Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Another Bull Day in Wheat Rnthor
Paralyzes the Shorts.
A Honrlsli Foollnt : I'rovnlln In tlia
Corn I'll Slow IlimnoflH in
Onts nnil I'rovlnJons
Uo I owcr.
CHICAGO , Sept. 12 , fSpoclnl TeloRrnm
to TUB UF.E.I Another bull day In the whont
innrknt rnthcr disconcerted BOIHO of the
more stubborn hhnrts who failed to boliov'J In
the tendency It him been showing during the
past two ( In.vs , but this duns of speculators
\vcro buying to- < lay nnd contributed to hell )
the bulls utter the hitter hud advanced the
prlco nbout } { o this morning. Tim bears had
llnccd ) faith In the heavy movement of spring
wheat , nnd when , yestorduy , the volume of
this appeared to bo already abating , nnd aiftiln
to day a still further diminution of receipts
nt Minneapolis nnd Duluth was reported ,
their faith In the correctness of their prom-
lacs wcaitoncd their bollof nnd caused them
to struKRlo with the bulls for nome of the
day's ofTorhwB. Worst , the crop exuert , In
on Interview to-day said that the com
plete government returns would show
that , not more than 475,000,000 bushels of
wheat hail this year boon raised on Mils con
tinent , und there was a strong probability
that the ultimata tlgurcs would show It to bo
nearer 470,000,000 than 475,000.000 bushels.
St. Louis reports wcro vary general to the
effect that the force of the early movement
of winter wheat had exhausted itself nnd
tlmt restricted deliveries from now on would
bo u strong argument fur higher prices. Ca
bles to the board wcro encouraging to the
bulls , but private dispatcher wore said to re
flect a woalter tone. Export clearances Rave
no cvldcnco of any animated foreign domund
for American wheat or flour. The much
discussed question of the extent of this year's '
Russian crop was nguln raited up to do duty
for the bears. Llko Uanquo's ghost. It will
not down. It was once mofo claimed that the
KUBslan spring wheat crop was so abundant
as to mulct ) good nil dellcicnelcs of winter
wheat. This was ouo of the reasons for the
early decline. The poor qimlity of the wheat
arriving In this market Is a sere disappoint
ment , and tha small proportion of No. 'J Is n
nourco of uneasiness to the bears and Is
being constantly trotted out as an nrfiumont
In favor of their opponents. The opening
prlco for Decomoor was 71)0 ) , or a shade
better than ut the close yesterday. It sold
"down to 78 c , up to 78u , tigain oft , getting
down to 78 > { @ 78 > c , and evinced a reluctance
to again get above 785 e. ft finally , however ,
reached 70o , and later 7 ! Ke , which latter
was again the halting spot for some time.
Finally , however , it advanced to "S' ' e und
reacted to 717lli c , where it rested.
Speculators in corn worn bearish. The
government report , indicating a crop of
1,050,000,000 bushels if uulntorfered with by
the Srost nnd freezing weather advised as
prevailing in the northwest , evincing a re
luctance to leave- that part of the country ,
wcro ftictors contributing to the desire to
sell snort. Kemoto futures were conspicu
ously weak and became the main target , fern
n bear attack. Cash and September corn
continued to received strong sittmort from a
leading operator , who is said to own most of
the contract corn in store houses now , una
his action , along with seine sympathetic in-
lluonco trom the strength of the wheat
market , were chief factors on the other sido.
There wiis no great activity In trading and
prices ut the close were as follows : Septem
ber ! l c , October IK c , May S5c bid.
Oats were dull und woalter. The posted
receipts excccdea the estimate , frost In the
west failed to materialize , and with corn
easy rather mtire outs were offered and the
buying support was small. May sagged
buck c to "Ho , though it steadied later , nnd
near months were in some Instances ( rej o
lower. Withdrawals for shipment cou-
tluucd liberal and cash trading was dually
by sample. For No. 3 regular lOifo was the
usual bid price , with light grading finally re
corded nt lOLfo.
The provision trndo was n little slow.
October pork sold off somewhat , moro in
consequence of the want of backbone ap
parently in the much-advertised squeeze than
from any direct hammering , and for Octo
ber short ribs prices also ruled easier. Lurd
for the sumo month , however , was
well supported. In the January property
the changes witnessed show a loss of
strength since yesterday. Hogs continue to
bo received more freely nt packing points
than iast year. Last week packing in the
west showed an increase of 4o,000 hogs over
the snmo week in 18b3 , amounting to 145.000.
In the general produce market iliuro was no
life to spcnk of to-day. Orders of all kinds
were under the average , and the speculative
business transacted xvus mainly on local ac
count. Thu closings Indicated an advance of
DC In September lard and a decline of SOc
in October pork. 5c In September short ribs ,
lOo In October short ribs and January pork ,
and UJo in January short ribs. Lard for
October and January was ( juotubly un
CHICAGO , Sept. 12. | Special Telegram to
Tin : HBC.J CATfijis The receipts consisted
of U.OOO Texans , 8,000 rangers and 5,000 na
tives. At the oloso of yesterday's market
prices , according to the observation of tie-
tlvu und veteran salesman , wore the lowest
for the week nnd in some cases the lowest
for the season on natives. Prime NcbrnsKn
steers , uvoraglng 1400 Ibs , were as low as
$3.50 , and there were Instances good
stcors that cost $ -1.00 in the country sold
hero at $3,00. There was certainly more
complaint and moro unfavorable comment
by salesmen on the pressed condition of the
market yesterday afternoon than the
writer of these reports has listened to this
season. To-tluy thuro was little or no
Improvement In any direction. The bulk of
tha native stock was a good equal to any
day of this \vcolc , and among the oITerinirs
were several loads of export stcors , but the
general market was slow , dragging and un
satisfactory on almost everything In the na
tive lino. Toxaus and rangers underwent
little or no chungo and the stacker and
feeder trudo presented no now features.
Dustncps was dull und prices very
low on light und common stackers.
Cnolco to oxtru beeves. ( I.35@-I.G5 ; mo-
dlum to good steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs. , $2,00
GlJUH ) ; stackers and readers , Jl.lKt.OOj ) :
rows , bulU and mixed , Sl.lOfi'JbS ; bulk ,
$ lbO ( 2.10 ; Texas stuurs , fJ.lOigy.lK ) ; cows ,
51.50 2.00 ; western rangers , J.8U ( < J : .50 ;
cows , $2.0002.25 ; wintered Tcxuus , J.25 ( < J
VI'K ) *
lions The inarltot opened about steady ,
compared with yesterday , nnd the bnllc of
Bales were nbout the sumo ns yestorduy , but
toward the close there was u down turn or
about a nlcliel , u largo number of packing
sorts going ns low as (3.70 nn < the best ut
fa.8t'3.85 , with prime and assorted heavy ut
f3.lKK < r.l.05. Light sorts sold largely ut jl.45 ,
or 5o Tower than yesterday. A few of tlu
singe sort uiudu ti.ViVt.70. ( (
NRW YOKK , Sept. 12. ( Special Telegram
to Tun HKH.J STOCKS 'i'lio closing of the
stock market yesterday was In such u "blaze
of glory" from a bull point of view that ex
pressions at the Windsor and elsewhere las'
Slight wera very sanguine. The reactionists
were fooling stole and the small holders who
hung on were im'atarthnn the manipulators
( or an hour. "Nothing but disaster of some
cart will prevent an advance now , " was the
voice of the trade. Gould's remark , "Many
stocks look cheap to ino , " was repeated by
many. ItuBsell Sago was quoted as saylni ,
thut the lilt Is full of bargains on the buying
sldo. The backers of the Grangers were tin
most confident people on the direct. Souiu o
the bul | euthuuiasm , however , was lost over
night , for the opening was but fulrly active
this morning , and , as a rule , first prices wore
lower , Su Paul showing a loss of ft per ccut
The weakness extended but little further
nna the market soon recovered , prices gen
erally being carried omall fractions nbovo
the opening figure. Northwestern nnd Mis *
sourl Pacific showed the most strength
among tho' active shares , though the former
only rose per cent and the latter J . The
most marked movement In the market was
in Cotton OH , which , uftcr a drop of Jf per
cent to CO , reacted to 62) ) { . The active
stocks wcro Missouri Pacific , Cotton Oil
Atchlson , Northwestern , Louisville & Nash-
Vlllo nnd St. Paul'with well distributed
business In the other loading shares. The
upward movement made small progress , nnd
the slight depression from the best figures
noted before 13 o'clock wat continued later
in the day , causing n loss of all the ndvanco
In many shares , and In Grangers and some
other leaders there xvas considerable not
loss far the day. Louisville dropped back to
7 < % Northern Pucllic preferred to 76 } ,
showing % per cent loss. Atchlson lost J
to SUJnnd Burllnirton % pur cent to 109 } .
