THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MOJNJJAY , SEPTEMBER 10 , 1889. a IRON IS ON THE UP GRADE , A Ronotlon From the Low Prices or Previous Years. STEEL CHARES THtSTRENGTH. . Jlry Gaixli IMrm With a nrlsk .Toll- blncItitftlncHi Tim Ijomlon Wool Mnrkct ISonU mill Shoes - Trade Notes. TJio Coursrs of Commerce. , Sept , IB. The principal feature of tlio market I ait wcok wm tlio nlrong up ward movement In Swedish Iron. The dom - m nml for tills Iron has hcou largo durlnf ; the past low weeks , und offerings both in this country mid In Kuropo hnva been greatly reduced , Thcro liuvo been orders for over 4,000 toiiitof Swedish rivet rods lu cells put In this market tlurinirtho wocK. Owing to the scarcity of supplies In Sweden , however , dcalura mo slow to secure these orders , al though pi Ices Imvo advanced over $1 par ton over the figure * ruling n few weeks ninco. Those rods are not kept In stock hero , but doulurft depend on ( rotting their sup plies direct from Sivodon. Cables from Kuropo say that the production of Iron In Sweden has nlro.tdy been con tracted for , for the balance of this year , and If tlio domain ! from mi.vors hoto continues its nctlvo as It him boon during the past week , I here Is no telling how high prices will bo forced for 1800 delivery , A Boston buyer now In Sweden cables that It is impossible to Bet Iron thurc for uarly delivery , whlloprices uro being stimulated yroatly by the strong American buying. This stronger tone to Swedish Iron is ttioualit to ho the natural reaction following the disastrous low prices which have pre vailed for the past , tow years. The depres sion had boon going on so long that the pro duction in Sweden bccamo greatly reduced , und now that the market has turned , mid an upward movement begun , there Is every nroBpcct of Its being maintained for some time. The buying as yet has been princi pally for stocking up purposes , and but little speculation has been done. The trade ho- llovp In higher prices , and shrewd buyers have already contracted for suuplles to carry them well through uext year. Swedish iron from ittora has been advanced to $05.50 ® ( ij.75 for bars , and f 2.5'J ( < ? r3.75 ! for shapes , whllo the old list of extras has been restored mid Is being rigidly adhered to. Pig iron Is meeting willi n steady call , and values continuo firm fur all grades. The ad- vnnco in coke and the gunornl strength of tliu market gives dealers the Impression that values will advunco still more , und as buyers are in want ot supplies , they lira free pur chasers at full rales. The fuel that most of the buying In Iho east Is boliii : done on the method of having Ihu goods delivered as sup- wiles uro needed , prevents any stocking up by foundrymen , and as u rule sales uru being made ns buyers are in need of supplies. Ttio receipts of southern pig Iron have boon moro liberal of lute , as the steamers have had moro room since the watermelon season has been over. Scotch Iron is still nominal. The market for bur iron is showing moro strength , although the general delivery niovo- mcnt Is still moderate. Pennsylvania inlll- mcii uro unking sharp advance for supplies , in scuta instances prices having been put up "Oc per ova. Eastern mitlnicn uro also higher in their views , bids of ? I 73 for largo lines being refused by two different mills this wcoK. The feeling is Una values will rulu higher , and general conditions appear favor able. Tank Iron and general manufacturing crades uru llrm und meeting with u steady sale. sale.Tho The market for steam piping Is llrm , and the mllis are fully supplied with orders. ' 1 hero Is n sharp demand for work , pro ductions being taken us fust as turned out. Them will tie u meeting of muuufucturors next week , when it is expected that an ad vance of 2 per cent , will bo made. The demand for radiators and piping for steam hcatin ? purposes is good. IJoitcr tubes are llrm at full rates. The steel murknt Is also showing the same improvement noted In other metals , with values llrm for all kinds. In Now York no buslneiu of special Importance is reported in the steel rail market. Nearly all havii or ders under consideration Involving fair sized lots , however , a slight difference in the tor of buyers' and sellers' ideas ns to prices momentarily holding business In nbayanco. All eastern concerns are falrlv well off us re gards orders in hand , and RiS at works is Blill mimed us close ratu for standard sec tions. The nail market Is showing considerable strength , although no udvanco in prices dan bo noted as yet. The advance in raw material will huva a tendency to force the price of finished material up. Sheet iron remains llrm und thu demand In improving. Ulackstnilhs' supplies generally quiet. Old iron remains quiet , but values remain firm. The Now York murket shows steady prices for old rails and