Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Decided WotiknoBB in Wboat
Ho Soli ! Wlinnt to All Comers In tlio
I'll * nnd nt Ills Old Arm
Chair Frost lit tlio
Cora Country.
CHIOAOO. Sopt. 10. fSpocial Telegram
to Tun HHB.1 The mtirltot showed more
weakness to-day tlinn tins been soon for n
week. The conditions wore tiotchiuigod inn-
tcrlnlly , except In tlio matter of thoJK'Isiblo
supply , but with n roomful of rich blears who
Imvor never mmlo nny monov except by soil
ing wheat , the point referred to was ; enough
to encourage mi attack upon to-dn.v's prices.
There wore other Items to bo glcnncd from
the bulletin boards which looked ns though
the bcnrs were likewise. Inclined to lower
prices , but the snmo Induccmunts Imvo bren
hold out for the pnst six wcoka , nnd they
were not abnormally strong to-duy , The
opening of the market wna at a slight
Improvement on Saturday's closing
UgurcB , being 78J @ 70a for December
nnd It held around those figures Irresolutely
for two hours , or until tlio visible supply fig
ure * began to glvo Indications of greater ad
dition to the f'ocks than had boon looked for.
When the rcsn t showed uu addition to the
stocks of 1,435,1 , 00 bushels there was a gen
eral dcslro to roll , which In about thirty
minutes nti i mil ted trading had reduced the
price to 7&l { @ } } % c. May In the meantime
had Bold off to SlJ c , nt which prlco it found
numerous friends , which encouraged the
buying of December nnd caused a reaction
of tho. latter delivery to 78 } a and finally
closed at 78X@ 3c , or } { o lower than on
Salutdny. The feature of the dealings was
the freedom with wnich an aped but Influen
tial operator sold the year's wheat to all
comers at " ( Wo , not only iu the pit
but nt his old arm chair on
the center of the Moor. Early publio cables
quoted tlio foreign markets steady to linn.
but later they conformed inoro cloudy to
private dispatches which rcUcctod an easier
tone. The receipts at this point were rather
under Saturday's ' estimates and they exhib
ited the same very small proportion of No. 3
ns has been so noticeable of late. Spring
wheat was moving out lit an Increased ruto
which was 11 point in favor of short soiling.
tflio feature as already Indicated was the in-
crcaso of 1 , ' . " 55,000 bushels In tbo visible sup
ply. At Ohicauo the stock was increased
15,181 bushels , nt Now York , In store- and
allout , ! MO)7 ; ) : ) was added to the week's sup
ply. St. Louis added UOj.OU bushels , and
Duluth 245,000. The chief incentive to the
soiling , however , undoubtedly lies in the in
difference of the foreign demand us wit
nessed In the snmll clearances from Atlantic.
ports , and the hulls shall , npuarentlv , have
to possess their souls with natlouco until
Bomo improvement takes place In this
Frosts reported from the corn country
west ot Urn Mlssissiopl did not for more than
a moment nt the opening turn the. puiposo of
the boars from scllinir what thov look upon
us nn assured lieavy crop. Hccclnts hero
were somewhat under Saturday's ustimat"s
nnd for Tuesday the anticipated number of
cars was S7G , but the overshadowing in-
iluenco was a belief in the security of nn-
other heavy crop. Tno receivers were con
spicuous ns sellers and buyura were tlio
owners of soiling contracts which showed a
prollt nt to-dn.v's llgurca. Cable and outside
domestic market reports were not encourag
ing and the sentiment seemed to cliiiir to but
ono side and that the selling onn. Prices
gradually sagged after a few min
utes show of steadiness around the
opening until September and October
were quoted at SU'/c ' and May at y3Jf@i3Jfc. | : ;
The closing llgurvs wero. OfloborUJJ .WJflC
nnd May ! W * < @ : ; % . Vessels were char
tered for 3111,000 bushels.
Oats attracted a fair interest in the specu
lative market and prices again tended slightly
lower. There were moderately frco offer
ings , stimulated by the weakness in corn.
The market was narrow , however , as there
were plenty of buyers of May nt UJ'c ' ,
which prevented any important decline.
This month Hold off about j u , with October
ot a shade of premium and a light trading in
fto. 2 white at 2Ic.
In provisions u strong feeling was dis
played. For both near and lorward delivery
prices averaged above Saturday's level and
the trade scorned nblo to command an en
couraging Hupnort. In October pork the
parly engineering the squep/o hold full con
trol. Ito was throughout indifferent to the
eeller , nnd buyers seeking to cover shoit
contracts were forced to bid the market up
on themselves. November pork was also
offered sparingly nnd higher. Now specula
tion was again moderate and largely cou-
Jlncd to January's fu'.ures. liascd on Sat
urday's closings , the llnal quotations showed
an advnnco of itOo on October pork , U' o on
September In I'd and January short ribs , 37 > &a
on November pork , U7Jo on year porlc ,
t > 0$7J o on September and year pork , fiQ' c
on September and October short ribs and
l a on January pork ,
CHICAGO ljlVl'3 Sr
Cnicuno , Sept. 10. | Special Telegram to
Tin : HUE. ] CATTLE Ueceipts were divided
nt 7,000 natives , 3,000 Texans and 2,000 rang
ers. 'Hie demand was active for all classes
with nn upturn from strong to lOo on me
dium to best exporters. Grnssora and com
mon natives underwent little or no change.
Both buyers and sellers quoted a substantial
clvniico on llrst- class Texans. Hango cattle
were about the same as last week. Choice
to extra beeves , strong nt Sl.40@4.fi5 ; me
dium to peed steers , 1350 to 1500 ibs , $3.85(3 ( !
d.80 ; 1200 to 1B50 Ibs , M.liO@l.20 ; 050 to 1200
Ibs. f3.OOClU.75 ; stockers and feeders , $1.90 ®
8.00 ; rows , bulls and mixed , & 1.00$3.XI ( ( ; bulk
( l.TGO'J.bS ; Texas steers , $ . ! ( H'J.8 ( ) ; cows.
f l.M$2.00 ) ; western rangers , J2.40@3.40.
Iloas The demand was active with little
or no variation in urices ns compared will
the close on Saturday. At the opening there
were n few lots of heavy that sold , \ niclce
lower , but in a general way prices rulci
ns stated above. 1'uskors paid $ J b.f.0l ) , in
come cases 4.00@4.05. Host heavy sold a
W.00@4.25 nnd funoy heavy nt $1.20 to $1.35
tight sorts Ce higher , soiling largely at JI.5 (
Nr.w YOUR , Sept , 10. ( Special Telegram
to THE HKK.J STOCKS During the Inte
rim from the close on Saturday till tlio open
Ing of the stock market to-day there was nn
evident effort on the part ot mnny leaders to
toke the boar side of the market. Western
rate troubles were ii.agntllcd and nil un
favorable points regarding money unitteis
were diligently made. Although It is shown
that Investors have more stocus Iu their
boxes than for yean and that the temporary
trlnceiioy can only effect the shorts , still
tbo conditions existing and the arguments
employed have resulted In a very genera
change of the sentiment from the bull to
the bear side. At the opening to day
therefore , there was activity but weakness
American fcocuritics were cabled as Hut in
London and that city was nothing hero
The llrst llguros showed n general loss frou
Saturday of > to X per cent , while In Itock
Island and one er two others Urn decline ex
tended to Jf per cent. The market was
quiet and the fluctuations during the hour
were conllned to liislgnltlcuut fractious
though they were In the direction of lower
prices at lint. There was considerable no
tivlty in reading , St. Paul , ICrle , Louisville X
Nashville , Northern PaclQo preferred and
Haw ICngland , the last named stock being
ft marked exception to the general list , rls
Ing * { pur cent in the place of u decline u
the rest of the list. Hofore the end of the
hour there was n better feeling and during
the hour to 13 o'clock there was u very fat
recovery with the market moderate. At
midday , with few exceptions , prices were
still a small fraction under the closing fig
ure * on Saturday , wlillo Northern Pacific ,
Union 1'aclflo nnd Western Union were %
to % lower with no upward movement. The
stock market was pretty well demoralized
late In the day. Northern I'aclflo preferred
broke nearly 3 per cent nnd closed nearly 2
per cent lower. Unto troubles , west of Chicago
cage , still threatened to spread. A tighten-
ng of money lioro was felt somewhat , with
.nil loans up to 4K per cent with no very
avorablo bull news for the moment. There
vas a heavy realizing nnd prices suffered
hroughout the list ; even Now England at-
or gnlnlng a full point early to 52L closed
but ? bettor at Gl jf. Transcotitlaontal
vnnt off with Northern PacIHo to 33 a loss ot
. } ( for the day. Net losses In grangers nnd
ithor western shares ranged from } ( to Jf
icr cent. The total sales for the day were
S1,7S3 shares.
