Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Two Trains Oomo Toffothor nt Pour-
toonth and Dodge Streets.
News From Wnicrto\vn Itciions Clmr-
Icy Ncctllioni'fl Coinlltlon u * 1m-
lirW ( l Mnnhcr MarK-
Bteln la Trouble.
A Street ilnllwny Snmiliup.
According to natural philosophy two ob
jects can not occupy tlio sutno SIKICO nt the
Kiiino tlino. The trainmen on tlio c.xblo and
Mcrcor motor lines exporluiontcil on this
yatterdiiy afternoon , nnd a griu car was
hurled from tlio trnuk , smashing the foot
board. Asldo from several lady pasienKora
on the grip car being badly frightened ,
nothing further of n serious nature resulted.
The accldont occurred whore the lines inter
sect at Fourteenth and Doduo streets. The
cable train , in charge of Urlpimiii Marsh
nnd Conductor Stilling , was cast bound , anil ,
according to an eye \vltno i , wns entitled to
ttiotruolr , when the motor twin plunged
Into It , striking the grip about midway ,
with the above result , fills is the initiative
accident of tbo Mereur company ,
'iho cable employes stated that
they wcro cnlillcu to the trade
for the rcu&on that their train was much
nofiror' the crosslnir than was the motor.
They also stated thut tlio men on the motor
train inado no effort to stop , but deliberately
allowed their train to continue as though the
crossing was unoustruutud.
The motor man , Thomas Quldicnstcdt ,
states that ho turned oft the power and ap
plied the tmiko when hu saw the cable train
co ml tit : , but the tntln did not obey tlio brakes.
It kept mldiiiT nloiiK until it bumped into the
grip. Conductor Thompson , of the motor
train , said they were entitled to the crossing ,
as the cable train was ubout IfiU feet iroiu
the crossing when thn motor train was within
twcnty-llvo feet of it , A bystander said thn
grlpman made no effort to stop the cable
tmln until itvis struck. The fact that the
danuiKo was so slight would stnm to intlicato
that the motor train was moving very slowly.
Thin Tlino III ; Appears in tlio Uoli ; ul'
a Con llucntnr.
Dave Markstoln , the spectacled vegetable
from Kansas City , who with Attorney
Hltchie ilgurcd in pollen court us defendants
In a suit for Insulting ladles , will douutloss
bo called upon to answer to an cipially im
portant charge to-day.
Just before tno Collsoum opened on Satur
day night he , in company with 1'aul Stein , a
constable , walked up to the exhibit of U. E.
SliuHurt , n. fur dealer in the Kiimgu bloclf ,
und apnroprmtcd a jKOO bcavi-r robe and a
( " 50 sealskin cloalc to satisfy an alleged
claim of $1-10 , which he claims tihukert owes
Sliukert asserts that Markstcin Is a liar , n
eucalc and a rascal , and that lie dues not HOI-
never has owed him $1-10 or anything like it.
Since his episode v.'ith Uitcliio ho has been
discharged and seeks to claim something not
due him. Ho will bo arrested this morning.
Thorn was no one present in Shukort's
booth a the lime tlio articles wore taken ex
cept a young lady. UllMlOVING.
Tim Doctor lias llupc.-i of 111 * Kc-
Mrs. C. P. Nccdhnm , wife of the ex-county
.cleric , reached her husband's bedside yester
day morning ut ( ! o'clock , malting thu run to
Wbtortowu in about twelve hours , one-third
of the Uistaneo luivini ; been traveled In u
special train.
Mrs. Neodlmmvasaccompanied by George
Small , of this city , representing St. John's
lodge No. 2T > , A. l < \ and A. M. , of this city.
Shortly alter his arrival \Vatortown ho
sent the following dispatch to T. K. Sud-
borougli :
' Ctmrloy is much hotter nnd nil.
The doctor has hopes , lie could not havu
oottcr treatment than the boys aio givinp
him. Will remove him s > crm us possible. "
This news was greatly appreciated hereby
by Mr. Necdham's friends.
Blnstoi- Workman llcrrntl Kr-plios to
HID Deputy Coinnii sinner.
Joseph Horrocl , master workman of labor
assembly No. y.ItlU. ICnlglits ol Labor , has
sent the folio wing reply to the recent coin-
mun'catlon of John Jenkins , deputy commis
sioner of tlio labor bureau :
Nauru PI.ITTH , Neb. , Sept. 1 , 1 89. Mr.
John Jenkins , Deputy Commissioner Labor
Uurcuu. Sir : Our protest was made public
because the subject matter concerns the
public. For more than eighteen centuries
Dives 1ms calmly unzcd upon the revolting
sores of Lazarus. Charity , as u remedy for
the cvila of society , has proved an awful
failure an nppeal to it by 3 class admits
mendicancy and creates mi impassable gulf.
