Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1889, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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initMS OK sunscntrrioN.
Dally ( Morning IMItlou ) including Sunday
Hoi , One Voiir . . . MO 00
Tor K\t \ Month * . . . rm
For Three Months . . . 260
The Omiilm Sunday Hoc , mailed to miy
nddr. 0' , Ono Year . 200
Weekly Dec , Ono Year . . . S 00
Omixna OUlco , Ilco UnlMlng. N. W. Corner
Bovnntetnthnml 1 nrnnm Street * .
Chicago omce. BJ7 liookcry llulldlng.
Now York Office , Kooms H nna 15 Tribune
WnShlnirton Omcc. No. Ml I'ourtcpnth Stroct.
Council lllnlT onico. No , 12 1'onrlBtioot.
Lincoln UUlco , IICM I'Bttoct ,
All communications rolntlnir to new * nnd edl-
torlnl matter should bo addressed to the Keillor
of tholloo.
All business letters and remittances should
bon < iarcss l to'Die Ilco Publishing company.
Omaha. Draft * , chocks ami poitolllco oruora to
bo mndo pnyablo to the order of the company ,
Tlio BBC PiiblisliiiiicSpaiiy , Proprietors ,
HER lIulldlnK I'nniiun ami Seventeenth Streets.
I'll 14 I VlhY lllili
Sworn Rtatpment of Circulation.
Btnte of Nebraska , l ,
County of Douglas.BS | *
George ) 11 , Tzschuck. secretary of The Ileo
r Fubll nlnc Compiny , iloes solemnly swear thit
i ? the nctunl circulation ofTnnlun.v UUP. for
the week ending SeptemborT. ISJ'J. MM as tel
lows :
Sunday. Sept. 1 1P.FIW
Monday. Kept. S 18,708
Tiicilftjr. fcopt it 1KMI
Wednesday. Copt. 4 18'iTO
Qliniadoy.Soiit , 6 18,71 ! )
lYldny. pept. 0 18,740
Baturdiiy , Sept. 7 18,811
Average 18.771
Gworn to before me ftndsuDicrlbod to in my
prcsenco this 7th day of September. A. J ) . 18S-J.
Weal. ] N. p. FE1U N otixry Public.
Btato o Nebraska. I
County of DoiiglM. fBS-
UcorK'O II. Tzschuck , bclnR duly sworn , do-
roses nml says that ho n secretary of The lloo
J'ulillsliins company , thnt the actual averaRo
daily clrc\ilntlon of THE DAILY Dnr for the
month of September. 188,18.W ! ? copies ; for Oc
tober 1S8H , 18,054 copies ; for November , 1883.18-
. IW1 copies : rorlecembor. , 1888. l,22.t copies ; foi
Jaunnry. 18KI. 18,574 , copies ; for February , 1883.
J8onni copies ; for March. 181-0 , 18.8M copies ; for
April. lkt . 18r iD copies ; for May. IbWI. 18.6HD
K copies ; for June. I8B ! > . 18.858 , copies ; for.luly.
18W. 18,7J8colcs ] ; for August , 1NW. 1H.O > 1 copies.
. . . OKO. II. iVsniticK.
Rworn to before mo and subscribed In my
prcBcnce this Ulat day of Augunt , A. 0.18-fl ) .
[ BEAU ] N.I' , rr.iu Notary Public.
Tun people of South Sixteenth street
will put no moro faith in promises until
they see the electric motors actually
Tim Illinois corn crop is seventy
million bushels short this your. Ne
braska will bo glad to supply the defi
ciency from her surplus.
As ST. Louis is over twenty-two
million dollars in debt the late lienry
Sbaw's bequest of five million dollars
probably saved the poor old town from
total bankruptcy.
IT is to bo regretted that a more ex
tensive and brilliant display of elec
trical goods and contrivances had not
boon arranged at the exposition. This
could have boon made a great feature.
VANDKHIHLT'S famous ten thousand
dollar cook has thrown up his job and
will rutho ) dough of the United Slates
from oft his fingers. Th'is . is another
proof that America has not yet reached
the state of culture that can appreciate
high art.
TIIKUH is no use denying it , South
Omaha was moat shabbily treated by
some committooof the Merchants' wei < k
entertainment which should have soon
to it that the programme of taking vis
itors through the Magic City was car
ried out.
THE Douglas county republican cbm-
mitteo has very properly declined
to arrogate to itself the power to ap
point delegates to the state convention.
It would have been a very bad precedent
to establish.
Mn. HKNIIY VILLAUD'S scheme to
increase the bonded indebtedness of
the Northern Paciiicseventeen millions
in order to save two millions in charges
is not finding 'favor. The way this
Napoleon of finance is juggling with
millions makes oven the stockholders
catch their breath.
1 $ TUB female sullrago question seems
I" to require more brain tissue than the
I * "Wyoming constitutional convention has
at its command. The longhaired mom-
bora are anxious to graft woman suf
frage upon their fundamental law > but
inasmuch as it has failed to produce any
perceptible beneficent effect on the pol
itics and laws of the territory after eight
years' trial , there is a prevailing senti
ment that it would bo best to leave it
out of the state constitution.
THK appeal of the ton thousand rail
road brakemen sent to the inter state
commerce commission asking that con-
press by national legislation bring
about the adoption of automatic brakes
and couplers on freight cars should re-
P colvo favorable consideration. When
K it is berne in mind that nearly flvo
l hundred men are killed and over four
M-- thousand injured annually by reason of
the present link and pin coupler the
necessity of automatlo couplers on
freight trains becomes manifest. If
railroad managers can not bo induced
to inaugurate this much needed change
I voluntarily they should bo compelled to
do so by the national legislature.