HOCK Island nnd St. Paul suffered the most ,
losing % ( & } per cent each. Missouri Pucllic
lost } ( per cent to 77. Northwestern was the
favorite , nnd after selling to 114J early ,
closed nt 114-V , or ? per cent over last night.
Cotton Oil , uftcr a good day , closed but } 4
per cent better nt C2J/ .
The followln ? were the closing quotations :
t ) . S. 4 * regular. 187 .Northern I'ftcltls. . 34 > i
U.B. 4scoupons . . .128 'dopreferred ' "G
" ' ' " ' "
ll8.4scoupons"lOSy ! ! 'dopreferred. . . . H13 {
Parlilcfisof 'ili UK N.Y.Central Itti.H
Central 1'acille HflU I' . U.&K 8,1
Chlcn o.V Alton..187 ( Hock Inland 10.1
Chicago , liurllnatoti IU..M. &St.l' 74 > {
tViJtilncv 10 < 1 dopreferrod IK1.
D..IJ..VW IIBUSU'nul ArOmuha. . ! tr.S ! 11(1 ( doprororred 10i ( ) !
1. , II. Ae W. , fl4 ! Union Pacific G4U
* , nk(3 ( Shore , . . . . . ,10Gdopraforrod. . . . * . , ! Clsi
llchlgan Central. . HI Western Uulon. . , . t6JJ
llHsotirll'acitlc. . . . 70' ;
Mo.vnv Easy nt 2$4 ( per cont.
cent ,
STUUUSO EXCIHSOR Quiet and firm ;
Ixty-dny bills , Sl.SlJtf' demand , i
31 In In ; ; Stocks.
NF.W Yonic , Soot. 12. fSaaalnl Tolo ram
o Tin : licc.l 'Clio following are tha mln-
ng stock quotations :
lest Ind. l ! ) lclier.)2'i ; ) Iron Sliver . 200
Caledonia 11. II .Wi Mexican . 310
Colorado Con 1 0 Mutual . I4U
'on. Ciil.a. . . . . WU Ontario . : illM
-'onimonweultli. . ,2'M ' Clphtr . < fiO
Dead Wood T. . Jfi ) Orchteiitnl . IBS
iUirekn Con 1I > 0 bavugo . ! T- " >
lonlil Curry..SuO Sierra Nevada . Sfi !
lnlo & Norcross. . : ) I5
lomestake HO
loru Silver 1 Yellow Jacket . 335
CIIIRAOO , Sept. 12. 1:15 : p. m. close
Wheat Strong nnd higher ; cash , 77c ;
October. 7fcc ; December , 70 7-lOc.
Corn Steady ; cash , 33.c ; October , 33)40 ) ;
December , 3ic.
Oats Steady ; cash , lOJjfc ; October , 1K ° ;
December , 20. ! $ © 20 , ? .
Rye September .
Barley September , OBJjC.
Prlmo Timothy Nominal at S1.SA@1.90.
Flax Seed Cash und October , fl.34.
Whisky $1.08.
Pork Steady ; cash , f 10.70 ; January. $9.0.
Lard Steady ; cash , Jo.'J5 ; Octoberfo.87 i
January , J.V7G.
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00@
MO ; apriuu wheat , $1.8t5.10 ) ; rye , I3.5J
IJry Salted Meats ShouWers , $ l.rvJ3
,02j ; short clear , $ o.2523.37 ; short ribs ,
Uuttor Firm ; creamery , 13331 ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady : full cream died-
dars , 7j@bc ; tlats , Sj < KS.Kc ; Young Amer
icas , 8)4 ) < 4 c.
EIJKB Finn ; fresh , 10@10Kc.
Hides Unchanged ; qreen salted , 5J clight ;
reen salted , r > ( u > } jo ; salted bull , 4' e ;
reeii salted calf , 0 > e ; dry Jlint , 7c ; dry and
salted hides , Uc ; dry calf , G27c ; deieons ,
each SOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I solid pacltol ,
J4Jic ; No. 3 , U c ; cake , 4J4'4Kc.
Hccolots. tihipmrnts.
Flour 17,000 17,000
Wheat 143,000 5OtO :
Corn 313,000 457,000
Oats 160,000 2-H.OOo
. 13. Wheat llo-
Now Vorlc. Sept.13. -
coiptg , 130,100 ; exports , 59,300 ; spot market
stronger but Irregular , with options fairly
active ; No. 8 red , S4SW4'c ( in store and ele
vator ; & % @ . > J4U afloat ; sO fe T. o. b. ; No.
3 red , Slo , ungraded red. 77 , ' ( < ? 78c ; op
tions moderately active and JfCitM0 higher ,
wltn tno market strong ; No , 3 red , Septem
ber , closing at b4J/o.
Corn Receipts , 100,500 bushels ; exports ,
74,000 bushels ; spot moderately active but
steady ; No. 2 , 43 > c iri elevator and store ,
4'j@43. ! < fc afloat ; No. 2 , whijo , 42 c ; un
graded mixed , 48Si43i ( c ; options quiet , } i@
J c lower und steady ; September closing ut
Oats Receipts , 91,000 bushels ; exports ,
40,000 ; spot more active nnd steady and J/C'4
2 < iC higher ; options qulpt and stronger ; Sep
tember closing at IM o ; suet , No. 8 white ,
2S > i@20c ; mixed western , 23(32So ( ; white , 23
@ 3sc : No. 3 Chicago , S'J SSXc.
Coftuo Ootions opened steady , with Sep
tember 5 points down und others unchanged
to 5 points up , and closed irregular and un
changed to 5 points down ; sales , 00.000
bags"September ; , * 1C.OO ; October. 510.00 ®
10.15 ; November , S10.00@10.20 ; spot Rio ,
linn ; fair cargoes , 10.75.
Sugar Raw , strong und quiet ; reflned ,
firm and quiet.
Petroleum Steady and quiet , nnd un-
chauged ; united closed at O'Jji'c for October.
Eggs Quiet ; choice , lirm { western , W } { @
Porlc Unsettled and dull ; inspected mess ,
S18.33@12.50 ; uninspected , J12.00.
Laid Inactive ; western steam , KJ.35.
Butter Finest , stronger : western dairy ,
9@i8J c ; creamery , ll@iO ) < , c.
Chctiso Mnro active but loss firm ; west
ern , o'ii$7Jic. (
Ijlvii-piol : , Sept 13. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; red
western spring. Os l > Jd@7s Kd per cental ;
red western winter , Us T dC'CUa 8/i'l-
Corn Steady"domund poor ; now mixed
4s 3d per cental.
Mllwnukoi * . Sept 13. Firm ;
cash , 73J u ; October , 73 > ; o.
