Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Money In a Very Satisfactory Con
And 1'lcnty or Capital to Meet Alt
JlcqiilroincntA final ncris Excep
tionally Geol 18BH Com
pared With 1880.
of tlio Local Klnld.
The money market Is denominated by
bankers as tn very satisfactory condition ,
BtiUR end trim , with a good demand tor
funds find plenty of funds to moot tbo do-
mani'l. The clearings show n small Increase
over last year's footings ut this dato. Mr.
Hughes makes tlio footings 1,680,307,10 , an
Increase of 4 per cent.
Wo were permitted to-day to Inspect the
tcllcr'fl blotter o t tbo Omaha National bank
In October , 1S03 , nnd on October 20 of that
year tbo clearings of tbo national banks of
Omnba were as follows :
Omnlm National bnnlc , credit. . . $30.25
First Nat iouul bank , credit S'J,40
Balnncc. . . . $10 85
But wo hnvo prown slnco then , General
trndo Is exceptionally Rood and increasing
dally , and Indications nro that Omaha will do
tbo largest trade In its bistory during the
year of 18SU.
Collections nro satisfactory nnd much bet
ter than a year slnco. Prices nro fairly
steady , though sugars nro somewhat weaker
under advices that tbo Louisiana crop Is very
heavy una tbo belief that the trust has a largo
surplus stored.
Coffees advanced } { a par pound for choice
Rio the past week notwithstanding the fact
that Arbucklo has been , and is n persistent
The butter market is somewhat demoral
ized and it Is feared that operators in this
specialty luivo lust heavily on the season's
business. Packing butter 1ms not been
quoted so low for years us to-day and a good
article of this grudo Is quoted at 5@7o per
pound , which is but llttlo abuvo the price of
tallow nnd grcasn.
According to the Now York Commercial
Bulletin the 11 ro loss ( n tbo United States
mid Canada for Aupust nmmountcd to $11-
153,851) ) . The losses for tliu last ojisht mouths
foot up * 5l5-lGO,350 , ngai-ist $83,023,320 , for
the corresponding period last year.
At thirty-seven cities the bank clearings
for the month of August amounted to M.UT- ; )
C7l,5ll ) , or ll.a per cent larger than the re
turns in 1888. For the eight months already
elapsed of the present year the clearings
have aggregated a total of ? 35,0n,003,51o.
against * 3IIKH,079,29 : ) In 1888 , 83-185,903,442
in 183" , nnd S30yo , , ( ! 17,141 in 1855. These
llgurci rcllcct an enormous volume of general -
oral business ,
Tbo claim Is mndo that upward of
$000,000.000 of capital Is nt the present tlmo
invested in the electrical industry in the
United States. Of this vast sum $ ' 200,000,000
is credited tn the telegraph and telephone
companies , $1011,000,000 to the sixty clcctrio
railways In the country , the electric light
companies , and the numerous factories , and
? 100,000OJO to the manufactories of electrical
bupplies , wire , cable and electrical appliances
The Unseed oil trust , which is composed of
forty-ciiht companies with a capital stock of
$13,781,000 , has declared four quarterly divl-
donds sfnco November 1 , 18S8.
Many American cntton factories are said
to" bo turning out , coarse or medium goods at
as low ucost as the mills of Great Britain.
The shipment of California rntslns from
tbo coast has beguu , though It will bo sev
eral weeks bofor tbo movement of the crop
will become general. There will be consid
erable competition this season in the artistic
methods of packing. Some packers havogono
to a heavy expense in the preparing of fancy
papers , with elaborate designs.
A Ulo cable says : "On account of the quan
tity of shriveled beans the coiTco crop loses
in weight and wo reduce our estimates. Wo
estimate , the present crop at ubout 1,750,000
bags , including late coffee. Crop accounts
continue bad , and wo are apprehensive re
garding next season's yield. Frost has ap-
oared in some places in the Santos district ,
ut no diixugo was done , and the flowering
there is favorable. "
Mackerel nro still scarce , nnd though two
fishing months remain , it is safe to predict
that the catch of 1889 will be the smallest
over Known. Prices remain very high.
Sugar is weak. The southern sugar croj :
promises to bo the largest In the lumtory ol
this country , and bids fair in consequence tc
materially reduce , If not wipe out , the croilu
of the trust.
From eotno California sources there ap
pears rather more urgency to sell now-erof
raisins. Good brands London layer can b <
contracted for at $1.85 frco on board or $2.20
laid down.
The pack of salmon In British Columbia
waters is unprecedented this season. Esti
mates nra made of a total of 425,000 cases
Sixteen canneries thera are credited will
putting up 270,000 cases.
The sheep of the United States In 1883 one
1889 counted us below :
1883. 1889.
Now England 1,800,000 1,230,001
Middle btutos 4,385,000 2,587,001
Mlddlo West O.COO.OOO 9,200,00) )
West 800,000 4.700,00
Southeast 2,500,000 U,15,00' '
Gulf States 4,500,000 7,800,00
Territories 1)00,000 ' 0,000.00
Pacillo Slope 1,800,000 8,700,00
Total 23,035,00012,373,00
Saturday , Sept. 14.
There was no end to the cattle hero to-day
the receipts Doing the heaviest since the lira
of the week , but the trade was extreme ! ,
Blow. Tbo distillery cattle which wer
mentioned as being sold yesterday wore re
colvod nnd weighed up to-day. There wor
mora good corn fed cattle hero than for several
oral days , and theuo was at least ono vor ,
prime bunch. The packers were not in nee
of many cattle , or rather they had on bun
about all they could use , nnd no ono triad t
buy. The foaling on tbo market was abon
steady , although tbo buyers claimed that !
they bought , any they would have to bu
thorn lower , A few natives sold at $ U.45 (
U.75 nnd souio western steers at $3.75. A
though thera were so many cattle bore , thot
was no went number of feeders on sale , an
as usunl on Saturday , the trade in that clas
of cuttlu was blow.
The hog mnritot showed BOIIIQ linprovomer
to-day and heavy bogs Which sold largely i
13,70 yesterday , with a few loads at $ a.7l
Bold quite Inrifoly at $3.80 to-day , with soni
nt3tj5. It would certainly bo a conscrvi
live estimate to place the advance at 5@0i !
Tbo nutrUot on light hogs was Do higher , an
was paid for light sorts. Tbo ai
vancu was , really greater thiiu might nppe
from the Halt's , as tbo quality of light hot
was very Inferior to what It was on yeste ;
day , The market was actlvo at the advum
uud au curly clearance was effected.
Oattlo , . . . , . 2,71
Ilotfi , S,8 (
Prevailing Prices.
