6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TlgjKSDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIL"BLUFFS. OPF1G1C. M > 12 l 13Alto 6TUEI5T. ttllmedbr carrier in Anv Part of he City n 'JwcnlrCentii 1'orWeok. . . , . _ „ „ 11 , W. TlttON . . . . JIANAGKH. TELW1IONC3J tlffiuM" Orviot No. , NlfiHT V.1UTOII , NO. 1. MI.SOK ALUM MU.V. N. y. v. Co. GlJiison coal. 1 > . W. Otis , city nml farm loans. Lowest prices in lown at Hoston Store. The September term or superior court convenes next Monday , JuJfio E. B. Ayles- worth uroshllntr. A mnrriaio license wn Issued yesterday to Lawrence Hanson and Sollna Jensen , both of IJoomcr township. County Recorder Thomas will erect n | 2,5tO rcslilenco on the corner ol Tenth ave MID and High struot. Thomas Uarrett and Mnry A. Walsh , both of Oborn , Nob. , wcro m.irriod yesterday at thooillcoof Squlru Scliurz. A water main Is bnlnjj laid on North Twchty-Mxlh street , as far us Avenue 11 , and on Avenue U west to Twenty-seventh street , Attorney Uoulton has tllyd a petition usk- Ing tor tin injunction against noorjjo Hun- ton mid Vernnilcal Scott , No. 15'jSouth ; Main street. An important mcetinjj of tbo Council muffs club will bo hold nt the club rooms to night , in 8 o'clock. A full attendance is ro- qucstcd. Hy order at the president. The members of All Saints chapel nro re quested to meet In the church to-morrow , Friday , evening nt7i : ! ( ) o'clock. All persons inU'rcHlud In thu success of tno mission are earnestly urged to attend. T. J. Mackuy , Hector. Mr. John Dohnny received word Utieaday of tlic death of hh brolhur in-law , Joslnh A. Noble , of Missouri Viilloy. Mr. Dohnny and Ills iluuirhtcrs , Mrs. AV. A. Maurer und M'ss ' Adoliu Uohimy , nttondcd the funeral yester day nfturnoon , Worlc was commenced yesterday on the Uculon street sewer from llroudway to the Indian crcelc bridge. A majority of the cit izens ure very much in favor of having the entire street suworcd till 3 fall and made ready for the puvliiR next year. Tno trial of William Nice , for brutally threshing his nunt , Mrs. Unpan , mid her daughter , will tuko pluco at 2 o'clock to-duy before iiqulro licndricks. Nice bears u hard name , and it Is alleged that ho broke Mrs. Human's nose In tils' latest squabble. Members of the Jlro department complain of contractors , for falling to put out danger signals at night. While answering' the alarms of tire Tuesday night several narrow escapes from accident occurred. On Main street , while Roing to box 110 , two reels und the patrol wagon cumu near colilulni ; with building material. It is stated that several injunctions will be tiled In a day or two un less proper signals are displayed. A bco tree Is now ono of the features of IJayliss park. A wandering swarm look pos session of ono of the uoxes put up for the squirrels , drove oul tlio four lojfjcd owners , and bcmin storing tliolr winter's supply of honey. They have tilled tbu box , and the accommodating porn policeman bored sotho holes in tnu top , and placed nnolhcr box there. They are now at worlc filling that , and will soon bo whistling for still another. The squirrels keep at a respectable distance. THE line was In error yesterday in stating that the McClurg Crack company would close out us business here- and in Omaha. The company has sold Its Main street fac tory , as stated , simply to assist in closing up the estate of Mr. McUluni , sr. , but another location will bo secured nearer the center of the city , nnd the business continued as here tofore. It Is pleasing to note that the com pany will remain hero , and THE HEU is bet tor satiMleil to have the report contradicted than to have had It vcrillcd. Get Fountain Gu cigar , next Etscinun block 'C. 13. steam d o works , 1013 Broadway. Fall-mount t'arlc. The beautiful gem of Council Bluffs sot amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant boughs of forest trees. The most de lightful plncu imaginable for picnics , tennis parties nnd quite rumbles. lake the electric motor cars bridge line which lands passengers In the very hou'l of the park. Furo from Omuba to the park only 10 cents. Tlio park is owned and controlled by the city authorities and the best of good order is enforced. Tickets for grand drawing. $4.000 house and lot , at Fountain , Moore & Uowinun's , Manhattan , and John Green's shoo store. 1'orfloiinl I'urimrnp'is. E. L. Shngart left last evening for Now York , tuiil will bo absent about three weeks. Mrs. E. H. Mutliis and son CImrlio have pone on u short visit to friends in Hustings , Neb. Neb.Miss Miss Mamie Fleming left last evening for Chicago , where she will resume the study of music. Mrs. W. A. Highsmlth loft for Marshall- town Tuesday to attend the state meeting of the Order En torn Star. Mrs. Young and Miss Graclo Lester left over the Chicago , Milwaukee & bt. Paul , lust evening , for Wnukesl.a , WIs. , for u few weeks' visit among relatives and friends. Uev. U. C. Franklin , pastor of the Broad way Methodist Episcopal church , went to Dculson Tuesday evening to attend the an nual meeting of the DCS Moines conference. H. E. UriggB , engineer at the Cascade laundry , received u severe burn In his left eye through u ciiutcr from the furnace Hying into it. The accident may cause the loss of an oyo. F. L. Clark , who was formerly connected With the express companies hero , is in the city greeting old friend : ) Ho is now west bound traveling agent for the Erie Dis patch. Mrs. John Jay Fralnoy mid daughter , Miss Nellie , who have been visiting In Chicago and different points In northern Indiana for the past three weeks , are expected to arrive homo this morning ovnr the Milwaukee road , Captain F. B. Hart , of Minneapolis , is in the. city , u guest of his father-in-law , Judge B. Clinton. Judge Clinton , who has been ill Tor some time1 , but who was recovering , suf fered u relapse on Saturday , but is able to bo ahnut again. Charles C. Uraslan , of Minneapolis , Is in the city looking after his Mnnuwn interests. Ho yesterday deeded to English investors f , -IOO worth. Thcso capitalists recnn'ly visited Council Hlulls. and at a result of the favorable impression then made they In vested. Mr. Uraslan Is as conlldcnt as over as to thu future of Muimwu. Miss Eulth Shlrte 11(1 ( , tbo guest of Mrs. Henry Stevenson , on Blurt street , was highly entertained last evening by Scotch music , grandly rendered by Mra. Lewis and Miss Maggie Short , of Vail , who number among the best Scotch singers In the state. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Miss Short leave this morning for Lincoln , Neb. J. G , Tlpton , rualjiatuto. 527 13'dway. Fine Jewelry , wutohos and diamonds ; cleaning und repairing at E. Durham's. Hie Now Pacific is now ready to receive guests. Ucst W hotel in city. Wall pnpn'r , room moldings and decora tions , No. 13 North Main street Attention , bi Special conclave of Ivanhoe commundory , No. 17 , 1C. T. , this evening for work in the Order of the Temple and Order of Malta. All lojournluc sir knights are invited , liy order of the E. C. E. H , Sheafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents und care of property in the city and vicinity. Charges moderate. Office Broadway and Main streets. AlwnyB on Tlino. . If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent less than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at once and make your own selection at C. U. Jacqucmlu & Co. , 2 ? Main street. Money loan'od nt L. 1) ) . Craft's te. Co. 'a loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property o ( all kinds , mil nil other articles of value , without removal. All bualuuss strictly coull- deutUl , IN AND ABOUT TIIE BLUFFS , The Incondlnry'sTorohMakOB Work For the Fire Flahlora. AN UNPARALLELED DEMAND. Itcr , D. At. Ilcltnlok , of Ncoln , In- dint ( Ml I'or Murder In tlio Second end Dcurou Gi-ncrnl and JL'urmmul Notes. Klro Hues nt Work. The fire bugs wore abroad Tuesday night and got in their dciplcablo xvork in no less than four Innancei. The fire nt Aylesworth's barn , on I'loroo street , nt 11:30 oYlock , was undoubtedly of Incendiary origin , an no ono was known to have been in the building for several hours previous to the outbreak of the tire , which was started in the middle of the haymow. Before this lire wns fairly ex tinguished another blaze broke out on the oilier side of the street , nnd n few doors to the cast , In a small cottage. No ouo knows the origin of the fire , nnd it Is suppoied to have also been the work of an Incendiary , as the Humes blazed up from the rear of the building. U bocan to look us If an attempt was being made to cle. n out thu nest of dis reputable dives that Imvo full swing In that quarter , to which they have given the ex pressive title nf "Kotten Row. " If such had autuallv been the case , it Is hardly probable that u single rcspecUblo citizen would Imvo entered a word of protest , except to prevent the fire department from Interfering In any wuy to P'IVO oven n stiinglo. But this wns r.ot tlio intention of tlio flro bugs , who wcro determined to uurn prop erty , rogiirdlojs of Its character or location. The department was again called out at about 1 o'clock by a bluzo In the African Methodist church on North Main street. A lurgo roll of cotton , saturated with oil , was burning in the center of the lloor. Owing to its early discovery It was extinguished be fore any diimago was done. The boys hud not had time to ngain got Into bed before the continued whistling of locomotives In the Hock Island yards gave notice of unothor tire in the southern part of the city , and soon an alarm cimn In from box ! iO. A lively run took the department to the corner of Eighth street and Twolrth avenue , whore the large storage warehouse of tbo Council Bluffs Fuel company was In Humes. TMO building was erected and for merly occupied by the Council Bluffs Oil company , nnd being saturated with ol' ' , burned like tinder. The lire was started on tno inside , and was undoubtedly of Incen diary origin. Several times the firemen seemed to have the lire under control , when the flames would nguin blaze up with increased ferocity , and the building was gutted. There were oOO barrels of cement in the basement , which wns almost entirely ruined. The building is a total loss , being beyond the possibility of repair. ' 1 ho com pany had Just expended about 300 In re pairs , putting on a now roor , etc. The total loss Is aoout4OUO , insurance 31mx of which $500 is on slocic and 7UO on building. Another fact which serves to strengthen the incendiary theory , is that the water was turned oft' from the mains Tuesday after noon to inaku certain topulrs , leaving the city without pressure , except from the reser voir , and it was not expected that direct pressure would be ana in put on until yester day. However , the work was completed late in the oven in ; , and the pumping pres sure turned on tne inilns , so thut during all of the tires full lire pressure wns main tained. It is tin- general belief thut tbo llrc- buis knew 'hnt th > water hub been shut off , and took auvuntago of it to secure a chance to plunder. Iho idea prevails tnut the smaller lires were started to give the incen diaries a good opportunity to start mote dis astrous tires in other parts of the city. The lire men were kept busy , and did tbo biggest night's work they have done for some time. During twenty-Four hours there wore more alarms than during the preceding two months. Enrly Wo shall close our stores at 0:30 : p. m. ex cept Saturdays und Mondays until further notice. JOHN Bnxo & Co. Keating1 , prescriptions and drugs , 50.1 Broadway. Iiulioind KmMurilrr. . The finding of a true bill by the grand jury against Hev. O. M. Holmic < c , of Neola , for murder in the second degico , occasioned some little surprise among the friends of that gentleman , who fondly hoped that such would not bo the case. It will DO remem bered that Helmick killed Ed Palmer at Ncola a short'time ago. 