The folio win ? were the closing quotations :
1.S.4s regular. 127 Noithorn IVxcldo. y
J. 8.41 coupons . . .128 do prof erred. . . . . . "I'4
I.S.4'/4srnjfti ' r..lO'iH 0. * tt. W ll.l't '
I. f. 4'Js ' coupons. . i\"iji ( doprororrcd H'
'acltltoaot 'i)3 ) 118 rfY.lentral..inflU
Central I'nclno. . . . T > 1' . O.&H S8J4
Chicago A-Alton. . . . 128 .Itocklslnnd 102't '
Chicago , llurllngton C..M. &SU' 72' ,
AQulnov 10S I doproferrod 1I4X
1..L < .AW 147 ? . St-I'miKVOmnhn. . ! l" >
Illnols Contra ! 110 doproterrod VJ'i
' . ,11. AW u' ' { tr.uon I'idiie . . . . cifj
t'nticin Bf rIV\wnu 1 t lir ' StJjtl * 17'i
* ' ' '
.nkoHhoro . > doprefiirroii. . . . „ ! J' <
Central. 02' , Western Union. . . . tOU
Ilssourl I'acltlc . . 7ft '
PRIMB MBftinxTibB P.U'sii 5JJ7 per
cent ,
SmiiLtxa EJCOIUSOB Quiet and steady ;
Ixty-day bills , $ l.84Xt demand ,
Allnlui ; Stoulci.
Nnw YOUK , Soot. 10. fSuoclal Telegram
o Tun Hun. I The following nro the rain-
ng stock quotations :
Calcdonin 11. I ) . .310 Mt. Diablo 140
Con. CnU i. Va 700 Ontario 3400
) oadwooclT. 15 < ) Occlilmital lfl. " >
Suroka Ton 150 Savage 228
"Inlo& Norcross. . . Slurrn Nevada . . .275
lomestnko ( ) UO Union Consolldn'd.IHO
lorn Silver ll'i Ward ConsolldaU.liVi
rou Silver 200 Vellow Jacket 3X >
CHICAGO , Sept. 1C. 1:15 : p. m. close-
Wheat Stcadv ; cash. 7C' c ; October , 7ft
J-lOc ; December , 78 9-10e ; May , 82Kc.
Corn Firm ; casa , 3 40 ; October , U25-lCa ;
December. 3lj o.
Oats Steady ; cash , lO&o ; October , lOJi'c ;
December , 19 IMOc.
live September. 42e.
Harley No trading.
Prime Timothy S1.20.
Flax Seed-Cash , $1.23.
Pork Higher ; cash and October , $11.20 ;
January.$9.2 > .
Lard Steady ; cash , 5395 ; October , $5.90 ;
Tanuary , $577 % .
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00 ®
.40 : sprint ; wheat , J1.20@5.00 ; rye , J2.5U
( iJ2.bO.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $4.37 ®
.50 ; short clear , $5.25@5.37Ki short ribs ,
.05 5.10.
Uuttor Firm for choice grades ; cream-
iry , 12@21c ; dairy , 10@l7e.
Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddars ,
Hats , SKftSXc ; Young Americas ,
. Firm ; fresh , 10Kl7c.
llfdes Steady ; green salted , SJ c ; light
green salted , sjcoj e ; salted bull , 4' e ;
; rcen salted calf , 5 o ; dry Mint , 7o ; dry and
alted hides , Uc ; dry calf , OQto ; deacons ,
each S0r. !
Tallow Steady ; No. t solid packed ,
< B4Kc ; No. a , 3Xo ; cake , 4Jf@l i3.
Hccoluts. bhlpmonts.
rjour 18,000 23,000
IVheat liJS.OOO 155.1KO
Corn 310,000 Uiy.OOO
CUts 187,000 335,000
Acw York , Sept. 10. Wheat Re
ceipts , 274,000 ; exports , none ; spot market
dull und weaker ; No. ! i red. S3 > o In
store and elevator ; S3K@Sl } o alloat ; 8.1) ®
A ° iv 1. o. b. ; No. a led , 80fc ; options
dull and lower , October closing 8Jo.
Corn Receipts , 243,500 bushels ; exports ,
lone ; spot market lower ; No. 3 , 41 } c
JH'i" m store , and elevator ; 4l >
* " 41ij c afloat ; No. 2 white , 44J.f@44J.fc ; un-
"rudcd mixed , 41@42 > < o ; options dull und
ewer , October closing 41'g'c. '
O.its Heccipts , 00,000 bushels ; exports ,
" 72 ; spot market easier ; options dull and
weaker. October , 25 > | o ; suet. No. a white ,
2S'Jc ; mixed western , ! i4J < j@28c ; white
do. , 2rc 3Sc.
Sugar Uaw , very strong , roilned firm.
Petroleum Firm ; United closed , Sl.OOK
'or October.
Coffee Options opened steady nt 23 to 23
lolnts up aud closed steady at ] 5@0 points
ip ; Soptomuor , flOOj ; spot Hio , strong ;
'air cargoes , SKi.lOJX ,
Eggs Quiet ; western fresh , ISJ QlOc.
Pork Steady ; Inspected moss , $12.25 ®
Laid-Steady but dull ; western steam ,
Huucr Firm ; western dairy ,
creamery , ll@21 } c.
Cheese Higher ; western , C
Milwaukee , Sept. 10. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 72 e ; October , 72J < o.
Corn ull ; No. 3 , JUJgc.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 22 > fc.
Hyo Dull ; No. 1 , 42 c.
Uarley CJuiot ; September , 57e.
Piovihions Firm ; cash , pork , $11.10.
IMlnneuimliH , Sopt. 10. Sample wheat
about steady ; receipts for two days 402
cars ; shipments. C8 curs. Closing : No. 1
hard , September , 77bO ; October , 773 e : on
track , 7Do ; No. I northern , September , 74 0 ;
October , 7 } o ; on track , 75J4c ; No. a
northern , September , 71cj on track , 71@7Je.
Llvornool , Sept. 10. Wheat Steady ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; red
western spring , Os ljd@7s Kd percental ;
red western winter , Os 7 dOiOa 8 > d.
Corn Steady ; demand poor ; new mixed ,
winter , 4s 2 > d per cental.
St. IjinilH , Snpt 10. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , 77J e ; December , 7&Mc.
I'orn Lower ; cash , 2UKc ; December ,
Oats Lower ; cash , 18c.
Lard W.75.
l.uttor Unchanged ; creamery , 18@22c ;
dairy. 14l5c.
Whisky $1.03.
Ilmitim City , Sept. 10. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 rod , casli and September , ( Ho bid ;
01 } < e naked ; No. 2 red , cash , 75 > io bid , 78 c
naked ; Setember ] ) , 5Sc ; No. 2 soft , cash ,
tiSobid , ( iSi Jo asked.
Corn Stronger ; cash , 2.'l } c.
Oats No. 2 , cash nnd September , 101 < e
bid. 17 > fe asked.
Ciiiclnnnil , Sopt. 10. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 rod , 77@77 e.
norn No. a mixed. 30c.
Oats No. 2 mixed , 2-22 ! < 4o.
Whisky Steady at $1.02.
ijivia srucic.
