Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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A warrant has boon Issued for the
nrroBt of Ed Ross for wife boating.
Albert S. Kltchlo , the lawyer , was
fined 310 nnd costs In Jlio police court
. . .yesterday for insulting women on the
City Comptroller Goodrtcb yesterday
let the contract for printing the poll'
lists for the city elections to Ackcrmtui
Bros. & llointzo for 3210.
The cnso against Gcorgo II. Edscn ,
charged with having assaulted Jtlrs.
Ponniton , has boon continued on ac
count of Mrs. Donnison's illness.
The Arcade hotel will horcaftor bo
tinder the ownership and iniinngotnunt
of Mr. James Casey , Messrs. Cnsoy &
Campbell having dissolved partner
An attomnt is being made to reorgan
ize the Western CnsUct company , but as
there arc scarcely sulllciont assets to
meet the claims of preferred creditors ,
.ind as the outstdo liabilities nro very
largo , there is but little hope of resur
recting it.
.Too Gorman , a hack driver , under
took to work a supposed greeny yeslor-
day by charging him SI for a trip that
wa's worth only $1. But his victim complained -
plainod to the police and .Too was ar
rested , tried , found guilty of overcharg
ing and lined S10 and costs.
There Is nearly a million dollars
worth of goods on exhibition at the
ColUoum. and three policemen , Ofllcors
McBride , Wilbur and Sobock. have
boon uolallcd during the exposition to
watch the buildlni ? . The trio worofound
asleep at . ' { o'clock yesterday morning
and have been suspended by Captain
Residents of Druid Hill complain that
they hnvo boon slighted by the postal
authorities by the failure to give thorn
a free delivery. They claim that they
are a Important as Central Park , Monmouth -
mouth Park. Bedford and Collier places
and Fort Omaha , and these places have
ri daily delivery service , but Druid llill
SB loft in the cold.
N. Klnus , of Douglas , ii at the Windsor.
S. W. Wilson , of Hlitlr , is at the Amide.
Charles Unrroll , of Ulair , Is at the Arcade.
Loran Cltirlf , of Albion , Is nt the Murray.
S. II. Shultc , of Culbortsoa , Is t the Wind
tM. . Ciimpboll , of Lincoln , Is at the Wind
O. D. Crown , of Pnplllion , Is at the Mur
W. A. Alsdorf , of Lincoln , Is at the Pur-
J. M. Kinfjory , of Ainsworth , is at the Pax-
ton. ,
P. O'Donnell. of Lincoln , Is at the Wind
E. Suhurman , of Fremont , is at the Mil-
James S. Histon , of Crete , Is at the
E.V. . Sordnn , of Nonpareil , is at the
J. L. Minor , of Plattsmouth , is at the
Mrs. Tliomiis O'Duy , of Kearney , is at the
George Lehman , of Columbus , is nt the
George E. McDonald , of Fremont , Is at the
E. .1. Woolworth , of Kcnrnoy , Is nt the
Mrs. E. F. Cndy , of Fremont , Is at the
O. II. Uallou , of Plattsnioutli , Is registered
at the Paxton.
K. E. Valentino and wife , of West Point ,
are at the Mtlhird.
W. N. Huso und wife , of Norfolk , are reg
istered nt tlio Mlllaul.
Mr. 0. Menney 1ms been appointed assist
ant sidewalk Inspector.
M. MuLuughllu nnd daughto , of Wcat
Point , uro at the Paxton ,
C. W.Thoinus , and E. II. Lcib , of Grand
Island , are at the Millurd.
Congressman Ueort'o W. Dorsey , of Fre
mont , is stopping at ttio Miltard.
W. P. Hall und wife and Mrs. A. E. Whit-
comb , of Holdrcgo , are at the Arcade.
Dr. D mi cah , of Hacino , Wis. , Is stopping ia
this city for u few days , on his way west.
Sunford Hiirtmmi und L. W. Clark , of
North Platte , are registered at tno Windsor.
Air. J. Wallace Hroutch anil Mr. Ilnndull
Brown loft yesterday afternoon to resume
thole studies at Yale.
Mr. C. E. White Is in town doine the nd-
vunco work for "One of the I3ravest , " the
great firemen's play.
Mr. C. 13. Burrows , a prominent citizen
and bunker of Norfolk , Nob. , called ut TUB
BKE building yostorJuy.
Fred Hustln hns resigned his place in tlio
First National bank und leaves this week
for the east to enter Hurvurd college.
Hon. Amos J. Cumings , the well known
writer and journalist , was In the city yester
day , having returned from an extensive viilt
to the tin mines of the liluck Hills In the
Interest of the Now York Sun. Ho spent u
pleasant half hour Inspecting Tim UKE
building , declaring its claim to being the
finest newspaper building In the world well
Fin tiers JMiiBlu'il in Shnoklos.
James Donalioo , cm ployed nt the packing
houses of Swift & Co. , ot his loft hand
caught In the hoisting shackles and had
three fingurs injured , one of them badly
maslieil , A surgeon dressed the meiuuors.
Tlio Hammonil Mooting.
