Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Grand Opening Sale Monday of
Now Fall Goodo.
Press Goods , Gloves , Hosiery , Un-
Ubrwonr , lllnnkot , Mnnnols ,
Clonkh nnd Mnonn nt Pop-
itlnr JL'rlccB.
Standard Fashions , cntalogucH fall
And winter styles at 6c. Former price ,
Just received our importation line of
broadclolhcs nnd wo nro moro than
pleased with them , as they show up
splendid nnd the prices nro much be
low former years.
62-inch genuine broadcloth at $1.2-1.
62-inch genuine broadcloth nt $1.7& .
62-inch genuine broadcloth at $2.05.
The above prices nro nt least 20 per
cent , less than anything shown In this
city. A beautiful line of stripes nnd
plaids In now colorings nt05c.
The finest Henrietta In the city , 40-
Inch wide , only $1 per ynrd.
French flannels in stylish patterns
nnd best quality , only 05c.
Sidebands In good dark colorings ,
nro very stylish , only COc per yard.
Wo have the best 60-inch all wool
flannel In America at 871c. Coino nnd
eco it , then buy it.
Also a 42-inch nil wool flannel nt 60c ,
the finest Shades.
Wo carry the finest selection of com-
tinntion suits In the city. No old styles
liero , but now every day.
The now weave1 ' 'French Armuro" Is
the taking cloth this season nt $1.25.
Ono of the finest lines of plain Mohair's
to bo found anywhere , and the price is
nway down , only 76c. They nro worth
$1 per ynrd.
Do not delay buying your dross until
tlio season is advanced thinking you
can do bettor , it is n mistake. Now is
the' timo. The goods are new and you
can got n full assortment of all lines of
colorings , BO take a good advice and
come , sco and bu- .
Olovo .Department *
Wo have received our fall importa
tion ofladios' dressed and untlrossod kid
gloves. They come in all the now
shades. Also n full line of the cele
brated Jouvin glove in all the different
Black Brilliantine , 40 inches Wide , at
76c , worth $1.
Silk warp Henrietta cloth , 40 inches
vrldo. at $1 per yd , worth $1 25.
Ladies' cloth , 60 inches wide , at 87jc ,
regular price $1.15.
All wool Henrietta cloth , 40 inches
wide , at87jc , worth $1.16.
Specinl value in blade broadcloth , 52
inches wide , ntl , 1.76 and 2.05 per yd.
Special bargains for Monday 5 bales
18-inch bleached crash nt 12jc. Towels -
ols All linen huck towels nt 7ic ; all
linen damask towels at 12jc ; knotted
fringed damask towels nt lUc ; 20x62
inch damask towels at 26c.
Bureau Scarfs Wo are showing the
most complete line of bureau scarfs in
the west , our own direct importation.
Prices 45c , SOo , 76c. $1.00 , $1.23 , $1-.50 ,
$1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25.
Lunch sets Every lady In Nebraska
should examine this unprecedented dis
play of fine lunch sots at prices unpar
alleled in the history of the trade.
Betl Spreads 2 cases heavy crochet
quilts ntl , formerly $1.25 ; 2 cases
heavy crochet quilts at $1.42 , worth $2 ,
' ' ( Low prices for Monday ) .
100 pieces fancy flannels at 37 c.
1 case scarlet twilled flannel at 250.
100 patterns embroidered flannels to
eolcct from. Prices from 75c to $2.50
per yard ; all now patterns , no two
Comforts 10 cnhcs comforts in sateen
nnd chintz .at $1.59 , worth $2.25 each.
Blankets Road our sale prices.
Good blankets at $1 a pair ; extra good
blankets at $1.08 a pair ; fine blankets
nt$3.25a pair ; all wool blankets at
& 1.37 a pair ; oxtrU flno all wool blan
kets at $5.50 a pair.
Wo call special attention to our now
brand the "Falcon " of '
, , gents' fine
dress shirts. They are equal to any
ehirts nmdo to measure. They are
manufactured fr'om the very best Now
YorkMills muslin with extra iinoquality
pure Irish linen bosoms and wrist oanas ,
with double reinforced buck nnd front
nnd hand-made button holes. For wcai-
I niul perfect fit the "Falcon" has no
equal. Ask for the "Falcon" and
no other. Price 75c and $1 each , extra
good value.
60 dozen gents line trimmoU night
shirts at 48o , worth 05o.
2,000 gouts flno linen hank'fsith
fancy colored hem-stitched border , nt
12Jo , former price 2oc.
40 do/.cn gents' extra flno quality
China silk hand'fs with fancy borders
nnd plain hem-stitch at50c each. They
nro cheap nt 76o.
This lot of black silks should have
arrived hero Friday , but owing to some
delay In transit have , not arrived yot.
Wo are very sorr.y at this delay , hut It
is entirely the fault of the railroad.
They certainly must bo here in a day
or two. and duo notice will bo given o'f
this great salo. The bargaina that will
bo offered will pav for this delay.
Save 40 jior cent at our great lint and
clothing sale , September 8 to 14.
Hard Coiil.