A mendicant class can never inspire respect ,
but always contempt mingled with pity.
Wo know nothing of your work , or you , ex
cept by the blank you have sent us , the
miparont purpose of which is to moro com
pletely uncover the sores of Lazarus that the
chanty of "Public Opinion" may bo invoked.
.Tho most casual observer of to-day knows
nil that your domestic expense sheet could
possibly show. What wo" object to is that
you should place our demand for a Just "share
In the gains and honors of advancing civiliza
tion on the low nnd debasing piano of charity
and mendicancy. If wo have all to which
wo tire entitled by the rigid rules of right ,
lotus rather cover the sores ol Liuarus and
teach him to live tha highest life possible
with his crumbs. Demand all that is possible
on the groundu of right nothing through
charity. Do you want to know wnat it costs to
llvo the life of acitizun of this ropubliu as
contemplated by the Declaration of Indepen
dence I If yau do send your blanks to those
welthy citizens of Nehrnsica whoso llxcil in
comes have driven away nil fear of im
mediate want.Vo shall bo delighted to
have you visit us and toll us of thu work or
your bureau und would bo glail if you could
induce the state master workman to accom
pany you. Wo moot the Ilrst nnd thirii
Wednesday evening of each month. Or , if
.vou pruler It , a special mooting will bo called
for uny evening you mnv select.
liespectfully ,
JOhiM'ii llinmon ,
M. W. L. A. , : iua ; ,
0. W. Fox , of Cozad , is nt the Paxtan.
K. Hullott. of Lincoln , is at the Mlllard.
1 , V. Wallace , of Grot mi , Is at the Arcade.
C. 1) , Smith , of Lincoln , Is ut thu Millnrd.
S. II. . Koesnmn , of Lincoln , is at the Ar
W. H. H , Meyers , of Holdrudgo , is nt the
J , A. JaquL-s , of Stuart , is registered ut the
Ilogor W. Uennetl , of Imperial , is at the
Col. 1C. U , Webster , of Stratton. is nt the
Pnxton ,
H. H. Pratt , of Fremont , is registered ut
the P.ixton.
J. W. Willis and wife , of Cliodron , are at
the Mlllard.
O. H. Spoorman nnd wife , of Siirlngflold ,
ore registered ut the Aivadu.
Harry A. Klnnoy'n uncle , K. G , ICiinipy ,
resident engineer for the Union Pucitlo rail
way , of Denver , wua ut the Murray yester
A London Cuttle Market.
At tlio London cattle market in Dopt-
fonl 10,61 1,000 cattle Iftivobeon sluudi-
tored since It was opouod in 1872. The
inarkot covers thirty acres of ground ,
on which thuro tire sixty-six tjliuif'lilor
houses. The stalls accommodate 'JO ,000
Bhoen and 6.000 hooves. Tlio tlrst cost
of the nuu-ket was about $1,200,000.
Cnuu'it a Cannon Hull.
A sixteen pound cannon ball came uu
in "Walter Dixon'a oyator dredge in Now *
ark Bay the otlior day ,
Mmlo ol' tlio Sic I n of n U.-Utlosimkc
Not many rattlesnakes htivo boon on-
counturctl in Piibsnlc county , Now Jer
sey , this season , because it hns boon BO
wet on the mountains that they have
had no occasion to coino down to the
streams or lakes in the valleys , writes a
Newark eoiTe potnlont. One was killed
lust week by Miss Coco Van Onion , of
Pater-son , who , with Irwln A. Ball , of
Newark , und Mr. anil Mrs. Abncr
Cnnip , of Pidoi'Mon , wont up on the
mountain from the Lakusldo hotel to
visit the mountain lake ami get some
water lilies.
Mlsa Van Ortlnn strayed from the
rent of the party on reaching the rock
plateau at the summit , mid while trying
to rojoln them she heard the warning
rattle of a snake. She did not know
what It .Vas and pressed on until the
slpht of ix black and yellow roptllo
collud up on a rock almost level with
her face suddenly arrested hercourso.
She did not scream or run. She had In
her hand an alpenstock out by Mr. Ball ,
and without a moment's hesitation she
twirled it in the air and bronirhl it
down with all her strength upon the
elevated head of the snake , killing it
with ono blow.
Thou she called her companions , and
Nr. Ball skinned the snake' on the spot
and sent the skin to Nowurk to bo
tanned and mtido into a cirdlo for the
plucky young woman. The simko was
forty-two inches long , It hud three
rattles , the others having ovhlonlly
been broken oil recently. Miss Van
Orden said she know it was a rattle
snake the moment she saw it , and re
alized that it would spring at her if she
made a stop in cither direction. Thnro
was nothing to do but kill it , und she
struck instantly. Shu thinks that the
snake was leaping at her when she
hit it.
