THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 15. 1880.-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES , OMAHA. No advertisements will bo taken for those columns after I2:3O p. m. /orms-Caoh In advance. Adertl5cmcnt under this need 10 cents per line foi the first Insertion. 1 eonts for each sub- requout Insertion , nna tljkipcr Una per month. No advertisement ! taken to- lean than 25 cent * for llrgt insertion. Sevun word * will be counted to the line : they , must run coniccutlvely and must be paM In ADVANCE. All advertlge- mcnts must ho handed In before 12CT o'clock p. m , nnd unilcr tie circumstances will the ; b * taken or discontinued by telephone. Turtle * advertising In these columns nna hav- ten their mi ewers nddrrsnod In care or THE Her. Kill plenso nsk fov a client to ennhlo them to get IhflrlettfiB. as none will be delivered except DU presentation of check. All unworn toad- rertisetnonlft shculU b unclosed ID envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nrn pub lished In both mornlugnnd evening editions of FIIK HKK. the circulation of which aggregates mornthnn IB.OiiOpapem dally. mid elves the ml- rertUer * the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of TiiEllKK , but nlso of Council UlulTft , Lincoln nnd otlurcltlo nnd town * , throughout ihlB section of the counuy. TBXMcHr oFFTc E TsT Advertising forthcao columns v/111 be tnkcn on the nbovo condition * , At the following busi ness houf os , who nro authorized agents for THE IIKE special notices , nnd wilt quote the sama rates nB can be hnd nt the main ofllce. t Btrcet , f 1 H ABE k rnnr. Stationers and Printers. 113 UBotith ] 0th Street. _ SH. FAENGWOilTH , Pharmacist , StlS Cum- .tulng Street. _ W.1. lUTOHKS , Pharmacist , 034 North ICtn . Street. _ riEO. W.PARR , Pharmacist. 1C09 St. Mary' * UT Avenue. S' PnARMACr,2208 Farnnin Street , 8ITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNG widow thoroughly competent d < v AJLelres ultllutloii as liouseKcoper in hotel or fora gentleman. Address Lillian Langdon , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Nob. "HI lot ANTED A slluntloh by a practical book keeper. Eleven years' expcrlcnco In Omaha. A1 references. Address E. P. C. , 1700 N. 27th at. 30i-10 ) ? SITUATION wanted by a young man In gen eral oillre work ; live years experience. Hof- eranccs. J ( K ) lleo ofllce , 277-1PJ ITUATJON wanted by llrst-clnss wnl'ton vvhlto. Address J M lleo olllce. 2-.0-lor _ _ WANTED Situation by n competent stenog rapher iind book-keeper. Over three years' experience. Uood references. Address J2fl. lleo olllce. IllU-lJt " \717ANTED To do sewing in private family. Y > Call at COO N. 17th st. U17f WANTED Position oy lady stenographer of experlenee ; good reference ! ) . Address M. 3. A. 11118 N. intli st. , between Paul and Charles. - * 2JO-17 "D Y a man with family , n situation In a drug JJor general utoro ; good prescilptlon clerK and registered In Missouri ; can pass examina tion In Nebraska or Iowa. Competent to taUe charge ot store. Total abstainer , Iteferenits. Address , btutlng salary. J. K ! Uce. ; iJ7-15 * WANTED A po-iltlon by a young lady sten ographer or any kind of general olllco work ; < year's experience ; best of roforauco. Address A. II. . 21U2 Maple st. _ Uii-15 * " \\rANTED-Situatron by n registered plmr- maclst ; six years' expeiieuco ; best or rof- onces. Address O. A. Armlleld , Greenwood , Neb. 2J8 Hit SITUATION wanted My a young man as salesman or general olllco work. liest ot reference. Salary no ooject. Address X , llox 4 , ISssox , la. 2ia li WANTED lly young Englishman , n posl tlon in dry goods ; 22 years' experience ; thorodgnly acquainted with trade , and In every detail of the business. E. .1. Min ors , at Oozzen's hotel. 21tM. > * W "ANTED In mercantile house , permanent situation , moderate salary. Adurues I ! . F. Eccles , room 210 First Notional bank. 1& 18j WANTED-MALE HELP. WANTED About Nov. 1 , a first class buggy and carriage salesman. Must ba well ac quainted with Western Jown nnd Nebraska trade. Address W , 14. Bee , Council lllulls. 318-1U WANTED Man' used to cows nnd , good milker. Apply U003 Dodge st.UBllTt UBl-lTt WANTED Agents evorywhere"to sell our now book "Stanley's Marvelous Adven tures In Africa" ' Host discounts. Send f > U cts. for outfit nt once. J. M. French , & Co. , Omaha , Neb. ii78-2ir. WANTED Experienced canvassers for "Gaskell's Compendium. " H bt selling book on the market. Address E. Jackson , Nor- folk. Neb. 3U-15 * A It V engineer wanted ; moderate STATION Ki wages. Call at 113 So. 20th St. , bet. 10 and 11 o'clock. 312-lut WANTED Salesmen for thu road , to solicit business muu wltn first-class line of laborsaving - saving oflice devices ; commission ; big money ; now line : exclusive territory ; 14' ' ) per cent clear profit : no profit charged for samples ; wrltous. .Lemen Mfg. Co , South llcnd. lud. 97-15 * WANTED-lOmen to'bulld"wire fence , $1.50 per day , board W.IW. clean beds and good bean d. Mrs. llroga , 314' 8 15th. 2 7 lot boanWE want local men to place on attractive ad vertising specially in every city and town of 1,000toW.OOO population. fc to $40 easily netted inucouplu of days without interference of regu lar duties. Ulve population and enclose plainly Rolf-addressed stamped envelope to Postal Hallway llullentin Co. , Indianapolis , Ind. 241 16t ' _ _ rpHE Missouri wasner nllo'rdB agents prollta- JL bio business. It washes dirtiest clothes clean In hot steam without rubbing. Arguments in Its favor are numerous and convincing. Easily Bold , Sent ou two weeks' trial to bo returned at my expense If not satisfactory. Write for Illustrated circular and terms. J. Worth. St Louis , Mo. GOOD experienced building and .oan men wanted is general and special agents. Pcr- mtuit positions. Continental llulldlngaud Loan association , Kansas City. Kits. 24J 2Ut \\rANTBD Energetic agents , teachers nnd TT students to procure members for our libra ry association. Tne business Is pleasant , and wo pay agents from $1 ! > .00 to J.W.CO Tier week. Address , with references , National Library As- Boclatlou. 103 State t. , Chicago. 111. 223 15 WANTED A traveling salesman , a hustler , 1 now traveling from Omaha , to handle a fast selling side line. AddroBs Win. H. Itlfo , 122 E Indiana ; Bt , Chicago. IB'J-lTj If W ANTED 15 teams by Lamoreaux llros. at Florence ; Htoauy work until cold weather. 17715 WANTF.O-Four'hnndred ' mon for truck lay- lug in Wyoming. Apply to P , H. .loDnson , 11. As M , passenger depot. Omahn _ . uu toil graders und tie makers for WANTED the Illaok Hills extension. Filley , Kramer ft Co. , Mas. Meyer building , llth nnd Farnam. ANTUD 100 railroad laborers for the we t. Company work. Filley Rramor & Co. , Max Meyer bunding , llth and Farnam sts , - reliable men for detectives WANTED-Good In every community ; paying positions. Address Kansas Defective Bureau , lock box U t30. Wichita , Kan. 082-10J WANTED Agents 1 To solicit orders for our celebrated Oil Portraits. The finest made , No experience required I lleglnneru earn K50 a week , $2outtlt free ! Hend for full particulars. A rare chance. SalTord , Adams & Co. . 