The following | s a taulo of prices paid I
Ihls marital for the grades of Block inec
tloned i
Prlmo steers. 1300 to 1030 Ibs. .13.60 ( ZN.33
Good ntcers , l&V ) to 1150 Ibs. . U.50 fm.10
Uood Kteoro , lOoO to liiOO Ibs , . . -3.00 ( u.U.UO
Conriiou caiinora , . , . 1.00 © l.DO
Ordinary to fair cows , , 1.50 Ml.75
Fair to good cows. , . , , . . 1.75 ( < il.90
Good to choice cow * l.UO2.15
Falrtoeood bulls , . . 1.50 W.3.00
Light stocKers and faudora , . 2.35 (33.00 (
Good fuodorg , OuO to 1100 Ihs , 2.50 W2.00
Fair to choice light hogs. , , , 8.00 (4-J.OO
Fair to choice heavy hogs , , 3.80 ya.90
Fair to choice mixed hogs , , 3.80 ( ( (3. IK )
Common to rough hogs , . . . 11.45 ( 3.70
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
15 . 1180 $3 45 80 .HOT 83 73
837 110 1 1100 1 85
030 135 14. , . . < , . .1101 1 60
0 1100 350
3 1GS5 1 05
10 003 265
Owner No. Av. Pr.
20'f coders. . , 1203 300
SOfococro 1241 3 CO
N. I * Live stock Co.
2 cows 1140 1 75
45 cows. . , . . . , SSI 110
S3 feeders , 1100 3 25
Middlesex Live Stock Co.
Three Mouths' Han en.
Showing the highest nnd lowest nrlccs
paid for loads of hogs on this market on the
days Indicated during the past three months :
J August.lb3. ' . | July , im | 'June. iten.
3 .0 ( A , 3 yj © 4 My a rt-W 4 0755
! 1.75 < ri 4 10 3 SIS ( ii 4 IL'M Buuday.
< & 4'0 3 ITi SJ 4 12J4
Iflt ) . I August , jsat ) . i _ J uly. _ im _
Sunday. y ; io r 4 uy 1 00 © 4 10
3 75 < 3 1 05 1 1U iS 1 J7K i ( J5J } * 10
a oJlsw ; i o > 4 05 * 174 4 Ofi ( Hi 1 S3
a 55 & : ; u ) 05Sunday. . Holiday.
3 CO & 3 00 4 (13 ( O 4 15 4 10 ® 4 2' >
3 J3 403 . © * J' } 4 10 4 "J3
3 . . . D > Sunday.
Sunday 4 l ! 'M ' 4 IB 4 10 SJ 4 UO
3 Tl ) & 3 Hi 1 03 © ] 17 4 15 ® 4 a )
3 70 a 05 385 4 10 S4 4 17M
II 70 @ 40) Sunday 4 US & 4 II )
! J 70 Gb ,1 tlii 3 m a 4 n'/ ' 4 00 © 4 Ky.
3 71) ) © 3 0,1 3 9i @ 4 18H 4 00 @ 4 10
tilvo Stock Notes.
J. D. Bo-ylos came in from Crete with hogs ,
J. K. Dennis came in from IJcd Oak , la. ,
with cattle.
E. W. Ulack canio In from Plattsmouth
with hogs.
Nols Peterson , from Weston , la. , brought
in ono load of hogs.
Air. Calnwny , from Atlantic , la. , came it
with n load of hogs.
George T. Row , from Sioux City , brought
in two cars of cattlo.
M. H. Jeffrey came in with two oars ol
hogs , from Silver Creek.
Llckty & Barnes , shippers from Daven- -
lort , uro on the market with two cars ol
S.Havcr , raanaecr of the Cleveland Cattl <
ompany , came In wltti six cars of cattli
rom Palmer.
Mr , D. M. Arnold , from Cheyenne , of the
N. L. Live Stock company , came in with six
ars of cattlo.
Hon. Church Howe was among the visitor !
at the yards. Ho had four loads of cattle erne
no market that were raised and fed bj
Jhurch Howe & Son ut.thelr Walnut Grovt
arm. They would weigh ubout 1,700 pouudi
nd made ono of the fattest and flues' '
bunches seen in the yards in a long timo.
Little Ullic Akerstrom has made a hit will
ha Chicago public.
Adele Uolgnrdo is to play the principal par
n "Tno Exiles" this season.
Violet Cameron is not coming over withthi
3aity company this season. She has otboi
Edward Hnrrlcnn is doing xvoll in Denver
To is working homeward , but tlioro Is n <
.heatro there to welcomehim. .
ICnio Ellslor has opened her season undei
auspicious circumstances. The receipts u
unsvilli ! , Ind. , on the opening night nn
said to have been away up.
The Kcndals have a daughter who is sai <
n bo talented and protty. She will make he
debut in London on thu return of her parent
rora their American tour.
Florence St. John , the English burlesque
nntrcss , who will be here this winter will
"Faust Up to Date , " is said to earn SiS.OOO i
year by her labors on the stage.
There nro twelve "doublo" "Undo Tom1
aDln" companies in the country ( barring nl
cross-road barnstormers ) , und allot them re
port that business has never been bettor.
Verona Jnrboau , whoso beautiful oyc
have not laughed over the footlights of i
metropolitan stage for n long time , is makini
money among the rurahsts of Western Ncv
York ,
Victoria Voltes' Chicago engagement wil
bo played ut thd Columbia. Nellie McHanr ,
follows "Tho White Slave" ut the Hay
marlcct , And Kollar , thu magician , Fran !
Mayo at Havlin's.
Manager J. C. Dun has engaged Gcorjjln
Von Jnnusechowsky us the leading soprou
of his regular comio opera company. Th
lady has sung in comic und grand opera 1
English during the past flvp years with tb
most gratifying success.
Johannes Brahms has. during tbo summoi
Utit the llnishlng touches to a now doubl
chorus , entitled , "Deutsche Fcst uni
Gedonksprucho. " The composition , witch i
of more or loss extended nort , is foe olgli
voices , witbout any accompaniment ; ; nnd I
will bo produced for the llrst time * th
musical fostlvalon September il , ultra I
will bo sung by 700 choristers.
Felix Mottl , tlio giftca Carlsruheconcrne
tor , who has been directing the performance
of "Tristan and Isolde" at Bayrouth this
summer , lias written to Messrs. Choudcm
of Paris , for u complete score of liorlloz'
opera , "Los Troyens. " which ho proposes t
produce In Carlsruho next season. Th
work has hitherto never been performed 1
its entirety , the Theatre Lyrlquo bavin
only represented the third act. It wu
Mottl who last season produced Chabnor'
' Gwendoline" In Carlahruho , and the Interest
torost manifested in tbo German cit
toxvard neglected French works Is In some
what startling contrast to the different :
evinced in Paris with regard to the most ft
iiious operas of Germany ,
This appears to bo an unfortunate year fo
star ftctrossos. First , Mury Anderson da
cliloi ) that the condition of her health woul
not permit her to act this year , und all tli
engagements made for her by Mr , Abbe
were cancelled. Then Mrs. Dauvray-Wn
decided to return to tbo stage , but , after
supporting company bad been encaged an
dales obtained for her in the principal the ;
tcrs , she , too , withdrew on account of he
health. Mrs , James G. Blalno , jr. , was t
have made her debut this full , but , ufu
elaborate preparations had boon made , si :
bus postponed bar appearance. And no <
comes the report that Mrs. James Brow
Potter will discharge her company and n <
play at all thU seuton. It Is said that she ;
ill und will remain in Europe all tbo year ,
Some tin ni ; to Ileineinbor.
