G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1SS9.--SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. coinsroiiTBLtrFFS. ori-'ioic. no is PEA.RII BTUEET. teUvcredbr'eurrlcr In Any Tort of hoCltyn Twenty Cents Per Week. . . II. W. TirviON. MANAOIiJl. TKLKI'HONKSi JltiMNrffl OITICH No. 13. KJOIIT KniTon. NO.2J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MlfNOU MI2M1ON. N. Y. I . Co. Olcnson coal. C. 1J. Music Co. , 533 13'way. D.V. . Otis , city nwl form loans. Lowest prlcci In Iowa nt Boston Store. The Nonparoll nnd Glebe employes play a Kumo of ball to-day nt Fairview park. . A marriage llccnso wai Issued .yesterday to William J. Hollts and Laura Hello Tntro , both of Tnylor Station. The Couucll Blurts Hlflo club will hold nn Importntit business mooting Tuesdiiy evening ni 8 o'clock Btiiirp ut thoonicoof George Mot- cnlf , No. 10 Pearl street. All mcuibers are requested to bo present , Tlio funeral of Hey Campbell , who died nt the ago of four years , of dlphtborui , took plnco ycstordny nfternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of his parents on Willow avo- cnuo , between Fourth nnd Main streets. Tlio Manawa Motor company has extended Its line to Bromlwny and passungcrs can now take the cars nt the corner of Ninth nnd Broadway. Previously they have had to walk about half a blook , and the change will bo greatly appreciated. Some of the local papers nro publishing In terviews with Colonel W. P. Snpp. In which lie Is inado to npoak in glowing terms of the Iowa stntu fair , from which it is alleged ho 1ms just returned , and tlioy also toll of the line prize pig which ho purchased at Dos Molnes. As u matter of fact , the Iowa state fair Is all right , but the gallant colonel did not tnko It In. Ho visited the Nebraska stiito fnlr mid bought his prize pig nt Lincoln. 'J.liis statement Is mndo for the bonolit of the scribes who Imagine that the only state tnlr held this year is at IPS ) Moluos. Personal 1'arnurnpln. Mrs. Dr. Uob loft yesterday for Maryvlllo , Mo. , lo spend two weeks With relatives there. Mrs. Dr. Charles Clark , of Jnnesvlllo , ' WIB. , i In the city , tbo guest of Miss Lou Ncalo. Uov. Mr. Crofts received word yesterday that his. wife nnd dautjutur will nrnvo homo Tuesday. O. O. St. John , Dr. H. S. West nnd several other gentlemen start Tuesday for a two weeks' hunt In northwestern Nebraska. ilev. T. J. Mnckey. rector of St. Paul's , returned yesterday morning from his sum mer vacation , nad will this morning occupy his own pulpit. ' The family of Colonel D. B. Dailoy re turned Friday morning from a visit to rela tives nt Toronto , Can. They wore ncco ra- panicd homo by Miss Warren , a sister of Mrs. Dailoy. Dexter , employment , 23 Pearl at. J. G. Tipton , ronl ostuto , C27 B'dwny. Go to M. Keating for drutrs , 505 Broadway. KIsomnn'H Oront Mtorn. Did you know Henry Eisemnn & Co. nro going to throw open tlio doors of their mam moth now building Monday , September 9 , to accommodate their customers and friends ! Klsemuu & Co. have siured no expense In cnlmncint : the Broadway of our city , giving it nn eminence with one of the noblest and best lighted structures In the land. As you wander through its suucious aisles , glancing nt the beautiful silks , velvets , dress goods combinations , flno clothing , etc. , that is Just being unpacked , you will imagine yourself , as It were , In a trance , lost in Now York. For many years they have been our load ing merchants , and are always found in the front ranks of progress , Industry and style. Their effort can not help being apprecia ted by thoio who wish to select good goods in n perfect light. Their formal opening announcement will bo made in a few days. Every article in plain figures and ono price. Dentil of LIIIOUH Neuimyfir. Lucas Neuraayor , brother of Jacob Neu maycr , died of quick consumption nt 0:15 : Friday evening , at Nouinayor's hotel. The deceased was b&rn September 18 , 1655 , la Unden , Germany , nnd came to this country in 1S73. Ho wns for seine tlino in the em ploy'of Conrad Geise , in this city , but later in St. Louis , from which ulaco ho returned last May In the hope of bencfltting his health. Ho was well known to many citi zens of Council Bluffs , mid was universally esteemed. The sorrowing.relatives uavotho sincere sympathy of a largo circle of friends , The funeral will take place .this morning at 8 o'clock from St. Peter's church. Friends nro invltod witnout further notlco. ICcllcy & Younkorman sell grocorio Chasoand Sanborn cotTees a speclaly. Good business chance ; a (3,000 stock of gout's furnishing goods , hats , caps , boots nud shoos , is offered for sale by Fox & Hughes of this city. The business roacbos 120,000 yearly and is well established. Kerr & Gray , real estate , 605 First avenue. ' S. B. Wndswortli Sc Co. loan money. Swansea Music Co. , 835 Broadway. If you want clean , fresh groceries nnd frultB.callon Johnson & Olson,713 Broad way. Wall paper , room moldings and decora- tloiis , No. 13 North Main street Tlio Mutual I'rntrotlonlBtH. The Mutual Protectionists of Hazel Dell , Orescent , Bnoinor and St. Johns townships bold tbolr fourth annual reunion yesterday : at DunKlo's Grove , in Hnzol Doll township. A largo number nt tended from this city , to ' listen to tlio speeches and partnka of the c' roast ox , which was the principal feature of the bill of faro. There was a big parade to tbo grounds , after winch dinner was served , ( jcorgo Boulton , osq. , of this city , delivered on nddrcas , after which Euimott Finloy fol lowed with the principal nddross of the day. Several other addresses were made , com bining to make the day a most oujoyablo ono. County Attorney Organ , Sheriff O'Neill and County Treasurer Plumor were among these who attended from the Bluffs. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'way Always on XJino. If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent less than club rates , and on easy terms , then cull at once and make your own selection at C. 13. Jacquomln & Co. , 27 Muln street , ' The Now Ogdeu , Council Bluffs , finest nnd largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial men. Got Fountain So cigar , next EUomun block C. U. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Btcnm and hot water heating , first-class ' . Work done In both cities. John S'umblng. llbort , 618 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. E. II. Shoafo & Co. , rental agouts , Broadway nnd Main streets , up stairs. Falrniouut Park. The beautiful gam of Council Bluffs sot mid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant boughs of forest trees. The most do ll gulf ul place imaginable for plaalcs , tennis parties and quito rambles. ' - alto the oloctrio motor cars bridge line which lands passengers in the very Heart of the park. Furo from Omaha to the park only 10 cents. The park Is owned and controlled by the city authorities and the best of good order li enforced. Dr , Murphyoptioian , roora.10 Morrlam blk Finn Jewelry , watches and diamonds cleaning uud repairing at E. Uurboni's. For particulars and tickets for grand drawing W.OOO houeo and lot BOO Fountain Manhattan. Moore & Booman's cigar stores uud Jouu Urucu'tt Uoo store. THE STORY OF A SKELETON , TTnonrthlntr the Body of Ono Lynohod Thirty Yoara Ago. THE CITY'S DEED TO THE PARK. An Interesting Document Tlio Dcntl StrniiRor Icinpprnnco Women The Pious Folks General and PcrHonnl. Boncs nnd Honilnlsconcrfl. "Say , Its 1'hll Maguiro. Don't you rccoj- nlzo Unit red hair mid ttioia tooth , I would know him nnywhuro , oven if ho lias boon dead for thirty years. " Several men gathered about a human skeleton at the north end of Falrvlow cemetery , yesterday morning , nnd the grue some object at their foot wa the subject of their remarks. It had Just been plowed out of tha ciirtli by workmen engaged In grading down the new burial lot of the G. A. H , and several mambcrg of the latter organization were present. The snot was Just north of the cemetery proper , nnd was , until recently , laid out In city lots. Of course , thoru wns much speculation when the skeleton was turned out as to how t came thcro , and who was once the solo iroprlctor of that pllo of human bones. Constable Thusloy was among the llrst to rccognlro them , and it wat ho who gave ut' .cnuico to the words quoted ubovo. It was not long until u Brat : representative was on the spot , and after a duo inspection of the long hidden rollcs , begun the usual reportorlal Investigation. "Who was Phil. Magulre. any way I" "Oh , ho passed in his checks before you appeared on the scene of action , but thuro are quito o number In the city who wllll ro- muinbcr him. Ho bad a llttlo trouble with the vigilantes ono night , and the next morn ing ho was found hanging to u trco a few rods northwest of boro. I forgot Just when It was , but It must have bcuu about 1W/J. Nobody over know where ho was buried , but this has evidently bcea his resting pluco for the past thirty years , for thcro Is no question , but that these are his bonos. " "Who was the coroner who hold the In- qutstl" "Squire Ulggs acted In that capacity. He was Justice of the pcaco at the time , and illlcil the place of ttio coroner , who was out of town. " ' Squlro Biggs was then sought by the ro- rjortur , and astcud regarding the circum stances of the lynching of Magulro. "Yes , I remember about it , nnd why shouldn't I ? I tiL'ld the oody whllo tlioy un tied the knot to lot him down. Perry Smith Svns the coroner , but ho happened to bo away ut the tlmo , and I took his placo. A bi ? crowd went out to see the body , as it hung swhigiui ; in the Urcczc , nnd It was a tough looking sight. Tlio vigllatos loft a sign pinned to his breast , on which was writ ten , "Hung for all kinds of rascalities. " They took tilm out of the old 1'ucltlo house , nnd my son anu ncphow stood on this very corner , ( Pearl mid liroadway ) ana saw them go away with him. Thorc woroabouttwonty- Jlvo of them , and the boys recognized everyone ono of them , as they only hud their faces covered. Hut If you want to find out all about it you must see II. II. field , who was well acquainted with Mugulra's curcer. and can glvoyou some Interesting pointers. " Following these Instructions , tuo scribe then called on Mr. Field , the veteran under taker. ' Let rno see , " remarked that gentleman reflectively , when the subject was bro.ichcd to him. "Alngiiiro was strung up in 1800 , Just about this tlmo of the year. I bollcvo in was In the month of October I know something about it because I buried him. Maguire was nn all-around crook and generally speaking a bad man who put in most of his tlmo hanging around the gamb ling houses. Ho had hold up tsavcral par ties , knocked down others , and had the repu tation of being u thiot and very tough citi zen. Finally bo was found a few miles south of the city driving a pair of mules , which it was supposed he hud stolen. Anywu ? , ho was brought to tbo city and as there was no Jail ho was put in a room ut tlio Paclilu house. That night ho wns taken out and hung to a trco around iho point of Uoss' hill. The tree still stands there , a largo walnut , as largo as u man's" body , and the limb over which the rope was thrown is also there. It was not then more than an inch in diameter , and it has crown very llttlo since. Die body was allowed to bung thcro until the after noon of the second day following , when it was taken down and I buried it where it was unearthed