Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvortlsomontor will bo taken for
these columns after ! 2i3O p. m.
Jormn Cash In advance.
Advertisement * under this head 10cents p r
linn for tlio first Insertion. 7 cents for each sub
sequent insertion , nnd lloper line per montlt.
No advertisements tnkon thnn So cent *
for first ln * rtlon. Be en word * nlll be counted
to the. line j they must run consecutively tied
tnimt bo paid in ADVANCE. Alt advcrtlso-
tnonts must bo handed Inboforo 12i 0 o'clock p ,
in. , nnd under no circumstance1 ! will they tit
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'm tic * ndvertCtlng In these colnmnsnnd harIng -
Ing their nnswers addrewiod In care or Tun llr.K
Vrlllpleitse-nskfov acherx to enable them to Ret
their lettmB. as none will bo delivered except
Ion presentation' ot check. All answers to nd-
Ycrtlf emonlH BhculiJ be enclosed ID envelopes.
All advertisement * In thrso columns are pub
lished in both morning nnd evening editions ot
Tim HKK , the circulation of wnleh aggregate !
more than 18.000 pnperj dally , add gives the ad
vertisers thd benefit , not only of the city circu
lation ot Tun nr.ic , hut nlso of Council llhmo.
Lincoln nnd other cltleJnnd townt throughout
this section ottlie country.
Advertising fortlHBO columns v/111 be taken
on tlie nbovo condition ) . > t the following busi
ness honici , who nroauthorized agents for THE
IEK ) special notices , nnd will quote the same
rates is can be had at tint main oince.
OHABE & TDDY. Stationers ana Printers , 113
South icth Street.
H. I'AUNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
mlng Street.
J. HUGHES , rimimnclst , C21 North ICth
rO.W.PAHB , rimmaclst , 1C09 St. Mary'i
ITUaHliB'PHAUMACY.JMW Farnam Street ,
WANTED Situation for a reliable Swede of
1.1) ) ; IH Imiidy about a house , coed stableman -
man and useful fellow. Mrft.Drega , Jll',4 S loth.
735 *
WANTED Immoalntaly , situation as as-
Blatant florist. Address 0 D , 6U2 nnd 501
Uth St. 770-St
A PHACTIOAL bookkeeper , who has had
xXrnnny years oxonrieuco nnd who can give
the very host references , desires a situation ,
Addreso II 07. lleo olllco. 75l-r ) < :
T XPKHIKNOED lady stenographer desires a
JJJsltuntlon about Oct. 1st , ItemlnsUm opera
tor , references from past nnd present employers
ers- Address N. M. Avery , 110 Main st. . North
Adams , MOBS' 7QUb *
WANTED lly n young lady , position as
amanuensis ; experienced , IH thoroughly
competent and Is confident ot giving satisfac
tion ; is rapid , neat und accurate ; best ot
references , llox 787 , Fhonnudoah , Iowa.C.lfi7
C.lfi-7 *
ANTED A llrst class ninctilnlst as fore-
man. Apply or address Western Mnfg
Co. , Lincoln , Neb. 801
W-ANTED-Ouo white barber at once. Ad'
Uies < ) . G.V. . Mnckery.Central barbershop ,
Lexington , Neb. 7bO 7t
WANTKO At Stanton , Nob. , a llrst-clasa
miller , with J2.UOJ or HOW ) capital to put
Into a ilrRtOaRi mill. The citizens at Stnniou
will furnish balance of capital. Ad. J. o. Iloo.
78J 7t %
I ANTED At once , in or 20 first-class nard-
wood trimmers ; highest current wages to
good men. Apply to Field fc Johnson , Sioux
City , Iowa. Ufa 7 ]
fKN for work in city. Albright Labor Agen-
Ley , U2i ) Faruam st.
ANTED An experienced steam Innndry
man : erie who call run wushers ; good
wages. Mro. llrega. 311'/iSl'iSt , 7TJ-6J
ANTED 'Wo experienced mtndto wrap-
tiers. Nebraska Clothing Co. 778-U *
_ _ _ _
WANTED 10 good white waiters. $23 ; IB colt
ored waiters nnd 1 hcnci waiter ; 10 farm
hands , 2 yard men. dishwashers , roustabouts ,
etc. Mrs , llrugn. ill ! / S IE. _ 773-oj
" \A7"ANTED A man in every locality to rtct
YY us private detective if litter our instruc
tions. Send 4c for pai tlculura. Central Detec
tive Iluro ll , > Topeka , Kan.
" \TrANTED Salesmen to handle staple article
YY ns a sldo line : IIIIBO commission nnd easy
to Belt Addles ? Samoa Colloa Co. , Leaven-
worth , ICanaas. _ 7CJ 5
WANTED 10 bridge -carpenters. Albright
Labor Agency , MM Famam , st. 7WH ( !
" \ \ / ANT 111) Two young men for light work SIS weekly. Itoom 17 , 220 N. Iflth.
734 Ot
_ _ _ _
Tl/TANAGKHS / wanted everywhere to take
luLcharKa of our business. Advertise , distrib
ute clrcnlara and employ nelp. Wages 850 to SISfi
per montli. ISxponxes advances. Statu experi
ence. Wanes expected. nUo your preference for
homo it ork or traveling. Bloan & Co , Mamifuc-
turers,29l George street , Cincinnati , Ohio.
7277 *
ANTED- S 10th st.
420 fit
Men of energy nnd pleasing ad
dress can secure remunerative employ
ment by applying nt room 42(1 ( , N. Y. Llfo build-
iig , Omain. "Uft-ST
ANTE ) nt once , n good tinner nnd cornice
mnn. Address , Kearney Cornice Works ,
Kearney , Rob. 705 6 *
WANTED A good olllco innu to go east ;
mUKt invest fcr > 0 : mustbongood iiuslnos
rnan. Address tlie Gee , S. Cllno Publishing
House , 316 tu 321 Wabanh avo. , Chicago , Ills.
S2.1 weekly representative , male
WANTED , in every community. GoocU
utaple ; household noci-HSity ; sell utnight ; nc
peddling. Bnlaryipnld promptly , nnd expcncet
iidvanced. Full pai tlqulars und valuable sanr
pie case free. Wejmenn Jusr whatwo say ; nd <
litss nt once , Btandurd Silverware Co. , Dost on
Mass. jr ' 61U-21t
w TAN'fnJ [ Kirst- class pants maker at once
' Address A. Dergstrand. Fairmont. Neb ,
C6 ! ) flt
TANTl D Men for Washington territory ,
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam s\ \
rANTEO Vlndow cFresber ut The Fnir.l3tt
nnd Howard sts. 630
reliublolianvnssers.Bteady omployineul
GOOD The blngerjlfg. Co. . 1518 Douglas st
H22 B 13
tTJOllDKUSin6dayH : "I average 10 orders It
4 J2 calls. " Thesa extracts from agents' let
tern ; agents wautell In Nebraska. Address wltli
atainp. U. K. Osborne. Hun.trIce. Neb. 041 a 17 *
XNTBU-A ntyllsh .dressmaker ; steadj
work and good pay. Ill's , llrega , 3144 S
IBth. _ _ b07 6J
"IT ANTBD Exporleuced girl tor genera
housework , uotl K. 13th. ' 772
1X7ANTKD Immediately , a girl for genera
TY housework in family of two. Apply ss
' hfl-5
Dodge. -
- oompotent girl for gen
ho\it \ > o work , good n uges. Inquire 610 . 2-'nd
741 5 *
WANTUD Honsekeeper for a widower wit !
3 children , prefer n German between
and a ) years : pastry cook , M5 ; S Inundresse
for Og'len , * iO ; girls for general housework
good girl for'B family of 2 , Jib ; cool
mid tH-coiid girl for eamo family ; 2 stead ;
women ns chlldrens' nurses ; lots of woric fo
good ulrls. Mrs. Urega , 3Uli & 15th.
