Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Opens Up With the Bull
Fooling Still Dominating.
.Corn Shown I'roiioiniocd Weakness
and Prco Sclllnc Indulged In Pro
visions Attain Slow Ontllo
1'rlecs Hula Steady.
CIIIOAOO , Sept. 13. [ Special TolcRram
toTiiRUr.E.1 The crowd gathered around
the wheat pit at the opening- , with the bull
fueling of the previous day still ilomliiat.ltiK
tliclr Incllnatlonn. First transactions wore
around the closing price of the preceding
diiy , but there was a gradual advance of % o
from the opening figures , and at that point
considerable realizing , \vlilch created a
weaker feeling nnd brought about a decline
of Jfc. There wai a lonK Interval of In
active trading In the neighborhood of ? 0c und
TO c , and Hcalpcrs began to uct on thu gen-
cnil principal Hint after three bull days a
reaction WIIB In order , nnd , playing with Unit
end In vlow , they helped inutorlully to bring
about the result they thought hnd boon
probable. The opening prlco for Deuoinbor
wns TU o. The highest point ro.ichud . w.ia
TO/tfc , the lowest 78 0 , and
the closing quotations TiJJftJTS c ,
or Jf c lower than It stopped yesterday. The
"news" of the tiny. was generally In favor of
the mlvocatos for higher prices , foreign
markets were steady und quotations were
advanced about % d at Liverpool. Tim move
ment of whcut to South America still con
tinues on n fairly hboral scale , 70,000 bushels
of. yesterday's clearances of whuntfrcm Now
York bcliiR for tho" river Plattc , with two
more cargoes said to bo loading In Now
York to-diiy'for Uuonos Ayrcs. The general
export movement , however , Is small and
therein lies the point In the argument of the
bulls , as ono of their chief contentions Is
tlmt European countries uro very much
short of wheat nnd must ocrforco buy of us.
The bears say that "seeing Is believing , "
nnd , lacking this palpable proof of their oppo
nents' contention , they refuse to take stock
In it. There nro reports of buying by for
eigners in Duluth , a dispatch from there to
day saying Unit purchasers of September
wheat were not having it delivered to them
and were compelled to buy In the country.
Prices were temporarily lo higher iu that
market to-day. There wcro heavy rains In
the northwest , which wore expected to Inter-
Zero with farmers' deliveries , and receipts at
winter wheat points were light , while here
they were less than estimated yesterday , and
out of 150 cars received only six cradcd No.
2. The running-in of a prominent bear oper
ator early in the day was ono of the in
fluences tending to the llr t advance. Ho
was supposed to have been short 1,000,000
bushels and began buying at 7U , ' c. St. Louis
was again , bullish , and a prominent miller
there bouglit freely of No. 3 at % 2 advance
to-day , according to a dispatch from thence.
There wun a pronounced weakness und
free selling of corn , especially Inter deliver
ies , nnd more especially May. The tone of
the market wus taken from the weather ,
which hud no appearance of frost in it. Ev
ery day of such weather as is now being en
joyed throughout the corn bolt adds to the
ranks of the boars und correspondingly thins
out the believers in higher prices.
The prospect of at least 1,050,000,000
bushels being added to the stock as
the result of the year's crop Is the
paramount thought in the minds of the spec
ulators , with which in vlow they appeared to
think selling to-day eminently safo. Sep
tember showed general weakness , but the
selling pressure wus tnulnly , directed to a
more distant delivery , as already noted. The
decline since ye&tdrday was % u in Septem
ber nnd % n in May , the closing figures being
September 83o and May 84 c.
In oats thu speculative market was quiet
nnd after u steady opening ruled weak nnd
slow. The receipts uguln exceeded the esti
mates , but the decline in corn was the prin
cipal factor in a slightly downward move
ment of values. This was not severe , how
ever , as there was no pressure to soil. After
opening steady at 23J c Muv was sold down
to 23 % @ & ! , % ( , with nearer months relatively
easy. No. 2 regular was dull , with ID' c
Provisions were again slow. During the
early morning , particularly , truOing wns on
a limited scale , und for the day the entire
business muda a poor showing. Traders had
apparently but few outside orders , and in
the way of general speculation a conserva
tive feeling was favored. Still the product ,
as a rule , was well supported , nnd there was
tie development to occasion any uneasiness.
Based on yesterday's Ilnal closing , quota
tions showed a not iuiurovomunt of lee in
October porlc , 2J c in October and January
lard und October short ribs , ytv in January
pork and Go In January short ribs. Septem
ber lard declined 2 > $ o.
CHICAGO , Sept. 13. | Special Telegram to
TIIK Bun. ] CATTLE The general market
ruled quiet and prices steady as compared
with yesterday. The receipts were divided
at 8,000 Texans , 2,000 rangers und 5,003 na
tives , and there wcro fowcr na
tives that is medium good than any day
this wco < c. There were a few loads of nrimo
export steers , equal in quality to anything
hero this weclr , nnd they sold equally as well
as any day this week. Said salesmen that
handle Toxuns exclusively : "If wo hud
prime fat steers they would soil higher than
any day this week , but canuers and com
mon steers are as low as ever. "
Another salesman who makes a speci
alty of the range trndo said : "Ihero
Bcoiiis to bo no standard to guide ono in
trade this year. " A lot may bo good enough
to multo 0.00 und directly In the next pen you
will sco steers the same average going fully
75o lower. There Is no regularity in prices
and no regularity in the quality of the stock.
Native butchers' stock was in good demand
and steady to strong on first cluss
cows und heifers. Liusinoss in stock-
era and feeders continues slow and
prices remain at low water mark.
Cnoico to extra beeves , $4.2T > @i.0 * , me
dium to ( rood steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs. , $3.00
© 4.80 ; 1SOO to 1350 Ibs , f3.40@UO ; Of.0 to
1SUO tbs,53.00@8.COstockersaml ; feodprsei.75
@ & 10j cows , bulls nnd mixed , S1.20@300 :
bulk , ? 1.05 ( < $3.10 ; steers , tJ.lB 'J.S'J ' ; cows ,
$ l.fiO@iOO.wostoru ; natives and nulf breeds ,
fa25 ( < t3.GO ; cows , IJ.OOftJU.'S ; wintered
Tcxaus , ? 2.i.5@a.80.
Haas There was a brisk demand , and
prices fully 5o higher on packing grades , in
iiuiny eases lOo , in fact , ono of the buyers
for u big packing linn paid about us high for
a few lots of prime ai Hhlppnrs were paying.
Light torts and fancy heavy showed little erne
no change. Packers uald * 3 70(33.00 ( , and In
n few Instances $4.00(31.05 ( , Selected heavy
mudo ti.00@-I.15 , and light sorts sold at M.45
@ 4.5S.