to-day. There wns a report circulated shortly after wards that tbo doctors had exhumed it , ana this wus generally believed to bo tbo case , but ono day about twelve years later I hud been to a point above thcro , nnd on my re turn , having a spade witu mo , I sunk it in there nnd the bones were still there. There were sovorul umusini ; circumstances con nected with the inquest. Tlio dead man's pockets contained a knife , a brass modal , three thimbles such as were then \ised for working the shell guino anu a $1 bill. Tha jurors were John B. Luwis , John Hammer and myself. It wus suggested that the three Jurors and the coroner ulay a four-handed game of sovcn-up for ttio $1. Some of thorn demurred , and a division bv drawing cuts was finally agreed upon , The coroner got tbe dollar , Lewis the medal , Hammer the thimbles uud I the knife. That was the amount of coroner's Jurors foes In these days. Magulra was afloat thirty-two years of ago , and his taking off wus a salu tary lesson to a number of other tougha who infested tno city about that timo. The vigilantes did some good work and no ouo could help but appreciate It , although they might rczrot the necessity for it. " The skull exhumed yesterday was covered on top with a heovjr giowthof reddish hair , which wus ono of the features recognized by the old residents. Some of the smaller bones were softened and partially decayed , but tha Imlr had apparently undergone no change. The body had ocnn buried but two nnd a half feet below ttio surface , but had not been molested before In the thirty years that It bad rested there. The find caused quite a stir among the older settlers , and a general indulgence in reminiscences of early ' days was the result on street corners and a't the various lounging places. § E. II. Shcafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents and care of property in the city and vicinity. Charges moderate. Ontco Broadway and Main streets. Money loaned at LB. . Craft's & Co.'s loan office on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ Tube paints 7 > jO at Chapman's art store. An Interesting Dcctl. The deed convoying to the city of Council Bluffs all of tbo interests of E. 6. and Mary 13 , Williams , in Williams' second addition to the city of Council Bluffs , otherwise Fair- mount park , an account of which appeared In yesterday's Dec , was yesterday made a matter of public record at the ofllco of the county recorder , and roads as follows : Bo It remembered that wherousonorabout the 23th day of September , 1637 , wo , E. S. Williams and Mary B. Williams , of Arapahoe county , and atato of Colorado , executed to O. Halduno , of the countyof Pottawuttamio , and state of Iowa , a deed of the following described real cstato in the county of Potta- .wuttamlo , and state of Iowa , to-wit ; The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 140 , township 75 , rrngo 44 , and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section HI , township 75 , range 44 , com monly known as Williams'second addition to tbo city of Council Bluffd , and now em braced in Falrmount park in said olty , said conveyance being made with the express un derstanding and agreement thatsald convey ance was only to bo used in tbo event that said Haldano , as our attorney , should secure for us a partial compensation from the city of Council Bluffs , la. , for our claimed intor- cet In said real estate , and that in the event no settlement could be made with the city of Council Bluffs by said Haldane , as our attor ney , tbon Bald deed wus to bo returned te us. And that afterwards , the said Haldane. without any settlement with said city , failed to return said deed to us , and caused bald deed to bo recorded , nnd convoyed the ubovo described laud to ouo Jason Walker , of Wichita , Kan. , without authority or any con sideration therefor. Now , therefore , la consideration of the sum of $1.200 to us In hand paid by the city of Council Bluffs , la. , wo do hereby soil , nsMgn and convoy unto the said city or Uouncll lllufTs. la. , nil of the above described tract of land. Witness our hands on thU 22nd day of August , 18'9. [ Signed ] EnwAun S. WIM.IAMB , MAIIT B. WILLIAMS. Acknowledged before Calvin II. Morso- nolary puollc , Arapanoo county , Colorado , on the 23ml day of August , 18SU. The article published In TUB Bun In regard to tlio matter was the llrst Intimation the gen eral public had of the city's action with reference - oronco to the park qurstlon , nnd was n mat ter of great surprise. The fact that the city now bus secured the Interacts of the outsldo parties , whoso claims were of the most Im portance , Is very oncouniglng , nnd promises well for the city as to the final outcomn. "Tho Famous" caMi bargain house , 200 B'y. Dwelling for salo. on easy payments. Also building lotunt lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co. Amnnir tlio Cliurnlins. The ceremony of laying the corner stone nftbo Fifth nventto Methodist Episcopal church will take place next Tuesday , Sept. 10. Uov. W. T. Smith , D. D. , will preside , Bishop Henry Warren , D. D. , the presiding bishop of the Dos Moines eon Terence- , will do- llycr the nddross , nnd bo assisted in the cor- omonles by Uov. A. H , Glllott , D. D. , assist ant secretary of the Sunday School union. Other prominent clergymen will bo present. Dr. Glilot will bo remembered by many as the superintendent of the Cuautanqua as sembly here last summer. The now church promise * to bo a very attractive ono. It does up well on paper , and will doubtless show up well in brick and mortar. Uov. S. Alexander is the pastor. Tbo church ii located at the corner of Eifth avenue and Eighteenth street. Broadway M. E , church. Pronchlng nt 10:80 : a. in. by Uov. Dr. A. H. Gillott. Sun day school at 12 m. Everybody welcome. 