TO3SOMAHA DAILY BEEy SEPTEMBER 7 , 1889. DRESSED BEEF COMMISSION , It Will' 'BoRln Ita lavoatlffatlons nt Doa Mohi03 To-Day. CLOSE OF THE IOWA STATE FAIR. Ilorrltilo Tnlo oJ nn KI ht-Vonr-Oia ' I'rou- Jloy Acnr J''ort Doiluo rc B of tlio .Murder Trlnl , i CoiiiinlKslnii In l > e Slono ! . DBS MOIXKS , In. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tclo- tjroiri lo THE UKB. ] Senators Vest , Coke nntl Plumb , of the sonata committee to Inves tigate tua , dressed beef Industry , arrived In thoi-lty to-dny. They spent the afternoon In visiting the state fair , und announced that they would begin the formal session of their committed to-morrow morning. They nro to hear comnlalnts while hero from , any parties In lown who are aggrieved at the present packers' combinations. 'ilio Mate Fair. DM MOINES , la. , Sept , fl. [ Special Tele gram to THK linn.J The state fnlr closed to day , having been Iho most successful finan cially in the history of the society. The re ceipts word larger by $13,000 than last year , and will reach n total of nearly fM.OOO. An idea of the attendance can bo obtained from the fact that the Hock Island road carried 13.1,000 people to nnd from the city mid the fnlr grounds , in addition to 37.000 excursion ists from along their line , making 173,000 pco- plo they handled. The carnival of Klnir Son ! Om Scd In this city undoubtedly called u lurgopurtof the Incicased uttuiuluncc. The state fair directors this afternoon resolved in luvor oT Chicago for the world's fair In 1893. Burned to IKinth. FOIIT DODOR , la. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UF.B. | The oight-ycnr-old son of J , F. Swanson wus roasted to death In a barn , nlno miles south of this city , at 10 o'clock this morning. The boy Is supposed ir- to-havo been playing with matches , which b * Ignited tbo hay nnd he suffocated before ho could escape. Tlio ItillinuH .Hurilor Case. WATEIILOO , la. , SepU 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BKB. ] The work of selecting a Jury In the Hillings murder casewus begun at 2'o'clock. Out of eight persons examined only foifr were accepted to sorvc. From the present outlook it will bo several days bo- fora any work of importance is done. 'lirrU or Illumine nt n L IHB. DBS MOIXK.I , la. , Sept 6. [ Special Tol- ogramto TiteJicE. ! Tlio Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul railway company to day filed With the railroad commissioners their answer to complaints aculnst taking un the track of their brunch road from Euimottsburg to sUiorvillo. This line is twenty-two miles long and wns constructed in 1S31 nnd wns operated until March G , 18S9. It nmdo ex penses and a low hundred dollars prollt dur ing the first six months , but ever slnco It has been run at a logs. The net losses have run from 55,000 to $18,000 n year , or a total of $00,000 during the sofron years that it has been operated. Inasmuch ns the roud is | ) , mill"lcil by tno Burlington , Cedar Hiinldp & Northern , every station on the ono being also on the other , the Milwaukee company thinks that no public injury will follow the taking up of the roud. They say they are going to do it , as they nro tired of operating the branch at u steady loss. I'roiilbltlonlsr. Crrr , la. . Sept. 0. [ Sueuial Tele- tjrtnn to TUG Bun. | The nttltUdo itakon , by Jj. liV V right , picsident of tlio stuto tcinper- i.&U 0 alliance- toward the republican party Is occasioning much comment. Slucu'hls do- faat us a delegate to tho.stuto 'convention ho lias been blttor In his opposition to Dr. E. Wilbur , of .Uockford , us representative. Wright holfls'lho view thnt tho'stato should appropriate largo sums of money for the pur pose pf prosecuting violators ol the liquor , iuw ailso that u constabulary should be appointed , whoso duty it should be to appre hend thdfo who conduct the sale of liquor. Wilbur is u strong prohibitionist , but docs not ugrco with Mr. Wrig'ht on these meas ures. It is generally thought that Wright himself will bo a candidate against Wilbur. Another Itciirtlcss Dcnortlon. MISSOUIII VAIAET , la. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Telegram to "Tills BEE. ] A newly bom Infant was found this morning abandoned on tno door step of a family named Sfiultz. The people were from homo nt the time , but thu llttlo waif was taken In and cnrert for by accommodating neighbors , and at last re ports 'was doing well. No clun linn bfen discovered yet as to the perpetrator of the aub or the parents of thn foundling. Killed U > - u Kail. BnooKLVN , In. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKE.J Stephen Weaver fell ironi u loaded wagon this morning while .moving his household goods from the coun try to town , lie was Instantly killed , but bis body was not found for 1ml f an liom after. "Ho was ulonu at the time the uccl- dcntoccurrcd. HorscH null .Mules Croiniitod. Sioux'CiTVIa. , Sent. 0. fSpcoialTclejjran ] to TUB UEE.J A largo livery and sale Rtablo owned by D. T. Hedges wus destroyed by 11 ro to-night. About thirty horses anil mulct ) wcro ourned to death. Loss about 310,000 ; partially covered by insurance. ONliY A HOUUMJM. Klnlii'o'8 Assntlnntt u lint af Scarcu Chloatrn VoiinuBtorB. t CiiiUAOo , Sept. 0--Spoclal [ Tolegrnm tc TUB HBK.J The alleged Clan-na-Cinol as- gault.upon Gus Klahro about a wuck ago tiuc at last been explained , und the testimony ol the ansallants conflict consldurubly with the tory told by Mr. Klahro himself. Joseph Dorncy , the leader of the gang , bni 'boon arrested and is locked up In the Chicagc avenue station. The other half do cn young fttcrs are now as good as in custody , ana will be brought into the station very soon. Tin young men , fearm * ijmt they would b < mixed up in the Cronln uit.dr > huvo ma tiU3Uvrcd UH though their lives aupuuo.j u , , , o'u their escape , and It was with u llttlo cnw , cully thai ti.o ommrs found tholr hldlni placo. Uornoy says that on the night of the trou bla hound tlin other boyb wora valuing ilowi to the lake to tiiku a swim , when they me Klulira , Ono of the boys , .as ho passed , mad n remark about Klahro , and Uornoy , win bus known the tinsmith for ton yours , suld "Horo , boys , don't not into u light. " Klahro , who Jiad walked on a nhor distance , turned and cuina buck. Lifting heavy cuno ho hand , It is alleged , ho strucl liis out acquaintance aver thu arm. On Oar uoy'a arm the murk U yut plainly visible Tins attack was the