Superintendent Hy II. Mcduy Is in De
troit , Mich. , attending u general mooting of
the ofllcers of nil the paulilng houses of thu
firm of George II. Hammond & Co. Impor
tant matters are considered and chances
discussed tlmt may bo of considerable local
interest. _
Oil nnd Antiquity.
Quartermaster Hughes hns awarded the
contract for supplying 18,060 gallons of min
eral oil to bo delivered at the quartermas
ter's depot , to S. Theodore , Council Uluffs ,
for -O,1 cents a gallon.
An cilil btnruhouso at the quartermaster's
depot has been bold for $13 ,
TenuliniH Called ,
Miss Kate M. Hull has called touchers
meetings as follows : Third grade , on Mon
day , September 10 ; fourth and llftli grudos ,
Tuesday , September 17 ; sixth , seventh nnd
eighth gnules , Wednesday , September IS ;
tlrst grade , Monday , September SH ; second
grade , Tuesday , September iM. The meet
ings will be hold at thu Dodgo'btroot school
nt 4:15 : sharp. to Weil.
Marnngo licenses wore Issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties :
Nuino and residence. ABO.
John Q. A. Smith , Dunbnr 3
Muggio A. Hansnu , Omiihu 17
John U. Urown , Onmha s > 7
Kmolo LnsH , Oiniiha , , . . . , . . , . ! 25
Mudso Anderson , Omaha S3
Mur.v MichuoUou , Omaha 23
Tin * Gcrmim Ijiithoran Synod.
The annual meeting of tbo Nebraska dis
trict of the German Lutheran Synod of Mis
souri , Ohio and other states , in session near
Arlington , Neb. , adjourned yesterday. The
attendance was goad to thu last. President
Sobroan , of Cleveland , has loft for Kansas ,
where ho will attend tlio meeting of the
Kuusus district of tUu sumo nyuod.
Ilnnly Jluriiuil Uy I'uwilur.
John MoDaliuiid and Murray Schwartz ,
boys about seventeen years old , were loading
sheila for a shotgun ut the homo of the
former , ut Twentieth und Mason streets ,
When ouo of the shells dropped and exploded ,
Igniting a quantity of powder the boya were
Using , MuDntrmld were glasses , wliloh pro
tected his eyes , but brhwurtz will probably
loan both his oyos. llotli their luces arc ruw
Irom tbo effects of thu powder.
Ontrnnlzsd Iron Iilkcly to bo Abnn *
ito tied.
Contractor Coots , who hns n mrgp force of
men workltiffon the now city hall foundation ,
has returned from atrip to Kettle river , Min
nesota , which ho undertook for the purpose
of examining the stone found there , which
has been suggested for use In the now
structure. Ho had not scon the stone before
nnd desired to become acquainted with It as
ho has with the other stones , which
have also been suggested. In color ,
the Kcttlolllvorstouo has rather n pinkish
cast , but as to Its texture und durability Mr.
Cools declined to oxnrcss nn opinion. "Tho
committee will meet , I think , next Saturday
to determine what kind of mono will bo
used. I shall probably aUcnd the meeting ,
nnd if my opinion la uskod , shall give It us
regards the stone which I should prefer to
bo used.
"When I was building the court
house , the commissioners wanted mete
to use a certain kind of stono.
I examined the material and bocama
satlsllod that It ought not to boused. I told
the commissioners that 1 would not use It.
'I ' ha stone that I have put la that building
cost me Sl'J.OOO morn than the stone I have
rejected. The commissioners afterward saw
the force of my objection by rejecting : tlio
stonu for nil purposes.
"They uro thltiKlng now of putting In
stone Instead of gulvuuUod iron , " continued
Mr. Coots.
"Who arol"
"Tho council. They hnvo asked mo to
figure the coat. Tno plans contemplate iron
for cornices ar.d window arches ami tower.
The cost ot stone would not bo very much
grctUor. "
"How much would It bo ! Fifty per
"No , not twenty. "
An Iiiipoftiinl. HIcintMit
Of the success of Hood's Sarsuparilla Is
the fact that every purchaser receives si
fair equivalent lor his inonoy. The
familiar headline , " 100 Doses Ono
Dollar , " stolun by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's Sursapar-
illu. This can easily bo proven by any
one who desires to test the matter. Foe
real economy , buy only Hood's Sarsti-
parillu. Sold by all driiggiats.
< ; IlANG12Ims
County Treasurer Holln'H Method of
Collrctinir 'JnxcN.
County Treasurer Bolln hns been playing
the role , for two days , of a law Instructor
with great success. In the list of delinquent
taxpayers , ho discovered Dr. Churlcs Colo-
mnn's nnmu nnd a debt of Sib ugulnst it.
bhortly after , the doctor received notice to
cull as soon as convenient and make settle- ,
incnt , but ho gave the matter no attention.
Tuesday last , Mr. Uolln visited the gentle
man nnd informed him that , unless he came
to the Iront without delay , action custoniury
in such cases would have to Do icsorted to.
The doctor became very indignant ut
this interruption , nnd haughtily informed Mr.
Bolln that ho knew something about law , us
well as his own business , mid considered
himself one of the class which is not com
pelled to pay taxes.
Tbo treasurer thought dlftorently , and pro
ceeded to convince the doctor that his pio-
fossed knowledge of the luw wus greatly
overrated bv levying on his ofllco furniture.
