Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The city offices wlilch were closed
xostordny on account on tlid parade ,
will open to-dny ns untml. (
The Otnnha Motor Company yesterday
nppllcd for a permit to put In curves on
Eleventh nnd Howard utid Sixtcotitu
nnd Howard streets. This la for the
purpose of malting n connection on the
loop with the Eleventh und Sixteenth
Btreot vlnduct lines.
McDrido & Ryan , the job printers at
1610 Doucltis street , gave the Great
Western tvpo foundry a chattel uiort-
C KG and bill of unlo yesterday on
their entire outfit of typo , presses ,
Block , etc. , for $740.10.
The city schools ononod yesterday
and that IB all that can bo said of thoni ,
as there were BO many attractions In the
city that over a qiiurtar of the scholars
in the city did not show up. Some
teachers had only three or four pupils.
Henry Field , who waH arrested Juno
21 for threaten ing bodily Injury to OII1-
cor Godoln , but cscnpod from the olll-
cors. wasrearroBtcd Wednesday and this
morning was lined $50 and costs. Ho
paid 830 all the money ho had and
the remainder of the flno was remitted
by the mayor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ucnry Rusor desire to
thank their many friends for the kind
attention and sympathy extended to
them during their bereavement caused
by the loss of their son Peter. Mr.
Rusor Is especially grateful to his
neighbors who rendered assistance to
him while ho was ill.
Personal 1'nrngrapln.
Harry Hlgby , of Ulalr , is nt the Murray.
J. D. Hood , of Lincoln , Is nt the Murray.
J. 13. Llddlo. of Lincoln , Is at the Mlllurd.
J. H. Barrett , of Wlsuor , is at the Millard.
J. W. Love , of Fremont , Is nt the Puxton ,
A. L. Field , of Alliance , Is at the Arcade.
John 13. Wright , of Lincoln , is at the Mur
ray.A. . S. Badger , of Lincoln , Is nt the Mur
ray.E. . U. Talcot , of Syracuse , Is at the Pax-
ton.E. . L. Perkins , of Lincoln , Is at the Pax-
ton. > -
J. K. Poiirtcld , of Hastings , Is at the Mil-
O. "VV. Moroy , of Valentine , Is at the Ar
John II. Hamilton , of Kearney , is at the
W. J. Steplionson , of Decatur , Is at the
0. C. Johnson , of Hay SprinRs , is at the
Sam Carney , of Button , is nt the Arcado.
George H. Hornby , of Valentino , la ut the
Henry Albert , of LSoatrlco , is registered at
the Murray.
Thomas II. Hicks , of Froiuout , is a. guest
nt the Araulo.
Webster Eaton , of Lincoln , Is registered
at tha Millara.
C. VV. Crawford , of Nebraska City , is tali-
ins in the fair. * "
\V. H. Dlngmnn nnd wife , of Grand Island.
ere nt the Al'irrny.
George Sheldon and Matt Maury , of Duvld
City , are at the Murray.
W. U Bucon nnd wife , of Grand Island ,
ere cueals at the Paxtou.
Charles West and wife , of Lincoln , are
rcglslorcd nt the Puxtou.
W. J. Kinsman and II. S. UilTord , of 13oa-
ver City , uro at tbo Arcade.
W. P. Soyinour. of Nebraska City , Is visit
ing with friends iu the city.
W. L. Grahnra nnd wife , of Broken Bow ,
are registered nt the Arcade.
P. C , Howe nnd Sam E. Lonp , of Lincoln , .
are registered ut tha Paxton.
H. J Kllpatrick , wife and mother , of
Beatrice , are at tlio Paxton.
J. G. Chnpln and J. W. Doweose , of Liu-
coin , are registered nt the Murray.
W. W. Wluto nnd Mrs. Kate McArthur , of
Lincoln , are registered nt the Lincoln.
1 > . H. Hobcrtson , M. S. Wntkins nnd E. J.
Roderick , of Beatrice , are at the Murray.
H. B. Millard , a Central City newspaper
man , was among the callers on TUB BEE
Mr. 11. W. Bryant , , of the Now York
World , Is la the city. Ho called at THE UKIS
ofilee and inudo n careful Inspection of the
County Court ,
JutlRO Shlol Is. rendered Judgment for the
1 plaintiff In the 0:130 : of S. C. Shepard against
Reuben Forbes ycstorduy in the sum of
$8113 1)3. )
In the cnso of the Paxton & Vicrllnc Iron
works against the Nebraska Tile & Pottery
company , judgment in $ yyu for plalntilt was
to Wed.
Marnapo licenses were Issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties ;
Numo nnd residence. Ago.
j nichard Chatflold , Omaha . 40
( Clara Smith , Ouiiitm . 33
I Samuel Downs , Omnhn . 22
1 Aonn Laffair , Umaha . SO
An Imnmlont fit-Rear.
