Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ncivortleomonta will bo taken for
these columns oltor I213O p. m.
Verms-Cosh In advance.
Advertisement * under thin hoed 10 cents per
linn fat Ilia llrst Insertion , 7 cents for cncli subsequent -
sequent insertion , and tl/iOpcr line per month.
Mo advertisements taken fo * leas thnn Zficetita
for first Insertion. Borvn word * will bo counted
tothallnoi thej- must nm consecutively nnd
mtmt bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must IKS hnndcd In before ] 2iO : o'clock p.
ln.nnd under no clrcnmfitjuieos will they b
taken or discontinued by tclcpbnne.
Parties ndvort : ng In these columnn find hav
ing tlielr answers nddresscd In rnro or TUB IIKB
vlllplonso nsk foi A chert toennljla them to ROC
their lctt iB. as none will bo delivered except
on presentation oC check. All nnswors to nd-
TertlsemonlH ahculU be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these. columns nro pub
lished In both mcjrnlug.nnd evening edition * of
TIIK RKK , the circulation of which npgrcgntet
tnoro than IB.OUOpnpcri dally , nddiihos thoiid-
Tortlftcra the benefit , not only of the city rlmi-
intlonof TIIKRF.E , bin nlso of Council Hlutr * .
Lincoln mid othircltlpj nnd towns throughout
thl section of the count/y.
Advertising forthrRo column * v/111 be taken
on tlie above condition * . t tbo following bu * | .
new , vi ho nro authorized agents for TUB
HER special notices , and will quote the sajno
rates us can bo had at the main ollice.
plHABH k FDOY. Stntlonera nnd Printers. 113
VJBfitith 10th Street.
SI1. FARNSWOIlTH , Pharmacist. Z116 Cum-
.tnltijf Street.
.1. HUGHES , Pharmacist , E4 North. ICth
Pharmacist , 1809 St. Slary'i
H UUHKB'PHARMACT.SaW Fornam Street ,
\7"OUN ( } man (18) ( ) wishes position to wotk
J. mornings , evenings or nights for board , ns
to got chance to visit some school In dnytlmo.
1IL.KJOS. . IJthst. SOI 12 *
SITUATION by.a roRlstorod druggist ( rcgls-
torcri by examination ) , u years experience ,
best of references. D. C. IL. U20 3.10th t > t.
200 11 *
WANTKD In moronntllohouse , permanent
situation , moderato Bftlnry. Address II. V.
TccloH , room 210. First National hank. 185 18J
T/'XPGRIENCED hotel clerk wants Imraodlato
JUJemployment , city or country. Address. ! 4A ,
Boo. 170iW ;
rpo COicmlsslon Men An experienced grain
JL unit produce man wants a position , travel
ing , Moor work , cor correspondent. J 40 , lleo.
193 12 *
WANTED Situation by a young man to
work In store or family ; wages according
to work. Address U. Monnlson , 802 Lea ven
ts orth St. 187.12 , ;
" \ A7"ANTEDIly a book-keeper , n position ; or
> > will accept situation in a bank. Address ,
"J a4 , " lleo ollico. , 'J84 Ut
WANTED-rSUuntlonby a competent stenog
rapher and book-Keener ; three years' ex
perience nnd best of lofwronces ; operate Rem
ington or Callgiaph. AddiessJ 20 , Huecllico.
i : i I2t
17ANTKD-TWO stone cutters at stone
> nhurch , BlOthst. 170 13 +
W ANTED A broad baker at 52(5 ( Stum St. .
Council Hinds. 803-13
WANTKD A traveling salesman , a hustler ,
now traveling from OniiUin. to hand la a
fast Bulling side line. Address Win. 11. Rife.
125 K Indiana St. Chicago. 18D-17J
\\TANTED-A good coat maker ; n steady poT -
T T sltlon and good wages. Sochor & Hurt , St.
Paul , NOD. HM-11 ]
teams by Lamoreaux Hros. at
Florence ; steaily work until cold weather.
177 15
\AT ANTE D Responsible experienced man as
V > solicitor ; references. J 4k lieu olllce.
178 12 *
\\7ANTHn Short order cook , J1S ; frier , f
f > broll r , MO ; 2 fry cooks , W , 3 , $5 : nlco
younc man ( Swede ) to assist In pastry , room ,
125 ; 12 men to cut brush , $18 ; 4 waiters ; nlco
young man tor lunch counter , FJ9 ; bjy to work
In livery stable and board at homo. Sirs.
Hrcga-J14f * S 15th. 102-lSt
0V wanted , used to cows nnd horses , good
Jiullkur. Apply SC03 Dodge st. 100 13 *
TS7 ANTED A good tailor at Audubon. In.
V Apply to W. L. Mahle. 100
WANTED Gentleman with largo local ac
quaintance to solicit subscriptions to the
stone of a now joint stock raanufactuilng com
pany. 603 Sheoly block. 122 12 ;
WANTED Good blacksmith at once on
spring wagon nnd carriage work. JIul-
dpon'g ahop , 1CU Cumlug. lUl-m
WANTED A No. 1 patent right man ; none
other need apply. Address J 3J Ueo. 103-12t
"PRINTER Wanted A boy 13 or 14 years old ,
JL rapid typesetter , wanted : state recommen
dations nnd wages wanted. Address "Mirror. "
Lyons. Neb , 14'J 13
W ANTED A reliable solicitor ( prlntln g )
10)1 ) Cassst. 14812 ;
A OENTS.watitcd Earnest Christian men and
xxwoinen to Boll The Christian's Legacy. Ono
ncontvrltos ; "Last Thnrsday wns a good day
forme ; I started out at8a. m..delivcrcd threw
books nnd nt 12 noon had 0 new subscribers. "
Another : "I have boon out 2 days this wei-k
'nnd huvo taken 20 orders ; 1 enjoy showing It to is Buch a good , helpful book. "
Address U. K. Holland , 40 Dearborn t > t , Chicago.
WANTED Four hundredmen for track lay
ing In Wyoming. Apply to P. II. Johnson ,
11. \passenger \ depot , ( Jinaha. Ui > 3
WANTED 2 young men for light work at815
woi-kly. Hoom if , VU N. 10th. U ) 13 *
TffANTED aoo graders nnd tie makers for
T T the Ulack Hills extension. Fllluy , Kramer
& Co. , Max Sleyor building , llth and Farnam.
\X7ANTED-IoO railroad laborers for the
TT nest. Company work. Fllloy Rnuuar &
Co. , SIux iloycr building , llth mid Farnam sts.
"V\7 ANTED-Oood reliable men for detectives
i In every conimiiulty ; paying positions.
Address Kansas Dotoctlvo llurcau , lock box
! ; ; % Wichita. Kun. . IH2-1BJ
TXTANTKD Agcntsl To solicit orders for our
? celebrated Oil Portraits. 'Ihollnest made.
No experience required 1 Hoglnners earn J5D a
vcck. ( ? 2 outllt free 1 Peml for full particulars.
