Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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- - - Y- V.'A "l""L'"jrj"i-----V."i ! -
T - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - -
No nUvortlaomonta will be taken for
those columnB nftor I2I3O p. m.
Vorma-CflBh In ndvonoo.
Adi crtlftemcntB under this hosA 10 cents per
line foi the tint Insertion. 7 cents for each stib-
f equent insertion , and 11.60 per line per month.
No advertisement * taken fo * less than 25 cents
( or flmt insirtlon. Bovcn word * Trill bo connted
to Incline ; they must run consecutively nnd
must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must ba handed In before KS'JO o'clock p.
m. , nnrt tinder DO clrcutnstnncosrtll the ? b
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
rarlle < ) advertising in these column * and h&Y-
Ing tlielr answcra mldreasod In care or TUB HKK
wfllplonijo nk for ft clicrK to enable thorn to get
their letters. M none will be delivered except
on presentation ot check. All answers to ad
vertisements nhculU ba enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * In those columns arn pub-
HMied In both mornlog nnd evening editions of
Tn i HBB , tlo circulation of which aggregate *
tnorethan 18,000paper * dally , add clve * the ad *
vertliern the benefit , not only of the city rlrcu-
intlon of TfiRllKB , but nl o ot Council llluu > ,
Mncoln and other cltlw and town * throughout
thin section ot the countyy.
Advertising forthceo columns will be taken
on the nbove conditions. Jit the following busi
ness houses , who nro authorized agents for Till :
USE special' notices , nnd will quote the same
rates iwicnn bo lind nt tlm main onico.
. Street.L
L _ _ _
f \ HASH A KDOT , Btntloners and Printers. 113
Houth Kith Street.
Sn. FA IlNBWOnTH , Pharmacist. 2110 Cum-
WJ.HITCIHE3 , Pharmacist , 621 North 10th
, Street. I
GEO. W. FAllK. thnnnaclat , 1800 St. Mary' *
tTUayEB'PnAHMAcr.2203 Farnnm Street ,
" " " " "
WANTED Hy youn Englishman , n posl
tlon in dry Roods' 22 years' experience ;
thorounnlyncfitfalntcd with Ilrst-clnss trade ,
and In ovcry detail of the business. E. .1. Mln-
ors , at Cozzen's hotel. _ 210-15 *
WANTED A position ns head cook to do
moat and pastry work. Address , J 4nee. .
Situation by a competent bookkeeper
keeper or will accept any olllco work. Ad
dress J 00 , llo.uomco. _
QITUATION by a registered druggist rcgis-
Otorod. Ify examination ) . 6 years experience ,
beat of references. D. C. H. , 820 3. 10th st.
200 U *
WANTED In mcrenntllehouso , permanent
situation , moderate salary. Address 11. F.
Ecclcs. room 21C , First National bane. 185 18 }
TTIXPBUIENCED hotel clorkwants Immediate
XUomploymont , city or cjountiy. Address .1 46 ,
Jlee. 170 l.t *
TXfANtED-KnGlneer-plle-drivinir. liefer-
T i cnces required. Call at 8401 Cutnlm ; st. this
.ovonlnff cr to-moi row morning. 2tl 13 *
TXTANTED Energetlci agents , teachers nnd
Y T students to procure members for our libra
ry association. Tne business is pleasant , and
wo pay aRi'ntB from 815.0J to JiialO per week.
Add res , with references , National Library As-
Boclatlon , 11X1 State t. . Chicago. 111. ! SJ 15
WANTI5U Young man.tiohas had experi
ence In book-keeping : must bo rapid pen-
raim and accurate nicouatnut. Enquire only
between 0 and 10 o'clock to-morrow morning at
The Fair , cor , nth and Howard SM. 213 13
WANTED Two stone cutters at stone
church. B 10th st. 170 13t
ANTED A broad baker at 52J Main St. ,
Council Hauls. 202-U
WANTED A traveling salesman , a hustler ,
now traveling from Omaha , to handle a
fast selling side lino. Address Wm. H. Rife ,
126 I' Indlaua st , Chicago. 189-17J
WANTED A good coat maker ; n steady po
sition and good wagus. Sochor & Hurt , St ,
Paul. Nob. 1M-14J
W ANTEP 15 teams by Lamorenux Hros. at
Iflorance ; steady work until cold weather ,
'TJOY wanted , used to cows and horses , good
XJmllkor. Apply 30Q3Joago at. ICO ii : ?
T3RINTER Wanted A boy 13 or 14 years old ,
X rapid typesetter , wanted ; state recommen-
idatiens and wages wanted. Address "Mirror , "
Lyons. Nob. 140 13
A GKNT8 wanted Knrneit Christian men nnd
ZJLWOmeu to sell The Christian's Legacy , One
agent writes ; "Last Thursday was a good day
for me ; I started out at H a. m. . delivered three
books nnd at 12 noon had U new subscribers. '
Another : "I have been out -days this week
and huvo taken 20 orders ; 1 enjoy showing it tc
the people. It in such a good , helpful book. '
Address E. B. Holland , 40 Dearborn bt. Chicago ,
WANTED Four hundred men for track lay.
Ing In Wyoming. Apply to p. H. Johnson ,
D. & M/ passenger depot , Omaha , Uii.l
WANTED 2 young men for light work at$11
weekly. Hoom 17. iBJ N. loth. 9tu 13 *
WANTED SOO graders and tin makers foi
the Hlnclc Hills oxtonfclon. Filley , Kramei
& Co. , Max Meyer building , 11th and Farnam ,
WANTED-100 railroad laborers for tlu
west. Company work , Fllloy Kramer
Co. , Max Meyer uulidlng , 11th and Farnam sta
"OTANTED Good reliable men for detective !
TT in every community ; paying positions
Address KausuH Detective Bureau , lock bo ]
231) ) . Wichita , Kan. 082-lOj
WANTED AgentsI To solicit orders foroui
celebrated Oil Portrait * Iho finest made
No experience required I Hegiuners earn MO i
week. W ou t lit free 1 Send for full particulars
A rum chance. Balford , Adums & Co. , 40 Hem
et. . New York. 81'J O 6 *
rPRAVBLING eol'smun with time not whollj
X occupied can realize liberal margalns null-
Ins our lubricating oils from samples , as i
"side line , " Address H , currier S9 , Cleveland. O
WANTED A Jlrst-clnsi macnlnlst as fore
man. Apply or nddress Western Mnfj
Co. , Lincoln , Neb.
WANTED A- man In every locality to ac
as private detective iindor onr Untrue
lions , bend -lo for particulars. Central Detec
tlvo Hureuu , Topeku , Kan. 7K-o.l ) !
" 1 7 ANTED A peed onico man to go east
TT jnuit invest SVWO : nrustboanood Imslnesi
> nan. Address the ( ice , B. Cllnu Publlshlm
Houaf , ai& to ail WftbaBh avu. * , ChicagoIlls.
