4 30 TKB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUISnAYSEPTEMBER 15 , 188D.-SIXTEEN PAGES. - IN THE CIirOF THE SULTANA > t A Look nt Turkish Official Business Llfo. THIRTY PER CENT FOR TAXES. How tlio Kartnor * Are noblioit By the BulUii'fl UmlorlttiRH Turkish Newspapers nnd ttio Prosn Con- corslilp AmotiK tlio Itnzanrs. OonNtnnllnnplo. CossTASTiNOl'i.rAuirii t20 , 1889. Corrosiwnilcnco to TIIB Ur.B. ] I write this letter In tlio capital of the Ottoman cmpiro. If Pnrls IB Franco , Constautinoplo Is Tiir > hoy. It K hcio tlmt Uio Biiltnn HVCB. Hero are tlio lioailiinartora of the Turkish army nnd from the government unices hero ire out the wires of political appointment which control the llvot mul property of moro I linn thlrty-throo million people. Constantinople Is the center of Turkish business , and it Is the pivot uroiiml which the wliolo Molmm- mcdan world revolver. Situated us It Is , partly In Aalu nnd partly In I'uropo , It forms the connecting link of the two Brent civilisa tions , and iu population is tlio most cosmo politan on tlio fnco of the globo. The straits of the Uosphoru * , which connect tun big Black nca with thu little sen of Muruiorn , wind In and out Ilito n wldo river bctwocn uropo and Anla. Tlioy tire nOltllBUEl ) III Ill'.AUIIl'UL illl.I.S , which slope aown In places almost precip itously to the water , nnd their ntitural scon- cry compares very favorably with the best bits along the Rhino and tlio Danube. At tuo beginning of these straits there Is a lofty peninsula containing tlio ami of two or thrco good-sized farms , the greater part of the northern sldo of which is separated from the inuln body of Europe by u long inlet of water which winds around lllto n horn , and which Is known as the famous Golden Horn of Constantinople. The lower aide of the peninsula is washed by the HOI of Mnrmorn , mitt Its upper edge bloelcs the waters of the Uospliorus. Standing upon Its shores you can almost throw a atone into Asia , and by turning around you could , with a rovolv-jr , shoot a bullet deep into the body of Europe. It is upon this peninsula that the greatest part of Constantinople Is built. This pan is known as Stamboul. nnd It belongs almost exclusively to the Turks. Upon it stand the great la/aai s , above iU thousands of Turkish houses rise the tall minarets of hundreds of Mosques , and the crici of its turbanuod peddlers mo mixed with the shrill tenor of the Muiuzlns who .flvu times each day stand upon the balconies of thcso towers and slng.out , the hours nf prayers. A brldiro of boats about a in llo long and as wldn as Pennsylvania uvcuuo in Washington con nects this Turkish quarter of the city with thu nuiopcim Hhoro , and over this bridge there Is nonstnntly passing a tni eng of Turks ant ) , Christines of .lows and Qrccksof , brown gowned men from Persia nnd broad-cloth traders from Uurope. An Italian writer in Constantinople sayja thut 100,000 mun no over this bridge o\cry day , nnd one new idea GHOSTS IT AIIOUT KV1S11V TEX 1KV11B. This bridge loads to Perj , which is the European quarter of Constantinople. Tlio hills on' the north sldo of the Golden Horn are as steep ns ihoso of San Francisco , or of the blufT'oavhlch Kansas City Is built. Para has covered thcso hills and the pal aces of the foreign legation , the Kosks of the sultan and the homes of the swell Turk ish olj.cial8staud | high.nbovo Stamboul and cotntfinncffc'xtcnslvo lihid-janil water views of ' Asladntl Europe. Pe'rn. Itself is moro of a European town than a Turicish ono. It has business buildings llko tlioso of Paris , its stores 'aro tilled with European goods taste fully shown behind plate glass windows , and a good street car line carries you from ono part of It to another , it has an under ground cable railroad. From the shores of the Golden Horn to the top of the bluff , upon which the city is built , and the incline Is as steep as that as the bluffs of Kansas City. The road Is well patronized , nnd It ought to bo a paying Investment. Pera has Euro pean hotels , with Swiss servants , French cooks and olectrlo bells , in which you can bo as comfortable as In nny hotel iu Now York. And TUB SOCIAL DINNims. of Its people would compare favorably with those of the other capitals ot Europe. As a diplomatic poit thu citj of the sultan is ono of the most Important capitals of Europe. The complications which nro at anv time lia ble to arlso with Russia leads the English , the Ffciich and the German to lcr > op im mense establishments here , and the expense of the foreign ministers for entertaining runs into the tons of thousands of dollars u year. Ono of tlio legations uses at its state dinners gold and silver plato which is worth $100,000 , nnd the sultan feasts the diplomats on gold plato and furnishes thorn Turkish coffee in gold'cups. During the past four jears the AnvJncun minister hus entertained very largely , and Mr. Straus has , f doubt , not , spent several times the amount of his salary In kcnping ui > Undo Sam's end of diplomatic cnUirtainmenl. Ho is ono of the most popular ministers America has ovnr sent to Turkov , nnd his diplomatic career has been