Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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' ' The niiprnlaors of thb postofflco sHe
tnuliitttib United States courtroom
yesterday inorntnpr , but adjourned until
Saturday iiftornoon without Inking up
any business.
An nlurm of flro yesterday forenoon
called the department to Bruno
JV-iclnick'a on west Farnam , where a
Ran jot sot lire to sotno bed clothes. The
damage done was nominal.
IVrsonnl I'nrncrnplis.
T. S. Nrnl , of EdRixr , Is nt tlio Pdxton.
J. Mbbm , of Sowurd , Is nt tlio Arcade.
C. W. Uirl , of NollKh , Is nt the Arcado.
H J. Dw.vcr , of O'Nolll , Is nt tlio Arcado.
Kd Clnrko , of Vnlcntlno , Is nt the I'nxton.
C. L. Van Fleet , of Lincoln , Is at the Mur-
ruy ,
E. A. l-'iwcett , of Lincoln , Is ; U tlio Mil-
lard.P. M. Gnrrott , of Wymoro , is nt the Mil-
Charles A , Plorco , of Ucnnot , Is nt tlio
Miss M. Myora , of Hastings , Is nt the
Mrs. E. Whitney , of Columbus , Is nt the
H. II. Atossrovo , of David City , is nt the
Miss Mory Price , of Nebraska City , Is vis-
HitiR hero.
P. A. Nelson , of Gordon , is registered at
the Arcado.
I 1) . T. Snbln , of Beatrice , is registered nt
the Vnitton.
LV P. M Valentino , of Aurora , Is stoppinir at
the Mtllnrd.
E. P. Fountain , of Broken How , Is n guest
l'P. . Flnherty , of Kearney , Is registered
nt thol'axton.
J. W. James and wife , of Stromsburff , nre
nt the Murray.
I W. W. Norton , of Alliance , Is registered
& nt the Arcado.
L. II. Chambers , of IJcatrleo , Is stopping
at the Arcade.
John M. Fltcbpatrlck , of Hebron , is n
guest at the Murray.
.T. J. Hoclistctlnr nnd wife , of Nebraska
City , nro nt the Mlllnrd.
Mr. Uichard Oiovo , of Nebraska City , Is
visiting Irieuiis In Omaha.
II. H. Eirbcrt , of the San Francisco Even
ing Bulletin , is at the Paxton.
l > E , Wcdoles , of 1005 Fnrnnm street , loft for
the cast yesterday , nucompuuiod by nls wife.
/ Colonel A. M. Swopo , of Lexington , Ky. ,
United States collector of Internal revenue ,
Is visiting this city.
Mr. George Canning , ono of the registrars
of Salt Lnkn City , was nuiong the callers
upon Tin : HER Thursday.
Mr. Fred ICnhn , of Yankton , Dak. , for-
nicrlv n resident of Omalm , was u caller at
THE Uii : : building yesterday.
.T. P. Uecker , of Union , who has dcon
traveling In Jo'vvn , Minnesota anil Wisconsin ,
passed through Omnhu yesterday oiThis way
homo. jTohn P. Sclimlnkeand her son Willie ,
returned from California Thursday night.
Mrs. Solimlnko went for her hunltli unil re
turned much improved.
LOST Blue tickets of A.M.E. Church ,
Nebraska City , signed Rov. .7. Gordon ,
in envelope. Any party soliciting for
above church bus no authority to do BO.
Anybody finding name return to Peyton ,
Johnson hoiibc , Eleventh and Capitol
uvenue. _
.Mm .loncs III Hoc.
Oltn Jones Is the name that a delegate from
Schuylar , who deals In farm machinery , trnvo
when arrested last night , charged with steal
ing chickens at the fair ground. Jim Is hero
in the interest of a curtain brand of windmill ,
and after selling ono got loaded and stole
Bomo gumo fowls. Ho.will bo tried this
morning on the-dunl charge of drunken
ness and pilfering1 poultry.
A Litvi-ly
Dr. Wilcox's horse ran away early yesterday
afternoon near the Eleventh street viaduct
broke tbo bugpy nnd threw ttio doctor upon
tlio street. A man named William Hazclton ,
working nt the Palace stables , sent to
bring tlio horse to that place. While rklini ;
the animal , the inun was thrown oil and ,
bolne caught in the harness , was dragged
some distance and injured.
