THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATJ&KDAY , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1889. Wheat Heavy nnd Lower With tbo Longs Deposing of It. " * CORN SOLD AT THE OPENING. No Umifliinl Stir In Provisions and Urnilorn of All Classen Con * scrvnuvo Cattle I'rices * About Hteatly. CHICAGO PUOOUOK MAItllRTS. CIIICAOO , SopU ( > . fSpncInl Telegram to THE Br.n.1 The wlicntmnrkot was licnvy nnd lower to-day. Thu predominant feature was Urn Belling out of "long" whout , tlio tlo- clinlng tendency being emphasized by a re newal of speculfxtlvo ofTcnnKs ou u liberal scale , principally for local account. Cables worn sick , anil buying orjors In this nnd other American markets wore In tunny In stances sharply roJui53d. liouso.i had buying orders for foroleu uccaunt only , slightly below tlio market at Its lowest point , however. The edge of thu foreign demand for American wheat ut current prices seems to bavo boon dulled for the mo ment. The Interior milling douund Is also reported to bo less urgent , but us farmers In the winter wheat growing states will ba oc cupied In the near futura In sooilinj ? , It Is not expected that the forward movement of Winter wheat will show any increase. On the contrary , popular expectation Is the other way , nnd u falling olT In receipt * nt primary winter wheat murkett Is.counlud on. The northwestern movement Is decidedly on the Increase , and it promises to keep ut flood tide for a long time uhea.l , unless the weather should bccotno so bad as to chock deliveries. Thu temper of the trading crowd was bearish for thu start to-day. December opened nt 7iJo , with sales Immediately ut 7dc. , The murltct touched 78J o uoforo the decline wai chocked. It rallied to 73c and tnen turned down again , going to 78c. John- sou undertook to peg the market at 7dJc and was the bl-rgcst buyer in ttiq pit. His brok ers bought u if day , but , tboy could not or did not stem the tkte. Slight rallies wuru fre quent , but the tone of the market was heavy throughout the session. December closed at Miiy opened at 82jJfc , runu'ed t and closed at SHa September , which was far from active , opened ut Tti-S/o , ranged at 77@7o ( and closed at 70 c. Tim net dccllno was about Ic. Thu market was active early , vury dull during the middle of tha session and qulto active again during the last threo-iiuartors of an hour of trading. Tno northwest was exceedingly bearish In its advices ami sontsolllniorders , Now York , fora wonder , seemed Inclined to pull buck when the decline set in hare. That pluco soon got in line , however , and toward the lust supplemented the western weakness by u budget of bear toleprums reilecting foreign bcnnshncss. Seaboard exporters Were slow , but they cuino in on thu homestretch stretch with oven moro than their customary vigor. Something of u commotion was caused by the publication of certain millers' con clusions as to the total einp , based on in- ereaseJ productiveness of now wheat viewed from n manufacturer's standpoint. The theory is not now , but the results mentioned struck the bulls us extravagant. There was n gouornl rush to soil corn ut the opening. Heiiorts from the threatened districts in the corn belt relieved thu fears of the bears , for , although freezing tempera ture wus reported from n few scattered points , there wus said to bo scarcely onougli to injure the tomato vino. Tnis wus the chief cause assigned for the selling raid ut the openlnir , and until October touched 'M' a tbero was no desire to buy. At this point , however , u good demand from the shorts set in , which carried tlio price back to about thn opening quotations , but only to full back to 11 still lower figure later In the day. Septem ber delivery brought o premium over next month , principally through the olforts of Hutclilnsou'a brokers , who were active buy ers for the present month. ' The dainaud for cash corn was modorutely active and May delivery received considerable attention also" , but both shared in tlio general down ward trend. The closing prices were from % a to J c under yesterday , September rest ing at Jiyk'c nnd October nt 32@ia.J : < e. In outs a moderate speculative business was recorded , though at slightly lower prices. May was the favorite , with prices about % c lower , while fair quantities of long September oats camu out , causing near fu tures to nag ) tf@e , this month touching lUc. Tbo general weakness was duo to the heaviness In corn and good weather , while the receipts nnd estimates for to-morrow were below recent average. No. 3 regular Bold at lUc , with cur lots in special locations at the customary slight premium. No. 3 ivhito sold at 21c for September and ± ta for October. In provisions there was no unusual stir. Traders of all clastcs were somwhal coii- Borvutivcly