PMT II.PHE OMAHA .SUNDAY BEE , 9-16. NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1880.-SIXTEBN PAGES. NUMBER 88 , TTh T II EH ! Will Be a Great Day -.A.T Will Be a Great Day AT- AT- Sway- ; 502 , 504 , 50 © , 508 , 51O So-ULtto. IStli St. , Oorner gg Bettei Eargaiias tliaa ever Tc-aiorrow. We readied our present position by selling goods cheap , and we mean to hold it in the same way. " % SSI TliU J . . . 1. tU'imrlniriil _ _ I \ is 1 , now . _ . . . complcto 1.-1.4 mtil 4 . . . rraily J I. f. , . . for ! J . business * 1 * . .111 , nidi t- - _ tlio . Hnpst nml Iiinr- full cJindcs. U'e vlll also luiUMiti Milo mi deirinil line of French Nox > lty Dross j'al- ienii , llonlnru Itulus , nwtl n p-nitl nssorlinrnt of Now 1'lnMsnml Stripes of tlio lory Inloil designs. N w , ( ! low jirlrcs NO lm\ti inulo ou tliem to start ( Itc sensoi ; Mill notcr lie iluiilhntcil , f-o , jott liettt'i * LHJ n ( OUT. Note : 80 Mirers splendid ciunllty ClicoKcd anil Fluid Twilled Suitings nt lcf Morth tOc. 2 ciws ilonlilo wldlli Kiijrllsli Tnillrd Serge. ' , In PUT } shade imil color , actually north 20cvt ill Itc sold nl liHc. 112 pieces -lO-liu'li Wool Cliorlols , small pin checks , In gray nml brown mixture * , ncll Mortli 83c } our price IKc. 2 Sex Gl ptafcs dO Inches wide Ladies' Clolli , in gray anil tan mixtures , at 25c ; well north 40c. 100 pieces nil pure noel Trkot Clolh , US Inches wide , nil new fall mixture , regu larly sold nt ode ; our price H5e. 72 pieces 40 Inches wide , nil pure noel French Henriettas , silk. finished , every new fall shade , well north OOc ; our pi ice , 45c. * t SOc. 100 pieces nil noel Junclly Pl.iltls and Slrl.cs 88 Inches wide , the handsomsst slionn in thfs clly , at fiuc ; regnlnr piliv , ? Uc. 42 pieces 48-liich nil pure noel Trench lfciirluUus > an elegant line or new Tall shades , imil ncll north $1.00 $ our price , Tot. Tot.S1.OO. . 82 pieces dO-Inth Silk Warp Hcnrieltiis , the Uesl of Keroyd's mnlte , and clcgnnl new hliu'les ' , rcgnlir rlee $1.5' ' ) ; Mill he sold nt $1.00. IBroetciolotlis. Wo liiuc u\er > now Fhade in B.o.ideloth and Amu/on ( Jloth that will lie worn this Benson ; our prices are the loncst In the city. IMIUEXSU STOCK Or JVEW DRESS Cents a Yard. All C'olors. Cents a Yard. Cents a Yard. SIXTY SHADES THE ISKfcT VAI..WC OX THE In Color * . (11 f Illicit Only. All Colors' . Till : S'I'KOAGIvST BAltCJAIiVS IN ALL-SlLXi GOODS. Fall Round Cord Gros Grain , Our Special Dress Silt , CENTS YARD , CENTS YARD , Wo oll'cr Xoiio But the Very Jicst and Kcllublc Black Silks. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS , - - - 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 and 510 South 18th Street I THE LOCAL FIELD OF SPORT. The Approaching Shooting Season and its Prospects. DOWNFALL OF PAT AND BOB Latest Gossip of tlio Diamond Oh am pion ToiinlB I'InyerH UoliiR Mil- wuulcoo Quostionai Aus- ivorod MlHccllaucouH Ornnd I'roHppoiH Per SnoitHinon. Gcorgo Small and George Smith have Just rotuincd from n WCOK'B chicken shoot out in the vicinity of Lexington. Ttioy report plenty of uirds , but say thut they have boon hunted and shot also much by the pc&tivcrous market hunter thattlioy me wilder than deer nnd Hush three or four hundred yards in front of the dogs oven. Once on the wiuir and they continue until but a speck in the distance , or fly on until out of sight altogether. Tlio birds are also fully three weeks or u month earlier than thov have boon known [ u this country for years , that Is tlio birds uro stronger , fuller grown und moro matured. Mr. Smnll snys that ull the birds they saw. und they saw thousands of thorn , were full grown and in wonderful line condition. The two guns , in five days shooting. bugged only about ninety birds , tlioro best day bolng twonty-six , which wns the last any they were out. They also killed twonty.