THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ; SBPTEMBEE 14 , 1889. THE LAST DAY OF THE FAIR , - SUCOODB Attended to the Cloning Hour. THE GRAND PREMIUM PARADE. One oCtlio Finest Dlnplnyn of Anlinaln Kvcr Mndo la tlio West The Great Jlorso Show -Notes nnil Comment , I.ISOOI.H HUUBAU or Tun Ovutu lias , I 1029 1 STHBRT. } . LINCOLN. Sept. 18. ) The proundn to-tiny , compared with yester day , looked barren. Still , the crowd was qulto lurgo and the show as good In every particular ns on the previous days. Proba bly twenty thousand people attended the closing tiny of the great fair. The estimate of good judges , however , pub it 5,000 , less. Visitors had a much hotter opportunity to BCO the sights than during the moro crowded days. Tireless exhibitors stood at their posts and evinced the usual interest in showing their attractions. They wore kept In proper trim in u rotnarkablo degree. The day , how ever , was the hottest of the week , will had It not been for a refreshing breeze that sprung up Just before noon , the heat would have been almost Insufferable. Tlio Grand 1'roinluin t'nrndn. At 11 o'clock this morning the grand pa rade of premium animals took place in front of the amphitheater , the headquarters and Tin ! UKB offlco , from which the anuounco- monts were made. Prominent fair men , whu have soon every state fair west of the Mississippi for years , say that no such a dls. play of premium animals have over boon made in the west bofora The parade was headed by the lion. Aus tin Humphrey , of Lincoln , general superin tendent , followed by the state reform school band of Kearney , with Prof. Mulla- lleu in charge. The following nro the items of the parade : Virgin & Co. , Falrtmry , 111. , Perchoon horses ; O. O. Hoffner , Nebraska City , Nob. , English shire and Hncknoy conch horses ; E. lionnctt & Son , TopckaKuti. , English shires ; E. Trlndor& Co. , Athletic , In. , Pereherons ; M. M. Coad , Fremont , Nob. . Porchurons. awarded "tho best exhibit on the grounds ; " Harvey McLnnahan , Clay Center , Porch- erons ; L. 11. Wilson , Crcston , la. , Clytles ; F. F. ICaufuinu , Lincoln , Clvdus ; A. Hiir- stow , Dorchester , Nob. ; Mllllkcn Bros. , St. Puul , Neb. ; A. Hoga , SowardNob. , Arabian stallion ; Hhoda A. Uico. Stirling , Neb. , Shetland ooules ; J. L. Miller , of Pawnee ; M. K. Stanley , of Friend ; J. M. Knymond , Lincoln : J. M. Hoimnlngway , Paimtna , Nob. ; J. P. Wngnor , Beutrico : Uorg & Storey , Hastings , Neb. : Watson Brothers , Beatrice ; The Importing Draft Horse Co. , of Lincoln ; BUick , of Uaymond : Kenyan , of Uaymond ; Judairoi , of Diuysun ; John A. Purbaugh , Denton ; Peter Ilopley , Lewis , la , ; Walcott , Merrlck county ; Jensen , Lancaster county ; S. M. Mclick , Lincoln , gentleman's driving team. The horses were followed by the cattle , With the Hon. John B Dinsmoro , of Suiton , the superintendent , and the University Cadet band In the lend. The following ex hibitors of premium unimals participated in the parade : William & Householder , Co lumbus , Kan. , shortnorna ; Barr&Son , Dav enport , la. , shorthorns ; Russell Lownos , Lincoln , shorthorns ; B. O. Cowun , Newport - port , Mo. , shorthorns ; Mukin Bros. , Law- rciico , Kan. , Herefords ; Haven's stock farm , Alma , ICan. , Herefords ; C. II. Elmcn- dorf , Kearuoy , Neb. , Herefords ; E. E. Day , Weeping "Wnter , Herefords ; Howard Bros. , Edgar , Herefords : E. O. Hill , Stella , Hlclmrdson county , Gallo ways ; J. Emerson , Emerson , la. , Polled An gus ; F. W. Harvey , Turlington , Neb. , Polled Angus ; The Wolf Creek herd , Wolf Creek. Nob. , Polled Angus ; Sexton , Offord & Warr- lln , Manhattan , Kan. , Hod Polled Angus ; M. E. Moore. Cameron , Mo. , Red Polled Angus , Palmer herd , Llucohi , Holsteins ; Homo Farm company , Now Hampton , la. , Hol- stolna ; Williams & Chapman , Grant , Neb. , Gurnscys ; Howard Bros. , Edgar , Nob. , Jerseys - soys ; William Clark , Lincoln , Jerseys ; O. Comptan , Bennett , Jerseys ; Dr. E. F. Latta , Unndllla , Jerseys ; George B. French , Fre mont , Jerseys ; Compton herd , Norfolk ; Jerseys. Fcaturns ol'Thursday's Parade. The parade of Thursday night was bigger and bettor in every rospsct than any ono had anticipated. The "Oh , my ! " of the rural visitors didn't oven halt toll the talo. Contain Yooum , mayor of Hastings , de clared that nothing llko It bad boon soon west of St. Louis. The Judgment of the mul titude is that ho was right. Grand Marshal Boainls , of the traveling men , declared at tor t ho parade that It was the happiest moment of his Ufa. Ho was proud of the boys. His 200 pounds were cov ered with perspiration , and ho hadn't a dry thread on him , but ho was Just as happy as ho could be , as was also Mark H. Tilton , of tbo Wisconsin Furniture company. Over six hundred of the boys who make Nebraska territory were in line Thursday night bearing torches. The llrst turnout in the parade was Miat-of the Union Pncittc , which consisted of a Ufa sized locomotive ouglue , tender und dining cur. The flro and suioico which came from the smoke stack , the whlstlo und the clang ing of the boll , were realistic enough to tuko in nvcn those who keep up with tbe proces sion. sion.Charles Charles J. Daubach and Al Horgreavei , who "boro the brunt of tlio buttle" In the financial work for tbo big parade , are Just ns huppy us u big sun ilower. Cblof I'.ooloo and his tribe of Indians con stituted a lively feature in the parada There were about sixty of them with their novel modes of conveyance , their funcKul head dresses and their wild and wicrd war cries. To many who had never soon the noble red man , this was