40 llond Bli 6 * _ rpItAYELlNG salesmen with time not wholly JL occupied can realize liberal murgalns boh- Ing our lubricating oils from samples , as a "Bide line. " Address H , carrier 31) ) , Cleveland , O. UC3-15 \I7 ANTKD-A first-class machinist as forT * - T man. Apply or address Western Mnfg Uncoln , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED A man In every locality to act us prlvnto detective under our instruc tions. K < md 4a for particulars. Central Doteo- tlvo llurCBU. Topeko. Kan. _ TOU-o.a WANTED A peed olllco man to go east : must invest fc,50U : must be a good business man. Address the uco , B. Cllue Publishing House , 315 to 021 Wabosh ave. , Chicago , Ills. 618 W ANTED Mon for Washington territory. Albright's Labor Ageuoy , 1120 Farnam at tile w ANTED-Wlndow dresser nt The Falr.IJth and Howard Bta. 680 173 ORDERS In D days ; "I average 10 orders in 13 calls. " These extracts from agents' let. , Wrs ; agouti wanted lu Nebraska. Address with ttarnp. q B. QaUorne. lleatrlce. Neb. Oil a 17 * WANTED--FEMALE HELP. O WA1TK11S at the European hotel. STS - Klrls , general work , 3 cooks , 1 WANTED-23 private family , U week , 1 churn * ber maid , 2 housekeeper * , 3 girls for olltces , family , ( V ) , cook for Htunton , Nob. , 1 for Platts- moutli , eroud for Carroll , la.Vlilto'n olllce , 271-15J /COMPETENT girl for ceneral hou n work. v-'Mrs.J. Y. COOM , 1ZH B. 10th st , between Picrceand Williams Bin. 8J7-I7 * OllUj wanted at S533 Cumlng gt , LADY agcnli wanted for ths new Hygela Corset. Most siitisfnctorjr and best money * making article out. For terms , etc. , apply to Western Cornet Co. , Bt. Louis. Mo. a 20t W ANTED A good girl for general house- wet k , 127 8. 24th IVV. D34-17 * WANTEO-PushlnR Bolleitors. Two ladles and two gentlemen In NobraRKa nnd Iowa. Good salary with commission privileges for workers. An Investment of HO required. Ap ply to or address The Gcorco H. Cllno Pub. 1 louse , 611 First National bnnkbulldlng.Omnha , NCD.J 2B5-17' WANTED Competent girl for general house- worbnt 114 South 20tn st. atlHSt Competent woman coot for WANTED > 0 , second (30. laundress , good din- In fr room girls , second cook , to : dlMmaRher , (5 ; women to clean house , girls on farms , 2dgirls nud r.for ) general housework. Mrs , llrogn , : H4V4 TITANTEGlrl ) for general housework. (123 ( W N. nth. iU _ _ _ - dluingrdom ctrls. 2 girls for general worK , Apply M. J. Frnnck. Coz- zens llotel. 217 1'4 Capitol nvo. W 207l.Tt _ _ _ A good , strong girt for kitchen WANTED wont ; wages , 1.50 per week. Pacific Res taurant. 1016 llarnoy. 211 15 * ANTRD-Knorgotlc , capable lady to take ngenr-y of Omana for Mmc , McCnbo's celeDinted snnntlve cornets , best lifting nnd best selling coisets made. St. Louis Corset Co. , St. Louis , Mo. Oti9 20 ANTED Olrl for general housework In W fnmllv or three , German preferred ; apply to 2620 Capitol avo. 3tB ' \TTANTED Gerrann girl to do cooking nnd TT washing , best of wages paid. Inquire J. L. ilrnndola , ,21810111 st. 2ia WANTED Experienced plrl for general housework. .Mrs. L. 0. Jones , 718 No. 21st , WANTED Girl for general housework. 100.1 S.10th ! ave. 71 WANTED Olrl to o general house work nt ai28 Chicago st. 407 TANTED-Good girl fur general housework 1K1 N llth. bi2 Ml ISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED-Carpenters etnl. , tobulldliouses for lots , horses , etc , W. J. Paul. 1CUU Far- nain st. ! ) lfi-Ui WANTED-aiio use of a good sound horse or pony'r U tig or driving ) two hours morn- Ins aiulirj ll up. Address J 52 , lleo olllco. WANTED-TO RENT. \\rANTED Furnished house , flvn to seven ' rooms , or portion of Imuto siiltuhlo lor light hoiibokejpliig. Four lu family , no child ren. Ulve location and prlco. Heforencos ex changed. Address. J Ki , Jleo. 2 U-lu | V\/ANTED / To roilt 0-room house ( separate ) ' with all convenienceswest of I'ith l ) twccn Dodge , Woolworth mid Park uvo ; good custom- ft wants it. D. V , Sholes , 21U 1st Nat. Hunk. 174 111 FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOH KENT Furnished housoof twnlvorooms three bliicXs from postolllco. Furniture for sale ut Hacrlllce on account ot leaving town. Address J 01 , llee ollico. 2a-irit FOU HENIVAfterScpt. 25. on Wlrtst. In ICountzo Pincu. No furnace. all other couveulonclcs and barn. Address 510 I'axton lilt , li 6 "I.TOIJSES lor rent to carpenters , polnT'Trs , et 4 I ill. , for work ; iilso houses for sa'.o for work. V , ' . J. Paul. I TO I'nriioin st. illll-lfi TTOlt KENT Good sized cottage on cable J line. (1-riiom ( cottage. ! 4 mile from P. O.t2ii , I'-room ' house , bath , furnace , hot and cold , $ ,10. 8-room house. 4 blks Irom P. O. KM. .1. 11. Evans , ! WS N. Y. Life Building. 2.310' TT1OU KENT furnished house ; nine ra ms , -L bath , gns , furnaco. Within 1 ulock of nigh school. Parties are leaving ; the city for the winter. Posse-salon nt once if de lred. Cau bo had for from 0 to 8 uumths. Address .1 KJ care Dee olllce. 2J4 1DJ O C100D houses cheap. 930 N 27th st. -f 237 HIJ TflOH KENT An F-room housfl with nil mod- J-'ern improvements. Apply at-8K BSMst. e 21J-15J rniUKTEEN-room house. 1S14 Pierce st-TTn J- good repairgood place for boarding house ; 30. Ilutchlnson & Wead. 1D24 Dougius st. 2.-JO 16 * TflOH KENT fi-room cottage ; city water. 2012 - Davenport st. gffl 10 SEVEltALgood houses where the furnlturo is for sale on reasonable terms. CoOperative - ative Land and Lot Uo , an N 16th at. 2Til 10 tnoil KENT No. 2411 Capitol avenue. 11 JL'rooms , all modern conveniences. The O. F. Davis Co 2J 8-KOOM house , gas , bath and nil modern con- venlences , 401 S. 24tnnve. 210 1'4 T710H KENT 0-room house on Park avo. , bath J- and all conveniences. 41 > per month. 8-room house near Hunscom park , j.'o per mo. 2 7-rooni houseB. same location , fJo per mo. 4-room , large barn and yard , 2Uth and Taylor ltd , , JI2 per mo. * 2 7-room Hats , 10th and Howard sts , , $33 per month. 2 stores. 20lh and Lenvenworth Rts. 3-story brick , H. 10th st. , all fitted up for hotel or beaming liouso ; rent all or part. - St , V.Sholes. II.210 1st Nat , lluiiK Ildg. 2U4 15 _ "I710K 11ENT 5-room cottage on South SSrd JL1 street , $2u. Two 4-room cottages on 8. 12th St. , 112.51. Two 3-room flats on N. 17th ss. , suitable for light nousuKeeplng , in. Two ( ! -room Hats , corner 24th and Leaven- worth its , Apply to Green & Willlams.lst Nat. bank bid g , 200 T710K KENT Fine 11-rojin house , with all JL' modern improvements. No. 231(1 ( Douglas st. A. II. Gladstone , 1310 Douglas st. lul _ FOK KENT Desirable residence n w cor 22d nnd Davenport , Furnished , 12 rooms. In quire on promises. 18J-15J FOH KENT The very' desirable residence property. No. 2112 Cass Ht. A good lease to satisfactory tenant. * Hoggs & Hill , real estate , 1401 Paramo , 1MI10 "H10K KENT l--room house with modern Im- JQ provomentf. on motor lino. SK per month , C.F _ , Harrison , .Merchants' Nnfl bank. 147' H' OUSEB ' and cottages for rent. Hicks. 153 17 IT'Oll RENT n-room house , modern linnrovo- JL menss und furnlturo for sale. 2211 Davenport - port Ht. lailQ T7OR RENT Id-room house , H43 S. IHth. with JL ! part of furniture or sale , cheap. Vb.H15t "I/'OU"llKNT ' Broom house , closet and bath , J ? city water , barn. 2411 Caldwell at. , 11. B. Hrowii. room ! G2 N , Y. Lite. 124 15t TTiOR RENT House 12 rooms , barn room for J 20 horses. Laundry or manufacturing busi ness preferred. Long lease If required ; 1211 Davenport , near 13th. , RENT A 0-room cottage , city , cistern ' water , convenient to business. David J unite- eon , 311 a LHli Bt , 109 TJIOR RENT 7-room house , 1023 Jackson Ht , J-1 1)81 ) FOR RENT A now 0-room ho'use , with c\an- \ els. bath and hot water on both floors ; cor ner Hickory aud Georgia ave , ouo block from park entrance. Price iu per month. F. U. Hal- mon & Co. . U13 Leavcnworth gt. HH TT10R RENT Flvo room cottage , 2 13 Capitol Jave. . Inquire on premises. BOS F I OR KENT 0-room modern Improved house , corner. : Apply M. Elguiter. 1113 B. 10th. KM 1710R RENT ilandsoino 10-room house , all -L couvlences. paved street , cable and horse cars , 5 minutes walk ot postofllce. Nathan Bhel- ton , 10U Farnam jt. 704 1710R RENT Several now 5-room cottages ; * rent 115 per month. Inquire of John H , F. Lehmami , 024 8.17th street. 