Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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HO ndvortlBomonta will bo token for
these columns oftor I2I3O p. m.
Vorma-CnBh In advance.
AdTcrtUemenU under thin head 10 cents per
line for the tint Insertion. 7 cents for each sub.
r quent Insertion , and 11.60 per line per month ,
No ndrertlflomems taken to * less than 2r > cents
for first Insertion , HnTcn words will bo counted
totliellno : they must rim roniecutlvdy and
tnUHt be pnia In ADVANCE. All advcrtls * .
rnonts must bo handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
rn , , nnd under no circumstanced will they b *
taken or discontinued by telcpbnne ,
Parties advertizing In these columns unit bar-
Ins their answorn addressed In care of TUB Dun
will please ask fovji check to enable thorn to get
their Icttctn. ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers toad-
Tertlsemenui slit ulJ ( b enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements lnthr-.s column < i nro pub
lished In both morning nncl ovcnlnr ; editions of
TiiRllKK.thoclrciiI.iUon of which aggregate *
morn tlmn IP.OOQ paper * dally. add given the ad
vertisers the benellt , not only of the city circa-
lotion of TnntlKK , four ulno of Council Hindu ,
Lincoln and other cltlr-t ) and town * throughout
thl flection of tha country.
Advertising forthcao columns v.-lll be taken
on the nbovo conditions , xt the following lnu | .
ness \vhonroautliorl7edagoutH tor THE
DEB special notice.nnd will quote the same
fates IIB can be hnd nt the main ofllct' .
& FDDY. Stationers nnd Printers. 113
WBotith ICth Street.
SH. FARNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
.ming Street.
J. HUGHES , rimimaclst. C24 North ICth
. Street.
EO.W.PAHIt , Pharmacist. 1B09 St. Mary's
JTUGIIEB'PHARMACY , 203 Farnum Street ,
WANTI2D A Rltuntlon by a practical book
keeper. Eleven yonrs' experience In
Otnnhii. A 1 references. Address E. 1' . C. , 1700
N. 27tll at. . , 308-lOf
SITUATION wnntodby a yonng man In iron- olllro work ; live years experience. Ret-
orances. .1 CO Ileo oillcc , 277-10J
SITUATION wanted by llrst-cluss waiter.
H-mto - Address J 59 lieu olllco. 870-iOC
ANTED Toao sowing In private family.
Call ut 000 N. 17th St. ! WJ-17t
WANTED Position oy lady stenographer of
experience ; jtood references. Address M.
J. A. 1213 N. mil at. , between Paul nnd Charles.
2O-I7 *
WANTED Situation by n registered phar
macist ; six years' experience : best of ret-
oncos. Address O. A. Armlleld , Greenwood ,
Nob. ! W Wt
POSITION Wanted by n young man twenty-
llvo years of ago not afraid of work. Ciood
references. Isnn experienced salesman. Ad-
dressJW. Ileo , 3.-.7-IVJ
SITUATION wanted lly a young man as
salesman or general olllco work. Host of
reference. Salary no oojcct. Address X , llox ) ,
Essex , Jn. Sts 1(3 (
WANTED In mercantile house , permanent
situation , moderate salary. Address II. F.
Uccles , room 210 First National bnuu. lb" > 18J
WANTED Agents to sell an article of now
and cxtrnrillnary merit to families.
Used by eveiyl'Ody. Sold on Us merits c > xclu <
Blvoly. Agents mnko fioin 85 to * 7 a day.
Sample free , t rofta > V Hoed , Chicago/Ill. 133-10J
NTEDGeneral nnd local ugeuts to him-
die the iiowpntcut Chemical Ink Erasing
Pencil. Ircato3t ! novelty over produced ,
lirusos Ink In two seconds , no abrnslon of pa
per. * UJ to fiOO per cent prollt. One agent's
sales amounted to $ G2U In six days ; another
K)2 In two hours. Territory absolutely free.
Salary to good men. No ladles need answer
Humpies35 cents. For terms and full particu
lars , address 'Iho Mouroo Eraser Co. , Manufac
turers , LaCrosse. Wis. 3.11-lst
WANTJJD 2. " > auction inon. $1.10 ; 15 good men
to build wlro fence , Sl. > < > . board , SI.50 ,
clean beds , No. 1 board , free trunspo rtatlou ;
milkers. t' > ; farm hands , dishwashers. Mrs.
llrega , 3l4h S. ir > lb. X > 1 17j
WANTED M on Miat understand tlio process
of oiling butchera' clothing. Address J Go ,
Bee olllco.
W ANTED 2young men for light work at
$15 weekly. . Itooin 17.220 N Ifith. 310 20r
A GENTS Wanted Most wonderful machine
Jj-ovcr produced for printing advertising signs ,
entirely now ; patented July 9 , ISM ) ; soils to
every merchant ; sample work and terms lOc.
The Arc Printer Mt'g Co. , Itncino. Wls. IMJ lot
W AN LED Milkers at Hock Springs dairy.
WANTED About Nov. 1 , a first class buggy
and carriugo salesman. Must bo well ac
quainted with Western Iowa und Nebraska
trado. Address W , 14 , Boo , Council Ulults.
w ANTED Man used to cows and horses ,
good milker. Apply SOU Dodge ht.
wWANTED 321-17 ?
WANTED Agents everywhere to sell our
now bool ? "Stanley's Marvelous Adven
tures In Africa' " llest discounts. Send 60 cts.
lor outfit at once. J. M , French , & Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. : | 78-2ir _
GOOD experienced building and ioan men
wanted as gem-mi and special agents. Per
imint positions. Continental lluUdlnft am :
Loan nuaoclatlcn , KansaB City. Kns. 210201 _
WANTED A traveling salesman , n hustler ,
now traveling from Omaha , to handle a
fast selling aldo lino. Address Wm. H. Hire.
125 B Indiana st , Chicago. 1B9J17J
WANTED Four hundred men tor track lay
ing in Wyoming. Apply to 1' , H. Johnson ,
H. JcM , passenger depot , Omaha. 9ti >
WANTED ST3 graders and tie makers for
the lllack Hilts extension. I'llltty , Kramur
& Co. , Alax Meyer building , llth nuu Fun mm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ „ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ "Z.
WANTED liio railroad laborers for the
wi-st. Company work. Filloy Kramer &
Co. , Max Meyer building , llth and Furnam sts ,
WANTED Good reliable men for detectives
In every community ; paying positions
Address Kansas Dotectlvo Dureuu , lock box
SO. Wichita , ICnn. IH2-10J
VS7ANTTD A vents I To solicit orders for our
" V > celebrated Oil Portraits. 'Jho llnest mado.
No axporluncQ required I IloRinncrs earn $50 a
Week. } 2 outfit fr < > al Send for full particulars
A rarn chanca. Sairord , Adams & Co. , 4U Uond
St. , Now York. Hit ) 1 } fit
' ANTED A llrst-clnss mnclilnlst ns fore
mnn. Apply or uddress Western Mnfff
Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 804
A man In every locality to net
us private detective under our UiHtruc
tion.s. Souil 4o for particulars. Central Detec
tive liuruuti , Topaku , Kan. 7UU-O.3
WANTED A good olllco man to go cast
must Invest . ' .50U : must ban good business
man. Addrrcs the ( lee , S , Cllnu Publlshlnt ,
House , illfi to 321 Wabush uvu , , Chicago , Ills.
\\TANTED Men for Washington territory
IT Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fnrmtm st
w ANTED-WIndow dresser at The Fuir.I3th
and Howard bin. 6 $ )
rT3 ORDERS in 5 days ; "I average 10 orders in
* 12 calls. " These extracts from agents' letters
tors ; agents wanted In Nebraska. Address with
stamp , U , E , OJborue , lloatrico. Nob. 1)41 ) a 17 *
WANTED llrst-clabStallorljsTaliifcustom
work , 311 H. llth st. _ iiji 18J
WANTED- stenographer nnd typ
writer. Must be good book-keeper. Ad
dreas , J cr , Dee , 349 IB
- German or lrTsirgirl fo
goneriil housework in Hiuull family , Mrs
Warner 1 WoUh , 2004 Dodie ; at. 'JM 1CJ
WANTii-A : girl for small fmnlly , washing
and Ironing , light housework , 601 Virginia
nvonue. : va 1 ( > J
WANTED Girl for gonpral housework.