surely the most interesting. The party of Massachusetts and Connecticut excursionists who hud ntoppcd ovur | were charmed with this feature , as well us tbo whole parado. Tlio Horse Hhoxv. During the progress of the fair TUB BEB has attempted to keep its readers posted on the progress of events. But now the fair la over , und lu vlcnv of the fact that this horse show was the largest , the biggest und the best ever made la the west , ic deems It proper to print the list of awards as made by tbo expert judges : 'Tho Discretionary Class August Ilogy , Scwnrd , Arabian stallion , first premium ; J.G. Dutny , Lincoln , suckling colt , first ; E. M. \i \ McGlliln , Stratum , lioru of Sliutluiul ponies , first ; E. Bennett & Son , Topeka , Kuti. , Cob stallion , flrsf C. U. Van Duyuo , Lincoln , 4-year-old stallion , first ; Ottmann Bros. , Wutoskii , III. , stallion , 4 years and over , first and second ; stallion , it and under , llrst and second ; stulllou , 2 and under 3 , llrst. ; Hurvay MfClunahan , Clay Center , stallion , 3-year-old , flrat ; M. M. Coad , Fremont , 4- year-old French coach stallion , llrst ; French conch stallion any ago , llrst ; L. B. Wilson , Creston , la. , Belgian horse U years old , di ploma ; J. Browdcr , Albion , iimro colt lit yours , llrst ; H. W. Keel , Saltello , stallion 2 and under U , second. All Purpose Horses Alfred Baramw , Dorohpstor uiarn 4 years and over , ( irst ; N. P. Jensen , Lincoln , second ; filly over 3 yours and under S , N. P. Jensen , Llnoalu , llrst ; Illly ever 1 year and under'J , Harvey McOl nnahan , Clay Center , llrst and second ; tnuro colt under 1 year. F. U. Kaufman , Lincoln , Ural ; Alfred Barlow , Dorchester , second. Boat show of horses , M. M , Coad , Fre mont , first ; for any or ull other breeds , Ed Pyle , HutnboldU Suffolk Puoch Stallion over 3 and under 4 , putor Hoplay , Lewis , la. , llrst and second ; talllon colt , a and under U , Peter Hoploy , first and second. Ponies under 13 hands high Stallion any ngo or breed. Dr. II. F. Cummins , Sewnra , first ; V , T. Hill Syracuse , second ; muro , any one ; or breed , J. L. Miller , Pawnoa City , llrst ; the Importing Draft Horse company , Lincoln , second ; pair ponies to polo , any ago or breed , M. 1C. Btunloy , Friend , llrst ; f , M. Itaymoud , Llucolu , second. Cleveland bay , stallion 4 years and ever , John Barber , Atlantic , is. Clydesdales , stallion 4 yours and ever , E. Trender & Co , , Atlantic , la. , llrstt Berg & Storey , Hustings , second ; stallion , ever 3 nnd under 4 , E. C. Millar , Fullerton , first ; 13. Trondor A ; Co. , Atlantic , la. , second ; stal lion colt , over 2 nnd under 3 , Alex Sloan , Unndllla , first ; E. C. Millar , Fullerton , second end ; stallion colt , 1 year and under S , Judd Bros. , Uawson ; brood mate , 4 years nnd ever , E. C. Millar , Fullerton , first ; Illlv , a nnd under 0 , E. F. Black , Raymond , first and second ; stallion any ngo , E. C. Millar , Fullerton lorton , first ; niaro any ago , E. U , Millar , Fullerton , first. Hackney or English coach stallion , 4 and over , .Tamos Dycno. Nebraska City , first ; Joseph L. Locke , Lincoln , second ; stallion , 3 and under 4 , O. O. Hoffncr , first : stallion colt , U nnd under 3 , Importing Draft Hor. o company , Lincoln , tlrst ; O. O. Ileffaor , No * braska City , second , Grndo Draft Horses Stallion , 4 years nnd over , U. Conway , Seward , first und second : mala suckling colt , Judd Bros , , Dawsons , first ; J. Browdcr , Albion , second ; mare 4 years and ever , Judd Bros. , Dawson , first ; L. Banks Wilson , Crcston , la. , second ; mare , 3 and under 4 , Judd Bros. , first : E. A.Wcscott , Malcolm , second ; mare , 12 and under 0 , Judd Bros. , Dawson , first ; E , A , Woscott , Malcolm ; mare , 1 and under 3. Harvey McClnnahan. Clay Center , llrst nnd second ; mnro Ruckling colt , Judd Bros. , Dawson , first : John A , Purhaugh , Dcnton , second ; loam draft horses In harness to wagon , J. Browdcr , Albion , first ; .Judd Bros. . Dawson , second. Mules nnd Asses Jack , 4 and ever , Q. W. Morrltt , Grcshum , first. Driving Horses Smglo animal to waqon , Charles F. Best , Lincoln , first ; Jessie D. Moore , Lincoln , second ; double team to wajron , Mlllokln Bros. , St. Paul , first ; S. M. Mollck , Lincoln , second ; English Shlro nnd draft horses , stallion , ! nnd ever , L. Banks Wilson , Creston , la. , first ; Joseph Watson & Co. , Beutrico. second ; stallion , li and under 4. Importing Draft Horse company , Lincoln , first ; L. Banks Wilson , Crcston , In. , second ; stallion over 2 and under 3 , Joseph \\ntson & Co. , Boitrlco , first una second ; stallion L und under" , the Importing Draft Horse com pany , Lincoln , first ; stallion colt , Judd Bros. , Dawson. first ; brood mnro , Handover , Im porting Draft Horse company , Lincoln , first ; L. Bunks Wilson , Creston , In. , second ; filly ever 3 and under 4 , O. S. Wllcott , Palmer , first : fitly ever 3 and under 3 , O. O. Hoffner. Nebraska City , llrst ; Illly ever 1 and under 3 , The Importing Draft Horse company , Lin coln , first ; L. Banks Wilson , Creston , Tn. , second ; muro colt , The Importing Draft Horse company , first ; stallion any ago , O. O. Hoffnor , Nebraska City first ; mnro nny ngo , Importing Draft Horse company , Lincoln , first ; stallion 4 and over , showing best 5 of his gut , Judd Hroi. , Dawson , first. Uogistercd Trotting Horses Stallion 4 nnd over , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , llrst ; William Hanson , Lincoln , second ; stallion 3 nnd under 4 , J. P. Wagner , Beatrice , first ; C. CJ. Stout , Boatvlco , second ; stallion U nnd