" 618
ANTED Men for Washington terntory
Albright's Labor Agency , it JO Farmim si
\ li7ANTEOVlnaow dresser at The Folr.13tl
VT'and Howard sts. ! > & >
GOOD rellttblo cnnvnssers.steady employjnen
withTha Sinper Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas t
cw a 13
7,1 OIIDBHS in 6 days : "I nverugu 10 orders li
I 12 calls. " These extracts from iigents' let
tera ; ugentR wanted In Nebraska. Address will
ttnuip , U. K. Osborne. lleatrlce , Nob. 1)11 ) a 17'
ANTE J-Glrl for general housevork , CJ
N. Itth. hi
ANTED-B din ing room girls , 2 girls fo
ueuoral worit. Apply M. 3 , Franek. Coz
tens Hotel. 217 i
TATANTED A gill to cook and do genera
M housework.good wages paid , 222 1loMard
, _ 2IU Kl *
WANTED Waist llulsUorB , 2100 Capitolavt
2U7 15 *
ANTED A good. * trong givl for kttchei
worit ; wanes , tate per wtek. Pacific lies
tain ant , 1U15 llamcy. 211 15 +
\\rANTKI > -i ; experienced chambermaid !
TT t5 ! : ( I dining roam { ilrli. f 1 ; second cook
foil ; laundries for Council llluirn , ulrla for Fro
niont. Cohimbin , 1'lattxmouth uuu other conn
trytouim : nirla wUhlugmtuatlons out of tli
< -lty jileneo call aim leave their addresses. Mm
Hregn.amt 8. 15th. 1W 111'
WANTED-EnerKoUc , capable lady totiik
ogenry ot Oinunu tor Mine. McCnbo1
coleoratecl sanative corsetn , best fitting an
best eclling corsets made. Bt. LouU Corset Co ,
Bt , Louis , Mo , Ot/j 20
\XrANTKD-Hrl for general houbework 1
T family ofthioo , Uernmn preferred ; applj
togcaaCMpitoi ave. sh
ITANTKD German atrl to do cookluu am
_ T waihlng , bwst of wage * pia. Inquire j
I. , llrandels , iai H 1'Jth ' st. 13
WA Kip rleuced girl for genera
luusovrork. Mru. L. O. Jones , 718 No. 211
TITANU'lSD Good competent girl to do ueti
TT wal homework , inquire ( | U6 ! d8t.
\\7ANTiD-airlforgeueralhousework. : mal
JTTJiimlly , Mr . Wrlsnt , salt B wnrd t , iw la
\\rANfuo-A , good girl for e ner l lieu (
/J.woiK , swodeorderiiiun prertrred. Mn
J , W , Craij- . II , cor .tith and Woohvorth art
110 1J
WANTIiD-Glrl for general housevr.rfc. 1003
B. 80th are. ml
ANTim-Olrlfor general houjowort 05
s.sathst. 333 m
WANTED Olrl to o general housoworlc at
8128 Chicago t. < 67
TITANTED-nooil girl fotRenerai hotisowork
VV inai N 16th. faa
WANTED Tlio ttgo of n Rood sound liowo or
pony ( rifling w drlvine i two hours morn-
ing anil arcnlag. Address J te , I llcooince.
WANTED-Party vrlth thobost of references
to take part rtt 10-room house on 8.10th st ,
-nfurnlshed. Address J 43 < lleooince ,
15o 12 *
-QHRSSMAICING in tamllies ! 027 So. 17th st.
133 0105
TPNOAOKMENTS to do dressmaking in faml-
ilcs solicited. Miss Sturdy , 619 8 2oth Rt.
KU s4 ! *
T , ANTED To rent 0-room house ( separate )
> wlthaUconvenlonces\vestof2lth between
todgo. Woohvorth anil 1'nrk ave ; iiood custom-
r wants it. D. V. ijholes , 1'J ' 1st Nat. Hank.
174 10
8-KOOM house , pas , bath nnd nil modern con
veniences , 401B. 24th nve. 210 15 *
1710 U HUNT 0-room houau on I'nrU nvo. , bath ,
X' and nil conveniences , il" ) per month.
H-roinn house near Hanscompark , JMpar mo.
S 7-room houses , sninolo-atlou , J-M per mo.
4-room tiouie , large barn nnd yard , "JtU nud
Taylor ts. , $12 per mo.
2 7-room llats , ICtli aud Howard sts. , $3.1 per
month. ,
2 stoics. 26th and Loavemvorth Bts.
3-story brick , a. loth st. . all lltted up f ov hotel
orboarulna housoj rent nil or part , i
D. V. Sholes , K. 210 1st Nnt , IJnnK UrtB.
UOl In
T71OU HKNT G-roora cottugo on Soutli S3rd
X ; street , $25.
Two 4-room cottnges on 9.12th st. . J12.M.
Two 3-room llats OP N. 17th ss. , suitable for
Two 0-rbom llati corner 24th , nnd Leaven-
Apply to dreon&Wllllnms.lst Nat. bank bldg.
! W9
HBNT Fine 11-room house , with all
POll imoroveinents. No. 2310 Douglas
t. A. II. aiadstono , 1310 Douglas st , 191
HKNT Desirable residence n w cor 22d
FOU Davenport. Furnished , 12 rooms , in
quire on premises. 183-15 ]
FOR KENT The very desirable residence
property. No. 2112 Cos ? st. A good lease to
satisfactory tenant , llotfgs & Hill , real estate ,
UOlFarmun. * 16018
T UKNISHED house , all modern 1-nprovo-
JP ments , to family without children ; best lof-
praucts given nnd required. For particulars ad
dress 8 , carrier 28. - 172 13t
T7I011 IllNT : b-Toom house with modern 1m-
U nrorementd. on motor Hue , $ Jo per mouth ,
U. F. Harrison , .Merthnnts' Nut'l bank. , 147
TT10K llENT-0-roain cottHge with clcsetn. els-
-D torn , well ; on'i'df st. motor nud one block
from cable and Cumlng street Hues. Anply 2117
Izaulst. 154 1JJ
TTOTJ3ES and cottagca for rent. Hicks.
153 17
rilOIl URNTronm ! house , modern improve-
J menss and furniture for sale. J1J11 Daven
port st. 12J1U
FOR HKNT 1-room ( ! house. 8.X ) S. IBth. with
part of furaituro or sale , cheap. 08815t
8 room bouse , closet and both ,
? city water , barn. 2111 Caldwell st. It. ti.
llrown. room ! I22 Nr Y. Lite. 124 15t
O U HRNT House 12 rooms , barn room for
20 horses. Laundry or manufacturing busi
ness preferred. Long lease if required : 1211
Davenport , near lath. U'131 ) =
TJIOR KENT All-room cottaso , city , cistern
-C water , convenient to business. DavldJaiulo-
sou , 314 S. nth st. WO
IJIOll HENT-$21 ; 7-room houno. gas , bath ,
-C cistern In yarn ; 2231 California st. Inquire
Nctherton Hall , 1112 Farnnm st. 000 14
EOH KENT 7-room house. 1523 Jackson st.
/ 031
_ _ _ _ _
FOll KENT A 9-room house , 1911 Doughis St.
Apply uia South 2id st. HUt
T71O11 HENT A new O-rooui house , with clos-
Jj eta , bath and hot water on both floors ; cor
ner Hlolfory and Georgia ave , one block from
park entrance. 1'rlce J.JO pisr month. F , il. Sal
mon & Co. , 1213 Leavenworth st. 01
'WOll KENT SSTi ; u pretty 7-room house , con-
JL ? venlontly locatedgascltv wator.etc. Inquire
Itlcgwalt Uros. , P.oorn 37 , Marker lllock.