Tin : UK was a prolonged meeting of
the cabinet yoatorday , at which' ' the
chief matter discussed was the question
ot an extra session of congress. It is
understood that u negative decision was
reached , as was to have boon expected
in view of what the president IH re
ported to have said on the subject to a
member of congress , If it is a fact that
the representatives from the now states
could not roach Washington before No
vember 10 , the president is right in
thinking it unnecessary to call con
gress together two wuoka in advance
of the regular time of meeting , but
there is no good reason why those rep
resentatives could not bo in Washing
ton by the llrst of November if it should
ba necessary for them to do so. The
"elections take place early in October ,
nnd throe weeks ought to bo arnplo time
in which to muko an official canvass of
the votes and issue the certificates of
election. However , there would , per
haps , bo nothing gained by uu extra
eossion , uud the country will have quito
enough ot the next congress it it shall
not meet until the regular data in Do-
combo r.
The rivalry of the motor and con
solidated horse railway and cable com
panies promises togivo Omnlm superior
suburban street car facilities. If the
various extensions projected and under
way are built this season the residents
of the northwestern and southwestern
portions of the city will all bo within
easy reach ol the business center , and
Omaha will be able to boast bettor
street car facilities than any city of
twlcolior population. Ills manifestly
to the Interest of our citizens that tlio
rivalry between the street fnr lines bo
stimulated wherever and whenever It
is possible to do so. Much will depend
upon the action of the board of public
works. Its policy in dealing with rival
claimants to given thoroughfares should
bo tons much as possible afford the people
ple of any locality the bonofitof competi
tion. The position which Mr. Kior-
stead has taken with regard to the
Lowe avonua nnd Cumlng street
right of way tends in that
direction. The residents of Wal
nut mil should by all means bo given
the choice of two routes to the heart of
the city. With the choice of competing
roads , they xvlll bo sure of more rapid
transit and bettor accommodations. It
would bo detrimental to the public in
terests to grant the monopoly of travel
to and from Walnut Hill to any ono
line , when there is ample room for com
petition by granting the right of way
to rival lines over jJarallol thorough-
As will bo soon by the report of the
proceedings of the republican county
central committee , the coming county
convention is to bo composed of over
ono hundred and sixty delegates. This
will give everybody who intends to take
an aclivo part In the fall campaign a
chance to became a delegate and have
a voice in making up the ticket. In
view of the fact that largo
bodies always move very slowly
the committee very properly fixed the
time of mooting for the convention in
the forenoon. That will onnblo the con
vention to got through with its work
before sundown. We would not , however -
ever , bo surprised if the coming conven
tion would expedite its business more
rapidly than conventions have done
heretofore in this county. The very
large number of delegates will compel
the convention to abandon- the old
method of nominating by paper ballot
and substitute a viva wee vote by wnras
and precincts. That will bo a stop in
the right direction. It will checkmate
double-dealers and sell-outs who
conceal there broken pledges , trickery
and treachery by the paper ballot.
While there is a diversity of opinion as
to the wisdom of nominating a county
ticket more than a month ahead of the
election , we can safely predict that the
candidates and the central committee
will find their time fully occupied from
the 6th of October until after election.
An organized movement for colonizing -
ing the now states with negroes from
the south is the very latest project for
solving the race problem down south.
The movement has received the ap
proval of the conference of colored
Methodist ministers in session .it Mil
waukee the past week , and its promoter
explains that nil the nrohminarics of a
great negro oxodus'from the south to
the new states have been arranged , so
that results will bo apparent within a
short time. lie says the movement has
nothing whatever to do 'with politics ,
its only purpose being to enable these
who desire to avail themselves of it to
improve their conditions.
The now states can furnish homos for
half the negro population of the south ,
and , while it is not to bo expected that
that proportion of them will leave the
south , It is very probable that many
thousands will avail themselves of FO
excellent an opportunity to bettor their
condition in all respects. If the move
ment has boon organized on a practical
basis , provision will bo made for enab
ling these who dcsiro to leave the south
to locate permanently on lands which
they may ultimately own , and to enter
ut once into developing the agricultural
resources of the now states. Under
such an arrangement the accession to
the population of those states
of an army of trained , and
industrious farm hands inspired by an
ambition to attain the best results pos
sible from the now conditions , would bo
a very great gain.
A colonization echomo simply de
signed to draw negroes away from the
south , without making any provision
for enabling them to become helpers In
the work of development , would bo a
wrong to them nnd to the communities
of the now Stilton , and a further explana
tion of the plan of the proposed exodus
will bo awaited bj- these communities
with anxious concern. *
The exodus can hardly fail to create
some anxiety in the south also. If it
shall assume largo proportions it will
diminish the supply of a class of labor
very essential to that section , and
which could not bo readily reulacod.
The agricultural labor performed by
the negroes of the south they are
peculiarly adapted to and white people
cannot do it BO well , nor can they bo
found in largo numbers willing to do it.