under 3 , William Dcmareo , Kocu , first ; Ed Pylo , Humboldt , second ; atalllou colt , 1 and under 2 , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , stallion colt , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , first ; brood mure , 4 nnd ever , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , first nnd second ; filly 3 and under 4 , N. P. Jensen , Lincoln , first ; filly 2 and under U , Ed P.vlo , Humboldt , first ; mare colt , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , first ; stallion , any ago , Ed Pyle , Humboldt , first ; mars , nny ngo. Ed Pylo , Humboldt , first ; stallion , 4 and ever , Ed Pylo , Humboldt , first. French Draft Horses Stallion , 4 and ever , Virgin & Co. , Fnirbury , III. , first ; E. F. Black , Hnymood , second ; stallion , 3 and un der 4 , Virgin & Co. , F.iirbury , 111. , llrst and second ; stallion , 2 and under 3 , Virgin & Co. , Fulrbury , 111. , fit-stand second ; stallion , 1 and under li , Virgin & Co. , Fairbury , 111. , llrst und second ; brood mare , 4 mid ever , Virgin & Co. , Falrbury , 111. , first. PercheroiiB Stallion , 4 uud ever , M. M. Coad , Fremont , first ; E. Trendor , Atlantic , In. , second ; stallion , U and under 4 , E. Bcm- nett & Son , Topeka , first ; Berg & Storey , Hastings , second ; stallion colt , 2 and under 3 , M. M. Coad , first and second ; stallion. 1 and under 2 , J. Browdor , Albion , first ; W.J. MuGillin , Strutton , second ; stallion , sucking colt , M. M. Coad , Fremont , first and second ; mare , 4 und over , M. M. Coad , first und second ; filly , 3 und under 4. M. M. Coad , first ; W. J. McGillin , second ; filly , 2 und under 3 , M. M. Coad , Fremont , first nnd second ; suckling mare colt , W. J. McGtllln , Strutton , first ; M. M. Co.xd. second ; stal lion , .any ace , E. C , Miller , Fullerton , first ; mare , any ugc , M. M. Coad , first ; stallion , 4 nnd over , with C of his get , M. M. Coad , first. Stnto Fair L. Drake , of the Merchants National bank , Omaha , was on the grounds to-day. H. G. Burt , general manager of the Elk horn system of roads In Nebraska , and J . R , Buchanan , the general passenger agent , took In the closing day of the fair. E. D. Murnoll , of the Nebraska City News , complimented Tim BEU hcadquaiters With a call this afternoon. The gate receipts of yesterday show the attendance to hnvo been 41,011. It is said , however , that the "dead heads" would swell the actual attendance to58,000. . In tlio Procession. There were many nice displays in Thurs day night's parade , but for novelty and at tractiveness , there was nothing that excelled - celled that of the well Known J. I. Case Threshing Machine company. In the parade was a number of machines pulled by a trac tion engine. Each one was neatly orna mented with the national colors , and in tbo cab of the engine , which is perfection in every way , like on a locomotive , was Mr , Qua States , the efficient general agent of the J. 1. Case company's interests in Nebraska. At intervals along the line Mr. States pulled the throttle , blowing a shrill whlstlo along tuo'lmo of march , to herald the coming of the greatest machines , of their kind , in the country. This part of the procession was the recipient of numerous cheers , which were duly acknowledged by the gentlemen in charge lifting their huts. The engine was lu charge of II. A. Crawford and G. E. Hall. On ouo of the machines was a rather comical transparency , which bore the picture of nu eagle , holding In its bill the half- starved chiolcon which a rival. establishment has for ita trade mark. The ongle had the appearance of being a fiuo , largo bird , and the general inference ono would take from seeing the picture was that the great bird wus "mon arch of all ho surveyed , " und awaiting now victories. The fact is , the J. I. Case thresh ers uro so well known that ovary ono who been the piclura know full well the moaning. This extensive manufacturing company have their Nebraska headquarters in Lin coln. where they also have a largo and com modious warehouse , from which they ship to all points In this section on short notlco any of their goods or thu repairs. It might bo well to nay a word for these celebrated threshers were they not already so well Known , but let it suffice to say that in the showing made at the present fair the Cuso threshers once more como out ahead with llyliig colors , and us usual the industrious farmer felt well repaid for the troubio of coining to the fair by seeing the workings of these favorite farm necessities and the now Improvements recently mado. Mr , States wus on hand to enlighten the visitors with such Information as was moat Interesting and appreciated , Htuto finnan Jottlnj ; ? . The board of bank examiners were all at their potts to-day , The state house was thronged with visitors from morning until night. The supreme court moots In regular ses sion to hear and dccldo upon cases , Tuesday , September 17. Governor Thayar will return homo soinu- tlinu durmu the coming week. Ho will bo uccouipanlod by Ills wife , whu bus ubout ru- covereil her usual health. Attorney General Lnoso and Auditor fieri- ton will leave for the cant in a few days to attend thu mealing of the United Status railway commissioners. They go as dolo- gutus from tbo stuto board of transportation. Aruclcu or Incorporation. J. T. Hello , A. H. Cooley , Norman A. Kuuu and C. D. Woodworth , of Omaha , setout out that they have nssoclatod themselves to gether for manufacturing purposes , the stiops to be located at Dawson , la. They as sort tbo power to buy real estate , oroot buildings and purchase machinery .for oil and