Wo oiler for CASH , the following
prices on best quality anthracite coal ,
delivered in any part of the city :
"Grate" and "Egg , " $8,75 per ton.
"Stove" nnd "Nut , " $9.00 per ton.
Toloplruno 131. 214 South 13th bt.
A piano examine the now scale Kimball -
ball piano. A. Ho-ipo , 1611J Douglas.
Not too.
To business men , speculators of
Onuilm : Wo ntnrt un excursion to
Wntortown , South Dakota , Tuesday ,
September 10 , which without n doubt
will be tlio future capital. Special in
vitation from Watortown to all. Faro
til includes round trip good for 30 days ,
also sleeping car and board. Call on
AY. N. Naton , tocrotary , board of trade ,
or W. A. Vannlco , room 10 , Bushman
block , pnoi' to 2 o'clock Monday.
' SHU on halo.
The Pierre lots will bo on sale ut EOV-
erul real estate .oflii-os where thobu who
failed to buy at the auction can bo ac
Dr. Matticoluis removed to the Doug
las block , Sixteenth und Dodge streets.
I'lniioH IA-HU Tlinu factory I'rlccs
At Moiuhorg'8 , 1614-10 Dodge at.
7-Oot , lto o\\oiil I'luno , $110.
AmugnUicont bargain at Molnborg'tf.
Stnnohlll'ft nnr nlnn for Monday.
The Ermlnio kid glove 60o n pair , 6
button. Elegftrit mousquitnlro kid
gloves , undressed , Q button lengths ,
$1.25. The famous Derby ( guaranteed
kid ) $2.00. Wo handle nothing but
Wortholmor's gloves , nnd every pnlr
wnrrnntod. Fast black hose for Indies ,
lOo n pair. Seamless fust black hose
25c , worth 40c. Children's black ribbed
lisle hose , regular made , a great bar
gain , lOa n pair. Silk plushes 880 n.
yard , nil colors. Sldo elastic corset
89c , regularly sold nt 75c. Wo carry
nil staple brands of corsets at lowest
possible prices , Warner's , Bull's ,
Madam Wnrron's , Health , P. D.
I.C. , etc. For Monday only , 64 inch
nil wool broadcloths , black nnd colors.
76c ynrd. 25 per cent discount on nil
fancy dress gooda for Monday only.
Tills line comprises the newest oITocts
in stripes , plaids nnd chocks. An extra
fine broadcloth nt $1.40 , worth $2.60.
All wool 62 inch flannels , 40o n ynrd ;
who will duplicate this price ? Side
combs , 7c n pair ; silver topped ones , 26o
n pair.
Wo nro going to ofTor for Mondny 8
special inducements In black gro grain
silks. No. Iat70c. which wo hnvo boon
selling nt $1.00 ; No. 2 , at OOc , n fine
Lyons silk , which wo wore selling ns n
bargain nt $1.85 ; No , 8 , the biggest bar
gain of all , 22 inches \\ldo , a Guinot.
guaranteed silk , ut $1.25 , worth $2.00 of
anybody's money. Ask to sco those
great bargains.
notions at i usual prices. Pins lo n
paper , thread Ic a spool , silk twist Ic n
spool , silk thread 2c n spool , linen
thread 3o a spool , thimbles 2 for Ic ,
elastic web 2o a ynrd , silk web , lOc n
ynrd , dress braid 8c a roll , etc. , etc.
The largcstllno and best variety ever
displayed in Omnba. Cloaks for the
babies , cloaks for the ladies , cloaks for
the rich , cloaks for the poor. Chil
dren's cloaks , ages , 4 to 12 years at
$1.05 , worth $5.00. . Misses Newmarkets ,
ages , 12 to 18 , at $4.30 , would bo n bar
gain at $7.00. Ladies Newmarkets
83.95 , in fancy stripes nnd plaids , fully
worth $7.60. This price for Mondny
All our plushes are of the finest dye
and elegantly finished. Wo have no ,
oil-colored plush wraps , and any gar
ment bought of us is guaranteed. Plush
jackets at $12.95 worth $10.00. A finely
finished , quilted , satin lined sacquo ,
our loader , $19.76 , actually worth
a Wallcor plush sacquo , 42 inches long ,
finest quality quilted satin lining , at
$25 , would bo n bargain nt $35. At
$39.76 wo shall sell our $00 plush sacquo.
This garment has no peer and few
equals. The finest quality of London
dyed silk seal plush , with 3-inch
plush facings and 44 inches long. Ask
to see this garment.
Wo have laid ourselves out in this
line and nro proud to bo able to say that
wo havo. the largest and finest millinery
department in the western states. Wo
have boon fortunate in securing the
services of Miss Carey , ( formerly with
S. G. Joyce ) as the head of our trim
ming room and wo are now able to
please the mo t fastidious. Visitors are
cordially invited to inspect our Paris
ian novelties and pattern hats.
110-118 Sixteenth Street.
Wanted for the Gilraoro festival. All
who wish to join the chorus are request
ed to moot Mr. Young at Max Meyer &
Bro's. oil hall , corner of Eleventh and
Farnam streets , Tuesday , September 10 ,
at S p. tn.