If you are going east remember tl
"Rook Island Routo" run the Bloonoi
nnd oluiir cars of their solid vostibu
triun to and from tbo Omaha dope
leaving Omaha at845 ; p. m , , thus avail
Ing the tranafop at Council Bluff
Throe solid trains dally , . All chair cai
are free. Dining cars on all throug
trains. Our trains maUo close cotinc
tion with all eastern limited trains cot
looting iu union depot nt Ghlcag
avoiding a transfer across the city t
parties onrouto to Now York. Bostc
and other custom cities , "and over' '
thinir a llttlo bettor than other liui
can olTor. " S. S. STKVBNH ,
Ticket Mfllca 1805 Furnuin. Gon'l W. *
Almost Entire Disappearance OE the
Late Wheat Bull Snap.
Rooolpts or Corn Slightly Exoexjfl tlio
Estlmnto A. Qniot Dixy In
rrovlslnns Demand Ac-
live For
CHICAGO , Sopt. 14. f Special Telegram
to Tim BEE. ! The bull snap of Wednesday
nnd Thursday , which was consi'aferably re
lated yesterday , was almost Invisible to
day. The market was narrow , outside busi
ness -was conspicuous by its absence , and tha
local scalpers were playing the unprofitable
gnmo of "dog-uat-dbp. " The cables wcro
barely steady nnd orders for foreign ac
counts were principally to soil. In the
northwest , however , n different sUvtfl of nf- '
falrs wns visible , for , with receipts'of
103,101 bushels at Dulnth todayitho
demand from shippers advanced that market
Ic par bushel nt the most active time of the
day. Minneapolis received' about 200,0.001
bushels , but a good demand for flour was ad
vised from tlioro on both foreign , and ilomea-
tlencc9iint. The very smitll proportion of
the contract grade visible In the current re
ceipts was conspicuous today , as out of 313
car loads of winter wheat received only two
graded No. 2 , und out of 1,255 cars for the
weok. only 01 Were of the contract Quality.1
The price for December was' confined
to n range of 5 c , the lowest point
having boon 7o nnd the high
est 70Xc. The opening was fairly
firm , und under good buying u.v several leadIng -
Ing local speculators the high point wns
reached early In the season , but , lacking
further support. It gradually sagged towards
the lower point , whlctt it reached about 1230
p. m. . but recovered slightly , closing nt
TWOTSJjtC , or J c Improvement over yester
day's ' resting llgurts.
The receipts of corn were 12 cars moro
than estimated yesterday. The wealhnr
throughout the corn bolt was forcing the
maturity of the crop and the opinion was
general that this year's ' crop is nil but past
the danger line of frost. Export clearances
were quite light nnd the foreign market
easy. Orders from the country were mostly
"bi. the buying side , but there wns very llttlo
or such business done , local speculators being
the principal operators to-day. The closing
prices wcro as follows : September , 32 c ;
Octobor. 32'jfc , and Moy 34J c. These prices
were K@J o lower than nt the correspond
ing tlmo yesterday.
Receipts of oats again overran the estimate
by 40 cars , nnd this fact , with the continued
heaviness in corn , caused an easy market. A
fair business was done In December and
May ut about 3o difference , and there wns
initial trading In the January delivery at
20J c. May was In fair demand all day at
1 3 > e , whllo no nr months were dull. With-
Irnwals for shipment were smaller than the
recent average , nnd cish trading was
chiefly by sample , with No.:3 to go to store
lolling sparingly at lOJfc :
The provision trade closed tlio week in n
luiol manner. In no department was thora
ivon a moderate movcmehf to-day , nnd there
vas development to occasion scarcely n
mssinc market , A slow condition of affairs
existed and price changes were limited and
vitfcout fnaturo. Compared with . .yester
day's final quotationsitho'crosings wcro un
changed for lard and October short ribs ,
> c higher for September short ribs and Octo-
icr pork , and 2Ko higher for January pork ,
anuary short ribs declined - Jc. *
CHICAGO , Sept. 14. 1 Special jTelegram to
TUBBBE , ] CATTI.B jl'ho , run coiis tedkoi
pnly-thirtoon cars of Texans and tunricars
of rangers probably 400 Te'xahs 'and'S30
rangers and the remainder nativas. The
'ew lots of good natives sold out early nl
steady prices aa compared with yesterday
also a few Texans and rangers
made about the same prices. , ns . yes
terday , in fact , there was litth
or no change on any of tlibso classes ot ent
ile , the general market closing only steady
although the receipts are less than -las' '
week. The export tradcc is in bad shaped
Tlio receipts of cattle nnd dressed beef an
about the largest for the season nnd prices
arc about , tbo lowest. Thd'nutnber ofcnttU
and the amount of dressedubcof nlloat aggre
gates ns heavy us any week , hence no tm
proveiucnt can bo exp cttsd In the markets
where our surplus find1 * , buyers. Choice t (
extra beeves , $4.25@4.70 ; medium to cooc
steers , 1850 to IfiOO Ibs. , $ : .004.10 ; 1200 t (
1350 lbs3.'iO@4.00 ; flW ) 1ol2001bs3.00@.7S : )
stockersaud fccdersl. < 5@3.10 ; cows , bull :
and mixed , 1.10@.1.00 : bulk , $1.73 ( 2.15
Texas steers , 83.10@2.80 ; cows , * 1.50@2.)0 (
western rangers , f2.23Q23.fiO ; cows , 5J.X (
2.2 ! > ; wintered Tcxaus , ? 2.25@3r25.
Hoas The demand was active , with price ;
n wide range hlsher than the low range o !
yesterday anywhere from 5o to 15e , aver
aging a good lOc on packers nnd heavy grades
while light averages underwent llttlo or n (
change. Packers paid S'J.O ! ) @ 1,05 and fane ;
heavy $4.10@4.35vith u few lots of Hghi
medium at $4.3TifJ.47 ( , Light sorts wen
steady at $4.4r > @l.55 , and ono lot of the singe
cert at $4.70.
Chlongn , Sept. 14. Tno Drovers' Jourun
reports as follows :
Uattle Uoeelpts , 2,000 ; cholco to extn
bcoves , $4.23 ( < U.70 ; steers , $ . ' ! .00@4.15
stockers nnd feeders , 81.75@3.10 ; cows
bulls and mixed , S1.10 ( < $3.01 > ; Texas cattle
S1.CO@3.80 ; western rancors , ? 2.00g3.00 (
wintered Texans , § 2.35W.2o. ( ?
