THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 7. 1889. FIFTil M OF THE FAIR. It Wltnoasoa on Attendance Almost Equalling That of Thursday. ATTRACTIONS AT THE COLISEUM. D'lnnl Pnr.tdoof tlto Oinntiu Klatnbnnu Club An Inhibition Run by tlio I "lro Dnnnriincitt 1 he KROCS. The Knlr. llioio xvlio Imngmcd that the curiosity nnd interest of ttio fulr visitors wuro cxhnustcU by the Immense nttondnnco ut tlio fair grounds Thursday , wcro grievously In'crrar. The nttondnnco yesterday was n very fnlr Im-/ Itntlon of Thursday's crush , nud there nro about twenty-four thousand pcoiilu In cxh- to n co who know what thpt tncnns. At toast that Is the number ot which Treasurer II. O. CInrk estimates the ( xUomluncc Thurs day. Thcro were moro thna twenty-two thousund fnlr tickets In the box nt the close of the day. nnd this wns exclusive entirely of the drummers , the press , llio exhibitors , horsonico , jockeys , attendants nnd ] ml ires in the vurlous dcpartinenu and the liolclorrt of season tickets. When the army of this class is remembered. Treasurer Clark's cstlmuto seems rather below than above the actual number. The motor company reports that its cars yesterday yielded IM.OOO . fares , nnd thorccuipls of tlm cable company are but n trlllo smaller thnn this amount , exclusive of the evening business to the Coliseum. Yesterday's attendance was also very largo. As early ns t ) o'clock the fair-bound cars on both the motor and cable lines were crowdeO. Bo tunny people seemed to have an idea that there would bo u lull after Thursday's crush and that thov would have a good chance to sco the fair ex hibits without crowding , thnt when the idea was fully acted upon tlio ticket boxui ut the fair grounds gate were too full for utterance. At I o'clock the crowd in attendance was es timated ut 13,000 and was being augmented as rapidly as transportation facilities would admit , There has been u great grist of censure nnd ridicule poked by the visitors nt the fair , aud ttio association mnnagomcntlmvc encouraged the amusement , at tlm gentlemen who have been announced with regularity each day to ranku o balloon URConaion and execute n drop from the clouds by the parachute ; outu. Each dn > the balloon , which occupies a position on the north siuo of the grounds , has been Inflated alnnt : with the hopes of tlio country visitors \vlio look upon a balloon ascension as tno great attraction at a fair. Liut the U.illoon has collapsed and tlio "darinff aeronaut" has become the subject for ridicule. The statement of C. T. Hull , who has been billed to make the ascensions , rather shifts the responsibility for his fail ures on the shoulders of the Kniriis-ochUion. Mr. Hull claims that his contract with the as sociation calls for § 73.50 for each ascension , nnd 510 for each day on which an ascension is prevented by the weather. Ho states that his portortnaneo on Tuesday was prevented by a tear in the bal loon. On Wednesday he was prepared to innko au ascent but the association would not allow him to no up us the attendance at thoRrounds was very light. "Tho fact is , " said 1'rof. Hull , " 'tho association could got out by paying mo S10 on Wednesday and keeping mo from making the ascension while they got a thousand dollars worth of adver tising out of the attraction. " Prof. Hull made two ascensions at Iowa City last week , dropping from the baleen ac a hoighth of ! 3r)0 , ( ) feet. The Judges for the horse exhibits made a number of awards yesterday morning , E. C. Miller , of Fullerton , captured thoswcopstnko prizes for Clydesdale Bullions and mares. .lames Kchulz , of Yubnn , was awarded the sweepstakes prize for Porcticron stallions nnd M. M. Coad , of Fremont , for 1'crchorou inures. The horse show this year Is very line in deed. O. O. Heffnor , of Nebraska City , has thirty head of English shtro and coaching liorsos that are beauties. A stable of rnoers that attract unusual interest are from the Shorrill stock farm at Lexington. Five Clydesdale nnd ono Percheron sUilllou nro exhibited by Trondor & GrofT , of Atlantic , In. Another Atlantic man , John K. Harbor , has u horse on the grounds that U a stunner. Ho ia Peacock , a nineteen-year-old Cleve land bay stallion thnt took first prize at tbo centennial la 1870. Ho has taken thirty-two premiums in all , most of them in Canada , that homo of line horses. M. M. Coad , of Fremont , hns twenty head of Percherons.und Fred Hagedorn , of Omaha , has twelve Pcr- chorons ou exhibition. Joseph Watson & Co. , of Uoutricu , exhibit some line shire and draft horses , and tbo Merchiston Ranch com pany shows a fine lot ot Porcborons nnd Clydesdales , also some flno ruco htocic. In the line art department there aro' 1,100 entries. There Is no department in the Held of art which Is not represented in this hall. Hero Is the hgusowifo'B homespun and domestic woven , and the handiwork of the amateur in every line , whllo the miss under fifteen , and the lady over sixty yuars.havo specimens of darning , patching , knitting , embroidery , homstitchlnp , etc. The cast end of tlio hull Is occupied by n very valuable oriental collection , made by Mr. C. H. Dewey , Omaha's greatest traveler , in his Journo.viugs around tlio world , through whose kindness the fair association secured them. These articles of rare merit both entertain nnd instruct. A very valuable book is that representing In trl-eolor , every industry In > Japan , and procured at great expense. Tlifro nro also In tnls collection some beau tiful antuiues.nn elaborate "Intaglio Oom" "Via Pomroll" nnd the ' -Atlantic List , " Xho l-'uir'.s Hi ' .V1 "Wo are not yet out of the hole , " said Treasurer Clark , in spunking of the fair re ceipts yesterday morning , ' 'but a good attend ance to-day and to-morrow will