J / Griding Ordered.
> Contractor P. Uuyschart has boon ordered
by the board of public works to begin grad
ing Spencer and Einmott streets , from Six
teenth to Twenty-fourth. Ed Onllnhnn has
been ordered to begin grading Twenty-sixth
avenue , from Half Howard street to St.
Mary's avenue , 'Fwonty-nintti street from
liCavcnworth to Half Howard , and Thirty-
first from Furnam to Leaven worth.
Marriage licenses were Usued yesterday to
the following parties :
Kama nnd residence. Atie ,
I William H. La Clmppello , Omaha . 21
I Loula Dongor , Omaha . 18
I William Miller , Omaha . 21
I Edith Kinp , Omaha . 20
( Karl Hertz , Malvorn , la . 3L
( Lena Paulson , Malvcrn , la . 25
Tlio Alurtti * Store.
Mr. S. I' , Morse bus returned from Boston
and says that work will bo commenced on
his new store building next week. The
cessation during his absence has been occa
sioned through the deliberation of parties in
whoso hands rests the power to receive bids
and award contracts.
Mrs. Morse , who spent the summer nt
Lexington , Mass. , returned with her hus
band. _
Dumlrc Plnoo Water Mains.
The Patrick Land company have Just
closed a contract with the American Water
works company , by Which the system of the
latter will bo extended throughout Oundca
Place. The woik Is to be commenced im
mediately. nnd will bo pushed forward us
rapidly as possible. It is estimated that be
tween twenty and twenty-live thousand feet
of water mum will bo laid before the close
of the season.
This Improvement will afford protection
ngainst Jlre , as well as river water for drink
ing purposes.
titnto Ijenjjur.
The following call for a mooting of the re
publican stuto league has been Usucd :
i There will bo a meeting of the republican
state league at Hastings , Monday , Septem
ber Tth , ut 6 o'clock p. in. A full representa
tion of the republican clubs of this state la
Eiich club will bo entitled tonne vote for
fifty members or lots , und an additional vote
for each additional membcrsnip of Ufty ot
innjor traction thereof.
Plonso semi the munch for your delegates
( tbo president of the club will represent the
club when delegates arc not olnctod ) to the
secretary as soon as possllilo ,
"JOHN M. Tin.-itt.Tov , President.
Uiuii D. Suuaiirisu , Secretary , Fuller
ton , Nob. _
Olio 'IhotiHniul 1/oln Near Denver
Ccilnratlo , Krno ,
Desiring to attract universal attention
wo have adopted tills novel and ex pen-
ulvo method of placing our property be
fore the pooply.
The lots wu arc plvlntf away in Plainfield -
field , a now suburban addition on tlu
Fort Worth and ] ) onvur railroad , only j
few minutob' ride from the Union Dopol
at Denver , Colo.
These lota aVo"25x125 foot , wide streets
nnd nice park rosorvoil. Wo kooi
uvory other lot for tlio present and wtl
not sell. Kvery lot that ia given uwuj
will bovprtb $100 in less than oightoeti
months. Wo Rlvoonly ono lot to oaul
person nd require no con true
to improve. If you tiealre ono of thesi
lota Bend UH your full name and midribs
with lo for postupo , and we will mall
you.doed at once , Address
" " * I'i.viNFiKLU AUIHTIOK Co. ,
Castle Rock , Cole
A CARD For Damnacfl In n
Contest ,
Paul A. English has commenced suit for
Ibct In the district court ngntnst Alexander
Scott , J6hn O. Mllllgnn and A. P. Guilds , of
Vnyne , Dodge nnd Douglas counties respect-
vcly. A certain article , published April 13
ntho Wayne Gazette , attacking Mr. English
n bis conduct In the Scott-English contest
case Involving land located In DIxoti county ,
owned by those defendants , among other
liintjfl , this article says the testimony shows
lint Paul English once sold three tree
claims , with back counties to hear
rom. receiving for them sums
ranging from $3.000 to $3,0)0. It further do-
clarcs Una English lived In Wayne several
years nnd not only got away With the bulk of
r. O. Milllpan ft Co's property but that of
everybody else ho could got In his clutches.