. _ _ 7735 *
"ANTED Lady agents for ournow.Mclc
tosh waterproof Ituglau. Very BtylUli
cloth outside ; nothing like them In stores
AguntH have big trade. Prices ou "Daisy" hos
supporters greatly reduoua. Wo give agent
the greatest clmnoo evur otTured to make mane
this fall on our full llnuoffust sBlllug irooila
Adclioaa with stamp. It. H. Campbell , & 4. Itai
dolph atreot. Chicago. _ tfiO-Tt
\srANTEU-Glrl for general housework 1
YY family ot three , German prof erred ; appl ' <
toattOCHpltniuve. _ ab
\\7ANTEI -A girl for general housoworl
V Y 623 N , tMth st , cor furuia. 173
iTANTHD German girl to-do cooking nn
I waHhlng. Irt'Bt of Mages paia. InuulroJ
I * * Uraudeis. K4 H IBth U 233 _
4W TANTRD-Good girl iorpfnoral houseworl
W good wages paid. Apply ttoucc/JHSUruc- -
712 f\
Experienced girl for genen
hojieuwork. Mrs. L. O. Jones , 718 No. 21
WANITJI ) First clans girl for general hous <
vruolc , jnust be gooa cook and lauudrot
good plape and liberal wage * . H 03 Ilee. 6W7 (
" \\TANTKl-,01rl to ao general houaowors i
f SI2b Chicago Bt , 4,9 ?
WANTRD A peed comp etentglrl for g
era ! housawoVk. washing nnd ironing. ( S
Bouthlithjitreet. tit
WANTKD A'good cook , fj per week Frsni
E. Moorea. 617 H. 18th ? 4216t
WANTED Uooiuora , boarders , Innuiro IU
Maaoatt 7J 7
WA NTK D-Permnnent board. Tly two een.
tlfmen. prominent in city , nnd wives , no
children , In private family , occupying house
with lawn and trees , near motor lln in Council
lllults or Omaha , latter part of thH month.
Tnblo must bs good nndnmplo. Unexceptional
references glvon nnd ronnlred. Address giving
tornn and location , J. 2 this office. 1fl-8 ;
WANTED-SM.OOC ) ynrds of dirt , west of
Crolonton coliogo , nt B cents. Hoggs *
Hill , llonl Estate , H03 Fnrnam 600-8
WANTRD-2 or 3 rooms , furnished :
housekeeping : man nnd wife ; private
family preferred ; convenient ; Address J. fl.ueo
WANTED Fnrnlsheil house for n family of
n for the nlutor , conveniently located in
good neighborhood ; must have nil modern con
veniences without bnscnlent. Address H 70 , lleo.
WANTED To runt , n furnlshert house of 7
or H rooms ; best of references futniMied ,
Address , with price , H 72 , lice omce. 753 Of
DUnSSMAItlNG In families , C27So. 17th. ava.
oig s t
TT NOAOEMENT3 to dortressmnklnpin fnmt
JjJllps solicited. Mlsa Sturdy , 619 8 - h Bt.
Kll sl4t
TTIOH 11RNT Cottnge with nil modern 1m-
JJ proveiuents , hnrn. Pnrt or all ot the furni
ture , which Is nn w , will bo sold nt a bargain ,
Address J , 6 , Hc6 Ofllco. "ito-'t
O UN FU UNisiriuTrooms. 6.11 a 17th street ,
* Jbetween Jnckson and Learcnworth , PU2 lit
iOIl ItENT--10.roondouble
Itth st. W )
Tj HENT-20-room houses 838 & 8JI S. 21 st.
T710H KF.NT Hnndsome 10-room house , all
JJ convlences , paved street , cnble nud horse
cars , 6 minutes walk of postolllco. NnthnnShol-
ton , IOU Faruam st. _ 7U4
F URNT First class houses nnd stores ,
Geo. N. I licks. Now Yore Llfabldg. .377
s > NICE 6-room cottages , with well nnd city
811 N. 2th avenue. 718 t
FOU KENT Severn ! now 6-room cottages ;
rent $15 per month. Innulro of John H ,
F. Lehmnnn , ft4 ! 9. 17th street. _ 717
UCT. 1st , ten room house ; all conveniences ;
perfect ardor ; centrally located. 712 N. 19th.
' ' ( Hl-7t
TjUHl HhNT 7-room house , 11,1 per mouth , cf-
JJ L. Green. 310 a Ifith. " _ U'JO
* | jU > H HUNT Two nine-room brick houses on
J. Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
conveniences ; -price JJ5 to J41) per month. D. V
Slloles. 21U First National Hank. KO
HOUSE for rent , 1023 Dodgo.
FOU ItENT 7-room tint , Ji per mo. nbovo
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The
Fair. S33
"TT < OU ItENT A detachnl t room house , all
JJ modern conveniences , Unq' .j23 Capitol nve.
I71OH KKNT-iKino Inrgo residence , hard wood
JJ finish , all conveniences , low rent to private
family : 21 N loth st. 621
FOH UBNT The 3-rooin Hat occupied by Dr.
Gilmoro. 2d lloor. No. 1813 Howard st. In
quire of Geo. Hlgglns , 1011 Howard st. 625
FoTTTuTNT-Immodlatoly , a well furnished
Ii room cottage , on cable and horse car.
within one block -of high school ; nice lawn ;
city wnter cistern , etc. Call at SJ15 Dodge st.
IJ10H lllNT : A pretty 7-room house , con-1
JJ venieutly located , J25 per month. Hath and
gns : 22:11 : California s > t. Inquire Netherton Hnll ,
1113 Farnam at. 610 B
FOR ItP.NT $2. ' ; 7-room house , Cnllfornla
St. , nenr 23rd. bnth , city wnter , gas , etc. In
quire atngwnlt liroa. . llarker blk. 580 C
"fTOU HENT Flat 7) 023 3. st , has all cou-
. ? venlences and one of the best,7-room tints in
the city. For terms call on Her It Co. , 1112
Haruoy St. SOT
FOJl HENT 6 cottages , Omaha View , to re
liable parties. $1J per montli , Hoggs .V Hill ,
real estate. 14 U < 'aniuin. 600-8
IlENT Fine Hand 13-ioom houses with
nil modern Improvements , Cass street , be
tween 24Ui and 2oth sts. , at low rates. , H. T.
Clarke. 2120 Cuifs at. 2i-5
FOlt ItENT 7-room , 2-story house , barn : or
4 horses If desired. For terms for the winter
cull on or nddresa C. 1' . Harrbou , Merchants'
Nnt'l Hank. IbU
H OUSES for rent Wilkinson , 141T Farnam.
TT1OH KENT i-roum cottage near rortOmn-
JD bu , J5 per montli. Sell for JL100. D. V.
Shales. 210 First National bank. _ &tt
"I71OII ItENT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
JG ave. Inquire , 2S2I Dodge. _ 811
houses , 6 to 8 rooms each , price very
SIXnew CMlnponor address , Neb. Mortgage
Loan Co. . morn n8 Paxton bl'g. _ 138
171OK KENT 10-room house , steam heat , nil
J ? Improvements , cheap rent. G. E. Thompson ,
rooui214. She ely block , loth and Howard.
_ . Oil
Unfurnished "back parlor wltn
carpet , for one ortwp gontleraeu , 2007 Cass.
rp WO pleasant room , onsulte. all modern 1m-
JL provemonts , private family , 212il Harueyst.
7bO 7t
TJuIllNlBHRD rooms will bo ready In a few
JP days at 83J1 Farnam st _ 7H- )
TTlOll UI5NT-3 unfurnished rooms at 603 tf
JJ liitli st. 'Oi 7 *
T71O11 ItENT---'pldasant rooms with ilrst-class
JJ board , gas , bath , & .C. , terms reasonable. 2015
Douglas. 74i ) Ot
TruJKNISlI ril ) rooms to ladies or gentlemen
JJ by day or week , 311 N. lEth st. 74J 6 ?
WA. HUNT A pleasant , well furnished room
w 1th board. Call at 2215 Dodgo. DM 81
1JIOII HUNT Elogn-it roomsfn modern brick
X1 residence. Enquire at ISil Cass Bt. 74S t > t
TJ1TIUN18HEI ) rootmflfor rent at 1814Daveu-
X > port st , , from 8S per month. TM st
TJIOlF ItENT Furnished sleeping rooms. HW
JJ Howard ( ' ,300week. 721-51
TI7IOH KENT-turnlshed rooms , 22IK ) Uo.lira.
J. | w * Jf >
F IOU KENT Furnished room. 1110 B. Oth.
721) W
KENT Nicely furnished rooms , all
modern convenience : ! , 322 N. 15th Bt.
IbO tt
_ _ _
FO H UKN'L' Elegant suite of rooms with
llrsc-class table board. In now house. 18 !
Chicago. ti > 3-8 ;
TIGHT housekeeping rooms ; ill , 1319 N. 18th.