Tru i Merit Alw.avs Wins.
This old proverb is exemplified every
year at the fair when awards are made
on penmanship. Prof. L. J. Rohrbough ,
of the Omaha Commercial college , car
ries all the first premiums at the late
Suslo Brady , cor. of Eighteenth nnd
Cass. is a musical wonder. At the fair
Friday she held the crowd in Art hall
spellbound with her wonderful instru
mental and vocal music. She performed
for two hours without repeating any se
lection. Little Susie is only seven years
old and is fainall for her ago.
Night Soliool
At the Omaha Commercial college begins -
gins Monday night. Bookkeeping ,
arithmetic , reading , spelling , short
hand and typewriting taught.
Save 40 per cent at our great hat und
clothing bale , September " 8 to 14.
$90 , $12-3 nnd $185 on easy terms at
Melnborg's , 1514 nnd 1510 Dodge st.
Do you know that the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway has the short
line from Omaha and Council Blulfs to
Chicago ? Well , It has. and runs cars
every day in the year direct from the
Union Pacific depot , Omaha , arriving
in Chicago , Milwaukee and all points
oust ami northeast as soon as any other
Missouri river lino.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway runs the most perfectly
equipped trains of the best Pullman
sleeping cars , elegant free chair cars ,
luxurious conches , and the IInest dining
cars in the world. The through trains
on all its lincsai-osysteimitically heated
by steam. No olTort Is spared to furnish
thq best accommodations for the least
money , and In addition patrons of the
road are sure of courteous treatment
from Its employes.
For tickets and sleeping car berths
call at Union ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam
et. , Barker block , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
A Great ofl'oion f'lniios.
7 octavo Voso piano only $90.
7t octave Miller piano only $125.
71r octavo Pease piano only $185.
On easy terms. They are great bar
gains , nt Molnborg's , 1614-10 Dodge st.
Something to flcinomhor.
If you are going cast roihombor the
"Rock Island Route" run the sleepers
and eh air cars of their solid vestibule
train lo and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. m. , thus avoid
ing tlio transfer at Council 13lulls.
Three solid trains dally. All chair cars
are free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding n transfer across the city to
parties on route to Now York , Boston
nnd other citlon "and
eastern , ovory-
thlncr a little better than other lines
can offer. " S. S. STKVKNS.
Ticket oillco 1305 Farnam. Gon'l W. A.
_ _
First National Su'oty Deposit Vaults.
Safes to rontoto$23uyoar,307S 18th st.
Helin & Thompson announce the ar
rival of the full woolens , They desire
inspection of their very largo stock of
special styles by all gentlemen who ap
preciate thoroughly 11 rat class garments.
. i
Until further notice wo will deliver
Nut nnd Stove 89 , Egg nnd Grate $8.75.
Quality and price guaranteed.
Now Fall Drees Goods Now Fall
Silks ,
Now Full Velvets , Now Pull Plushes
Now Full Fnnoy GuniU , Now
Fall Wraps , Clonks ,
Jackets , ICto.
Dross goods for the oponlnp of Fall
Wo cull special nttontlon to our complete -
ploto nnd very select stock of dross
goods. Wo have novoltiea Irom the
European nnd homo markets. Wo in-
vlto you to visit our store and make
onrly Boloctiona.
French suitUiff in flno wool nnd silk
olTccts , most desirable colorings , from
85.7C and upwards per pattern. Sorges ,
now Rhodes at all prices. Cashmeres ,
latest colorings , nil grades. Ilonnottita ,
imported andllno shades. Fancy plaids ,
French , Scotch and domestic , -15c , 85o
and $1. Habit cloth. Wo recommend
this lino. Tiioro are forty autumn
shades. Broad cloth , host colorings
from $1 up.
Our assortment of hlack and colored
dross silks larger nnd moro complete
than wo hnvo over carried. Got our
prices before you make your purchase.
Gros grains Armuros , Satin Rhadatnas ,
Faille Francaiso , Alma Roval , Bongu-
Our complete line of silk plushes , for
costumes , draporlos , fancy work , 'etc.
The variety of shades very largo , and
the colors beautiful. All on sale this
week. 24-inch at 85c , worth $1.26.
Also a largo assortment of velvets in
fall shades.
Wo invite an examination of our cloak
department , where visitors will find the
latest styles and newest shapes in wraps
for the season now opening.
and a complete line of misses' nnd chil
dren's cloaks are now on display.
Jackets , both seal plush and cloth ,
are taking loading favor for the coming
autumn and winter.
In seal plush jaclrots wo show the
loading styles.
Ladies' fast black stainless hose ( full
regular ) only 2oc.
Ladies' fast black Ltnworth ( absolute
ly pure ) , linen-spliced heel and too,60c ,
65c , 75oa pair.
Complete lines of Jersey-ribbed un
derwear , incotton , lisle , silk and wool ,
from lOc to $1.60.
Just received our fall importation of
ladies' kid gloves.
4-button Adele , $1.16.
4-button Suede , $1.00.
Dodge Street , Corner Fifteenth.
Shoe Not ice Shoe.
