Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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There is a number of frco bodn In the
Bishop Clnrkson Memorial hospital for
the treatment of surtflcil diseases of
Chief of Police Scavoy hns gone to
Sixlt Lnho City. The object of his visit
i kept n secret nt the police station ,
lie will return the Inst of the week.
Deputy ShorllT ixni Gfobo IB in n
equtihblo with the fair people. They
want to pay him $1 n iluy for his servi
ces as chief of the deputies at the
fair grounds , but ho rofusoa to accept
loss than $3.
Deputy United Stales Marshal
\Voooler brought to Omaha yesterday
from Crawford , Ooorpo W. Davis ,
charged with sending obscene matter
through the malls. Davis gnvo bond
and was released.
A chattel mortgage to the First Na
tional bank , for $112,050.68 , on the gooils
mul chattels used in the cold storage
business of George Sohroodor & Co. , at
813 and 81o Howard street , was filed
yesterday with the county clerk.
Nellie B. Reynolds , of 1009 East Dom-
Inlck street , Homo , N. Y. , wants to
know of her father , Thomas C. Noonan ,
n railroad contractor , who loft homo
two years ago and came to Omaha. She
has written Postmaster Gallagher on
the subject.
Andrew Peters , Will lam Mores , Will-
lam Mtiln'r , W. Wcstcrgard and George
Anderson , ( Ivo now mail carriers , were
put to work yesterday. They will cover
Central Park , Oak Chatham , Bedford
Place , Lowe's addition , Omaha View ,
and from Mason to Ilickorv , Twenty-
fifth to Thirtieth , Deniso'a addition and
Kountzo Place.
I'crsorril L'nrnsir.ipMs.
I n. A. Lipo , of Ulnir , is ut the Mlllard.
L. L. Price , of Otloll , is nt the Murray.
AV. II. Urowo , of ( Joziid , is nt the Arcade.
X C. Carson , of ClimlrAn , is at tlio Mur
ray. /
O. L. Dull , of Llnc61n , U at theMil -
W. S. Dlcltcn , of Syracuse , Is at the Mil-
IV. II. Morklo. of Clmdron , U nt the Mil-
Mrs. It. C. Moore , of Blair , is at the Mil-
E. B. Uhaso , of Seward , is nt the Mil-
12. K. Stnwurt , of Lincoln , is at thu Ar
ea Jo.
August Dipnoi , of Fremont , Is at the Ar-
N. W. Uiolinrdson , of Hod Cloud , Is at tno
Li. and 1C. Uobblns , of Lincoln , nro at the
W. D. Matthews , of Fremont , Is at the
\ \ . H. McCnnn , of Hay Springs , is nt the
J. S. Couloy , of Grand Island , is nt the
W , U. Humphrey , of Lincoln , is nt the
J. P. McConoughy and E. Gould , of York ,
nro nt the Paxton.
13. 13. Column , of Broltcn Ltovv , Is regis
tered nt the Mlllurd.
W. G. F. Kchafer and wife , of Kcuuard ,
nro registered nt the Arcade.
H. 13. Knowllon and J. H. Suns , of Has
tings , uro rugtatorcd lit thu Paxtou.
Mrs. W. 13. Thorpe nnd Miss Estella
Thorpe , of David City , uro at the Murray.
Senator A. S. Puililouk and Frank A. Pal-
dock , of Lieatricc , uro rugistered at the Mur
E. S. Hood , Miss Gray , Mhs Mablo Gray
and Mrs. E. S. Iloud , of Hollywood , are at
the Paxton.
Mr. Stuart Huyden ami wife have re
turned from their eastern trip to their homo
at Hill Side. "
Dnnlol J. Folly has returned from his trip
to the coast , having spent -tho summer in
Washington , Oregon and California.
Miss Worthiugton , sisterof Bishop Worth-
lligton , is lying dangerously ill at the resi
dence of the latter on South Tenth street.
Chief Galilean , of the lire department , has
fiono to Kansas City to attend the national
meeting of chief engineers of this country.
Onus Sprockets , the sugar king of Honolulu
lulu , passed throiurh the city yesterday in ins
special car , en route to San Francisco from
i the east.
Mrs. M. D. lliiscall , with her baby , of
Ogden , is visiting her parents , Mr. mid Mrs.
Wlllluiii Alstndt , and will remain about two
Ilov. F. A. Genius and family have re
moved to Chicago , where his sons , Klclmrd
nud Arthur , formerly in the wholesale milli
nery business In this city , will take a four
years' medical course.
Mr. E. Hasson , son of the forcmnn of the
Davenport Democrat-Gazette , nccomp.iniiid
bv Mr. F. A. Hitchcock and Gcorco II.
Efucr , visited THE Bun ofllco ycsteriluy. Air.
Hasson greatly admired THE UEU composing
I3- nnd stereotyping rooms.
I1 ? Misses Mary mid Sarah Hannn , who have
for n loin ? time had cliargo of the Puxton
cigar and news stand , have otub.irkcd in
business for thumsolvos. They have pur
chased the clear' , nud news privilege at the
Merchants , furnished the stand handsomely
and put in a largo stock of cigars. 'I hey will
Bell THIS HIB and nil the standard puoll-
cations. These young ladies uro well known
to the traveling fraternity , who universally
respect and patronize them.