signal for n genera light , during which an Italian , who wus Ii the crowd , picked Kluhru up und throw hit over the fence , The hut found by thn pollc belongs to Doniby , The young man lit th station told this story a few days ago , an from all that Captain Shuttler Ims learned I is correct. Thus thu latest sensation in con uoctlon with the Cronln case sinks to the in slgulllcancu ot u petty hoodlum row. Ktlll Iluntlnu Kor n Jury. CHICAGO , Sept. 0. The hunt for Jurors I tlio Ccotitn case was resumed this morning but no additions to the panel were accurei up to the noon rt'cuss , nor was tboru an ] thlqe now or interesting developed , Ti\o Alcn Droxvnctl. OCEAN Guv , Md. , Sept. . J , T. Uobli eon and Captain William Short wet drowned here thl morning while trying t launch a llfo boat. Bovorui ether men woi with tl.cin but managed to escape from tli Sturtcd lol'unUli IliiHlitri. n , Sept a Captain WUaumn.wIt 40U men , lia started for Mpwapwa tu pun la HuBlilr ! fgr killing OlUcor NoiUon of tli Kast Afrfca couipuuy. IN THK FIELD OP SPOUT. Htnnillnic of Iho Clnlii. Following iiNtho > landlagot ( the Wojtorn siovlntiMi clulA up to nnd Including ycstur- ay'n gamesl Plnycd. Won. L.o * t. Per Ct. Omntio tt ) 71 S3 .717 SUPaul. . 10t : 05 US .fnll Sioux City..103 fil 53 .40B MllihQrtpoIl . . .100 VJ fil .4'JO Denver. . . . . . .103 40 BO .451 Mllwnukcar..100 44 50 .440 St. Joseph , . . . W > 41 5. . .427 UcsMotnes. . . UP * 34 05 .S43 . -IVnvcr-1:1. Blnnx Oily B. Sioux Qi'tt , Io. , Sept 0. The postponed gnrao played to-day'was easily won by Den- or. J3otlupitchers were hammered hard , but Uio lileunlalmjors Were moro lucky with bclrhlts. Score 5 aioux nrr. m.xvr.ii. r. li. o.o r . .l 2 n u u DAlrjmpfp , lf.,1 0 2 ( l n llonn. ir. > . . , , , .7 a I u r Meclnltan , 2t > . ,4 2 1 .1 0 o wciL ID . o an l ,1 rrrpiulwny , tt.t 3 u o o troMi n.-2U..t i t f > u ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' irnlnj..rf . . . .l \ Ic-0 j llimp''lb. . . . ! . . ! a 15 b 0 IrRillvr.Sb. : . , . ( , 5 1 B.W . Klrhr.Mi. . I 1 I * U llnCU.V . , i7..f 4 1 EfJlV > likn , 3 350 1 lurplir , 0. . . .1) 1 l > DTiKngnn , ! . S a I I I ) Jrimell , p.U , 002 U Snore ! , cf , . , , JQ I I J ' Totnl . . . .r. . " 15 SlTiJll Totals . 11 13 2T 15 3 ilolIJtCltr. . . . , . . , . 1 3 S 0 0 3 0 1 0-8 lonf or _ * . . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . .y. . . J , 3 8 U U U I I " - IIi i : niPf riinsSIoiiJC City 4 , DcnviT 5 , Twolmno -liiim ! 2. ThrcD-bnro lilt < Midcllnn. Ituwu. lonio nun Illnclt , Knann , Double jilny * llrii'iinn lo llnox to I'owi'll , AltClvilmi tu HOWP to Dolnn , While o JlcCldlim tu Itowo. Hmt ha onn bnllvMoiixt'lty , Denver 2. I IH l > r pltchoil linll-l'oivcll , Kllby , lolnn. ftulon tiiifcs-Clliio , iilnck , Murt'lir ' , Dnlrrm- ilo , Wlilto. Struck out llr Craircll n , by I'ucivn ; i 'usscd ball Dolan. ' 11muorKniuc-21ioun. Uiuplru " niilwaukco U , DCS Mollies t > . Mri.\VAUKnc , Wis.Sept. 0 , Mllwaukeo won i game to-day that was featurolcsi oxcopl for ho errors of the DCS M'oiues men and tholr nubility to lilt the ball. Score : IIIMVAUKKK. I DE5.MOISTS. r. b , n , n. o r. Ii. n.n.e. oorra n.rf..l 1 1 0 0 Knnnnily.rf. . . . . ! u 2 0 0 huttnii.Zti.i. . , , ? 1 2 3 U Miinkrcr , If U 1 2 I ) 1 MorrH-crlU..a 2 8 U I Connoll.oh 1 0 ! l 0 3 "li'icft , M..l ! ; i 4 I Nnltll , ill U t 10 1 I Mm.u ; , . . & i 2 o ticcMiv. V i i n i o -llclict..l ! I 2 0 OiTrnlllor , ! ) I ( I 1 II 3 : ! U U I ) Ol' 0 1301 Curl , c U 1 U 1 \lncullnr , . . . .0 1)3-4 ) 0 Morrison , V..J ) U .U II U Hurt , p I 1140 Toinl .i.i."o "o J ? IT iTolu i ! T T 71 Kl 8 IIV INMViH. Mllnrnukco 1 01020500- -Molnoi i. . . .i,0 00 2 0010 S 8 SUMMAIIV. Kitrncd -Mllniiiikoo'3 , I > c ilolncs 1. 'IVo- tense lilt Siultli. lln > e utiilon I'oiirman. niittiin , Mmck 2 , t-tkh ' . ' . Albert 2 , Mnrrl on , Kennedy , Mnilruy , Smith , llsrt. IliKos on bnlH button. MIIH , MburtH , KunnuJy , .Mnnkray. CoimDll , Triiiilej y , Miulnn , Miicullnr. Struck out lly MurrlMm ' . ' , by Iurt4 , I'nsttfil b.ilh Carl I , Cuily J. Tliuohours. . Uuii'Ire ' llrlcil/ . oi'imu ii.Yijij a ATM us. Thn Niitlonnl Ii atiio. NKW Youi : , Sept. 0. Result of to-day's gnmu : New York 0 3101000 0-4 ndiaiinpolls , . . . : ) 0 Muse hits 'New York 7 , Indianapolis 5. Brrors New York 7. Indianapolis .i , 13at- , erles Now York , welch und Lirowii ; Tndi- umpolls , Get7cln and Uoylo and Daly. Um pire Knight. v , Sept. 0. Result of today's Kit mo : Philadelphia..0 0212020 * 7 Cleveland 0 00800001 4 Haso hits Philadelphia , 7 , Cleveland 10. Errors Philadelphia 3 , Cleveland 3. Unttor- es Philadelphia , Casey , Sanders und Clem ents ; Cleveland , Ueiitlti , Sutcliffo and Zini- ner. Umpire Lynch. HOUTOX. Sept. C. Result of to-dny's ' game : Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 13 Pittsburg 0 00000000 0 Uusu hits Boston 8 , Pittsburg 0. Errors Boston ii , Pittsburg 1. UaUerioi Boston , 31trksou : anil Ganzul ; Pitlsburg , Staloy unil Carroll. . Ifm'plrc' McQUuId. Tin : Aiiiovioan \ \ < otlij/lon. ; Sdpt. C. Ucsult of lo-'day's game : . * Jjaltlmorc. . . % / ; . > v.f..O 001020 3 St. Louis . . . , ' . . .7.7..0 0 OlO 0 2 0 2 Gumo c.illcd ut the end of seventh inning on account of darkness. CouJMiitia , Sept. 0. Hesult of to-day's ' snmo : Columbus 0 140 1 0010 7 Louisville" 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0U Amateur- Games , NnmusKA CITT , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ cial Telegram to THK BIE. ] The Unadilla and Nebraska City clubs placed hero to-dav for a purse ot $1CO. Tbo pumo resulted in favor of Nebraska City by 'a score of & to 9. _ FUJJ.EIUON , Neb. , Sept. (5 ( [ Special Tele gram to TIIK iiKE.l The Pullcrton b.iso bill [ tub played tno Genoa Indian club ut the fair grounds hero to-dav , winning by u score of 21 to 12. _ LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special' Tclo- ifram to Tliu Bilu. | Tlio gumo botwet'ti tbo Lincoln nnd Sowurd teams this afternoon resulted In a score of 10 to 0 in favor ol Lincoln , _ Mlssouni VALI.KV , In. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Telegram to THU HKK. ] The Dow City ball clubipluyed the Missouri Valley team hen : this afternoon. Thu score wus 2'J to U in favor of , the Valley. Stnto Tennis Touriiamnnt. LINCOLN , Nob. , Sopt. C. [ Special to Tnr The time foe rcoelving entries for the fttuto lawn tonnls.toufiiuino'nt has been ex tended Jto Monday morning. Attlmttinit the nUtncs will bo'drawn and ull entiles must bo in. Plax will begituat JO o'clock on Tues. day morning. Tim prizo'in the singles will bo Slocum Hpecltil racket iircsontod bi Snaldlng. The victors in the doubles will got Sears special , rackets- ono of which is presented , by SuhmoUor , ol Kansas City , The pntiioa thus ( ararui For. "tha''singlcs-rFrbm Omaha , W. G , Douno ; LlncolCi , Frank "L. Sheldon ; Hust. Ings , O. G. Smith ; 1311 wood , C. U. Lee. Lin coln will hnvo two or thrpo other entries. For fho doubles Oiuulm , Doano and A. . Guiou ; Lincoln , * Sheldou and C. C. Hurr llastlngti , Smith and P.II. . Johnson ; Ell- wcod , 'Lep' unu It. th-Lamson. Llticuh promises ono or two'mor.q.doublcs , 'HIE SIM-JKI ) IltNO. Ornnil Viroult Knona , Si'itisdpictii , Masa. , Sopt. 0 , ( Special Toleisrnin to TUB UEB. [ Only ono of tli ( three races was finished ut the park to-day heavy showers delaying the start till the nf tornuan was well advanced. Ed Annuu ended UiuJiT mco m straight heutH , and af ter a slow milo by vu. a3 1 trotters Salllo 1 was cut loose and went mucu fusion Tin y--3 BtuUiumd ttiu untlnished event u/IU bi trotted te-morruw nftornoon. Summary. I'HIliK $1,000 , 2)37 ) I'ACU. Ed Annan ( Doblo ) . l l l M ( Stuart ) . , , . a a a Alton Mum ( Trout ) , . , . 'J 4 3 Joe Jefferson ( Sandy ) . , . U D 4 Stanley P ( Huns ) . . . . 7 U dls. Emma ( WiUon ) . 4 dls Ualsora E. Wlikcs ( GrubenstatterH dls Time ! ) U ? f , 3:1' ! , 8i Salllo H ( Traynor ) . . . 3 I Miss Egbert ( Moulton ) , , . . , . 1 4 Yorker ( Hurnlmui ) . . . , . , . .4 3 Lucy U ( McCarthy ) . a 3 'liuio 43S ; , 3:31 : , Hay itnous , Uxr , Sout. G. Summary o to-day's races : Ono milo Cusstus won , Auranm second Quesal third. Time 1:42 : 4-5. About three-fourths of u milo Oeypoti won. Ileltcr Skelter sccbiiJ , Lullu lilaekbun third , Tlmu 1 : 133-5. About throe-fourths of n mtto Hub S won , Manolu second , Oregon third. Tnno- Ono and ono-oighth miles Tattler won Panama second , Leap Year third. Tjmo- 1 : M ) . Ono nnd Uirao-sixteunth miles Orlllammi won , Nlaifuru Micond , The Hounoas third U line 2:034-5. : Onomlzeon turf l lltter won , Helwooi socoud , The LIbn third. Tiuio 1:14. : Detroit Kncos. DKTIIOIT. SopU 0 The truck wus e > cullont , thu attondunco good , and the wuathe pleasant. The orent of to-dny wns Pixtron'o attempt to bent the boat stallion record , 2il3J , ranclo by Mnxoy Cobb. Patron , who was driven with a running mntOj h d two trials. The first wns made in 3H7Jnnd the second In 2:15 : > / . Summnryj Special stake , * 1,000 a sldo Sugorlno won , Doni Cossack second. Host time 3)3 : ! ) > . Stnko No. 1. 8550 , four-year-old1 * Sutnor- land won , Minis second , Ureon Jimmy third. Timo-2:40. : Stnko No. 40 , $ < J35 , annual nursery staka for foals 18SU Fortuna won , Matlo Montana second , licit tlmo-3 : l > . Stnko No. 4 , WSO , special fonh 1891 Eml- nenco won , Sally Cossack second , Uost time 2:34. Stnko 3 , * J305 , ereon threc-ycar-olds Peter Hardwood won , Julia J second. IJost time 2:13 : . Stuko No. 43. * l,14li. Juvonllo stakes for foal * of USSO-Mlnnio Wllkcsyon , Sum Mule Bccond , Astoria third. Host time 2:33. : Stnko No. 3 , WOd , special TOals of 18S.1 Governor Stanford won , lilsmont second. licst tlmo-3:3l. Clilcngn Cntc'AOo , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tolegrnm to TUB UER.I-At the West Sldo races to-day the track was slow , the Weather cool nnd the attendance good. Summary ! ' Throe-quarters otn inile , for raaldbn three- yoar-olds and upwards Mls < Clay won , Unco second , Lulu McICoo * third. Time Soven-elghths of n milo Kntlo S won , Fauchott second , IJudklor third. Time Handicap , ono nnd one-eighth miles Quo tation won , Hig Thrcd second. Snyro third. Time 2:0nf. : DTlirce-qunrlera of n iniip , for maidens Charley Shnwhan won , Stoilowall second , Venture third. Time ttlUJf. Selling , llvo-olghth.s pf u milo , for two- year-olds Harry Kuhl won , Uoiuulu soo- end , Plnklo T thirl. Time 1:03. : Wcs Molnos KncCH * , DES MOINES , In. , Sept. ,0. [ Special Telegram to THE lir.n.l The races to-day at the stata fair were fairly well attended. Madauio Morranto beat tbo * cQ ord with a running loam and road cart. Sh.o made the nillo on a half mtlo track In f ; 5'J ' , Tno first regular race was -four-year-old stake race , us follows : - Lady Gay . Ill Satolla , b. m . : . - . . . . ' . . . . . 3 3 3 Chestnut Wllkcs , c. h. s . . . . . . . 3 3 3 Time 2:3JK : ? 3:35 : ! ; JJ:37K. : Second ruco , frcQ-for-ull trot : lonn , blk. in. . . . . . . Ill Prosper Mcrlmor , b. s . 333 Hambletomon Uashaw , b. s' : . 333 Time 2 :3 : W ; 3 :23' < ; 2 :3r : . * The third race was n running rnco , milo heats , two out of three' , and was won by Loupe , c. p. , taking the .first' two limits , Beit time l0)f. : ! JOHN U'S PUoiJAHLi ; PATE. Ilo Slay Ilo Coiiipellcd to Servo in Mio Unpncity ( > ! ' Mulp.Driver. . Puuvis , Mis1 * . , Sept. 0. [ Spocfal Telegram to Tun HIE. ] The statetnent in a dlsDutch from Now Yurk alleglni ; that C. W. Hlch , of Ulchburg , had loused the county-prisoners of Marlon county , and would have charge of Sullivan and Kilraln , is a mistake. The county clerk says that no such contract ex ists .between the county and Hlch , and before the board of supervisors can lease the prisoners to any ono bids will have to bo advertised for in this county as prescribed by law. There are other citizens , among them mill owners , charcoal contractors , uud farmers. Who would like to lease county prisoners , and , if Bids are advertised for , Hich will not have it all his own way. tljo efforts of Sullivan nnd his friends to have a misuur- nago of the sentence have hud the effect of turning citizens against him who were nt first only in favor of a fine. They arc now determined that the line shall bo carried out , and in the event of Iho slugger being leased out the farmers will'do sOme bidding. Ono of them jjaltl to-davthat.hfi could afford to pay us much for a lease us'anyouc , uiuUif ho secured the contract the 'Beunvlllo slug ger and the heavy hitter from Baltimore would huvo to drive a mule und stand their hund ut plowing. The charcoal contractors are also ticuled at the chance of hiring the champion to propel a wheelbarrow , nnd the lumbermen are anxious to try the big fel low's skill at loading cars. Tliero will bo lively muslo when Rich makes an attempt to secure u lease. flir ; S.intu Fo Convention. SiSTA. Pi : , N. M. , Sopt. 