The southern advocates of negro colon
ization admit the gravity of the labor
question involved , but they profess
willingness to suffer whatever loss may
result if they can have the race contro
versy removed. ' A serious reduction of
the supply of negro labor in the south ,
compelling the employment of white
labor to take Its place- , would increase
very materially the cost of produc
ing and gathering the cotton
and other crops , and un -
doubtcdly the white lubor would bo
found loss tractable. The nygro agri
cultural laborer of the south is easily
discouraged ,
The experience of Kansas with negro
colonization , which proved BO disas
trous to thousands of poor nogrooa ,
should , however , bo u warning against
Buoh wildcat Bohomoi ) . The climate of
Kansas is much moro suitable for the
southern negro than the frigid zone of
the Dakotas , and Kansas was in every
other respect moro suitable for coloniz
ing the nogro. But Kansas became a
graveyard for thousands of these deluded
people , nnd other thousands , after en
during much privation , were compelled
to make their way back to the south as
host they could. No well wisher of the
negro will encourage this reckless ven
Thcro has boon a great deal ot misin
formation regarding the character of
the Ivaltnns who como to the United
States. The effect has been to create
an unwarranted prejudice against these
people , which in portions of the country
pursues them relentlessly. In the cur
rent number of the Political Science
QuartcrlyNr. Eugene Schuylor presents
a number ot very interesting facts re
garding the general character of Italian
immigrants , a Knowledge of which
would remove the prejudice against
Italian emigration is of two kinds
temporary and permanent. The former
are workers , skilled and unskilled , who
leave Italy every spring to scok work in
other countries , returning In the au
tumn. Not many of this class como to
the United States. Of these classed
as permanent emigrants the num
ber annually leaving Italy hjis in
creased steadily during the past
ton years. According to the most
trustworthy statistics available the
number in 1878 was only twenty
thousand , while last year it was over
ono hundred and seventy-five thousand ,
loss than one-fourth of which cnmo to
the United States. The principal centers -
tors ot emigration are Vonotla. Pied
mont , Lomburdy , Campania , Calabria ,
the Basilicato , Abruzzl and Tuscany.
The emigration from the largo cities is
notii5ably small , being generally less
than ono per cent of the population.
While the general causes of omigratlbn
from Italy nro the same as influ
ence it from other countries , Mr. Sohuy-
ler says that with respect to that from
South Italy that the main causa can
only bo expressed by the word "misery. "
The agricultural laborers are paid most
niggardly wages , and suffering among
them is widespread. Those who can
get out of the country do so , nnd tons ot
thousands of this class have within the
past two years accepted the liberal in
ducements offered by the Argen
tine Republic and gone to that
country , in districts of which
Italians are now a majority
of the population. It is chiefly this
class who como to the United States.
These people hayo learned the value
of thrift , and Mr. Schuyler describes
them na a frugal , temperate and indus
trious raco. "As1'tho Italians are no
toriously hnrd-wprking and indus
trious , " ho says , "they would prove extremely -
tromoly desirable settlers , and in the
second generation , good citizens , fop ,
the habit of thrift is ono to
bo encouraged rather than discour
aged in America * As to the fear
that thcso people might intro
duce a lower style of living , to tho-dot-
rimont of the country , Mr. Schuyler
regards it as unfounded. With regard
to the general morality of the Italians
the reports of American consuls give a
favorable account. The percentage of
illegitimacy is small , and llio 'personal
observation of Mr. Schuyler in every
part of Italy , during a residence of
several years in the country , enables
him to say that the criminal statis
tics of Italy . will compare
favorably with these of any
other country. Ho says : "I have
lived now for over three years on the
outskirts of Alasaio , a town of six
thousand inhabitants , about half-way
between Nice and'Gbnoa. Theft Jioro
is rare , burglary unknown , so that wo
have slept for weeks with doors unlocked -
locked and oven open , and never'think
of lookiug them during the day , though
the house may bo.quito deserted. , A.
murder has not bfton known hero for
fifty years , until recently 'in a
quarrel between workmen from
distant provinces. Illocitimato children
are very rare ; crimes produced by lust
are almost unknown. "
The conclusion reached by Mr.
Schuylor is that if the Italians' will re
main in the United States they are a
very desirable element to fuse with our
motley population. "Thoy bring to us
the logical qualities of the Latin race ,
and they show in a long run the effect
of an experience which no other people
in Europe has had of over two thou
sand years of civilization. " At any
rate , there is no good reason for appre
hending any danger , socially , mor
ally or politically , from the small addi
tion annually made to our population
from Italy.
The forest area of Nebraska is about
the smallest of any in the United States.
Our naturally wooded district only
comprises about throe per cent of the
states topography , and It lies mostly
along rivers whore it is of but little
value. Of course there is but very lit
tle consumption of natural timber in this
state , for wo have not got it to consume.
Compared with other states it amounts
to nothing. What wo use as lumber
and wood wo buy from other niarlcots.
In the entire country over thirty bil
lion feet of lumber , including
ono hundred million railroad ties
are consumed every year. It is
cat I mu ted that fully one-fifth of the
present forest area has boon stripped to
make ties , and figuring from a certain
basin the extent of this drain will in
crease largely with the addition of now
roads. At this rate it is only a question
of time when the United States , wijl bo
without timber * Tlio farmer who buys
or settles a quarter-section of land and
imagines that ho has a homo has only
taken the first steps towards the accom
plishment of his purpose. Moro than
laud is required to make a farm , Water
is as necessary us land , and to secure
and keep water it is necessary to have
trees. Accordingly throe requisites are
necessary for a good farm , laud , water ,
and trees.