Ml this is quoted In his petition. Ho claims
luirmecs in the sum of foO.IXO.
Owen W. Snyder has Instituted proceed-
ngs for divorce from his wife Kate , chnrg-
iig wilful desertion.
Jacob Young has bcirun suit against the
; 'irst National bank to recover $ SOO which
10 deposited in trust , to tia delivered to
closes Uols upon completion ot n certain
contract. The plalntlfT alleges that the bank
lolivored the check without his consent , nml
without the contract being completed by
Wilbur F. Swnyze has brought suit to re
cover $1,211.2. ) from D. E. Johnson , of No-
vndn , la. , on n promissory note , together
vith an attorney fco of $ . * > 3.40.
Hannah Anderson has applied for n di
vorce from her husband , Nells P. Anderson.
1'hu plaintiff alleges that her husband de
serted her two years nco without Just cause.
3ho therefore prays for dlvorco and the cus
tody of the children.
The Council Hluffs Savings banU filed n
> otltlon yesterday praying tor Judgment
igutntt Julius C. Iler ut nl for $312.2. ! . ' ) on a
promissory note secured by mortgage on
u-opcrty In lown , which was passed upon by
lie district court of Pottawattamlo county ,
Transcripts from the countv court have
) ocn filed in the cases of Albert S. Rltchlo
against Hattle O. Koth , ot nl , nnd Meyer
Hollman against Era Oliver.
George It. Davis has brought suit to re
cover SD.OOO and interest from August 18 ,
18i9 , from J. IJ. Ayer , on a promissory note.
Do you suffer f rom scrofulastilt rhouin ,
or other humors ? Take Hood's Sarsa-
imrilla , tbo great blood parlllor. 100
loses 9110 dollar.
It Will Inqniru Into tlio IloHpltul In-
viNtl ! < : t < oii Dual.
An order IssuodyoHorday morning in cham
bers nnd signed by Judges Wa'celoy ' , Doano ,
roff and Hopowell , culling the drawing of u
grand Jury to uppoar at the next term of the
llstrlet court , was spread upon flio Journal.
This Is the first tlmu that such an order lias
jcen made in two years.
While the chief object for a cr.ind Jury
now is to investigate into matters connected
with tlio construction of new countv hos
pital , a great many other things will un
doubtedly bo brought before It.
Following Is n list of the grand Jury drawn
for the September term :
Lewis -McCoy , A. ParKcr , Robert White ,
A. Lyons , Alox. McGnvock , Mike tllrt ,
corgo Ellott , John Pnrrott , James Murphy ,
tl. T. Lonvitt , S. E , Rogers , James Donelly ,
r. , Charles Mack , John O'Connor , F. A.
oddurd , S. I. Valentino.
A Niiturnl Product of Cnlll'onin.
It is only found in Uutte county , Califor
nia , nnd In no other part ot the world. Wo
refer to the trco that produces the healing
and penetrating gum used in that pleasant
and effective cure for consumption , asthma ,
Bronchitis and coughs , SANTA A13IE , the
king of consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
guarantees rftid soils it forl n faottlo.or three
Tor3. . ! > 0. By the use of CALIFORNIA
CAT-R-CURE , all symptoms of catarrh are
dispelled , and the diseased nasal passage Is
speedily restored to n healthy condition. $1
npacknco. I3y mail , $1.10. Circulars free.
A PUliIj IW'S WO UK. .
U. P. Shopmen Will bo Allowed to Do
It Monday Noxt.
ay next Monday the Union Panlflc shops
will bo again running ten hours n day much
to the Joy of thq workmen. Last April the
.line was cut down to eight hours with n cor
responding decrease of wages. Hut a month
igo the promise of a magnificent crop in Nc-
jraska and neighboring states caused a re
vival in the business of the road and the
: iours of the employes were Increased to
nine. Already tlio demand for transporta
tion has increased to such a degree that there
nra hardly cars enough to attend lo/lio busi
ness. During the full and winter the com
pany will bo busy furnishing cars enough to
lo the work required. On Monday next all
the employes in the shops will bo allowed to
work ton hours with a corresponding increase
of pay and all Of them hopu that this change
will bo n permanent one.
