Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The republican county commltloo will
, meet on SrUliraay nftornoon at 8 o'clock ,
at the Millnrd hotel.
Sowoll , the nlloRod murderer of Polar
Riificr , wns nrralpnodyostorclay nftor
noon before Judge Anderson. The case
was continued until Monday next.
I'hcro will bo tin Important mooting
of the Slnclo-Tax society next Suuday ,
at Gate City hall , nt 2:80 : p. in.
Hor. . Wllllnm F. IJcohol hns returned from
tno Pacific slope.
Mr. M. Moohnn , editor of the Sownrd
Democrat , called upon Tun lin : yesterday.
Mr. Thomas Rnnov , of St. Joe , Is In the
city attending the fair nnd visiting relatives.
Mr. W. A. Orcono , oJltor of the Onnwa
( Town ) Sontlnol , called upon Tun linn yes-
Pr. K. P.- Root , nnd wife , of Exotor. Neb , ,
visited the fair thU week nnd Rtopped nt the
Mr. C. S. Pcnflohl , tlio rnllrontl contractor
of Fremont , vrns among THE UEB callers
ycatordny ,
Mr. E. J. Ilodorlelf , treoauror of GIIIO
countV and prcshlcnt of the Ucatrlco Slaruli
company , was nmonp tlio numerous visitors
to TUB linn budding yesturduy.
Colonel A. 0. Jordan , formerly n popular
newspaper man of this city , but now editor
of the Ucatrlco Express. hoaJcd the dolejrn-
tion from Hoatrlco which visited 1'nn UEE
building yesterday.
Coniincnecs to Build.
John F. ( Jooti , who obtained the contract
to build the now city hall , will commcnco
work nt onco. The council coinmUtca Is
anxious to have as much progress as possible
uiado before cold weather sots In.
County Court ,
Judge Shields rendered judgment for
plaintiff amounting to U3 in the case of
Allen Bros , against James Aakwith as cost
for storage nnd cartnzc of Roods attached.
Judgment for$243.C5 win allowed for plain
tiff in the case of Drummond , Taylor ct , al
against Nortlng & Pruyn ,
County Docket.
Judge Shields culled the county court
docket of 154 cases for September. A few
of thorn were marked for triul on various
days , but the majority were continued.
The judgu returned Thursday evening from
a flvo days' hunting trip out in the state.
ItnviHltttm His Cell.
Judge A.V. . Fields , Sheriff Sam Mollek
nnd Mayor Graham , of Lincoln , called on
tboso of the county officials who kept their
ofllccs open. IIuvltiK once been an Inmate of
Douglas county's ba Ulo , Mayor Graham
not only desired to pay Sheriff Coburn tils
respects , but took another lool at the prison
quarters ho occupied.
f/lcnnseU to Wed.
Marriage licenses were issued by Judge
Shields yesterday to the following parties :
JNamo and residence. Ace.
I William Flammie , Berlin : i'J '
( Llzrlo Stoll , Weeping Water f)3 )
j Morris Anderson , Omaha 23
( Annie Anderson , Omaha . . .24
TrniiwfVrrocl to n Company.
Thomas Cotter filed n bill of sale with the
county cleric transform his Job printing 03-
tablishjiient to the Cotter printing company
recently organized , with Thomas H. Cotter ,
\Vhltney B. McDormot. William Kelb and
Elizabeth Cotter as Inrorporntors. The con
sideration named Is $10,000.
DistrictCourt. .
Only one ease was filed with Clerk Mooroi
yesterday , a petition for foreclosure by R.
Lowls MctJuno against Hokert F. Morton.
Mury Juno Morton and the O. F. Davis com
pany , to recover on u promissory note for
(1,150 , wfth'interost , sscurod by mortirugo
f on the north ! MX foot of thu south % of lot
, block 0 , Kouutzu's Fourth addition.
Senator I'atils.Tiis's runoral.
The funeral of the Into Ssnator J. P. Paul-
sen will take plnca to-day , from his late
residence , 'J200 Lake street.
The members of Alternation lodge , I. O. O.
F. will attend the funeral In a body , nnd
Iboy have Invited sister lodges to attend also.
The Plattdoutscuur Verciu will also at
K' tend in n body/
Timtlco Watiu'-j Oourr.
Justice WtiJe's court was the scene of a
trial for damages , In which Loren T. Peter
son figures as complainant against John T.
Page and Jacob Elton. This action is the
result of uii Injunction obtained by Page In
IbTU preventing Peterson tlrom realizing on
certain promissory notes or foreclosing a
niortcuijo glvon as security for the samo.