scrap. Copper is quiet with the general tone easier. The break in tlio proposed combina tion of mine owners gives buyoiu the impres sion that low prices will prevail , us already values have declined fully 1 cent per pound through the competition to sell. Tlio jobbing urico is unchanged. Tin Is firm and higher , the London strike preventing shipment of supplies to this country. Tin plutus are llrm but quiet. Lend holds steady with uochango in spelter und sheet zinc. Thu condlihui of the dry goods market Is firm , with operations still uetlvo in jobbing circles. Salesmen in the west are securing liberal orders for seasonable fabrics , while tlio store trade foots up to n fulr uggrogiito volume. The market for men's weiir wool lens holds steady , und now business with manufacturers is still coming forward slow. The steady tone to wool prevents any giv- iug way on the part of manufacturers , and values hold llrm ut opening rates. Cassl- inercs rule steady , with the leading mills in possession of sufllelent orders booked to carry them well through the season. . Worsteds remain quiet but llrm , with overcoatings doing quite well. The movement In cotton goods continues > i tinues moderate , although n fair distribution e * Viotli bleached and brown goods Is going OTI TVlth jobbeia , whllo the accumulation with nianufaeturers in light. Colored cottons continuo quiet und tttoady. Ginghams mnvo Blew with only moderate lots being picked up Dross groods uro moving well with job bers und hold llrm. The mills have gener ally advanced iholr prices for goods , and as jobbers get out of supplies they uro obliged to pay higher rates. Flannels are still going freely into use , and conditions rula strong , Iho London wool market Is gradually trot ting in supplies for sales to open on Soptem- cer 17 , There hus been a slight movement in Capo wool for munufacturors' account , hut 1 cannot quote any udvunuo in values , and In the country there has not been qulto the average quantity selling , says u London cikbla. Estimates as to quantity for sala by auction are 70,000 , hales Sydney and Port Philip , 17,000 bales Queensland , Just n few now clip , 20,000 Adelaide. , 2,000 Swan Wver , U.OOO Tasmania , 70,000 bales New Koalund. 2H,000 bales Capo"J.OOO bales Natal , nmonjjst which n few good lots only , as the long wool docs not conio Just now , Altogether a small sale of SUripUOO bales. \Vo can now BOO about how much wool will bo on offer ut the Kales which will begin just after these lines appear in print. Thuro will bo very lltlln tn tmnpt you , tucopt amongst thu Sydney , New /.calami & Capo for greasy merino combing , also some uootl crossbred umongU the New Xuuland , 1 Hiipposo , if the truth bo told , you are not keen for buying ut present , probably would bo quite ready to sell a few If you could get your price out of Kuropuuiw , This frame of mind will suit all parties , as the con. bumcra this side of the water ouht to bo equal to the absorption of all the desirable lots ut about thu present level of values , though the last few weeks have not been so pod on tills sideus souiu people expected. \Vhat with the harvest not being tu > to prnmUo of u couple of months ago , the difllculUott of our cotton people In Lancashire , \vlih short tlino and its attend ant less money for helps to take , which means fewer comforts und less now clothing In autumn ; uiul now , to cap It all , this big strike of London labor , which is rapidly extending tending , so thut it has for u time paralyzed the trade of tlila great port , it U tin woudor thut the outlook is not us cheerful us It was u whllo ago. People uro hesitating , asking what next U to happen. All the time thu fuctoriua uro turulug out iuiiueuno quuutities of manufactures , so that It is pretty certain hat stocks of goods must be accumulating n some hands ; ns old orders run out , now mc do not coino In fast enough ; In fact , hero are some unpleasant reports of orders , wing either cancelled or suspended till It la sof n moro clearly how the harvest Is really going to turn out. There Is no change to note in the boot and shoo market. Uuslncss Is fairly satisfactory mid prices arc steady. Jobbers nrn pressing 'or the balance of tliolr orders , and the fau- torles uro , as a rule , fully employed. Thcro ire , however , some complaints about the un- jvcn ( llstrioution of orders , as seine manu facturers have more business than they can attend to , whllo others are rather thick. There is n fair number of buyers tn thomixr- < et , some of whom are already placing orders For spring samples ns well ns buying season- iblo goods. The reports from the west , northwest and the south wol are encourag ing for n good fall trade. Heavy crops uro iiclng harvested nnd a Inrgcdnmund for boots mid and shoes Is expected In nil sections nnd It Is believed that collections will bo cnsv. Men's