Mrs. M. A. Wallace. 1511) ) llowurd. iEM-18
' '
'YY'ANTED-lCttchoii girl 310 80 , ISth.
O WAITERS at the European hotel.
W ANTE J-Girl for genorat housework. G
N. Jtth. 214
COMPETENTilrl ; for cenoral house work
Mrs.J. ICootn , 1231 B. lUtU bt. , bwtween
1'lerce uud1lllums sts. 237-17T
G IRL w untcd ut 2505 Cumlug U
LADY a-eut wanted for the new Hygel
Coruot. Mo t BiitiNfactory and best money
making urticia out. For terms , etc. , apply tc
Western Coi at jig. . Bt. Ixnils. Mo. - _
" \\rANTl.D A good girl for tjcuorul house-
> i work , 42 , B. S th uv. W4-18.
TV ANTED Pttghlug noficTto . Two" ladle
* 1 and two tiuiitlamen in Nebrusitaund lo a
Good valarywuh commUslou prlvlleuea to
workorc. An tu\u tment of fiurt > qulrt > < l. Ap
plylopr ndilrt'i. * The George S. Cllnel'ub
House , 611 1'lrst National bunk bulldlnu.Oinaha
H u. go-It *
\\rANTiy ) lilrl for uoueral hat awbrK. 1 I
ii aauthave , U71
WANTED Girl to ao gsnoral house work at
8128 Chicago Bt , 467
WANTElJ-ltnerpetlc. capable lady to take
. agency ol Umana for Mmc. McCabo's
.eolenratcd sanative corftotn , best fitting nnd
best Belling corsets made. St. Louis Corset Co. ,
Et. LoulB , Mo. Cfi9 0
WANTED-Glrl for general nousowork in
family o ! three , German preferred ; apply
to BBC Capitol ave. 3M
WANTED German girl to do cooklmr ana
washing , best of vncos paid. Inaulroj.
L. HrandoU , 724 BWhst. ZS
WANTED Experienced nlrl for general
housework. Mrs , U O. Jones , 718 No. 21st.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
1321N18tb. 853
ENC1AGI5MKNT8 to dodrossmaklnp In faml-
HM solicited. Miss Sturdy , 619 8 MtlBt. .
KU gUt
ANTF.D Hoard and lodging In Council
Illuirs for wlfo nnd little daughter , In a
> rlvato family , by Oct. Oth. by n commercial
nun. ( Hvotorms and references. Addreus T.
II. II. . I'nlinor house , Grand Island , Nob.
WANTED The use of a good sound horse or
ponjrfrl.U ng or driving ) two hours morn-
ngnudj o iig. Address , l 62 , Ileo olllce.
\\l ANTUD To rentO-room house ( poimrnto )
1 with all convenienceswest of "Ith between
Dodge. Woolworth and 1'nrk ave ; good custom
er wants It. D. V , Sholos , 210 1st Nat. Dank.
174 10
KENT A six-room IIOUFC. th nnd Itar-
noy at. , 15 per month , IJnqulro on premises.
O\l \ HUNT After Sept. a , nlno room house
on Wtrt Bt. In ICountzo Placo. No furnace ,
all other convonloncles and barn. Address u9
1'axton 1UK. OoO
FOU U15NX Good sized cottage on cable
line ,
0-room cottage , M mile from P. 0.,8J ! > ,
n-rooin house , bath , furnace , hot nnd cold , $30.
8-room housi' . 1 blks from 1 * . O , J.V ) .
J. U. Evans , BOS N. Y. Lite Building.
U.i11 }
2 GOOD houses cheap , U30 N 27th st.
37 10J
millUTKEN-room house. ISM Plorco st. : In
JL peed repair ; good plnco for boarding houao ;
KJO. llutclilnsou & Wcad. IK1 Doughis RC.
2.W IB *
FOU HUNT n-rooin cottage ; city water. 2GI2
Davenport St. "M 1C'
SEVKHALgood houses where the furniture
is for sale on reasonable terms. CoOperative
ative Land nnd Lot Co , STO N IGlh St. 2Til 111
HUNT No. 2111 Cnpltol avenue. 11
rooms , all modern conveniences. The O. F.
Davis Co. K
FOU HE N'T n-room cottage on South S3rd
street , jas.
Two 4-roum cottages on S. 12th st. , $12."iO.
Two a-rooin Mats on N. 17th ss. , suitable for
light housekeeping , { 12 ,
T > vo ( i-room Hats , corner 21th nnd Loavon-
worlh sts.
Apply to Green & Wllllams.lst Nat. bank bid g.
FOH HUNT Fine 11-room house , with all
modern improvements , No. 2J18 Douglas
st. A. H. Gladstone , 1310 Uouglas st. 1'Jl
FOIl KENT The very desirable residence
property , No. " 112 Cuss at. A good lease to
satisfactory tenant. Hoggs & 11111 , real estate ,
1403 Fiirnam , ll' ' ! 10
FOR RUNT -room house with modaru Im-
piovuments , on motor line , f-Vi per month ,
C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Naflbank. 147
H OUSES und cottages for rent Hicks.
153 17
ITIOK IlENT 9-roomliouse , modern Improvo-
JL ? mcuss and furniture for sale. 2211 Daven
port st. 12018
" 1J10H KENT Housa 12 rooms , barn room for
JP 20 horses. Laundry or manufacturing busi
ness preferred. Long lease If required ; 1211
Davenport , near 13th. WJ-13t
Foil KENT AB-room cottage , city , cistern
water , convenient to business. David .lamle-
son , 314 S. 15th st. 059
IOU IlENT 7-rooni house , 1523 Jackson st.
FOIl IlENT A now 9-roorn housft , with clos-
etjs , bath and hot water on both lloors ; cor
ner Hickory and Georgia nvo , ouo block from
park entrance. Price 8-W per mouth. 111. . Sal
mon & Co. , 1213 Leavonworth Bt. tOl
F I OH KENT Hvo-room cottage , 2013 Capitol
ave. ; Inquire ou promises. Wio
FOU It EN T 0-room modern Improved house ,
comer. Apply M. Ulguttor. 1112 S. 10th. 830
TTlOtt KENT Handsome 10-room honso , all
X1 convlenccs , paved street , cable nnd horse
cars , C minutes walk , of postotlice. NathanShel
ton , 1011 Farnam st. 704
"J710H HUNT Several now 5-rootn cottages ;
JL' rent $15 per month , Inqulie of John II.
F. Lehmanu , ( Ul S. 17th btroot. 717
FOH KENT 7-room Hat , 9- > per mo. above
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The
Fair. 233
I71O11 IlENT Fine largo residence , hard wood
-U finish , all conveniences , low rent to private
family : 2IU N 13th 8t. 621
Tpfion llENOVFlat D 622 8. Kith St. has alfcoiT
JL1 vculeuccH and onoof the best 7-room tlats In
the city. For terms call on Her * Co. , 1112
Huriiey st. 603
POll 11ENT Fine Hand 13-ioom houses with
all modern Improvements , Cnss street , be
tween 24th and 25th Hts. , at low rates. H. T.
Clarke , 2420 C ss st. 2S5
TJIOll KENT 7-room , 2-story house , barn lor
JO 4 horues if desired. For terms for the winter
call on or address C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nnfl Dank IbO
POUSES for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
L 848
TT1OR RENT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
JL'avo. Inquire , 2ri24 Dodge. bll
SIXnew houses. B to 8 rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address. Nob. Mortgage
Loan Co. , room 61S Paxton bl't. 138
POR HUNT 10-room IIOUHU , swam heat , all
iniprovi-mbnts , cheap rant. G. E. Thompson ,
oem 214 , Shoely block , 15th und Howard.
FOE KENT Nicely furnished rooms , all
modern conveniences , No. 322 K , 15th st.
350 1UJ
O INE furnished room for ono or two pontlo-
mon. Private family. 2211 Farnam st , 351
TI10R HUNT Furnished room for ono or two
JU gontlomen. Reforoaces required. SuO > Hurt.
31S 18 *
rooms with llrst-cluss board. Must
have references. 1314 Capitol avo. Mrs ,
G , Famous. 317 22 ;
I71URNISHUD rooms with all modern conve-
JL nloucus , for goutlemcn only , l M Dodgu si.