a great success. The Tuiks themselves nro very hospitable and many of the TurliUh officials have a part of their houses furnished in European stylo. Thn uottcr class of them are well educated , and thoraara hundred of clerks in tno employ of the sultan who cnn speak French , Encllsh nnd Gorman , and whn are ao thoroughly posted on the leading subjects of the day ns the inout cultured men of the courts of Europe. I dined last night with Balsamidus Hey , who is well known to every. ono who has road Marlon Crawford's novel , "Paul Putoff. " This man Is Intimately connected - nocted with thu sultan , and ho Is , I Judge , not much over thirty yours of tigc. Ho was educated in one of the grrnt Mohammedan schools nnd his llfo has been spent almnst altogether In Constantinople. Nevertheless , ho speaks English perfectly , can tail ; French llko a Parisian , and Is ono of Till ! JIE51T r < ) S7EI > MBV I have over mot on the hlatcry of the world Ho seems to have every event in our na- tlonnl life at Ills tongue's ond. Ho knows nil of tlio American uuthoi a and can talk by the hour on English literature. Ho Is as vtoup on publiu men as ho is ou pubhu matters , nnd is one of the most ugrooablo conversationalists I have mot , Ho is the best typo of thu advanced Turk of to day , uud Ilka many of hit kind , his life is moro like that era Europocan than a Turk , All of the government officials of Turkov dross in European costume , save that their black broadcloth coats are cut high at the neck und that their heads are always covered in the housumid out with trio rod-fo/zod , ulaok- tussollcU cap. The sultan has his great government de partments like those wo have nt Washing ton. There is n department of state or foreign oOlcd. a wnc department , a depart ed ineut of public works and department of education , of the interior uud of justice. A large number of tlioso departments are in the vast building known as the Sublime Porto , which In located near the great pal * nco of the sultan in Stamboul , known us the Old Seraglio. I visited the Sublime Porte yesterday and mot a number of the loading Turkish ofllcluU , 1 found thut many of tlicm spake KuKllsh and that all converse in French , 'Ihobcurotary of state asked mo to give his compliments to Mr. IMulno when 1 returned \Yushlngton und to tell him that lie had a great admiration for his ability. Another cabinet minister who lias , ciuuui ; OP Tin ; NKWI'AVKII rur.ss of the empire und who is to a large extent connected with the inteiior , told mo that the government in now cncouraKlug the news paper and that the day woukl come when each city in the Turkish omplro would have its dally i > ap < < r. There uro u number of dully newspaper * In Conitantlnoplu. Some In English , dome In French and some in Turk. bli. Th Peciilans htivii u ji.ipor. The Clicok * mvothotr organ , and there are also nows- paperfl for the .TOTS nnd the Ar menians. A mlsilonnty press publishes n Hulgarlnn newspaper , but I under stand that with nil those papers the censor * ship of the prcsi Is very strict nnd that the greater part ot the articles published are road over by the government ofllccrs before they nro permitted to bo printed. This 1 os pcomllvso with the Uulgarian newspapers as Lho turk are much afraid of revolutions nmong the Bulgarians nnd they cut out everything that relates to liberty or tends to the depreciation ot the roycrnmont of the sultnn. In the Sublime Porto the loading foreign newspapers are token , and 1 spent nn hour In n largo room in which a dozen clerics were busy translating articles whl oil had been published in Europe nnd America upon Turkov. Kvoiy.hlnij that Is written about the sultan h TIUNS1AT HI ) ANI > riir.sr.NTKn TO HIV , nnd while 1 WIIH present I noted that two of the clerks were working on articles from Now York newspapers. The Turks are the governing class in Tur key , nnd It is well for the country that , they nro so. Thov do not make very good busi ness men , and the most of the business of the Ottoman empire Ii done by the Jews , the Armenians mid the Greeks. The Turks nro not accumulative or Industrious. Their for tunes , when made , seldom pass through more than ono generation. Thn sons live high olt tnolr fathers' wealth , and If they should become bankrupt they look upon It as fate rather Hum as the result of tholr own ox * travaganco. They nro soldiers and agricult urists ratlici than business men , and they prefer the government service to nny other. The bettor class of government officers are well paid. The grand vMcr , who is the tmltun'a right-hand man , receives $1,500 n month , and the other cabinet ministers get from & > UO to $750 a month. In addition to this they have what they can make by bribes , and in all oriental countries this bribing or squeezing is legitimate. In China an ofllcor receives a salary of 51,000 a year and is expected to make 750.000 a year out of perquisites or blackmail. I doubt not It is much the snmo horo. It Ii certainly so to u larco extent in the collection of taxes. The sultnn is supposed t6 receive ono-tonth of the crop of every farmer in Turkey. The districts are , however , sold out to collectors nnd the collectors sub-divide tholr districts und resell them at auction to others. The tax-gatherers look nt the craps and estimate just ho-.v murh tholr obnro ought to bo , nnd tno result is that Instead of the farmer pay ing 10 per cent of his crop in taxes , ho has to pay A.BOCT TJtlHTV Mil CENT. Undorsuch conditions it Ii no wonder that this great Turkish omplro is poorly funned. Judges in Turkey cot about $325 n month. Assessors receive from SISJ5 to ? SOO per month , nnd common soldiers are supposed to grow fat on tholr board and clothes und 3 cents a day. Turkey has a conscript system like that of Germany , und nil of the able- bodied Mohammedan population receive a fair amount of military training. The Turks make magnificent soldiers , nnd those I see nt Constantinople nro as finely formed and well built men as you will find , , anywhere. I am told that they will soon bo able to put nn urmy of 800,000 trained men in the field , nnd they have the best mounted cavalry that I have over seen. Poorly ns the men are paid they seem to bo baupy , and they have in fighting a courage which other sol diers have not , which comes from their im plicit belief that they with ao TO in\.vns' if they die fighting for the sultnn , It may bothisiuason that excludes nun-bollovors fi em the military service. The largo num ber of Turks who nro not Mohammedans cannot enter the aimy if they would , but they have nevertheless to pay nn exemption tux , umnuntintr to 51.50 n year ner male per son , and this tax i levied on the baby boy n year old as well as on the old man of seventy- five. When o poor Armenian , Greek or Jew happens to have a family of six or cluhtboys his expenses nro materially increased , and nnd the number of these foreicners in Turkey is so largo that this species of tax inuomo" amounts te ngi eat deal. Scattoicd about the hills of Constantinople are barracKs which look llko palaces and which arc proba bly built with this tux. The Turkish people arc , in fact , taxed to death. The extent of the taxation and the poor methods of , its collection crind the life out of the people , nnd the cmpiro is practi cally branurupt. If it could bo.iroporly man aged it might yet nay its debts and prosper , but it is very doubtful whether It will do this under the present government and people. As it is its foreign loans amount to more than a million dollars , and there nro import nnd export duties on nearly everything. The foreign bondholders control the customs and dues , and though there is a big tariff on to bacco , and the tobacco trade in itself is a monopoly tno Sultan never gets any of its re ceipts. Ho hands of the tribute from Egypt to the bondholders without looking at it , and ho is so surrounded by his creditors that ho can do nothing without consulting with them. The business of Constantinople , llko that ef till oriental cities , is done in baraars , and the b.uonnt of this city are , perhaps , the LAUOKST IN TUB WOIILH. They are all under ono roof , nnd this roof covers acres of narrow streets which wind in and out , cross and recross ono another until in passing through them you lose your self again and again , as though In the mazes ot Rosamond's bower. The pavement of these bazaars are cobble stones. The streets are about five or six feet wldo , and no car riage or wheeled vehicle can drive into them. The stores nro narrow cells , ranged along the sides of the streets , with wide lodges or divans in front of them , and the merchants in turbans and gowns squat on rugs cross-legged with tholr goods hung up above thorn nnd piled all around them. You can buy in these bazaars anything from a clove or u needle to n pair of diamond ear rings , and there are old gold watches by the bushel and ottar of roses by the gallon. Each bazaar street hat Its own line of mer chandise upon it. The Jewelers work sldo by side , the shoemakers have a street of tholr own. und the dealers of old arms and old clothes each have their own separate lo cality. There is u saddle bazaar , where all kinds of gorgeous saddles uro made and sold in cell utter cell. There is a spice bazaar in which the perfumes of ground cinnamon greet your nostrils. There is a Persian bazaar in which you can buy enough rich shawls to carpet u farm from every long- bearded , richly dressed Mohammedan with in it , and there is a bazaar where the finest of gold embroidered curtains and other rare articles In silk nnd silver are sold. There are bazaars of all kinds und the Turk ish merchants nnd the traders that you find in them are of till classes nnd sexes and thev como from all parts of the Mohammedan world. Here is a veiled lady In a balloon- like silk cown from some pasha's harem , a IlIACK-l'AUii : ) BU.NUCllITIl A. WHIP in his hand stands beside her nnd watches horclosolvns she buyscf a handsome Ar menian. Near her stands the humol or porter ter with his saddle on his buck ready to carry away lor her anything she may buy though its weight bo 500 pounds. There Is a Circas sian with u hlirh African cup and hit breast covered with cartridge boxes. Ho is u chief in Ins native village und