New Ya h" , Sept. 13. | Special Telegram
to TUB UKK.J STOOKS Expressions from
the trade after the close of stock business
last night indicate tlmt the action of yester
day was a surprise. It wus only explained
ns ii periodical shaking off of the following
by these in control. 1'uero was nothing in
the condition to warrant it. Nut Jones
voices western sentiment when ho says that
the good earnings basis for good buying lias
Just bosun. S. V. Whlto does not take so
rosy u vlow. Ho counts on heavy money
needed to move caroals and cotton , and fears
another period of stringency , A loss popu
lar theory on the maruot is that for a few
days it has bc-eu manipulated to sell on , that
the outside support has not been satisfactory
and the Insiders have been getting out while
thu trumpeting was kept up. The opening
of thu market this morning was without
apaclal features. Such changes as appeared
from lust night were fractionally lower ,
LouUvillo dropped to 70 and recovered
nd Transcontinental gained } { per cent ,
Northern PauUlo preferred went off X P ° r
cent to 74K and rebounded to 7B the first
nour. Among western stocks St. Paul lost
nnd Missouri Pacific } { per cent , whtlo
Union Pacific opened \4 per cent higher at
Cljf and moved up to 05. There was nctwo
trading in SU Paul , Union Pacific , LouUvllla
fc Nashvlllo , Missouri Puc.'fio and Northern
I'nclflc preferred , but the remainder were
quiet to dull throughout. The only other
marked movement In the list was an advance
of $ f per cent la Canadian Paclflo to C9) ) .
The settlement of the London strlko gave an
mpntus to the buying of certain stocks bo-
fora the close , This alone prevented very
general lenses throughout the list for the
lay. Louisvlllo went to 77 > f to the close.
Lake Shore picked up t > omo nnd Missouri
Pacillo reacted a point from the bottom ,
The Granger group closed generally steady ,
with St. Paul and Burlington each } { per
cent lower. The conditions remained un-
chnngcd. The total sales wcro 182,840
The following worn the closing quotation * :
U.S. 4s regular. ] 2r Northern 1'acino. . 33
U.S. 4i coupons , . .K'8 do preferred . 76 > 5V 0. fc M. W . , .1HU
U. 8. 4's coupons. .Hrt do preferred . K-'U
I'ftclntflior ) . MB N.V.Contral . 100.U
Central 1'nclflo. . , . . MX IMUcB c . . . .
ClilCngoJc Alton. > . . 127 I Hock Island . lOH'i
Chlcairoliurllngton C..M. &StP . 74Q
i.fjuincv . W { doprerorreil . lUsi
I > . .U.tW . ' . .HB > St.PimUV Omaha. . JWji
llllnolsCentral . uoi ( do preferred . 10 Hi
I. , H..V W. , . < Mi Uiiion Pacific
1C ftnsnsit Texas. . . . 12 > i \V..8t. IV 17'i
l.nkn Shore doproforreii mji
Mlchlvnn Control. , ID'4 ' Western Union. . . . t0 4
MissouriI'aoltlo. . . . ,0h
Mo.vnv Busy nt 2(44 ( per cant ,
STUHMXO KxcitvNon Qulot nnd firm ;
sixty-dixy bills , * 4.S4).f ) : domnnd , \
NEW YOIIK , Popt. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UEB.I The following uro the min
ing stock quotations :
nolcher 83 Mexican 430
Con. Cal , .VVn 7r > Mutual HO
Com momvealth. , . i iUO Ontario DIM
Dcndwood T 15 ! ) Plymouth VV
Kuroka Con " 00 Snvage 'AT )
( lould * -Curry..200 Slorrn Nevada .IK )
Halo & Norcroas.iW : Union Consoliila'iUIiO
Homest'iko lii'O Ward Consolldii'd..lBO
Horn Silver 12J Yellow Jacket..3.W
Iron Silver yea Caledonia U. II..310
ritonuoB ai ,
CniCAGO , Sept. 13. 1:13 : p. m. close.
CHICAGO , Sept. 13. llb : p. in. close
Wheat Lower ; cash nnd October , 77 ! c ;
Decomber,81 1-lCc.
Corn Easier ; cash,33c ; Octobcr,83 15-10o ;
December. 82 3-10c.
Outs Steady ; cash , 19c ; October , iOX"i
December , lO c.
Uyo Cash , 42c.
Uarley No trading.
Prime Timothy No trading.
Flax Seed Cash , tl.30@1.31 ; September ,
Whisky tl.02.
Pork Firmer ; rash nnd October , $10.85 ;
January. W.12K@9. 15.
Lard Steady ; easb , $5.92 } ; Ootoberf5.90 ;
January , S3.77i .
Flour Steady ; winter wheat , $2.00 ®
4.40 ; spring wheat , S1.20@3.10 ; rye , $2.5l )
Ury Salted Meats Shoulders , Sl.fiOJ ! !
.G2 } ; short clear , 53.25@5.37U ; short ribs ,
Uuttor Firm for finer grades : creamery ,
12331 ; dairy , 10@17c.
Choose Steady : full cream ched-
dars. 5@Sc ; Hats , 8 # < < Z8Hc ; Young Amer
icas , 8 ( uS ) o.
Eggs Firm : fresh , 10 ! ! 10Kc.
Hides Steady ; green suited , ot oj light
green salted , 5@5J c ; salted bull. 4 } < Cu ;
green salted calf , 5wo ; dry flint , 7o ; dry and
salted hldus , Co ; dry calf , Gjgfo ; dcacotia ,
each 20e.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I solid packel ,
fg4K ° ! No. 2 , $ Mc ; cake , 4 } @t } c.
Hoculots. Shipments.
Flour 10,000 10,000
Wheat 103,000 150,0.0 !
Corn 873,003 740,00'J
Oats 170,000 00,00,1
Now Vork. Sopt. 13. Wheat Ko-
coipts , 214,500 ; exports , 09,000 ; spot market
heavy und lower ; No. 2 red , b3i @ 83j ! c in
store and elevator ; 84@83c afloat ; 84 (5) ( )
85 0 f.'o. b. ; No. 3 red , 81@31Kc ; un
graded red , 7S@SGJ c ; options fairly ac
tive and lower ; No. 2 reU , October , closing
at 84tf @S5c.
Corn Receipts , 154,700 bushels : experts ,
83.2DO bushels ; spot market fairly active ,
but lower ; No. 2 , 42o in store , and elevator ,
42X@-c ! nfloat > No. 2 , white , 42c ; op
tions lower , October closing ut 42c.
Oats Ueceipts , S3.000 bushels ; experts ,
; spot market unchanged ; options dull
nnd lower. October closing nt 20o : snot. No.
2 white , 20o ; mixed western , 25Ca28c ; white
western , 2S@3Sc.
Coffee Options opened steady at 10@75
points down und closed barely steady ; Bales ,
HOOO bags ; -September , $10.00 ; October ,
§ ir > . ( JO@1505spot ; Hlo , steady ; fair cargoes ,
Sugar Raw , firm ; roflned , firm.
Petroleum United closed at Q'JXo ' for Oc
Eggs Western , fresh , 10 } < ( ( § 19c.
Pork Strong ; inspected mess , $12.23 ®
12.50 ; uninspected , 812.00.
Liu d Steady and dull ; western steam ,
Butter Western dairy , 9@12 > oj cream
ery , ll@2io.
Cheese Firmer ; western , OJi@7'c.
Ijiviirnool , Sept. 13. Wheat Firm ;
demand improving und holders offer moder
ately : red western spring , Cs lj d@7s Kd per
cental ; red western winter , Os 7j dOUs 8 > id.
Corn Quiet and demand poor ; new mixed ,
4s 2d per hundred.
Clnclimiul , Sept. 13. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red , 78 u.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 80c.
Outs Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 22@22J a
Whisky Finn at $1.02.