Our success the last two weeks in
clearing out a largo quantity of ladies'
shoos , by marking down lines of shoes
wo do not intend buying in the future.
Wo shall give y ° u in our next special
sales of marked down shoes ( commenc
ing on Monday , the 9thhnrgainsoqual )
to any of our previous ones , and wo al
ways make so largo and deep n cut that
the low prices will move the shoes. See
list of prices Monday evening.
Fourteenth and Farnam.
Ono Knro Excursions.
On August 6th nnd 20th , September
10th and 23th , and October 8th , round
trip tickets will bo sold via the Santa
Fo route at one lowest first class faro to
Kansas , Texas , Indian territory , Now
Mexico , Colorado and Utah , reaching
cities of Galveston , Austin , Ft. Worth ,
Dallas , Oklahoma , Guthrie , Panhaadlo
City , El Paso , Doming. Denver , Colo-
nidoSpring Puoblo/L'ljinidadSalt Lake
Citv , Ogdcn and intermediate points.
Tickets good thirty 'days. Stop over
privileges at pleasure while on the
Santa Fo.
For maps , rates and full information
regarding outional routes call on or address -
dross E. L. Palmer , Freight and Pas
senger Agent , S. M'Osgood , General
Agent. Santa Fo Route , 1308 Farnam
street , Omaha , Nob.
Save 40 per cent at our great hat and
clothing sale , September 8 to 14.
Notlci * .
To the Members of the Board of
Trade : An excursion train to Water-
town , S. D. , will leave Omaha from the
Webster street depot , at 0 o'clock , p.
m. , Tuesday , September 10 , returning
on Friday morning following.
The expense for each person will be
$11 for the round trip Including railroad
faro , sleeper and meals. All members
of the Omaha board of trade are In
vited by the citizens of Watortown and
will bo entertained by them while
there. Members desiring to go will
please notify the secretary prior to 2
o'clock p. m. , Monday next.
Secretary. President.
Auction sale of housoholp goods at the
store , corner of Twelfth and Cass streets ,
Monday afternoon,2 o'clock , September
0. D. S. M. FuKTWKLij , Auctioneer.
Dr. McGrow , the well known special
ist , has removed to the southeast cor
ner of Thirteenth and Jackson streets ,
where ho will bo pleased 1o BOO his pat
rons and friends.
Eastern money to loan. 80 Chamber
of Commerce.
Loss than factory prices and on easy
terms at Molnborg's , 1611 Dodge st.
Save 40 per cent at our great hat nnd
clothing sale , September 8 to 14.
: i Great IMano
One at $90 ; one at $125 nnd one at $185 ;
easy terms , at Molnbonr's mualo store ,
16U nnd 1610 Dodge st.
Dlod From Hie UfT'cts of n Kick.
Elmer Leigh , n street car driver on the
Twer.Uotli-streot extension to the fair
grounds , died Friday night from tbo effects
of un Injury received last Thursday. At the
tluio ho wus Injured ho was leaning ever tbo
dashboard of his car , whipping tbo horses ,
wliou ouo of tuoni Itlckud til m in the sloni-
noli. Ho was carried to his homo , at Twouty-
bixth and Grunt streets , where two or tbrua
doctor * attended him until tin died. Ho wus
twontv-sU years of ago , and leaves a young
wifuund three children , The funeral tabes
plaoo at 2 i > . m. to-day.
A llonvy Gnu Contract ,
The Nebraska Gas Fuel company has
closed a contract with ClilciiKO parties to
supply plpo and lay mains which will involve
an outlay o ( (200,000. 1'ho gas will bo uiado
from coal and Is intended to bo ussd as fuel.
E. M. Morsman and O. K. Yost uro at the
head of tlio concern. The work * uro located
on Second und Hickory Htroots , unil from
that point pipes will bo laid on Second street
to Ponpleton avenue , to Sixth , to Pierce , to
Seventh , and as fur us practicable north and
Strllclntr linritMn * Snlo In Illbunng.
pure silk rlbboiiBilniAll shades nt ISo a
yard , worth 60o to OOo.
flno silk rtiohing at lOc , 15o , 26oand86c ,
worth 60o to76c.
wo begin our faUoponing , snlo of dross
trimmings , dross buttons , hair orna
ments , ladles' aiid children's hamlkor-
chiefs , mull tics , laces and embroid
eries , notions , and nil that goes to make
up the most attractive display of goods
hi unique and useful articles that can
ho asked for by our customers. In
wo have the novelties of the season , di
rect importations , late and special. Our
now arrivals of
Are the admiration of all who see thorn.
They are simply magnificent and range
in price and make from low cost to
the most elegant garment n lady can
wish for. Especially do wo ask attention
to our SILKS AND PLUSH sale as it
will bo ono of the wonders of the week.
Wo shall put on sale heavy gros grain
silks in all now nnd staple shades at OOo ;
former price $1 ; bring samples of $1 silk
for comparison. Heavy gros grain black
silk , beautiful lustro and fully war
ranted , G'Jc ' , worth $1 ; nt75o , worth $1.25 ,
nnd at 85o up to $3.76 a yard. A full
line of all now fanoy silks in all doslr-
able shades and quality fully warranted.