Finding that there wus no escape the doc
tor got off his high horse , sought the treas
urer's ofllco , und paid Ins taxes.
tention to commercial inon. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittredgo &
Brainard , proprietors.
UNCLili 8A. > lMUaT PAY.
Or Klsc tlio Carriers Must Ituy Tliclr
Own Ticltt'tH.
The street railway ofllcials say positively
that no pusses or free tiutisportutiou will bo
allowed the loiter carriers. The latter , they
claim , have not the right to expect this
favor like policemen nnd llromen , as they uro
not public benefactors lilto these olUeiuls.
Mr. Goodrich says there bus Uten con-
sidornblo dissatisfaction umong laboring men
becuuso the letter curriers huvo oeen curried
free , especially whcu the carriers receive
twice us much wages us many ordinary
worldngmon. The laboring men claim that
if they wish to go to and from their work
they must o.\y their fnre und they see no
rcuson why the carriers should not do the
sunic thing.
Mr. Goodrich says further that if Uncle
Sam wishes his letter deliverers carried f reo
In Omaha ho must make un appropriation
for them , us he hns done in some cities , or
ralso their salaries us ho bus done in others.
Nowhere do the mull carriers ride free , and
Omaha will not be uudo un exception to the
1'iijjct Sound.
All points on Puget bound are more
easily reach via the Northern Pacific
than any other lino. Tins is the only
line reaching all parts of Washington
territory , is tlio only line running colonist
nist sleupors through the territory di
rect to Tncomn , and is the only line via
which through tickets can be purchased.
Tlio Northern Pacille allows stopovers
ut all points in Washington territory
to holders of second-class tickets reading -
ing viu their lino.
Why It Indicates a Ir > jtli of Nearly
Six lltimlroil 1'Vot.
The local signal officer reports the river as
being ut a lower stupo now than it has been
in any September since 18S3. At that time
the guugo registered four feet nnd ten inches
above zero , which Indicates nearly twenty-
three /cot of water In the channel. At pres
ent the gauge shows about twenty-three and
one-half feet of water.
The gnugo used by the signal ofllcer is on
thu Union Pucillo briugo , where it lias boon
in use for n number of years. The zero , or
lowest point of the gnuco , was llxcd at the
point reached by the water. This point wus
reached in 18r ( , when there were only eight
een feet of water in the channel between the
piers of the bridge. About two monthi utjo
the zero point of tills gauge was changed by
order of the chief signal ollleer to correspond
with the zero of the gauge In use ut St.
Louis. Tills action lowered the zuro of the
Omaha gauge 515.1 ieut bulovv the point of
low water hunt In Ibllf , so that the reading
of the guugo now i * in tlio neighborhood of
030 feet. This Indicates that the surface of
the water hero is r > 50 feet ubovo thu low
water umrlc ut St. Louis , bub indicates only
live uud one-half feet above the low water
mark of Omaha.
Catarrh cured , health and sweat
hrouth secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Koincdy. PricoOO cents. Nasal injector
free. For sale by Gooumuu Drug Co .
They are Sued uy the NoIirnHlca Na
tional Hunk ill' Omaha.
< The Sidney bank affair 1ms finally reached
the district court of thla county In the sliupo
of u suit brought by the Nebraska Savings
bank against that lubtltulion , Frank U.
Johnson and Frank C. Morgan , for f7.033 ,
Interest ut 10 per cent on f'JUJ3 from
August 1 , uud on { 5,000 from
August 3. The petition relates tlmt
( ; . S. Morgun , Into cashier ofltho bank , guvu
his note , May 1) ) , to plnlntllT , with Johnson
and Frank C , Morgun us Indorsors , for
(10,000 , on which there is still due JVJ3.'J ;
ulso for fC.OOO , on Muy 3. no part of which
has been paid. _
Tlokiitf )
Viix the Northoru Paclllo R. R. , allow
the holders the privilege of stopping
over at Spokane Falls , Wash. , and all
points west of thoro. The Northern
Pacific is the only line traversing
Washington Territory from east to west
and north to south. untosfrora Ouinha
and Council IllutTs to all points on the
North Pacific coast areas low via the
Northern Paulno as any other line.
A Disgusted Deputy ,
Pi'tmty Sheriff Houck wus probably the
worst atiuoioJ IBUU yesterday in even
fttntev In the list of names furnished by
Commissioner Anderson from which to draw
petit Jurymen nro thrca or four men who
cannot bo found , Ho has been riding all
over town in search of A. Parker to servo n
summons on him , nnd after two days hard
riding without result Is ready to throw up
the spongo. Ho hns not been able , either , to
find Anderson.
A handsome complexion is Ono of the great
est charms a woman can possess. Pozzonl's '
Complexion Powder gives It.
Shall Oinnlm .Join St. limits , Kansas
City , MlnnonjHills , ntnl ?
As Secretary McStinuo and Mr. Qibbs , of
thb Omnha Fair association , have been at the
Lincoln fair the greater part of the week ,
they huvo not had time to balance accounts
uud scu whether the association Is ahead In
Its finances. It Is bollovcd , however , that u
handsome sum will bo left after all bills and
premiums are paid.