Peterson now claims that ho was damaged
to the extent of ? 200 , and usks judgment for
that amount.
Ladles who value a refined complexion
must use Pozzoni's Powder it produces a
soft and beautiful skin.
I'otpp H user's ntirlnl.
The funeral of Peter Uuser , who was mur
dered lust Sunday evening by Gcorgo So well ,
took place nt 1 o'clock ycsterdny from his
from lilft father's residence in Rusor's paric
to Evergreen cemetery. The murderer will
probably have his preliminary trial before
Judge IJarka to-day , and bo bound over
without bond to the next term of the district
* court. Soon as that part of the proceeding
k has been concluded. County Attorney Ma-
bony will lllo his information'charging
Sowoll with murder < in the llrst degree.
Throw ! n i : htonos.
Three boys , named Charley and Willie Mo-
Vay nnd Eddie Patterson , were brought before
fore the police judge on the charge of Incor-
rlglbllity. The complaint against the Me-
IT1 Vay boys was lodged by a sour vlsaged , talk-
atlvo womaii'named Mrs. Luco , who charged
the boys with throwing stones at her burn.
Both were discharged. The complaint
against Eddie Patterson was lodged by Mrs.
Btumpf , and the boy was hold to thu district
court In the sum of $100.
Visitors To tlio Fnlrnml Coliseum.
Bo euro and cull on Ilospe , 1013 Doug
las street , nrt untl inualo rooms.
1 Somotluuir to Hoinoinlior.
If you are going east remember the
"Roolc Island Kouto" run the Bloopers
nnd clmtr cars of their solid vestibule
triun to atul from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omahu at8:45 : p. in , , thus avoid
ing the truusfer at Council BlulTa.
Three solid trains dally. All chair cars
nro free. Dining cars on all through
trains Our trains niuko cloao connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting ; Ip union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties onroulo to Now Yorlt , Boston
nnd other eastern cities , "and every-
tjlini , ' a little bettor than other litioa
can olTor. " S. S. STKVKNS ,
Ticket olllco 180o Furnam. Gon-'l W. A.
Jlnlfl < nro to Jcs Molnes.
For the Jowa state fair , commencing
Aug. 20 and continuing until Sept. 7th ,
the 'Hock ; Island Route" will sell ex
cursion tickets to Dos Molnos and re
turn fur one fair for the round trip.
Tickots'gobd to return until Sept. Oth ,
.S.'S. STKVKNS , Gen , West. Agt.
Ticket oillco 11505 Farnatn St.
Salesman Wanted.
Wo wont u thoroughly competent , re-
.liable and energetic specialty salesman
19. . represent us among the trade. Tl
will take u gentleman of good business
qpullllqutlons and u rustler to till the
jKJSltlon and one who can command 11
good salary. No one who is uot willing
to worlc need apply.
, - - ' * THIS F , 13. SANiiOHNCo. ,
UoaJIlQwurd ; Si. , Manufaoturcrs Stand
ard Qorbo and Cuttle Food.
nut HoVnR Onpturctl to the Ttino of
, Nonrlv TivnntT Dnllnrs.
Tnscott was caught yesterday aftornoon.
Not Willie Tascott , the murderer of Mil
lionaire Stiolt , but John Tnscott , n hayseed ,
whoso qualities a regards smoothness , ro-
Bomblo Willie as much as day does mid
John lives In Tcknmah , wlioro ho conducts
n Bcml-gcncral store. In other words , John
lit n merchant. This bolne Merchant1 * week
John , loft his store in the hands of his oldest
ion and came In to celebrate ,
Prior to leaving Tekamah Tnncott
emptied the contents of the cah drawer
into his Insldo pocket nnd nrep.xro.l to pafnt
thin portal of the Mecca Horace Grccloy ad
vised all young men to go to , a dark magenta
line , wltli cochineal trimmings. Hut ho
didn't. Hardly had ho stopped from the
train before a smooth , sleek stranger
approached , and with botn handt
extended , remarked , ' 'Why , Mr.
Tnscott , bow are you , and when did you
come In ? So glad to see you. Lets haven >
drink. Why , dnn'tyou Unow moj My name
Is Pierce , and I nut of the linn of D. M ,
Stella & Co , ' Sell you nil your groceries ,
don't ' you itnnwl"
"Of course Taicott know him , nnd when
Pierce Invited him to join In a glass of boor
the size of n quart , ho accepted. At the bar
of a saloon near Sixteenth and Webster
the drink w s taken. Pierce flashed
n check for 819.50 , signed G. W. Curpontor ,
in payment. The bartender had no change ,
nnd nt the solicitation of Pierce. Tascutt
cashed It. Then ho. of D. M. Steele & Co. ,
\vont to the water closet , Tascott will pay a
liberal rowurd for bis discovery , for ho is
out 219 HO md the drinks.