natural gas. Articles were filed to-day nnd tbo rights of omluent domain secured. Capital stock , (30,000. Tlio Omaha , Hutchison & Gulf railway company also lllod articles of Incorporation. Principal place of business , Omaha. Caul- Ul stock , 113,000,0.x ) . Tha company organ UGH uud Incorporates for the purposu of build * Ing , operating and maintaining a railroad from Omnha through Donglns , Harpy , Saunders - dors , Lancaster , Otoo. Johnson nnd Jeffer son counties , thence to Briworla. Tox. In- corporators. ' . C. Cowln , W. E. Hulchtson , O. A. Walkof , W. D. McHugn nnd B. Slllo- way. X11I5 SANDWICH GOODS. By the SnmUvlcli Mnnufnctitrlng Company , of Sandwich , lllliiolq. Probably the most complete exhibit made by nny Implement comnnuy was the Sand wich Manufacturing company , of Sandwich. III. , by their general ugent , W. M Jones , of Fremont , Nob. It Included everything in the implement line , but especially of power corn flhellors nnd grinders. They take spe cial prldo In recommending tholr Samson horse powers , nil kinds of small powers , Jacks nnd wood saws , combined powers and grinders , O. K , , X X and Independent grlndors , farm and homo carts , eta , otc. Tholr forco-fccd shelters are mndo in all sizes nnd to moot nil situations. The forms and sizes best known nro Junior two-hole , down or mounted , 103 bushels par hour : four- hole , down or mounted , 200 bushels per hour ; sis-hole , down or mounted , 230 to 800 bushels nor hour : olght-holo , down or mounted , 830 to 400 bushels per hour. The Ktistlorls the only self-food available nt small cost for business In a small way. Tha Samson powers are In two , four , eight and ton horse sizes , and nro the best In tlio world. For thirty years this firm has led all others in this lino. Wrlto them for cata logues. SAUMJKllS COUN'iy ' KXIliniT. Tlio Most Attractive Exhibit on the Grounds. Not a visitor at the state fair , unless ho was especially Interested , but what voted the exhibit mndo by Saunders county the most attractive on the grounds. Hare taste , combined with practical Ingenuity , helped out with skillful fingers , produced some novelties which drew nnd held the crowd , and during .tho whole week It was dillleult to got any ways nojr tholr exhibit. The ex hibit was In charge of Mr. Samuel Woolloy , n practical farmer , who lives near Weston , nnd everything raised In Nebraska in the agricultural or horticultural line were there In great profusion nnd of superior quality. Corn , oats , wheat , vegetables , tobacco , sugar cane , potatoes , etc. , etc. , with buck- oycs , butternuts , cranberries , und many other novelties. The "Korn King , " the work of Mrs. J. S. Kuyhors , of Wnhoo , as sisted , byMrs. . Jacob Stowots nnd Mrs. Gcrtio Henderson , nnd the "Grass Widow , " made by Mrs. Perry Hnydon nnd Mrs.,11. C. Heudley , of Wcston ; the big horseshoe of grains , the big rooster und the corn baby were the chief attractions on the grounds , THJfl lilTJljia IIUOWN JOG. By Entoii Brothers , of the Lincoln Pottery Works. Twenty years ngo there was no moro popu lar song than the "Littlo Brown Jug. " Every body sung it , and they all sung it well , because It was easy to slug. For some time , lllto "Tho Beautiful Snow , " Its author ship was wrapped in the blackest of mystery. But this doubt remains no longer ; the real authors are the Eaton Brothers , of * the Llu colu Pottery works , and it la said , though ho denies it , that the niece wus sot to music by Wobator Eaton himself. But this is abso lutely true : No exhibit on the state fair grounds attracted moro attention than the ono Just north of Art hall , where the little brown jug was mndo ; no souvenir was moro generally worn , or will bo moro highly prized by the visitors , than this little brown Jug , und no better pottery goods are to bo found on the market that the crockery , stone ware , Ilower pots , etc. , manufactured by the Lincoln Pottery works. Millar's Clycles and Porohnrons. E. C. Millar , of Fullerton , Nance county , ono of the best known and most prominent draft horse importers m the west , , bus ' good reason to rejoice and bo glad. Ho exhibited four horses nt the state exposition and captured the first premium for 3-year-old Clyde stal lions , second fur 2-year-old Clyde stallions , llrst for Clyde mares of any ago , sweepstakes for Clyde stallions , sweepstakes for Clyde marcs and sweepstakes for Percheron stal lions. The awards attest Mr. Millar's Judg ment. Although a young man , ho has made his mark as a breeder and Importer , and his exhibit is of the purest blood ot the standard bred class In which ho takes a Just degree of pride. Ho was born and raised amonc the heaths of Scotland , from whence the Clyde originates , and his professional aptness illustrates the old saying that "xvbat's born in the bono is hard to tuko out of the flesh. " Nanco county has reason to feel highly hon ored in her champion of the Clyde and Perchoron. Bazaar Chief nnd Dusty Mil lar , tbo Clydcs , Jlp , tbo Clydo mare , Mont Louts , the Percheron , are of handsome form and color and beilr every mark of the famous draft horses of their class. Watson's Horse Exhibit. No stud of horses has attracted wider at tention on tbo grounds than that ot Joseph Watson & Co. , of Beatrice , who bid hard but did not beg for the sweepstakes. As ono of the firm's attendants put it , "The com pany took all of tbo premiums at Omaha. " Hero the company took first on Nallstono Aristocrat , and every horse was in the "short lout" when the premium awards were made. Second was taken on King Passion in the "ago" class. Second also on King Henry In the