000 11
ITIOlt HENT 0-roora house , 1210 Mason at. ;
JD newly papered and in complete order : cellar
under the whole houso. Hent JiO per month.
Inaulro of 017 S. 13th st. John Haralin. SCO IS
FOR RENT Vive-room cottage , 2813 Capitol
ave. Inquire on promises. BO.I
TJTOH HENT 0-room modern improved house ,
JD corner. Apply M , Klgnttor. llli 9. 10th. 830
THOU HUNT Handsome 10-room house , all
-C convlences. paved street , cable and horse
cars , 5 minuted walk of postolllce. NathanShel
ton , 1C14 Faruam st. 704
FOll HENT Several new 5-room cottages ;
rent 115 per month. Inquire of John II ,
F. Lehmann , 024'B. 17th street. 717
TJ1OH HUNT 7-roora house , 111 per month.
13 L. Green , 310 8 15th. 630
FOR KENT 7-room Hat , $11 per mo. above
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire Tht
Fair. 'J33
IjlOR HENT Fine largo residence , hard wood
JC llnish , all conveniences , low rent to pnvati
family : 2111N lilth st. 521
TJ10H UENT Flat D 622 S. ICth st , has all con ,
JP vcnluncvs and onoof the best 7-rooiu Hats ir
thoclty. for terms call on Her Ic Co. , 11U
llarnoy st. 603
HENT Fine Hand 13-room housoi will :
all modern improvements , Cass street , be
twcen-4Ui nnd 25th fits , , at low rates. 11. T.
ClarKO , 2120 CASS st , 2S5
FOH HKNT 7-room , 2-story house , barn foi
4 horses it desired. For-terms for the wintoi
cull on or address C. F. Harrison , Merchants' '
Nat'l Hank. 18
HOUSKS for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnum ,
FUH HENT 7-room hon28th and Capitol
ave. lnqulro,23JI Doslge. 811
SIXnew bouses , 5 to 8 rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address , Neb. Mortcugc
Loan Co. , room old Pixton bl'k. JJtT
FOR RENT 10-room home , st'am hcnt. all
Improvfinents , cheap rent. 0. E. Thompson ,
room 211 , Sheely block , 15th and Howard.
T7VR ) UENT No. 3411 Capitol avenue , 11
-I ? rooms , all modern conveniences. The O. F ,
Davla Co. 232
PUIIN1HH15D rooms for gentlemen only , $ f
ami HI. ill'J 8. 2Jth. W 15
ElUHNISHED rooms with all modern conve-
X1 nlonces , for uentlomen only , 17W Doilge tt ,
' 62tl
* | jiOH HKNT Elegant f nrolshed room for sin
Jgle Koutlemau only , T-l d lUth St. , cor. Leaven
en orllt , 527
fTH'UNIBIIED rooms , three large front rooms
X tlrxt , second and third floor , now house
modern conveniences , suitable for gentlemei :
ana wlvea. hrht-class board , good nelgnbor
hood. 407 fr luth. 1K1 15 *
TT10H HRNT I'nrnlahedor unfurnhhed room
JJ modern convenlenreH , 710 B. Itith st. 134 l-t
- furnished room , Bteatn heat
ens , bath , from 110upward * , IW1 8. I3tu st
! d Hour. 15717t
ST. CLA1U European hotel , cor. l.'ltn anc
Dodge ; gpedul rate ny woes or niontn.
lUHTliousekeeplug rooms , 111. lilt ) N. 18th. .
V ) nit
T500M with or vrlthont boanl. 1813 Dodiro.
ONE furnished room with use ot parlor , f-
per mouth ; also board if desired. 1511 Cal
iforiila at. 3-15J !
Tmolt HENT Dealrable front room * with o ;
X1 without board , in strictly private family
nicely situated , in modern residence , near bun !
neat center. Iteferenced exchanged. 2110 lUr
neyst. B4H3J
rooms , breakfast audao'cloo
' dinners ; ateam beat. Koauoil bath. Flat A
No. 614 a mil Ht. Her blocK. a.7-16J
O room suitable for4. and 1 aingli
room ; board It desired 1717 Chicago.
i'W 15J
NICELY f uruiahod suit ot rooms and one bin
Klaroom. AliiuoderuconrenUiicef , privaK
fftiullv 22U 1'iu-uani Bt ,
{ TKTKNltlHRD rooms -will b raodyln a f \
X1 days ai S3J4 Farnam nt. 7i)0. )
r.OOD room with balll. 519 B MtU st , SET
CTOU HENT Two furnished rooms on. Bt.
X1 Mary's avrnuo , to ROntlomenonly ; .ilxmtn-
trs "walk of business center. Itcfcronoo re-
uorod. Inquire nt store , 210 and 212 S 13th st.
[ TUMI HRNT tinfiirnlihed back parlor wttn
X1 carpet , for one or two gentlemen , 2U07 Cast.
[ TOll HENT Furnished room with , Board ,
L. ' modern conveniences , best locality In city.
Apply at 2315 Dodge t. 12515 *
TIUKN18HED room M month , 19lf , California ,
' - Wl IS *
11NJSHED rooms and board. 415 N. 15th.
no is *
POll HHNT-Nlcety furnished morns , nil
A' modern conveniences , with , or without
> oard , 003 N. 16th. 11110 *
[ 71OII iTENT NIcely furnished rooms with
' board In private family ; references : 22U7
aniam. SH 12 *
ROOM8 nnd bonra for n Rentlcmon ; no other
boarders. KlS.liMhnvo. U182U
SLEHANT furnished rooms , Mlth or wlthont
board. > 209 Dod o. 151 Hf
MHS. It. A. Churchill has taken and newly
furnished No. 411 N. 10th st. , whore nrst
lass accommodations may bo found. UlJ-14t
UNFUHNISttKn rooris for honsokcoiiing
o man nnd wife. 811) ) N Utn st. Without
lilklrcn. 181 lb
fTIOIt 11HNT 4 unftirnlRhed rooms northwest
-1' cor. 17th and Webster sts. ; price * 15 , 1'Jl
JTOUK llooms T.nrgo new 3-story and baso-
V-7mont sioro building , suitable for nny wholesale -
salebusiness. .
Now [ 1-story and basement building , suitable
for heavywlioleaalo business.
Store room , Ho , 001 N. 16th st.
IStoro room. No. 2405 Lcavcmvorth st ,
Apply toUruoUilc WllllamslstNnt. bank bid ? .
/"VN15 hundred-foot store 'A block from P. O.
Fleming , 14th nnd Douglas , 212 012
T iUU HUNT Cheap , a double store and baseL -
-L mont. corner 15th and Howard sts. Inciulro
of J. F. Sheuly , room 20J. Sheely block. 1:13 : 30
T IUST class stororoomto rent. Hicks.
153 17
FOU 1113NT Stores , llats and houses , cen
trally located. J. Johnson , 13.4 Karnam.
070 1W
"TTlOll JII5NT A large warehouse on Jones st.
-U bet. l.'lth and 14tii , three stories nud basement -
mont , 44 by 100 foot , well lighted and very
strongly built , suitable for heavy machinery
for manufacturing purposes ; will lease for live
or morn years at reasonable rent. Inquire of
Henry A. Homnn. 413 S. lain st. so 22 *
N ICE : hall for rent. Hicks. 153 It.