OiotH Ijooklntr at Stone.
Contractor Coots , who Is creeling the city
bull , left Sunday night for St. Paul , Minn. , to
examine the stone bn ICottlo river , about
Jorty miles from that city , offered for use
In the construction of the new building. Ho
was accompanied by Alexander Senall , who
i is to do the Btono cutting on the building.
Before returning they will also examine the
red stone at Portage entry required for trim
ming by the spcctllcatlons.
Vnllcy Doctor * * .
The annual meeting of the Medical Society
of the Missouri Valley will bo held in this
city on" Urn 19th lust. , commencing at 7 p. m.
At this meeting the annual election ot ofll-
cor-j will tuko placo. The secretary , Dr.
Carter , requests that thu members coma pre
pared with a paper to rend , a case to report ,
u pathological specimen to exhibit , or to xako
purt In thu discussion.
It is said that the Hocloty is in a nourishing
condition , having over lit ) members ,
' . Won $10O ,
Joseph Gnrncau , chairman of the committee -
too on out-door untorlatnmunts of thu
Merchants' Week association , has given an
order for * 100 to the Sixth Ward republican
club , the prlzu won bv that organization in
the wurd club purado of last Thursday
The club's treasury will now bo In a bettor
condition than over and euublo It to make
eonie contemplated improvements in its place
of mooting ,
The order will bo cabbed oa Thursday
cost ,
Ho U Very It lull ,
"Do you propose to enjoin the city or the
contractor in tlio work of tearing the present
basement walls of the proposed city hall I"
was asked of Contractor Ed 13rcnuun yester
"No , I don't. My case against the city Is
ia the courts , and the action of the decision
will cover the points which ml till bo sought
la an Injunction , Besides , It would delay
matters in the erection of the new building ,
to which I am opposed us much as any one.
It U from thcso reasons that I shall not seek
u restraining orders , "
to Oiilinuiiu ; . Oliio ,
September 18th to 10th inclusive ,
"The Hock Island Houto" will soil
excursion tickets to Culumbus , Ohio ,
nnd return , at half-faro , fyr the annual
meeting of Sovereign Gratia Lodge ,
Patriarchs' Militant , and 1. O , O. l-\ ,
open to everybody. Tickets good to re
turn until Sept. i5th ! ,
S. S. STKVKNS , Gon'l W. A ,
Ticket Olllce , 1U05 l-'urnam.
It Is Now Occupied by tlio Slayer of
I'ctnr Rimer.
Gcorgo Soulo , who Is charged of having
murdered Peter Kuior , ono week neo , at the
tatter's homo at liusor's ' park , had his pre
liminary examination yesterday morning
before Justice- Anderson ,
The little court room was full of witnesses
nnd spectators. The accused looked hag
gard and acted uncnslly during the trial.
Itudolph Huser , Thomas Ormsby , Calvin F.
Wagner , Ernest Hcrkcltnan , E. W.
Lee , J. O. Koot , W. U. Fisher.
Charles E. Wroth , John A. Weaver ,
Henry Ilusor , Cecelia Husor , Joseph Hayer.
Clmrlei W. Hosvolt aad B. T. Ford , were
called by the prosecution to testify. These
of them who had peon thu shooting detailed
the facts substantially as published in Tun
Ben. Others snld they had ncnrd Sonlo
mnlto threats several times that ho would
get oven with the Husors for refusing to lot
him hnvo beer once when ho had no money
to pay for It ; nlso with Hosevolt , who , It ap
pears , had offended him about ono year
ago. After having purchased the revolver
from Weaver , Soulo was heard to declare
that Kosovolt would have to look out , bo-
causa ho proposed to got oven with him.
The defense declined to offer any testi
mony. It will attempt to prove , however , it
Is said , when the c.iso comes to trial , that
Kosovolt tried to shoot Soulo some time ago ;
also that by reason of a pun-shot wound In
the top of Ms bend , the hitter's mind Is not
sound ,
Soulo xviis hold without ball to the district
court nnd lodged in the county jail for cafe
A l-'ltEI'/XICKET.
To ilio Nebraska State I'nlr nt Lincoln
TIIK OMAHA BIE : will present n com
plimentary ticket of admission to the
Nebraska State Fair nt Lincoln to every
person sending a yearly subscription to
olthor Tins WEEKLY Biu with $1.25 , or
Tins SUXnAY BKB with $2.00. Orders
must bo in by September Oth , so as to
give time to mail the ticket , as the
K.iir opens on September Gth and closes
September lHh. ! These prices are no
advance on the regular.price for the
Weekly and Sunday editions , but the
publishers of Tun Bms dcsiro to give
their readers n chance to see the exhi
bition nt Lincoln free of admission foe.
Cash must accompany each order.
Address your orders to
Omaha , Nob.
Oiualia I'hytiiciuns Wilt Mot Modillo
With tlio"Kllxir. "
In the Omaha Clinic for August there Is
nn editorial on "The Elixir of Youth , " by
James Curler , M. D. , from which the follow
ing is taken :
"Local physicians nro making arrange
ments to test for themselves the truth of M.
