8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 , 1889. THB CITY. JUIRO Wnkoloy lins agreed to hoar BhorllT C'obiinTacnsoniniinBt the county commissioners next Monday nftornoon. The only building pormlt issued .yes- tordny was to O. A. Johnson for n bnrn nt Twdnly-ilflh and Sownrd , to cost 8160. Judpo Shields performed the mnr- riago ceremony yesterday for George Lung nnd Mnrtha Paulson , both ol Oninhn. S. 0. Bohenrm , mnnnRor of the Swedish Ladies' Nntioiml Concert com- piiny , is in tlio city tirrnnging for the appcurnnco of his nttriiction in lloyd's o per u house. The ninny friends of Signal Service Ofllcor Welsh will bo pleased to learn Unit after n six weeks' Illness from in flammatory rheumatism ho is slowly but surely recovering. The motor line is only running as Jar north as Wirtstrooton North Sixteenth Btrcot for a day or two on account of the caving In of u sewer under the truck just above that point. I'crKonal ( nracraplm. J. A. Jnqncs. of Stuart , I at the Arcade. _ U. JJ. filth , of Norfolkr is at the Arcado. ' ! ' . E. Scdgwick , or Vorlr , is at the Mur ray. ray.J. P. Honslmw , of Sterling , Is at the Mil- Inrd. Inrd.W. W. ilarrliiRtoii , of Tokamah , Is at the MH- lard. lard.F. F. W. LconlumU , of Ulysses. Is at the Mil- lard. lard.G. G. M. Lamborson of Lincoln , Is nt the Mil- Inrd. II , II. Melauson , of Hastings , Is nt the Arcado. . John J. Underwood , of Lincoln Is at the Mlllurd. W. L. Fairbrothor , or Lincoln , is nt the Mlllim ! . P. F. Hansom , ol Nebraska City , is at the 1'nxton , W. II. II. Meyers , of Iloldrego , Is .at the ArcnOo. Q. S. Hnwlcy nnd wife , of Lincoln , are nt the Arendo. John 1C. Stout , of Lincoln , Is registered at thoMurruv. J. S. Wosterwelt , of York , Is registered at the Mlllurd. i. M. L. Haywaru , of Nebraska City , is nt . the Puxton. J. L. Culdxvoll , or Lincoln , is registered nt tlio Mlllard. A. .1. Ncluioycr , or Hustings , 's ' registered nt tlio Murray. Itov. Charles . Snvldgo. ol Grand Island , Is In the city. A. G. Austin nud wife , of Grand Island , are at the Murray. H. II. Maxwell nnd wife , of Unttlo Creek , are registered nt the Arcado. R. H. Moore , proprietor of the Democrat , of Ottuimva , In. , Is in the city. T. O. C. Harrison nnd Adda C. Lame , of Grand Island , nro nt the MilUml. I { . J. Kllpatrick nnd wlfo and J. Heming way , of liontrlco , are nt the Murray. Mr.V. . H. U igtrins , of Uutto , Mont. , ar rived at the Union Pnciilc licudtiuartera yes terday. Mr. W. 13. Harrington , formerly of the freight audliorolllce of the Union Pacific railway , hns cast his lot with J. H. ISarns , at the Union Pacific transfer. Hon. John M. Gobble , mayor of Muscn- tlno , la. , was in the cliv yesterday , the guest of Ills sinter , Mrs. George Schriner. Mr. Gobble is on his way to attend the demo- cratie state convention at Sioux City. Charles D. Fuller , of Fail-Hold , In. , secre tary of the democratic state central commit tee of lown , and K. H. Moore , editor of the Ottumwn Democrat , wore In the city last night , guests of tlio Puxton. on their way to I' tlie democratic state conveuUon at Sioux City. Ill Muted. ! Jnmes Trncoy was fined $23 by Judge Borku yesterday for abusing hla wlfo. In de fault of payment ho was sent to the county Jull. An Injunction was secured by Mrs. Tracoy in the district court yesterday re- Btrnmintr James from interfering with her in any manner or visiting her homo. An Unreasonable ; Drlvo. Justice Krougor Is engaged in hearing the IF case of A. Murray against L. II. Uradloy. Murray claims that liradloy hired n team and buggy fiiJiu him on July 4 to drive six miles into the country. Ho drove thirty miles la- Btoad , damaged the buggy to the extent of $ -11.75 , and overheated tuotoam so badly that one of the horses died. Murray accordingly sues for ? lf > l ) , the value of the horse and the damage to the buggy. An Unbilniiuctl Mi nil. W. 13. Alexander , confidential clerk to J. E. liiloy , the contractor , has occn acting so very strangely for two days that his friends have great fears of insanity. Ho has been buying fabulous piles of jew elry mul making most liberal offers of monov to all his friends. Monday ho was placed under Dr. Lel- scn ring's cnro , who thinks the affliction is only temporary. Ijnuorlni > IMnn in Domain ! . At present nil the contractors for grading , curbing , paving and other public work have BO much to do before them that they lind it very dlftlcult to secure u sufllclmit number of laborers. There has boon thousands or men pouring Into Omaha of late and nil have readily secured work , and the cry Is still for more. 