two-year-olds. Mr. Wat son's ' exhibit was oxclnsivo English Shire. Finer bred draft horses cannot bo found in the west. Ho has been In the Importing business for six years past , with headquar ters nt Beatrice , und is ono of the oldest and best known horse mon in the state or west. Anyone comg to his stables are always sure to find Shires of the finest class on hand. Slonn's GlydcBtlalcs. Caldcr , a beautiful light bay stallion with whlto points , took the first premium for the best two-year-old of his class. The sire of Calder is Laird , of Logan , ho by Old Times. The latter horse was the winner of many highland and agricultural society prizes. The Laird of Logan's dam was bred by J. Campbell , Craichmore , and has rare blood. Crown Prince , Riro of Calder's ' dam , gained the Glasgow pri/o in 1873. Ho is by Loch Fergus Champion. Crown Princo's dam is sired by the Prince of Wales , the finest horse In Scotland. This magnificent two-year-old Calder is owned by Aleu Sloan , of Unuclllla , Otoe county , who imported him , and by many ho was considered the finest horse on the ground. Mr , Sloan exhibited several other horses of loss merit , but which are liltoly to prove useful breeders , and ho Is becoming - coming prominently known as mi importer In the southeastern partof the state. Omaha fliiBlnegg Colloiro. The Omaha business college was repre sented by Prof. G. T. Ratbbun , who had a splendid exhibit of beautiful pen work of largo dimensions. Ho carried oft the first premium on plain penmanship over all com petitors. Tbo popular business college ho BO efficiently represented grows la popularity from day to day , and ranks among the vary best institutions of the kind In thn wost. Prof. liathbun states that the matriculants from term to term show a marked increase. Comparison Solicited , A wise dis crimination should bo exorcised by nil who talco medicine. The proprietors of Hood's Stirsaparilla solicit a careful comparison ot this medicine- with other blood purifiers and inoillclnes , bulnpr confident tlmt the peculiar merits of Hoods Sarriupurllla nro so upparont that the people will unliesitiitiiiLrlv prefer it to nny other propurntion. Hood's Sar- sttparilla is not a mixture of molasses uad a few inert roots uud lioi-ba , but it is u peculiar cuiicontrutod extract of the best alterative nnd blood purifying rom- cdics of the vegetable kingdom , The enormous sales of Hood'a Sarsupnrilla nod \\onilorful euros olTeotod , prove oven mare than hati boon claimed for this medicine. If you are sick the best medicine is none too good. Therefore talco Hood's Sarsuparilla. liulltfing Permit * . The folio wing parailti wara Isvail by Building Inspector Whltlook yesterday : Will Urowa Jr , two frame houses , Thirty- seventh and Leavunvroi th . . . . $ j(0) WlUUronuJr , addition. Thlrty-sorentlj nnd Uftvtmwortlu. . . , . . . j.oJO 0 USUuw , frame lesidencoThirty-fourth ami Howard , . . , . 2,600 C it lloyaoldi , frame cottage. Curtis ana Cottage avenue , . , , . ] , OUO M X Chron , frama cottage , Kljjluh and Bancroft . . . . . f 5 W J llroatch , stable , liVJ3 Uodg * street. . . I.IKX ) 1 minor permit , . - . . , , ox ) Seven permits , ugcregatlns. . . . . .jr.CLii UKPOUT. The Alleged KcvoranJ of the Flotoher Oou.rt-aift lnl Finding. The following telegram was received ycv torday by K Chicago1 paper from Its Wash ington correspondent and was forwarded to this city ! "Tho finding In the sensational court- martial nt Omnha ngalnst Lieutenant Colonel Fletcher for conduct .unbecoming an officer and gentleman , hag been reversed , nnd Lieutenant Colonel "Fletcher , whoso son.- tonco was to bo dTsmJsscd from the service , will bo relnstated jThe colonel was con victed by court-mnninl nnd the case then came to Advocate General Llobor , Who , after Inquiring care fully - Into It , bccama convinced that Colonel onol Fletcher was the victim of n conspiracy and determined to right htm. Ho recommended a reversal of the decision , General Schofiold then took up the uaso as senior advocate general of the army , and ap proved General Llobor's ' vlow of It. "General Sohofiold is at present noting sec retary of war , nnd might approve his own llmllnir , but ho prefers to nwalt the return of Secretary Proctor , who will tnko the case to the president. There Is no doubt of his ap proval. " The news was Immediately forwarded to Fort Omaha , where It was variously consid ered by the ofileors nt tlmt place. It was also discussed by the officers nt the headquarters. To verify the statement , In vlow of the fact that the telegram contained some bi- conslatonclns , TUB BEB telegraphed its Washington correspondent und received the following reply : "When Tun Ben correspondent to-day showed General Schoflcld , acting secretary of war , the dispatch announcing that the finding In the Flotchur court-murtml had been rovorscd by the war department , ho said : "Thero Is no foundation for such a statement. Secretary Proctor will act upon the case and ho has never soon the papers , They were sent to mo and have boon nnd are yet in my hundi to bo laid before Sucrotary Proctor when ho returns to Washington. " Something to Koinoinbor. If you nro going east remember the "Rock Island Routo" run the sleepers and chair cars of their solid vestibule train to and from the Omaha depot , leaving Omahu at 8:45 : p. m. , thus avoid ing the transfer afc Council BlulTs. Three solid trains dally. All chair cars nro free. Dining cars on all through trains. Our trains make close connec tion with all eastern limited trains con necting in union depot at Chicago , avoiding a transfer across the city to parties enrouto to Now York , Boston and other eastern cities , "and every thing a little bettor than other lines can offer. " S. S. STEVKNS , Ticket olllco 1305 Parnnm. Gon'l W. A. CAMPAIGN HASTE. Mr. Coburn Making It In Ills Cases In Court. Sheriff Coburn will probably fllo his suit against the commissioners to-day and the Judges say they will hoar it in chambers any day next week which may bo agreed upon. It is hoped also by the sheriff that County Attorney Mahoney Will make up nnd file the suit against him so that both cases can bo hoard at the same time , It is whispered in outside circles that Mr. Coburn' s anxiety to imvo u final disposition of this matter is baaed on political reasons. A-frlend of his said this morning that if the court decides against- him it will croatly in jure his chances fo ? a renomlnatlon , but if ho wins the victory is bound to benefit us well as increase his chances. It Is thought that on the result depends his future action , whether ho will continue to bo a candidate or withdraw entirely from the race. Sound. All points on Puget sound are moro easily reach via the Northern Pacific than nny other lino.This is the only line reaching all parts of Washington territory , is the only line running colonist nist sleepers through the territory di rect to Tacomn , nnd is the only line via which through tickets can be purchased. The Northern Pacific allows stopovers at all points in Washington territory to holders of second-class tickets reading - ing via their lino. Board or Public Works. The board of public works held a very quiet and uneventful session yesterday after noon. The following reserves and estimates were allowed : J. B. Smith & Co. , oavlng Twenty-fourth street from St. Mary's avenue to Farnam street , $921.03 ; same , paving Farnnm street from Thirty-sixth to Thirty-seventh street , I3H4.17. Same , pavlncr Thirty-seventh street , from Farnam to Loavenworth , $1,570.51. J. C. Hogan & Co. , curbing Nineteenth from Davenport street , $3,800.11. Sumo , Wortblngton street , from Eighth to Tenth , $850.43. Snmo , Lake street , from Eighteenth to Twonty-fourth , f3,008.87. Same , Leavenworth , from Thirty-seventh street to 1 o wo avenue , $3,831.07. x Laranam , grading Grace street , from Far- nain to Dodge street , $708. Ed Pholan , grading Locust street , from Sherman avenue to Belt railway cut , $007.10. J. W. Furnas & Son , paving Eighth street from Worthington to Pierce , $2.U5S.S3 ; sumo , Pierce street from Eighth to Tenth. $4.700 ; J. B. Smith & Co. , Barney , from Twenty- sixth to Twenty-eighth , ยง 4,273.13j same , Spauldlng , from Twenty-fourth to Twenty- second , $0,301.71 : Rubber Asphalt company , Izard , from Sixteenth to Eighteenth , 89,792.44 ; same. Webster , from Sixteenth to Twenty-second , $23,488.94. Pears' Soap is the moat elegant toilet adjunct. AVnsrons for Hnso Cnrls. Mr. C. Hartman , member of the board of flro und police commissioners , has returned from Kansas City , where ho attended the national convention of the lire cbiofa of the United States. Mr. Hartman was highly pleased with the results of his trip. Ho talked with the chiefs of flre departments from Boston , Now York , Detroit , Cleveland , Now Or leans nnd other cities , nnd examined the latest inventions in machinery and nnpll- ancefl used for flro fighting. He examined especially the difforqnt , makes of fire hose and secured the opinions of the flro chiefs from other cities 'upon the comparative merits of rubber and fabric flro hose. Ita found opinions nbont evenly divided. The question of substituting wagons for lioso carts was nlso considered , nnd for the most part very favorably by the members of the association. SIXTH WAUU CLUB. The Polltibnl Pot llns Onminonood to Doll In Thrtt Itody. The Sixth ward republican club hold its regular mooting lost night. Very liltlo busi ness was transacted , although there was considerable quiet work going on , It was decided that the prize money ro- colvod from the Merchants' Week associa tion should bo turned Into tbo treasury ns a reserve fund. A number of small bills were ordered paid. The matter of the creating of a third pro- clnct In the ward , which hnd been referred to n committee consisting of the two councilmen - men from the Sixth ward , was expected to como up for report , but nothing was heard of It , The residents of the western part of the ward uro very anxloui to hnvo a third pre cinct created , but the probabilities nro thut the matter will bo engineered so ns to deprive thorn of this privilege until after the elec tion. It became Known that an emissary of Mllco Lee was pronont with a resolution already prepared , which ho was prepared to sprlnc on the club , endorsing Lee ai candi date for the shrievalty. A resolution was prepared nnd mtrodupcd before the Leo delegate could got in a word , declaring It to bo the sentiment of the club that no candi date for n county offlco bo endorsed by the club. Thisblocitcd the g.imoof thoLco man , nnd ho withdrew in dt gust. The members ot the club fool very sore ever the manner In which the board of education ignored their recommenda tion for a successor to Mr. Mlllard , The club hold n mooting some time ngoundroc- ommondcd Mr. Howard Kelsey ns tholr choice for a representative , nnd so intimated to the members of the board , They are dis gusted with the manner in which their rec ommendation was Ignored. Ono member said last night : "If the board hud elected a man from another ward wo wouldn't hnvo thought so muchubout , It , but they took a Sixth ward man , and ouo whom the club hac ) refused to endorse. " There were numerous throats of n wholesale - sale knifing when It