St. ImulH , Sept. 13. Wheat Lower ; cash
77 > V"i October , 70tf.
Lorn Lower ; cash , 29o ; October , 30@
Oats Lower ; cash , 18) 0 ; May , 225tfc.
1'ork Easy at $11.50.
Lard Nominally $3.70.
Whisky $1.02.
Duller Nominal ; creamery , 18@23o ;
dairy , 14(5l5c. (
KaiiKiiH Olty , Sent. 13. Wheat quiet ;
No. 3 red , cash , 01H" bid ; No. 3 red , cash ,
53c ; Nc. a soit , cash , 02ka
Corn Qulot ; No.2c.ish , no bids nor offer
ings ; October , 22 , o ; No. 2 , white , October ,
22) ) 0.
Outs No. 3 , cash. lOo bid ; October , njs'o.
MII\vnuku , Sept. 18. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 72 0 ; October , 72 ; < o.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 3 , 33@33 } c.
Oats-Stoady ; No. 3 whito. WJ2Uc. .
Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 42 > @l2 c.
Uurloy Nominal ; September , 50o bid.
Provihlons Kasy ; oasft , pork , $10.80.
AiliinuiiiIis ) , Sept. 18. Sample wheat
higher but less uctlvo ; receipts , 201 cars ;
shipments. 23 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard ,
September , TiaDecember. \ . 70 } u ; on track ,
80oNo. ; 1 northern , September , 74c ; 'on
track , 70i3 ; No. 2 northern , September , 71c ;
on track , 710780.
ClilcuK < ) < Sept. 18.--lno Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 0,030 ; market steady but
slow ; beeves , $4.25@4.70 ; steers , $3.00 ( 4.80 ;
BtookerH and feeders , $1.7523.10 ; covirs ,
bulls and mixed , $1.20 ( 3.00 ; Texas cattle ,
$1.50@3.bO ; western rangers , $3.00@3.00.
llogt Roculpts , 15,0 JO ; market strong ,
closing hlcuer ; mixed , $3.80@4.40 ; heavy ,
$3.05 ; skips , $3 C0@ 1,85 ; llgtit , $1.00@t.70.
Sheep Reculuts. 0,000 ; inurkut strong ;
natives , $3.50 ( < gI.UO ; western , $ -1.4034.10 ;
TCXIIUS , $3.05@i.lO ; iambs , $1.0@5.SO.
KunaiiH City , Sept. * 13. Cattle Re
ceipts. 2,700 ; shipments 1,000 ; good
to choice corn-fed steers , $4,00@4.23 ;
common to medium , f 'J.05Vf ( D.S5 ; stackers
und feeders , $ l.GOu ( > 2.10 ; cows , strong and
lOo higher , * l.Ui ( ( iOO ; grass rungo steers ,
Hogs Receipts , 3,900 ; shipments , 100 ;
market strong ana uctlvu ; light , $4.20 ( 4.30 ;
heavy und mixed , fJ.7&@i.lO.
National Kttiolc VnrcH , Knst fit.
IjdiilH , Sept. 13. Cuttlo Receipts , 000 ;
shlpmcnta , 1,700 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy nativa stuore , $3.80 4.40 ;
stockers and feeders , I'LlOrtjiOO ; ranger
toers , $3.20(32.00 ( ,
Hogs Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market strong ; heavy , $ ; puckiutr
grades. * 3.700i.00 ; light , $ l.00@4.40.
Stoux City , Sept. 18. Cattle Receipts. ,
805 ( ( hlpmenU , < JO | mwkul steady ; fat
steers , J2 0033.40 ; stockcrs and feeders ,
$3.00(32.85. (
Hogs RccolptB , 830 ; light nnd mixed ,
$3.723.80 } ; heavy , $3.7n@383 .
Friday , Sept. 13.
Among to-day's ' offerings was a bunch or
two of pretty good natives , but the bulk of
the cattle worn not especially desirable. The
general market was steady but not native ,
although the best cattle hero were sold. A
bunch of 1571lb natives sold nt ? 1,15 nnd
some lighter cattle at f3.00@3.76. Some
corn-fed western * sold nt $3.0Ufti ( : 33. The
Middlesex cattle fed nt Iler's distillery were
bargained for nt $3.80. Butchers' stock was
In very light supply , nnd thorn was not
cnouiih to make much of a mnrkot ; still
prices were only steady. The fresh receipts
of stockcrs nnd feeders wcro light , and ns
about everything was cleaned up yesterday ,
there was little hero to do with. However ,
there were not mnny buyers hero , nnd the
supply was Just about equal to the demand.
Prices remain about steady , The native
feeders brought $2 60@3.00 , the latter price
being paid for something very good.
Hoc * .
The market In heavy hogs wns not very
nctlvo , but they were nil sold In good season.
The shippers were not doing anything , nnd
the packers hnd it about their own way ,
The trade on heavy hogs could safolv bo
quoted 5o lower. A good many of the heavy
weights wont at $3.70(33.75. ( Light hogs sold
nt the snmo prices us yesterday , but there
were moro light hoes hero , and the buyers
were able to pot a drove of bettor quality
and lighter weights than yesterday nt the
sumo money.
There wcro two double decks of western
sheep hero which sold at about steady prices.
Cattle . 1,000
Hogs . 3,300
Sheep . 207
Horses . 25
Prevailing Prices.
The following is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers. 1300 to 10)0 Ib3.3.80 @ 1.25
Good steers , 1230 to USD Ibs. . 3.5'J @ 4.10
Good steers , 1030 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.00 @ 3.90
Common canncrs 1.00 @ 1.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 Cfel.75
Fair to good cows 1.75 1.90
Good to choice cows 1.00
Fair to good bulls 1.50
Light stocKcrs and feeders. . . . 2.25
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. 1.50
Fair to choice light liogs 8.1)0 ) ( # 3.93
Fair to choice heavy I'Ogs . 3.70 < ( f3.75
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 3.80 ( a 8 90
Common to rough hogs . 3.45 @ 3.00
llenrcsmirariva a.tlej.
No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
7 12UO ? 3 85 54 1571 $1 15
30. * . 1399 a 75
4 980 1 60
1. .1050 300 CO. . , .1110 2 70
17. . 9lii ( 350 14. . . 859 2 75
5. .1250 S 50 88. . . .1249 3 00
52. .1100 205 55. . .1248 3 00
1 1500 2 25
19. C80 2 00 -
Owner No. Av. Pr.
8 feeders , range 940 2 50
Dnter Cattle Co.
1 feeder , range , 1100 2 05
10 steers , rnnite 1388 2 05
Rainsford & Palmer
1 heifer , range 540 1 GO
Rainsford & Johnson
51 steers , corn-fed 1297 3 00
Hnloy Live Stock Co
131 steers , range Col-Tex , 1188 2 40
3 steers , range 1241 2 50
2'J steers , Wyo-Tes 1017 3 80
20 cows , range 1074 1 85
14 steers , range ,1331 2 00
2 steers , range 1200 3 00
Ogailala Laud and Cuttlo Co
98 steers , range 12S7 3 53
Dovoro & Johnson
30 steers , corn-fed. . . ,1403 3 35
no os.