calf boots and shoos are in moderate request , but kin and split goods nru receiving moro attention than tha finer class of shoe. Duplicate orders for heavy hoots nro coining in well , and manufacturers of such goods are busy. Thcro Is a good movement In all kinds of women's ' line goods. Children's boots and shoes nro also In fair demand. The leather market Is gaining in strength , and dealers report u moderate amount of business , the sample trade being especially good. There Is n marked de crease In production , and higher prices are expected to result from tuts fact. There Is still a quiet tone to the ten mar ket , with oncr.iUotis confined to the picking up of small lots as they are required to keep full assortments. The murket continues llrm for dotirurablo grades of Formosa teas , and all indications point to light offering. * of the bust teas this season. No change tn the situation Is noted In China cables , eholcn teas holding llrm there. Japan teas huva shown more strength of latu , nnd theumrket is quoted llrm. Low grades of teas nro still dull nnd rather easy. Old Amoy teas uro nominal. Uuslncss continues good for coffee in nil departments , with the warehouse deliveries footing up large. The market is llrm and values show an advance fur all Brazilian grades. Keporti from thu Brazil crop uro very contradictory , but the general impres sions scorn to bo that the Seutnmhor flower ing has not boon up to thu expectations. Ja maica grades are nominal , Vvhllo Mocha and Java coffees arc SvOuiiy. Trndo is fulr tillhough buyers nre oper ating mostly lu small lots , taking a cur or seat at a time. Spring patents for September shipment are being offered ut lower rates , but for spot supplies or prompt shipment values uro hold steady. "Winter wheats are meeting with a fair call , and hold steady in price. STEALING JULIET'S TOMB. Tin ) Eniilisluniui Who Tried to Hun Away XVltli a tjnrij ! IMecc. Ono of the choicest attractions of Verona for strangers , especially for those who know the works of Shalcus- pcuro , says u Homo letter to tlio Glas gow llortild , is the so-called tomb of .luliotin the garden of the Franciscan nuns , in the vicinity of the swift-llow- liif : Adig. A hirgp portion not less than six pounds woifjht nf this tomb was broken oil and was almost curried away by a , person described as an Eng lishman. The story as told in the Verona papers , rolatua that an English lady and gontlomiin wont to visit tlio tomb of Juliet and Romeo three or four days ago. Before leaving thu spot the Englishman handed a note of lot to thu custodian of tlio plaeo in order that the ordinary foe might bo deducted and the change handed to the visitor. While tlio custodian searched in his pocket for change tlio tourist pro duced a hammer from his pocket and by a sharp blow on the rudobarcophagnsof reu Verona marble which is said to have enshrined Juliet , broke olT a piece or about three kilogrammes or six pounds in weight. Then lie moved away rapidly from the scene of de struction and desecration. Tlio custo dian , who had observed the deed pursued him and suggested the propriety of his giving up tlio plunder. Tlio English man protested , and it was only after u lengthened debate that the visitor flniilly delivered up the fragmontbrohen oil' the Juliet sarcophagus , Such is the btory now going the rounds of the papers. In Gustavo Doro's illustrrtions to L'Espagno of Baron Davillicr there is an illustration entitled "Tlio Robbers of A/.ulcjos ( tiles ) at the Alhambra , " representing an Englishman of the con tinental typo , iicGomtKiniod by his wife , and engaged in hammering olT the colored tiles from the walls of that incomparable building. This is the idea that many French and Spanish and Italian people have of the English man abroad. The report of the attempt to carry olT three kilogrammes of Juliet's tomb will conllrm the old idea. It mutters but little thut no one who knows tlio history of the place regards the tomb as genuine for the people of Verona it is at least as oiTectivo in in ducing strangers to visit their city as if it wore the indisputable sepulchre of the unfortunate daughter of the Capulots. Murray notes that "it certainly was shown in tlio last century , before Shukspoarc became generally known to the Italians. * * Maria Louise got a bit of it , which she caused to bo divided into hearts and gems , elegant necklaces , bracelets , etc. , and many other sentimental young and elderly ladies have followed her ma jesty's example. " It is all very well for a royal personage , such as Marie Louise , to got a bit of this trough-like tomb , but an unknown English traveler who at tempts to carry oil six pounds of rod marble in a surreptitious manner , oven for the gratification of sentiment , is treated with scorn by the journalists of the whole country , and deservedly so. THE OLD