By a Man Who lias Hunted Hruln
Und of Peculiar GiruumsfiincuH.
I WHS once present at a great fair at
the capital town , says a writer in Mur
ray's Mtijjiiislno. While at its height a
boar was viewed on the neighboring
hillside. I hurried up with my rillo
and shot him from above between the
shoulders , but , Instead of dropning , bo
riibhcn hnudlong into the midulo of tbo
fnir and squatted in a bush. Tlio pco-
plo foolishly crowded around , and so
prevented mv getting a , shot. Presently
ho rushed forth , and passing a grain
dealer's shop , he gnvo tlio owner a slap
in tlio face and passed on , but
that slap took out a semicircle
of his jaw with seven teeth at
tached. The mail's nerves were so lit
tle atl'ected that ho presently held up
the piece of jaw with pride for our
inspection wlion we visited him at the
hospital , and ho was at bis work again
in a few days. The bear was soon dis
patched after ho left the poor grain
dealer. Though the deadly wound I
gave the bear failed to slou him , [ was
more fortunate with another hoar wliiih
I got a shot at going at full gallop , and
I rolled him over with one shot so that
ho never moved again. Ho was a big
one , but doubled up just like a rabbit.
Stalking boars is just a trillo tame ,
us they are so easily approached
nnd afford so largo a mark ,
but driving them is more exciting.
There is all the excitement of noino and
numbers , and it is more difficult , of
course , to bit them. In the Himalayas
'wo had borne wonderful spots for bear
driving. In one drive ten bears wore
secured. A quaint old planter used to
join in these Imttues. He bad a perfect
armory of guns and rillcs , but none of
them modern or precise. Ho used to
take his blacksmith out with him. who
would , on the spot , adjust the bullets to
the required iraugo and hammer them
homo when a tight lit. His many and
erratic weapons caused us more anxiety
than the bears. Ho had a way of claim
ing as his trophies all that were shot.
He could not tell , I suppose , what ho
had not hit.
A London Woman Trains HoyH nnd
KiirnNlifH HID Kiiii ; < Mt Clothes.
At Westminster police court on Sat
urday two boys of thirteen , named Frost
and Oakes , living with their parents at
W.Midsworth , were ehargod with beg
ging at Viiuxhtill bridge , says the Pall
Mall Gu'/.otto. Tlio boys allege that a
woman living in Woodgato street , Nine
131ms , trained them and other lads as
beggars , and that she used to mind
their decent clothes and supply them
with rags to go out in. Her own
boy , it was said , was the bend of the
gang of juvenile beggars , and used to
take the money , partly wont to
his mother , and partly in refreshments
and visits to transpontine music halls.
Mrs. Frost said that she hud been to
this woman and warned hqr that if she
heard that her boy's clothes wore kept
again she would lock her up for unlaw
ful possession. This was the advice of
the school board ollicor. Tbo
defendants , questioned by Mr.
D'Uyneourt , adhered to their
statements about being supplied
with rags , etc. , and the magistrate said
that if it was true the woman really
ought to bo prosecuted. A iwlico con
stable said ho had soon the woman and
she had denied taking cure of the boys'
clothes. Only tlio evidence of tbo boys
could bo obtained. Mr. D'Kyncourt I
hope the Mendicity society w'ill inquire-
fully into this matter , and that a prose
cution will bo instituted if the boys
have spoken the truth , which I believe
they have. The accused wore dib-
chiirgod on promising not to repent tlio
Prohibition Item.
Texas Siftings : "So this is a prohibi
tion townV said a drummer to the land
lord of u binull local option in
"Yes , wo don't allow any liquor to be
sold if wo can possibly prevent ; but. sir ,
there are mon in this town so utterly
devoid of honor and principle that for
iiO cants a day they will peddle out tins
liquid damnation. What do you think
of such an unprincipled scoundrel ? "
"It strikes mo it is a more matter of
business. Where can I lind that un
principled scoundrel'1
'T nm the man , Follow mo1 !
When the drummer returned his
moustache was moist and ho was out a
A Ciinnco AriinnlntnncH.
Judge ; Two mon mcot in a dark
alloy ,
First Stranger "Pardon mo ; it is
too dark to sco your fnco or distinguish
yourbizo , but if 1 mistake not you are
Jack the Ilippar. " '
Second Stranger ' ! am. And , al
though I have never mot you before , I
am quite contldont from what I have
rend that your voice Is that of Ta eott ,
of Chicago. "
First Stninirnr "It is. Lot us go
down to the police station , where \\a
can bo bufo from the olllcora of the law. "
Another Competitor.