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
8. .2C)0 100 $2 75 C3. . . .279 160 S3 75
20. .112 8 00 65. . . .282 40 3 75
3 2'J3 3 40 57. . . .257 280 3 75
4. .365 SO 3 40 45. . . .334 40 3 75
30. .273 ICO 3 45 01. . . .308 SO 3 75
18. .300 200 3 50 03. . . .272 120 3 80
12. .284 3 50 59. . , .2ti9 40 3 bO
15. .305 ICO 3 55 43. . . .233 SO 3 80
10. .357 80 U 55 41. . . .235 3 SO
10. .312 3 55 53. . . .257 SO 8 80
23. .314 40 3 55 14. . . .260 40 8 SO
18. .341 40 3 55 128. . . .200 80 8 80
11. .295 60 3 55 5. . . .263 3 SO
5. .340 3 55 45. . . .231 120 3 85
.813 3 55 CO . . .239 3 85
i ) . .392 80 3 CO S9. . . .274 3 85
8. .310 3 CO 48. . . .218 40 3 85
18. .330 S CO 49. . . .232 SO 3 85
14. .338 120 8 CO 10. . . .279 SO 3 S3
10. . . .277 3 CO 53. . . .247 40 3 85
18 . .320 3 CO 75. . . .228 80 3 85
23. . .307 200 3 CO 49. . . .204 80 3 85
CO. . .81U 8 CO 47. . . .254 8 85
13. . .241 8 00 C3. . . .253 80 3 b3
12. . .295 3 CO 10. . . .246 80 3 85
14. . .283 S CO 70. . . ,185 120 387
7. . .341 ICO S GO 35. . . .234 80 890
7 , . .819 40 805 54. . .226 80 3
23. . .293 40 S 05 07. . 210 40 8 95
29. . .269 80 3 70 39. . . .201 40 8 95
57. . .298 200 3 70 40. . . .204 395
55. . .375 2UO 3 70 48. . . .194 40 3 95
53 . .280 200 3 70 54. . . .211 3 95
04. . .251 240 3 70 59. . . .104 80 S 93
70. . .237 40 3 70 64. . . .204 8 95
10. . .332 ICO 3 70 23. . . .205 3 95
! > . . .244 ICO 8 70 69. . . .211 40 3 95
50. . .818 80 80. . . 209 8 93
54. . .332 40 80 . . .200 40 895
CO. . .234 400 32. . . .244 393
75. . .238 480 85. . . .218 3 95
CS. . .289 ICO 44. . 3 95
53. . SO 8 70 08. . , .22i 395
12..100 3 70
No. Av. Pr.
104 Westerns 109
153 Westerns 100
150 Westerns 10S 807 *
Llvo Stock Notes.
W. P. Trcutman , from Benedict , was in
looking for feeders.
Pierce Harding was in from Benedict lookIng -
Ing over the yards.
A. Clapping , from Underwood , la. , came In
with ono load of hogs ,
Carl Jacobs came In from Bellwood , Neb , ,
with ono car of hoga.
M. Mackoy , from Eustls , Neb. , was in
with one car of hogs.
C. J. Furor came in from Vernona , Nob. ,
with ono car of hogs.
F. M. Marshall , from Curtis , Nob. , was a
visitor on the market.
P. P. Johnson , from Eagle , Neb , , came in
with live cars of cattlo.
E. M. Gibson , of Chirks , Nob. , came in
with two cars of sheep.
John Dawson , from Weeping Water , came
In with ono load of hogs ,
Ono car load of horses came In from Chap
man , Nob. , this morning from Qulnn & Co ,
James Kennedy , from Logan , was on the
uiarkut this morning with u load of hogs.
F. Folda. a banker and cattle raiser of
Schuyler , Nob. , was In looking over the mar
ket lor feeders.
Frank Griffin came In from Dccatur with
fifty-four head of cattle thut ho sold at $4.15.
They averaged 1571 Ibs. apiece.
Four lump-Juwod steers were condomnqd
by Inspector Howard. They were killed
and tutncd over to the rendering company ,
Produce , Fruits Etc.
Eaos Strictly fresh , UQIGo.
HUTTEU Creamery , fancy , 15@16o ; cboico ,
14@l5c. Dairy , fnnoy. Uk&Um choice. 11@
12a. Country , fancy , 12@14ct0od ; to choice ,
10@llo ; fair , 9@lOo ; inferior. OC67C.
LIVE PIOKONB Per doz. , (1.50.
GAME Prairie chlcttens , $3.00(38.00 ( ; mal
lard ducks , 3.00@4.GO ; mixed ducks , $1.50
@ 2.00.
BEANS Choice hand-picked navy , $1.75@
$3.00 ; cboico hand-picked medium , I1.05M
11.80 ; choice baud.-picked country , $1.00 ®
l.OS ; clean country , $ ! & 0/ci.CO ( ; inferior
country , $ I.OO@l 25. ' m
limns , Put/rs , TAi.towKTa Green salted
hides , 4 > X@4X < Ji dry salted hides , Be ; dry
flint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 4J M' c ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheep palls , preen , oaeh , 23j@
$1.00 ; sheep polls , dry , par 1 ! . , 9(3 ( 12o. TuT-
low , No. 1 , 4c4J ( < o ; No. 2. 3tfi$3 > | o. Qrouso ,
white , 4 @ 4jtfo ; yellow , 'Jl ' ifjc.
Wool , l''inu , overauo , , llJ lOa ; medium ,
average , 21@22o ; quartor-blsod , , 20
(321o ; conrso , average , 15@l7c ; cotts mid
rough , nverape , 14ilfle.
POTATOM 33@3oe par bu (
Poui.Tiir Old hens nnd-chmkcns , $1CO ( < 5
3.50 ; spring chickens , $2 OOQ'J.fjO ; ducks and
geese , per ib , 10iturkpys ; , OQlOu ; young
ducks , per dor , $3.00. '
CnnisE : Young America * , full crcnm ,
lOo ; factory twins , 9 , ' < io ; off grades , C > @ 7o ;
Van Rossen Edom , ? 11.50 per doz ; sap sago ,
lOc ; brletf. ll$12c ( ; llmburger , 7@Scj do
mestic Swiss , 14c.
Lr-Moss Fancy , $0.00S.GO ; choice , $5.00.
SoirriicitN PKACIIESlu , 7oP@l.W ) for
choice , nnd , 'D@tOo for poor and common.
Arn.cs- Per bbl , $1,00@3.00.
CALIFOHXIA PEACHES 20 Ib boxes , $1.50 ®
CAtironxiA Giupns )
PEAtis-40 Ib boxes , $1.75:32.25. :
CAVTCi.oui'ES Per doz , BOC'ZC3c.
UAKANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOASUTS Per 100 , So.OO.
Ai'H.c UUTTEK 5c.
Cinnu-libls , fJ.KO ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAi'LE SUOAU 12) ) @l5c per Ib.
VEAL Choice , mcalum size. 5J ( < ? rt ) c ;
choica heavy , oc ; spring lambs , (30.UUiJO.OO (
per doz.
HOSGY 15c per Ib for eholco.
PIIESEKVISS ! Hi$10c ( pur Ib.
JKLI.IDS BKGvlu jiur Ib.
UEESWAX No. 1 , 10@lOu.
CHOP Fcnn- 10.00@12.00.
IJu ix $10.00.