-suven blue wing teal on this day , und ono mallard. They nro of tlio opinion that the early duck shooting iu tlil& stuto promises to bo moro satisfactory than it has boon for sovvrul seasons. Tlioro wus but liltla spring shooting tills year , and tlio unusual ciop of birds left oyor have taken every advantage of sin exceptional season for nldlncatlon and raised largo and Interesting families. Tliu gunnels are watching them us they coino in every day , nnd In u few days moro there will bo shooters on every stream and marsh In tlio state , A llttlo cool weather and a few pouring ruins will increase the Ulght of toul u thousumi-fold , und , in fact , it will bring iu wild fowl of nil kinds. Another reason that the sports man may expect uncommon line early shooting this full is that throughout Dakota there Is scarcely a drop of water. The lakes ere very low , ana many of the streams aro.perfectly dry. Consequently the food is meagre and the birds will only stop thera long enough to Una this out , when tlioy will wing thotr way on down to Nebraska , wlieio tliero Is yet plenty of water und un nbundnnco of food. This will glvo us a pro longed season of snort. The teal und Wilson snipe will furnish good shooting fioni now on until .lack Frost arrives to stay , then the widgeon , the mallard , the pintail , the redhead ami the canvusbuck will make it interesting for tlio liuntor , Tha latter , however , will not prob ably appear in very overwhelming numbers , us it is becoming scat cor und scarcer ovoiy year , Iho cjuvasback is unquestionably the premier niorccau of nil feathered game the moat sought nf tor by epicures und gastro nomic oxpcits , und consequently they uro scarcer und harder to got than any other ipeoitis. And then no wild fowl Is so didlcult to bag as the canvauback. His eyes are telescopic , and his velocity of wing is some thing marvelous the fastest IIor known. So shy have ttiuy become that it is u hard matter now for the hunter to fool them with decoy * . 'Ihey seek only deep water , und uro off ut the BlU'lilest indication of danger. There Is not n lazy llbro in his anatomy , and tlio way ho leavts an ambitious hunter Is ( startling , Itioiiuirca u Potty , u Purmoleo , or n Kuowlcs to down u canvasback these unys , but the writer has seen them Iu years gene by , ut Koshkouong anil St. Clair , when It was no trick ut all to make us good a bag as ono can make theio dins of mallard * on the finest grounds In tlio country , There uro also several localities in this ttuto , notably about Drokim How , Lexington and Bancroft , where quail inay be found this full in excluding plentitudo. Tlio canon for tltls precious llttlo game bird , llko t has been for chicken , has boon most auspicious , und they have multiplied largely. Then there is no finer sport than a day over a brace of good dogs among tbo stubble after quail , us ull iruo-sportsmon will corroborate. Antclopo and doer hunters will be gratified to loam that , for Nebraska , these beautiful creatures uro moro plentiful than they have been known for years. Parties from out about Alliance , In Box Butte county.havo seen unusual numbers of antelope this sum mer , and further south , say fifty miles , both white and black tail deer uro to bo found in goodly numbers. Last winter was a favor- nblo ono for door nnd many were loft over. These have had a grand season for rearing tholr young nnd tolerable good hunting maybe bo looked for when tha season opens. Gny fjlfo In Milwaukee. Tobo Broacriek , known familiarly as the driver of U Bet , has just distinguished him self up in Milwaukoo. Ho wont tlioro a couple weeks since from this city and organ ized a fox hunting club similar to the late clubs of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Ho then got up u grand fox .chase , which waste to have coma off nt the Milwaukee driving park last Saturday afternoon. Tboro wns $ GbO worth of paid admissions at tbo gate , and Tobo , with his pnclc of mongrel fox hounds and three sickly foxes loft over from the memorable Council Bluffs chase , was on hand ready for the fray. Just as the old Pennsylvania fossil , who Tobo had imported us a veteran foxhuntor of th ? old schools and who stood in with Tobo on the divy , was about to sound his horn for the marshaling of the chasers , the Milwaukee Humane So ciety stopped in and forbade the chase , on the grounds that it was cruelty to animals. Tobo and the superannuated Pcno- sylvnnlan help a hurried