riT no * rv ii rir' ' | M nlftl 12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES. Barr Dry Goods Co. Barr Dry Goods Co. * ' X We thank the people of Omaha and vicinity for their liberal patronage during the past twelve months and we hope to have a continuance of that favor , bv strictlv adhering to Barr's motto of selling "GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES. " BLACK SILK DEPARTMENT. 11A11MS' 1'nll Opening of ItlnckRIlks will Rimmss anything ever attempted InOmixha. Our nnd novelties. stock in now complete , Inrpo and varied. Wo will continue to do In tliu future \vhnt\va liavo Is . Wo now replete with all the latest Paris Lyons ilonoiu the pnstgiro our patrons the Ix-st and most rollnblo silks iitllio lowest HVIIIK Vlcct. can safely say thnt wo nro headquarters for everything that is re ' \\o rccommuml specially this benson our blnck silk "I mporial , " n soft , lustrous Mlk , warranted ' BARR'S not to sill ) , ntttrlco * to milt nil. Onr spocUl imoorted brand , "llnrr's 1'nmllySilk,1' ' lias Riven cherche invited In to look You Ladies' Dross Materials. nro through entire enturactlon during the past your. Wo can vrltu commence warrant It n most rcllablo nuil our mammoth stock. Among the Paris novelties at Barr's exhibit ( luriiblo BllK. Itlnek "Mixor , " lllnck 'TiUllo Francalsc , " Illnsk "Oros Grain , " lllasfe "Volour , " lltack Premium Took First of spceialties in Dress Goods nnd Pattern Robes a fine French "Snrali , " lllnck "lioynlofl , " nil at lowjn prl 'tis. ' Broadcloth , with n piece of Jncquard Brocade to bo used for a short mium forthe In Illacfe Novelties wo nro prepared to show the latest Imported. lllnck Velvets and Vlushoi In all ra'los English Jacket. This will bo one of the "elegant" costumes. Wo open our Fall Silks Monday nt prloos that will speak loud : best display of COL.OUEO SIB.it l > J21AiETiniJi\T. Art Work Wo' ' nro now ready to supulv Uio lovers of fashion with ovorvthlii' ? now nna moU tlojlrVjlo In Kail Silks. At our opoiihiB Momlhy wo will liavo on oxltloltlon a suparb atsjrtmtmt or line com It is our purpose to make this unrivalled in its general attractions At the Omaha Fair , bination xllks for ctrciit. reception and nvonlnp : wear. All the latent woavoa anil coloring * In plain silks. ions for purchasers. In Foreign goods , we will offer full lines of the 1889. Wo open Monday ( ID plet-ei of Surah Bilks free from dressing , very suitable for house eowns and most popular fabrics and at popular prices. The newest styles will See Art Department wrapper low prices. * . 75 pu-cos I'alllo 1'rancalse , cxtnv soft llutsh ; just the thing for calling dresses , nt oxtrn Grand reach us promptly from all our leading manufacturers and "our in millinery annex lu our Velvet and t'lnsh Department wo show the InrRost and most complete lino. Grand prices will be guaranteed the lowest in any market. for novelties. Wo tire nlwnjs plpnBBiltorhp | customers every Information Midi Uio utmost eourlosy. Millinery GENTS' ' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 3LiI3SrE3Sr Opening Grand openlntj display of Full Novelties In Wo Imvo recently onlarped our Lraen Department , mating it the largest and best appointed Ribbon Departmsnt. our U cuts' I'Urnislilaj ; Departmental our well < l pnrtmont In the west. Ladles ot Omtha and vicinity are Invlten to Inspect the oxqiihlto do- . Of Opening known low p.'lros. Hlcns or heinstlti'heil Lunch Cloths , Lunch Sets lu mummy , damask and Kronen linen : Tray Imported Novelties .All pnxtlus of medium nud winter woljjht ClotliF , Carvlnp Cloths. Sideboard Scarfw , Koccptlon Cloths , In drawn work and linen embroidery ; the Underwear , Including tlio bust numbers of th s Silk Itttlt Doylies mid ether novoltlca In linen for fall season of . 