inclined in their opera tion * and tlio day's trading was devoid of special foaturo. Hog receipts at western points again made a good showIng - Ing , and us thu outlook now promises a largo corn crop und un abundant supply of hogs this coming year , the underlying sentiment of the trade was bearish. Pork for October is UU looked after by Hutchlnsou und prices to-day lor the sumo averaged higher than those of yesterday. It also closed at un ad- vuncoof I2&0. The closings of January pork showed a decline of 7' ' c , for January Jurd of % c , for September short ribj of 2J c , for October short ribs of lOo and for January short ribs of 5c. CHICAGO IilVE STOCK. . CniUAnn , Sept. 0. | Special Telegram to TunUm ! . ] CATTLE Husiness opened slow , but prices ruled ubout steady. Some- sales men thai had exactly stock that suited may have sold at u bolter advantage than yester day , but In a general way tboro was vary llt- tlo change , The receipts were divided at 1,600 Texans , 3,000 rangers and tuo remainder natives. Toxuns sold about steady as com pared with yesterday and rangers a shade bettor than any day this weak , and the quality was also bettor. Native butchers' atook was selling somewhat better on ac count of the light run of Texans and an ad vance on the sumo. The stoeker und feeder trade presented , no new features. Common and light llttlo things are not wanted and best heavy are a shade bldiur than last week , Choice to extra beeves , M.50@-l.bO ; medium to ebod steers , lUfiO to 1500 Ibs. . M.80Q440 ; 1200 to 1U50 Ibs. , $340 ( < M.OJ ; OJO to 1,200 Ibs , I.OO(3U.70 ( ; stoclcers nml feeders , fl.BO@.10 : ! ; cows , bulls und mixed , ) ; bulk , tl.75@3.10 : Texas tuori. 13.00(33.00 ( ; cows , * 1.50@3.00. Hens Musmess wus brisk and prices steady to strong on prime heavy and un changed on packers and. other classes. Hough und common sold ut M.7U' < t3.75 and best packers at M.SOS3.1X ( ) . Tlio boM heavy sold nt * 3,05@4,05 , a few fancy houvy ut tUUft-l 15 , light sorts ut (1.4534.50 and singe sort ut ft,70 , P1NANO1AU. NEW VOHK , Sept. 0. jSpoclal Telegram to TUB HBIJ.J STOCKS The business of Thursday in stocks showed moro clearly than bcforo that the public has begun to take hold of hluh-prleed shares. The testl- mouy of coEimisuion houses Is to this effect idso , Advocates of still higher prices fuel encouraged over this fcntuso of the markst. The Impression prevails ( hot no violent rn- action of nuy extent will talio place , Ono assurance U tha fact that each smull break iu prices is followed by dullness , while activ ity is followed by un advance. At the open ing to-day tl ore was considerable pressure upon KoJthera 1'aulllo preferred , and Atchl- ton and the former rose > per cent , which mllueiu'o spread to the rust ofthe list , and the market , while active , was very feverish In the llrst llfiumi minutes1 trading , most stocks nlmdlntr off slightly from first prices. Thu moat marked feature lu tha Hat , how ever , was Richmond & West Point , which developed unusual activity for that stock nd steadily rose \ } ( per cent to 25. The general list followed , nnd the early losses were about made up. Among the Inactive shares Texas Lund Trust was especially strong nnd rose 1 per cent to 17. At the end of the hour Grangers wcro T@ percent lower , pxcopt linrllncton , which recovered to the closing llunre last night nt 108 V Trusts were dull. During the hour to noon business In the stock market was largely monopolized by St. Paul , Louisville , North ern I'aclflo nnd Heading. Thn list contin ued Irregular. During the closing hours there was heavy realizing by many und watt- Ing by these who had nlicady taken urollta nnd hold off for a reaction , At the c\oc the list was iriORUlar , with many stools just whcro tlioy closed lust night , while Coal slocks showed good trains on Inrno business. Jersey Central went up to 120J.f > closing at 120. Uig Four lost j ( and Louisville and Lake Shorn gained ( iZJ per cent cuch. Northern Pnclllo common closed Jf per cent lower nnd preferred"steady. . In western stocks )3urlington ) nnd Missouri Pacific nlone showed gains of ' { dl f per cent. Dela ware St Hudson gained I to 150 , Liickawonnn j to ir > % and Heading ; < per cent to 4'X- The total sales were lUO.IhW shares. The followlne were iho closing quotitlons : 0. 8.4s regular. 127 , Noilhorii I'aclllo. . Tfl'l ' U , 8. 4scoupons . . .128 dopruforrod - U.S. Uisroumnr . .lor.t , , ' e. * : M.V nit's U. 8.4iH ! coupon.1n ( > { iloprnrerrcd K-'i ' raclllLllsot M ) HH .N'.V.lVntrrvl NW.'i ' CVntral INvclllc. . . . m l > . D.fcB 23M Clilcasoic Alton. . . .l Uork Island l l Uhtcaico.liurllnKton C. , M. & St. ! ' 74J ! ilopreforred til 'u&nha : r. Illinois CPiitnU 117 < ilopreferreil UX > ! i I. , . & W. , U'i ' tl.ilon I'aclllo fil'j ' " W..8t.L. & ! . . . . . . . I'M lnko Shorn llf.4 doproforred KHj Ceutral , 1 JU Western Union. . . . tO'i Missouri 1'ftcltlc. . . . 