C'lilongn , Sopt. 10. 'llio Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market steady ;
beeves , fl.40i4.l)5 ( ) ; steers , $ J1.00fgl.tlOj (
Htocktirs nnd feeders , $ l.90@3.00j cows ,
bulls and mixed , Jl.OOdW.OO ; Texas cattle ,
51.50g2.bO ; western ranijers , $2,40 ( < i3 00.
Hogs Receipts. 15.1)00 ) ; market closed
strong ; mixed , f3.95@l.50 ; heavy , $ .180 ®
4.HO ; light , * .00 ( < $4fcO ; skips , $350@4.35.
Sheep Receipts , 9,000 ; murkcl steady ;
natives , M.50s < il.40 : western , J.1.50@1.15 :
Texans , $3.40C$1.15j lambs , $1.50(25.85. (
KIIIIHIIM City , Sept. 10. Cattle Re
ceipts , 5,000 ; shipments ; market iriegu-
nr ; CQWH , $1.350(2,50 ; stackers and feeders ,
Jl.bOfealO ; corn-fed steers , $2.90@1.25 ;
grass and range steers , $ l.00i$2.70 ( ,
llogs Receipts , 2.000 ; shipments , - ;
market dull and weak ; good to choice light ,
f4.25 ( < l 32 ; heavy and mixed , * 3.50@U5.
NKlliiniil Sleek Yiirl4 , lOusi Sr.
Louis , Sept. 10. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ;
fthlpuiciits , 100 ; market strong ; fair to
choice heavy native steers , $3COJ4.40j (
btockera and feeders , $ .MO ( < { 3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 1,403 : shlpmuntB , 1.200 ;
market steady ; heavv. $3.00 ( 4.15 ; packing
grades , $3.75(34.00 ( ; light , $1.10 ( 1.35.
Sioux City , Sept. 10. Cattle Receipts ,
140 ; shipments , 135 ; market steady ; fat
steers , &i.00ij3.35 ( ; stocUer * nna feeders ,
$1.05 2.65.
Hogs Receipts , 900 ; market higher ; light
and mixed , $ J.70g.l.07Ki ( heavy , $ J.bO
_ _ _ _ _
I'roaucc , l'\'iiln , K to.
En os Strictly fresh , ISQICo.
ii Creamery , funoy , I5i210o ( ; choice ,
H@lSe. Dairy , fancy , ratio ; choice. 11 ®
[ 2o. Country , fancy , 12@T4c ; eood to choice ,
&jllo ; fair , 0@10c ; inferior. 0i7c. (
Livr. PjOKONs-Por doz. , $1.5i > .
GAME Pralrlo chlcicens , $2.00 ( 3.00i mnl-
ard ducks , 2rX)53.00 ) ? : mixed durks , $1.50
2.00 ; teal , $1.25 ( 1,50 ; lack snipe , $1.25i3
l.CO ; plover , ? l.OOM1.2o ,
BRANS Choice hand-picked nnv.v , $ l.7fi@
'iOJjchoIco hand-picked medium , $1V ( > ( ( |
M.SO ; choice hand-picked country , $ l.rxfij
1.05 ; clean country , $ l.50@l,00 ; inferior
country , $1.00@1.2o.
llincf , PBI.TS , TALLOW , KTO. Green sailed
ildes , 4 < 34 } c ; dry salted hides , lie ; dry
lint hides , 7o ; calf hides , 4JCi" " o ; damaged
iidcs , 2o loss ; sheep pelts , green , each , 2oc@
$1.00 ; sheep polls , dry , per lb , nl2c. Tal
low , No. 1 , 4 ( < t4) ) c ; No. 2 , W ( Wc. Grease ,
white , 4 , ' @ > ? io ; yellow , 2 } < ( ( fic. :
Wooib'ino , average , Ifi lflc ; medium ,
average , 2l@J2e ; quarter-blood , average , 20
( S21o ; coarse , avcrago , Iu ( ill7o ; eotts und
rough , avornRO , UlGc. (
CIIRKSK Voung Americas , full cream ,
lOo ; factory twins , OJ o ; off grades. 0@7c ;
Van Rosscn Edom , 411.50 per doz ; sap sago ,
lOe ; brick , lli12oj ( llmburgcr , 7@ c ; do-
mrstlo Swiss , 14c.
LHMOVS Fancy , f00SH \ ( KO ; choice , $ , r..OO.
AIM-MIS Per bbl , $1.00@3.00.
CALIFOIINIA Pcitiitcs 20 lb boxes , $1.50 ®
CAUFOHNIA Gn U-RS $1.501.75.
Pr.Aiis 40 ib boxes , $1.75 3.23.
HANAKAS Accordlnc to size , per bunch ,
$2.00@3 00.
CocoNUTS Per 100 , $ Ti 00.
Arrtii : HtiTTEii 5c.
ClDKii-Bbls , $550 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
Mu-i/n SUOAII 12K15o per lb.
VnAt , Chnlco , me ilium size , 5tf ( OKc ;
choice heavy , 5c ; spring lambs , $30.00 ( 30.00
i > er doz.
! lo\iv 15e per lb for choice.
Pitnsiim 1:3 : ! il @lOc per lb.
JELLIES 3) @ 4o per Ib.
liKcswAX No. 1 , lOMlOe.
Pins FIIT : Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled
nigs' tongues , kits , $2 35 ; pickled tripe , kits ,
)5c ; pickled II. C. tripe , kits , S5e spice t
pigs' ' bucks , kits , $1.15.
BKEF TOKOUHS Silt , hhln. $20.
Oiooerir- . .
Pnovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
lie ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lOHo ; 12 to 14 Ibs , UKc ;
No. 2 , 9-io } ; specials , 12c ; shoulaors , 6) ) 0 ;
breakfast b.icDti , No. 1 , SJj'o ; specials , 12c ;
| ) icnic. OJ c ; hnni sixusaw , 8) ) c ; dried beef
hams , 0 > e ; beef tongues , & per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 5 > fiTOo ( per lb ; boneless ham ,
SJtfc ; l.nm roulette , G fc.
PICKLES Mod lum , per bbl. $5.01) ) ; small ,
§ 3 00 ; gherkins , S(15'J ( ; C. & H. chow chow ,
Its , f5 90 , pts , $3 10.
lUos Amuiicnn A , seamless , 17c ; Union
Square paper , discount 35 pur ocut.
COITEB Green Fancy old uoldon llio ,
2)c ) ; fancy old pcaberry , 25o ; Rio. choice to
[ nncy , 23c ; Rio , prime , 2Jc ; IJio. good ,
2le ; Mocha , 2.o ; Java , fancy Mnudehllng ,
27u ; Java , good interior , 24c.
COFFIC Roasted Arbuclclo'a Arlosa ,
24' < c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 2Pfe ; Gorman ,
J3J c ; Dil worth , 2l' e ; Alaroma , 24j c.
DitiED FiiuiTS Currants , 4 } ii5c ; prunes.l
caslts , 1,300 Ibs , 4tf@4c : prunes , bbls or
jugs , 4 @ 4c ; citron pools , drums , 20 Ibs.
2lo ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , io ( ! ; fard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , Do ; apneots , choice
evaporated , 13e ; apricots , jelly , cured ,
2Tlb boxes , 14c , apricots , fancy , Mt.
[ laimltnn , 25-lb boxes , 15e ; apricots , choice ,
> ags , 80 Ibs , 13) c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
fiO-lb boxes , C' c ; apples , Stnr,0@0 > o ; apples ,
'anoy Alden , 6-lb , 8c ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2 lb , 8 > e : blackberries , evaporated , BO-lb
joxes , 5X@Oo ; cherries , pitted , dry cured.
l.r > o ; pears , California fancy , s boxes , 25
bs , 12 } o : peaches , Cal fancy , J s unp boxes ,
! 5 Ibs , 15c ; peaches , Cal No lluncy , , J sunp
ja s , 801bs , 13c ; | ) caches , fancy , ovap imp ,
Wlb ) boxes , 12@lle ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
now , 7(47Vac ( ; nectarines , icd , 12e ; neotor-
nes , silver , bags , 12c ; pittea plums , Cnl ,
25 lb boxes , lie ; raspberries , ovap , N. Y. ,
lew , 21c ; prunes , Cal , R , C. , 90-100 boxes ,
J5 Ibs , 8c ; prunes , Cal , R. O. , 00-70 , 9o ;
orange peel , lee ; raisins , California Lon-
dor.s , crop IbSS , W.40@2 00 ; raisins , Califor
nia loose , muscatels , crop 18S3 , $1.90&Ji.OO ;
Valoncias , 1838,7 0.