717 TflOU RENT 7-room house , tl'l per mouth. Q- i ? L. Green , flip 8 16th. QUO Tj Olt RENT 7-room flat. tS > per mo. above JL1 The Fair , lath and Howard. Inquire The Fair. an I71OR HKNT Fine largo residence , hard wood -l-llmnli. nil conveniences low - - , rent to private family ; 21U N lilth st. KM 171011 RENT-Flat DfiiJ B. 10th st , has all con- 4voulences and oneof the best 7-room flats In the city. For terms callon Her * Co. . 1113 llarney st &g Tmoil RENT Hne H an d lt-i oem houses with J- ' all modern Improvements. Caw street , be tween 24lh and 25th stg. , at low rates. H. T. Clarke , 8420 Cass gt. RENT-7-rooni , Story house , barn for 4 horses If desired. For term * for the winter call on or addrew 0. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nut'l Hank. , ito JJOU&1U for rcut-Wllklu on , HIT Farnam. "T ORRBNT-7-roorn house , 28th ami Capitol -Uare. inquire , iCIDodaa. till OLTn vr hon * , 8 lo 8 roomi each , price r ry O low. Call upon or nddrif , Neb. Mortcngo loan Co , , room 6U Paxton bl'K. , 13a T710R RENT 10-room house , steam heat , all JL' Improvements , cheap rent. G , it. Thompson , room fill , Bheely block , 16th and Howard.oil oil FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. 411 N. 19th Bt. , uowly furnished rooms with board. rea-H * TTIOll RENT Front parlor , suitable for two : X' terms reasonable It taken at nncr. Ons and bath. No. 2100 Farnatu st. 803-16 * OR RENT Xwo furnished rooms , over 1001 Howard Bt. I117-1& KT.LY furnished rooms in lint ; permanent lodgers. Bteamhoat. also rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. Blzer , 3d Hat , 70i N. ICth et , 413-16 * RENT Steam heated rooms furnished FOR hou8eko cplng. Modern conveniences. On motor lino. Also desirable furnished rooms. Terms reasonable. 1714 Nicholas at. 21)4-15 ) * TJ1OR RENT Furnished room , ROS and bath , JG Bl B. ICth. rd floor , north side. 8.10 16t TJMJIlNlHIIi : ! ) rooms for gentlemen only , 13 J3 and 115. 010 8. 80th. 090 15 fjlUHNlPHr.O rooms with nil modern convo- JL ulenccs , for geutlomon only , ITuU Dodge et. 620 TJpOR RENT Elegnnt furnished room for sin Jglc gentleman only , 724 B 10th St. , cor. Lear- enwortli. 627 TjMJHNlSHED rooms , throe large front rooms JL : flrst , second und tnlrd floor , now house , modern conveniences , suitable for gentlemen nnd wives , first-class board , good neighbor- hood. 407 N Itltll. 1S1 15 * ELEGANTLY furnished room , steam heat , gas , bath , fromJlOumvards , 004 B. nun Bt. 2d floor. 1B717-t ST. CLAlll European hotel , cor. 13th nnd Dodge ; special rate oy weec or month. 530 FOR RENT Elegant rooms iu modern brick residence , single or double , 1821 Cass st. 244 10J r > OOM with or without board , 1812 Dodge , At 2U3 ONE furnished room with use of parlor , tS per month : also board it desired , 1511 Cal ifornia St. 228-15 } TTUJIINIBHEO rooms , breakfast and (1 ( o'clock - dinners ; steam heat , gnsaad bath. Flat A , No. 514 S Kith Bt , Her block. 237-15 } ONE largo room suitable for 4. nnd 1 single roam ; board if desired 1717 Chicago. I'JJ 15 ] NICELY furnished suit of rooms and one sin gle room. All modern convenience ! , private famllv 2214 Farnam Bt , KM . rooms will be ready In a few days at , 220i Farn uu st. 7UO- .OOD roonTwlth bnth. 510 B 26th st. C23 " 171011 RENT Two furnished rooms on Bt. JMary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six min utes wp.lic ot business center. Reference re- quercd. Inquire at store , 210 nnd 212 8 15th st. SJO LlGHThousekeopliigrooms , 814. WifT'N. ISth. 053 817 FOR RENT Furnished room with Doard , modern conveniences , best locality in city. Apply us 2215 Dodge st. 125 IB ? FOR RENT Well furnished room in private tnmily with brenicfast nnd 0 o'clock dinner , Including II meals Sunday , for S2i per month. Location halt block from high school. Address J 23. eu. 288 "T7IURNI811ED room$3 month , 1915 California. J- Dili 15 $ IjlOKNlSHED rooms and board , 415 N. 15th. ll'l ' l t fj OR RENT Mealy furnished "ooms , all t modern conveniences , with or without Vftinrd , 6o3 N. 18th. Ill 1(1 ( * "OOOMS and boarn for H gentlemen ; no other J-tboarders. 623 B. 2jth nve. 01321 ? FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. I710R RE T-Unfurnlshed back parlor witn - - ' carpet , for one or two gentlemen , 2007 Cass. 784 FOH RENT .1 rooms , well , cistern and cltv water$8. cor IHh nnd Pacific st ; to fcmul ! family ; roforoncj required. R. E. Copson. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rortms northwest cor. 17th nnd Webster sts. ; price (15. Oil FORJEMT-STORS AND OFFICES CJTORE Rooms Large now 3-story and bane- k ment store building , suitable for uuy whole- Bale business. Now il-story and basement building , suitable for heavy wholesale business. Store-room , Ho. (103 ( N. 10th st. 5 } Store room. No. 2IO" > Leaven worth st. Apply to Green & Willlams.Ist Nat. bank bldcr. ONEnundreil-foot store V block from P.O. Fleming , 14th und Douglas. 212 O 12 TjlOK RENT Cheap , u double store nnd base- JL' ment. corner 15th and Hownrd sts. Inquire of J. F. Sheely , room 20' . Sheely block , lllo hO I'lIHST ' class store room to rent. Hicks. IM 17 POR RENT Stores. Hats and houses cen trally located. J. Johnson , 13.J4 Farnam. 070 15 ? FOR RENT A largo wnrehouss on Jones st. bet. l.'ith and Hth , three stories nud base ment , 44 by 100 feet , well lighted nnd very strongly built , suitable for heavy machinery for manufacturing purposes ; will lease for five or more years at reasonable rent. Inquire of Henry A. 1 Ionian , 413 a 13tn t. an 22 * "W"ICE hall for rent. Hicks. 1B3 17 T7IOR HENT-Storo. 1111 Farnam St. , 0by 128 -L' feet , 2 torles and cellar. Nathan Shoiton , 1H14 Farnnm st. 7ui ; T710R RENT The 4-story brick building with JL' or without power , formerly occupied by The Her Publishing Co. . 910 Farnnm st. The bulld- inghns a fire-proof cemented basement , com plete Btoam-heatliu' fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllce ofThelleo. 015 rpo RENT Desirable warehouse room on JL track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 Paclllcst. fill Tj pll RENT Stores and living rooms on Uum- J-Mngst. A Iso house ou Cass st. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. llauk. 231 MISCELLANEOUS. AHANDi-OMEllne of art patterns in Royal Worcester. Doulton , lloim Faience , etc. , suitable for wedding and anniversary present ! ! , nt prices lower than elsewhere , nt Moody's china store , 302 N. loth st. ; 115-15 "USTHATlsudamnmlnochlnaV You can Ilnn ' out by seeing tno handsome dinner sets in this ware at Moody's China Store , a02 North Itith st. ! 115-15 TirABSAGE treatment , bnths , treatment of -I'Mhe Bcalpand hair. Mrs , B. M. Post. 4111 B , lUth st. 281-K1 * ANTED-Purchaser for first clas No. 2 cal- Igraph. J'55 , llee olllco. 20'-I5 ! * d > 1.83 will buy a hanging lamp with U-liioh ( D cone shade ut Jloody's , IXJ-J N. 10th Ht , UI5-15 / STlllCIt feathers dyed , cleaned and curlud Vyenual to new , Myer Levy , 203 N. 15th , ex position building , . , 204-lOt EEAL ESTATE I'nrtlesvvho'wanTto Bel I lots for $1.000 or $1,500 will do well to list them with J. n. Evans. i 8 N. Y. Life. 203 10 GERMAN lessons Mr. Dorudrnclc. Olllco Fruehaut'g book store. 255 olUJ rplti : banjo taught as an art by Qeo. F.Gollnn- JL beck. Apply at lleo olllce. UV ) ' OIIAS. U Todd does collecting. 44 Darker blk 443-8J7J ECONOMIZE In fuel by covering your stsam pipes with fossil mnal non-r.onductlnt ; cov ering , the most elllclent aud cheapest of all coverings. D. O , McEwan , western agent , 1611 Howard Bt , 207s2) ) DRESSMAKING. DRESS Jlnking-Mlss Carrie Behalf. 