TmOH IIBNT Lurge furnished room , 22 North
JJ 10th st. ft
\710I2 rooms. good board , gas nnd bath. $1.50
li to $5.50 a week , motor passes door. 13 1 N.
Kth at , - nn s
KENT Burnished rooms , with board ;
1722 Dodge st. 401
OOM ( with or without board. 1813 Dodgo.
R 803
[ 7UI1INISHED rooms with nil modern conve-
JJ nteuces , for gentlomou only , 17J1I DoJgo tt.
FOU KENT Elegant furnished room for sin
gle centleman only , 721 ti lUth at. , cor. Leav-
cmi orth. 62T
TTOOD room with bath , 619 S 2flth st , toT
"IT10U KENT Two ftiruUhed rooms on St ,
JMnry's avenue , to gentlemen only ; Blxtnln-
nteH wait uf business center , Hefurenro re-
quered. luqulie at store. 210 and 21 , ' S 15th st.
T. CLAllt Kuropenn hotel , cor. 13th and
S' 'Uodge ; special ruto oy week or month.uO
( uO
rooma. withbonrd , 1(140 (
MltS. H. A. "Churchill lias taken nnd
utiwly furnlHhed No. ill N. IHh St. , herc
llrat cluuM accommodations uiay b found.
U55 n
: \T1CKLY fnrnlfllioilBiilt of rooms and one sin-
JL > gla room. AII modern oonvenleucef , private
family 2211 Furnam ut. ( U5
irto"lTiti5Nf-77ooins suTtabk
- unftirnlBhel ( ,
JJ for hounekeeplng , with nil modern improve
nienUUTiajV bjter t.I'rlca _ IM. 631
TTIOirilliNT The store. No. 1003 Farr-am si
JJ now occupied by Columbus lluggy Co , Pos
se&slon October lot. A. J , 1'omilatou. 311 First
Nutlanul Ilank llutldlng. 7VM1
TjnltF.NT-Stre.ui Fnrnam at. . 0 by I2i
JJ feet , 2 utorloa and cellar. Nathan Shelton
1614 FttrnaiuBl , 7ua
TTiOH HUNT The 4-story brick building will
JJ or without i > i er. formerly oocuplod by Tin
Her Publishing Co. . V 10 Farnam at. Tbe build
Inglmgu tirci-proot cemented
pitta ateaui-heMluir fixtures , water , ou all th <
lluora. gas , etc. Apply Atihe office of Tha LU o
rpO RENT Desirable xrarehouse room on
JL track. Apply tt > C. W. Keith , 7U Pfccinost.
oil HKNT-Smnll building between Dodge
nnd Capitol Avenue on 17th st. Snltablo fern
n shop. Is i per montli. Hoggs & Hill , Itonl
Estate , HCH Fnraam. 600-8
TJilOH HKNT Stores nt living , rooms on Cum *
JJ Ingst , AlsohouaoonCassst. Harris , room
411 , IstNnt. Hank. 231
FOU KENT A largo warehouse on Jones si
bet 13th nnd Kth , three stories nnd base
ment. 4 ( by lou feet , well lighted nnd very
strongly built , suitable for heavy machinery
for manufacturing purposes , will lease for live
or more years nt reasonable rent. Inquire ot
Henry A. Homnn , 4I3S. Llth st. 'M3 M
" 171OH ItENT The corner room under the N ?
JL' brnskn National bank will soon be for rent ,
the Equltnblo Trust Oo. removing to larger
The npnco is nbont double thnt occupied by
the C. II. & Q. ticket oince. The floor is tiled
and the room ran b ? made desirable for IU It.
ticket or broker's olllco.
For particulars apply nt bank , 633
TTUNESTtablo hoard In Omnhn at ( Hobo Hotel ,
JJ 13OT-U10.1312 Douglas ut. Try It. J. 11 , Ilee.
791-7 ;
_ _ _
STItlNGiit fc I'enny forsalrs nnd trndos.ronl
estate ngcnts nnd balldlng loans , Douglaa
block , s o cor. 16th nnd Dodge. 087 '
WE are making a specialty ot buying , trad.
Ing pncl soiling alt kinds nt merchandise
stocks. Stadlcmnn & Swan , 627 Paxton block.
_ 739
TMIli banjo tnught n * nn nrtby Geo. F.Gellnn-
Jbeck. . Apply at lleo olllco. O'fl
ill NEST tnblo bonrd in Omnhn nt Globe Hotel' ,
J 1338-1310-1312 Douglns st. Try it , J , 11. Iloo.
W M. LKNKE Send ynur address to H O'.lteo
714 Bf
A SELECT private school for smnll boys nnd
clrls will bo opened September I" . lfS , by
rs. Kit. Kdgar. For particulars nrtdres GH
U2d St. GOT 5
AS. L. Todd docs collecting. H Darker bile
] 4 < 8-8-7J
TTHNKST table board in Omaha , at Globe Hotel ,
1308-13IO-1313 Douglas at. Try it. J , II , Iloo.
"n CONOMIXE in fuel by covering your stsam
JUJpipes with fossil meal nnn-nonductlng cov
ering , the most einclcnt and cheapest ot all
coverings. D. 0. McCwan , western agent. 101 !
Howard t.
/ 1ES91'OOlj8. . . . cisterns . . . > . . . privy . . . . . . . vaults . clean etc. ,
v-'cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply nnd cleanly
ly ; nil work done by odorlosi pump. Odorless
Banltnry Co. . 14UO Farnam street. Tel. .208.
LOST Sorrel horse. Seven years old , weight
about l.UtK ) . fore top clipped ; had on hnlter.
Iteturn to K. Ilonedlct , Exposition bulldlnu , and
get reward. .803 < rt
JOST At the Arcade hotel , pookctbook con-
-JtAlnlng currency and three Now York drnfts
for J30 each to the order of Stafford SIcKcnna.
S3B reward for Its rituru to the Arcade hotel.
J07T *
LOST A pocKCt wallet this morning nt 0:30
between the corner ot 16th nnrt Dodge nnd
Douglas sts. , or else between the Umaha'l
bank and Intli and Douglas containing $ W > cur
rency nnd papers. It returned to tnts olllce $100
reward will uo paid and no questions asked.
Address H Or lloe. 738
" 1 OST Large , young close-haired 3t. Ilernard
JLJ clog , yellow with white breast and foct.-Ke-
turn to 11.10 Georgia nve. , or U01 Douglas and get
reward , f > 38
FOUND Lady's silk purse. Owner can have
by calling at Bee ollice. 777-0
" \7irANTKD A stock of hard ware , stoves , etc. .
T * or a stock ot general merchandise. 1 hnvo
81,000 cash : 41. ( 0 notes , mostly secured by
mortgages equity In good Omaha property.
Address "C' Gordon house , Holvoko.Colo.
WANTED to Buy Apiece of acre property
near Omaha or Council HltiUs that will
grow in value. Adaress with description and1
price II 31 Bee office. 431
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc
tlon & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. KU
QTOKAGE at low rates at 1121 Farnam street ,
kJOniahu Auction and Storage Co. 534
CJTOHAGKnnd forwarding. We collect andde-
lOJlver goods ot nil description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage nt cheapest rates , for
storage for any length of time. Vans and
\ \ agons to bo had at shortest notice , wltb care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moaernto
charge. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllce2l7S. HCIi
st. Telephone IK. Howell & Co. C3ii
fTUlACKAGK storage nt lowest rates. W. 3d" .
JL Hushman , 1311 Lnavenworth. 530
MA D"A5ID Wellington , world-renowned as-
trologlst , test medium and ( lontlny reader ,
just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy marilage with tlle oat ) y ° u l ° v * .
locates alscaso and treats with massage and
electric baths. All in trouble should not fall to
consult this glttod seeross. I'arlor 0. upstairs.
417S. llth ; olllco hours , from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
DIl , NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Fomnle diseases
n specialty. 110 N. lUtli St. , rooms - and 3. 637
TTlOHTUNI ] Teller Mrs. r.onornmn can bo
JJ consulted on all nlfairs of life. Bntisfnc-
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. ICthst t > L'l-S.8
GOOD homes for ladles during confinement ,
terms roasonable.&a d.Kth , Dr.'Jlrs.Knntze
UI3 b3ij ) ,
MltS. M. Ohlenschlnger. wld-wifery homo for
ladles , ( load accommodations nnd attend-
anco. Low prices. UU7 North 34th St. . Omaha ,
052 CO' ,
STANDAHD Shorthand School. 1'axton bit. ,
( successor to Valentine's ) the largest uxcln-
give shoithand school In the west. Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular nttl'ntloii
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of nmchluo taught by factory expert. Circulars.