TJUMl RENT Store. Hit Farnam st , . 0by 123
X' feet , 2 Htorles and collar. Nathan Shoiton ,
1014 Farnnm st. " 03
TTIOH HENT-Tho 4-story brick building with
X1 or without power , formerly occupied uy The
Her Publishing Co. . 010 Farnam st , Tha.bulld-
inghns a lire-proof cemented basement , com
plete stonm-hoatlnp llxturoi , water on all the
lloors , gas , etc. Apply at tuo otllco of The Dec.
O RENT Desirable wareliouso room on
X track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 7U Paclllcst.
T71OR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
X' ing st. Also house on Cass st. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. Hank. 2Ji
SECOND-HAND typewiltors ; immense bar-
gains in all mates. Western Typewriter I c-
change. 710 Olive st , St. Louis , Mo. 22T W
MRS. II. A. MclCibbon , midwife , 12 years'
experience more or less. All calls proper
ly attended to. No. 1U1U 20th anil Oak sts.
141 13 *
rpttfi banjo taught as an art by Oeo. F.Gellen-
X beck. Apply at Ilee olllco. O.V )
OIIAS. L. Todd does collecting. 44 Harker blk
448-827 ]
by covorlng'yonr stsam
XUpipes with fossil meal nnn-oonductlng cbv-
erlng , the most oniclout nnd cheapest of all
coverings. D. O. McEwan , western , agent. 1011
Howards ! .
LOST Hob-tailed black nnd white dog , an
swers to name ot Homy. Return to 4lit
Sauna ers , 2:2 14
T OST A long leather pocket book contain-
XJtiiK fcjfl. bet. 13th and Howard and 2t > th ave
and Grant st. Finder will be re warded .byre-
turning to Ueo olllco. ] COJ3t
I OST Diamond screw stud at ColUeure
Wednesday night ; liberal reward jf re
turned to S. A. MoWliorter , Omaha Nat ; Hank
'I OST youngcloso-halrad 8t Bernard
XJ dog , yellow with white breast and feet. He
turn to 1130 Georgia ave. . or 'Ml Douglas and gel
reward. 53S , r
ITSI. Leuke Send me your address. J. C
T Whlpple , Omaha. BOO IB ?
Young lady would like some as
X ststance financially ; bust of references giv
en. Address J 47 Hee ollice. 107 15J
ATTENTION-Ladlos ! Modiste just fron
ii-Ne\v YorK with very latest styles. Dresses ,
wraps , cloaks , coats and riding habits. A per
feet lit without alteration assured for any kliu'
of purment , for Irregnlnr forms with same case
nnd precision as those of perfect proportions
doff otivo shapes greatly improved and sotfortl
to best advantage without detaining customer !
standing In fitting room for tne tiresome
length of time usually employed by dressmak
ers. Prices reasonable. Mrs. M. L. Galge. Flal
5 , between 418 nnd 420 8.1.1th st. 138 16 *
for furniture , carpets , Btovea , genera !
Jmdse. Wells' Auction & btorago Co.,317 S.Uth
aie on
WANTED-2,000 yards dirt at 5 cents pel
yard , to fill lot in llousel & Stebblns acl
ditfon. lloom 510 Paxton block. 114
MORTGAGE notes Ixiuns mads onronies
tate. Ilutchlnson & Wead , 1524 Douglas st
A N engine wanted at once : u 10-horse powei
-/Acngino lu good order. Addresa Incrulmm ,
140U Fnruam st. 133 13r
WANTED Furnlturn. carpets , stoves ami
household goods of nil Kinds. Omaha Auo
tlon & Storage Co. . H'Jl Farnam. 53J
TOR AGE Clean , dry. and reasonable rates
j Wells' Btorase if Auction Co. , 317 S. 13th st ,
S TO RAO Ent low rates at 1121 Karnam street
Omaha Auction nnd htorugo Co , 63 (
TORAOEandforwarding. We collect amide
liver goods of nil description , merchandise ,
furniture .ind baggage at cheapest rates foi
storage for any length of time. Vans ant
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with cure-
fill men for moving. Packing nnd shipping
from our own warehouse done on mouerati
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded
Warehouse on our own tracks. Onico217 S. 14tl
st. Telephone 1U. Howull&Co. 63,1
rTMlACKAG E storage nt lowest rates. W. M
X Ilunhman. 1311 i.oavenworth. fan
T7IOUTUNE 'i'eller Mrs. Lenorman CBU be
X' consulted ou nil affairs of lire , Sattafao
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. 113 08 *
It. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medl
cal and business medium. Female disease' '
u N. IQtn at. , rooms 3 aqd it , Kl
MADAME Wellington , world-renowned ns
trologlst , test medium and destiny reader
Just from Europe. Tells your Ufa from tut
cradle tu thu grave , reuultttt tlia separated
tauKes speedy man luge with the one you love
locates nnd tteiita with massage am
ulectrlo baths. All 111 trouble should not fall tc
consult this gifted seeress. Parlor U , iipstnlrx
417B. Hth ; olllco Uourt , from 10 a. tu. to 10 . m
42211 $
GOOD homes for ladlog dudnpr confinement
terms reasonable , * ! B.lith , Dr. Mra.KnutKi
MllS. M , Ohlenscblager.mla-wifery home foi
Udlei. Goou accommodation * and attendance
anco , Low prices. SW North 24Lh t. . Omaha
WHITTLBSEY'B horth n < l and typewrit
ing achool , Harker block. Day and even
Ing sessions ; tt per month. t > ll-O7t
STANDARD Shorthand School. Paxton blk. ,
( nui-cejsor to Vnlemln ' ) the largest oxclu
elv * la tbewput Teacben
nre verbatim reporters. Particular attentloi
paid to typewriting. Mechanical conitrnetloi
of tnacnluo taught by factory expart. Clreulars ,
vJ 'Rxcetilor Incnba-
fcapaclty. , Androsi
T710II SALE A PntinMih'cew Blrnpson made
X1 buggy. 527 Paxton bjqtX. 221
IjlOIl SALE-Tho nnOTtv'fHmlly carriage In
X1 Omaha , new ( at WlthrAw's stable , ttarney
it , ' must bo sola quick , * Atho owner Is Icnv
he city. 205 15t
JJI'AN of her o < , now Mlfton ft"t | harness for
Osnle , } luU. Call room lee ; Paxton blk. U70
"IJilOH SALE 3 cnrlOAdjr.of line mares ! cnn bo
X' found at the Council , liluiTs stock yards.
TJ10R SALR-Clienp. ftfoEcred road wagon , la
X1 good condition. ApplyTW ? N. 19th st. 759
ONE safe , two horse * ; phaeton , largo ice
chest , suitable for grocervstoro , one harness ,
pome old wagons. Nob. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
room 610 Paxton block. 093
TjlORflALn Span of horses , set double hnr-
X' nosa nnd two-seated surrey , will sell part or
all very cheap. A. P. Tukoy , 15th and Douglas.