Mr. McShuno suggests that it would bo a
good Idea tor Omaha it she wishes
lo have her fairs n perpetual
success to enter into an alliance
with St. Louis , Kansas City , Minneapolis
and SU Paul ana organize n circuit of faint ,
similar to thu circuit In which are the cities
of Detroit. Cleveland , Buffalo , Utlca nnd
Sprlngllold , Mass. Such an association
would bring n greater nursbor nnd liner class
of attractions to each city. The cities in the
eastern circuit named huvo some of the finest
fairs In the country , and yet do not In any
way interfere with each other. Omaha
might well profit , ho thinks , by the example- .
The proper persons to take the mutter lu
hand would bo ttio board of trade.
Mr. Mi'Shnnu thinks It would bo an Injury
to Omaha not to mukotho fair and exposition
u permanent institution. Its future Is now
uncertain us the lease on the fair grounds
expires next July , and It is not yet known
what arrangements will bo made for holding
fuirs in the future. Some pjoplo have sug
gested the purchase of the fort site us a good
plnco for u fmr. and others the pretty strip
of country lying west of Uuscr's ' park , wacro
there is already a race track.
Ono Thousand Lots Near Dcnvor ,
Colorado , l < 'rci ; .
Desiring to attract universal atten
tion wo have adopted this novel and ex
pensive method of placing our property
before the people.
The lots wo are giving away in Plainfield -
field , a now suburban addition on tlio
Port Worth & Denver railroad , only a
few minutes ride from the Union depot
at Denver , Colo.
These lots are 25x12/5 / feot. wide streets
and nice park reserved. Wo Keep every
other lot for the present and will not
soil. Every lot that is given away will
bo worth 8100 in less than eighteen
months. Wo pivo only one lot
to each person and require
no contract to improve. If you
desire one of these lots send us your
full name and address , with -In' for
postage , and wo will mail you deed at
once. Address
Pi viNriuLD ADDITION Co. ,
Castle Rock , Colo.
The AVntcYworkH Company Makin ; ; n
Mimlicr of lmi > r ( > veiii"iits.
The water works company hns commenced
work upon extensive Improvements which
were outlined by President Underwood in a
recent interview in Tun Hue.
Tbo old pump house at the foot of Daven
port street is being remodeled for use as a
machine shop , and a now shop will bo bulit
in addition to the present pump house. Work
bus ulso beeu commenced on the qrcctiou of
a now pumping station on
South Twentieth street nenr Pop-
plelon avenue. A boiler and engine
house SO feet square will bo erected there for
use In the high pressure system for the
southern part of the city und for supplying
South Omnha. The plant complete will cost
$00,000. The company is ulso advertising for
men to work on n number of extensions.
Mains nro being luid on Sixteenth from Man-
dersou to Lnthrop ; on Ohio from Tnirtv-
llrst to Thirty-third ; on Twenty-eighth
from Leavenvorth to Popplolon nvenue , and
at Walnut Hill mid in South Omaha.
Second Wni-il Kepnbllcana.
Iho Second Ward Hcpublicun club will
hold u meeting at Rasper's hull. South Thir
teenth street , Saturday , September 14 , at 8
p. m. All republican f r.cnds uro invited to
IS n blood disease. Until tno poison Is
expelled fiom the system , there can
bo no euro for this lonth.somo and
dangerous malady. Therefore , the only
effective treatment is iv thorough course
of Ayor's Sarsurmrillu the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the hotter ; deluy is dangeious.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
twoyeuis. I tried various remedies ,
and wns treated by a number of physi
cians , but received no benefit until I
begun to take Aycr's Sarsaparlllu. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublesome- complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
I3oggs , Ilolmau's Mills , N. 0.
" "When Ayor's Sursnpnrilla was rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , I wus In
clined to doubt its efilcacy. Having
tried so many remedies" , with little ben-
ellt , I hud no fulth that anything would
euro mo. I became emaciated from hm
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
bad neatly lost the sense of smell , and
my system was badly deiuiiRod , I was
about discouraged , when n friend urged
mo to try Ajur's Saraiipaiilln , and 10-
ferred mo to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine , I am convinced
tlmt the only sure way of treating this
obstliinto dlsenHo In tlnonpli the blood. "
Clmrles II. Mulouoy , 113 lllvor at. ,
Lowell , Muss.
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co. , Lowell , Mass.
t'rlco $1 ; nix bottlca , $ J. Worth (5 a bottlo.
Turoo NlgntH mul Satnrilay lUtlnoa. Coainiun-
clng Tliursilay , Bept U' .
Iloyt'sQtoitest Success.
( A satire on mipemltlon. )
One hiuulroJ anil two tonse.-ntlva nlclits at
tlio Illjou Theater , Now tlje lafKOst
mislness lu the History of tlio theater ,
Mr , Chas , Drew , Miss Flora Walsh
Anil the original New York coimmuy. pro
dtiui'd iiiulcr tliu personal direction of Mr.lloyt.
prices ; Beiitj ou baluVedneaday
Monday nnd Tuesday , Sopt. 16 and 17
Tlio Uver Popular Comedlun ,
Mr. J. B. Polk
In Ilia Now and Original American Comoay ,
Portraying tha Acme of Humorous Ideat. An
OrluluHl Conieiljr I'lOuouni-eJ utjclonuol Lau lilng
( iai. ill on wonilerful 1 uunu < rauU ulnii a prom-
lucut I-utt lu tUe Comi-'Jjr.
llviiulur prU i. tcuti gg oa iilo BatuiUajr morning.