Wallace Johnson , n burly vagrant , was ar
rested nt 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon
charged with assault. Johnson was on Dodge
and Fourteenth soliciting the loan of a
quarter of various parties who passed him.
One man denied hltn in terms far from com
plimentary , and was promptly knocked down
by tlip ; would-bo borrower. Ho was nt once
arrested , und will answer for his conduct to
day. _
An Important Element
Of the succobs of Hood's Sarsnparilla is
the fact that every purchaser receives a
fair equivalent lor his monoy. The
familiar headline , " 100 Doses Ono
Dollar , " stolen by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's Sarsa par-
ilia. This can cuaily bo proycn by nnv
one who dostros to test the mutter. For
real economy , buy only Hood's Sarsu.-
parlllu. Sold by all druggists.
District Court Juror' ) .
Shcilff Cohurn and Clerk Moores got to
gether yesterday nnd drew the jurymen ,
who will bo called on to servo nt the next
term i of the district court Following . are
the prize l > winners ; M. Duffy , E. C. Erlling ,
Da via Hobau , Chris Wlllo , P. J. Williams ,
P. We Solon , Wilson Borrow. A. Patrick ,
James Stcolo , J. P. Hayes , Hobert Forcoy ,
R. D. Hills , J. M. dlbb , Luther Poland , John
.McCombs , Henry Curstcns , James Sleigh-
ton , Mart Kaingo , Ilorman KoimtrtvConnul
LoUgo , II. M. Judson , J. O. Pontzel , L. W.
Demon , N. Harrier , Jutnus Duffy , Peter
O'Mullcv , Andy Johnson , Muds Mortenson ,
Qcorgo Uodncau , II. C. Cohow , F. Good-
hard. Henry Ehronfort , Charles Johnson , F.
A. McArdle , Peter ICommcrllnj , ' , J. it. Uyan.
Tlio Oraml I'rtirciiiilslto of Vl nr.
The dual opuratlonof digestion nnd assimi
lation is the grand prerequisite of vigor. To
insure the conversion of food into rich nu
tritious blood , It Is only necessary to use
With persistence nnd systematically Hostut-
tor'a Htouiacu Bitters. The fountain head
of supuly In the nnimnt economy la the
tomaoli. * To regulate , to Invigorate that
organ , and thus facilitate its digestive and
.nsbimilativu processes , should bo the chief
uiui of tlioso troubled with a daticlt of stu-
uilna. Nervousness , Insomnia , feeble aupo <
tlto these are usually traceable to Inijuircd
.ilipestlou. Overcome this ana you of neces
sity dismiss its multifarious , perplexing und
hamming symptoms , 'i'lin cumulated can
never hope to taiu llosh so long an aasimilu-
.tlon is Imperfect. 'Vho Hitlers surmounts
the only obstacle to an Increase not only of
vigor , but of bodily substance. Conquer also
With the Hitters malaria , kidney and liver
complaint , constipation and rhoumotlo
trouble. Thoroughness characterizes Its
PAXTON IJOTKL , OiiAHA Siiecial at
tention to commercial men. Fluent mid
largest hotel In the west. Kittrcdgo it
JJnduurd , proprietors.
lie Will Ivncp nn Kyo on the County
County Clerk Ilocho nnd some of the city
authorities hnvo clnshc.l over nn attempt
mndo by the Inttcr to disregard nnd impose
upon the former's onicinl responsibility.
Several days ago Chnlrmnn Whcclor , of the
council finance committee , nnd City Clerk
Southard put Assistant City Clerk Couns-
nnn nnd two other accountant * to work
nnklng up the city tax list , which must bo
ready before the second Monday In October ,
.vlicn the council will srt ns a board of equal-
In order to do this work , it is necessary
that tncRO clerks should hnvo ncccsg to the
county assessment hooks ; therefore Couns-
limn nnd his helpers have taken possession
of the commissioners' room with their outllU
BEvcrylhlng went along smoothly the llrst
Tny until 5 o'clock , the hour ut which Mr.
Ilocho closes his ofllco nnd goes homo.
Jounmimn wanted to continue Ills labors
later , but Uocho refused to leave the books
In hlflchargo.
This of course brought Mr. Wheeler to the
front , nnd ho could not sco whntharm would
coino from leaving the county's books out nil
night If Counsmuii wanted thorn , Mr. Hocho
enlightened him by calling his attention to
the fact that ho ( Heche ) was responsible for
nil records belonging to his ofllco ; that bo
was under $10,000 bonds for their snfo keep
ing and would not run the risk of
having anything happen to accommodate
Mr. Wheeler or anybody ulso. Ho would ,
however , leave n deputy there in charge ,
lirovldlnglho city would agree to pav for
ills services. In this position Mr. Hocho Is
sustained both by the county nttornoy and
the commissioners.