413 8.10th , * * ftV17st LOST. T .OST Canary In a new cage , J5.0J reward it JUrcturned to 1038 Hurt Bt. a.9-llp ( $5 reward for tha return of the plans of the high school bnllalnif. South Omaha , to Eggers Si Hock , Bouth Omaha , LOST or Stolen Small Bcotch skyo terrier with license tag number 37. Cut ears and tall , flue ellky hair , Return and get reward. M , J. llaehr& Co. , Jewelry store , lllilDougluB Bt. 247-15 LOST llob-lalled black nnd white dog , an swers to name ot Homy. Return to 4115 Haunqerg. 2Z3 M 'I .O8T Lurgi > . young close-haired Bt. Uernnrd -LJ dog , yellow with white breast nnd foot. Re turn to 1KJO Georgia aye. , or 'JOI Douglas and get reward. IM _ _ /GENTLEMEN , If youMeifr * a wife or a llTMy Vj correspondent. s na your address to the American Corresponding Club ; lloz fl4t. Clerks- , W.Va. u I.B 240 oinj . Leuke Bend jn jour address. .1. a WM. Whlpple. Omaha.A * _ sod 16 * "OKH80NAIYoiinglRdywouldlke ) Rome as- JL slstnnco financially rbetl of references glr- en. Address J 47 llee onictn 187 llj _ A TTENTION-I.adle | iModlsto just froir xxNow Yort with T ryUtf st styles. Dresses wraps , clonks , coats and rldI K habits. A per feet tit without alteration fissured for any tine of curmcnt , for Irregular forma with same east nnd precision as those of perfect proportions defective shapes greatly Improved and net for tl to best advnntnge without detaining customer ! ntnndlnp lu fitting room for the tlresonu length of time usually employed by dressmnk crs. Prices reasonable.Mrs. . M , L , Galgo , Iflnl 6. between 418 nnd 42J8.ilith st. 133 15 * WANTED-TO BUY. ' \X/'ANTED Railway contract lands for lot ( T V houses , horse * , etc. Make offer * . W. J , Paul , 1003 Farnam at. _ 318-15 To buy a bank counter amlllx WANTED turos. Address , giving full particulars , J C4 , Iloo onico. _ 320-18 i ASH for furnlturo , carpets , stoves , general 0 nulse. Wells' Auction & Storage Co.)17 : ) S.liJth. 1U2 Oil WANTED 2,000 yards dirt nt R cents pel yard , to (111 ( lot in llousel & Stebblns na ditlon. lloora 510 i'axton block. lu _ notes Loans made on rentes tate , Ilutchlnson Ic Wead , 152i Douglas st ICl 15 _ W'ANTHO Furniture , carpets , stoves ftn'l liouRohold goodn of nil kinds. Omaha Auo tlou & Storage Co. , nil Farnnm. _ K13 STORAGE. _ _ STOUAflK Clean , dry , nnd reasonable rates Wells' Storage & Auction Co. , 317 S. 13ta st. 11)3011 ) _ Q TO It AGE at law rates at 1131 Farnam street , koOmaha Auction and Storage Co. KM QTOUAUKnmTfonvnrdTnK. Wo collect and do Oliver Roods ol nil description , merchandise , furniture and baggage at cheapest ratus foi storage for any length of time. Vans run wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care ful men for inovlncr. Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded , Warehouse on our own tracks. OmceJil'S. 14tl st. Tclephono 111. Howelt & Co. _ KV > rpHACKAGE storage nt lowest ratos. W. M , JL Hushman , 1311 I oavenworth. _ 53D CLAIRVOYANT. TTIOHTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenornmn can be X1 consulted ou all alTalrn of lire , Satlsfao tlou guaranteed. Kp. : iiu N. 15tn st.113 _ o'J _ XL ) AMU Wellington , world-renowned as- M trologlst , test medium and de&tlny reader. just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the cradle to tlio grave , reunites the separated , causes speedy marriage with th one you love , locates disease and treats with massage nnd electric baths. All In trouble should not fall tc consult this gifted seeress. Parlor 6. upstairs , 417 S. llth ; olllco hourt , from 10 ft , in. to 10 f. m , 4ffl lot _ _ "TVK. NANNIU V. Warren , clairvoyant , medf J-'cnl nnd business medium. Female disease ! N. HJtn st. , rooms 2 nnd a. 031 MATERNITY HOSPITALS. homes for ladles during confinement , GOOD roasonable,8 ) 3.17th. Ir. Mrs.Kuutze tilll s3UJ _ US. M. Ohlenschlager , mtd-wifery homo foi ladles. . Qooa accommodations nnd attend- unco. LowprlcoH. 2.VJ7 North 24th St. , Omaha , 652 30 * _ _ SHORTHAND ANO TYPEWRITING ihorth&ml and typewrit- i V ing achool , Darker block. Uuy and even ing sessions ; $ per month. 41-O7t Shorthand School. Pnxton bk. , StTANDAIl ( successor to Valentine's ) the largest exclu sive shorthand school in the west. Tencliei's are verbatim reporters , i Particular attention paid t typewriting. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars. " FORSALE-NIISCELLANEOS T71INE team of roadsters , b. g. , one bay pacer Jb. . g. ; also buggies , carriage , etc. . tor build ing material , etc. W , J. Paul , 1000 Farnnm st _ _ aid-is BALE A new bnguy , Simpson make , cheap. UoomKi" , Paxton clock. ii21 Tjloll 8AT < K A perfectly gentle and aounc J- young horse , buggy and harness. 210. ! Maplt M. _ 270-15T I71OR SALE Light half platform spring -C wagon , in good order j 1507 N. 10th st. _ _ _ g-M em mo CLOSB out housekeeping by Oct.l.well sel JL furniture , etc. , at private sale. 2111 Capitol tttt loj plOH BALE Fine family or buslnoso horse , JL ! harness and tjuggy , - " " > ; horse alone wortl : more ; uo better trained animal in the city Add. J 54. llee Olllee. 258 15 * HORSE , phaeton nnd harness , $ ] Mhalf cash. Addri-ba J 51 llee ollice. 2JS 15J FOR SALE -liedroom suite and kltcnen fur- nlture. 150U Farnam. OR SALE A largo heating stove , base F burner. Apply 2317 California street. 2S2-15 * THOR SALE Cheap for cash or on basy pay- JL ! ments. Two iwork horses , phaeton , slue bar top buggy , two-seat carriage , buckboard lumber w agon , cow. E. II. Walworth , room IK , Douglas blocs. 10th and Dodge stB. _ 275-15 * " FOR SALE Two furnaces as good "as new. Apply at82l2 1'arnam st. 290 tnoit SALE A Holltduy wind mill and 00. JL' barrel wood tank , 2bth , between D nud E , South Omaha. 2b21t 'I/lOll SALE The finest family carriage In JL Omaha , newat Wlthrow's staole , Harney st , * must be sola quick , as the owner is leaving the Ky. 20.1 15t JPAN of horses , now wagon nud harness for Call room Vf ) , Puxton bit 075 FOR BALE 3 car loads of fine marcs ; can bo found at the Council IllulTs stock yards. : 048-158 FOR BALE Cheap , n covered road wagon. In good condition. _ Apply ft ) ? N. lilth st. 75il TpOR SALE Bpnifof horses , sot double hnr- X1 ness and two seated surrey , will sell part or all very cheap , A. P. Tukey , 15th and Douglas. 111) FOR SALE-blx-yoar-old bay horse , weight about IMX ) His ; express wngou , single and double harness and tmrkbourd. Enquire 442 B -4th ave _ 2t > 2 lilt "VT fcW 62-Inch bicycle for sale cheap for cash. - lAddrcs J 37. lloa olllce , 11216 * "I7IOR BALE Wore loam , wagon and harness. J- single horse , harness and carriage , 2 wagons , 2sets heavy harness , or will exchange Jorhrlck. _ . ! . _ J.Wllkinson14J7Fnrnam. "lofl " FOR SALE A good phaeton und harness , only $75. Inquire of W. M. Yatea , Nob. National bank. CM buys m re , harness , open buggy. Enquire $100 ) Shurman ave. . attar 5 o'clock. 44 < _ 27J IjlORBALE A -horse power Porter engine JIn good condition , weight 5.100 pounds , pyl- inder llxld. For particulars apply to Tno lleo olllce. 7U3 ABSTRACTSOFTJTLE. MIDLAND Ouarnntoe & Trust Co. , N , Y. Life bldg.complote nostrnctu furnished and titles to real estate examinedperfected < v guarantnod , KM MONEY TO LOAN rpo LOAN A few thourand on inside uiiim- X proved city property or good 2nd mortgage pupor. Address J 60 llee olllce. 