put us out till ri ht nnd leave a small margin. " The attendance ut the fair this week has boon about the same us that of Insl year. On Monday the attendance was Just about the game as thnt of the same day last year. Tuosuuy's crowd this year was SOO In 'xcess of last year's second day , with n big falling oil on Wednesday ou account of the ram. Thursday's nttourt- anca was a aroat deal larger thnn that of Thursday last year , but the paid tickets were about the same. The deadhead list has iu- r.reasca wonderfully. The expenses of the association nro very heavy. There was $20,000 offered In premiums and about 80 per cent ot thin amount will have to bo paid , some of tbo.classcs not being filled. In ad dition , the preliminary expenses of thj ( fair , udvci lisinc , etc. , the dally ex pen so of operat ing the show Is fory largo. The pay roll has on Us list thirty-live police , twenty watchmen , twenty gatekeepers , citrhtocn tloket sutlersand fifteen earponters In ad dition to the clone * in the various olllccs. ra , marshals mid other employes. The lliinil Contest , There were but two entries for the band contest , the Cretes aud the West Point Ju- vonllos. The contest has lnen announced to tnko plauo ut tlio High school grounds , lit the Coliseum nud nt the fair grounds In the afternoon , Consenuontly when the contest WJH ruu lu. us u morniiiL' attraction ut tlio fair grounds yesterday the audience was very small , the people who were ou the ground being scattered through the exhibit ulicl not'uwirro. of the content The judges of the contests were Julius Meyer. Prof. A , Ueatins nud Martin Calm. The two bands rendered a number of selections rnngingfrom dirges to ( ( nick-steps , nnd were warmly ap plauded by the favored few who heard them. The Judges will announce their decisions on the merlin of tl'ti music-makers to-duy. HACKS. lie riii It of Ye-Btortltiy's Speed 10 vents at tbn Orlvlntr I'urk. There Is UQ mistake about It , the races uro the oup grand attructiou at the fair , nnd yes terday afternoon the masses were on hand I ut un early hour , completely Ailing the grand fjtaud , nnd forming a solid phalanx along the stretches. The paddock presented an exhll- eraUuL- picture , being crowded , ns it was , > vlth stylish turnouts tilled with bravo men nud beautiful women. Tlio batting was livelier than ou any previous day , aud tbo pool shed * ' wuro tilled with u Jostling crowd ot iiiou the entlra afternoon , The weather , bar- rlntfn rather too stiff breeze , wns glorious , the track In perfect shape nnd the contests exceedingly interesting. The Hrst event was the unllnl hed 2:80 stallion trot. Tnlnvcra had the polo by rea son of winning the last hont Thursday even - Ing. Starter Wbeoler gave the nag * n toler ably good gcndoff , with Talnvera In the lead , Iifnns Fntuus , however , displaced him on the back stretch , nnd wns never headed , Mutn- brlno acting badly , nnd succeeded In getting thoflapf. Tlmo 2fUVf. : The fifth heat wns ( julto exciting , Fntuui nnd Talavera making a spirited contest for first honors. Fatutts , however , showed bet tor bottom on the last naif , and came under the wire n winner by two lengths. Tlmo Ignus Futuus , after being mulcted 810 for needless Jockeying nt the start , llnnlly cot away abreast with Thalbcrg , but gradually pulling away won the heat and race. Time B VMM All T. lenus Fntuus : ! 1 Tnlavorn 2 31332 Mambrlno 1 1 U dis. Nutlnnd. . . -I ills Time 2:3-3Jf : ( , 3n : : > , 2 : : > f , 2:311 : < f , 2:33f : , Next came the unfinished 2:21. : The horses not nway on the first trial , Thalberg taking the heat handily , xvlth Spartan second and Frank P. last. Time 2lVf. : ) SUM.MAUV. Thalbnrg t 131 Spartan , .2 a 1 2 Hobert Uysdylc 2 4 ills Frank P 4 3 2 ! J Time 2 : ! ! < ) , 3s20'f , 3 : if , nnd 2U : ! . The trot for fouls or ISS.'i was a walkover for Hetlicl , bj in. , owned by It. T. Kroobs , ot Sioux City , Chltwood. the only other entry , having been withdrawn. Tlmo 2 : r > 0j.f. Chltwood Is Chnrlio McCormlck's * 10,000 stallion , nnd .vest erday , shortly before the time for calling the race , was seized with n hemorrhage , nnd is u very sick horse. The llrstof tlm regular scheduled events on yesterday afternoon's card was the free- for-nll pace , puree $ . " > ( ) ( ) . Tlio starters were us follows : Lorcne , blk. m. , Fort Still water stock farm , Calhonn ; Fred Arthur , D. B. , C3co Grimes , Chicago , and Turit Franklin , br. g. , D. A. Hancock , Hlnckbarro , Mo. The horses drew their places in the order above natnod. The Hrst heat was a superb one , Fred Ar thur nnd Charlie iMcCormlck's llttlo black inaro pacing for three-quarters of a mlle head nnd head , with Turk taking the dust several lengths behind. In swinging Into the homo stri'teh Grimes stiffened the ribbons bens on Ills wonderful nay nnd ho swcut by Lorcne like a gust of wmd. Bcardsloy slowed the llttlo mare up On approucblug homo , sec- ing that tt wr.s foolhardy to attempt to beat Arthur out. Tlmo 2'M ; ? { . Tliu second heat was , in the nature of a surprise. Arthur got a decided advantage in getting off , nnd nt the half mlle post led by a good two lengths , with Turksocond and Loreno close behind. On the third quarter Turk did some handsome work. and.not only pulled up alongside the fleet footed Arthur , but paused him and came down the home stretch nt a raltllutf pate , beating Grimes under the string by twenty yards. Time 3:2.V.f. : The judges immediately announced that they wore very much dissatisfied with the way the heat was , driven , nnd while they would uwur'd thu positions to tlio horses as they came in , nil bets on the hcut were do- flared off. A good start tvas'inade for the third heat , thu three horses paclnc u third of a mile neck nnd neck. Tinker