TJIOR RENT Elegant furnished room for sin
JO glu contleuian only , 721 d 19th St. , cor. LUHY
onworth , 627
ELEGANTLY furnished room , steam heat ,
gas , bath , from $10upwards , 004 ti. 13tn st ,
I'd floor. 15717t
2T. CLAJR European hotel , cor. 13th nnd
) Dodgopeclal ; rate uy weeic or montli.
jlOR RENT- Elegant rooms in modern brick
! 'residence , jltmlu or double. 1821 Cuss st.
211 10J
R1 OOM with or without board. 1613 Dodge.
TTUWNISHED rooms will bo ready in a few
J3 days at. 2201 Farnam at. 7W-
OOD room with buth. DlUS2tlthnt. 621
"I71OR RENT Two furnished rooms on Bt.
JL1 Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; nix min
utes wulk of bualue > s center , Refcronce ra
qucred , liuuilro ut store , 210 und 212 B 15th at ,
J IGHThousekeoplns rooms , til , 1319 N. 18th.
TTlOU RENT Well furnished room In private
JL' family nltu breuicfuBt undo o'clock dinner ,
Including 3 meals Hunduy. for J-3 per month.
1-ocutlon halt block from high school. Address
J 20. Ileo , 2S'J
TJIUIIMHHKU rooms and board , 415 N. 15th.
A1 lluio ;
IJ OU RENT-Nicoly furnished * oems , all
JL' modern convoulences , with or without
boaid , tan N. mil. Ill : u
f OOMS and bourn for 3 gentlemen ; no other
JLboarders. . 62J B. S3th u\o. U1B21 ?
I7UHI RENT Two unfurnlahod rooms ; also
JL ono ulcoiy furnlaUod , Modem convou-
lencas , 20 JI Hurt tit. IU7-18J
POR 1IKNT 3 rooms , well , cistern and citv
ualer. Wcor IJth uud Pacltlo at ; to einuU
family ; rofernucu rcuntred , R , U , CunHon.
unfurnished room * . KM S. 17th bo-
JL tweea Jackson and Lcavenworth. Blll't
rpOll ItRNT Unfurnished back parlor with
J- carpet , for ono or two Kontlomen , 2007 Casa ,
T7IOU KEVT 4 unfurnished rooms northwest
- * ? cor. 17th and Webster sts. ; prlco SI5. DM
T , AltGR , pleasant basement for rostanrantor
JUboarders , nearly furnished , 1314 Capitol avo.
iflO 22 *
' TORKllooms Largo new 3-story and base
ment sloro building , suitable .for nuy whole-
Raid business.
Now 3-story and basement building , sultnblo
tor heavy wholesale business.
Store room , No. 005 N. 10th st.
t Store room. No. 210.1 Loavt-nworth st.
Apply toOreon * Williams , 1st Nat. bank bid ? .
/"INK hundred-foot store l { blocK from P. O.
U Fleming , 14th und Douglas , 212 0 13
TJ10K RENT Cheap , a double store and base-
JL ; mont. corner 15th and Howard sts. lunuiro
of J. F. Slicely , room 0. ' . Bhealy block. lV 30
TjllItST class stororoomto rent , Hlckj.
TJ1OR RENT A largo warehouse on Jones st ,
J2 bot. i.ith and 14tb , thrco stories und baso-
mcnt , 4t by 1W feet , well lighted'nnd very
strongly built , suitable for heavy machinery
for manufacturing purposes ; will lease for llvo
or moro years at reasonable rent. Inquire of
Henry A. Homnn , 413 S. 13tn st. is S
PICE hall for rent. Hicks. 15317
"WOK ItKNT-Store. 1111 Farnam St. . 20 by 128
-U feet , Ustortos and collar. Nathan Shoiton ,
1014 Furnam st. 7 ( * >
T710K H12NT Tlio 4-story brick building with
JL ; or without power , formerly occupied by The
HOP 1'nbllsblng Co. . 91(1 ( Farmiiu st. The build-
inghns a tire-proof cemented baaement , com-
plotonteam-lieatlni' llxtures , water on all the
lloors. gas , etc. Apply at the ofllce of The Ileo ,
po 11ENT Dpslrnblo warehouse room on
L track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 711 Vacino st.
TJIOK'KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
-1 ? Ing st. Also house on Cassst. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. UanU. 234
LADIES nnd gentlemen desiring corres
pondents for amusement or matrimony'
join our correspondence bureau. Sura road to
matrimony. I or full particulars ( Inclose 2c
stamp ) address Lincoln Correspondent llu-
ro.xu , Lincoln , , Neb , 1W 17 ?
"IYrA8SA G n traixtmeut , baths , treatment ot
lUtho scalD and hair. Sirs. E. M. 1'ost , 113 S.
IDth &t. 2S1-10 *
OST1UCII feathers dyed , cleaned and curled
eiiual 10 new , Myer Levy , -03 K. 15th. ox-
Iiosltlon building. 204-1M
TEAL ESTATE 1'artles who want to sell lots
J-\rorUOO ] or $1.50) will do well to list them
With J. II. Evuns. 308 N. Y. Life. 209 10
G EUMAN lessons Mr. Dorndruck. Olllco
Fruehauf's bookstore , 25I > o3J
THE banjo taught as an art by Goo , F.Gollim-
beck. Apply at lloo olllce. 0V )
0 HAS. b. Todd docs collecting. It 448-sKJ Darker bit
TjlCONOMIXE In fuel by covering your atsam
JUpipes with fossil mnal non-oonductlng cov
ering , the most olllclont nnd cheapest of all
coverings. 1) . 0. McEwau , western apont. 1011
Howard at. 2.)7s21 )
f-v UES3 Mallng-3Ilss Carrlo Schaff , 413 Svpth.
T OST Canary In a new cage. M.OJ reward If
JLJroturnud to 19J3 Hurt St. 27IMCf
reword for the return of the plans of the
high school bmlulne , South Omaha , to
Egger.s & Hock , South Oiriaha. . 2S2-1UI
LOST At llurllngton depot , black satchfl
marked Emerson. JlO.oii rewaid for return
of papers and books In same to Eugene Mont
gomery , U. S. National building , Omaha.
"I OST Largo , young cloje-halrod St. llernnrd
JJ dog , yellow with whlta breast and feot. Ite-
tnrn to 11 JO Georgia ave. . or ! Wl Douglas and got
reward. 638
GENTLEMEN , It you desire a wire or n lively
correspondent , send your address to the
American Corresponding Club , llox ti43 , Clarks-
buigV. . Va. 240 o3J
irM. Leuko Pend me your address. J. C.
> Whlpplo , Omaha. 2UG 1C ?
Wx\NNED Vacant lots nnd ncre property
within city Units for a casn customer ;
must be bargains. Alex -Moore , 301 Sheely blk.
3J8 Itit
WANTED To buy a bans counter nnd llx-
turos. Address , glving'full paitlcniars , J
C4 , lice olllce. aiO-ia
CASH for furniture , carpets , stoves , genorat
mdso. Wells' Auction Je storage Co ,317 S.13tli.
lie Oil
WANTED-2,000 yards dirt nt 5 cents per
yard , to 1111 lot in Housel & Stebbiua ad
dition. Iloom 619 t'axtou block. 114
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household good ? of nil kinds. Omaha Auc
tlou & Storage Co. , 1121 rarunm. KM
STORAGE Clean , dry , nnd reasonable rates.
Swells' Storage & Auction Co. , 317 S. 13tn st.
192 Oil
STOHAGEnt low rates at 1121 Farnam street ,
Omaha Auction and Storage Co , 631
SIOHAGEnnd forwarding.Ve collect and do-
Ilvor goods of nil description , merchandise ,
furnlturo and baggage at cheapest rates for
storage for any length ot time. Vans and
M agons to bo had at shortest notice , w 1th care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own nan-house done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco217 S. 1 Ith
St. Telephone 1U. Howoll&Co. 635
rnitACKAGEstorage nt lowest rates. W. M.
JHushinan , 1311 Lnnvenworth. 530
MHS. I'XTLES , the famous fortune teller and
clairvoyant ; business , love , marriage and
changed. Ou7 S. 13th bt.noxt door to Darker hotel.
335-2.t :
TVfADAME Wellington , world-renowned ns-
-iTJLtrologist. test medium and detttnv reader ,
just from Europe. Tells your llfo from the
ciadloto the grave , reunites the separated ,
rattans speedy marriage with the one you love ,
locates disease and treats with massage and
electric baths. All in trouble should not fall to
consult this gifted seeress , Purlor 0 , upstairs ,
417S. llth ; olllce hourt , from 10 a. m. to 10 . m.