comes to another elec tion of members for the board of education. The feeling ngnlnst ono member of the board in particular is very bitter. It Is charged that this member opposed Kelsey on purely personal grounds. Thu Fourth Ward Republicans. The annual meeting of the Fourth Ward Republican club was hold last evening at the ' olllco of Judge Gustavo Anderson and was qulto largely attended. After the admission of several staunch republicans to member ship und the transacting of other routine business , the election of officers for the en suing term was the order of business , re sulting in the unanimous election of Thomas 1C. Sudborough for president. R D. Duncan was elected vice president , Ed Whitchorn secretary and Peter Sharkoy treasurer , The next order of business was the elect ing of delcgatns to the state convention of re-publican clubs , which will bo hold In Hast ings early next month , resulting as follows : D. H. Wheeler , W. F. Gurloy and R , S. Berlin. Much enthusiasm was manifested and the unanimity of the vote for president was evidence - donco anough that there will bo very little factlontsm In the Fourth Ward Republican club during the forthcoming campaign. AMUSIiMENTS. "Tho Brass Monkoy" drew another good audience to Boyd's opera house last night , but it didn't go off as well as nt the first per formance. However , the more ono sees of this comedy the bettor ho likes it. Dodge Work is the cleverest character in "A Brass Monkey , " und Mr. Tim Murphy plays the part to perfection. Ho is a splendid actor. Still. Jonah , ns presented by Charles Drew , Is a quaint , queer old man , and Mr. Hoyt has put ideas into his head us well as sayings into his mouth that make him nttlier interesting. Miss Flora Walsb , ns Bugguge , is just as clover as slio can be , and the three young ladies capture everybody's admira tion. They nro pretty , lively and play their parts well. Miss Bedford , out on her first tour , is ouo of the most charming of all the stage beauties that has ever been seen in Omaha , and gives promise of becoming an artist ill her profession. For Any Form ofKtduoy or Bladder Troubio Go to Excelsior Springs , Mo. Its waters are a speedy and Infallible cure. Fiuo accommodations nt the Elms. Twenty-five miles from Kansas City on the St. Paul road. Charlie Ncodhaui Paralyzed. The following dispatch was received by Colonel Frank Mooros late last night : WATBIITOWN , S. D. , Sept. 18. To Frank E. Moores , District Court Clerk : Charles Ncodham had a paralytic stroke to-day. Loft side paralyzed. Send his wlfo hero at ooco. F. E. MUN.V. Msr. Noedham will leave for Wntortown this morning. . Mlhalovitch's Hungarian blackberry juice id unfermented , IN THK COUUTS. Few New Cases of Importance Begun Vestcrdny. The Homo Investment company has filed a petition in equity in the district court against Martha L. Ford and Lewis Pixloy , praying for the foreclosure of a mortgage on lot , 19 , in block 10 , In Highland Place , given to se cure payment of a note for S730 by Martha L. Ford. This note and mortgaeo were given to Pixloy and uftorwurds became the prop erty of plaintiff. County Court. Mrs , Ida Morris , widow of the late M , J. Morris , und Esther , the infant child of Mor ris , huvo commenced suit in the county court ugalnst Alfred Frost , asking Judgment in the BumofS200 % The petition alleges that in 1830 J , J. Johnson executed a note to M. J. Morris for $250 , which was afterward given to Frost for collection. Frost collected 5300 on the note in tbo spring of 18S7 , which ho refused to pay ever to.Morris. On the death of Morris this claim boc.imo the property of his widow und child , who now seek to recover - cover the amount collected. Joseph C. Viors nska Judgment against .Joseph P. Manning for ? 50 ou a promissory noto. fm wEi Sr' pyRE EXTRACTS mm. FRUIT run tT d liy the United State * Government , indorsed by the heads of the firrat Uulvcrsltlei and rittillc I'ood Analyst * , a * the StroiiKcst , 1'urcst and most Healthful. Dr. 1'ricc'n Cream DakhiR 1'oivdcr ( lor * not contain Ammonia , I.lmcor Alum , Dr Price's Delicious I'lavoriiitrllx- tracts , Vanilla , I.cuiou , Orniiy , Almond , Kos , etc. , du not contain 1'olsououa Oils or Cbeiuicala PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. Chlcaeo. St. Loulo. PILLS For Weak Stomacli--lmpalred Digestion Dlsorfloreil Liver. _ _ . SOLD BY AM , DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. , , , , . F. ALLEN & CO. , Solo Agents FOR urviTim STATES , aos jfc any CANAL ST. , NEW TORK , Who ( if your druggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bccclmm's Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. ( Please mention this paper. ) Instantly stops the most cxcruclatlnsimtns ; never falls t > at7o cms to the snfforor For VA1N9. IWU1SK3 , llAOICAUIIli , OONUKSTIONS , INl'TiAMMATIONS. IllIKUMA.TI3M NKUHALUIA , BOIATIOA , HIIAUAOHUTOOIMIACUB , or any ether 1'AIN , a few nppUcat Ion net llko magic , causing the pilu to Instantly stop. A OU11E FOll ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS pains nrlalng Irom clmico of diet or water or other causes. CO Coins n Bottlo. Bold by rJJBLE I-OR THE LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABtE FAIRBANKS' FAIRBANKS , MORSE & CO , 1018 Farnam Street , Omaha , Brownell Hall ! BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Omnha , Nob. The Rev , Robert Doterty , S. T , D , , Reck Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars Apply to the Re'ctor. & CLARK STE Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. m A. B. MEYER & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN & GOKEI 1O3 South tBth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O. STANDARD SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Oilers the best facilities for acquiring the art ofSHOUTHANUnmlTVI'UWlUTINU. 