A rare clmnco. Salford , Adams & Co. , Hi llond
BLJNewYork. giujj 6t
WANTED 10 bridge cdrpenters , Albright
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam , st. 7U3
riiRAVULINO salesmen with time not wholly
Jl oix'iipled can renllza llhoral mnrgalns bdi-
* ig our lubricating oils from samples , as a
"mdo lino. Address H , carrier W , Cleveland. 0 ,
ANTED A first-class machinist as fore
man. . Apply or address Western Slnfg
Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 804
WANTED A man In every locality to act
us private detective under our lustrnc
tions. Hend 4c for particulars. Central Detec
tive Huroull , Topeka , Kan , 70U-o'J
JANTED A peed ofllco man to po east
mut > t Invest t-.MXJ ; mtistb Hnood Imsliies
man i. Address the Uro , B. Cliuu I'dbllshliii
Ilonae , U15 to 321 Wabnsli avo. , ChicagoIlls
" \\TANT15D tsu \ > oekly reprosoutatlvo , mi\lo
T 1 or female. In uvory coipmttalty. Goods
Btaplo ; household necessity ; Bell at sight ; no
peitdlhur. ttalarypald promptly , and expcnccs
niU'nnced. Full particulars mid valuable bam
plorasofroe. Wo mean jubt wtmtwo nay ; ud
ilnss at once , Standard Silverware Co. , llostou
JIass.WANTKD Slen for Washington territory
Albrlsht'B Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam s
\VANTKb Window dresser ut TTuTlW.llHh
vT nnd Hownrd st.s. , wi )
f .JOOD reliable cunvasoerssteady employicen
VI with Tlio Sldper Jlftf. Co. , 1518 DoUKias st
rril ORDERS in & days ; " 1 uvuri : o id oriiarj n
< 1calU. . " Thot > a uxtracu from UKOIIU' lot
tern ; ngents wanted iu Nebraska. Address wltl :
tamp , a K. Osuorne. Hoatrlce , Neb. Ull s It *
" \\rANTED-U ex ] > crlenccd chambermaids
'T 115 ; 0 dining room BlrU. W ; second rook
IU.1t lunmlross for Council llluirB , Blrl for Fre
luont. Columbus. I'Uttumonth ana other conn
try towns ; KirU wuhlni ; Hltimtlons out ot tlu
city please call nnu leave their addresses. SI rs
HrBgu.UUHH.lMli. 109 111 *
WANTKD-W ) younKUdles nndTfortyTlill
( iron. Apply New Urnuct opera house stace
* ntranc , Friday , Sept. 18. U . ro. 108 Id
\\7ANTUD A jood drl for general house
1 T wora ; no WMbing or tronluir.ISM 1'ark av
Q1HL for housework , 1017 N , KM st.
eio iar
\\TANTKI > A. gcod nlrl for cuneral house
woik. Bwedaor liernian preferred. Mrs
3 , W. Oni * ; , ti. K , cor tth cud Woolworth av
11 * 1J
W ANTRD Girl for goner A ! housework. 1003
8.30th. avo. 971
WANTRU-hnerpotlo , capable Indy totnko
nRency of Umana for Mine. JlcCabe's
iclenrnted ftnnntlvo cornets , best fitting nnd
> cst Rcllmc coracts mado. Kt , Louis Corset Co. ,
St. Louis , Mo. ce SO
WANTED Olrl for general Botiacwork In
family of tSrce , German preferred ; apply
o2Ci. Capitol ave. 3W
\A7ANTKU-A Ctrl for general liousoworfc ,
T V KM N. HJth it , cor California. 173
WANTUD Uermnn Rlrl to do cooklnu nna
of ungos paid. InaulreJ.
L. llrandols , , : a lath st , 33
WANTED Experienced clrl for general
housework. Mrs. L. O. Jones , 718 N
WANTBD Good comp tent Rlrl to do son-
-ral housework. Intiulro 6IU& ( l t.
178 H ?
\\7ANTRD-Womr.n cook $10 ; 2nd In snort orT -
T T dor house , * 7 ; illnlnft room clrl for Oro-
con , JiiO ; W Waitress in city ; jzlrl for olliccr's
family in Rock Springs , t : another 8H j 50 for
general house work. Sirs. Ilrega , 3UK S. IJth.
At once , good etrl. 1081 So. nist !
137 IS ?
w ANTRD Olrl for Roncralhousowork.sninll
fninlly , Mrs. Wrlfiiit , Mil So ward ut , 1M ) 131
W ANTRD Good Rlrl for ttdntrAl housework.
Apply 2M. ) Hnrnoy , now brick house.
108 I2t
' \A7ANTHD-A Rood Rlrl for Bonornl honsu-
V > \ \ nrk. aiU3 DoiiKlat st. 107 K *
WANTED Olrl to no general homework at
ai28Chl ngsf. 407
\A7ANTKD-Oood ulrl XurRcnoral house irk
YVlffil Nlbth. Bi2
WANTKD Hoom-niRte.ront 4t.m pcrmonth ,
COJ N. Jlith. UMi 12 *
V\7ANTii : ) t'arty with the best of references
> > to take part ut 10-room liotiie cm S , 10th st ,
unfurnished. Andrew J 4 ? , lleoolllco.
f-J > 13f
WANTKD Hoom nnd board for mnn nna
wife , state prlcn , etc. , private family pre
ferred , Addrevt J.W. lleo olllce. 1SS U *
BOAllDINQ Hooms from $ i to M ? per
month ; small children not taken. Tno
Bhnlton , 101 S U.itn st. , cor Dodge nrst class
family hotel. John Cnmpboll , prop. liefer-
cncea rcciulroa. tI4 ) 12 *
Tr\RKSSSIAKING m families ; C27 So. 17th st.
T7WGAaF.MF.NTS to do dressmaking In faint-
JUJhVs solicltod. SIlss Sturdy , 61 ! ) 8 ami St.
\ \ , ANTKDr-To rent 0-1 oem hottso ( soliarnto )
V with nil couvonlences.vvcst of 21th between
Dodge , Woolworth and Park ave : good custom
er wants It. U. V. aholes , Ml'J ' 1st Nat. llnuk.
174 Iti
WANTRDKlirnlshod room \\ith wodorn
conveiiluncus wltnln 15 minutes' walk of
postolllce , by a middle BROI ! gentlcmnn. Ad
dress , stating terms , J 43 , Ueo ollico
T7KU 11KNT Vine Il-room house , with all
J3 modern imnrovemauta. No. JJSK ) Douglas
kt. A. II. Gladstone. 1J10 Douglas st. Wt
TpOR RUNT Desirable roslilouco u w cor S2d
JU nnd Davenport , Furnished. 12 rooms. In
quire on promises. 18 rlflj
RENT The very desirable residence
property. No. 2112 Cuss st. A good lease 10
satisfactory tauunt. Hoggs & Hill , real ostnto ,
HOe Fnniam. 1(1 ( ! ) IB
T71ORHEM' Uy I ) . V. Sholen , 1st Nat bank ;
JU if.T . U-room brlCK on 1'nrk ave ,
$ ! " > , U ruom iramu on Park avo.
S10,12-room und largo lotNorth2Uh. All con-
vouloncos to above.
$12. i rooms , largo barn and yard , 23th nnd
Taylor. 173 21
house' , nil modern 1-nprove-
Jt1 monts , to family without onlldren ; best ref
erences ( liven and required , For particulars address -
dross S , carrier ' i. 172 Kit
T71OK HKNT S-rootn house with modern lui-
J3 provomonts , on motor tlno , $ .15 per month ,
C. K Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. 147
T71OK HUNT flood six-room house , near busi-
Jj ness center. SU. . The O. F. Davis Co. H3-14
ITlOlt ItKNT ( i-room cottnp-o vi'lth closets , cls-
JU torn , well ; on'iidl St. . motor and one block
from cable and Cunilug street lines. Auply 'J117
Izunl st. 154 1J ;
TLTOUSK3 and cottages for rent. Hicks.
| 7\OH \ UKNTroom ! ) house , modern Improvo-
Ju inunss and furniture for sale. Sill Daven
port st. - 1M1U !
HOUSE for rent. 1021 Dodge ; cmmlre 102t.
1OH HUNT ID-room house , KO 8.18th. with
JJ part , of furniture or sale , cheap. OSS 15t
34 011 HUNT Broom houso. closet and bath ,
1 city water , barn. 2111 Cnldwoll St. . 11. b.
Hrown , room 322 N. Y. Lite. 12t 15t
1POR RKNT House 12 rooms , barn room for
JL' 20 horses. Laundry or manufacturing busi
ness preferred. Long lease if required ; 1211
Davenport , near 13th. *
HUNT AO-room cottae. city , clsttrn
water , convenient to business. DavlilJamlo-
Bon , U14 S. lth st. DM
IJWiiiiNT Sfl ; 7-room house , gas , bath ,
a ? cistern In yarn : ! il ! California st. Inquire
Netherton Hall. 1112 farnain Bt. OOP 14
TpOU HUNT 7-roora house. 1533 Jacksoii ( st.