"I7IOR SALE Good team of horses , weight
X1 1.300 Ibs each , six And seven years old , har
ness and wagon , price WWi wit ) soil on month-
y payments. Co-oporatlvo Land & Lot Co. ,
1V , N loth at. litt I
TTIOll SALE Good square piano for$30. Co-
X1 operative Land Ic Lot Co.,2J6 Ninth at. , by 0
I S mltb. 182 14
oil SALE Light half platform spring
' wagon , iuguod order ; 1507 N , 19th Bt.O .
O S30J
FOR SALE JV ) cash will buy six-horse en
gine nnd holler complete and In running or
der , AddrcwJ 41. Heo ollico. 15013 *
r EW r > 2-lnch blcyclo for sale cheap for cash.
I Addrcs J 37 , lleo onico. 112 151
ITlOit SAliE Work team , wngon nnd harness.
JJ single horse , harness nnd carriage , S
wagons , "sots heavy harness , or will exchange
lor brick. J. 0. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam. UuO
FOU SALE A good phaeton imil harness ,
only $75. Inqulro ot W. M , Yates , Nob.
National bank. CSS
A100 buys m i re , Harness , open buggy. Entjulro
ID1819 Sherman avo. , after o O'clock. 44i Km
FOH BALK A aj-honQ power Porter engine
in good condition , weight 5,100 pounds , cyl
inder llxlt ) . For particulars apply to Ino Uoo
onice. 703
nrjANO Otiaranteo & Trust Co. . N. Y. Life
JLTXbldg.comploteaostracts furnished nnd titles
to real estate exnmlnodperfocted guaranteed.
Tl/f / ON BY to loan on any security
1V1 for short time , at low
ratns. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 400. Paxton block. 613
JUILDINQ loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First
National banlc. 543
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
houshold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized lonn olllco In
the city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred nud slxty-llvo days , which can bo paid In
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call nnd see us wn n
you want money. Wo can nsslat you promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Jfonoy always on hand.
No delay in making loijn/i. / 0. K. Heed & Co. ,
811 8.13th St. . ovcrlllnglncm & Sons. 653
OANS City ana farm.'loans , mortgage pa-
Jper bouuht. McCaguejJnvestment Co. H'tO
M ONEY to loan. O. V.'Dnvls Co. , real estate
and loan ngents , IMliFarnmn st. 544
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial and
mortgages notes bouglilaffair rates ; all busi
ness trnnsactod contlmmtlnl. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Hamee bnlldluir. 554
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
ets. , or on nny approved security. J. W.
llobbins , 1411 ! i Farnam street. Paxton hotel.
> ju 040
W'ANTED First clnts sldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call and Reoais. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , Ill Harker bllulli and Farnam.
T\O YOU wnnt m6ney ? If so don't borrow
X/bofore getting my rates , which are the low
est nn any sum trom $1 to $10,000.
I make loans on houshold goods , pianos , or
gans , horses.muloswagonswarehouse receipts ,
nouses , loanesotc. , lu any amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for one to six mouths and
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you o wo a balnnco
on your furniture or horses , or have a lonn on
them. I will take It up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will flnd It to your nd-
Tantago to see me before borrowing.
H. F. Masters , room 4 , Withneir building , 15th
nnd Hnrnoy. 655
6 Per Cent money R. 302 , N. X" . Lire Ins. bldg
MONEY to loan at low' rates and no delay.
Capital and surplus $1 , OO.OJO. Lombard
Investment Co. , 309 S 13th st. 61)0 )
ESIDENCE ioans-OM to 7 per cent ; no nd-
dltlonnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. u. Melklo , First Nnt bank blcig.
SEE Sholes , room 210 , First Nat'l banfc , botoro
making your loana. . 512
. to loan at U per cent. & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 500 Paxton block. 510
MONEY to loan on real estate security nt
lowest rates. Heforo negotiating loans see
Wallace , H.310 , llrown bldg. . 10th & Douglas.
ft'JO '
NEIJUABKA Mort. Loan Co. will muse you a
loan on household goods ,
norses , Wagons ,
laud contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
v Hnout publicity , nt reasonable rntes.
Hoom 7 , Howley block. South Omnhu.
liooms 018-filO. Pnxton block , Omaha , Nob.
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western ollico. George W. P , Coatos.
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 640
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. 13th St. . opposite Mlllurd hotol. 653
T , OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages
XJbonght. LouisS.Kood &Co..H.l3UoardIrado
EV8TONE Mortgage Co , lajans of IO to
$1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on horses , turnlturo. or any
approved necurlty , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old , aud low-
esttatoa.callIl20 ,61iooleyblk,16tU& Howardst.
MONEV Louno negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good comuiercla
paper und mortgage notes. 8. A , y loin an. cor
13th and Fnrnam. 657
ONEY to Loan Chattels , collateral real
estate. RC01 , Merchant&'Nat'l bankbulldgln.
, , „ . 2il ( sJlj
MONEV to loan ; cash en hand ; no delay , J.
W. Squire. 1210 Farniini ( > * 'l"t National
bank building. f" 611
TTHRSTmortgago loans at low rates and no
X1 delay. 1) . V. Sholos , Slirarst National bank.
DO 613
TV/TON / EV loaned on furniture , torses , jewelry ,
all eta Special rates td-juirtles In north and
west part of city , J. HI Cmluger , 1117 Farnam.
ONEYtoloan-We m ke liberal advances
on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
litjrBoa and wagonH , without removal , without
publicity , nnd nt lower rutws than can be bad
ulsowher'j lu the city. 1'Avmonts can ba in nan
atony time , which redulei , > olh principal nnd
interest , Jx > ngnnd short'tlme given nnd lib
eral extension * made. CA'U business strictly
confidential. Hero re yowbo'rrnw or renew your
loan csll nnd got our rmteuf Hawkeyu Invest-
muul Co.roomXI , : ) d tlovr-rDoujjlaablocks.w.
corner lutli and Dodge gLraeta. .TO-s-21 _
MONEY to loan on city or farm property.
Geo. J , Paul. 1003 Farn&m Bt. lui
BE FORK making chattel or collateral loans.
It will pay yon to sea The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 413 Hoe bldg. 1UU
OR HALE 200 head of feeders , native steers
average weight ) ,0ju ibs. , mostly tonpea , 0
years old. Inquire 1st Nat. Hank. Uebrou ,
aTiuyer Co. . Neb. SXiTS
"I7VOR BALE-CIgar , confectionery and fruit
X1 Buand : good utanU right party ; 200 B.mtiat.
yj If4
ANTED-A partner with $3,000 to H.OOO to
take u half Interest in a well established
grain aud seed business. Address ilex II ,
Greunwood , Neb. 1S5
FURNITURE of n 21-room hotel In good locaT
tlon , una all modern conveniences , in city , ,
for 11.000 , H cash and balance on time. One ot
the best chop house * in the city lu good loca
tion and good trade forlLOnO.part ca h and balj
auce on nine. Also a feed ntoru for S J , or for
stocc or horsra. Co-opcrattve Land ana Lot
Co , SW N. ICtn at.