'Ihe impression seemed to prevail that the jury , in view of the testimony introduced , would refuse to return an indictment , but that body preferred to let a full Jury of twelve men pass upon Iho question of the defendant's guilt or innocence. The court fixed Mr. llclmick's bond nt , 5,000 , which amount was quickly put up by bis friends , and be is still enjoying his liberty. 'Iho defense asks for a speedy trial , when it is hoped that u verdict of acquittal will end the mutter. The counsel for the defense ex plains the finding ot the indictment by saying the members of the grand jury are all strong nnli-prohlbitioiilsts , and thut the defendant's work ut Neola preju diced them against him. The opinion is given for what it Is worth. m Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , tele. 173. Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done In both cities , .lohu Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Finest market in city J. M. Seanlun'x. "The Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y Nailed on f At an early hour yesterday morning Offl- cera Kemp and Fowler arrested three young men , two white und tbo third colored , just as they wore emerging from an alley. The onicors had been watching thom and finally took thom into custody. They gave their names as U. F. Little , Frank Hurd and Louis Barrow. Tlio first named had a good- sized roll of wealth , gold watuh and chain , a line pin , etc. , nnd was well dressed. The other two bad nothing. When arraigned before Justice Hondrlcks at 10 o'clock. Little told a straight story. Ho said lie left Gulcsburg Monday , and was in Omaha last evening , whore ho met his two companions nnd tne.v visited this city to see the sighu , and had been hero only a short tlmo when arrested. Ho was en route to David City , Nob. , to go into the laundry business. Ho was discharged. Of the other two , Hurd said he had never been in the Blutfa before , but the police and reporters Identlticd him as Charles Johnson , arrested July 11 , with two other men for heating a board bill at the Bluff City restau rant , Barrow claimed to bo from Crawford , Neb. The police uro of the opinion that these two were looking for a secluded place to entice Little nnd rob him , but u revolver in his possession and the many people on the streets , caused by the lire alarms , prevented the crime. They were released on condition they would leave the city. Dr. Murphy.opticmn , room 210 Morrlam blk. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouerato prices. E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rentul agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. - Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. K. H. Sheafo & Co. Ho AVnnteU a Warrant. A rather surprising condition of affairs developed Tuesday night , in connection with the E. K. Mayno attachment suits. It seems that there were Jive writs Issued , amounting to about $ .31,000. The levees were made at the instance of William A. 1'uxtoti , J. A. McShano , Herman Kountzo , Mr , Rlloy , Muyno's former partner , and other Omaha capitalists , As stated in yesterday's DEI : , the stallions soucd , eight in number , In cluding the great Osiris , the celebrated Saturn , sire of Consul , McLcod , and u num ber of other noted dyers , were quartered ut Bray's barn by the sheriff , Late ut nlghl Muvno and eight hired men , with the horses1 brldlei , came over frgm Omaha , moved up to the barn through n buck alloy and announced their intention of taking thn hornos. There were but two stable employes In the barn , mt they objected to the plan , nnd Mayno jcgnti to nbtiso them , Ono ot them started for the telephone to call the police , when Mnyno Bulled a revolver , and shoving It under the man's nose , ordered him to drop the tele phone. Under the circumstances , the man doomed It wise to obey. The other , liowovor. slipped out the buck door , and visited the police station , whcro ho found the chlof of police , nnd stated the case , re questing that ofllclal to KO down nnd arrest Mnync , who was nourishing his gun and threatening to kill anyone who Interfered with him. The chlof said that he could not arrest the man without a warrant , and finally told the man to go and get the sheriff. The complainant replied that the sheriff was out in the country levying on other property ; still , thn chief refused to go wltout war rant , nnd Mr. Bray was then called up to de fend his property. This gentleman wits seen yesterday , und wns very indignant over the action of the chief of police. Said he ! "If 1 am not entitled to police protection , I want to know It. I pay as much taxes as the average citizen , yet wlinn a man comes around my stable nt midnight , nourishes a gun , and a messenger is sent for police assistance , the chief tolls him to go nnd get a