_ . . SAbE Horse , hnrncss and express
Fwn1 , . Apply , Ilia Farnam st. .88-K ?
SALE Uood horK1 , wagon and harness ,
tfij , 411 Paxton Ijlocg. 7Bi lit
jlOU SALE Good , new dog cart ; very cheap
J A. P. Tiuey. 15th nnd Douglas. 770-0
TTIOIl SALE Cheap , n covered road waggon , in
JJ good condition. Apply 007 N. lilth st. 76l !
O INE safe' two horses , phaeton , largo ice
chest , suitable for grocery btore , one harness ,
some old wagons. Neb. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
room 61 ! ) Paxton block. 6'.C '
" 1710It SALE Work team , wagon and harness ,
J- single horse , harness and carriage , <
wngons , 2sot heavy tiarnoss , or will exchange
tor brick. .1. J. WllkiiiHon. 1417 Fnrnam. tkK
FOR SALE A good phaeton und harness ,
only 75. Inquire ot W. M. Yntes , Neb ,
National bank. 088
SHEKP for sale. Ten thousand good westorr.
feeders. Adaress J. A. Oauert , 100215 street
Llucoln. Neb. 70i lit
SriHNGE it & Penny forsalna and trades , roa
e < tate ngonts nnd building loans , Douglas
block , n a cor. Hull nnd Doilge. Off 7
FOHHALi : or trade tor buggy , light hnll
platform spring wagnn1587 N lutn Bt.
100 buya m t re , harness , open buggy. Enquln
$ 1819 Shurninn ave. , after5 o'clock , 4ii K37 <
ITTOll SALE A ai-hofueTinwcrPbrtor engim
JJ in gcKxl condition , weight 5.10J pounds , cyl
inder Hxltf. For particulars apply to Une Hot
olllce. 7tij
T711NHST carriage team In state , dark browns ,
-1 ? tull IB hands , weight 1.1 VI. Inquire W. ,
Mlllard , S. E. cor lUth and Douglas , Omaha.
7tiii s U
IDLAmrGuarnntee A Trust Co. . N. Y. Lit
bldg.complete abstracts furnished nnd title
to real oatnto o f fnuinedperf ectod at guaranteed
rprfllllkhoru ( ix > an7Co."loau8'moneyoufurm
Jture in une , homes , or uuytnlnit that'8 good
security ; over Com. Nat. Uank,13thand Douglaa
STItlNGBll & Penny f or isales and tradcs.roi
estate agents and building loans , Douk'lu-
bloclt , a e cor eth and DoJgu. ( 7 7
MONEY loaned on furutturu , hort > es , javTelry
etc Special rates to turtles In ttortu ant
west part of city , J. Ii. kmingor , 1411 Fnrnam
[ cm o i
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur
ulsh cheap eastern money to borrowers
purchase becurltlos. perfect titles , accept loan
at their weatrn olllce. George W.V , Coatea
room 7 , Hoard of Trado. ,6W
\1ONKYtolonn : cash Otthand : no delay. J.
J--LW. Squire , 1219 Fnrnif.inJJHt , , First National
bank , building. n\n Ml
TjllUSTmoriRage lotvnfr' air low rates and no
JJ delay. D. V. Sholoj , SlOinrst National bank.
is i 613
to loan on nnrikurlty
MONEY short time , nt'ldw
rMns. Lowest rrtWi
on personal ) t l
property. c v
The Henderson > lortgaiojnrestment Company ,
oem 400. Pnxton block. t j , 613
> UILDINO loans. I ) . V , Bholcs , 310 First
National bank. ; ; " ' ; 643
MONHY loaned on txirnltnro , horses and
wagons : rates revtoinablo. Cltr Loan Co. ,
18 3.13th st. . opposite Mlljnrcl hotel. 653
T.OANSmndoon real estate nnd mortgnges
JJbought. Louis S.llced & Co. . U.13 , Hoard Trade
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
ets. . or on nny approved spcurlly. J. W.
tobblns , 14I1H Fnrnam street. Pnxtou hotel.
T ANTED First cla , s Inside loans. Lowest
YY rate * . Cnll nnrt see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , Itl Darker blk. , 15tti and Fnrnam.
" \rONEYIonnodfor 31.00 or 00 dnys on nny
1'L kind of chattel security ; r nsonnblo Intor-
ist ; confidential. J. J. Wilkinson , HIT Karnnm.
T3ESIIr.NCKlo ) < xns"flV4to7 percent ; no nd-
J-lilltlonal chargosfor commissions or nttor-
s' fees. W. H. Mclklo , First Nnt hank blng ,
SUB Bholos , room Sin , First Nnt'l bank , before
mnklng your loam. 612
.00,000 to loan nt U per cents Llnahnn & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 500 Paxton block , 619
MONEY to lonu on real estate security nt
lowest rates. Deforo negotiating lonns sue
11.310. llrown bldg , lth ( It Douglas.
MONUYto loan. O. F. Davis Co. , leal estate
nnd loan ngonts , 1505 Fnrnam tit. 511
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
houshold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrHt organized loan olllce In
tlio city. Makes loans from thirty to three hun
dred nnd slxty-flvo days , which can bo paid In
mrt or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the
; > rlnclpnl nnd interest. Cnll nnd see us when
/on want money. Wo can naslat you promptly
nnd to your advnntnge without removal of
property or publicity. Money always ou hand.
No delay in making loans , u. F. lli-ed tk Co. .
" 118.13tli st. , over Uingham & Sons. 553
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of nny kind ; commercial nnd
mortgages notes bought at fair rates ; all bust-
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , llnmce , building. 554
DO YOtf want money ? It sodon't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on nuy s im irom $1 to $10,000.
I make loans on houshold goods , pianos , or
gans. , mules.wngonswarehouse receipts ,
houses. lo.iaosetc. , In nny amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six mouths nnd
. ou can pay part nt nny time , reducing both
.irlncipal nnd Interest. If you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses , or have n loan on
, hom. I will tnko It up nnd carry it for you ns
eng ns you des're.
If you need money von will find it to your nd-
ynntngo to see me before borrowing.
11. P. Masters , room 4 , Withnell building. 15th
nnd Hnrney. r > 5- >
T7"EYSTONB Mortcago Co. Loans of $10 to
JLY,000 ) ; got our rates before borrowing nud
save money ; loan on horses , turnlture. or nny
approved security , witlioiit publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , reiitwnl of old. and low-
istratescalllU'O-.ShcelejtDlfc.lothit ' Hownrdst.
r U r 550
MONEY Loans negotiated nt low rates w 1th
out delay , and purchase good oommeicla
inpert nd mortgage notes. ' ' S. A. Slomnn. cor
[ 3th nnd Fnrnam. 'l-s- ' 657
NEHHASKA Mort. Lonn"Co. , will mase you a
loan on housojfold goods ,
horses , \vajfons ,
land contracts.
flne jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , nt fcasonable rates.
Room 7 , Howlcy block , Bojtth Omaha.
Itooms 618-51'J. Paxton blgck , Omaha , Neb.
to loan at low.wntos nnd no delay.
MONEY nnd surplii , .iItOO.OJO. Lombard
Investment Co. , SOU S | COJ
ONEY to Ixian Chattels , collateral real
M estate. HC01 , Merch ntaVNatlb ! iik buildgln.
making chattel or. collateral lonns ,
BEFORE you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. . room 4 tJUee bldg. ire
ONEY to loan We make liberal advances
on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses nnd wagon * ) , without removal , without
publicity , nnd nt lower rates than can b hnd
olSQwheroin the city. Payments can be made
at any time , which reduce both principal nnd
Interest. Long nnd short time given nnd lib
eral extensions made. All business strictly
confidential. Iteforo you borroworrenew your
loan call and got our rates. Hawkeye Invest
ment Co. . roomSS , 3d lloor , Douglas blocks. w.
corner ICth and Dodge streets. itOJ s-21
6 Per Cent money 11. 302 , N. F. Lire Ins pldg
* i > UhVtr
'ONEY to loan on city or farm property.
M :
Goo. J. Paul , 100J Farnam st. 103
SALE or ExQhunge J nave three good
hotel properties for sale , or will trade for
good farm property , or gilt-edge equity in
Lincoln or Omaha property. It. O. Phillips ,
Lincoln , Neb. 803 11
T710K8ALE Or trade. Due of the best central
JJ located drug stores in the city : will Invoice
J.OJO ; llxtures having cost not less than J-.OJO.