2ot MONEY to loan on any security tor short time , at low ratns. Lowest rates on personal property , ' The Henderson .Mortgagd Investment Company , room 400. Paxton block ; 043 BUILDING loans. i.Y. ) Bholes , 810 First National bank. ' 542 MONEY to loan on horsas , wagons , mulns , houshold goods , plunox. organs , diamonds , lowest rates. The nrut organized loan olllco In the city. .Makes loans from thirty to three hun dred and slxty-tlvo day * , , which can be paid In part or whole , at any tJmo , thus lowering the principal und interest. Call aud see us wnen you want money , wo Can assist you promptly uud to your * dvantag without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay in making loans , C1. F. Reed & Co. , 811 B. Uth St. . over lllnghnm & Bonn. t 3 * OAN8 City and form loansmortgage pa- iper bought. McCague Investment Qo. KM M ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1501 Farnam at. C44 MMONEY MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons , eta. , or on any approved security. J. W. Robblus , 141Hi Farnam street , Paxtou hotel. 540 ANTED-First clasi Inside loans. Lowest rates. Call ana see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1604 Farnam , 651 M ON EV loaned for a ) , 00 or W d ys on any kind ot chattel security ; reasonable inter est ; confidential. J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fur num. 547 DO YOU want monerf If so don't borrow before Retting my rates , which are the low est nn anyntitn from It to 110.000. I make loini on hotifthold goods , planoi , or- cam , hqrsff.rmileKwagonswarehouso rrrelpta , tiouset , onr amount at the loweu poMlbte rates , without publicity or removal ot proptrtjr. Loam can bo made for one to nix mouths and you can pay pan at any time , reduclns botn principal and interest , If you owe n balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on them , I will take It up and carry it for you as lone as you desire. It you need money yon wilt find It to your ad- Tnntnge to lee mo before borrowing. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll Dulldlncr , 1Mb nnd HnrneT. 655 Q Per Cent money H. 002 , N. T , Life Ins. olds MONEY to loan at low rates and no delay. Capital nnd surplui JUOO.OJO. Ixmibard Investment Co. , 30J 813th Bt , BJ9 T > R81DENCKloini ! " 61i to 7 per cent ; no ad- jLidltlonnl charpcsfor commissions or attor neys' fees. W. 11. Mclkle , First Nat bank blag , SKR Bholes. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. 642 , to loan at (1 ( per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney - $ honey , room 500 Vaxton block. 649 MONEY to loan on real estate security at lowest rates. Ilcforo negotiating loans see Wnllacp , 11,310 , Ilrovrn bldg. , ICth K Douglas. NBRRABKA Mort Loan Co. will mace you H loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , line Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , nt reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowley block , South Omaha. Kooms 618-CHl Pnxton block , Omaha , Neb. lilLADBLPHlA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur- nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western olllco. George W , P , Coatos. room 7 , Doard of Trade. 540 MONEY loaned on furniture , horses nnd wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 8.13th St. . opposite Mlllard hotel. 5.VJ nj EOANB made on real estate and mortgages bought. Louis S.Rcod & Co. . 11,13 , Hoard rrade 645 F.YBTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of tlO to $1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and Bare money ; loan on horses , turnlturo. or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bougnt ; for new loan , renewal ot old , and low est rates , call Il20,8hcoloy blk.inth it Howard st. 5.V1 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commorcla paper and mortgage notes , 8. A. Blomaii. cor lilth and Farnam. .V.7 . M ONEY to lxnn Chattels , collateral rea estate. 11C01 , Merchanti'NatT bank bulldglu. 2(11 ( sUJ VIONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. J.U.\V. Snuire , 121'J Farnam st. First National bank building. 641 TJ11UST mortgage loans at low rates and uo -C delay. D , V. Blioles , 21J First National bank. | _ _ "ATONES" loaned on furniture , horses , Jewelry. J.VLetc Special rates to parties in north and west part of city. J. U. fimlnger. 1417 Farnnm. IVi ONEY to loan We make liberal advances W-on all kinds of furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses and wagons , without removal , without publicity , nnd at lower rates than can bn had cUowhcroln the city. Payments can bo mndn at any time , which reduce both principal nnd interest. Long and short time given and lib- "eral extensions made. All business strictly confidential , lief ore you borrow or renew your loan call and get our rates. Hawkeyu Invest ment Co. , room : ) . ' ! , 8d lloor. Douglas block.s. w. corner 10th and Dodge streets. 303.3-24 MONEY to loan on clly or farm property. Geo. J. Paul. 1B03 Farnam st. 103 EFOUE making chattel or collateral loans , it will pay you to gee Tha Western Invest ment Co. , room 412 lleo blag , ijy SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. TTVlHST National safety deposit vaults. Safes JL1 to rent $ . " > to 8Jo a year , 307 S , 13tn. 123 BUSINESS CHANCES. V\r ANTED A party negotiating for the pur T T chase of a good newspaper property wants a pnitner with some means and business expo-- rience. Spencer , room 3 , IJushman block. _ 302-17 DKUQ STOCK Well located in this city. nice aud clean , good trade ; will Invoice aoout $5,000 ; will take gooa real cst.ite. Also , tine carriage team , carriage and harness , to ex change for a good lot with small encumbrance. Spencer , room 3. Bushman block. 302-17 ( b2.00U Invested in a specialty enterprise will "absolutely pay $ SdU ) Hrst year. Investiga tion Bollcltftd. _ Addres II 58. " llee. _ U13-15t PAKTNEll Wanted Half "intBrest In good payinj ! restaurant. Partner needed ; easy terms. Call atlCli'Farnam. . _ 31 Mot TjlOH 8AL15 Handlome and well paying din- JL' Ingroom and restaurant , connectea with large Omaha hotel ; low rent ; easy terms ; satis factory reasons for selling. Alexander Moore , 101 Sheoly block. 3M ) 16J _ TjlIHST class stoc' of groceries , fixtures , del. JP 7 ? for sale. Will voice from W.HK ) to S3.000 ; part cash , balance in oed paper. Good trade ; line location ; rent very reasonable. Address J 57 Dee. 2CO 20J TTlOll SALE 200 head of feeders , natlvesleers Jt ! average weight l.OJJ Ibs. . mostly toppea. 3 years old. Inquire 1st Nat. Hank. Hebron , ThayerCo. . Neb. 2-40 ! Z WANTED Land or stock of merchandise for territory for useful nnd ready Helling Improvement. A money making article for live , energetic men. Write to box b9. llralnard. Neb. _ r luj _ TjlOR S'ALE Cigar , confectionery and fruit JL' esand : good stand right party ; 200 s,12thst. 2w ; 16 * HOUEUV store lor sale , or will trad a for G f rm land. Inquire of Frank J , Knvnn , 26th Bt. , between N ana O sts. , South Omaha. 283.10 * _ A WELL established manufacturing concern xXmanufacturlng a line of goods , controlled by strong patents , for which there is an active demand , paying good profits , is desirous of es- tabllHhlng a brunch house In this city , and will furnish wlih the right party one-quarter the requisite capital necessary for conducting the business. Address , giving full particulars , past experience , ago. etc. . nna amount of capi tal can commiin , llrnnch House , care K. a. Dunn AC Co. , Chicago , 111. < < OM5t WANTED A first-class machinist for a partner in a small , new machine shop In Lincoln. Must have a small amount ot capital and come well recommended. Address or call nt 1(17 South llth St. . Lincoln. Neb. J130-15 * ANTED A partner with (3,00.1 to H.OOO to take a half Interest in a well established grain and seed business. Address llox 11 , Greenwood , Neb. ia > T7 UIIN1TUKE of a 211-room hotel In good loca- JL' tlou , ana all modern conveniences , in city , . for , M cash and balance on time. One ot the best choo houses In the city iu good loca tion and good trade tor4l.DOO.Dart cash and bal ] mice on time , Also n feed store for ) Q < > . or for stock or horses. Co-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. . 