consulta tion , and tbon , whllo Tobo argued with the president of the Humane society , tolling him there was a premium of 2 on fox scalps in Wisconsin , and that they hud a legal vlcht to slay the animals , the old fossil got out of the driving park and away with the dogs. The spectators clamored for the chase , nnd tin ally , after u doluy of over an hour , which was umplo tlmo , for Tobo's partner to got clear ; Tobo said ho would run the foxes m doOanco of the Humana ducks , and ho ad vised the crowd to remain patient whllo ho wont after the dogs. Ilo hurried off , loft the park , bonrdcd u cab anil was whirled to the depot In tlmo to catch the 30 : ! train for Chi cago. The liulo schema paid Tobo und his partner lust $ OSO , but neither of thorn have any further IIBQ for Milwaukee , and it will probably bo many u day before they go up tlioro to spend the summer. Clancy KxnlutiiH It. The smash that knocked Pat Killon out at Frisco , last Wednesday night , also broke Hob Clancy's heart. Hob Is a popular mom- bur of the local press gang. Three yours a 20 ho was Killon's manager , and a great friend ship sprung up between the two. Killon thought Bob was tbo greatest manager on curth , mid of course Hob thought that Killcu was the greatest pugilist that over shied a castor or stepped into u ring. Bob thought Pat could knock a house out ; could whip his weight In wildcats ; tackle u buzz saw or a threshing machine , and oomo out on top. So Bob christened Put the Terror of the North west , and by that uwo-lnsplring cognomen Put has boon known oyor since. But Pat is u terror no longer , and Hob is burled in sackcloth und nines. MoAullffo's good right mauley did the business. U not only dislocated Put's ] u\v und put him In a somniferous mood , but U created dire per turbation in Hob's thoracic region. "Hello 1 Hob , " accosted TUB Her. man. mooting Clancy iu front of the chamber of ( omuierco yesterday evening , "what's do madder wld Killon I" Hob's dove-IIUo eyes grow lachrymose , uud swallowing a lump about tbo size of a geese egg tbUt persisted in stopping up bU epi glottis. ha exclaimed ; "Adeodllukol" "Ah , that won't do , Hob ; Killon didn't uiuUo a ghost pf A light ho wasu't In it : the wonder nf tliu coast made a monkey of mm. I think Tommy Mlllor can lick him. " "Oh , you dead uanio sporting cdltcis muVo mo tlicd. You arc cntli ely too silky. 1 toll you I wus dayed when I read the tolcaratn announcing Pat's defeat. I couldn't believe it I didn't wont to believe it. I know that Pat had a pudding in McAulilTo nnd there must bo some mistake. But there it was Killon knocked out in the seycntn round 1" 'Well , how do you account for ill" "Account for It , why , easy enough. Every body knows that Killon has boon living an ousy life since ho wont to'tho coast ; ho was in no condition , couldn't have been , nnd that's what did the business. That's the way with old fighters , however. They are never satisfied ; they think advancing years and fast living cannot Impair their powers. It is a mistake , but a common ono. Under my management Put would have knocked that California dub out with a punch. This comes to me by a private loiter from a 'Frisco friend. Uoad it : " The critics of boxing who have boon across the ferry this week to see your friend Killcn uro not so much impressed by his method of training as by his natural ability as a pugilist. Tiio critics are pleased with his movements us ho appears when punching thu bag , but there is a dark rumor afloat that the grade of tea with which ho slacks his burning thirst is too often above proof to bo conducive to Hrst-class athletic condition. Ueports from McAullffo's train ing quarters , however , would indicate that the local man has made up his mind not to bo outdone in the matter of getting down to conscientious naid work and into proper fix for n hard , bruising lltrlit. Joe , llko his tall rival from the breezy northwest , is said to bo taking things ratlior easy. The directors of the Golden Gate club have taken ofllcial cognizance of these rumors and have author ized a special committee of ono , consisting of Secretary Jamieson , who is