6. The constitu tional convention to-day received und dis cussed lengtuy reports from several commit tees. The cluuso in the report of the coin- mlttue on taxation providing that the state shall acknowledge nil territorial debts except tlioso incurred during the late war , and known us militia claims , created much comment. There is § 400,003 worth of these claims outstanding , many members ol the convention being largo holders. Canadian Ijabori-rO .InmaifIn. MONTURAI > , Soot. (5. ( The Dominion luboi congress yesterday passed resolutions culling on the government to establish a labor cm ploymcnt bureau , to appoint female inspect ors for factories and workshops , to enact laws for the protection of workmen ut Quebec and other seaports , for the passugo of u strin gent employers' liability act. to ustablisli printing offices In which all government printing and publication of school books should be done , nnd that thn provincial gov ernments bo mado' to transfer tha , allow ances now enjoyed by universities , and col leges to the public- schools for tbo purpose ol further promoting their ofllclonry nnd providing - viding pupils with free school books. Imbf.r LoiiiHlntlon fii Germany. Hi : u UN , jSopt. 0. . The various parties oi the reiphstagnro preparing Independent bills upon the labor cucstl6d in addition to tin government mcasuro for tlio direction ant prevention of btrikcs. Tlro littlleiitlciis na\\ uro that this subject will occupy much of the time of the coming se- < son > < > * * . t Slinrt SKriclioH < > r'Al > f > ointce > 3 ; WABIIIXOTON , Sopt. 6. Auliok Palmer , o : this district , to-day appqlntot } [ Unupd Btatcs consul at Dresden , Is a a lit to bo n very inti mate friend of Secretary -Blaino. Mr. ' Pol inor Is very woaltny , " " Tnoinas II. Andersen , " today appointed minister resident aud , consul-.genoral of lio- llvia , Is u lawyer rcsldingut > 'Uutnbridgo , O. , and at nno time hold the ollleo of. pajsccutitif attorney of Gurnesey county. Bernard G. Macauloy , ofNew York , n | * pointed consul at Managua , Nicaragua , is i " ' ' sou of General Daniel Mucmilo.y" , 'ox-mayoi of Indianapolis , who is now said to bo wit ) the management and construction of the pro posed Nicaragua canal. _ ' Deflective" Armor No Good. WASHINGTON , Sept. ( I. OnVof 'tho mem bers of the board before whom at Annapolli on WoJnesJay the proposed deflective armoi for the protection of gnns on naval vessel ! was lusted , said to-day that every ahot hroi ! penetrated the "turtle baok" w'ltli. ease ant thp fourth i > ractically demolished it um ended the test. The urmor wus ordered bj congress nnd cost The secretary o ll.o navy was aur 0rjzed by un act of congress gross , if ho doomed it advisable , to place deilccllva armor ou the U | icugo. Aic orim Klcutrlo Btorm. MACON , Ga. , Sepl. ( i. Tlierois a { remark abla display of electric forc.a In soulhwcs Georgia" tlils morning , near'Alliany. .JL II House , John Snivors und J. W. Stftgson were instantly hilled. They vrcn on their way to market'jvltl cotton uud sought refuge from u showf : under a tree. Mear tlurdawuy a rallwa' ' bridge was struck and knocked out of line Six men who hud sought shelter under i were killed. Tholr nuinog are not reported Hi at llonif. WASHINGTON , Sept. 0 .Tlio president re turned to this city from Philadelphia thli afternoon at 3 o'clock. Client ) , CliiOKcr < i uiitl Wlilst. There will bo a business mooting of th Omaha Chess , Checkers and Whist club ii tholr now club room in the Now York Llfi building this eviming. All member end other Pomona In ten-Mod In chess am whist uro invited to bo present , E. IX Cun'EXUKu , Secretary. NEWS FRpEBRASKATOWNS , i > i ElootlOn of/tffaoorsBy / the Nebraska iSitl/orhn / Syaod. n 'l _ _ REV. STUlvT fcHOSEN PRESIDENT. Articles of. .incorporation Drawn Up Kor nn Otll Mill t IJontr lee Ar- cstcil 1'Jor' Swindling Other ' ' News. The Lutheran Synoil GIUXD I U. .M > , Nob. , Sept. 0. | Special to TUB Uur..1 The Lutheran Synod settled down to work yesterday morning. Pros- ! ilcnt Schurr rend hts report covering tlio op erations of the past year. After hearing lUo report of the retiring president Lho nynod entered upon the selection ot offi cers. Much oxcltomonl oxlstou. On the scoctid ballot Mr. J. F. Wllhollng , of Omixhn , \vns re-elected trcnsurcr. On the third ballot Hov. Jacoby , vt Nebraska City , was ohoson scoretnry. On the fifth ballot Hov. Krougor was chosen Oorniim secretary. I3ut no pres ident had boon elected up to the sev enth ballot. Hov. S. * U. JJornltz , of Des Momcs , In. , Hov. M. F. Troxoll , of St. Louis , and Hov. L. Llpo , of West Point , spnko on the subject of homo missions. In the midst of excitement nn adjournment was secured , On reassembling another but- lot was had , resulting In the cliolco of Hov. Stump , of North Platte , ns president. The synod thus bucamo organized mid has entered on Us work utter over a day and u night's struggle. This morning Hov. J. S. Detwellor , of Omaha , presented the report of the stnto traveling1 secretary. Notwithstanding that it was an excellent report , the recommenda tions ot the committee elicited much discus sion. Quito a largo number of places through thostato hnvo boon under the care of this comnilttco tls | year. The committee ou ndviiory homo missions reported a larga.numbor of places under the cnra of tbo general board , located at Uultl- moro , Md. Pi usidont Stump announced his commit tees for the year. Seven now congregations wore received into connection with this synod at this session. Four now applicants furudmlssion to the gospel ministry , and the education committee report several appli cants for beneficiary old next year. Huv. Dr. George Scholl , of Baltimore , Md. , secretary n { the foreign mission board , addressed the synod , tie reported $3.,400 ! received up to time of last report In June for this work. _ Hc.itrlcc to lluvo nit Oil Mill. UKATIIICR , Nob. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bcu.l Articles of incorpora tion have been drawn and will bo lllod in u day or two for the ostabhsnincnt of an oil ' mill in this city. Iho incorporators are Major A. L. Green and other capitalists of this city and of Chicago. The objuct of this is to talto advantage of the immense flax crop raised in this county and work It up into mcrchanVablcJinscad oil , ArrcHtcrl lorvlmU I nir. KKA.UXEV , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tclo- grain to THE 13SE.J C. W. Garrotson , who was arrested . cstcrdayon suspicion of hav ing been implicated in swindling a Gorman farmer out ofi tbatn of horses , had his pre liminary hearing , thia afternoon , and was bound over in the sum of $ l,0i)9 ) to appear in the district court. * ( Garretson formerly lived in . . Frank Stephens , formerly ot Bcitrfce , the man who took the team nw.iy , npVpftjrcd in court to-day and promptly pliuji'd tfudor arrest. Ho stated on the witne-is stanrt , that ho traded with the GonnQti and that'ho loft ICearnoy early 01 : Ttmrsuay MtoMltttr-nnd drove the team to Alma , 'whcrp ' lie spidjt'tp'n mover going west from' Alma' . „ JJu wejft'to Phlllipaburg , Ivan. , where liis parents reside , . leaving thuro at 8 o'clock this morning , , ana by changing car.s twice und driving twenty miles across the country from Mindcn ho reached hero at 11 :8l : ) . The attorneys for the state think this whopper too big for an lionost horse trader and will prosecuto.him to-morrow. , J I ! Bostwick'n Nairn ; Announced. HASTINGS , Neb. , Sept. 0. [ Sneclal Telegram - gram to Tun UCK. ] The Dally Nobraskan. an evening nowgpapor published at Hustings , throw a bombshell in the congressional cam p this evening by announcing tno name of H. Uostwick , of this city , as a candidate for congress. Mr. I3ostwiek returned from the cast last Monday and in a published Inter view stated emphatically thnt he would not ho n candidate. Ho has been chairman of thn congressional central committee for sev eral years. The nnnouncomont of his can- dlcacy , although.- ostensibly made without his knovvleJge or consent by a newspaper that stands so closely to him and his friends , will have a to'ndcncy to complicate matters considerably in this county. In urging his nomination the Daily Nebrusltun says : "Jim Laird'n untlnished work In con gress makes the selection of his successor a question of considerable moment to many in the district who wish to have as nearly as possible tbd'plans ho had formed , and the projects ho bad"undertakon gathered up by his successor and carried out , if possible , as bo would have done. Hastings , reasonably wollassuredvOf .the passage of its public building bill If Jim Luird had lived , is deeply intoicstod in the linal success of that measure. Who can best tuko'up this unfin ished worlc ? Wo can not hope to find a man posscss6d of the sumo genius und in- iluenca ns Mr. Laird , but the next boat thing would ho to select one closely allied to our deceased congressman and thoroughly COD - vcrsant and familiar with his wishes and purposes. From the time Mr. Liird en tered congress Mr. Hosfwlok has boon at thu head of the central committee and directed the movcinonts'nf oacb campaign with sig nal success. Ho knows iutiumtclv every part of t.ho district and is the best kiio'.vn man in it. As a political organizer ho has not n superior , if an eiiual in the state of Ne braska , and , lpi % a mun of usual ability , especially flttiul undjulaptcd for public ser vice , what better selection could bo made at this time ) " „ The congressional central committee will meet In this city -on Monday next for the purpose of calling a convention to place In nomination a candidate to succeed the lute James -Laird , ' " * 3t is probable that the con vention will boliijkfl ut tno siiiio timu that the ntiUo ooiiyqaUoii Is hold. Governor Thayor's nnnouimiment thnt ho will not call n special olecti jt , , , remove * nil necessity for haste , c n * _ I'liV' DnttMt l'Aort Ho * inson. Four HoniftHftV Nob. , Sopt. 0. [ Special Tolcgram to T jB.jUKS.l Payment of troops has been going pn all day. Major Halter ha ? been bard utjjwoyk slnco early ulornlng , Mujor Whlpplojsf jlpOO ) came in on the 1110111. ing train , but hoill J not got to work disbursing - ing until nftcr4)ii. | ) The jingle of silver Is heard on ovol.v-'iliilo , particularly in anil around the post fader's establishment , a : all trade stops at4ho traders , and Mr , Pad. dock and his arijur of clerks are worked u | to their full capacity. General Hrcufcttvidge , insnector general ol Iho United States army , loft on tha evening train to visit the Dakpta encampment at Slonovillo , Mont. , uftor which tiu intend1 visiting the Na ipnal park and oxrocti to be back in Washington between the 1st and 15tl of October. Wednesday evening a delightful liuvi party was given by the oflicors of thn Nintt : cavalry to thu oftlotr * and ladies of the posi and encampment. A Hullro-id CrniHlnj ; Squabble , On HOT A Cirr , Nob. , Sept , 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB 13in.l Tliero is connldcru bio excitement among Chicago , St. Paul , Mllwaukca & Omaha railroad oniclah about the short Line people putting in a crojslim across their road without signing any agrco mentThu short line crosses the Omuha line about ouo and a half miles above thia place and about half a milo south of Jack. son , on the Ponm branch. Both of t'leso places are guarded in.'tillv and la at niirht Superintendent Jnynos , of the Ncbraikrv di vision , ordered the gravel train and rrow of sixty men to stay at thocrosslng nil night , ns It wa expected the iittcmpt would be made that night to put down the crossing , ns the crossing frog is 'n ' Sioux City nil ready to bo put down at a moment's notice. Hurvovlnic n Now Itond , Axani.Mo , Nob. , Sept , 0. [ Special to Tun lieu. J A party of surveyors have boon lookIng - Ing over the ground preparatory to running n line through this town. The proposed road Is to connect North Platte with Albion , thus giving n rcasolmbly direct Him from the for mer point to Stoux City. The narties In the enterprise nro well and favorably known Nebraska men. It is thought by some , bow- over , thnt they nro merely middle men for seine ot the big ronds. The surveyors say that the route through this valloj niut its outlets , Victoria and Ortcllo , u the tau pos sible 6110 thnt could bo taken throUKh this country. If the road comes , Ansoltno. whoso futurn is nlrendy assured , will ho still mere bright A KlKlit On a Itrhlcn. DAKOTA CmNob. . , S.cpt. 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB UIH. : ] There was a lighten on the Covlngton mid of the pontoon bridge * last * night between ono of the collector.