TTIOil SATiK , or partner wante m tcood sa-
X1 loon and restaurant , located In ono ot tha
Iwst Nebraska town * : tliliLiorar * ehane * to
the right party. Address J 49 , Hoe Omco ,
TilUni ) store in good location and doing good
X' business , price tvti to oxchang for cattle or
horses. Co-op , Lind nnd Ixt Co. . SU ( N. 10th st
I710K SALE A nice clean stock ot stoves nnd
X1 tinware on ono of. the best streets in the
olty. A bargain , C. 8. QMnstead , room Si ,
k. C4tl <
THOU SALE Elevator ntOaRdnlo. Good loca
X1 tlon for crraln , live stock , lumber and coal.
For portlcuUra write A. Truosdcll , Fremont ,
Neb , P44sl7f
T710R RENT Ono barn ; It ntnlMj largo yard ?
X1 clean nnd convenient ; ennmro of frost &
Harris , Irani at , bet. 22d nnd ! XM sts. 0.11-
TTIOR SALE Ortrndo , largo stocc ranch In
X western Iowa well improved and all tinder
fence ; with or without stock. HG3Hoo olllco.
an at
HOTEL for SMo Wishing to close out my
buMnoss nt Nellgh , will oifer lor sale the
Atlantic hotel , or will soil furniture and rent
building. Parties wishing to buy nddress U
J , Anderson & Co. , NollRh. Nob. .83 19 *
ARE you looKlng for an opportunity to on-
gagolnthemorcantllo business ? It so come
and see us. W. It. E. A : M.U , Room 14 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. 1140. R15
jitTr8ALE"bor"olcvator } In fine grain sco-
X' tlon. Address John Hoed , 1201 E st , Lincoln.
_ _ _ .
TTIOR RENT Dairy farm , near Omaha , O.
XT chllds , cor. 10th nnd tauvonworth. H2-13J
WANEED-Pooplo to call nt UOd , Exposition
building , Capitol avo. , nnd examine a now
invention patented July n , 1BW , and llnd a
chnnco for goivl paying business. Call at once
and Investigate. 100 IR ?
Cj lfi.030 rcsldouro on 2Hd st.lncttmbranco M.500 ,
tptor merchnndlso ; 81,000 grocery for butmlng
lot ; clear lot for horse nnd buggy , Hutchliiion
& Wead. 1631 Douglas St. 1(1116 (
"I710UEXOHANGE 2 residence properties for
XA horses or cattlo. H. M. , 2111) ) Curalr st.
054 14 *
/7J.OOD clear lots to trade for Improved prop-
VJ orty with some Incumbranco. C. S. Griu-
stead , room "I , Douglas blk , 047 14
mo EXCHANGK for mortgaged notes or for
X salu on easy payments )
Ono bay horse , ono platform spring wagon ,
ono t > ot brass mounted harness , two now car
riages , and one grocerjinan'a delivery outfit.
WIU Colfax , room la , Hoard Trade building.
mWENTV-TWO feet business property , a
X 13th. clear , for residence lot. a F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nat. Hank , 714
"OENTAL property , inside , to exchange for
Xlclcar farms or vacant city lots. Thoa. F.
Hall , 1)11 ) Paxton block. 829
"IJlOREXCHANGE An elegant tract of land
X ? containing la ) acres in Antelope county ,
Nob. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter section in Hand county , Dakota ,
party Improved.
Eighty acres near Council HlufTs ; la.
House anil lot on South ltth ) st.
Lnrgo amount of Oil Mountain and Petroleum
c6mpnny oil stock. Will oxchnngo for good
or the , erection of some bongos. Geo.
Property , 1st National bank building. ; 1TO
WANTED Property In Columbus , O. . for
Omalm property. C.r.HarrlsonMorchants'
National bank. 408
TTMGHTy acres near Mnrysvlllo , Kansas , Mor-
Xu shall county , for vacant lot lu Omaha. 0.
F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. 380
BXCHANGK-ClearlottnSo. Omaha to
trade for residence lot in Omaha ; assume
dllTorence. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Hanfc 270
T\THAThavo you toolTerln exchange lor my
IT $ ,1,000 equity In my double house on
Latnron st , near IBtn , or for my Jo.000 equity in
ray double house on Spencer st near ! 2d , or for
my $ ) , OiK ) equity in my double house on Wlrt st.
east of 21th , all with modern improvements , all
encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. No farms
wlllliB considered.V. . T. Seaman , east side
10th st , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons nnd carriages. 704
homes. Secure homes in Omaha
W View. Now. that thu motor line is to run to
33d nnd Lake street in Omaha View , homes in
this beautiful addition will ba eagerly sought
Atter on- account ot the great advantages of
locution , altitude , healtnfillness , accossltilllty ,
good neighbors , schools , cnurches , nearness to
Dtislness nnd the. wonderfully low prices at
which lots , or lots with new houses ouilt to or
der can bo bought. This is the one single addi
tion that has never been boomed , and the
prices are ns low us though no boom had over
occurred In Omaha. You get tne lots at an
honest price and get honest values in return.
People wanting homes will never regret pur
chasing in Omaha View , and should at once
cnll'on Hoggs & Hill , 1403 Farnam street and se
lect their lots , nnd make terms for having a
house built to suit. 218 22
'IT1OH SALE On loop time and easy payments ,
X' handsome , now.well-built houses of 8 , n ana
10 roomJ. All conveniences.good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars , nnd within walking
distance of P.O. Nathan She It on , 1011 Farnam.
8ALF. Now elegant 9-room house , all
FOR conveniences , east front , In the best
residence locality in Omnlm : will sell cheap ,
lircnnan & Co. , room 3 , Chamber ot Commerce.
175 Oil
moil SALE 643.73 acres , gee. 6 , tp. 12. r. 0 w ,
X1 Hamilton county Nob. House , stable , 300
acres fenced , living water. Price s'l.O'X ' ) . r , 1C.
Atkins , owner , railroad bldg. Denver , CoU 5KJ
$1,300 buys lot nnd 0-room house on brick
foundation , good cellar , cl ty water in kitch
en , 1 mile from P. O. on Calawell st. ; east front
in Plalnvlew , 81,100 , J OO cash ; nttratctlve 10-
room cottage , barn , full lot on Georgia avo. ,
ra,5f)0 ) , S.1UO cash. Ilutchlnson & Weart , 1524
Douglas at. 10115
A CHOICE bargain. The boat piece of prop
erty in the city for the money. lOOxlOu foot
corner ot Georgia and Poppleton avenues for
$10 per front foot. O. A. Bturr , 1205 Farnam st.
140 J5
mo MANUFACTURKllS-I will give ample
X ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad , or on the Missouri 1'aclllo ( Helt Llnoj
railway In Westlawn , Just outside the city
limits , in West Omaha , conveniently situated as
regards access to thebuslnesscenterof Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for the location of
any of the following industries ;
Furniture I'nctory. Hutton Knctory ,
Shoo Factory , Lard Hellnory ,
Ktarch it Glucose W'ks , Honp Works.
Pupor Mill , Purlflor Manufactory ,
Plow Works. It room Factory ,
Harvester \Voks , Woolen Mill ,
Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , Hex Manufactory ,
Bash. Door and Blind wire Works ,
Manufactory , Machine Shops ,
Flour and I1 cod Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Wostlawn
is just outdldo the city limits , and industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes ,
If you are thinking of locating In Omaha It
will pay you to investigate this ,
( Jeo. N. Hlcka , New York Life building ,
Omaha. 70U
TjlOH BALE Kasy terms , Kountze place.