422 2ft
TJIOUTUNE Teller Mrs. Lonorman can bo
.I.1 consulted ou nil airalrit of lite. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th ht. 113 o'J *
it. NANNIE Y. Warren , clairvoyant , modi.
cal nnd business medium. Female diseases N. Idtn St. , rooms 2 and 3. 517
GOOD homes for laillos during confinement ,
terms reasouablebJ3 S.lHh. Dr. Mrs.Kuutie
B13 b30J
MilS. M. Ohleuschlager. mld-wifery homo for
ladles. Gooa accommodations und attend-
unco. Low prices. U5J7 North 21th at. . Omaha.
052 GO'
WJUTl'LKSEY'B shorthand and typewrit-
Ing achool , Darker block. Day and even
ing sessions ; $3 per month. 9ll-O7t
CJTA.NDAUD Shorthand School. Paxton blk. ,
kJlbUtcessor to Ynlontlno's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In the west Toacberd
nre verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory uxpart. Circulars ,
EOlt SALE Phaeton ut a sacrifice only S50 ,
Must be sold Immediately for cash. Willis
YiiU : > , Agt. NebtankaNat'l uank , 345
7IOU SALE Iledroom suit and kitclicu furniture -
niture , 1509 Ilarnoy 21O-10J
TJ OIl BALE A new buggy , Simpson make ,
4-1 cheap , Kooin 627 , Paxtou olock. 221
T7IOK SALK-Llght half platform spring
J-1 wngou. In giKxl order ; 1507 N. lUth st.
rilO CLOSE out housekeeping by Oct.l.woll sell
JL furniture , etc. , at private sulo. 2111 Cupltol
avu. Clli luj
171011 SALE Two furnacea as good as new ,
-L Apply at 2213 > arnam st. i-JJ (
TT10K8ALE A HoUldnyrlnd mill and Wl-
JL1 barrel wood tuik , 2cth , between D and E ,
South Omaha. ' '
SPAN of hordes , now wagon and harness for
sale , II6U Call room 400 , Paxton bile U75
T710U BALB-Cheap , a covered road wagon , In
-13 good condition. Apply ( Xtt N. luih at. K'J '
THOU BAMS Span of horses , set double bar-
JJ n ss and two soateiVsurrey , will sell part or
all very cheap , A. P. TuUoy , 15th and Douglas.
T 119
TTIOH SALE Slx-ye T-oUl bay lions , weight
JL1 about 1050 Ibs ; express wagon , ulnslo and
donhlo hnrness and bnckboanl. Ennulro 443
B24th ave . . 8KS lit
T710II SAliR Work tenrn. wagon nnd harness.
-L1 single horse , harnc-n and carriage. 2
wagons. Ssets heavy hornass , or will excnango
for brlcfc J. J. WllMtisAd , H17 Farn m. Oed
$100 buys m ire , harness , open buggy. Enquire
1819 Sherman ave. . attanft o'clock. 441 RT ? ?
FOH BALE A Ti-horna power Porter engine
In good condition , weight B.IOJ pounds , cyl
inder 11x10. For particulars apply to Thn llco
onice. . , . 793
MIDLAND ( Juarnnteo * Trust Co. . N , Y. Llfo
bldg.complote abstracts furnished nnd titles
tp real estate cxaminod.perfoctod < s guarantned.
a 10 LOAN A few thousand on Insulo unim
proved city property or peed 2nd mortgngo
paper. Address J CO lice oinco. 08
7110NI5V to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
JL J. eta. , or on any approved security. . ) , W.
Kobblns , H1U4 Farnam BtraoU 1'nxton hotel.M3
M ON 15V to loan on any security
tor short time , nt low
ratrw. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgngo Investment Company ,
room 401) ) . 1'axtou block. 643
BUILDING loans. D.V. Bholos , 210 First
National bane. M
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
houshold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds
lowest ratus. The Ilrst organized Ion n olllco In
the city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred and sixty-live days , which can bo paid In
part or w hole , nt any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call nnd see us wneu
you want money , vecan nistatyou promptly
and to your Advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay m making loans. C , F. Heed * Co. ,
SI'J 8. lath st. , over lllugham ft Sons. 653
LOANS City aim farm loans , mortgage pa-
par boucht. JlcCaguo Investment Co. KW
M ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , , real estate
and loan agents , ir > 01 Farnam at. 51i
WANTED First class iusldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1501 Farnam. fwl
MONEY loaned for 30. CO or M dwys on any
kind or chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; conlldeutial. J.J. Wilkinson , U1I Farnam.
DO YOU want monev ? If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , xviiich nro the low
est on any s um Irom $1 to $10,1)00. )
I make loixns on houshold goods , pianos , or
gans. horsesmulo3waganswnrehouse receipts ,
houses , loases.etc. , In any amount nt the loweit
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for one to six : mouths nnd
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
prlnc-ipal and Interest. If you owe a bnlanco
on your fnrnitura or horses , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up nnd curry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money yon will nnd It to your ad-
Tantnijo to HOO mo before borrowing.
II. F. Masters , room I , Wlthnoll tmlldlng. 15th
and Hnrnov. & ! w
G Per Cent aonoy-K. 302 , N. ST. Lire Ins. bldg
MONEY to loan at low rates nnd no delay.
Capital and surplus Jl.iOO.OJO. Lombard
Investment Co. , SOU S l.itu st. 6/J
TJESIDENCEIoans-flii to 7 per cent ; no ad-
Jtdltlonal chargesfor commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 11. Meikle. FJret Nat bank blug ,
. 013
EE Sholos. room SIQ , Flr/Jt Nat'l bank , bororo
making your loouj. 542
iT9,000 to loan nt ti ler cent. Llnatian & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 508 paxton block. 519
KY to loan on real estate security at
est rates , lleforonegotiating Jeans see
% It. 310 , llrowii bldg. , ICth & Douglas.
\TERUASICAMort. LoanCo. , wilt mase you a
L > loan on household goods ,
florses , wagon * ,
land contracts.
fine jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Iloom 7 , Rowley Work , South Omaha.
Koonia 013-519. Puxton block , Omaha , Neb.
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
iilsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , purfoot titles , accept loans
at their western ollice. George W.P.Coates.
room 7 , Hoard ot Trade. 510
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses nnd
wngons ; rates teasonnbla. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. 13th at. , opposite Millard hotel. 5.VJ a
T OANSmadeon real estate and mortgages
J-Jbought. Louis S.Head Jc Co.H.itf.UoardTrado
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $
$1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
ijavW money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old. and low
est rates , call H203Shoeley blS.ljthi : Howardst.
ONEY Louns negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commorcla
papar and mortgage notes. S. A. Slomun. cor
13tu nnd 1'arnam. f > 57
ONEY to Loan Chattels , collateral rea J
M estate. UCOI.Merchants'Nat'l bank bullduln.
20J B23J
MONEY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay , j.
W. Squire , 12VJ Farnara St. , First National
bank building. 54) )
loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National bant.
* r i2
MONEY loaned on furnlturo , horses , jewelry ,
etc Special ratss to parties in norm nnd
west part of city. J. D. hmluger , 1117 Farnam.
C8 * O 1
MONEY to loan We make liberal advances
on all kinds of furnlturo , pianos , organs ,
horses und wagons , without removal , without
publicity , nnd at lower rules than can bo hud
elsewhere In the city. Payments can bo maao
at any time , which reduce both principal nnd
In torus : . Long and short time given and liberal -
oral extensions made. All business strictly
confidential , lleforo yon borrow or renew your
loan call and gut our rates. Ilawkeyo Invest
ment Co. , room 33 , 3d lloor , Douglas blocks. v.
corner Ifith and Dodge streets. 30.I-S-21
M ONEY to loan on city or farm property.
Geo. J. Paul , 10)1 Farnam st. 102
BEFORE making chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay yon to see Tile Western Invest
ment Co. , room 44i Dee btdg. K3
TjMKST National safety deposit vaults. Safes
JO to rent $5 to Jio u year , 307 S. 13th. 12tf
FOIl SALE or rent cheap , small saloon near
the city , for prlco und particulars address J
CO Dee olllce.
T71UUNITUKB of a line 11 room house tor sale
JL cheap , nnd full or best class of roomers
known. Arnold A ; Wlustauloy , 5311'uxton blic.