ITlOlT HUNT 3 story brick S Mtn near Leaven-
JU worth al ( IHted up for hotel or boarding
house , rent all or part. 2 Rood houses on uio.
tor liu lu Kouutzo Place. $ K > and f 10 per month
all conveniences and burns. D. V. Sholos. 210
1st Nat. bank. S 7
TTOlTltKNT A 0-room house , 101 1 Douplv-j st.
Jl Apply 6 18 South 2-'d st. W3-14t
TTIOK HUNT A now 'J-room house , with clos-
J3 ota , bath and hot water on both lloora ; cor
ner Hickory nnd ( i&orula ave. one block from
park entrance. Price * U pur month. K. 11. Sal
mon & Co. , 1213 I.ravenworth st. Hil
I0ll KENT JiT ; n pretty 7-room house , conJ -
Jvonlently wateretc. I
Itlngwalt liroa. , Hoom It" , llarkor lllnck.
„ 000 11
I71OK KENT fl-room house. 1210 Jlason fit. ;
X1 nenly pattered and in complete order ; cellar
under the wholu house , Itcnt { , ' 0 per mouth.
Inoulroof 0178.13th at. John Hauilln. 8UO i : ;
POK ni'.NT Five-room cottage. 613 Capitol
ave. Inquire on premises , Wo
POU KENT 0-roonnnoikiru Improved house ,
corner. Apply M. iigutter. : 1112 8.10th. KW
FOR HUNT Handsome 10-room house , all
convleneus. pavt-cl street , cable nnd hors
carsfi minuteAvalk ! ) of poatolllco. NatbanHhel-
ton , 1011 Farnam st. 7itt
FOR HE NT Several ll w 6-room cottages ;
rent $15 per month. Inquire of John U.
! ' . Lolinmnn , KJI B. 17th strout , 717
IiUR ) RKNT 7-room house , til ) per month , a-
Udioen , aiOSlOth. ( M
IpOll KENT 7-room llat , 8J5 per mo. above
J } The Kalr , 13th and Howard. Inquire Tlio
Fnir. ZSi
| T1OH IIRNT Fine largo residence , hard \vood
X' llnish. allcunvenleucvs , low rent to private
family ; 210 N lUth st. Kl
Tmoil HKNT-Flat. D623 8. Ifth st , hai all oon.
JJ vcnlenccs and one of the best 7-room llat a In
the city. For terms call on Her & Co. . 1112
Ihirnuy nt. MI )
T710H RlINT nno 11 an d 13-room houses with
J- nil modern Improvements , Cus.i street , be
tween 24ib and 26th sts. , at low rates. II. T.
Clarke , 2120 Cass st. 2to
TJlOlt RUNT 7-room , 2-story house , barn lor
i 4 horeci If den.rod. For terms for the winter
call on or address U , F , Hairison , Merchants'
Ntit'l Hank. IN )
HOU&F.3 for rcnt-WlIlrinson , 17 Furnam.
ninoit UKNT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
-U ave. Inqulru , 2o2l Dodge. Ml
SIXnew liont-tis , 5 W 8 rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address , Neb. Mortgage
Loan Co. , room 51i * 1'a.xton bl't. I'M
T710R HUNT Kt-rooin house , eteam heat , all
JL' Imnrcnvnibuw , cheap rent. 0. H. Thompson ,
room 211 , bheely block , 16th and Howard.till
ONE lame room suitable tori , and 1 single
room ; board If desired 1717 Chicago.
m 15 }
NICELY furnished suit of rooms ami one sin
gle room. All modern convenience ! , vrlvato
familv . ' ! ( kMrnaui st. mi
l URNIBIIKI ) rooms will bs ready lu a few
J. ' days * l W-t Furnam bt
.OOD room with batU. 013 i ) WtU at.
TT OR RENT Two furnished rooms on St.
- - ' Slnry'8 nventio , to gentlemen only ; slxtntn-
utes walk of business center , lleferonco re-
quered. Iniiilro at store , Z10 and sis B nth at.
I710R RKNT Unfurnished back parlor with
J- carpet , for uno or two Kontlotnen , U007 Cass.
TTOK HUNT Furnished room with board ,
J- modern conveniences , best locality In city.
Apply ntttilS Dodge St. 125 16t
U11N1SUED room $3 month , 191S California.
031 1W
TilURNlSHED rooms nnd board , 41S N. IBth.
lit ) lot
UKNT Nicety furnished * ooms. nil
modern conveniences , with or without
board , 003 If. mil. 111 10 *
TOH RENT Nicety furnished rooms with
Jbonrd ' In prlvnto family ; references : 22U7
1'nrnnm. 811 12 *
T > OOMS and boarn for 3 gentlemen ! no other
JLt boarders. C23 8.33th live. 1)18 ) SI *
JKIoflTliousckecplng rooms , tli , 1311) N. lth. * )
"O OOSt with or without board. 1812 Dodge.
fTMTIiNISIIKH rooms ror Bcntlomen only. J3
J-1 and > I.(110 ( a. JMtU. P9J 15
| 7l UliNiaiUu'room : < with all modernconvo-
Jnlencus , for pontleinnu only , I'M DodRost ,
TT'OU ' UKNT KIoRant furnished room fornln
JL1 pic Kontleuiau only. 7 * 4 rf lOih St. , cor. Lc.iv-
em > orth. Kit
D rooms , throa Inrsa frontrooms
ilrat , ocond i\utt tnlrd Hour , now house ,
modern convcnlenros , Ktiltablo for gentlemen
nna wives , board , good niilKtibor-
hood. 107 N IDth. IS ) 15 *
"IJlOlt HUNT Furnished or unfurnlslio-1 room
-L modern conveiilem-ea , 710 S. IHth st. 131 13 ?
EhKGANITA * furnished room , steam heat ,
pas , bath , from JlOunwnrds , BOI s. istn t.
2d lloor. 15717t
ST. OLAlIt European hotel , cor. 13th and
Uoduo ! special rate ny wcoe or month.
TUjHU ANT furnished rooms , with or without
Aboard. :2t : 9 Dodge. 151 lit
Mltri. U. A. Churchill has taken and newly
furnished No. 411 N. tilth st. where Ilrs t
class accommodations may bo found. 13-14t
FOR ItKNT Desirable front.ronms with or
without board. In strictly private family ;
nicely situated. In modern residence , near busi
ness center. References exchanged. BI'W llur-
nt-yst. WJ-13J
5UNFIJHN18HKO rootus for lionsekeetlng ;
to man and wife. 810 N 17th st. Without
children. 181 ltj
( ) OR i ! unfurnished rooms , ! ) closets , and nl-
-Jcovo , gas , bath and water on S'line lloor ;
newlv papered ; very desirable location ; 11.1 8.
24th st. 1JU I2t
FOR HKNT 4 unfurnished rooms i.ortliwost
cor. 17th and Webjtor sts. ; price $ ! * > . Uil
Tj'OK HUNT Cheap , a double store and base-
Jment , corner inth nnd Howard sts , Inquire
of J. F. aheely , room 20) , Sheely block. lltt L'O
[ VMRST class storaroomto rent. Hicks.
L ? 153 17
FOR HUNT Stores , Hats and houses c (
trally loctuucl. J. Johnson , 134 I'urntun.
'Jill 15 ?