Will trade for city or farm property. Inquire
of M. Franklin , agent of Paulson & Co. , Ited
dick's blick , Fnrnam , between 15th nnd 10th st
70y 7
partner wnuted In one of the best lo
cated , paying hotels in Omuhn. Must Imvo
85,003 cash. Address , J. 0 , Ilee Olllce. 70--7J
ANTED Man to establish hardware and
tin business in a healthy , enterprising
town with no competition. Itare opportunity.
Address , Uox 5U > , Van Itnub , Huxnr Co , Tex-is.
70U 7t
BUSINESS CHANCF. Fine opening for good
hotel man to purchase lease and furniture-of
iv veil furnished hotel ; line location. Will clear
a to 5 hundred dollars n month. Ownei having
.other business. J , iu , Iloo Olllco. 7IU-7 *
cheap rent , gooils nil now. If you want this nd-
dross Lock IloxiW , Bo Omuhn , Nob. , 751 n
$1.003 buys the besc paying cash business In
$ South Omaha , Prollts over uxponnon in past
twoiyears , 8JW. ( Invustlgato ttila. J. P. Kvers
room 3 So. Omaha National Dank , So. Omaha.
SALE A stock of jewelry , wlverware ,
musical Instruments and Hewing machines.
fl.Ouu. Also a 2-story brick business house for
'sale or rent. Term , part cash , balance satis
factorily secured notes , A aplendld opportun
ity for n practical man. Address I , II. Hollo-
biuigb. Falls City , Neb , 7V > I-1 *
TJIOIl SALE Or trade , large stock ranch In
S : western Iowa well improved and all under
fence ; wither without sto < * fcl H Ul , lloe ollice.
eot" 050 31
TT1OH HUNT One barn ; , H ptulls ; large yard :
JJ clean and coiivenltiupjiuuiru ; of Frost &
Harris , Izard st , bet , 22d nnd23d Bts , U51-
TTIOK SALE A nice nowntock of rallllncrv
JJ goon a. nil now and Btyllnll ; will sell vury low
f or c\sh , or w 111 trade for rwl estate. Address )
70tt N Iflth. , / , t\ \ 747 b *
AUK you looking for atl , opportunity to en
gage In thfi mercantile fcufttnaaac It so come
and see us.V" . U. ii. if M.-K. , Itoom 11 Chamber
of Commerce. ' Tel. 1140 , y , , U15
IJ OII BALE-A nice cloaW'Klbck ' of stoves nntl
JJ tinware on one of tin ? ) i st streets in tliu
oity. A bargain , C. S. ( IdnatoaJ * , room 21 ,
Douglas block. ' (14411 (
STHINGKIl & I'enny fotaahja nnd tradeu.veal
eutuie agents and bulming loans , Douglas
blocc , H e cur. U'th und Dod b. K87 7
FOH SALE First-class funny grocery Btore ,
No better locutlpu In the city. Doing n busi
ness of over 11,1100 per month. One-third cash
and No. 1 customers. Good reasons tor sell
ing. No trade. Address , J 4 , Ilee , 787 8 *
A FIRST-CLASS bakery , with Ice cream nnd
oyster purlor in connection ; is doing good
business and making mptioy ; good reasons
given for eelllng. Correspond with Homo. Mil
ler ic Co. . NorfoUVNeb. 7SKM1
"XXTANTED A partner with $3,003 to"i7oOJ to
T Y take a half Interest in a well established
grain and seed business. Address liox II ,
Greenwood , Neb. Ibj
FOH 8 A LK Uheap Uarber hopana4chalra ;
good location ; paying businou. M. H. Fleui-
Ing. Crete. Nub. QOi s7 *
POK BALlt-Elnvator at Oakdale , Good loca
tion for grain , live stock. ) umbe\\and coal.
For particular * write A. TruosdelVi''reuiont.
Neb. D4ial7t
WANTED A partner in n brewery doing a
good butflnuss In a prouporous Nebraska
town. Enquire at room u , Chamber of Com
were * . Tel , 1440. B75
_ _
THOU KXCll ANa"BHon and 10 lot * In Lin
Jroln for ciotr farm In Nob'r. or Iowa. J. L ,
Hodgmnn , Opera House , Lincoln , Neb'r.
no EXCHANGE A ranch for Omnha ln lde
-1. bnslnesi property. One section or Innd ; nil
Improvement * , with tiorsns rnttle , hogs nnd
BROodctop Int 70 mile * west of Onialm ; line
land , nil clear of nebt. Address .1 a. Omaha
eo olllce. H4-OJ
_ _
Tjioil EXCirANaK-lIorses and cattle , hard-
JJ ware and drug MOCKS. I hnvo S.VUM worth o (
horses nnd cattle to trndo for A residence prop *
ertyiwlll assume some inciimbranco. Merrhan-
dlso stocks for land or city property. All kinds
of real nnd personal property for sale or ex
change , ( loo. J. Stornsdorrr , Heal Hstnto Loan
an.l Kxolmngo broker , rooms 317 nnd ills. First
National bans building. Telephone 4rtt. 73.- ! )
T IWENTY-TWC ) "tcot business property , a
13th. clear , for rcsidcnoo lot. 0. F. Harrison ,
Merchants Nnt. Hank. 714
STUitiGBIl spenny for sales and trndos.roal
estate aKcnts and building loans , Douglas.
block , s o cor. 10th and Dodge , C37 7
IilOH EXOH AND n-An elegant tract ot land
'containing ' l'Jncrps In Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section In Hand county , Dakota ,
party Improved.
Eighty acres near Council lllulTs , In.
House anil lot on South lUth st.
Large amount of Oil Mountain nnd Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection ot some houses. Goo.
J. Stcrnsdorff. 1st National bank building. 370
T 10 EXCHA"NOF. for mortgaged note1 ! or for
sale on easy payments :
Ono bay horse , one platform spring wagon ,
one set brass mounted hnrnnsi , two now cnr-
rlngos , and one grocerjmnn'H delivery outtlt.
WlU Colfax , room 13 , lloard Trade building.
r lOOD clear lots to trade for improved prop-
VJ orty with some incumbrance. C. a. Grin-
stead , room 21 Douglas blk. _ 47 14
rpo EXCHANGE For. nice clean stock of
J-merclinudtze or Hardware ; must bo good
Block , a cholco farm of 120 acres , bO nci es in cul
tlvntlou , 4U pasture , good spring water , good 7-
room hoii e. nil other nocessury out-buildings ;
is second bottom land soil good , title perfect.
lying In JelTcrson Co. , Nob. , 2V4 mlh-s from
Bteulo City. Call on or address W. U. Gordon
& Co..Steele City. .Nob. 614
TilOU EXCHANGE lor stock ot clean nnd
JJ woll-Eclected Block of merchandise or hard
ware , fi. ) ucrcs of bcmitltnl land.nll fenced und
never falling water , free nnd tinlncumberod :
perfect title , laying adjoining tne addition of
Flnrbury Heightg. Fntrbtiry Is county seat of
Jeirnrson Co. Nob. This land will alt bo laid
out lu town lots In'.a short time. Call on or ad
dress W. II. Uorden& Co. , Bteolo City , Neb.
5ii ;
ANTED Propcrty in Coluinbus. O. . for
Omaha property. C.F.HarrlsonMerchaat3'
National bank. 4U8
IGIITY rtcres * near Mnrysvllle , Kansas , Mnr-
shall county , for vacant , lot lu Omnhu. 0
F. Hairlson , ilerfhanta * Nat , bank. 38U
TJ1OK JJSCHANGti Clear lot tn So. Omaha to
JJ tnulo for residence lot In Omaha ; as&nme
difference. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Hank. S7il
" \7trANTED To trade for n stock of groceries ,
Y > cnsh nnd lots ou O. & C. . motor line.
Ixits will ba put in nt their cash value. W. U.