Hogs Uccelpts. 8,0'JO ; market strcni
and lOc hicher ; mixed , ? 3.00@4.50j Heavy
? 3.75@4.80 ; skips , * 3.4U@1.25 ; light , $1.10(0 (
4.75.Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; market strong
natives , gj.25.tl0 ( ! : western , $3.0@4.15
Toxuns , $3.00@UO ; lambs , * 1 00@5.90.
Kansas City , Sept. 14. Cattle He
ceipts , 3,700 ; shipments SUO ; cotnmoi
to cholco corn-fed Btoors , $ .1.00@1.80
stockers and feeders , ? l,00@l,10 ; cows
Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 300
market Ilrm and higher ; light , , &l.354iC !
heavy and mixed , J3.G5@4.15.
Nntlunnl Btook Yard * , Hunt fir
Jjouls , Sopt. 14. Cattle Receipts , 500
shipments , 1,000 ; markut steady ; fair t
cholco heavy natlvo steers , f3.10@4.04
stackers nna feeders , & 3.10@3.SO.
Hogs Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 2.000
mnrkut stronger ; hcavv , $3.80@4.10 ; paokini
grades , $3.70@4.0i ) ; light , § 1.00(24.40. ( , .
Sioux CHy , Sept. 14 , Cattle Receipts
SOO ; shipments. 175 ; fat Htecra , ? 2,90 J8.BJ
stackers nna feeders , $ l.05@2.Su.
Hogs Receipts , 750 ; light and mixed
$8.80@3.ST } ; heavy , $3.85@3.90.
NEW YOHK , Sept. 14. J Special Tolegrai
to THE UEE.J STOCKS The trade at larg
realized lafat night , and but for the Londo
strike the news list would have closed vor
much depressed , The failure of priced }
again move up briskly has given rlsol
doubts regarding the sincerity of the glpv
ing bull expressions from the leaders of tl
so-called bull campaign. The question , i
stringent money wai expected to again coi
front the market. That other and moro yci
atlous question railroad mUmanagouicnt-
thrcatens to break in and counteract1 for th
remarkable carrying business , which shoul
result in unprecedented earnings. Wic
the market opened this morning the now ci
in rates In the west by the Chicago , Uurlin
ton & Northern bad a depressing effect t
the stock : market , checking buying , wlii
moro encouragement was given the boar
with the result of opening the market fro
Jfto'-yper cent lower than lost.evening
closing figures. A general declining tei
dency also prevailed during the suusequo
dealings , but fluctuations were even small
than those of yesterday , and no moreme :
of any importance took place ' anywhere
the regular list. Louisville & Nashvll
showed no mo animation , and tt wosw <
Ueld throughout. A feature of the dealln. .
was the contlnuntionjj t io rise In Phoenix
raining stock. Starting at 45 , it rapidly rosa
on largo trnnsactlonlTTff 65. The closing
hour In stocks brought nothing now beyond
the bank statement , "wbch did not help mat-
torn any. The bollo\nt \ the cut of the
Burlington ft Northern rtvlll not extend to
other lines took nwayjhiuqh of the forooof
Iho action as nffcctlnfjutacks. At the close
.tho list showed net lo Hlfor the day of )
in Union Paclilc * InAtciilson , J in Lackn-
Wnna , Rock Island , Sf } taul nnd Louisville ,
% In Burlington , Northwestern nnd Mis
souri Pacific , nnd Jf'ltof cent In Reading.
The total sales wora $ ] % { & & shares.
The following woro'tKb-Aloslng quotations t
17.8.4s regular. 127 iKorthorn 1'nclQo. , Rl
U.S. 4s coupons. . , . 128 do preferred , 7ft
U.B.4 sregulRr..l05y a & M. . . . . . . . . . . *
U. B.4Jis coupons.10fi > { donroferrcd .142
Pacific 113 of M3..118 N.y.Uantrnl 10 ! )
Central Pacific SOU P.U.&K . . . . . S
Chicago * Alton. . . .128 llockliilftnii .
Chicago , llurllngtonW C..M.
W ! <
Illinois Central' ! ! . ' ! ll6 doproferred . 100
Union 1'aclllo . IH {
W..St.Jj. & ! ' . . . . . . . 17H
LnkoBhoro . . < loproforred..n f"i '
Michigan Coutral. . OJ Western Union. . . . WS
Missouri 1'B.clflo. . . .
JVtEnMtfo EXCHANGE Quiet and steady ;
sixty-day bills , $ I.84X : demand , $ J.S8
Mining Stocks ,
Nnw YonK , Scot. 14.fSpeclal Telegram
to Tun BEE.1 The following are the min
ing stock quotations :
llclchcr , "r"i Mexican 430
Caledonia II. fl..310 Mutual. . . .i ito
Con. Cal. AcVa TH Ontario. . . 3IOD
Commonwealth. . . .300 I'lymouth ino
Kuroka Con , .200 Savage. . 2 0
flould & Curry.200 Sierra Nevada.:2W )
Hnlo& Norcroi3..330 Union ConaolldnM.rsiO
Homes take 000 Ward ConsollduU.lflO
Horn Silver 135 Yellow Jacket 330
Iron Silver SOO
CntOAOo , Sopt. 14. 1:15 : p. m. close
Wheat Easier : cash. 77c ; October , Tt } o\ \
December , 78 3-lOc.
Corn Easier ; cash nnd October , 82Xo ;
December. 31 15-lOc.
Oats Steady ; cnsh , 10 , ' c ; October,18 7-10c ;
December , lOJfc.
Rye September , 42) ) 0.
I3arloy September , OU
- Prlmo Timothy JI.2S.
Flax Seed Cash , $1.23.
Whisky * i. < u.
Pork Steady ; cash nnd October , ? 10.90 ;
January , $9.17 > .
Lard Fl rmer ; cash , ,55.02 % ; October , 85.90 \
January , S5.77-jf.
Flour Steady ; winter wheat , ? 2.00@
4.40 ; sprint : wheat , $1.30@5.03 ! ; rye , * 3.5'J '
Dry Salted Meats Steady ; shoulders ,
? 4.50@4.C2i ; short clear , S5.25@5.3r > ; short
ribs , S4.95ijf5.UO.
Butter Firmer for medium grades ;
croatnery , 13 21 ; dairy , 10@17c.
Choose Firm : lull cream Cheddars ,
7@Sc ; Hats , S fJJjSJ c ; Young Americas ,
ERRS Very Ilrm ; fresh ,
Hides Steady : creen saltoil , B c ; hijht
green salted , 5@5' c ; , . saltoa bull , 4V < c ;
green salted calf , 5) ) o ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry and
salted hides , Oc ; dny ' calf ' , 057o ; deacons ,
each 20c- .