un eminent authority on protracted temperance und Its effects , to visit ICIUen and McAuliffa and sub ject thorn to the crucial test of his profes sional scrutiny. An Old Orcus [ 1'luy. Tlioro was a tltno In the history of the game when base runners were often thrown out at ilrst busro by rightlloldors on what were apparently safe hits , but it is u rarity indeed that such a play is ever scon those days. Once this season , however , Canuvan throw a runner out on what looked llko a clean bttso hit to loft Held , n moro unusual and diftlcult play than tbo other , but this won't ' occur ugaln In a hundred games. Tno fuct that right Holders do not accomplish this exploit nny moro is not bccauso they are not as peed Holders as there ever wcro.but bccauso tlioro tins been u vast Improvement in base run ning. Batters now uio ordered by tlio cup- tain to run out every hit that is mudo , und a player that does not obey this mandate Is liublo to a heavy lino. If a grounder In hit to the Inliold they try to boat it out , and if it is u safe bit they make every effort to got to first us soon as possible with the hope of being able to make second on it. It Is this hustling move the base runner gets qn him self tlieso daysthat prevents the right Holder from making a circus put-out at first. The best right fielder the diamond ever know cannot throw a man out ut first on what should bo u sufo hit , if the batter can run at all. It is u play of the old slow days , und will seldom bo soon upon iho bull Hold again , A Milntiii ; Monument. George Washington Bradley , Sioux City's third basomun , is u splendid examine ! to young players of the benefit of strict ab stemiousness nnd good hours. Old Brad , in Ills palmiest days as a ball-player , nnd ho was a great one , never wont on a painting expedition iu the woo sina' hours of the night , or sut ut the poker table until time to don his uniform for the gamo. Ho was ul ways In tha hotel ut un hour becoming re spectability and decency , uud the manager never had occasion to pull his tab on him or cut u slice out of his salary on nay day. As a result , George Washington is In a fair way to beat the record ol old Jack Nelson , Deacon Whlto , Paul Hlnes , Cbarllo Snydcr uud u number of others who could bo men tioned. In truth , for actual service on the ball Held Brudloy seems certain to outdo thorn all , for ho Is putting up a grout game yet to-day , und bids fulr to continuo several years you And then , too , Bnd Isn't so ohl as some mlgtiv think , ho is only ninety-six ana it will require a considerable length of time yet before ho will bo recognized us the , oldest living man on earth. A Western Association Grndiiatn. Bug HolHJay , of last year's DCS Molnes team , now wltu Cincinnati , is having a Hyoly race down the llnish for the "long-hit" record of the American association with Harry Stovoy , of the Athletics , and little Duffco , of the Browns. These tbreo great liittors have koit up a lively rat-tat-too on the pig skin for homo runs and three bag gers. They are now closely bunched for the total hit record , with Stovoy slightly In the load with 29 two buggers , 9 three base hits and 10 homo runs. Holllday has 27 to bag gers. 0 triples and IB homo runs to his credit. Duffco is considerably behind these two. A. Good Una on Tlin Hurst. Tlio following good'story Is told on Umpire Tim Hurst : In a recent game played ut Sioux City seine of the players essayed to question ono of his decisions , whereupon ho turned upon thorn with great dignity und ex claimed : "Now look here ; eight of you ducks uro supposed to bo dead , consequently tholr's only ono of you left who can talk , and that Is Captain Brpsnan. Now , Bros , old man , what'vo you got to say ) Holch quick , for I want , to hustle this game through ; but lot mo caution you when you begin you must talk business and not quib ble , or 111 make lifo a lava-bod for you if you are tlio captain of iho Corn Huskcrsl You hear moi" Wants a Kennel Club. FuLLEKTOtf , Nance Co. , 'Nob. , Sept. 11. To the Sporting Editor of .Tiiu Bnu : I no ticed with much pleasure the article in your issue of the 1st | nst. , referring