'Ml. . . Wo . import our llnon direct The buyer havirnj returned from east elties in Of Paris Hats and Norfolk nnd N w lltuuswlck Hosiery Co. , and fo joil pay no Jobber's prollt , and that Is tiu > slmplo reason why llarr'a can sell i line linen bo after selecting n choice assortment of Itlbbous Metlllcott Miiuuracturim Co. Aha complete reasonable. Don't fall to see cur"Uinnor Napkin. " made for and sold by ua only , Monday ; lu all the latest novelties , IIORS the attention of lines morning wo a rase of finest l ancy Towels from tlio famous manufactory , Ji otHcarlutMndlcated Wool , CumorH llulr ' " open ' ' ' Cloaks & Bonnets. > anil Sanitary WoolUnderwoar Sons' , iiolfastVlrolnnd. They uiiUiunr'closert InspectVonaiValureraT'iiatro'nage ! thopnulloto our grand display on Monday's Wraps. Novelties in dents' Necfcwoar not to bo found HOTEL LINENS A SPECIALTY. opening. oWwhoro. silu Scarfs lu pretty und novel Bhailos. Kour-ln-Ilands. the voiy latest pat All the tibwcst shades and prettiest designs in terns. Neckwear. "I''aultlea " brand dents' Dress Shirts and p Night ltil)04 ) ) , A Isn complete HtocK ot Klmnol NOTION DEPARTMENT , Sashes in great variety. . Complete line ot B bhirts in navy blue , groy nnd stripes for vlntur The largest and best selector stock In Omaha colors , all widths , and prices the lowest. wear. nnd at prices tuat cannot b3 duplicated. Our btuck of Yankee Notions anuknlc-kna'jsaro too P numerous for description. Our fall line of IJut- 1 toustsnow corapleto and surpasses tm > thlm ? Wo hnvo received our fall novelties , and are $ It Is undeniable fact thut Flnnno Department HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. over shown In this market. \ \ o are prep irett ' tor the . " Silk Fringes will bo all ' an our to Mtow un eloK.mt line of the latest iiovwltlc-j eager fray. Dcp't. Is the finest and best that good An entire new stock of Fall nud Winter requisites in Dress nnd ( 'leak Buttons. In Tancy Metti' * . the rage this season. Wo Imvo a mco assort House Furnishing Dcp't judgment and carofnl buying can procure. quisites in our Hosiery and Underwear depart largo nnd small to match , cut Hteel. pearl nud ment Knotted Fringes , Cord Fringes. Vandyke And do Hatter ourselves whou . not ments. wo wo Inducements In our Handkerchief htOBl. Jet and steel , cut jot , carved near ! , laigo I'rhmos , Slllan Hall Fringes , etc. , etc. Jllack Wo were never bolter prepared to meet nnd sUe smoked pearl , crochet pure silk In black Our ontlro basement Is now occupied exclusively say MO Imvo the largest und best selected well supply the demand lor tueso goods thau now. Silk Gimp Sashes , Ileul Crochet Gimps , Illack department that will ustonlsh ns and colors , Jarco size crochet with colored nac c ' , stock lu tlin city , and one look will convince Our stock and lines nro new. large , and com ground and black net covoiing. Wo deem it Silk Applique Trimmings , Hlack Silk Gimp sively by Ilonso I'urnlshings as please. plete , ombr.iclng the latest I'arlbluu uovi'illos nece.si-nry for tne Indies of Omaha to iuspuct separable. Call nnd prepare to bo surprised. From end to end goods ot ovary description vince tlio most skeptical ( lint our FlnnnulH m Silk , Silk I'laltcd , and Llslo Thread Hoi , ? . this llnu of buttons before buying elsewhere , -ON- will bo found upon our tables , and ovary any are just what we say they nro. lly way of nnd most varied stock of These como in Itlchcllun ribs , boot patterns , The largest novel from the eastern brings us something celebrating our anniversary , nnd ulso for , and , shades . fancy stripes now nnw assigns. . ladan handkerchiefs in the city , being com- Ladles' and Cnlldren'a Kngllsh Caslimeio markets. the richest At this and co.ison rarest our of tables Havllaud are , Seim- the beiiollt of our customers who buy nlco i Hose , In t > lack and colors , all grades. with nud Parisian Chilian oleg.iut Llbrar.r , goods , wo hnvo just put lu an immense tu detail. Many now styles Itoyal , plcte every On Monday wo will have our lines of MING DEPARTMENT complete LACE & TRIM ' Ladles'nnd Children's Fall and Winter Umlcr- GLOVE DEPARTMENT , 1'arlor and I'lano Lampi , handsome1'lush Block of line French Flannels , lu stripes and patterns to bo scon. wear ready for Inspection. The htock consists - Wo have just opened the most compl to nnd SEFTEMBER Our fall lluo of Luces Is now complete , and J'ramos Sots and 1'ersliin and Novelties Ornaments. , beautiful Vases. Kvery and figures. A fall assortment of Scotch Statuary Muntel Handkerchiefs for every one. Styles ot Saxony \Vool in all colors , Natural ' WeeK extensive stock of Kid ( Slows over h.ought to wo ore pteparod to show an elegant assortment imaginable kino of Baskets in 1'alm , Willow. Flannels , lu plaids nnd stripes. 