THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTEMBER 8 , 1S89.-SIXTEEN PAGES. STATE FAIR PREPARATIONS , Everything Will Bo in Shnpo Mon day Morning. A GREAT DEMAND FOR SPACE. The KxpoOtinn Will Ho Much Tlinn ljn * t Ycnr'H Unnk Kx ninlnntlnn Charges City News. ! UUHEAD OrTrtnOUttJl MBR. 1U20 V STUBEr , LiNCGi.x. Sept. 7. Tim work and worry nnd bustle nnd pre paration continued nil day to-day ut thu stnto fnlr grounds. To tlio uninitiated it would acorn thnt order could never bo brought out of the disorder thnt exists avcr.vwhoro. Tills chaotlo slate of affairs that exists to-dny ro- fiults from the R really Increased number of exhibitors nnd exhibits that nro constantly pouring In. Nothing like It has over before licon scon In the history of the association. Tlio demand for space Is unexampled ia the liistory of western fairs. Agricultural hall is tbo Mecca to-dny to which nil slghtsoow drift , and Iho utilof at traction in all this arruy Is to bo scon In the Saundcrs county exhibit. Not that Its ex hibit Is bigger nud better than all the rest , but because of Its novelty. She hns stopped outside the beaten patlfs and hns combined artlstlo elegance with practical suggestive- I1CS3. The Suundora exhibit is on the west sldoof the south whip. In iho center of It nil surrounded by tlio manifold products of thnt fertile uiiil productive county , thcro Is a figure of a man , full-sized , made of corn , crowned with a crown of corn , hair uud moustache of coruslllc , nnd supported by n cano made of cars of corn. This is called the Corn King. At his foot sits a corn baby. These nro tlio worlc of Mrs. J. S. Ktiypors , of Wahoo , assisted by her daughter , Mrs , Lottie Stowots nuil Miss Gcrtio HcnUorsou , of that place. At the loft of the Corn King is the fig nro of a woman , full-size , with n dress of the vciy Intost style , made entirely of grasses , thcro being fully fifty varieties of grass in lis composition. Tills huly is popularly culled "tho grass Widow. " It Is proposed to huvo n public wcddinir. of the "Corn King" mill the "Grass Widow , " at the Saundcrs county exhibit , Thursday afternoon nt 8 o'clock. The cere mony Is to bo performed by the Rev. Peter Lansing , of Yutun. This "grnss widow1' was manufactured , by Mrs. Perry Ilavdcn , ntsistcd by Mrs. II. C. Hcndl.v , of Weuton , who hnvo been moro thun three mouths engaged In collecting tno grasses necessary for its construction. At the loft of this happy couple is a largo horseshoe shoo , mndo of ov y variety of gram raisoil in the county , which rends "Saundurs Coun ty Exhibit 18S9. " Tnis is crowtioa with u mammoth Pnrtridgo Cochin rooster , whoso bill Is open as If ho were crowing with nil .tho energy and determination nt his com mand. This rooster was mounted by Pro- fcE&or W. D. Guthcrlo , of Wiihoo. Horticultural hall , Art hall , Machinery hnll , mid the various outside exhibits nro looming up grandly , nnd the superintendents nro busily engaged in putting them in pro- sen table shapo. Many of the stock exhibitors are nlrondy on.lmnds with their cattle , hogs , horses and sheop. Among the most prominent horse exhib itors who nrn with their stock are E , F. Block , Raymond : E. C. Millar , Pullorton ; E. , Bennett & Son , Topelta ; Judd Uros. , Dawson ; Alex Sloan , Unadllla ; E. Trondor & Co. , Atlantic , In. ; J. M. Hcinmlngway , Panama ; W. G. Durroll. Lincoln ; D. Mooney , Wymoro ; O. S. Wolcott. I'uhnor ; John Cavnnnugh , Wavorly ; Vlrcin & Co. , Falrbury , 111. ; W. J. McGillin. Stratton ; S. A. Estcrbrook. Waverly ; Fred-Kenyan , Raymond mend ; O. O. Ilcffnor , Nebraska City G. A. La Kuo , Greenwood ; William Domnno , Lin coln ; Sbcrrill Stock Farm , Lexington ; M.M. Coad , Fremont ; The Importing Draft Horse company , Lincoln ; Joseph Watson & Co. , Beatrice ; P , W.- Rose , Lancaster county ; August Uocy , Seward ; H. F. Cuuimlngs , Seward ; H. W. Keel , Uoou ; Jack Everett , J. W. Dullng. Lancaster county. The moro prominent of the exhibitors in the cattle department are : Williams & Chapman , Grant ; Howard IJros. , Edgar ; W. R. Oliver , DoKalb , Mo. ; J. U. Ilnusol. A. Palmer , William M. Clark , Lincoln ; John Batio , Ilurkins ; C. Compton , Bennett ; Havens Stock Farm , Alma ; Mnkln Bros , Florence , Kan. ; H. L. Alzoa , Rod Cloud ; Milhkin Bros , St. Paul : C. H. Sonrls. Edgar ; A. Palmer , Lincoln ; C. E. Loomis , Lin.- coln ; A. F. Woods , Lincoln ; Grnnt Hoaglund , FrankShorwin , Lincoln ; William MoTurlc & Son , Crystal , Iowa ; E. Hill , Stella ; Joseph L. Locho , Beatrice ; J. U. Loomis , Lincoln ; C. F. Rotzlnff , Lincoln ; Isaac Johnson , Lin coln ; Crow & Uollows , Saundcrs county , and many moro. 'Iho superintendent of that de partment states that the exhibits in all the classes will bo much greater than last year or the year boforn. . The snino Is true In the sheep and hog de partments. "i'uma , Eastern Arapahoe mid Woler counties. Colorado , nro arranging largo dis plays of the products ot their section ? . Colonel S. J. Shirley , for many years un honored Mcbnisknn , but now of Raynor , Col. , has n typical western sod house , lillec with products grown hi his section of. tbo state. Horticultural hall is very slow to fill up. but thu products which \ioro being arranged to-day were very superior in grade. By Monday every available Inch will uo covered anil the exhibits promise to exceed both in quality unu quantity that of uny previous your. la Art ball , besides the displays mentioned * tionod yesterday , the state university is arranging n very attrnctivo exhibit of the insects of the stato. With these nro a num ber of tbo birds