he is making u trip to Constantinople. Hero comes a Greek in red fei cap , gold embroidered waist and skirts which stand out from his body like those or the glr ) who rides the trlclc horse in the circus , and here comes an Abyssinian slave In turban und gown whoso face is us blaek as the silk hat of that European mer chant who walks behind him. Hero nro Persians from HujjdaO , { Curds from Asia and Dashi Htzouks from the interior. Here is a pretty Armenian lady uud there , flirting with un old Turk ub she tiles on a new pair of slippers , Is u dark-eyed , rosy-chocKod beauty wearing the embroidered dross of Bulgaria. There a grouu of Syrians uro drinking celToa together und here comes a lemonade paddlei with n four-gullan bottle on his baclc offering a drink which he claims is sweeter than honey. Commission mer chants und brokers by thu dozens hang rouod you urging you touceept their services In purchasing. Your eyes danca in trying to comprehend the colors of the rainbow which you HCO nil around jouaiul your ours are deafened \ylth n dozen strange languages. Yon wander through street after street , find ing something now at every stop and when you think you have i-omo to the end your guide tolls you thatyou pro only at the bo- glnnhm. I have gone again nnd uguln to Constantinople bazaars and I Ilnd something npvv In every street every time I go. F \Mv O. Ltfo will acquire now zest , und cheerfulness - fulnoss return , U you will iinuol your livoriind kidnoya to thu porfonniuiuo of tlioir functions. Dr. J , II , McLuun'u liver and Uidnoybulm will Htlinuhuo thorn to healthful notion , 81 pur buttlo. A COLONEL'S TRUE CHIVALRY Ho Drank the Whisky for Hta Wifo'a Snko , ARABELLA DECIDED TO' ' ' WAIT. Bho Was Willing to lilvo In n. Cot- tntjo fiitt irow the lilno fit Plat Currqnt Comical I fie" . How Art Help * Nature. Puck : Miss Violet Wililo ( wandering tn the Mutna woods ) "IIow jrlorious. it is to Eitzo on this wild scenery rtnd beheld - hold imturo in all her primitive liin- Joslyl" Mr. Ardcn Faxon "ITnv yo-csl Es pecially when thoro'a a treed comfortable bleliotol only a couple of inllog away. " Kentucky Olilvnlry. Epoch : Doctor Well , how's the nguo this morning'/ Colonel Uluogrnsson ( a visit to Ohio ) I'm ' bettor , but my wife's worse.t "Worse , oh V Did she take that quln- ino and whisky I proscribed ? " ' 'Woll or you see , doctor , ! thought * being only a woman , she might not bo able to stand it as well as a man , yqu know , and so she toolc the quinine and I took the whisky. " The I'opnlnr l < nvorlte. Doulscho Weapon : MophUto ( be hind the scones ) Hal what do I see ? Only four wreaths thrown on the stage , and'l paid for five ? Another Sort ofTlilnsi. Puck : Miss Arabella Liopyor I do not mind your poverty , George. Until your fortunes mend , I could bo happy In your wealth of affection ; and in EOIDO vinoclad cottage - Mr. Wardott Pardon mo , dear ; you know I am only a poor city clerk , and cottages are out of the question. Do you think you could bo happy in a third- lloor-back furnished room , with a sow ing machine buzzing overhead and some ( lend below cooking cabbage ? Miss Arabella Maybe , George , dear , we'd bettor wait ajter all. A Promising I'tipll. Texas Sittings : Plat Well , old man , how does my daughter progress with her violin lessons ? Sharp ( with a tired smile ) Oh , she's already able to detect the errors in the instruction books. llo Was Boston Courier : Fond lover Is your pa in , Addle ? Geotlo maiden Yes , but you may come in. F. L. I don't ' think ho likes mo , and ho might G. M. There's no need of being afraid ; ho engaged. F. E. Engaged , is ho ? G. M. Yes. IIo staid out until after 12 last night and went oil this morning without Riving ma a chance to talk to him. She is talking to him now and be won't bo in this part of the house for the next three hours. Come right in. J _ _ Almost OH Ilnd. Merchant Traveler : "No doubt you have heard songs without words , " said a young man to Mrs. Do Porquo. "No , ' replied the lady , "but I'vo hoard 'em sing in Italian where you couldn't understand a word , and I don't , doubt that it was almost as bad. " Caught Him oil a Pair. Now York Mercury : Black Did you over notice a woman darning a pair of stockings and observe how she White I never saw a woman darning a pair of stockings in mv life. Black OhI Well , perhaps- your wife doesn't darn your stockincs. "VY hi to Yes , she does ; keeps them in excellent ippair. But I never saw her darning a pair. Never saw her darn ing more , than one-at a time. Then Black led- White around the nearest corner and drew him into the1 depths of a subterranean lager beer saloon. i in Pronunciation. Now York Times : The correct sound of the vowel u is among the nice ties of English pronunciation , but , after all , it is not half so im- nortant as politeness , a fact which a certain small boy seems to have for gotten. "Mr. Feathorly , " said Bobby "at the dinner table , "how do you pronounce d-o ? "Do , Bobhy , " replied Mr. Feathorly , indignantly. "How do you pronounce d-o-w ? " "Du-u-ow , " and Mr. Foathorly put on a genteel air for the bonoilt of Bobby's