Silk plushes all now shades at33o,65o ,
85o to $5.85 a yard. Silk warp Hen
rietta from 76c to $2.60. All wool tricot
from llc ) tp $1,25. Fancy dross goods in
all the nobby styles of the season and at
low prices.
Our fall stock of shoes are coming In
dally , and wo are now prepared to snow
you ono of the finest lines of foot wear in
the city , at living prices. See our line
of misses' , boys and children's shoes.
Our school shoo at $1.00 boats them all ,
for fit , wear and stylo. Ludies , examine -
ino our line of flno kid shoos. Our
hand turned shoo at $2.60 is a beauty.
Ladies' and gents' slippers a , specialty.
Wo will make you some surprising fig
ures on shoes this week. Don't miss the
shoo department when you visit our
storo. A nice line of men's shoos at
$1.25 , $1.50 , $1-75 and $2.00. Wo will
glvo you wholesale prices on shoos this
week. Little kid baby shoos only 25c.
Spr.olul Itnrgnlns Tor Monday.
Wo will let the prices down lower
than over on any summer goods on hand
now will bo closed out at less than cost.
Buy your fall underwear on Monday
and save at least 25 per com. 100 doz.
Infants wool sacks only 35c , others ask
76c. See the now bustle wo put on sale
Monday at lOc each. 100 * do . corsets
perfect fitving worth 76c to $1.00 and
$ li25 on Monday 60ceach. 'Best quality
of zephyr yarns only oc per ounce. Wo
are agents for Baughmnn Bros. ' Gor
man knitting yarns the best in the
world. Ladies' all-wool ribbedvests
come in natural and cardinal in .short
sleeves only 69c , worth $1.00 , also in
long sieves at 75o each , worth$1.25. .
Our stock of children's wool underwear
is now complete. Ono case of gent's
heavy grey scotch shirts and drawers
only 25c , each worth 60c. Wo are now
carrying a very flno line of gents'
camels hair xmdcrwearat our usual low
prices. C We carry a full line of Dr.
Warner's camel'hair-health underwear ,
in children's ladies' and gents' at low
est prices. 1 case -ot ladles' jersey
ribbed vests , fall weight , in cardinal
and natural only 45c each , worth 75c.
1 case of gents' heavy all wool half
hose only 16c per pair , worth 2-5c.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
They Go to Lincoln.
At the request of many business men ,
the auction of Pierre lots will bo re
moved to Lincoln during the state fair
this week. Thorp are few opportuni
ties like the Picrro auction sale to
double and treble money. Pierre is
secure , whether she gets the capital or
not. But she will got the capital , with
all that it means to bo the capital of a
erreat stato. The auction snlo which-
closed in Omaha more than came up to
expectations , nnd as it is better adver
tised , the Lincoln sale is sure to - > bo a
good one , as the moro people know
about Pierre , the quicker they invest.
O'KceJTj Stirs Up a Storm.
County Commissioner O'Koeffo has stirred
up a storm about Commissioner Turner's
cars. It seems the law allows township road
supervisors a salary of $33 per year , and
when O'KecITo discovered n bill yesterday of
? 140.0. ) sent In by II. II. Androy , of MoArdlo
precinct , for services in August , ho raised a
howl which scared Turner , who sought pro
tection of Chairman Mount.
Turner is chairman of the committee on
roads and bridges , and is supposed to prevent -
vent illegal hills from coming before the
board without directing attention to them.
The $35 limit is not observed in Douglas
county , but there IB no reason why the super
visors of muds and bridges should not beheld
hold down to a reasonable figure. Thoro'nro
about thrco in the count. who make a fat
thing out of the business and Androy It ono
of them. Ho doei it by worltlng his own
men and teams nt $8 per day for each team
and driver. A resolution was passed yester
day providing that no supervisor stinll have
pay for moro than ono team. The sunar-
visorof Millard precinct put in a bill of $ (5J ( (
for cutting weeds.
Ijooklnii For
It 1ms developed that Inspector Byrnes , of
Now York , is looking for Mr. Llghthall , who
brought cult for dtimngos against the Metropolitan -
politan Cable company seine titno ago. Ho Is
reported to have swindled Hermann , the ma
gician , out of ? G"5 hy representing thnt ho
controlled the patent for a now cable grip
which was an improvement ever all others.
Hormnnn was induced to buy SOO shares of
stock and gnvo his ctiocic for $ < S25. It was.
discovered that the stock was worthless , and
an effort mudo to atop payment on the check ,
but it wus too lato. .The professor told Inspector
specter Byrnes nbout , it und that ofllcial is
now locking for Mr. Lighthall.
A Don I'd oflTrndo Excursion.
The board of trade will go on un excursion
to IVutertowii , S. D. , on Tuesday , Septem
ber 10 , returning the Friday following. The
expense * of the trip will be $11 for each per
son. All members : of'tio ! board are invited
by the citizens of Watortown and will bo en
tertained uy them while thoro. Members
desiring to r.o will [ flcwso notify the nccro-
tary before Q p. m. ' to-morrow.
licensed to Wed.