Corn Dull : No. 8 , 33&C.
Oats-Stoady ; No. 2 wuito , 32tf22 ( > c.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 4i ! > c.
Uurloy Fairly active ; No. 2 , September ,
I'luvlbions Easy ; cash , pork , $10,00.
AliunoiioliH , Sept. 12.-rSauiplo wheat
steady ; receipts , 1)07 ) cars ; shipnionts. 83
Septumbor , Tlu ; outrack , 71@74c.
Ulnulnnnt1 , Sept. 12. Wheat Steady ;
No. 8 rod , 77o.
Corn Firmer ; No. 3 mixed , 8flc ,
Oats-Quiet but firm ; No. li mixed , 21Ko.
Whisky Steady ut ? 1.02.
St. ImttiH. Sept. 12. Wheat Higher { cash
and October , 77o ; December , " ! & } ? .
Corn Lower ; cash , 29JKis ; October , JiOJ c.
Oats Frmer ; cash , iffic ; May , yige.
Pork-Dull ; * 11.50.
Liml Nominal ; fo.70.
Whisky Steady at 81.03.
Uutter Dull ; oreamery , 182"3 ; dairy ,
niiH.iB City , SopU 12. Wheat Higher ;
No. 3 rod , cash and September , 61o ; Oo-
tob r , O."o bid ; No. a red , cash , teM < $ yja\ \
September , 5S > { c ; No 2 soft , caih , Ulc.
Corn uiet No , 3 cash , 23o ; Se
usKcd ,
Oats No. 3 cash , IG o bid ; September ,
Oliloimu. Sept , 12. The Drovers' ' Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,030 ; market steady ;
beeves , f4.25dJ4.U5 ; steers , f'J.90 4.85 ;
BtockoM und feeders , fl.1)0(23.00 ) ( ; uows ,
bullu and mixed , tI.IOC . &S ; Texas cuttle ,
$1.60 3.'JO ; western ranuers , * 3.00@3.50.
H0t Receipts , IS.SUO ; murket steady ;
mixed , S3.SO ( < { 4.W5 heavy , $3.85 4.10 ! light ,
| 3.UI ( < Jl,70 ; skips , f3.40Cj4,35. !
Shuvp RecolntH , 9,000 ; uiarkut steady ;
mitlvus , W,40ci4 .00i western , W.501.05 ;
Toxjtis , ? 3.40 ( < J1.10j lambs , f l.'J5 0.bU.
UIIIUIIH Oity , Snpt. U , J.Utta Ro-
L lpts. 3.COO ; Bhlpmeuts none ; good
) cholco corn-fed steers. | 4.00@i,35j
atuuioa to medium , t'J.'Mii3.75j stouttor *
and feeders , active , strong , $1.00 .1.10 ;
cows , strong , lOc higher , 81.00 ( 3.00 ;
grass ran co steers , $1.00g3.70. (
Hogs Receipts , 8,100 ; shipments , 055 ;
market steady to strong , in some cases Do
higher ; light , $ i.25 ( < J4.82 i heavy and
raised , $0.7001.25. '
Nnttonnl Htook Vnrilt , I3ait St.
Ijoiils , Sept , 13. Cattle Receipts , 1,500 ;
shipments. 1,200 ; market 10@l5o higher ;
cholco to heavy nntlvo stcors , $4.25(44.00 ( ;
fair to good , $3.30@i.lO ; stockers nnd feed
ers. $1.80@2.i.5 ; range steers , $3.25(32.70. (
Hogs Receipts , 2,203 ; shipments. 300 ;
market steady : fair to choice heavv , $4.0a@
4.20packing grades , $3.70ji3.03 ( ; light ,
Sioux Olty. Sept. 13. Ci\ttlo RocolpU ,
240 ; shipments. 00 ; murket steady ; fat
steers , $3. 90@3.40 ; feeders , $3.85 2.83 ; stack
ers , $2.00@2,83 ; canners and bulls,76c < 3ll.85 ;
veal culvcs , e2.OOQ3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 2,100 ; market 3K@"S
higher ; light nnd mixed , ? 3.76(33.S2J ( ; heavy ,
* 3.77a8.S5. (
Cat tin
Thursday , Sept. 13.
There was not much hero to do with to-day
In the way of beef cattlo. There wore no
good natives and only u fowfalrwe ! , ternors.
As it was the market on beeves could only
bo quoted steady. A pretty fair bunch of
western cattle brought $2.70 , and some light
natives $3.1. * > nnd $3.50. If the run both hero
und at eastern points can be kept down for
a few days there Is no apparent reason why
thuro should not be some little Improvement.
Cow stuff was quite plenty nnd holders
were asking firm prices , but the general trade
was only steady. There was a good deal of
activity In the stocker nnd feeder market ,
nnd nbout everything in the yards of that
description was cleaned up before the close.
Some holdovers sold lOe higher than was
offered for them yesterday. During the
heavy run of a few days neo buyers ap
peared to be afraid to tuko hold , but as the
supply diminishes they buy uioro freely.
I loirs.
There was not much change In the general
market to-itay on hogs. Light hbgs were
scarce nnd although there was a pretty
good shipping demand , the shippers did not
get many. The best light sorts sold prlnci-
pnllyafjyi.fti. The market on heavy hogs
siiowedsomelitllo strength and there were
cases whuro salesmen thought theywercblo ; |
to get a little moro than yesterday , The
feeling ut the close was hardly so strong.
Cattle . 1,100
Hogs . . . 3,200
The following is u table of prieoj pild in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned ;
Prime stcors. 1303 to 1IPO Ins. . $3 SO © 1.25
Good steers , 1250 to 1453 Ibs. . 3.5'J ' W4.10
Good steers , 1030 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.0 J © 3.90
Common canners . 1.00 ( tfl.50
Ordinary to fnlrcows . 1.50 M1.75
Fair to good cows . 1.75 fl.OD
Good to cholco cows . 1.90 ! .15
Cholco to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.15 M2.50
Fair to good bulls . 1.50 0&.UO
Light stocKers and feeders. . . . 2.25 ( o)2.tX ) )
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. , 2.50 ( Trf.90
Fair to choice light hogs . 8.00 ( ( t3.15 !
Fair to choice heavy nogs. . . , 3.70 © 3.SO
Fair to cholco mixed hogs 3.80 W3 00
Common to rough hogs 8.45. . Q3.CO
Itoprcsontanvo Saloj.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
IS 1,110 $3 15 20. . 1,118 $3 50
23. .1,023 145 2 . . .1,035 2 00
20. .1,027 1 CO.
10 1,113 325 3. . . 700 2 CO
b25 250 3. . . 703 2 70
5 l 20 2 GO
1 1,100 1 50
83 093 3 15
25 877 1 20
Owner No. A/ . Pr.
5 steers , r'go tailings.1,170 1 75
1 cow , range stray. . . . 620 1 55
1 cow , range stray..1,140 1 55
1 cow , rungo stray. . . . 740 1 75
1 cow , range stray..1,150 1 70
- 4 cows , range strays. . . 1085 1 00
3 steers , range strays. . 040 00
1 steer , range stray..1180 (50
1 steer , rnngo stray. . . . 1180 90
1 steer , raiu-o stray..1350 90
3 steers , range strays..12511 1 90
5 feeders , range strays.1210 2 40
40 feeders , range 1140 B 80
22.feeders , range 709 2 00
3 feeders , rungo 883 2 00
131 feeders , range 1075 2 35
M. Mason
7 steers , range 1101 2 30
Hay State Cattle Co. -
13 feeders , range 1014 3 40
370 cows , xange 005 1 03
18 steers , range 1839 2 40
Swan Land & Cattle Co.
10 cows , rnngo 1000 1 85
Dater Cattle Co.