- ) , ! Luther , and a Svvodo named An derson f om Sioux City. The Swcdo was trotting hts team and the collector trlod to collect the tirldgo line , $10 , when they got into a dispute , which ended In a light. The collector was arrested to-day anil discharged on the ground that thu light took place on the Iowa sida of the bridge. Disappointed tins Democrats. HRXTHICU , Nob. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Bni : . ] There was a larco meeting of old soldiers of tills section last night at lUwllns * post hall to consider the expediency of nominating nn old soldiers' county ticket. At tor maturu deliberation it was concluded to abandon the scheme and recommend that the old soldiers of Gngo county support iholr respective county tickets. The action of the meeting Is big disappointment to the democracy. Minni 'J'hrco Coi.UMi\U3 , Nob. , Sept. 0. ( Special Tele gram * to Tun llKB.J This afternoon Leroy Sauors , of Llnwood , Nob. , while woriclng on u pllil driver had his hand terribly mashrd. causing the amputation of three lingers and uart of his hand necessary. Ho nlaccd his hand on the nllo Just as the hummer started up , when the crupper happened to slip , let ting the hammer down on his hand. ItrKlgo Oontrnor. Awnrtlcil. HKVTIUCE , Neb. , t > ept , U. [ Special Tclo- groin to'Tnu ' 13ii.l The King Uridgo com pany , of DCS Molnes , la. , wcro to-day awarded the contract for building twelve iron bridges In Gage county by the board of supervisors. The contract price for the wtiolo is 5Si5G. : They uro to bo finished by December > . I > liXV JDI'JLiAiNO'S CI1ARG15. Mnniiriiutiirci-H Will Not Ank For I ho Jtcdnotion otV < K > 1 Dulles. UOSTOK , Mass. , Sept. 0. | Special Tclo- gram to THE 15EC.J The charge of President Delano , of the Na tional Wool Growers' association , at Colum bus , O. , Wednesday , to the otTeot that , the National Association of Wool Miinuinc- turers , especially those in Now England , con templated during their called meeting in Itoston this month agitating a reduction of the tariff on wool , has called out a heated protest from the accused parties. There is much feeling among the members of the Manufacturers' association , and they have referred to Mr. Delano In terms which throw suspicion upon his veracity. Your correspondent , to got at the truth ro- gardlnt ; the intentions of the manufacturers at their approaching meeting , secured an in terview xvith President William Whltuman. of the Platter association. Ho said it would not bo proper for film to enter into the details of a meeting intended to bo secret , and at which ho had presided , even if ho felt sure of the results , but ho would say this , that President Dolano know that ho was not mentioning facts when ho marto this statement. The * wool manu facVurors had no intention of interfering with a tariff which had brought the wool industry to its present great height and value and in which such vast capital was Invested. All they wanted was protection for the manufacturer not destruction to the grower. The tariff on won ! protected Iho lattsr , but thj tariff on manufactured cloth ana goods did not protect them. They sim ply proposed to solicit of congress legislation which would do the latter. The responsi bility would bo with congress and they would bo best pleased with an increased tarifT nn the manufactured material , for wlifcn the tariff had gotten better prifes for the grower. The manufacturers , duo to existing rulings , had to sell RO low to compete with foreign manufacturers' Im ports , that with wool at present quotations to realize aught but n loss was impossible. Instead of antagonizing the wool growers they would prefer their assistance , but the trouble was the Wool Growers' associa tion did not really know what they wanted and In reply to his letters ask ing thorn if they would ngreo to the senate bill or to civo so mo rate of tariff acceptable to all the growers , they only returned an in- doflnito reply , Dakota Uomoci'iits Itntll'y- Sioux FALLS , S. D. , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to THE BEI : . | The democrats opened the campaign by a rousing ratifica tion meeting in tno open air this evening. Wlnsor , of Sioux Falls : Steele , of Dead wood , and ex-Governor Church , of Huron , made ilrttt.rato suecchcs , which were enthusiastic ally cheered. Governor Church challenged Governpr Mellctto to moot him anywhoru and at any time to discuss. public ntlairs , und especially to muko comparisons of the ad ministrations. Church said that ho. in all disappointments , gave republicans a minor ity representation , und this made his admin istration a people's administration , while the present ; ono was entirely partisan. > Tlie KonliiiiciNts lliiiy. PAHIS , Sept. 0. The government has consented - sentod 'to allow the prefect to receive the camftdacy of Houlangor und Hochofort In MonJIuu-trc and Belleville. The Houlunglsts are Jubilant over the government's change of front , considering It a sign of vacillation. The Fcrryists , on the the ether hand , uro furious. The endeavor to.icstoro harmony threatens to Jonpordizo the government's success In the elections. Another Coiniiiiny Given in. LONDON' , Sept. O.i The Steam Navigation company has conceded to the strlKcis' torins. An increased number of wharf laborers arc at work to-day. The ship wrights In the employ of Williamson & Worklngton. in Cumberland , hnvo struck for an advance In wages. < Dffith of a Twcoil Alan , Nrw YOIIK , Sept. ( ) . HonryN. Gonot.who was u member of the famous Tvvnod ring , died shortly before 10 o'clock this morning , A SpnnlHli Htiitosmnii Don' ' ! . MADIIID , Bept , 5. The Marquis of Molina , leader of the conservatives in the senate and u well known lituratcurre , died suddenly to day. An Affair of Honor I'rohilllo. ATLANTA , Ga. , Sept. 0. It is believed hero that two legislators , W. A. Huff und It. W. Patterson , will moot on the dueling Held near Opellku , Ala. , to-morrow , T 1 1 u I'rluon of itloniivn Dyinir. LONDONSept. . 0. The prince of Monaco U dying. _ This .Mm-niimM Klro. The alarm of flro from liox C3 at ' , ' :15 : this morning , was caused by u blaza In the kitchen of Captain Kustin's residence , on Iiarnuy between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. It caught from tbo kltcheu tttovo , The datnugo was slight. Take u llntti. Cold twths are now said to be olllca- cious in the euro of Ivnholil fever , A mo The Treasurer of the Oonqlns Fnc- toiv Itulns ( he I'M ' nn. IJostox , Sept , 0. It is stated on authority of President Perkins , of the Douglas Ax company , that thnt concern wilt go Into in solvency soon. There mo , It Is said , irrogu- Inrltlos in the accounts ot the treasurer , Dcnlson D. Dana. Dana tins' not boon seen by the oflicors of Iho company for several days anil Ins whcroahnuU are unknown. The company was capltnll/od at $ 100,000 and has nlnrgo factory"at Hast Douglas , employ- in gHOO hands. Later Uxports were put to work on the books to.