HatesIromOmnlia nnd Council Ulitffa.
Second class tickets from Omaha and
Council Bluffd via. St. Paul and the
Northern Pacific to Portland and all
PuRot Sound points are now sold at $85.
Passonprers via. the Northern Pacilic
arc taken through the eastern and cen
tral points of "Washington territory , and
are enabled to visit and inspect any
portion of the territory , stop-overs boinp
given at Spokane Falls and all points
west. _
GOCH to WuHlilnstnn.
Hon. W. J. Connell loft for the east yester
day afternoon , expecting o bo absent n fort
night. Ho goes direct to Washington , and
will remain there one week. Ho will then
visit Now York and place bis son Ralph ,
who accompanies him , in school.
Air. Council said yostoraay morning that ho
would doubtless make n tour of the depart
ments while in Washington , und probably
look after- certain Nabraska appointments ,
but the chief object of his trip would bo to
secure n house lor himself und family to live
in during the session of congress ,
"I also have some other private business
that needs personal attention. "
"Do you think Judge fred ! will bo tend
ered the land commtsslonorshipl1' '
"Yes , I nm now fully satlslleJ in my own
mind that ho will bo irivon the appointment
nnd will ho the next United States land com
missioner. " '
Abstracts of title" to "Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work done
and vorllled U ) by atlldavit and certi
ficate of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
KnlictitN and tlio Corn Itaroiiolin
The ICnights Templar of Omulm are very
anxious to secure the corn palace wagon sent
here tills week by Sonnenshlnu & Valentine ,
of West Point , to tauo lo Washington with
them next month when they nttond the great
biennial conclave. They think that would
bo u splendid advertisement for Nebraska ,
Hy working u few Knights Templar designs
nnd mottoes on tlio palace in different col
ored corn it could bo nmilo nu attractive fea
ture , 4
Salesman Wanted.
"Wo want a Ihoroughly competent , re
liable and energetic specialty salesman
to represent us among the trade. II
will take a gentleman of good businesi
quallllcatioiiH and a rustler to till the
position and ono who can comumnd n
good salary. No ono who is not willing
to work need apply. *
1GOS Howard St. , Manufacturers Stand
ard Horse and Cattle Food.
Corn UK ilowolry.
County Commissioner Mount is sport
iiicr a very handsome breuit-pln , sent
him by ox-Governor Furnas , of Nance
county. It U a small ear of popcorn mountoi
on a gold pm und makes quite a haiulsomi
ornament Mr , Furnas had l.OOJ of then
inudo for distribution among his friends ,
PAXTOX IlOTKr , , OMAHA Spoclal at
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Klttrodgo &
Uraiimrd , proprietors ,
Tlin Street Hallway Contnatilca' De
sire for military Hmitl.
This morning the board of public works
will ngaln consider the question of grant
ing right of way to the Omaha Street
Railway company on Lowonvcnuo to Hamil
ton and thence nlong the Military road.
This route , It seomi , has boon pre-empted by
the motor people nnd n contest may bo ox
Not long since the property ownus on Mil
itary avenue commenced to agitate the ques
tion of Inducing tlio Motor company to extend
its service out the nvenuo. The latter re
quired a bonus ot eighty ncros , the r-.roctlng
of the poles nnd the trnnfcr of the raits ,
which were laid for the Mensem motor.
It Is understood that the required amount
of land for the bonus has been secured ; that
Lho full amount of vionoy sought has not yet
been raised , but the balance has been guar
anteed with the hope of ovontur.lly bolnp
paid up by parties who nro Interested In the
property along the line ; nnd that the motor
people have accepted the property and their
conditions nnd promised to extend
their line ns desired. They have also
promised that the faro to and from the city
shnll not bo more than 5 cents.
When the street railway company naked
lor permission to build on the nvcnuc , a resi
dent on the latter showed the bo.ird of pub
lic works n letter declining a request to ex
tend their trncKS In that direction , on tbo
ground that the motor company had already
got Into the territory.