FOR HUNT A large warehouse on Jones st.
bet. l.tth and .14th. three stories nnd base
ment , 44 by 100 feet , well lighted and very
stronglj' built , miltnblu for heavy machinery
lor manufacturing purposes ; ulll lease for tlva
or inorH yeni-.s nt reasonable rent. Inquire of
Henry A. Homan , I1J S. 1'ltn st. an 22t
N ICK hall for rent. Hicks. 153 17
J'lOK light , basement to rent. Leslie Ar Leslie ,
Kith and Dodge st. 8-15 12
FOR RENT Store , 1111 Faruam St. . 0 by 12fi
fret , 2storlos and collar. Nathan Shelton ,
1014 Farnam ht " ( S3
TBOR RENT The4-story-bnc'i building with
-t or without pitwer. formerly occupied uy 'lliu
Her PubHsblngCo. . 910 Farnam st. The uullil-
inghos a lire-proof cemented buscmont , coin-
pleto stonm-beatllu' lUtures , water on all the
tloors. gas , etc. Apply at the office of The lleo.
o Hl'NT Desirable vrnreuouse room on
track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 Pucillcst.
FOR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
ingst. AIsohou,30on Cassst. Harris , room
411.1st Nat. Htint 231
1\rilS. H. A. McKlbbon. midwife. 12 years'
-I. " cxperlenco more or less. All callsproper-
ly attended to. No. li > l'J2Hh ! anil Oak btd.
Ill 13-
niHK banjo taught as an art by Goo. F.Gcllim-
- Ibeck. . Apply at Hoe ollice. OX )
C HAS. L. Todd does collecting. 11 Harkor blk
ECONOMIZE in fuel by covering your stsnm
pipes with fossil meul nnn-nonductlui { cov
ering , the most uillclout and cheipo3t ; of all
covuilnga. D , O. McEwau , western asenc. loll
Howaidut. 2JsJt
LOST A long leather pocket book contain-
ing ' . ' ( ' . bet. nth and Howard and 2-th ave
und Grant ht. Finder will bo rewarded bv returning -
turning to lieo ollico. LO 13r
LOST Diamond screw stud at Coll.soum
Wednesday night ; liberal reward it re
turned to S. A. McWhortor , Omuha Nat. Hunk
Huilding. VQ Vtt
"I OST Silver-headed umbrella on Dodgu * st.
JJcnblo Saturday. Reward for samoatHhiv-
erlck & Co , , 1211 Farnam. 101 I2t
T OST At Cortland Hench ; hrown female
JLJ Spanlol nog ; had on chain and collar with
name of "Hess ' on collar. Under will bo llbar-
ally rewarded by returning to F. A , Fuller , 12th
and Capitol avo. 101-14
LOST Sept. 6 , aro.l Scotch terrier , ' ! month
old. small for ago. Five dollars reward for
his return to Uus Wockbach. No. 413 S. llth.
K22 12 *
"I OST Large , young clojo-halrad St. llornard
J-J dog , yellow with white bnnst and foot. Re
turn to 11JO Georgia ave. , or IX ) 1 Douglas and got
reward , 5'IS
IERSONAlj Young lady would like some ns-
slstnnre llnanclnlly ; bunt of references giv
en. Address J 47 Hue olllce. 1I7'15J (
A TTENTION-Ladles ! Modisto just from
-ci-New York with very latest styles. Dresses ,
wraps , cloaks , coats and riding habits. A per
fect lit without alteration assured tor.any kind
of purment , for Irregular forms with same qabu
nnd precision as these of perfect proportions ;
defective shapes greatly Improved und sot forth
to best ad vantage without detaining customers
standing in fitting room for the tlresomu
length of time usually employed by dressmak
ers. Prices reasonable. Sirs , SI. L , Gnlgo. Flat
D , between 418 and 420 8.15th st , 13315 *
WANTED To buy second-hand dounlo of
fice desk , Iiuiulro room Ul. 1st National
bank building. 181 12j ,
CASH for furniture , carpets , stoves , general
mdso. Wells' Auction A storage Co.il7 : H.llith.
112 Oil
WANTF.D-2.000 yards dirt nt C cents per
yard , to till lot In Housol & Ktobblns
ditioa. Room M ! ) t'uxton block. Ill
M ORTGAGE notes Loans inndo on rentes
tate. llutchiusou & ; U'oad , IK-'l Douglas st.
AN engine uantod at once ; u 10-noree power
euKluo in good order. Address ItiEralmui ,
110(1 Faruam at. 1 ) 13t
WANTED Furniture , carpets , Moves nnd
household uooils of all kinds , Omaha Auo
tlou & Storngo Co. , 11' . ' ! Farnam , KKl
JTOR AGE Clean , dry. mid reasonable rates.
Swells' Stora&a & Auction Co. , an 8. IDth at.
yja on
STORAOKatlowrat satir.'l Farnam street ,
Onmlia Auction and Storngo Co , (31
STORAOKand forwarding. We collect anddu-
liver goods ot all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage nt cheapest rates for
storage for any length of tlino. Vans and
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care
ful men for niovlnj , racking and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderato
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. OlllceL'l7B. nth
> t. Telephone lit. Howell & Co. C35
rpllACKAGKstorage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL lluihman. 1311 Lcaveuworth. 63d
TjlORTDNR 'toiler Sirs. Lenormnn can bo
J- consulted oa nil atfaim of Ufe. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 01U.N. Ittn st. 113 oU *
T\R. NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. tned | .
JL/c l and business medium. Female dmeases
specialty , U N , WIU f t. , rooms ii and y , W1
MADAJIR Wclllnctoty. .world-renowned . as-
tmloRbit. test medinjil kind Uostlny reader.
Just from liuropo. TeUi'your ' life trom the
cradle to the grave , reunites the loparatcd ,
causes speedy ninnlnao with Ilia one you love ,
locates tilsoftso and treats with mnssAfra and
electric baths. All in troribfu should not fall to
consult this nifted seeross. 1'arlor 0. ttpstnlrs.
417 S , llth ; otllco hours frotii 10 a. m. to 10 , m.
423 1
GOOD homes for ladloslurlnp condnemeint ,
terms rcasonaulo.Si ) S.lTth. Dr. Mrs.Knntzo
" 013 s30J
MRS. M. OhlonschlnKeh'hiid'Wlfery home tor
ladles. Good accommodations nnd nttond-
unco. Low prices. 2507 No'rth 21th St. , Omaha.
Inn i KV1 EU *
AVIUTTLKSKV'8 shorthand nnd icwrlt-
i i in achool , llarkor block. Day and oven-
ing sessions ; jit per month. 'Dll-O7t
STANDARD Sliorthand School. I'axton blfc. ,
( successor to Valentino's ) the largest uxcltl-
Blve sJiortlmnd school In the west. Teachers
nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine tauglit by factory export. Circulars.
SAIiri The best pntont vet Invented :
J- state rights to mamifactureaddrcH3J ; < ) lIloa
101 127
s PAN of horde. ' , now wagon and harness for
I sale , , iluO. Call room t'X ' ) , I'axtou blk. U7&
.OH SAM5 3 car loads of line mares ; can bo
found at the Council Illutls stock yards.
ITlOIt SAIiK Cheap , n covered road wagon. In
JJ good condition. Apply ( M7 N. Itth st. 7W )
ONH sate , twa , phaeton , Inrge ice
chest , suitable for grocery store , one harness ,
nomoold wagons. Nob. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
room 51J Pnxton blo'k. tiQ !
FOR BALK Span of horses , set double har
ness nnd two seated snrrpy , will soil part or
all very cheap. A. P. Tukoy , i.itli and Douglas.
FOUSA1.E ( teed team of horses , weight
1,3)0 ) lus each , six and seven years old , har
ness nnd wagon , price JI.H ) : will soil on month
ly payments. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. ,
20 : > N 10th at. 1S2 I
FOIt BALK Rood squnro plnno for$1) ) . Co
operative Land & Lot Co. , 2J3 N 10th St. , by O
J S mltb. ' 183 14
1T1OR SALK-Lluht half platfbrm spring
* ? wagon , In good order ; 1M7 N. 18th st.U .