Several members of the council mot
O'Kcoffo ' in Treasurer Hush's olllco yester
day morning to sco what nrinngements
could bo irmilo to. enable the men to work nt
night , but they failed to take nny action.
Two Iowa Ijovcrs Mnlco Om nlin Tliclr
Grctniv drocii.
Henry Reynolds , a lormor living near
Scrunton , la. , is In the city looking for his
youngest daughter , eighteen years of age ,
who ran nway from her homo thrco or four
days ago In company with n neighbor's ' son
named Gcorgo Heath. George nnd Millie
have been lovers for some time nnd have de
sired to wed , but old man Reynolds said no ,
nnd there the case stood. Love laughs at
locksmiths , nnd has been known to glva
stern parents the merry ha , ha , and so it was
In this case. Tno loving pair put on their
store clothes and camu to Omaha on the
Old man Reynolds got on their track nnd
followed them to Council BlulTs , where ho
spent the greater porton of Wednesday in
looking for them but failed to find any
traces. Ho then cumo to Omaha and after ex
amining the mnrringo record stnrtcd outto get
the police to help him look up the truant
It Is very likely that ere this Miss Millie Is
Mrs. Heath , und that Papn-in-law Reynolds
will bo compelled to say "Bless yo'u , my
children , " etc. , although ho declares that ho
will thrash Gcorgo within an inch of his hfo
Salesman AVnntrd.
Wo want a thoroughly competent , re
liable and energetic specialty salesman
to represent us among the'trade. . Tt
will take a gentleman of good business
qualifications anda , rustler to fill the
position and ono who can command a
good salary. No ono who is not willing
to work need apply.
1508 Howard St. , Manufacturers Stand
ard Horse nnd Cattle Food.
John' B. Jack , or t'eru , Secures First
PI nee.
The examination of the applicants for
appointments as cadet to the West Point
military academy , was completed at about 7
o'clock Wednesday evening. The report ,
signed byall momoors of the committco ex
cept Lieutenant GriflUli , of the state
university , ut Lincoln , who was absent , is
as follows :
OMAHA , Nob. , Sept. 4 , 18S9. Hon. W. J.
Council : Your committee appointed to ex-
nmino applicants for appointment as cadet
to the West Point militury academy , beg
leave to reuort that wo have discharged
that duty and hnvo examined twelve appli
cants , in the studies prescribed iu the course ,
and , in accordance with the result of such
examination , wo recommend the appoint
ment of John B. Jack.of Peru , as cadetwith
James W. Broatch , as alternate.
Repoctfully submitted ,
The other applicants examined were John
Hugh O'Neill , George M. Adums , Guy W.
Smith , Jacob Bernstein nnd II. L. Soward.of
Omaha , Scott C. White , of Uimdilla , Albert
U. Wlltfio , of Falls City. Arthur Kavanauph.
of Tecutnsoh , George Woods , of Lincoln and
W. C. Moyers , of Cheney.
The ono receiving the third highest rating
was Jacob Bornstoinof Omaha. Thonoxt was
Arthur Kuvunuuph , of Tccumson and the
ono taking flfth rank was Gcorco M. Adams ,
of Omaha. Mr. Council said ho proposed to
make recommendation nt once in accordance
with tlio committee's report. 'Iho appointco
will have until the llrst of Juno next to makn
preparation for the final examination which
will then take place at West Point.
Master Jack , who secures the appointment.
Is a graduate of tbo Peru Normal school and
is spoken very highly of by the principal and
teachers of that school as well as by the
teachers of the south part of the state. Ho
was thoyoungcst one of the candidates whoso
ages range from eighteen to twenty years.
An AbHoIuto Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , nnd nil Rkm orup.
tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box by mall SO cents.
Joint I'\ Coots , tlio Contractor , Be lns
AVorlc on tlio Structure.
John F. Cools , the contractor on the now
city hall , started a gang of brawny laborers
to wqrk yesterday tearing out the old city
hnll basement. Ho will tcnr out the cast
half first and pllo the material in the west
half of the ground. Ho will then excavate
the portion tuadu vacant , and after putting
the now linscmont in proceed with the other
side. Before * now flies the building will bo
up to the first row of Joists , or rather up to
the prnnlto course.
Mr. Coots said : "Wo will employ 000 men
on thlswork.nndwo will push It , nsrnpliliv ns
possible. The east wall will bo moved six foot
to the west , leaving n twelve foot open space
between the city hall and HBE building. The
people nrc nnxlous to sco something for their
money , nnd I nm colne to puth the building
for nil it Is worth , and put In the best work
nnd mntorial. The excavation will begin to-
day. "
Workman wnro busy yesterday disjoint
ing the foundation nnd carting nway the
rotten mortar.