E.&M. E. . Room U < Chamber of Commerce ,
TeU14(0. ( ' 010
\X7HAThdvo yeti to offer In exchange tor my
V > $ uo " cqultv In my double nouse on
Lntnrop st , neur lOtn , or ror my * 5.0JO oqully in
my double house on fapsnoer st naar 2Jd , or for
my $ J,0X ) equity imny double house on Wlrtst ,
enst of 24th , nil with modern improvements , all
encumbrances " > years at 7 per cont. jN o farms
will bo considered. W. T. Seimnn , east sldo
Kith st , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons nud carriages. 701
v > a buys 40xI27W south front lot. Apply at
3N0.3IIO Dccntur at. 7811 If
TJKMl SALE ElegnntO-room house in Oiclmrd
JJ Hill ; modern improvements , etc ; on easv
terms. Also r > now -room houses , each u 1th 2
tull lots , small barn. etc. . in good location ; will
iuvB elOLtrlc motor within < l blocks. . Mnke of
fers. Address H ( A Itue olllce. 710
ONE farm of 440 acres in I'ago county , lowu.
One farm of liiO acres In Adams county , la.
Olio fuiin of 110 acres In Hock co .uty. Neb.
One f.trm of 1UJ ncreo in Orond Forks , Dak.
Also Ltndcrman hotel furniture , Ulurmda , In.
All of the above described property must be
closed out in sixty Cays , rcnaidless ot price.
Cell or alldross F. M. Park , Clarinda , Iowa.
010 sW
OOK1 Look I Loot : ! Manufacturers and
'warehousemen. ' Investigate this. Northwest
comer Iflth and Pierce sts , 10ixU4 ( , only 813.WO.
S.J.D 0 cash ; 4 houses on this property , rents for
81,000 per yenr ; above pricnuots tlio houses nnd
some of tlio ground for nothing , but tlie Cali
fornia owner wants to sell. M. A. Upton Com
pany , llth ana Faruam , 701
A FEW cottages , convenient to street cars , to
sell on mimthly payments ; also 4 beautiful
lots near motor on Lowe ave ; prices way
down' There Is n good investment in this
property , as It is sure to double in value soon.
F.K. Darllng..ioQUi 43. Barker blk. 775
IIAVE some nrs't-class rental property for
JLgale cheap within one mlla of postollicn. on
paved streets and motor lino. Thos. F. Hall ,
311 Paxton block. GS8 _
FOll'SALU On easy terms , new 5-rooni cofs
tjige , cor. lor near street car lino. Addro s-
HC&Iloe office. 4'J8ir )
npoiruiLDKUS who can enter into sutlsfac-
-Ltory bonds wo can sell lots on these terms , H
cnsh , nnd balance on second mortgage. We
have A1 cropertv for sills on these terms.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , city. 087 7
lHU uodtmouoy'R worth of housonna lot now
JL for sale In Omnna is that which I am now
completing nenV tilth st. , on paved Wlrt St. , in
KounUn plnce. b bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bath rooms , : i water closetc ,
large laundry , stationery wash tubd , tiirnaco
and coal room and collar , eloctrlo bells nnd
speaking tube , 1" closets. Price unly S7.I50 > on
terms to milt. Likewise n duplicate adjoining
nt same price. W , T. Seaman , east sldo Ifitn st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 5VJ
FOIt SALE 9-room house , barn and lot H ans
com Place , at a bargain , Harris , Hooin 411
1st Nat. llankv 501
FOllliALE Two of tae best located tracKBgo
lots , on tha northwest corner of1st nnd
Izard Btroets.'slie TiOxUH feut. For price nnd
terms 1 mini re of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg. JOlii North 21st stree ; BJfltU
TjtOH 8ALK-On the motor linn In Walnut Hill
J3 yg-room houses wltb full lots , 60x110 ; price
ZI.'HM ; KUiallMpaym nt down , balance vnsr.
House to lent , inquire of K. G , Merrill , 44th
and Sowni'd ' su. 487 bt
TTtUU BALE-Lot 3 , block 3 , Sheridan place ,
J ? * IBOE.E. Maynp , U10 llroadwuy. Council
mulls. 70 *
FOH BALE , real estate Three cnolc'j lots in
Hedlck Park addition , faclnttiiRth ave. Only
f 1.0 0 each , . A line class of residences surround
this property , nnd iu le than two years they
will double In value , Oeofge J , SternHdorff ,
istNat. b.inrbiilltllng. 41' . '
TTIOlt SALK-Lot ! l , blkll , Sheridan place. M33
X1 E. E. SI ay lie , 019 llruadway. Council limits.
TT1OH SAIjU-J-lllg Hargaln. 0 lots , 2)th and
J Dodge streets. Hoggs & Hill , Heal Enlate ,
1408 Faruam. 6W-S
TJIOIt 8ALK-H.OOO acres laud in Nebraska ;
J } MxHO toot lots inth St.nt n sncrillclm ; price.
Inquire 14U 8 Uth. ( Juo. H. PutoinotUOl-ulB ;
H BALBcuonp.oi' will trade for Omuim lots
ire ucrcs of In st-chiss farm land , 4 miles
northweht of Silver Creek , Neb. Abstract
xurnlshed. B.Q. Merrill , llth and Howard st.
mo MANUFACTUUEHS-I will give auipla
J-ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on the I'nniiont , Klkhorn fc MUsourl Valley
railrond , or on the Missouri I'aclllollelt ( Line ]
railway in Westlawn , just outside the city
limits. In Wast Omaha , conveniently situated an
regards access to the uuslnesscentorot umuhu
and South Oniahii , to parties for the location ot
any of the following industries ;
Furniture Factbry , Mutton Eactory ,
Shoe ( factory , ' Lard Helluery ,
btarch& Glucose W'ks , Foap Works ,
Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works , Ilroom Factory ,
Harvester Works , Wooluil Mill ,
Null Works , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , llox Manufactory ,
&ush. Door and lllliid Wire WorKH.
Manulactory. Machine Shops ,
Ilour and freed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn
is jUHt outside the city limits , and Industries
planted there will cucapo heavy city taxes.
If you nro thinking ot locating In Omaha It
\ \ ill pay you to investigate thin ,
( leo. N. Hicks. Now York Life building ,
Omaha. 7W1
F HALE , real estate The motor cars ur <
' now ; running to Walnut Hill , which make :
that addition a very desirable location , I have
two brick houses ot rive rooms rach that i an h <
bought at tlgures and termn to eult. George J
Bternbdortf , 1st Nat , bank building. 4U
, real entatB-llrlggs Place , I havt
auhlrable addition a number ol
choice lota for sale at low llgures and terms ti
unit your convenience. It you nro looking foi
a Hue residence location , lot mo drive you oui
nnd show you these beautiful loti which 1 oltui
for sale. They belong to non-residents am
must be sold , pon't delay but call at once 01
cieorge J , Sternsdortf , 1st Nut , bank building
Telephone 481. 4tT
FOIt BALK On long time and easy pay inenta
handsome , new.well-built houses otH. am
lUroonu , All convenleticeu.good neighborhood
paved street * , street care , and within wnlklni
distance ot V.O. Nathan Shelton , 10U Jruuui
> uw
SniNOr.H.t Penny for suloi and trades , real
estate agents and building ; loans , Douglas
block , B e cor , loth nnd Podge. 687 7
FOIt 8A 1.71 An elegant cottatro on e < iy
terms. J. H. Evans , HW ! ? , N. Y. Life. 7.67
ffioifsALH-Ono of thTboTt iota ln Walnut
JJ mil , close to motor and horse ry lines , only
J1.800. J. 11. limns. II30 * . N. Y. I.lfo blrtg.
745 6
I7l6U8At.t : Choice farms near good mark o ts"
J-1 cheap and terms ensy , or will take Rood
trade , Lawn & Co. , Sterling. Colo. KSfls Vr
I7K5U SALE 543.73 acres , too. A , tp. IS , r. fl w ,
JJ Hamilton county Nob. House , stable. 300
acres fencedlivingsatar. Price HOW. F. K.
Atkins. owiUT. bldg. Denver , Col. 5(3 (
/ NtS of the two hnuso nnd lot baignlns I
V/have been offering on Georgia nvo , north of now sold and occupied , became
ot my very low price. The south house of the
two still remains n bargain open to somebody.
First comes , nrst served. To bo appreciated it
needs to bo examined Internally. 1 positively
will not rent It , though several times olTorcd
* .V ) per montli. Price , on vwrv easy terms.Ji.O i > .
W. T. Seaman , east sldo 1'lth ' st , north of Nich
olas htOmuha's largest variety of wagons nnd
cnrrhtgos , fv' > n
10118ALH Easy terms , ICoitntzo place.
Two homes , oac'i ' H rooms , ouch Jl.iWO.