51-Inch line white Australian Woolf , Cumol'a Ilalr. Omaha. All gloves tilted to the hand by mi ex of the latest novelties , viz. : Chantlhy Luces In Flag nnd Kced. In staple goods our stoe Is Snltincp and sackings , in now fall shades , to . Prices to suit Scarlets , flue .Merino and line Silk , from the pert and lopt in repair. Kid Ulovos cleanaa by , anil please everyone. woodeu , tin Iron glass - . In , all widths and designs , also in Gulpuro Lncea roplete. quoens- ' bust known manufacturers in the world. Iteiirj the now French process. Woc.ury at all times articles too und Underwear 1'lauuels , lu all grades in everyone. direct Importers of thcso.goods wo can save a full line of colors of ad tlio now and bet and In nil-over ? . Drapery Nets , In black , also numerous waro. besides to montion. otner nocosiary white , led and gro > \ you from litciS ) per cunt on your purchases , maKes from 4 to , ' ) ) button. beautiful effects In all now evening shades. Country orders for goods or samples will re Great Central Dry Goods Store , fronting on ceive prompt attention if addressed to the Wm. 16th and Douglas Sts. In the retail and street * Barr Dry Goods Co. , Omaha , Neb. railway center of Omaha. Ezmzz uMziB ziii pnsrnsBi ill m BBI pi m' ABOUT YOUTHFUL MARRIAGES A Boston Newspaper Offers Some Suggestions on the Subject. WONDERS OF A WOMAN'S HEART The Beautiful Story of Fantlno County Councillor Jauo Cobilcn The Iloiioyiiiooners' Hotel Mra. CmwforiPd Work. Pon't Blnrrv Too-Vounji. Thorn is a diversity ot opinion on the subject- youthful man-iugcs. It mny boa question whether young : people know their minds Bulllciontly well be fore the ago of twenty-two to hazard iv final choice. Tusto changes very much between the ages of eighteen and the ago ubovo mentioned. Many who have nuido their choice onrlior hnvo carried it out from a sunso of honor and not from love , because a wider raticro of choice has shown thorn , too Into , alas ! their mistake. The burdens of lifo are heavy enough to boar without adding this , the sorest of all. Where the husband and the wife really love each ether they got along well through the vicissitudes of lifo , because cause one immeasurable source of hap- plnoss nlways remains to thorn whatever disaster betide , nnd that is their unfail ing sympathy with each other. Noth ing loss than this enables n young couple to otiduro with equanimity all the cares and anxieties and'disappoint ments of married lifo. Nothing is nioro common than to BOO two young persons marry with the np- proval of the families , and. all tno friends on each Bide , "Whntafortunato match for both of thoml" everyone ex claiming. To outside appearance it IB. A little time olapaos it may bo a few yoaraorll may bo only one when , to tlio surprise of their acquaintances. It is announced that the marriage has * turned out unhappily. The oxplana- tian is fiimplo there was no love between - twoon thorn , There was a degree of friendship ; there was a mutual expec tation of advantage from the connec tion ; but love there was not. For the ordinary transactions nnd relations of lifo rcspnot nnd friendship are all that are required. It is not BO in marriage. Nothing there will supply the plnco of lovo. The belief that there are substi tutes for it is ono on which many n gay nnd hopeful young couple have trusted their happlncsa , only to tlud it a total wreck. Woddlnir Klnus. ' If marriage isn't ' a failure there isn't a question as to the indifferent regard in which the wedding ring is hold , cays the Now York World. Even tlio jeweler - olor has n Bomi-contomptuouB way of prL'sonting the tray of plain pold bands and n tanialininir proferunco for dismal tunes , which ho hums or whistles &oftly , but none Urn loss significantly , as ho makes a unto of the initials to bo in scribed. Very young brides wear the yellow band , but in swell circles young married ladies have tlio bravado to lay aside the. oinblem of undying love as BOOH na the honeymoon is ovbr. Among older wives the ring is dis carded altogether , and if you inquire about it the matron will calmly toll you It'a Hiioli an