To llio Nebraska Htuto I'nlr nt Idncoln
Tin : OMAHA Bin : will present a com
plimentary ticket of admission to the
Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln to every
person sending a yearly subscription to
cither TllK WJJKKI.V BBB with Jfl.25. or
Tun SUJJDAY HUB with $2.00. Orders
must bo in by September fltli , so ns to
glvo time to mail the ticket , as the
F.'ur opens on September Oth and closes
September lilth. Those prices are no
advance on the regular price for the
Weekly and Sunday editions , but the
publishers of Tin : HUE dcsiro to glvo
tholr readers a chance to see the exhi
bition at Lincoln free of admission feo.
Cash must accompany each order.
Address your orders to
Omaha , Neb.
iiAin TO URST.
The Funeral of the Late Hon. John
T. Paulson
The funeral of the late Senator Paulson
took place yesterday afternoon nt 2 o'clock
from his Into residence , No. 220II Lake strcot.
An immense throng of the dead man's friends
wore In attendance at the obsequies , which
wcro hold under the nuspicos of Allomamsn
ledge No. 8 , I. O. F. , und the Plnttdeusclier
Vorclnof which the deceased was n member.
Rov. T. M. House was the olllciating cler
gyman nnd spoke from Job 1-1-M : "If n man
dioshiill ho live ngninl" It was a sermon
full of peace and hope for the nflllctcd family
mid friends who hava boon so sadly be
The casket in which the dead man lay was
musslvo nnd magnificent. It was met'illio
heavily ornamented with costly silver trim
mings nnd was laden with flowers. On the
Plato was the inscription "J. T. Paulson ,
Born April 25 , 1S37 , died Sept. 3 , 18S9. " The
floral tributes were elegant. At the , foot of
the casket was n wreath of smllax , while at
the head wns n pillow of tube roses and
forget-me-nots. The other offerings were
also very handsome. The poll bearers were
selected from the societies represented and
were eight In number , as follows ! John
Baumor , Henry Elckc. Benjamin Mohr , J. B.
Lundt. Henry Grebe , Henry Lehman , Wm.
Doll and Frank Klupper.
At the conclusion of the impressive cere
monies , the funeral Cortege wended its way ,
to prospect hill cemetery where all thnt re
mains of I'arth of n great nnd good man wcro
deposited in tlio bosom of our common mother.
You will have no uso" for spectacles if
you use Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen
ing Eye Salvo ; it removes the Him and
scum which accumulator on the eye
balls , subdues Inllatnmation , cools and
sbothcs the irritated nerves , strength
ens weak und railing sight , "oo a box ;
Something to Kctuembar.
If you are going east remember the
"Rock Island Route" run the sleepers
and chair cars of their solid vestibule
trajn to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at.8:45 : p. m.thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council BlulTs.
Three solid trains daily. All chair cars
are free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains make close.connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avojding a transfer across the city to
parties oiu-oulo to New York , Boston
and other eastern cities , "and every
thing a llttlo bettor than other lines
can offer. " S. S. STKVKNS ,
Ticket olllco 1305 Faruam. Gon'l , W. A.
IluccliorA In Trouble.
George C. Raven , an export butcher , has
commenced suit against George W , McClel
land , his late partner in the meat 'market
business at 803 Park nvenuo ; ulso George
Hammond & Co. , for § r3.59 , asking for a
receiver and an accounting of the firm's
affairs. In bis petition Raven says that ho
entered into partnership with McClelland ,
July 1. During that mouth their sales
amounted to S1.5-I2.4U. The stock cost them
1,132.80 , and tticlr expenses were SI25. thus
leaving them a net profit to bo divided
equally of $230.10 , but McClcllnnd pocketed
the whole amount and has continued to keep
it. Tlio terms of tholr partnership agree
ment were that McClelland should furfilsh
all the capital to start with against Raven's
cxpcricnco nnd skill as a butcher , and each
pay out of the profits , half the expenses. On
August 21 , whtlo plaintiff was down at their
wholesale market house , Hammond & Co.
levied on his shop , by virtue of an old lion
held against McClelland , which bo know
nothing about. That is why ho brings this
suit for a settlement.
Advice to Mothrrg.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for "children
teething. It soothes the child , sottons
the gums , allays all pain's , euros wind
colic , and is the best remedy for dial--
rhcca. 25c a bottle. *
Itatcs train Oiualiii niul Counilll DIufTs.
Second class tickets from Omaha and
Council Bluffd via. St. Paul and tho"
Northern Pacific to Portland and all
Puget Sound points are now sold at $35.
Passengers via. the Northern Pacific
are taken throughtho custom and cen
tral points of Washington territory , and
are enabled to visit and inspect any
portion of the territory , stop-overs being
given at Spokane Fulls and all points
west. _
A l\\K \ \ Oyster Red.