Tula powder never varies. A marvel of puri
ty , KtrcnRtlt anil wholesomoness. Moro co
nomlcil tuan the otiUnnrr kinds , and cannot
bo sold In competition filth tlio multitudes ot
lor or shortn night alum or phospluite powders.
Bold only In cans. Hoyal Ilaklug 1'onUer Com
pany , UU Wall Street. Now York.
i MAIL s1
( Opposite I'uxluu Hotel. )
Oflleo hours , 9 B. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 n.
m to 1 p. in.
Sparl illsts in Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Illood Dlsea ei
f VConsultntlon nt olllco or by mail free.
MiHllclncti Bflitt by mall or express , securely
Ducked , free from observation Guarantees to
cur ntilrkly. snfely and permanently.
ilouM. Physical Decay , iirlsltifr from IniU'cro
tlon , Kxcess or Indulsenro , prodticluj : Sleepless
ness. Despondency. I'lmp'os on the face , aver
sion to society , easily ulirouraired. lacK of con 11
deuce , dull , unlit rorstudy or business , and llnds
llfo u burden , hafely , perinui eutly and pri
vately cured. Consult Drs. Hetts & Dctts , 1403 St. , Omnha , Neb ,
Bloou and Skin Disfases
restilu. completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scroftiln. Kryslpolas. Fever Pot cs ,
lllotches , Clcerc. 1'ainaln tlm Head nnd Bones ,
Syphilitic Soro'lhront , Mouth nnd 'loiiRtiP. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cuicd where othcu
huvo failed.
Firtlinrr Ifpinoru ' nntl Hladdor Complaints ,
lUQIluV' Ulllld'y I'ulnful. Dlllicult. too fro-
qtiont llurnlngor Illoody t'rtno , Urlno high col
ored orHli milky xeillmcnt on htundim ; , Weak
Buck. OonnrrliH-u. Gleet , Cj stills. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges lleusoni-
bio.STKECTU&EI mrer re.pr0ur :
moval complete , without cuttlntr. cunstlo or
dlllatlou. Cures Directed at homo by patlcut
v lihout a moments pain or uminyanie.
To Yonoff Men and MWilla-ATGi Men ,
nilDP Th8 awrul ellects of curly
OlJuD uUUti Vice , which bunRS organic
wedkuesf. . destroylne both mind and bodjw 1th
all Its dtcudod lllH. permuucntlvcured.
MPPTTv ! Adross those w ho h.ivo impaired
i DDlllJ thumselvns by linpioper indnl-
pences and solitary habltx. which rnln both
body and mind , tmUttlng them tor business ,
ItllllJ . . . . . . . .
M AiuuiM ) MKN. or those entering on that hap
pylifc. aunro of physical debility , quickly ua
Is haied upon facts , flrit Practical Kxpe
rlcnce. Second i\oryc.\sols : especially studli-d-
thus starting aright. Thlid .Medicines are pre.
pitrud In our lubatnry exactly to suit each case.
thuH ntrcctlns euros without Injury
l:0 : 8ond Occnw posttjie for celobr.itol works
on Chronic. Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
TnoiibunilH enroll. tW A friendly letter or call
limy sn-fo yon future Binreilnp und Hliiimo , mid
odd Bolilen yenrs to Ufa. t7 No letters an-
BVroied unless accompanied by IconWluntiiniDi.
Addrens or'call on
IJIts. SJEiTTS fc KUTTS , Sfreiit , Omaha. Ileb.
When you nn > buyliiBff'ouii ' nini mher tlmt there ia
sucli n iliIiiKiia u prk'e llmt
lstOioAdi ; > It In better to
pay a fair prlco und fret
croud r\o\c \ * like llutcli
> | II IIII'H. Tiiuy uni mails
i from eli ( ed bkliu In Iliel
best manner uml u re wn rf
raulrd 10 bu the inoitl
currlccnlilo inndo. Ifjo'M
want lo know more about'
glrncs In Rrncrnl i.nil
lIUIChlQHOIl'H ( illlVOS
111 1' ' encloao
ptnnnifor Hie book About
( ilnvim. It will Interest
you. UKTAHUFimn 16Ci.
JOHN 0. ilUTCIUNteO.V , Jvluuituwn , V. T.
' } , Hoarding
Bclioul for ( ! lrl niul Vounu Ludlns. 1'orn
catalogue addreea ( } . TilAVKU. IA , . It. ,
J A PTAT T ? POT T TnT ? dne wn.
VAUIIN { AJljLillAjlli .
III , 3. tli your.
eautlfullr and henthfiil J tlluuluil. thoroughly
liilupod , and iilvlnif apvclal rim. t < . licullli and moral
l SnlMir''ltoultorVAllTiilJIU"'lf'KKlA."M7w fjiJi1
wiUl-on-IIndson. Col. 0 , J. Wrl ht. II. B. ,
A. M. . Hupt. ; 11. t\ Hyatt , Comd tof Cadotg.
. ,
Civil KnulneerliiK. Cltaslcs. llunlncss.