Tascott was captured.
Makes the lives of many pcoplo miser
able. and often loads toBolf-dcstruction.
Wo know of no roinedv for dyspepsia ,
more successful than Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. It hots gently , j'ot surely and
efficiently , tones thu stomach and other
organs , removes the faint feeling , cre
ates a good appetite , cures hondacho ,
and refreshes the burdened mind.
Give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial.
It will do you good.
The Now York Times' Washington
Corrofipoiiilpnt on n Tour.
Mr. . U , Dunnoll , Washington correspondent
pendent of the Now York Times , Is making
Omaha a short visit , on route west for his pa
per. Mr. Dunncll has rcprscnted this
great journal at tlTo national capital contin
uously since 1881 , and is one of the best as
well as moat popular newspaper mon In
Washington. His work there has been of
such a character as to glvo him n wide and
favorable reputation , Ho was very much
surprised upon arriving hero yesterday to
see the wonderful improvements that have
been made In Omaba since his last visit ,
nearly Jive years ago. Tun Uais building
was ona of the iirst of the new Improvements
to attract his attention , and when shown
through the ofllco last evening said it riv
aled any newspaper establishment ho had
over scon , not oven excepting the Tunes'
now thirteen-story structure recently com
pleted and occupied ,
Mr. Dunni'll's trip west is , as was learned
from him , political in its nature. His letters
will deal witn the situation and outlook as
he finds them , principally in the newly ad
mitted slutcs of North and South Dakota ,
Washington and Montana. Omaha , how
ever , will probably come in for a short sketch
To the Nebraska Htato Kntr nt Lincoln
THIS OMAHA BEE will present a com
plimentary ticket of admission to the
Nebraska State Fair at Lincoln toovory
person sending a yearly subscription to
oither'TniWjEKr.YvBKK with $1.25or
THIS SUNDAY BEK with $2.00. Orders
must bo in by September Oth , so as to
give time to mail tbo ticket , as Ibo
Fair opens on September Oth and closes
September 13th. These prices are no
advance on the retrulnr price for the
Weekly and Sunday editions , but the
publishers of THE BEE desire to glvo
their readers a chance to see the exhi
bition at Lincoln free of admission feo.
Cash must accompany each order.
Address your orders to
THE BEii PuiiLisniNO Co. ,
_ Omaha , Nob.
Ho Insists That Ho is Aolc to Fairly
, Underbill Kvoryhotly.
Mr , C. P. Goodman was seen in rofcronco
to the statement made Tuesday that his bid
for furnishing county drugs would bo ac
cepted oven though there wore lower bids
made. The party who made this assertion Is
an attache of the county building , whoso
mime was not printed In Tun Bun.
Mr. Goodman expressed himself as hurt
over tbo publication , and snld there was no
grounds for such a stateaicst from any
source. Ho said that ho had offered to fur
nish proscriptions at a very low figure before
the county drug store was started. Had bis
bid been accepted , bo claims that the
county prescriptions would not cost over one-
fourth the amount which is now being paid.
My present bid for furnishing drugs in bulk
Is a very ( o w one. Being a wholesaler I can ,
It is reasonable to suppose , make a better bid
than can any one of the retailers. I buy
from manufacturers while they buy of Job
bers. Therefore I think 1 have underbid
thorn all. _
An AbHolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd Is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
\\ouuds. chapped bunds , and all skin erup ,
tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 coats per box by mall UU cents.
An Open Ijrttcr to the Ktato Deputy
CnminlRKloncr oT 1/ulmr ,
1C. of L , Assembly No. 8J43 , of North
Plattc , sends the following open lottprvitb
a request for Its publication In TUB Uiic :
To the Deputy Commissioner , Labor
Uuicau ot Nebraska. Sir : Local assembly
JJ3W 1C. of L. , North Plutto , Nebraska , m in
recolptof your communication nnd the farm
of blank you desire tilled out , giving in de
tail our private and family expenditures ,
The subject was fully discussed , and the as
sembly , while anxious to lend you all possi
ble assistance in the fulfillment of the duties
of your oft'co ' , have fulled to find upon ex
amination of-Jlioluw establishing the bureau
any justification whatever for gathering ,
tabulating nnd publishing any such statistics
as your blank Avould Indicate. Our assembly ,
therefore , gently but llrmly protests against
the useless and mischievous work upon
which you are engaged. We think you have
formed. Innocently porhnps , an utterly falsu
conception of the dutioaof your ottlco and of
the labor question.