GOVERNESS. A Fine 1'leoo ot Word I'nlntinu From the London Nowft. A quiet , careworn presence , a neat black gown of somewhat antiquated fashion a gown which never rustles , oven unoii high days and holidays , when its material is of silk. Her eyes are faded , and their orbits are hollow , but in them linger : ) a look of youth. Her thin oval cheeks have fallen in she regards the displacement of natural teeth , decayed , with the bound imita tion article , as tin innovation so daring as almost tn bonier upon the impious. Her hair still plentiful , though thick ly streaked with gray is dressed nearly after the fashion of thirty years ago. You notice her llrst at luncheon , sitting at the bottom of the table , on the loft hand of the master of the house. She has timidly expressed a preference for a "little of" the cold fowl which stands before you , and blushed consciously when you send her the liver wing. A servant drops a dish-cover with a clat ter , and your hostess loolu reproach fully at her. A bottle of claret IH dis covered to bo corked ; the old governess and the butler exchange deprecating glances. You find her sitting in u shady nook of the drawing-room after dinner , plying crewel-noodle , lace-bobbin , or crochet-hook , for Penelope hur.solf was not n more enthusiastic workwoman. You sit down by her und onguiro her in u little de sultory conversation. Her work you admire it ? Yes it is a now stitch ! The School of Needlework recently ex hibited some such design , Ono of the daughters of the house commenced it , found it difllcult and threw it aside. It booms symbolical of her mission in life that she should never commence any thing for herself that all her time and patience should bo expended in picking up the false stitches , in securing the struggling silicon ends loft by others. She in behind the world in many things. The receipt of u. telegram throws her into a flutter and purlurbatlon of spirits. She can not bo induced to admit the superiority of the electric nvor moro antiquated methods of illumination. The phonograph is to her n mystery so occult ns to bo almost sinful , nnd the inventors of such things nro persons to bo avoided ns having entered into un holy leagues with n potentate whoso name she would rather not mention. She BOCS the exhibition of the Hoynl Acjulomj yearly , and occasionally ac companies the younger daughters of the family to the popular concerts. She is so weak und childlike that the idea of her chaperoning anybody seems n contlo kind of joke with tears behind it. She does not visit the theater un less it bo in pnntomino season , wnon the grandchildren of the house are taken to Drury Lane. For the time being she is almost ns excited as the ju veniles nml leads the npplnuso the soft woollen gloves of the youngest and chubbiest spectator between her black kid ones. She will toll you that Mr. Irving is ft very line nctor---that Mr. Blank has soon him. with n gentle sort of triumph. She never assorts any thing upon her own responsibility , though she is constantly appealed and referred to upon any and every occasion by all the members of tlio family. Any onn who should hint to her that the family were a trillc exacting would ho down in her dove-colored book forever. Never were such benevolent , agreeable , witty , handsome , talented people in her opinion. "Tlio simple savin" smokes continually on her humble altar. She has bowed before that altar for moro than thirty years. In the days when the half-nay olllccr's daughter left kith and kin behind her and went forth to wage her hard bread- battle with the world , no formidable list of accomplishments , no Cambridge certillcuto was required of the instruc tress. She micrht bo more fitly de scribed as a nurse-teacher than a gov erness. She was not only expected to line the brains of her young charges , but to assist in covering their chubby bodies as well. And she fulfilled those duties with exemplary faithfulness. By nature a gentle , domestic creature , only possessed ot average capa bilities and accustomed to snub bing , her school-room autoc racy became endeared to her. At the head of the ink-stained deal table , at least , she was n personage of import- unco ono having power to punish or reward ; dealing out her tusk-portions " ' " " ' " "Child'sGuide of , "Butter'sSpelling , 'English and French Grammar , " "Concnso'd Arithmetic " " ' , "Marlrham's History" and "MungnnlPs Questions" dear , inquisitive , stultifying Mangnalll with mathematical precision and due regard to the capacities of each youth ful charge. Suppose she now nnd then stole a peep at the page before heri" " The children never noticed that the helmet of Pallas Athene occasionally * nodded on the brows of their precup- tress. So the humble , even course of her life-tide Mowed on. She hud conscien tiously imparted to her pupils the little that she