"TDAHTNKU wanted Half interest in paylug
JL business : 600 per cant profits ; small capital.
Call ILOJK Fftruam. 3.18-10 ?
T\rANTED ! A party'negotlavfug for the piir
I T chase of u good newspaper propBrty wants
n pnttnur with Home means and business expo--
riuuce. Spencer , room U , llushman block ,
f B02-17
DIIUG STOCK Well located In this city ,
nice nnd clean , good'trade ; will Invoice
uoout f6.0oa ; will takelgood real ostato. Also ,
line carriage team , carriage and harness , to ex-
chungo for a good lot with einuH cncumbrunco.
Bpcuccr , room 3. llushmui block. 302-17
T7IOII BALE Ilnudsomo nnd well paying din-
JL1 Ingroom nnd restaurant , connected with
large Omaha hotul ; low ri-nt ; easy tarms : sutls-
fuctory reasons for soUmg , Alexauuer Moore ,
10 ISheoly block. , 359 10J
TrtI KST class stock of groceries , nxturos , del ,
J 77 for sale. Will invotreif rom tJ.WM to y,000 ;
part Cftali , balance in Wood paper. Good trade ;
line location ; runt very reasonable. Address J
57 llee. , a 20J
TT10H SALE SMO head offeeders , natlvosteers
JL1 averaco weight LOW His. , mostly toppea. 3
years old. Inquire 1st Nat. Hank. Hubrou ,
UTiuycr Co. , Neb , 2-0 M a
GnoOERY store for sale , or will trade for
farm land. Inquire of Frank J , Kavnn , Ctti
st , , between N uuu 0 sts. , Boutti Omaha.
_ _
Tf.OU SALE , or partner wnnto in good sa-
JL. loon and restaurant , located In one of the
best Nebrasku town' : thlHisararo chance to
the right party. Address J IV , Ileo Ofllce.
POIl SALE ElnvatoratOakdale. Good loca-
tlun for grain , Uvu stock , lumber und coul.
For particulars wrlto A. Truosdoll , Fremont ,
T710II IlENT One bams 11 utulls ; large yard :
J- ' clean and convenient ; enquire of Frost i :
HarrU , Izard st , but. 22d und -M sts. U51-
HOTEL for Skle Wishing to close out my
bu'lness at NeUgh. will offer tor sale the
Atlantic hotel , or will null furniture and rent
building , Periled wijtilnir to buy address C.
J. Anderson & Co.rNuliiM. Nub. 6 < IV
TjlonSAIiK Ort .rt Inrgo stoct ranch In
JLJ western Iowa , well improved and Ml nnd r
fences with or without slock. II 63 , He o onico.
fiSO 31
A HE you looking for an opportunity to on-
guge tn the mercantile busmossr If * o como
and soens. W. It. K.ft M , E , . lloom 14 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. U40. BU
TT'OR ' BALK Good elovntor In nne grain sec-
-A-1 tlon. Address John Heed , 1201 Est , Lincoln.
WANEEO-Peoplo to call at 140fl. Exposition
building , Capitol ave. , nnd examine a new
invention imtontort July 3 , 1888 , and Ilnd a
chance for good paying business. Call nt once
and Investigate. 101) ) K t
T71OU EXCHANGE ror residence-or reat-
JL' denco lot. n business lot on Sauudera street
near Odd Fellows' block. 0. II. Wnlworth ,
room32 , Douglas WOCK , 10th and Dodge tjts.
rpWKNTY-TWO foot business trop rty. a
JLlStn , clcnr forroatdenca lot. C. F , Harrison ,
> ifrchanta Nat. Hunk. 714
1JIOK EXCllANGE-ClparlotlnSo. Omaha to
J trnda for residence lot In Omaha ; assume
difference. C. F. Harrison , Merchmus Nat.
Hank. 27i )
rpo EXCHANGE for mortgaged notes or for
sale on easy payments :
One bay horse one platform pprlntr wagon ,
onos-ot brass mounted harness , two new car-
rlngos , nud one grocurjman's delivery outlit.
Will Colfax , room 13 , Hoard Trudo building.
TJENTAL property , inside , to exchange for
JuVrloar f aims or vacant city lots. Thos. F.
Hall , 311 Paxtoii block. aiff
TJIOR EXCHANGE An elegant tract of land
J rontnlnlng Ul ) acres in Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvemonts.
A quarter section In Hand county. Dakota ,
party Improved.
Eighty acres near Council lllulTs , la.
House and lot on South )0th ) st.
Largo amount of Oil .Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property tir the erection of some houses , uoo.
J. SternsdorlT. 1st National bank building. 3i8
AFIN'E eleven roomed house , a corner and
BO foot lot , to trade for clear unimproved
laud or Improved tarm in Iowa or pastern Ne
braska. Arnold & Wiustanlny , 635 Paxton bldg.
343 ! M
\ TIrANTEDPropcrty in Colummis , O. , for
TI Omaha property. CF.HnrrlsouMorchanta'
4(13 (
EinilTYncreanear Jlnryavllle , Kansas , liar-
shall county , for vacant lot in Omaha. C.
F. Hairlson , Merchants' Nut , bank. 3M )
W HAThavo you to olfor in exchange tor my
53.0JO equltv in mv double House on
Lntlirop st , near ICtn , or for my $5.0)0 ) equity in
iny iloublti house ou Spunoer st near : "d , or for
my $ ) , OiH3 equity lu my double house on Wlrt st ,
oust of 21th , all with modern improvements , all
enctimbr.inres 5 years at 7 per cent. No farms
will bo considered. W. T. Seaman , east sldo
inth st , noith ot Nicholas st. Omaha's largest
vailety ofagons and carriages. 101
"TTlOU'aALE Sovural cliolcc blt of reaPcstate ;
J impiovod and unimproved , at genuine bar
gain prices. Do not take my word tor It inves
tigate. J. B. Evans , 308 N. Y. Llfo Iluilduig.
T71OU SALE 5-acro lots adjoining the city on
JL' easy terms. U. R. Uall , room 42 , Darker blk.
' HEAP homes. Secure homes in Omaha
View. Now that the motor Una is to run to
Sid nud Lake street In Omaha View , homos in
this beautiful adultlon will ha eagerly sought
after on account of the great advantages of
location , ultltudo , hoalthrulnoss , accessibility ,
good neighbors , schools , cnurches , nearness to
business and the wonderfully low prices at
wnlch lots , or lots with now houses unlit to or
der can lo bouglit. This is tno one single addi
tion that has never bcon boomed , and the
prices nre as low us though no boom hud over
occnrreu In Omaha. You get tno lots at an
honest prlco and gat honest values in return.
People wanting homes will novcr regret pur
chasing In Omaha Vlo\v , and [ mould nt once
call on Hoggs A ; Hill , lias Furnam street and select -
loct their lots , and make terms for having a
house built to suit. 218 2J
JjlOU SALE On long time ana easy payments ,
JL1 Handsome , new.wijll-bullt houses ot 8 , tl nnd
10 rooma. All convenience , goo.l neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars , and within walking
distance of P.O. Nuthan Shelton , 1014 i'urnuni.
TJIOIt SALE Now elegant li-room house , nil
-U modern conveniences , east front , In the best
residence locality in Omana ; will ( .ell cheap ,
llrcnnan & Co. , room 3 , Chamber of Commerce.
176 Oil
SALE-ID acres. Allnotract. Hlghand
sightly. Inside city limits. Subdivides to
16 acres on Sanndorssr. (24th ( ) . A snap.
Other acre property. See
J. D. Evans , 303 N. Y. Llfo Uulldlng.
252 IB
T" HAVE some first-class rental property tor
JLsalo cheap within one inllo of postoUlco , ou
paved streets nnd motor lino. Thos. I' . Hall ,
Ull Paxton block. 5X8
TTlOIl SALE Lots in Stewart place , will tnr-
JU' nLsh money for building house , and pay
ments monthly. Hero is a chance to sccuro a
home. Harris , room 411. IstNat. liunk. Ml
"TjlOltSALE 0-room bouse , barn nnd lot Hans
JL : com 1'laco , nt a bargain , Harris , lloom 411
1st Nut. Hank. 601
TfTlOH SALB f.UOO acres land lu Nebraska , ;
JO cuxMO foot lots 13th St. at a sacrinclng price.
