G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SSTDAY , SEPTEMBERfc 13. 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIL LUFFS. OI'KIOK. KO 12 riSAItlj STUEI2T. rellverert by carrier In Any r rt ot ho City a 'l-fttatrCenti Per Week. II. W , Tll/tON. MANAGER. TKLm'HUNUSl I'rpnr.fK Orncr. No. 43. NIOIIT KniTon. No.lSt. MINOR MENTION. N. Y. I' . Co. Glc.ison coal. 1)V. . Otis , city and farm loans. Lowest prices In Iowa at Boston Store. Wlcklmm Broi , Imvo commenced work on the Botiton street sower. The democrats caucus this evening and the rcuubllcnns to-morrow night. The time for receiving bids for the carpcn- tor work of the now Fifth Avcnuo M. E. church 1ms been extended until Tuesday , the 17th. 17th.John John Ulckcv jestorday Instituted a suit In the district court for damages against the city of Council UlulTs , amounting to $100. The OanuiKO Is alleged to huve been sustained by n change of grade on Broadway. Two hundred nnd twcnty-sovon pupils were registorcd at the deaf und dumb Insti tute uo to noon yesterday. Among the pupils uro u largo number of now faces. The uitendmico the prcsunt year will bo greater thnti any urovloua year in the history of the institution. .1. C. Blxby has boon nwarde'd the contract lor putting In the steam heating upporntus In the now lf > 0 room hotel at Plattsniouth , which will bo ono of tlio finest hotels in the Btuto. IJIdUors from Omaha , Kansas City und Chicago llgured on the Job , but Air. Hixby got the contract. Wednesday's work was regarded as nnd of the biggest days In the history of the Coun cil Bluffs Canning company. Twenty-four thousand six hundred cans of tomatoes were put up during the ton hours' run. The can ning works arc cunning an average of 1,200 bushels of tomatoes a day. The recent presentation of the Kirmoss In this city in the Interest of St. Paul's church , xvas a success llnanclally us wall as other wise ) , the net proceeds being $518. The man- tigers desire to return thanks to nil who aided In makiug the affair a success , und es pecially to Mr. Vudsworth for Iho use of u practice room. The injunction against "Tho Turf" has been pending in court fur u long tltno. Ko- cently Attorney Uoultou applied .lor another injunction. Defense illed un answer that prouccdlngs wcro pending , to which Uoultou demurred , ana the sumu is under advise- iiiout. Yesterday morning , however , the place was closed. Twenty-tlvo members of the Good Temp lars' lodge of this city went to Missouri Val ley Tuesday night to visit their brothers there. A pleasant tltno waa had by all. A bountiful repast was setup In honor of the guests , and the Missouri Valley people showed themselves excellent entertainers. The regular train Drought the visitors homo early yesterday morning. II. S. Gregory , a resident of this county , near Living Springs , died Wednesday at his homo , of old ago. For the past year ho has failed rapidly. Ho leaves a wife and four grown children , two of whom are married. Ono of the number is Moll Gregory , who has boon in the posUl service for a long time , titul is at present a clerk on the \Va- bash road. 'Iho funer.tl loolt place yester day , at Silver Citv. Air. Harry Birklnbino , builder and chief engineer of the Council Bluffs city water works , has been awarded the contract for building n - < 20.UOO system at Missouri Valley. The plant will bo of sufficient capacity to furnish 500,000 gallons daily. At present the direct system will bo used , but It is intended to build n reservoir later. Work will bo commenced at once and pushed as rapidly as possible , to complete the system before cold weather. A young man named fielding is in trouble over u girl. It seems ha has been keeping company with a girl named Klcir , against the wiiMics of her family , 'i'uesdny uight Hold ing wont to see his girl as usual , and was in terrupted by the uupcurarico of her brother and n friend. Holding was ordered to leave , which ho promptly did. Shortly afterwards he met the two young men and assaulted them. While the trouble wns tit its height Oflicor Austin came alongund eathcred thorn all in. Holding was lined $10.10 for disturb ing the peace and held to answer to two charges-of assault nnd battery , 'lue other two parties wore discharged. Got Fountain uo cigar , next Eiscmun block C. B , swam dye- works , 1013 Hroadway. Complete Stoo : ; ! ftow Goocl-1 Carpets , curtains , upholstery. For cash wo Will make prices that can't bo duplicated clsowhero. Wo want to impress upon the publto the fact tliat cash unlocks the door to our bargains. Comic ! ! HlufTs Carpal Co. , 105 Hroadway. J. C. Uixby , guaranteed steam heating , 333 Broadway. Wnntod to exchange , city property fet stovps and tinware. Apply to C. A. Over- ton , 504 E. Bjoachvay. C. B. Music Co. , 63 ! ! Broadway. Fulminant 1'nrlc. The beautiful gem of Council Bluffs sot amid the romantic hills and shaded by vcr- dunt boughs of forest , trees. The most de lightful place Imaginable for picnics , tennis parties and ijuito rambles. ' .lake the electriu motor cars bridge line which lamia passengers in the very uoan of the park. Faro from Oinaha to the park only 10 cents. The park is owned ur.d controlled by the city authorities and the best of good order is enforced , 1'i'rnoiiul I'araiiriiptis. Mrs ; B. C. Warren , of Ilock Island , Is a guest of Mrs. O. W. Graham , of Avenue F. Mr. It. C. Hubbard , of the Nonpareil , who Is visiting In Buffalo , N. Y. , Is reported seri ously ill. Elmer Shugart accompanied his parents Wednesday evening. He will attend school in Now Jersey. Mrs. Laura Joseph , who has been i ( siting her parents in this city , has returned to her homo In SiUiJu , ( Jal. Mrs. J. C. Hodgotts. of Kansas City , la vls- itlag her parents on North Madison street , Mr. cud Mrs. Charles Huughan. II. E , Allies , vice president , nnd E. Conk- lin , secretary , of the Uaelno Wagon and Car. rlugo company , uro in the city looking after their bUHlncss interests. Thuy handle a great many goods here. II. U , Stewart , of Chicago , Is In the city greeting his old friends. Mr. Stewart has now rank us ono of thojlncst portrait artists in the west Ho is prospering In all respects , and