to a proposed bench show , to bo hold this full in Omaha , under the auspices of the American Kennel club. This Is a move in the right direction. Shows such as wo were treated to last spring , gotten up by private parties for their own benefit , are worse than useless , as they fail to Inspire confidence amoug the bettor class of our , owners nnd breeders. The consequence was that very many of our best dogs wcro not put for ward and the few who did exhibit loft the show , as a rule , disgusted with the whole af fair. I foci sure thut ; tub gentleman men tioned byou , Mr. Meldrum , Is the right man in the right place , Ilo was born nnd brought up In the homo and birthplace of practically every dog that appeals to the sympathies of sporting men andofllciatcd for years us judgn ut ull the leading shows in England , which experience places him "fucllo preeous" as iho loading man to con uuct u show of this kind , I understand thut Mr. Meldrum is already In communica tion with the American Kennel club und hopes shortly to bo ublo to announce that an Omuhu Kennel club.afllllatcd with and under the American Kennel club , will shortly bo un accomplished fact. I write this in u purnly disinterested spirit as u lover of dogs anil I know I represent the footings of a largo niimbor ( it functors in this part of the country. Trusting to near moio on this subject before Ibng , 1 romaui K. C. MII.I.AK. Flashes From tlio Diamond. St. Puul bus relieved Shortstop .Miller. Dos Moln s bus a now pitcher named Koach. The Denver club has roloa&od center JleMcr Tom Turner. The Milwaukeenlub bus signed pitcher Mike Morrison. , * Minneapolis has . signed Pitcher Walker , Iat9 of Hamilton , Ont. PIckett has a badly turned unklo , nnd will not ba seen on the base ball Hold again this season. The doctors say that McAIoer is probably disabled for tbo season , The Clovolanus will miss blm badly. A. M. Thompson htis boon elected manager und M. T. Ilocho president uua secretary of the t. Puul team. Pitcher Sprugue , with the Western usso- 1OO pieces 1'nII width Comforter Onl- lee iii Itnndrinme rolio stylrH , Regular I TO-MOBROW'S Prloo lOo , | PRICE , Kvtra lloivy Yard Wldo Indigo liluo 1'rlntn , Now I'liTtsotB , Regular I TO-MORROW'S Prko 16c , | PRIOB , Ntniulnrd Apron Regular TO-MORROW'S Prioo 7o , PRIOB , Two Ynrd IViiln 8liei tlnK , Regular I TO-MORROW'S Price 2Bo , | PRIOB , Yard Wide Illcaohod Mimltn , Good < Jmliiy , Worth TO-MORROW'S To , PRICE , - Wlilto Shiikur Bsgular I TO-MORROW'S Bo goods , | PBIOBt Ilcuvy Scarlcc TwIHcd AMVonl Flan- n el , , Regular I TO-MOBBOW'S 4Oo goods 1 PBIOE , BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. 1O4Vhlto lllanki-tu. Regular I TO-MORROW'S Price $1.60 , | PRICE , Kxrrn larno Silver Gray Regular To-morrow's Price 82.50 , Price , Heavy Whlto Wool Blankets , Regular | To-morrow's < { * Price $4.60 , | Price , < JJ Goo l Cnmf < irt'crs lull size To-morrow's Regular I - Price $1.25 , | Price , Hue ; hntuen Comforters , extra lartfo , 1 Usual 1 To-morrow's Price $3.OO , | Price , elation last year , is notlnir badly in Toledo and is threatened with expulsion. Tlio Apostles have signed a pitelior named j Vlau , a brother of the Cincinnati Viau. So I far ho has shown up poorly. I Herman Lonir , of the Kansas Citys , Is credited with covering nioro ground than any shortstop in the profession. Many major league cluba are keeping cov etous eyes on Nichols , Omaha's crroat younp pitcher , so says the Spprting Lifo. Does anybody know what has become of Joe Quest } Poor old Joe , since ho flrst struck the toboggan ho has gone down a scootln' . Dalrymplo now probably loads the West ern association batting list , with Crooks. Naglo and Uiolloy neck and neck for second place. Kid Nichols pitched two of the recent Raines at Sioux City , shutting out the Corn Huskers In both. In the flrst game Kid al lowed thorn but three hits and in the second live. live.Nut Nut Hudson , the old St. Louis Brown twirler , denies that his arm is dead. Yet ho hasn't pitched a winning game in the last three months. This is the tlmo of year when Indifferent ball players begin to put up a pretty stiff guma so