oldest sister. ' Well , then , how would you pro nounce the second day of-tho week ? " "Towsday , I think. " "You're wrong. " "Wrong ? IIow would you pronounce it Bobbv ? " "Monday. " a Liver nnd Now York Mercury : Two gentlemen , walking along the streets , observed some workmen taking the windows ! rom a house which tlwy wore about pulling down , and which the tenant had joft the day before. "What tearing work , " said one , "that they are making with that house ! " "Yes , " said the other , "yesterday the liver wont' out and now they are taking out the lights. " 'Twns Not nu Kntillrth Sparrow. Detroit Free Press : A sparrow was seeking food in a largo fluid when a btu/aru Bottled down with a great show of indignation ana exclaimed : "By what right are you trespassing hero ? " "Why , I supposed this field to bocom- mon property , " was the reply. "Ex cuse my mistake and I will go over on yonder hill. " "But I object to thodustyou may ralap over there. " "Then I will look for bugs in the grass. " "UutI won't allow the grass to bo trampled under foot. " * "Then 1 will seek for worms In the thicket. " o "But the noise will disturb mo. In fact , in order to protect myself I must eat you. " SIOUAL , : It ie very easy to pick a light with a man you know you can lckt | fit the Oyster. Keio Turk Herald. ' The oyster , down In tils bed of ooze , Waked with a start from bis summer Biioza , * " ' Opened lila shell , nnd said with a yawn : " 1 four that our season of safety is gone. Fur my pleasant dreams were disturbed by the. Jar That always is caused by the letter R. And 1 know , by the keel of that hideous sloop That uoiuo of us shortly wiU bo In the sounl" Tlicro Were Mi Kllnu.on Him. Boston Courier : They had just begun thulr courtship and \\oro swinging on the "garden gate , beneath the silent stars ; and they wore silent , too , for they wore yet in the llret dawning of young Ipvo , and scarce know what to say to oncjh oljlidft The silence at last became embarrassing , and she said : "I must go iin. ' ' ' "What's ' " your hurry ? "Oh , we're just lilto fools , swinging hero and sayftrg nothing. " "I don't knotf'Whnt to talk about. " "Woll , ImtiHt'iftjln. ' " "Wait a moHjAUt. Say. you must bo awfully troublcu , by Jllos in the sum mo r time. " , i "Sir ! " , ) > "Because you'ro so awfully sweet. " SLo didn't go In' ° I ! _ Ho Wnn tfcti n Correction. Time : Irntct j individual ( invading the sanctum-hl ) wantto thrash the man that printed that llo about mo. Said I was run out of Hod Gulch and threat ened with n dose of tar and feathers if I wont back. " Editor "Isn't ' U right ? " "Not by a long shot. It wasn't tar and feathers nt all ; they just throat * onod to shot mo. " An Envlnblo Itccoril. Chicago Tribune : Manngor of largo manufactory The position you ask 1 ono that calls for both lioncsty and ca pacity. Can you satisfy us aa to those requirements / Applicant ( hesitatingly ) I hardly know. I am afraid not. I have been twice defeated Tor alderman in my ward nnd been rejected as a juryman not loss than eleven times. * v Manager ( to assistant ) Put him on the pay-roll. "LA SAVATE. " Tlio Frcnoli Method of FlKhtliiR With Feet , ilnnils and Hand. "Nature has given man hands , tcot and head , and according to the rules of la savato you can use any of tlicso us you choose , " said Prof. Trounhet , of the San Francisco fencing bchool , to an Ex aminer reporter. "You are at liberty to kiclt , butt or ttrlko nn opponent any where from the top of his head to the soles of his feet , and asciontlllosavatour can successfully defend himself against the combined attack of three or four persons. "In practice the hands are encased m ordinary boxing gloves , \\ith long , well padded gauntlets to protect the arm in warding on" the blows , while light slip pers , with solos an inch in thickness , made of the softest hemp , are worn on the feet. The only rule in practice is that which requires the savntour-to ac knowledge each blow received from either the hand , foot , or head by the customary toucho. " The position differs materially from the pugilistic guard , continues the Ex aminer. In boxing the loft side is pre sented to an opponent , with the left hand and foot \\oll to the front , two- thirds of t > ho weight of the body resting upon the right leg. In la savato tho. men stand nearly facing each other , the knees well befltt , each leg supporting nn equal amount 67 tlid weight of the body. Sometimes onq siflo is presented and omotimes the pihor , the men changing [ shoir guard cou.Uuu.ally. The arms are koptjweli bent nnd drawn closely to the body , every bloiVibointr struck from the waist. In retreating or advancing , the kncos are koptvwoll bent , the savatour maintaining avouching attitude. The two uionltdoli their positions with the loft hand and foot forward. , Prof- Trouchet immediately commenced oper ations by a feint at a lead \vith the loft , but instead hi right foot How forward and landed oii'Ansot's ! left shin. The blow if well delivered with an ordinary walking shoo' 'will break the tibia o"r .lacerate the leg1. , The professor's-'nextr attempt to latjd this