Tallo'w Unchanged ; No. I solid packol ,
4@4 < ic ; No. 2 , S 'ocake , , 4 } @lKo-
. , . < j'.lcecolpts. Shlpmnnts ,
Flour -J10.0JO O.OOG
.Wheat ; . , . 70,003 7UOtt )
Corn ; 2ll,000 [ 119.00IJ
Oats ; . , -j : > 2,000 24S.UUU
Now York. Sept. 14. Wheat - Uc-
ecipts , 143,000 ; oxpdrts 'ijonc ; spot marltet
dull , heavy ; No. y5"fcd , 63X 83 0 in
tcmbor , S3o. > < rn-
Corn Receipts , 230,000 , bushels : exports ,
3,000 bushels ; spot' market dull , weaker ;
o. . 2. MlJ/o iu _ storu , and olevutor ,
'JH@43 n 'iitloat ! , unB * de < l ' mixed , 4l > fa (
' "Jio ; uptlons dulluM < v5$3 lo'wtSn ' - '
Oats Receiptsr5ilttiOf ) buphels ; exports ,
5.000 ; spot nmrkot. _ dull , barely ste.idy ; op
tions dull , oaai'jr , September and Octobei
closing at SJIlo ; snot , NO" 2 white , 23J @ 29c :
nixed wmtcrn , 24X@2So.
CoiTeo Outions closed steady at 5 to 11
joints down ; pales , 29,000 ba s ; October
515.80 ; November , § 15.90'spot Rio , steady ;
'air cargoes , $10.75.
Sugar Ruw , Ilrm , quiet ; fair rortning ,
ijJic ; centrifugals , 90c ; test , U ; ! @ (5 ( c : ru
'iiiedj'iinn , good demand.
fiifgs' Fresh , steady , quiet ; Westcrr
"resh , 18 } ( iS19c.
Pork Firm ; inspected moss , S12.2 > ( u
'La'id Dull ; western steam , $0.33 ; Sep
tornber , S0.30.
Uutter- Firm ; western dairy ,
reamcry , ll@Mc.
Chccso Strong , quiet ; western , I
Ilvii-nnol , Sept. 13.--Wheat Quiet
.loldora offer moderately ; red western spring
Os l } d7s Kd percental ; red western win
ter , ( Is 7 fd ( < i > . ) i & % < ! .
Corn Kasy ; now mixed , winter , 4s 2) (
> er cental.
Cliiclnnnil , Sept. 14. Wheat Easier
No. 2 rod , 77u.
fiorn Neglected ; No. 3 mixed , 30c.
Oats Uarel.v steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22a
Whisky Steady ; ilrm at 51,02.
Sf. Ijoiils , Snpt. 14. Unsettled
cash , 77J c ; December , 78 , ' c.1.
Corn ijower ; cish and September , 39 c
OaU Steady : c.tsh , IB fo ; May , ' iv.
Lard § 5.50.
Whisky § 1,03.
nutter Nominal ; creamery , 1822Jc
dairy , Mail5c.
Kniioa-4 ( Jliy'SeDt. 14. Wheat steady
No , S red , cash und September , Cli c ; No
J red , cash nnd September , 53c ; No. : l Bolt
cash and SefBinbor | ) , Clc.
Corn Quiet ; No.2 , cash , no bids nor offer
ings ; Soptembar , 23u.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 10 } fl ; Sopt2mber , lOj c
Alllwnuki- , Sept , 14 , Easier
cash , 72) ; Octobor. 72Jfc.
Corn ull ; No. 3. 3c. !
Oats Qulot ; No. 2 white , 2JMc.
Rye Dull ; No. 1. 42) c.
Hurley Dull ; cash , 50c.
Provibions Dull ; cash , pork , 810.55.
Minneapolis , Sept , 14. Sample \vhca
about steady ; rccolpts , 350 cars ; shir
mentfl. 00 curs. Closing : No. 1 hard
September , 78o ; December , 79 o ; on track
7H&C ; No. 1 nortlie-rn , Sopiembor , 74) o
Dec'ombnr. 70J c ; on traclt , 75J ( J"Cc ; No.
uorthorn , September , 70c ; on track , 70 ( 73 ; :
TNSCItJMUNT3 nlaoii on rjojri Uurin-j
JL yedt snlav.
Mutual Investment Co Wil A Willis , n 10
tt of lot iff , bllc'J. tihntl' Ct udii. w a. . . ttA'j
U \V rarls und wlfo tu 1 ! S Nuwton , lot U ,
' blkO , lliimmona I'nrlr.Tvil , ] , no
0 W Jxt'au nnil wlfi ) tt > (5TA ( Irvln , lot 4 ,
bits , Jlawthornumld. wd 1,00
1'frtor Mocls to I ) Iicyp , tofvJi and - ' - ' , llk
4 , Hagedorn's ailu , w a , . . . 512
H T Voss r.nd wife to ) fHVoH8 , n U7 ft lot
17 , UcdlcK's id add. wcl. , , 2,0fl
II 0 .Moody et Rt to U 1 ' i'ry lot , blk a ,
PortlandI'hvce. u cd' ; , y.
Oinulm Honl KHtatu atUoV'runt Co to II
Svauuou. lot at. blk U.'ffdiujiitor & I lime-
baush'ti add to Walnut lull , w (1 ( . . . . . . . 02
G K llnrkor ctal to I ) Jj 'fhompson , lots7
onU 8. M&ynu'a ad to Orcbnrd Hill , w d , 2,2 ;
CII llulley undhusbaud tnD K Uoyuokls ,
4 lot o , llk 'Jut. Uinulm , w il ifl.OC
II K Halnoy to Douulas county Jlank , lots
1 ami % bile 7 , Isabel wld.-q o d
K II Hhorwood and wltoto U 1) Collman ,
lot a , btk 0 , Dwlght ) AJOLyman'B add ,
vrt . .w.vic. , SM
D 0Sherwood and wlfoityi A W Miller ,
lots 1 to fl. blK z , ana lot , 10 , blk 4 , Bhur-
wood's sub. wd I.-KIV 13a
1 > O Bherwood and wifa1 to ThosVlijte. .
lots 7 and 6. Wk- , and lots 1,2 and 9 , bit
4 , Sherwood's sub. w d 0,7 (
D 0 Hhcrwoon and wife to U Itehnc , lots
1 to 4 , and U to 17 , Wk a. Sherwood's
nub , w d i i 13,8 !