Inquire 1112 S 13th. Geo. H. PeiorsorUOi-alBt
TjlOUSALE Elcgantll-room house in Orchard
J- Hill ; modern improvements , etc ; on easv
terms. Alsofi now S-room houses , each with 2
full lots , small barn , otc , . in good location ; will
have eleUrlc motor within ! i blocks. Make of
fers. Address U 03 , Iloe ollico. 710
ONE ot the two nouso ana lot bargains I
have been olTeriug on Georgia ave , north of now sold and occupied , because
of my very low prlco. The south house of the
two still remains a bargain open to somebody.
First comes , tlrst served. To bo appreciated It
needs to bo examined Internally. I positively
will not rent it , though several times oliered
850 per month. Price , on very easy torms.fl,0 W.
W. T. Seaman , cast sldo IHth St. , north of Nich
olas st.Omuhn's lurgest variety or wagons and
carriages. 659
TjlOKSALK , real estate Drlggs Place , 1 have
JL' in this desirable addition n number of
choice lots for halo at low figures and terms to
suit your convenience. If you are looking fern
n fine residence location , lot mo drive you out
nnd show you these beautiful lots which 1 olfer
for sale. They belong to non-residents and
must be sold. Don't delay but cull at once on
Georgo.L Sternsdorir , let Nat , bank Dulldlng.
Telephone 1(11. ( 441
EORRA [ ik South front cottugo and barn on
33 ft. lot , near Farnam st , . 82,500.
For sale Ponth front cottage nnd barn ! 5 blk
fro.n motor line , overlooks city ; snap , $ ' ,50J.
Another , 10-rt. lot , jl.nno.
.1. II. brans , N. Y. Llfo liuikUng.
251 la
FOR SALE Cholcn farms near good mar-
kctH. cheap unit terms ousy , or will take
good trade. Lewis A : Co. , Sterling , Colo.
FOR SALE , real estate Three cnoico lots In
Itedlck i'nrk addition , radim 1MU HVO , Only
? 1.0,0 each. A line class of. resiliences surround
this property , and in less than two years they
will double in value , George J , Sternsdorir ,
1st Nat. bank building , 442
IT1ORSALE r > 4.7J : ! : acres , goc. 6 , tp. 12 , r.Ow ,
-I- Hamilton county Neb , Hou e , staulc , 300
acres foncad , living water. Price $1.0 X ) . F. 1C ,
Atkins , owner , rnllrond bldg. Dunvur , Col. 5C2
EXCURSION Look out for our land excur
sion to all points \ \ est ou Tunsduy. Sept. 24.
Wo cull pspoeml attention to our Now Mexico
irrigated land , which is the bunt investment
that cun be made to-day in real estate. Como
imd Join our excursion when you can have
round trip ticket for 1 fare. Wo can show you
land In all purls west ot Chicago at terms nnd
prices that cannot bo beat. Wo have some ex
tra good bargains on varan" ) nnd Impiovod lots , '
Call ut Excelsior Land Co.,310 S 15lh st. Omaha ,
$1,303 buys lot nnd li-room house on brick
foundation , good cellar , city water in kitch
en , 1 mtlo from P , O. on Caluuvll St. ; east front
in Plalnvlew. $ IK)0 ) , J.'uo cash ; attractive 10-
room cottage , bara , full lot on Georgia uvo. ,
t3.t U. JSUJ cash , Hutchluson & Wi-uti. 1621
Douglas st. 181 15
A CHOICE bargain. The best piece of prop ,
crty In tlio city for tno monoy. lOOxlOii reut
corner of Georgia and Popploton avonurs for
$ JO per front foot. C. A. Htarr , 1203 Funmrn Bt ,
14U .
LOOICI Lookl Look ! JIanufncturers nnd
waruhousunum. Investigate this. Northwest
corner lUth and Pierce bis , lwxl4l , only f KJ.r.U ) ,
fJ,5U casli ; | on this property , leuts for
tl.tux ) per year ; above prtcHgets tin * houses nnd
some of tnu ground for nothing , but the Cali
fornia owner wants to sell. M , A. Upton Com
pany , loth and Farnam. 701
"I5AROAIN Choice ten-acre tracts , close to
JJIloltl.luu rullway.wlll subdivide Into60 nlco
residence lots that will soil for JWO to $100each
within tne next three years ; can quota special
price on this If sold at once , Geo. N , I Heirs ,
New York Llfo llulldlng. 103 n
T OR SA LE-2i. 41 or M foot of lot 0 , blocs 7
JL1 at JU per foot. This U within u quarter of
u Moos ol the new P. 0. site , and will bo worlh
JI.WK ) Inside of A year.
Th9 e ! s lot H , block 101 , cor. Douglai and 10th
sts , 41 feet on Douglas and ( A on lOtn , prlct
! 25,0t , f 10,000 cash , balance in nveuqum annual
payments ,
The so > | nw U leofl. t H , r n e , Douglas Co. .
pricel2xi ( ) . 8I.OW cash , balance easy.
Lot ? , blk 33 < > , South Omaha , price 11,200 , terms
easy. W. R. K. i M. E , room 14 , Chamber of
Commerce telephone 1440. T.7.
"ITUVEu-room ' IIOUSAS , new , bath room , datum ,
JL'city wat r , half bloca from Motor HUB ; ID
pe' c nt cash , balance monthly ; aalo subject to
short time luabs. N b. Mortgafo Loan Co. ,
room CIV Paxtoa block. 82 *
anit Inrestlffato some of the
wo have to otter. Wo are contin
ually luting new properties , and "if jou don't
see what TOU want ask for it , "
For sale or exchnngo one ot the finest res-
tM'rixnts in Onmlm at a bargain.
Vr have several fine hotel proportlos to trade
for land or other good raluw.
An elevator property with Urge dwell ! ns
house , at a bargain. Klovator complete , with
horse powt r. scalei. onico furnished , oto. A
nn opening for a practical grain dealer.
Houses nnd lots in all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
of roliool lanu loaio , In on ot tno best counties
in the ( ttnte.
A nn * residence property In Omaha View for
sale at a bargain
Aflt ) Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good roll , for exchange for Omaha property.
23. ) acres of II no laud In northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omatia procorty.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise or live stock , a flno hotel
property In Iowa town of O. i ) inhabitant ! ! ,
leading hotel ot the place and doing a flno
business. Furnishes luoals for two passenger
trains dally. A f > nap for the riant man.
Wd have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 503 ngenti scattsred
over four or Mvo state * . List your property
wltluis If you wish a quick turn. W.U.K. *
M. B. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tele
phone 1440. TC3
T71OR SALH--3 houses on lot 07lx < B on s o cor.
JU llth imd Vluton , * 4UW. luqulr wltnlu.
rilO MANUFACTlTHEItS-I will give nmpla
X ground , with splondld trackage facilities.
on the Fremonf , Hlkhorii , t Missouri Vulloy
railroad , or on the Missouri Paclllo ( Kelt Line )
railway In Westlawn , Just outsldo the city
limits. In West Omaha , conveniently tdtuatxil as
regards access to the business ci ntprof Omiihn
and South Omah-v , to parties for the location of
any of the follow lug ludustrlns :
Furniture Fuctory , llutton Eactory ,
Shoo Factory , Lard Rcllnory ,
Starch & Glucose W'kg , Soap Works ,
Paper Mill. Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works , II room Factory ,
Han cater Works , Woolen Mill.
Nail Works , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , Itox Manufactory ,
Sush. Door nnd llhnd Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Shops ,
Flour nnd el d Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Wostlawn
is just outsldo the cltv limits , and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes ,
If you are thinking ot locating In Omaha It
will pay you to Investigate this.
Gen. N. Hicks , Now York Llfo building.
Omaha. 7ffd
TpORSALE Knsy terms , ICountzo placo.
JL' Two homos , eich 8 rooms , oachj 1,000.
Two homes , each 0 rooms , each & 5.ITO.
Two homos , each 15 rooms , each 87,500.
All with modern conveniences.
All largo value at the prlco.
All within a tqnure of the motor lino.
Don't lese those opportunities.
For sale by the ouer. . W. T. Seaman.
East sldo 10th St. , north of Nicholas st.
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages , _ 558
" 171011 SALE or for rent Now 6-room cottngo
-L' near street car lino. Easy terms. Address
J 22 , Ileo olllce. 32lMIf )
rpllEbostmouey s worth of housonndlot now i
JL for sale In Omaha is that which. .am now :
completing near 21th St. , on paved Wlrt St. , in
Kouutzo placo. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , : i water closet ? ,
largo laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
and coal room and cellar , electric bells and
speaking tube , 12 closets. Price only S7.W ) ) on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at same price. W. T. Bouman , oust sldo Pith st.