An oyster bed of unusual si.o and
richness was discovered recently by a
Danish fisherman near the coast of Jut
land. It is some eleven miles from land
and llftoon miles long by seven miles
nd > itiil.yuhe ? ! u.n"e.J Slatc'i rtoreniment. indorsed by the heads of the Oreat TJnlvcr ltIc
? ? ! , .i 'I00' * A 'yrt ' . the Btrongett , l'ure t and most Hralthnil. Dr. Price' Cirsai
" " ° couuia Ammonia , I.lineor . Price's
? Aluui. Dr Delicious
V "i ' , Vlavorlnc Cx
tract ill
* . Vanilla , I.emon.qraugV.ATmondTRos Tt Vo'notco taluI'olwlBousO
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Ntw York. Chicago , it. Louis.
8ho Drnlsoitrtlilfl Hcrpant'x Ilond.
Monclny morniqg Mrs. P. Shopnrd. ot
Mansfield , Matisj , wont to licr collar
Idtohon to wasli. She Und no soon ergot
got there tlmn ho boholil a lixrgo blick-
snnko , which jlmmodlritoly Btnrtcd
toward lior , Bitching out Its forked
tongue. Mrs. Shcpnrd woa nil oxcltcd
in n momunt , niielcod up n good sized
stick nnd pnvo him ono or two hits thnt
BtUnnod him < fbr a minute ; then she
piled upon him tubs , rocks nnd nn old
pot of load thtiti woiphcd fifty pounds ,
when she thought his Biuikcship was
dead she tried-totrotnove the not of load ,
but found that hot' stronglh had deserted -
sorted her. So ovoyything wns loft till
hoi * husband cnino homo. The snnko
measured just llvo foot long.
Tills powder uover varies. A marvel ot pure
ly , btrvnctrt nnd wholcsamoness. Jloro oco-
nomlCAl than tlio ordlnnrv kinds , and cannot
bo sold Incompatltlon with the multitudes of
lor or Bnortweifiht alum or photphnto powders.
Bold only in cans , lioyal IlnlclUK I'owdor Com
pany , W Wall Street. Now Vorlc.
( Upposlta i'axtuu Hotel. )
Ofllco hours , 9 n.-m , to 8 p. ra. Bimdays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Specialists In CTironlc , Mervous Skin nnd
Blood Diseases.
tsJT'Consultatlon nt offlco or by mail free.
Medicines sent by mnll or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro nulokly ; snfoljr'nwl ppnnnncntly.
WrDVniTQ ntJBTTT'l'V ' ' Spermatorrhoea , soml-
HhnVDUO UtDlLlil naU.osso < .Nlsnt Kmls
ilous. Physical Ut'cay. urlsinp from Indlscro
tlon. Kxcess or Indulnenco. producing Sleepless
ness , Despondency. Flmp'ei on the face , aver
sion to society easily abcouruiccd , lacK of c' > ull
donco , dull , uullt for study or business , audlliuls
Hfo a burden. Safely , permarontly nnd pri
vately cured. Consult lira , lletts & Detts , i W
Parnam St. , Oninha , Nob.
Blood anfl Siin Diseases K 'n8f. l . ! ! 8iis
results , completely orndlratcd wltliout the nld
of Mercury. Scrofula , Kr/slpelnH. Fever ! -ores.
Hlotches , Ulcers , 1'ftiuslu the Head and nones ,
Syphilitic Soro'l tit out. Mouth and 'JonRUP. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured uhero others
have failed.
IHrhinir Tfl'inni'Tnnd nintlder Complaints ,
RlUlluI ) Ulllldlj Painful. DllHcult , too fre
quent Hurtling or Illoody Urine , Urlno high col
ored or with milky secllmenr on etandlng , Went
Back. Uouorrhma. Gleet , Cybtllls. etc. ,
Promptly and Enfcly Cured , Charges Hoasoni-
nianent ( Jure , re
moval complela , without cutting , caustic or
dilution , cures homo by patlont
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yonii ? Men anil Miflilte-Acii Meo ,
AOIIDI ? PFTDP nio awful effects ot early
UUfiB UUULi Vice.Miich bungs organic
weakness , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded Jib ) , permanently cured ,
MPPTTH ! Adtossthojahotavo impaired
DDilO themselves by Improper liulul-
pencos nnd solitary linblt.s , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them tor- business ,
Ituay or inarrinRp.
M AitiUED MK.V. or thoie entering on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
Is based upon facts , Practical Expe
rlence. Second Kvory casu In especially studied-
thus starting aright. 'J'hlid JloJIoines are pre ,
pared In our lubatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus ail acting cures without Injury
t3Soiul 0 cents postf-po for celebrated workg
on Chronic , Nervous und Dellcato Diseases ,
ThoiisandH cured , SSTA friendly letter or call
may save you future siitTerlnic and shame , and
ndd golden years to life. fHo letters an
swered unless accompanied by I cents In Etamna.