SAUSAQU Bologna , 4c ; Frankfurt , 7c ;
tongue , So ; summer , 29a ; head cheese , Oc ,
Pins FBCT Pickled , kits , 7oc ; pickloil
ings' tongues , kits , $235 ; pickled tripe , kits.
C3u ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 85o splcoil
pigs' bucks , kits , $1.15 ,
BEEF TOKO UBS Salt , bbK $20.
Pnovisioxs Hntns , No. 1 , 10-lb nvoraeo ,
llo ; 20 to 22 Ibs , lOKu ; 12 to 14 Ibs , ll > o ;
No. 2 , O' c ; specials , 12c ; ahoulucrs , To ;
breakfast bacon. No. 1 , 8 0 ; specials , ISo :
picnic , ( ij c ; ham sausace , 8J o ; dried beef
hams , OKej bcof tonsucs , ? t ) per dozen ; Ury
salt meats , 5 > ( Go per Ib ; boneless ham ,
Wiuprixo PAPCU Straw , per Ib , l/ @
2Jjn : rag , 2 > c ; maiillla , B , SQOJi'o ; No. 1 ,
8c.SALT Dairy , 2SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , 60 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 8s ,
$2.40 ; best grade , 23 , 10s , ? 2.80 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $ l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton,56-lb bags ,
83c ; bulk , 224-lb bags , $3.40 ; common , in
bbls , $1.25.
CAXDV 9 > @ 12Kc per Ib.
German chicory , rod , 7J c.
GINOCU Jamaica , } ulnts , $3.00 per doz.
FAIUNACROUS GOODS Barley , 8@3) < fc ;
farina , 4J c ; peas , 8c : oatmeal , /5c ; mno-
aronla , He ; vermicelli , He ; rico , 3 @ 6) ) c ;
saco and tapioca , ( ! @Tc.
Fisu-Salt Dried codflsh , 5@Sfc ; scaled
herring , 24u per box ; hoi. herring , dom. 50c ;
Hamburg spiced herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
70cffi51,00 ( ; mackerel , large family , $11.50 per
100 Ibs ; whitelish , No. 1. $0.50 ; family , $ J.73 ;
trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , SOc.
-$1.7C@1.50. I
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o : Brazils , 80 ; fil
berts , He ; pecans , lOo ; Walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOc.
CANNED FISH Broolc trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $1.25 :
deviled crabs , lib , $2.25 ; dovllud crabs , 2
Ib , S3.50 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , S1.75 ; cavior , X
Ib , $2.25 ; eeU , 1 Ib , $3.40 : loDaters , 1 Ib , 81.90 ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; lobsters , deviled. } i Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , lib , $1.65 ; .mackerel , mui
turd sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; ' mackerel , tomato
snuce , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 95c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. Sl.CO ; salmon , C. R.J 1 Ib , $3.00 ; salmon ,
C. R. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.CO ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.65 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
S' 65
CANNED MEATS Corned beef , t Ib square
cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , $3.05 ; 0 Ib
square cans , $6.50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $14.00.
Lunch tongues , 1 ID round cana.it2.00 ; 2 Ib
round cans , $4.75. Brawn , 1 Ib squnro cans ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib squnro cans , S2.00 ; 6 Ib square
cans , $0.50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $14.00. Ox
tongues. 1 % Ib round cans , $5.00 ; 3 Hi round
cans , $0.00 ; 2 } Ib round cans , 87.00 ; 3 Ib
round cans , 3.00. Chipped beef , 1 Ib round
cans , $3.00 ; 2 Ib round cans , $4.00. Roast
beef , 1 Ib round cans , S1.20 ; 2 Ib round cans ,
$2.00. Potted ham , } { Ib round c.ius , 6oc ;
i lb round cans , 51.20. Deviled ham4 Ib
round cans , 65c ; } 4 Ib round cans , $1 20.
Potted ox tongue , } lb round cans. 03o ;
K Ib round cans , 51.0. . Compressed ham ,
1 Ib squuro cans , $1.75 ; 3 Ib square cans ,
$2.75. Tripe , 2 Ib round cans , $1.80. Minced
collops , 2 Ib round cans , $ j.30. Boneless
pigs feet , 3 Ib square cans , $2.25. Ono pound
cans are packed two dozen and four dozen to
case ; two pound cans , ono dozen and two
dozen to case ; half pound cans , two dozen to
case ; quarter pound cans , four dozen to
case. All prices per dozen , net.
LAUD Tierces Reflned , 5c ; choice , 0o ;
pure leaf , 6o ; kettle rendered , 7 c. Add
1 0 to J c for smaller quantities.
OiLS-Keroscne P. W. , 9c ; W. W. , 12a ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.15(29.00 ( per
DIIIBD Fnurrs Currant ? , 4X@ " ' ° prunes ,
casits , 1,800 Ibs , 4 @tKc : prunes , bbls or
bags , ! Xlccitron \ peels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
2lc ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , lOc ; f.ird
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , 9c ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 16c ; apricots , jelly ,
cured , 25-lb boxes , 17e ; apricots , fancy , Me.
Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , 15c ; apricots , ctioico ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 18o ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 6o ; apples , Star , Cc ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 5-ib , So ; apples , fancy Alden ,
21b , 8 > e : blackberries , evaporated , 60-lb
boxes , 5 } @Co ! cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
15o ; pears , California fancy , s boxes , 25
Ibs , 12Jfo : peaches , Cul fancy , } s unp boxes ,
25 Ibs , loc ; peaches , Cal No. 1 , fancy , J sunp
bugs , 80 Ibs , 18u ; poaches , fancy , ovap unp ,
50 Ib boxes , 12@14a ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
now , 7@7J c ; nectarines , red , 12e ; nectar
ines , silver , bags , 12) c ; pitted plums , Cal ,
25-lb boxes , llu ; raspberries , evap , N , Y. ,
new , 21c ; pruuos , Cal , R. C. , 90-100 boxes ,
23 Ibs , 8c ; prunes , Cal , R. C. , 00-70. 9o ;
orange peel , 15o ; rnlbins , California Lon-
dor.s , crop 1883 , $3.40@2.00 ; raisins , Califor
nia loose , muscatels , crop 1888 , Sl.90@2.00 ;
Valonclas , 18fa8 , 7c.
PICKLES Medium , par bbl , $5.00 ; small ,
$300 ; gherkins , $0.50 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts , $5 90 , pts , $3.40.
lUos American A , seamless , 17o ; Union
/Square paper , discount 85 per cent.
COFFEE Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
2-Jc ; fancy old peaberry. 33u ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Rio , prime , 21a ; Rio , good ,
20c ; Moclia , 29c ; Java , fancy Mandehling ,
2 " 0 ; Java , good interior , 34c.
COFFEE Roasted Arbucklo's Ariosa ,
2U c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 24. } o ; Gorman ,
23 c ; 'DI1 worth , 81J8'o ; Aluroma , 34 c.
SALSOUA n @ 3 | o u ° r Ib.
STAKCII 5@7o perlb ,
STOVE POLISH Si.00@5.87 per gross ,
SriCES Whole , per IbrrAllspice , llo ; Cas
sia , China , 9 < fu ; cloves , ansibur , 20u ; nut.
megs , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , J7o.