CANNKD FISH Hroolc trout , 3 ib , $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 lb , $2.5 : ! ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 lb , $2 00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 It ) , $2.25 ; deviled crabs , 2
lb , $350codllshTalls ; , 2 lb , 51.75 ; cavier , %
lb , $2.25 ; eels , 1 lb , $3.40 ; loDstcrs , 1 Ib , S1.90 ;
iobstera , 2 lb , Sl'.IO ; lobsters , deviled. Ib ,
52 25 ; mackerel. 1 lb , $1.05 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , JJ.10 ; maoitorel , tomato
snucc , 3 lb. § 3 40 ; oysters , 1 lb , 95c ; oysters ,
2 lb , $1 00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 lb , W.OO ; salmon ,
C. R , 2 lb , $3.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
$2 05.
CANNTO MEATS Corned beef , 1 lb square
cans , $1.20 ; 2 lb square cans , $3.05 ; 0 lb
square cans , $0.50 ; 14 lb square cans , $14.00.
Lunch tongues , 1 ID round cans , $2.00 ; 2 lb
round cans , $4.75. Brawn , I lb square cans ,
J1.20 ; 2 lb square cans , $ J.OO ; 0 lb square
cans , $050 ; 11 lb square cans , $14,00 Ox
tongues , \ % lb round cans , 5.00 ; 2 lb round
c.ins , $0.00 ; 2 > ID round cans , $7.00 ; 3 lb
round cans , $8.0u. Chipped beef , 1 lb round
cans , $2.0' ' ) ; 2 lb round cans , $ -1.00. Roast
beef , 1 lb round cans , $1.20 ; 2 lb round cans ,
00. Potted ham , X lb round cans , Ooc ;
'b ' round cans , $1.20. Deviled ham , ; f Ib
round cans , 05e ; } lb round cans , $1.20.
Potted ox tongue , l { lb round cans. 05c ;
% lb round cans , ? l.20. Compressed ham ,
1 lb square cans , $1 75 ; 2 lb square cans ,
$275. Tripe , 2 lb round cans , SI. bO. Minced
collops , 2 ID round cans , ? - ' 20. Boneless
pigs foot , 2 lb square cans , $2.25. Ono pound
cans are packed two dozen and four doron to
case ; two pound cans , one dozen ana two
dozen to case ; half pound cans , two dozen to
case ; quarter pound cans , four dozen to
case. All prices per dozen , not.
HAY $ U)0@5.0U. )
CHOP FKKO * 10.00@12.00.
BIIVN $10.00.
SAtmnB Bologna , lZ4Ko ( ? ; Frankfurt , 7c ;
tongue , 8c ; summer , 20@24. } c ; head cheese ,
VViui'i'iNO PAPER Srtaw , ott rib , nt@
2K : rair , 2) c ; manilla , B , SQIO c ; No. 1 ,
bo.SM.T Dairy , 2SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , 00 , 5s , ? 2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best grade , 28 , 10s , $2.30 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $ l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton , 00-lb bags ,
85c ; bulk , 234-lb bags , $ J.40 ; common , in
bbls , $1.25.
C\J m-9KO12fo ; per lb.
CIIOCOIATI ; AND Cocoi 21@37c per lb ;
German chicory , red , Tl e.
GINQKH Jamaica , > / uints , $3,00 per doz.
FAHI.NCEOUS GOODS Barley , 3@'iJJe | ;
farina , 4Vfc ; peas , So : oatmeal , 2 < 5o ; nmo-
aronm , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 3' ' ( < tlJc ( ; ; ;
sau'o und tapioca , ( Sifi7c. (
1'imiSuit Dricifcodllsh , 5'.f@9 ' > u ; scaled
herring , 24o per box ; hoi. herring , dom. 50u ;
Hamburg spiced herring , $1.11) ) ; hoi. herring ,
70c ( < fl$1.00 ; mackerel , largo family , SU.50 pur
100 llis ; whitollsh , No. 1. $050 ; family , $2.75 ;
trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $ i > ,50 ; nnchovles. 80c.
Lvi-fl ! 75@1.50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazils , 80 ; fll-
bcrts , lie ; pecans , Ulo ; walnuts , 12u ; peanut
cocks , Be ; rousted , lOc.
I'oTVTOi'.s 25@35o per bu.
POUI.TIIV Olu hens nnd chickens , $3COJ ( ?
3.HO ; spring chickens , $ J50@3.75 ; ducks nnd
geese , per Ib , 10r > ; turkeys , U@10c ; young
ducks , per doz , $ .1.00.
SuoAits Cut loaf , 9c ; cut loaf , cubes ,
9)tfes Standard , powdered , 9Ke ; XXXX
powdorop , 9o ; granulated , Standard , 8 @
bjfu ; confectioners' A , S u ; white , extra C ,
8 > fc ; Climax. 8' e ; extra O , Nebraska , 8 0 ;
Amber , 7J/u ; California Golden C , 74/e.
LAUD Tlorces Helined , n o-.oholce , O o ;
pure loaf , O o ; kettle rendered , 7 > c. Add
) o to J o for smaller ( | uantltus. !
OiLS-ICorosono-P. W. , 05/o ; W. W. , 12o ;
headlight , liie ; salad oil , $ J.15@9.00 per
SAI.SODA 1 (32) ( 0 nor lb.
STAKCII 5o ( > 7o per lb.
STOVB POLISH $3.00@5.87 per gross.
Sl'ioim Whole , per lb Allspice , llo ; Cas
sia , China , O.KC ; cloves , Xunalbar , 20o ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 7Qu ; pepper , 17o.
PIIINTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond.
Allen , Oo ; Rlvorpolnt , 5 > o ; Steel Rlver.OW'e ;
Pneillc , 0 } < o.
PIIINTS Indigo Blue St. Legor , 0 > e ;
Wnshlngton , 0 > o ; American , OJ c ; Arnold.
0 > 4c ; Arnold Century , 9e ; Windsor Gold
Tit't , 10J o ; Arnold B. lOKo ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold dold Seal , lO 'o ; Yellow Seal , lOJ e !
A maun , I''o.
COUSBT JEANS lloston. 7Jfo ; Androscog-
gin , 7 o : ICearsagD , 7JiO ; Rockport , O fo ;
Consutoga , 0 > o.
CIIASH Stevens' B , 5) ) o ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
bluachcu , 8c ; Stevens' 1' , 7u ; bleached ,
85/o ; Stevens' N , bK"i bleached , Oi c ;
Slovens' BUT , ll o ,
DKNIMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , lf > Xo ; Everett , 7
oz , 13a ; York , 7 oz. lUo ; Havmaker , SKo :
Jaffroy , XX , UKo ; Jarfroy. X\A , 13' ' c ;
Beaver Creek , A A , 12o ; Beaver Creek , BU ,
llo ; Beaver Creek. CO , lOo.
GtNuiiAU'-Pluukott , chocks , O c ; Whit-
Green O , Co ; IlopO ( 7V. King Phillip
cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo cnint ric. 10o ; Lons-
dale , 8)ic ) ; New York nulls , luc ; Popporoll ,
43 In , 10 < s ; Poppcrell , 40 In , llo ; Pepperoll ,
0-4 , Hl c ; Pepporell , 8-4 , COaJ Pepporell. 0-4.
Poppcroll . 10-4 , 24e ; Ointon , 4-4 , S' ' o ;
Canton , 4-1 , "K15 ! Trlumuli , Oo ; Wamsuttn ,
lie ; Valley , 6c. . u
TICKS Oakland , A , 7Mc : International ,
YY , 8c ; Stetuckut. S , Sc' AVarron , No.870 ,
10o ; Berwick , BA , 18c ; Aemo , 13c ; York ,
TO In , 12)tfc ) ; York , 2 In , 13o ; Swift River ,
80 ; Thorndlko , OO. 8 ! o ; Thorndlko , EP ,
8Wo ; Thorndlke , 120 , 9H ; I'hornttlko. XX ,
15c ; Cordls. No. 0 , 9'fc : Cohlls , No. 4 , lO' ' e.