and animals of tno state , handsomely mounted , also samples of Ne braska wood. Zehrung & Dunn , drugs ; A. M. Davis , carpets ; Jones , Douglas & Co. , crackers the Crandall Model works , Clements , pho tographer , were putting up tasty displays. Among the moro interesting and attract ive displays In this hall are the exhibits made by the school at the homo of-tho friendless in this city , the institute for the feeble minded at Beatrice and the publlo schools of Seward county , Mra. H. ( J. Huudloy , who lives four miles southwest of Wuston. in Saunders county lias an elegant cabinet of mounted birds nnd small unlmuls , with specimens of Call foruiaaud Pennsylvania moss'os. S ho also has n number of pot animals which she wil bring down Monday. Minn F. Motcalf shows some pencl sketches of morlt , mid Miss Ella .Tncksoi was puitlng up a number of articles of hum niorcd brass und copper work that won worthy of notice. Young Mr. Gltlosplo , who Is assistant superintendent of art hall , has oxhlbitec much tnato In the ileoorutlons which wore put up under his direction. FrankCochrun'a display of Colorado in In orals , which wore being put in position to day , attracted much attention. A car load of mono from Buffalo Gap , R D. , was standing on u side track , ready to bo placed in position BO that visitors could see it liioro readily , The poultry department , the ( Uh display and thu busy hoes will all bo In auupo by Monday so Unit visitors can see what No- lirstika produces In those lines. Some pine woods from the vicinity of Chadrou attracted the attention of many Who did not knpw that northwest Nebraskans - kans lived In pine framed houses made from untlvo lumber. On Sunday the grounps will bo open for exhibitor * , to arrange tholr displays und for all who huvo business and who hold liekots i. but uot to iho sightseer. Hunk Examination Chnruo * . ATTOUNKY GKNUIUI.'S OrrioB , LINCOLN , Neb , Sept. 7 , 1SSO. Mr. E. A. Wiggonhorn , Ashland , Neb.-My Dear Sir ; In answer to Jour Jotter of yuatorday , relating to the charge $30 made by the bank examiner for each examination , I will say that under the lavy of 1SSB , the auditor , treasurer and attor ney eoneral , have been denlgnatod to appoint ultablo persona to examine the various banks In the B tat o ; certain duties are as. If ned tUesa examiner * ; they uiust visit each bank and make a'report In full detail , giving the condition of each bank to the auditor. They pixy thnlr own expenses in going nnd returning , nnd ns the law provide ? that their compensation for such examination shall bo at the rnto of $10 for each day employed in such examination , thnt nny Blnglo examination should not exceed $20 , and that no person should bo required to pay for more than ono examination ; the three stnto officers above mentioned have fixed the fco to bo charged for c.icli examination nt $20. Thcro nro nt present llvo hundred banks in the stnto , nnd thrco examiners hnva been appointed to do the wont , nnd wo llnd from the time actually employed nnd the expenses Incurred thnt $ JO is not unreasonable ; In cluding the time spent In going to nnd re turning ; from the bunk , Inking into consider ation also Iho time spent In preparing Iho detailed report , moro than ono day Is con sumed in each examination. The conclusions show that in some In stances the time actually employed in mak ing ono examination has tukun four days , nnd in other Instances the expenses Incurred In making on examination ot ono bank have exceeded 50. The $30 fco charged docs not RO to the ox- nminor , but only $10 for each day employed by him In making thu examination ; ihe bal- unco , if any , goes lo pay the expenses of the examiner. H may bo that the j-0 fco pays the examiner for two days' survives , nnd in thai event his expenses must bo paid from the aggregate fees remaining on hand ; nt the ( Mitl of iho ycur the oxiimlnor manes a de- lulled report of the number of days employed , the amount of his expanses Incurred nnd the amount of foes thnt ho has received. The thrco Btnto o Ulcers examine his report , ntut from the gross amount received ho Is allowed Sll ) for each day employed , not exceeding $2,000 ; his expenses incurred nro thun al lowed , nnd If n balance remains , it is paid Into the state treasury. I do not BOO how the examiner's ' expenses could bo paid , if only S10 wore charged , as the examiner is entitled to thnt much per ( fay. In iho MSO nbovo given where the cxatn- Incr hns been employed four ( Jays , ho is al- lowpd ? 40 , but only a S-0 fog can bo chnrged tbo bunk ; it may happen thai moro than ono cxmnin.iuon must ba made during the ; the examiner will receive his compensation , nlihough the bunk Is not required to puy a second examination. I cannot nt this tlmo say that the foe wo hav ? fixed Is too much , but from the best Information I can get I think It 1.1 not If , nt the end of the year , the fco charged Is found to bo such that n balance is on hand to go Into tbo alula ircasury , ihon wo can reduce - duce the fee , but I do not at this tlmo think it advisable to do so. This Is thd coustructlon placed upon the net by Iho state onlccrs , nnd I mn inclined to think it Is norrocL Yours very truly , Wii.r.t.ut LKHSE , Attorney General. Servians. Uov. Charles E. Braut , pastor of the Second end Presbyterian church , Twenty-slxtti nnd P , will preach ir the morning on the subject , "Tho Fitly Framed Church. " Sabbath school at 13 m. ; young people's meeting at 7 p.m. ; evening service. Rov. LSaughman will preach nt the Asbury M. E. church , West Lincoln , in the morning and evening. Mrs. Quintan , of the National Indian Aid association , will speak at the First Congre gational church in the evening on "Tho Indian. " The usual Sunday services will bo hold at the First Presbyterian church , ns Dr. Curtis , the pastor , has returned from his vacation. Quarterly meeting next Sabbath at Grace church. The presiding elder , Dr. Miller , will preach in the morning nnd the pastor in the ovening. Trinity M. E. church , corner of A and Sixteenth streets. H. T. Davis , pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject , "Our Gospel. " Evening subject , "Mary's Choica. " Sunday school at ! ) p. m. Young people's society of Christian endeavor at 7:15. All kindly invited. St. Paul Methodist Episcopal church , cor ner of Twelfth and M. Uov. F. S. Stein , the pastor , will preach Sabbath morn ing upon "Church Membership. " In the evening his theme will be "Has Every Man a Fair Chance , " bomg a reply tea a part of Dr. Talmago's lecture. Sunday school at noon. Christian endeavor at 7 p. m. First Baptist church , corner of 1C nnd " Fourteenth "streets , O. A. Williams , pastor. Regular cervices at 10:30 : a. in. and 8p.m. Sunday school at 12 m. Young peoples' prayer meeting at 7 p. m. The Rev. H. C. Woods , D. D , . will present the work of homo tnirsions in Nebraska in * the mornine. Preaching by the pastor in the evening. All are invited. Strangers are welcome. Court Ga os. The following cases were filed for trial m the supreme court to-day : John H. Hravhtn vs Homer Tolluth ; error from the district court of Jefferson county. City of Seward vs John Con way ot nl ; appeal from the district court of Seward county. First National bank of Madison vs H. H. Carson ; error from the district court of Madison county. Ferdinand Koch t al vs J. F. Loach. ; error from the district court of Curnlng county. Stnta lloimn Jotting * . Secretary Laws visited the institute for the foeblu minded at Beatrice to-day , repre senting tno board of public lands and build ings ofllcially. Ho reports the institute in prime condition. Secretary Gnrbcr , of the state board of transportation , is again at his desk. Ho re turned from his trip to Kansas and Colorado yesterday. Mr. Gurbor states that he hud a splendid time while gone , nnd that his health is much improved. Commandant Hammond , of the soldiers' and sailors' homo , Grand Island , was In the city to-day. Ho called upon the board of public lands nnd buildings in relation to the deplorable condition of the hospital at the home , und urged the necessity of taking im mediate steps to better it. Captain Henry asked that the board visit the homo nt an early day for the purpose of determining upon and building a saworugc system. John L. Jonklns , of the bureau of labor and statistics , returned to his post to-day. Ho put in the day answering accumulated correspondence nnd wont to Omuhn on the 4:80 : Burlington passenger train. Ho staled to Tun HER representative that his returns from his sugar boot plant had boon most at- Isfactory. Ho also states thai ho will make an official report ns soon ns possible. Mr. Jenkins thinks that the boat sugar industry will be the greatest , in tbo state within the two . years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A HrnlciMitnn liailly Inju'roil. About 8 o'clock this evening Henry Stout , n switchman In the Burlington yards , was caught between the bumpers of two freight cars whllo at work nnd his hips were badly crushed. Ills loft hand was so badly cruised that thrco fingers had to bo am putated , Ho has besides serious internal in juries Tlio physicians hope to save Mm. Hois thirty-five years old , married , und has a wlfo nnd child. The Went Lincoln Hot ; Mnrkat. The hog market was steady to-dny at yes terday's prices. There were but two curs on the market , ono from C. H. Pittnmn , Cortland , and ono from J. H. Dlouson , Bennett - nott , Tlio ilrst sold at $3.65 , the other with nine throw outs at 3,70. Tbo culls brought i.45. Sovurnl moro cars came In later In the day , but the market remained about the tmino. City Nvn and Motes. Senator Pope , of Friend , was in the city yesterday , Hon. W. D. Mlldman , Of Culbertson , 1s a 3ucst of the Capital hotel. Editor Johnson , of tlio Sutton Advertiser , Senator Hurd , of Howard , nnd L. T. Fryur , of Clay Center , were in tbo city yesterday afternoon und evening , A warrant was sworn out In the county court to-day by Jamus Sturgeon , charging Matt U. Uonahuo with provoking and at tempting to provoke an assault. Billy Ruffnor , the popular traveling man , has opened a retail cigar store in the Lincoln oOlco of TUB Oxuiu BKB. It is destined to bo traveling men's headquarters. Marriage licenses were Issued to-day for Simon Sins and Miss Kutlo Nelson , of Cou- trul City , and Nols Johnson and Miss Ellen Thomson , of Davy. The first couple were united in marriage later by Judge Stewart. The Humana society objected to the in human methods employed ty the pollen au thorities to kill the luckless curs wuoso owners f Ailed to pay the lirciiKu foes on them. An ofllcor of the society waited on the mar shal , and as a result the dogs will hereafter bo tthot. The laboring men of this city will hold a picnic nt Cusbman park Sunday , September il. Prominent speakers will bo in attend ance , and a Ilrst class band will accompany the party. Everybody Invited. Trains leave the Burlington depot nt 10:30 : a. m. , and 3:30 : p. m. Round trip CO cents. The contract with Layno & Sweet for the erection of two now engine houses was cancelled - celled yesterday by the board of publlo works , and City Engineer Onrdnor