75Ji Moxur On call easy ut3i < MK per cent. PIUME MRiuuxrn.ii 1'Ai'ititfl ( j" tiar cent. STHULI.SO Excii\NnE Qulot ami stronjr ; sixty-day bills , $ I.S4 ! < : demand , S4.S8. 1MIODUOIJ MAUlttiTS. CHICAOO , Sept. 0. 1:1& : p. m. clo o Wheat Lower ; cash , 70 'cj October. 7CYoj December , 78 l-10c. Corn Lower ; cash , 33)ic ; October , 33 3-10c ; December , 3i L- . Oats Easy ; casn , We ; October , 19xVc ; December. 19 l5-10i\ Hyo September , 42c. Harley Not quoted. Prime Timothv Sl.Wi51.34. : Flax Seed Cash , fl.'J7Kc ; September , $1.'J3. $1.'J3.Whisky Whisky fl.03. Pork-Firmer : cash , 810.03 < ; October , J10.07K ; January , l.07Jf. Lard Steady ; cash , Ki.OOj'JJ ; December. $5.1 (3(0.75. ( ( i Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $3.00@ J.40 ; sprlm ; wheat , $1.30rg5.1U ( ; rye , S3.5U ( Sj-'sO. ' Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , .50@ 4.0'2 ; short clear , * 5.37 > ( i45.50 ; short ribs , S3.00i.d5.05. Uutlor Dull ; creamery , 10) ) @ 19c ; dairy , 1010o. Cheese Quiet ; full cream cheddars. 7 } " ; Hats , 8d,8 , , ' c ; Yount ; Americas , ' Firm ; fresh , Hides Unchanged : srccn aalteil , _ , light green salted , 5j$5 > .fu ; salted bull , 4Wc ; green suited calf , 5) o ; dry Hint , "o ; dr.v and salted hides , Oo ; dry calf , OJ7o ; deacons , each 20c. i'allow Uuclmnced ; No. t solU p.tckoJ , 4@4j. o ; No. ' 2 , 8X ° i cake , 4 ! @IXJ- iteceluts. anipuicnts. Flour 13,000 8,000 Wheat KJS.OOa 131.0CO Corn 472.00J ! i43.000 Oats U43OOD 141,00a Now York. Sept. \Vhoat-Heceipts ( 218.000 ; exports , 43,030 ; spot dull nud M@Ho lower and wealt ; now No. ! J rod , KIJi ( ! ia4 ! S4'e In elevator ; 84 > @ 8l o afloat ; 84) Olbilt. o. b , ; No. 3 red , aitjgsitfo ; ungraded red. 78'JO sc ; options inotiorutoly active , % @lc lower ; No. a red , September , 83c. Corn Uecoipts , , t7OUO ! bushels : exports , 117,0JO bushels ; spot moro nctlvo , } c lower ; No. 2 , 42 % < $ tiilo in store and elevator , 4'1@ 4i ; ! c ufloat ; ungraded mixed , 42@4'3X < J ; op tions dull , ) j31e lower. Oats Receipts , ( > 4OUO bushels ; exports , 52,000 ; spot , fairly active nnd easier , options dull and lower ; September ut 2oc ; October % 5o' , suot. No. 2 white , 274@2Jfo ; mixed western , 24(223c. ( ! Coffee Outions closed steady ; 30 to 35 points up : sales. September , S1D.OO@15.70 ; October. $15.TO@1583 ; December , * 15.75@ 15.8.5 ; spot Hio , Annor ; fair cargoes , S19.2.V Sugar Unw , stronp : ; bettor domnnd ; cent rifugals li ) ( test ( ij u : Muscovado 87 test , , RJfa ; 90 test , 5c ; retlned , fairly active and firm. firm.ERRS E-is.v , ( ) iuot ; western , 17 ( ! 18't ) . Petroleum Quiet , steady ; united closed at OS'i'c for October. Pork Firm. Lurd Steady to weak ; western steam , (0 42M@15.45 ; September , $ .40. Uutter Choice , stronger and In fair de mand ; western ! ! @ 19c. Cheese Higher ; western , 0 > j@7 c. . Aliniiciipolii , S'jpt. ( I. biunplo xvhcat fractionally lower ; receipts , 201 cars ; ship ments. 105 cnra. Closing : No. 1 hard , Suiv Sojt. 0. Wheat Easy ; cash , 72X ; Ootxibcr , 73B'o. Corn-Dull ; No. 3 , 3io. : Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 22 ; c. Hyo Quiet ; No , 1 , 42a Uarloy Ejsior ; cash , 57 c. Provisions Firm ; porlr , cash , $10.70. Ijlvcrponl , Sept 0 , Wheat Dull ; holders offer moderately : rod western spring , 7s ( )7B ) Id pur cental ; red western win ter , ( U Od 'is ' 9J. Corn Firm und demand fair ; now mixed western , 4s 3)fd ) < per cental. St. Lioui.s , Sopt. 0. Wheat Lower ; cash and Octobr. 70o ; December , 77c. Corn Lower ; cish. 29I o ; October , ! ! OJfc. ( Oats Lower ; cash and September , ISJJe. Pork ( > uiot ut * ll.OO. Lard Firm at 85 80. Whisky Steady ut 31.0J. llutter Dull ; creamery , lOgl' U ! dairy , 13@14c. Kansas Oily , Sept. 0. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 rod , cash und Saptombar , ( lie ; Oclo- ber , ( > lJ < jO bid ; t 'o. 3 rod , cash nnd Septem ber , 5Sc Did ; No 2 soft , cash und September , 03K bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , cash , 2lo bid : Sep tember , 34o. Outs No. 3 cash , 17o. IjIVE STOCK. Ohloneo , Supt. 0 The Drovers' Journal reports us follows : Cuttlo Keeolpts , 10,030 ; nmrkot steady ; choice to extra beeves , $ J.5'J I.UU ; steers , (3.00i ( 3.li3 ; stockers and feeders , ( J.UO I.IO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.00 < g 3.00 ; Texas caltlo , fl.50@3.00 ; western rani- or , $3.76@.3.IX ) . Ho s Ueceipts. 13,500 ; market strong ; mixed. $3.70@4.30 ; heavy , jaOOgl.lO : light , f3.KO@l.0 ; stilps , * 3.45r < JJ.)5. : ) Bhcop Receipts , 11,000 ; market steady ; na tives. 