Marriage licenses -.wore Issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following par ties :
Name and residence. Age.
( Willis P. Hough , Omaha 2U
1 Ida Williams , Omaha 18
j Andruw S. Anderson , Omaha 81
| Louise Anderson , Omiihu 'AJ
j Harry Peterson , South Omaha 81
| Anna Wordcuinu , South Ouiulm L'7
niir Hob Washington.
Orlando , Flu. , has a colored citizen
who carries his head C feet 8 } inches
above terra ilrina , and , as he is of glon-
der build , ho appears much tallo * . Ills
ntimo is Bob Washington. Bob'u pedal
extremities have paced along in growth
evenly with the rest of his anatomical
development , and lie is of little use as a
hoe hand , ills feet covering up all the
grass in roach ; but for gathering or
anges without the aid of a stopladilor ho
is a
Vtnt ninnkot Hnlo of This Son-ion.
You will find our stock much larger
this season. Wo hnvo boon buying
blankets for the past six months from
all the loading mills in this country ,
and can show you n , better assortment
and can glvo you lower prices than ever
before. All wo ask is to compare our
prices and quality.
10-4 whlto cotton blankets , C9c , 75o
and $1.18 pair.
10-4 white wool blankets at $2.25 a
11-4 white wool blankets nt $2.85 a
All wool whlto blankets from $3.00 a
pair up to $15.00 a pair Rod blankets
nt $1.25 a pair. Rod wool blankets , $2.25
n , pair. All wool sc rlot blankets at
$2.76 a pair. This blt.j' .t is ono of our
loaders and we control the sale ot it for
Nebraska , our price on Monday will bo
only $2.76 ti pair , compare it with
blankets that others charge you $3.75.
Bolter grade of rod wool blankets ,
$4.60 , $6.00 , $5,50 , $0.00 , up to
$12.00 a pair. It is impossible for us
to try and give you n , description
of our stock of gray blnnkols for wo
have ever 3,000 pair of thorn , and you
will bo surprised at the assortment , for
never was there a firm In this city ,
either wholesale or retail , which car
ried the variety of blankets which wo
are showing this season. Monday will
bo the day to buy blankets at Ilaydon
Brothers , and you can buy thorn with
confidence , for on every pair you "buy
you will save money or your money will
bo cheerfully refunded. Bed comforts
will bo also on sale on fourth floor.
Opening sale of plush toilet sots on
fourth floor. Now toys are being opened
dally. New stock of heavy curtains on
sale Monday. Bargains on flannels ,
table linens , towels and napkins. Now
fall styles of dress gingham nnd prints.
Full stock of double width shooting nnd
muslin at not cost. Carpets , oil cloths ,
rugs , door mats nnd window shades are
cheapest at HAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods and Carpets.
A Stony Hun , Pa. , cow has Just died from
overindulging itself in a lot of pastry. A
baker's wagon was upset in a stream nnd the
cow ate several pics which floated down.
A story comes from Whlto House. N. J. , to
the effect that ono Well , living there , while
feeding a sick cow last November , lost a val
uable gold ring. Ho thougnt the anltnul
swullowoa it. Lust week the cow wus
slaughtered and the ring found , none the
worse for having been in the quadruped's
possession for ever eight months.
A rctnnrkable trco is told of by n Jntnes-
burg , N. J. , paper : "It stands in the rear of
the telcjrraph station at upper Jamesburg ,
and produces tlireo different varieties of ap
ples nnd ono kind of pears. The apples are
red astrchan , fall plupin nnd Smith's cider ,
indicating that the grafters had n practical
turn , nnd were endeavoring to got the great
est amount of good out of the trco. for one
crop follows another throughout the sum
mer. "
Lath county , Idaho , comes to the front
witli an ieo mine. Tno discovery was made
in Pine Creek canon , 2,000 feet above thosea.
A chilling current of nlr cominp from the di
rection of a bud of moss was the flrse thing
that attracted the attention of a party of
geologists to it. They removed the moss and
uncovered a vein of ice COO feet longnnd from
4 to 0 inches thick. The several layers of
bowlders , debris nnd ice alternated to the
depth of forty feet. The geologists tliinic
this formation belongs to the glacial period.
1 ho HcRUlar Wny.
Ono evening , a few years ago , says
the Washington Post , the late Elijah
M. Haines , of Illinois , was called upon
to preside at a meeting of lawyers
assembled in Springfield for the pur
pose of considering the best means of
passing a bill then pending in the leg
islature. Mr. Haines , on taking the
chair , explained the purpose of the
mooting and suggested what ho thought
would bo the best way to insure the
bill's passngo. Interrupting him , a
gentleman in one of the rear seals ioso
and said :
"By the way , Mr. Chairman , if I may
make a suggestion right here" -
' 'The gentleman's suggestion is a
very good ono , " said the keen chair
"How do you know1" } asked the gen
tleman , a little miffed. "I haven't
made it yet. " , .
"Oh , " roplijCd Mr. Haines , " I thought
you said 'buy the way , ' and I am sure
that is the quickest und easiest moans of
obtaining a way to pass a bill. "
Tlia AngcliM Was Too Small.