as to bo solid with the inuuugeuieif' ' for next season. Billy Aunls , of last year's Omaha's , is playing rjulto a game for Hartford. Annls , however , is too indolent to over uiuko much of a ball player. A St. Louis paper says that George Proos- ser will cover right field for Omaha next seasbn , but that's all the St. Louis paper knows about it. Poor St. Joo. A month ago they made n eriind sr > urt , but now they have again given up the tight , and llko Dos Moluos are simply playing out the schedule. Vlsner , who wns a member of the famous old Union 1'iiclilcs , of this city , now witli the star Urooklvns , is ouo of the Jluest catchers in the profession. Conway is a regular pall-bearer. Ho never smiles , and last season WUH known among the Western association tossers us too man- af ruld-o f-craoking-hls-f ace. Lovott has boon given a now lease of lifo by Urooklyn , mid last Wednesday ho wont Into the box and pitched n great game , be sides hitting the ball llko a Titan. Halph Johnson , of Kansas City's old west ern association team , is branching out now us ono of the strongest batters in the Ameri can asbociation. Columbus is stuck on him. The Miunoapolli papers nro claiming that Hurrabun and Foster can't hit anything. Just flout a full rigged schoonorupin front of them and watch them devolopo tuolr hitting ability. Darby O' old Western associa tion graduate , us a team captain , is looming up. Ho handles his men Ilka a votcrun , und novcr wants a man to do what ho does not do himself. The Mimoapolls club has nigncd Dolati , the tine voung catcher of the Canton , O. , team. His principal drawback is tardiness of delivery , and ho makes an uudlonco very , very tlrod. Who will constitute the Western associa tion next your Is a knotty problem. At least two of the present momoars will bo dropped , und tbo question Is who la to take their places. JM Henglo , of Minneapolis , Is n'oout the only man on the team hitting the ball worth u cunt. Mlnnchun and Miller make credit- ublo efforts , but the balance of the gang rank attho bottom of the list. Hader , of Dallas , and a member of the ' 87 O in aim team , Btolo 14(1 ( buses and scored 1W luus this year , loading the Toxu * league In the former , and making It u tlo with Jujco , of Houston , on the laltur. Manager Soleu , it is said , didn't ' euro whether the O malms won the peinant this year or not. If ho didn't ho has queer no tions of a paying investment. However , no credence is taken In the statement. Rudolph Kummler , of lust year's St. Paul's ' , has been again sot adrift by the Columbus Amor leu n association team , Tno count Is a trlflo Btulo for thst-class company , and must remain content in a minor league. Hurdlck , slnco joining the Corn Hutkcrs , has pitched three games against the Oinahus , and dumps ! thuji all. l'li > i hj U Bogulnr I TO-MORBOW'S 6oqualiby , | PBIOE , ImdlOM1 tlcniHtltuhod Coloroil llor- dnrcd Flnu Jlniutlcprohlni ; Value I TO-MOBROW'S Krt lOo , | PRICES , < u)5 ) IjndlcH' Flno linbi'oldoro > l Handled- cililclH , liniiorrod true l < , Worth TO-MOBBOW'S 25c , I PBIOE , Regular | TO-MORROW'S Price 5Oo , I PRICE , liTR dozen Ijndlt'H * Vnry J''lno OIIIHI > | 'B Iliilr \ OSIH or 1'ixntx , Usual I TO-MORROW'S Kf8rt Prico81.0O | PRICE , o3JJlj Children's Zephyr JCiiU Hlilrts , Regular I TO-MORROW'S Price 25c , | PRIOB , s. AITKNI-IOM lilickVlilt3iind JDrnlVmntHtccls , 7 , 8 , I ) and 1O Inch , vuliin lOn. To-morrow's Price Sea Doz. I'ltiit KlaHtic , usual in luc 5i- , 9l M-lncli llleachcd Table Damasks. Regular I TO-MORROW'S Value 5Oo , I PRICE ; Extial'lno ' 1'urkoy Hod Damasks , Warrftiited 1'ast Colors , Value I TO-MORROW'S QSSU 5Oc , I PRICE , & ? ( U 31-inch HuckTottols , All Uncn , Good Value I TO-MORROW'S Sj. , atl5oPRICE | , ! y Full Blo lied Spreads , lieavy quality , Mnr- solllus patterns , Regular I TO-MORROW'S Price $1.26 , I < PRICE , v 100 pieces flue Striped and Chccied White ( Joods ' WellI TO-MORROW'S gis Worth 16o , I PRICE , goes without saying , for when ho cnmo out hare , ho declared that Omaha would never take n ball from him. Joe Werrick will bo free to.slgn where ho chooses tit the close of