then drew away gradually from his competitors , while Lo- reno got the best of Arthur in the spurt , but fell back to lust place at the hall. Tin ker continued in the load clear round to the homestretch , when ho wns crowded determ inedly by Arthur. Tinker's driver , however , laid on the silk lavishly uud succeeded lu boating Arthur out by n neck , both horses dashing under the wire ou a dead gallop. Notwithstanding this finish , the heat was awarded to Fred Arthur , the Judges decid ing that Tinker had been driven foully. Time 2:21 } , which wns Arthur's time. The next heat was started with admirable nromptitudc , the horses again uolnr : away in a lino. Fred Arthur took the load from the send oft and was never headed , although ho was pushed vigorously by Turk Franklin down the" homestretch. Time 2:24. : su.MM.vur. Fred Arthur 1 211 Lore-tic 2 11 ! l I ! Turk Franklin : i 122 Time 2:2(1' : ( . , ' , 2:25 : , 2:21 > < f , 2:21. : The third event was the 2:112 : trot , for n purse of $300. There were eleven entries 1 for this race , and every ono of them except Van Duke und Unrnett faced Starter Whcolor lor the Hrst tient. They were as follows : Colonel II. , g. B. , Stlllwator Stock Farm ; John \V. , b. s. , J. W. Smith , Maploton , In. ; Bird , blk , m. , Mat Mulonoy , Spencer , In. ; Gipsoy Queen , s. in. , J. P. Llndcman , St. Edward , Neb. : Tinker , b. g. , A. W. Dennison - son , Eldorn , Kan. ; Fannette , ch. m. , Ru dolph Kntiul , Dennlson , In. ; Two Eyes , br. g. , P. Podvaut , St. Joe , Mo. ; Gypioy , blk. m. , C. D. Ives , Cedar Rapids , Nob. ; Lou White , b. K. , Swearlngen & Ingraham , Men- dote , III. The horses started in the above order. After thu starter had clanged the boll until everybody was deaf , and threatened the drivers until nvorybody was weary , the horses at last got the word , und went off like a flock of quail raising from the stubblo. Tinker wns the lirst to show dny- lleht between his sulky wheels and the balance e > f the gang , and for the first half ho held hi * load. On the third quarter Gipsey Queen showed u line burst of speed and whirled past Tinker midst the plaudits of Hie spectators. The little sorrel mare worked beautiful from this out , footing it homo a winner by a length.ahead of Tinker , John W. third and Hird fourth ; the rest strung out as follows : Gvpsey A , Lou White , Fun nolle , Two-Eyes lind Colonel H. Time 2iiS' : ' < . Tlio second heat was an easy ono for Gip soy Queen , who won by u half dozen leimths , Gypse.v A second , Tinker third , Hint fourth , John W. ilfth , Two-Kyos sixth , Fannetto seventh , Colonel H. eighth , Lou White ninth. Tinie 2:2UJf. : Gipsoy Queen also won the third heat , Gypsoy A. second , Lou White third , Tinker fourth. Time 3:27/4. : / HUMMAUY. Glpsoy Queen Tinker 234 John W a 5 0 Hird . - . 4 4 7 GypnoyA ft 2 2 Lou White II 5 il Fannetto 7 7 8 Two-Eves 8 ( ! 5 Colonel H ; 0 8 dls. Tiino-3S8J : < f ; a:20 f ; 2:27tf. : The tlnal event was tno running race , mlle heats , jmrso $150. Following wuro the starters-Orleans , b. g. , Shields & Lamb , Chapman , Nob. ; Little Mamie , br. m. , P. H. Butler ; Duke Kentucky , b. s. , | { . F. Ilobcrts , Kmmons , Kan , ; Archlo II. , br. g. , T. Walter , btanton , Neb. After several t > courings the horses getaway away in a bunch , with tha exception of Archie H. , who was loft full three lengths behind. The mlle was hotly contested bv Orleans and Duke Kentucky , the Duke win ning by a nobo. Archie II. third , und Mamie last. Tltiio 1:18 : > . 'I ho second heat wns won by Archlo H. . Orleans second , Kentucky Duke third , aim Mamie las' , 'lime 1:43. Orleans ana Llttlo Mamie , not having won u heat , retired to the stable , and Kentucky Duke und Archie H. wcro the onlv starters in the last heat , which was won by Archlo II. in 1:57. : Sl'MSIMtV. Arcblo H 3 1 1 Kentucky Duke 1 3 2 Orleans , . . . . . , , , . , , 2 U Little Mamie , .4 4 Time IMS , i:4S , 1:57. : In addition to the regular programme to-day , the Douglas county stakes for foals of IS87 will bo trotted , nlso u long distance race , twenty iille | , by two equestriennes , who will be ulloucd to change horses ut every mile , and several novultv rucess. I'nlr There were a number of visitors at tha fair grounds yesterday from abroad. Joseph Nay and Henry Lnthrop , of Marchain , N. Y. , are also in tlio city , llotu are capitalists and huvu expressed their In tention of locating In the mid-ocean metrop olis. olis.An An excursion of Now Orleans citizens was on the ground on their way homo from a trip through the west. Two of the party have decided to inovo to Oniulm nt once , and huvo umdo arrangements fur the purchase of Omaha property. Alexander Moltlrt and Oliver Holmes , of Hamilton , Cauada , are In the city. Uoth huvo boon looking over the country for u place to invest theircapiUtl aud have.decided upon Omnhn. Mr. Holmes has nlrcndy pur chased n $14,000 residence In Kountzo Place. IMPOSITION MAHVKLS. . More oT tlio Kxhlblts Wbloti Adorn the I'lncc. Among the exhibits at the Coliseum not nl rcndy published are the following : McCord , Urndy & Co. A largo tastily ar ranged display of can goods , pickles , preserves - serves nnd spices. William Snyder Largo exhibit of costly vehicles , including an expensive phaeton to bo presented to President Harrison ut the close of the exposition. Heytnnn & Dolchcs Seal garments of wonderful beauty nnd richness and in great variety. Thcro U nlso au endless display of Indies' dresses , rich dress material and an assortment , of Indies1 goods of exceedingly great value. The McClurg Cracker company An clnb- ornto display of fancy crackers , cakes , bis cuits nnd wafers. The Century company , of Now York A perfect library containing samples of their different