1.00(3 ( 1.73 : western , M.HOfcSl.OO ; Tox- unsi.ix4.10 ; ) ; Iambi , fl.5003.W. UniiNnH Oity , SepU 0. Cattle Ho- ccipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market irregular and in some eases lower ; common to choice $ ! ) . ! Ki4 ) ( 20 ; stookors and feeding steers , $1,00 ( 3.11) ) ; cows , fl.'i'X < ? 2.00 ; grass ramie Bloom , $ L.lU ( < i3.75 , Hogs Heoolpts , 3,003 ; 'shipments , 1.000 ; market opened strong und 5 10o lilgher , closing with udvuuca lost ; common to choice light , M.60@4.20. Niitloual ritoalc , Mist Ht IjuulH , Sept , . Cattle -Hcoaipts , 033 ; ship ments. 3.UOO ; market active and strong ; fair lo choice heavy native steers , # 3,80 , < $ 4. SO ; stackers ana feeders nominal ; range steers , ei.9Jci3.70. ( Hogs Hqcolpts , ll,003 ( shlnuients , 1,000 ; market higher ; lair to choice heavv , f I,10C'3 4.25 ; packing gra Jos , f3tjaa. 90 ; light , $1.23 @ 4.40. Sioux Oty | , Sopt. 0. Oattlo 2(30 ( ; shlpuiouts , C20 ; murkol steady ; fat steers. FJ.90 < iJ3.40j stookow and feeders , $3.00053.75. Hogs Hecolpts , 500 ; morkot higher ; light and mixed , fJ.70@a.75 ; heavy , M.75i J.80. OMAHA HVK STOCK. Out tin Friday , Sept. 0. The market was slow again to-day and even the bust grades of native beeves were a drug ou the market. Tbo dressed beef operators claimed that the rofrlgorntors wcro nil full of beef nnd tlmt they could not ban- llo any moro. If they talked ouy nt all , they would tnlk lower nnd the feeling was very weak. Ever slnco thd break in the market the best grades have not suffered very much decline until during the past two dnyswhoii they , too , have hod to come down. Tno prices paid for nntivo steers ranged from W.OO to $ . 0 but largely ut SJ.&OGJ4.00. There wa nome trading in Texas steers , nnd while there were no sales yesterday with which they could bo compared the market was certainly higher than at the opening of the present week. Some 1,077-Hi Texan * sold ut $2.I5. ! butchers' stock was extreme ly slow und dull. A few common nntivo cows wont utSl.fiOMl.COnnd some westerns nt $ l.Xg3,20. ( ) ( Stockers nnd feeders sold Trccly and there was a good demand , with plenty of buyers in the yards. The shippers paid a little moro money for their hogs this morning , possibly o more , both on light nnd heavy weights. The pack ers did not show any Inclination to advance prices , but scorned contented to lot the { ship pers have the hogs. What the shlpuors did not want the packers would buy , paying yes terday's pncas , nnd In some instances less that Is , about $ -1.05 for full loads of heavy weights and $3.f > 0 for good heavy ends of loads from which the light had boon sorted , 8li > Ci. A double deck was received nnd sold at steady prices. Kccnipts. Cattle . 1,800 Hog ! . . . 3,300 Sheep . 175 t'ravallln t I'rlaoi. The following is n table of prices p.iid in this market for the Ki'.idca of stock men tioned : Prime steers. WOO to KiOO ; © 4.30 Ooodstscrs. VJSO to HiOlbi. . . 3.50 < i U5 Oood stoors. 10V ) to l'U3 Ibs. . . 3.2 fft > 4.0J Common canners . l.OJ ( il.5'J Ordinary to fair cows . 1.49 ( { $1.75 Fair to good cows . 1.75 W1.90 Goodto choices cows . l.DJ ( ( 2.2J Choice to fanovcowa , holfOH. . " .33 ( fJ2.riO Fair to coed bulls . 1.50 ( a > 2.00 Good to choice bulls . 3.00 ( u < 2.20 Llgnt stackers nnd feeders. . . . 3.3"i C'2.00 Good feeders. 950 to 1103 Ibs. . 2.50 W3.00 Fair to choice Ilirht hess . 3.85 ( < 0.90 Fair to choice heavy hoijs . 3.05 (3 .80 Common to fair he.wy hogs. . . 3.45 WJ.50 Fair to choice mixed nogs . 3.70 ( iJU.85 Heprojontntivo rf No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 13 . 10(55 ( $3 00 81 . 1213 S3 50 18 . 1074 320 1 . 1153 3 115 23 . 10tr 330 19 . 118t 3 (15 ( 42 . 1114 345 82 . 129(1 ( 375 18 . 1154 350 80 . 1340 400 COWS. 10 . 1142 150 0 . 1057 1(50 ( 23 . 1010 1 Oil STOCKHHS. 23 . 800 235 200 . 890 2 CO FHUDKUS. 24 . 812 315 18 . 1203 200 33 . 791 225 9 . 911 24 . 710 230 21 . 1051 270 43' . . 1110 2 5J 94 . 1019 280 21 . 953 250 18 . 1203 285 1IUU.9. 1 . 1430 1 50 1 . 1300 1 85 STAOS. 1 . 1190 173 1 . 1300 280 CANNEll-J. 18 . 830 1 00 CALVES. 17 . 348 2 00 WLSTCIIN" OVTTM5. Owner No. Av. Pr. ir.cown , range 901 $1 00 14 feeders , range 12S3 220 75 feeders , range 10U9 2 40 5 feeders , range 1313 390 20 steers , strays 1104 2 20 2 steers , slrays 1015 2 20 1 bull , stray 1230 1 50 1 canner , range straj' . . . 1050 1 25 1 cauner , range stray..10IH ) 1 23 10 steers , range strays..1132 1 85 1 steer , rano stray 10S9 300 Gnlbnxith 2Ssleors , range 1440 273 Stewart Ustccrs , range 1307 205 Trowbridgc 2Scows , range 10t)3 ) 1 70 4(5 ( feeders , range 1104 2 40 Header 10 feeders , range 1193 3 40 19 feeders , range 1101 2 40 0 feeders , rungo I'i24 2 40 14 feeders , range 1150 2 50 113 steers , range 1193 2 70 39 cows , rungo 11CO 1 73 Illinois Laud and Live Stock Co. I'M steers , Texuns 1077 2 35 4 bulls , range 1115 1 50 40 cows , range 10US 320 Haley 11 cows , range 1139 200 Moore 10 feeders 90S 250 8 feeders 945 350 HOG.H. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 10..297 100 SI 45 54. . . 302 2005375 0..318 80 350 57..321 120 875 13..320' 40 350 00..29J 200 375 13..325 100 350 59..270 200 375 5..330 80 3 50 50..278 120 375 12..323 40 350 ( S3..290 100 ! i 77 } < C 10..3.M 100 350 70..247 120 3 77j 18..344 200 350 64..2b3 60 3 SO 5..254 . . 350 73..229 80 3 bO 5..3SO M ) 350 OS. . . 215 SO 3 bO 3..3(57 ( 80 350 59..371 1 0 380 0..313 100 350 01..233 40 3'80 8. . .250 . . 850 55..203 W ) 3 80 10 .338 80 350 57..244 12J 380 15. . .290 120 850 69..230 . . 380 14. . .315 . . 350 0(5..270 ( ItiO 880 11. . .405 t > 0 850 09..217 . . 8 fa2) 15. . .309 240 330 155..2 < 9 . . 385 49. . .801 80 355 73..231 40 385 00. . .278 2SO 800 OU..252 100 883 . . .383 . . 300 54..241 120 885 18. . .8W 120 8 ( iO 45..244 80 885 09..201 12J 803 (15 ( . . .2J7 80 8 87& 00..274 100 803 (54..241 ( 40 3 87 > i 43..341 1(50 ( 3(55 ( 50..281 . . 890 03..232 100 81(5 ( 52..217 . . 890" 58..270 40 305 69..205 120 890 (5S..281 ( 1(50 ( 365 U4..23J Kill 390 01..2(54 120 805 G1..2i'l 40 3'JO 15..374 80 3(55 ( 77..198 80 390 33..305 80 3(55 ( 53..235 bO 3 90 03..2(53 ( 1(50 ( 870 40..2J1 . . 890 19..31(5 ( 40 870 55..223 80 3 IX ) 01..27(1 ( 200 370 ( W..227 . . 890 51..301 200 370 80..2 9 80 ,89-1 71 . . .27,1 100 875 77..193to 11 IK ) 59 . . .269 . . 375 51..183 80 3 90 02..295 120 3 75 Stock Niti ! . II. L.Oldhuui , fromPlait8iiiouthwasotitho , market. II. L. Ulmer was in from Stella looking ever the yards. Jay Host from Cowles , Neb. , was in with cattle and hogs. F. Goodwin , of St. .lames , Minn. , was n vis- Uor at the yards. J , Vunkirk , of Silver Creek , curao In with four curs of cattle. Georjjo J. Storm , of Peru , came In with four loads of cattle. James McICnight of Atwood , Neb , was in with u car of cattle. J. W.Coun , from Plattbinouth , was In look ing over the market. W.F. Edwards , from Syracuse , was In lookIng - Ing over the market. J. W. lioyd wus in from Missouri Valley , looking ever the yards. Samuel Kcrkloy and brother , of Columbus , brought In car of hos. . A. J. Adams brought iu u car of cattle and onu of hogs from Uradshaw , J. Cummlngs came In with four loads of cattle from Talmago , Neb. John J. Scrlbnor. of Overtnn , Neb. , came lu with two cars of cattle. S. C. Haven , manager of tlio Cleveland Cattle Company , was a visitor ou the market to-day , THE REALTY MARKET. plaoad un rooar. ! durma i. yesterdav , Q K Darker anil wife to K F McCartney , lot . ' , blk 11. Orchard Hill , wd t tl&O M A McOlyntito U V McCartney , lot KJ. nlc II. Urcnurd 11111. a o d. . . .7 ! bW J II DlclceytuIU llorlglit. part of lots21 und ! , blkl' . Alain's 1'laza , wit 4,000 J T Ilopkltu to .M A McUlynn , lot 2. , bile 11.Orchard Hill , ticd . . . . . . . . 600 Q II llunjten und wife to H Uotfunzweiir , part ot bik "eV1 Blitnn's add. vrd J2.00D 0 V Harrison to U U Wheeler , lot 17 , bile 4 , Ucfcermaau I'luce , wd , . . . , iw I , ] | nn en nnd vrifo to tj 0 jfiijijnni , part of lot 1 , bU 1 , Wrick's mMi Vd . . 1,200 William Krng to P II .Moller. u y , feet of lot in , lilk I , Campbell's ndd , w d . 325 Q Wl.oomlH. administrator , tpK J Mlck- nelson. lot it : , Oi R Hill. duJJl } , . . . ar,0 T Mctmern nnd nlfo to II Mullen , lots 12. W nnd II , bit \VnlnntlllH w d . . . . fiM I1 a 1'etorson nnd wife to VV J ( 'onnell n' lot 0 , lilk 1 , Kotmtzo's 4th mid , w d . . 7.0J ) J r.Mnwhlnncy and wlfo. to l.iV M lirown , lot f , bit 1. Mimriso mid , w rt . . 400 15 a Hood and wlfo to N OlnsberjMot P. lilkl1. . Albright's Annex , wtl . HO II .1 Mlchnolsoii to Ii ( ; hrlst ts.en. lot n , Oflk lllll , cioil . . . . . . . . t CB Sncpnul to C 1) Turner , Vlfyttty wall rseo lriOity ! < 3llacd. . . - . , , * . . . . 407 Jl V yoloniiin to Mutual Trust Co , lot 14 , nlk d , t-'olomon's ndil , ml . " , . (0) ( A PTnhey andM'Koto.I M Sheeloy , lot 7 , blk 8 , drammcrcj' pnrk , w d . . . . 700 A 1' Tukey and wife lu ( J R 1'enbody , lot 1' , blki. ( Irnmmorcy pirk. wd . 0V ) 8 H Wlnitson to W W Lemon , lot n , Cort- lamtt 1'lnce. wd , . . . 1 . O.OCO M Donovan nnd wlfo to Jl Feri'y , lots 13 ami III , biles , M Donovan's sub , w d. . . 4,000 Kate Carroll nnd nusband to A S Andcr- son nt al , H acres In sw nw 0-14-in , w d. . 12.COO 1' K Moore * , special master , to M 1'cn- body et al. nucUrldad ! i of e Si of lotfi , ( Irimih.Vfcinllh'sudd. deed . 1 V K Moores to W J ( 'onnell , imdlvldMl ' { ot undivided < , ot lots 7 , 10 mil ! ll , ( Irlllln < V Smith's add , deed . 1 K Moores. special muster , toV J Con- neil , undlvlilfd K of lots 4 nnd ( t , w ! { of Iot5 , llrimn > V Smith's mid , deed . 1 Knto Elliott to VV WC'iselH , part of lots 0 and 7 , blk 4 , r Dellouo's ndd , w d . 