placed in charge of the finishing of the work. This was done because of the numerous delays in the work. Layco & Sweet talk of an injunc tion. An answer was filed In the county court to-dny In the case of the Lincoln Rapid Trail- nit company va the city of Lincoln , whnroln the city Is sued by said company on account of taxes paid which were alleged to bo excessive - cossivo nnd illegal. Also in the case of John H. McClny nnd James H. McMurty vs the city of Lincoln for similar cnuso. In the district rourt to-day the following case * were filed : Thomas L. Phillip vs Sarah A. McCroady ot nl , , damages for $5,500 on account of fnlso representations as to title on sulo of property ; H , P , Law vs James A. Small ct a ! . , foreclosure of mortgaged prop erty , { 7U.25 ( ! $ Ernest Hoppo vs Uclnhnrd Adams , $0,000 , attachment. Judge F. G. Hamor , Kearney ; Dr. .T. F. Armstrong , Bcntrico ; U. U. Lovell , J. M , " 31usho , Omaha ; H G. Tumor , A. W. BeaU , rV. G. Crounao , Fort Calhonn ; J. W. Korm , ; . M. Cameron , Raymond ; I. I. Gage , C. R. inLamatyr nnd wife , Fremont ; C. W. 'lerce. Wavcrly ; W. C. Henry , Grand stand ; C. F. Grant nnd wife , Alliance , nnd 'ohn E. Edwards , Omaha , were the No ra ikn arrivals at the Capital to-day. It seems that the reports given out con- ornlng Friday's ' game between the Sowards , nd the Llucolus was not absolutely correct. 'ino Innings were played , the score standing toy. In the last half of tlio ninth inning , 'ith the Hcore thus tied and Lincoln at the ilt , with two men out , the captain of the Sownrd nine claimed Miat it was too dark to rhiy and loft thu field. Tlio umpire after waiting a time decided the game , awarding it to Lincoln by a score of 9 to 0. THE OMAHA NIGHT HAWKS. Sonio ISrroncoui Impressions Itcgnnl- Intr Thrm Corrected. , OMAHA , Sept. 7. To the Editor of Tun Bur. : Will you kindly publish the following corrections in regard to the Omaha Flam beau club : Your report this morning gives ,11 , erroneous impression regarding our fu ture movements. First , . it is our aim to inako the organization a permanent one , and Tor this purpose n mealing will bo called in a 'ow days. Secondly , the gentlemen to whom ho credit is duo for the success of our re cent display are Captain H. Webber , of the London Tailors , and his able assistants , ieutcnnnt Tafflnder , Commander Brown , nnd Lieutenants Korty , Doyle and Bradley. The business otlicers , including Vice Presi dent Juwit and Secretary Cathcart , as well os all privates , gave us valuable nid when ever nt nil possible to do so. 1 would like to subscribe my sincere thanks to the many members who gave us their time nnd assist ance during'proparntory drills nnd arrange ments for the displays. Last , but not by uny moans least , on behalf of tbo "Omaha Night Hawks , " 1 would offer all thanks In hearty appreciation to ttio Omaha Guards for their kindness , assistance nnd courtesy .o us , and our obligations to them are un- Imitod. FRANK M. Toum , President Omaha Night Hawks. Personal Pnrncrnplis. J. M. Curry , of Ponder , is at the Arcade. A. S. Patterson , of Kearney , is at the Paxton - ton , o. T. G. Hamor , of Kearney , is at the Pax- ton. ton.J. J. U. Fortune , of Lincoln , is at the Mil- lard. lard.H. H. D. Huntington , of Gordon , is at the Arcade. A , B. Perkins , of Grand Island , is at the 'axton. ' II. S. Ucxford , of Bdaver City , Is at the Arcade. W. J. Kinsman , of Beaver City , is stopping at the Arcade. . William Armstrong nnd wife , of Wisnor , are nt the Mtllard. D. C. McEsteo , of Plnttsmouth , is regis tered at the Millard. FrOd A. Unco , of Weeping Water , Is stopping at thu Millard. J. C. Benedict , wlfo and son , of Culbortson , nro registered at the Arcado. T. M. Hopwood , editor of the Holdrcgo Nugget , is in the city on business. U. W. Morris , F. Hanson , H. M. Buchanan , O. R. Owens , and J. H. Dixon , of Crete , nro registered nt tbo Arcado. Dr. R. S. G. Paten , formerly chemist of the Chicago health department , has been ap pointed , chemist for the Carter Wnito Load works. Wj Andrew Rosowatcr loft last night for a business trip to Duluth , St. Paul and Minne apolis. Ho was accompanied by his wife nnd child. Miss Julia Krug , who has been visiting lor brother , John A. Krupr , of this city , for the past six weeks , returned to her homo in St. Louis last Friday afternoon. Chief Galligan and Gustavo Atidreen leave this morning for Kansas City , the former to attend the convention of flro chiefs and the latter to exhibit ins patent flro proof shutter to that assemblage. W. B. Taylor , president of tlio American Hand-Sowed Shoe rompany , leaves tomorrow row for Boston , having been in Omaha the past week the truest .of A. T. Austin , the Omaha ncont of the company , two weeks previous to which Messrs. Taylor and Austin were traveling through the west. niiisviriias. Sovcnty-flvo packages of tea from Japan passed the customs yesterday for D. M. Steele & Co. William B. Foster , a printer In the em ploy of the World-Herald , whllo In DCS Moinns was recently stricken witn paraly sis. Ho was brought homo yesterday and is improving. When a conductor on the Motor railway , named Crowe , attempted to catch his train on Seventeenth near Cumlng street last evening , ho missed his footing nnd was thrown down. Ho received several painful cuts nnd bruises , and was conveyed to his homo nt 1310 North Twentieth tttrcet. The countv commissioners nro kicking at being deprived of tholr privilege of prepar ing the list from which to draw thu grand Jury. Sheriff Coburn and Clerk Moorcs consulted the district judges und