publications. Engravings enlarged from Illustrations which have appeared in their magazines. II. II. Davis An exhibit of Imlr coeds and flno millinery. The Woodman Linseed OH Company Ex hibit of Unseed oil In nil stages of Its produc tion from IIax seed and oil cake to the oil Itself. Husscll , Prntt & Co Gas fixtures , costly chandeliers and elaborate stand lumps all tastily arranged. The exhibit of the Western Casket compa ny Is excellently arranged and consists of cofllns of ull sizes nnd various decorations. William llnrr Magnificent silks from the Paris exposition , hadsomo gowns and hats nnd cloves. I. .T. dishing Ahugo ptcklo bottle made of smaller bottles und Jars containing pickles , spices nnd sauces. Omaha Mantel Manufacturing company Twodiffercn exhibits , ouch coniistlng of four costly mantels. The U'J-Cent Store A largo display of toys and fancy articles artistically arranged , nnd attracting great attention. Haywnrd Brothers Shoes of nil ktnds.dlf- fcreia kinds of shoes , leather and fancy tops.Hill Hill & Young Largo display of stoves furniture , carpets nnd rugs. C. 13. Moore Banks of luscious fruits , spices nnd pickles , William Darst An exhibit thnt would tnako Whisky Jack lay down and die. Itcon- sists of n huge wheel made of bottles Jilted witn evomhing from Pouiory Seoto Old Crow whisky. FOR THE S1JOOND TIMI5. Tlio Oinnbn Flambeau Club Makes Its Final Display. The second parade of the Omaha Flam beau club occurred last night and was a magnificent sight. The pyrotechnic display was fur bettor than thatot Wednesday evening - ing and wan exhibited m much bettor style. The club , headed by the Crete cornet band , loft the armory of the Omaha Guards at 80 : ! ! and marched direct to Fifteenth street , where the display proper began. As if by uiagio the street bccamo ono solid mass of flnmo from numerous flower pots , while thousands of rockets nnd romnn caudles &hot heavenward , virtually painting the blue domeabove , a rod , white und blua color. The Omaha guards , or a portion of them , armed with shot guns , then began tiring , nnd from thence until the parade closed the city resembled the battle of Gettysburg as far us uolso was concerned. The line of march was down Capitol avenue from the armory to Fif teenth , thence south to Jackson , cast to Thirteenth , thence to Douglas , west to Sixteenth , north to Cumlng , west to Sev enteenth , south to Capitol avenue , where the parade disbanded. The Flambeau club has been ono of the important feature ? of the Merchants' week celebration , und it is to bo regretted ttint the organization is not permanent in its character. The uniforms and fireworks cost over f 1,000 , which was money well spent. It is duo to President Cathcart aud Secretary Parmalco that the club was a success. Tlic Fire flcpnrtnicnt'H Ktin. The lire department added to the attrac tions of Merchants' week last night by mak ing a run from Seventeenth street and Cap ital avenue to Cuming street. An immense crowd gathered along the line to witness the event , which was ono of the important feat ures ot the week. Headed by Cuiuf Gnlli- gan , No. I , No. 3 nnd the book and ladder company dashed up the street like tnad , while in close proximity caino the tire report ers' wagon. The universal verdict was that tbo Omaha lire laddies are daisies. Generous Merchants. The traveling men and their friends were entertained ut the fair grounds Thursday by having a delicious lunch served to them through the hospitality of a number of the merchants In this city aud Council Bluffs. Cigars , oysters , bananas , fruit and a host of other good things were served. The oysters especially were fully appreciated by the en tire crowd. Peregoy & Moore , of Council Bluffs , fur nished u thousand Santa Rosa cigars In handsome pocket cases. The Booth Packing company furnished a tub of their "Triumph" brand of oysters. Those were served raw with relishes and wcro delicious. Enrllch & Langstadtcr donated a lot of cigars ; Meyer & Haapka sent a lot of nuts nnd somocatsup ; Karnaugh & Co. , cigars ; D. M. bteelo& Co. , granulated siu'ur ; PevcKu Bros. , lemons and poaches ; Ho ceo Bros. , bananas ; Yougolo & Dinning , flno mixed candy ; Htddcll & Kid- doll , lemons ; Branch & Co. , pears und grapes ; Max Meyer A ; Co. , cigars ; GarnpauCo.oyster crackers ; W. F. Erdinan , birch boor. The Omaha Hardware company and Bliss it Isaacs furnished the dishes , tubs , buckets , etc. . needed for scrying the lunch. Tno lunch was originated und was under the management of Mr. Hclphroy , who repre sents the Booth Packing company. I-'UKK'TICKEX. A - . To tbn NnbraHkn Slum Kulr nt.Lilnuoln TUB OMAHA BKK will present n com- plinionttiry ticket of admission to the Nohruslcii Stuto Fulr nt Lincoln to every purbon banding u yearly subscription to either THKWHKKI.V BKK with $1.25 , or THK SUNDAY Bun with $2.00. Orders must bo in by September Oth , BO its to , pivo time to mail the ticket , na the Fftir opens on September Oth und closes September 18th. Those prices uro no ndvunco oa the regular price for the Weekly und Sunday editions , but the publishers of Tin : BIH : desire to give their readers u chance to HOC , the exhi bition at Lincoln frno of admission fee. Cash must accompany onclrordor. Address your orders to TUB BKB PUHMSHINO Co. , Omnhn , Nob. AMUSKMKXM. The Flambeau parade and display last night bud u bad effect on the amusement business. Milton Nobles appeared at the Grand opera house , in "Lovo and Law , " to tlio smallest audience 01 his engagement. This , however , made no difference In the excellence of llio performance. "Lovo and Law" is an Interesting und an easily com prehended play , und as presented by this star und the excellent company supporting him , furnishes u splendid ovenluu's