knew , and now in her third lustrum of service , it had to bo deli cately broken to her that throe of them wore grown up , marriageable they needed her no more. She clung des perately to tlio youngest and last re maining , but the hour she dreaded came , and with it the man ! The young est inurriod. like her sisters and be hold the old governess'occupation gone. She gave warning , and wept as she packed her boxes the walnut chest and the bald hair trunk with brass nails and made and gave and received and shed tears over small parting remembrances mid , in the event , never went away at till. She is the lubricating medium , without which the wheels of the household ma chine would move but crciikily , the salvor-over of wounded susceptibilities , the meek bulTor from which family dis putants rebound. She 's the disburse ? of charities , the robukor of rebellious servants , the guide of the unwelcome guest to local places of interest a mild creature , who goes to church in nil sorts of unfavorable weather , and keeps up the family account with heaven on the credit side. Grown-up sons borrow her small savings for the appeasement of dubious creditors , married daughters imperiously claim her willing services at moments of domestic interest. Wedding breakfasts are confidently in trusted to the doeorut vo kill , tlio dainty manipulation of the withered hniul"that shall never wear the golden circlet. She is the lirst to weep when the bride goes away , and the last to hurl the slipper superannuated like herself after tlio receding chariot. At periods of rejoicing she modestly re cedes into the background ; but should sickness and sorrow visit the house of her adoption , the vigil candle paints her slight watching shadow upon the wall of the room whore the sufferer moans or death lies in state. Meek soul ! If her gentle nature wore capable of entertaining bitterness to wards any earthly being , tlio contem plation of tlio moulded and renovated school now class room ! and tlio spec tacled young tutoress who reigns therein ( Girton honors and first-class certificate ) would arouse the feeling , The children of her old pupils npnoar ( in certain educational lights ) like imps of unnatural precocity to the old gov- eniesB. The geometrical proplems of the blackboard the oral lessons - confound found her. The smallest child of all lias forgotten moro than she evar knew ! A primrose by the river's brim is not a primrose , but a member of the botanical order corollillanu , ciilyxcd , und having a monopotalous something or other to this enlighten ed infant. Perhaps it is after receiving this cannonade of scientific information from lips on which the maternal nutri ment is scarcely yet dry that the old governess falls nick , dies very quietly nnd unostentatiously , and , in ceasing to be at all , becomes for the lirst time in her lifon person of importance. HOW THE BABY GROWS. ASuidy of ( In : i.oVL'lopment or a Chilli's Mind. In the last volume of the "Education Series" on the "Development of flio In tellect , " II. W. Brown has presented a conspectus of the observations of Pro fessor Proyor on the mind of the child , which showH chronologically the gradual development of the senses. intellect and will of the grow ing child , and presents in u condensed form the result of a great number of careful observations. It is recorded thut sensibility to light , touch , tempera ture , smell anil taste are present on the lirst day of infant life. Hearing , there fore , is the only special sense which is not active at this time. The child hears by the third or fourth day. Taste und smell are bouses ut'llrst most active , but they uro not dilToronthtlod. General organic sensations of well-being or dis comfort are felt from the first ; but pain und pleasure , as mental states , are not noted till at or nmir the second month , The first sign of speech in the shape of utterance of consonant sounds is heard in the latter part of the second month , those consonants being generally - ally "m , " "r , " "g" or "t , All the movements of the eyes become coordinate nate by the fourth month , and by this time the child begins to have the''fool ing of solf" that is , ho looks ut hie own hands und looks ut himself in the mirror. The study of the child's mind during the first your tihowe conclusively thut ideas develop nnd reasoning1 fr oijcsses occur before there is nny knowlcduo of words or of language ; though it may bo as sumed that tne child thinks in symbols , visual or auditory. wlficHAiro clumsy equivalents for woros. By the end of the year the child bocrfns to express itself by Bounds thut is , speech begins. The development ol thltfflpocch capac ity is , according to Proyor , in accord ance with the development of the intel lectual powers. By the end of the second end your the child's power of spcocll is practically acquired. { r