'I hero is no excuse for any able bodied man loafing , no his services would ho gladly accepted by a number of contractors. If more men cannot bo secured considerable work will have to bo postponed until next aensoa. _ KniiHtalmur to Itnotblnolc. A bright-eyed and brlght-lialrod lad about ten .years of use was found uslccu in n dry goods box Monday night and Union to the police station , Ho claims that ho was sent out to Lowdoti , In. , two years ago nnd has been living with n farmernearthat place. Hu got tired of the farmer's abuse and ran awny with Foropnugh's circus when it passed throuch the town. Hu was put off at Hoono and has been nmirlv a month in working his way to Omaha. lie was released from Jail .and supplied with funds sufllrlont to' enable hltu to go Into the boot blacking Industry. Kill ll li for Samuel Katz and Hello A. Polack have commenced suit in tlio district court against a nutnbor of insurance companies for poli cies dun on the destruction of Polack's store lust BprluR , They therefore ask judgment la Bunm ns follows against these insurance companies : Huufordot Connecticut , ) , SOO ; K < iultnblo and Marino company , (5,000 ; Quucn company , of Liverpool , $5OOJ ; St. Paul Flro unit Marine comp.iuy , $5.000 ; Niagara company , of Now Vorlr , f5KX ( ) : North Uritlsli und Muraiutllo caiiipauy , of London , cto. , $1,000 ; bun tire oDIco , of Lou * doti , $ -,500 ; lioaton compauy , of Boston , ta.coo. Total , aj , ooo. A I'uWlHlnirn' Journal. The printers and publishers of Nebraska end the west have Just been supplied with an organ , the llrst number or which Is a credit able publication. It is called the Western Printer , and will bo published monthly by the Grout Western Typo foundry. 1114 Howard street , Tim current number U handsomely printed and tilled with matter of interest to the craft. A feature of thu Printer will bo the publi cation each month of two or more Nebraska publishers , The subjects of t'uo September biographies are Mr. Edward ItoiowaVcr , editor or Tin ; Bin : and A. L. Buby , of the ColumbuA Sentinel. Good. 53-inch bieyclo for sale. $35. O. Boss , 1102(1 ( N. 28th at. PAXTON no-run , OMAHA Special at tention to commoroiul man. Finest nnd largest hotel in the west. Klttredjjo & Hralnard. proprietors. fl\K COLORADO QUAHAN11NU. The Slock Vards Pcoplo Approve tlio Governor's Autloii. The quarantine proclamation of Governor Thaycr prohibiting the importation of cattle from Logan and Weld counties , Colorado , Into the state of Nebraska , pives quite gen eral satisfaction among the Union , stock yards oQlclnls nnd commission men nt South Omaha , The gcncrnl opinion among the commis sion firms Is , that the quarantine will scarcely affect South Omaha. Tha fact that only two countlei nro included in the proclamation cuts such n small figure In Colorado shipments that U will never bo noticed. Acting President W. N. Dnbcock is out spoken in his approbation of the proclamn lion , nnd says it will bo of Immense benefit to the yards. It will lotcvery lown and Ne braska farmer , slock rnlsor and dealer know that the yards nro kept perfectly Ireo from diseased stock. "Why , " with qtnnuuota , added Mr. Unbcock , "I would not have a sin gle head of dlscuiad stock go out of these yards for ( "lOO , If it be possible our yards shall bo kept absolutely clear and free from diseases , " "As soon ns I lenrncd of Texas fever I bnd Veterinary Surgeon Hnmocclottl go and in vestigate the matter and Governor Thnycr hns acted on his report. It is the best thing possible for our yards. The people have confkrotieo In our yards now , ns being the cleanest in the country and thu only ones nil thu year tree from fevered slock , nud wo shall keep things In Just that excel lent condition. " Examination of the books show that on August 30. Gall llros. shipped cattle from Harding , Weld county , Colo. , to this market , but only 2'J5 head were sold hero the rest being consigned to Chicago. MAUCH Ol'1 ' AllOKbC'S MEN. Krlclcinnqonq on tlio Hall Uitllding l.itv Down 1 linlr IrowetH. The brickmasons employed by Leo Mlcklo on the linll building , near the corner of Sixteenth nnd Jones streets , struck yesterday morning ou account of their objections to the superintendent on the building , George , the nlnotccn-year-otd brother of thu con tractor. The men claim that young Mlcklo was very arbitrary In bis display of authority , and wiw totally unlit lor the position. They stated that he would not allow them to lake n glass of beer during the noon hour. After consultation with the contractor It was nureod ho should withdraw the young man , nnd the work should BO on. While this agree ment , was being reached the laboiers scat tered and the brlchinasons could not work this afternoon. Several of them said they would go to work for other contractors In the 11101 niiifj. This is lint gang of men which is to "bo transferred to the now Metho dist church , at the corner of Davenport and Twentieth streets. Mr. Miekle was seen and stated that there had boon some little trouble , but overythini ? had been satisfactorily- adjusted and work would bo resumed In the moraine. Ho also stated that there would bo no delay in the work ou the Methodist church , as the men would complete the work on the Hull build ing to-day , and would bo at unco trans ferred to the church , whcro ho already has two or three men at work. U.VIjLi I'AHK TAXES. \ Justice Defines What Part the Owners Must I'ay. Justice Anderson gave his decision yester day morning ( n the case of Martin Ittnor ns guardian for the heirs of Benjamin Ittuer against William Robinson and John J. Ilnr- din , in which the question of special taxes on the baseball grounds was in volved whether or not the owners or lessees should pay them. Tno decision was in favor of defendants and if sustained by the bigher courts will settle a matter that has occasioned in the past a great deal of litigation. Ittaer claimed that the lease provided for the payment by its holders of nil taxes , but Justice Anderson thinks different. His in terpretation of the language of said lease regarding the tax feature was that it only provided for the payment by Uobmson and Hunlin , of such taxes as the property maybe bo assessed at for municipal , state nnd eov- ernmcnt support. An assessment for curbing , guttering , puvmg and sewerage must bo paid by the owners of the land. Got rid of that tired feeling us quick us possible. Take Hood's Suratipurilla , which gives strength , u good uppetito , and health. AN GLiHCTltlU HOME. The Now liiclitninij Homo or thu Street Hail way Company. The new power liouso of the Omnha Street Hallway company on the corner of Nineteenth and Nicholas is practically com pleted , as all the brickwork is done , thereof roof is on , thu pits nnd rails In the car room are ready , and the boilers are ready for the ilres to bo kindled under thorn. All that re mains to be done is to put up the engines and dynamos , and if they were hero it would probably not take over n week to have thu now electric cars running. The dyna mos and other machinery are now duo , the stone foundations on which they will stand 'are ready for them , and in fifteen days at the farthest , the old style system of mule power will have become n relic of the past in tlio central streets of the city. The now motor house covers more ground than any other of Its kind in the city or the west. It is 132x19 $ feet , Inciting only ono lot of covering nn entire .half block. It consists of three rooms , all mammoth In their pro portions. The car room occupies the east side of the establishment , Is ID-xlIM feet and ! M fcoVhlgh ! It will contain twelve pits for the workmen to got at the disabled cars and is In every way complete. The boiler room is (11x07 ( feet and thirty- two fcut high. It is pronounced the llncst engine room In the west both in equipments and for thu comlort of the liremen. Atpicsont thcro are mammoth hollers , but anticipating thu possible future needs of a crowing city like Omann , room has been loft for seven more which will more than dcublu the present capacity or thu concern. The boiler foundations of concrete , on which rests a bed of brick , nnd ubovu this Is a pinto of steel contiguous to thu boilers. In- npcctor Standeven , whu Is authority ou such mutters , pronounces thu hollers among the best and tlib setting of thorn better than any ho has ever seen. The chimney is lll ! fcut hltrli and the opening at thu top is S fuut U Inches wide. The northwest room will bo devoted to en gines and dynntnofl , nnd Is the only room not fully equipped for gorvico. It Is 50x01 feet. It will at first haVe three dynamos of 107K horse power , The average dynamo lias only slxty.horso power , nnd the Inrgqst heretofore only eighty. Bach cng.no will beef of 350-horso power. A number of the motor oar * nro now hero nnd are being set up , and by the last of tills month twenty will bo ready for service. Motor > OICR. Cnrs on South Sixteenth street are mnklng regular trips toVlnton street. Yeslcrdhy morn ing , during recess , the passage or ono of tno flyers In front of Hnrtmnn school was wit nessed by n host of children with tunny evi dences of delight. Workmen are still engaged