This brought several of the street railway
men to thnir feet with protestations that
their request was n bonn ildo one , and that
tliov intended , If granted the right to lay
their tracks , to do so on the streets men
tioned nt the earliest possible moment.
As intimated , the question will bo again
opened at tbo meeting to-day.
Dp GoH ih < U'lw * .
The Omaha Street Railway company com
menced stringing the overhead wircsfor their
electric motors yesterday. The line started nt
Hnnscom Park nnd will extend north on
Park avenue to Lonvenworth street , cast to
Sixteenthnorth to Cutnlng , west to Twenty-
fourth nnd north on Twenty-fourth street to
the Bolt line railway , n distance of flvo and
one-half miles. Ten trull cars have been re
ceived nnd flonio oo the motor cars have been
shipped. The Sprague Electric company is
under contract to furnish the motors
by the 15th , of Soutembsr witb
a forfeit of $100 par day for each day after
that time.
The system to bo used differs from tho'ono '
In UBO by the motor railway company. The
trolley wire is fed by a heavy wlro strum ;
on the poles , with feed wires connecting the
two at intervals of about a block.
The company expects to have this line In
operation about Urn last of this month , and if
everything prove * satisfactory the Sixteenth
und Eighteenth street line will b < 3 pushed
ahead , and efforts made to got it in operation
by fall.
The cars which have been received for the
Park avenue and Twenty-fourth street line
nro handsomely painted with n cream colored
body. Tlio seats are handsomely upholstered
nnd all the appointments nro elegant.
' Something to ltcmemlor.
If you are going cast remomber'tho
"Rock Island Route" run the sleepers
and chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to und from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. m. , thus avoid
ing tlio transfer at Council Bluffs.
Three solid trains dailv. All chair cars
arc free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with nil eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties enroulo to Now York , Boston
und other eastern cities , "and every
thing a little better than other lines
can offer. " S. S. STEVENS ,
Ticket ofllco 130-5 Farnnin. Gcn'l W. A.
A Dc d Trnvnllint ; Man.
The remains of J. P. McCarthy , the travel
ing man who died two days ago nt the hos
pital , still Ho at Honfey & Heafoy'B under
taking1 establishment , none of his friends
having yet been reached. Ho is known in
Kansas City among some of the wholesale
Always ask for Mihalovitch's Hun
garian blackberry juice when taking
soda water or lemonade.
IjOW Ilut H
From Omaha and Council Bluffs via the
Northern Pacilic to all points on the
North Pacilic coast have bo placed in
ollcct permanently. The stop-over
privilciro given on Northern Pacific
second-class tickets enables the in tend
ing settler to personally inspect any
portion of Washington Territory. Free
second-class sleepers are run via the
Northern Pacilic from St. Paul through
to Tacoma and Portland.
The following par.nlti 'varo
Building Inspector Whitlook yoitorday :
J. M. Dougherty , frame dwelling , Twen-
ty-flrstand Webster . $1,600
3. H. Hurdick , dwelling , Webster near
Twenty-ninth btreet . . . 6.COO
G. L. Dunham & Co. , residence , I'lnckney
and Twentieth streets . . . . 3,5CO
Frank Bpohr , addition. Twenty-eighth
und Hloudcau . . 2,809
E. Allen , frame , Thirty-sixth and 1'nclrto. 4,500
Dennis O'l.o-Ary. addition , 1MTI Douglas. . . OO
Flvo minor permits . 1,300
Eleven permits , aggregating . , , t"3,8DO
Pllos ! I'll'os ! files !
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
cure blind , bleeding nnd Itching piles when
other ointments have failed. It absorbs the
tumors , allays the itching at once , acts iis u
poultice , gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' '
Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared only 'for
piles and Itching of the private parts , and
nothing else. Every box is warranted. Sold
by druggists , or sent by mall on receipt of
price , 50o and St per box. .
WILLIAMS' M'FG CO. , Prop's.
_ Cleveland , O. .
Killed by n Chicken Thief.
liiiTiiLKiiKM , Pa. , Sept. 0. Washington
Dlllmrd , agca forty , was murdered on his
farm at Hcersvillo , near hcrot lust night by
a supposed chicken thief who escaped.
