklahoma while in a drunken row. His name
is Haze.
The Kimball woman is still in jail and will
probably bo kepi there for some timo. The
police claim that she has been annoying Mrs.
Patterson greatly of late and that flho has
frequently sent her notes stating that her
husband was untrue to tier. A few days
ace , while Patterson was at homo , a mes
senger boy called with a note from a anony
mous party addressed to Mrs. Patterson ,
which sated that Patterson wus at that mo
ment in bed with tbc Kimball woman.
For a disodcrcd liver try Bcocham's Pills.
A Lesser "Con" Liclu.
Tboro is an old , pleasant-looking follow
behind" the bars at central police station ,
whoso lifo would make an interesting story ,
and the police term a ' 'sure thing , " or confi
dence man , Years ago bo was a chum of
Canada Bill's nnd other notorious characters.
Ho has been chrlstencd"Ilappy ; Jack. " Wed
nesday night ho attempted to "work" n man
In Charlie Nebor's saloon , and was detected.
The name ho gives is , l. B. Lessor. The
man's hair und beard have reached the
frosty line , and his form is tottering und
Lessor was discharged yesterday after
noon , and will leave the city if not prevented.
Angostura bittora says a long time
sufferer from indigestion , thoroughly
cured me. Sole manufacturers , Dr. J.
G. B. Siogort & Sons. At all druggists.
Thirty Days Jtourd Dun Him.
Anthony Gary has boon confined in the
county jail for indecent expojuro of person.
Anthony was ono ot the "trustees" and was
allowed to breathe the fresh air while en
gaged In work on the lawn surrounding the
court house. Yesterday afternoon , while
engaged as usual , under the watchful eye of
Deputy Jailer Pat Hurrett , Gary wus sent to
the collar of tbo jail to got some more hose
for use In sprinkling. Gary has not yet re
turned with the hose nnd it is possible ho
has pone to some of the largo estuDlisnments
to buy a now Jot. It is requested
that if any of the citizens meet Mr. Gary
they direct him to the juil where lie left
thirty dnys' board which uro still auo film.
Back nnd Front Buckle , High Button Gaiters with Icnthor fly , Gorslor , Croquet , Alnskns and
Glove-Fitting , Pure Gum Sandals , Now Ankle Strap Sandals , and Fine Pebble Leg Boots.
Above named styles can bo had in LADIES' , MISSES'and CHILDREN'S , in all widths ,
from A A to W , with or without 'heels. See that the "NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE
CO. " Is stamped in the soles of each pnlr. They are the first quality goods and have superior fin
ish and shape. TAKE NO OTHER KIND.
KIND.WantecL ,
Mon w'nnted to examine each pnlr of Arcttos , Excluders , Rubber Boots , Wnders , Lumber
men , Aluskns , nnd Sandals , line Cloth Arctics and Point1 Alnskas , to sco If the "NEW JERSEY
RUBBER CO. " Is stamped in each solo. If not , go to the shoo denier who has the Now Jerseys ,
because these nro strictly first-class goods. 1 am Western Agent for the above-named company
nnd keep an Immense stock Tor dealers to draw from. I also sell
Felt Boots , German Sox , Rubber and Oiled Clothing ,
Remember , I am the only wholesale Shoe or Rubber Clothing
dealer in Omaha who does not retail goods ,
Hereafter I shall keep the genuine Mclntosh Wading Pants in all
widths and sizes.
1111 OMAHA.
Secretary NaHon Katurn ? From a Trip
Throuuli tlio State.
Secretary Nason , ot the board of trade ,
has returned from a short trip through
Wayne nnd surrounding counties onbuslnes *
connected with the State Development asso
ciation. Ho visited Columbus , Norfolk ,
Wnyno and a number of intermediate points
to cNplalu to iho county boards , and other
prominent mon , the workings of the associa
tion and to urtjo upon them the appointment
of vice prosldonts and the urooar.ition of the
data to bo used in advertising nnd develop
ing Iho state. Ho found great interest pre
vailing in all sections , and received numer
ous assurances of co-oporation
The secretary also received strong evidence -
denco of the good resulting from the nuniqr-
ous "harvest home excursions" which have
been run through the state. A real cstato
n ontnt Wayne reported seventy-five sales
of ncro property since the first of the year ,
fully two-thirds of which wura to passcngora
on these excursions. A largo number of
strangers nro reported in that section , look
ing up property for investment.
Mr. Nason received a letter yesterday from
Judge Joel Hull , of Mindcn. who is also
doing the snmo sort of work. The juduo has
been visiting York , Seward , Kearney , David
City nnd other points and reports good pro
gress in the work.
Tlicro Are No Happy nnys
For those who continue to rise unrofreshed
after nights of unrest. Nervousness , in-
somniu , ( digestion these constitute a tnplo
alliance that perpetually wars against man's
comfort , und robs both brain and body of
traiitiuillty. Combat the trio for a time
with Hostettor's Stomach Hitters , nnd it
will give ground and eventually fly the
Hold. The basis of reform is the rectifica
tion of digestion , for ttio brain nnd nerve
trouble Is'simply a reflex of the disturbance
of that all important function. A wineglass-
ful before each meal of too national stem
achic Insures facile digestion , und a repeti
tion of the pleasant dose before retiring uro-
motcs nerve und muscle Invigorating sloop.