Puck : Bob Low Yes , it's a pretty
well settled thing , uncle , that the fair
of 1892 is to bo hold in Now York.
Unolo Low Wa-alI s'poso it'b no use
to talk then ; but my opinion is that
that- would bo a good deal rooro room
up hero in the Holds urguud Tumiptop.
The B. & M. Pushing Ahoacl With
Its Northwoatorn Extension.
Stntorlnl For Two Itutrlrntl SI lint of
tlio Itond Now nil Ilnntl nt
Alliance A Ilic Thine
For Uinnlnt.
Tnpplnir "in Norlliwost.prn Fields.
AM.UXCK , Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tnu Han. " ] Alliance , which forever
n year has been the terminus of the northern
line of the 13. & M. road , is In the southeast
ern corner of Liox Uutto county , anil is 415
miles from Omaha. lox ) IJutto county hos
curiously inclosed In thu sand hills which
skirt It on the cast and south , and extend
along the line of the road eastward IfiO miles
to Ausolino , near Lirokon How. Beyond
Cuater county thu road extends through
Ulalne , Thomas , Grant and Shurldnn coun
ties. This Is the region of the sand hills , In
which Olive and his cattle-stealing confed
erates n few years aio hold unlimited sway.
The villain which was formerly their head
quarters , where several of their victims Ho
uuncd , still exists. Alliunce , in the south
eastern corner of linx liutto county , has
been in existence less than two years and has
been till now the terminus of thu road.
From Alliancualong with the line now push-
IIIK through the xouthwcstorn corner of
U.ikotn , and skirling the Ulack Hills on the
west into Wyoming1 , JL line westward In the
direction of Fort Laramie has been surveyed
nnd about ten miles is graded. The railroud
has n line depot at Alliance , and Is Just coni-
pletln a IHteen-enyinc round house. It is at
this point that all tlio material for the 200
miles of railroad to the northwest Is gath
ered. Ono sees hero for half
n niiln along the extensive tracks tlio vast
store of nil tlio materials that enter Into
railroad building. There nro great piles of
llsh-platcs , joints and bolts , nnd of telegraph
polei and wires and glass. Thun are piled
up hundreds of thousands of oak-tips
brought from Missouri , Arkansas ana else
where , enough to lay 100 miles of road.
'there are high niles of round and square
tun' ' or for the construction of the llfty or
moiu bridges required along the Hlaclc Hills
line. Thuro arc some llfty piles of steel
rails , enough to lay over a hundred miles of
track. All tlieso materials arc .being con
stantly loaded into cars by largo
Kanes of men , to bo sent to tlio
front , and some throe hundred cars are con
stantly awaiting the word to move on.
Within the coining three months all thcbo
materials will bu laid by thousands of busy
Thu comnletlon of this line of rnad into
eastern Wyoming is an ovcnt of the Ilrst im
portance to the people of Omaha and eastern
Nebraska. It will bring into the homes and
firesides , the stores and shops of our pcoplo
the coal that lies stored up in vast deposits
west ot the Lilaclc Hills. It will scud to the
Omaha market the tens of thousands of live
stock that fattens in the rich region of tlio
Powder river , two hundred miles huyond.
It will open the Ulack Hills to Omaha enter
prise und liberality.
Ail vice to
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for diar
rhojii. " < 5u a bottle
IVuttcrson's Description of ills Karly
und IVuHcnt StruiieleH.
Perhaps wo may safely say that the
mind of every great man is shadowed
bv melancholv. says the Courier Jour
nal. Greatness is not an easy triumph ;
toil , suffering and fear darken the path
which leads to fame ; the Until victory
scarce compensates for that which
was endured in achieving it : the
recollection of early trial sadden
and softens later buc'ce s ; often
the most iirdent spirit would hesitate
and turn back wore it not for the con
suming dobiro to excel which impels
the toiler onward and never permits
his weary brain to moro than brielly
Hag in its lasic. Melancholy is not pes
simism. The pctsimists are those who
have never striven and succeeded. A
touch of fcadncbs tiiiires the minds of
the greatest , the wisest and
tlio best. Truly great men
are rnro. Extraordinary com
binations of circumstances alone pro
duce them ; there must bo a meeting of
the man ana the event ; both the mind
and the occasion must bo ready , and
when the time conies , the great soul ,
taught patience , courage and sagacity ,
leaps to its opportunity and the Hood of
enthusiasm and ardor overwhelms all
obstacles ; without tlio severe disci
pline of waiting it could not
have succeeded , but in the hour of
triumph tlio melancholy of past fail
ure cannot wholly disappear. Perhaps
it is best that great mon should bo sub
ject to melancholy. The recollection of
their own disappointments gives them
more sympathy lor human suffering , and
they can judge , xvith tenderness , our
follies and our frailties. A few lofty
and far-seeing intellects lead , though
their inlluoncc may for the time bo unfelt -
felt , ad : when thov teach wisdom and
mercy the lesson will not bo lost.