biow was neatly .parried by Ansot by simply bending his knee and raising his shin out of roach. After the toucho had boon acknowl edged the men again assumed their po sitions. Ansot feinted with his loft hand , and then brought his right foot forward as if to land a blow on his ad versary's shin. Prof. Trouchot parried by bending the knee , but , quick as a flash , his opponent pivoted on his loft foot and kicked the professor In the stomach with the bottom of his right. After the toucho the professor made a loft-handou load for Ansot's fnco , b(5t ( the latter throw up his left arm to catch the blow , at the same time planting the toe of his slipper directly on the pro fessors' bolt. This blow is ono seldom given in practice , as it is very danger ous on account of the difficulty in guag- ing the force of the kick and ttio move ments of the opponent , but it ts most af- fcctivo in a street light. In the next bout Ansot attempted a lead with his left hand , but instead of countering as a boxer would , Trouchot planted his too with the greatest pre cision over his opponent's heart. Prof. Trouchot then made another left-handedefoint , but instead of kicking Ansot on the shin or swinging his right flst for a knock-out , ho swung his right foot directly for -his opponent's chin , but it was cleverly parried with the loft wrist , and the professor received a kick on the belt. Immediately upon taking their posi tions for the next bout Trouchet made a change of guard , throwing his right foot and hand to the front. When An sot attempted to change likewise his forward movement was stopped by the solo of Troucliet'a shoo being planted squarely in his throat. After sparring for a moment Trouchot sprang forward quick as n Hash , and throwing Anbot's arms asldo but cuhlm squarely in the abdomen. Ansot didn't have breath enough loft him to louche , bat ho acknowledged that ho hud been touched oy sitting down suddenly and forcibly. Upon recovering himself ho attorn plod to retaliate , but Trouohet's right knee flow up and caught Anbot squarely on the forehead. On taking their positions again Trouchot aimed a straight blow at his opponent's chin , but It fell short by an inch , and Anbot grasped his ankle with both hands , It , "jpflkcd as if Trochot must fall to thq ground at the mercy of his opponent , buMiko a ( lash he turned and landed on hrs hands. Before An sot could take advantage of the profes sor's position atul'ldelc him in the stomach ach Trouchot's' Tidjht leg shot out and landed first on MB opponent's chin and then on his bolt , jAnsot lot go of the professor's footi in When they ibquurod oil again Ansot sprang lightly Into 'the air. Out wont both foot and bilH bill ! they landed , ono on Trouchot's'iitonmch ' and the other squarely between his eyes. But , not to bo outdone , \\\o \ \ \ "ilroTossor fcinte.l with his loft hand au $ Snpnng into the air , at the same time l/lncpg / ( | bothhools simul- tancpusly uponiAi ! § ° t'B ohest. Every blow during the whole exhibi tion was delivered with the greatest precision , and at the same time nearly everyone was as light as the pat of u child. The accuracy in gauging the distance of an opponent was remarka ble , oven when kicking backward. "On more than ono occasion , " said Prof , Trouchot , "hayo I boon able to defend myself against irront odds by my knowledge of la savato , While passing through Whltoohapol , London , ono night. I and my three friends were at- tuoued by a couple of do/on hoodlums , By placing our backs together wo were able to kick them over us fast as they could como up. t "I once saw u man uttompc to shoot ono of the boat Parisian suvntpurs , but almost us BOOH as hii pistol was out of his pookot it was sent whirling in the ulr by u kick on the olboy. " THE PALMY DAYS OF FARO , A Groan Cloth Knight Indulgoa In Some Hominisconoos. VHERE WAS NO LIMIT THEN. i X > no Point In Which IMonoor Umntm ' Wan Distinguished Above Kvory 1 Other City in the Country \ Old Tlmo Onmes. Followers of Tor Mint ? . 1 "Twonty-nina in the black , high and fa von , " romitrkcd the game keeper at the roulette table in tv well known Omalia gambling house a , few nlglita ago , and as no ono had bet on iwonty- nlno as a matter of course the bank raked in the "chips. " Ono moro turn and the few dry goods clerks who were playing were "broke , " and sadly wended their way over to the faro table to watch a few "rounders" "buck the tiger" in his lair , wishing the while for only u dollar m'oro that tlioy might win back what they had lost. "Gambling in" Omaha is'nt what it was in the early days , or oven a few yoara ago , " sadly remnrkod the dealer as ho gave tllo marble a vicious llirt. "Far from It. Then you wouldn't see mo idle llko this. Even if roulette is what people term a 'sucker's game , ' I would have all I could attend to , you may depend upon that. In the good old days wo could gamble to our heart's con- tout without nny fenr of molestation from any ono , nnd ono didn't ' have to have any watchword in order to got into a gambling house , because the doors were open. Where to-day there la but ono game of faro and this roulette