is as pleased as ever with the Invest ments Uo has uiado hi Council Blulls prop erty. erty.Ticket's Ticket's for grand drawing , fi,000 house and lot , nt Fountain , Moore Si Bowman's , Manhattan , and John Green's shoo atoro. J. G. Tlptonroiiloatiito , 627 B'dwiiy. Fine Jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning nnd repairing at E , Burhoru'a , The Now Pacific , Is now ready to receive Guests. Heat J hotel in city. Wall paper , room moldings ana decora tions , No. 1'J North Alain street E. II , Sheafo & Co. glvo special attention to the collection of routs and caroof propnrty in the city und vicinity. Charges moderate. OQloo Broadway and Main streets. Always un V Imp. If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent lo a than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at once and nuiko your own selection at O. B , Jacquomlu & Co. , 27 Alain itroet. Money loaned at L. Li , Craft's & Co.'a loan olllco on furniture , pmnns. liorsos , wagons , Horsonul property of nil kinds , ami all other articles of vuluo , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Kelley & Younkorman soil grocorlo Cbaso aud Sanborn coffees u spoulaly. Desirable dwellings for rent at inouerato prices , E. II , Hheafo & Co. , rental Broadway and Maiu treota , uy stairs. ; 1IIEF LUCAS WAXES WARM , His Reasons For Not Modelling With Mayno and Hit * Horaos. THE DAY'S DOINGS IN COURT , The Flro lliifrs Still nt Worn Prnlnoy nnd ills Hondninoii Why Hulton How la Rotten , Chief Lucas IH Warm. "Tin : Unr. has got It In for mo , and Is al ways plvlng mo the worst ot It. A matter of personal projudlco tmi boon the canao of uiy being everlastingly roastnd without any provocation whatever. " So declared Chtel Lucas to n BUB repre sentative yesterday morning , " 1 got another dab this morning , " con tinued that Irate Individual , "Now , then , to show .you Just how the facts nro distorted nnd how willfully and maliciously I nm mis represented , I want you to qo with mo to Mr. Uray'B stable , und you can hear some one ehu brand tlm statements of that allciud ; in terview with Mr. IJrny as false. Ho will tell you that It waa not so , and his stable hey , who unmo to the station after mo , can tell you that It U altogether wrong. " The surlbe accepted the Invitation , nnd the two set out for Mr. IJrnv's place of business. Thu youtm man who has charge of the stnblu at night was Hrst called up , und \vis subjected loan examination , questions being propounded from thu alleged fulsu article lu Tnc UKK. direful nnd persistent Imitilry revealed the faut that the article was Inac curate In thu tlirt'u following respect B : It designated the Unions "late lit night" und "midnight , " whllo the tlmo actually wns a few minutes before 10 o'clock. It staled that Mayne and his men entered from the rear , whllo they really came in tlio front way , and it also stated that while Mayuo covered ono man with u gun , the other employe slipped out to the police sta tion , when , us a matter of fact , the man who xvas coveica wltu the revolver was the one who managed to get away and visit the station. These three potty discrep ancies were the only ones revealed by por- slatout imiulry. "Now , then , " said the chief , ' 'you didn't tell me that the sheriiT wan out of the city. " 'I say 1 dtu , " was the bold reply. "I told you that I know ho was out in the country , because ho got u team at Our stnblo to go wltn , I told the night Jailor what I wanted , and ho referred ino to you. 1 told you that eight mou with ( , 'uns in their pockets had como to the stable to guard the properly , and that I wanted them taken nway , as they had no business tliero. 1 told you that Mayno had pulled a gun on ono of our men and threatened to shoot him. I told you all uDout what wns going on down hero , but you sat there in your ulialr and said that the property was in the haurts of the sheriff , and ho could take care of it , and that you would not interfere unless u warrant was secured. Yon knew all ubout the case , out you would not do anything to Interfere , nnd 1 Had to leave you silling thoru and como back to the stable. If It had beou some vag who hadn't u cent you would have started out In the patrol wagon mighty quick , but because it was Cliff Mayno , who happens to own a little property , you was afraid to interfere. " Then followed such n roasting as would hnvo burned a hole in 11 real estate agent's check In ten seconds , but it didn't phase thu chief. It colored his cheek und nock a crim son hue , but ho stood up to the rack like a llttlo man and tool ; tils medicine. Mr. IJray was met upon the street corner shortly afterward and the chief proceeded to repeat his tale of woo. lie reiterated his assertion that u prejudice existed against him , and that It inspired the article in yesterday's issue of Tnu IJr.n. At this point Mr. 13my interrupted him. "I don't know or euro anything about any of your private diftlculties , or wholhor any prejudice against you is felt by any or every member of Tut ! UEI : force , but I do know that tlioro is no prujiidlco or misrepresentation lu the article to which you refer. As for that in terview with me , it is correct in every par ticular. I am perfectly willing to shoulder the whole responsibility for It , for nothing is told tliero that was not first told to Tin : lini's representative right in my stable. " Hero was another batch of cold comfort , but it seemed to bo thu only kind that could bo scoured. Tim Uiir.'s report wa fully cor roborated in every important particular , and the accumulating evidence showed that the facts were underrated Instead of being in the least bit exaggerated. Knrly Olosinir. Wo shall close our stores at 60 : : ! p. m. OK- cept Saturdays aud Mondays until further nonce. JOHN I3ixo & Co. Keating , prescriptions and drugs , 503 Bro.idway. ' Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , tele. 173. The Day In Court. The trial of the case of the Council Bluffs Lumber company vs J. J. Hathaway , to se cure n Judgment on n mechanic's lien , was finished in district court yesterday morning ; aud tnkon under advisomont. A decrm of divorce was granted I2mm % ( ( Tone , who desired to bo legally separated from W. Q. Tone. The application of Stella and Jane Uewoy to have their names changed to Marshall wus taken under ndvlsftincut. A demurrer was Hied by the plaintiff in the case of the state vs J. J. Fralney and Dau Currigg , to the answer of the defend ant , who alleged that ho had insufficient in formation as to the charges preferred by the plaintiff. This is the contempt case against Fralnoy , who is now a voluntary exile in Nebraska , the court having ordered hU in carceration hero for refusing to turn ever tea a newly appointed executor tha es tate of the late 13. 