concluded that they were the proper parties to select ttio grand Jury , and they proceeded to act on this advice , by selecting twelve good men and truo. „ Georgo. A Custer post , W. B , C. , No. 82 , nt its last meeting paused resolutions of con dolence upon the death of Hugh Uellloy , a member of the corps. Thn Vniinc Pimtman. ItoJxrt KMion in JtronMun Slundard , I know I'm tender hearted , But how can I holp. that I Aod when I rap n rat-tat-tat My heart goes plt-a-pat ; For well 1 know the missive Some dreadful news may hold , Or else bo tilled with joy und peace , And words as good as gold. At number 10 , Jennie Got letters once a week ; I know 'twas from her lover , Her oycs would always speak. . Tbo postmark was from Texas ; Ono day a pa | > er came ; Now nor mother takes tbo letters , None oouio in Jennie's name. Ho anil Shi * . Wtzalxth JtUland tn Outing. "It I were king , " ho said , "And you were Just n lowly becrear maid , With my strong hand I'd lift you to my eldo And crown you queen ; mid in the great king's bride Men would not know , Or would forget tha beggar maid , " "If I were queen , " she said , "And you a careless , wandering minstrel , strayed To my fair court , I'd sit you on the throao ; And belug there , iho greatest king o'er known , And servo you as your mold. " A Brlof Montlon.of . Some of the Im portant Bjdilbltn. Otnnlm Merchant * Make n HonutlCiil Display LOIII ; to Bti licmnmbaroil Ily Tliinisamls of ViHltors to the Collscii'ii. ' The Merchants' anil Manufacturers' exposition at the Coliseum continues till next week. Thousands of visitors have soon the benutlfuli display made hy the merchants of Omaha during the past week und thousands moro will visit the exposition this coming week for the first tlmo. Tint Ban from time to tlmo has made mention of the exhibits , but a umber of them nro well worth moro han a passing notice. " \k1n. Visitors to the Coliseum call again nd again to examine and ro-o.xnmlno ho almost regal display of Kdholin & Mtin , jewelers nnd watchmakers , cor- icr of Fifteenth und Dodge streets. In ho front of the exhibit tire show cases illod with diamonds , watches and rare irnamonts. There are crown jewels from ho French crown. There can bo seen a radiant buttcrlly ornament for the hair , tu tided thickly with diamondsand cost- up $1,000. This particular ornament ins boon selected as a wedding present , o ono of Omaha's fairest daughters , soon to .bo married. There are scores of other magnificent ornaments. But ono cannot forbear mentioning u boau- iful breastpin or brooch sot vith diamonds of every known color. lhis ? is tin extremely rare and beauti- ul ornament , perhaps the only ono of its cind in the United. States. There are , ho chatelaine watches which are hung rom the belt , whoso dials are no larger .han . a gold dollar and whoso hair iprlugs are invisible to the naked oyo. There is a magnificent array of ladies' nnd gentlemen's gold watches in i diamond mend incrusted cases beautified , by oxquislto engraving. There are solid gold chains , and n Swiss watch which tolls the year , the month , the day , and the hour'nnd strikes the hours and the quarters , a wonderfully perfect piece of mechanism. There are gold-lined solid silver water sots fit service for n queen. One magnificent center piece of silver with its cut-glass salvorj re ceives unstinted praise nnd isn perfect beauty. Thcro are hand-engravud vases of solid silver , costing $1(50,00. ( To nuntion all qt the beautiful things seen n this exhibit would bo an endless-task. In fact no pen picture can do justice to this royal exhibit. It can scarcely bo overdrawn. You must sec it to appre ciate it. Edholtn < fc Alcin can well con- urntuluto themselves upon the success of their exhibit tit the Cohsoum. II. Himlv & Co. The 99c store is out nt the Coliseum with n grand exhibit. This display is ono of the most unique und attractive in the exposition .and attracts unusual admiration. It is.a children's paradise. How bright their eyes sparkled as tljoj peered over the railing. Not nloiio" wore the childrorf in' their pleased sur prise"nt this beautiful array , for the children of older years found plenty to interest thorn. There wns an endless variety of toilet 'articles. ' The entire doll family were thorn. There was a largo collection < J f" ingenious mechan ical nnd automatic toys , and a beauti ful array of toilet sots in plush , leather , etc. ; nlbums 'inr all styles of fin ish. There were velocipedes , tri cycles ' and baby carriages , in deed , almost anything in this line you could nslc for. All com bined into a magnificent exhibitworthy of its own place and the house it repre sents , . In addition to their large retail trade they carry on an extensive nnd growing jobbing business in fancy goods , toys , stationery and druggists' sundries for the holiday trade. The re tail doalurs of Nebraska will appreciate having1 a wholesale house of this char acter at homo. H. Hardy & Co. nro supplied with ample capital , whijeh onaoles thorn to secure all the ad van t- ngos of cash purchases and have a mdg- nificcnt stock to select from. All of thcso advantages make it possible for then ) to soil as reasonable as any job bers in the west. A visit to their dx- hibit will bo a pleasure to anyone , i The Ohialiu Uusincss Colleen , j Among the many attractions at the fair and Coliseum the past week , were noticed the grand display of magnificent ponwork by Prolcssor G. R. Rathburn of the Omaha business college. Pro fessor R. undoubtobly has the largest collection of elaborate ponwork , beauti ful and lifoliUo in design , than can bo found anywhere east or west. The dilTorcnco between his work nnd that of other penman is that in his work will bo jound grand designs of largo dimensions , worked out with rarest skill and true to life , xvhile other penmen procure largo frames and em ploy a sign writer to ornament the glass with ebony and gold , dividing it in compartments , behind which are pastca scraps of bird flourishing and writing , making un exhibit roilecting hioro credit on the painter thun the penman. The Omaha business college to-day is the leading business training school of the northwest. Iloro the stu dent is put into the pradtical depart ment ns soon as he masters the rudi ments of bookkeeping and becomes a ready reckoner and good penman , with out regard to finishing the text-book. Hero u maximum of practice and n minimum of theory Is given , permitting the student to finish his course in one- third less time. nnlilnfT , ttio Caterer. Few , if nny , of the grand displays nt the Coliseum attracted moro attention than that of William BaldulT , the caterer , corner of Sixteenth street and Capitol avonuo. His4s not a gaudy dis play ; there is no tinsel or extra parade ; William is not built tlmt way. In the foreground are cases of enticing candles ; there are specimens of all the splendid candles for which > this liouso is cele brated ; in the biuikground of the ex hibit are huge cakes and piles of pastry ; there are doughnuts and cookies , pics in tempting array ; enough to drive the juveniles wild , nnd inimong the trop ical plants , with wljicii , the exhibit is orimmnntcd , is a ] iugo weddingcuko looming up in purq white before tlio oycs of old bacholdrs like the gUest of tnolr dead loves. * ' l'h1p display is ample in proportions , tiis'ty in design mid a joy to nil who b ' 'iold it. 'It is just such u display ns will eoihimCml attention for its intrinsic worth tiiid iu a fair index of the house it represents. William Xiul- duff& Co. are too.woll known to need an introduction to Omaha people , nolthor was tholr exhibit needed us an advertisement , but it shows a public spirit which will not bo forgotten. MIH J , Iletisnn. The fancy dry goods exhibit of Mrs. J. Benson is a thing of beauty nnd a source of increasing joy to the ladies. Most excellent taste hna been exhibited in the arrangement of this display , und it will not detract from nny other exhibit to Bay that it is unsurpassed in the effect produced by uny in the building. There are corsets , aprons , cups , hosiery , gloves , drapes , rare laocs und fancy dry goods , all woven into a fairy l > ewer a woman's parniHso. Mrs. Bonbon makoa i specialty of corsets , hosiery , ladies' underwear nnd ribbons. Under the * legend , "Our Importations nro samples of thoilnostnnu softest ladles'undor- inonts lit for the wardrobe of n queen. " Those nnd many other elegant goods nro imported direct by the firm. Their stock of coraots , hosiery nnd' ribbons is very complete. The fancy goods de partment Is exceptionally line nnd nt- trncts much favornblo comment , as do all of tlio departments ot this beautiful exhibit. The presiding genii are Mrs. Turpony and Miss Collins , whoso excel lent taste nnd engaging manners gain hosts of friends lor the firm. Among all Iho beautiful exhibits at the Coli seum HOMO will receive more merited attention or he remembered longer than that of Mrs. J. Benson. . AV. II. Spcllmnn. A very unique display is that of Wil- linm Spollman , the well known plumber , located on Douclas street un der the Millard hotel. Air. Sjicllman 1mb un onvlablo reputation both ns n phi m iior and sanitary engineer ; ho has done some of the finest plumbing west of Chicago and merits great prulso in bringing plumbing up to its present Btuidaril. ; Everything has to have u loader ono in advance ot all others it compels others to improve ; bring tholr line in trade : whatever it may bo , up to and in some instances in advance of others. Spollman lays claim to being the best posted as well as to the execu tion of the finest plumbing , and his claim no doubt merits the iiltont'on of those Interested In plumbing , fr mt'io fact that he has completed some ot the acknowledged finest work in Omaha , among which might bo men tioned the moro recent jobd , the Now York Life Insurance building , First National bank building , remodeling of Omaha National bank building , llo is also engaged in the plumbing of the now Commercial National bank build ing and the now Pacific Express com pany's building. Mr. Spollman is ulso engaged in steam und hot water heat ing. Stranir & Clark. One of the most expensive exhibits nt the Col i sou in is that ot the Strnng & Clark Steam Heating company. It is located opposite the main entrance on the ground lloor and at tracts , the attention of all visitors. No expense has been spared by this enterprising house to give an exhibit worthy of the occasion. The cost of setting up the exhibit alone is in the neighborhood of $700 , lot alone other incidentals naturally arising. A Sombowor & Orr upright engine , a Porter Manufacturing company hori zontal engine with a Knowlos' patent pump , fourteen inches long throwing a steady stream of water , are the attrac tions continually in motion , besides , their display of the celebrated Garlock packing , Jenkins Bros' ' , valves , etc. , etc. Strang & Clark have a reputation extending through all the territory contiguous to Qmaha and their many friends and customers , besides the thousands upon thousands of visitors to the Coliseum during last week and this-take much delight in their ex hibit. American nh'tid-Sovrccl Shoo