-day and have already discovered that the deficit has apparently been going on systematically for a num ber of years. Dana'n salary va ried from tU.OOO to fiilX > J per year. Ho bus an elegant residence In HrooMlno. A gentleman who U well acquainted with him says ho had no bad habits , nor entangling alliances. Ho was scon in Now York city Wednesday afternoon. Tlio gentleman quoted above nays the total liabilities of tin ) company will exceed ? : > t)0- OOl ) . tint hoped it would not reach f 1,000.0JO. Just before ho loft , Dann rimed$10,000. . It was lonrncd this evening that the cnso had been placed In the hands of the police and thnt to-morrow criminal prosecution will bo commenced against Dana ou the ehnrge of embozjiloment. It Is thought there nro stifllclont grounds on which to secure his extradition should ho go to Canada and V , Is generally supposed ho has gene thoro. .Dana is a deacon In the Harvard Congro- national church at llrooldino , and a lonelier In the. Sunday scnool. He Ims u wife and live children. His family deny all knowledge ot his whereabouts. 'J ho factory at East Douglas will bo shut down immediately , throwing between three and four hundred employes out of work. President Perkins says Dana lost his money in unsuccessful succulatlon. Ocorjjln Unco TjrouhlCR. ATLANTA , Ga. , Sept. 0. Wednesday night a negro boy was lynched tor rape" at East Point , near hcro. The negroes held a mass meeting lust night to discuss the innttar , and the whites , becoming scared , sent for the Atlanta police. No trouble ensued , but uftor the oflicors returned to this city u number of white men whoso identity It is said , is unknown , went to different cabins and severely whipped fourteen no- itrocs. To-day a delegation of rcpuiablo citi zens reported this to Governor Garden , nnd he has offered a reward of flOO for every one convicted of complicity In thu whipping. National Guard Ordoru. General order No. 10 General L. W. Colby will move his brigade to Camp Grant , Beatrice , by rail ns follows : Companies A , York ; 1C , Central City ; I , Bennett , and H , Ord , will move by * the L . & M. railway via Lincoln , on regular passenger train , Saturday morning , September 1-1 ; Companies 1J , Stilton ; V , .lunlottu ; G , Geneva - nova and First regimental baud will move by the H. & M. railway via Crete on regular passenger train , Saturday morning , September U : Company H , Nelsonwill mnvo by the H. & M. railway via Superior , Saturday , September 14 ; Company C , Nebraska City , and Second regimental band will mnvo by the H. & M. railway direct to Uentrice ; Companies A. Shelton ; 1C , Schuylcr ; E , Fn-mont , nnd D , Lincoln , will move by the Union Pacific , train No. 'J , which leaves Shelton 12:3J : u. in. , Saturday , September 11. Company I , Stromsburji.will move by thn Onion Pacific , via Lincoln , Sat urday , Sentcmber 14 ; Companies E , ron ; F , Hay Springs , nnd G , Long Pine , will move by the Fremont & ElUhorn , on train that leaves Children , Friday , September W , at 8-50 p. in. ; Company II , Tcltama , will move on train that connects with the fore going at Fremont , and on arriving at Lincoln will be transferred to the Hurhnjjton ; Com pany D , ITairbury , will comu by the Hoclc Island , September 14. Tlie start ofllcers of the various , commands , together with tlio non-commissioned stall' , will report to the captains nearest their station , who will furn ish thorn transportation with their companies to und from the encampment. Tlio various railway companies mentioned in this order are hereby requested to furnish transporta tion to the captainsof companies deslgimlod , issuing ono ticket to each station for members of the Nebraska National Guard in uniform. By order , etc. A. V. Co Mi , Adjutant Colonel. Special orders No. 13 First Lieutenant F. N. Briswith , company C , Second end regiment , Nebraska Nation al Guard , is hereby dismissed from tbo service. The captain ccmmnnding said company will order un election of his company for the purpose of filling any va cancy that may bo caused by the dismissal of Lieutenant Hris\vith. A. V. COM : , Adjutant General 14-Colonol O. . Phillips Special Order No. - H. lips , commanding First rocimont , Nebraska National Guard , havingrecotnmoiidcd tbo ap pointment of Lieutenant W. W , Decker , of company B. First regiment , us quartcr- mnstor of said regiment , the snmo is hereby approved , The commanding oflicer of com- uuny B is hereby ordered to call an election of his company for the pnrnoHO of Illlmg uuy vacancy that may occur bv the appointment , of Lieutenant Declter. A. V. CUM : , Adjutant General. Ho Fooliul tin ; Francis. ! . Setton , a "Brooklyn manu- fauturor , was n surprised and delighted innn the ether mornlnu' . Ilo was Bur- prised , when , on entering1 Iiii olllco , ho found Unit a burglar had boon at work on his Rnfa , and hud , aflnr much labor , forced open the doors. Jlp wus delight ed because , on the procodiiifr nipht , In stead of leaving njuivro atnoiijit of money in tlio safe , lie took it homo. IIo left only 11 cents in the cash drawer , wi.yintf to liis clerk : "If tint ontorjirlaiiifj bur glar comes ho w.111 got < ; nuu < rh , if ho works for it to pay his car faro. " The 11 cents were found In the drawer. Cu in minion Curious Cat. A cat owned and rnibod by Mrs. Or. Cummin , of Irwinton , Ga , , lu ono-half rabbit. ItB.hoiul , front fuot and front section of the body is like an ordinary house cat , while Hu hind part rcsonible's that of a rabbit , HB tail being whorl and purfcct. and when not in motion will ait in thp siuno position us would a full- bloodud rabbit. Hliortliauil i'or'l'rimary HnhonlH. 