$ ick Headaehe
IB a complaint from which marry suffer
1 and few are entirely free. Its caiiBo
is Indigestion nnd a sluggish liver , the
euro for which Is readily found iu the
use of Aycr's Pills.
" I have found that for sick headache ,
emitted by u disordered condition of the
stomach , iyer's I'ills.aro the most reliable -
liable remedy. " gumuel C , JJradburn ,
Worthington , Masn ,
"Alter the use of Aycr's Tills for
many yearn , In my practice mid family ,
I nm jiihtillcd in Haying that they are an
excellent cathartic and liver medicine
mislulniiip all the clnlmsmnde for them. "
-W. A. Wi-Htfall , M. D. , V. P. Austin
& N. W. Itallway Co. , Uurnut , Texas.
"Ayer's Pills nro the best medlcino
known to mo for regulating the bowoln ,
and for nil diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over thiuo years from heudnehu , indigestion -
digestion , nnd constipation. I had no
appetite nnd was weak and nervous
most of HID time. I.v ! using three- boxes
of Ayer's I'llln. nnd nt the same tlino
dieting myself , I was completely cured. "
I'hillp LocUwoodTopeKa , , Kansas.
I was troubled for ycnro with Indl-
restion , constipation , nnd headache. A
few boxes of Ayer's I'illa , used In email
dally doses , restored mo to lii-amu
They a'ru prompt and effective. " W. II.
Htrout , Meadvllto , I'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer U Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
Bold by nil PruggUU and Del n la Medicine.
This powder never varies. A marvel of puri >
ty , htreiiKth nnd wholcaomoncss. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kliuli. nnd cnnnofc
bo sold In competition with the multitudes ot
lor or shortwelgbt alum or phosphate powders.
Bold only in cans , lioval Imslnif Powder Com
pany , U'O Wall Stmt , New York.
1103 l-'AtiNAM Stitnr.T , OMAHA , NEU.
( Opposite 1'itxton Hotel. )
Ofllco hours , 0 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. tel p. m.
ijpecldlBts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
lo ! < Kl Diseases , .
{ .VConsultatlon at oltlco or by mail free.
Medicines sent liy mall or express , securely
Dnckcd. free from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , safely and permanently.
WDDUniTIJ TTPnilTIW Spennatorrhren , soml-
rmllVUUS UbDlLlil nal Lossoi.NHlit Hulls
slon-j. Physical Dfcay. arising from Indlscre
tlon. Kxceis or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
nesa. Despondency. I'tinp o on the face , aver
sion to society , easily nlKcouras d. lacK of conn
denco , dull , mint rur study or business , nndllnda
life n burden. Safely , permanently nnd pri
vately cured. Consult Irs. Jlctts & Belts , HUS
Far Hum St. , Omnh& Neb.
Blood and Skin Disfases ra3\llt1ervrbelnaits \ ? ?
results , completely eradicated without the nld
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas. Fever bores ,
lllotches , Ulcerc. I'Aiimln the Head und Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore 'Jhront. Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh , ere. , permanently cured whore others
have failed.
ITirlllDH TtpinQMT nn < 1 Bladder Complaints ,
JVlQllDy > Uillldiy I'ntnfnl , nilllcult , too fro-
ciuent Humlng or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing. Weak
Hack. Oonorrhd-n , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and SafelyOnrod , Charges Reasona
moval complete , without cuttlue , caustic or
dlllation. Cures oflccted at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yomiff Men and MiUs-Ased Men ,
iTRP PIIPP ' rlle awrnl otTocts of early
OUfili UUfifj Vice , which brine * organic
weakness , destioylng both mind and oody , with
all Its dieaded Ills , peiuianentlycnreil ,
MP.P1"P > ! Artrcss thode who have impaired
DD110 themselves by Improper indul
gences nnd solitary habits , which ruin both
body nnd mind , unfitting them ror business ,
itudy or marriage.