42 feeders , range 1107 2 40
0 steers , range 12 > 3 70
0 cows , range 1007 1 75
52 stcors , range 12S5 2 70
1 fateer , range 1000 3 70
Corlott Bros.
0 steers , range 1290 3 40
Ell Cattle Co.
18 feeders , range 1187 3 40
Ssteers 1309 3 00
Sawyer Bros.
4 steers , range 1308 1 85
1 steer , runge 1U20 8 10
Scows , range 078 17L (
17 feeders , range Tex..12i3
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh , Pr.
12. . . .250 820 $3 50 03. . , .280 SO $3 80
9. . . .2(13 120 3 50 70. . .275 240 3 80
10. . . .28(5 ( 3 55 20. . .275 3 80
7. . . .33(5 ( SO 3 GO Co. . .2-10 120 3 80
28. , . .302 120 3 00 07. . .273 2SO 3 80
4. . . .853 8 00 55. . .807 8 SO
10. , . .273 40 8 00 57. . .271 120 3 8214
51. , . .300 2SO 8 70 01. . .258 1110
01. , . .245 240 372 49. . .275 60 8 85
01. . . 317 320 8 78J4 74. . .234 240 8 85
72. , . .807 800 57. . , .250 40 3 85
63. , . .277 100 00. . .247 ICO 3 85
53. , . .303 100 3 75 CO. . .280 200 3 85
03. , . .259 SO 8 75 51. . .223 200 3 85
59. ' 291 80 8 75 78. . .243 1110
55. . .2S4 200 8 75 01. . , .234 SO 3
51. . .335 100 8 75 73. . , .237 1(10 ( 4 90
50. . .272 SO 8 75 01. . , .234 40 3 90
53. . .20(5 ( 240 3 75 09. . , .230 200 3 90
44. . .330 120 3 75 01 . , .80(5 ( SO 3 90
52. . .21)1 ) 1X ( ) 3 75 79. . , .24(1 ( 20C 8 90
150. . .240 120 3 75 00. . ' 233 40 3 90
03.&l. . . .2S9 180 377 73. . i'.Sits 40 3 93K
&l. . . .279 KJO 8 87H f > 5. . , .230 40 3 95
57. . . .2S1 SO 377 50. . , .203 SO 8 95
00. ' SO 877 02. . , .200 40 3 95
Gl. ! ! 2'J4 ' bO 877M 50. . .213 120 8 95
5J . . .878 8 SO 18..881 8 95
33..ISO 40 3 85 0. . . 100 3 00
0.1'J3 60 3 00 0. . . . 01 8 00
Ijv | Stouk NotoH.
J , D. Hurrls , of Chicago , was in looking over
the yards.
J , Allison came In with a load of hogs
from DoWltt.
W. 13. Sprague , of Cortland , was a visitor
on the market.
P , Golwlck came In from Brainard with
one load of cattlo.
0. M. Luuun , of Henderson , la. , brought
in one car of hoga.
George Uurthal , from Hoag , was in look
ing over the market.
H. H. HafTnun , 'from Fetternian , came in
with a train of cattle.
J. H. Wesley came in from Villlsco , la. ,
with one car of hoga ,
H. P. Hermanson , from Dannobrog , Neb. ,
came In with a load of hogs ,
O. Knocho was in from Hoag , Neb , , looking
over the market for fuoJura.
P. M. Sponccr , from Silver City , came In
with ana car of cattle nnd one of hogs.
Charles Jonas , traveling agent for N. P.
Ricbman & Co. , of Chicago , and stationed at
Chadron. on the Fremont , ElKhorn & Mis
souri Valley road , came in to loon over the
market , also with a train of cattlo.
Produce , Fruit * , 1C to.
Ecus Strictly fresh , 14@l5c.
Creaiuory , fauoy , ISQICoj choice ,
14@15c , Dairy , fnncy , l.lftMe ; cliolco.
12c. Country , fancy , 12@1 Ic ; good to choice ,
10@llc ; fnlr , 0@10o ! inferior Cil"o. (
LIVB PitiEONs Per def $ K50 ,
GAME Prnlrlo chicKcn % I3.QOW3.00 ! mal
lard ducks , 8.0034.00 ; tAiiod ducks , ! UO
GJ2.00. i
MEANS Cholco hand-plokcil navy , $ t.7t > @
& 00 ; cliolco hand-picked medium , $ l.f > 5ig (
fl.SOj cholco hand-picked tountry , $1.00(3 (
1.05 ; clean country , $1.5M1 > GO ; Inferior
country , $1.00@1.23.
HiDCii , PELTS , TAM.ow.'Efc. Green salted
iildcs , 4H@4 c ; dry salted hides , 5o ; dry
flint hulov 7o ; calf hides , 4.1 < ( rt" > o ; damaged
lides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 33c@
M.OO ; sheep pelts , dry , per V > , 0ffil2c. ( Tal
low , No. 1 , 4rt4H'o ; No. 2 , ni S e. Grease ,
white , 4' @ 49fc ; yellow , 3 } < atilc.
WOOL Kino , average , 15 < yi10o | ; medium ,
average , Sl@22o ; quarter-blood , average , 20
® 31o ; coarse , nvenico , 15 ( < $17o ; cotts nnd
rough , average , 1-t ( < 4lOc.
POTATOES 25@Wc : per bu.
POULTKT Old lions and chickens , $3.GOgi
8.50 ; spring chickens , $2.00@J,50 ; ducks nnd
geese , per Ib , lOo ; turkeys , 0@10c ; young
ducks , per doz , $3.00.
CHEESE Young Americas , full cream ,
lOo ; factory twins. O' e ; off grades , 0@7o {
Van Rosscn Edom. tll.CO'por doz ; snp sago ,
lOo ; brick , lli ( 12c ; llmburger , 7@Roj do
mestic Swhs , 14o.
LEMONS Fanny , $0.00@S.50 ; cholco. $5.00.
SOUTHERN PBACIIKSbu , 75c@1.00 for
cholco , and J15@40o for poor and common ,
Al'l-LES-Per bbl , ( l.00@il.00.
CAi.iruitNiA. Piuciir.s 20 Ib boxes , $1.50 ®
CAMFOIIXIA GiiArns ? I.r 0fl.73. (
UAI.IFOIINU Pi.tuis $1.00.
PKAliS-40 Ib boxes , $1.75@i.23.
CVNTCLOUI-ES Per doz , 50C'lOOc.
HANAXAS According to wo , per bunch ,
COCOAXUTS Per 100 , $3.00.
Al'l'LE liUTTKII 5C.
CIIIKU Hbls , $3.50 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAI-I.E SUOAII 12) ) 0$15o per Ib.
VKAI. Chnlco , ineuTum size , > $4@G'
choice heavy , uc ; spring Inuibs , $30.UOi30,00 (
; ier doz.
HOXEV 15o per Ib for choice.
Pitr.scuvcs-ttlKigLOa per Ib.
JCU.IBS : > } ] ( ! $ ic per Ib.
Hn&swAX No. 1 , ICfgtOc.
HAY ) .
Cnoi' -10.00@12.00.
Hiuv $1U.OO.
SAUSAOK Hologna , 4o : Frankfurt , 7o ;
tongue , So ; summer , 20c ; head cheese , ( > c.
J'KIS FIDT : Pickled , kits , 75o ; pickled
pigs' tongues , kits , $3.33 ; pickled tripe , kits.
05c ; pickled II. C. tripe , kits , 85c splcoct
pigs' hocks , kits , $1.15.
Uunr TOKOUCS Salt , bbls , $20.