table in Ouiaha , then you could find n dozen games of faro , half as many of roulette , keno , stud poker , crack-a-loo and any thing you wanted. As n rule all games were run on the square , but then there were ono or two places whore the tenderfoot could drop his cash without much trouble , and oven in the first-class houses the dealer wouldn't hesitate to run in a 'sanded' dock if business hap pened to bo a little dull. "The first gambling house in Omaha was started long before I came here , and I guess it would puz/.lo oven the oldest inhabitant to toll who was lirot. I understand that the people awoke ono morning and everybody was gambling. "Tho best houses in the city were Jack Morrison's , Higgins' and Bruck- er's. The former was located over Hornberfier's , Higgins did business at Twelfth , and Douglas , while Bruckor hold open house to gentlemen onlvovor Iho Palace saloon. As a rule the vis itor was treated nicely at all those places , although I have hoard that Higgins had a itoaler or two who would not hesitate at pulling n green man's boot strap for what ho had , -on the quiet. Thereused ! to bo a place over the Turf Kschungo whore the trang used to try to make a winning to no purpose , and they finally gave it out that the deal wasn't on the square. "There was a great ciowd in Omaha in the early days But Mustorson , Pros Duval , Shorm Thurston , Doc Middle- ton , Charlie Pierce , Sam Murray , and a dozen other prominent characters that" I could mention. None of them aro. hero now. Bat is in Colorado , poor old Shown is dend , Pierce and Murray are in business in Choyeniio and Doc Middle ton is running a saloon in the western part of the state. In addition to those wore a half-hundred other fellows , reg ular rounders " , who have likewise disap peared. Th"oro wore some pretty still games then and it was no uncommon thing to hear that 3omo one had won or lost from $5,000 to $10,000 in a night or two of play. Bat Mastorson lost and won about 818,000 in two weeks , and at one time CharlioPiorco , touched Morri son's ' bank for $122,000 in only three nights' work. Why , Babe Barnes won about 815,000 in two or three weeks about eight years ago. Ho took $5,200 from Higgins at ono sitting and would have got moro next night only ho was barred from playing. "At that time Omaha had a national reputation among gamblers , because it was the only town in the country vrboro a man could play without a limit. You could play the four open for $500 as eas ily as for $1 and if you lost could double up as long as your money lasted. I saw ono man play the six ono niirht for $100 lose , double and lose again until the card had gene back on him three times. Ho hesitated a moment , but finally planked down his $800 and the six won. That's what I call norvo. You don't see any bats like that over there nowdo you ? ' Well , you won't for a while. The class of men playliifr here are not those of the old days. That follow on the corner with a big slack of reds is a oartondor in a loading hotel. Ho is the luckiest man hi the business now and usually 'cops' off from $25 to $100 nor night. Once in n. while ho loses , but not often. "Who como here now to play ? Oh , ' everybody clerks , merchants , 'socond- rata sports and , once in a while , a news paper , man. The laltor seldom have any money and are no good to us only when they keep still about us. Oc casionally wo catch an actor. Wo had Mr. Dixoy here at ono time and played him until ho dropped $1,800. Then ho ho wanted to give his chock but I said no nnd stopped the wheel. Ho lost It on this table , . "Hollo , hero comes n couple of fol lows who want to play. Double O wins , sir. No , jou lose that bet. Hero we go again ; 18 in the red , low and odd , " and and the gumblor resumed his occupa tion of relieving two young men of tholr peek's salaried on the latest improved plan. , 'Among the Ucst Proof ) ) Of the real value and olllcioncy of the proprietary medicines , of tholr purity and careful manufacture , is , when the manufacturers , together with their as sistants , u o them in their own homes and recommend them to their relatives and triends. "A poor doctor , who does not'beliove ' in his own proscriptions. " Fora number of yours Messrs. Her & Co. have boon inuunfucturing Kennedy's East India Bitters , and there is not a pef&o/n who is or has boon , connected with tlioir establishment , with whom ' East , In(1 ( In Bitters" have not become a hoUse hold friend. . * ' * -iv - A Great Scheme. Cholly Aw , I'vo a gwoat scheme , don't you know , to pwovont a fellow's twous'bors from basrglng at the kneed. " Oussio Aw , tell a fellah , won't you ? I'll twoat you if you do. After the treat : Gusslo Now , my Ueah boy , how does lv work ? Cholly Take thorn oil when you sit down , An Absolute ( Jure. ThoOmaiNAL.AUIBTIXB OI.VTMBNT Is only put up In largo two ouiico tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old eoros , burns , wouucU , chapped hands , and all skin orup. tious. Will positively euro all binds at inluv Ask for the OKIGINAL AWiTlNU O1N1V MEN ! ' . Bold by Goodman Drug uoinpauy at 25 cents per box by mull M