13. Fralnoy. Carrlgg is Fralnoy's bondsman , and the plaintiff wants cither the defendant or the forfe'ture ' of the uoml of 81,000. , Carrige wautH Krnlnoy , and is endeavoring to stave olT the case until ho can get the latter no madic Individual la thu clutches of the law. The lust cueo called wus that of Stcdontopf vs Omiif , This is a legal cnestaut ttiut has alrcadj boon tried several tiuics , mid will occupy about two days. Wright , li.ildwin & Haldnno represent the plalulltl and N. M. I'uscy , es < ] . , the defendant. Tube paints 'ftu at Chapman's arv store. liuy 25o worth of Fountains at the Foun tain cigar store and got a chance In the South Omaha lot to bo rallied November 25. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , -110 13'wy. Annthnr Inct'iiitmry Itlnz ? . A still alarm of tire yesterday morning at 8:80 : called the No. 4 reel to tlio largo t'vo- story unoccupied fraum building on Vine street , between First and Second , owned by Mrs , Plainer , Hubblsh saturate , ! with oil had been piled up In a rear hull nnd lighted , nud when discovered the flames had oaten a nola through tha flooring and were making their way up to tha second lloor by a board partition. The Uro was discovered in tlmo to prevent serious damugo. That it was of Incendiary origin there can bo no question. There Is no longer any room for doubt that a lot , of Uro bugs uro at work in the city , and moro tire i may bo expected unless a vigorous effort is made to apprehend them. A heavy sentence for arson would result beneficially. If the rascals uro allowed to contmuo their work , u very disastrous tire will undoubtedly result. Steam and hot water heating , first-claw plumbing. Work done In both cittos. John Gilbert , 618 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Finest market in city J. M. Soanlan' . "The Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y 'Hint Uoticin How. Mr , E , II. Sheafo , who owns considerable property iu the city , and who is recognized us a worthy citizen , objects to the comments made by tlio press and by citizens concern * Ing tbo rccout iucoudlary ijros which threat ened to cleau out some shanties on that portion tion of Pierce street known us "Kottou How.1' ' Ho charges TUB 13m : aad other pa pers with encouraging arson , bo.iauso these numerous expressions of indignant citizens wcro thus made public. Mr. Shoafo s.tys ho tins charge ot certain property fronting on Uroadwny and extending back to Pierce street. Four small frame dwellings are sit uated on the roar of the lots fronting on Plerco street. Within the past tou days two unsuccessful attempts to burn this property have been made. Ho says ho hat paid $3,000 taxes this year ou the property , and although this 3,000 was not paid simply on tlio llttlo frame buildings , yet ho deems him self entitled to protection for hU property. The sentiment in favor of the lire depart ment letting it burn is therefore doomed by him exceedingly unjust. Mr. Shoafo pays that ho supposes the excuse for this senti ment Is that an undesirable class of tenants have occupied the promises In the past , yet ho docs not deem this a Justification for arson. Ho tins had no dcslro to rent those buildings ( which nro now vacant ) to nny tils- reputable parties , but could 111 afford to pay heavy taxes and have the buildings vacant , Ho consequently has had to accept such ten ants as would reside In that neighborhood , considering the character and advertised reputation of the street. Without championing the reputation of the locality , ho snys the press has so advertised it as "Rotten Row" that it is Impossible for property owners to ohnngo nnd put In a bet ter class of tenants. The remedy ho sug gests Is an appeal to the courts , rather than to arson the serving of notices on every tenant and property owner. This , ho be- liovcs , will accomplish the desired end and effect the desired result. Ir. Murphy.opticinn , room'Jlfl Morrlam blk. Dwelling for sale on e * y payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices , Call uud examine our list. E. H , Sheafo & Co. the Motor Conductors. It Is asserted that there nro spotters at work along the line ot the Electric Motor company , and us n result , certain changes are Doing iiiudo in conductors. The boys are beginning to look on all passengers with suspicion , and tlioro Is a distinct tlnklo of the chestnut boll whenever a faro is paid. Ono trouble Is understood to have been the habit indulged In by souio of the conductors ot currying their best girls without collecting their fare. It so hap pened that a few days ago ono of the directors was In n car and' noticed that the "con" passed-a certain good-looking young lady without collecting her fare. A report was made to the superintendent , and In a couple of days the conductor was given an Indefinite ticket of leavo. Some queer stories are told of alleged spotters , and thu schemes practiced by them to induce con ductors to make an indiscreet step , but In all Instances save ono they have fulled of their PUipose. It is alleged that some of the men have engaged quite extensively in the habit of "knocking down , " to the loss to the company of several hundred dollars , aud a watch has been put on them. The company ofllciuls refuse to talk on the subject , but It is the solo topic * of conversation and specula tion among the mon. Thus far the investi gations have been short but effective , nnd the victim's head comes down Korchug. The principal mode of salute now used by the employes Is to pass the foreilnger of the right hand across the throat with a grim smile , while the other answers with u dubi ous shako of the head. The men who have been lot out tails freely of the move and predict that there will soon bo several vacanclns to fill. To 1111 the va cancies recently made , the drivers of the horse cars Imvo beou put to work lu the car house , the regular employes there b lng given runs on the road , and the now men are put to punching mules. The situation bids fair to soon become interesting. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Swanson Muslo Co. , 330 Broadway. A Serious Charge. About a week ago a young man named Charles Johnson , who has been employed for nearly a year by Justice Prouty , in Gar ner township , came to the Bluffs uud en gaged board with Ben Applojet , u teamster , at No. 700 South Fourth street. Ho left thcro Wednesday morning without his breakfast , did not return for dinner , and in the uttornoon was arrested in Bayllss park by Oflicor Martin on u warrant charging him with assault with intent to commit rapo. Ho was taken to the station nnd locked up , but no cliargo was placed ugala&t his mime. Yesterday morning Johnson was visited by u reporter , nnd readily consented to talk of his case. Ho stated that , on Tuesday night , at a late hour , ho went up stairs to his room. As ho passed the room occupied by Mr. Appleget's daughters , the door was standing open and a light was burning dimly. The eirls , so he claims , receive their comuany in this room , und sev eral nights of late they have kept the boarders awnko by loud talking nnd laughing. Seeing that the bed was occupied by ono person Johnson concluded ho would play a Joke on the occunant. He slipped off his shoes , entered the room , blew cut the light , and aupronchlng the bed tappoJ the occupant on the shonldor. There waa a soream and Johnson iled to his room. Tliero wns an Investigation , but no ono bothered him that night. He left the next morning and did not return , because ho concluded ho change his boarding house. Ho claims to meant no offense , but Mr. Applegct and the girl will push the prosecution. Johnson is twenty-live years of ago. Ho was arraigned before Justice Hon- dricks in the afternoon on the cliargo of at tempted rape , and entered a plea of not guilty , and the case was sot for hearing on Saturday. In default of $500 bail ho was sent to Jail. The Now Ogden , Council Bluffs , finest and largest hotel Tn western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial mon. IH Hit tlm Unknown Dond ? Chief of Police Lucas yesterday morning received u letter from Mr. J. F. Hall , of Moline - line , 111. , No. 1U3 Hullroad avenue , making inquiries concerning the man killed in this city last Friday morning. Mr. Hall states that his brother-in-law , Fred Gosllno , loft tliero on Tuesday , September S , and nothing has been heard from him. Ho took a Hock Island train west. Ho was tvvonty-llvo years of ago , llvo feet nine Inches In height , broad Bhouldcrcd , weight liiO or liio pounds , dark complexion , ( hint hair , were a dark coat und vest and groy pantaloons. The description til lies oxccpt as to the pantaloons. Hall says Goslino had -u watch and chain , but nothing of the kind wus found with the ro- iniilns of the party killed. Ho was a stone cutter by trade , und bus u wifa und three children in Davenport. to Coliiinlms. Ohio , Rontoinbor HHh to 10th inclusive , "Tho Hock Island Route1' will soil excursion tiukuts to Columbus , Ohio , und return , ut htilf-furo , for the annual mooting of Sovereign Grand Lodge , Patriarchs' Militant , and I. O. O. F. , open to everybody. Tickets good to re turn until Sopt. U-jth. S. S. STKVH.VS , Gon'l W. A. Ticket Olllco , 1805 Fur num. HIiropNli mil Itnr BAT , Sopt. 12 , The day was decidedly bad for racing , The rain was so blinding that the spectators could hardly see the utart. and only occasionally could they distinguish the colors of the Jockeys on the trade. The track was fetlock - lock deep with mud. The event of the day was thu great eastern handicap , for which twenty horses started , The Hearst stable relied upon the 11,000 colt , King Thomas , but ho wus left ut the post and the race was won by his stublo com panion , Tournament , who wus no llttlo thought of as a winner that u stable boy rode him. Summary : Seven furlongs Cartoon won , Mudstono second , Cassius third. Time 1:1W. : Milo und ona furlong Oarsman won , Swift second. Lulu May third. Tluio 2U1. ; One tnilo Badge ivou , Hess second , Ilia- doooraft third. Time 1 :48. : Great Eastern handicap , two-year-olds , three-fourths of a mile Tournament won , Lord Jialeumy second , Ciyll Service third. Time 1:17. Seven furlongs Gregory won , Prince Ed ward second. Mary T. third , Tima 1:33. Milo and throe turlougs Bell Wood wan , Buruuldo second , Lotiou third. Time 2:13 : , HE SAW A OEATKIl WEST , t How Nebraska's Wondorftil Metrop olis Astonished an HagUs. * V.sltor. BECAME A GIANT IN A NIGHT' V A. Now York Nowsfmiier Man Telu the Ucndcrs of lfn ) Paper \Vhnt n Itemntpcnblo City Oumtin Is. A Voice From tlm Knnt , An Englishman who recently stopped in this city on his way to the Pacific coast , says E. G. Dunnoll in the Now York Times , was taken by a proud citi zen , to whom ho bore lottera of intro duction , to the top ot of one of the largo buildings that huvo multiplied BO fust of late years , and the picture of Omaha's ' growth was presented with a running history. It was a story that should have excited wonder and applause. Prom this housetop could bo scon the wido- sprondlng town , crossed and rccrossad by smoothly-paved streets. Strcot cars , moving without visible power , darted hither and thither , climbing swiftly ever the hillo and shooting off toward the suburbs. Along the broad streets wore lines of odillces that would bo re garded as creditable to tlio business en ergy , prosperity , and thrift of any city on any continent. But it did not move the visitor. Ho wus plainly n disap pointed man , but ho manifested hio dis appointment by well-bred silcnco in stead of brutal criticism. Ho had ap parently not heard about the rapidity with which the city had grown , its manufactories developed , its