Tlio TlicrmoniatcrH Did U.
Texas Siftings : Tommy ( who hns
boon .playing base ball ) Grandpa , did
you ever have such awful hot weather
as this when you was a boy ?
Grandpa ( with emphasis ) No , child ,
wo never did. It's thorn pesky thor-
momctors Unit everybody has nowadays
that runs the heat right up to bilin'
pint. When folks keep a tnmptin' prov
idence , they've got to suffer the cense
IS n blood disease. Until tnu poison la
expelled from the system , there can
bo no euro for this loathsome and
dangerous nialady. Thurufoiu. the only
cffectivii treatment is a thorough comso
of Aycr's Hai-saparlllii thu best of all
blood purlllurH. Tlio sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
"I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried vailou.s remedies ,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians , but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayui's SaiHUpaillla , A
few bottles of tills medicine cured mo of
this truublusonie complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M ,
Bojjgs , Jlohnan's .Mills , N. 0.
"When Ayor's Sursapniilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh , 1 was in
clined to doubt its elticaoy. Having
tried HO many remedies , with little bun-
eflt , 1 had no faith that anything would
euro inn. I heciiino emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion , I
had nearly loat the sense of smell , and
jny sybteni was badly dcrtuwd. 1 wai
about discouraged , when a friend urged
me to try A > < T'H Barrfuparllla , and le-
Jerrcd me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After Inking half u doiim
bottles of this medicine , I am conilnceil
that thn only mini way of treating this
obstinate disease IN thtough the blood. "
Ohailes 11. Malouey , 113 Kiver tit. ,
Lowell ,
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
1 < * ' * l > o'.tci ! , $ >
This powder novcr vnrlcs. A marvel of pur -
ty , strength and whoUsuracness. More eco
nomical than th ordlnnrr kinds , nnd cixnnot
bo sold In compotltlnn with the multitudes o
lor or Etiort\YciKht alum or phonpluUe powders.
Bold only In cans. Itornl linking 1'ondet Com
pany , 1M Wall Street. New York.
( Ui > poslto 1'axtoa Hotel. )
onico hours , 9 n. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
Specldlsta in Chronic , Mervous Skin jiiul
Blond IHseniiH.
f-f Consultation at olllco or by innil free.
Mi'illclms sent by mall or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
curs nulrklj' . safely mul yiornmncntly.
UIJDVflTTQ riPPHTTV Sperraatorrhiua. semi-
KtlUVUUo UbOlLLlI niil l.ossm.Night Kmls
tous. Physical Decay. nrUtnir from liiillscru
tlon , r.xcess or IndnlReuco. producing Sleepless
inns , Tc8ioiuloneyl | > iiiip'ej on tlio face , aver
sion to society , ensllv discouraged , laeic of cinll
rtence , dull , unlit torstuilyor business , ami tlncls
lift ) a burden , Safely , permanently Mid prl-
vately cured. Consult iJrs. lletts & Belts , liua
Karnnm St. , Omnha , Neb.
aM Skin Diseases ' .fbJi'iSTH '
, completely eradicated without tlio aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Krvsipoliis. rover ores ,
lllotchos , Vlccrs , I'ftinsln'tlin Head and llonos ,
PyplillltloSoroUhroat. Jlouth and Tongue , Cu-
turrli , etc. . permanently cured \vliero others
have failed.
ITidtlPtr Ifrintirtf anl niadtler Complaints ,
MUIIuy > UllllQiy Painful. Diincnlt. too frequent
quont Itiirnlngor Illoody Urine. Uriiio high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing. Weak
Bark. Oonorrluen. fllcot , Cj stills. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Keatona
m oval complete , without cuttlnc. caustic or
filiation. Cures eirccted at home by patient
without a moments pain or annoyunoe.
To Yonmr Men anfl MiMle-AM'I ' Men ,
priDD Tuo awtul eirocts of early
AOTIpP utlllD Vice , -which bimKS organic
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its di ended ills , pcrmau niJ.vrnred.
MUFT'Tv ! Adross tho.i9Tvlio have impaired
i UDllO themselves by improper indul
g ences nnd solitary habits , which rnln both
b ody und mind , unfitting them tor business ,
study or inarriaK < * .
M Aiiiiicn MEN. or those entering on that hap
py life. UNuro of physical debility , quickly as
is baaed upon facts , First Practical Kxpo
rlence. Second Kvcrycaso Is especially studied'
thus ht.utlng aright. Thiid Medicines nro pro ,
p.uod In our i.iuatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus allectliiB cures without Injury
t-fl Send ( i cents Dostkpo for celelirate 1 works
on Chionlc , Nervous and Delicate Diseases .