Address or call on
HOSFurnum Htroat , Omahn , Jleb.
Three Nights and Saturday Matinee
Commonclhs Thursday , Sept. 5th.
The Talcntod Voung Actor , ROBERT
Under the nmnasentent of AUGUSTUS I'l'lOU ,
In the Jtoniatulo Drama ,
Robert Ml an toll , In
llogular irlceaS3c , fide. 7So nnd II. _
Colllseiini ground * , commcnclnc Monday oven-
und nil w eel : , " , ; 'M p. m ,
The celebrated DoMoss Kamlly ,
will Jill n musical en ai'i > rncnt at Scniitztm Hall ,
corner 15th und Jackmni Htrae's ' , tliln evening
jjeptenibvr Cth , Admission udultu UJc , chlldrun
Homarkublo for powerful symputhotio
tone , ] ) llablo notion nnd ubsoluto dura
bility ; 80 years' record tlio best iruavan-
too of the excellence of tlioso iutrns-
A box of Wind Matches to sinouci-a of
Of Fall goods is the grandest Omaha has ever seen. No words
can give a description of our new stock. We invite the hundred
thousand strangers who will be in Omaha , this week , to visit the
largest clothing establishment of the west and look at our grand
display of Men's and Boy's Clothing , Hats , Shoes and Furnishing
goods. Our display is one of the features of this weeks fair.
Rely upon it you will see something exceptional in the way of as
sortment and styles. No matter whether you wish to buy any
thing or not. call and look around in our establishment. It will
do you good. You will not be urged to buy. You will not even
have to ask a saleman for the price of anything , as you can tell
the prices yourself. Everything in our store is marked in plain
YOU. We are sure you have never seen goods marked and sold
that way.
In prices we have no competition ,
If there-is in our stock any one line of which we are especially
proud , it is our line of suits for dress and business wear ; a mar
velous assortment.
FalLOvercpats , silk faced and silk lined , beautiful styles.
Boy's and Ohildrens' department second floor is brimful
ot novelties.
Shoes A department--also second floor
now - - on wo
keep only honest and reliable makes of shoes.
Hats and Furnishing Goods More than a half dozen
stores together.
Corner Fourteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
HnilB us ronly for < vir frloiuls with tliobo t
nn > l latest of the Benson In Mcn'a and Children's
Suit : , and Kurn'ililnui.
Str.inijprJ nro Invited to Inolc In nt tlio Olnsj
Front cloro on Knrmun fatrjot , whether pur-
cUHHlnK or not , wlicro they nuiy bo sure of a
courteous welcome. Wo shall bo on duty early
and late.
o In the evonlnc or cnrao In the raornl
velum you uru luokoJ for orcomo with
warning. "
Max Meyer
And other first class PIANOSand
Remember , Wo do Mot Soil "Ston
cllod" Pianos.
All Instruments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo will offer a flno S325 Piano dur
ing Fair Week , for S25O.
Visitors Wolcomo.
Cor. IGtb aud Farnara St3.
Keel is
Dll.K. O. WEtT'fl NlllVE AND nilAIIf TllBAT'
IIBNT , aguarnnteoJgnoclBo for Hysteria. Dlzzl-
iesa , Convulsions , K1U. Nervoiu KeuralKla ,
ileadacbe , Nerrnus I'rojtrallon caused by the
ate of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkttfumeiu , Mental
Itfpri > s lna , Bof toning of tbs Jlratn. resulting In
Umnlty ami Irncllim to misery , decay anil doith.
J iem tur OM Age. llarrennosa , ! / ) of i'ower
In eltlicrjtox , Involuntary I.o s mul Spermat-
ortucticau ed by over-exortloriof the liraln.telf.
bus or overluilulgrnco. Kacli box contalni
cneroontli'B treatment. tl. < X ) a box , or MX boxen
for * . > M eut by mall prepaid on receipt of nrlco.
Tocuroanyrubt ) , With each order received b
u for six boxes , accompanied with MM , wo vrlQ
tend the purchaser ourwrittna iruarantea to to-
fund tlie money If tne traitinot does not etraot
koure. Quu-uttiei luued only by Ooodoiam
Drug Co , . LiruggliU , Bol * UlO
tieru Om b i b
fcntnruuuncvuKUt no
tookfreo. UU. . UUit
180 Wtbaili ST. . Couuuu.
Under a Twenty Yoarj' Ccntrai by the
Mezian : Internatioaal Improvement
Grand Montlily Drawing ? hold In the Morestjne
Pavllllonlu tlio Alumuda Piirk. City of Mexi
co. nnd publicly conducted by Government
Ulllclnls appointed for the purpose by the
Secretaries of the Interior nnd the Treasury.