varied business interests extended. He looked nil around tlio horizon as ho was about to descend to the street and the electric railway. His feelings at last found voice : ' 'Thanks , very much ; great privilege , I assure you. It's all very well , but what I want to know is , whore dees the great west begin':1" Tins English visitor , who had been looking across the horizon for signs of the west that his fancy pictured , was not moro surprised at what ho saw than are many of the American visitors who como to Omaha nearly every day in the year. A good many persons in the cast who have n fair stock of general information mation uro found to DO deficient in in formation about the siz.o and growth and "push" of the west. This igno rance , the result , oftentimes of too ex clusive interest in one's own locality , is resented by some of the energetic men out bore. A vigorous citizen of Omaha , well informed tibaut the east , tin occa sional visitor to Washington and a familiar figure in Now York , said to mo to-day , in referring to the astonish ment manifested by many visitors to Omaha , that the' average Now York man was not much better posted about this city , as it is now , than the British tourist who has come all the way over the ocean and half way across the con tinent , fully expecting to detect in Omaha some signs of the waning red man and unmistakable indications of a struggle between barbarism and civil ization . Local pride in Omaha is strongand it is justifiable. The people here have a great deal to bo proud of. They have made the city what it is. largo , hand some , and prosperous , and they have made s > o much of it so quickly that oven rapid Now York , which is tolerably well occupied with its own develop ment , may bo excused for not keeping minutely "in forme ; ! as to its swift growth and amazing improvement. It is four years since the writer was hero. In that brief space a prodigious change has been wrought. Where there were fairly serviceable but excessively dirty macadam roads , full of holes and mounds , there are now fine pavements 'of the durable Sioux Falls red granite , or of smoother asphaltum. There are some forty miles of these pavements , and by and by the mud roads that re main , and the wooden pavements that still answer very well , will bo replaced by stone or asphaltum. The street pavements that answered the purposes of ( iOXX ( ) people in 1885 would not do for the 100,000 to 180,000 of to-day. The population is estimated at all tl > o way from 1011,000 to 160,000 , and it will re quire the report of the census enumer ators in 1890 to suy what it is. As the rate of increase is largo , it would not bo matter for amazement if the larger figures sbould bo lilled out in the cen sus of iSOO. They Jure reasonably proud here of Farnain street , with its many superior business buildings. Toward the west , up on the crest of the hill , whore in 1881 the blocks stood out like so many clay banks , forty feet high , with edges cleurly out by the hand of improvement there now rise two buildings that would bo notable in New York. One is the Oinaha investment of the Now York Life Insurance company , a great square block of stone and brick twelve stories in height. The other is the now homo of the Omaha BKK. This beehive is 112 ! feet square , seven stories in height , with its two lower stories of granite and the other ones of brick. Down in the city this notable puir-of buildings would at once arrest the eye of the visitor. As it is , standing upon the brow of a hill that is perhaps seventy-live foot above the lousiness center four or five blocks away , they have all the com manding prominence of citadels. A city that spends a million a year in paving , sewering , guttering and curb ing , and in which aonut $8,600,000 is ex pended in all sorts of improvements , must have banks , . Omaha lias them , and they are evidently prosperous. Its banks nro nil housed in the most stately modern stylo. Mr. A. U. Wyman , formerly United States treasurer , now connected with the Omaha Loan and Trust com pany , tolls mo that the investments made in building'by ' the hanking con cerns are all admirable , that they are in the main the expression of a need , not the in Hating of U "boom. " Omaha does not regret its own enter prise. Enterprisesmid , { her. While it lias been supplying the needs of the stcadily-incrcasiigi ) , population to the west of it , it has not begrudged the money needed 'for improvements. In 188t ; , when it began the system of im provements that is ; now beinfr carried out , its yearly .real estate transactions reached $1.000,000. Two years later they wore $0,000,000 in the course of twelve months. Population has como in from the eiibt and boutli , and to some extent from abroad. No one regrets that tlio foreign stream does not predominate. What there is hero of European origin is good , but the native stock is abund ant and vigorous. A city that has 300 persons doing a jobbing trade that foots up $00,000,000 or $70,000.000 , a year , and scores of men engaged in large cattle , railroad trans portation , gruelling and olhor enter prises , must have many rich men. Omaha has them by the score. Some of them , moot of thorn , in fact , nro "old settlers , " although the oldebt settler has lived hero only about thirty-live yours. The mormons who crossed the ' 'Missouri to make u settlement just north of the present Omaha , when the Indian was still disputing the right of the pioneer to hunt or fish upon his soil or to build upon the hunting grounds of his fathers , have no share in Omaha's development. They were crowded out long ago. nnd as you rldo along St , Mary's avenue or South Tenth street and look nt the majestic stone residences , the detached villas , the cozy frame and brick cottages , with lawns of varying acreage and diversi fied beauty , it is scarcely more difllcult to believe the Ptory of Jack the Giant Killer than it is to believe the stories of the lives of the men who dwell in these pretty homes. "Self-made" mon nro the rule , and not the exception. Old fogies are as hard to find as the ex tinct auk. SOMUISI.S OF THIS SOUTIIWKHT. Senator IngnllH In an Address