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's lurgest variety
of wagons and carriages. fi" > 9
HOUSE und lot for sale cheap in Drown
Park , cor. 3M nnd Drown sts. . or will trade
for-n farm. Lot TOxllSO foot. Inquire Frank J.
Knvau , Soutl Oiuiilia i-'Sl-Kit
I71OR SALE A fine farm of 309 acres , ou the
JO banks of Crystal lake , in Hancock Co. . la. ;
250 acres in cultivation , 26 acres of native tlm-
bnr. Will take small farm or good residence
property in eastern Neb. as part payment. J.
P. bcott , Rock FftllH , 111. 257 ICt
1710R SALE-A bargain in
JU Orchard Hill , Hawthorne.
Popplcton Park , Park PIuco ,
West Cumlng , Plninvlew , t
and other additions.
J. U. Evans , 308 N. Y. Llfo Dulldldg.
251 18
POR SALE V4 section of land in northwest
part of Hayes Co. For further particulars
address A. W. Priudle. Owosso , Mich. 243 16J
FOR SALE Good , clean $10,000 Investment ;
wrlto nnd ask mo about It. C. F. Harrison.
Merchants' Nut'l bank. 497
HANSCOM place lot for sale very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block 7. Wx.150. Adaress F , P.O.
box 350. 377
VJ ICE < i-rooin cottage , near hlgtt school ; lot : rj
JLNjclSS. J.1.50J ; this fa a bargain. C. F. Harrison
risen , Merchants Nat. bank. 127
TJ1OR SALE Lot 0 block IS Orchard Hill. En-
JL1 quire , H. a Choyney , lloom 208. Merchants'
bank building. 314 17J
ON E farm ot 14U acres in Pa'te county , lowo.
One farm of 120 acres ill Adams county , la.
One farm of IfiO acres in Rock county. Neb.
Ono farm of 1GJ acres lu Grand Forks , Dak.
Also Linderman hotel furniture , Clunndn , la.
All of the above described property must be
closed out in sixty days , rosjardlcss of prlco.
Call or address F. M. Park , Cluriuda , Iowa.
a Gill s')0 )
GLOIIE HO7EL Newly furnished and lilted
up throughout : centrally located ; 8J per
day. 1303-1310-1312 Douglas ft. 661
MURRAY IIO1KL Newest , latest and only
llrst-clnsi hotel In Oinuha ; $ , J to $1
D. Sllloway proprietor , 585
OZ7.ENS Hotel , corner of 8th nnd Harney
streets , $2.Uj per day. No dark rooms.
Table first-class. Try it. JL J. Franck 041-30
HOrUL-Coruerof lnth und Jack-
bon streets , 3 blocks from Union depot.
DestSJ a day house inthe city. 600
Notion to Contractor ? ,
Crrv ENOINKKU'S OfncE , i
South Onmlio. Nob. . Sept. llth , 1883. f
Scaled proposals will bo received by the nn-
dorslgiibd at this olllce until 12 o'clock noon of
September 23d , Ibra , for furnishing ul ! the ma
terials nnd doing nil the work necessary to
complete the following city improvements , viz. :
Grading "L" street from Twentieth street to
Thirty-fifth street , togotnrr with iippronches.
Pluijs und specifications may bo si-on , and all
Information relative to the work obtained , at
Payment for the work to bo made by war
rants on the cltv treasury.
No proposal fiom any contractor In default
with the clty ; on any previous contract will bo
considers 1.
No pioposul will bo considered unless accom
panied by u certified check for 8503.01) ) to uo 10-
turned on all bids not accepted.
The light Is lesnrvod to reject any or all pro
Work to be completed within nlnnty days.
Approximate estimated cost. $15,720.15.
Dy order City Council.
E. D. Towr-B ,
Chairman Committee ou Ylaaucts , Street * ana
alleys. dI3dto < 53
Notice to Contractors lor Untilinc ,
South Omaha. Nub. , S pt. llth , 1880. f
Scaled proposals will be rocolvi'd by the un
dersigned ut this ofllco until 12 o'clock noon ot
September 23rd. IfcMl , f or f mulshing all the mu-
torluls and doing all the work necessary to complete -
pleto tlio following city Improvements , viz :
Grading 21th Street from "N" Street to "Q"
Btr et.
PlntiH nnd specifications may bosei'ii. . nnd oil
Information rolatlvo to the work obtained , at
this olllco.
Payments for tlio work to bo made by war-
runts on tlio elf v treasury.
No proposal from any contractor In default
with thn city on uny previous contract will bo
considered. !
No proposal will bo considered unlosi accom
panied by u certified check tor J-UUX ) to bo re
turned on ull bids not oxcepteil.
The right is icserved to reject nny or all pro
posals ,
Work to be completed within 30 dayn.
Approximate estimate Is 31,710 cublo yards of
excavation , toc-ost } 4,757.40 ,
Dy order City Council ,
Commlttou on ViaHucts. Streets nnd Alleys ,
by. E. II. Towi , , Chairman.
8 13 a to B S3.
Oinaliu , Neb. , Seplembur lu , IHS'J. Henled
jitopobals in trlplii'Utu , will bo n : < el\od hero and
by Depot Quui termustor ut ( 'heywiwWyo , , un
til two o'clock p. m. , central time , October 10 ,
lh"j , und then opened for 3UO tons bituminous
coul 2.MO Ibs , to tjm ton dollvuit-d ut I'lioyonuu
( Jr. Mr. Depot , Wya. orothprpolntintyeclifwil by
bidder. Tno I' , H. resarvo.s the right to reject
any or all bids , Preference will bo given to ar
ticles t domestic production , conditions of
quality and prlco ( Including in the pricu of for-
iilgn production the duty thereout being equal.
All ( information furnished < m application. En-
volopoJ containing proposals snould bo marked
proposals for coal , und addressed an Indicated
above , WM. D. HUGHEH , Lieutenant Colonnl
nnd Deputy Quartermaster General. It. f. A. .
ChiefQutiitormabter. H )3d4tO23. )
Notlcsn to Contractor's.
Notice Is hereby given that seulud bids ttro
Rollclted for thu construction of u pan-maul ,
ten feel in width , including curb titnuc. 6x2t
Inc-ht-s ; not less tlun throe fi-et in length mi-n-
suiod in the woik , of Colorado Kami stone , 111-
lineal feet IHM Hiiiiaro feet or Colorado ml
sand Mtono paving uloi kB , o Inejdrs deep laid In 0
inches of sand. 'J'liu outsldo curb to bu of s < mo
mati rial as the jvvine blocku uud to bo 12 In-
cht'Sdi-ep , muu-'Ured lu the woik. Work to be
donottd-ording to plniiK ami pt > clfratlona | on
file in the county ck-rk's enc ! of York county ,
Nebraska. Work to bo couiplutod on or before
the iMhilay of Novombur , 1'8) ) , Did * to bo re
ceived up to 1U o'clock u. m. Sept , 2ith. I8hu ,
Work to 1)0 paid lu county warrant * on the
general fund ; on completion nnd ucrcptuuc1- ,
Right retort od to rojeu uuy or all tuuu
tUd.'t M , SoviiinaN. i iuuty ( "lev * .
iumytfQTON ItOUrKT TC V < J
Depot 10th it Mnion eta.I Onii\h * .
pMlbulo Ux. . . . ; i:15 i ) m WM A m
Chicago Mall \ < Hn A m 6'M p m
ChlcnKO tiocal 0:4fl : p m 7u ; n m
Denver Vostlbnla Kx. . . . . 10:0.1 : n in 3:00 : p m
Lincoln A Ooncordm do'l 8rtM a m Oils p m
Colorado Mall. . . . . . . . . . . . 7:11 p m Pi'tS ' m
Chicago Fait Mall IW ) p m
Kansas City Exprcs * . . . . . tii-n m 0ir n m
Knnsaa Dty lxprt ! < s. . . . P00 ; p m n-.Vt p m
UNION 1'ACIFIO Leavn Arrlvo
Depot 10th and Marcy sts Omaha. Omaha
Orerlanit Flyor. 7nO : p m 8:40 : p m
I'aclllo Uxpn-ss H:25 : a in 7 0 n m
Denver 1'xpress loiO : a m " : IO p m
Kansas city , Lincoln mm
HentrlPfl lixjirrvs. . . . 4:4fi : a m m
+ ( Jr nd Islam ! i.xpross. : . r > :4i : p m I''rr. p m
* I'apllllon PassctiRcr. . . . CM : p in 7:30 n m
tDally Except Suj
C. * N. \ \ ' . II. H. I Leave I Arrlvo
Depot 10th , V Marcy sti. | Omaha. Qinana. -I
Chlcjiio i\pro ; . Dally. , I nlR : n in 7:0p : in
Fust Limited , D.illy . 2(0 : ( p m 10-M ; n in
'lho _ riyi > r.'MaHv , . , . .1 HMO ] i in 8:05 : nm _
Depot irth.V WotMterbts I Onmhn , Omaha.