JIT. HKV. K. D. Ill'NTINOTON. President.
I/r.CoL. W. VBHlinoiC , Buperlntondent.
Prominent Physicians Smoke and Bicommend
0 tlto schools make a big doinmul for Boy's Clothing. Our assortment is unnppronchcd by nny lionso
in the wcsb , mul our prices cannot bo matched , Look through our stock and you will find tlmt yon can
dress your boys well for very little money. Wo have nice truly fall suits , starling from $1.23 up. Onr
lower priced grades of boy's suits are cfit and made as carefully a * tlio finer one ? . Wo nuvo nothing , nor do
we propose to have anything , that cannot bo recommended for wear and honesty of material. It would neb
be consistent with our name , and OUR RULE TO TAKE BACK ANYTHING THAT IS NOT STRICT
Wo will inaugurate the fall season in our Hoy's department with throe special bargains which will bo
opened tomorrow , and with which wo mean fo surprise you
Childrens' Good , substantial suits , sines to 13 , fall weight , of a very neat pattern and made tasty , at $1.00.
The material in this suit is not stictly all wool but the little cotton there is in it , makes the Roods stronger ,
and we guarantee the suit to give evcellcnt wear and good satisfaction.
Of Cliildrcns1 very good suits , si/cs 4 to 14 , $2.25. These are strictly all woo ] , We call special attention to
this suit , as we believe it to bo the best value we ever ollbrcd. The material is honest all wool cnsaimere , no
shoddy , of a nice greyish pattern which will neb show dirt , and the suit is well made , and has n nout appaar-
nnce. You could not buy such a suit in any other house for less than $5.
Is n line of elegant knee pant suits , 4 to 14 which we offer at $ ' 2.90. Wo haqc two styles of them , one a nice
brown cheviot , the other a liui1 dark pray civsimcre ; both all wool. These are beautiful suitj for the money
and fully worth twice what we marked thorn.
An immense line of boy's long pant suits ; from $2.50 upward.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Onialia.
Is called to the fact wo uro now receiving
choice NOVr.LTlIIfl In R\It , fiOUDS unit
that in'orniilotoiissortnicnt of Men's und
llov'H ClothlnK U'lapfed to the sjasou. may
be found upon onr tables KAMi O\'KU-
COAT3 or Ititost Htylo and superior llnish ;
uud P.auiuoctral Umbrclliis. lilt h In iiual-
itv iiutl workmaus'ilp ' but inoiler.ito In
And other -first class PIANOS , and
Remember , Wo do Not Soil "Ston
oiled" Planoo.
All Instruments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo will offer a flno S325 Piano .dur
ing Fair Week , for S2SO.
Visitors Wolcomo.
Cor. 16th aud Farnam Sta.
FOR MFN Wu" ° uf " '
lull IIIE.ll lud pnrticri. ! ! _ . , „
nerfectlv rr cat mil by Oie new
a M * uj i * * Pimrior our n vr illuclr teu "Ouiilcto
P yg ITtfSglSJ Health. " Atolulo ftccrtry. VitriCO"
celo nirt'l without puln orpptrailnn. Adnrefi
Do&lon-Dupro CMnlauo , iu Trcniont bl. , Hwton.
MINT : , uKUurantoed hpecltlc for MybU'rlu , Dizzi
ness , ConvnUloiis'its. / . Nervotw Nuuralpla ,
llnuliuilio , Nervous 1'rostratlon rauscd by tlio
tmu o ! nlcoliol tobuccn , Wnkefului'sa , .Mental
Depression. Hofti'nlncof tlio llraln , n > ultliiK' la
Insanity nnd Ifadlni ; toinlsery. Utuay and death ,
1'rcmaturoOld ARC , Jiurrennesv , I.O > H of I'onnr
Inoltliur sox. Involuntary l/isses imd Hi > oiinat-
orha'a canned liyovi-r-oxortlon of the brain , self-
nlmt-o or ovcrJndulfivnee. Kach box rontulns
onnmoiith'atriatini-nt. l.rtabox. ( or lv boxes
forf"Kbcnt by mall prepaid on receipt of prtc .
To euro any tnse. With each order received by
us fprHlx boxo < , aciompanluil rMthf'i.Ki. wu will
send the purchaser our written Kuarantoa tn ro-
( uudtio ) money 1C the treatment ilooa not elfutt
a euro. Onarantedi Usued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , Drufiflsts , Solu AgeiUa , 1110
trect , Omana , Nu
to Ooslrlni exam ;
juutly rot-
ebratod lines of liooU and BUocs , manufactur
ed uy ( \ M. Henderson 4 ; Co. , of Chlcu o Vac-
torlea at Cliicu o. DlXon. llls and Fond Hu IMC ,
Wli.-.liould write BAM. N. WATSON , resl-
den-e , F11KJ1ONT. Niil. : 'IVavellnj ; otent. ;
Uowlijuurterfl for
Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkSt.
/ X Itofi ar Old-Established
{ g
? r\k \ * . ! 3y | s st | | | Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Irvons and Private Diseases ,
* NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all ihe cffccii
leading to early decay .ind I'cih.ipi ' Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scientifically ty new methods \vith
noer.failint ; MICCCSS.
* SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SklnDls.
eases permanently cured.
KIDNEY and URINARY coinpbints.Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Varicocele andnllilUcascs
of the Genlto-Urinary Organs cured jntomptly without
I injury to Stormch , Knlnejj or oilier Orgam.
4d ! * No experiments. Age and experience lm >
portnnt. Consultation free and sacred.
2 Send 4 cents postage Tor Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
I .8ir" Those contemplating Marrlane send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
is cents , both cents ( sianips ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future f ufTer-
tn and shame , and add golden jcars to life.
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , "socenlsstamps ( ) . Medicine
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sun Ja > 59 to ii. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
DRINK withlU
Ii will cm-reft thadamtintiig in-
jlitfHcvofJce on the bloiiuiflt.
for Men ircr.Hh Preiervlng , for
" " i invleoratlLg. and Re-
g lor All. The Beit Sum-
ranted fitrlctly P-iro tnd Unlcr-
oenttd. An Etlcltnt Remedy
Isr DUrrhaa , Chuler& Morbui ,
Ujrienter/ , end t.11 Cliordera of
the Ooweli.
JlLssits. I.ovtSTiiAt. linos.
DP.II Slri : I have tried tlio
Iluiicnrlmi lUnckberry Julco
you eo kindly sent me. Ills
the no plus ultra of mnmmr
ilrlnki. It Is fne from ulro-
liul , nllnH thirst , tones tbo
( IlKcstUo orBons , uns a ( Ino
nronmtlc ll or , anil la Just
tliotnliiirfordlarrhawl troub-
li'H In flic llcntcd term. A'OONryi.IN . A
( II.ASlT ) K'l. WATI1H
T. A. A'frilIbO : } , M.D.
Ui jffigU ' 'WgKKgCy y- ; ; ;
H.W.Con , I3ni& . DODGE bis , OMAHA. NEB ,
Bent iacllitUi , Apparatui and E mtc'.i iforBuccci iu'
Trcctmtnt of every form of I ) ' < eai requiring
Bcud&Attendjmce , UtitAccommodaUociln Wcit
. .CO-WRITE FOR OIROUrjUlSonDcformltlei end
BraceiTruetei , OlubTcet , OurvatureaufbJ'iie.l IU > .
Tumorl , Oaacer , Oatarrn , Bronchitis , Inhalation ,
Electricity , Faraly i > , Epilepiy , Kidney. Oladdor ,
Eye , Ear , akin oni Blood and all Surgical Operation * .
Hit lUVKIATKl.t JUIDKI ) A LUiU-lS Ukl'llllllKM ( OB
HomM lauiMicimiMHUT. ( STRICTLY PRIVATf. )
Only Ileliable Hedieal Initituta makine a Specialty of
All Iilood nil , luccnifmir lrt lfJ. Bf | > l.lllilo rulioa
r moT 4 froulU irit u vlUiovt merturr. Krw Hflor ll
Tr lu l fur ton of mil , I on t K. I'.rllei vo > l > le la tl.ll
ccurcljpftvkf lDoui rk * .olu < llcatecobtfijt or leader.
riODJiltaieril ir | > rcrcirkd.
v of your < * < , i.4 wewill l ad lu * r nr , our
i I' ' . u rn * i . HMCM or
Ilij ; ( Jlttt uJftrleoe I ( > . 'Jlth oueutlon niL 4ddrr *
13th and Dodge Str U , OUA1IA. HKB.
Ktid Uruv * Dl.iiiionil llrund.
/flulf / , r.adki'u'k llruititlit I'M ll" IIU-
f niond Ur udl ri1Utt llj lw " | . 'M '
. ' . .
trlllltllKllbUiO. 'lltkellU- ; : - - . ; "
- i.umix ) lur i ttlcul ri HIK ! "lltiurror
_ - ) .Mdlr , " ' ' < ' . l > 7 wnll. * ' ' " {
UUcUuUr Clieiultel Co. , Uadlivu n. , I'lilUdu , ! .
B nd UJM with yoiirnainewiU adilrraa , tompiinjl I '
will aend TOU a HECll'U Ihut will Oiniyrjl.y'
CUHK I'll. 1.8 unaco.toulr lUcouU. Mlta , I'hllbON ,
i ; O , liox M , Urtui U bla cd , Neb.
To Glasgow , llclfasl , Dublin mul Lhcrnnol
From Pier Columbia Stores , South Ferry -
, ry Brooklyn , N. Y.
Cabin imssnuo fVt to & 'O , nccur.Uiu lo location oCiSV
room. Kleiirslon f'VJ toKU.
EteernKO to imd from 1 uropu nt I/unotUiitjt.
At'STiN llAlu\\ & Co. , Ccn'lKunl3 ,
Mllrouiliray. N"o\r Vork.
JOHN , Ucn'l Wcslvrn Auont.
IftlltiinJuliibSt. , Cliloigo.
lIAIiny 1C. Moura , Agent. Uiunlia.
Kudttced ( Ubinr.itoj to Ulitj r Mi
Capital $100 , OOU
Surplus Jan. Is ) , ISS ! ) 52,000
OITICKUS AMJ numerous :
IlKNitr W. VTK . President.