In perfecting the Eleventh street lino. The truck is Inld to Sixteenth nnd Vlnton with the exception of thu spot which was so badly wnshcd out three weeks ago. Poles nud wires nro being erected nnd strung nnd it is expected that cnr will bo run over llio route In about four weeks. They will run around the loop in the sumo manner as do the South Sixteenth street cars , namely on Howard to Four teenth , thence to Douglas , Twelfth and thence lo Howard street again. "How many trains puss around the loop dally { " was asked of Or. Mercer. "From 0 o'clock In the morning until Oat night they pass around nt the rate of one every throe minutes. That would bo twenty in an hour. In llftocn hours thai would bo 300. After 0 o'clock they do not run so frequently. " Thrro Are No llnppy Days For those who continue to rise unrofreshnd after nights of unrest. Nervousness , In somnia , Idlgcstlon these , constitute a triple nlUunco that perpetually warn against man's comfort , and robs both brain and body of traiiquility. Combat thu trio for n tlmo with Hosteller's Stomach LJittcrs , nnd It will give ground and cvcnltiully lly the field. The basis of reform Is the rectifica tion of dlirestton , for the brain and nurvo trouble Is simply n rcllex of the dlsiuilnnca of that all Important function. A wineglass- lul before uach meal of the national stem achic Insures fnello digestion , and a repeti tion of the pleasant dose before retiring pro motes nerve nnd musclu invlrforntlnu sleep. Associated with indigestion wo Usuilly lind billiousnessand ronstipitlon. Uut toirothur or Independent of each other , thcsa maladies are subjugated by the bitters , winch also remedies kidney trouble , rheumatism , neu ralgia and malaria. NOT OKL.12UIl.VTE. Oinnh.a GcrnmiiH AV11I Not Jub.liite on October O The enthusiasm with which a number of Germans of this city balled the prospect of a general celebration by their countrymen of October 0 , the anniversary of the landing of thu llrst Germans on tlieso shores , has not bcun auflleient to encourage the undertaking. 1'or that reason the anniversary will ba un observed. In other cities in the cast , how ever , the arrival of the tlrst settlers from the fatherland , and their later settlement at Gerniantown. near Philiidolphia , will be celebrated in n most bclUttni : manner. Even Nebraska City will take a hand in the business and promises to uiako a success of the undertaking. Various reasons are assigned for the laclc of spirit on the part of the Germ ins of this city , some alleging want of time , others paucity of numbers , and others still aversion to publio displays of ail kinds. What is more attractive than a pretty face with a fresh , bright complexion I For it use Pozzoni's Powder. FIGHTING OinnlianV Views on a Number of New Of all the fire machinery and appliances displayed at the chiefs' convention in Kansas City , Chief Galligau and Commissioner Hartman - man were most favorably impressed with the water tower recently patented by Chief Hale , of Kansas City. It is an improvement over all of the water tow rs heretofore brought out In bolnt : moro easily managed. Mr. Hartumn saw an exhibition test made , n which water was thrown into the top win dow of a seven-story building witti ease and effectiveness. Chief Galligan thinks Halo's tower a srreat appliance , but says Oinatm does not need ono of them , nnd will not for some years yet. The display of chemical engines was also line , nnd convinced' the Omaha delegation that the chcmicil in the homo department is about ten yenrs out of date. A new ctiuuil- cal engine will probably lie bought soon and the present ono remodeled. AS GOOD AS GOIjD. Ono Thousand I/OIH Near Denver , Colorado , I'Yee. Desiring to attract universal atten tion wo hitvo adopted this novel and ex pensive method of placing oar property before the people. The lots wo are giving ttway in Plain- Hold , u now suburban addition on the Fort Worth & Disnvor railroad , only n few minutes riclo from the Union deTpot ut Denver , Colo. These lots are 25xl2o foot , wide streets nnd nice park reserved. Wo noon every other lot for the present and Will no't sell. Every lot that is given away will bo worth $100 in less than eighteen months. Wo give only ono lot to ouch person and require no contract to improve. If you desire ono of those lots bend us your'full niuno and address , with 4o for postatro , nnd wo will mail you docd tit onco. Ad dress PLA.iXFim.in ADDITION Co. , Castle Itoclc , Colo. GISNriliK FUOM UTAH. On His AVny to Moot the Cnminis- HioncrH of that Territory. To-night Henry Page , secretary of the Utah