1-uio- ' JST. ! uiBAPBSTiiml iJitsrScnootjiii the WKST. Success ( lUAliANTKKD to uuyone ot ordinary ability. OIIADUATFR ABSIHTHD TO POSITIONS' . Wo uro unable to supply the demand for com petent stenoKraphem. You can gut , position us noon us yon are ready for It. Kvcry youni ; imui nnd woman Khould have a practical knowledge of Shorthand und Tyiwultlrnr. Ulvutliu iiovB and miti.K n rhanco at , a tnor- ough practical bcliool and teach them to bo independent. 1'or further information addresi Standard Shorthand School , rrunlc E. Bull , Manager , Faxion BlocK , 1514 Farnam St. , Omaha. ETCHINGS , g3-EMERSON. ENGRAVINGS , K55-H ALLET & DAVIS ARTIST SUPPLIESjSH HOSPE MOULDINGS.SB PIANOS & ORG ANSj a 3TSHEET MUSIC , 1B13 Douglas Street'Omaha , Nebraska. OHIKP QUARTKUMASTEU'S OI'FIOK Omaha , Neb. , September 10 , J88U. Senled proposals In triplicate , will be rncolved huro mid by Uopot Qiwrternmntcrut Cheyenne. Wyo. , un til two o'clock p. m. , central time , October ID , IJMi , unil then opened for U03 tons bitumlnmix real 2.J10 HIM , to tlio ton delivered nt Cheyenne Qr , Mr. I ppotVyo.orotlu > rpolnti p6cllod ] by bidder. Tlio U , S. reserves the rlKht to reject any or nil lilJH. Preference will be given to ar ticles of ilnmxhtio production , conditions of quality and prlca ( Including In the price of for eign production the duty thereon ) bclni ; erjual. All ( information furnished on application. Kn. Velopes containing proposals snould bo marked proposals for r.oal. und adcirOK-soil iia Indicated ubovoVM. . U. I1UUIIKS , Lieutenant Cnlonnl and Deputy Quartermaster Uenoial. IT. H. A. . Chief Quaitormuater , B 13 a U O 2II. NTO. O.-L. A. NO. W-VHOI > 08AT.9 fOll ! > AltM V BnpplleH-Olllcoof I'nrcliaslni ; and Depot UommlBury of Subsistence , II. B. Army. Omaha. Neb , , AiiKilsf.'f , 1WJ. Sealed propo < jiil ! in triplicate , Hubject to the uuiml conditions , will uo received at thin olllco until 12 o'clock m , , central standard time , on Monday , thniuth dny of September , Ittti. nt which tlino und plucu they will bo opened in the presence of blUilcrg , for ttio f urnlHhlriKand delivery at Onmlia. Neb. , tliulollowlnu ttriny BUPFlles , vU. ; Hard bread , corn meal , choesu , V , A. ; eracUerd and oatmeal , cooked , i'lofereuce will bit ( 'lven to articles of domestic production or rnamifiicturi ) , condltloux of quality und price ( Including lu the prlci ot foreign productions or rammf cture the duty thereon ) being equal , The rljtht U reserved to reject any or nil bldx. lllunk proposal * , und Bpecllleatlons ulioulun In detail thii articles and quantity required and Klvlug full Information mation as to condition of contract nlll bo fnr. nlhhed on uppllcjitiou totliisollleo , J. W. HAH- UK ) Hit , Maj.und U. H. U. , A. . . - - - - Notion to ( Jontrnotors. Sealed proposals will be rccelvnd at Urn olllqa ot tile County Clurk , Douglas County. Nehntaka , until ! i p. m. , Hrtlnrday , September Hth , ISS'J , for the erection of even (7) ( ) twenty foot apan * trestle work , over the I'aplo , between Bectlonn Itnua27 , township Irf. raiiKfl la , l'lann und ai > eelUiatlon to be found la County ClurSB olllco. All bldx to bo accompanied by certined check for The county reserves the rlglit to reject any or all bldn DKi'l M. 1) . UOOHS , County Olork , Notion to Contractor * for Grading. GITV KNOINKKIW Omen , I South Omaha , Neb. . Sept , llth , 1889. f Scaled proposals will ba received by the un dersigned at this olllcu until 12 o'clock noon ot September ! rd , IKHl , for furnishing all thn ma terials and doltiKall thu work necessary lo com plete tlio followlUK city Improvements , vizi UrudUiK S u Street from "N" Street to "O" Street , I'liuiH nnd Hpedflratlnns may l > o seen , and all Information relative to the work obtained , at .tills olllco , Payments for the work to ho made by wnr- runta on the clt v treasury. No proposal from any contractor In default with the city on nny prevlouu contract will ba considered , ! No proposal will bo considered unless accom panied by a cortllled chock for 3&U.OU to bo re turned on all bids not excrpted. Tli H rlgUt Is recurved to reject any or ull iiro- posalsf Work to he completed within CO daya , Approximate estimate Is UI.'iH ) cubic ynrdn ot excavation , to coHtH.T.'ji.W. , liy ordsr City Council. Committee un Viaducts. Streets nnd Alleys , by , U. 11 , Towi , Chairman. B 13 d to B S3. _ Notion to Contractors , ClTV ISNUINKRIl'f ) OmCH , I South Omaha. Nob. , Kept. Hth , 1883. f Sealed proponaU will he rnceh e I by the un- derUk'ntil nt tblx nlllce until 13 o'Uock noon ot September zid. IHtft , for f urniuhlhu Hi ! the ma terials uud doing ull the work necessary to complete the following city Improvements , viz. ; ( ImdliiK "I , " street from Twentieth street to Thlrty.llfth street , together with npprouches. I'liius und tpuclttcutlonn men , und ull Information relative to the work obtained , nt tills olllie. I'nymout for the work to bo mudu by war. runts un the city treasury , No proposal from any contractor In default v < lth ihou.ty on uny pretlouu contract will ba cuusldeioJ. No proposal Hill be considered unless accom panied by a rer tiled chuck for f UM.OO to ue re turned on all hldu not accepted. The tight la reserved to reject any or all pro- . Work to be complete. ! within ninety daj . Approximate estimated co t 115,741.1. } . Ity order City CouuUl , K. II. TOWI.K , Chairman Committee on Viaducts , Street * aud alleys.