Hrown-Scqiinrd's assertions , the results of
which will be given in the Clinic. "
.A Bci : reporter called upon Dr. Carter
yesterday to ascertain what experiments
had been made in this direction by Omaha
pnysiqians , nnd the results thereof.
He was In formed that the article in ques
tion hnd been written n month ago , while
the subject was in its infancy , and the fas
cinating claims made for the elixir wore still
to bo determined bv actual experience.
"But , the world does move , " said the
doctor , "in the field of medicine
as well as in other nffairs of
man , and sometimes with astonishing
velocity . Within the last four weeks , sev
eral hundred experiments with Mio elixir
have .been made throughout the country
with the following results. In n few in
stances only the patients operated upon do-
elareu themselves bonolllted by the treat
ment : a very largo majority , cxpuricnced no
effects whatever , while a few were the vic
tims ot abscesses , gangrene nnd septicaemia ,
terminating fatally in some eases.
"froHtlnc by the experiences of their fol
low practitioners abroad , coinimcd of so
largo a per centago of nozatlyu results nnd a
small number of extremely liisustrous cases ,
tlio Omaha physicians xviicly concluded to
drop the matter of experiment and allow it
to drift Into Innocuous desuetude. They
hnvo accordingly relojjatei ! 'the elixir of
youth' to the realm of forgotten non-utilities
whcro it may disport in playful abandon
with the 'blue glass1 craze , and where the
grand company of kindred souls In reunion
may welcome the last but not the least of
man's follies to the chaos of forgetfuluess. "
Secoml-CInss : ! Tickets
Via , the Northern Pacific R. R. , allow
the holders the privilege of stopping
over at Spokane Falls , Wash. , and all
points west of thoro. The Northern
Pacific is the ony ] line traversing
Washington Territory from east to west
nnd north to south. Ratesfrom Omaha
nnd Council Bluffs to all points on the
North Pacific coast areas low via the
Northern Pacific as any other line.
Ilrownoll'N Girls unit Toucher * .
Hrownoll hull reopens for the fall and win
ter sessions of ' 69 and ' 00 on Wednesday
next. It Is expected that there will bo about
ouo hundred students in nttcndapco , t'jo
number being the largest with which the in
stitution has over opened.
Durinp the past vacation there has been anew
now studio added to the ball which will
henceforth bo liberally used by the classes.
The faculty remains the same as last year
with the exception that a new instructress
in art in the person of Miss M. A. Young , of
England , has DC en secured.
The faculty , therefore , will bo ns follows :
Uov. M. A. Uoherty , principal ; Miss K. T.
Lyman , vice principal ; Miss A. L , Bonham.
Instructress In rhetoric r.nil literature ; Miss
F. A. Wall and Mrs. Uohorty , preparatory ;
Miss Ethel Davenport , mathematics ; Miss
M. E. Wallace , Miss Luoy Burgess , instru
mental , and Mra. J. W. Cotton , vocal muslo ;
Miss M. A. Young , art.
Sninothnii ; to Ilcinomhor.
If you are going east remember the
"Rock Island Routo" run tlio sloopora
nnd chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha dopdt ,
leaving Omaha ntS-5 : ! p. m. , thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council Bluffs.
Three solid trains dally. All cimir cars
are free. Dining earn on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties on route to Now York , Boston
nnd other cities "and
eastern , ovory-
thlnir a little better than other lines
can otlor. " S. S. STKVKNfi ,
Ticket ollico 1803 Parnam. Gon'l W. A.
tlio Smelter.
The twelve carpenters kept constantly In
the employ of Urn smelting works are at
prebont erecting an addition to the smelter
building JiOx5U feet and three stories high.
This addition just doubles the capacity of
the old smelter and will , of course , require
an Incmibo of workmen.
The second story will bo devoted to ere
bins nnd u double hoisting apparatus will
nlso ho put In.
A brick building 30x50 U nlso boinp nut up
for an electric light to furnish light for the
The sample building , a structure 00x115
feet is now finished and In constant uso. It
ia here that the car loiuls of ore are quar
tered us many us live times to iret a sample
of the ores for thu ussaycr.
Use Mlhaloviteh's Hungarian black
berry juice in all cold drinks.
WIio Wants a Waif ?
Sergeant Whalen has a mania for looking
alter all of tlio waiff and stray children thut
drift jnto thu city. His latest charge is
Willie- Clement , n ragged urchin about seven
years of ago , who came in from Uook
Springs , Wyo. , in a box-car Sunday. The
lad claims that his parents have been dead
blncu "the snow went away , " and that ho
ban no homo and no friends. Sergeant
Whalun took up a collodion and
imrchatud thu lad a suit of clothes , and
Is now lucking for some DUO who wuuts a
bright boy to raise oa share * .
Mlko Honeh's Narrow Kscnpo Krom
Cat-Off Island was not behind the other
suburbs of Omaha In tragic nffairs Sunday.
"Oklahoma" had a shooting match , West
Lawn a fight , the city proper a suicide and
Cut-Off island came m with a cutting affray
in which Mlko Hoach , a barkeeper in C. H ,
Yatos' saloon , nearly lost hit life.