Francois Millott , the eldest son of the
great Millott , and himself a painter ,
tolls this story of the famous "Anpelus. "
"It was thirty-fouryoars ago. My father
had not succeeded in selling the pic
ture. Ho could hardly show It to any
ono. Nobody wanted it. Ono day ,
however , an American amateur made
an offer , which my father accepted. only
too happy at the prospect of receiving
Bomo money ; but on the next day ho re
ceived a letter from thisgontloman toll
ing him thnt , having reflected , ho would
not buy the picture , as It was too small
for the prico. At last my father sold it
for 1,800 francs. " The money paid atone
ono time and another for the painting
shows how it hns grown valuable with
ago. It was first sold by Millott to Al
fred Foydoau for for $ . ' ! 00 , by Foydoau in
1870 for $009 , and was bought not lone
afterward by Van Pi-no t for $1,000. Ho
tired of ic because every visitor stopped
buforo "The Angolus" and murmured :
"You can actually hear the boll. " This
in time fco irritated the owner thnt ho
exchanged it with Jqlin W. Wilson for
another work by Millott. It was of Wil
son that Socrotan bought "Tho Ango
lus" for $32,000 , and now the last price it
fetched was $110,000.
A .lowol In a Serpent's llonil.
It is doubtful whether Shako spearo'
toad ,
"Ugly nnd venomous ,
Wears yet n precious Jewel In h's ' head ; "
but there is a belief current in all parts
of India that acortain variety of snakes ,
called Shcsh Nag , when it attains the
ago of 1,000 years , has a precious jewel
formed in its head. This j&wel , it is
ullli-jiied , possesses tlio quality of suck
ing up the poison of the deadliest snake ,
if applied to the wounded purl , Strange
ly enough , a Parsee gentleman is re
puted to possess this invaluable jewel ,
according to a correspondent of a Gu-
jarati weedy | mibliahed atWadhwnn ,
in Gujarat , says Notes and Qurlcs. The
correspondent sayb thnt wlion the pres
ent owner who , by the way , is now
sixty-throe was twouty-threo years old
ho lighted upon n snake of the abovementioned -
mentioned variety , which ho killed.
Then ho found the jewel in hl head.
It lias already saved several lives. Last
year , when Mr. Vidal , the collector of
the district , was there it was shown to
him tpo. The jewel ! H said to contain a
thin. crcEcont-liko flbro , which un
ceasingly oscillates in the center. His
highness , the Gaikwar of Haroda , his
highness , the Maharajah of Kolhapur ,
and bevorul other native princes are
said to have olio rod several hundred
thousand rupees for this unique lowol.
The name of the owner Is Mr. Framjl
Dadubhal Govokar , Tarupur , Bombay
Presidency ,
Mont in Jap-in.
The Japanese are learning how to eat
meat. In 1681 only 80,000 head of cat
tle wore slaughtered in all Japan. In
1885 thq numW increased to 110,000 ; In
1880 , to 130,600 ; in 1880 , to 200,000. ,
Gront Out In Prices Next Wcotc.
Fifty pieces colored chlnn silks , only
25o n yard ; 100 pieces homespun chocks ,
80 inches wide , Also n big lot of double
fold tricots your choice next wcok25o a
yard ; 40 pieces nll-sllk surrahs , hoautl-
lul line of colors. 49o nyard nothing
ever shown as good value. Gront slash
in ribbons ana silk molro ribbons , nil
desirable shades : choice of nil widths ,
lOo n yard , not one-quarter
of price. Big Hue of fanoy stripe
ribbons nt 25o a yard , worth 76o. 40
doz ladles black jerseys , nil sizes , 60o
onch. 100 doz Indies jersey ribbed vests
In scnrlot , nnturnl nnd whlto , nt 60o
each , cheap at 76c. C cases full count
pins lo a paper. Boys pants are still
down peed school pants nt 2oo , 40o ,
48c , OOo nnd up all sizes , 4 to 13 years.
Boys flannel waists , luce fronts ,
5Su each , worth $1.00. Large
line ladies nnd gents flno
hemstitched linnkorchlofs with
fanoy borders , also with fancy open
work corners your choice 16 cents
each ; cheap at 35 cents. Wo will place
on sale Monday 2,000 , pounds Saxony
yarn , bought nt n forced snlo1 at a low
llguro. Our price on this lot , to start it
n-going , Ib 1) ) cents n skein. Five Hun
dred novelty dross patterns , now fall
putterIIBput up in ono dress pnttornyour
choice Monday only 76 cents n pattern.
Wo are now in shape to show the larg
est and finest stock of cloaks for ladies ,
misses nnd children over shown in the
west. Our now dress goods are In , our
new silk and plushes nro all In and our
carpet dopartmontls full with now nov
elties. Call and see us and look us ovor.
Our prices nro guaranteed to bo rock-
bottom. BKNNISON Buos.
On Sunday , Sept. 8th , the Forresters
of Omaha hold their flrst annual plc-
: nic nnd dance at PIckard's Grove , near
Rusor's Park. ' Besides all the ordinary
amuscino'iits a garao of base ball bo-
tvvoon the Omaha and South Omaha
Forresters will bo n loading attraction.