F O Olsen and \vlfo to 0 ii Oranholm , pc
lots Handy , bits , Carapbell'sadd , wd. . i :
J McCabe ana husbauil to J ICencls , part
lots S , U end 2i. Dllc : , Hush & Bclby'a
odd. wa . . . . . ' . . , &
August Wlberg to O K Olson , o'ot ' lots
eland ffil. Kulrmount Place , w 1 1.3
August Wlberir to Hans Jensen , w H uf
lots Ki and OJ , i'alnapuut Place , w d. . . . 1,3
L Kountzo ana wife to N Frederlckstm ,
low nnd 10 , bit 17 , Kountze 1'lace ,
wa ! 4c
Vf V 1/oronzen et al to U A OUen , lots I , S
an < iablkl. ana lots 11 and it , blkU ,
Oklahoma partw U. . . , 0,3
K IS Van Hrunt and vrtfoto A ( I Salisbury ,
loin. blkB , 8buU' Kdadit , vrA , . . .
E DMeadimbor and wifu to U 11 uud 11
Ii I'lckard , S , acres in aw DO ( M&-I2 ,
ijcd. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . - t
Twenty-two transfers tiV,2
The TJnoasy Condition of Money
Groatoo Some Surprise.
Activity' l rovi\lls In Now York Stock
Trnillns Grnln 1'rlocs Favor
KnhirKotl I'nok-
ing In the West.
, . A TlcHtiina or tlio Country.
CiiroAao , III. * Sept. 14. [ Special Tologrnm
ti THEUBP..I The chief feature In the finan
cial situation , nnd tbo ono which created
some surprise , because It was unlooked for ,
wai the uneasy condition of tlio money mar
ket. Uankors state that although there Is
an increasing demand for the surplus ol
funds bytho grain trndo at other points , the
enlarged use in that channel has boon offset
by decreased calls for discounts from other
sources. Maturing paper has also 'been
promptly mot since the requests for renewals
woro. smaller than during the summer
months. The result. Is an easier tendency ol
tbo fonn market , nt n tlmo when llrmnoss
was anticipated. Money is obtainable on
calf loans , backed 'oy fancy collaterals , nl
* K5 l(3f ( vent , 8(85' ( for cent on tlmo nnd
C@3 per cent for mercantile paper. There Is
mnro money going to grain districts. Calls
for funds from other grain concentrating
points is Increasing , and Duluth and Minne
apolis are also arranging for funds with
which to Day for wheat that Is expected to
arrive in largo quantities during the coming
sixty days. Tba heavy distribution of mono.v
by the government for bonds has Inrgolj
contributed to the relief of the eastern
money market , nnd the recent fenra of a
stringency" there have disappeared ,
New York exchange was in good
supply and dull nt 2o@GO cents
discount per ? 1,000 , and closed nt 40. For
elgn exchange , although in good supply , was
stronger , and documentary sterling bills on
London ranged nt § J.82 ; > { and closed steady.
The jobbing trndo In dry goods , clothing ,
groceries , hardware anil miscellaneous mer
chandise continues active and collections arc
Trading on tbo New York stock exchange
was'actlvo andtho market showed r. derided
tendency to broaden , but , as usual , a good
percentage of the business was in special
lines. An unsettled feeling prevailed and
the undertone most of the week was bullish ,
the general disposition being to buy on
every break. London was llrmer nnd higher
and llooral orders were from that quarter to
buy Heading and Erlo. Tennessee coal ,
Missouri Pacific , Louisville & Nasbvillo and
the Grangers were strong favorites of the
bull party. Chicago operators bought the
last named early in the week nnd prices on
the entire list moved upward. There was
little nowsTccoivud which had any material
olTect on values except disquieting rumors
from the western roads ratu situation. The
refusal of the cast-ubund lines to prorate , it
was thouuht , would induce the Chicago ,
Burlington & Northern to reduce its through
ratn to enable it , to get sulllciont busi
ness to nay expenses. Tlio last three
days' trading Wiia marked by n
general disnosttion on the part oi
holder ! to realize proiits , and the soiling re
sulted in carrying prices down. Trusts re
ceived moderaloiiuo'htion. Sugar lud them ,
but no features were developed. While the
closing sales on a majority ol
the octlvo properties recorded a
slicht advance , a number showed mod
erate losses in comparison with the close ol
the previous week. The bond market was
fairly active , Heading especially being act
ive , and prices averaged bolter. The aggre
gate sales for \vcekwcro 1,308,320 , shares ,
Considerable Interest was manifested in the
. gVahrmarkots during the week just closed.
Hather more steadiness prevailed as a rule ,
nnd prices have favored sellers to some ox-
tent. The shipping demand for all cereals
was quite brisk , and , as freights have re
ceded slightly , shippers were encouraged tc
maintain the nctivo movement of the past
two weeks. The Seutomber report of thi
department of agriculture reduced the con
ilitlon of crops generally and indicated
lighter yields than heretofore anticipated
This was regarded as a strengthening fea
ture. Advices from abroad indicated IK
particular chaneet in that quarter and report !
regarding crops uro somewhat conflicting
Hpcmpts of grain nt interior stations huvi
hein fair , rather increasing. Arrivals o
grain at lake ports hnvo been quite free , bu
there has been very llttlo accumulation
The visible supply was somewhat disappoint-
mir , showing radical changes for this sensor
of the year. Speculative trading \vm
rather more active during tlio week
wheat recovering to some extent , fron
the dullness of the week previous , while con
nnd oats mot with considerable favor , rathe
more money going to thn interior , whicl
would Indicate that the movement of farn
products will bo maintained. Farmers , however
over , are busy in some sections with thei
fall plowing , and this may check the movement
mont of small grain slightly. Hecoivers hav
experienced no rtilllculty in disposing of the !
consignments , nnd prices are generally satis
Provisions met with considerable speculative
tivo favor and trading was quite brisk , par
ticulurly in ineas pork and short _ rib sidco
Prices ruled with considerable irregularity
with trading somewhat unsatisfactory. Th
shipping trade was moderate.
Seeds exhibited considerable activity , tlm
othy ruling weak and flux higher.
Receipts of live stock were liberal , will
llttlo change to note In prices. Packing o
the west for the week shows n further on
lurgcment nnd the asgrogato is fully cqun
to that of the total of the past season ,
New YOUK , Sept. 14. | Special Telograr
to Tun Bun. | The weoicly statement of th
associated banks shows the follow-In
changes : -
Kotorvo , decre.180 $3,092,00
Loans , increase 2,870,00
Specie , decrease 2 141.50
Lei'ul tenders , doorcase ! )17,0li )
Deposits , decrease 2W ( , ( ]
Circulation , increase 11.20
The banks now hold $5,731,775 in excess o
the 25 per cent rule. The exports of spool
at the port of Now York lust week amounte
to & 57.410. of which § 144,003 was in gel
and fU8,3JJ ( silver. Of the total export
S'J.COO In gold and $ ; ) ia,8W ( in silver wont t
Kuropo nnd $142,003 of gold and no silvu
went to South America. The Imports c
spcuio for the week amounted to $7,205 , c
Which $5,000 was In gold and $2,205 in a'.lvei
Tun Dry Goods Marlcot.