The forestry laws in this country
amount to but little in their present
form , Each state enacts what it dooms
proper and much hasty and crude legis
lation has been adopted whore the
question has boon raised at all , which
is in but a very few of the states up to
the present time. In Franco und C3or-
inany the authorities compel persons
cutting trooa to replant others in their
stead and kindred wise provisions
place the matldr in soinothintr like a
safe condition for the present nnd
future generations. In 1870 J. Sterling
Morton , of Nebraska City , originated
the idea ' 6t setting npart ono
day in the year for the purpose of ulnnt-
ing trees on our broad prairies. The
legislature afterwards took the matter
up and crcalod Arbor day , nnd recom
mended that It should bo spent in plant
ing trees. It haa boon so popular In
Nebraska , and so.produdtivo ot good re
sults , that o'tjiorstates have adopted
our law. TlitJ enactment , however , has
( nothing compulsory about It , nnd after
a while the novelty will wear off and
the custom will sink into disuso. In
Nebraska the lack of timber is not now
very severely felt but , as stated , fine
groves nro an invaluable adjunct to
agricultural states for even many pur
poses besides these named. Some intel
ligent legislation Bhould bo enacted
whereby our timbered nrou may bo
mndo to assume moro respectable pro
portions in the future.
JOHN L. SULLIVAN announces that
ho will endeavor to secure the nomina
tion for congress in ono of the Boston
districts , and says that in pursuit of this
worthy ambition ho hopes to bo able to
put aside loss meritorious aspirations.
Ono ot the most celebrated pugilists of
England was elected to parliament nnd
became a comparatively respectable
man. In this country the election of
John Morrissey to congress had an Im
proving olTtct upon his conduct. It is
possible that a term in congress would
make Sullivan a bettor behaved man
than ho has boon , but it ho cannot bo
reformed without sending him to congress -
gross it were bettor to per rait him to
servo out a term in the Mississippi pen.
Congress already has quito enough to
answer for.
Tun Iowa supreme court has just de
cided that liquors in original packages
cannot be confiscated. This decisio'n
has stimulated the contraband liquor
trade to a considerable extent. With a
few moro modifications of this sort pro
hibition will bo n dead letter , not merely
in the larger cities , like Burlington ,
Davenport , Dubuque and Council Bluffs ,
whore it never has boon enforced , btit
in all the smaller towns and villages.
THE Antwerp disaster is ono ot the
most terrible of the many which will
make this year memorable for great
calamities. The loss of lifo is not so
great as was at first feared , but there
are many severely wounded , some of
whom , it is apprehended , will not sur
vive. It is by far the most serious
European calamity of the present year.
i. ,
, lilvlnsr In the 1'nst. ,
tl 0
Chicago Kcws. - , , , - '
There is no need of growing wildly hilar
ious because thi Chicago base ball club has
reached third place. It has led the league in
days that are np more.
IhonVq Gnu Dlo In Peace. Yoik HeraM.
A Massachusetts seer has Idndly post
poned the smashing of this not wholly disa
greeable planet until October" ? . This will
give ample time to settle the bnso ball cham
pionship , so it is renllv not so bail.
. . 9
Wliy Grover Is Cautions.
St. Laiit * Q Inlie-Democrat.
Mr. Cleveland hesitates about crossing the
Atlantic , it is said , because of a fear of sea
sickness. Ho has not.yot forgotten the aw
ful naasoa which came upon him when ho
read the returns of the last presidential elec
Wo Shall Sec. >
; St. Louts HeinibUc , unt
A '
The Chicago Ueof Barons refuse to bo in
vestigated by the United States Senate un
less they can bo investigated in their own
way and by "friendly men. " It Is hard to
i convince a Chicago Uuron that the Chicago
.stock yards are not bigger than the'United
States , but it can bo dono. " '
Armour nnd the Uocf Investigators.
St. Lmta ( Pogl-Dltvutcli.
Mr. Armour is confident that the sonnta
will prove true to Plutocracy and will not
think tlio less of him fin- treating with con
tempt any I'oinuiitteo ol'senators. from gran
ger states visiting Chicago on an antl-Pluto-
crntio mission. Mr. Armour scorns to know
that there are a good many men of his own
kind in tlio senate who regard trusts and
other monopoly combines as "private affairs"
which should not bo inquired into very
On tlio Brink of n Volcano.
Pi ovtde'ice Journal.
A low sparks like this dock laborers'
strike applied to the smoldering flros and
there might bo an outbreak that , would
startle the world. Now and t hen , as m the
last few days , we got a glimpseat the tre
mendous volcano of discontent and socialis
tic feeling below the fair surface of the Eng
lish industrial system ; and its chief value is
to remind us that the socialistic movements ,
or la soon to bo , ono of the most pressing
problems confronting the Eneltsn pooplo.
The Crnnin Jurymen.
Chicago Tribune.
Extract Irora daily paper for the year 1937 :
"Another half day \v as spout in afruitiosson-
dcavor to secure jurors in the Cronin case.
Court adjourned shortly after the noon hour
on account of the unexpected death of Jury
man Klamtn , who quietly expired of old ago ,
without leaving the box. It will bo remem
bered by many of our old residuals that
when this juror \vas accepted , some twenty *
flvo or thirty years ago , wo expressed grave
doubts as to his 'bodily ' vigor and power of
endurance , " etc. , eta .
J i I i m r -
Hotter. Ttinn Cremation ,
Kcw Ynrk Sun.
There Is a man in Denver who has an idea
that the country ought to give up the
present method 'of disposing of dead bodies
nnd adopt ono w iich he suggests. Ho does
not advocate cremation , aor anything else
which , so far as is known , appears to have
been suggested by any other person. His
schema Is to freezottho itoad body in water ,
take the block of 190 in which tlio body has
been frozen und curry it to the north and deposit -
posit it on'tho B ip s , of ono of the Arctic
teas. II o soys tjliai ho has already made
some favorable progress , and that an Kiigllsh
syndicate is considering the establishment
of an international cemetery oa the shores
of Uaffln's Uay , where ho says that f yturo
generations may go-to find the faces of their
ancestors of the nineteenth century 03
natural as life.