Day Express KIH : : n m ttsto a m
Night hvpros.s. . : W p 11 _ 6u ; p m
V. E. Si M. V. II. H. I/iavo Arrlvo
Depot I.lthSi Wobstvr ft- Omaha. Ouuiba
lllack Hills Kxprons . . . . 8:10 : a m 3:40 : p m
llastuiKs& Superior Kx. & :40 a m 0 : . " > o p m
Mnroln X Wnhoo Pass. . . r > :10 p m 10:15 : n in
David City * York 1'ass. 6io : p m 10:15 u in
Norfolk Va .s ntin p m 10:15 : n m
Fremont 1'ass 12jK-mon3j4Jp ra
C. M. & ST. V.UM. . Arrlvo
Depot IPth & Marcy sts. Omaha , Umulia.
No. _ ' . . 0:11 : a in
No. 4. . . UUO ; p m
No. 1. . , 7:1. n m
No. H. . . JaW : _ p ju
Dupot 13th A ; Wobstcrsts. Omatia. Omalia.
St. 1'aul Limited. n:4n p in
C. I ! . T. & 1 . l.oavo
Depot 10th * Marvy sts. Omaha.
Dos .Molnea Accoiumod'n r > :4" : > a m 0D5 p in
Atlantis Kxproas. * Uir > u in 7:0i p m
Night Express 4l.r ; > p in tf.'O n in
Voatlbuloil Express. . _ U5p : _ in _ 7:40 : n m
Depot 10th tc Marcy hts. Omaha. Omaha.
No. 8 St. L. Exp. Dully. . , T'l-aTp'iq
Running lietwecn Council Illuir : nnd Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
tialns stop at Twentieth unit Twtnty-iourtli
Hlreeu : . and at the Summit In Onmlm.
II No. 2 5COpm'A : ' No. 13 7:10nm :
C No. o fi:5npm'D : ' No. 1 9l5pm :
A No. 4 10OOumO : , No. 6. . . 6:15 p m
A No. 14 U:4ipmA : | No. 3 ( i :
No. 0 ! ) .40am No.7 11:270 : ra
No. 8 3:15pm No.3 7l : > n m
Ho.4 Ortium No.6 0:16pm :
A No,2 U40iituA ; { No , ] 7:00am
A No 4 9:4-lpmlA : No.3 6:45pm
A No. 2 10:07nmA : ! 0:25nm
A No. 4 U.-lftpiuA No. I UIOpm
B10UX 01 TV i PAC1FK3.
A No. 10 7:0'inmlA : No. 9 H:55nm :
A No. 12 7OOpmA No. 11 . . , , UOOpni :
A No. 8 4:3MinlA : No. 7 12:00 II
A dully : D da'.ly. oxcent Saturday ; 0 oxcop.
Eunduy ; D except Monday ; /ast mail.
"VI I O. 7--L. A. No. Mil Proposals for Army
J- > Supplies. He.idqnartaM Diipartmeut of
the Platte , Olllco of Chief Coinm.a > ary of Sulj-
elstenco. Omaha , Nob. , Sept. l.ith , Ih-j ! ) . Sealed
proposals , In triplicate , mibjc-ct to the usual
rondltlous. will ) ) received ut this olllco until
12 o'clock m. , central standard time , and ut tlio
olllco - < or the acting cominlss.iHoH or subsist
ence ut Toils SI Jnny , Nlobr.ira , and Hoblnsoii ,
Nob. : 1'ort I ) . A. lln sell. Wyo. , mid Fort Doug
las , Utiih , tint. I II o'clock u , m. , mountain
standard time , on Tint diy : , tint 15th day of
October , Ji-8.1 , at which time and place" they will
bo opimud in the jiru.suncu of bidders , for the
furnishing and dolivoiy of Hour lorlssuounn
componnit of the ration. 1 reference will bu
glvi-n to articles of domestic production or
munufuctuie , condlt ons of quality and ] irlra
( lin'liidlnu In tlio prl o of foreign productions or
mmiufui.'iiiu'.s tliti duty tlu-rooii ) bulng equal ,
'lhtirl ht la ivsurvcd to rcji-c.t any or all bids.
Illnnk proposals and Hpeclilcations showing in
detail inu quantltlt'M ruqiilred and Klvlnt ; mil
InrVirmatloa as In thu condition ol contractH
will bo funilMit- on application to any of thu
above mentioned ulllct-H. .1. W. DAUllKJEH ,
Maj , CJld C. H. , D.8A.Clllof _ L8. HHiUtoll-H
XJO. IL I , A. No. 6' , Proposals for Army
X > Suppllert. ll.'ud.anrttr.s Ddjuirtinent of
the 1'lntte , oilli'o or Cliiot Comml Hiiy : of Sub-
Hihtenee , Omaha , Nub , , Augunt llith , } MJ. Healed
proposals In triplicate. Biibji-ct to tlio usual
conditions , will bo rt-cclvod at this olllco until
12 o'clock m. , contra ! Hlundiird tlmu , nnd ut Iho
< illl't'.s of tnu acting uommissarlus of uunnxt-
cnco at l' rts JlcKlnnoy and WashaXlo , Wyo. ,
and Fort Douglas , [ 'tan , until It o'clock a , m. ,
mountain atnudurd tlmu , on Thursday , the lUtli
day of -plumber , iwu , at which time nnd
places they will bo Mptwt-d In tlia prnssonco of
blddur-f , for the tarnishing nnd dullvnry of
Hour , and at I'oit DuuxliiB , Hull for issue nn
components of tlu ration. Preferiiiico will bo
islvi-n to urtli'lcs of doincstlo production or
mtimifacturu , ronilltlmiH of imnftty and prlco
( Including lit tit.- * in1of ' foreign productions
or niiiMifacturcH tin- duly thereon ) being equal.
Thu right IN r < w rvuil to ii''eci any or all bids.
Illiinc ] iropo4jls nnd HprdtlcuUon * hliowlngln
dotull tlmqiuintitk-H rviiuird und giving full
Information ux to Mm condition of coniracta
will bu furnished on uppllcittlon to any of thu
above munilfjiicd nlllceH. ,1 , W. DAIUUOEIt.
Mnj. and C H. U. H. A. . Chlot U B. ua'd4tslO-17
Notlcnru rontrno to > H ( nr
SEALED Piopwuls will bo received by tno
commlltvi ) on viaducts , ntrmit.1 and alleys
until ! 2o'clicK ( noon Monday , Heptt-mbor loth ,
Hv-9 , nt the olllco of tlio city engftiet-r , for pav
ing nnd curbing Itatlro.iil itvcnuo frutn [ 'M"
streottu 'V" * troal , und "M ' hinmt from Hall.
road uvunuo In 27th Jitruot , und 'ah tfrpuifrom
" ( . "street to "N" ' -
strcbt. witti t'ulor-.ido mud-
htonu on > > and , ucc > nlltit ; to plant ) und Hpeclilca
tions on liltlu the olllco of the < -Uy unglnaur.
Approxlmutj estimate is D.UiOs juuror itrdi
of nnvliiy , nnd 6,7.16 lineal foot of cur'ilnir to
cost $41,717 3) . AVork must bacimiplutuil within
4U days AH bids must bo u'-cotnpanlv J by i jr-
tlllbd chock for foi.uMo b ruturneil on all
bids nut nwpted. The right to reject any ami
ull bids It ruM'-rveil ,
lly order CiCouncil. .
tltairmun Co'nuilt"o ou
A'l '
II M HUl.Vlty ' ' "
f-on . i-tli itU-'j
uMu ri in. - , ,