Two homes , each 0 rooms , cnch J.V003.
Two homes , eacli 15 rooms , each tf.500.
All with modern convenience ! ! .
All largo valuq nt the prlco.
All within n aquaro ot the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T.Soamnu.
Hnst sldo tilth st. , north nt Nicholas st.
Omaha's largest variety of wngons nnd car-
rlnges. : > >
FOU BALE Lota In Stewart p'nce ' , will fur
nish money for building house , nnd pay
ments monthly. Here Is n clnucc to secure n
home. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. Hank , Mil
TjUVE hundred und sixty ncros good f.\rm
JJ land lu Coutrnt Nobrnskn , to trade tor Im
proved city propoity. Goo N , Hicks , New York
, lfe llnllillinr. *
Nlco farm 1RO acres In Knot county. Neb ,
o tradn for house and lot. Geo. N , Hicks ,
\Ten-Yore I.lfo Itulldlim.
Sovoiity-llvo chose loti just outside r.Ity
inits , worth J5M ) each ; price of entire trait
i,5ro ; Incumbrancoonly SiUXX ) ; orner's etiulty
ll.-'iOU. l < ots lu Dundee Place , Just north or
: us property , nro selling for Jl.twu tn * l,3 > .
n trade this property tor Ilrst-Class stock
To Exchange Fifteen nice lots In Cottngn
'lace on licit Line Uy. . Just the place for n uicn
omo ; mngalOcont view , healthy location , only
wonty minutes' ride from business center ; nil
tear and free of Incuinbriiucca , Can trade for
oed liou'.o und lot.
For Trnda One ot the tlnoafploccs ot resl >
ence property In Council Illuirnelogant house ,
entrally located , otc , ; will exohanue tor good
lock ranch nnd some cash ; it will pay you to
nvostlgnto this.
Geo. N. Hicks , New York Life lluildlug.
(34 7
BUY n homo In the center of the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will sell ynuu lot in
\ldlne square , build it house of any kind , worth
'roln II.20J upwards , and you cnn pny for It
iionthly. quartet ly or yearly , Aldlnu squarols
jn Grace strpot butneon d and Jd streets ,
thns nil the ndvantngus such ns.paved stri-ots
icwcraco , water , gas , uud Is a first class local-
itv. Call nt 1UUI Karnara btrost nnd see plant
buildings ana get llfiuros. I' , j. O'Oonahoe ,
see us and investlgato some of tb
bargnlna we have to ollar.Vn are contlu-
i ally listing now properties and "If you don't
oo trliut vou want ask for 1C. "
1'orsnloor txchnnce eco ot the miest res-
nurnnts lu Omaha at a bargain.
We have several flno hotel properties to'trndo
'or land or otUer good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
louse , at a bargain. Klevator complete , with
aorse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc , A
flue opening for a practical prnln dealer.
House * and lots In nil parts of Omaha for
j.ilo and oxchanKO.
For exchange , for Omaha property , i,0iO ( acres
} f echool Innu lease , in one of the best couutlus
n the stnte.
A tine residence property In Omaha View for
ale at a barunlu.
l''rotn $75,000 to J10U.UOO worth of llrst-class
notiw to exchange for Umatia property.
For exchange tor Omaha property , one of the
jest farms In ItocK county , Niihrobka. together
, vlth stock and machinery necessary to carry
jn the place. Old nge and falling health ot the
owner Is reason for belling. .
A tine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , toroxchnngu for Omuhii property.
aJ acres of line Innu lu northwestern Iowa to
ixchaugoforOmana procerty.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , morrhaudiho or live stock , a Hue hotel
wopcrty in Iowa town of U.OUO inhabitants.
Beading hotel ot the place and doing a nnii
bUBlnons. Furnmhes meals for two passenger
rains dally. Asnap for thorightmau. ,
Wohavounsurpasse. facllitlos tor disposing
of property , having souio 5U1 agents scattered
over four or live states. Mst your property
with us It you wish a quick turn. WH.Ii. Ac
M. B. , Room U , Chamber ot Commerce , telephone -
phone U4t ) . 'C8
SAhE-lifl choice lots , Omaha View.
-I : Special prices and terms to people wanting
them for homes. Hoggs & Hill , Heal Kstate
1403 rnrnam. _ COD-B
TTIOK SALE 2 bouses on lot CTilxBS ons e cor.
llth and Vinton , M.003 , Inquire wltnln.
104 S18J
T/'Oll SAIjK 3 } , 4t or li fo t ot lot 0 , blocs 7
JC nt $ UC per foot. Thl Is within n quarter of
a block ot the new P. O. site , and will be worth
SLUX ) inside of a year.
Th3 o H lot 8. block 101 , cor. "Douglas and 10th
sts , 4 < feet on Douglas .nnd 60 on 10th , price
r j,001) ) , 810,000 cash , balance in five equal annual
The Be H nw M seed , t It. r W e , Douglaa Co. ,
price $1OJ ) , $ tuJO cash , balance easy.
Lot7. blka.V ) , SouthOuianapilceI , 01terms
easy. W. It E.&M. 15 , loom 14 , Chamber ot
Commerce telephone l tf. 7i' ! .
FOU SALE Caolce farms near good mar
kers , cheap and terms easy , or Mill tuko
; oed trade. Lewis ' & Co. , Sterling , Colo.
IJAOH SALE Good , clean 10W)3 ) investment ;
A ? write and nsk me about it. C. F. Harrison.
Merchants' ' .
E Splendid IfiO acre farm Kearney
co. , at a great sacrifice , only 81,00) ) down. 1 < JO
acreu cnlth nted. Hoggs & Hill , real estate ,
1408 rnrnam 4110
HANSCOM place lot for sale very cheap for
cash , lot 10 hlock'7. WxtuO. Adaress F , P.O.
box 3sfl. 377
VT ICEB-room cottage , near hlgn school ; lot 3J
iN xl32. $ J,6UJ ; thla la a bargain. C. F. Harrison
risen , Merchants Nat. bank. IZt
WE sold 23 lots last week in Orchard Hill ,
Highland Park , Baunders&Hlmebaiigh'a
add , and Walnut Hill. In fact , property ( in the
motor extension llnoi is , looking up , and now Is
the opportunity to buy.
Wo have Htill the 6 ncres for $ " > .0)0 ) close to the
Deaf nnd Dumb Institute. This is dirt cheap
for cash.
When wo say we have some property for sale
ut rock-bottom pricey w.e mean it.
Don't forgot that we Imvo uomo A 1 clear
farm property to exchange for encumbered
elty lots.
Stringer * Penny,1 Douglas block. 6S7 7
T7UU8T National safety deposit vaults , Bafoi
-C to rent i to $ u year , 3J7 S , 13ttin fcL'sl4
GLOliE HOI EL-Nowly furnished and lilted
up throughout ; centrally located ; ti per
day. l.J03-31u.Uia Douglas ft. 501
TVifUUllAY HOlKL-Newest , latest and ouiy
Jl-LllrHt-class hotel In Omvha ; * J to K4 per day.
. Slllo\\ny. proprietor. 5U.'i
00//.KN8 Hotel , corner of Oth and Harney
Htructs , S-.W per day , No dtirlc rooma.
Table Urst-class. Try it. M.J _ , Franck ( J41-3.I
WINDSOH HOTEL-Cornerof Juth nnd Jack-
KOII Ntreots , ! l blooKis from Union depot.
Heat $ J a day house In tlieclty. Mil
Notice to
SKALKD proposals will be resolved nt tlio of-
llcoottho undersigned until 1 o'clock p. m ,
Haturdny September7th. 1W > , for brlnsln. ? tlio
lot , i < OxKifeut , mi tno N. W. corner of Kth nnd
Dodge streets , Omaha , to grade.
lllds entertained only for the lump job ; con
tractor to dlxpnsa ot tnu earth.
Architects , Duo 1'axton Ulock. Omaha.
Notloo t
Sealed proposals for the erection ot n double ,
2-story bilcic house will bo received by the
undersigned uutll noon of September ( I , IKb'j.
1'lnns nnd specifications can bo seen at tlio
olllco ot Jlnhouey , Mlnahan & Smith.
a30d 7t VATUIC1C il A HONEY.
Cuiiltttl . $400 , 000
Surplus , Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) . G'2,000
USNKV W. YATBS. President.
LEWIS 8. HBED , Vice President.
, .
W. II. S. Huoiicj , Cashier ,
Cor. 12th and Karnam Bts.