unfashionable pece-of ( juw- olr.v to bo obliged to wear and ns a re sult the young lady daughters In the family nro married with a seal ring.not pno of which can bo procured for the paltry $7 , the prlco of the yellow bund. Kmoruldi } , rubies und turquoluo , sot in small but brilliant diamonds , are popu lar ns wedding jewels , nnd not a fovr jridogrooms have wedded their ideal with a marquise of diamonds. A bride of a month ago waa married with a sor- pontinp ring , composed of two snakes exquisitely carved , each with a precious jewel in its head. To show the low Jo- ivoo of enthusiasm for the tiuio hon ored symbol of love at the last coaching club dinner party given in Brunswick , but throe ladies out of the forty , all at tended by their husbands , wore the plain gold baud. Thcro wore clusters of diamonds , circlets of pearls and eoli- tairo stones by the quart , but the single trio displayed the simple yellow loop. Grass widows find the band particu larly obnoxious , and those gay and fes tive wives who have a few moro links of freedom than is wholesome never give it position outside of the jewel casket. At the resorts and in social gatherings , ono hears frequent outbursts , from the young and innocent society men who protest aguinst what they consider mis placement of the only badge that dis tinguishes a marrio'd woman from a spinster. A VVnmun'H llniirt. It ia difficult for persons in differing circumstances to estimate tlio cost of personal sacrifices. Only a woman whoso glory and crown of glory is her line hair , can appreciate the heroism of the Cioillian women who allowed thorn- solves to bo shorn like Snmson for their country's peed , says a writer in the Philadelphia Press. History tolls us that in the olden time the beautiful city of Palorm Buffered from along and painful siege from the Saracens. Though greatly reduced by famine and distress they still hold out undauntedly. At longth.to add to their dismay , it was found that the materials for making bow-strincra , which constituted their weapons of defense , wore exhausted. They wore on the point of surrender ing , finding 'themselves entirely unarmed - armed , wiion u patriotic dame stopped forth and proposed to the bravo- honrtod women , that they should cut olT their beautiful hair and twist It into bow-strings , The proposition was no sooner made than complied with. The heroism of the woman * not only provided arms of defense , but BO nni- muted the cour.ago of the besieged by their gallant 'sacrlllco that they re newed their warfare with such vigor that the assailants were bcnton down nnd the city saved. There is no sacrifice Impossible to woman's level Wo till romumbor the tender pathos with which Victor Hugo told the Btory of Fantlno , who , in the mighty strength of mother love , denied herself everything to provide for her child Cosotto , from whom uho was Hoparated , food and clothing , fire hi tvlntor. light at evening , even the Wrd that cheered her with its song. At length word camp that Cosotto was in sore need of a llannol shirt. All day Font I no crumpled the letter in her hand nnd at nightfall went to a barbor'a stand , had her magnificent hair cutolT , and sold it for 10 franca , and smiled , thinking , "My child is no longer cold ; I have dressed her in my hair. " La tor on the cruel custodian of Cosotto wrote demanding 40 francs , de claring the child was ill and in need of remedies. Undismayed the poor mother dragged herself to the dondiafa chair und had her exquisite tooth drawn and sold them , Baying , thankfully , "My child will not die , and I tun satis fied1 nnd going to her carrot throw her looking-glass from the window und wua content. Colnlun'u Daucntnr. Mias Jane Cobdcn , the first woman elected n county councilor in England , is barely thirty-ilvo yoard old , but her hair is snowy white. The expression of her ( ace ia rallnpd and gentle , nnd she wears picturesque und becoming coa- tumcs wnich complete a vovy attractive personality. And yet with till her womanliness no QJIO has done peripa tetic agitation moro persistently than she. She has lectured and spolcon till over the country on all manners of top ics. Her name IP , of course , a very val uable picco of political stock in