the season. His con tract with St. Paul waives the reservation clause. Hat anybody board any clamoring for .Too next season. Hutchinson , formerly with Dos Moincs , is now Chicago's winning pitcher , and oldAnso is patting the big twirler patronizingly on the back. Ho Is glad enough that Hutch re fused to bo transferred to Milwaukee six weeks ago. Dad Clarke pitched two games in ono af ternoon at St. Joe on the late trip , and won them both. In the two games but fourteen hits wcro made off of him. und the boys soy ho was as fresh as a daisy when tlio second game ondcd , Jovno , of Minneapolis , has begun to find the ball in great shape , and when it was said in another paragraph that Henulo was 'tlio Minnies only hitter , Jov was overlooked. His long hits have pulled Morton's men out of the hole many a tiuio of Into. The courts have docidnd that the St. Joe club mustpuv Charlie Lord his salary for tlio balance of the season. This IB tough , for Lord was about as poor mi excuse us the head mid front of u ball team as could possi bly bo found in a month's travel. Dan Shannon iu making a hit as the cap tain and manager of the Louisvllles. He is using good } udgmom'm , handling his men , and playing n great game himself , botn ut second and ut the bat. The writer ulways hud faith In Dan's capabilities us n ball player. Pitcher McNubb , of Denver , while with Waco , made only four errors in the tweifty- four games pitched , loading the Texas league pitchers in Holding , ai in everything olso. Slnco the young man Joined tha Denver * lie has boon llttlo moro than u figurehead , Ono of the unuxplulnublo things about a game of ball is why tlio spectators ulways lauch joyously when the umpire gets a smash from n foul tin. Homo audiences , when their team is losing , always vent tholr plquo und oplto upon the inoffensive umpire , The Omahas have just completed an un precedented iccord in the annuals of haso bull in more ways than ono. Up to Friday they hud won eighteen straight games , nine on the local grounds and nlno abroad. In thcso eighteen gumcE they have averaged less than ono error to n game , and seven of the games were played without the vcstlgo of a mistake. The Mllwaukccs , by hard , honest ball- playing. luwo ut lust succeeded In climbing up to fifth place In the Western association race , having displaced Denver on Thursday lust bv their victory over St. Puul. And the Hrewori are not done climbing yet , und it Is u good bet that they finish fourth or hotter. Smco old man Stilton was relieved of the captaincy und Shouh given the reins , the team has boon playing tin oven , winning game , and they uro Improving every day. This has boon a season of spurts and setbacks - backs for nil the teams in tiio Western' asso ciation with the exception of the Oamhag , From the opening day this model aggrega tion of young talent has played a great gamoundu wlnuingono. Only once did Dame Fortune frown on tha Whlto Sox , and that wus when the Corn HnsUcrs catno Jown herewith with a soundlrir of brass und u flourish of trumpets , and beat us three strlghts , Hut hasn't the homo team had a surccaso of re- vongoi Smco that woeful scries Sioux City has never won n game from Omuhn.but have been worsted in no less than twelve straight games. St. Joe , It Is pleasant to state , will play out tin schedule. A number of wealthy business mcu have stepped to the front und volunteered to assibl the enterprising Mr. Truckonmlller In maintaining the team until tliu close of the snason. As a consequence , they are now Bubbling down there utiout what they Intend to do next year how they they are going to strengthen the loam , Improve - provo their grounds , and of course win the pennant for IbW. They will probably dis cover , however , at the November mooting that their presence In the association U no longer desired , and the moro gracefully they stop down and out , the batter It will be for all concerned. ' , Tlio Arthur ( JiHua and Will Doanu took part In Ladies' FINE Pine French Kit ! Slioi-s , nillr- I'nood , Imiul turned , nil HtyloR nml Ropular To-morrow's Price $ GOO : , Price , Normandy Kid Shoos , oporn lo > , tin