205 N. Kith st. 12UI5 _ rOit HA I.I" , or partner wante in good sa loon and restaurant , located lu ono of the best Nebraska towns ; this is a rare r.lmnco to the right party. Address J 4U , llee Olllce. 220 IDt _ I IK HI ) htoro in good location nnd doing good business , price $ IOJ to exchange for cattle or horses. Co-op , Linrl and Lot Co. , 205 N. lUth st 123 15 _ imoil SALE-Elflvator at Oakdale. Good loca- J-1 tlon for grain , live stock , lumber and coal. For particulars write A. Tniesdell , Fremont , Neb , T7IOR RENT-Ono barn ; 11 stalls ; largo yard ; J- clean and convenient ; onniiiro ot Frost A ; Harris , Izard Bt , bet. 22d und 2Jd sts. 031- I7KH SALE Or trade , large stocc ranch In .L' western Iowa well Improved and all under fence ; with or without stock , H 03 , Ree olllco. Ui-U 31 . HOTEL for S lo Wishing to close out my business ut Nellgh , Will olfer tor sale the Atlantic hotel , or will sell furnlturo aud rent building. Parties wishing to buy address O. J. Anderson & Co. . Nellgh. Nob. 8iti lt ) ARE you looking for an opportunity to en gage lu the mercantile bueinessr It so come and see us. W. R. E. It M.E. , Room J4 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. 1140 , BI5 T7 < OR BALE Hood elevator in line grain see- J-1 tlon. Address John Reed , 1201 E at , Lincoln. | 141-17 NEEO-PeopIe to cull at 1400 , Exposition . .wilding , Capitol ave. , aud examine u new invention patented July 3. 18K.S , and find a chance for good paying business. Call at once and Investigate. 10J Kit FOR EXCHANGE. . residence on 23d st.lncumbraiiro : ) ,600 , $ for mercliandlee ; 12,000 grocery for building lot : clear lot for horde and buggy. Ilutchlnson & Wead. 1521 Douglas it. _ ttll IS 1\l AKKotrcra for houses ot S to 10 rooms ; Place lots ; 3) ) acres South Omaha ; 4bO acres aud ICO acres Improved farms ; lands , etc. W , J. Paul , icua Farnam ot , _ 310-18 _ T7H3H BXCHANQE For "residence cor resl- X' dence lot , a business lot on Sauuderu street near Odd Fellows' block. C , II. Walworth , room 32 , Douglas blocir , lath uud Dodge st . FilWHNTV-TWO feet business l > roiTerty. K JL 13tli , clear , for resldonco lot. C. F. IluvrUou , Herc-lmnta NaU Hank , 7U n OBXCHANOR for mortgaged notes or foi JL ialn on easy payments ! Ono bay hornt. one pint form sprln ? wagon one set brass mounted lurnnss. two new car rl ( re . and ons grocery rnnn'n dcluerjr oiitnt Will Ooltax , room 13 , Hoard Trade building. 677 rpO EXOHANOE-Sevonty.flvBcholoo lots Jus JL outside cltr llmtU , worth $50D each. Frl * of entire trnck , Kir.Md. Inctimbrance only ffl,0lO ( owner's equity , MI.MW. Lots on Dundee Place Just north ot this property , are sclllnc forft.OO to ll.STiO each. Can trnf.o this properly for fits rlnss stock farm. George N , Hicks , Now Yor ) Ufa llulldlng. _ . TJENTAL property , Infdde , to exchanr > o foi Jclfnr farms or vncant city lots , Thos. F llnll. nil Pnxton blucc. KM elegant tract of lant coutnltilng ISOncres in Antelope county , Neb. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter section In Hand county. Dakota , party improved , V.tghty acres near Council ltlnT ( * , la. House nnd lot on South lOlh fit , Largo amount ot Oil Mountain and Putroloun company oil stock. Will exchange for KOOL property nr the erection of some hoitsoi. Goo J. Stcrnsdortr , 1st National bank building , nij W A NTRD Property In Columbus , O. , foi Omnhn property. UF.Ilarrlsou.Mcrch.v.its National bank. 408 BlollTY ncros near Mnry3vllln , Kansas , Mar shall county , for vacant. lot in Omnhn. O V. Jlntrlson , lorrhants' Nat , bink. _ CO _ 1OK EXCHANf3E-riBarlottnSo. Omaha t < J- trade for residence lot in Omaha ; assume illfTerence , C. I' . Harrison , Merchants Nat , Hank. 271) ) _ _ \\niATImvo you to oltor In exchange tor inj T T $ ) , QOO ciultv In inv double house 01 Luturap st , tioitr ICtn. or for my i. " > .0)0 oqiilty it mydouole house on Spoiioer st nour Sjd , or foi sny t't.o ' W equity In my double house ou Wlrt st east of 24th , all with modern Improvement ! ! , al encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. No farmi will be considered. W. T. Seaman , onst side IHth Kt , north ot Nicholas st. Omaha's Inrgoji vnrloty ot wagons and carrlngos. _ 71)1 ) FO R SAj ER S MTg T AT E ACRE Property Five acres , close to llelt Line lly , . I sm Tnlrtv acre tract. Just outntdo ItmltH . . . . 2I.OK ( Ten aero tract , close to llelt Line station. 4rA Ten acres , with IIOIMO burn , splendid grove , close to city . 7,50 < nvo acres , splendid garden spot . 2,00 ; Forty acres , nice fruitnnd vegetable gar den . iou : ( Splendid Investment , 20 acres , close to llelt station , will make 100 nice lots worthbl-Vicach. . . , . 10'JO ' ; George N. Hicks , NovV York Life llulldltis : . _ _ ; rJ2-l5 _ I Wit SALE Several choice bits of real estate Improved nnd unimproved , at geimlmi bur gain prices. Do not take my word lor ItInves tigate. J. 11. EVRHS , MS N. V . Life llulhling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.-.1 1H _ . FOR BALE 5-ncro lots adjoining the city 01 easy terms. II. It. Hall , room 42. liarker bit _ _ aVMil /11IEAP homes. Secure homes in Omnhi VJVlow. Now that the motor line is to run t ( ! Ud and Lake street iu Omalm Vlow , homes li this beautiful addition will be eagerly sought after on account of tlm great advantages 01 location , altitude , hcalthfulnoss , acces lidllty good neighbors , schools , rum-cues , nearness U uuslness and the wonderfully low prices a' ' wnlch lots , or lots with uew houses unlit to or der can bo bought. This Is tne ono Klngio addl tlon that has never been boomed , aud tin prices nro as low us though no boom had ovoi occurred In Omaha. You get the lots at ar honest prlco nnd get honest , values in return , People wanting homos will never regret pur chasing In Omaha View , and should at onci callon Hoggs k Hill. 140S Fnrnam street nnd select lect their lots , and make teims for havlngn house built to suit. _ 2IS2J 'ClOll SALE On long time ana easy payments , J- Handsome , uew. well-built house * of 8 , H and 10 roonii. All convcnlcnces.good neighborhood : paved streets , street ears , and within walfclnn distance of P.O. Nathan faheltou , 1014 I'arnam. _ _ _ 5(10 ( ' T7IOR SALE Now elegant li-room house , 'all JL' modern conveniences , east front. In the besl residence locality In Omulia ; will sll cheap , llrennan it Co. , room : ! . Chamber ot Commerce. _ _ 176 011 ' _ FOR 8ALEn acres. A line tract. Illgha'nil sightly. Inside city limits. Subdivides tc advantage. 15ncresonSaimdcrsat. (21th ( ) . A snap. Other acre property. See J. It. Evans , ; WS N. Y. Life Uulldln ? . 210 , _ _ _ yilAVE some llrst-class rontul proparty tor JLsalo cheap within ono mile of postoITlcp. on paved streets aud motor line Thos. V. Hall , all Paxton blocfc _ ftsj F OK SALE Lots la Stewart p'acu. will tur nlsh money for building house , and p.iy- ineius monthly. Here Is a chance to secure n home. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. Mil "TTIOR SALE 9-rootn house , barn anil lot Hans A com Place , nt a bargain , Harris , Room ill 1st Nat. llnnk , _ 501 TT10R SALE ( < ,000 acres land in Nebr.tsK.i ; JP 50x140 foot lots 13th a sacrificing price. Inquire 141" S 1,1th. Goo. H , Peterson , lu.