The row occurred In Yatos1 placo. Roach
was behind the bar nnd got into a row with
three follows who refused to pay for
drinks which they had purchased. Koach
Insisted upon being paid when tno three men
assaulted him. A rough and tumble fight
ensued In which Hoach got decidedly the
worst of It. During the row one ot the trio
drew a knlfo and nmdo n jlnsh nt Honch , In
flicting a dangerous wound In his throat.
The wound exposed the wlndphia and cat
several small arteries. The Injured man was
placed in n cab and hurriedly driven to the
police station , whcro bis injuries wore at
tended by the city physician.
After his wound had boon dressed Roach
returned to the Island , whcro hi * lives. Ho
claims to know the men by sight who as
saulted him but docs not know their names
or occupntjon. No steps have been taken for
the apprehension of the assailants.
Mnkoa the lives of many people miser
able. nnd often lends to self-destruction.
Wo know of no remedy for dyspepsia
more successful than Hood's Sursapa-
rilla. It hots gently , yet surely and
olHulontly , tones the stomach nnd other
organs , removes the faint fooling , cro
nies a good appetite , cures headache ,
nnd refreshes the burdened mind.
Give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial.
It will do you good.
The Effect of tlio Ton-Hour System at
the U. l8 hops.
The employes' the Union Pacific shops
are now working ten hours per day and are
happy. The now order of affairs should
have gone Into effect last Wednesday , but ,
owing to the Interruption of the various at
tractions of Merchants' weak , It virtually
went Into effect yesterday. The increased
number of hours moans a corresponding In
crease of pay , nnd Mr. J. P. Holloy , the
master mechanic , says that this affects an
army of 001) men. It mear.s an additional
expense of nearly SID.OOO per month to the
Union Pacltld railway company , but both
employers and employes hope that the
change is permanent.
"How do .you like the increased number of
hours I" asked a BDB representative of a begrimed -
grimed son of toll as ho leaned his brawny
arm , for the moment , on his hammer.
"Woll , " said he , "I am glad of it , and I be
lieve every workman in the shops is also.
The increase from eight to ten hours will
pay the rent for most of the lads. The boys
are now receiving from $2.00 to $3.50 for a
day's work , and taking 'M cents per hour as
nu average , It muans an increase of CO cents
per day , or 31 : ! per month , and this goes a
good ways toward paying the rout of the ma
jority. "
tention to commercial mon. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittrcdgo &
Brainard , proprietors.
Wniiteil n. Liuriier Salary.
A successor to Rev. D. W. Korr. who last
week resigned the pastorate of the South
west Presbyterian church , has not yet been
selected. Mr. Kerr will remain in the city
until the 1st of November , and then ho will
probably visit Europe.
Mr. Iverr resigned his pastorate because
his congregation did not feel able to meet
the salary demanded by him.
The great European expositions have
awarded the premium to Cook's extra
day Imperial Champagne for bouquut.
A Subject of Enquiry.
O.MAIH , Sept. 0. To the Editor of Tun
HUE : Why don't you investigate the meth
ods of the chattel mortgage sharlcs who
prey on the poor of Omaha.
The writer knows uf instances where they
have entered the houses of a delinquent
debtor and taken the bedding , kitchen range
and table while suppur was In course of
preparation and oartod them awny to satisfy
debts whereon the principal nnd interest had
been paid by the collection of usurious
Interest to an amount equal to both at legal
You can readily get at facts in this direc
tion , and your duty as u public monitor
should imool you to do so. Sun'iniu. :
[ The writer of this has withheld his name ,
but wo print bis communication to call atten
tion to tne abuse" . It is not to be expected ,
however , that a newspaper can ransack the
town and pry into the private bargains made
by poor people with creditors. Many of
these people , like the writer of the ubovo ,
would never bo'Will'.ng to appear in the case
or lot their names bo known. ED. ]
IS a blood disease. Until tno poison Is
expelled from the system , there can
bo no cure for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefoie , the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Ayer's Siirsaparilla the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay Is dangcious ,
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies ,
and was treated by n number uf physi
cians , but received no benefit until I
began to take Ayer'n Sar.saparllln. A
few bottles of this medicine cured mo of
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
lioggs , Uolmaii's Mills , N. C.
"When Aycr's Sarsnpnrilla was rec
ommended to me for catarrh , I was in
clined to doubt Its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
euro mo. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and Impaired digestion. I
lind nearly lost thu sense of smell , and
my system wus badly durunged. I was
about discouraged , when n friend urged
mo to try Ayei's Biimnparllln , and ic-
ferrcd mo to persons whom it bud cured
of catnrrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine , 1 nm convinced
that the only snro wny of tri-ntliig this
obstinate tllHcasu is through thu blood. "
Charles H. Maloney , 113 Itlver St. ,
Lowell , Muss.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla )
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
1'rlco $1 ; eli botllci , } 5. Worth $5 a bottle.