DUCK West Point. 23 In , 8 oz , l ) ) o ; West
Point , 20 In. 10 o1'jjtfe ; West Point , 29 in ,
12o ? , liiVfc ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOo.
FLANNHLS Plaid Rittsinon , 20o ; Clear
Lake , 30 0 : Iron Mountain. 20 > fc.
PIIINTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater ,
Co ; Berlin ell , OJ e ; Garner oil , 0@7o ,
SniiiTiNO CIIKOKS Caledonia X , OJtfo ;
Calcdonin XXHOlie : Economy , OcjOtls , Uo ;
Granite , OXe * . Ornwtord checks , 8c ; Haw
Hlver jilaids , 5' ' o.
SunnTiNO , BIIOW.V Atlantic A , 44 , 7 0 ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlnntio D , 4-4 , O c ;
Atlantic P , 4-1. Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au
ronxC , 4-4. 4Jfc ; Crown XXX , 4-4. 0 fr ;
llooslor LL , 4-4 , f Jio : Indian Head. 4 4 , 7c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , djfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 } c ; Popporcil R , 4-1. OJfo ; Popporoll E , 40-
inch. 7 c ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 1'jtfe : Pepperoll ,
04. 20e ; Popporoll , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C , 44 ,
45 fc ; Waehusotts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-1 , 7c ;
urora B , 4-1 , ( \\c. \ \
Fi/iNNiis : White G. H. No. 2 , J , 22 > < fc ;
G. H. No. 1 , J { , aj o ; G. H. No. 2 , Jtf ,
G. H. No. 1 , Jf.SOo ; Quechio No. 3 , Jf ,
Quccheu No. 2 , * / , 37J e ; Annwan ,
Windsor , 22 } e.
Ki/\Nsr.i. i Red-C , 21 inch , 15 } < c ; E , ai
inch , aijjo ; G G , 24 inch , SMo ; H A F , J ,
25e ; J R F , % , 27e ; G , Jf. 2T.C.
KUNTIJOKV \Ns-Hereulcs , ISe : Le.-im-
InRton , 22 o ; Glenwood , 2Jo ; Melville , 2" e ;
Bang-up. 2r } i ; ; Memorial , 15e ; Standpoint ,
I8e ; Durham , 27 , 0.
MISOKM.ANCOUS Table oil cloth. 83 BO ;
table oil cloth , marble , $3 5J ; plain Holland ,
, dado Holland , I2 > e.
niXTi Dress Charter Oak. 5 , ' c ; Ilium-
po , 4c ; Lodi.fijfc ; Allen do ; Richmond , Ou ;
Windsor. 0 > o ; Eddystono , < J a ; Pacillc.
Hvrrs Standard , 8c ; Gem , So ; Ucauty ,
12c , IJoonc , 1 lo ; U , cased , $ ( > BO.
MIANKKTS While , .00 ( < 57.50 ; colored ,
81.10(33 ( 00.
CvMimics Slater , fie ; Woods , 5o ; Stand
ard , 5o ; Peacock , fie.
CAUI-ET WAIIV Ulbb , white , ISJu'c ; co
orcd , 21XC-
COTTON FIANVKI.S 10 per cent trade dis. ;
EE , 8Jfe ; GG , O'/c ; XX , lO o ; OO , I" ' '
unbleached , LL , 5Ko ; CC , U&c ; SS ,
NN , 12 } c ; AA , 14c ; DO , 15J < o ; TT. i
YY , 18c ; BH , lOc ; SO bleached , SKcftlO ;
12V < ! 80 , 13J c. 60 brown and slate , Oo 70
12Jic ; 00 , lOc.
Liiiinbcrand litilldin-r Material.
f. o. b. , Omaha.
STOCK HoAiins A , 12 inch , a 1 s 14 and 10
feet , { 4(1.00 ( ; U 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 13 and 15 feet ,
$3000 ; U 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , It nnd 111 feet ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 12 foot , ? 1S.OO ;
No. 2 Coin. 13 In B 1 s It and 10 feet , S17.50 ®
18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 10,18 and 20 feet ,
$19 50 ; No. 2 Coin. 12 in s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
PgpiiAn LUMIIKH Clear poplar box Ms , J
in , s 2 a , $ J5 00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
F30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $ .J > 00 ; clear
i > ophir , J panel Htoek wide , s " s , S.J3.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , Jg , 530.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12o ;
white cedar , 5 > j inch halves and S Inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , 10e ; Tennes
see rod cedar , split , lOc ; split oak ( white )
Sc ; sawed oak. ISc. ,
Still'LuNo. . 1 plain , 8 and IS inch. 517.50 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , § 13.50 ; No. 1 , O.G.
12 ft 14 ft 1C ft ISfft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft
2x4..15 00 1500 15 OU 1(100 ( 1000 1800 11 ! 00
2x0..1500 1500 1500 1(100 ( 1(100 ( 1800 19 DO
JxS. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 1(5 ( 00 10 00 IS 00 10 00
Jxl0..1500 1500 1500 lOOtolOOO 1800 1000
2x12..1500 1300 1500 1(500 ( 1000 1800 1'J 00
4x ISx.810 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 10 00
Fn.s-cixo No. 1 , 4 nnd C inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $1(5 ( 00@10 50 : No. 1,4 nnd 0 inch , 10 It ,
$17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12and 1(5 ( ft ,
$13 50C < 14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 1(5 ( ft , $15 00
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st ami 3d clear. l } { inch , s 2 s.
$40.00 ® 1.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , U and 2
inch , s a s. $47.00050.00 ; 3J clear.X inch , s
2 s , $43.0-34.00J ( ) ( ) ; select. Itf , IK and 2 inch ,
s 2 s. $37.00 ® iS.OO ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s
2 B , $45 00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A
select , 1 inch , s 3s , $33.00 ; 13 select , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , $30.00.
Ci-ii.ixn AND PAIITITIOX 1st Com , % in
wfiito pmo partition , $ JiOt ) ; 2d Com. % In ,
white pluo partition. S 7.0d ; clear % in , yel
low pine ceiling $ .20.00 ; clear % in , Norway ,
$14 50 ; 2d Com. % in Norway , $13.00.
Ho.utns No. 1 coin sis 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft ,
$10 00 ; No. 2 com sis 13.14 nnd 10 ft , $10 50 ;
No. 8 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft , 511.50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship'g cull ) , SL1.00.
Add 50c per M ft for rough.
UVTTII.VS , Wiii : , TUBING , I'lcrcurs O. G.
Halts , 21 < Inch , OJo ; O. G. Uatts , K3. sso
3oc ; 3-in wcl Itubing , D. & M. and bov. $ . ' 2 ; 10
pickets , D. & H.llat , $20.00 ; pickets , D.Ac U.
square , $19.00.
FJ.OOKINO 1st com 0 inch white pine ,
$34.00 ; 2dcotni ( inch white pine , $31.00 : Hit
com 0 Inch white pine , $2(5.00 ( ; D com 0 inch
white pino. ? iJ.OO ; com 4 and 0 inch yellow
pine , 315.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st nnd 2d clear .yellow plno , 4 and 0 inch ,
SIIINOLF.S , r.ATir , per M XX clear , $329 ;
oxtr.i-A * , 5J.80 ; standard A , $2 00 ; iTi inch
clear , $ l. ( > 0 ( < i1.70 } ; 0 inch clear , S1.75@1.80 ;
No. 1 , $ I.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territorv , $ .140 ;
California led wood , dimension widths , M 50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $2.50.
Twin OB and I tone * .
Divnnns' TWINE Sisal , 15 , ' < jc ; hemp , ; c51
mnnillu , 18u.
Ci.ornsM.vns Cotton , fiO-ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 : jute , 60-ft , OOo ; Jutf. (10-ft ( , $1.00.