"flic Katydid as a
JJealrioe Kxyrctt.
The Express was to-day shown a clipping
from Tim OHAIIA. HEB of July 33. In the
item reference Is made to certain frost prog
nostications a * un outgrowth of a conversa
tion ut DCS Moiues , la. , ia which Railroad
Commissioner Day renmrftod ; "I am not at
all superstitious , but Monday evening , July
23 , whllo I was at my homo In Iowa City , I
htmrd thcjflrst kntyJtd sin ? , and the old ; bo-
Hof thnt the first frost would follow In nix
Weeks occurred to mo. That would bring
the first frost on September 3 , most too cnny
for thecorn. . " Other persons report having
hoard the katydid sing thnt same evening ,
nnd tliero will bo a great deal of Interest
taken In seeing how near the old aylnj (
comes truo. While the corn Is looking very
line , a stinging frost as early as September
3 would have n very serious effect on It.
The prognostication of the katydid has
been realized barring n day. Last nlqht ,
beptembcr 4 , a urlilc frost did occur , but for
tunately of not sufllclont severity to do any
Prof. Katydid is hereby nominated chin-
otologist of the Iowa male unlvoroity.
llcnl Republican Simp ) lolly.
It cost Boston $0,000 to entertain Cleveland
land and only $1,000 to entertain Harrison.
Thli shows that , under the present adminis
tration n first-class article Is to bo had at a
much smaller price tlum an inferior ono cost
when the democrats were In power.
- o
Hro'r Grndy Should Hnvo Como.
Chicago Inta OcMn.
The Atlanta Constitution ttld a good thing
for the country when it auccocdcd In having
n press car attached to the excursion train
for Georgia farmers to visit the northwest.
Hut It would have boon bettor had Mr.
G raily Joined the party , so as to know some
thing about the northwest himself.
A Grm ol n Jlirymnn.
CMcapo Tribune.
Bailiff ( in a casual way ) Speaking about
shows , what Is your opinion as to the proper
location of the world's fair ?
Party Addressed What fur kind of a dura
thing Is n world's ' fuirl
Bailiff ( triumphantly ) Como along , my
friend. I want you for a Juryman I
Billings , the Iowa lawyer who killed young
ICIngslov , plunges still deeper Into the vor
tex of crime. Ho is now writing poetry.
A citizen of Omaha writes to TUB BEB to
announce thnt ho has invented perpetual
motion ; that the machine is about finished ,
and that ho is ready to spring it upon the
people as soon as ho Icarus whether there
Is a prize offerqd for such a success. Ho is
respectfully referred to Mr. Keoly's backers.
The snub which the merchant's weoic people
ple are said to have given the South Omaha
puckers lias opened an almighty big cliUstn
which the Brooklyn bridge could not scan.
It will result in bringing to public attention
petty Jealousies and local political prejudices
which are shameful if not childish.
It was Sheriff Coburn's chance to got baclc
at his particular friends , the county commis
sioners , and ho made the most'of it.
Sullivan now wants to go to congress.
And yet his friends insist that John is trying
to reform.
Even the impassable Chinaman sucumbsto
the prevailing mania in Chicago. Blanche
Loy lived happily with Cuing until they
reached the city of the lake breeze when ho
becaa to boat nnd otherwise abuse her and
now she wants a divorce.
a A Hair Truth.
JOcjirer Republican.
Denver lays over Omaha in business , thrift
nnd enterprise of all' kinds , but the moun
tain city must take a back scut in base ball
matters. For this state of affairs the Denver
people have Manager Ro wo largely to cuss.
An Artist in Kcd.
CTiicfnnntt Enquirer.
Buffalo Bill's latest freak Is excessive en
thusiasm for briu-a-brao and paintings. Ho
is buying a whole gallery , nnd , singular to
relate , eschews all pictures of a ruddy hue.
"You BCO , " ho apologetically explains , "I
can paint it red myself. "
Kvcrybndy Chimes to Omaha.
St. Jofciili Xciaa.
Omaha Is no longer enterprising. There
has been no cross-country chase to Council
Bluffs lately. 'Omaha society is evidently
ia Oatmirini ; France.
tilitcaao Inter-Ocean.
Parisians cal Buffalo Bill "Guillnumo do
Bison. " The governor of Nebraska would
do well to call Bill homo. The first thing
United States people know Bill will bo Bou-
luiigerlng Franco.
HoVAn Out or Joint.
Chicago Times.
A Lincoln ( Neb. ) girl forced a man who
had lied about her to got on his knees and
apologize . Ho must have thought that the
times were out of joint
Our air IB thn Elixir.
St. 1'aiil Globe.
It is claimed that tha financial embarrass
ment of u funeral casket company in Omaha
is n sign of exceptional sulubrity , or thnt tno
elixir is getting in its work. It may indicate
that cheap pine is in use , or that mortuary
people are unable to pay their way.
Tluit Bogus Syndicate Sermon.
ditcaun Mall.
Talma go prcactiod in Omaha yesterday ,
discoursing from the tent "Thou art weighed
in the balances and found wanting , " und
now the residents of the young but self-con
scious suburb are perplexed as to whether
the great divine's visit can bo construed as a
compliment or otherwise.
An lixcbptlonnl Wcuk In Denver.
flenver New .
Denver loads Omaha m total clearings last
week and also in the percentage of gain , the
latter being 51.8 per cent. No largo lumps
of English money came in , but the largo
number of visitors to the firemen's tourna
ment had an effect on trado.