trade. It can not bo said that she really speaks well , and she dislikes it above all tilings , and yet her name , her pleasant voice , and her obvious sincerity and gonulnonoss never fail to make an im pression. She is certain to carry her audience with hpr. Miss CobdoifllVos alone in a cozy little house outatHamp- slead. Two of nor married sistora are well known in the artistic world , one as the wife of Mr. Sanderson , barrister and aitistic bookbinder , the other as the wife of Mr. Sickort , oao of the clev erest members of the "impressionist" school. The farm house at Midhurst , Sussex , whore Cobden spent his declin ing years , still remains in the'family , and his political daughter has always made use of the connection to keep alive a little spark of local liberalism in the heart of one of England's most tory counties. VVhito IVnnirn in ill s lionet of Africa. It la not a little surprising , says the Now York Sun , that so many white women nro nnw venturing into the heart of Africa , half-way across the big continent. The Sun recently reported that several female missionaries had loft England to settle among the dwarf and cannibal tribes of the Balolo coun try on the Congo tributaries , nearly a thousand miles from the HOU. Three other ladioa are now following Mr. Ar- not and his wife to the Garonganzo country , a 'littlo northwest of Lake Bangweolo. They will have to bo oar- riod in hummocks for hundreds of miles before they roach their future homo , which has thus far boon visited only by Roichard , Ivona , Arnot and his two assistants. But while it is only recently that white women have begun to go to central - tral Africa with n view to living there , quito a number of ladies braved its fevers ana jungles while explorers were unfolding the mystorioa of the Dark Continent. Lady Baker was with her husband when ho discovered Al bert Nyan/.a. Miss Tunic's mother in her arms among the swamps of the Bahr el Ghazel , and her poor Dutch maid perished there also , oxolalming , almost with lidr last breath , "O , why did I leave our own Holland ? " Mrs. Pringlo and several other ludlos' ' have traveled lu canoes for hundreds of miles up the Zambesi und Shlro rivers to the Aipino district of Lake Nyassa. Mrs. Iloro , who lived for some years on an island in Lake Tanganvilca , is the only white woman who has yet BOOH that re markable sheet of water. Mrs. Holup has peon the thorniest sldo of African travel , for she was with hoc1 husband whou ho was robbed of all his bolqng- ingH , und together they wandered for weeks , almost dond from hunger nnd fatigue , before they reached a place of safety. Mrs. Livingstone dlod while traveling with her husband on his second end great iournoy. White wombn have certainly hud their full share of the hardships and sufferings ot pioneer neer work in Africa. Tlio lloiiuyinoonorii' Hotel. 1 am awaiting , says a writer in the London Figaro , further particulars of thut Honey moon ors1 hotel which , ac cording 16 a circumstantial correspond- out , is to bo built on the Routh Devon shire coast for the special , nnd , if poail- blo , solo use of nowly-marriod couples ou their woddiug trips * That the sur roundings of the establishment are to bo niiulo us , idyllic and fairylike aa pos sible need Scarcely bo said. Romantic arbors iu shady cornoragushingstroam , > lets , socluddd' sylvan nooks , are to bo provided nd lib. , while with the aid of science every night will bo a moonlight one n d every day ono ol bright and seeming warm sunshine. The proa- poctus is oven said to hlnj , at the pres ence of mechanical nightingales which , thanks to persistently winding up , will warble on every suitable tree. The decorations , artistic and other wise , of the hotel are. of course , to bo all in character , though 1 must admit that I question whether the proposed transformation of the ordinary weak- kneed hotel waiters and the somewhat too substantial chambermaids of the provinces into attendant Gany modes and Hobus. as artistic in their poses aa they are clasic in their , attire , will really bean an advisable step to tako. The laying on of .flSolian harps and other mysteri ous music in every apuartmont is an other detail open to criticism. But there is