Grand Soml-Annual Extraordinary
SOOOO Tickets ( it $ i , $ GJOOOO.
Wholes , $8 ; Halves , ! 4 : Quarters , ? . ' ; Klghths. $ ] .
Club rutes. Oft tickets for U U. S. Currency.
fcisr or I'ltiZKR.
1 CAPITAL PKIZi : OK * IMWU ) Is . JW0.001
1 CAPITAli 1'HIXUOK 40.UJO Is . 40,000
i CAi'irAhPitizcotf aoooois .
1 UKANDPHUIiOK . 6 , Xls ) . 6UX )
Z P1U/K8UF . 2,000 ore. . . 4W
B PHI/.KSOK . J.OOO uro. . . 6.01)0 )
20 PWAV&UV . WJ are . . JII.OJ'J '
lOiI'HI/.nSOK . KJ ) are. . . '
880 PHI X.E3 OP . 100 are. . 3800 ! )
BMPIUZUSOF . 40 aro. . .
160 Prizeof Jiaj npp. to $1WOO i'rlzo. . 18,000
1W ) Prlzia qt 100 app. td 4U.Oi ) I'rlze. . 35,000
1(0 ( Prizes of EOiipp. to yo,00 Prizo. . H.OOJ
TirJTormlimlaot tie ,
decldodby. . 120KXPrlzo. ( ) . . . 31.C6)
tS-JI Prizes . Amounting to ww,12
All prizes sold In the Dnlted States full ald In
tay Fou CMJII KATKS , or nny further Inform
ation desired , write lu'jlMy to the undersigned ,
cleurly Rtutlns your residence , with stito , coun
ty. street nnd number. More rapid return mail
delivery will b3 assured by vour enclosing an
envelope bearing your full address.
Address U , HASSIITTI ,
ny ordinary letter , containing MONUV ( Jiuiiiii
Issued by nH-Kvpn-ss Companloa , New Vork Exchange -
change , llraf tor Postal Note.
Spconil Knnturos.
IJy terms of contract the company muni deposit -
posit the sum ciL' all prlzej Included In the
sclicmo before selllnc : a single ticket , and re-
ci'lvo the foliowlug olllclnl permit :
CBin'nnCA'1'K.-l hcrrlm ccrttfutluit tlie / , < m-
don llaiilc J Mexico anil Suntli America ha an
special dajwutt the ntcfammj fuiitln In guamntce
trie vaiimcHtnf till vrlzea ill awn buthe Lutcrta dt ,
la llcncncencln 1'ulillra.
It. ItonntGVllZ ll VIM * . Intervcntar.
Furlhor , the Company Is reijulred to dUtrlh-
nto llfty-slx per cent of the value of all tha
tickets In jirizoa a larger propoitloa thnu Is
given by any oilier Lottery.
Finally , thu number ot tickets Is limited to
fO.lOOii.tUO lcs < than are sold by other lotteries
using the samn schemes ,
80UP8 ,
Sauce ,
State Line.
To ( Jlnsjo ! v , llclfasl , IiililliiainlIIvcr.iol ) | )
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cal'ln imitago Hi to t.'O , accorJInx lolocutlo.i elm
room. Kzcuralon W > ( o TJJ.
blC'eruKt ) l "uJ I rum l.uropu nt l < one tltatot.
Al'bllN UAl.UH IN i. Co. , ticn'l Aiiontt ,
U JlroaJvruy , Now Vort
1 UN lLEaix ; , lien'l Weitcrn Axent.
164 ItunJblpU til. , CtllcatfO.
IlAiiur K , Sloius : , Agent. Ouiaba.
Itoducod ( Ublaratoj to ( Jlnj r
to Oovlrln ciuin-
SHOE DEALERS justly lno tlio eel'
ubrated lines of Hoots and Shoes , nianufactur
edoyt' ' . M. Henderson & ! ' < > . , ot Chicago I'ac-
torlea at Chicago , Dlxon , Ills. , and Fund lu ,
\Vii.-Bhould write HA.M. N. NVA'l'SON , resi
dence. FltBMONT. NliU. TravellBK ai { Ut.
lleadquarter * for Itubbers.
D _ < TO
2Oto60 DAYS.
This is u disenso whtoh baa h ere to fore
Bullied all Medical Science.
When Mercury , Iodide ot Potassium , Bareapft
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guaranteoa cure/
We have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In th *
World outside of our Coin puuy. and onu that ha >
to cure tha most obstinate cases. Ten days la
recent case * docs the urork. It la the old vuronlo
deep neatetl cases that wa solicit. Wo have
cured hundreds who have boon abandoned by
Physician * , and pronounced Incurable , and w
cnallenRe the world to brliiK us a cose that WA
will not cure In less than sixty dayH.