.HMD run
MoranuI'arkmQiirriilcafro'i , nonnllnc
Hcliool fordlrl * anil Vounu l.ndli-s. Forg
catulocua aUdre.sll , TIIAVKll. U. . II. , "
1'ark , 111. , or 77 Madnuii jjtrcut , cuicau * . Ill ,
IlimutUully nnd licHllitiil r ulliiatcil.
oiiilpiiail , mill ulilriu iiwclnl rnr < < to livni
tralu'HK. Tuultur.AimiUUl'U'UII.A.M , WnrJt-n
wull-on-IImUoii. Col. 0 , J. Wright , u. U. ,
A.M. . aupt. ; 11. F. Hyatt , Comil tot Cudota.
Northwestern Military Academy ,
Tentr-tlirfO mllci norlli of Cnlcncni lm a lull
c-orin of experienced Inttructori ) tivu courei't o (
iiuitf. nnd uniurpnitad ( arllltloi for Init.ucticm.
litallli. tioino cnmloru Brut Chrlltlnn IndceuCB.
bf uA lor catalogue to Highland Turk , III.
I'rrtiumtor/ rollef Ulo courtu , lltentur , la eu >
Thin powder novcr varies. A mnrvel of pur .
ty , htrength mid wholesomoness. Jloro co.
uomlcal than th ordlnarT kinds , and cnnnot
bo sold in competition with the multitude ! ! of
lor or shortwclKht nlum or phosphate powders.
Bold only In caus. Koyal Halting Powd
pany , I2i WfcU Street , Novr York.
ljr.fy frtrUtlt J ( or g. &
For sale by Goodman Drug Co
undl receive i.
A very popular.
The fine black
A favorites.
T We have them ; rough
A and smooth finish ; foreign
f and domestic make.
4 Price of suits made to A
order , o
$20 , . $25 and $35 ,
We have a large assortment -
ment of
Trouserings , $5 to $12 , }
Our overcoatings ARE f
? beauties , made to order for A
? $20 , $25 and $30,1
f And with silk linings. I
I and fitting wiJ ] f
0 please the most fastidious , t
Mail orders promptly |
f Open evenings
' Of the schools mnko n big donmiul for Boy's Clothing. Our assortment is unnpproncliod by nny lionso
in the west , tmtl our prices cannot bo matched , Look tfirough our stock and yon will find Hint you can
dress your boys well for very liltlo nionoy. Wo have nice tasty fall suits , starting from $1.23 up. Our
lower priced grades of boy's ' suit ? nro cut and made as careCully as the finer ones. Wo nave nothing , nor do
wo propose to have anything , that cannot bo recommended for wear anil honesty of material. It would not
bo consistent with our immo , mid OUil RULE TO TAKE BACK ANYTHING THAT IS NOT STUICT-
Wo will inaugurate the fall season in our Boy's dopnrtmont with three special bargains which will bo
opened tomorrow , and with which wo mean to surprise you _
Childrous' Good , substantial suits , 4 : to ID , fall weight , of a very no.xt pattern and made tasty , at $1.00.
The material in this suit is not stictly all wool but the little cotton there is in it , maki-s the goods stronger ,
and wo guarantee the suit to give evcollimt wear and good satisfaction.
Of Childrens' very good suits , sivcs 4 to 1-1 , $2.25. These arc strictly all wool , Wo call special attention to
this suit , as wo believe it to bo the best value wo ever offered. The material is honest all wool cassimcre , no
shoddy , of a nice greyish pattern which will not show dirt , and the suit is well made , and has u neat appjur-
nnce. You could not buy such a suit in any other house for less than $5. ,
Is a line of elegant knee pant suits , -i to 1-1 which wo offer at § 2.90. Wo haq'o two styles of them , ono a nice
brown cheviot , thopthor a line dark gray ca'simere ; both all wool. These arc beautiful suit for the money
and fully worth twice what we marked them.
An immense line of boy's long pant suits ; from $2.50 upward.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Is culled to tha fnct we tire now rocelvliic
.choice NOVKI/T1 IB ill RAM. COODSnuil
tlmt a roinpleto nssDrtmrnt of Men's nnd
Hoy's Clothing a Inptort to the sen-on , inuy
lie fonucl upon our tubles VMA * O\riit-
COATri orlittast style nnd superior Jlnlsh ;
nna Kumnoctral Umbrallus. lilih In nual-
litv unil workmanship but moderuto In
Epps's Cocoa.
"By n tliuroiuli knoivlcjco of tlia nnturnt laws
wlilcli cnverii tlmupurnlluns of cllijct-tlon uml niitrl-
tlon , anil liy nc'nrcltil nppllcntloii of tliu line propur-
tlua of ncll-i-ciccU'd cocon.Mr. Hops Inis provlilcilour
bri'iikfasl tallies nltli a ilvllcntaly llnvori-U liureruo
wlilcli limy fnvoua ninny heavy doctors'bills. His
by thi Judicious iifti uf Mich itrtlcloa of tlletthntii
coiiAtit jlloii may buKnuhmll ) ' built up until btron
( notion to ri' > l t ovcry teniloiicy to iliseme. Hun-
droiEA of MiMlo iimladloA ntu tloatlnt ; arounit us ready
to attack nhcrori'r thcruH n wcnk point.Va mar
f > CHpi > ninny a fatal ( liuft by kceplnn O ilvelvfj well
fortlilcd with piiru liloott anil a piopcrly iiourlslied
Irninc. " llvll t-vrvliu Onruttc.