SuaAiia Cut , loaf , 9 q : cut loaf , cubes ,
9 0 : Standard , powdergd , OK" ! XXXX
powderep , 9Ko ; granulated , Standard , 8 % @
bj/o ; confcctloiiors' A , 8 c ; white , extra C ,
Climax , 8 0 ; extra C , Nebraska , 8 0 ; Am
ber , 7o ; California Golden C , 7tfe.
Pink and Robes Richmond.
Allen , Oo ; Rlvorpoint. ( % o : * Sleol Rlver.Ok'o ;
Pacillc. C c ,
PJIISTS Indigo Blue -St. Leger , 7 | c ;
Washington , 6 0 ; American , 0 > jo ; Arnold ,
CKc ; Arnold Century , 9o ; Windsor Gold
Tit't , lO c : Arnold B , lOJ c ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Jold Seal , lO 'collow ; Seal , 10 > o :
Amuna , 12c.
PitiNTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater ,
Co ; Berlin oil. Ko ; Garner oil. 6@7c.
SiiiitTiNO CMEOK8 Caledonia X , 9X ° i
Caledonia XX10) , | o ; Economy , OotOtls , Uo ;
Granite , 0)fo : Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , B o.
SHEETING , Biiow.v Atlantic A , 4 4 , 7J/o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantlo D , 4-4 , 0fo\ \
Atlautio P , 4-1 , 6u ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , Co ; Au
rora C.4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-4. O o ;
Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , 5u ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 6 0 ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
6X0 ; Popporoil R , 4-1. OJfo ; Popperell E , 40-
inch. 7j o ; Pepperoll. 8-4 , 17i < o : Popjiorell.
9-4. 20o ; Pepporell , 10-4 , 32c ; Utlca O , 4-4 ,
4Jfo ; Wuchusotts , 4-1 , 7o ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , 0) ) o ,
SHEETING , BLEACHED Eilerton , 71,0 ;
HouBoKeepar , 6 0 ; Now Candidate , 8 > fo ;
Berkeley canibrlo. No. CO , 9o ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
CJfo ; butter cloth. OO. 4) c ; Cabot , 7tfoj
Farwoll , half bleached , 8 Wo ; Fruit ol Loom ,
Bo ( Green G , 60 ; Hopd , 7K ? King Phillip
cambric , 10o ( Lousdalo cambric. lOo ; Lous-
dalo. S > c ; New York mills , lOo ; Popporoil ,
42 In , lUc ; Pepporcll , 40 In , llo ; Poppcroll ,
< V4 , 14 > < o ; Pepporoll , 8-n , 20o ; Popporoil , 0-4.
iic ; 1'cpperoil , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8M ;
Canton. 4P e' , Triumph , 0 ! c ; Wnmsuita ,
lie } Valley , rto.
TICKS Oakland , A , * Ko ; Intornntlonnl ,
YY , 80 ; ShoUieket , S , 8&u ; Wurron. No.870 ,
Ifie ; Uorwlck , HA. 18c ; Actno , 13o ; York ,
no In , 12Ko ; York , 2 In. 13'fo ; Swift Ulvor ,
S'ti'c ' ; Thormllke , OO , 8 0 ; Thorndiko , 12P ,
SKe ; Tliormillco , ISO , 0u ; Thorndiko , XX ,
K o ; CordK No. 5 , IH 0 ! Cordli , No. 4 , lOWo.
DUCK West Point. 2S In , 8 or , Oo ; West
Point , SO Iu. 10 oz , l'4fo ; West JPolnt , > 21l in ,
12oz , \ iicWoat \ Point , 40 In , U oz , IDo.
ri.ASxni.8 Plaid HiiUsmon. 200) ) Clear
Lake , 80Jfo ; Iron Mountain , SOJ o.
FUNNELS White Q. H. No. 3 , * ( , 23' ' < fo ;
G. H. No. 1 , f ( , 2 0 ; G. H. No. 2 , # 22 0 ?
G. II. No. 1 , Jtf.HOc ; Quochio No. 3 , } ( , 82KP-
Quecheo No. 2 , } { , ar oj Atmwnn , 82 > Jo )
Windsor , S2K -
FH.XSKI.S Urd C , 21 Inch , 15Wo ; E , 24
Inch , 21Ko ? G G. 24 mob. 2flo ; U A F , f ,
23o ; J H F , ? f , 27o ; G , ? f , 23is.
GIXQIIAMPlnnkott. . checks , O c' Whit-
tcnton , 2 Ko ; York , 7 ° ! Normundt dress ,
7tfo ! : Calcutta dre s , 7Ko ! Whlttcnton dross ,
Wd ; Honfrow dress , 8iC { < 512J c.
ICisxTUoicv JBANS Hercules , 18o ; Loam-
lngton,22 > u ; GlonwooJ , 2Jc : Melville , 2.5c ;
13an-up.j ? ; < c ; Memorial , loc ; Standpoint ,
18o ; Durham , 2i c.
MisoKi.i.ANEous Tnblo oil cloth. $250 ;
table oil cloth , marble , S2.50 ; plain Holland ,
0 } c , dndo Holland , 12) r.
J'KiNTi Dress Clurtor Oak. ! > ! { < < , Kama-
po , 4o : LodI,5'fo ' } Allen Oo ; Hlchmond , Oo ;
Winutor , C u ; Eddystono , 11) 0 ; Pacific ,
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. 80 ; Uoauty ,
12 > jc'Hooiie , 14o ; H , cased , Sd.OO.
liiANicr.TS While , $1.00fi47.CO ; colored ,
$1.10i3.00. ( ! !
CMIIIUICS Slater , Co ; Woods , 5o ; Stand
ard , fie ; I'oucock , 5c.
Cviii'KT WAUI' Ulbb , white , 18 > o ; col
ored , 2l o.
CoMFOitTEiis $0.50(7535. ( ( K ) .
COIMKT Jill.Ns Huston , 7 o ; Androscog-
pln , 7jrc : Kcarsage , 7Jfo ; llockport , ( IJ o ;
Consutoga. OJfo. (
COTTON FUNNELS 10 par cent trade d is. ;
EE , 8J o ; GG , PJfo : XX , 10 > o ; OO , ll c ;
unbleached , LL , nj c ; CC , 5/u ; SS , 7 o ;
NN , 12 > < c ; AA , Mo ; 11D , 15 ! c ; TT. 10 0 ;
YY , ISu ; 11U , 10o : 20 blenched , 8 } o ; IK ) ;
12K' ! 80 , 13' c , 00 brown und slate , Uj ; 70 ,
123Sc ; 90 , lOo.
CiiAsit Stevens' U , 5 > cSlovens' ; A , 7 } o ;
blcachc-J , So ; Slovens' P , 7 'e ; bleached ,
8o ; Stevens' N , bKo ; bleached , OKu ?
Slovens' SHT , llj c.
oz ,
JafCtoy , '
Heaver Creek , AA'l2c ; lleaver Creek ,
lie ; licnvcr Creek , CC , lOc.
Lumber and Uiiililins ; AIntcrlnl.
f. o. b. , Omaha.