Owing to the death of Mr. Ruser tlio
picnic will bo hold at Pieknrd's Grove ,
near by , instead of Rusor's Park as
previously contemplated. Trains leave
the Webster street depot at 12:45 : and
2:30 : p. m. Special from South Omaha
at 10:30 : a. m.
Brownotl Hull.
Boarders in Brownoll Hall whoso
parents reside in Omaha will bo per
mitted this year to goto their homes on
Friday evening if their parents so do-
Olionpost Mimio Ho IBIn the City
Is Moiivborg's. 1514 and 1516 Dodcro st.
Save 40 per cent atour great lint nnd
clothing sale , September S to 14.
Tnreo Nlgnts and Saturday Matinee. Commen
cing Thursday , Sept W.
Hoj t's Suo-cs * .
( A satire on superstition. )
Ono hundred and two consecutive nights nt
the llljou Theater , New tlio Im-frest ,
bnslno sm the history of the theater.
Mr , Clias , Drew , Miss Flora Walsh
And the original New York comnany. pro-
ttnccd under the personal illiectinn of Mr.Hojt.
Uvgulnr prices ; seats on biilu Wednesday
Sunday September 8th
AfU ) noon and i'rcnliicr , l.'JOaiiii 7:30.
Grand Vocal and Instrumental
By 50 of the picked musicians of the
stato. Seats will bo arranged so that
everybody attending can see and hear.
Admission 25 Cents.
Awnrdocl to tTulon Sowing Mnohlno
nt the Fair and Exposition ,
Crowned AVItli Hucosi nttil Cor *
orott With Glory , The Union
I-ionvcs the Gro n n l With
Forty-five years in succession the Union
ecwlng machine has swept the board of
every flrst proinlum-nJ fact which con
firms the verdict of the world's fair ,
where the Union was awarded the first
premium nnd gold medal for botng "tho
best machine for gonornl uso. "
Competitors have striven to brcnk
this record by importing the work of experts -
ports from all ever the country to com-
note with work don Omnlm , on the
Union , nnd ns a result have obtainednt
the most , second premium , or "hdnor-
able mention , " while the Union has in
every ease carried olt the flrst pro-
tniutn. This Is chiefly owing to the reverse -
verse food a special feature of the
Union which enables mi ordinary
seamstress to perform with onnc what
on other machines c\n only bo at-
templed with dllllculty by exports.
The display made by the Union this
year all the work of homo talent wna
certainly the finest over seen in this
city. Embroidery of every description ,
roses nnd panslcs , sunflowers and llllioa
thnt rivaled the beauties of floral hall ,
made their booth the most attractive at
the fair. Infant robes wore shown
stitched with No. 400 cotton thread , A
thread so fine that , it Is only made by
special order for the Union. No oilier
machine can use It , ami yet the Union ,
showed garmonls containing thousands
of yards of stitching made from it with
out a missed or broken stitch.
Tliolr samples , with the premiums
awarded , will remain on exhibition nt
their salesrooms , 1007-1009 Howard st.
Call nnd see them. It will pay you.
Save 40 per cent at out- great hat and.
clothing sale , September 8 to 1 i.
The Lombard Ins-cat Co. is advertising
for $500,000 worth choice mortgage loans
'Ihrco .Night" . Commcn-l QCDTCMnCD
Monday. fotrltMUtn
. . . . .ipoitod liy ( in clllclont dranmtlc company.
In the following Horlcs of ningnillclout logltl-
innta porformnncfls :
Mondny evouliiB JANH IJVHK.
U'ltoidny evening 13AbT ii VNMR.
Wednesday m cuing Charlotte Thompson's
nowconicclv ditinm of deep emotional Interest ,
entitled , IIIJAHTrf ASTII A.V.
llox shoot open Saturday morning.
Sept. 12,13 mid H-PJtor. IIKItHMANN.
Announcement Extraordinary j
3 Nights Only.
Tlinittlcib , Friday niutSalunJni/ .
September 12th , 13th and 14th ,
And Saturday Miitlnco.
Tlio iicknowli'dsed Biiprrmo nnd Invlnclblo
Magician , I'rt tldlgltatcuraud Illusionist ottho
The Weird ,
Wonderful ,
World-Winning Wizard
Assisted by
In his nurvolous Kntartahimoat of
Itesularl'rlci-s. llox Sheet Opens Wednesday.
No long
waiting at our
for service
How can you afford such quan
or for clothes , tities ? This is how-
Big stores in nearly every prin
cipal city in America.
Garments made We must have big variety and
in ' big quantity to supply our trade ;
buy direct from manufacturers at
3 days if required , home and abroad ; and
Spot cash is a great lever ; we
are satisfied with a small profit ;
Trousers $5 $ to $12 $ we can't help having a big trade.
Can we please so many thousand
Suifs 20 to 50
and patrons ? Couldn'tyou if you
Overcoats 16 to 60 had 25 years' experience and
plenty trained help. Well , we
Over 2000 NIGOLL the TAILOR
in assortment , ,
is Street.