Co. This institution , of which Mr. A. T. Austin is the Omaha agent , has an at tractive displayof boots and shoes , as well as rubber goods. Notwithstanding the fact thnt a wholesale house as a rule cannot got up as fine a display as some of. the retail houses , the American Hand-sewed Shoo company has an ex hibit they may well fool proud of. A largo number'of their customers have visited the city during the past week in response to invitations extended thorn , accompanied by ndmissio'n tickets to the coliseum. Few persons outside the trade have an idea of the extent of this institution , whoso western headquar ters are located at 1204 and 1200 Harnoy street , the factory being in Boston. They are the exclusive western agents for tlio Wooiifiockot Rubber company , whoso goods have a reputation second to none , beRidos > being the largest rub ber manufacturing company in the world. The territory covered by the Omaha house includes every town west of the Missouri rivor. Each year trade has increased. 'Last year the company moved into their now and commodious quarters on'Harney , corner of Twelfth street. , P. iflj. Kills. One of the most jchaste and beautiful exhibits is that ot F. M. Ellis , architect. This exhibit was a surprise to most per sons in point ot merit ami completeness. Mr. Ellis lias boon in Omaha only four years , but there is not an architect in the city bettor or moro favorably known , Ills exhibit includes some ot thq lineal publlo and private buildings in the city nnd slnto. A mo tic these of ospoclal merit is the flno intorlor and porspoctlvo view ot the handsome atone rcawonoo ot Uonry W. Yates , which has no poor in the west. Another is the now Commercial National kink building now ncaring completion , a work that any architect might bo proud of. A beautiful design that attracted moro than ordinary attention was a proposed plan for the city hull , which , when builtwould have boon the grand- ' I cst building in America of Its kind. There nro many and handsome designs - signs ot public buildingH , all of them examples of the highest style of archi tecture. Taken singly or collectively , this exhibit Is worthy of the highest commondatiou. A. It. Moycr & Co. The great exposition , with all its beauty and variety , has but ono coal exhibit , that of A. B. Meyer & Co. , 10IJ South 16th street. These gentlemen have neither a coal bank nor a coal yard on exhibition , but they have jluo speci mens of coal and a tastefully rrangod display. There can bo found' anthra cite , Rock Springs , Trenton , walnut block , Iowa lump , Blnsaburg cake , &c. Visitors are vurymuch Interested in a unique display of ink wells , candle sticks , vases , smokers' sots , &o. , all made from coal and rivaling ebony in beauty. Tlicso gentlemen nro extensive - tensivo shippers and largo dealers in coal , und will no doubtdo an extensive business in Omaha. Their exhibit does them credit , and is in charge of a nlco little gentleman. Master Guy Marcus Shrinor , who will be a coalman himself seine day. IV. If. Stnotzcl. Ono of the most successful hardware merchants of the city has n massive dis play at the Coliseum. This exhibit , like the mountains , commands attention for its solidity and usefulness rather than for its artistic array or adornment. These massive ranges and handsome heaters would attract attention in any exhibit. Their exhibit of splendid wrought iron ranges and high grade cook stoves formed n feature of the ex position and attracted any amount of attention. Tholr street display on Merchant's day was a grand success.1 These glittering ranges and celebrated Round Oak heaters speak for them selves. The citizens of Omaha have learned to know that W. F. Stootzol's goods are standard , and all were pleased with his exhibit. 'Iho Sntns tlrwulry Compnnv. The Sams Jewelry company's display consists of an elegant show case of over five hundred gold watches valued at $20,000. The exhibit is tastefully draped with handsome curtains , having a back ground of ferns. This company con tributes its success to the co-oporativo plan of soiling diamonds and watches on easy payments , goods being doliv" orcd on first payment. This plan has boon the moans of supplying thousands with good diamonds and watches who otherwise would have done without. Tlio company hns agencies in all the principal towns in Nebraska , Kansas nnd Iowa , and do an extensive business. They issue an illustrated catalogue , with some 2,500 designs of novelties , which is mailed upon application. The William Bnrr Dry GnodH Co. The Barr exhibit is the centre of all oycs and creditably represents this great dry goods houso. All the various departments nro represented in miuea- turo. The entire exhibit with its beau tiful imported dross patterns , millinery goods , ribbons , stylish 'gloves and ele gant wraps is enclosed in a mammoth glass caso. The urrancomont and drap ing of the display within is worthy of an artist and secures what it richly merits the admiring attention of the ladies. There is an air of refinement und an exhibition of exquisite taste about this display that would make it noticeable in nny exposition however grand. J. li. Dranitcla & Sons. This firm , the proprietors of "Tho Fair , " made a fine exhibit at the Coli seum. They occupy throe times the usual space allotod to exhibitors , every foot of which is chock full of staple and fancy dry goods , fur goods , mllllnory , plushes , gloves , gout's furnishings , ladles' furnishings , shoos and children's wear. Every ono of their numerous departments are handsomely repre sented by substantial , standard