commission , will piss through this city on his way to Chicago to attend the meeting of that body which is to bo hold there commencing on Thursday next. Governor Saumlur ? , who Is also n mcmbor of the body , will leave for the same place to morrow , Mr. Page , besides being secretary of the commission , Is also thu llnuncial olllcorof thu commission , attending to tlio noc'cssary dis bursements ordered by the commission as well as keeping thu records. The position was formerly an elective ono on the part or thu members , but rueunt leg. islatlon has authorized thu appointment of the incumbent by the president. Vet he but represents the secretary of the territory who is ipso facto thu secretary of thu commis sion. , Fora dlsodored liver try Bcocham's Pills. DELICIOUS EXTRACT mm FRUIT riwofls Vised by the United Slate * Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great UnUersttlei d I'utmc peed Analysis , as the btroujrcst , 1'urrtt and most Healthful. Dr. I'rice's.Ctniiu Line Powder dot snot contain Ammonia , I.lincor Alum. Dr , Price's Delicious I'lavorlnL' Kx > tracte , 'aalU , Lcuiou , O ranee , Almond , Kose , etc. , do not contain I'otsonou ] Oils or Cheuifcal * BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York * Chicago , at. Louli. This powder never varies. A marvel of pttr . ty , ttreiiRtu nnd wholesunoncss. More 0:0 * Domical tnan the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo sold In competition with the multitudes ot lor or shorVwelRht alum or phosph ito powders , Sold only tit cans. Hoyal Unking Voider Com pany , UU5 Wall Street , flow York. HALLS , Ciiuncims , I'ACIO- Kins , etc. , \ ilind \ \ \ the 110. 2 GLOBE INCANDESCENT1 Hie best , safest , l cat n the world. u " l-mnn * < ltiitrcfi Wo nlso inn I : a , llic No.3 tt Mouse ze , inn full line of nrli .tic I'oi rt , Sl.imlVncr.rJ lanqiict l/ir.ips. Tins cite is lha No. 3 GLOBS INCANDESCENT , jnvaluslle for Lishtirs Jjbraricsli - - ! WK-rccfn- , 320 Halls. I'atlore.andall CANDLE POWER THE STANDARD LIGHTING CO , , Cloxcl.in.l , Ohio. For sale by M. H. Bliss , Perkins , Gatch & Lnuma BRS. BESTS & BETT5 UOo FAUN * M SaiiKcr , OMAHA , Muu. ( Unpuslto 1-axtuu Hotel. ) Oflico hours , 9 a. m , to S p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m to 1 p. m. Sp > 'lilhts In Clironlc , Nervous Skin and Illoocl llNca es. . . fV Consultation at olli"o or by 5nail free. M'tllcln s st-ut liy mall or express sccuiely nicked , frco from observat'on Guarantees to euro pnlrklv. snfuh * and permanently. IIPRTIT'IIV ' Snerm itnrrmra. soml- UbDlLUl na ! l.o sn-.NiKh UmU eluni. I'uyxlcnl Hccay. ails up fiom inli'-co tlou , excess nr IndnlKeme. piodnrliij ; Sleepless ness , TH'sn < > mlen < 'y. I'lu p o on the fiice. aver- Bleu to society , easily niicuuragod. lac-u at c nil cli'nco , dull , unlit torHtudy or luiilm ss , awl llnrts Ufa u burden Safely , perinni ently nnd prN vntelyonrcd. Consult fna. lletts & Belts , HIM rainam ! 5t , Omnhi , Neb. Blood aai SKiu Disrase * results , lorapleiclr eradicated without tlio ulil of Mun-ury. Scrofula. Kryslpo'aH. Kevtr ores , IJIotclies , I'K'crs. I'nms In tlio Head and Hones , Byphllltlc Sere ' 1 nroat. Mfuth nnd 'JoiiKfi1. Ca tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otlieu ha\e fulled. FHlinU IfrillQ V nml Hlndiler Complaints. AlUlluy' Ulilld J I'lla'nl. Dlilionlt , too fro- < iuent llurnlng or Itloody I'rinc , IJrluo hRli ! col- nied or with milky tectlmcnr ou MaudlinWIIIK Back. ( Jnnmrhu'o , fjlest , C..fctltK etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , CliarRes Uoasoni- ble. nioval complelo , without cuttliii. , caustic or d Illation , fiat's olUcied at home l > y patient without u moments piiln or unnoyaiuo. To Yoniiff Moil and Middli-Aiel Men , niini' ' Tlle nwrul eirects ot early AWIRP UUllLi Vice , wlilch bnngi nrcanlc weiiKiiee , destroylnir both mind anil body , with all ItM dieadud IllH , prrmauentlvrured , npij RPTPvj Adro a tlioaawhoU.iveimiialrcd IJu.i DDllU thi'iuselves by Improper indul- ernes iind i-olltarr liublti.thlcli rnln lioih § ody and mind , untlttlng tlieni lor buslniBl , itudy or iiniinaKC. M tuitiKD MKN. ortliosoentprlnoron that hap pylifo. aware of physical dubllltr , quickly ua Blsted. OUR SUCCESS. 