COTTON J'MINI : Fine , 22c ; medium , HK ° i
heavy hump , l(5c ( ; light hump , 15u.
ESAU.TWINB 15 , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , ISo ;
Manilla rope , 13 > c ; sisal rope , ll u ; now
liroduets , So ; jute , be ; cotton , l"c ; hmu rojio ,
Monday. Sept. 10.
The trade In cattle assumed a fur brighter
aspect than for several days and values on
all grades of heaves advanced 5@10c , Not
only was the market higher , out it was also
more active and a good many cattle changed
hands bofoio the close. Tliu offerings con
sisted mostly of westerns , but there were
300 or 400 natives , some ot them pretty fair
beovus , but none ot them prime heavies.
Among the westerns were some desirable
cattlo. Several bunches of natives brought
$ .1.90 , and the westerns principally $2.50@
2.80. Hutchora' stock , such as cows , heifcra ,
etc. , were not very plenty , and fully us much
ad van co was experienced ns on beeves. A
big bunch of western cows wont at $1.70.
There IB a very good demand for veal calves ,
and tbo buyers are uniiblu to got eiioiiuh to
till orders. They would sell nt $350@150 ,
and perhaps higher U good. The demand
for stockcrs nnd feeders was not very heavy ,
but fair for tlio first day of the wool : . Tha
trade did not develop any now features , but
values remain In about tbo same notch as
lust week. Dealers are generally looking
for a good trade In this class of cattle this
week. What native feeders changed hands
went largely at $ J.40@2.50. Quito n good
many wostcrn feeders sold ut $ J.35@2,45 ,
The market on heavy hogs declined fully
Co and in some cases perhaps lOc , the sales
being principally at $3,75@3.80. Light sorts
sold readily at $1.00@1.05 , or nboutOe higher ,
and the few hero wore soon disposed of. The
light uiixoa hogs did not snow any dooldcd
Improvement , but sold at about steady prices.
The shippers reported their droves of lights
as costing ubout 2 > o more than on Satur
day. _
Cattle . . . , . 2,3 0
Hogs . . . l.bOO
I'rovaillni : I'rluen.
The following is a tabla of pricei paid In
this market for the grades of stock men.
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 10 JO lbs.3 00 @l.30
Good steers , 1350 to 1450 Ibi. , 0.73
Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . B 25
Western steora . , . U.40
Common canuors . 1,00 < l.GO
Ordinary to fair cows . 1,50 Ml. 75
Pair to good cows , . 1,75 1.90
Good to choice cows . . -.4. 1.90 ( 2.20
I'Viir to good bulls . l.M @ 2.00
Liight stocKcrs and feeders. . . . 2.25 @ 2.CO
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2 BO © 3 PO
t-'nlr to choice light hogs . 3.05 ( S4 05
Fnlr to choice heavy hog * . D.75 ( JC3.S5
ITnlr to choice mixed hogs . n.80 W390
Common to rough hogs . 3.45 @ 3.70
Koircsuutuivo ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 . 1107 SU 10 20 . 13sO S3 00
74 . 1379 ! 1 5)0 ) 70 . 1403 il 90
129 . 1391 390
rnincns. :
1 . 10SO 203 33 . 902 2 BO
10 . 733 B 40 1 . 740 200
J . 015 260 7 . 021 2
.1000 1 25
.1100 1 25
wr.yruux CATTLE.
Dwncr nnd No. Ar. Pr.
1 steer , stray 1400 2 35
2 stags 1300 2 OJ
2 cows , . . .1000 2 1)0 )
1 steer 1150 2 00
1 steer 12(50 ( 3 00
2 oxen 15115 2 00
2 steers 1212 2 bO
II feodeis 950 2 00
0 steers , strays 1217 2 20
2Htccrs , struys 1185 2 20
3 steers , strays 1027 2 20
0 steers , str.iys 1200 2 20
1 cow , stray 12.JO 1 50
I cow , stray 10SO 1 50
Scows , strays U37 1 75
P. S. Houocho
10 steers 900 2 25
3 steers 1150 a 80
15 steers 1015 2 bO
17 feaders UJ9 2 50
S. S. Gmen
4fecitcrs 1033 2 45
40fecdors 1130 2 45
23 steers 11S8 2 70
4 steers 12U ) 3 70
Brown-Illff Cattle Co.
4 bulls- 1203 1 GO
312 cows 5123 1 70
81 steers , Texans 1203 2 25
A. W. Miller.
20 feeders 11(50 ( 2 35
8 steers 1101 2 05
13 steers 1185 2 70
1 cow 1000 1 75
Swan Land and Cattle Co.
4S cows 997 1 03
Ramsford & Palmer.
0 heifers 572 1 .75
1 cow SOO 75
11 cows 805 80
21 feeders 10(13 ( 2 40
A. Critchlow.
73 steers , Colorado 1149 2 75
9 coivs 1178 3 00
4 steers 1210 3 00
4 steers 1070 3 00
1 cnnncr 1070 1 CO
2 feeders 1005 3 50
No. Av. Sh Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
. . , .203 SI ) $3 00 07. .240 2-10 $3 SO
5. . , .811 60 3 5.-I 0 810 40 ! ) 80
10. . .20'1 3 00 73 . .20S 3 b1)
3 . , .337 40 8 00 (5.1. ( . . 'J50 40 3 S >
29. . , .303 40 3 (53 ( 00. . .25b 120 3 b7. ! <
23. . , 300 SO 3 5 OJ. . .217 40 3 ! 10
22. . , .354 1C ) U 01. . .240 fcO 3 .10
3J. . , . : U2 120 3 fiS . .251 120 3 00
24 . , .310 200 3 0 71 . .237
30. . , 315 KiO 0 142. . 240 IfiO a oj >
33. . , .2'J'J 200 3 ( I . .212 40 3 03
50 , . , .331 1'30 3 31 . .207 40 00
79. . , . ! U5 - 3 24. . .213 40 00
07. . , .2SS 100 3 37. . . 103 00
4. . , .275 40. . .211 00
C. . , .3'.H ' . Sli. . .211 40 05
4. . , .400 3 50. . .223 0 >
IB. . , .300 41 3 2S 228 03
CO. . , .20J 1(50 ( 3 44. . .210 40 05
57. . , 271 80 3 31. . .212 40 05
58. . , .305 80 3 bO
lilvo Stoulc Notc-i.
Hiirnoy & Latta came in from Tekamah
with four c.ira of cattlo.
A. M. Adams , Ur.iJshaw's heavy shlppor ,
came Invitli two loads of hofja.
John LompUo , the cxtonsivo nnU regular
shipper , c.iniu In from Mil lard with IIORS.
G. U. SutherlanJ , of Chicago , is tlio guest
of Lee Truitt at tha yarUs.
Arcadia was represented by O. E. Ctiarl-
ton , who brought in hogs.
Nicholas Jaequott cauio in from Memo ,
In. , with ho s.
Howard & Merrill came in from North-
borough , la , with hogs.
A. J. Snowdcn cams in from Gushing with
olcvon car loads of cattle.
A. W. Latta nad two cars of cattle In from
H. Whitnor , of Tilden , made hii first trip
to the 40 yards with two car loads of hoga.
J. U. Insloy , of Slater , Col. , was visiting
the yards.
Inspector Clark Howard condemned two
lurnp-j.iws to-dav. Why shippers will con-
ilnuo to pay freight on diseased animals to
this point and then have thorn condemned
nnd turned over to the rendering works lor
what the hides aio worth is a mystery. I3ut
all are conuoinncd nnd killed.
Iloavv hogs are selling at about the satno
figuroi Hi last Monday , but light hogs are
10ftgl5o higher.
A. J. Snowden , ICearnoy , loft Gushing for
south Omaha Sunday with eleven cars of
cattlo. The train was sldo-traolccd nt Sew-
urd , nnd when it started to pull out Mr.
Snowdon , in attempting to board the cars ,
slipned in such n manner ns to fall partly
under the train , the wheels passing over nnd
mangling onn hand , which will have to bo
There Is a good demand hero for vonl
calves , and anything dcsir.iblo of that de
scription would sell ro idlly at 3Irony prices.