nothinir like actual oxnorionco after all , and I shall bo curious to hear moroabont the Honoymoonors' hotel when it has boon opened for business a few weeks. _ Mrs. Crnwfoi el'H NowHpapnr "Work. Firdt and foremost among serious wornon journalists is the wall-known- Mrs. Emily Crawford of Paris. Mra. Crawford has not only enabled the Lon don Daily Nowa to earn u reputation for being bettor supplied with Parisian news than any other English morning paper , but nho further contributes a column of lively gossip every week for Mr. Labouchdro's society journal , Truth , besides writing a letter for the Sunday radical paper , the Weekly Dispatcli. Mra. Crawford lias an attractive per sonality and is a universal favorite , says iv London lottur to the Chicago Inter Ocean. Few women are so well known in the Paris political world , and she is a constant and welcome guest at the English embassy. She is now no loncror young , but her almost white hair only adds a charm to her mobile face. The lady tulles aa brilliantly us she writes , with her novor-coasing flow of apt anecdote and vivacious humor ; and of her stories it can at least always bo said that so non o voro , o ben trovuto. Mrs , Crawford is probably moro uu fait witli all the ins nnd outs of French po litical lifo und French society ficandal than any correspondent living , not even excepting the Times representative , the great Blowitz himself. For years she was the in timato friend of Gamuotta Since his dentil she has boon on terms of close friendship with M. Clemon- ccau , and luttorlyi Uko all of her BOX , she has developed u distinct penchant for General Boulangor himself. Her memory is a perfect widow's cruse of gossip regarding all the crowned and uncrowned heads of Europe , most of which llnds its way into the ready pages of Truth. Tlio UuoffCHa Hihmcccl. Hallo ? Clapnrou > , ono of the Prince of Wales' set in Paris , who made his social debut durnff | the later days of the second empire , owed not a little ot hia success to a smart reply which ho made when still quito u boy to a lady at ono of the empress' potlts lundis , says a writer in tlio San Francisco Argonaut. In those days it was the fashion for la dies to talk 8lungand some of thorn in dulged In language seldom hoard out side the precincts of Billingsgate. Ono night at ono of the empress' "littlo Mondays , " Hallez Claparodo happened to tread on the skirt of one ot these ladies who took Thorosn for a modal , and slio , turning to him , exclaimed : "Fichu hotel" "Duohofls , " replied the youthful Halloz , glajicing at the too elaborately displayed charms of the lady , ' 'don't you think the Mlohu1 would bo bolter on your ehouldora ttian in your mouth ? " FOOD FOR SCANDAL MONGERS It Has Boon Very Plentiful in the Metropolis. YOUNG HAMILTON'S ESCAPADE ILccno Comma Up Again John and the Blellcnn Girl Mayor Gnuit OfTcuds His Short Haired llcnohincii. Notns From Nuw York , nw YORK , Sopt. 9. [ Special to Tim ] Notwithstanding thao every body has bcon out of town for the past two months , Now York has had its fill of social sensations , nnd these have had to do with all sorts and conditions of men and women. The Flack di vorce suit hit so many prominent poli ticians that it made n sweet morsel of gossip for thrice 'nine days. But be fore that the gossips had been on the qui vivo ever tlio marriage m London of Judge Andrews , of our city and the superior court , to a noted soeioty lady who had procured a divorce fro"m the Delaware legislature , but this caused only a nine-days' wonder , and divided attention with tlio Plunkott ' 'Christian science" matrimonial sensation and a few lessor , but piquant casoa. Now , juat at the close of the season , comes the scandal of Robert Ray Hamilton a &caudal of society and the sluma which oub-topa any which I can recall in the last half century. Young Philip Ray Hamilton , It scorns , is A VKHY lll-ACIC SHEEP and this is the inoro to bo regretted bo- causu of his very creditable record in politics as well as on account of his fashionable social standing. It seems incrndiblo that u man of his position should knowingly have married a dis reputable woman , and it is even atrungor that ho prefers to identify himself with her cause