STOCK BOAUWS A , 12 inch , s 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $4000 ; B 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and If !
foot , $ -11.00 ; C 13 inch , sis 13 , 13 und 15 feet ,
$30.00 ; D 13 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 16 foot ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 13 foal , S18.00 ;
No. 2 Com. 12 in s 1 s 11 and 10 feet , $17.50 ®
18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 10 , 18 and 20 feet ,
$19.50 ; No. 2 Com. 12 in s 1 s 14 and 16 feet ,
white pmo partition , $ JlOt ) ; 3d Com. % in ,
wblto pine partition. $ i .00 ; clear % in , yellow
low pine ceiling $20.00 ; clour % in , Norway ,
$14.5(1 ( ; 2d Com. - > g in Norway , $13.00.
BOAIIDS No. 1 com s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 3 com s I a 13. 14 and 10 ft , $10 50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 s 13 , 14 und 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship'g cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50o per M ft for rough.
Betts , 3& inch , 60c ; O. G. Batts , Kx3 , sis ,
35c ; 3-in wol Itubing , D. & M. uud bov. $ .22.00 ;
pickets , D. & H.nat , $20.00 ; pickets , D. & H. ,
square , $19.00.
12 ft 14 ft 16 ft 18 ft 20 ft 3J ft 34 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x0. . . . 15 00 1300 1500 1000 1600 1800 18 DO
2x1. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 IU 00 1800 1800
2x10. . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x13. . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18 01) ) 1800
4x-4Sx816 00 10 00 16 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 13 uud 14 ft ,
rough , § 10.00@16 50 ; No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 16 tt ,
$17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 10 tt.
$13.505414.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 iuch , 16 ft , $15.00
@ 15.50.
FINISHING 1st and 3d clear , l 'inch , s 3 s.
$49.UO@.jl.OO ; 1st nnd 3d clear , 1 } and 3
inch , s 2 s. $47.00(550.00 ( ; 3d clear , 1 % inch , s
2 s , $43.00 4i.OOB ! ; select. IX , IK and 3 inch ,
s 3 s. $37.00@ 33.00 ; 1st and 3d clour , 1 inch , s
2 s , $45 00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s. $ .30.00 ; A
select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch ,
s 2 s. $29.00.
FLOOIUNQ 1st com 0 inch white pine ,
$34.00 ; 3d com 0 inch white pine , $31.00 : 3d
com 0 Inch white pine , $20.00 ; D com 0 inch
while pine , $ W.OO ; com 4 and C inch yellow
pine , 815.00 ; Slar 4 inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st , and 3d clear yellow pine , 4 and G inch ,
Poi'LAH LUMnuit Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s 3 s , SJl.OJ ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $ Jj.OO ; clear
poplar , K panel slock wide , s 3 s , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , J , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , llo ;
while cedar , 5)4 ) inch halves and 8 iuch q'rs ,
llo ; while cedar , 4 inch round , lOo ; TonneB-
sso rod cedar , split , 16o ; split oak ( while )
Sc ; sawed oak. iSc.
SIIIXQLKS , Lvni , petM XX clear , $3.39 ;
extra -A * , $2.80 : standard A , $2.60 ; 5 inch
clear , $ l.fiO@l.70 ; 0 inch clear , $1.73@1.80 ;
No. ) , $1.10@1. 15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widlhs , $1.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.35 ;
lath , $2.50.
SHIP LAP No. 1 pluin , 8 and 18 inch , $17.50 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 und 16 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O.G.
_ _ _
Twin on and Hope.
BINDERS' TWINE Sisal , 15 > o ; hemp , 15c ;
tnunillu , ISc.
CLOTIISLINKS Cotton. 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
60-ft , $1.40 ; jute , 50-ft , 90c ; Jutf. 60-ft , $1.00
COTTON TWINE Fine , 32c ; medium , HJ o ;
heavy hemp , lUc ; light hemp , 15c.
SAIL TWINK B , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , 15o ;
Manilla rope , 13 > c : sisal rope , llj < fo ; now
products , be ; jute , So ; cotton , 12c ; hida rope ,
An AbHiiluto Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped bands , and all skin orup.
tions. Will positively uuro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug ceiupauy at
25 cents per box bv mail 30 cents.
Coins uud Complexion.
Says an authority on poms : A
woman who 1ms a rod face will not wear
omcrnlds. A woman- with a poor com
plexion does not improve it with pearls.
Thuso lovely and innocuous ornaments
really derive their chief 1 astro from a
transparent Bldn , as they depend large
ly on reflected lights. A woman whoso
face , however beautiful , takes vordatrcs
tint a in the shadowH should avoid
rubioH , especially pink onoa , and
roseate topazes. A face may have thefao
greenish tints without damage to
beauty , remember. Kvory face has a
great deal of green to it , as u portrait
painter will toll you. Giotto ( who
painted the loveliest angels conceiv
able ) and all his pupils made the
shadows on girls' fncos startingly green ,
and the eyes green , too , boinotimos. luut
yet wo receive the imprubslon of ox-
quibito delicacy and brilliancy. Still ,
red is the complementary of green , and
if the dress should ho pink , and no help
for it , the jewels noaroi * the face ought
to counteract it.
Kxoiiralon to GoliimbiiH. Ohio.
September 18th to 10th Inclusive ,
"Tho Rock Island Route" will sell
excursion tickets to Columbus , Ohio.
nnd return , at half-faro , for the annual
mooting of Sovereign Grand Lodge ,
Patriarchs' Militant , and I. O. O. F. ,
open to everybody. Tickets good to re
turn until Sopt.o tli.
S. S. STHVKNS , Gbn'l W. A.
Ticket Omco , laO Furnum.
Xlio Proper Dregs Kor Ohl Lmllnn.
OMAHA , Sopt. 16. To the Editor of
Tins IlKii : "How should our dear olu
people dross ? " considered ,
gray is the idcul tint.
This it ) from the fashion columns o ( a
local paper. The absurdity of the idea
arrested my attention , Why should
women , in the decline of lifo , uUUguro
themselves by so unbecoming n dross ,
which only the frobhcst of young faces
shouldnssumo or htwo the temerity to
wear ?
Imngino an old lady of sixty ( I can
not consider ono to bo very oid nt fifty )
dressed in a complete suit of Rray , and
crown her gray hnirs with ono of the
small bonnets of the present style , nnd
you would imtnodiulolv bo reminded of
the grey tnildow of the resurrection.
There is nothing in this dross which
lends a sparkle to the eye , but the face
gradually assumes u sovcro , stern as
pect , or else ono of sorrow. Now why
should this bo ? When nature is decay
ing she puts on her gavost robes ; nil
creation is lighted up by their effulgent
beauty. Wo rejoice and rovcl in all
this pervading loveliness. Then why
not take a hint from nature , nuti put
oven a suggestion of something bright
in our dress ?
I nm not an advocate for the old nd
lierlng so faithfully to the present fash
ions , but I keep them in vlow so that I
may not appear singular. Lot the dress
bo bright , that among the household
group , or in society you will not appear
or ' feel yourself a shadow among them.
It' is not worth while for the aged to sit
xvlth folded hands wailing for that
summons whioli comes to us nlldrossco
in the dark weeds of ( loath , or in sacl
cloth und nshoa , but lot uj go forth ii
the autumnal tints of nature making us
far as our strength is equal these around
us happy. Tliis course would brighten
many a homo and keen its inmates from
wandering into the mazes of vice to
find that ulcnsure which should only ho
found around a bright , cheerful IIreside.
II. M. A.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , solicits
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best roraody for diar
rhoua. 25c a bottle
A i'liiladrlplila HUB uoss Womai.