( U ) aHOt
FOR SALK $ , "iO cash will buy six-horse en
gine und boiler cnmpleto nnd in running or
der , Address J 41 , Dee olllce. llitl 1S
JEW ftMnch bicycle for sale cheap for cash.
Addres J ! J7. lleo otllco. 11J IBt
171OH SALiVork : team , wagon and harness.
J-1 single li'irse , harness and carriage.
wagons , 2sets heavy harness , or will exchange
tor brick. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnaui. Oul (
FOR SALE A good phaeton and harness ,
only $75. Inquire of W. M. Tales , Nob.
National bank. Gl'-S
( J > 100 buys in re , harness , open buggy. Knqnlro
3 > 1H1'J Phurman ave. , after 6 o'clock , 44i Si7t
FOR SALE A : -horso power Porter engine
In good condition , welglit ; 5.10) ) pounds , cylinder -
indor llxli ) . For particulars apply to Tno Ueo
cilice. 7 S
FINEST carriage team instate , dark browns ,
tulllGhandH , weight 1.150. Imiiilro W. U.
Mlllurd , S. E. cor 10th andjouglas ) , Omaha.
7nj s 11
MIDLAND ( Snarnnteo & Trust Co. . N. V. Life
bldK.completonnstractsfurni.shed nnd titles
to real estate examinedperfected x guarantncd.
, I B
MONEY to loan on any security
for shore time , nt low
ratos. Lowest rates
on personal
property. > '
The Henderson Mortgagejnvestment Company ,
room 40' ' . Paxtou block. * tM
RUILDINO loans ! D. V. Sholes. 210 First
-tJ National bunk. H2
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
hou.shold goods , plnuos . organs , diamond ? ,
loweat rates. The llrst orir.inized lonn olllce In
tlm city. Makes loans from , thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-live days , which can bo paid In
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Call and see ns wnen
you want monoy. Wocan assist you promptly
and to your Advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making lo.ins. t' . F. Reed & Co. .
. lath st. , over llinghnm A : Sons. Bull
LOAN8 City nnrt farm loans , mortgage pa-
par bousht , McCnguo luve&tineut Co. SW
M ONEY to loan. O. V. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan agents , 15(11 ( Farnam st. 544
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commercial und
mortgages notes bougiitnt fairratea ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Hiimce building. 54
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
ets. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Robblns , Hll'/i Farnam street. Paxtou hotel.
WANTKD First class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. SI utnal Invest
ment Co. , It 1 Darker blk. . 15th and Farnum.
M ONEY loaned for 31. CO or 90 dtiy.s oii"any
kind ot rlmtt l security ; rtasonabln intor-
Obt ; contidontml. J.J. Wilsmson , 1417 Farnara.
DO YOU want money ? If so don't borrow
bofoia getting my rates , which arotho low
est on any Hi.iu iromJI to $10.000 ,
I make loans on houshold goods , plnnos , or
gans. horse , muies.wagons , warehouse receipts ,
houses , loases.otc. . lu any amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal ot
Loans can bo nindo for one to six mouths nnd
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal nnd Interest. If you two ft balunco
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , I will takn H up and carry it for you as
long ns you desire.
If you need money you will find it to yonr ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
H. V , SInsters , room 4 , Wlthnoll nullding , 15th
and Hnrnev. 653 '
CPer Cent money U. 3W , N. Y. Life Ins. pldg
9I.CS23 ?
MONEY to loan nt low rates and no delay.
Capital and surplus H.tOO.OX ) . Lombard
Investment Co. , SOU S llith st. 8JU
TJESIDENCEIoans 8V4 to 7 per cent ; no ud-
JLVdltlonnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Slelklo , First Nut bank blng.
SEE Bholes , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , bororo
inuklng your loans. 612
$500,000 to loan at U per cent. Liilftliau & Ma-
honey , room 500 Paxton block. C4U
MONEY to loan on rtnl estate security nt
low est rates. Heforu negotiating loans BOO
Wallace , R.3IO , Hrown bld . , 10th AJJouiJlas.
NKHRABICA Slort. Loan Co. will muKeyou
loan on honsohold goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contr.ictH.
fine jewelry , or becurltles ot any kind ,
wltnout publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Howler block ; pouth Omaha.
Hooms 618-Clli. Paxton Ulock , Omaha , Neb.MB
TJIIILADELPHIA Morlniuro & Tnist Co. fur-
JL nlsh cheap nastern money to borrowers ,
purchase cccurltlbs , perfect tltlas. accept loans
at their western olllce. OoOrgo W.P , Coatea.
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. , , t 610
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonunln. City Loan Co. ,
118 B. lilth St. . opposite MlRurd hotel. 6.52
T , OAN8 made on real e tito ! and mortgages
-LJuought. LouUB.Roed AUo..R.i3IUoardi1rado
T/"UYSTONK Mortgage Oo. Loans of ? 10 to
J Vf ) 1,000 ; get our ratea betora borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , lurnltnre. or any
approved security , without publicity ; noto.i
bought ; for new loan , renewM of old , and low-
estvatoulcallR20t < , Bheol0y.bil15thAc Howardst.
MONEY Lounn negotUfild at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercla
paper and mortgage notes. B. A. Woman , cor
1'ltn ami Farnam , 657
[ ONUV to Loan CliattoU , collateral real
L estate. It COL Slerchauti'Nat'l bank bulldglu.
Mi a'JlJ
MOriKVtoloani caah on baud ; no delay , J.
W. Squire , 121'J Farnara ut , First National
bank building. ( U
TTURSTmortgaKe loans at low rates and no
JL1 delay , D. V. Blioles , sio First National bank.
TVTONKr loaned on furniture , horses , jewelry ,
J-'letc Special rates to parties In nortti and
west part of city , J , It. limlugor , 1117 Farnam.
C8J O 1
ONKVto loan-We make liberal advances
-on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
liorsea and wagons , without removal , without
publicity , and nt lower ruus than can be had
euewhcroln the city , Payments ca.u ha maa
tany time , uhlch reduce both principal nnd
Interest. Longnud short time pwen and lib
eral extonslous made. All business strictly
confidential. Uoforo you borrow or renew your
loan call and get our nitei. Kuwknyu Invest
ment Co. , rooiaKI , 3d lloor. Douglas block , . w.
corner ItltU ana Dodge streets. -
M ONI5Y to loan on city or farm property ,
( leo. J. Paul , 1001 Furnam st. 103
BKFOR15 niaklng cliattrt or coltatnral loans
It will pay yon to BOO The Wottern Invest
ment Co. . room 4Bllooblrtp. ITO
"V\7ANTFD A first class machinist for n part.
i ner In a small now machine ftiop in Lin
coln ; must have a small amount of capital nnd
come well recommended. Address or rail nt
137 SBth st. Lincoln. Nob. 171 12t
WANTED-A partner with 1.1,001 to * % 00 < l to
take a hnlf Interest lu a well established
grain and seed business. Address lox ! li ,
0 reenwood. Neb. _ 185
1710 11 BALK A nlco clean atock of stoves and
JL } tlnwnre on ouo ot the best streets In the
olty. A bargain. 0. 8. Grlnstoiul , room SI ,
Douglas block. Ul 4t
"IjtOU SALE Klovntor at Onfcdale. Good loca-
Jj tlou for grain , llvo stock , lumber nnd coal.
For particulars \vrlto A. Tmeidcll , Fremont ,
Nob. _ ? 4 < sl"l _
T710U Rl'XT Ono barn ; 11 stalls ; largo yard ;
JU clean and convenient ; Piinmro of Frost *
Harris , Izard st , boU M and ld sts. UU-
EOUSAIiK Cheap , clgnr , confectionary and
fruit stand. Good rooms In roar. 010 N. loth.
FOR 8ALK A stock of Jewelry , mtvonvnro ,
musical Instruments and sewing mnchlucB.