warrant or ho can not Interfere. This , of course , Implies that n justice must be hunted up , gotten out of bed , nnd nn In formation Hied. Mayno ought to have been arrested , and I Imvo tiled nn information ngnlnsthlm , churtrlng assault , nnd ho will bo nrrostcd the very next tlmo ho shows him self on this side of the river. " The result of the row , however , showed that Mr. Bray was amply ublo to t.ike euro of his property , for the Intruders left with out taking the horses with them. Yester day morning the entire lot of hordes wcro taken to the stock yards , where they now ure. o Kcllc.v ft Younkormnn sell grocorlo Chuso nnd Snuborn coffees a speelaly. S. B. Wndswortb & Co. loan nionoy. Swunson Munlc Co. , 835 Broadway. IMuin bii-cot Motor. Work was commenced yesterday at the head of Pearl street , crcctinc the poles for tbo clectrlo motor , The poles nro already sot at the other end of the line , work having been commenced there , as the tracklayers occupied about all thu spare room at the head of the ctrect. The two gangs met nt Klghth avenue , nr.U the polo setters took a change to the head of the stroot. The poles will nil bo set by the end of the week , and the cross wires will also bo in place. The double track is now laid to Ninth avenue , and ttio paving is replaced as far us Fifth avenue. Below that point nn clghtccn-inch sewer is be'ng ' hud between the tracks , detaving the pavers somewhat. By the last of the week the track will be laid no far us the "Q" crossing , below which point u single track will bo laid. The whole of the block paving will be replaced by to-morrow night , com pleting the work on Pearl street. It is now expected to have the line in operation in about three weeks. The Now Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , finest nnd largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial men. A Very Touch Guile. Constable Wesley has filed complaints against John Hachwitz , Thomas Brown , Robert Stock and William Wright , and de sires they bn placed under bonds to keep the peace. They attended the late dance at the Schuctzon Vercm park hall and created a disturbance , when Wesley endeavored to quiet them. They then threatened to "fix him , " and for this reason they have been placed under arrest. Some ot them were in the row which led to the killing of Walter Madison by Peter Hunsen. They have been engaged m numberless rows In thu southern part of the city , for the past two years , and hnyo given the police u griut deal of trouble. They are mouthers of 'Tno Dirty Dozen , " an organization of young toughs who make life u burden for those for whom they con ceive a dislike. They have thus far man aged to keep out of jail , but at the present rate of progress their good luck in this re spect will not long continue. Hcsnliitinn of Thanks. At a meeting of the board of trade the fol lowing resolution was unanimously passed : Resolved , That the thanks of the board of trade are heieby extended to Mr. L. A. Caspar and the following members of the committee , of which he was chairman , for the superior manner in which the oxhioit at the Blue Grass palace was placed by that committee , resulting in clvlnc this county the palm over all counties in tno exposition , namely : Messrs. D. J. Smith , H. M , Pronty , A. S. Bonhnm , D. L. Uoyer , Alex McICInzic , J. H. McPhcrson und Mr. Hess ; Mcsdnmes Hich , Caspar , Wilcox , Martin , McMeriomy , Smith and Miss Smith. SOUTH OMAHA NKWd. A RnkcWHIi a Hccord. John Carey was born and reared In Lucas , la. , and bus as well-to-do and rcspcctaolo parents as a young man could desire. His conduct in the Magle City , on the contrary , has been as unsavory and eventful as the most abandoned can boast of. The festive John worked in the George H. Hammond & Co. packing houses during the day and sought out victims of his lust ut night. Ho was not without attractive ap pearance , , and his art was effective , us ho was zealous In pursuit of the forbidden fruit. Mr. C.irev looked with the beaming eye of love on Miss Kittle Buckncr , stepdaughter ol John. Woodward. Uut this pretty und intelligent little girl was too wary to bo caught by bis chaff. True , ho nearly broke her heart , but her honor is her own. Carey laid siege to her affections and so far won them tl.at they wcro engaged to bo married. The day was set for Sunday before last , but the recreant mun skipped out Saturday and has not been heard nf since. To add to his infamous conduct , before leaving ho gave it out that the girl was about to become a mother. Now comes out the bad part of his record. Last March a beautiful young girl of Whit ing , la. , a victim of Mr. Carey's wiles , came to this city and putup at the Benson hotel. Wliilothoroshowasdcllvorcd of n child whoso father was Tohn Carey. With thu courage of a hero the irlrl kept up , working every day , oven netting breakfast for the boarders the morning after the child was born. Carey then too ic her to Oinnlin and put up at one of the hotels as man and wife. At 10 o'clock at night the child was taken out , on Twenty- ninth street and loft on the doorstep at n doctor's residence , and deserted by the in famous and lecherous John , she returned that night to South Omaha. In u conversation with Mrs. Woodward she expressed her delight thut the recreant cur had left , and was only too glad thut her daughter would never marry him. Mr. Carey is of u line und prosperous family , aad has sisters residing in South Omaha. A Transit Jlnnsn "Prof. Lau Lnu and wife , Chicago , " was written last Saturday on the Transit House register oy a propossesslne young