18 based upon facts , Flrdt-l'ractlcnl Kxpo rlence. Sucojnl Kvoty e.iaa U especially ( .tudled- Ihus fiUrtlnif arlsht. Tlilrd-ilo Jlo nes ans yrc , paiod In our lalwtory exactly to suit each case , thus iilli'ctliif , ' riiruilthout Injury tay"8cnd U cents oostano for celebrate I works ou Clironlc , Nervous mid Dollcate DlHpase.s. U'hoHsnnilH curoil. J-fT A friendly letter or cull may have you future autlerlni ? and tili.nno , und udil gi'lili'ii yeuw to life. { JTKo letters un. ivnred unlcfis accompanied by 4 cents In utuniDs. Address or rail ou lilt" . BUTTS iV KUTTS , Btroet , Umaha. IJeb. justly eel- ebrated ) lni < nof Hoots nud Slioes , manufactur ed uy O. M. Henderson & Co. , of Chlcaxo-Kac- torluH nt Clilciiu'o , JJlxon , Illn. . and Fond On IMC , Wli.-Bliould rl 6 BA.M. N. WATSON , redl- den--e , FllEJIONT. NGU. Travollnir aueat. Hediiartera | fo < Itubbers. COMMERCIAL' NATIONAL BANK , Capital , $400,000 Surplus , 4OOOO onicors nnd Dlrootois K. M. Horseman. O. M. Hitchcock , Jos. Uarneuu. Jr. , A , Henry. H. 31. Anderson.Vm. . 0 , Maul , v.pres , ; U It. will , lanm , A.I1. JlopUlug , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ; ! < ' , II , llryaut ataUtuut cashier. ABOUT GLOVES. When you are buying plot remember that there It . auchulTiTnga * a price that l4 lttoocA i , , . UU teller to i * jiuy a fair ] > rlcu aud aet uood Elotca llkolluicli- IJIKOU'B. They are made from velvcted nkliii In the bent iiiunuer uud ore u a r > muted to bo the mo t tenlcfahlo made. If > ou vrant to know more nuout loves. Ju general and la rartlcular , encloie tampforthe LoolcAbout Clovri. U lll Intcreit t you. LiTiBUtiiEU 18 i JOUH 0. UUTCllINbO.V , Jglm.taifB , V. T , Of the now senson it is a question with every nmn where hu should biij' his full clothing. You nro certainly ( notn good judge 6 clothing nobotly is The boat jmlgea do not nrotcntl to bo. Then the quwlion arises , where can you got the best value for the least money ? As everybody in Omnha knows , wo have increased oui' business from season to season. A great many say wo are getting this big tnulo by breaking down the prices. They may bo right. Bub what holds our old and makes us so many no > v cmtomaM , is the faub that our low prices are joined bo reliability and quality. It 13 by this "Union" tint oar honsj ha ? received the following of the trade. This senson , wo iutcnd to make ihinss moro lively than ever , Wlnlhor other house ? complain oC dull ness or not. Wo have put in an enormous stock , wo huvo prepared for a 'bigger business than ever , and wo propose to do it. OUH PRICES ARE HOUND TO BRING YOU TO US IP YOU VALUE YOUR MONEY AND IP YOU NY ANT TO SAVE IT. This week wo will give you &omo bargains in Fall Overcoats. Wo scarcely know which one of the many beautiful styles to mention specially. Ono nice brown Cheviot Coat with silk facing , which we oiler nt § 5,75 , you could not got elsewhere for less than $8 or ? 9. Another grey fine all wool Cassimero Coat , oxcallently niiido and trimmed at $7.50 , would bo very cheap at S10. Others at ! ? 8. 0 , $9.75 , 810.50 and up § 17.50. Those at the higher prices arc the richest and most stylish gannanb in the market. Our illustrated catalogue of fall styles ready lor mailing. Send us name and address it you want one. . Comer. Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Is called to Iho fart wo nro now recelvlnn thulca N'Ok HUl'lKS In TALI. ROODS uml tint a. romplo e ussjrtmcut of Men's nntl Itov'sClotnlUR a Hjite 1 to the a ° n--on , nuiy bo foiiiul upon o-ir table } CAM , OV'liu- CO.VT > orl umt styl-j and sup'ilo. ' Ilnlsh ; iiinlIJininoctr.il ITmnrolUs , Jili-li In nual- liv aiiJ > 7orkranusiiip bat molerata in , price. MAX MIU'SH. ADOLl'H MIJVKIt GENERAL , AGENTS FOK STEINWAY , CHICKERING. KNABE , And ether first class PA3tO ! , ancl S10RY & CLARK ORGAMS RomomDor , Wo do Not Soil "Ston cilod" Pianos. All Instfumcnts Guaranteed to be Just as Represented. Wowllloffora flno S325 Piano dur ins Fair V/ook , for S.5O. EASY PAYMENTS. Visitors Welcome. MAX MEYER & BRO Cor. IGtb and Farnam Stg. OOLD MEDAL. PAUSe , 1878. W. BAIf K & CO.'S % Breafast ! [ Cocoa la ( iliaotiitelji tiui-o and it in autnhtc. No Chctnictds in uiM In Its iirrpiratlon. It Im mart tkan thrtt timlt tht ttrenyth of Cocoa inUrd villi S' nli , Arrovtruut or Sugar , and If therefore fur inuru uouomlcal , COittnytn \ tkan on * cfnf a evp. It ll Otllcluu. , nourUUIiitlrcitstluiilnj , 1'A- BII.Y DlQISTri ) , mil a < linl Urmplt < l fur Invilldi ii Mtllti IHTKIUI lu litalUu Hold bjr ( iroit'rn ercrjnliere. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , BROOKS BROS. & CO. Importer ! and Wliolcaalo Dealer ) In Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery , Notions , Novelties , Albums , Fancy Goods , Walking Canes , Coal-Collar Springs , &c. , &c. J.aruu aiBortuiunt for Cane Racki , Knila Boards , Splndlet. Auctioneer ! , Streetmen and 1'tddlers. IIli ; variety of Be. lOo and 2ta counter uda. bond fur Illumatvd cutuluuue. DROOKS BROS. & . CO. , 417-119 SortliFouvlli St. , St. Louis , Mo. AMUSEMENTS , Wednesdays Thursday , Sept , I8&I9 "JST Gorgeous EiO.WXU'roductloa or i Rice's ' Corsair RA dream of oriental muKnlHccnce. Ilrll- llunt tcenlo eirectn , matjiilllcent costumes , RA elcborato properties , utechuulcal fcvnaa. tluns. RR tluns.LUROl'EAX SPECIALISTS , And Great Gastof 60 Artists R Itlcea , Sue , We , 7Co and tl. Seats ec- curea lu adyanco WcdneaUay morning 20to60 DAYS. Thio is u. disenso which baa horolofora Dallied all Medical Sciutico. VThen .Mercury , Iodide ot 1'otasslum , Snrsnp * rllltt or Hot Springs fall. MO gitarnntcoa euro. We have a Heracdy , unknown to nnyon * In tti World outside of ourCompuuy , nnilouu that lias ' to cure the most obstinate cases. Ton days In recent cmes doe's the worlc. It U tha old chronic deep seatoit cases that we Bollcit.Vu have cured huntUedii who Imve bnon abandoned by I'hyslclani , and pronounced Incurabls. and wi chftllengo the world to brliiR us ft cauo that w will not cure In IPS ? than sixty days. Since tha history of raeuic'ue a true specific for yjphills has been sought for but nsvor founa until our wu dlacovered. aud we are Justilio 1 In saying It IB tlm only Itemeuy in the World tnat w 111 poi. ltl\cly cure , bncnnse the latuat Medical Wor'ics , pub Ished by the best Known authorities , suy \vaaueveratritaspeclflc hoforc. Ourrxm- edv will euro wHou uverjtUIni ; elae has failed. Why w ste VOL tlmo and money with patent incnlclnca thituovcrhad virtue , or doctor with Vhy lclaai that cannot euro you. you that havs tried everything clsu should come tons now and B t permanent relief , you never can get It elsa- wheru. Mark what we Bay , In the end you must take our remedy or NKVKK recover and you tht.havo been nltlictud but a short Urns should" ty all mo-tna coma to us now , not one In tcnof ni'W case * over pet permanently cured. Mnuy ccthelpp.na : hinkth sy are free from tha disease , but In one. two or tinea 7arn after 11 appears again In a more horrible form. This ia a blood Purifier und will Cure any akin or Blood Disease when K o , * ! ' ! til 'If I'- . ' " " ' * * * ! ! * * NOTICE Wo desire tocintlon patients In ra- cnrd to parties clatmlcs to use the iJoolc Ile.u- oil jr. C ur formula Is not nnd CANNOT u tuowt ) to nuYouo but ourseU'es. THE COOK REMEDY CO. Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxtoa Block t'tio I.lnunr liable. I'onltlvrlr Cured AunilnUtcrlritt Dr. II nines' Golden Ucnn tM Kcn < tn n ciii of coirco or tea nltliant tha tliuwlea.'ool thilK > rr0hUUligll ] ; Unlisolutulrnuriu U' * , an I will ulfcct n nivud | mid | ) cnii.un.it ] cure . vrliuihur thu patlottt la a mdduni Uiinkururun ul * loiml UT 'cH 'I'liDlls'lii-U of ilru , * nU hnvu liuuu lundu tuiuponitu iiiou tvjio iiavi ) UI LMI di > cii ai cclllu III tlielr colic , ! wlUuM lliclr knuwludKQ mul lo lity l > u- HCJVU tlioy null iirl iriina oC tholr own frco will , ll1 NCVLT Kill H Tlio < v&totn onru Imprc nnluil nllli the fpc'clllu. It liOTini s an tiller lmi > oiil | > | | tty for the ll < iuonip | > > tlto 10 xnt. For mlo hy Kuhn&L'o. , ) > ni 'ihts , | iiii an 1 Douimis sis. , mid Ihtli nnd Cum- ln ata. , Uiiiuua. A. I ) . Ko > tar Xllro. , Council tilum. ALWAYS DRINKwIth LEMONADES , SHERBETS , AND ALL COLD DRINKS. Ittvlll correct theilainittjtng ( n * fliifiiroo/'Jco on the Stomach , for Men It alth Precervlng. for ll""ren 'nvlcoritlLs , and De ireihtni tat All. Thi But Bum. mer Bever e In Exlitenci. War. lauUd Strictly Pur nd Unfir- mental. An CCclint Ilomejy for Dlnrrhai , chulira Morbni. D7iantcry , ted nil Xliorderi of the Biivcli. XASiivn.r.KTisN.TuneB , > 87. I.uvbKTllALlluoa , BlM-I : IIUVP tried Iho rlnn Illncklicrry Julro you BO kliHlly a nt mo. H In the no ] > liin ultra of summer ilrlnl.s It la Irc'e from nk'o- liol. nllnys tlilrsl , tiuira the dlKCHtUa ( irKixns , linn a flue nronmtlc tlnior. nriil la ] uat the thliiK forillnrrlio-iil trouli- IIM In tlio lu'ntcil term. A TA/tLIMI-OONriJI. IN A ( II.ASS IIP KK WATI3U OUT.VIX'l'AItH NECTAU. Iti-Hppctfully , T. A. A'lUlllHO.N , M. J ) . Tor Riiloh } ' IlriiKKistn. I.I'iUOl Dislorsnnciaroccrs. fl PnSITIVF F" WSr or FAILING MANnODDl H riJOl IIVC Otneral and NEHVODB DEUILIlYj fTT"R ! T ! Wjakacti of Dcdyind Hindi Effecti < U LI JKiJKl ofErroriorEzceiuainOldorYounr. Eoluil. XoVIo ISIKHIIirull ; Il , lorxl. llo to l.nl.rxn ij Bir miktK4 , ii < iiKvtuii'Kioiiinia * riiasof nuiir. ll nluulr uorilllnr HOIK TIlKlTHIIM-ll.n.lll. la d.r. Bm Iwllfj tna 47 DUUi , T.rrllorl.f , .i.d Kor.l < n loomltl.a. ufaa nrlt , tddmillttok , rulUtbUD4llon , and prfHir , Billed iUdl tnt. tddmi CRIf MJBlrjl CO. . OUMlp M * State Line. To Glasgow , Iteinisf , Dublin nnilLherjiuol From Pioi- Columbia Stores , South Ferry - ry Brooklyn , N. Y. Cabin paiBUgo Mi to I'A uccordliu lolocatloa ofil t ruom. Fzcuralon W5 to RU. Klccraco to and from Kuropa at Ix roBt Itatoi. AUSTIN 1IAI inviN A , Co , , Ucn'l Agouti , U llroadiruy , Now York. JOHN ULEQEN , ( 'on'l Wcttcrn AKCIU. 