Ono of the most striking instances ol
successful women is Mrs. Surah Yow-
dall , Iho pronriolor of the Provldonco
worsted mills , at Ilostonvillo , who ,
though now seventy-six years old , re
tains in a remarkable degree the vigor
and energy that enabled her to build
up a largo industry and make it pay ,
says the Philadelphia Record. The
mills were originally erected by Mr.
Yowdall in 1800 , and ho managed them
until his death in 180G , caused by the
explosion of a largo boiler in his houso.
Mrs. Yowdall was over fifty years old
when her husband died , nnd know com
paratively nothing of the business ; but
she had five children to support , and
she did not hesitate to take the imm
inent of the mills. She made a careful
study of the machinery nnd was rapidly
building np the business , when a terrible -
blo accident happened in the mill. One
of the boilers exploded , killing the pn-
ginor instantly and fatally \younding
several other persons and causing n loss
of over $56,000 , on which there was no
insurance. Mrs. Yowdall cared for the
families of the victims and set herself
with renewed energy to the work of
pushing the mill to the front. She is
csedited with turnintr out excellent
yarns , for which there is a constant de
mand. Three of her sons now hold im
portant positions in the mills , and she
no longer has to give it the same atten
tion as boforo.
Chamberlain's 'Colic , Cliolnra * and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This medicine can always bo depended
upon , not only in the milder forms of
summer complaint , but also for malig
nant dysentery and cholera infantum.
The lives of many persons and especial
ly children are saved by it each year.
Ilicyollns n Spinal Complaint.
"Show mo a man who rides a veloci
pede or bicycle and I'll show you a
case of spinal complaint , " says Dr.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
SOS feoutlilBUi Struct , - Ouiulin
Boots and Shoes.
Euoccsiurs to Heed , Jones & Co.
f Mesale Manufacturers of Bets ] & Shoes
Aliouti ( or Boston llubbcr Shoo Co. , 1102.1101 RU
. Hurney btrcet , otu Ua , Ncbranka.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Eighteenth treatOmaha , Neb.
Mannfrctiirers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
WludoiT-ciipn anI metallOBkyllghu. John KponcUr ,
proprietor. KenndlWBuulU IDtU itreet.
Paper Boxes.
Proprielor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Not. 1117 and 1310 Douglai troet , Omaha , Nab.
Sash , Doom , Etc.
31. A , D1SBUOW & CO. ,
Wholeialo mzaufaoturcrs of
Sash , Boors , Blinds anft Mouldings ,
Brunch office , lilU amd Itnnl ttreeH. Onuhn , Null.
Pniniis , Pipes and Euiincs ,
Sttim , water , railway and mlnltiK anpil | | > , etc.
, WJKi \ null /'I Iranian ! itrout , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bheot-Iron irrrk , iteam pumpi , taw mllli. 1213-Uli
enntrtU. tired , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cut Iron Building fort
Bnglnet , Dran work , general foundry , machine ) and
blackimltb work. Olllce and wuro , u , I' . It/ ,
and Ulh itrcut , Omuha.
OMAHA wmu & rnotf WORKS ,
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railinis
Iett ! ( kill , window Bu nli. tloirer itandi , wl
tc. 12J Norm U thttrcct , Omaha.
Mauf'rs ' of Fire and BnrglarFraof Safes ,
Vaulti , Jail work , Iron ahuttcrt and tire cirape .
U. Anareon. proy'r. Corner tin and Jaekiuii DID ,
Of Soutli Omaha , Limited ,
Agricultural Implements.
Agricnlt'l ' imploaients , Waoons , Carriagei
IliipKl , oto. Wliolf inl . Omnha , Ncbraik * .
' A S70iViP
Wholesale Dealers in Furnilnre ,
t'nrnam itrtot , OmiOin , Nobro k .
Fnrniiure ,
Omaha , Nekratkn.
McCORD , ttRADY , t CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Kb and LtaTonitortli tiott . OmftU , K biaik .
He.yy ? Hardware , lion and Steel ,
Mnnnfnetnrer nnd Job" era In
Waons , Buggies RateJ , Plows , Etc.
( \ > r. fill nnd Pncino strccU. Omatiii. _
ArtioTs' MnTorTola.
A. UOisl'E , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 llomtlna alreut , Omnba.Kcbnukn.
W. V. MORSE ACO. . ,
Johte of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , 110,1 , HWDouRbs drcct , Omnlm. Manufnctorr ,
kuiiniicr itrcel , llojion ,
Coal , CoUo , Eto.
Miners and Shippers of Coal and Cok
Iloom n , U. S. National llnnlt llullillnu , OmixUa.
' *
- Jotters of Herd ani Soft Coal ,
a/JBoutli IStli > lr.'ot. Quialia , Kobrmka.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
111 South Htli at. , Omaha , Nob.
" "
LUrflBER , ETC ,
Wholesale Lnniher , Eta
Imporled and American 1'orllan.l Cement. BtaM
agent for Jlliwautpn hrdrnu le cement nnd
( juliur wliito Urn * .
Dealer in Hardwood Luinher ,
Wood cnrpcts and parquet lloorlng. I'tli and DouiilM
Btiects , Omuha. ttvb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISth Btrcet and Union Taclllc track , Oiualia.
Dsaler in Lnmlier , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Ooori , lite. YnnU-Camcr 7th and Douolai. Offle *
Corner IDlh and Douilai.
Lnmhe1 Limei Cement EtcEtc
, , , , ,
Cormer 9th and Douulas iti , Ouiuha.
C. Jf. DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Luraher ,
13th and California ttreeti , Omaha , Nebraska.
MJjllnory an d N p tl o n B.
Importers S Johhers in Millinery & Notions
803. 2IU and 212 BoutU lltli itrect.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
arnojr SlToct , Omaha.
Stooge and Commission Merchants ,
BpeclultlcB-nuttvr , egft , chci'io. poultrjr , earn * .
lllJHoirarditrcot , Omalui , hob.
D ry Good s a nd Notion B > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _
Jf. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Good , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 11011)ougln , cor. lltli itrcet , Omaha , Neb.
Iinnorlers & JOuteinDry Goods.Notions .
U cut's lurnUhlnc Boodr. Corner lltb ana LIarn y
trtuts , Omaha , Nobrnsko.
Wholesale Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plate ,
Metali , ( hoot Iron , etc. Agcnta for Howe . calcf ,
Miami powder and Lyinan borbccwlre.
Bnilders1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' tool and nurralo icalel. KU5 Uougla *
treet , Omalia , N u.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbera of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Good ? ,
Rome furnishing goodi , clilldron'a carrlag , 1201
t nruum ( trcet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grcaia , etc. . Omaha. A , H.PIiliop. Manager.
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
Cftrrranlce ttockof prlntln ? . wrnpplnv nml wrltltuj
paper. Hpeclnl attention Hlrcn to card vapor
Capital , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 4O.OOO
Officers and Directors K. M. ilorncmun. O.
M. Hltcbcuck , JOB , Giirneau. Jr. , A. Henry , Ii.
M. Anderson. Win. 0. Maul , v.pres. ; 1 II. will-
lame , A , 1' , Hopkins , jiren. ! A. Mlllurtl , coslilerj
V.U. llryant aa laUntcai > kler ,