LunibS. ItCKi ) , Vice L'rualtlouG.
A. K.TOU/.U.I.V.
J. N. 11. I' vritiCK ,
W. II. S. HumiiN , Cashier.
Cor. iiii'l I'liriiitin Sts.
A General ( tanking IHislness rruusactcil.
20to60 DAYS.
This ia u iliBcmso which has horotofor *
Bullied all Medical Science.
When Mcrcurr. lodldo of Potauslum , Sixrsixpa
rtlln. or Hot ftprlnpa full , we guarantee a euro.
Wo have n Remedy , unknown to unyona Intni
World outside of our Compjuy , nnd onu that baa
to cure tns most olntlnate canon. Ten dayi la
recent cnnm deus tut ) worlc. Ills the olilchroula
deep fteatuu cuaes tlmt wo Hollcit.'u Imva
curtd tinndredswho liava been abandoned by
1'liyslclan ? , and pronounced Incurable , and wa
ciuilleiiKo th vrnrltl to brine us u that wa
will not cure in less than nlxljtlttys. .
Hlnco tbu liistorv of mi-aldnu a tiue upocllla
( or SyphllU hao 'booa aoufflit tor but novel
fouua until our
WBB dlscorcre J , and we are Justldnil lu rnylna
It Is the only Itemouy in the World tmu will poS
ltl > ely euro , because the lutuat Mudlcrtl Work * .
pnlilisticd by the bent iinonn authorities. Buy
there wan never a true Hpt-clllo before. Our rnm <
edy will euro \v icn everything elsa has ( ailed.
Why wuita you tlmo and monuy with patent
luertlclnea thntneror had Ylrtua , or doctor wltU
nhynlclnna tlmt cannot euro you , you liuya
tried everythlue "Iio should corao tons now und
e t pcrmiuiont relief , you never can got It * l o
where. Murk what wo sny , lu tha oud yotl
nniHt tale our remedy or NEVIMI r cover and
you that hare brun mulcted but n nliort tlma
chnuld by all coma to us now , not ona In
tenet n w case * ever pet porminontly cttriu.
Many ucthelti anil Jhlnlc they aru free from tha
disease , but In one , two or tmaa y ara after it
appcarn ntfiiln In a mnre horrlbli ) form ,
This ia iv blood Purifler und will Cura
any Skin or Blood Disotiso wbeu
Evorvthlntr Klso Kaili.
NOTICK Wo dnslra to caution patients In rote -
to parties clalniliig to use tliu tloolc Hem-
I'iy. Our formula la not anil CANNpT ba
t.n < m n to Hnrone lint otirsnlvits. ,
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxtott BlocS ,
f * TTWK1 Weaknouof Body and MindiEW U
U A\iJT-l of Error OJ'Ksc neiln01dorYounp ,
Uobuit , . llr lloloml. Ht < f tutilirii * 4
tHrmilbtn WKikII > HKVU ) KllIUUOHlUUTBof OUIIT.
AfctolutrlBMhltlor HOHK Til W JUM-HrtirflU In * - _ „ .
Hcnlrtll// / froM O titntri , Trrrllorlci , ftiiil ) ortn(4 ) > uutrl * ,
Youfitn irl'thrm ' , Hoali rullrtnUoatUn , ind firAorn uilltd
( i ( dMrf. iddrfan tnit MEDirAl CO. . BUlfA4p.ll. .
" ( tie I.luunr llnblt , l'n lllvhlr Cured
lir AuinlnlHterliiK llr. llulucu1
Uuldcn Hpetlflc.
It can bu mvrn In a cup of coiToo or tea wllliout ttia
kniinlu luo ul tliu pcrnoii taking It ) l uliiulululr Imnai
Uuiunit will cltiut u miuoily iiii'l ' permanent curu ,
wliuihur tliu iiiillunt In it iiKiJurutuilrliiUururiiiiul *
tuliol wreak 'IliuiiminU of ilninkiinU liutu kuuu
in in I o tiii | > i < riitu men wliitJiurDluki'iiUiiMunSiiucltla
III tliulreoiruuwllliuitHliiilr Unutrluiluu uml In my l > a-
llivuliiuy"iillilrlnkliiu ( | of tlu-lr own freowlll. 11 ?
aVl r l''ul . Tliu ayntuiii unco liiiinu nulcil nllli luu
hPililf , U liiiit iiiiuo ftti utl r liniKiMlblljif for Ilia
ll > | iiuraiiiuilliti | ) ) oxlnt. 1'ur rHlu liy Kiilm & Co , ,
JiruuuUu , IMIiarnl lluuulua ta.aiiil 1'th iiml Cuin
lii bta.Uiuuliii. A. 1) . IOHLT Xflro. , Council liluiri.
For no il r ON1.V we will aciid fur ( B tbo
IHrJCY ttlul all urinary t roubles easily. ( inlck >
MUflLl ly uml Hufoly cnreil by DOUTUUA ,
apnule . Boverul CUBUS ruroil ID seven duygl
old ut jl.W per bjx , ull ilriiiru'i'tf , or by muU
fiuin Docturu M'f'ic Co , 1U WUltg b | . , N. Tti
I'Ull ( HlBCtlOllS.