.Mado tliuply nltli bolllnu water of milk. Sold only
In hfilf pound tins by ( iiocori labeled thus'
TnMEO TJDPQP. Pn Homrcornthlo Chemists
JiLmiJU IJl i 0 L'U , , J.OMKJN , i.Ndi.AM : ) .
and Druggists
Sontl for 200 page illustr-ntcd cattiloguo.
Stationary , Fancy Goods , Toys mid No
tions. Largest and choapcst stock in
the west. Kcdhead , Norton , Lathrop&
Co. DosMoiiies , Iowa.
to exnm-
Ino tlio
Justly col-
olirntcd lines of Moots niul Shoos , nmmifactur-
od uy C. M. llomlurson .V i.'o. , of Chlcusto-Fnc-
turlus nt Chicago , Dlxon , Ilia. , nnd Komi I Hi
Wls. shoultl write BA.M. N. WATSON , rosl-
den-'o. rUKMONT. NIJU. Truvcllng uqunt.
JicfdiiuarterB for Hubuers.
( Successors to John G , Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the Old Slanl , 1407 Farnam S i3t.
Orders by tclcKraph solicited nnd prompSy
Attended. U'elophouu to No. li. .
The II jj Standard ll i-
leimUlifor Ilia curtrflt
prltato allment ui-o uu *
Hurpai'H-d for imrlo , elc.
H.itUfiutlun ( luui united ,
( inter Keiui'ily Wo , 1 for
huulntl MrtLurti or Vital
_ _ lowii. rrlculiuo ,
, 'o. rur l i Mnuiiuflil or i > l yulcAl tleljlllt/ married
nicii.ortliofto c'iitrln ciii tfuii liai'jiy IKo. I'rUv , tl ( X > .
ho 3 Cur Gunorrliotft or f.lvt't In fltlitr i > ex. A rumbliud
tn-aliiicnt for Internal uml local mo. Cum In 1 lo &
darn , orlnsullrltljrl. llon. Wlllnnttautctlilrlurc ,
r < o , i. HiuKliB bprtino for int'ii or wouiin. I'rtitcnt *
KOiiorilioca , ( In .Nu ml < l > er nor Inlin'tlun , I'wknuo
la c 50ilajrii. l uily * ed. 1'rlcuM 00.VJII en < l au-ulcit
tilul cnni | loof ri'iniily No. 1 or 2 on receipt ol i cti In
fctnmii4 f of po tairu , Anyone of Ihe eruinulleH priiuit- |
ly fuit ( H'nliill uf mall on receipt of Clio prlre , tl DO.
BTANDABjrptCEMEDymoO , "cillcaga"/ / ' '
rullrelr Mcrtoine l > y
.r tlouiiiidWuilelittiid. Ctm
( ort H.H ; ! f.JilJu.lIi.ii udl .tt" . hJfrfk.Jui !
wbcreall other rcmeillti VAI . Hoi.i on * Hi
F , HIBOOX. HI > : illrnoCvra | ' . Cor.Hlli
Tl I B flTT
blLLO i l
Hos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
"iKl all urinary troubles casllv-.riulck-
ly mid bafelj- cured \ > y HOLTUItA
onsu' ' " ! , tfuyerul canes curnd In BO veil iluyw.
Hold utlWl per box , all dniKgi'ti , or by mull
from Dotfura Sl'r't' Co. , 113 WUlto bt. , N. V.
luU Ulrectloua ,
Under a Twenty Year/ Central bj tliD
Mssirai International imsrovocnnt
, .
ITT .Uf- - -
Grand Monthly Drawings holrt In tha Morosqno
I'avllilon In the Ahunuilu I'arlt , I Ity oC Mexi
co , and publicly contlucffd by ( iorernmcnt
Olllnlals uppolntyd for thu purpoio bv the
Sccroturlcs ot the Interior uml tlio ' 1'raisi.ry.
Grand Soml-Annual Extraordinary
DRAWING OF SE.TEMBER 15111,1889 , ,
SO , < KO Tickets at ? V , $ GJtOOOO.
Wholes. Si ) : Hulvoa. H : Quarters , : UlRhths. II.
Club rates , fi.'i tickets for WU U. S. Uurroiicy.
i'iii/.ts. :
i'JliU.'WDi.s . JIM.OOI
' 1 4U'iliii3 ) . 4IMKO
r i/.ioi' : sjiittiu . LII.IWII
. . . , . ,
r > PK1/.KSOF . l.OJI uro . B.iXiO
CO 1'UIXKSUF . W > Juro. . . . 10,0) )
JO)1 > JI1XISOF : . : . ) nro. ' . . . . aifOJ
IW ) 1'UIXUiOF . 10l ; aie . Xt.UH
651 PKIXCSOF . 40 nro. . . . ' K.ICO
ICO Prizes of Jiaiapp. tojlWO ) l'rlzo. . . . Ki.OflO
I'.lll'iizi sof lUnpp , to 4ll ( ) 1'rlZB. . . . 16XW (
KUPrlyeiot t-Onppto W.OOJPnzo. . . . BXJ ( )
TlWTennlunlsof $10 ,
decided by. . liW.tKWPrlzo. . . . Sl.flO )
SS5I Prizes . Amounting to J-i7.12
All ] ) i izo } sold In the United StiiUs lull paid In
U. S. Currency.
{ 27 Ken Cr.irn It VTK . or any further inform
ation desired , \vrlto lo lbly to the undersigned ,
clearly st.itlnj ; ynur losidance , with st.ito , conn-
tj- , street and number. .Mow rapid return nmll
dehvnry will ba nssured by your eneloalng uu
envelope bearing your full a
Address U. HASSKTTI ,
Cirr OP .Mixico , MK.XICO.