0 The International Congress of Short hand , lately Bitting in Paris , has pu.sseu a resolution commanding tlio in trod no tion of Hliorthand into primary nchoolt ; . Do Not DelaY taking Hood'uBarsaparllla If you Imvu thut fueling of iiingnor or uxliuustlon which U often the warning vympton of appi ouch- IngHlrkiiDMS. TliU medlclno uxpvln ull impuri ties fiotn the blood , cure * Kcrofnla and all luiinoru , creates an iippetlt * , usultitii dlgudtlon , ulrinKthunena tlio nt-mnuu'l ' ImpartHhuiilth to uvrry orgun of th buily. Hood's Saranparlllaliaohtbyail uru - glbts , I'rtparaa by U. I. Hood A.Co , QUEBEC SOCIEH SHOCKED , A Sonsntlonnl Brtvwl nt the Vloo- Ropnl Bull. LEADING LADIES THE ACTORS. Tlio CouiitcsH do IjohitllmTH Slnps Ilio Slstrr of the AttorneyOnornl of tlir I'rnvlmu ! nnd Crn * ati'ij n NoalKlnl. Grpon-F.yoil . Qunnrc , Sept. 0. | Soclnl | TolcRram td Tim Bir. . ] ijiiobco society Is much agitated over nn encounter un evening or two ago , In the presence of the governor-poncralbetween two well known society ladles ot this city , ono the Countess do Luimllores , wife of tl.o chancellor of the French eoimilato at Que bec , and the other a sister of the attorney- general of the province of Quebec niuT the wife of a prominent Journalist , The Indies wore included In the scluctlpn of about one hundred guests invited by Govrrnor-Ooncrnl and Lady Stanley to dance at tlio vice-regal quarters at the cilndol with thu ndmirnt nnd ofllcord of the North American licet nowhere hero , and with the lieutenant governor of the province anil parly. The countuKs , while promenading with n partner of the provlous dance , spied her husband on the other slilo of the ball-room having nn his arm a yoiini ; married ludy of this city , who is not only exceedingly promi nent in Quebec's best society , but ulso esteemed tor her amiability ot tmuinrr nnd propriety of conduct , iiolwlthstu'ifiing the suspicions of the countess nnd Insinuations conveyed in a number of anonymous letters received by her to the contrary. The countess dashed ever to her husband , and tearing him from the lady on his arm , or dered him to come homo with her nt once , expostulating angrily with him at tno snmo tlmj for boinir with tlio lady in question , to- minding him that she had fornlddon him to speatc to her. One rumor alleges the countess struck the other lady In thu fnco with her fun and that the unwonted scene continued until a member of the vice-regal staff Inter fered. The sensation was heightened yesterday by the newspaper'controlled by the other lady's husband , advising that the ladlot of the con sulate he kept under the conjugal roof , where they belong , In order to avoid a repetition of scenes that could charitably bo attributed only to excessive nervousness. Two nngry-loolcini ; husbands , each claim ing to be well armed , looked ilionml to-dny for each other , but there was no encounter between them. Killed nt a Itmlrimd Crossing. Nnw Youic , Sept. 0. 'Iho train from Phil adelphia on the Pennsylvania road , duo n't ' Elizabeth at lU.nt ) this morning , htruck and killed two bin's who were crossing the track in a wagon , The wai'on was demolished and the boys wcro horridly mangled. . Positively cured byS those I.Mtlo IMPls. i They nlso clleio Dls-l trc&a fio'n Dyspepsia , In-j "digestion uudTco HcartyC Eating. .A perfect rcm-1 oily for Dl/zlnesr , fnuscaB Drowsiness , Had Tnstcl. in the Mouth. CoatcdL Tongue. Pain IU the ldot TOHt'll ) I.U'Ut. Thcy | regulate the liowels. Puiuly Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE " BBNPRECED3NTED ATTRACTION- ! U OVBH A MILUON D15TUIBUIOD Louisiana State Lottery Company. Inrnrpnruti11 Uj thu l.ojltlaturo , for I'.ilututlonn arm Ctmrltnb'o purpu't'tj , nnJ Iti friuicul o niiiloa luiiLnt tliu lir "tjMt- < utD conitltutlon. In lin , by nil ovoniliolialnn | cp iliir vote. Us M AM.MGTM DHANVINOS tnXo nlaijo Soml Anniiiilly. Mnno niut lccjinbt > ri. > ami , ns UKANl ) SINliliP. NUMllHIt 1WAW1NU8 trtUo ] ilncu In o.ich of the other ten months cf tlio jcar , anil ure all ilr.aun in public , ivt tilt ) Acml- cmy of il nslc , NewDrluans [ , a. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , K ir Iniojrrlty of itH Drnwlmi1' , niul J'riunpt I > ayiii < nt of Prizes. Attoitoil as follows : sJ | > LT.'l tlio COMM18SIONKR9. Wo tlic iinilnnlKncd lliitilo nnil Ilankorn will tmy all I'rlren ilrnwn In Iliu l.otlNain htutu Imltoru which iiiny bn prfonled nt our < > nuiitttrtt. H. M. AVA l.MtlIiV. ) 1'roH. LonlHlaim Nat. Hank. I'IKItUi : JiANAUX , I'm. Stnto N'm'l Hunk. A. 1IAMWIN. rros. New OrluaTiB fat'I Haul : . UAHJj KOIIN , I'res. Union Katlomil llnnk. At the Academy of M isle , N ) w O.- . loans , Tuesday , Soptomuur IO , 1880. CAPITAL PRIZE , - $30OOOO. lOO.OOO riclcuiM t 'Iwonly ( noli. lliilvcH , $1O ; Qiiartcri. $ r ; TcntliH , $2 ; iweiitlnttii , $1. lltf OK I'lll/.K- * . 1 rum' : OF { .nvin 1.1 . , . M JJ U I I'lti/.i ; or' IKIJ.MH . , , Mij > I IMII/.K OK ti-'nn - * . , . . , i I'Hi/H OK r..iicriii . , . 3 i'in/is : in' iii/itinru . . lie I'ltl/KS OK ninirii . . . MIIKI .in I'ltl/KH OK Mlnru . . , . . , . . mt UM I'lll/m OK tunttt . . . , . , . , IXIJMJ AI'I'llcmilATIUV I'lll/KH. l l TrlteiurfViiuiu III ) do of .Ml urn . , . 101 ilo JiLlnrii 'M.UII IKIllll.NAI , I'lll/KH. \n \ < ilo 1UI ura . , . „ . , WSiU \t.n \ ilo luunru . , . IWJU ) SrH , l'rUf , ninoiintlnff to . , . , . . .fl,0il > ) NOTK. 'nck it Ur wlni { Cnpltul I'tltus lira not ou * llllml lo turmlmil I'lltea. hCl.rii KATES , or ii'ir furllivr liifnrnintloii , nrlo iPKlhly tu Iliu iiuili'Mlimcil. ilaarlr tultiu your n-'lilrnci ) , wllli frlu'.u , I 0111117 , Htiunk mid NuinbiT. Mora nipt I niturii iu ll ilc'llvurr will tin iimuriMl liir jiiur uiicloilnu u UIITO'IIPD uuarliu > our full inlilri' ' . AdilresJ. M. A. DAIM'IHV. NowOilcunc. I.u , or , M , A DAUPHIN. WuHlilHKlon , I ) . U. lly ortliiiirr Idlor. cnntalnliiviloM'r Onni'ii Unucil tir all Kxuoniiunlu | | . Nun Vulk I'-iclianuu , Drurt nr I oital f\uio , Address Reglsleted Letter ! cenlalalag Cuueacj u NI'.W OlIUIANB NA'IIONAh HANK. New Orleans , [ 44. , " 11K.MKM1IKII , Hint thu i.nyuicnt of I'rlzcn U MIIAIIANThKII lit Hl'lt AATIONAly IIANKH-ot Wow Urluiiim. und tlio tlckeU uruhUnml Ui Iliu iirnil- dent of HU Insillutlon. wliiou iliuitorcil rlf\il \ art rcioiinUcil In Iliu lil < liu > l ( ourtni tlianif'iru ' , Luwur * ot all liultulluui or iiiionj'inouK ntliuiucn. " OXK IMJI.I.AIl l.lliu prlcuor U o unmllcat purl or fraction of uTiek U85l/KU IIV Hi In mix Drmvlnjj. vMiytliinx In our IIUMIO ullcreJ lor lux limn u Dollar U a nwluJlo. i/inWCY and Hlluilnarytroubcs | u8lly. ( MUllCI ly mill Hiifely cured by UOrl , . . . . CuiiHiilua. berul CIIHOH curud in seion dayn , t-oldat l.Hipcr box , ull ilrnugiatn. or by mull from Hod urn MTV Co. , tU NVhlto * t. . N , V , I III ! lllDCUOIIH