Hurrah For Ml is Illokey.
Clilwaa Herald.
The Herald's ' congratulations to Miss
ICatlo Hickey , of Lincoln , Neb , , and moro
power to the pretty hand with which she
brought her shameless detractor to her
knees. Baa cess , likewise , to the lying
slanderer , whoso naiiio is Hoddish , and to
all other scoundrels who make light of a
woman's good name.
Tlioy Nuud n Conn nil.
Kew Orleans ( Ln. ) Ifcw > ,
Congressman-elect Council , of the First
Nebraska Congressional district , has lately
' 'locked horns" with the gas monopolists of
Omaha' , and has uomuout ahead I The Omu-
hoes are no worsn off than are the people of
Nuw Orleans , In fact they of the wood nnd
wooly are not socked by the illuminating
tyrants as heavily as are our citizens yet
whore is the local David who will dare to face
this Goliath of plunder }
The Strrom unit the Poonlo ,
St. J'aul Plonttr-l'rtai.
Omaha has just discovered that she Is not
the owner of her own streets. Is St. Paul in
the same condition ) If so wo should at least
like to bo guaranteed the use of the alleys
and sidewalks.
\ lirotherlr Hohukc.
It ho was not In the habit of drinking more
ban wuti really good for him ho might bring
suit against his countenance for libel , ana
procure heavy damages. It is Retting so that
rcspectnblo people cannot visit Plnltsmouth
without having their names hornldcd broad
cast ever the country In disrespectful wny
by this old skunk of the Malu street sewer ,
Urn Didn't Need Mnoh.
Chimney Iloctt TranfcHpt ,
Bon Walt 1 rebuilding the preacher's
buggy nnd U making n good job of it. Ho
had the Driver's whip anil an old nxlotrco for
a starter , but that was enough for Ben ,
D.ul U'lll Mnvo to Gum it ,
dcntMffcurcf. .
"Did" Hunter , of CboUca , will pum it
a wlille , having loft all his teeth with Dr.
Clark. U goes n little tough , but ho regards
Clark as n Jim Dandy of n dentist and will
fit himself with a brand now sot us soon ns
his Jaws will bear it.
An Apology to Helen ,
. /xiubii'llte ObiJrwr.
In a local that appeared in last week's Ob
server tlio word Miss was unintentionally
omitted. Miss Helen Staiulor will plcnsa ac
cept our apology.
Uncle Jimmy's Cln ril'Oouvrc.
fmti/oiit C'lfpjwr.
Uncle Jimmy Hill , the veteran pioneer ,
the most artistic designer and painter of his
ngo , is doing some tine worlt in the now town
of Marsland , at W. E. Alexander's '
When through with that ho will finish up
another handsome stgu for the Clipper , in
lluck nnd gold.
Uho lliillli-s Hoi p.
Scntla llti all.
Some time ngo wo pall the high compli
ment to Scotia ladles of saying that they
were the smartest on earth , some of them
Betting their washing on the line before S
o'clock on Monday morning. Investigation
nnd research , assisted by un interested
party , since that time , lias proven to
us thnt wo were wrong In part nnd
thnt the lords und masters of the
ladles deserve nt least n part of the praise. It
is n fact that in the early hours of Monday
mornings the said husbands are hustled out
of bed by their ambitious spouses und made
to turn the festive washing machine nnd
twist the vermicular wringer until the last
piece of linen gives up Its real estate. But
hubby never hangs tlio clothes ou the line.
Oh , no. That would give the snap away.
Lot honor bo given to whom honor ia duo.
l > ots of Kims lor rilly Cents.
Scotia , ITciattl.
During the session of the legislature last
winter ivo were ordered by Secretary of
SUte Laws to send the Hcr.ild to Represent
ative H.inna. and "charge the same to him.
Wo did so. In fact wo would have sent tlio
paper to handsome Haniia anyhow , for wo
knew ho would rather lese his bangs any
time than bo without it After the brilliant
session was ever wo sent our bill to the sec
retary of st.ito for 50 cents ( cheap enough ,
oh ? ) , lu the course of a month or two ho O.
K.'d it , and passed it on to Cruzau , chairman
of the house conimitteo on public accounts.
This gentleman , after deliberation woithy so
weighty a matter , ndlxod his Gauliu signa
ture to the document. Then the bill moved
on to Tom M : Cook , ciork of the house. Toin
signed it , and scat it on its travels to John
C. Watson , speaker of the house. This gen
tleman , uftor duo consideration , also put his
John Hancock to the paper and sent it over
to the auditor of public accounts. The audi
tor mailed it back to the Herald for our sig
nature , and it has gone back again. If it is
approved by the auditor wo b'ellovo and trust
that ho will issue a warrant for the 50 cents
with the big name of Benton at the bottom ,
and forward the same to Scotia. Then wo
will pack our grip , grasp our pass tightly , go
to Lincoln , visit the state treasurer , and , on
being pioporly identified , perhaps got our
money. Voiily , it is hard fora poor news
paper man to got his own. now isn't it !
Herald § 1.50 u year with premium.
A Dlndcl
Jirown County Jingle.
Wo rush the publication of this issue in
order to attend the reunion of old soldiers nt
O'Neill. Wo ere going on a little further to
the "folks" to got something to eat. A
mother-in-law" is n mighty good "article" to
have around.
"What ! prohibition in Iowa , hn , hn , ha 111 , "
said u well known liquor drummer who trav
els through Iowa. "Why , my boy , 1 glory
in my Iowa trado. It is the easiest snap in
the world to sell whisky in Iowa or Kansas ;
both of which states I cover.