W.Oui ) . a 2-story brick business house for
Bale or rout. Terms , part cash , balance satis
factorily socurocl notes. A splendid opportun
ity for n practical man. Address I. It. Hollo-
batigh. Falls City. Nub. _ 71'J I'- *
1710H SAM5 Or trade , mrgo stocu ranch In
.U western Io a well Improved and all under
fence ; with or without stock , 11 03. Roe ollico.
lirO 31
171011 SAf.E Stock othardwnro Inono of the
J'best.sections of Nebraska , on the R. &S1.
and F. , K , &M. V , It. II , Only hardware stock
lu the town. Invoice 100 , 1 Inquire 11P8 liar-
ney st.4 Oni.ilia. Nob. 10"-li !
HOTKL for SMo Wishing to close out my
lm lness at. Nolliih , will oirer lor sale the
Atlantic hotel , or will still furniture and rent
building. I'artle.s wishing to buy address 0 ,
J , Anderson XCo. . . NollKli. Neb. 8.HJ 1U
ARU you looKlng for an opportunity to on-
gngointhemorfantllo bnsmussf It soconio
nnd see us. W. II. U. .V JL E. , Room 11 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel , 1110. 815
TTMTlfNlTURE of n Si-room hotel 111 Rood loca-
JL ; tion. mm all modern conveniences. In city. ,
for tl.onO , 5J cash and balance on time. One ot
the best choo houses in the city In seed loca
tion nnd good trada for Jl.OOO.nart rash und bal ]
auco tin time. Also a feed store for $ .WO. or for
stock or horses. Co-operatlvo Land aim Lot
Co. . a ) . ' ) N. intn Bt. iJj ! 12
"fjlOR SALE Good elevator In line grain sec-
JL' tlon. Address John Rood , 1201 E st , Lincoln.
"I7UR ) HKNT Dairy farm , near Omaha. C.
J2 Chllds , cor. l th and Leavonworth. 14J-13J
"ITOn SALK or Trade a good printing ollico lu
Ja Noornska town:3 presses ; n good outfit ;
don't want land ; tcrnn to suit purcliaser. Ad
dress Hex M ) . Goodland , ICansns. SOT 12J
WANHKD People to call nt 1100. Isxnosltlon
bnlldlm ? , Capitol avo. , and examine n new
Invention putented July ! L 18HS , and llnd n
clmnco for good paying business. Call at once
and Investigate. '
< Jjl."iOX' residence on ad ht.luciunbranco $ .1,500 ,
eptor merchnndlso ; S'.OW grocery for building
lot ; clear lot for horse and buggy , Hntchinson
& Wead , 1KJ1 Douglas st. 101 15
I1EED t < toro In good location mid doing good
business , price &H ) ) toexohnngo torcaitleor
horses. Co-oi ) , L'ind and Lot Co. , ffl)3 N. 10th st
123 12
T71OREXCHANGE 2residence properties ror
JL. hurses or cattle. H. SI. , 2111) ) Cumins st.
/7JOOO clear lots to tradn for improved prop-
VJ erty with some Incumbrauce. 0. S. Grin-
stead , room t Douglas blk. 017 li
n O EXCHANGE for mortgaged notes or for
JL alu on easy payments :
Ono bay horse , one platform spring wagon ,
one bet brass mounted harness , t\vo now car
riages , and one grocorymau's delivery outllt.
Will Colfnx , room 13 , Doard Trade building.
rilWKNTY-TWO feet business property , a
JL. Kith , clear , for resldenco lot. C. F. Harrison ,
SlerchantaNat. Hank , 711
EfiKTAL property , Inside , to oxchnnio for
clear farms or vacant city lots. Thos. F.
Hall , 311 I'axton block. WJ
TJIOREXCHANGE An elegant tract of l.incl
JL7 containing liO acres in Antclopo county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section In Hand county , Dakota ,
party improved.
Highly acres near Council'Illuirs , la.
House and lot on South inch st.
Largo amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
Sroporty or the erection of some houses. Geo.
. Slurnsdorir , lot National bank building. 370
WANTED Property in Columnus , O. . for
Omaha proparty. O.F.HarrlsouMerchnnts'
National bank. 408
" 17110HTV acres near Slarysvlllo , Kansas , Slnr-
JLU shall county , for vacant lot In Omaha. C.
K Ikurlson , SlurUiants'Nut. bank. 3bO
EOK F.XCllANGH-ClonrlotlnSo. Omnha to
trudo for residence lot In Omaha ; assume
( inference. C. F. Harrison , SIflrthauts Nat.
llnnfc. 270
" \X7IIAThavoyou toolferln exchange ror my
IT ! j,0)0 ) eiulty ( In my double nouse on
Latnrop st , near lOtn , or for my $ ,1.000 equity In
my ( loulle house on Spencer tit near 'd , or for
my f.t.O'K ) equity In my double house on Wlrt at ,
east of 21th. all with modern improvements , nil
encumbrances r years at 7 per cent. No farms
wjllbo considered. W. T. Seaman , oabt side
llith st , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages. 7UI
'ITIOIt SALE On long time and easy payments ,
JL' Handsome , new.well-built houses of S , tl and
10 roonu. All convcnloncos.good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars , and within walking
distance of I'.O. Nathan Shelton , 1011 Farnam.
T71OR SALE Now elegant 9-room house , all
J- modern conveniences , east front , In the best
residence locality in Omaha ; will sell cheap ,
llrcunau Ac Co. , room 3 , Chamber of Commerce.
170 Oil
ClOK SALE 143,73 acres , sec. B , tp. 12. r. 0 w ,
JO Hamilton county Neb. House , Htaole , 300
acres fenced , living watar. 1'rlco il.OilO. F. 1C.
Atklna , owner , railroad dldg. Denver. Col. OC2
BEAUTIFUL Homos I can olfer for sale
three new modern tmllt houses , just com
pleted , on I'oppleton avo. , between 32d nnd 33d
sts. , in Hauscom I'luce.
These houses uro splendlAly nndsubstantinlly
built , double floors throughout , llrst-claas brick
collars , fornaco , bath , hot and cold water , cis
tern , city water , &o.
Lots aro'oach 50 By 100 feet , south front on
I > opniet6n''iiVe. , electric car line , and nearly
ready to operate on I'arlc uvo. , only three wliort
blocks iiway. and a permit has boon taken out
foran electric Hue on uM : St. , within one-half
block ot this property.
The location Is healthy and pleasant nnd the
neighborhood llrst-class. Houses uro numbered
3.'ltl , JK-Hl nnd ; tiil. I'opplcton nve.
For prlcps , terms , \e. , call nnd see
Geo. N. HlekaNow Vork Life llldg , Room 01 ,
153 13
$1,300 buys lot nnd n-room house on brick
foundation , Rood cellar , city water in kitch
en , 1 mile from 1' , O. on C'alawell st. ; east front
in 1'lalnvlew , iM.Kio , * M cnsh ; attrntcthe 10-
room cottage , hara , full lot on Georgia ave. ,
. ) , JO. $5'JO cash , llutchlnson & Wcad , 1521
Douglas Bt. 101 IS
A CHOICE bargain. The best pleco of prop
erty In the city for the money. iOOxIUi foot
corner of Georgia nnd 1'opploton avenues for
tM per front loot. C. A. titarr , 1AI5 Furnam st.
HO 45
fro SIANUFACTIIRKIIS-I will give ample
JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on the Fremont , Klklmrn & Missouri Viilley
railroad , or on the Missouri I'sclllo ( lldt Line )
raihvay In Westluwn , Just outsldo the city
limits , in West Omaha , con venluutlygituatnd ns
regards access to the business ccnterof Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for the location of
any of the following industries ;
Furniture Factory , llutlon Eactory ,
Bhoa Factory , Lard Rellnory ,
Htnrch & Glucose W'ks , Heap Works.