oven after her true character anfl career have boon published to the world and she has added murder to her ether crimes. Notwithstanding the neglect anil de cay about General Grant's tomb , there is no likelihood that his remains will bo removed from their present resting place , The Grant family will not allow it. They like Now York. Besides it IB queer to hoar Washington talk about erecting ti fitting monument to Grunt. It took that city half a century to com- nloto ono to Washington , though every oivili/.od state and kingdom contributed memorial stones. It was that wild wag John Phmnix , who once remarked that there was a monument at the national capital a monument intended to forever porpotunto the memory of Washington , and as it would nrobably bo forever in building , the object was certain to bo accomplished. There is a story down in Wall street to the effect that John R. Keene is ope rating very largely in the market , and chiefly lu tlio interest of the Ilavomoy- ors. and the pooplc identified with the sugar trust. The story is that Keene has boon engaged to engineer various duals on the street affecting sugar trust certificates. Kcono operates through the ofllce of Samuel W. Buhcock & Co. , situated in the building at No. 1)0 ) Broad street , and oscillates between the bro ker's oflico nnd J. S. Moore's room ou the third lloor , Kcono owes something Hko $2,000,000 on the Btroot , and natur ally whou rumors concerning IIIB mak ing money nro circulated tils creditors become immediately and very eagerly interested. Many would welcome u decision thut would rescue to worthy public uses the beautiful islands in the East river and sound now occupied as penal colonies for the refuse and criminal population of the city. If Ward's and Randall's islands could bo redeemed from their present miauso ns an incident of tlio World's fair , that fact of itself would bo enough to cause Now Yorkers happy memories of the ovont. But it is doubt ful if the improvement is brought about by this event , and at this time , though it cannot bo much longer delayed. Love has its troubles among all clans , and even the impassable Mongolian finds that its course does not run smoothly. The anti-Chinese law is keeping fond hearts in China away from fond hearts in Nov York , and promises to make our Chinese colony a permanent ono and to provide it WITH AMERICAN WIVES. That would bo turning the tables with a vengeance , but it will happen. This is the way of it : Five years ago a boy fourteen was betrothed to a glrlfof thir teen , and then the little pig-tailed lad sot sail for San Francisco with his father to make his fortune and return for his bride. He is in this city , and half proprietor of a laundry. In vain the languishing Lo Fco has written him to return. Ah Chung knows that if ho goes back to China ho cannot comeback and his "boocllo" is back here , yet too small to keep a wife in stylo. Finally the bride got angry and wrote to her undo to make it hot for Ah Chung , which ho proceeded to do , verbally. But the latter young man is not easily scared , und cooly told the uncle that his betrothed had bettor suit herself with a husband at homo , us on the whole lie thought American girls pret tier than Mongolians anU intended to marry nnd settle down in the United States. The fact is that Chinamen who have visited their old homo and re turned have brought such terrible ac counts of the dullness of poverty- stricken lifo in China that the wido- awake Celestials colonized here have mainly concluded that Tennyson was right about his "Cycle of Cathay , " and it will sulllco to send their bones homo. Our handsome young mayor is in a state of mind. Politically tin ij identi fied with the short-hairod icy and opposed to silk stock ' socially ho aspires to recognition . „ . . Four Hundred , und th.s demands tmu ho shall in turn recognize thorn. When itcntnato appointing the committees for the World's Fair ho made his selec tions almost wholly from the million aires , and entirely ignored the mechanics und labor element. It was natural , and in a measure necessary , but it has evoked n whirlwind. Tammany got up on ' its hind Ings and howled , nnd now charges among other things that the mayor has made