1 ItimdolpU St. , Chicago. , HAitiir K , Xtoiifa , A Kent. Oiuahu. Itoaucod Cabiuratoj to UUj'o.r Halford MEATS FOR , Table SOUPS FISH , , GRAVIES , Sauce. do. A Bos of Bafot7 Ma'ches ' Fraa to Smofcera of ESTABLISHED 1851 ( I8O So. Chicago , Ills. ( ClnrkSt. Tlio Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Cliroiiic , Ncryons and Private'Discases , * B > NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exliaustinc Drains , Tcrrlbla Dreams , Head and Iack Achs ami nil the cfTecli Iculmg lo early decay nnd polyps Consumption of Insanity , treated scientifically Ly new methods with ncvcr-failinn success. fu SYPHILIS ami all bad Dlood and Skin Dlo- eases tiermancntly cured. J > -KIDNEYand URINARY complaintsGleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Verlcocclc and nil disease * of the Gcnito-Unnnry Oigans cured piomptly wlthoul injuiy to Stomach , KiJncjs or other Organs. tnrNo experiments. Age and experience lra purtnnt , Consultation free and sacred. CjJ'Scml 4 tents posttqc far Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. ITS' Those contemplating Marriape tcm' ' for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , cacli 15 cents , both ss cents ( staimis ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may sa\e future suffer * Ing and > ihame , nnd add jjoldcn years to life. WDook "Life's ( Srcrct ) Errors50cents ( st mp ) Mi-dicina nndultlngs sent everj'where , secure from d > poure < Hours,8to 8. Sundajsptni Address F. D. CLARKE , m. D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. PT"fS . * ? ttTT-T.t. f S ST S swjzSEZSjy&FsS H.W.GOR. ISTH&DaocEbTS , OMAHA , NEB. FOH TUB TRIUTlIENr OP JU.I , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Treatment of every form of Uutaig requiring MEDICAL or SURGICAL TREATMENT. KINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS.1- Boardft Attendance. Best Accommodatloniln Weit. ? racei , Trutiei , Club Feet , Gurvtturti of Spine , umori. Dancer , Oaturh , Bronchltli. Inhalation. | lc tricUy , rttralyaii , Epllep.y , Kldn y. JJ ] d < ! .r , Bye , u , 6 kin an a Blocd andaUBarglcarOcoraUoni' DISEASES OF WOMEN t&X'M 'tia YIK 1UVK I.UII.T Jtllllgn 1 I.VLSd-lK IlrinTIK.\Troa troXKN DLIiINU CUNHNCniNf. ( STRICTLY PRIVATr t Only Rellitlc Medical Initituta natlnj Bt"cUlty of PBIVATB DISEASES All lilood Dlifsiti lueeciifmij tr tlcd. Srpliltlilii 1'clioa removiiil iron the ijitvm without mercury , flew Itrttoralltft rc.itmiut fur Lo. . of TITAI. I un K. faltlei uc.lt ) la tlili LIU.D ; Leltt.t.ot bornelitorr ( . | ndtntt. Allcnimunleo lloD.coDD < IentUI. UealclDeiQrlnilrumtiiti > fDtljjrnitllcrez. Lroimeeurclr | aekva.Doia.rki .oladlcftteeootculvor ivnder. llnecriou | lnHrlieirirtftir | > d. oiltndeoniulluiorieoj nn u K.ri''Jlf't2i. ! ! l"1 ! ' Injl'l" rr'r' > " UlfUIX iw IYI | Nervout Dlif ie , lBii UDrr Hv III , ; ( llcil.u , ! V tleoc.iwltliflonltaull.u | Ai.lrttl OJOAirA MEDICAL He HUROfOAL JNfl'riXUTB. 13tb and Dodge Dtre U , Oil AHA , NEB. ] ) n. II. C. WrsT's KKHVK ANII HIIAIN TKKAT. JIKNT , a Kitaruntotfil Biioclil for llyttcila , lUzl noiH. ConviiUloiiH , 1'iti ) . Nirvoim Ai > urulKli > , Hvatliiclio , Nurvom I'ro trotl" ' ! rnustd by tlio IIRO nf nlooliol tobucco.Vnkofuluoss . \ , .Mentiil lloprusslnn , Suftiiilii ( { < ) f tliu llrulu , rosiillliiK la ) n uiitty unil Iciullni , ' toinlsoi y , decay ami ( Hutu , rriMiMturuUlil AKI- , Hiirr-'iiiiL-HD , LoiHof I'onor Inoltlior" > ox. Invuluiitury l.oiios uml KpcmmU orlni'H innnc'd byovir-oxurllnuof IliolJrulii.salf. abiiBe or overlmlul'ei ! < o Kucli box contains onninotitli'Hlrrntiiifiit. Jl.1 II a ! ) ( * , or nix boxetf forf'i.U .tcnt by mull prcpnl'l on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES. To euronny < nsc. With t'.idi order received by UH forslx boxm. U'ioninpjiiluil witlii'i.U ) , wo will Hcnil the linn hauer our written Kii.umituu to 10- fund tilt ) money If tlio troutuic'iit ( lees not olfocD a cure. ( ] iiuaDtc < u U-.H..M ! only by ( Jooilmau Jru Co. , Uniualnts , Bulu Ak'ents , 111U rarunut treet , Ujnuriu , .S'e JOSEPH GILLOTTS1 * * Dff Br"i rzp'ikjf * STEEL PENS , COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION W . Noo. 303-404-170-004. THB MOST PERFECT OP PENS.