entertain ment. Mantel and company repeated "Monbars" at Boyd's , and again hold the close atten tion of un appreciative but smaller audience than on Thursday night. _ _ B AII Abuuluto Cure. ThoOIUGINALAHIETIXE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and U an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wouuds , chapped hands , und all skin flrup. tions. Will iKJsitlvely euro all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIEriNE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodmin Drug oompauy at 25 cents per box bv tcad UU cunts. Half l < 'nru lo JUM Molni'H. For the Iowa state fair , commencing Aug. 20 nnd continuing- until Sept. 7th , the ' 'Hock Island Route" will sell ex cursion tickets to DCS Moines and re turn for ono fair for the rounu tv\t. \ Tickets ( food to return until Supt. Oth. S. S. STKVKNS , Oen. West. Act. Ticket olllco 1B0.5 lur mm St. Open Dell Meets An Uvn- iMliin. The hcnollt tendered Chnrhe Daly , the St. Louis lighter , at the Unto City nthlctlo club rooms , lastcvcnlngj vas well attended. The programme conslstcQ-nf n number of spar ring bouts between Y > rofcsslotmls nnd ama teurs. ' ' f Paddy Murray bud Jack Uoylo , South Omaha aspirants for dlsllo renown , opened up the ceremonies with n rattling four round go. i ' Arthur llothcry-of'ithls ' city , nnd the old vet , "Rusty" Evans ) iof St. Louis , followed. ' Utwty" Is ono' 'of ' the old school , whlcti shows up lamely along * nido the Atylo nnd tactlca of the now. Young Hothety was as clover us usual , but the old man proved that there was n good fight In him yet , despUo the load ot years ho carries on his stooped shoulders. Prof. Cranston , of South Omaha , and Dick Tompkins were tha next to don the mils , Cranston was full of grand stand piny , whllo Mr. Tompkins Is what Is called u dub. The set-to was uninteresting. Ed. Hothcry mcdo a barrel ot tun In his sot-to with DIcK Kuldor. Ed. wns blir and stocky , while Kultlor was so thin ho could hardly cast n shadow. They cavorted around the ring like colts at Ijlny for three rounds , but in the fourth Kuldor , emboldened by Rothory's leniency , got n trlllo too fresh , und Ed knocked him down uud closed the set-to. Charlie Daly , the bonoflclnry , nud "Rusty" Evans then wound up the evening's sport in a lively four round go. Daly strips admi rably , and looked the typical lighter. Ho has the bullet nut , the heavy , sloping nenk , brond chest , well muscled shoulders , deep loins and 11 rm underpinning ot a trim ex ponent of the P. H. And is evidently u bad man In a scrap. Ho has a long roach , is shifty on his feet , nnd n rushing , vigorous two-handed fighter. Jimmy Lindsay was pres ent , nnd in refutation of the unjust report that ho had "flunked1 ! in his late much- tolkcd-of Unlit with Daly , challenged him in the open club as he stepped from the ring. Jimmy shook a ono hundred-dollar bill under the Mound City man's nose , and said : "This goes ns a forfeit. Charley , that I'll light you when you get below forty , for J500 a side ; if thnt won't do , for the receipts of the gate. You came over hero with the avowed Intention to got the best of me , but I wns too foxoy for you. Now It is put up.or shut up. You can't lick mo in a hundred yrnrs. " , t Daly responded : "I'll flght you , too quick. " "Will you post n forfeit ! " asked Lindsay. "I must hoar from Dan Hrst , " retorted Daly. "AU right ; I live right hero In Omaha , " and with this parting shot Jimmy loft the hall. Clininberlaln's Colic , Cholera and T > liirrhcirx Hcmody. This medicine can always bo depended upon , not only in'tho milder forms of summer complaint , but also for intilic- uant dysentery and cholera infantum. The lives of many persons and especial ly children are saved by it onuh year. TUB UOHEMIAN TUUNI3IIS. They Give a Very IMcivslns Exhibition nt National Hall. The Bohemian Turpors society gave an en tertainment at National hall , oa the corner of Thirteenth and William streets , last night. The exercises opcnejl with an address in Bo- bcmlin by Mr. Tfiomas Cipok. Ho fm- prcased upon the young people the Impor tance of athletic training to develop their muscles nnd promote health , and reminded the parentsand older people of their obliga tions to 'this country for its care and protection , and advised them to do as much for tno Interests ot their adopted country as they would for the moth er country , The calcsthenic exercises then opened with an exercise with luindl bars by the Omaha Turners , under thoodirection of Mr. Joe Pccivur , the instructor. .This was followed by un exhibition on the parallel bars by a delegation frouiiCrete , with Mr. Frank Jen- ista us leader. A number of difficult feats were performed , the protlcicncy of Joe Cer- verey being loudly applauded. The Omaha men again appeared and gave a very interesting exhibition on the horizon tal bar. They were followed by n class of twenty-five girls in hand nnd foot exercises. The "horse" was then nrought out and some very iutricato nets performed on it by the Omaha contingent. An exhibition by a class of llttlo boys com pleted the athletic part of the evening's en tertainment , and the floor was cleared for dancing , which occupied the balance of the evening. Jiorsford'H Auul I'liosphata For the Tired Brain from over-exertion. Try It. Mortuary. Mrs. M. L. Wilklns , died last night at 10:50 : o'clock at the residence of her son-in-law , Walter D. Wilklns , 1200 South Twenty-first street. The deceased was sixty-six years of ago. No time has yet been determined upon for the funeral. Mrs. Vlllio K Fetzor. wife of W. H. Fetzor , Jr , of Omaha , died at Ottumwa , la. , last Sunday , and was buried from the resi dence of Mr. Fetzcr's father , in Ottumwn , on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fetzer were married less than a year ago , and have re sided in Omaha , Mrs. Fotzer being a member - bor of the Second Congregational church of this city. She leaves a little daughter eleven .days . old. _ Ladles who value u refined complexion must use Pozzpm's Powder it produces a Boft und beautiful skin. KOUTH OMAHA NKWS. ' An UnfouiiileU Knporr. Messrs. E. W. Thompson and J. F. Selby came in from Hastings , over the 13 , & M. railroad , with cattle nnd complain to TUB BKE representative that their train was twelve hours in arriving , while the regular tlmo was mucn less. They also com plain that the stook received such rough handling that many cattle wcro Injured. Agent W. U. Cheek , on being- questioned about It , said that the train catno inexactly on timo. that the distance is 150 miles , that the train ran on schedule time of fifteen miles an hour and thnt when the stock ar rived In South Omaha that it hud to take its turn in being run in and unloaded. About nl Mrs. Fred Marshall * * of Manning , In. , and Miss Lou Phllubaum , of Indianapolis , Ind. , are the guests of Mi-j nud Mrs. S. D. Rynocr- Ban. Ban.Mrs. . O. D. Tubbs , who has been visiting relatives in Corydon1 , Ta. , has returned. Charles C. Stanley of Albright , has his brother , S. W. Francis , wife und daughter , Miss Alma , and son , George Francis , of Dun- lap , lu. , visiting him. , , Abilur llio City. Simon S. Homer Is rc'hioving ' to Eighteenth and Wymon wtreets. ' Ex-Councilman Daniel Huffcrty und Fran cis Boyle huvo arrived'Hii Ireland. Mrs , Mary Kennodyjbf Albright , Is suffer. Ing with u bud case jot , enlargement of the heart. Thomas J. Foley baa rented a house on Twenty-sixth aud J afreet und will remove his family from Omulia. Frank Reed , one of the efficient mnmbcra * of Union Stack yards switch crew No , 1 , is off duty with sore eyes. Thomas G. MoGuira will give u plcnio Sun day at the Oklahoma gardens , Thirteenth street and Missouri avenue. A (3 prize will bo given to the best walUor on the platform. Michael P , O'Donnoll has taken out u per mit to build a residence on Twenty-second rnd J streets , and J , M. Evcrsolo ono for a rcsidonco oa Nineteenth and O streets. ' Soup is the most elegant toilet adjunct , _ Tlm LuxiirliiiiH Alva. W. K , Vaiidorbllt's steam yacht Alva , which is the liauduomest and most per fectly appointed pleasure bout in the world , cost , $ GOOOIX , ) , und the expense of running- her is said to bo about $160,000 a year. SS _ 'fefSfPI ' 1IS * 0v For Bilious and Net-tout Disorder * , ttich as Wind and Pain In the Stomach. Sick Headache , dlddlntii , Fut' nest , end Swelling alter Meali , Dlitinesa and Drowtlneit , Cold Chills , Fluihlngt ol Heal. Lois ol Appetite , Shortness ol Breath. Co ti enesi , Scurry , Rlotchei on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams , and all Nenroui and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTtS. UMa Is no action. Kvorr sulTorcr ts wxrnoMly tnvlloil to try ono llox ot tlicso PIlK and they will bo acknowledged to bo a irotiifrt/tit iMMne , JIUF.OIIA.M'8 PII.LS , ukon as directed , will quickly renters /tonnlct to comjiloto lioalth. Fern WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : fiVtr tlofrx will work wonders upou the Organs | Strengthening tlm muscular S tem ; rostorliiR lonp-lost Completion : brlncInK back llio keen edge ol appetite , nid rrouRliiR wllli the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the trioroi ifr < t ( rnrrai/ot tlio hiininti frnmo. Tlioso nro "fncta1' admlttril by tliononnils. In nil cl.iftsoiotBnrlo'.y ' ; nnd ono ot tlio foonmmrnutoes to tlio ycrvous nna Dolillltntod Is thnt BEECHAM'S P1LL3 HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF JNY PATENV MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full direction * with oncli Box , rrcpnrotl only liy TIKm. niaiilAM : : , Ht. Ilplrnv Ini cililro. . riiKlnni ! . Mil / / Dniaolit * fifiirmllif. B. F. ALLEN & CO. , 365 nnd 3G7 Canal St. , New York , Bolo Ascntfl for the llnltcO Btntoa , ir/iu ( K f/'i-ir dnipflM ilncs not trop them. ) WILL HAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. Instantly Flops the most excruciating ualns : never falU t > l o OIXSB to the iiurferer lor I'AINH. llltUIHlIS. 1IAUKAQHK , CONUnSTIONS. INKfiAMMATIUNS. IMIHU.M\T13M NiURA1.01A : , SUIAT10A , IMJAOAOlli ; TOO L'llAUUK , or nuy othoi- PAIN , ft fo\v | lou act like magic , cAitsIni ; tlio pain to Instantly sto ] ) . A CURE FOll ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS Internally tnkon ludosos of from thirty to slxtv ilrou In half a tumhlnr of wntor will euro lu u few mltuites Crnni ) ) Spasms. Sour Stomncn. Colic. ( 'Inntulpncq , llonrthurn. Cholan .MorDiis , Dyscntry. Ulnrrha-n. Side llonilnclio. Niiniei , VomltlUB , Nu vousne- < . Sl on ! ssncss , Mulnrln itiul nil Intcriutl l > nlns urislni ? from chance of tllot or water or othur causes. ' HO Cintts n Itottlo. Sold by lrtiiilsts. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. THII NP 1 IU8 ULTRA ot xvrltlitR ma ritime Is nolrd tot1 lt < Suoi'tl , Compactness ot key board. Simplicity of constrittton. Kuso of operation amldurlblltty. Don't cxparlraent \\lth \ cheap im.chluoH ; you . .now tvnnt you arc Ktittlni ! wlmu you buy tlm Homln tou. Don t rely on asserllons made by no cullpd rompetltore. An oxomlnution costs you nothing mid may save yon from pnrcliHRiiicr aworthlosi mnchlno. The ItomltuMon lioUb ho World'sUhami'lonshlu forspnctl. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT , Second hanilninchtnos , all m.ike ? for sao. ' 'IhoCroHU ' 1'ytiowrltcr writes citpltuls anil HmalllottBrs , llgnros , fractions , etc. , nnd It th most Hatilil , Ciio.ip mnchlno m : > tlo. 1'dca $ iu. Stenographers supplies of all kinds. Send for circulars , JOS. P. MEG-EATH , 1607 Farnam Street Brownell Hal ! ! . BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , Corner of Tenth and Worthlngton Streets , Omahn , Neb. Tlic Key , Rolicrt Dolierty , S , T , D , , Rector , Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars Apply to the Rector. A. B. MEYER & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN O LLi ' & GOKJBI 1O3 South tBth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O , STRANO & CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. . ETCHINGS , TEMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , -HALLET & DAVIS ARTIST SUPPLIES/ HOSPE i TKIMBALL , MOULDINGS , . 9 63TFRAMES. PIANOS & ORGANS. ® ( STSHEKT MUSIC. 1313 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. The Dencrt oT Snlinra. The Suhnni us a whole is not below sou level ; it is not the dry bed of n re cent ocean , mid it is not as ilut us the proverbial pancake nil over , says the Comlnll Magazine. Part of it , indeed , is very mountainous , and nil of it ia more or less varied in lovol. The upper Snbara consists of a rocky plateau , ris ing ut times into considerable peaks ; the lower , to which it descends by a deep slope , is "a vast depression of clay and sand , " but still for tlio most part standing' high above sea level. No portion tion o ! the upper Sahara is less than 1,1100 foot hijii ] a jjood deal higher than Dartmoor or Derbyshire. Most of the lower roaches from 200 toftO ! ) feet quite as elevated as Khsox or Leicester. The twb spots below sea level consist of the bodsof ancient lakes , now much shrunk by evaporation , owing to the present rainless condition of the coun try ; the soil around these is deep in gypsum , and the water itself is consid erably saltier than the sou. That , however , is always the case with fresh water lakes in their last dotage , as American geologists have amply proved in the great Salt Lake of Utali , Moving sand undoubtedly covers n largo space in both divisions of the desert , but according to Sir Lambert Playfair , our best modern authority on the subject , it occupies not mora than one-third part of the on tire Algerian Sahara. Elsewhere rock , clay and muddy lake are the prevailing features , intorspot'bcd with not infrequent nato groves and villages , the product of ar tesian wells , or excavated spaces , or river oases. Even Sahara , in short , to give it its duo , is not Jjy any menus so black as it is painted. Advlcoto MotliiTH. Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup should always bo used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pains , cures 'wind colic , and is the best remedy for diar rhuia.oo a bottle , Mr. Couchliri Got Mad. Mrs. .1. W. Co-jghlin , of St. Paul , while on the railroad track , was struck by a rapidly moving train , Hurled into the air and over a barbedwire fence Into a vacant lot. She was not seriously hurt , and after giving the ungineur u piece of her mind she started out across the lot at a rapid gait. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ( Than Ilabjr WM pick , we gave her CArtort * . \Viien elio was A Child , > ho erlfd tor Caatoria , When site became lllrj , the clang to CantorU , Wl > ; u hho hat ? Children , she fare tlium CAJttorla IMoruunl'urUlncnrOlllcnroi. ! . . . . _ _ jSellout ( for Glrle nnd VHUIILLmliet. . Korf * cawlDBUM acidri'm ( J. Til A Vl'll. 1/f. . I ) . . Juorgau t'ark.Ill.ur77SIamson Street , CliIcaBi \TH\V VOHK MIWT.MtV AOAKMV. COItN 1walloiilliiil > iii. ) Col. O. .1. WrlKlit. 11. S. , A. M. . Hupt. : II. 1' . Hyatt , Comil tot Cnilota. WESTERN BESEE , E MVliRSl Y , C'cVELaNt" , OHIO. lleerW iinifr * * < ir nml ctiuiiliiiirntu lutl urnr. 1. Ailcllii-rt C'ollcfo. Cl sln. l.llenitnre. Sdt'iii'U , Well i > milppi > ( l , tlnoljr lucuU'il , Kiailucil Now ICnuliiml Collocfa n t linir tlm oust. 2. Oupartiucnt or Slcillclno , three yciti COIUSB. II. Coii'i'rrntiiry of Mtiilc. None Fiutler nnywjicro 4. Kclmol of Art. KlouiontnrT mid ii'lviinct'il. ( . CulluKu for xViiiucn. Uuilciio lioniu. Urmlo itn coxl of Aclullierl. hiMiil forC'nt llouuuj. IIIIIAM 0. UAVUN. 1)1) . , Itit. I ) . . IMIKS'T. JACKSONVILLE I'rfiwrntoryaiicl i-ollrifUte . Ill - cnurwn. -rntureliii2uiiui uiiulo , art. E. * . lluu uu. 1'iinclw.l. Jwksunylllc. lit * RACINE COLLEGE , K'Vi1- ' ; ? : Ik'iiuUfully mid lit'Htliful T JltiKito.l. thorouxlily O4iili | | > ei1 , nnil virlniCBTOCiulcxrfi to lu-ultli unU nioiul trnlnlni ; . Tlui Itur. A IJTilUH 1'11'Bll , A. M. War.lon ILtlHbiSHfLIWBYACADW ( I'lirinrrl/Munriiii 1'urk Alllltury Aimlriiix. ) Hupcrlur lorallon : vxcullunt ficllUe | > . Tlmruuitli nreiiaration for tollcfii. rt-lcnllllo nclionl fit IIIIB ! III > KI. Kail turm bviilMH rupt * Ulli , 11KNI1V ,1 , BTKVKNH , A , ! ! . , rrln. , iloriian 1'urk , Oook fu. . Ill , Tliu tl .MjfttnnilMil HUM. Ilimrdlm Cor Iliu oun , ; vuU4 ntliiKiil * bn > tin * W VI K3BO0 U TiuiuMl for imiliy , Hi' . BiilUruillon ( fimrniitciil. MEN Order lUinc-d ) No. 1 fur Srutluil Ueihitfkk or tllal | UM > , 1'ilcvllU ) . iu. i tor Lo.i lliiljonO . . ilcl.llliy In nurrlixl | liofiiiHprlii ou ttint Imi'py llfo. u 3forlk rrl. , iir Kltft In cUuT ) > ei. At-unililnlil timliiirnt fur Intirnil Anil locnl tire. Ciirt-k In I tu ft ilavH. Kuvfrlnirporliijeclloii. JIInotruUM tilttiin > , [ Minorumartlnir llu i-unilliun > Iivil > ut i . | 'rUttl W. ho. I. b lli H.trll | > fur men or ixunrn. I'li-vt-nii irunoiiliuta , etc. Nu ruil | > ir nor fnlMtiuii. I'ack&irif lu.lnSOilnjI. l-.aklly ilnxl. I'rlco 11.00. WllUilul likealiit I rial pmnitluof itiuwly Nu. 1 ur it cm lucHpt ol lcl . In ttaiiipnorx | taKU , Anyoiiuoftliiturcmullciriuni | > t. ly ftent dwaUtl ) h/ infill on iirelitt of the inlri * . 