By ordinary letter , containing M < mv ; OII
Issued by all Hxpress CompiulBS , Now Yorli U
chunce , JJraftor Postal Note.
Special 1
lly terms of contract the unnpnnr must deposit -
posit the sum of nil prl7os Included In the
scheme before sellliiK H B'nylo ' ticket , und ru-
celve the following olllehil iiermlt :
CElt TIFICA Tll. l hoelni certify Hint the Lnn-
aonllanlctif Mrxtco and South Amerlmlmunn
fiiccitil ilejmstt tlie iicccmuiriiunite to inmicintce
the pai/moit of all prlzca drawn bu the Loterhidi ,
Ia I'uiiUai.
It.ltoniltauiJXll V/Jff/l. Intcrocntiir.
Further , the Company Is required to distrib
ute Ilfty-slx per cent of the value of all the
tickets In prizes n larger proportion tlnm la
given by any other Lottery.
Finally ; thn number of tickets Is limited to
f O.KO liii.ttOJ lesi than nre aold by other lotteries
using the same uchomos.
Tluj lumen , lir L ninl Illlfsl In tliowurld
lesunt'cr accniniuudntluim unaxcrlliM.
IVowr Varli ta ( .Ivcrinnil vld lfi" " n lr > M "
Tlio Coli-hiiilciJ I The HiifH Klciirn. Sopt. I Stll
UUvuriEuiiielililn In tlio Wcild.l Oct. I Bill
NOT ? York to G a gov/ via Londonderry
I'urnesBla. . .Sept. lltn I Clrniobla . . . . .Sept.stli
Devonln Kept.iilst | Uthloplii . . . . Oct. lith
Now Yerk to Azoj53) ; Gibraltar ani Itaty.
UUjpin Sept. Ilth | Victoria Oct. Mil
Fuluon , FcfMinil.ClHftit ithil Micrniro iamftilov ( { >
tcuna. l.xiNjrhloii Ikl.i tMicdiii < l , iiiauiiftuill ililu lo iis
tumbjriltlKr tlio rictuniuiiio chilu nixl Noiili of Jin.
luiul , or KlHT Mcnwy and Uoulli of lluland , uf J.'n ] lei
uml Ollnallar.
KxciirKlun * to 1'nrluor Onnttncnlnl Tourn on Ion.
rrt teiiuii. Travoleia' CitrulNr lAtlfi of Crtdtt and
Dniflifdr nnyniiujiiiit i.t louittciuitlitraUi. A | > ) jy | to
ftuy ofoui' IfH1 ! , ! iiirintit ( ir to
II , B. llAI.t , .
11 , V. .MooilKH.
U. It , MA KM.
tnntl * lmnmvoii"Kilh uniiKinithncLlrH on ono
3d ? EnBlestrldlnit"'W * ! TliofprinmlnnatB.
"n n < P& Sten MtordlnB ta tU w l ht put oa thorn.
/irt pt d f ia ll'"ll t ro.UKh country or flna
VU driven WlllidruroH bnat uatlefuctlon.
A Perfect Face Powder.
rACE POWDER , rsir sa
IjifUIIilii. iiorl rulivttiuldtl > rufiUU ) M !
kluiltr'i , JUTI'trnjiiitl illlc ' , lltl r. lll// > J , ! > '
Li on ftrnnnlt i CnnaJmnii IHujtV.l.llnS' ' i
fxlin.lr1 < , ! , , lltl OaK.ICIIn 1 ,
cor , WrUlrri > lumir < , ear f'l.h > ii.llcriui k
or WlllUmi vnK , Ullnllunril , ) ' ! . ! Ilii Ii'H ' , foil IV -
IU , rur. C iili n Utllr l luilltuteDiiif rlt > *
l' .ccir. rutino , OuH. Ullii IMIl.lJO , MuHliUin..c r I'trll-
Icj OuS. llllit CennJi , 1II1I.UI.U u Ca. car , . , uj.i. ! .
cur. Ulh tnj Cuniluii Oil H.un lir'i : Dr. ( U > lll ' , 1 , 101 , Uil *
Mjf' , cor. l lcc | On Ixv I DWoith > P vli * , I.TII ! > > tou it O ,
cor. 2itli | Bwlll J. Co. . Illli > na UivemiJl I ) t > rh ( r'i , hl..lm.
' I , JSlli4l.4 . Wuolwvtll' X rlPr GtnKrl , I ,
le l H < rd , Ciiuifi , vr. ( ll u I Plm | Uo ii it.fli l .