Thousands cured. tf A friendly letter or call
may save you future sutlerlnc and hhaine , and
add Kolden years to life.W'No letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stampa.
Address or call on
11 it * , . ESETTS fc ISETTS ,
HOS 1'aruam Street , Omnha , JJeb.
.AIL * S
( UROE 3121) %
ani receive i
Monday and Tuesday , Sept. 16 and 17
'Iho liver Popular Comudlan ,
. J. B. Polk
In IllH New and Original American Comedy ,
I'ortnjylna tlio Acme of Hiimoroin Mo.-is. An
Orl.'InulL'iiniolv I'miiouncel H t'K'Imiuor l.uiulilni !
liiia. Miron Hmidrrful l-liunotfrnpU | > lay u iiroiu-
Ini'nt I'art In t'le ' I'omedy '
Hi'liulur rrlfe * . hfats KG on Bale Hatur.liiy mornlnu.
Wednesday &TJ.ursdaSept / , , 18 & 19
HorsoousJW.OOJ I'rodiKtloaof
A dream of oriental niaKiilllccnt c. llrll-
lluui si'enlp eUcciH. mnRiiiihentrobtiinioH ,
oltborato propertU's , mechanical Bt-n u-
tlons ,
And Great Cast of 60 Artists
1'rlces. air , OTf , ice und ( I. Peats se-
BH cured in uavaiicu Wednesday moinlug ,
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Continental Clothin
The largest and most complete Clothing and Furnishing House
west of New York City. More space is devoted for the sale of readymade -
made clothing than in any other retail house in the country.
No house can be more thoroughly equipped in all its details for the
sale and manufacture of Pine Beady-Made Clothing. Our aim is to
furnish only first-class goods and nothing will be sold that is not
thoroughly reliable in every respect.
We will offer 150 Men's Pure Worsted , Wide Wale Diagonal Coats and Vests , one of the
very latest fabrics and thoroughly reliable in every respect. This material will be very popular
this season for coats and vests to wear with mixed trousers. These arc new goods and the
coats and vests were made to sell for $18.00. We will offer them this week at $ " 13 , and we feel
confident that this is one of the best values we have ever offered. The sizes are from 34 to 40.
Frock Suits ,
will offer 100 Suits in sack and frock of a pure wool cassimere in very neat mixtures , in
all sizes , sack and frock suits at $15.00. .We do not quote this as a specially low price suit , but
when the quality is considered , it is one of the best values a person can buy. We think it better
to embrace superior quality and popular price. This is in every respect suitable for a genteel
business suit , perfect fitting and made and trimmed equal to any of our better grades in all
sizes from 34 to 44 , at $15 per suit.
Our selections for the coming season are coming in every day and our stock already shows
a very choice assortment of the latest designs. We expect everything in by Sept. loth. Prices
in this department will be lower than the same quality of work produced by any other house.
We have always been acknowledged to be the leaders in Boys' and Children's Clothing.
Our variety is larger and styles superior to any other stock in the west. We call particular
attention to our new design in a Boys' ' Vest Front Suit , age 4 to 9.
Our stock of three piece suits and kilts are larger than ever.
S &O1TOOT ' , RlTTTS-sPeoialbarsam . . School Suits at $4 lines , 4,50 in Boys , afe ,
Don't buy your Fall Hat until you have seen the Wilcox II at , price $3.50 , five shapes in
stock. Money cannot buy any better article. Then , why pay fancy prices for any other make ?
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland. Loomis
DES MOINC3 Proprietors
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Oniaba.
Is called to tlio fact we are now receiving
choice NOVKl/rmS In I'AU , ROODS ami
that a. complete assortment of Men's and
llov's Clothing adapted to the season , maybe
bo found iijion our tables KAMj OSMIlt-
COATS ot littost style and superior HnUh ;
and Kqinnoctrnl Umbrellas , hlili In qual-
Itv and workmanship but moderate in
And ether first clnss PIANOSnnd
Remember , V/o do Not Soil "ston
cllod" Pianos ,
All Instalments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo will of for a flno S325 Piano dur
ing Fair Week , for S25O.
Visitors Welcome.
Cor. ICth and Farnara Sts.
to .
1 n o thu
v . . . Justly rel-
ebratcd lines of llootn mid Shoex , munufactur-
d uy I Jt. llcndemon .t < 'o , , of t'hia | o-Kac-
lories at Uhlrnco , Uixou. Ilia. , und l'"oud ' On ,
WlB.-uhoilId write HAM. N. WATSON , resi
dence , PitKMONT. NHH Traveling aijent.