Kulo- Klsn f Tanner. AttKANSAS Cirr , KnnB. , Sept. 12. The formal opening of the annual reunion of old soldiers of the southwest occurred to-day ut Camp Lnaan. On the platform were seated Governor Humphrey of Kansas , Governor Hovoy of Indiana , Senator In calls , ex-Gov- ornor Anthotiv of Kansas. President Wil son , of the Soldtor'a association , welcomed the visitors and Governor Humphrey ex tended n welcome to the veterans on behalf of the statn of Kansas. Souator Ingalls was given an ovation when ho was introduced and arose to spsak. In the course of hi * remarks ho said i "The wealth of this nation increases $120,000 with every tici : of the watch , and the soldier earned it all. Without hnn.thero would hnvu been no treasury , nu nation , aud ho Is entitled to his percentage of it. " There were just thrco things that ought to be done , said the senator. " 1. The limitations oa pensions ought to be removed. "U. The disability pension bill ought to become - come a law. " . ' ! . Every soldier who received an honor able alscbanto ought also to receive a pen sion. " These were the results that Commissioner Tanner had sought to attain in his adminis tration of the ofllco of the commissioner or pensions , said the speaker , and Ingalls hon ored him for his hign desires and bravo ef forts in bolinlf of the veteran soldier. "Tho only fault ! have to find with Tanner , " ho continued , ' -Is that ho Old not hivvo two feet while ho was in ofllco , so that ho could huvo made moro rapid progress in the attain ment of his policy. " Several public camp-flrc3 were hold this evening , at which noiod speakers uiado ad dresses. Illin to n Tree. GiiBEXwoon , Miss. , Sept. 12. As Louis Mortimer , u negro , who was captured In ClarUedalc , was being taken to Beatin , to stand trial for being accessory to the murder of Ekdor Puckott , who was killed by George Allen and hU gang last Sunday night , for refusing to join them , and when about half a milo above Shell Mound , a mob of armed men rode up and overpowered mo guard , took the prisoner , and hanged him to u tree. HIE V. M. C. A. CONVENTION. It Will Be a Gathering of Nohntskn's ItoprcHcnintivo Men. Omaha is some of these days going to earn the title of "Tho City of Conventions. " Not long ngo she entertained the national Pres bytery , the annual Lutheran synod , and the national convention of charities and correc tions , each of which was attended by several hundred delegates , including men of na tional reputation. She has secured the next general conference of the Methodist Epis copal church , and now comes the state convention of the Nebraska Young Men's Christian association , to be held October 24 to 25' , inclusive , which will bring together several hundred from among the better citi zens of the state/- Omaha has heretofore cared for these gatherings handsomely , and it is fair to presume the same will bo done in this case. From moro standpoints than one it behooves her to do so. These dele gates , to the number of about four hundred , as oxposted , will come principally from the youncer blood of the state , representing all the different marts of trade and lines of pro fessions und occupations , and will thus bo decidedly representative. Tney arc young men in whom is to be found n great deal of the push and energy of the typical westerner , combined with earnest Christian zeal , a combination of principles and charac ter which is to have much to do with the much to bo desired and worthy end of keep ing practical Christianity abreast of the rapid advance of this great west in other direc tions. The design of these annual conventions is to bring into face to face discussion all the different and very numerous phases of the association work ; to thereby reach definite conclusions und to instill In every delegate a desire , together with a feeling of personal obligation , to put into practice in nis local ussoc.ation the principles and truth ) thus brought effect ively to his attention. Tho-assoclation , in its four-sided arch itecture , will bo considered , viz. , the phy sical , spiritual , mental and social. Men of moro than local prominence from different parts of the country will bo present ana lead in many of the discussions ; among them , U. C. Mono , of New York city , general - oral secretary of the international committee , Y. M. C. A. , of tboUnltod States and Canada ; Mr. W. E. Lewis , of Milwaukee , state secre tary of Wisconsin , and several others yet to bo heard from. An earnest effort is being made to secure the attendance of a public man of national reputation of the east , whoso presence alone would draw more of an audience than cither ono largo concert hall or the exposition hall would accommodate. The different departments of the work will bo discussed by the visitor from abroad and the delegates best able to intelligently han dle them by virtue of special and long ox- uerlence in their particular lines , and the papers that will bo read and the speeches that will bo delivered , especially during the evening sessions , will be as interesting and entertaining to the visitors as they will bo to valuable to the delegates and thorfo oflicmlly connected with the absociallon. Very great stress will bo placed upon the commercial travelers , us a class of energetic , pushing follows , who would not only bo greatly benefited by avail ing themselves of the advantages offered by a membership especially provided for them by the inte'rnatioiiull committee , and which can bo issued by local associations , but who would also bo of great value to the assocla- tlon as individual aids in extending , its salient influences all over the country even into the moro remote sections. The association work In every detail will bo thoroughly and vigorously handled , and considering the practical and interesting nn- turo of the subjects and the ability and prominence of many of the speakers , every session of this convention , whether in the daytuno or evening , and whether in the as sociation hull or the cxiiositlon hall , will bo made interesting to the otherwise most disin terested resident fortuuato enough to gum admission , The Young Men's ' Christian