I'nper Mill , 1'urlfler Manufactory ,
Plow Works. llronm Factory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill ,
Nail Workfl , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , ] lox .Manufactory ,
SiiHh , Door and Blind Wlro Works ,
Sloiiufactory , Machine Shops ,
Flour and l < eed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlmvn
Is Just outsldo the city llrmiH , and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating in Omaha H
will pnyyou to Investigate this.
Geo. N. Hicks , New York Life building ,
Omaha. VJO
T710R HALK-Easy terms , Kountze place.
JL ? Two homes , each H rooms , eaoh il.WJ.
Two hornet , each U rooms , each * . " > .UOJ.
'JVo homes , each 15 rooms , each * 7,6W.
All with raodfrn convenience * .
All larco value nttba price.
All wltnln n square ot the motor line.
Don't losa these opportunities.
1'orhrtle by the owner , W. TSeaman.
y.astnldo loth st. .north of Nicholas nt.
Omaha's largest vurioty of wagona and car
rlagoa , [ fa
fTlOIt BAM ! , real estate Three cnolco lots In
X1 Kedlck I'arlc addition , facing th nvo. Only
Jl.OU ) eucli. A line class of residence * surround
this property , and In less than two years they
will double In value , lloonrj J , Steriisdorlf ,
Ut Nat. baat buliainir. 413
fTWRbMtmoney worth of house ami lot now
JL for sale InOinnna la that which 1 am now
completing near "Itli nt. , on paved Wlrt st , , in
Kouutzo place. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kltcnnn , 3 bntli rooms , it water closet. ' ,
large laundry , smtlonery wash tnb , fnrimco
nnd coal room nnd cellar , electric falls * nd
speaking tube , 12 closots. t'rlro only $7riOj on
tormntomilt. Likewise ndnpllrato ndjolnlnit
nt snino price. W , T , Saiimnn , enKt nldu HHIi st ,
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wngoni nnd carriages. lt' 9
IJIOR SALR Tivo otTno best located trnoKngo
JL ) lots , on the northwest corner of 21st and
Izard HtrcetB , nlza 120zl.t2 feet. For prlco nnd
terms Inquire ot the owner , Edward Spoiler-
berg , 1013 North street SM-al.U
/"lOMKand see us nnd Investigate some of the
Whargalns we hnvo to otror. Wo nro contin
ually listing now properties and "It you don't
sen what YOU want nsk for It. "
For sale or bxchaugo ono ot the finest res
taurants in Otnttha nt n bargain.
Wo 1mvo several line hotel properties to trixdo
for land or other peed vnlnos.
An elevator properly with Inrso dwelling
house , nta bargain , lllovutor comiilcto. with power , scnlns , olllce furnished , etc , A
linn opening for n practical grain denier.
Houses nnd lota in nil parts ot Omnha for
sale and nxchnnuo.
For exchange , for Otnahn property. 1,000 acroi
of school land lease , in ono ot thq best counties
in the stale. ,
A line residence property In Omnlin View for
sale nt n bargain . . .
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
jniiaolt , for exchange for Omaha property.
28) acres of line land in northwestern Iowa to
exchange forOmana prnnerty.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise , or live stock , mine hotel
property In Iowa town of n.m ) Inhabitants.
Lending hotel ot the place nnd doing n line
intsluoHi. Furnishes meals for two passenger
trains dally. Asmp for the right mnn.
Wohnvounsurpasso , facilities for disposing
of property , having some W ) ) agents scattarod
over four or live states , your prorHty
wlthns If you wish n quick turn. W. R. h. A
M , K. , Room ll , Chamber ot Commerce , tele
phone U40. ffcH
SALH 8CO ncros ot llnofnrmlnc land In
Sherman Co. , Knnsns , is ) in cultivation ,
well , iwlmlmlll , 3 bouses , HO ncros pasture
fenced. li.O bit. small grain , 1.WJO bnaliol corn
raised this year , and enough feed for 10) ) head
of cattle ; will trade for good | !
Address HoxX'iA ) , Goodlaud , Sliornmu Co. , Knn.
WH ) 12J
EXCURSION Look out for our land excur
sion to all points west on Tuesday , Sept , 2-1.
Wo call nsnecial attention to our Now Jlcxlco
Irrigated laud , which Is the best investment
that can bo made to-day In real o > tnto. Como
nnd Join our excursion when you can have
round trip ticket for 1 faro. Wo can show you
land In all parts west ot Chicago nt terms and
prices tbnt cannot bo Lent. Wo hnvo somn ex
tra peed bargains on vacjxn" nnd Improved lots.
Call at Kxcolalor Lnnd Co.UO ; S 15lb st. Omahn.
< h 1'JOO buys a lot nnd 0-room house on brick
tDfoundatlon , good collar , city water In kitch
en , one mlle from P. O. on Caitwell st.
Kast front In IMnlimow. 81.100 , J3X ) with.
Attractive 10-room cottage , barn , full lot on
Georgia live. . if.'l , ! > iiO. $ : OJ cnsh.
llutchlnson & Woad , 1531 Douglas st. 101 15
5-ROOM house on leased ground for sale or
exchange for n team of horses , Iiuiulro 11XW
S.KclBt. ! ttW IB *
FOR BALK Lots In Stmvnrt p'nco. will fur
nish money for building bouse , und pay
ments monthly. Hero Is n chance to secure a
home. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. llnuk. btil
FOItSALH O-rooinlioimi * . barn nnd lot Hans
com I1 lace , nt a bargain , Harris , Roam 111
1st Nat Dank. 501
TJWK SALI ? 8,00(1 ( acres land In Nebraska ;
JL' fiOxllO foot lots 13th a Rivcrlllclin ; jirlco.
Inquire 1112 8 13th. Geo. II. I'ctei'son.l0t-sltt )
FOR SALE ElegantO-room house in Orchard
Hill ; modern improvements , etc ; on easy
terms. Also n now S-room houses , each with 2
full lots , small barn. otc , . In good location ; will
have eloUrlc motor within 3 blocks. SInko of
fers. Address H 00 , ROD ollico. 710
OORSALE Lot r > 2xlM.cor.3M and Davenport.
Jt ! $3,100. C. F. Harrison , SIorchants' Na
tional uank. 603 12
ONE of the two nouso and lot bargains I
have boon offering on Georgia ave , north ot
Lea von worth , is now sold and Occupied , because
of my very low price. The south house oC the
two btlll remains n bargain open to somebody.
First comof. llrst served. To be appreciated It
needs to bo examined Intornallv. 1 positively
will not rent it , though sovornl timesolfored
$10 per mouth. Trice , on very easy terms.J > l,0 HI.
W. T. Seaman , east side 10th St. , north ot Nich
olas st.Omuha's largest variety of wagons and
carriages. Tu'J
TjlOR SALE , real estate llrigga 1'lace , 1 have
JL' lu this desirable addition a number of
choice lots for sale at low llunres nnd terms to
sutfr your convenience. If yon nro looking fern
n line residence location , let mo drive you out
nnd show you these beautiful lots which I oiler
for salo. They belong to non-residents and
must bo sold. Don't delay but call at once on
OeorgoJ. Stornsdorir , 1st Nat. bank building.
Telephone 40L 441
WKLL-lmproved BO acres near enough to Foe
Omaha high school , 51WO. Hutchinsou &
Wead , 1524 Douglas st. 10115
ONE farm of 44U acres In Page county , Iowa.
Ono farm ot 120 acres lu Adams county , la.
One farm of HX ) acres In Rock county. Neb.
Ono farm ot 18J acres In Grand Forks , Dak.
Also Ijlndcrmnn hotel furniture , Clarmda , la.
All of the above described property must bo
closed out In sixty days , regardless of prlco.
Call or address F. SI. Park , Clarinda , Iowa.