Advici-ti ) AiotherH.
Mrs. Winslow'fl Soothinp Syrup
should alwiiys bo Ubod for children
toothing. It soothuH the child , buttons
the gums , allays all pains , euros wind
colic , anil is the host remedy for diar
rlicott. Hoc a bottle
Kuliy nicKoo on tlio Slump-- .
A West Virginian htipKcsts that the
now postafjo stamps bo adorned with
the picture of Hauy MeKco.
INSriUJMIINl'd plncuJ on racoiM
JL yoitordav.
01 , Hurt aud wife to E L Hart , lot ID
llart'H Hub. wd t 1
i. 1 MeDonoll to 0 0 llansol , w ! , lot O.blk
i. Credit rouclor , w d 1,300
(1 ( W McKlimuy und wife to II Wl gum ,
lotfi , I'ottor .vt'obb's Bub , w d 1,800
It Kchrocdur. trustee , 10 1C 1'luor , lot 4 ,
blkb , lliuwn'Mparlc. w a U- ' )
H i : linger * nudlro to 1C ( illle , lot H , blk
44 , Credit loncltrnild , wd 1,200
O.I Smith anil vlfo to J a Holland , lot 14
llltkoryJ'laco , wri ! ! .OOJ
H 0 Cook and wifeto It lunlmum , loc 10.
hunnysldo aild. w d 4,500
South Omaha I.imd Co to II U Cook , lot I' ,
bit SU. Boutli Oinalm , wd 700
01' ' Anderson to Nelson Jolim-on , lot 11 ,
blk IM ) , dranilvlew , wcl CO
Lena ( .lulck and husband to 1 * 0 Jensen , o
part lot 7. West IIII1 add , wd 1,200
wni Cobiiru , Hhurlir. to ( J 0 Wallace , trus
tee , lut iu and M , blk 6. .Monmouth
park , shur d , 85
AllodB tt8toAand wife , lot iH , Davcu-
porthtib. wd 3.MO
A I1 Tukoy et ul to U J I'otoriioii , lot , bit
10. Clifton Hill , wd WW
Win Coburn.Bherlir , to ( i O Wallace , trus
tee , lots 18 and IV , blk S , Moumouth
purk , Bhord . . . . . Kt !
Wm Ooiiurn. BherllT. to ( J \Vnllace , trns-
tee. lotd-undl ) , blk i , Moumouth pure ,
Hhcra CG
11 lined etal to Tand n lalil ) < i\iest \ , part
lotm. bile4 , Campbell's add , u d . . . . 7-6
J It JIuolCcnziB imu wlfii to t' M Wright ,
lots 11 and ID. bile IV. Walnut Hill , w a. C.OOO
J J ABlilamlHiid wlfoto (1 ( M Hlbbel , lot
7. blk U , Ul chard Hill , wd U.100
0 K Comun nnd litiHband to 12 1 < * DuulolB ,
und H of u y lotol. llurroalc. w d J.7W
0 I ! Conian nnd luisnaud to 13 i' Daniels ,
lot ! ( . " > , hnnny Idu add , < \ a d . . . . 800
1 ! I ) Meiidlinlier and wUu to H II and II I-
I'lrkurd. MJucreHlnu wiiuUMVI wd S.OOO
A 1'TiUuy ut al to W 11 Fuller , lot 17 , blk
to. uimoii mil , w d . . . . . . . o
Q .M Itlubol aud wife to W U Dunn , lot 4 ,
blk "ibannaorn : k Illniobaub'U'a ana ,
wd . . too
11 llocebooni tofiM French , lota IS und
in. blk H' ' . Central park , wd . . . . l.UX )
1'atrlck Land Cole H KMiilth. lot * 1 to4
und U to I1. , blk JU > , Dundee place , w d 10.UX )
J 11 riynnund wife to A Colin , lot ) , blk
fl'i , llodrord'Bl'ndndd. wd . W
Trtenty-slictrausfera , . . .JtS'JV5
An ICdltnr's Pet.
The numerous cnllori upon Editor
Rniloy nt his sanctum on Preston street ,
lloliston , are most invariably attracted
by a young alligator that ho has in a
tank of clear water , says the Galroston
Nows. The creature is a great pot of
Iho oilltor , and ho has named It Dan
Smith , ttfter hia honor , the mayor. Ho
lias had it several wooksnml it IB qulto
Fcontlo , haing easily luesmoriyod by beIng -
Ing tloKlod under the chin or hnvlng
Its liond stroked gontty. It ib over two
feet long.
An Almnluto Cure.
Is only put up in largo two nunco tin boxet ,
nnd is nn absolute euro for old eras , burns ,
wouudit , chapped linn do , nnd all skin orup.
lions. Will positively cure nil kinds of pilov-
Aslt for the OKtGtNAl * AUIB 1'INU OIN T-
MEN T. Sold by Goodman Drui ; company nt
25 cents per box bv mail UU cents.
T Krpp S nnips From Htloklnjr.
To koot > stamps from stlokin toffothcr
put n piece of panUllnod paper such as
a grocer uses to cover lard or butter
affiiliiHt the gummed side. Then they
can bo cnrriod about or mailed with Im
punity ; and when the paper is removed
the stamps are still gummed ,
Ice water is safe If you mix It with
MShalovitoh's Hungarian blackberry
Her Utnurclln Sn\p < l ( lor.
A Now York woman was walking
along the street when a blot-k of wood
foil from the sixth story of a high
building. It struck ou her umbrella ,
knocking it from her hand. The shock
ilso throw the lady down. Shawns not
liurt , neither was the umbrella.
CuMiumn's Metitho Inhaler cures cntairh ,
lietidnctio , neuralgia , asthma , h.iv fover.
Trial fico at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Lost All Jllfl Minim.
Benjamin Franklin , of Blue Earth
City , Minn. , is the only member of the
3. A. L { . who lost both his arms and
logs in the sorvlco. llo served iu the
Minnesota cavalry from 1801 to 180G.
Last week ho attended the national reunion -
union at Milwaukee.
rovisioos i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 boutli Itttlt Struct , - Omalin
Cniiital . S 100,000
.Tan. 1st , 1SS ! > . r > i,00l ! )
Hcvnv . Y v ri- ! = . President
LEWIS ? . ItrKD. Vluu I'lesldunc.
A. i : . TOU/.U.IN ,
\V V. Moif-n.
It. C. Oi'siiiNn ,
J.N. 11. I'MIIIOK ,
\V. II. S. llt'niiBCashier. .
Cor 12th ami rnrimm Sts.
ACenerul Hanking lluslucss Ininsactcil.
When 5 ou nro Ixiyltift aoi ex remember that there In
such a thlngas n price that
J1 * lonchtajt It H Letter lo
| inr .1 fair prlco nuil uit
irnoJ Klines Ilku Iliilcli-
IIIINOII'M. Tlu-j nru mmlo
riomsilcctril skins In thet
Lii.- . ! manner and nre n II
rnnli'il to l > o the most )
ter\Iceablo Jnailc. Ifjoul
v ant to know mnru about'
glo\c0 In Rencrnl nnJ
Ilulrlilnxnn'H Cilnvvn
In iinrilculir * enclose
Ftnnipror Ilin bonk About
( Jlovi'H. It will Interest
> ou tsTAni.t HED 18W.
JOHN O. lIUTCIU.NbOX , Joluintoivn , N. T.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
T"NLj rv * oiii . i'Tr'ci'C2 * . FJ . | ft I t Q14
Ititl Ciusv Diiintcintl Itiiuul.
The only nHalle 11ll ftr alf f-nfcand
urc lu < 1li u U I c'imUt f r the Din-
inontl ri d tnualllu boars , peakil
1U bluurlbljoD TitLciiiHitlier. Kfiiil Ir.
( itinivji ) for inrllculari ML 1 "Itclhrtor
I.iltlU * / ' in tcttrr l y mull. Aim J'aper.
. . . ' . t'o.
i-nl < ' ( ' tri'Mnn't I'lilliuln.