A General UankUig liiulnena Trausactoa.
Capital , $40OOOO
Surplus , 4O.OOO
Onicnrs nnd Directors E. M. Mor tnan , O.
M MitcncocK .Tos. Inrnoati , Jr. , A. Homnr , M.
M. Anderson. Win. . Maul , v.pros \ lk 11. Will-
lams , A. ! llop'tlns , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier !
V. l . llryant , ntMstniitcnHhlor.
ESTWILISHEU 1351 ( 100 So.
Chcag0 | , | | | 8. j cinrkSt.
Ibo Regular Old-Established
Is still Treatlnc vlth the Grestwt
iClironlc , NerTons anfl Pfiyale Diseases ,
Vf NERVOUS DBDILITY , Loll Manhood ,
ralilng Memory , Exhausting Drnlnn , Terrible
Utenma , Head and Deck Acna and all the Hccti
IcndinR to curly decuy unl ; ihjj Consumption ot
Jonanity , treated cientlIicU by new nethodj with
never.r ilina ttincru.
ay SYPHILIS and ell bid Blood and Skin Ola >
SB eanenns3ntly cured. _ .
49'RlUNUYand UKINAKYcomphlnU.Qleet ,
Oonorrhoeik , Strlctu re , Varlcocele nil U dbt je
of Ihe Qcolto-Urinaiy UrRani cureilptomptljr without
injury to Stomnch. Kldneyi or oAer OtKiiu.
4VNocxperlnicntii. Aceandexperlencelra <
portnnt. Consullr.tion free i\nd sacred.
OS- Send 4 c rl , pwnct for Celebrated Work * oa
Chronic , Nervoua rnd Dellcute Uiieues.
ttS Tkoie colcntpl llig MauUge tend lor Dr.
CUrke'a e < l brated guide Mole and Female , each
15 cenu , both cenli ( n mm ) . Coniult llie oM
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer
Ing and rhame , and add golden yeen to life. KJ-uoole
"tile's ( Secret ) Error * , " 50 c < nttit mp ) . Medicine
nnd writing * tenl e Tty hrre , secure from cxpoiuro.
noun , 8 to 8. Sundaytgtn u. Addreti
F. D. CLARKE , M. O. . '
WABASH WE8TBHN1. Leave Arrive-
Depot loth & Marcy bts. Omahn. Oimiha
No. 8 St. L. B.\p. Dally. . . 415 ; p m 12:20 : 'p m
Depot nth & Webster sts. OmuUa. Omaha ,
Bt. Paul Limited. 0:46 : p m 0:35 a m
Depot Ibtti nnd Marcy sts Omaha. Omaha 1
Overland Flyer. 8:15 : p m H : < 5 p m t
Pncillc Express 8:25 : a iu 7:20 : a in
Denver I xpress 1UUO ; a m 2:45 : p in ti
Knnsas City , Lincoln & i
Heatrlce Express 4 : < > > a m 11:0 : % p m
tOrund Island Express. . 5:4'i : ' p m 12:03 : p in
JPnpllllon Passenger 5:55 : p m 7:30 a m
tDally Except Sunday.
C. ST. P. M.0. Lenvt-
DepotIjtlut Webster sts , Omuhn.
Sioux City Express . . . IOJ p m 1CO p m
Sioux City Ac'mmodut'n 7:40 : n in 0:10 p m '
St. Paul Limited 0:45 : p m OLI : u m
Florence I'assengnr. Qi5 : : a m H:30 : a m
Florence Passenger. , . , 5:20 : p m 0lu : p m
tl-'lnrence Passenger. . . I'M : a m 10:2i a m
tFloreuce Passenger. . . . 1:3) : ) p m 6:16 p m
iJiuly l.xcept Sunday.
tBunday Only.
Running between Council 111 tiffs nnd Al-
blight , in addition to the statlois mentioned ,
trains stop nt Twentieth ana Twenty-fourth
btreets , , nud at the Summit In Omaha.
BroadTrausOmaha " BoutH I AlT"
way. fcr. depot. Sheoly. Omaha bright.
A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
6:43 : 6:51 : 0:00 : U:05
6:10 : 0:17 0:30 : 0:37 : 0:50 : 0:55 :
l40 ) ; 0:47 7oo 7:07 : 7:20 : 7:25
7 : : 7:42 : 7M : 8:00
7:45 7:52 8:05 : H:12 825 ; 80
' ' 8.33 BM2 8:55 : 0:0) :
8:15 : 'alia 0.0) 0:12 : 0:26 : 0UO :
0:42 : 8:65 : 111:00 :
0:45 : 0:52 : .10:1)5 : ) 1U:12 : 10:2j : 10:3) )
10:4 : 10J2 11:05 : 11:12 11:2) : 11:30
11:45 : 11:5 P.M. P.M. P. M. P. M.
P. M. P.M. 12UT ; liV : 12:25 : 13:140
12:45 : 12:52 1:03 : 1:12 1:25 : 1:30
1:45 : 1:52 : 2:03 : 2:12 : 2:25 : 2:30 :
2:36 : 2:42 : 2.M 11:00
2:45 : 3:06 : 3:12 : 11:2) : 3:30
' U:6U : 3:67 : 4:10 : 4:15
3:40 : 4tr ; , i12 ; 4:25 : 4:30
4:67 : 5:10 : 5:16
4:15 : 6:06 : 5:12 : 6:30 :
6:45 : 6:52 : 0U3 : (1:12 ( : 0:30 :
U:45 : 02 TiO1 ! 7:12 : 7:26 : 7:30
7:45 : 7:52 H05 ; Hsi : 8:25 : 8:30
8:45 : 8:52 0,0. > 0:12 : u:25 : U:30
V:45 : UD2 10:0 : > 10U : 10:25 : 10:30
11:00 : uriU-'OI 11:51 : 1201 ; 12C6 :
Ill5j :
11:55 12:05 : ] 2:0 : >
Al South Bheo- Omaha Trans Broad
bright. Omuha y. Depot. fer , way.
A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. , A.M.
6:66 8:16 : fl:2T : o:8S :
7 : o 7:05 : 7I6 ! 7:20 : 7:32 : 7:46
7M : 7M H0l 8 ! 15
8:05 : 8:10 823 ; 830 ;
H50 ; U:6.1 0:07 : 0:25 :
0:05 : 0:10 y:22 : 0:30 : ' ' "
UM ; UM 10:07 : Will ! 16:27 : "iO:8J :
1005 10:10 10:22 10:3)
10 jW WM 11 : W 11H6 11:27
11W : 11:66 P , M. P , M. P. M. P.M. I
> . M. P. M. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12:27 : 12:26 :
1260 ; 12:65 1:07 : 1116 1:27 : 135 ;
li'J ) 1:61 2:07 : 2111 2:27 : 2:3.5 :
2:50 : 3:07 : ! II6 | 3:27 : 8135
4:07 : 4:15 :
4:20 : 4:2" : . 4:37 4I5 ;
4W : 4:65 : 6:07 : 6:16 5:27 : 6:35 : .
f > ; ao 6:25 : 6:37 :
rM 66" ; > B07 ; orn 6U5 | i
B-M (1:55 : 7:07 : 7:15 7:21 : I'M
1-M 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 : 6:36 :
HW ; 8:65 : 0:07 : 0:15 0:27 : 0:35 : i
UiM 955 ; 10:1)7 : ) 10:15 iniw 10)35 )
10 : ll:07nr. : 11:30 11:42 : 11(50 (
12:21 am Iv ,
K No. 3 , , 6 ! ' pmA No.13 7I3am
o NO. o. msup m n No. I,8:16pin
A No. 4.,10OOttin.C : No. 6
A No. H 945pmA ; | No , a 8:33 : nm
No.O , , . . .0.40nra No , 7 , . , , , , 02T ; niNe
No. 8 , , , ,3:16 pin No , B , . ,7:15 am
No , 4. , , 0:25 am No , 0:15 : pin
A No.B. , OslOamlA NoI Mflara
A No. 4. . . . . . .IMUpinlA No.U 5:45pm :
A No. S 1007amA ; | No.II.OjMnm
A No , i..U:45pmA : | No. I..0ll0pw
A No. | 0,7aiamA : | No , 8
A No. l2.,7OUpnjA ! No. 11 . ,
A No.B : U5pmA | No , 7.WlWM
A daily : daily , except eaturdayi 0 excep ,
eunduyi D MC pt MonUayi fust inalU