Ill HIU 61. | W , J , belli. Jtr'ii < r 4 Ca , B. Ouibk
Wliuluull , lllcl.4nl4KU Uru < Co. . HUk . Ilruet U to.
i Ui&IHA DGALdS8irifilPJib (
< * rEzsj ZF&vt * i *
N. W.COR. ! 3rH & DQDCE ST3 , OMAHA , NEB.
. . , ,
Beet Facilities , ArparstuionaHeniedieifcrSiKCCiaf-o. '
Trcatmsnt of every form of DUcaie requlilnr
Benid&AttendcxcQ. Best Accommodations in V/cjt
KT WRITE FOR OIKCUlARSon Dcformltle. and
Brace j , Trunei , Club I'eet , Uurvatvrea clbvinc , 1'llei ,
Tiimorj. O&acer , Catarrh. BroncblUi , Inhalation.
electricity , 1'arolys s , Epilepsy , Xidaey , Bladder ,
Bye , tar , Skin ani Blood and nil Surgical Of craUona.
WiiUKX HL'uiMicuii-ikraKvr. ' ( STRICTIY FKIYATr. )
Only Reliable Medical Inititute making a Specialty of
AtlltloAilIHicaitf * kQeeprifullr trralcd. Bv ) > lillillol'oioa !
r B < * , l from tin i ilrni vlltinut mercurr. Nrw Kritnrallta
Treatment for butt of VITAL 1'miHl. 1'artloj vnalilc lot lilt
DimiytalrcAtMnt Lonj tj tcrre.pordtnte. Allcomniunlea-
llonicoiiliJtutlil. kUJklnciorlunruiiicnliirntl > ; a > llorci.
trviaircurtljpiekca.Eomarki .ojmlcnteronlrcli ! or lender.
Una pcrioail lalon I vtrcrii | red. Call mid eoniult uior icnit
bmorr of your ewe. nn t we will ittid In pMn wrdn er. oar
RfiO Tfl MFH FREE ; y > a i-niaic. 8i > iai .r
UUUlt ly I7li.ll | NtMoui Dl.mci , Impolcntr.Uiph.
lilt ; Olitt ami larlroreli , vllli nunlioii Hit. Addrrii
13th and Dadgq KtrcitU , OUAKA ,
MHNT , aKunrnnto-il hpoLlllr for llytterlii , Dl/.zi-
Convul IOT , I'iti. Nervous NourulKlu ,
liieho , NorvoiiH I'rostnitlDti CAUSM ! bv the
use of aleoliol tob.icco. Wiikt-fiiluopH , Alt-ntnl
L'epri'sslon , Softouliiifof tl'o Ilinlii , resulting In
iniiinity nnd li-ndltiu toniUcry. iircny nud duatn ,
PrcmaturoOld AKe. Iliirrfiinos" , l.n-uiot I'owor
In either "ox. Involuntary l.'issei nnd Kpornmt-
orhiru ( Rimed liynvcr oxortlnnof thohrulnself-
abi o or ovorlnilulfien o. 1'ncli box rontnlns
on month'sir ntim-iit. T'On ! , box , or six boxes
forM.U'.scnt ' by mnll prepaid on rocvipt of price.
To euro nny cnsc. With cmli order recelvnl by
UH foi-f-Ix boxes , nniompnnled witht"i.ui , wo will
Hcndthopurchagfr our wrltt n ( niurnnteo to refund -
fund tluinouuy If the truatnunt does not ctK'Ct
iicurc. anai'.intuiH INSIUM ! only by ( ioodmnn
DriisCo. , DrilKBliti , Solo AoiitB | ; , 1JIO 1'nrnaui
trcct.Omanu , Kebrusku "
Dr. J. E , McGRE W
In ( Iio IVcalniC'iit of .Ml Clironlu , .Nervous
ami 1'riviilo Discuses
Hliormnlorrhu'ii , liupotincr 'l FulllnB Vanlioort
nl olulcly c-iiiul. A iuiu Kiiur.intoi'd in ullfurmiof
1'iirulu l > i vttoi' , Hlrli'ltiruK. Olcct , A" . I'utarrti ,
'Ilinmi. I.unit * , and llrarl llUeutin , Kliotimallim.
Hjilnal and luaiulu Dlieun , Illood audbklii lllnuuioi
( riuti'il nucci-mlullr , ,
lidiu > ' an I UL-nllumeni Hulllnu ruoinn loparala
nnd eiillrclrnilviilu. . . .
( u.uuUnliun Ireo. Sund forliooki. Tliu focretand
I'rl'nto Hl i'ii t' nf .Mun , " alto "Wniaun and llur
) u.i i. " lUo mien ( ft nin ) . Treutuittnt bjr c rr -
> l > iiiidfiicui * < > nd muiui' Mr r | dr.
Olllce : S. K , Corner I ith and Jackson fcitrcetfl ,
O.MAIIA , h'l'lt ,
" ' IS ! ' . ! ' . "
JlSrlft H/ ' " ' ' "rl'i " > ' ' ll k | . rlir ur.
Jl i mti .n it or * fi.if < l' * li , lnt > ik.