Pnovisioxs Hums , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
lie ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lO e ; 12 to 14 Ibs , lle ;
No. 2 , O' c ; speckils , 12c ; shoulders , 7o ;
breakfast bacon , No. 1 , S. ' o ; specials , 12o :
liuulc ) , ( > Mo ; ham sausacc. 8Kc ; drlod beef
iinms , Oiijo ; bcof tongues , f(5 ( per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 5)lGc ) ( per Ib ; boneless hum ,
PAPEK Straw , per Ib ,
rag , 2Xc ; manillu , H , 50 > 4fo ; No. 1 ,
SALT Dairy , 2SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , 00 , 5s3.3(1 , ( ; best grade , 101) ) , 8s ,
$2.40 ; best grade , 2S , 10s , $2.80 ; rock salt ,
crushed. $ l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton,50-lb bags ,
83c ; bulk , 224-lb bags , $3.40 ; common , in
bbls , $1.25.
CANi > --9' @ 12 > < fc per Mi.
CHOCOLATK ANII Coco.i 31@37c per Mi ;
German chicory , red , 7 } c.
GIXOEU Jamaica , } / uints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIUXACEOUS Goons Hurley ,
farina , 4J-fa ; peas , 8e ; oatmeal , " ( jfcoe ;
aronia , lie ; vermicelli , , lle ; rice , 3 } <
saco nnd tapioca , C@7c. ,
Fisii-Salt Dried eodflsb , , 5tf@3 c ; scaled
herring , " 4o per box ; ho . herring , dom. SOc ;
Hamburg spiced herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
70c(351.00 ( ; mackerel , large family , $11.50 per
100 llis ; whiteflsh , No. 1. J0.50 ; family , $3.75 ;
trout , $3.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , SUc.
Lvi-fl.73@ .50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o ; Brazils , 80 ; fil
berts , He ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , 8c ; roasted. lOc.
CAXNKII FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clnms , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $1.23 ;
deviled crabs. 1 Ib , $2.25 ; deviled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; cavior , X
Ib , $2.23 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40ob3tcr8 ; ! , lib , $1.90 ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $3.00 ; lobsters , deviled. K lu ,
$3.25 ; mackerel , lib , $ U65 ; mackerel , in us
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mucnerel , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 05c ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $3.00 ; salmon ,
C. U. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CAMNKD MEATS Corned beef , 1 Ib square
cans , $1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , $3 03 ; 0 Ib
square cans , $0.50 ; 11 Ib square cans , $11.00.
Lunch tongues , 1 ID round cana/$3.00 ; 2 Ib
round cans , $4.75. Brawn , 1 Ib square cans ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib square cans , $3.00 ; U Ib square
cans , $ (5.50 ; 14 Ib square cans , $14.00 Ox
tongues , lj < j Ib round cans , $5.00 ; 2 111 round
cms , $ (1.00 ( ; 2 > Ib round cans , $7.00 ; 3 Ib
round cins , $3.00. Chipped beef , 1 Ib round
cans , $3.00 ; 2 Ib round cans. $ t.OO. Roast
beef , 1 Ib round cans , $1 20 ; 2 Ib round cans ,
$2.00. Potted ham. Jf Ib round cans , Oic ;
% Ib round cans , $1.20. Deviled hum , , - { Ib
round cans , G5c ; % Ib round cans. $1 20.
Potted ox tongue. JIb round cans. 05o ;
yt Ib round cans , $1.20. Compressed ham ,
1 Ib squiiro cans , $1.75 ; 2 Ib square cans ,
$2.75. Tripe , 2 Ib round cans , Sl.bO. Minced
collops , 2 ID round cans , f.-O. Boneless
pigs feet , 2 Ib sqniiro cans , $3.25. One pound
cans are packed two dozen nnd four dozen to
case ; two pound cans , one dozen and two
dozen to case ; half pound caus , two dozen to
case ; quarter pound cans , four dozen to
case. All prices per dozen , net.
LAUD Tierces Rcflnod , 5c ; choice , OJsc ;
pure leaf , 0o ; kettle rendered , 7 e. Add
} { ! o to % c for smaller quantities.
OILS Kerosono-P. W. , Oc ; W. W. , 12o ;
headlight , 18c ; salad oil , $2.15(3,9.00 ( , per
DIIIED FUUITS Currnntp , 4K@i = io prunes ,
casks , 1,300 Ibs , 4tf@4Ko : prunes , bbls or
bags , 4@lc ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs.
31c ; lemon peel , drums , 30 Ibs , Hie ; furd
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , Oo ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , lOc : npricots , Jelly ,
cured , 25-lb boxes , 17oj npricots , fnncy , Mt.
Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , 15o ; apricots , choice ,
bags , SO Ibs , ISo ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 0c ; apples , Star , Go ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 5-lb , So ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2 Ib , 8X0 ; blackberries , evaporated , 50. lu
boxes , 5J @Go ; cherries , pitted , dry cured.
15oj pears , California fancy , KS boxes , 35
Ibs , 12 } o : peaches , Cal fancy , s unp boxes ,
25 Ibs , loc ; peaches , Cal No. 1 , fancy , Jtfnunp
hogs , 80 Ibs , 18c ; poaches , fancy , ov.ip unp ,
50 Ib boxes , 12@l4c ; peaches , Salt Luke ,
now , 7@7'/Jc ; nectarines , red , 12u ; nectar
ines , silver , bugs , 12) ) < jo ; pitted plums. Cal ,
25-lb boxes , He ; raspberries , evup , N , Y. ,
now , 21e ; prunes , Cnl , R. C. , 00-100 boxes ,
23 Ibs , 80 ; prunes , Cal , II. C. , 00-70 , Oo ;
orange peel , 15c ; ralblns , California Lon-
dor.s , crop 1688 , $3.40@3.G < ) ; raisins , Califor
nia loose , muscatels , crop 18S8 , $1.00 ( < $2.00 ;
Vulenclas , ISbS , 7c.
PIOKLES Medium , per bbl. $5.0(1 ( ; small ,
$3.00 ; ghprkins , $11.50 ; C. & U. chow chow ,
qts. $5.00 , pts , J3.40. ,
lUos American A , seamless , 17u ; Union
Square paper , discount , 35 per cent.
COPFEB Green Fapoy old golden Rio ,
2-lc ; fancy old poaberry. 23c ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Rio , prime , 31o ; lilo , good ,
20c ; Mocha , 29u ; Java , fancy Mandehling1 ,
37u ; Java , good interior , 2lc ,
CorTKC - Roasted Arbucklo's Ariosa ,
24 Vc ; McLiughlin's XXXX , 2l c ; Gorman ,
23Kc ; Dilworth , SlJ o ; Alurimo. "V6 ° -
SALSODA lj ( ( < iflgo } nor Ib ,
STAIICII 5@7o per Ib.
STOVB POLISH $2,0005.87 per gross.
Si'iciis Whole , per 1C Allspice , llo ; Cas
sia , China , 9.Ko ; cloves , Zansibar , 20a ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , 17o.
SUOAJIB Cut loaf , 'pxo ; cut loaf , cubes.
0 } < fo : Standard , powdered , 0) ) o ; XXXX
powdorop , OJfoi granulated , Standard , 8 % @
b9o ; confectioners' A , 8o ; white , extra C ,
Climax. 8c ; extra C , Nebraska. 8 o { Amber -
ber , 7 u ; California Golden _ C , 7 , c.
Jry U
PIIINTS Pink and Robes Richmond.
Alien. Oo ; Rlvorpolnt , WoStool \ RlvorOJ oj
Pacltlc , O e.
PIIINTB Indigo Blue St. Logor , 7Ko %
Washington , OUc ; American , C u ; Arnold.
0 > ic ; Arnold Century , Oc ; Windsor Gold
Tu't , lOJ c ; Arnold H , 10i < o ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Sflul , 10 > , 'u { Yellow Seal , lO ci
Amana , 12o.
PIIINTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Bo ; Slater ,
Oo : Berlin oil , O o ; Garnur oil. 0@7e.
biiniTiNO CIIKOKS Caledonia X , 9Jo ;
Caledonia XX10Xo | ; Economy , Oc-.Otls. 9o ;
Granite , 6 > fo ; Crawford chocks , So ; Haw
River plaids , 5 } c ,
SIIEBTINO , BuowN Atlantlo A , 4-4 , 7J/OJ
Atlantlo H , 4-4 , 7e ; Atluntlo D , 4-4 , O c ;
Atlantio P , 4-1. Co ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , Co ; Au.
roraC.4-4 , 45 c ; Crown XXX , 4-4.
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5 e : Indian Head , 44 , 7u ;
LawrencoLL , 4-4 , OJ/o ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
6 0 ; Popporoil R , 4-4. OJfo ; I'opporoll E , 40-
inch , 7 * 0 ; Pepperoll , 84.7 > fo ; Popnerell ,
9-4 , COo ; Pcpperoll , 10-4 , S3o ; Utlcn , O , 4-4 ,
4oWnchusotts \ , 4-1 , 7o ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 70 }
Aurora H , 4-4 , OWa
SIIKRTIXO , ULKAcitnn Rllorton , 7 > jo ;
Houseitoopor , 8 } ot Now Candidate. 8 0 ;
llorkoloy cambric , No. 00 , Oo ; You Hot , 4-4 ,
( > fo ; butter clotti , OO , 4 < fo ; Cabot , 7 fo ;
Farwoll , half bleached , 8X ° ! Fruit of Loom ,
SJfos Orccn O , Co ; Hope , 7 # : King Phillip
.cambric , lOo ; Lonsdalo cambric , 10 ; Lons-
dnlo. 8Ko ; Now York mills , lOo ; Popporoil ,
42 In , lOc ; Poppcfcll , 40 In , llo ; Popperell ,
(5-4,14 ( ; < o ; Popporoil , 8-3 , SOc ; Pcpporoll , l4. l .
2J < 5 { Popperell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8'fc ;
Canton , 4-1 , 9Wo ; Triumph , O'foVauisuttn ; ,
llo ; Vrtlloy , 5fc. ;
TICKS Oakland , A , 7'tfo ; International ,
YY , So ; Sbotuckct , S. 8 40 ; Warren , No.870 ,
lOo ; Horwlck , HA , 18c ; Acme , 13u ; York ,
no In , 12Ko ; York , 32 In , 13 > io ; Swift River ,
SJfc ; Thorndlko , OO. SJ < c ; Thorndlko , KF ,
8Ko ; Thorndiko , 120 , 9Ju ; Thorndlko , XX ,
lee ; Cordls , No. 5 , Oj-jfo : CordK No. 4 , 10'fo.
DUCK west Point. 23 in , 8 or. Oo ; West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz , l'4c { West ( Point , 129 in ,
12oz , Kitfe ; West Point , 40 In , 11 oz , IGa
FLANNELS Plaid Rattsmon , 20o ; Clear
Lake , HOWct Iron Mountain , 20J < fc.
FMNNELS White G. II. No , 3 , ' ( . 22 Vu ;
G. II. No. 1 , J2,1X0 ; G. II. No , S , J , 22 < 4o ;
G. H. No. 1 , Jj ! , ! ) cQuechno ; No , 3 , } i , ittKc ;
Ouochco No. a , J , 87 > o ; Aimwnn , 32 } c ;
Windsor. 22)fc ,
FiAXxni.s-Rod-C , 21 inch , lfi > fc ; E , 21
Inch , 31J < r ; GO , 2-1 inch. 20c ; II A F , J/ ,
25c ; J lAN { , 27o ; O , ? . K5o.
GINOIIAM Plnnkott. checks , Ojtfc ; Whlt-
tonton , 2 Kc ; York , 7J o ; Nornmndi dress ,
7J c : Calcutta dross , 7.1.4'c ; Whlttenton dress ,
Mo ; Ronfrow dress , 8)iC@12ffc. ) |
KKXTUCKY Jr.INS Hercules , ISc ; Loam-
lngton,22)lc ; Glonwoocl , 2Jc ; Melville , Soc ;
Hang-up. VT'c ; Momorlal , 15c ; Standpoint ,
ISo : Durham , 87J c.
JltsciiM.ANKous Tnblo oil cloth , $350 ;
tablooll cloth , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland ,
9) e , dado Holland , 12 r.
I'UISTS Dress Clurtor Oak. Bfc } ; Uima-
no. 4c : Lodl.fti.fc ; Allen Gis ; Rlohinontl , Oi * ;
Windsor , 0) u ; Eddystonc , 0)fo ; Pacific.
HATTSStandard , 8c ; Gem , So ; Ueauty ,
18 > < c , Hoono , 14u ; U , cased , $0.30.
lii.AXKKTS While , $1.00$7.50 ( ; colored ,
CAMIIIIICS Sinter , 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stnnd-
urd , 5o ; Peacock , 5c.
CAiii'ET WAIIP Mibb , white , IS.Vo ; col
ored , 2ic. .
CoMrouTElia 10.50@ 35.00.
ConsiiT JtiANB Uoston , 7'fc ; Androseog-
Tln , 7J/c : Kcarsage , 7J/c ; Uockport , OJc ;
Jonsutoga. OJ c.
COTTO.V FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis , ;
EE , SJ c ; GO , 9jtfc : XX , lOXo ; OO , UK" ;
unbleached , LL , 5 } o ; CO , li3 c ; SS , ' 'o ;
NN , 12 > c ; AA , Me ; DD , 15iTi ! ; ; TT. ' 10 > < c ;
YY , ISc ; IJH , lUc ; 80 blenched , 'S' o ; 00 ,
12X'i SO , 13J c , 5'J brown mid slate , 02 ; 70 ,
12 > jc ; 90,10o.
CIIASII Slovens' B , 5XcStovons1 ; A , 7J.fa ;
bleached , 8c ; StSvons1 P , 1Qbleachod \ ,
8Jjj ; Slovens' N , kKc ; blcaclicd , 'Met
Stevens' SRT , ll > c.
DnxiMs AmosUoag , 9 oz , lOJ o ; Everett , 7
oz , 15u ; York , 7 o . U'c ; Haymaker , SJ o ;
Jaftroy , XX , llji/c ; Jaffroy , XXX , 13)ic ) ;
Heaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek , HU ,
llo ; Heaver Creole , CC , lOc ,
The announcements that the grand copper
combination has been completed have been
irematuro , to say the least , says the Iron
Age. The general clan has bcon worked out ,
liowover , and there really seems to bo soiuo
prospect that it will be given a trial. There
is always a possibility , of course , that
there will bo uoino liitchci over
the details , and that some con
cerns may not bu Induced to
enter Into the pool , probably acting in thobo-
lief that they may take ad vantage of its bene
fits without bearing any of its burdens. So
far as can bo ascertained at this writing
110110 of the mines to bo heard from are indi
vidually very largo , but ut least ono of them
Is important enough to create a feeling of
discomfort. With u few exccptlons.however ,
the American companies appear to have
fallen into ljuo , the large holders of copper ,
to whom the load carried by the Society des
Motuux and the Comptolr < l' Kscotnpio was
transferred , seem willing to co-opcr-
ute , und > some headway has bcon
mudo with the great Europoau companies.