A handsome complexion Honb of the great est charms n woman can uossois , 1'ozzonl's Complexion Powder gives it. THE HEAT IN ASIA. Some of tlio Tricks of IMuubuq in tlio Old World. It is stated in the olllclul report that 702 persona died between the 1 Ith and 17th ult. , at Bokhara , of heat , nnd the figures , it expressly added , do not in clude children. If this amazing calam ity be not duo to any atmospheric violence lence , as n Bnd-l-Slmoon , for example , it is probably iincqualcd in authentic records , says the London Standard. But when we think of the ngony , the horrible wretchedness in which the whole population must have been living , it may well seem that those who found csciiDo in death are not to bo pitied. The horror of heat is unknown to us , or indeed to any oiivt of Kuropo , though Naples and Athens are desperately try ing some times. But to the native of Scindo , Central Asia , the shores of the Persian gulf , the sun of Greece is but a trillo. The utter helplessness of man under this in fiction adds horror to his sufferings. There is no hope and no re source when the rod hot air penetrates to those underground chambers in which the summer is passed in Central Asia. "The inh.ibit'ints ' , " wo learn , "aro shutting themselves up to cscapo" probably closing all the apertures of their subterranean abodes , cxcopttlioso absolutely necessary for ventilation. The air down below , undnr such circumstances , cnn not bo Imagined ono who has not n. touch of experience. Houses of good class nro solidly con structed under ground , with ehnmbors nnd doors nnd corridors ; but tlio mass of the people Inhabit big holes , roofed over , with no kind of permanent con- uoulonco. Every winter the frost und snow and rnln play mfsohicf with those rough pits , ana the damage IB not al ways , not often repaired by the follow ing summer. Fancy thousands ot Mongols In those dons , pursuing their filty habits in semidarkness - darkness , suffering the nwful torment of hont , children walling , adults raving , alwuys in want of water and generally of food , in an tttmoaplioro beyond con ceiving. Sleepless nights mndo miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure in tlio remedy for you. For sale by Good man Drug Co. Jolm I ; , nn n Coinnilttcotnnn. Chicago Tribune : Chairman ot Con- crosslotwl Committee " 1 InUo it for granted , gentlemen , that wo shall re port favorably on the bill referred to us , defining the barbarous practice of holding boxing contests with skin-tight gloves in the District of Columbus as u felony , and prescribing a penalty of not less than ono year in the peniten tiary " [ Enter Committeeman Sullivan , the honorable member from Boston. ] The Chairman ( resuming ) "Er Mr. Sullivan , wo were ah considering this bill in relation to suarrintr exhi bitions. What is your opinion of Ity" Congressman Sullivan "It's u bloody shame to bring in sucli a hill as that. I Itiii lick any feller that's In favor of it. blank mv eyes , an'I'm willln'to do it right here if necessary " The Uhiiirimui ( with alacrity ) "Mr. Sullivan's judgment , gentlemen , is that of an export. I take it for granted , gentlemen , that wo shall report unani mously against this infamous bill. " Bceohuin's Pills cure bilious and norvotn ills Have you used OAP ? EJELIABl- For the euro of all DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH , LIVER. BOWELS .KID . . . . . . . . . _ . " * iw-iv , J./j.wvvr\jr.Li > vi r iiji'jiJiijo , xu. , i o J ivjrrjo LJ.\JLV , u.L.iJiJi.wji.i i ooj A : u A * - INFLAMAT1ON OF THE DOWELS , PILES , and all doriinRoraont of the Inter nal Viscera. RADWAY'S PILLS are a euro for this complaint. Tlioy tone tip the internal secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomiieh and enable it , tj perform its functions. Prieo Hoc nor box. Sold by all druggists. RAD WAY & CO. , New York , For sale by M. II. UlLsj , Oinahi , 1 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Omaha , Neb. The Key , RoTiert Dolierty , S. T , D , , Rector , Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars Apply to the Rector. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CQ , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. A. B. MEYEK & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN 1O8 South iSth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O. ETCHINGS. ENGRAVINGS , tf jy [ ALL.UT& . ; DAVIS ARTIST SUPPLIES. , MOULDINGS , 3gi } FRAMES. PIANOS&ORGANS j T MUSIC. 1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. STANDARD SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Offer * Hie bpht frtCllltleH Tor ncriulrliiK llio art otfiHOHTHANDumt l'VriWlllTlN ' : < i. l.