Hef.dquorteia for Jtubbers.
For * i > eriiiulurrliu'Ui ii Alnnlioutlt Hi-mul IH'
l.utU iif lIvvrl nt. l.o r # | lrulu ( ill' . ,
To IntruilucH , will : ONi : AUA1 to ft r H
p moil hi i ui li fuiiiii Unit-rut onto * Cutt.aiu- *
tteu. t'jrt'ulum Kne.
7\lvo"l'is : A. OOUOJtIC'll , ATliHNKAT. .
* J iuw. li'l Dearborn St. , t'hlcuKo ' : advlco
free ; \ yearn' otiicrlcuce ; btialuess quielly and
2Oto6O DAYS.
Tbii IB u disease which lias heretofore
Buflled all Medical Science.
When Mercurv , Iodide at Potassium , Barsapa
rtlla or Hot KprlnR3 fall , we KUftranteoii euro.
Wo hare a Hemody , unknown to anyone In the
World outaldeof ourCompiiuy , andonn thuthus
to cure the most obstinate cato ? . Ten days In
recent cases does the work. Ki.-itlio oldchroalo
deep seated cases that we solicit. Wo hnvo
rurt'd hundreds who liava been abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and w
challenge the world to bring us a case that wa
will not cure In less than blxty dayn.
Since the hlstorvot maalclne a true spoclllc
for Syphilis has been sought for but never
found uutll our
wa discovered , and we are Justified in saying
it Is the only Hnmecty in the World tnnt will pos
itively cure , Localise the latest Mndlcal Works ,
published by the ) ! t Known authorities , bay
there was nevera true speclllc before. Ourrom-
edy will cure Mlien ererylhing else has fulled.
Why waste you time and money with patent
Sneillclnos that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you have
tried everything else should come to us iiow and
Bt permanent relief , you never can get it nine-
where. Mark what we say , in the end you
must take our remedy or NKVKR recover and
you that have been ainicttid but a short time
ihould by nil means come to us now , not on In
ten of nnw cases over get permanently cured.
Many netlioln ana : h'nk ' they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or imefl 7 ars after K
appears igaln In n more horrlbln form.
This iaii blood Purifier and will Cure.
any Skin or Blood Disoiiso wlion
Kvorvthintr K'so ' Fails.
NoTtcn Wode'slro to caution patient * In rs-
pard to parties claiming to use the Cook Hem-
edy. Onr formula is not and CANNOT b
Rooms 418 ani ' 419 , PaitouBloci
Itolfasl , Dnliliiiuiiil l.ivM'i ( nnl
From PioiColuiiibin Stores , South Ferry -
ry Jirooldyn , N. Y.
Cubln IIUIMIKO MT > lo M. urconlliu lolocutla.i < > ( IU
room I.'K liiHloii fi''i lo vtl.
Ktt'cnifrc to nnJ iroin i uioi > u at Luwost Itatei.
AHhTI.S IIAI.DUIN XL'O , l.l'll'lKI'nl,1. .
Ul Dioitdmiy. New Vurlc.
JOHN Ili.i.uuy , ( 'en'l \S'e lcrn Afcnt.
1UI Uim'lulpli ' St. , Clileuo.
IIAIIUV K. MOIIIH : , AKoiit. Oiimlut.
Uediicedt/'ubiuratej to
It it'll I nirrrrt l/n litintifjlmj ( u.
IliiritceofJco tin tli titniiliic/i.
Tar V.ta ] I Hh rr iervlnC. 'or
u Invljorjlloj. ui SeE -
E for All Him-
veraReInCklitenct War *
riotiJ Btrktly l"ir * kiiil Unf r.
Dented Ah CCiclint Bcmedy
for Ul&rrhcit , Cholera Uorbui ,
Uy < crt rnnd til BUorlcrt of
thu liowcli ,
Hem HII-H- I Imvo trli'il tlic
lliiiiBiii'iin ' llliK'klicrry Julro
you ( > klnilly M'lit inn. Ul *
lint nit iihu ultrn ul hummi-T
ilrlnkH. HU fit < u from nlt-o-
linl. nllitjs tlilrnl. t nttho
.Hni'bliMi oruaim , lm u lluu
iiroiimtlo lluuir , nnil l June
tlmililnirfor < tnitili-
'dtlx ' - i 'ii- . i- ! : '
JtOHTiHClfllllV ,
T A. .vrclllBOK , M.I ) .
J-ur ) > itlnliy Drii
lii'ulcra uua
Sanaa do.
Beet Tacili ties , Apparatus nnd Ryn edle for Bucccrtfu'
Tr'almcnt ofcry form of D'.ense requiring
Board & Attendance. Beat Auciutnoilatiimo I n Wcit.