It is not to be wondered nt that the American
companies give- least trouble. Tuoy tire sup
posed to be uulo to take euro of tha home
market without much danger of interfer
ence. The special device by which this is to
bu done Is the old pool sale arrangement of
the days of lake supremacy , expanded to in
clude the Montana and Arizona mines. To
prevent any irregularities ttio lake copper
is all to bo sold pro rata by a New York
broKcr and the casting brands by a liulti-
moro firm. The doling out of the metal to
consumers and tlio establishment ot prices
is to bo in the hands of an autocratic com
mittee composed of Colonel Llvcrmore , of
tbo Calumet and IIclci mine ; J. B.'Iiuggan ,
of the Anaconda , and W. Koyrer , who is
identified with Arizona interests. H ap
pears that linen are to bo inflicted
to punish any infractions of the agree
ment. Ouo cause of irregularity
which grew out of the interest of out : mine
in u copper rolling-mill has boon removed ,
through the fact that the mill in question has
Joined tha association of copper manufac
turers. Even with u few of the smaller mill
ing companies enjoying the fruits which fall
to the lot of free lances , the plan seems qulto
capable of outliving dangers to its existence
for uwnllo , provided that the price is kept
moderate , and ptovidod that the foreign
markets are kept in shape ,
The bulk of the stock of copper hero and
abroad is controlled by great banking
houses. It Is stated that the IJanquo do
Franco is carrying 00,000 tons , tlio Itoths-
chllds 40,000 ions , the Buuque do Paris
85,000 tons , and Haron Hirscli 20,000 tons.
Uesides , the Darings have a irrgo stock ot
Montana copper , the Boston und Montana ,
company continuing to deliver its outuut on
the old uocieto contracts to that banking
concern. The holders of the Rothschilds
are considered to bo well taken euro of , since
that house is now virtually the owner of the
great manufacturing plants of the Seccte des
Alctaux , consuming , us they do , upward of
25,000 tons of copper annually. It is under
stood that the present owners of the sociote
stock in this country have agreed to ship it
aboard , and undertake to keep it there , pro
vided thut the American mines will not ex
port moro than u given quantity annually ,
say nbout 80,000 gross tons. In other wotds.
the banking houses will let us alone and
turn over the American market to homo
producers , providing the latter will keep
tbelr shipments to Europe within bounds.
Hut even that concession is inadequate , s'o
fur as the American mines lire concerned ,
They have a deep interest in the foreign
markets for two reasons. Their surplus
muat bo sold there and within certain limits
prices must follow the courau of values
thoro. Whatever agreements might be made
on this sldo they could not long outlive free
competition in Kurope. It ii understood
that this contingency is to be met by a re
striction of output on the part of loading
mines contributing to the European markets.
The whole plan is so huge , und Is besut
with bo many dangers and dllllcultlcs , thut
few , oven among the copper producers , are
sanguine as to its continuance for any
lengthy period. Manufacturers in this
country , when the time for pool sales does
come , will bo offered the ueuul guarantees
that during the time of delivery the murket
will be sustained. Neither they nor con
sumers generally will bo rush enough to buy
for more than their immediate wants. 'Ihoy
huvo all learned to get along with very low
stocks und will not change thulr policy so
long ns tliQ prices are kept much above the
10-uor-cont level ,
Alotnl IMarkct.
A London cubic to the American Mctul
Market dated Friday , September 0 , reports
the following :
Operators for a full huvo qulto noticeably
had the advantage this week , with the effect
of making a more active market for copper
Tin opened barely steady on Monday and
became easier during the day on small busi
ness. From the Una I quotations of i''Jl 2s lid
cash , 0117s Gd forwardthere was no clmngo
until the nuxt afternoon , when three months
lost 5s , but the next forenoon thnro was a
further decline of 6a@10s , cash reaching OC
12s Gd ut the close ot tha day , and forward
01 5s. Only one 'Change , was had yester
day , In which prices softened full lOs lSs.but
this was recovered to-day , and closing prices
are steady at 00 10 und 01 6s.
COITBU Itomulned dull und but slightly
changed , though with un uunlcr tendency , ut
around 4U 10s for cash bars and 4242Cs (
for tlireo months prompts , until Wednes-
day' * lute'Change , when a more free sollluu
of forward nt f 43 weakened the cash price
slightly , and n much larger business WHS
done yesterday on n frc h decline of B < iIO ( !
the market quieted down moro to-day nnd
stood unchanged nt J'43 55s cash , 43 for
ANTIMOXT Is Btttl very strong , nnd In the
absence of supplies , purely nominal at 07 < ii )
G8 for Hnllott'8.
Srr.i/rnit Made n further ndvnnco for the
vcek ; ordinary brands now ruling nbout
23 10s and specials 2ft Oili3 ( more.
LnAii IIas stood without change through
the week at 13 12s Gd m last quoted ,
Exoi.isit Pto luox Varied within narrow
Itnlts again and with somowhnt of n down-
vnrd tendency. Last week's cloilng llguro
nt 41s was maintained on Monday nnd 'rues-
lav , but IJ d was lost on each of the
following days. No further movement np-
enrliiR to-day , 43s Od Is quoted nt the elo o.
BKSSKMKII Pin Holds steady at 50 * with
out further advance ,
STiir.i , KAILS Remain firm nnd active nt
jCSj$3 ( 2s Od f , o. b. for honvy sections.
OLI > RAILS Show no clmngo from last
week in price or demand. T's nitotcd 72s Od
C75s , D. II. 75sfM ( ( > sr. I. f. , N. Y.
SCIUP IIION firm nnd moderately active
at4i@l5sOtl ! f. o. b.
GLASGOW , Friday. Sept. 0 , 1SSO. Scotch
Warrants continued to move upward nt the
jcglnnlngof the week , though moro slowly
than a few weeks ago ; but thn market has
since got off npaln , notwithstanding the linn-
ness In maker s Irons , There was no change
m Monday morning from previous quota-
Jon * , but twoponco wns gained on Into
Change to 4i ! lOd. Tuesday showed u sllirht
reaction In the early dealings , followed by a
recovery at the close ; but on Wednesday at-
.ernoon the price broke to 4C.i td ! and stood
there all of yesterday , advancing ngaiu to
Ills Sd this morning , but diopplug back to 40s
5d at the end of the day. .
Makers' quotations nro for
Coltncss , alongside , Glasgow Ms Od
Gartshorrio , " " 50s'.id
Siimmcrlco , " " ( MM Od
Lnnglonn , " " Ols lid
Ciirnbroo , " " 50s lid
GloiiBiirnock , " Ardrossan 50s Od
Egllnton , " " 4SsOd
Dalinelllngtou , " 4Us Od
Lighterage , Ardrossan to Glasgow , Is
ton ,
Livniipoot. , Friday. Sept. 0 , ISS'J. '
Tix PI.ATKU Very linn nnd advancing.
Charcoal tin plates , plates
MMyn grade 17s Sd @l"s Gd
Charcoal tin plates , Allaway
Charcoal Torno platei , Dean
grade , 14,20 \Ss \ Od @
Charcoal Tome plates , Dean
grade , 20,23 23s Od ( fWKfc Od
Coke tin platcs.B. Ar.grnde.lils4.1idQiys } $ A
Dry Goods.
NEW YORK , Sept. 12. Business In dry
goods was very active with jobbers , all de
scriptions of fabrics receiving a fair shnro
ot the attention extended. With agents the
demand was fair , some articles being native ,
as low-grade bleached cottons , woolen dress
'oods , nnd wide prints. There was n good
demand nlso for laney prints , line brown
cottons , und cotton llanncls , while some
argo orders wore placed for line dress cot
tons , curtains , fancy damasks , etc. , for next
sprlntr. Tnc market wus unchanged in tone ,
iriccs being firm all along the line.
Itosloii Wool Market.
BOSTON , Sept 12. There has boon n good
inquiry for domestic wool thus far this week ,
nnd poino fairly good lines of fleeces nnd
territory are being moved. The market has
ruled steady and prices nro unchanged. Ohio
fleeces htive been sold nt .T ' ( < itUc ) ; for X , ! ! 'iJ5 (
Ho for XX and 4@y5c for XX and above.