uouU. DR. R. W. BAILEY The original purohtvsor in Omnhu of the f&rmuln. for Dr. Stlnnus' Loa Anrosthotlo for the PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH. The ONIA MKTHOD whorehy tooth nro extracted without pnln or clnnROr , urifi without uilnj M oroform. gas , other or electricity. The pMlotit remains perfectly conscious of nil that trn - spires , but fools no sonsrUlou of pnln. No soreness ottho gums nttor extracting , lu Is the cmo with no mnny to-called ana-sthotlca. Many who linvo boon stifferlns from badly dccnyed nna broken teeth mul roots , Imvolsltpa Ir ) Datley and had them removed painlessly. After Imvlncnscd tills nrupsthotlc for two nionthi for noixrlyc\ory tooth nMrnrtod In thli clHco , the riHST IMttlSON Is to bo found that Is not ontlroly sntmlled w 1th Its niorlls. Some dentists mny try to projudlco you ngnlnst vIMthiRUi : do not nllow thorn to do so. Mnkoutacnlt whether youilosiroOuntal work or not : wo aronlwoysplcnsod to BOO nny or nil Mhonmy clionso to como. * * l * P'rvmB tholr usefulness nmuy years- TEETH WITHOUT PLATES , Bridge Work , Gold and Porcolaln fncod Orowna , GOLD , ALUMINUM , SILVER , CONTINUOUS GUM and RUB' BER PLATES at lowest rates. A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. $ DO NOT FORGET THE LOCATION , DR. BAILEY DENTIST , , Paxtou Block , 16th and Faruain Streets. ' ( Entrance on IQth Street ) Cut this out , mentioning tills paper. JAMES MORTON & SON , Cutlery , Mechanics' ' Tools , Telephone 437 , One door west of Postoffice , 1511 Dodge St. Brownell Hall BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Omaha , Neb. The Rev , Robert Dohcrty , S , T , D , , Rector , Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars . Apply to the Rector. ETCHINGS. ENGRAVINGS , e j-IIALLKT& DAVIS ARTJST SUPPLIES. MOULDINGS , j a PIANOS& ORGANS. IBIS Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "W. T. 811 South IGth St Onalu , Nob. " -SOLE AGENTS FOR" ST. LOUIS HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRIGX. Terra Cottn work nmt Flro Proofing , 1'ecora Jtortor colors , ( all shailof. ) . Sweeny's DumbWaltoi ; Hard W cod I loom , Vonetiuu and Sliding ( Instdoi Illinda. Coutr.ittoi.s mid Ilullder'.s nupplloa nil nnd see sample * , and get in Ices. CorrospotifJoa osolliltcd. FAIRBANKS' FAIRBANKS , MORSE & CO. 1018 Farnatn Street , Omaha , DEWEY & STOWS , Furniture Company JL * f A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the lurniture maker's art at reasonable prices. N.W.COR , I3TH& DOOQE SIB , OMAHA , NEB. XOIl TIIE TREATMENT OP AU , APPLIAHCFS FOR DEFOnMITIES AND TRUSSES. BeetI' cinUt , Ajp ratu andK raeileiI'orBucces fu' Treatment of every form of D'tcaso ' requiring MEDICAt or 8UROIOAL TREATMENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Beard t ; Attendance , Beit Accommodations la We t. CCTWRITE FOR CIROUZAHRon OefomUIea and JJracei , Trunci , Clubi'cet , CurT turc oIHPiie.rilei , Tumorf. Cancer , OaUrrh , Broncbltli , Inhalation. glectrieUy. Pualytti , Bpllepur. Kidney. Bladder , ' je , tiT , Skin and Illood and ulfBurgical Operationi. DISEASES OF WOMEN tiXZ.WMS \1K 1IAYH I ITKLT lllllKll 1 LYUO.I1 lliriUTBUXT Kill WOKEN l > UKI UCON > IUt ! : < | T. ( STRICTIT PBIVATf. ) Only Utllatle Hedlwllnititutemaking * Eiecialty of PRIVATE DISEASES All Illood Dlitnei luccfMfulltreitcd. . tirntjllltlo I'ol.oo r mOTd from Ihf ijiura wltbout mercury. Ktw UttlorftlU * Trtt * Ml forlxfMofYlTAL ItltTKU. k * rtlei UD l teto rlilt Baobitrfale < ] at tioracbf corrr.l'ODdcaee. AllconiDiiinlc tlouicouflileuUil. Ue4lela iorlD.lruinratiiDlbrmtllcrcK. ] cr iieturilr | cke4noo > rtlaln ! < llr > lieonlrliliori < liiler , UatpirloiiiIlDlcrllfirprefdrcd. C.ll.uacon.ulluicnruj OHAlIAlIEDlOAIi&HimOraAI. INSTITUTE , 13th and Dodge Bluet. , UUAIIA , MEB. COLLAR " d allurlnary troubles ly urnl safely ciirwl by Cunaiilea. Betorul canon cured in ttonm Hold at JI.Wl per box , ull ( Inict'ints , or by mull from Docturu JITi ? Co , lli White fct. , N. Y. Full directions. ESTABLISHED 1858. Side Spring Attachment ; no Here < Motion. MANUFACTURER. First Class Carriages on hand. also built to order. Repairs Promptly Executed. 1409-1411 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb , rtHIGAGO [ § MAL § CQILEG MoraruiiI'iirUdicarClilrasioi. llourJInc E U Hdimil tot OlrU anil Yornir l.mllni. j-u cntnlOKUO uddrriM U. T1IAVl'lt. UI ) AlorRHU I'urk , III.or 7 , lluttlouii Struct , Clitcauo , 111. Dr. J , E , McGRE W OVK OC7IIK MOHT SPECIALISTS In HID Treatment of All Chronic , N'u and 1'ihiito Disease. . r-criiintorrliii | < , Imputoncr and Kullliiv MnnUood nUulutolimul , A ciira xuitrunteiul In ull formi of I'rlrittu Oliouicn , Hlrliturut. ( Jlout , &c. Catarrh , 'Ilinml , l.unitt , mid Ili'urt l > l im i > n , ltliuumntl m , himl | | und tuuiulu DltoatuiIJIuoduncf&kl trvutul nuitoitlullr. Ijulkii' unit uuntlumon'i waiting roomi anduntlrolr prlrult ) . ( uniuliHtiOH frvv. Hcn < 1 forbooki. Tliu Hocret Mid Prluilu Illiemui tit IImi , " Him "Woiuun und liar Ii cuio . " luo uuch ( ilamiii ) . Trciliniiit by corro- l > unilunin | neiul mump fur rup'x ' , unites 8 , I' . Corner Uth mul J ck on Ptrocta , OMAHA , NJJIJ.