man , ac companied by u comely young woman. His baggage did not come with them and on thu strength of its arriving on the next train ho got accommodations ut the hotel. Monday the bau'b'ajo failed to appear and tno proprietor * began their inquiries. Prof. Lau Lau wns absent presumably doing the town and bucking the South Omaha tiger in its lair. He never showed up. A guest of tlio hotel seeing tbo young woman recog nized her. Her aching heart was relieved by telling her simple but luthctiu story : She met him on the streets at tier home , tllrtcd , became acquainted , wont with him as hU "wife" and was deserted. She was given funds and ftont homo to Lincoln last night on the B. & M. train. Ho gave his name as Charles Bradley. P. D. Bronnan and Charles llrad- loy. Who lie Is , or where ho came from , no ono knows ; neither has the girl's name been made public. He is undoubtedly a gambler , and the girl is said to bo of good family , und heretofore of irreproachable character , For Use Hnrsford's Acid Phosphate. flr , W. W , Blaokmun , Brooklyn. N. V. , saysi "I am very much pleased with it in seasickness. Several eases have boon Drought to my attention where it afforded prompt re lief. " HE IS WANTED IN DAItOKA , Three IncUottnonta Hanging Over the Hand of'tSlngsloy's Slayor. AN IMPORTANT DAY IN THE TRIAL Several New 'tfolntn M < ! ) Hv the 1'roscciition Inuorpnr.uloii of tlio Iny'ill IjCKlnit CAP " - Diirncd. The Ililllnus Trlnl. WA.Tfiiii.oo , In. , Sept. 11. [ Special Tele- grain to Tun BKK. [ To-day has been quite nn Imuortnnt ono in the Billings trial. County Attorney Monaghan , of Gary , Dak. , made his appearance this morning. Ho claims that three Indictments bnva been found against Billings , und that If ho is cleared hero ho will at once be taken back there for trial. ( Jury was the place where Billings is bald to have escaped from the onicors when ho came hero previous to this trial. Monuuhan will bo ono of the wit nesses for the state. To-day the state undertook to prove that Utilities hud the revolver which was found nonr Kingsloy's ' body. Tlio witness was a young iniiu named IJlntio. He had been n witness at thu previous trial of the case , at which time ho did not mention the revolver. To-day ho swore that before the killing of Klngsley ho had cleaned out Billings' ottlco and found n revolver lying upon a shelf. Billings told him not to touch it , as ho wanted to have It repaired. Ho noticed there was a nick In the bundle , and when shown the one lound near Klnqsluy he Identified it as Billings' . He also said that ho was In a meat market across the street the night of the killing and heard the lust shot llred. lie then went to the middle nf the btreot and saw Theodore 1'ockels come oul of tils Morn and look across tlio street. About that time Billing * c line down the stairway , mid while coming down shouted , "I am shot" Pocltols was on the street before Billings came down. ' 1 his Is a direct contradiction to Pockets1 testimony. Witnesses were pioduced to prove thut Bil- llncs had made threats ag'iinst Klngsloy , but in one instance the testimony was entirely different from that given at the former trial. The only other now point brought out was by Dr. Boyer. the dentist , who swore that ho heard Billlncs cry out , "I um snot , " very soon after ho hoard KiiiKsluy fall. lie con- veyi-d the impression that Billings w.is on the hidowull ; or going down stairs when hu tiiado this outcry. The ; Mining Inttustry. Dis : Moixcs , la. . Sept 10. | Special Tele gram to Tun Bni : . I The three mine inspectors specters for Iowa tiled with- the governor to-day their biennial report. It shows that the mining interests of Iowa have reached considerable magnitude. The total output of coal during the tlacal year ending June .10 , was 335MO ( ! ( tons , , valued ut t5IMUi > OU. The total number of persons employed in tbo mining Industry , both above und below ground , is l3.40r. ! The amount paid tor min ing during the past year w.is WU.VJ,810.0S. There wore thirty-live fatal accidents aiinng the year , destroying tliat number of lives. Ijnynl teuton Iiicarniirntion. DFS MOINKS , la. , Sept. 11. ( Special Tele gram to THE BF.B.J The military order of the Loyal Legion couimanflery of Iowa , riled articles of incorporation here to-day. The lown commandcry was organized two years ago but w s not incorporated before. It includes some of the leading citi/ens of the state. Among tbo officers whose names are planed to the , articles of incorporation are Major Hoyt Sherman , brother of Gen eral Sherman ; General Francis M. Drake , ox-Governor Buren R. Sherman , State Treasurer Twombly , and Rev. Dr. A. L. Frlsbie , of this city. The Knilrn.id Commissioner. * . Dns MOINES , la. , Sept. 11. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BCR.J Representatives of the Chicago & Northwestern and the Sioux City & Northern appeared before the railroad commissioners to-duy to argue the matter of a grade crossing near Maurice , Sioux county. Sioux City was represented by Senator Dews , Captain Gere and Mr. Garrotlson , of that place. Considerable testimony was taken both for and against a gr.uio crossing , nnd the commissioners deferred their de cision. Industrial SoiKiol llr-ports. DBS Moixcs , la. , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram ' gram to VTiiu BEE. ! The September report of the Iowa industrial school w.is Illeit with the governor to-day. It shows the average number of it : mates to have been 473 , divided us follows : Three hundred und sixty-seven boys at the Eldora school and 111 girls nt the Mitchullville