M Aitimt > MEN. or those entering on that Imp
pyhfe. \\uro of physical debility , quickly as
la based upon facts , Flr t Practical Eipe
rlence. Second Every c.iso la especially studied-
thus htartlng aright. Third Jlo Hollies are pre ,
paied In our labntory exactly to suit each case ,
thus affecting cures without injury
fXfSend a cents postr-go tor celebrate ! works
on Chronic , Nervous nml Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured. t A friendly letter or call
may save you future sutlerlni ? and shame , and
add golden years to life. fSf'Ko letters nn-
ewered unless accompanied byI cents lu stamps.
Address or call on
UK * ' . BETTS A ; BETTS ,
1408 Furnam Street , Omaha. Hob.
Three Nights and Saturday Matinee
Commonclng Thursday , Sept. 5th.
The Talented Young Actor , ROBERT
Under the mnnairnnimt of Al'GUSTUB 1'1'IOU ,
In the Hniiuintte Drama ,
Saturday 'NliJ ' . OTHELLO I "
_ llegulur prlct'M. g5 ( Mk % 73onml tl ,
Colllaetim K round H , commenclnu Monday uvou-
and nil week , 7'iO : p. in.
MATHiCI > AYfllVTl _ NHJE. _
Epps's Cocoa.
"ly ! a thnruimU knowludtru uf lliu natural lawn
wlilcli lidvtirii tliu i > | iurutluni of dlncillon inul nuirl
tluu , ami by ncmoliil upiillculloii nf tliu tlnu prop-ir
II I'll n ( nvll-noli-ctnl CDcuu.Mr. Ki | | > Itat pruvlduiluui
brt'ukluiit tubleo vtltli u UellL-Jluy ilu > uri'U liiiTfruyt
wlikli iu y m\u u * UIHIIJT liciivdoitur1 bllli. lilt
by tlu > ludli'lou" uw ul null urlldt-n ul ( Hot Iliut n
( .unitltulluii nmr luitrnttimlly built up until troiu
enuuEli to ro l i v\ory tvndt-nry to illci-.i > o. Ilun
drt'il" ' ut kubtld malm loJ uru iluiiilnif urouinl ut rundy
tuittluik nliurvt inherit U u wfuk pnlnt.Vi > nniy
cfcCHpo niHiiy a fulttl liut b > - kcui > lin ; uurrelveii well
( urtlilo'l ' Uli puru bluwl un I n iirumriy nourulivil
Irunui.1'ilvllbcrtlie ( iniuitc.
.Made ( Imply wiili bolllnz water or rcllk , bolj onljr
Inline i > uunil tln > by Oruccrt lul.uliul lhu ,
BPPSiCO'KS28Kl&S5SSrtl '
Of Fall goods is the grandest Omaha has ever seen. No words
can give a description of our new stock. We invite the hundred
thousand strangers who will be in Omaha , this week , to visit the
largest clothing establishment of the west and look at our grand
display of Men's and Boy's Clothing , Hats , Shoes and Furnishing
goods. Our display is one of the features of this weeks fair.
Rely upon it you will see something exceptional in the way of as
sortment and styles. No matter whether you wish , to buy any
thing or not. call and look around in our establishment. It will
do you good. You will not be urged to buy. You will not even
have to ask a saleman for the price of anything , as you can tell
the prices yourself. Everything in our store is marked in plain
YOU. We are sure you have never seen goods marked and sold
that way.
In prices we have no competition.
If there is in our stock any one line of which we are especially
proud , it is our line of suits for dress and business wear ; a mar
velous assortment.
Fall Overcoats , silk faced , and silk lined , beaiitiful styles.
Boy's , and Ohildrens' department second floor is brimful
ot novelties.
Shoes A now de oartment also on second floor wo
keep only honest and reliable makes of shoes.
Hats and Furnishing G-oods More than a half dozen
stores together.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Finds ut roadj for our friend- * with tlio bent
nml liili-pt ot the Konaoii In Men's unil Children's
fault" , anil Kurn'ililn ' ; : * .
BlnuiKi-rs itro Invited to look In nt tlio Gliiss
Front t-toro on l-'nrmini Mrjet , whether pur
chasing or nut , wlicro tlu-y tniijr bo f lire of n
courteous welcome. We nlmll bo on duty early
nnd lute.