-sld ! TJ1OH BALE Elegant ! l-room house In Orchard JL1 Hill ; modern improvements , etc ; on cas ; terms. Also 5 new t-roora ! houses , each with 2 full lots , small barn , etc. , In good location ; will have electric motor within 3 blocks. Make of fers. _ Ajld essHM.lleoolllce. _ _ _ _ _ 71(1 ( ONE of the two House and lot bargains I have been offering on Georgia uve , north of Lea now sold and occupied , becausa ot my very low prlco. The south house ot thu two still remains a bargain opan to somebody. First comes , first served. To bo appreciated It needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively will not rent It , though several times offered f.V ) per mouth. Price , on very easy tcrms.f .O K ) . W. T. Seaman , east side 1'Jth ' st , north of Nich olas bt.Omuha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. f > V > "I/IORSALE , real estate Briggs Place , I have JL' lu this desirable addition a number of choice lots for bale at low llguros nnd terms to suit your convenience. If you are looking fern n flue residence location , let mo drive you out nnd show you those beautiful lots which I olfer for sale. They belong to non-resldonts nud must bo sold. Don't delay but cull nt once nil George J. Btcrnsdorir , 1st Nat. bank uulidlng. Telephone 404. _ 4U TJ"O ! R SALE South front cottage and onrn on JU 31 ft. lot , near Faruam st. fc'/'OO. For sale South front cottage nud bnrn ' / { blk from motor line , overlooks city ; snap. J..rfll. Another , fcO-ft. lot , M.wo. J. II. hvans , N. Y. Life Ilutldlug. _ 251 IB _ FOR SALE Cnolce farms near good mnr- kew , cheap nnd terms cnsy. or will take good trade. Lewis & Co. , Sterling. Colo. OR SALE , real estate Throe cnoico lots in Redlck Park addition , fnclnjr SfctU ave Only { 1,0.0 each. A line class ot residences surround this property , and in less than two yearfe they will double In value , George J. Sternsdorlf , ut Nut. bank building. 412 fill IK best money H worth of house ana lot now JL for sale in Omaha id that which 1 am now completing near 24th st. , on paved AVirt Ht , , in Kountze place. B bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kltcnon , 2 bath rooms , M water closets , laige laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace and coal room nnd cellar , electric bells and speaking tube , 12 closetb. Price only S7.50J on terms to Hiilt. Likewise a duplicate adjoining at same price. W. T. 8oamnn , < iast slda 10th st. north of Nicholas sf. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 559 dJl.'JOOlmyaa ' lotlmd o-room house on brick tDfoundatlon , good cellar , city water in kitch en. one mile from P. O. on Cadwell st. East front In I'lalnvjow. J 1.100. - > X ) caMh. Attrnctlvo 10-room cottage , barn , full lot on Georgia aye. , $ .I,5'KJ , i 00 cash. Hutchlnson & Wead , 1521 Douglas at. 101 15 and lot for Halo cheap In Rrown HOUSE Park , cor. 3.M and Ilrowu sts. , or will trade for a farm. Lot roxllftj feet. Inquire Frank J. Kuvnn , South Oinulia. _ 2Ki-li ( * _ H O MANUFACTIIHEUS-I will give ample -L ground , with splendid trackage facilities. on tha Fremont , IClkhoru & Missouri Valley railroad , or on the Missouri Pacltlo ( llelt Line ) railway In Wcstlawn , just outside the city limits , in West Omaha , conveniently sitnntod us regards access to the business centerof Omaha and South Omaha , to parties for the location of any of the following ludustrlni ; Furniture Factory , llutton Eactory , Bhoo Factory. Lard Refinery , Htarclut Glucose W'ks , Heap Works , Paper Mill , I'urlflorManufactory , Plow Works , Ilrooin Factory , Hurveiter Works , Woolen Mill. Nail WorkH.Oatmeal Mill , Knitting Mills. Hex Manufactory , Bush. Door and lllmd wire WorkH. Manufactory , , , Machine Shops , Flour and reed MUU Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn is just outside the city limits , and Industries planted there will escape heavy city taxes. If you are thinking of locating In Omaha It will pay you to Investigate this. Geo. N , Hicks , New York Life building. Omahn. _ _ 7iM FOR BALE Easy terms , ICountze place. Two homes , each H rooms , e&ch I1MK ) . Two homes , each U rooms , each $5.003. Two homes , each 15 roomu. each $7,500. All with modern conveniences. All lurca valui at the prlco. All within n ( square of the motor line. Don't lose these opportunities. For ( tale by the owner. W. T. Seaman. East Hide Kith St. , north ot Nicholas. t. Omaha'D largest variety ot wagons nnd car- rlages , 653 _ _ _ " "fiVlll BALE-543.73 acres , sec , (1 ( , tp. 12. r , G w. X1 Hamilton county Neb , lloune , stable , M > acres fenced , living water. Prlco ll.UiO. F. K. Atkins , owner , railroad uldg. Denver. Col. IM TXCUR81ON-I.ook out for our land oxcur- 11/slon to all point * west on Tuesday. Sept.I , We cull especiul attention to our New Mexico Irrigated land , -which is the best investment that can be made to-day In real estate. Como und join our excursion when you can have round trip ticket for 1 fare. We can dhow you land In all partu went ot Chicago at terms und price * that cannot be boat. We have some ex- Ira good bargains on varan" , und Improved lots. Call at I'.xtoUlor Laud Co.,310 S 15th at. Omaha. $ IW > buys lot nnd n-room house on brick 1 foundation , good collar , city water la kitch en. 1 mile from P. O. on Cniawetl st , : east front in 1'lMnvIew , 11,100 , tMO canh ; uttrntctlv * 10- room rottngH , barn , full lot on Georgia av i. , MfiiiO. , V ) cash. Ititlcliliuon Sc Woart , lf > zi Douglas M , 101 J& A CHOICE bargain. Tno Irost plcco of prop * erty in the rlty for the money. lOOxlOu feet corner of Georgia nnd Popploton avanii'N for f > V ) per front toot. O. A. htarr , I'Ma Farnaiii KU , mjs / 10MHnnd new us nnd Investigate some of ths V h.tignlnft wo have to olTr. We nro contin ually listing ne\v \ properties and "If you don't see w hat vou want RSK for It. " For ala or bxchango one ot the finest roi- tnurnuts lu Oumha ntn bnrgitn. We have several fine hotel properties to trnds for land or other good valuo.s. An clovntor property with large dwelling house , at a bargain. Klnvntor complete , if Ith horse power , scales , olllco furnished , cto , A line opening for a prartlcil grain de iler. Houses mid lots in nil parts of Omaha for nnlo and exchange. For exchange , for Omnhn property , l.nuncroa of orhool land lease. In ouo of the best counties 111 the state. A flue residence property In Omaha Vlow for dale nt a bargain A fine Wheeler county fnrm , welt developed , good neil , foroxchanuo for Omnhn property. 28) ) acres ot line land lu northwestern Iowa to exelmnuH forOmana properly. For sale or uxchnugi ) for western landx. city property , inernhnndl.soorllvostock , ufltio hotel property In lown town ot < UMO inlmljltams. Leading Jiotol ot the plnce and doing a fine tmslno i. Fnrnisties meals for two passeiiRor If you wish a quick turn. W , II. K , * M , I ! . , Hrtoni 14. Chnmlinr of Comtnorc > , telo- phnnn HID. rfti /llo7N7i ilL'KS , re.iii state. Wonru agents for and control KomooCtho llutst piucod of itiveHtmunt projierty now on the nlllltl'Uui , llcnd our list of choice resident propi rty , Hlegant corner osi icidt and Woolxvortli nvo. . fuclnj ; north untrunio to Hans- comparK. . . . . $ P,0 < JO Nice lot , ( li-orgla nvo. , near suhool houto. . 2,700 Choice corner , HID f ot fi-onUm1. nunc Park avo. nnd Paclllc , room tor block ot four houses . . . . 7tOJ One or thu fliu'st residence tdtei InVi > , t Oiiuilni , Ul.xl" > , Jucx ou uiul Lowe ave . r > , BPO CflxKi noixv.lncksou niid anh . 2.WKI ri'Jxlltl , ou''Uthuear.lack ousta . . . . 8MO oJfcoton 1'nrk avcnuifai'lng Iluuscom Pork . . . . . . . . , . 1,100 ICl fevt fronting on C.mitot avo. near 2 > ; th U.