750 Twenty-live Irnnsfers SHROEDER SL DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 5O5 feoutliltttli Street , Oiuulia NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITOR ? , 01IAHA , NEB. Capital . $ 100 , 000 Surplus , Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) . 52,000 orncKiis AND HUSKY W. YATKS. President. LEWIS P. HIKD. Vice President. A. E. TOU/.ALIN , W. V. MOIISI : . JOHN 8. COI.MNS II. C. CUKIIINO , J. N. 11. FA-THICK , W. II. 8. HumiKS , Cftsltlcr. THE IRON BANK , Cor , 12th mul Krxrnam Sts. A General Dunking llusluesi transacted. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. Capital , - - . - . . $4OOOOO Surplus , - 40.0OO Olllcors aud Directors 5. M. Morseman. 0 . M. Hitchcock , Jos. Garnenu , Jr. , A. Ilenrv. K. M. Anderson. Win. 0. Mnnlj v.pres : L. 11. Will- lama , A.I' . Hopkins , pros. ; A. Mlllurd , cashier ; P. Ii. Bryant assistant cushler. JBojots an djStio e a. "KIRKEKDALL , JpXES & CO. , Succeuon to Heed , Jonef & Co. Wholesale Mannl&ctnrerstif & ; , BMs & Shoes AgeuUIorBoitton KnbbcrEboe Co. , 1102. 1101 and lid ] Homer Street , om ha , Nebraska. Brewers. STOUZ & ILEIt , Lager Beer Brewers , 1131 North Eighteenth street , Oranha , Neb. CorjnlcoN EAGLE COHKWE WORKS , Mannfecturers of&alYaiiized Iron Cornice Wludoiv-c.ipj anil mctHllosiTllulits. Joim Kpcnetir , proprietor. lUGand llJfcouili IDtli street. Paper Boxes. JOHN \VJLKIE \ , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Faclory , Nos. Ill" nnd 1319 Douglna ttrect , Omaha , Net ) . Sash , Doors , Etc. .V. A. DI.SBKOir ACO. . , ' Wholoialo ni 2iifaotiirpr > of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch office , 12IU o a Iianl streets , Oniuhn. NeS BO1IN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sain , D ors , Bliufls , Mouldluin , stair-work an I Interior bard wood Hnbh. 13ii 'j North ICtb street , Oim ha. Neb. , Eto. STRAW & CLAitK STEA3r IIRATING CO * Pumps , Pipes anfl Engines , Bt > m , water , rallwar and mining suppllti , ate. W > , VII and VU Karnnni street , Oinalia. U. S. WIND E KOINE A PUAIP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , IIallU T wind mills. 918 and Mfl Jones st. , Omaha. U. K. KOII , Acting Manager. & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Ebe't-lron work , steam pumps , saw mills. 12U-121S l.o tcnw rtU street , Omaha. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLINO IltON WOIIKS , Wrought and Cart Iron Building WorK , Xnelnes , brass work , ireneral foundry , machine anil blaikimllb work. Ofllce ami works , L' . r. Uj % and Kth street , Omaha. OMA UA W1HEJOAT WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railinis lu k is > lli , window cuanlt , ( lower stands , wlro slgmi , ate. 1 Nurta luh street , Omaha. OMAtlA SAFE A IIION WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Biirglar I roof Safes , Vaults , tail work. Iron shutters and are rsrapts. U. Antucen. i > roi > 'r. Corner Uti aud Jackson sis. OUTH UN ION STOCK' Of South Oinaha , Liuiitei TJIK CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THIS1 Chicago , Milwaukee & 'St. Paul R'y ' , Tbo licst Itouto from Oiunlia aud Council Dluffa to E THE EAST E- TWO Til A INS DAILY BKTWKKN OMAHA Chicago , AND Milwaukee , 8t. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Buck Island , Fret-port , Hockford , Clinton , IMibiujue , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsyille , Uelult , Winoint , Lit Cro se , And nil other Imporlant points K t , Northetst and buutbeuit. For through tlcketi call on tlio lltket tic-at at IM1 rtrnaiu strt tla 1 ! irk IT lllock , or at Uului 1'acittc Uapot. 1'ullmiin Bleiptrs and tbo flneit Dining ; Csrs In ths world are runuu the mun line ot tUaihlcaico , Mil * waukee & St. i'ul llallwty. nd evtrj attention Is psU to iiauvtiiiers bjr courteous employe * of tlio cotapuny. H. Mll.l.iil. Oi'neul Minaeer. j. K.TUCKKli. Asilitant ( Jeoornl Manager. A. V. It. CAlU'ENIKll. General 1'asjtnger and Ticket Avrnt. QUO. E. 1IKAFFOUD. Asolltaat General I'uteaiitl oilTicket Airent. Agrlpulturfel Impjompiita. Cli UliClTlLL "PARKEli Dsalerin Agricultural Implements , f agoni Carrlngcs nnd luiKidM. Jones nlrrct , botncen Wli an < lutb , om aba , Nvbreska. LIXISGEH .t ME'tOALV CO. , uOJlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages , etc. Wholesale. Wnnlin , N PA11LIN , OltUXUOIlF MAHTIX CO. , Wholesale Dcaloialn Agricnlt'l ' ImpleraentJ , Wagons & Buggies Wl. 1C ) , < < U3 and W Jones itrput , Onmlm. MOL1VE , MILI1URX& S'JODUAltD CO. , MnnurRclnrors nnd Job'.om In Wairoas , Buggies Mwt Plows , Etc , Cor. ( nil and 1'aclHo streets. Oraaba. Artists' Mntorlnla. A. IWbPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1613 DoiiKliM street , Omnba , Nebraska. Boots and Shoos. IF. V. MORSE & CO. , Mte of Boots and Slices , 1101,110J , lHUllouKlnn street , Omnba. ManufnctorT. ' bummer street , Uonton. Cool , Coke , Etc. JAMES'nTUAIVHEII COAL co. , Minors and Shinners of Coal and Cok Ituoiu 31 , U. f. Xntlonal llnnk Hullcllnit , Omnlm. oJrAlLrCOAL , COKE A LIME C0 JoWcis of Hard and Soft Coal , SO South 1.1th urcot , Omalm , Nebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Snippers of Coal and Coke , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Nob. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A. WAKEF1ELD , Wholesale Lniulier , Etc , Imported nnd American 1'ortlanJ ' emcnt , BtaM agent for JttlwHukcBbydrau.lonruent . und ultu lime. CHAS It. LEE , Dealer in Hardwocd LinnliBr , Wood carpets anil parquet lloorlnn. 9tl > nd Douglas streets , Oranha. Neb. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale IStb ttrect and Union 1'aclllc track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmlier , Lain , Lime , Sasn , Doors , Etc. Yards Corner 7th and Douglns. Ofllos Corner 10th and Uouirlai. FRED. W. GRAY. Lninlie1 Lime Cement EtcEtc , , , , , , Comer Bth and Douglas sts. , Omaha. (7. A' . DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , IStb and California streetsOmaha , Nebraska. N otlons. & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Milliuory & Note Vi , t\0 \ and 212 South lltti street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions aud Furnishing Goods , 1121 Haraoy Street , Omaha. Commission and Storage. ItlDDELL & RIDDELL , Storjge and Commission Merchants , Specialties Butter , OBK , cheese , poultry , gam * 1112 Howard street , Omaha , Nub. Dry Coeds and Notions. 31. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Oruuha , Neb. KILPATIilCK-KOCH DRT GOODS CO. , Importers & Jolers in Dry GoodsNotions , Celt's furnishing foc& > . Corner llth and lUrnoj streets , Omnlm , Nebraska. I1EI.IN , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and jobbers of Wcolens and Tailors' ' T.-mniings . , 317 South irtti strut t. JFurnlturo. T & k > 'WNE , Wliolesale"Dalers ; in Furniture , Kurmim street , Omnlm , Ncbrutka. CHARLES SIIIVERWK , FnrniinrB , Omaba , Nobrutka. Crocorlos. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholssale Groceries and Previous , Tta , 707 , TOJ aud 711 BoutU IQlh st. , Omaha , Nob. McCORD , BRADY t CO. , Wholesale Grocers , . llth svnd LaaTDunorth otreU , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. W. J. BROA'ICH , Heyy : Hardware , Iron and Steel , Eprlniis , wacon stock , hardnnra. lumber , etc. 1209 _ _ andljll UainefKliett , Urnuba. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEX HARV WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Pla'e ' , HIMEBAUGH A TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Methanlcs' tool and Buffalo scales. K05 Bougloi street. Omaha , Neb. H. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gooft , ' Iiousa furnlthliiK Koods , children's carriages , 1201 furnaia street , Omaba , Nob. Oils- CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Rented and Lubricating Oils , Ail * grease , etc. . Oinsha. A. ILUIthon , Manager , " Papor. . . . , - . - . - . - . - - , CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper D3 lers , Mrrr anlc itook of iirlnllnir , wrarplnu nnd nrltlDsl _ _ paper. Special attention Klrcn to card | per _ _ _ PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH J302 PAHNAM"STREET. OMAHA N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST roll TUG TUKATMUKT OF AM. Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear , PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISEASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM , LUNG AND THROAT DISEASLS , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPSY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc. J. W. McMENAMY M. D. President . . , . . , , And Consulting Physician nnd Surgeon. Organized wito a full staff of SlalM Pliysicians , Surgeons and Trained NUK Tills establishment ist : ponnnnent medical institution , conducted by thorough/ ] educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. The Institute bindings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth nnd Dodge streets , is composed of two largo three-stoiy brick biddings of over ninety rooms , containingour Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store , laboratory , Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and thoBoarding1 Depart ment for Patients , In charge of competent persons , constituting tlio largest ami tbo most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , ono of the three largest in tlio United States , and second to none. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing' surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute tlio first choice. You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo * dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. Wo make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may feel inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the faeb that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Instli tuto west of Now York , with a capital of over 8100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. tda tdQ APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES - Q TIES AND TRUSSES. Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ot every form of Disease requiring M15DJCA1J or SUIlGICALi TKEATJMJ3NT. In this department wo nro rapociall } ' successfiil. Our nlaiins of superiority overall i all others are based upon tlio fact that tliis is the only medical establishment man ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for oacli individual case. Wo hiivn three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and liave all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty years' experience. i The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the p st few years , and electricity isnow acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the gieat icmedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , iheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye und ear diseases it u tlio most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , itis absolutely necessary to have the proper " apparatus. "We have lately purchased three of tlio largest and most completes tj.itterios manufactured , HO constructed as to give the most gcntlo as well as the uiost powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus und the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 8,000 dolluw ' .uvested in electrical apparatus. 1 PRIVATE , SPECBAL , NERVOUS AND BLOOD DISEASES. Wo claim to bo the oniy reliable , responsible establishment in the west making ! a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMonuiny was OIKS of tlio first thoroughly - , ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and Tila' ' methods and inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America. ! He is the inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspeiihory , acknowledged the best in ] use. All others are copied after his invention. By means of a simple operation J painless and safe , recently brought into use , wo cure many cases that have boon given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our look ' to men , tent free to any address. ) DISEASES OF Aivnrfc Wo have had wonderful success in this department in tha past year , and have made many improvements to our facili ties for treatment , operations , artillcial eyes , etc. ffi CASES TREATED UY JLETTEH. , Wo llilvo B Jatly improved our facilities and methods of treating cases by correspondence , and are having better success m thisdonaiU inent than ever before. Wo are fully up to the times in all the latest inventions in medical and surgical operations , appliances and iiibtrumcnts. Our institution is open for investiga tion to any persons , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that a visit or consultation will convlnco any Intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place themselves - selves under our care , Since this advertisement Jlrst appeared , many boasting pretenders and frauds Aat-4 come and jjone imu many more will come and jo , remembered only by their wifortunuti and foolish victims.I . " /I wise man investigates first and decides uftcncurds , A fool decides first , then investiytttcs. " ' The Omaha Medical und tiuryical Institute is indorsed by the people and the mess. More capital invested , more skilled jihysiciuns employed , more modern appliances , fnsru- ( menta and apparatus in NSC , nwre case * treated und cured , more Huccewful tiuryical operations 2Krformed , than in all other medical establishment ! ! inthe. West combined. PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( BIALBD ) . ions nun versions. Tumors , J.aconitlorm und Cuncor of the Womb , ' r" ' hlxlli-DiHBABBS or1 MKN , 1'rlvuto. Bpoclal uml NITVOIIH mucusesSpormatorrluca ( flomlnal jyt-akiioss ) . Impotuucy , Vnrlcoccle , Btrlctuio , Oluct , Byphlll. , ana ull Oltcatcgor tlioCJouluS UrnnrOr DISEASES OF VUOMPaM Sircixwr.HAVE Bl . ll % JsWJr w W Vriwl K.IW A roil WOUBN JJUIIINO CONri.NliMU.NT. ( HUltlly I'rlVUlOj. Only Kcllublo Medionl Institute Making a Hiicuiulty oi' PJIIVATI3 1 > 1HJL\SKS. AH niooil niMftgci supcosifiilly treated. 8yililllllo | rolton rcraovc'l from I so y lcm without mcruury. Now Kratorutlvo TrtMtiiioni of Vltul 1'owcr , I'.itlentsuimlilo . ( o visit us inBy l > o t runted ft t homo liy corrcapomloncu. All iwrniiunlctitloiis t-onllileiillal. ilullolnea or Instru * OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 13lU und IIudKo Strecu , OmuUu.Neb