"Thcro nro many methods of getting
whisky into those states unknown to the
local authorities. What do 1 think of pro
hibiting ? I'll toll you right now th.t there
is no such thing as prohibition. I have been
in the business for years , and n'Uhough I
sell whisky I don't ' drink It. I have sold
liquor in Iowa and Kansas , and got moro
money out of It than I ever get out of Ne
braska and Colorado. *
"Why , go to AtchiRon , Kan. , for instance.
If you are posted you can go to any of tho. .
ciubs there , whore you will meet the city nnd
county ofllccrs indulging in'their regular
toddy. They are not drunkards by any
moans , but they want their regular drink
and get It. It Is the same In all towns
throughout these states.
"Iho means of getting liquor into prohibi
tion states are manifold. Some of the most
ingenious schemes for evading the spotters
are practiced , much cleverer than any that
are practiced in smuggling.
"I was in an Iowa town lately and after
supper sat on the hotel verandah. A boy of
about fifteen years came to mo and asked mo
If I was Mr. So-and-So. I said I was. Said
lie , 'can you send mo a gallon of whisky for
gl.50) ) ' I said I could not , that ho was n
minor , and that I did not carry that clans of
Roods. 'Well , ' said ho , 'ton of us boys chip.
lied in 1Q cents uuloco and want to got a gal
lon of whisky , and I thought you could sell
It to us. '
" / questioned him , nnd he uald that boys
Df his ago were in the habit of buying
ivhisky nnd after getting it would go into the
woods ami get beastly drunk.
"This is a sad offset to the drinking of
minors in non-prohibition states , wlioru boys
who are Inclined to bo 'tough1 miiv some
times go to low down saloons , play pool and
Irink boor , but the systematic way that boys
in Iowa towns go to work to buy the 'barrol
uniso' quality of whisky by eubscrlption und
jet beastly drunk is BO much worsu that the
contrast cannot but bo fearfully alarming , '
"I have just returned from a visit to Vic-
oria , B. C. , " Bald a gentleman to the Buz-
: cr , "und found It ono of the most beautiful ,
is well us urlstocrutlo cities on the conti
"The people nro mostly English , but tliero
ire quite a number of Americans there in
juaincss. Everything is run on the English
ilan , Business , with the exception of tno
retail trade , Is generally suspended after U
, ) . m. , und everyone dines In the evening.
"Tho theatres are very pretty , and full
jvcnlng dress1 U do ricreur for anyone who
ivisbe * to bo entirely in good form , The
My is Burrcunded by beautiful drives und
pleasure resorts , ana the latter part of the
iftcrnoon is devoted to pleasure. There uro
liany handsome turnouts on the drives
jvcry afternoon , nnd Bwell young Eni'llsh.
neu tool their handsome dog-carts behind
jang-tallcd tandems.
" 1 mot , at o hotel , the original
"Chumloy , " from whom the character , ao
; levcrly played by Sothcrn , was drawn. I
, VUB talking to the clerk unU board tbo Inira-
table stutter known to these who have soon
the play. ' ' 'S-sny , doah boy , can .you t-toll tn
the way to the bawthsj" I turned nround
nnd beheld n ImmUoino , though offcmlnato ,
young Englishman in dazzling white IlannoU
with n broad blue sash , a monocle ana a
"Chumloy , " a * ho U generally called ) la
ono ot the nights of Victoria , Ho is very
wealthy , nnd U loitering nround the globe
with hh bride , a beautiful und nrlstocrutlo
English plrl. Ho outdoes even the famous
Berry A'All in the number and extravagance
oMils clothes. Ho has n suit for every hour
of the day , and is an Inveterate ' 'lubber , "
that i , ho bathes twice n day. Ho Imi n
vnlot , who also ( Itesicsextravagantly , as ono
of lils poraulMtos Is "Chumloy's" cast oft
clothe : , of which there nro a largo number.
Ho Is typical of n largo number of the yountf
men of Victoria , but none of them can compote
pete with him In luxurious dressing. "
"I hnvo got on to the wny a good many
clerks In Omaha 'knock down' on their em
ployers , " said a young professional mac. "I
wont Into n atoro the other dny to purchase
seven feet of n certain material , which came
to 70 cents. I handed the clerk $ t and ho
wrapped up the uoodi , filled out n ullji In hU
book and took the dollar to the cashier. Ho
returned with the chanro und handed mo CO
cents nnd the slip , saying , 'They did bettor
by you at the olllco than I did. '
"I didn't look at llio slip until 1 got homo
nnd then noticed thnt ho had only chargad
three feet , which amounted to SO cents. Ho
had tn Ho to mo about the f > 0 cents bccauso
ho had not got the right change from the
ofllco to get more out of It for himself. I
understand this Is done In nil llnoi of trade ,
by clerks who think their employers do not
| ) tiy tliom well enough.
"A merchant to whom I talked told mo
that ho was awuro that it wai going on , but
it was very dlfllctilt to ilotoot. Customers
on whom It Is pfaycd , wliou they notice the
difference ! between the nmoiiat of their pur
chase , think it was merely on error. "
Our country cousins'afforded the towns
people a good deal of amusement during the
week. The motor ana cable lines attracted
much attention fiom the visitors , und there
were many narrow escapes from death , by
curious ruralists.
A strapping big farmer with cowhide
boots , nnd a strip of buffalo roho under his
chin couldn't understand what made "tho
gol-dui nod cable kcars move , ho noulftn't
see no cable. " When told that it was be
neath the track lie got down on his hands
nnd knees nnd gazed through the slot. While
gazing a train swung nrouud the corner and
struck the gentleman full in the seat of the
trousers The ulr was torn with yells , and
ho was picked tip somewhat a.ized by the
suddenness of the thing , but was unhurt.