goods. The exhibit is entirely in hooping with , the enviable reputation of this house and to sny that would bo to sny all thnt could bo said. On-ln > VDII n in I rn. Owln fc Dunmiroa sporting goods headquarters have a very croiiltablo display , and ono which is ospcolaly o- licaulo. It not only attracts the atten tion of everybody who enjoys outdoor sports , hut being located unon the upper promontulo to the left of the main oti- traueo catches the eyes of all visitors. This house hns established a reputation for fine goods , and always have in slock every 'conceivable article used by sports men , such as guns und ammunition , fishing taculo , lawn tounls goods , bust ) ball goods , oto. J. H. Ciiinoron , The piano man , made a splendid ex hibit of pianos and musical instrumanta at the fair grounds. The crowds thnt curly thronged his display guvo am ple proot of the uuccuss achieved. The excellent vocal nnd instrumental music furnished by him was ono of the attractions of the fair. Mr. Cameron's display In the street par ulu was ono of the moat noticpithlo in the lino. Ills line of pianos embraces tlio very best made and in tone and finish nro un excelled by any pianos manufactured. I/AST C11ANCK GUliOll. How ( ( > lil AVnH Klrwt Discovered nt lIHuna. The circumstances attending the birth of Helena are interesting. Four young minors whose names are not associated with the city's later history , in May , 1801 , we're wandering along the main range prospecting , says a Helena loiter. They hud been unable to obtain claims in Alder gulch , and tholr objective point , in case they should full to strike a rich Hold of their own , was Kootsual , in British Columbia , where common re port located valuable diggings. They camped one night In tho. gulch where Helena stands to-day , but though they found "color" they were not particular ly pleased. They doubted if gold was there in anything like paying quanti ties. They pushed ahead , therefore , crossed the range , and hud gouo as many as thirty miles northward whoa they encountered a man who dispelled their dreams of Kootsual. He said the good claims were all gone , and the best of thorn were poor , anyhow. This news was a great : lit.conrtigement . to the party. They had a rather dismal council , and concluded that the gulch they had lately loft was tholr only hopo. Accordingly , the next morning they turned around and cuiuo back to the spot upon which they had previously oncamncd. They grimly named the valley''Last Chance Gulch1 and Last Chaoco Gulch it is to-day. They sank two holes to bedrock , and their hearts leaped high when they counted & 1.GO in the if first pan. Each of these four ad venturers made a fortune from his claimund soon a big camp was drawn together. Ono of the minors who had been imprussod with the fasci nations of Homer's heroine gallantly urged the name of Helena as most ap propriate for the numo of the now city , and Hole mi it became. It stands to-day in the bottoms where the Last Chance pilgrims made tholr first discoveries. A more absurd and yet moro picturesque situation would DO difficult to fancy. Its chief business thoroughfare lies directly in the bottom of the Last Chance Gulch , at the fur ther end of which the patient China man is still washing out his pan of dirt and realizing a fortune larger thun in his own country ho "hud over dreamed of achieving. Thirty millions were taken from Last Chance Gulch before it I was abandoned to merchants and shop- I keepers , nnd oven now the builder of ' a now house can find laborers willing to dig liin collar for the dirt they take from it. The Site of Norombpg i. Prof. Hereford , of Cambridge , has , after much study , located the site of Norombcga , the "lost city of Now Eng land , " supposed to ho in Maine , at the mouth of Stony Brook. Waltlmm. Ho has boon the erection there of a round stone fiold-toivor , to bo twelve foot in diameter at base and forty feet high , and to coptain a flight of stairs inmdo to top for a lookout. CJUBIO WAR CHAMBER ! HALL OP AMERICA ! PAITOPTICAJT ! 2-rTHEATRES-2 2--THEATRES-2 ONDERLA W6 are too busy to write extensive advertisments. All wo have to say Is that during Fair Week the Eden Musoo was a veritable cold mine. The actual receipts from all sources for the week were : $9,647.30. This far exceeds the receipts of anv other museum in America. Of course wo are elated over our success ; however , as usual , we wear a No. 7i hat and shall use every endeavor to retain the old friends and gain now ones. To thnt end wo present for the week commencing SEPT. Oth , the most expensive show over given in this city. ' OF THE CUUIOSIi V SEASON. And His Serpts , Acting Ophidians. THE CLIMAX ( PRTETTE , Sweetest Singers of the Ago. The Famous Rawson World's Champion of Clubs. THE GREAT DE VER The Famous French Magician. Tie film Sis Songs and Dances. London Punch and Judy. Sisters De-Esta , the hirsute MARVELS from Utica , N , Y , rpTTTTi A TTDT71 "MTV O A. powerful organization headed by the greatest porO A TUT T . .TTA Cl ± XULlJ .X JtA/Jll JLNJ ( Z. former of the ago , SAM LUCAS , assisted by Mrs. Sam Oxi.I.Ti XJ U VS.IXK3 Lucas , in the enmo programme they presented at the Bijou Theatre in Boston for 200 nights. Mr. and Mrs. Lucaa rocolvo a larger salary than IIUB been paid to any attraction , viz : $250 per weok. ' 1O.OOO EXHIBITS. 1O CENTS ADMITS TO ALL. No disreputable or disorderly characters admitted , and children requested to attend afternoon shows and avoid the great jam at night. Saturday , Ohilurcn's Day All school children admitted to Museo , 'i theatres und scats for 10 conU.