Since Iho history of < n < ialclno a true epeclflo
for Syphilis has been sought for but uaver
found until our
was discovered , olid we am juntllleil In spying
It in thu only Uorauay in the World tnat will po * >
Ulvely cure , bacause the latest Medical Works ,
publlsned by the bent Known authorities , say-
there wninevera true spenltlo before. Our rem
edy will cure wlicn everything els has failed.
Why waste you time aud money with patent
ffleillclnes thnt uever had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot corn you , you tl.ftt har
tried everything elsg should coma to us now And
a t permanent relief , you never can get it lie
where. Mark what we say , in the end yea
must take our remedy or NKVKK recover ano )
you that have been afflicted but a short tlmt
Bhoula by all means come to us now , not one la
tenof nmv casei over get permanently cured.
Many tretuelp ana iUInk they are free from th
disease , but In one , two or iar s r ara after 1
appears again In a more horrible form.
This ia n blood Purlflor und will Cure >
any Skin or Blood Disease wbeu
Ever.ythintr Eleo Falls.
NOTICE Wo deslro to caution patients in re-
cnrd to parties claiming to use the Uoolc Horn *
edy. Our formula Is not and CANNOT bo
Known to anyone but ounmlvus.
ROOM 418 aM419 , Paxton Block ,
the Liquor Habit , I'oHlllTiily Cared
by Aifuilnlxtorlnu Dr. liatuca'
Gulden Specific.
Heart bj Kivon In u cup of coffee or ten without tli
knovrltidKu u ( the purioii Uklnif It j l nbsoliilclr liarmi
lunii , nn > l will unvtt u apvuily nnil porninnuiit curij ,
wliuihur the pntluiitlt a uioleratHtlrlnkurorunui *
tuhol wruck , 'JliuunaiUs ul Uriiiikiinli Invu bui'ii
lumlo teinporutu men who Jmvo liikvn ( inl Jcu jpecllla
til thulrcofoovrltlioittliulr kmiwleiluo Hint 10 my lo- ;
lluvotlioy iiult.lrliikliiii of tlu-lr own free will. IT
Never lOilln. Tlie sjruluiii iinru InipriMnnli'cl with the
* l > irlllcnt boo iijics nn utter liiiuixillillllx f"r V1"
lliuuruii | | > ellti ) Iu exist. I'or fnn ! liy Kulin , v Co. ,
DrUKKUls. nth a'i < l OouKias nts. , anil lilh anil Cum *
Inxntii.Unuhii , A. I ) . Kontur .Vllro. , Council ClulTn.
For BO dnro ONLY tro will nnd far 19 tlio
For tlUcatri nml Urakne r at Mrn , IVrmntur *
11 V'.1,1.10' ' ' / " V.O'eor. ' l riili . I. . . . . * . . lirr ou >
I'cMlltr .
, An. It u n ivrfort little inirvcl nml boluir
aiin'mUwnnrarUfiulcJclyanri nuivtr. circular Kn * .
US OE007 EUiXUO CO. . CC3 WttVa Ot * otn. KiU.
W kn § of Jlodyind UlndtEff cU
of Errori crEmt In Older Younr.u .
Uobml , Nol.lo MimillllllfiillrUt.lurrd. lloir to Enlan u < |
Hlra.KlhfuUI'iL.llMKtKUlI'MIII * rikUof I
Ib.olJI.I , u.rtll' MliaK TII > iTCUM-H.iii l. I. ttj.
Urn Ir.llf/ .i i 41 6l.t , Trrrllorln , tni funli * fnuatrUi.
Yea f.n rll Ibrnt. ll k , rull .tiil.afttliin , .nd prtMif. M J.4
> rrtf. Idilrni ltd - O..BUlfWn.H.I.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Health. " AUoluto Hxrrrr ,
furtdwliliouti lnfrc | ilftii. Ad.lroi
ebloii-Hupro CPnlmio , l'J Trauout bt. , Cooto,1
It < l UniH-i liluiiKind llruiid.
TL. itlltbl. . i.lll fur . .If. H fD.o
urr , l.aJIV > * u k Uruitjclit f r HID lll
inuuil jlniiid , ) " rrd ntfttliioUrk * * , Mtl 4
Ulililuellbbon , 'I'ukuiiualbrr. KuJ4 .
M.rn | . , | lor | nlcuut .l "Ilillut fat
Indf | , " In I'll : r Inunll. AUM * JtovW.
' l't.ll 'l . ! _ .
ily , quloki
lyund safely cured byDOOTLTUACap.
tulfaa. Hovoral c.tsus cured iu cuven day ! . Bold
utll J per box , alldruicuUta , or by mall from
UoctuJaM'CtfCo , 11WUIUj * N. Y. Full dire *