Boots and Shoos.
KlltKHNDALL , JObES < t CO. ,
buocosjors to Iteeil.JoncB A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Slioes
AKeuti for Huston Rubber Slioo Co. . 1102. 1101 and 1101
llurnuy ntrt'et , o > u& i , Nebraska.
sronx A-
Lager Beer Brev/crs / ,
1W1 North Eighteenth streetOmnlia , Kcb.
kannrcmrcps offialyanizcil Iron Cornice
\YlucloiT-ciininnil mctnllcskyllBht" . John l"ponut r ,
pru | > rictor , VA nnd llu huiuli lUtli tliuut.
Paper BOXOB.
Proprietor Omalia Pauer Box Factory ,
Kits. 1117 uuil 1319 DoutflaB ttreot , Oinnhit , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A , nisnuow & co. ,
Wholemla nisniifjioturiTi ot
Sasn , Doors , Blinds ant Monldings ,
Ilranch oftlco , 12tl > nnJ Iturd atrcoli , Omaha Nob.
StoajTi Flttlnga , Pumps , Eto. _
Pumps , Pines and Engines ,
Bt m , wntfr. rnllirnv anil minlnu iuppll 9 , ( to.
VMVti anil V-t larnam ilraiit , Oinuiio.
U.S. WIND nf\OlKE A riJAlFcO. ,
Steam anil later Sunplies ,
UalUJftr Klml mllli. 013 nnd ICO Jnnot it. , Omaha.
U. ! , ( Con , Aetlnv Mannijor.
, t CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BUuoWion wcri , ( team pumpi , tnw mllli , 12O12IJ
1 cavinH rtl4 Ltruut , Omuha.
Iron Works.
PAXTON A vuuiLixa utpx WOUKS ,
Wronglit and Gait Iron BiiilflniE Work ,
Entlnei. tnan work , cuneral foundry mnchlnoaad
uUl ! work unite RIH ! wi.rVi . , U. 1 * . ll/ .
aud 17lb ilrett , Omaha.
031 A HA Wllll ) & 7/fO.V WOllKS ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
ltik talli , wlnilovr uuanli , llownr ilnadi , w
etc. UI.VuiUil
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar I roof Safes ,
Vaulti , lull work , iron ilinlUrt anil llru t i BI ) ,
U. Andteen , i four Corner Kti and .lack nun iu.
Of SoutHinana , Limited ,
ESTABLISHED issi i i BO so. ,
The Regular Old-Established i
It still Treating with ( ha Greatest
Clirouic , Neryons and Priyatc Diseases,1
eB-NHRVOUS DKB1L1TY , Lost Manhood ,
Pftlllnn Memory , Exhnustlnc Drains , Terrlbla
Dreams , Head nnd Dack Ache ami nil ihe effect *
le itlmu to cittly decay ami trh > | > s Consumption or
Insanity , treated sucntliic.illy by new mclhodi with
ne er r > lhn tncfM ,
C - SYPHILIS nml nil bad Dlood ml Skin Dll.
eas permanently cured ,
KIDNEYand UlMNARYccirphlnlJ.Gleet.
Qonotrhoen , Sttlctu re , Vnrlcoctle ami oil dUea e <
of the Ctcnlto-UrinAty Organs curetl ntoinv tly without
Injvtiy tnStcmjch , KlJncjs or other OrRixrn ,
o.r No experiments , ARC and experience Im.
portant. Consultation free anil sacred ,
CS-Scnil 4 cents | io t. < ce for Celebrated Works oa
Chronic , Nervous ami Dellcnte Oi ea j
C9lhp e contemphtlnf tncl for Dr.
Clarice's ccltbr.Htd ( .tilde Male nnd Female , men
! ! cents , both a } ccnU ( sl nii > ) Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or c.illinny u > cfuture sufTer *
Iii8and < lijmcand a Jil golden jeir to life OS'Hoolc
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50centsmmr ) . Mediclns
tulutltlnfs sent ccrjhcrc , ecuic ftoni exposure.
llours.Bto 8. Suml.i > 19 to I > Address
F. D. CLARKE , ( VI. D. ,
IBG So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
AgrtoulUir&l Implomonta.
igricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage !
Hucu ! , ote.Miolc nlo Oinubn , Nebraska.
r A
Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knrnnm strcui , Oruixhn , Ntbrn ka.
CllAltLUS 3
Fiiriiiturs ,
Oniahn , Nuhrntikn.
Crocorlos. _ _ _
Wholesale Grocers
, 1
llthand I.oa\oa orllietrccti , Omnhn , Ntbrnslia ,
He yy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnus , wacnn ntock , hnrdrvnri ) , luinbcr , etc. 1201
and mi llatner ntuet , Umaha. _
CO. ,
Mnnutnclnrcri nnrt Jgbl on In
Wagons , Buggies Rake ; Plows , Etc ,
Cor fill and 1'nclflo strict , Omaha.
Artists' Materials.
A. HObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 1 ouxlna street , Omnba , Nebraska.
Boots nnd Shoos.
l r. V. MOKSJ ] , fc CO. ,
Jobbers of Boats and Slices.
1101,110 ] , HDJIiouKlas strrut , Om ilia Munufactorr ,
Sninrucr street , lloston.
Coal , Coke , Eto.
JAMES ir. TUA'icuvn COAL co. ,
Miners aud SMniiers of Coal and Coke ,
lloom 31 , U. t > . : ltllJllul lliink Uuihlln , ' , Omaha.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
2U9South 13th Omaha. Nebraska ,
Sbippers of Coal and Goto ,
214 boutli 13tli st. , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported nnd American PortlanJl Cement. StaUl
agent Cor Atllwnukiu hydraulic ctmeut HUd
( juliuy nhllu limo
mi A iTri. LCC ,
Dealer ill Haidwced Lumber ,
Wood cnrpits nn > 1 p'lrquct lloorliiK. ' . 'til ' and Douglu
utieets , Umiiba. tb.
OMAIfA LUMJlElllja ,
All Kinds of Building Material at WliolesalB.
IStli struct and L'nlon 1'aclllu trnclc , Omaha.
Daler : in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasn ,
Doon.lCtc. VnnUiinicr ( 7th and Dongius. OBlet
Corner 10th and Douulai.
r. GRAY.
Lumbe1 Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Conttr 'Jlli nnd Dou lui nta , Omuhk.
r. N. D TKVZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
12th and California Mrorti , Omaha , NebrasVa.
JVlllllnorx and
/ . OIlLItl-'ULnJUl & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery S Notions
VU < 210 and 212 South llth Direct.
J. r. ItoniNbON NO'llON CO. ,
Wliolesale Notions and Fimiisliiug Goods ,
1121 Iliirncjr .Struct , Omaha ,
Commission and
Stor ge and Commission Merchants ,
Bpachiltlusllntlcr , emit , clici'ju. iioultrr , uuma.
1112IIoirurd trt'etOiiinlin , .sub.
_ Dry Coodo and Notions. ,
" ' '
Si" E' 'SMll'Jl A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furiiisliiiig Goods and Notions
HWiuul 1101 1)uuini | , cor , llth ilrccl , UmuhaNeb.
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods .Notions .
Ucftt'H furiiliblnif good * . Cornir llth nud liaroey
Htrutts , Umntia , Nuhrukkti *
Wliolesa'e ' Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Bluet Iron , etc. Anfiitt for II own scales ,
Ulatnl ponder aud l.yiuini baibcu nlro.
HA uai . vvr//f ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Metuiuilct' tool and Iluflnln scalei. U05 Douglas '
strtut , Oina'ja , oO. _
Toya , Eto.
; . JIAltDY & CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Album ? , Fancy Gocds ,
house fuinlsliintc yoods , chll'lri'tr ' > carrlaKei , 1201
r iinmia itrLUt , Omuba , .Neb.
Wholesale Refired and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia Krua u , etc. , OinabH. A. H. > , .stunator.
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
( ' rrr nK * Hi" "I iTintli ru P"n " * aiul "rltlufl
paper , Hpeciul otteotlon xlren to card peper