\ltJ- KS.T.I UEirKnTUllll HnST.SOIIOOI.ln tllU WKhf Kucceas ( HMllA.N7Eiu to unyone of ordinary ability. ( JKAIIIU'UN AMJCill'.U'lO I'llNlllON i Wo itru nimble lotmppiy tliu tluinuiid ( or com- , jietcnt HtcnoKraplieiH. You can get a jioslllon $ n a BOOH UH you mo ready for It , Uvery yoiinir snau mid \\oiiuiii Nliould nuvu u practical knoMl-dgu oC Hliortlianil und TynuurltliiL' Olvti DIB liovsiind ( uunco ui. n llior- mmli pnctlciil bcliool nivl u-ucli them tube Independent I'or further Information addroas Standad ; Shotod Schoo. Frank K. Hull , luniipei- , PaxtonBlocUSUFarHamSt.Omalia . , Boots nnd Shooo. KlliKBXDAl.t , , JOKES , t CO. , Sucf < iortu llccd , Jones A Co. Wliolcsale MaiinfactDrcrs of Biots & Shoes Agent * ( or lloiton llubbcr Shoo On. , 11CJ. 1101 antl lift ] llnrncjr Strecl , Omnlia , Drowors. STOHZ A ILKlt , Lager Beer Brewers , I.Vtl North Klclitc nlli Mtx'ot.Omnhn. Nch. Cornlco. EAOLE COKiV/PJS / WO11KS , fiannrctnrcrs ofGalyanized Iron Cornice nnd miMnllrHyllolH' . Jntm KpcncKr , proprietor , USnnU llUSoiilli Kth itreuU _ Popor Boxoa. wn JOHA' \V1LKIE \ , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Not.111 ? ami HI9 Douglas ilrect , Onman , Nob. M. A. /.S-BiOII't CO. , \Vhclciilo tnsuiifnolurrrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings , Branch ollcg , lilli Irnnl ircol . Chiinhi Xt-b. FlttlngSi Pumps , Eto. STKAXA CL.lliK STK.IM llR.lTtxii CO. . Pianos , Pines and EiiEines , , nntrr , rnllwnv nml mlnlni : JiipplUi , etc. M , KJanil If.'l I srunni urcul , Uiualio. EMilNE A 1'1TMI'CO. , Steam and Water SiioDlies , ll llM r nlml mills , PIS nii'l ICO , lnm > st. , Ottmlia. U. F. lloss , Afltlni ! .Mnn.iKor , niiOWA'ELL A CO. , Cn ncs , Boilers and General MjcWnory , Sliout-lron Tror.X , fftenni pumps , nw iiilllt. 12I.M2IS l.vavennrtli Mrcot , Uuialia. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLTXQ IHOJf WORKS , Wronglit ani Gait Iroi Biding Work , Knclncs. IIIUM work , ucnurnl fotinjrjluuchlno uuj blackunltli norX. Olllce Mid works , U. r. Uj. nud ITIli Itrcvt , OniuUit. UMA UA W1K13 A IHOX WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Minis Ucik ralli , wlQiloir Runnls , tlowur otnmK wlro sinus , etc. niNurililalislrool , umnlia. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar iraof Safes , Vaults , lull nork , Iron nhnltoM imd tire ts"npes. ( } . And icon , prop r. Comer Uta uJ .Uclnuii sis. SOUTH OMAH& . UiY/OA * fcTOt'/v' YA11US CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited , SHROEDER & DEAR , GRAIN , Basomant First National Bank , 505 buuilitii : ! sirwut , - Onmlin NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital $400,000 SurnliK. Jim. M , 1SS ! ) 5i ,000 OWICKUS AND miincj'oiis : IlK.snv . Y.vrr.y , President. LEWIS ? . ltEii > . Vlco I'tualduut. A. I : . Toiv. VMN , W. V. MiwxiJ. JOHNS , roi.i.w i It. O. Ci'siiiNn , J.N. II. rvTUICK. \V. II. S. Hur.ui : * . Cashier. THE IRON BANK , Lor 1''th and rnrnum Sts. A Ooiierul Hunting Iliislnras ruinsiirtcd. _ THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. MlMMNGl'UN"liOinT ; . Teiive llepot liitli \ Masonnts. Omaha. Chicago Vestibule llx il"i ) p in ! I:7J : u in riilcui ; > Mall :4S u m c > : r > p m Chlc.iKO Local fl:4' : ) i > 111 "Ml u m I "Oliver Vudllbulu l.v. 10:0) : u in : i-W : p in I lucoln \ Coiu'ordia I.o'l 8:00 : a m li.r > p m tnloimln Mull 7:1 p in ! ) ; ! < ; a m I lilcat'o I'aat .Mnll ! IJJ 11 in ICttn-sas City IXpreis. . . : Ti a in iil" : , a in ICnnsii- * City iOJ ) : p in ll"i : p in MISSOUIU I'ACiriO An-lvo Depot 1'tluVVeU3terhts Oiuuha. Day ixprets ; i0 ! : : ! a in Night hxprosa Jii'U p m F. E. f.M. . V. It. U. Arrtvo Depot r > lh& Wobsler Hs. Oinulia lllact Hills Uxprt-ss . . 8:40 : n tn 3:40 : p in HasliiiKs * Superior Kx. 8:40 : a m HM : ) p m Lincoln A : Wuhoo I'asa. , . fIO ; p m 10Ui : a m David Citj- & York I'nss. file ; p m 10 : m a m Norfolk I'fc'H fiIO ; p 111 10:1" : a in Fremont 1'njs ll.:15oaou : 3M p m C. Ac N.V. . 11. K. I I.oavo Arrlvo L'epot lOtli , V Marcy sta.l Onmlia. QUinho. ( hlcaijo Express. Dally. 1)115 ) a in 7or : > p in Ftut Limited , Dully . . , "Mi p 111 10 : ' . ! < > a m "Jlia riycr. " Dally , 8f ! ) p in | b:0r : > a m C. Al. &oT. 1'AI'I ' * I.euro Arrlvo Depot mil & Maicy sts. Omaha , Uiuahu. No.i. . . 0:1.1 : a m No. 4. 0UO ; p in No. 1. 7:15 a m No. 3. . 0Q : ( ) p in SIOUX CITV A. I'ACIHC I.eavo ArrlVB Depot 15th A ; Wooalerats. Omaha. Omaha. Limited. _ 0:4b p in o. a. r. & P. i.eavo Depot Kth & Many ma. Oumlm. Omaha. Dos MolneH AccominoiTn Atlantic Uxpresu Kxpreis _ WAI1A8H WKs Depot iutn.fe Marcy sts. No. 8 ft. U Exit. Dnlly p m UNION I'AC1I''IO ' l.oavii Arrlvo Depot JOtli mid Murcy Bts Onmlm. Omaha Overland Klyer. 7.VJ : p m io p"ia 1'aclllo Kxpri'SH ' b : > n m T'M u m Denver llxprcHs Id : 'W a in 2:40 : p in 'KannaH City , Lincoln A : Heutrlcu llxjirrns . 4:45 : a m 1-il'i n m Miruiul Islam ! Kxpret n:4"i : i > in Vi : ' , . ' ' < n m M'npilllon 1'ansengor G:5" : > j ) in , 'iM : a m Dally tjjally Kxi'opt Sunday. C. ST. I' . M.