A party of suburban maidens stood nl the
corner of Furnam und Fourteenth streets
nnd looked with uwe nt the motor cars. Ono
of thorn called out , "Look , .Mag , see thorn i
funny little wheels. Don'tthcyjo'itflyi"and '
they stooped down nnd gazed at the battery - '
tory under the car. "That's whore they '
keep the steam , " said ono. "No "tala't , -i
neither , " said another ; "tho stcUm's in thnt '
round brass box in front. Guess I know. " j
A delegation from the interior of Ibwuwho ( j
had been for n longtime denied the luxury I
of taking a driulc openly in u sure enough 1
saloon , availed themselves of the opportunity , J
nna spent most of their time in visiting the < 1
fancy saloons. The first one they entered , 'I
the spokesman loaned confidently over.tho 1
bar and wliisperod to the bartender , "Say , I
bartender , give us some 'boobo. ' " The bartender - I
tender thought ho was running In a now { ]
drink on him , so ho said , "Wo llon't keep It j
hero , sir. " The party filed out , and finally |
found a place where un ox-Iowa bartender j
was on duty. Ho , of con MO , understood J
"beobo" to mean' beer , and gained their cus
tom , which was lavish , during their visit.
Two Kcmiirknlilo Documents From
the IV M of tlio Martyr I'ri'Hldgnt.
The Century. Lifo of Lincoln in
August says : ' . 'Wo subjoin two papers
from the liana of the president , one of
ficial and the other private , which
bear within themselves the imprint of
a sincere devotion and a steadfast reli
ance upon the power anil benignity of
an overruling Providence. The first is
an order which he issjod on the 10th. of
November , 1801 , on the observance of
Sunday :
"Tho president , comtnandor-in-chiaf of the i
army and navy , dcsiius and enjoins the or- '
dcrly observance of tl0 | Sabbath by the of- i
llcers and men In tbo military and naval sor- ,
vice. The importance for man and beast of
the prescribed weekly rest , tlio sacred rights j
of Christian soldiers and sailors , n becoming j
deference to the best uenttmcnt of Christian I
people , nnd a duo roguru for the divine will , j
demand that buuduy labor in the army and i
navy bo reduced to the measure of strict no- j
cessity. The dcclpilino nnd character of the I
national forces should not suffer , nor the j
cause they defend bo Imperiled , by the pro- j
fanation of the day or the iiunio of the Most j
High. 'At this time of public distress ( adopt- j
Ing the words of Washington in 1770) ) men I
may find enough to do in the service of their j
God und their country without abandoning n
themselves to vlco und immorality. ' The '
first general order is Usnecl by the luther of i
his country after the declaration of Indopon- J
donee indicated the spirit in wlilch our institution - -
tution were founded und should ever bo do- ]
fended. ' 1 hogoneral hopes and trusts that j
over ofiicor nnd man will endeavor to live
and act us becomes n Christian soldier , do. ,
fending the dourest rights und liberties of
his country. ' "
"Tho date of this remarkable order |
leaves no possibility for the insinuation
that it sprung from political purpose or |
intention. Mr. Lincoln hud just boon
re-elected bv an overwhelming major- j
ity ; bis party was everywhere trium- I
pliant ; his own personal popularity was I
unbounded ; there was no temptation to I
hypocrisy or deceit. There is no explanation - 1
nation of the order except that it was J
the offspring of sincere conviction. Cut 1
if it may be said that this was , after all , 1
an oxotcrio utterance , springing from |
these relations of religion and peed A ,
government which the wisest rulers f
have always recognized in their inter- I
courbo with the people , wo will give ono jj
other document , of which riothing of' I
the sort can bo said. It is a paper which 0
Mr. Lincoln wrote In September , 1802 , H
while his mind was burdened with the j ]
weightiest question of his lifo , the I
weightiest with which this cqntury J
has had to grapple. Wearied I
with all the coiiBidorations of U
law and of expediency with which ho i
had boon struggling f of two years , lie j
retired within himself and tried to fl
bring some order into his thoughts by I
rising above the wrangling of men and. j ]
of parties , und pondering the relations n
of human government to tlio divine. In i
this frame of mind , absolutely dotaohod ,1 ,
from any earthly consldarut'ona ' , ho I
wrote this meditation. It 1ms never ' ]
bean published. It was not written to , 'J
bo seen of men. It was punned in the ! \
awful btncoritybf a perfectly hotiobtsoul < |
trying to bring itnolf into closur comJ
munlon with its Maker. \i \
"I'ho will of God prevail * . In great con- J
toils each party claims to act In accordance ( I
with tha will of God. Both limy bo nnd ona Jl
must bo wrong , God cannot bo for and
acuiimt the uamo thing at the name timo. In ( m
the present civil war it is quitu possible that
God's purpose is Bouiothlnu different from
the purpose of ulther party ; nnd yet the human -
man instrumentalities , working just as they m
do , uro of the boat adaptation to effect hi * fl
purpose. I am almost ruudy to say that this fl
Is probably true ; that God wllla this content J
and wills that it shall not end yot. By hi * ft
inoro great power on the minds of the novr \ \
contestants , ho could have cither saved or M
destroyed the union without a human con * ( I
tout. Yet the contest begun. And having $
betcuu hu could L'lvo unul victory to eltu r U
ulilu uuy day , Yet the contest proceed * . " :1