'Iho regular services in the St. Paul church will bo commenced to-day , beginning at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. The Hov. T. J. Mackay will odlciato and preach. The pub lic and strangers nro welcome to these serv ices. Congregational services morning and ova * ning , conducted by the pastor. The Pilgrim Congregational Sunday school will meet at 0 p. m. , corner of Ninth street and avono H. Fourth avenue Methodist church , near Sovnntuonth street Preaching at 10:80 : a. m. Trinity Methodist church , South Mam street , opposite Eighth nvenuo Sunday school concert nt 7:45 : p. m. Sunday-school at 2:30 : p. in. Young people's mooting at 7:15 : p. m. Social mooting 10:30 : a. in. Christian Science sorvlccs to-day at 4' o'clock p. in. in Iowa College hall , corner of Plorco street and First uvenno , up stairs. All are cordially invited. Second Presbyterian services this after noon ut 3 o'clock , led by Mr. F. L. Hayden. Sabbath school at 4. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 : o'clock. All In- vltcd. Bethany Baptist church , corner Bluff and Story streets Services at the usual hours , 10:30 : a. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. E. N. Harris , pastor. Bercan Baptist church There will bo preaching by Uov. Pioarson at 10:30 : n. m. Sunday school at 11:45. : No evening service. Prayer meeting ut 7:30 : Wednesday evening. Tbcro is no use talking , the Boston store Is the rcnl loader of low pi teas for flrst-chiss goods In Council Bluffs. The finest line of hosiery and ladies' underwear in the city Is now on sale. The first installment of now fall goods has arrived and the ladies of the city and vicinity are invited to call this week and Inspect them. The now styles are ele gant and the prices nro lower than ever bo foro. Iho Boston store has real attractions as well as unparalleled bargains for all. TpniDPrnnao Womon. The Woman's Christian Tciuperanco union hold Its Qrst annual mooting yesterday after noon. The attendance was good and the ex orcises very Interesting. The election of officers resulted in tbo choice of tbo fol- lowine : President , Mrs. Rebecca Fisher ; secre tary , Mrs. M. E. Harris ; treasurer , Mrs. N. P. Dodge ; corrospjnding secretary , Mrs. S. F. Slovens. A vice president was chosen from each church in the city. The following were chosen delegates to the state convention : Mrs. L. W. Uoss , Mrs. N. P. Dodge , Mrs. Stoddard and Mrs. Fishor. Mr. Mcrriam having made a generous proposition In regard to occupying a room in his block , it was decided to establish head quarters thoro. The formal opening was fixed for September 15. Mrs. Amelia Bloomer hacj prepared a very interesting paper , giving reminiscences of the work , but was unable to bo present to road it. It wus arranged to have her road this at the opening ot tha boadquartors. Mrs. Uoss , Mrs. Stoddard and others pre sented addresses and reports full of oncour- ne'einent and Interest. The union was shown to bo m a most nourishing condition Resolutions were adopted' strongly endorsing ing prohibition , and this sentiment per meated all the addresses. . The address of the president , Mrs. Fisher , was very hopeful. She , declared that the liquor trafllo in Iowa was near its ond. She gave some interesting tacts concerning Kan sas , based on the testimony of Senator In- galls , showing tbo diminution of crime , and the increase of prosperity. The gala in pop ulation Binco 1S80 was placed at 700,500. The period had been ono of unexampled growth and development. Sbo also sot forth the varlea departments of work which the W. C. T. U. proposed tak ing up. Each department would bo devel oped as speedily as possible , A cyclone has struck us and prices of carpets - pots , curtains , cto. are cut all to pieces. Come and BOO for yourselves. 0. B. Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway , Ono Mnn Power. To the Editor of TUB BEE : Will you give me a short space In your paper to toll the people how the board of equalization par- formed their duties as a board I After con suming about six weeks meeting each night , they found themselves with tholr worn but llttlo over half dono. After that tlmo they divided the work , each man taking a portion of It. Each put In a half or'wholo day , as ho could spare the tlmo , ouch alternately taking his turn with the cleric , thus constituting a board of equalization. Thin Is tbo course they pursued until tbo last dav before the law required them to band ever the books to tbo county. This self-constituted board , with the clerk , equalized In the following miin- nor : The clerk would road the name of the person assessed , and tbe ono alderman , on the bo'ard , would stand up by the city map , hang on the wall and hunt out ; the lot. Then the solitary board would say to the clerk : "That's a mlgtity good lot. Raise him 1100. " Then another name would bo called by tbo clerk , and the same process gene through , only the board would say : "Well , that's a pity , good follow , and it's pretty high for that lot. Knock off 8100. " Than each night when the legal board was present , the minutes of the day board wore read and ap proved , A majority of the cases were thus acted upon. It was really the dictum 'of u single member. Now Is not this a good deal of u furcol If assessments can bo mudo thus easily , would It not bo well to have only ono member in the board , and thus save expense and troublo. Ho might bo charged with bonontting his friends and oppressing others , but what of that ? . CITIZEN. The Dead Strnngor. It was reported yesterday afternoon that the remains of the man killed In the Roclt Island yards , Thursday night , had been Identified