nil Usual To-morrow's Price 25 $5.00 , Prlop , Wnliy Kid lcmiiiio linud turned and wnr- rnntcdi Actual To-morrow's Value ,65 84.OO , Price , , ImdfoV Pine French Donnola Kid. vnnip , neat Kip , SpaniHh nrolt Regular To-morrow's Price , 84.OO , Price , Gliizuil Don nln Sliocn , no tackn or nnila , ciiininon nunsc or oponi too , Besular . To-morrow's Price , $2.76 , Price. it Pine liii oln Kid Opcj-a Too Shoos , ovtr.i linn finish , , Actual To-morrow's 'Value , $2.6O , Trice , the tonnls tournament nt Lincoln last week , winning about every contest , either Hlngloor iloublo , in which they entered. They are both expert , graceful players , und were the principal attraction at the tournament. Mr. IJoano won the championship tbo state by boating Frank Burr , of Lin coln , 610. ( ( . In the doubles Doane and Gulou , of Omaha , over Keck and Oa- berne , of Kearney. Score 0-1 , 4 0 , 0-1 , 8-0 , 0-0. At the close a state organization \vas formed , with the following clues us mem bers : Omaha , Lincoln , ICcarnoy , Douno col- Iciro , Crete , Ehvood and Hastings. The fol lowing ofllccrs were elected : President , Henry Osborne , ICoarnoy ; sectetary and treasurer , S. S. Gusthoardt , Lincoln. Two tournaments will bo held In IbOO , ono ut Hastings in Juno und the other in Omaha in September. Question * * and AnsworM. Will you please inform mo in SUNDAY'S HER Juke Kllraln's nationality , his ago , and where ho was born. Also -ttio same of Sulli van ? tioxor , City. Ans. Thcsoquostions have been answered In these columns u score of times in the last six months. Kllrain is Irish , so is Sullivan. Kilruin was born m Grocnpott , N. Y. , and is thirty-two years of ago. Sullivan was born In Boston , and Is tun ty-ono years old. Will you kindly inform moj. . In Sunday's sporting columns whether u man can ship giimo this fall or not ) Joseph Frost , Law rence , Neb. Ans. The law says no , but If you uro a smart man you ought to bo able to yet your game through. They all do it. Jack and Jill are playing high live. Jack has ono point to go and Jill throe. Jill bids thnia und makes the trump. Jack saves his Jack , and Jill mtikos high , low und the gatno. To decide u Dot , please stuto who wins , Short-Card Sharp , Pax ton building. Ans. You must bo a great sliort-oard sharp , not to bo familiar with the simplest problem in cards. Jack wins. The order of the count in high , low , jack , game mid high llvo. Can yon Inform mo what teams In thn Western ustoclation , the National Icaguo and American association have not boon "Chlcagoed" this season I George Waller , Missouri Vnlloy. An * . Chicago Is the only team In the a - Rociations mentioned thut has escaped a shut-out this HCI\SOII. Plcaso uti&wtT the following in next Sun. day's ' HUB : Who will bo the OmuhuH' bat tery next Season ! Will Clnrko und Nichols remain with tint Omaha team ) Jf not , where will they col J.A.McCluskoy.Glonwood.ta. Ans. Why don't ' you ask something liunl ? Can't say who will constitute Omaha's but tery next , year , I haven't made uj < my mlml wlmt I will do with Clarke mid Nichols , Will you please answer th following nuestion in Sunday's sporting columns I Was Mlko McCool or Paddy Hyan over champion of America -II j , T. Burroughs , Omaha. Ans , Yos. McCool from ' 00 to ' 09 , and Hyan from " 60 to 'S3. In a game of ball tliero Is a man on third and onu on Jlntt and two out. The man on first loads oil and starts to xtoal. Ho la caught between the lines und run down , but , in the mean tlmo the runnur on third ecu * homo. Does the run count ) Arllo L. , Fre mont. Ans. It doos. Pleuso answer In next Sunday's BKB U John Morrlsgy , the ox.puj'lllst , was ever in the United Htuteo nennuto , und if John L. Sullivan U not holding the Ulchuiu If. Fox diamond bolt for tha second time , and tha biimo one that ho forfeited to Kilruin. A Subscriber , Omaha. Ans. No. John L. never actually held the bolt beforo. It woo tendered him , but ho wouldn't accept It. Dolluhtod With Williams' Indoor Game ; playml o diamond board ; r > 2 cards , 10 Illustrated ; shows uvvry play In flold gnmo. For oaloln Omnhn at poif.ufc' gooJn , book unit fancy htOl'CH.