association , not many years ago finding Its conception in the mind of George W. Williams , of London , Eng. , is no longer an experiment. That It Is no longer a theory to bo exploded by u prac tical test has long since been proven , al though the great west has only recently boon satisfied of this truth. The letters "Y. M. C. A. " have become a household sign in all the civilized countries of the world , and by the non-roll ious us well as the religious ; by the non-evangelical as well as the ovan- gcllcal ; by the richer class as well as by the peeler ; by men of the ripest Judgment , purest minds and strongest Intellectuality ; by the professional man ; uy the business man ; oy the laboring man , and by everybody awulio to the advancement of this ago the organization U becoming more and more reu- ognizod as a powerful factor for good , und instead of pleading , us formerly , for admis sion , the various cities and towns of the country are soliciting Its corning and estab lishment within their walls. Considering all these things , Omaha can 'and will extend a hearty welcome and ro- celvo iho convention with open arms , enter tain it royally and sustain her woll-canied reputation for true hospitality. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver com plainly Shlloh's Vitullzor is guaranteed to euro you. THUS Especially Adnptoil for SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications nnd rsllmiues furnished for completosto.im plant * . Heanlatlon , ilurablllty guaranteed , Cnn show letters from users where fuel economy Is eiiual with Corliss Non Condouslng. Snml fur cataloguo. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. CIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffa. 1 s a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or purls. Because it is itulostructihlo in the weather , and will undergo no ehanffo in n any climate. Because It is moro durable than any other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wood. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than shingles. Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed. For further Information apply to BIRKINBINB ENGINEERING AND SUPPLY CO. , Room 6O9 First National Baiilc Building' , Omaha. Council Bluffs ofTlco , US Pearl Stroat. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SALE AND RENT. "iTEAIj KSTATI5 Itought anil sol.l ana eT- JLV changed. 8pool.il attontlou Riven to exam ination or titles.V. . 0. Jaraos , No. 1U I'oarl st. t71OH SALH Two nno now six-room bouses on JL1 Pacific nvo. will be sold cheep for u small payment down nnd balaucti to suit purchaser. Kerr A : Oray. 1U11'carl at. , upstairs. FOR SAIiK To chnrcoal burner * I.0 cords of dry wood six miles from Mcl'aul statioa on the 1C. C. railroad , 40 miles South of Uiiiana. Apply to Horace Everett , Council Hunts. " 1710 U 8ALK Ono ot thu best paying cream- -L erlos in Iowa , making nowovvr I.UJO pounds butter dally. Also a largo brick butter , OKK and poultry houHe , all complete with largo cold storage elevator , etc. . doing bit ; business. 1'rlco of this entire plant complete J'l.ojO ; JOJU casti , bai. In u and I'l ' yoavs. Or would take good city property , or No. I laud tor the iH.nu puymmit. llusmess doue last year$37,0 > 1 , will exceed that this vear. und it Is the out v plant lu the county. Enquire ot Kerr & Oray , Ul I'e.irl St. , upstairs. FOH KENT Houses In alt parts of tiio city Kerr A ; Oray. 1U1 I'corl St. , upstairs. TI10 Hi : ( { allied Oct. Ut , new t.ouse , larce lot , J- warranty deed : property worth W.IMO. Tickets worth 81. At Fountain , Manhattan , Slooro & Ilowmau'sclirarstoroamHireon's shoe store , Particulars , address ! J117Second avenue. U Well established Hardware store -L Including tin shop. Good , clean , new stocic of stoves etc. , instory brick bullilliu * , 22xM > , with elevator nnd warehouse , ( food reasons tor selling. II. anilit , Ml K. H-way. Co. Ulna's. PORSAI/G Aero property In city , reasonable Kerr A : U ray , Council Hluirs , fjlOU KXCHANGK-Several Nebraska and J-1 Kansas farms for otlior property. John- TjiOR SAMJor exchaugo Now 5-room house JJ in Rood location. Will exchange for 80 acres of Improved litud in Western Iowa , or will hell and tnke part lu vacant lots. Kerr & Gray , Council Hluirs , la. FOR KHCHANGR-110 acres In Amlubon Co. , : i miles from ( ! o. sear , well Improved. Will exchange tor Improved Council Hluirs property. Kerr A ; Oray. Council " ' " "IjiOK SALE or Hent flardun land with houses , JP by J. It. Uieo , liU Main St. . Council lllulls. TD AIJU1TT rlacoTotsToTsaTo by K. J. Day ] GO LOOK at the ilabbltt Place on Upper Hroadway , then see P , .1. Day. E 0li KXCHANHH house and lot for a Hinail r.inn m I'ottawnttamlo Co. Johnston AJ Vau I'atten. WM. SICORNTOl'F , Heal ISstato. Special attention Klveu to cxnminutlou and cor rection of title to 1'inils aud lots ia city aud cJunty. No. if. North Main st. HOUSH3 for rent in all parts o the city. F. J. Jay. TjlOIt KKNT-a unfurnished rooms , 031 Third JL ? avenue. D 11) you see thoan lots on HlulT and Third btreats ? I''or ' snlo by Johnston & Vuul'attuu. DW W ANTl'.D Some mora bargains in real estate , to sell. Johnston & Van I'attou. FOR SAMJ-Acro lots in Orchard place , This property is located ia the Itlco nursery , snutn of the main part of tlio city , I'.J miles from court house , Ceo. Motcalf , U I'earl at. EOlt HENT KlRht now 5-room cottajres on Avenue II , baukett's add. to city , itents very reasonable. Call aud lot us show youtlioin. Kerr > V Gray. r > "you nave jiroiierty to Bell , list it witn John ston A ; Van I'atten , Kverett blocc. "I710K BALK beveral nice houses on Avonno Jv A. eab.v terms , Johnston A ; Van I'atten.o FOR ItKNT 7 of the most beautiful cottiXKoa in Council Illnlfa ; one block from motor line ; nnw houses ; city water in tlio houses and all modern conveniences. Boo Kcrr & Gray. | j Olt 8Al7B 1 * ) aero farm in Jasper county , -L Iowa , located uour coal mlnuH that are in operation. Tlioro Is a llvo foot vein of coal under the farm. 