XI Two homos , each 8 rooms , each * looo ,
Two homes , each 0 rooms , each $ .1.003.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7,600.
All with modern conveniences.
All large vnlue at tne price.
All witiiln n eqtmre of the motor line.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by tha owner , W. T. Seaman.
Kast side Jfith at. , north ot Nicholas st.
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages , 650
A 1,300 buys a lot nnd 0-room lioueo on brick
tofoniulatlun , good collar , city water in kitch
en , one mile from P. O. on Cadwell at.
ICast front in I'lalnviuw. $1,100 , { u canh.
Attractive 10 room cottage , barn , full lot on
Georgia hvo. . IM.SW , $ :0) cash.
IluK'liliiBon& Wood , 1524Douglasst. 1(11 ( l ;
IHAYR some llrst-chwi rental property for
sale cheap within one mile of pobtolllce. on
paved streets nnd motor line , Thou. f. Hall ,
fill Paxton block. 588
T710H SALE L * > ts In Btewart place , will fur-
X nUh jnouoy fur building house , and pay
ments monthly. Here is a chance to heouro a
home , llurib , mum 411,1st Nat. Hank. Mil
171OR SALE 9-room liouae. barn and lot Hans
XI com Place , at a , bargain , Harrlt , Room 411
1st Nat. Hank. 601
T7IOR BALK H.OOO acres land in Nebrasicaj
X1 DOcUO foot lot ri lllth St. at n tacrlllcinu price.
Inquire 1413 813tU. Geo. 11. Pet.ovsoiUOH)18t
FORBALB KIegantroom house In Orchard
Hill ; modern improvements , etc ) on ousy
terms. 'AUofi nowtt-room notiaes , eachwltli2
full lots , small barn , etc. , in good location ; will
huvo eleUrlc motor within 3 blocks , Make of-
fera. Address 1160 , Hee olllee. 710
ot toe two house and lot bargains 1
have been offering on. Georgia ave. north of now sold and occupied , becaiue
of my very low price , Tlio soutli house nf the
two til1 remains a bargain open to somebody ,
1 Irst comes , tlrst sei ved. To be appreciated it
needa to be examined Internally , 1 positively
will not rent it , though sovornl times offered
V ) per montlu Price , on very easy termfl.tJi.OOU ,
W. T. Seaman , east lida Idtb it , north ot Nlch-
olai t..Omuha'8 largest variety of wagons and
c rri Kea. 659
SALE , real estate Three cnotce lots In
itediok Park addition , facing 2 < th ave , Only
* LOW ) eucn. A nue clasa of reuldencej surround
this property , and in lej than two yearn they
will dotfbla In value. George J , Sterusdorlf. '
lit Nut , bun * btilldkiir. itt
rtlH R best money nvrorth othonsoandlot now
XforoalolnOmana M that which 1 nm uow
completing tiear 24th st , on paved Wlrt , . in
Kountxo place. 8 Bedrooms , 3 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , a bath rooms , : t wato * ciosotn ,
largo laundry , MMlpniuy wnsh tubs , furnace
and coal room nnti collar , elcctrlo bHls and
speaking tube , 13 closeu. . Prlc only I7.50J on
terms to suit. Lltnwiso ndupllcato adjoining
nt same price. W. T. Betiman , east stda 16th st ,
north of Nicholas st. Omalm's largest variety
jfwngom and carriages. 650
" 1710118A US-Two ot the best located traccago
X1 lots , on the northwest corner ot 31st nnd
Ir.urd Ntroetn , size IMxlli feat. For price and
terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg , JOI3 North alat struos axi-si.U
/"tOMRnnd see us and investigate some of the
V-'barRaln wo have tootlcr. Wn nro contin
ually listing new propertloi and "if you don't
ie * what vou want tuik for it. "
For Bale or fexchango one ot the ( most restaurants -
taurants in Omaha nt a banrain.
Wo have several fine liotefproperttos to trade
for land or other good values.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at n bargain. Klovntor complete , with
horse power , scales , onico furnished , etc. A
flno opening for B practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In nil parts ot Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acre j
of school lamt lease , in one of the best counties
in the stain.
A fine residence property in Omalm View for
gale nt A bargain
A fine Wheeler county form , well developed ,
goodsoH , for exchange for Omaha property.
iii ) acres of line land In northwestern Iowa to
exchange for Omaha prooeriy. . ,
For sale or exchange for western landt. city
property , merchandise or live stock , nllno hotel
property In Iowa town of 0,000 inhabitants.
Leading hotel or the place and doing a flue
business. Furmihes nioitla for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the rlnht man.
WJ have xinsurpasso , facllltloa for dlsposlntr
of property , havlug some 50J agents scattered
over four or live states. Lin your property
with us If youwlnhn quick turn , W.R.K. *
M. K. , Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , telephone -
phone 1440. . 'C5
EXCURSION look out for our land excur
sion to nil polnt-t west on Tuesday , Sept. 24.
We cull esuccnil nttrntion to our Now Mexico
Irrigated InmlohlcH is the best investment
that can be made to-day in real estate. Come
nud join our excursion when you cnn have
round trip ticket for 1 faro. Wo can show you
land in nil part < t west ot Chicago nt terms anil
prices that cannot bo bent. We have some ex
tra good bargains on varan ! and Improved Jots.
Call at Excelsior Land Co.,310 S luth st. Omaha.
K-ROOM house on leased ground for sale or
"exchange for n team of horses. Inquire 1000
B. M st. DM 15T
TjlOll SALE , real estate Hrlqgs Place , 1 have
X1 in this dcslrnblo addition a number ot
choice lots for sale at low ilguros nnd tormi to
suit your convenience. If you nre looking fern
n line residence location , lot mo drive you out
and show you those beautiful lots which I olfor
for sale. They belong to non-resldanta and
must bo sold. Don't delay but call nt once on
George J. Sternsdorff , 1st Nat. bank building.
Telephone 401. 443
WKLL-lmnrovod SO acres near enough to see
Omaha high achool , 11,400. Hutcinnson fc
Wcad. 15J4 DouglnssU 10115
/"VNE farm of 44u acres In Page county , Iowa.
\J One farm of 120 acres In Ailnms couuty , la.
One fnrm of HM acres In Heck co nty. Nob.
One farm of 10J acres in Grand t'orkn , Dnk.
Also Llndermun hotel furniture , Clnrindii , la.
All of the nbovo described property must bo
closed out In Blxty days , roaardless of price.
Call or address F. M. Park , Clurinda , Iowa.
010 s'iO
I OOIC1 Look ! Lookl Manufacturers and
XJwaruhousemon. Investigate this. Northwest
coiner inth and Pierce sts. , 100x141 , only H'J.nOJ.
$3,510 cash ; 4 houies on this property , rents for
$1,01)0 ) per yenr ; above pnco gets the houses nnd
some of the ground for nothing , but the Call-
foinla owner wnnts to aell. M. A. Upton Com
pany. 10th and Fnniam. 701
BARQAIN Choice ten-ncro trncti , close to
Helt Line railwaywill subdivide Into 60 ulco
residence lots that will sell for I-KKI to $ IUO each
wlthin the next three yoar.s ; can quote special
price on this If sold at once , Goo. N. 11 leas ,
New York Life Hulldlng. 1C3 17
FIVE 6-room hoti'SB ? , new , bath room , cistern ,
city water , half bloce from Motor line ; 10
pe : cent cash , balance monthly ; sale subject to
short time leaso. Koo. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
room Til'J 1'nxton block. 82H
TTIOR BALK A bargain , nn olegnnt drug
X' stock nnd fixtures , doing good business.