In Michigan X lleeccs sales can bo imulo nt
, iOc. Combing and delaine fleeces nro in
steady demand , with sales of No. 1 combing
at iOM40c ! , of Ohio line delaine i.t 3 > o and of
Michigan line delaine at "lc. Territory woo's
iroln good domund with sales on n sojurca
uasts of 5i@57c ! for medium , 57aOOc ( for llco
medium , and GO@G'c for line. Texas and
other unwashed wools nro quiet. Pulled
wools remain steady. Foreign quint.
Basement First National Bank ,
OO5 isbulli 13lh Street , OmiUiu
Boots and Shooo.
Successors to Itocd , Jonci A. Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of B'ots 5 Slioes
Agents for Huston ItubbcrRboo Cn. , 111,2. HOInuilllOJ
Jhirney fitriH't , Omalui , .Nebraska.
sronx A
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1U1 North Eighteenth streetOmnhn , Neb.
Manufctnrers : of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-cups nn < l molnlloikrllitlit ] . .lolm iponctr ,
proprietor. . ' ( . & nnd 111) ) houlli Itth ttrcut.
Paper Boxoa.
Prourietor Omaoa Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1.117 and 1319Douglas street , Omnbn , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wliolcsnln rnznufaoturrr of
Sash , Doors , Blinfls and Mouldings ,
Branch office. 12th n d Iznrd streou , Omaha. Neb.
Pumps , Eto. _
Pumps , Pipes and Endues ,
ttiam , wntcr , rnllwnr * n < l mlnltiK U [ > [ ' 1I , etc.
M ) , Vi'i and IfJi K rimm uliect , Uuiulia.
U. S. W1N EKUI NE & Pl rl 1' CO. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
UnlU ! y nlnd mills , 018 nnd 101 Jones it. , Omaha.
( > , K. Hoti , doting llannger.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
gueet-lron work , > tcam pumps , sow mills. 12I30215
I.eavenH rtli etreot , uinalm.
Iron Works.
Wrought and M Iron Building Wort ,
Koflnei , brass work , ( teneral foundry , mnehlnoaud
Lluekimltli work. Ulllce anil wurks , U , 1 * . Hf.
anil 17tb street , Umuhn.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railings
Desk jails , window guards , flower stands , wlru ilgns ,
etc. HI NottU Kill street , Omaha. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaults , jail work , Iron shutters and Ore. csrspss.
Q. Aadtevu , prop'r. C ruer Hti and Jaolcsou sts.
Of South Omaha , Limited ,
rimr.p OUAIITJJKMABTCK'S opi-'icn-
w UuiaUa , Neb. , August 16 , IsS'J. ' Suuled lro- )
poiula , in triplicate , will bu received aero until
two o'clocic i > , M. , central time. Septoinber 10 ,
Ita'J ' , and then oiiened , for construction ot uuu
brlcic Htoix-lioiuu at yuurtorimnti'r'n Depot , In
tills eity. lj , H. reotfrve * right to reject imy or
all liUU. Full information furnUhod on uiipll-
cation to tills olllcu. wheru nlaua and pcullica.
tlonn of tilt ) uullilliit ; can bu been. Envelopes
coiitiiluliiK iTojioimls BUould be nmrkeil " 1'ro-
posaU for brlct storehouse , " und addressed to
WM. II. IlL'CJllK.S. Lieutenant Colonel und
Deputy Quartermaster Qeuural , U. H. A. . Chief
Ouurtcruiubter ,
Agrlqtilturhl Implomonto.
JLJ2fnw , i
Agricnlt'l ' Iinplcincnts , f aisons , Carriages
IhiRtfl 5i > tc.Vliilc ) Mo. OmAhfi , NchtHJka.
Birrt si OAT ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knnmm itreot , Uraahn , Notirn ka.
Furnilnrs ,
Oninlm , .Vo
AlcUOltl ) , DKADY , t CO. ,
Wholojalc Grocers ,
Uth anil I.tMBniTortli ire t . Oninlin. N brf lc .
ir. j. UHOAI CIT }
He yy Hirdwarc , lion and Steel ,
iVj ; , MJLUUltN ,
Mnnulaclure niut job ) ers In
Wasons , Biigiics Rakoj , Plows , Etc ,
Cor Pill ami 1'nclllo Mrt t . Utunliq.
_ _ Artl stsMtfl fltojr nls
A. HOiil'E , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 rounds ulroet , Omnha , Ncbraikn.
Poets nncl SliooB.
ir. v. "MORsiT& co. ,
Jobliers of Boots and Slices ,
1101,1103,1105 Douclns strict. Omahn. Mnnurnctorr *
fciannit'r street , llosion.
Conl , Coke , Etc.
Miners and Snippers of Coal aii'l ' Coke ,
Itonru 21 , U. S. .Natlunal Dunk IlulMlir. , Oiimhn.
Jokers of Hrd : enl Sjft Coal ,
Vfi Smith 13th Mr. ot , Ouinhn , Nebraska.
CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 Hmth Iftb St. , Oumliu , Kub.
Wnolesale Luiiitsr , Etc ,
Imported anil American I'cirtlnnJ omrnt. StaU
ngcntfor MllwniUtolijilrnu Icicuieutnnd
yutiuj whttv liuio.
{ "HAS H. LKK ,
Dealer in Haidwccd Lumlier ,
Wood carpuls nuil parquet Moorint1. vth and Uou lM
sttcvts , Uruulm , Ntb.
O TAIIA LUMunn c a ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlh etr et and Union 1'ir Ulc track , Oiimhn ,
Daler ; in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Kto. Vnnle-Corner Tth nil Douglas. 001c
Corner lUth anil Uouslai.
Luuilr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner 9th anil Doughis ts. ,
O. X. U1ETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California street ! , OumliaNebraska.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers & Jolte in Mhlinery & Noilons
Mi. 2IU and VI ! Boulh llth street.
Wholesale Notions aM'Punishing Goods ,
Hit Ihmiey Street , Omaha.
Commlsalon end Storage
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
EpoclaltluH HuttiT , circs , chcvae. poultry , gam *
HCilloiriiril streetOmahn , Nub.
Dry Goods and Notions.
3l. JB. SMrj'ii & CO. ,
Dry Good.Famisli'ng ; . ' Good1 , and Notions
1KB and ll'Jl ' l > oniliis , cor. llth street , Omnha.Xob.
Geat'a furrUhliu K""dn. Conur llth and liarncr
_ ' BUi'eta.Oin.ilia , Nobnisk.u
Wholesa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Pla'.e ,
MetalB , sheet Irdn , etc. AK nts for Ilown scald ,
Miami powdcrand I.yman baibuCnlro. _
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' tool and Iluflaln sculei. Uouclai
ttri'ut , Unialia , Nob.
Toyc , Eto.
Jobbers of
Tays , Dolls , Alliums , Fancy Goodi ,
liousa furnl.hlni ; oorij , clillilren's rarrlDKCs , 1201
Hunatn strcutUmahu , Nob.
Wholesale Refned and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grease , etc. , Omaha. A. H. Ulibop , Mamuer ,
Wholesale Paper DJ lers ,
Carrr n nlcnutocknf prlntlnvrnnplni : nl nrltla * |
pnpar. Bpeclul attuutlon Klvcn to curd paper
Capitol , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 4OOOO
OMlcors and Directors 1C. M , MorBeiuun , O.
M. iiltchcuuk , Joa. Oimieuu , Jr. , A. Henry , V.
M. AuduMon , Win , 0. Maul , v.proi. : U II. Wlll
luum , A.I' , llop'xliiu , proa. ; A MlliarU , cushion
1M1. llryant uislutaattusiiler.