"Conic III the orcnlnc or r-ntiic In the niornlnet
Como wlmn you nro looked for urcoino without
wnrnliiB. "
Dr. J. E , McGREW
ON'K or TUB > IO-ir
In tlio Trciitnii'iit of All Chronlf , Noriuus
anil 1'rhnto Diseases. '
r HpcrnnitorrliuMi , Impotuncy ami Kitlllnir Manliuoil
abiolulcly t-iuud. A cure Kimr.intauil ID ulliuruiBur
1'ilvatu Dl uuMritrlcturun. . elect , Ac. Cnturili ,
Tliront , I UIISB , und Heart DIHC-UMI H , ItlieiiiiiutlHiii ,
Kpliiiil unil FvuiHl" Dlte men , llloml unilUkln Dlnuuiea
lriuieJ [ urce lully , . . .
JjulliM' mid > teiiiemcn | wiiltlim rooms neiurato
Irue. 'rtonil forhoaki , "The fccrot anil
1'rlvntO' lt ) i > Hi > t'H < > ( MUM. " iilm VVniuaii unit IK'r
I ) neuBct , " lUa viich tulaiiiin ) . Trealmunt by t-urre-
piiiih ( > iicui tenil utiimii furri.uly.
A Perfect Face Powder.
ntkltlv. l > ck t f ubbil * bold ujr UrBUU ,
Klujltrl.SUTrnuliibl lllc , . ' , l.lil h.
tk'lirul r'i. , ! , " . ' , > , ! ! > . On N jcilil
t uiUle < ll > , U > , ( Jwen I.O , . , too , Wlillrliuuit'i , x * Tj
cor. WtUI * r { > iorr ll' , rur CIUrCtfUrrftUi It - *
llf , for. Ctulvrt 1 lnitllutalru < riti > r . ro
k'p cur. ruclflr , On K Ifllu Ikll , tlC ! Diullli llrui. .r 1'irll-
let Onti. Kiln Crnr < l' , 21lf Kuliu U Co. , V r , Jhiiixlfti U < |
tor. IMInnJ Cumin * ! on r iinl > rDr. ! . rlolllf'i , 1,101 Cilc
) ' , ror. l ik l On I * * rtiuuitli | l ) vll' . 1,11 * r ) U > n J. ( Iwvii ,
for. 24thifi lfl bt'i. . 1'llii.ii < J ll < ivriiiitii t ] MiArfer-f , bliclium
Ave. li1 Colliy lftrL ff , Z It liBli-1\S'uul worth Avel.l'r llenU > li I ,
1,601 Jluvi ri ] , CAIJ l-c > r. fflliftu > lplrrrr } IMJ < \ i.-4nul | At * .
> n I lllli 01 i W J , hcl.r.r'i > K ) kor. * ( V ) , 8. Uui l > t.
VVIioUlnU , ll'cli ' r < luii UrucTl . Mnk llriirt fe Co.
1 n u t li u
Justly eel-
nbratedllneaof llnotii ixnd tilioes. iiianurnctiir.
edoy f. SI. llendemon A ; ( > . , ot CIICHK | - Fac
tories at I'lilruuo , Ilixoii , llU. . anil 1'oail Un l.uc ,
\ \ U.-bliould M.-lle BAM. N. WATSON , resi
dence , KKI'.MONT , NKI ) , Traveling
Hee-dquarteru for UubUera ,
No long
waiting at our
for service
How can you afford suck quan
or for clothes , tities ? This is how-
Big stores in nearly every prin
* cipal city in America.
Garments made We must have Mg variety and ,
big quantity to supply our trade ; ,
buy direct from manufacturers at
3 days if required , home and abroad ; and
Spot cash is a great lever ; we
are satisfied with a small profit ; ,
Trousers'$5tol2 $ we can't help having a big trade.
Can we please so many thousand
Suits 20 to 50
and patrons ? Couldn'tyou if you
Overcoats 16 to 60 had 25 years' experience and
plenty trained help. Well , we
Over 2000
in assortment ,
Bougies Street.
1018 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
WA\&L.NIXA.I : - >
"Pure91 and Silver Gloss And Corn Starch