Nr.w YOHK , Sept. H , | Special Tolograi
toTniSiHBii.J With n clear nkyoncomor
tho. dry goods market presented ronowc
animation to day. Business nt first was fnl
tor the day , with mail orders indlcatln
steady , nctivo trade at Interior points. Th
market was without any now features , bt
the tone continued ono of llrmucss uud cot
fidoiico. '
Hicb , delicate- fancy lawclry Is again I
high fashion ,
Newly imported costumes of very beaut
ful silky gray India cashmoro'aro ologantl ;
decorated with silk cord Escuriul passi
Suitings , as they nro termed , still she
.striped effects , narrow lines and broa
stripes being alike fashionably worn , au
also soft , beautiful Scotch cheviot ,
A number of very handsome typlc
gowns for the present season , showing o
artistic mixture of Erapiro and Grecian fc
lures , are shown among the models.
Among tbo autumn cloaks recently di
played is a long ono of a rich golden slmi
of torracotin , figured with black , tbo flgun
woven to represent a line black braiding.
Some of the now French .visltlng-dresse
or carriage-gowns , as they are called , wit
out being trained , are what is called den
long , just made to touch the floor slightly
tbo back ,
Uoso-colorcd and mignonette-green drcss
of Venetian casbmoro , bordered with go ]
and silver galleon * , are made with doub
skirts , both equally long , the upper ono op <
up tbo loft sldo of the waist.
The "reefer , " in blue , mahogany , or Hoi
an-rl cloth , will bo a popular Jacket f
youthful wearers during the onllro autumn ,
nnd like niodols in heavy cloaking goods nro
also mndo ready for winter uses.
The lovely now tint of old rose , Koman
violet , strawbor-y , nnd grcon In several rare ,
beautiful nbndos , nro among the delicious
dyes In Parisian toilets designed for autumn
recaptions and dancing parties.
The short fancy jackets ot cloth , cashmere ,
silk , nnd velvet bid fair to' remain popular
nil the fall nnd winter , as they nro chlo nnd
pretty , nnd make becoming and dressy addi
tions to plain homo toilets or add to the ef
fect of ono more elaborate.
A pretty nnd becoming moi'lflcation of
that old pnmo favorite , the English walking-
hat , tins appeared , loss narrow on the brim
front , and not rolled so closely to the crown
on the sides , making It more than over be
coming to slondor-facod women , to whom
the shnpo , like the French turban , Is always
n boon ,
The now felt bonnets are beautifully M > tt
and fine , and dyed In nil the autumn shades ,
both dark , pale , and neutral , to match street ,
costumes. Some are in prlncosso shape ,
others with small coronets , or In the flat style
ot the now English capote , which reveals nil
of the waved or Huffy mass of hair over the
Some of the now jackets are in close
basque form , having jacket fronts that open
over a continental vest , with bands of em
broidery on the pockot-llnps , collar nnd
fronts. Some of tbo expensive empire Jnclv-
ots are Vandykod nt tbo edge , onch point *
covered with a Yandykod ornament of silk
gimp or simply tipped with n bedded pondo-
The Loulso jacxot comes about three
Inches below the bolt , Ills the form closely ,
and opens from ono fastening ever n
double-breasted velvet vest , trlmmod with
bnndsomo gold buttoms. There nro velvet
rovers nnd deep turn-down collar of the name
on the jacket. Ulack moire and black nr-
mure royal jackets nro lined with roso-color ,
mauve , mahogany , or other colored silkwith
vests nnd rovers of Ukp tint.
A Celebrated Fightinc Pig.
Ina little hostelry at Jonhintown ,
whoso wiilla ivro bedecked , with queer
old-fashioned sporting pictures , tlioro is
ono illustration that will recall to old
natrons of all sorts of ill versions a cur
ious feature of bypono clnvs when ninny
things wont Unit wouldn't fjo now , siiys
the Philadelphia Press. It is a fairly
spirited sketch of the famous lighting
hog Pntsoy , or somosuuh iiiuno. There
was not tnucli fnt on Pfttsoy , but ho had
quick logs nnd ugly teotli , and his
ownorfl would light him against any clog
in the country at 8100. No dog ever
got Patsoy by the oar and hold on any
great length of time , and the pig had
a long record of dogs killed in tlio ring ;
all kinds of canines they were , too ,
Patsoy. BC far as the sporting innkeeper
at Jonitintown can toll , is tlio only hog
with thia kind of talent that ever lived.
Wnlns nnd llln Varicose Vein.
Tlio PrSdeo of "Wales 1ms boon sufTor
Ing from his log since howonttoCowus
saya the London World. The vein
which hna never resumed its norinu
size since h 3 had typhoid fever , swells
and causes great pain from time to time ;
and It hits lately boon very troublesome ,
making tbo log sin enormous size and
preventing the prince from riding or
wnluing much. Indeed , with a v'aricoso
vein of such long stacding and si'/.o aa
the ono from which the prince is suf
fering , ho ought to Ho un some weeks ,
and not use the at all. Tlio doctors , of
course , know sueh treatment in impossi
ble , as the princ.0 , having a very goo1 !
appetite , requires a certain amount of
exorcise. He goes to Homburg in a few
days , but his time there is gonorully
more amusing than healthy.
New York Sun : Giles Old Brown
likeB a good cigir. :
Morritt That's why ho never asks
you for ono.
Real Estate MOD Will Orgnnlzo nnd
Blow Tholr Own Horns.
The Week's DcaliiiRB In Dirt Au-
Dint's Show In R In Ilitllding lin-
Iirovoinonta Will Itcnah n mill
ion Dollars Hank Clearing * .
The Kcnlty Outlook.
The leading real estate firms of the city
vlll organize on October 1 , for systomntlo
effort to Induce tbo Investment of eastern
capital In Omaha.Vo have bettor reasons
or a llttlo loud blowing Just now , " said ono
of the movers in the proposed organization ,
than has any other city In the west. No
other city tin the country of Omahn'a sUe
ins spent so many dollars in public and
irlvato improvements In the past year. Neither
ithor city has so many bit ; improvements in
contemplation , no other clt.v of tlio slio u
lotng 00 per cent of the buislness transacted
mro and real estate values are lower hero
ban in nny other city In thn western coun
try. Hiilhlinn is far in excess of any previ
ous year , manufacturers are seeking locations
icro nnd tboso who have marvelled nt thu
city's growth during the past live years will
be moro astonished at the Improvements that
will bo completed hero within the next live.
There will bo Improvement schemes put In
operation within the next sixty days that will
surprise the native * . "
The past week has boon n fairly actlvo ono
n tbo realty market. The sales , while they
IBVO been neither numerous nor large , liavo
liecu largely of property destined for Imme
diate improvement.
S. C. Sherwood sold a big sllco of his sub
division. A. W. Miller ami Thomas Whyto
each purchased live lots , inlying thorefor
§ 13,280 , and C. Hi-lino paid f'j,700 ' for four
ots In the same addition.