as these of William Butler , of Emerson. Telegrams were at once sent to Emerson , and late last night a reply was received from Butler , who gays that ho is alive and well , and the affair is as much a mystery us uvor , Hentorert Ilia Hair. At least one good effect of the Johns ton n flood has been noted. It paused hair to grow for a man who had boon bald for many years. His name la Mar burg , and ho battled Witn the rushing waters for eoyoi ) hours before being res cued. Two days utter ho noticed n downy eubdtanco all over his head , As time passed the down bocuino hair , which grew rauidly nnd la now an inch long. The utorv comes via the Kansas City Times , which got it from u cousin of Marburg , who lives in Missouri , TWO SOLDIERS-OF FORTUNE , A Queer Partnerohlp Growing Oat ortholttfttfo War. HOW BEN HARRISON FOUGHT Ho WAR a. Llttla Nervous Ho for o tlio Shooting It c can Hut AVnrmoil Up When biiOh tlio Unl- Two Otltl Moiintnlnocrs. BKA.VKU CANON' , Idaho , Aupust 29. [ Spoclnl to Tins BKB. ] The Stoponson coaching piuty urrlvod hero to-day on It3 return from tlio Yellowstone Na tional park. The journey ncrdaa the mountains In the Concord stages was most enjoyable and was a welcome change from the hot lava dust of the park. In returning the party spread their camp on the brow of a beautiful mountain overlooking the Madison val ley. Amidst the tall green foliage Is a log cabin. In the log cabin was an elderly lady hearing every mark of refinement. She had hut recently nr- arrived from Fremont , O. , and her only companion was an invalid son. The Interior of the cabin was tastefully arranged , and on the mantle piece was a portrait of the late Mrs. Hayes. The lady In ques tion stated that her name was Dovollo and that until recently , she resided at Fremont , in a cottage adjoining the liavos residence. From this point the party journeyed on to i. midway station situated on the north hank of the Snake river. Abo'ut the proprietors of the inn nt this place hangs a romance. The hotel , which Is a structure built of logs and canvas , is kout by two strapgo characters. Their names are Charley Huostls and Thomas O'Don- nell. Both were soldiers and took part in some of the most desperate engage ments of the civil war. When the fate of the nation was sus pended in the balance Charley Huostia was a .young nnd sturdy farmer living in southern Illinois. Ho joined the ono hundred and second end Illinois volunteers and wont to the front , Ho was in the same brigade with President Harrison and bore arms in support of the union as a member of the army of the Cumberland. Whiloi under the command of .General Thomas ho and the president , marched aide by side , and at night , when not on picket duty , occupied the same couch together. Ho stated. that Harrison was nervously inclined .upon hearing the roar of the rebel musketry , but that when com manded to tire or charge hoought like a tiger. In Thomas O'Donnoll is found the remnants of an , ox-robol soldier. Ho entered the rebel ranks a private but soon rose to the rank of captain. His childhood homo is inOlcl Virginia and ho bears scars from bullets that were dispatched in the interests of the government. But the peculiar part of the matter is that O'Donnoll was taken prisoner by Huestis at Chatta nooga. both being , on skirmish duty. After the war O'Donnolllocaterd in the oil regions of Pennsylvania.r Ho ac quired considorablp wealtlrmid was for two terms a member of the Pennsylvania. legislature. Fiftojn years ago ho met Huestis again not as aisoldier hut as.a . private citizen. The two decided to emigrate westward and they cast their lots' on the banUs pf' ' the Snake rive where they now livo. As the journey through the lofty peaks and gorges was continued , nature seemed to have exerted herself in preparing - paring attractions for the eyes of the tourists. High up above the mountain pass the pine tree , stern and stately , spreads out its branches , while thousands sandsof feet below the rill trickled , mingling its murmur with the scream of the eagle and the song ol the meadow larks , the masses of ono molten rock contrasted with the foliage of the val leys. So beautiful are the surroundings contiguous to the park route leading out from the line of the Union Pacific , that words are inadequate to describe them. En route back from the park our party witnessed a sight that was both rare and beautiful. It was a mountain fire. A mountain fire seldom occurs , but when it takes place it presents a scone of surpassing beauty nnd gran deur. Wo were disposing of an elegant luncheon about nightfall when the skies began to brighten in the distance , and soon the silvery lining of the clouds that cnshrowdod the mountain peaks assumed a golden hue A few momo/its later and the moun. tains , which were about three miles away , appeared like a wilderness of flames. "It will bo all day with us if that fire gets down on this meadow , " remarked a pioneer member of the party. But fortunately the flames were con tinea to the mountain tops , and all danger from that source was soon over. Our next journey will land the party on the ta ble rocks of the famous Shoshono. AFRAID OF MUMFORD'S SON. Wliy Ben Butler Shuns | tlio City ly tlio Knw. "Did you over take note of the fact that the great and only Benjamin F. Butler when ho comes to Kansas City remains in his palatial Pullman car , near the union depot , and docs not go to a hotel like other distinguished visitors , " asked u gentleman of the Kansas City Jour nal the other day. Upon receiving a negative response the gentleman re lated the following story in explanation of his question : "As every ono ac quainted with the history of the late civil war knows , Butler wns u. major- go n oral on