all of his Important appointments from rich men of Ills own class. This happens to bo true , and it was natural , also. But oh , the wrath that llos in wait for him ! And ho has no place of refuge to which to turn. The county democracy are the silk etocklnir faction , and , embittered in turn by Mayor Grunt's bitter enmity to thorn , they have got themselves into a compact phalanx for battle with Tam many , and will not accept the mayor even ns an ally. It Is a'now thing for a Tammany mayor to bo charged with TKUCKLINO TO THIS I'MH'OUIIATS , but without design ho lias placed him- Bolt whore the circumstantial evidence convicts him. Lost Tuosuay the Coinmorciul-Advor- tlsor discarded its old-fashioned four- page sheet und nppoarod in the more compact and convenient form of mod ern journalism. It at the name time re duced its price from 3 to U cents u copy. The venerable Commercial it is tho- oldcst newspaper in the city has had rather an uphill fight of it of late yours , but Booms to prosper in spite of its vicissitudes in ownership and politics. The financial success of the now Century tury Dictionary has been most gratify ing to the company. TJio quick sale of this work , indeed , has been u surprise oven to its most sanguine friends/ The courageous and enterprising publish ers who had the nerve to spend 8000,000 ou a book before a page was sent to the printer are now beginning to reap their reward , and few will grudge them the success which has attended their von1 turc. turc.Henry Henry W. Genet is very weak , being unable to leave his bed. The sick man takes little nourishment , and spends most of the time in moody thought. The relatives und frSonda of Mr. Genet , nro becoming very anxious about his condition. The Dipper. irriUcnor Tim llct. 'Twas an ovonlnp in September , , And we stood thuro all ulono , Anil you pointed to the heavens , Where the Juwolod dipper shone. And you told mo to remember Whoa I saw these bright stars Bhluo , That us long ns tlio dipper liung there , So long would you bu mluu. A aln it is September , And I nm all alone ; Ami of late I've lost the interest I once had in ntars , I own. But somehow the idea strikes mo , As i watch thut marry froup , Since you married my rlvul yesterday ; That the uippor's in the soup. .It. L. Tlio Use o rmm u by Wornon. A well-known druggist makes the statement , says the Philadelphia. Rec ord , that flypaper is largely used in " England by" women for the purpose to which Mrs. Maybrick devoted it. Soak ing the paper In water will extract the arsenic from the slieqt and transfer the poison to the liquid. It is then applied to the skin or drank in minute doses ' with the result which is BO apparent in Mrs. Maybriok's appearance. Like the opium habit , arsenic eating grows upon the victim , nnd its work is -I'ow ' but sure. Araoiiio is used for it , i , luting purposes , too , by largo num- bora of working girls who toil in the mills and factories. They have not yet learned the art of eating the drug , and employ it in a crude fashion by dissolv ing the substance in water nnd applying it ID lotion-like form to the face and hands. Its baneful effects are not so quickly apparent as are these of ursouio eating , but sooner or later tlio foolish victims of tlio poiHorious drug contract un appetite for it. and their death ia but a mutter of months. It is not p'oaslblo to estimate the num ber of deaths among women for which the use of arbonic is responsible , owing1 to their Bocrooy in using the drug. But a goodly proportion of ao-callod blood poisoning cases can bo traced to an ig norant use of ursonio , There is no denying nying- the fuel that Its use is dully in creasing. Make no MUtako. Hy dispelling the symptoms no ofloa taken for coinsumptlon , SANTA ABIK hna brought Kludness to many a household , liy its prompt , use for brcuUiru : up the cold thut too oftoit develops into thut futul dlsoaso , thousands can bo saved from un untimely pave. You make no mlstuko by hooping a bottle of this plousunt remedy In your IIOUBO. GAMPOUNIA OAT-U-CUKB la equally ofTcctlvo In eriulicutlnir all traces of NuHiil Catarrh. Doth of these wonderful California romcdtca are sold und warranted bv Qoodumn Druij Co , f I a package , ti tor