school. The auditor issued a warrant for $ -1,051 for the regular support of the school , nnd $1,1)37.50 ) for improvements und repairs that have been made. Cur Sliops Burned. GIIAND JUNCTION , la. , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bii-Thc ] Rock Island car repair shops at this place burned to the ground ut 2 o'clock this morning. Two box curs und a number of tool chests belonging to the carpenters wore also lost. The struc ture was an old ono. The origin of the lire Is unknown. The Veterans HOONU , la , , Sept. 11. [ Special Telegram to THE Buu.J The central Iowa veterans ure coming in fast and thick , and the city is draped in Hugs and bunting. The reunion proper opens to-morrow , nnd promises to bo the most successful in the history of the as sociation. Many prominent speakers will bo present. _ _ IT WON'T BAKU UUISAD. In other word's , Hood's siirsiunirilhi won't do im possibilities. Its proprietors toll plainly what it 'has done , submit proofs from tiourccs of unquestioned reliability , and usk you frankly if you are suffering ; from any disease or nlToction cnuHud or promoted hy impure blood or low stnto of the &ystoin , to try Hood's sursnpnrilln. The experience ) of othorn is suilluient iibsimineo thut you will not bo disap pointed in the result. s1 I'ltOMTri. Chicago AVIIl/t' iko an Attempt to Curtail 1'linin. CHICAGO , Sopt. 1 ] , [ Special Telegram to Tim Bi'.u.J Chicagoi olllclals , who are prov erbially noted for the promptness with which they lock the stably door after tlio horse is stolen , are preparing fora repetition of these ludicrous proceedings. It has been thu cus tom of the city treasurers for many years to realize immense , prolHs out of the Interest paid by the uanKs upon the city funds. It has always bcup u Disputed question as to whether the treasurer , who was responsible for , the funds , or thu city which wns the possessor of tlio funds , should receive the benellt of this In terest. Comptroller Onuhan lias Just be- i/un proceedings to prevent the present treasurer from rpupl/ig this great pecuniary bcnelit and for this action hu has received puhllo applause. As un evidence of further zeal , Mr. Omihan to-day announced hm in tention of gulirg back as far us the memory of man and the btatute of limitation extund- ctn und compelling past treasurers and their bondsmen to disgoryo this cjticstloimblo emolument , Ex-Treasurer PJunt received $ HO,0W ( In this way , while ex-Treasurer Deveno's prol- its were not less than $11)0,000 , BO the proua- bllltlcs are that the immense- sums in con troversy will plunge the city in litigation for many years to come. Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria , Wlien Baby w olci , we gave her CoitorU. \Yhcu the was < v Child , ulio cried for CastorU , When aho become Uln , the eliuif to Caatoria , Wl > JD aho tul Children , tbo gave thorn CostorU A IIAltUWAUK TUUST. Dealer * Form n Combination to Put l ) | > I'rlccs. 1'iTTSiiURO , Pn. , Sept. 11 [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.B. ] Another trust has been added to the list nnd people who have not yet laid In a full stock of hardware will probably find before winter Is over that such articles have slid upward a notch or two in the scale of prlcps. A number of wholesale hardware men from nil the Inrccr cltlci of the United States held a secret meeting nt the Hotel Duqticsno yesterday. They weio all mum as oyster * and positively refused to dlvulgoouo word about thrlr proceedingsbut they would not deny that u trust hud been talked of. In- Mead , ono gentleman wio was present throughout the meeting Intimated to a repor ter that a trust hud really been formed. * Swnllnwuil bv KnullHli Capital. HoKnNiiAL'Qiu , I'a. , Sept. 11. At the an nual meeting yesterday of the stockholders of the Thomas Iron company , a proposition by an English syndicate to sell the compa ny's plant , real estate , furnaces , railroads , mines and lease ? , for 53,600,000 , was accept ed unanimously , Catarrh IS a blood disease. Unlit tnu poison la expelled fiom the system , there can bo no cute for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Theiufore , tlio only effective treatment is n thoiough cotirso of Aycr's Sarsnparllla tlio bestof all blood purtllurs. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangcious. " I was troubled with catarih for over twoyoais. I tiled various runu-dles , and wns treated by a number of physi cians , but leceived no benellt. until I began to take Aycr's Sarsnparllln. A fuw hottlcH of this medicine cured mo of this troublesome complaint and com pletely restored my health. " Jesse M , llojigs , Ilolmuu's Mills , N. C. "Whnn Aycr's ' Sarsnptirilla wns rec ommended to me for cntnrih , I wus in clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies , with little ben efit , I had no faith that anything would cure inn. I became emaciated fiom loss of appetite nnd impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the HCIISC of smell , and my system was badly deranged. I was about discern aged , when n friend urged me to try Aver's Saisapnrllla , and re ferred mo to persons whom it had eured of catarrh. After ( liking half n dozen hottlrs of this medicine , I inn convinced that , the only suiu way of treating this obstinate disease is thioiigh the blood. " Charles II. Malouey , 113 lllver St. , Lowell , Mass. arsaparilla , rnr.i'Aitr.o T Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Trice $1 ; six bottles , { i. Worth $5 a bottle. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SVE AND RJNT. RiArrRSTATH : * ltousilt na > soil aa5"ex chanced. Spnnlil attention Ktven to exam ination of titles , \V. C. Jluno-i , No. U I'tmrl st. T7Olt ! KENT Two ntceunfurnUhed rooms tor -C rent tor light housekeeping. No. 311 Will- lams St. , Council Hluir.s. Foil 8A klJ5fwo limrHevTsix-room houses on PnclUc nve. will bo sold cheap for a snmll payment down and tinlancn to hint purchaser. KMT > v Gray. 1U1 1'earl st. upstairs. FOU SAf.E Una ot the beat paying crenm- erli's tn lowii , maklns nowovur l.iMl pounds butter dally. Also n lar o l/rick butter , OKU and poultry houue , nil complete with largecold ttora (3 ( clevntor , et ? . . iloins lilt * business. Price of this entire plant complete S.i.iUKi ; f l.OJO cusu , lm. . In fl and lu yours. Or would take Ki'od city property , or No. I lau-1 tor tnu $4o.J payment. Itustness done la't year'JiT.OJO , will exceed that this year , und Itlstheouir plnntiutlie county. Enquire ot Kerr te Hrny , 1 il Petrl St. , upstairs. FOH KENT Houses In all part i of the city Kerr \ Gray , 1U1 1'earl St. , upstairs. rpo UK Itutlled Oct. 1st , now house , large lot. X warranty deed ; property worth M.tHM. TickPts worth tl. At Kouutnlu , Manhattan , Jlooro &llowman'Hcl arstoro and Green's shoe store , Particulars , address "HTSocond avenue. Ftlt SALE Well established hardware store InclualnK tin t > hop. ( looil. cleuu. new stocK of stoves , etc. , In 2-story brick building.-txio. ! with olovutor nnd warehouse , ( iood reasons for selling. U.Oralil. 1U1 K. Il-way. Co. Illuffa. BALE or exchange New fi-room house ? in ROOU location. Will exchange for Wl acres of improved land In Western Iowa , or will ( .ell and tftlce part lu vacant lots. Kerr & ( Iray , Council Illutrs , la. FOll KIICIIANQE-llO acres In Audubon Co. , ! ) miles trom Co. so it , well Improved. Will exchange for Improved Council lllnir. " property. Kerr & Orny. Co ricll HluiU. F OH BALK Acra property In city , reasonable Kerr A > ( iray. Council lllnlfa , fTtOH KXCHANQE-Soveral Nebraska and JJ Kansas farms for other properly. John- ton A\'an Patten. IitOU SALE or Kent Oar Jen land with houses. 1 by J. U. Itlco , lu.Muin bt. , Council lilulfs. 13 AlliuTTT'TiiceTots for sTle by P. J. Day. G PO I.OOIC nt the llnbbltt Place on Upper llrondwny , tnen see 1' . .1. Day. FOH KXG'HANGB-AT house and lot for a small tarm m Pottawattamle Co. Johnston & A'an Patten. " W.M. SIBDKNTOPP , Heal Kstnte. Special attention Riven to examination nnd cor rection of title to hinds and lots in city and county. No. V. North Mala st. HOUSES for rent la all parts of thn city. F. J.Day. _ _ _ _ FOH KENT y unfurnished rooms , Ml Third avenue. D ID you see those lots on Illnll nnd Third strejts ? For salu by Johnston & VnnPntteu , DW W ANTKD-Somo m nro bargains In real estate , to sell , Johnston It Van Patten , FOH SAM ! Acre loti In Orchard placa. ThlK property Is located In the Hlco nursery , Houtliof the main part of thn city. l'J ml from court ho\ias , Ceo. Metcalf , U Pearl at. HUNT F.ight new 1-room cottages on FOH Avenue 11 , Hacketl'8 add. to city , HontH very reasonable , Call and lot us Miow you them. Kerr AGray. . _ IK you nave property to sell , llstltwltu Joi ) : > uton ic Van Patten , Kverett bluci : . ) R BALK Several nice houses on Avanuo A. easy lenntf , Johnston & Van 1'ntton.o FOIt HI'NT-Tof thomoat beautiful cottager in Council IlluTu ; one block from motor line ; new houses : city water in the houses and nil modern conveniences. Bee Kerr if dray , 17UK 8AI.U 12J acre fnrm In Jasper county , J ? lown , located near coal minus that are in operation. There la n live toot vein of coal under the farm , Ueo. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl nt. F OH SAI.K-Hcuntirtil residence lots on Oak land ave , Johnston i Van Patten. IjlOHHjVI.U Improved nd unimproved prop- -U erty in every part of the city. Hare oppor tunities for Investors who seek Hpecniationg ; ttplomllJ opportunities for tnosu who doslro homes , ( leo , Metculf , No. 10 Pearl st. FOIt HA Ml Homes ami lots on easy pay ments. Johnston & Van I'ntten. BU8INKPS locations 01 : Main and llroadway at gieat bargains , Uco. Mctealf , No , lu 1'earl st. T7 OH 8AMJ so feet lake frontage located between - tween O II , limit IIOUSH mid M.uiawa lieai'li. Albou nnmbiir of choleu lots In Itcgatta place , Uw. Motcnlf , No. lUPearUt. T' ' ' ' y ( > 11 want Home genuine Knaps in choice lots Aon Jiuttonid call und BOO Kcir > V ( Jruy. Tliey Hioe gome lotH that must bo told regardless of cost bBforo Nov. 1 , TjlbTl BA 1.1 ! C hof'e residence lota on Urnliain X1 ovc. . Htrct't cars PUSH tr.on. : Johnston i ; VanPutten , MlbCELLANtOUS. TTiOlf KXl'HAKfir. if : acres of uar un joining -1 ? ChautaiKiipi gronndH ! frainu houao ud barn. Will exchanae eiuitv for ; i room house nnd lot in Council lllutls. Knrmlru of Kerr K Oray. _ _ B-A JSS bbl llourlng mlllfor - ' good farming land. Alio u good brick hotel in Iowa. Ms bargain * for BOIIIO ouo. Good rtfcaoua for uolllnit lit : re li Gray , 101 Pearl it , THE ! IRTJSSIELJL , . SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimates tnrulshul for complotoxtenm pUnts. ItcRiiliUlon , durability guaranteed. Can show letters from users where fuel economy Is equal With Corliss Non-Condonilng. Send for vntnlosuo. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pcurl Street , Council Bluffs. * * " * IV KIN-Dl ft CMM-ML JCCUXlTltl . . - \ LOYVItJTRATE n. < M . „ . > . . ON , . , . * RSAL .n. . ESTATE .k - TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , The Hest Equipped Establishment in the West. Does Dyeing and ( 'loaning of Garments an4 ( iciotls ot e\ery description and material. Dry Cleaning of Kino Garments a Speclultj. Out of town orders uy mull or expiess. will receive prompt attention. Works on Motor Line , Corner 28th St , & Ave , A , Council Bluffs OMAHA OFFICE , 1521 FARNAM STREcT G. A. SCUOEDSACK. COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. MOWTPniV/IFRV / SurPU011 IVI1(1 Homojpath. TCoom 0 , Brown PI i J , IViUll I UUlflLR I building115 Potirl St. Olllco hours , 9 to 12. a. m. , 2 to 0 nnd 7 to 8 , p. m. M QTCWCMQ M IS"binoo No. 741 Broadway. Hours : St ! i III. OlLVLIlO , IVI , U10 a. ni. . and U to 4 und 7 to 8 p. m. To phone , 287. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic ! lll(1 Snnittiry En inoor. Plans , Estlmntos H . Spooilicatioiis. Supervision of. Public Work. Brown Building : , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NQP. Ul I I D7 .Tuslicc of the Peace. OIHoo over American Express , No. 41 . OU 11 U n/L Broad wuy , Council Bluffs. lown. Ri Cl A.ttornoys-at-Ltw. ; Practice in the State and Federal - Ot Oi oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shupart-Bouo Block , Council BlulTs , lown. RKMOVAIj Kerr & Orny nave removed their olllco to Ml 1'earl btU lloor. " \TOTJCK Kerr fc (1 ray will miL -L > to your uun plans nnd sell it to you on monthly payments , C.ilt on them If you are In need of ono nnd gat , their llgures. WANTl'.D Typewriter operator taavl machine. Address , stilting salary ox- pecto.l , J 4i , llee olllce. Council llluirs. / y > KrL "liut ) ii. A ; CO. ioaifmoner. The most Wllberal terms oifero 1. ID I Pearl st. WANTKD Pastry cook or pintry girl nt the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deal and Dumb , Council lllutru. Apply in per son or by mull to llonry W. Kothert , superin tendent. O5 feet on Mnln street for sale cneap. Johnston -Z If Van Patten. PINK homo on Klrst avo. forsule. Johnston & Van Patten , ; hnurdor.-i wanted nt 1Uonton street , J-Ooocl bouid at reasonable ruto'j. Mrs. I.W , Cooper. _ GPnitCKNT loans mnde on real estate , cash on huuil. K J . J ) y. AIIEAUT1FIJI , Homo on Oakland ave. nt u bargain , T. J. Day. HOMKS foraale on monthly payments : I'J. { Day. 200 acres good bottom laud In Iowa to ex change for vacant lots In Council lllulls. 1C. K. Mayne. 01' ' ) Uroadway. _ CQIOdown nnd f > per month , n good lots to Bell tp on thesi ) terms. High yrouiul , full size and title perfect. K. K. Mnyue , Ol'J llroudway , $2A will buy lot ( I , blk 21 , Central Nub , If taken at once , on Avenue I ) . 1 1 1Kb Kwuiul , good title and actually worth I.VX ) . K. E. U6.y.ne , Ol'J ' Hrondway. IT10H KXCJIANGB-Lmm in Iowa for Council JL' llluirs property. K. K , Mayno , Ul'J Ilruad- wav _ " \A7ANTHO-Pome morn bnrgalns to sell. K. V > K. Mayne , uiullroaawuy. _ BALK or Trade-Full" supply of hotel furniture , also lease for 18 months on small hotel in Council Jlluilj. Apply to Udell llros. rjOxlBO on Oakland ave. , M.OOfl. F. J. Day. fWxHOO on Park ave. , j..OJO. V. J. Day. AVKNITK A lots , corners , great bargains. llenson & Bhepheril , V Main st. _ " I [ OUtih und lot , Cochran "add. , cheap , eaHjr J.I payments , llenuou Afnopherd , y.Maln st. ; hum more llroadway pioperty than any Wi body. lleuson 3c Shepiiord. U Main U LOT on 4th avenue , Van Ilrunt & lllcu's H\IU. , cheap , ll'jiison ' .V Kliepliard , U Main at. LOT on 'rtluir bt. , line residence lot cheap. Jlenoon Ac Shepherd , U Main bt. B"IIST corner on llroudway. opposite uower hoiiau' Hanson A Hnepneid.U Mnln Bt. pr LOTS lu llayllss' lid , on motor line , fcJOOoach. _ Heutoii ! _ 6he jijiMriJ Maln _ B rOTS on ( Jlen ave. . genuine snaps. llOQHon He J bhopnerd.U Main bt. _ OlISKSnnd loTs ; I03 cash ! IM ) cash. HOD cash , balance easy , llttnion & Bliepherd , ( i Main st , GHAIIAM avenue property that will double right away. K J.Duy. foTS oirilroadwny , First avenue and Ave- Jiiue3 A and II , cheap. F. J , D.iy. LiifBfySaieaod8oafdingStatl8 , ) No , 1 Hlgx lu let at lowest ratei , dollvflrcd lu uny part of the city. . llorsea bought and sold on commission. Centrally Located , Plainer Hum. W. O. UTTBBBAOK,23O Broadway THE MANHATTAN * MAL.ONKV SiO'B IlIEN. BILLIARD AND CIGAR STORE 418 HHOAUWAl' . J. D , KDMUNDSON15.U .SIIUOAHT Pros. Vice Pros. CIIAS. H. HANNAN , Cashier. 1 Sl'ATE BANK , OKCOUNCIIjlll.UlfjTS. Paid up Capital SI5O.OOO.OO Surplus. / 35,000.0 Liability to roposltors- . .335.OOO.oo DlllKCTiill0 I. A. Miller , V.O. ( liaison , K. Ij Shug.irt , i : . I' Hart , J. D. Kdinuiidtfon. Cha.s. K. Ilunmin. Tr.iusjct Kononil banlcim ; hmlnea . I.aiKest capital ami uuiplus of any bank la noblhwebterit Iowa Intunut on time deposits. Tnos. OFFICER. W. II , M. l'U3B OFFICER & PUSH. BANKERS. Corner Mam and Broadway , COUNUUj ULUKFS , IOWA. Dealers In foralgn c.nd domastlo exclnna * . Collections made and Intorait p ld on tlmo d * > poults. r J. M. PAJrMER , . ITASTIIK CIIOICB.STl.Or Of SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city , ( lilt eilu'oil oppjrtnnltloi to 1 niiq dlMolnvestoM t i.rt a i . 11 k. Mm Bank Inorro ated Nov. J , 18TO. Boathwest Corner llroadwuy and Main Utrcet. CAI'JTAK , Ni. 10,000. UKricisiiB'P. . Dodge , PruHldent : John lloreshelm , Vlco Piesldent ; A. W. Hlelcman , 'Dii.BCTOliS-N. . 1' . Dodge. . ! , lleresholm. Ooo. Keellno , J. Ij. Btowart , W.V. \ . Wallace , 0 , M , Do tiff. GEORGE METOALF , HHAIjUSTATU. No. 1O Pearl St Adapted to thn public fcchools. The only complete tiling ot Us Kind In oxluttmco und In dlnnenslble lu tlia school room , tichool boar * clcHirlng the most perfect help for the toacker are Invited to examine this , Addreuo 1L A. HAMjINOKIf , ( Jeneml Agent , n.172 Willow Arc. , Council JJluIIs. low , *