91.00 , UUrr.llayliouk to rlthrrttix.mariltHlurMiitrlu.ti'nl lrt , STANDARD REMEDY GO , ChlcaKO. III. . tlUa dllal . .Mr/Ui > | ! .1 Ultu. p Biantallr tui.J la Ibtn ID.OIL , . H l.d i/irjiJTlV 8AMntW KIZOTU JO CO. 1W Ui ll , uCHi JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MKDAL MKIS EXPOSITION W , Nos. 3O3-4O4-I70-HO4. , TOE MOST PERFECT OP PENS T\VOUCI'.s-A. ) ( JOOOHIOII , ATTOIINKV-AT" U J-AW , IUI Uejrliurri HI. , C'hlMKo ; tulvlca freuj Zl yourh' oxiiorlcnce ; badlnosa quietly unti Itfully traiisuctod. ESTABLISHED 1361 ( ISO So. Chicago , Ills. I Clark St. HID Regular Old-EsUWIshod. iPHYSICIAH AND SURGEON § ULiandJOCCES5 , 'Chronic ' , Neryons and Private Diseases , &FNERVOUS DKB1LITY , Lott Manhood. Palling Memory , Exhnuitlntr Drnlna , Terrlblo Dreamt , Head and Back Ache nd all the eflrcta Icidiiw tu rly dccucm ! petlur" Consumption ot Jniar.lty , treated tcicntltlOAUy ly new methods with never.fimntf success. OTf 8Y VHILIS n < l M bad Dlood and Skin Dl sates permanently cured. , . -KlDNEY nJ URINARYcomplaint ! , Gleet , Uonorrhoeo , Stricture , VarlcaceleandaUdheaie * tt the Urnlto.Urinary Organ * cured promptly wllhoul Injuiy tn Stomach , Kldneyt or oUier Onians. C7No eupcrlmtnta. A.e andcxperUnee ltn < portant. ConiuUrtlon free and aacred. 4t7Send 4 cenu poiKie for Celebrated Worka on Chronic , Nervoua nd Dellcntc Uuca * . fi"Thoir cuiltmpUtliE M m > ce tend foe Dr , Clarke'a celebrated Eulde Male and female , e.ich 11 centi , both > < ccnti ( itaniin ) , Consult the old Doctor. A friendly Uller ir cAll may save futuMsnr ( r Ina and thime , and ndd golden ycsri to life. ASUooK "t.lle'8Secret ( ) Errora , " v > c < 3nuiump ( > ) . Medicine nnd writing * sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Houra , 3 to 8. Sundays 9 Ift 11. Adtlreu F. D. CLARKE. M. D. Heallli is Weal ! DiulJ.C. WEST'S Nanvc AMD DRAIN TitrAT- IIBNT , sKuaranteo.lapoclllofor Hyatarla. Dlzzl- aoaa. Convulsions , Hts. Nervous NunralRla , liondachp. Nerrnus rrostratlou caused by thai use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakofuluci * , Mental Uoprusilon , Softnulinjot the Jlrntn , rutnltlnKlQ Insanity and InadlnKto misery , decay nnd death. Picmnture Old AKO. IlarranneHt. Loss ot Power In either sax. Involuntary Ioss j and Spormat- orhcn caused by ovur-oxertlonof thobrnln.salf- alninn or oretlmlulRencn. K.ich box rontntna cne month's treatment. 11.00 a box , ot nix boxen Corfti.Uii.aent hy mall prepaid on receipt of. price. WH GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cur * any case. With each order rocel vail by ea for six uoxns. uccoinpunlod with $ } .IM , wo vrlQ Bend the purohaicr our wrltton ( juanuupo to ro tund the money If tnu tra'itment does aut on'eot ttoure. Qunraatoos Insuod only by UoodmtiB Drue Co. , Urugglita , Sola J touti , UlO Varnaui BtrorU Oiunha Htlx The largest , riulest iiiul tlnc i In the world l > as onicr : uccoinmmlatlona underlie. ! . Xew ViirlctaTilverpitnl ln-o < i tnwi < Tli3 Cululiritcil I 'J'ho l'liu'"t 8lcnmSopt.lStll | ( Jllv iirlt.uiic I slilo lu llioYnrld.l Oct. letll Now York to G'a'gov ; via Londondorry I'urnassla. . Septlit" I Clrciifsla . . . .Sent.xBth Dovonla feept.ilstl Kthlopln Oct. nth New Ycrk to Azores , Gibraltar and Italy. Utopia Sept. llth | Victoria , .Oct. IStU Holoon , Frrontl'C'JuftM uiul Mct-rMife mlrjon limitt tcrmti. l.vctii > li > ii llcktt ntliui * ! . iiimiflo\all iltlu tans tutu liy dthir Ihn 1'ictuiwiiiu C'l > iltt atul Kottli of In * lautl. or UUtr Aleivcy and South of liclaud , tir JS'apici ami Clllnnllnr. Kxcnmloiio to I'urlft or Contltieiilul Toilrnnn low * FKI u > iini. TinvotoiT * Clmilnr Jx'ttem uf Credit ant ] Prarurm-nn-nmcnint nl lu < t.triiili.Mit mtcs. Al > | 'l'to ntl3 * r > r ntir liH'nl nirtitff. nc to HENDERSON BROTHERS , Chlcoco , III. U.S. 11 AM. . II. V. JIOOIIEP. C. II. MAIIES. HALLS , CIIURCIIRS , I'ACIO- BIBS , etc. , will lind ( lie , HO. 2 OLOBE IHCANDESOEMT ( lie best , safest , most ilnrable ntid ccnnonv coal nil lamp 111 tnsnrld. . room .1 quat-e ICK tliati 1 ct. till hntir. jtinke tlm Nn.i l House n a t Lamps. size is the No. 3 GLOBE INCANDESCENT , 320 CANDLE POWER THE STANDARD LIGHTING CO. Olcvrluud , Ohio. For sale by M. H. Bliss , Pet'kins , Catch & L.nurrm BROOKS BROSr i COT Importers mill Wlialcsalo DciUcrnln Walclios , Jewelry , Cullcry , Notions , Novelties , Albums , Fancy Goods , Walking Canes , Coal-Collar Springs , &c.&c. UUKO nisortnient for 'Cane Racks. Knife Boards , Splndlei. Auctioneers. Slrcetmen and Pcddlcri. Turlcty of fie , lOo unit 2.V : counter . Huna fiirllluntrntvilcutulueuo. BROOKS BROS. ACO. . , 417-419 Xorlli Fourth SI , St. Louis , Mo. QOLD MEDAL , PAUIB , 1870. IV. HAJrjl & CO.'S Is iilixilnldijntrc nnd It In Holnbla , No Chemicals nff utrit t111 pnpiratlun. It 1m mor * than ( * rc llMtt lh * friy'A ( if OucO4 inlicil with Starch , Am > urmi | or Hugir , uii-1 U thrnf're fur more rrunouilcal , totting It4i limn N ( tut a tup , Jt U till.V UiUlhTKn.and u' odflj.l Hold bj ( Intfr fu'rjiUiere. W. BAKEH & CO. . Dorchester , Masa TJMi M ! Imrtro'ed oo and [ j ) rt n Accordtug to tuo vrilght'pul"oa ttieui. oijudl' well tu rouiih country or fin * ' t/cirlveo Will irt * reu Un t utl fuotlor . "DREXEL & MAUL , ( Hiicci-isora ) tu Juliu U , , lnno ) . ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the Cli Slant , 1407 Farnam Stnet , Oi'ilpra by ti > U'Ktni > li Hollclled ituil pro.r.iJSy Alteiiduit , 'IVI-'plloiw to No. 2i. CTf oo fn C9Rn oA MONTH www Olui " IU pplJUi niude wMlcliiKfurUN. ABuiitH iiruftrrciltliucitu furnUli n lioreii uiul glvutlimr whulu tlmo to tint IniHlnoiH Hl > ar rnoiiiculk may lie protllKbU iiiipovc ) < l nlxo , .V f w vitcaiiflcs In KHVIIH nnd fltlu < . II .1' , , HHIN. SON kC ( , llluluHt ( , ltlislimmi'1 , Vu , A' . ll.ritc rtntt nun nifJ rf\itrlcncf , Ntrtr . UfJA. Co ,