&O. i.eav * Arrive Depot Hill A ; Webster His. Omaha , Omaha. Hloiix ( Ity KxprnHs 1:00 p m 1:00 : p in Sioux City Ao'inmodat'n 7:40 : u m U:10 : p m ht. 1'nul Limited ( l : < 5 p in U'K : a in Florence r < V a in 8n ; : a in Florence 1 > ; 'M v m fii u p in tl'lorenco v.'M u in 10:2) : a m tl'loreme 1:3) : ) v m 6:16 : p m Dully Hxcetil tiuuday. tSuuuay Only , COUMMIj CHICAGO. llOCIf ISLAND k I'ACIKIO. 11 No. S . . . . Bs'Opm'A ' No. IS 7:11 a in ( j No. 0 OiVlumU No. 1 U:15pm : A No. 4 10OUiimO : No. 5. . .fiilftpin A No. 14 . . .billpjniA NP. 3. . . B:3Jiiin : CHICAGO & NOUTIIWHSTJJ11N. No 0 .40u in No,7 fl : 7 a in r.o. ilsl.ip m'No. ' 3 7:15 : a in } } o , 4 iijas a in No ft 0:16 : pm CUIOAQO. MI JAVA UK I' K * ST. I'AL'I. A No.8 9:40umA : No. 1 7 : ) am A No. 4. . . .OjlOpm'A ' No , ! ) CM&pm KANSAS. C1TV , ST. JUSIU'H k COUNCIL A No. 2 10:07 : u i A No. i ) A No. 4 VilfipiiilA No. 1 . . . SIUUXOIl'V & I'ACU'IO. A No. 10 . . . .70\annA No. 9 . . , .8Huni : A No.lS 7JOluuA : ( No. 11 . . , .UOOpu : OMAHA k ST. LOUIS. A No , 8 ' < : ajpralA No. 7 12:0011 : A daily' ) II dally , eicoct Saturday : 0 ( excep Bumtuyi I ) except MuniUy ; fa t mall. Agricultural LlATA ( JLrOfta UALV Asricnlt'l ' implements , Wanons , Carriage ! cln. _ \ \ ht'yv ! < le. Omaha , Ktliranka. Furnlturo. DBirmSTOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , > > niam tiOot. OmMm , Ncltnxkn. Fumitorc , Onmlin , Nebraska , Groceries , mtAur A CO ? Grflccrs ; lJthi.nilLontonr.ortb Blrocli. Oinnhit , Ki Hnrdwnro. * . J. nilOA'IGII , Hcnyy Hirflwarc , Iron and Steel , lKt 'tX ' A > ; ODlAllV CT Mamilnuliiror * nnd Job urs In Wa0is ! , Buggies Hale : , Plows , Etc , Tor. lull nnd 1'nclHo < lrt'0l , Onmlm. Artists' Materials. l. IlObl'V , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1613 L'oitBlus dlioot , Uinnlm , Ncbrn kn. Boots end Shoos. ' W. K. MOItbE .t fO. , Joliljers of Bools anil Slices , 1101.110 * , IKOnouKlns ttttvot. Oniabn Monufnctorj . buutuitT Mreot , Uostun. Conl , Colio JAMES THATCH Kit COAL CO. , Miners and Shippers of Coal anil Coke , Kiuini ' . ' 1.1) ) . S. Nntlmml Hunk llnllilliu , Oiirnlu. OMAHA COAL , COKE A-LIMti CO. Jotters of Hsrd ani S.ift Coal , SOU Koulli 13lli tlrjot.Oiuttlut , Nebraska. KKliHASKA VUKL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cok 911 fuutti 13tli it. , Oraalui , Nub. LUMBER , ETC , , T A. WAKEPIELD , Wliolesale Lumber , Etc , nnd AnicrUnn 1'oilldnacmcnt. . Sl t eguiU for IllltT.itiki'olivilinu Ivtciiieut nud ' ' f wliUulim * . C11AS U. LVK , Wood cnrpi'ls nml parquet : . I Hi and UouRl StlOl'l" , UlIlAllH. All ) . OMAHA I.UMUKlt CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IStli strict an. ) L'ulont'a lllu truck , Oinalin. LOUIS mt Dalcr : in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli , Oooii. lUc. Vnnli * Corner ? th find Douglas. OOlci Corner lutli nurt F1JUD. } ' . OltAY. Luiiilr Lir CciiMt EtcEtc , , , , , , Cor&ur Uth a id Douche Ha , Oniiilil. ( ' . A * . DlK'l'Z , Dealer in All Kinds of Lmite 13tu nnd California streetsOimilm , Nebrntkn. Millinery and Notions , I.'ommVELDFAl & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Mans SOI.KIOmid 212 bomh lltli jtruit. Notions. x r. nonixsox NOIWX co. , Wholesale Notions and Fnriiisliing Goods , nrncy Street , Onmlia. Stone and Commission HcrcHanls , SpsclHllli'9-IlnttPr , Pu'k's , choose , poultry , uatn 1112 HimnrUBtrcct , Umulin , Null. Dry " " Cooclsjjntl Notions. _ M. K. &M//77/ C0. Dry Goods , FiiniisliiiGoa and Notions d 1101 IJonglai , ror. lltli itroet , Onmlia , Neb. ' co. , Importers & Jobte mDry Goods , Notions Ueal'i funilslilnnaoixi" . Cnrnir Hth nud Harncy _ Btricti.Onmlui , Notiruskit. ' LEE , CLAIJh'K , AXMinnW ! IJAHV- UVl/7/3 / COMl'AXV. Wliolesa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , fliect Iron , etc. Auant for Howe ucalei , iundcr nnd I.yinan buibec wlro. _ TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Renair Shop Mechanic * ' 1001 and ItufTnlo ocalei. 1105 Douglas itrcet , Omaha , Net > . Toy a , Eto. _ _ n. JIAIWY &co. , Jobber ) of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gocfls , bout , * furnUhliiK " 'i < H. children' * larrluRei , 1201 Kirniira itreut , Omulia , Null. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LIKE CO. , Wholesale Rcfir.efl and Lubricating Oils , Alia tjrtaso , etc. , Omaha. A. II. UUIioji. ilgunner. Pap or. OAHPENTEn PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Ds lers , CarrvanlcA tock nf iirlntln ' . vr.ifplnc ninl paper. Bpoclul ntlcntlou Klvcn to card vapor PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 KAKNAM STREET. OOMMEROIAL Capital , $4QOOOO Surplus , Ofllccrs and Directors li. M. Morseman , (1. ( M HKcliccKk , Jon. ( iarnoau. Jr. , A. Henry. 12. M. Anilerrton , Win. ( i. Maul. v. proa. ; U II , Will , lanu , A.I' HouicliiH , pres.j A , Mlllurd , caslilori ! ' . 11. Dryftia ubslatuiit caulilur.