Associated with Indigestion wo usually find
billiousness and constipation. Bnt together
or independent of ench other , tlieso maladies
are subjugated by the blttors , winch ' also
remedies kidney trouble , rheumatism , 'neu
ralgia uud malaria.
Marrmgo licenses were Issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties :
Name nnd residence. Ago
( Benjamin F. Ityer , Omaha 'i3
( Winnie Hail , Florence 21
( Thcador Volz , South Omaha 23
( Emma Wit , South Omaha IS
i John P. Morris , Omaha 23
( Nliiu E. Terry , Qlonwood , la 23
( Gillent K. Terry , Omaha 33
\ Mrs. Lora E. Franco , Omaha 31
Lester M. Crawford filed a chattel mort
gage with County Clerk Hocho yesterday
against the King Cole Opera company for
$1,334. It colors all the scenery , costumes
and stage properties belonging to this
organization , and among other things listed
is ono spider web , one well , two cottages , six
pieces of uaddod run , a telegraph pole ,
twelve blue blood dresses , two schnltz
dresses , ono sea , four caves and eight sots of
At Sownrd Street M. E. church , this city ,
Mr. John P. Morris and Miss Nina P. Tarry ,
Thursday evening , September 10 , 18S9. Uov.
.Jauies Haynes odlclated ,
The presents were beautiful and In largo
' ' mB -
tJscd by the United Btate * C.overnment. KndorseA by the heads of the Oreat Unlversltlti
and VuMlc Fcod Aualytti , na the Strongest , I'urert and ino t Healthful. Dr. Frlcc's Crean
Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia , time or Alum. Jr , Vriee'a Delicious Fla vorlni : Si
tract , , Vanilla , l emou.OraUBe , Almond , Kosc , etc. , do uotconUlu l'oisouoiuOUscrClc.mcai
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Naw York. Chicago. 8t. Louis ,
A Typawrltor inndo to inset the modem
want fora mii'hluo which prlnu dlroctly from
typo , uses un rlbbnn , ullgm permanently at
point or printing. Is Light , Compact , Durablu ,
uiiil Inn word. It built mi Hcluntltlo principles ,
thn Invention ot (1.V. . N. Yoit. the builder ot
uoththo Homltiirton nml Call rttph.
Maclilmsvltu Itoiulngtou or C'allgrnph key
board IIH doslrcd.
A luruo stock of second hand Typewriters , oC
nil maku'i , for bnlu , rent or ofdiiui o. Wuam
nUosnles iiKi'nts for the "JlllHltrrT" Type
writer , t no low priced nmchlno on tha
murker. I'rlcuin.
Wu would tie plantiad to recolvo n call from
Brownell Hall !
Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Oinahn , Nob.
Tlie Roy , R0u3rt Dolicrty , S , T , D , , Rector ,
Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars
Apply to the Rector.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South iSth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O.
1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Max Meyer & Bro ,
And other first class PIANOSand
Romorpbor , Wo do Not Soil "Stan
died" Planosi
All Instruments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo offer a flno S325 Piano forS25O ,
Visitors Welcome ,
Cor. 16th aud Farnam Sta.
* TO {
, . ,
ForWpM-uiulorrliu'u l-o.lMunlmndMenial Dcenft
' > * " " " *
li-Twn''lVl' ' ' UO ' 'i"1 ' "iK ' " * * ' AVvAri"upVrll bl
A Boz of Safety Mi'ches Fr ) to Bmofeon of
Health is Wealth ,
MINT : , a Kiinruntoiiil hpurlilc for IfyHU'rtn , Dlz/.l-
HUSK , UouvuUloiiH , FltH , Nrrvoim NuUralKto ,
lleaduclie. Nervous Prostration cnuxod by ilia
UHO of alcohol tobacco , WatcofulnoiH , .Mi'Htal
DopreBslon , Hoftmilnjf of tlio Drain , resulting In
Insanity und loading to mliury. dec.ty and death ,
ItoumiitmuOld Act1 , llarremiob.i , I.OHK of I'owor
Inoltlierfe * . Involuntary IAIHSCS und Hponnafc.
orlur-a caused by ovfr-exerllon of tlio brain , helf.
nbiiHo or ovei Indulgence. Hach box contains
onn month's treatment , JI.TO n box , or Blx boxns
forfi.W.sent by mull prepaid on receipt otnrlca
To euro any case. With ouch order received br
us fornlx boxes , accompanied with W.OO. wo will
Hend the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund tliu money It the treatment iloun nut effect
a cure. Onaruntui-a Ihuued only by Good in an
JJniKCo.OriigKlHU. Solo At'euU , Jlltl Farnam
trcet , Omanu Nebraska