-JUO ( II root ( loulile rrontii ir.u ltli and " 7th MS , room for ( l housm W.W1) Corner 7oxi < ti Jackson and 'Wth sts . . 4'XX ' ) lleuutlfiil roslduiicnlotln Smith's Talk , tin llmdette , bet lilth and liMiKts. . . . 8,0) Splendid corniT I'V.xl&i ' , ou ; uth and Chicago cage , north and oust front . 703 Heildencj lot nfnr27tti and llainey . . . . 4"OU Klugunl aoublu leildvuce with Inrgo lot TiixluU loot , ulco barn , city \vatur , suiverntseanlgui . 13,500 SiilBiulul rasMeiuu on IMrn uveiiuo , II rooms , uowly built , all modern con- 14,000 Nice c'ottage home , 27th , near Popplcton. IOuO Uricblock , live II room IIOIIMIH. uu und modern built , best residence pnitot city , payK pjr cent on WD.tM ) . can oiler ut 50,000 Elegant iiew residence just b'lii''co 11- idctvd In llaiiscom plnro , itll modern couvcnlvni rfc , very desirable neigh borhood , close to elettrlo car lines , jiibtll.oplurofor a beautiful hone , for a few days at 7,600 Elegant rnsldeiico lot , U feet , on 20th ave uenr llurnoy st fi.ROO Resilience lot , & 1x150 , illst , iio.irP.idllc . . I ) , 6'jO ' Ulcgiint double corner , KlDleot east front , ou Illst iiudil'oppli'ton , imvt'd streets , MJW t nigo , city w liter , jus ; etc1 , onu ot - the finest re Ideucej sites lu the city. 8,0-0 Splendid east front lot on ( leorghv ave . 1,100 Doilhlt ] corner 1111 Woolworlll and 3'd , 10J fi'Ot .south front , facluu Hiuihcom p'irl : 7.500 Splendid 11 lei.ctf site , 71'feet ' south front on Poppli tin uvo. , Han.scom Pisco , room for block of tutve houses 5,030 George N. Hicks , Now York 1,11'n Slir.CIAL Ilnrgalns Corn -i : CM itml Popple- ton. livesiiutn and ea t fiont , with v. o olo- giiut bnci. tiousdo. 3ieiuMly ; ! ! an 1 M > lldl.v built ; dout'lo lloora tliroug.tout , oalc llnlch. bath , hot itnilcold water , fuintiuu , tili-d llaoia. i-ic. ; 111 fact , every modern ronvcnlsncp ; iirire , ilU.OJJ ; oiie-thlra cash , balance to i.o orrahgod. Uhls propel ty. with the co.npletlon of the clectilc llneonJIM .St.i'l yield over 10 per csntof tlio liivustmont. .ind , olthnr torn homo nun liivostiiK'nt combined , or solely for r.n iu- vudtiucutill : tu d the closest liivcstlmulon. Also oiler 7 xlri loet east front on 3lbt bt , , consisting of lot i , and south ImlC oC lot 7 , block ( i , llnns'om ' I'nice. with inigu doublu liunia house ; north half routed to tlrst-claM tenant for two yearn ; Riutlihilfn ctip'.od browner. Tills property Is splunJidly locatcu tor deiu'ipurposi'B , nigh mid tienlthy lottlon-unl ) bus largo Dainwltli city wau > r. sowumssocoH- ncctlou , gas and all niQ.lern cuiivciilcucs" , ; uuW flectrlo line to Ilanscom jinrc will run vlthlu haif a block. This will ir.aKe a hplondld homo or Investment ; can give possession of couth hou o with bum. etc. , ftt once ; price , $ ! " > , ' .0i. Also otfurtrto ijloe cottages \vitli largn noutli front lot ou 1'ucidc strcut just woitofPuik nrcnue ; will iiinko pleasant homes orgoou payIng - Ing Investments ; cau olfcr for n Hhort time at This propeity Is on a centle cmluenco , giving first-class drainage and ho.ilthy localiou , splen did neighborhood : only one block Irom Park avenue cur Hues ; now olHctrlc lines will nas.s this property. Ilustnes3 rorncr at the lutcvsectlon ot Vltiton. L'Cth nnd iirlntrstrouta. This Is tlio best prospective business pioprty south o tha U , P. tracks ; has 1(1 ( feet frontage cm Vluton Btreet ; small , building and two cottages ; price Also oiler block 1 lu I.nwnflold , conslstlngof ten choice acres of laud with lions1 , beautiful grove , otc , 'ihls piopertv Is only u shoit dls- tauco from the Junction of tlio F n. A-M , V. It. ' it. and the M. P. Holt Mne. iind can Lo Hiihill- vldeil Into Ilfty cholco lots that will brlmt wlt'.iln two yettr from .JW to $5UO each , Kelt llnH trains now runnliig nfTord quick and ensv transit by less than twenty minutes ride bo- twven this propeity and business mentor of city. There is a small lortnuo to bo madu In this propuity : prlco $ " . " 0. Alhootrcrlot B , Vlntou Place , conslstlna of x.t j feet , east front on Vlnton btrcet ntur "Jth ; Iflmnroved with store bulliilng nnd residence- Hut , will pay ir > per emit ou the total Invest- in ent ; prlco ifOJ. ' . liast ai fo t of west fill feet of lot 7. blcck"4 ; South Omaha ; a good business lot Ulx'H ' fret , on M street , half a block from U. P. depot. f outh Omiiha , immediately ndlolnlug Hoard's two story business block on the corner of .M uml 2th ; street ; prlco $ i,009. (3oo ( , N. Hicks , room 40 New Vork Llfu build ing. _ ! ) iJ-.M5 ICl f.ookl Loot ! Manufacturers ana warehousemen. Investigate this. Northwest corner lutb and Pierce sts . imixMl , only ) ) . J.fiK ( ) cish ; 4 houses on this property , rents , for Sl.dDO per year ; above pricwgi'ts the houses and uoina ot the ground for nothing , but the Cali fornia owner wants to sell M. A. Upton Com pany. loth and Famum. 701 IU1A1N Cholco ten-acre tract1) , close tr > Holt Line railway , will sub'llvldt ' ) lutn M nlcu residence lots tint will soil for * WO to $1 tOoaQh within tne next throe yours ; can quota special prlco onthls 1C sold nt once , ( loo. N. HIcifH , New Vork l.tfo IliillOins. _ 15U 17 FIVHO-room hous 3 , new , bath room , rlotem , cltywutor , half blocic from Motor Hue ; In pe : cent cnsli , balunco monthly : sale subject to hhort timu lease. Neb. .Mortgago J.oan Co. , room fil'J Paxton block. SM T7UJH 8ALU--2 houses on lot d7'.ixt"J ' on s o cor. JL1 nth and Viuton , Jl.'W ' ) . Inijulro wltnln. _ 1U4 8lH | _ FOIl 8A Mi-Si , 41 or fu t of lot U. blncr 7 at f < 6C per foot. Thin Is within a quarter ot a blocK ot the n w J' , O , slto-und will bo worth tl.iKKI Inside ofnyenr. Th3 e > S lot 8. block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th BIB , 41 feet ou Douglas and til on IDtli , prlna t' im , ( , J10.WIJ cubh , balance In flvoequai iiuiiual payments. Thu HO > i nwi \ sec n , 1 14. r M e. Douglas Co. , price $12,00 1 , $1,010 cash , balance easy. Iot7. blkiliii , SoutliOuiahn. price il.WI , term * easy. W. it. E. AM. E. , loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce telephone 14i' ' > , 7:17. : I71OU SALE A flue farm of 000 acres , on ihe JL' LWIIKS of Crystal lake , in Hancock Co. , la. ; tt acres in cultivation , il IILTOS of nailvo tlm- b r. Will take Hinull farm or good residence iroperty In eastern Neb , us part pavmunt. J. I' , bcott. Hock FalU. 111. 2.)7 IQt T710U8ALI5-A bargain in J3 Orchard Hill. Hawthorne , Poppletoil Park , Purk Place , West Ouinlng , Pialnviow , ; and other additions. J. 11. Kvansn08N , V. Life Illilldlilg. I 2fil 18 OH BALE /t ' section of land In northwest part ot Ilnycs io. For furtlier panlcularn address A. W. Prlndle. Owongo , Mich. 243 1BJ ITiOH BALE Good , clean JlO.fxn Invi-atment ; J-1 write nnd nbk mo about It. U. F. Harrison. ilerchants' Nat'l bank. < 7 _ HANSCOM place lot for sale very cheap for cash , lot 15 block 7,00x150. Address * F , P.O. ) ox il-a. _ _ ! ff7 VT ICE 0-room cottage , near high ocliool ; lot 71 IN xl32.V ' : thin fi a bArtfuln. 0 , F. Harrison - risen , Merrhunts Nut. bank. 127 vltOOM house on leased ground for Bale or exchange for a teum of hones , liuiulre lUUV B. Sid t. l > .Vj | f > ; WEIJrlmproved W aerm near enough to eea Omaha high school , J 1,400. Jlutcmnion lie Vcud , 1K1 Douglas st. 101 IS r \N E farm of 4iu acres in Page county , Iowa , V-S One farm of 120 acres in Adams county , lu , One farm of l'/0 ' acres In Hock county , Neb. One farm of IU ) ncrim In ( Iraud Forks , link. Also Llnderman liotol furniture , Cluriuitn , la. All of the uuove described prop rty mutt bo cloHud out In idxty days , re nrdlens of price , Call ( iraddroaa F. M. Park , CUrluila , Iowa. nil' W