01 ! ) s'
LOOK ! Look I Look ! Slanufacturors and
warehousemen. Investigate this. Northwest
corner 10th and 1'lerco sts , 100x141. only ? 13noo ,
33,6)0 ) cash ; 4 houses on this property , rents for
81,000 per year ; nbovo pricn gets the houses nnd
some of the ground for nothing , but the Cali
fornia owner wants to sell. SI. A. Upton fom-
pnny , loth and Farnam. 701
"OAROAIN Choice ten-acre tracts , close to
JJ Holt Uno railway.will subUivldo Into M ) nlco
residence lots that will sell for $ JOO to lUOeach
within the next three years ; can quoio special
prlco on this if sold at once , Geo. N. lllclrs ,
Now York Life lluildlng. 1 3 17
IIIAVB some llrst-class rental property for
sale cheap within ono mlle ot postolllce. on
paved streets and motor Una , Thos. V. Hall ,
311 Paxton block. 588
TTIIVHG-rooin houses , new , bathroom , cistern ,
J- city water , half blocn from Motor line ; lu
per cent cnsh , balance monthly ; sale subject to
short time loase. Neb. Slortgago Loan Co. ,
room 61'J 1'nxton block. KSJ
T71OR BALK A bargain , nn elegant drug
-L' stock and llxturos , doing good business.
Have business Interests elsewhere nnd must
sell. Address J 4J lleo ofBce. ] ) S 13t
FOR 8ALI3--2 houses on lot 07'4x3 ' on H o cor ,
llth and Vinton , 81,003. Inquire wltnin.
101 sl J
FOR SALK 3J , 4orfVfeet ) ot lot 0 , blocc 7
at ifBbC per foot. This is within a quarter of
n blocs ot the new P. o. site , and will bo worth
8I.CXX ) inside of a year.
The e H lota block 101 , cor. Douglas nnd 10th
sts , 41 foot on Douglas und CO on 10th , price
jr > . ( XW , $ IOCOO cash , balance In ave equal annual
The BO 14 mv H see 0. t U. r 13 o. Douglas Co. ,
price 812,00) , $ IOJO cash. Imlnnco oasy.
Lot 7. blkilW , South Oinntia , price 11,200 , terms
easy. W. 11. H. & SI. 12 , loom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce telephone 1410. 727.
FOR SALK Cnolco farms near good mar
kets , rhenn and terms easy , or will take
good trade. Lewis & Co , , Sterling , Colo.
t7MR SALK Good , clean 110,003 Investment ;
-L1 write and ask mo about it. C. F. Harrison ,
Merchants' Nat'l bank. 4 7
HANSCOSI place lot for sale very chanp for
cash , lot 15 block 7. WxlW. Address F. I'.O.
box ibfl. 1177
XI ICKB-roora cottage , near ht u school ; lot 3.1
J-X X132. HIM ) ; this is a iMr ulii. C. F. liar-
rjson , Slorc-hants Nut. bank , 127
T7HK8T National safety doposlt vaults. Pates
JL ? to rent $ . " > to ij n year , W B. 13tli. H12sl4
GLOI1B HOIlUj Newly fiirnlshod nnd lilted
up throughout ; centrally locutod ; Si par
day. IIKH-UIO.IIIU Douglas ft. f.0l
T\/f / URRAV H01UL Newest , latest and only
-ITLiirst-class hotel In Omuha ; JJ to tl per day.
II , Blllowny proprietor , om
oy./.KNB Hotel , corner of Oth and Ilurnoy
otreets , Ki.Oj per day. No darn rooms.
Table Bret-class. Try it. SI. J. Frak 04KJ I
TXriNDSOR HOTKL-Cornerof llith uud.Tnok
V i uoti htreots , 3 bloCKs from Union depot
Heat fj a day house In the city. ( GU
Notlco to Contrnotors for l\ vi riR.
SKAUII ) Proposals will bo received by tne
commlttuo on viaducts , htrcnts iinj itlluys
until \1 o'tlocK noon siund&y , Hoptfiulior loth ,
Ititil ) , at the ollico of thn city uiiKlnuer , for pav
ing und curbing Railroad uvenuo from ' .M"
atreutto "y ttioet , and "M" streut from Railroad -
road nvunuo to 27th street , and 27th ulruot from
"LM tttrei't to "N" street , with Colorado snnd-
stone on sund. according to plans und spoulllca-
tlons on Ilia In the ollico of the city ungtnour.
Approximate iMtlmuta in Ij.'j'Uaiiuarourds
ot paving , and p,7U51tneil feet ot curbing to
008111,717 ) . WorkinuNtbacompIetotlivTthin
40 days. All bldn must ba accompanied by err-
tilled chock for COJ.UO , to ba returned on all
l > liln not accepted , Tne right to reject nny and
nil bids U roHorved ,
liy order City Council.
Chairman Committee on Viaducts , Btrnets uud
Alley * .
Hy JOHN . Mnnitis. Olty Knglneer.
ttouiu Omaha. Uvpt. ( tu , iwv.
Running between Council niuffs nnd Al
bright , In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth aim Twenty-fourth
streets and nt the Summit In Omaha ,
A daily ; 11 dally , oxcont Saturday ; 0 oxcop ,
Sunday ; 1) except Slonday ; 'fast mull.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
Tlio licst Uoulo from Omnua and Council
niuift to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'atil , Minneapolis , Cctlnr Kapltls ,
Hock Islnuil , Frerjiort , Itochfurd ,
Clinton , Diibiiquc , Dnvcnport ,
El'lii ( , Mntllson , JnnosTllle ,
Uclolt , Wlnoan , I/t
And nil other Important point * Kaat , Wortlieait nna
Forthrnuuh ticket * call un the lUket niivnt at 1FOI
Barnaul utruotlu llarker Ulock , or ul Uuloa I'uctfla
rullmtm Blcepori anil the flneit Dlnluu Cin In tin
vorMuro rurion Ilia llnu ol lliu CUlciuo , 1111 ,
wmkeoftHt. 1'aul llallwuy , and uvury attootlon U
linlil to patiiuKOri ! > / courtuuui tmulo/ai ot tli <
It. Mil.IKit. QunerAl Mnnnk-er.
J. K.TUC'KKH , AiilttiiiKioiiuMl Jtnnniror.
A. V. It. CAltl'KM'ttlt , Uiiiioral l'a jurior and
Ticket Aurnt. t
UKO. is , UKAKKORl ) . Ainl tn t General 1'AiiongO
* T. J-CLAnfS'/UtaoralSiipKlnHDilcnt.
Notion en * oiitruutor * .
Scaled proposals wllllmri'colve.l nt tlio olllct
ot the County Clerk , Dontjluft County , Nelirnaltu
until S o'clock p. in. , Baturduy. tfuptomber lltli
Ido'.i , for thu erection of 11 vu ( "u twenty foot upmn
tro.itle work , on rotul known en lr. Miner's
Road , uetwevn uectlona 1 und 12 , towiiuhlp K ,
1'lanaandtpedflc.itioin to bo found In County
Clerks ollico. All bids must be accompanied by
c rtliled check for * )0 UU. The County reserve *
Ilia rU'ht to reject any and all bids ,
[ Hi.'At.l si. D. UOOIIB ,0oun y Clerk.
a-JJdiU . . . . , „ , L -
Notion ID Contraotorw.
Scaled proporaU will be recolvnd ut the omo
ot thu County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebrajska.
until 3 p. m. , Hftturday , Haptember Hth , 18i .
for the erection at hevon (7) ( ) twenty foot p n
trestle work , ovnr tae I'uplo , betvreon Bectlons
iHiind 7 , township 16 , ran e 1' ' , ,
1'lain mid vnecliVntloni to ba fouiiOlu County
ClarKH ollice. All bids to be acconipuuloil by
ci'i'tluod check for $ V.tH. The county resurvuu
the right to reject any or all blda
[ Kiul : ) ( , D. Kot'iie , County Clerk ,
jvJdi * t