O. B. Hulley sold to C. K Roynolda lot 0
n block ! 103 , Nicholas near Thirteenth , for
A. I-lndholm paid 51(5,000 ( to W. F. Loron-
zcn foreovon lots In Oltlohonm place.
K.S. . Tarllchs sold to M. Levy n part of
sub lot 4 In Capitol addition on Dodge stroH ,
icar Twentieth , for $3,000.
F. II. Moore has purchased ton lots In
) umloo place , paying therefor f 1,030. ! )
\\.iU. Croft sold to W N. Williams lot n ,
Kountzo second addition on Hickory street.
tour Eighth , for $12,500.
A. Saunders sold to J , Jensen lot 20 ,
Franklin square , forSB , ! > 00.
U. L. ( Jurllcu sold to G. II. Gcdultiga part
of lot G , block 2 , Capitol addition , on Dodge ,
icnr Twentieth , for10.000.
'ilio transfers for Iho week were as fol-
Monday . $51,001
Tuesday . 11,2'J ! )
Wednesday . 13,700
Thursday . 33,23) )
Friday . 27.0SS
Saturday . 7'J,2II !
Total . $247,073
A Million in u Month.
Tin : BBC'S resume nt the end of August
showing that building permits aggregating
$3,000,000 were Issued during the llrit eight
months of the present year , caused no little
surprise among even these who claim to bo
mstcd on improvement movements , very few
indeed reaiutng the nnmonso amount of _
money that has been expended , in this direc
tion. 'The present moiub bids fair to make a
phenomenal showing und will add very
nearly another million dollars to the year's
total. The city hall building will come infer
for a permit for $200,000 or more , . ami two of
Mr. Fred Amos' buildings will present a
total of this amount or more. These
added to the very largo , number qf improve
ments tnat nro being commenced will make
a total that will crowd tbo million-dollar
notch very , closely.
A number of permits for iiupqrtant Im
provements have been issued during" the >
Charles Boehm is building n two-story
brick store at Nineteenth und Charles , to cost
$ ' 5,000.
C. U. Scott will build a $12,000 brick store
nt 514 South Thirteenth street.
George \V Smitn will build an § 8,000 brick „
itoro ut 1012 Farnnm. replacing another of *
the "shanty" Improvements that , have too
long cncumocred valuable property in the
heart of the clt.v. „ . ,
Jens Jensen will build a two-story brick * 1
tenement on Seventeenth near Spruce tb
cost 812,000. , 1
The American Waterworks company have
commenced worlc on the erection of u brick \
pump house on South Twentieth street near
Popploton to cost 815,000. The company will
also build a $1,200 barn on Douglas street
near Seventeenth , in tho. rear of TUB HKU
building , where the company's now oillces
will bo located after October 1.
George H. Heard will build a § 3,000 frame
residence on Luthrop street near Twenty.
first , in Kountzo P'aco. '
C. R. Shaw will build two ono nnd ono-
half-story frame residences on Thirty-fourth.
and Howard streets to cost $2,500 Cacti.
William Browne , jr. , will build two 51,800
residences on Thirty-seventh near Leaven-
worth , . also an $1,800 addition to his resi
dence at the same location.
Judge Neville will build a $2,000 addition I
to his store ut 1411 Douglas street
John A. Horbach will build a two-story
frame double tenement at Twentieth and
Paul streets , to cost $5,000.
Hobert Woulonsall will build aW.OOO frame
rcsidcnco on Plnkney street near Ninotoontb ,
in Kountzo Placo.
Druid Hill Is being improved us rapidly aa
any of the residoneo suburbs , Tho1 estab
lishment of an excellent suburban train ser
vice , gas and water facilities , frco delivery
and paved streets has made this suburb
especially desirable for residoneo improve
ments. During tbo past few woolen Thomas
Clf.rk , George E. Wilson , Frank Soars ,
Stephen Antono , H. C. Barren. George
Butts , A. P. Spauldtng und MIlo C. Roberts
have built six-room cottages in Druid Hill
nnd n number of other improvements are in
The permits for the week were ns follow :
Monday . 5 2tfM ! )
Tuesday . 2,050
Wednesday. , . . ; . ( . . . . 34,100
Thursday . Ill , SOO
Friday . 18.B23
Saturday . , . 47,22 ?
The Itiink
The following table shows the Increase of
bank clearings of Omnlm as compared with
that of her rivals , the clearings for the llrat
eight mouths of 1SSU and ISbO being glvmi ;
18SO. 1iW.
Omaha . . . . . . . Ri.UsB.ftT.l $ ltH,4U'u74
KunausClty . 177,101,781 280,2I3.I5. ! ' >
St.Paul . 88U2.241 ( lED.OM.IWO
Minneapolis . D3,03'J,17 l ! 01 ,4lifl
Denver. . : . 51,543,341 122UiiU,24 ( !
Milwaukee . 111 1IV.2.058 15'Jb41,017 '
The clcnrini.H of ths Omaha house for tlio
limt olgbt iiuntba of each year since its QJ-
tablisbincnt are aa follows :
1880 First eight months . $ 55,289,073 ,
18b7 I' irstolght mouths . 95.209.S20
IbSS First olght months . 112,117,2.23
18lU First eight months . ] iM,4HU74 (
The clearings for the week closing yester
day wcro :
Monday . , . , . , . . . , $ 814,410.03
Tuesday . 052,837.03 ,
Wednesday . 013,431.03
Thursday . , . 000,732.70
Friday . 487,015.17
Saturday . 415,201.10 ,
Total . f3.CSOi57,10 :
Increase from corresponding week of lust
year 4 per cent.
Oniuhii , Neb. , Septenibcr I' .
jironoaalu in tripllcntu , will be rocelved heru uuil
by Depot Quaitennaatorut L'huyimne. Wy . , un
til two o'clock p , m. , ( cntral tune , Ovtotiur 10 ,
18'U , and then opened for iKO tiniK bltiiinlnoiu
( oal S-lO llm , to the ton delivered lit C'heytmna
Qr. Mr. Di'pot , Wyoorothtr point * Hpocitlml by
bidder. Tnu U , H. resurvim the rlKht to reject
iinv or nil blila. Preference will be given to ar
ticles ot ilomufctiu production , condition * ot
quality uud price ( IncluilliiK In thu iirlca of for.
ulicn production the duty tiiercou ) Iwlng uipial ,
All imrormailon fnrnUhuil on application. in- !
velopei contulnlni ; propoinla miould bu marked
jiropodiils for rxiul. uud uddreMneil IIH Indicated
ubovu , WM. 11. IIUOIIF.S , Lieutenant ColoiiHl
iiud Deputy ( junrterniabter Uunorul. I' . H. A ,
ui ; > a4tO > 3 ,