'o. Metcalf , No. 10 1'earl Bt. T710K BALK lleautlfnl residence lots on Oak- -t ? land aye.Johnston it Van raUeu. " | jlR8ALUImproved ( and unimproved prop * -U erty in every part ot tlio city. Hare oppor tunities for investors who noet speculations ; tiplendld opportunttlua for those who duilro homea , Gco. Metcalf , No. 10 I'oarl st. FOR SAI.M Houses and lots on easy pay. monts , Jolinaton A ; Van I'atten. BUSINI5S8 locutions oc Mala and Rroadway at ureiit barcalns , Gco. Mutcalf. No. ID I'earl st. FOR BALK RO feet lakofrontaifo located be tween C H , boat hoiiHu aiid Manawn boarli. Also a number of choice lotH In Kogatta plage. Geo. Motcalf , No. 1U 1'earl at. IK you want some ( 'oiuuni ) minps in cholco lots on bottoms call and sou Kerr A ; Gray. They have some lots that innat be sold regardless or cost baforo Nov. 1. OR SAlTl ClioIco residence lots on Graham avo. . Htroet cars pass tnoin. Joliuaton ii Vunl'atten. MISCELLANEOUS , tTtOIt HXC'lIANOl : 13 acres of garden joining Jj cimutauiiua grounds : frame house and barn. Will oxchangu eaiiity for it room house and lot lu Council lllulls. Itnqulro ot Kerr it Gray. T7UR HXCMANOK-A 1 ! bbl ( louring mill for -I ? coocl farming land. Also a good brick hotel in Iowa. Hlg bargain * for Homo ouu. Good reasons for selling. Kerr & Gray. 1U1 I'oarl at. jMOVAI/-Kerr : A : Gray nave removed their olllceto 101 I'oarl 8t. , sa lloor. "VrOTICH Kerr & Gray will nut you up a house J-N to your own plans and sell it to you on monthly payments. Call on them If you rein in need of one anil get their figures. A ATANTKD-Typowrlter operator Having own machine. Address. Hinting Halury ex. peeled , J II , li a olllco. Council Hluirs. /TlFKi.rilltO.i. ! & CO. loan money. The mo t V7liberal terma olfered. 1UJ I'earf at. Q5 feet on Main street for nula cneap. Johnston zu & Van I'atten. . FINK home on HrstftVo , for sale , Johnston & Van I'atten , rilAm. ! . boarders wanto.l at l-'J IJantonstreet. JL Good board at reasonable raUa. Mrs. I , W , Cooper. Gl'IiR ( JHNT loans made ou real estate , cash on hand. KJ.Day. AI1HAUTIKIJ1. homo on Oakland nvc. nt a bargain. ! ' . J. Day. HOMI.S forsalo on monthly payments. F.JJ , Day. 2IX ) ncres good bottom land lit Town to ex change for vacant lots in Council IHulls. IS. K. Mayne. fll'l Hrondwny. 10 down anil M per mouth. : i good lots to sell ยง on these terms. High ground , full size and le perfect. K. li Mnyue , 01U Hroudwuy. $ -.7'i will buy lot ( I , blk SI , Central sub. , if Uken at once , on Avcune I ) . High ground , good title and actually worth J.TO. fi. U. Mi.yno , Ul Uroadway. I710R IIXCHANGU-lmua in Iowa for Council - * Illuirs property. 1J. K. Mayne , < ! ! ! > Hroad way , ) -Some moro bargains to soil. 15. 11. Mayne , ( IIU Hronilw.iy. _ FOU SAM : or Trade Kull supply of hotel furniture , also louse for 18 months ou small hotel In Council lllull's. Apply to Odell Uros. i ; Co. ( OxlK ) ou Oaklaud nvc. . 1 < \ .r nnxKn on I'ark ave. , tiOX ) . V. J. Hay. AVENU1. A lots , corners , great bargains , llen&on ic Shepliord , U.Muln st. HOUSh , and lot , Cocliraii aittf , cheat ) , easy payments , llenson Ac ttaophurd , 0 Main st. \5\7K havn moro Hroidwny property than any- i body , lltinsou & Shepherd. U .Main st. LOT on 4th avenue. Van Hrunt & Illcs's uno. , cheap. ItJiiaon & Shepherd , u Main bt. rOT ou Illuir St. , line residence lot cheap. J HcusoiiiVBlienliurd. U Mnlust. _ _ _ BUST corner on Hroadway , oppnslto newer houao' liensnq & Shepherd , Mala st. SLOTS In liayllss' : td. on motor Hue , S-'UO each. liensou iV Shepherd , ' > Main at. IOTS on Glen avc. , genuine sunps. Ilenson & J tihppherd , U Main bt. HoUslisTiiid lota ; JIUJ cash , S.'JO cash , $ ' )00 ) cash , balance easy , lloiison & Shepherd , 0 Main st , _ _ _ GHA1CAM avenue mopt-rty that will double right away. K J. Day. f OTS on Hroadway , First acmiuo and Ave- JLJmios A and H. cheap. F. J. Day. Cole & Colo's ( Jrc.-il Stove Snlc. Wo have an tfxtra heavy littloN. Sstovo mndo to order for us that we are Belling for fll. Wo guarantee every one. This Is the liost * 12 Ktovo ever oih-rcd tli e public. Wo will well Fuller It Wnrrou'hVe.stein Diamond coal coot , No. f , at f- . Tills is Aimuicu'g 1'ost , largest , heaviest stove nt any price. It is tlio l ) " t stovoof the world'h largest steve foundry un 1 with 7 years experience with this as our leading stove wo can .recommend It as America's best stove. Wo will be glad to nave tlio public cull aud com pare it with other makes. Our price this year in a cut off I from tno usual prices elsewhere. Wo have the largest stocic ot heating stoves we ever tarried , with thu Kndlnnt Home and Stew art's In the lead.Vo Imvo a vnrlntv of Oaks and wood burners from $1 up. Don't full to gee our prices , htoro open till 0 p. in. Cole Si Cole , 4'J Main st. livery , Sale and Boarding Stable No. 1 Hlgstolot nt lowest rates , delivered la any part of the city. Horses bought and < old on commission. Ccnlrally Locnk'il , riatnor Hum. W. O. UTTERBAOK,23O Broadway H , M. CHAMBERLAIN , M , D. EYE , EAR AND THROAT S17HO-EON. Glasses Accurately Prescribed , Ppi'clal attention BlventocluonlonaK.il gi headaches , epilepsy nnd other nervous n'Ja tloiiB , u large majority of which are causedb oculer defects , and uro entirely curable b prouer treatment of the i-ycB , Send stamp fn pamphlet. Jlostof rofcroncen givi-n cm appll tntlon. Catarrh tnmtod with success by ma after llrst consultation. Olllco ror. Hroadway nnd Main street , over Council lllulls Savings Hank. Hours U to U and 2 to u. Councl Hluirs , lawn. J. D. KPXWNUSOW. B. I * 1'reH. Vice J'ro * . CIIAS. It. HAN.SAN , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BASK , * OK cotiNCit , ut.vvra , Paid up Capital . $150,000.00 Surplus . 3SOOOO Liability to Copobltore . . 335.00O.OO DlilKOTHua-I. A. Miller , I'.O. ( Ho.ii.on. K. li RhiiL'urt. K. i : . Hart , J. I ) . Kdiiiuridson , Unas. K. Ilannnn. Transact- general bankme business. Largest capital ana mirplus of any bank la nufctli western Iowa Interest on tltno do posits. Tuos. W. H. M. I'uatJt OFFICER & PUSEV , BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilroadvrar. COUM.II. III.UKPS , IOWA. Dealer * in forntgn c.nd dorae tlo ercuana * . Collection * mad * and iatoraic paid oa tlm d pot Its. No,27 Main St. , Over Jaoquomln's Jewelry Stor .