the union side in the war. The Hoot under 'Admiral Farragut passed Forts Jackson and St. Phillip , which are below Now'Orleans ' , on April 25,1862. General Butler , who was in command of the land-forces cooperating ting with Admiral Farragut , entered the city six days . later. General Butler became great incensed because some of the people of Now Orleans manifested a disposition to treat him self and his Boldicirs with discourtesy and ho issued ft\ | \ order forbidding * women to bo upon the streets after a certain hour ut night without a written permit from him , upon pain of being arrested uud treated as members of the demi-monde. ' ; No sooner had the federal troopa possession of Mio city , which was sur rendered to General Butler by the mayor , than the confederate flags were hauled down from the Hug poles on all the public and private buildings nnd the stars and stripes run up in their pluco. Dr. "William Mumfordwho sub sequently claimed jn justification of his act that no wns not aware at the time that the city had capitulated , seeing u union ling floating over the mint , wont upon the roof of that building and pulled it down. Ho had no sooner done so than he was placed under arrest and taken into the presence of General But ler , who caused him to bo tried by acourt which the general appointed. Dr. Mum- ford was convicted , and in n few days after his arrest , ho was. taken out of prison nud hung In accordance with the finding of the military court. The or der , which , I believe , is known as No. 88 of the Butler series , and the execu tion of Dr. Muttlford Naturally caused great indignation mrainst him , not only in Now Orleans , hut throughout the south * nnd in certain sections oi the north whcro southern sympathizers were plontifnl. "Dr. Mumtord loft n widow nnd son , who was nt the tlmo of his death about twelve or fourteen years of ngo. The son's name Is , I hollovo , William B. Mumford. Ho used to keep u drug store on Fourth , near Walnut street , in this city. As was hut natural , young Mumford grow up with a strong hatred of General Butler , upon whom ho laid the solo blame of his father's untimely taking off. The young man proclaimed on several occasions since the war that it over ho met General Butler face to face ho would kill him. About eight years ago ho procured n couple of re volvers and Informed some of his in- tlmato friends that ho intended to take the next train for Boston * and snuff out General Butlor'a cnndlo of existence. It wits with the utmost dilllculty that the young man's mother and other relatives and his friends in this city induced him to abandon the trip. Tn doing so ho said ho would not again attempt to seek General Butler , but If that Individual over appeared upon the streets of Kan sas City ho would certainly kill him. "Somo ono acquainted with General Butler , who was anxious lo prevent him from being taken off in a tragical man ner , must have informed him of young Mumford's throats , for , although ho has several hundred thousand dollars in vested in real estate and buildings in Kansas City , and comes hero once or twice a year , ho cannot bo induced to leave his private car , and ho gonnrally makes his stay very short , Ho romaind no longer than Is necessary for him to BOO the men who have charge of his business and property interests hero. I have known young Mumford several years , and have discussed the hanging of his father by General Butter's orders with him , and I have heard him threaten to shoot Butler on sight if ho dared put his foot upon the soil of Kan sas City. Knowing as much as I do about the matter I have kept myself informed formedas to General Butler's visits hero , and I have noticed that General Butler , although n bravo warrior , has never taken his lifo In his hands by walking the streets of Kansas City. I'ut Opium In the Cofllti. An extraordinary case of smuggling is reported from Sourabaya , in Java. A Chinese passenger having died on board a junk which was anchored in the road stead , the health oflicorof the port wont off , nnd , after viewing the body , gave the necessary permit for burial. The master of the junk the came on shore and ordered a largo coflln of the usual Chinese kind. During the early hours of the morning thecrowwith the coffin , landed , and the funeral procession passed along the streets. After the funeral the party _ went back to the junk , which immediately put out to sea. In the mlddile of 'the day some natives found an empty collln in the middle of the road close by the Chinese cemetery , which not only smelt strongly of opium , but also had small particles of the drug adhering to its sides. The custom house authorities found the maker of the collln , who identified it as the ono supplied to the master of the junk , nud the dead body of the Chinamen was washed ashore soon afterward , so that it was clear that ho had boon thrown qver- board , and the burial permit used to smuggle on shore a largo coflln full of opium. w. A Oliuir in Bottle. 'Sirs. F. B. Mappof Millcdgoviltohas something of a curiosity intho shane of n chair made in a bottle. The bottle is n small square vial with a very small nock , and holds about twelve ounces. The minature chair was made by a small negro convict with a pockctknifo , and was put together , piece at a time , in the bottle by the use of a wire. The logs occupy each corner of the bottle , and every part , rounds , cross pieces in the back , etc.arc firmly'Httod together adjusted as neaily as the works in a clock. 11 III I'rcintmii on Stock. It is said that'6no | $500 share in ? the Now River companywhich wns founded in 1612 to supply , the Clorkenwoll dis trict of London with water , sold re cently at auction for $614,000. The last annual dividend on the share was 818,000. The purchaser was an insur ance company , which took the slock as a permanent investment. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SALE AND R NT. TjAtrK'STATlf Ilought na sola ana ox- Special attention Klvun to exam ination ot titles. W. 0. James , No , 10 1'earl st. I ion BALI : or exchange New 6-room house In coed location. Will exchange for 0 acres of Improved land In Western Iowa , or will sell anil take part lu vacant lots. Kerr & Gray , Couucll IIIutr , la. Oil KHCIIANGn-100 acres in Aiulubon Co. , ! ) miles from Co. soar , well Improved. Will exchange for improved Council Illutrs property. Kerr & Gray , Council TT'OH ' BALK Acre property In city , reasonable J } Kerr is Gray , Council Ululls , T71OH SAfjH Well established tiardwaro store JL' including tin shop , Good , clean , new stock of stoves , etc. , In 2-story brick building , K2xi.O , with elevator and warehouse. Good reasons for selling. 1) . Grahl , 101 Kast llroadway. Connell - ell muffs. _ _ _ | 7VU KXCHANGK-Sever'al Nebraska nnd JU KansttB farms for other property. John- ton &Van Patten. Gr. RAT bargains In Nebraska farms If you want ono. Wo have n number on hand that will bo sold cheap. Kerr & Gray , Council Iliulfs , la. _ Jl. BIKDKNTOI'P , Heal Kstate. Special attention given to examination and cor- lection of title to lands and lots in city and county. No. H. North Alain at. _ ' l/iOlTSA'ljK orHentOiirden land with houses , X1 by J. H. llce. ( in. Main St. , Council Illutra. DAI1I11TT Place lots for sale by P. J , Da G"O LOOK at the Ilabbltt Place on Upper Itrotulway , teen see F , J. Day. T7IOU HXCIIANGU-A house and lot fora JL1 email tixrin m Pottawuttatnlo Co. Johnston Ac Van Putten. OUBKS for rent In all parts of the city. V. J. Jay. ) 17UH 8AIH Two line new six-room houses on JU Pacltlc ave. will be sold cheap for a small payment down . _ and . . . balance to suit purchaser , - - Ki err A : Gray. 6J5 Klrtt avo. F HUNT a unfurnished rooms , 001 Third aenue. . II ) you see those lots on Iltiiir anil Third streets ? 1'or eal by Johnston & Vanl'atten. FOIt BAI < 1 ! One of the best paying cream- erlo In lowu , making now over I.Uuu pounds butter dally , Also a large brick butter , egg ami poultry house , all complete with largo cold storage elevator , etc. . doing big business. Price of this entire plant complete H9.0UU ; * looo cusu , bai. in 5 and W years. Or would lake good city property , or No. I land for the H.WX ) payment. Ilnslness done last year , * i7,0JO , will exceed that tnls vear. und It Is tha only plant In the county. Knqulre ot Kerr & Pray , fii First aye. ANTKU Some more bargains In real _ estate , to sell. Johnston & Van Patten. TTOlt SAUJ-Acre louTnUrcTmnl p'laoa. This J ? property U located lu the nice nursery , Bouuiof the main part of thn city. 1W miles from court homo , Geo. Metcalf. U Pearl at. TTIOlfjIKNT Houses In all parts of tha city. -E Kerr & Gray , Ufi 1'lrst aye. _ ' FOUUKN'i'-KlKlil'nevr r rooin cottages on Avenue II , backett'n add. to city , llonts very reasonable. Call and let u * show you them. Kerr & Gray. TIBBIE ! IKTJSSIEIjIL. ; SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 LIGHTING HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications nnd pstlmntcs furnished for complete steam plant * . Itc-gulntlon , durability guaranteed , Cnn show letters from users whpro fuel economy Is equal with Corliss Non-Condensing. Send for i-ixtnloituo. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. 1 B a BEAT-ALL , because It never breaks , splits , .cracks or curls. Because it Is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in n any climate. Because it is more durable than any other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wood. Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and Is cheaper than shingles. Because It has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed. For further information apply to BIRKINBINE ENGINEERING AND SUPPLY CO. , Room CO9 First National Bank BuildingOmaha. . Council Bluffs office , 116 Pearl Stroot. 01 All KINDS 0 > CHATTEL LOWEtT HATt ON f\CAL TO BK Ruined Oct. 1st , new house , large lot , warranty deed : property worth 14,000. Tlcknts worth ( I. At Fountain , Manhattan , Moore Ic llownmn'ticlcnrstoroaml Oreon'sslioo More. Particulars , address " 11" Second avenue , Council Dluira. IF vou nave property to sell , list It wltn John ston & Van 1'atten , Kverett blucc. FOIl HAIiK bovernl nice houses on Avenue A , easy mrms , Johnston & Van Patten.a FOK UIINT-T of the most beautiful cottages in Council Itluirs ; one block from motor line ; new houses ; city water in the Houses nnd all modern conveniences. Boo Kerr it Gray. IjAOH SAIiK 120 aero farm In Jasper county , JL lown , located near coal minus that are m opcrutldh. There Is a live foot vein of coal under the farm. Geo. Motcalf , No. 10 I'otirl ut. T71OH 8AL13 IJeautlful residence lots on Oak- -L' land avo. Johnston & Van Patten. TT10HBALK Improved nd unimproved pron- X1 crty in every part o ttie city. Itare oppor tunities for investors who sect speculations ; Hplendld opportunities for those who ilcslro homes. Geo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl at. FOR SAI-E Houses and lots on easy pay- inenti. Johnston & Van Patten. BUSINKSS locations oc Main and IJroadway nt great bargains. Geo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl at. TTiOH SALE FO feet lake frontage located be- JC twoen 0 I ) , boat house and Manawa beach. Also n number of choice lots In llcgattu place. Oeo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl at. IK you want some genuine nnaps In choice lots on bottoms call and see ICerr Ac Gray. Tliey have some lots that must ro sold regurdlesi of cost before Nov. 1. Oil SALR Choice reslj nco Iota on Graham avo. . street cars patm tn m. Johnston if Van 1'atten. TP you have anytnlnc In the line of real estate JLor chattels you want to exclmnKe or dispose of , yon should call on Kerr , t Gray. You ran Una them at their olllce , T > First avo. , Council Illnirs. TTIOHBAIjK On monthly payment very neat -L'now house near Harmony mission. Call or address Kerr Sc Oiny , O'Jj First avo. , Council IllUlfB. MISCELLANEOUS. { ' \nKll't llltos ; & CO" , loan money. The most v/llberal terms olforoa. 