CO'WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformitlei and
Brace , Ttuncg , Club Fee t , Curvtturciof hpiii1,1 iln ,
Tun-.or . C ncor , Catarrh , Broncbltli , Inhtlatlon.
Electricity , Parolyeis , Xflltpiy , Klilnoj. Blm'der.
Kye , Ear , Skin an i Blood and all Surgical Operations.
DISEASES OF WOMEH 4,22r..YiKSria , ' : !
Only Reliable Medical Inititu to making a Erecialty of
/U llloo , ! ) | , , r , .uctri.follj Irrnlr ] , HTrllllllle I'olion
remorcd froiallieijrium wltbout mircury. hrw ltfior ( > tl ,
Trcilungl fur Lo at TITI. rcmi.K. l' rllei unakte lo vliU
tiimtjbotrr&tedat tionjobj eormpoodfurr. > llroiiiuiunle& >
lloDiconn futlil. McdleluciorluilrtimtDUitntbymAilorez.
rriineeurtlT-afkv4tnoiirk | * , cilu < llrateroutruli or lender.
one | > crioDiitlnterileWirrreir < 1 ( ' IUii < lconHUlttllorKr&i ]
tutorr vf your e . &Dd we will icail la pUlu wr p | > rr , our
nnntr TO MPEJ FRCE.uw > Hi.rti.i .
UUl. fill rtlCit ) Nrrvou < Il > r ei. lupolrnr.H7I > li.
Illi ; Ulcet Mil V rlroci > linliri qur.t'.un Ilit. AUttrH
19th and Dodge EtrvcUl , OMAHA , NEB.
HINV , uKiiiinuiteLMl biniLliK for llytli-rhi , Dlnzl-
now , Conxiil .IOIIH . , I'liH , Nirvons Nunriiluln ,
llcudiicliH. N'urvniM I'rnstrutlun nmstd by thu
line ol' ulciliol tobacco , \Vak rulni'HH , .Mental
ltri"tilon ) ) | , HurictiliiKOt the Hruln. litriiillliiK in
liiMinity nndIcudlnt ; tomHcry.d.uuy mid death ,
I'ri'inntufDUliljc , lliirri'iinuyi. Ixiss ur Tower
lniltlior ! > 'u'c , Involiintfiry lnssus ami Hpcrinnt.
oilnra ciiusi'd bymi-iMixurllnii'if thobriiln nulf'
iibiixo or ovcnndiilt'Ch'n l'i"M b x I'onlulns
OIIH inniitli Mtnatmcnt. l.illabox or MIX boxen
foif'.ll'.ient ' l < y mull prepaid on mcl | > T ofmlco.
To 'nr any ' a. ' . With cu1 h < ird"i' wrlvfil by
tin f < < ri-ix bojiua i omp tided witht-'i. < " , " will
bend thu inii' IIUH r ciur written taiuruiiti' In ro >
fmul the mom j if ilia trivtui 1,1 < luc , nut niroct
ucjiru. Onai'anti- -ii"d l only by Uoniliimn
DruitL'o. , DrmjKlnt i. Ho Ab'uni , 1110 Kurimiu
tiffl , Umanu , Nelirauk.i
tlio Uijuor llnlilt. l' lllri-l > Cm I'd"
br AuinlnlntorlMi : Dr. Hllillfn'
Uulilon Mj'iTlllc.
Ufun bu Kiirn inn cup of c ilf'U or leu without tlu
knowluilifoiil HID in r ui > lul < iii > ; ll , liili Diiit' Ijrlmrmi
lux , uinl vtlll iiilt'i t it iiiuuily mil iitniiiiiir nt t'uru ,
wliutlicr tlm I'uiHtiiiB u inn lurainilrinitt < riiruiiul <
uilnil ur ck 'Iliuiitiln l til illllliluir 1 lru lm lt
mailo UiijnTtti | > iiiun H hiinvn / im.rn lioldt'n ' iifflU
In tliwlr tuitift witliuiittlit > | r kiiowUt > luu and lojuy IHI *
llijvollniy ijult'Irlnkhu ' of llnlrnnn frmiwlll IT
.SUUT Kill > Tlio nyiiteiii unco Imiiro.'iiuluil nlrii tha tiu iini-i an uilur liuiiiirnllJlllty lur ih
lfiiioruiiiiille | to nilrt. lor tale l > y Kiinnfcio. ,
Ilrux liU , lllll it-id UmiKlin Bl . u-nl Mill anil ( Jiini-
. , Oumlia , A II , 1'o-tur * Jlru. , Uotincll Miifl .
A Bo : of Safety lla e > .es FMJ to Omokor : of