Have business Interests elsewhere nnd must
sell. Address J 4) Hoe office. 15313) ) :
FOH SAtE 2 houses on lot G7'x82 on s o cor.
llth nnd Vlntoa , * 1,003. Inquire witntn. < r
| _ J 1UI slflj
TppOH 8ALE-2J , 44 or fill feet of tot 0 , blocIC 7
X ? nt 8C5C per foot. This is within a quarter of
a blocu ot the now P. O. site , and will bo worth
81UK ) inside of a year.
Ths e H lot 8. block 101 , cor. Iiouglas and 10th
sts , 44 ! eot on Douglas and CR on 10th. price
$25.000. 310,000 cash , balance In flvo equal annual
The so > { nw y nee 0. 114. r 13 e , Douglas Co. ,
price $12,00) ) . $ looo cash , balance easy.
Lot 7. blk 350 , South Omaha , price $1,200 , terms
easy. W. II. E. & M. E , room 14 , Chamber of
Commerce telephone 11 If. 727.
T71OU SALE Choice farms near good mnr-
X1 kots , cheap and terms easy , or" will take
good trade. Lewis & Co. , Sterling , Colo.
680321 * *
IjNOR SALE Good , clean $10,000 investment ;
X1 write and nsk me about it. C. F. Harnson ,
Merchants' Nat'l bank. 497
HANSCOM place lot for sale very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block 7.00x150. Address F , P.O.
box3SO. 377
V ] 1CB 0-room cottage , near hizn. school ; lot 3'j
iN xl32. $ JR'J : this Is n bArgniu. C. F. Har-
riaou , ilerchanta Nut. bank. 127
EIHST National safety deposit vaults. Safes
to rent $5 to n year , 3ur 8,13th.
LOHE HO'I EL Newly famished and fitted
up throughout ; centrally located ; $2 per
day. 130S-131Q.1312 Douglas ft. 604
TVTURRAY HOTEL Newest , latest and only
-LrXtlrst-class hotel In Omvha ; tJ to it per day ,
H. Sllloway proprietor. 665
O/.ZENS Hotel , corner of 8th nnd Hnrney
streets , $2.0u per day. No dark rooms.
Table ttrst-clasa. Try it. SI. J. Franek 041-ai
TTITINDSOR HOTEL-Corner of llith nnd Jack-
V T BOH btieots , il blocKs from Union depot ,
a day house in the city. 600
Notion to Contractors. -
Sealed proposals wlllboreceived at the ofllcc
of the County Clerk. Douglas County , Nebraska
until" o'clock p. m. , Saturday.tfaptembar 14th
18aU , for the erection of flvo ( li twenty foot , Hpan ?
trestle work , on road known na Dr. Minor's
Road , between sections 1 and 12 , township 14 ,
rango2. !
Plans and specifications to bo found in County
Clerks ofllco. All lilds must be accompanied by
certified check for $00 00. The County reserves
the right to reject any and nil bids.
IB HA i/l M. D , RUCIIK , touu y Clerk.
Omalia , Nob. , Beptembur 11 , IBti'i. The
dates for opening bid * tlxed by my adveitlso-
ments of August IHti nnd 31st for const i action
of public buildings are extended to o'clock p ,
m..central time. Santomber30th , IBM ) , for the
brick storehouse at Omaha Depot , and to same
hour October 10th , JW , for the two double sets
of officer's quarters nnd fronts to the three
other double gets qunrtcrs at Fort Du Chnsnc ,
Utah. WM. H , HIJGHE3. Llotltoimnt Colonel
nud Deputy Quartermaster General , U. H. A , ,
Clilof Quartermaster. B 13142027.
fTTAKEN UP On the Sherwood farm , 2 horses
X tnat owimr can have by proving property
nnd paying charges.
Palace Stables , Kill nad Davenport.
BlU-23-30 83-13
Nnitrofn Contrnofors Ihr Pavlnj : .
I'roposals will bo received by tno
SEALED ou viaducts , streets nnd niloys
until U o'clocic noon Monday , September luth ,
IKbU , at the olllco ot the city unglnefr , for pav
ing nnrt rurlilnu Itnllroud avenue from " 41"
street to "Q" street , and "M" street from Hall ,
reid avenue to 27th street , nnd 27th street frojn
"L" street to "N" street , wltll Colorado sand ,
fitone on xand. nrcordlng to plans and specifica
tions on file in the olllco of the city engineer.
Approximate estimate la . Bfjuuro' urd *
ot paving , and 6,705 lineal feet of curJAnx to
cost $11,7)7 ) if ) . Work must be com plo toil within
40 days. All bids must bu accompanied by cer
tified chock for K09.0Q , to ba returned on all
bids not accepted. The right to reject any and
all bids la reserved.
Hy order City Council.
R. n. TOWT/B.
Chairman Committee on Viaducts , Btroota and
Hy JOHN It. MoiittiB , City Knglneer.
Boutli Omaha , Bept , DtU , WJ. sM
. , , . - . _ nd A j _ . -i
! f 8land < aBptrUlty ,
blmillu ClTiUwltV
716 WAIHIKCTOM Av { . Sr. Louis. Mo.
Running between Council niiiffa and Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twtnty-tourtU
streets , nud at the .Summit in Omaha.
Cliloago , AND Milwaukee ,
SU Paul , Minneapolis , Coil it r RupIdH ,
Rock Island , Fiei'port , Ilotkford ,
Clinton , ] > ubuHi6j ( Davenport )
El iu , Madison , JnncBTlllo ,
Itnlolt , Wlnonn , LH Crosse ,
And all other Important nnlnt'la t , Hortlitut ana
For through tlck < > U ctll on tlio ticket nwnt at 1W1
Jfnrimcu tru t , In llarfcvr Hlook , or ut Union 1'ucifla
Duunt ,
I'ullman Blep nnnil the flnt Dining Can In th
wnrlilnru run on tlio rnt.ln Ihiu ot Uo tlilriuin , Mil-
waukeoA Ht. 1'uul Ilkllwuy , and orvrr Bttuntlon 11
Paul to pae uuKwm by vuurtuuuf employe * of tli4
1U Ml M.Kit. GenoN" ! llnnnuer.
J.K.'I'UCKUlMilitttit UenorAl Minnicor.
A. V. It. C'AIU'K.NTKH , General 1'UMur.zer and
llckct Aaeot.
UKO. M. 1IKAFFOBI ) . Atolitait ( JeoefBl I'uieaicf
Hid'llckcl Aeont.
TiCLAHK , Uiueul SopirlnUndeni.
Capital $400 , ODU
Surplus , Jan. 1st , 1880 62.000
HENUV W. i'ATBs , 1'roildont.
LievriflS. IIKED , Vice 1'rvi'deut.
II. O ,
J.N , il.
W. II. B. HuuiftM , Cashier ,
Cor. 12th and Farmm Kts.
A General JJauklutf llualneia Tr