101 Pearl st. WANTHO Pastry cook or pantry girl ut the i Iowa Institution for the Education of tlio Dent and Dumb , Council IHulfs. Apply In person - | son or by mall to Henry W. Itothert , snpo/ln- tendent. OR root on Main street for sale caeap. Johnston -S k Van Patten. FINK homo on First avo. for sale. Johnston &Van Patten. WANTF.D-A peed horse and buggy. Kerr A.-G roy. mAlllTirbbarders wanted at 12"llenton street , JL Good boaid at reasonable rates , Mrs. I , W. Cooper. ' GPKH CUNT loans made on real estate , cash on hand. F , J. Day , HKAUTlFtn. homo on Oakland ave. at ft bargain , F. J , Day. 0031K3 forsalb on monthly payments. F73T ' acres good bottom land lu Iowa to ex 2'M change for vacant lots in Council IIlulls. U. K. Maynu , ( ll' ' < Uroadway. 10 down and $5 per month. 3 good lots to sell § on these terms. High ground , full size and IB perfect. IS. K Mayne , 01 ! ) llroadway. OJi76 will buy lot fl , blk 21 , Central bub. , If token P at once , on Avenue I ) . Hlgti ground , good title and actually worth { 509. K , II. M&yno , 01U llroadway , IT\Olt \ KXCHANOK-r < aniiin Iowa for Council JL1 Illuifs property , K. K. Mayne , Olti llroad way. . . \A7ANTi-.Soine : ( more bargains toell. . K. K. Mayne. Bl liroadway. TTlOlf 8AU5 or Trade Full supply of hotel -L' furniture , iilao lease for 18 months on small hotel in Council llluirj. Apply to Udell llrou. &Co. /Hix-180 on Oakland ave. , W.OOO. 1' . .1 , Day. n x300 on Park ave. , JJ.OOO. v , J , Day , VKNUK A lots , corners , great bargain * , lltnwm lc Shepherd , V Main st. HOUSl ! ana lot. Coclinm add. , chnnp , easy payments. Uenson & > f aeplu'hl , 'J.Maln st. W7R hiivn more Uroidwuy property tlinn any- TT body , lleason i : Shepnenl. II Muln st. LOT on 4th avenue. Van llrunt & , Hlce's sub. , cheap , lions nn If Shepherd , u Muln ht. JOT on Illutr st. , fine residence lot cheap. t Iluuson & Shepherd , U Main st. "OEST corner on llrondway. opposite cower Jhouse' Houson & Hnepliercl , u Main st. SLOTS In Ilayllss' ftl. on motor line , &JOO each. _ llenson It Slieptienl. a .Main Ht. _ IOTS on Glen nve. . genuine snaps , licnson & I Shepherd , U Main Bt. _ n KS and lots ; $103 cash , JJO cjsli. $100 cash , balance easy , llenaou fc Bnuplierd , U Main st , _ Git A HAM avenue property that will iloublo right away. K J. luy. I" OTS on llroadway. First nvenuo and Ave * -L-mies A and 11 , cheap , p. J , Day. pUOCIVA NATION of Kmanclpatlon from the JL Iron-Ilnndrd Itulo of Illgli Prices : To tlio People of Council llhiltrt and Vicinity : Head tills and tell your neighbors that the place to buy anything In tlio household or notion line lu at the Economical , No. 1" > Mhlu street Kcsc your tired o.vra on the following figures , and at the earliest opportunity call und be convinced : A common nickel procures one of thcbu llrit- class In every reBpect articles : Handkerchief , K lead pencils , bottle of Ink , bottlu of mucllaga and brush , watch chain , 1 bo.\t'.i mutclierf , 0 dozen clothes plus , box Hhoo blacking , dozen Blato poncllH. PxliMato , bull of darning retteD , palrmioif tirarkets , largo llver-i > l.iio.l tray , o boxca carpet tackx , t envelope ? . -I Hluu'ts com mercial note paper , wire dish or kettle cloiincr , quart dlppir , pot covers , 1 yard linen towellne any size , pair lo-lnch jilatoi.quart basin , wasu buHln , largo ; " -plntcupi , cl ? . Anyljocly'H dime takes one of these , the b ? t tlio miirkft alfonls : Pnr linen towel , punt linen handkerchief , hose ( worth Ulc ) , lemon miui'nror. large haiimer , shoo lirush , work banket , fe.itlier iliihtor , whisk btoom , ID-quart milk jar , dust , Hhawl nirap. jack knife , ic < > pick , largo doll , Ran purte , 7-luch comb , tooth brush , W-foot clothes line , pair suspenders , glass butter dish with cover , l boxes matches. iU rents ulll buy a largu dinner pull , a flno looking gins * , a I l-quart tin pall , K ( junta tlm- Inu' pan , a galvanized Iron 10-qimrt pull. No. Bar I ) copper bottom tea kettle , 0 c. No. Scolleu boiler , wo.lo / lmyn a copper liottom wiisli boiler. HT > c buys a wash bowl unil pitcher. No. a wash boiler , Jl. Wo have cnmo to utay and by giving us n call you will readily sou that the nuw plant Is worth cultivating. Our Union forever ! llest goods and lowest prices , b'eo our 100 fret of [ i and 10 cent counters loaded witli good and useful articles. Kxamlna our glassware , qnpensw.ire. tlnwato , hosiery , table cloths , oil clotliH. jewelry , fiincy gooili , toys and notions . stationery , cutlery , l.ace , rl' ' r.ic. etc. , Iii emlloim variety. Don't forget tbo btri'ct and number , 11 Mala stieet , Council Ululls. livery , Sale and BoardingStable No , 1 lllgi lo lot nt lowest rates , delivered la any part of the city. Homes bought and sold on commission. ( 'end-ally Located , Plainer llnnt. W. O. UTTERBAOK.23O . Broadway GEORGE METOALF , KKAh KBTATI5. No. 10 Pearl Bt I'ltOF. WIUTK'ri Adapted to tlio public schools , Tbo only complete thing of Its kind lu existence ana la Ulnpeuslble In the Dchool room , Hchool board desiring the most perfect help for tlie tvackur are invited to uxamlnu this. Address 11. A. UAMil.NOI' If , General Agent , B 173 Willow Ave. , Council lllutld , lovr.a