The grout problem for the general public
to solve Is not the relative proportion of
\vagei expondoO by the tellers for boor and
bread , but whether , In ttio general distribu
tion of wealth , justice has "been done vhe
If the working man of Nebraska has re
ceived in wages or for his farm products all
to which ho is justly entitled , and then falls
to exiijnd the sumo Judiciously , ho must suf
fer alone the results of his own folly. U is
not the business of your bureau or of the
stale to regulate his domestic ) expenditures ,
Mr. Edward Atkinson , of Uoston , U the es
pecially persistent and self appointed re
former who has undertaken this work for
the people of the United States.
The example In domestic economy given
us by the Huns and Chinese proves tUat it Is
possible for a human being to live on even
less than the average wages of to-day. The
statistics you closlro would therefore bo use
ful In a public way only to those eminent
capitalistic philosophers who look upon the
working classes as their wards , an inferior
race of humanity In our midst , lucapuolo of
properly handling moans more than sufficient
for Immediate existence. Those philoso
phers , considering themselves trus
tees of the wealth of tha world , would proba
bly Mud in your ttutUtiai that the working
clusie * expended more money for the pleas
ures of this earth than was needful , nnd that
with these pleasures curtailed they could
still maintain a physical condition sufficient
to perform requisite toil nnd reproduce their
kind. It would therefore bo urged that a ro-
dtlctlon of witgcs would at ouco docreano the
worldly ploisuros nnd in the snma ratio In
crease the toiler'H chinccs for hoavon.
* ou scorn to proceed on the theory that
wages are glvon mon In charity , and that , in
order to show whether this charity is more
or less than It should bo it becomes neces
sary to present to the employers a domestic
balance sheet of the toller's homo. You nro
directed by law "especially to examine into
the iclatlons between luoor and capital , "
nnd heroin Is 0/oncd | up n tremendous field
for the exercise of your talents as a statis
it would bo Dropor for you to gather sta
tistics us to the burdens borne by our people
in the maintenance of the great monopolies
of the land. How much per capita per
nnnum do wo pay for telegraphing , for
transportation , insurance , the use of money ,
, otc. ? How much of our crops nro taken by
the railroads In consideration of hauling the
balance to market } How much nro wo payIng -
Ing In way of Interest on Inortgagos ! In
what way does Innd.monopoly affect our people
ple ) Tell us the truth about our state and
municipal Indebtedness and lot us have the
sworn facts as to our mortgage Indebtedness.
In short , wo conceive It to bo your business
to gather statistics that will educate us as to
the production nnd distribution of wealth In
this state. In n fair statement of these
facts thu truth will dovclop Itself nnd then
If it Is demonstrated that labor grows fat
nnd luxurious at the oxpenao of capital , yon
may bo congratulated on having done your
duty and concern yourself no further , as
the justice-loving trustees of national
wealth will ace to it that wages shall bo
promptly reduced and the temptation of
prodigality bo far removed from the Irro-
sponsiblCitoilcrn of the land. A reference to
some fundamental truths set forth in a state
puiicr known as the American Declaration
of Independence might bo of use to you as
showing someof the natural rights no man
or generation of men cmi surrender. If our
people nro In full and unlimited possession
of all rights enu merntcd In this Instrument ,
your ofllco is n useless expenditure of the
people's money. If , however , our people era
a portion of them nr 3 deprived of these
rights , wholly or partially , by any moans
whatsoever , then statistics frouT\voU touch
ing the manner and mpgnltudo ofour loss
will bo most valuable to Us , and we will bo
phut to contribute our best efforts to assist m
tbo prosecution of'such a work.
JOSEPH HSituon , M. W. .
L. A. No. 83 < 3 , 1C. of L.
North Platte , Nob. , Sept. 8 , 18S9.
Ituto4fromOmahn nnd Council HtiilTfe.
Second class tickets from "Omaha nnd
Council Blurtd via. St. Paul and the
Northern Pacific to Portland and all
Puget Sound points are now sold at 935.
Passengers via. the Northern Pacillo
are taken through the eastern and cen
tral points of Washington territpry , and
are enabled to visit and inspect any
portion of the territory , stop-overs being
given at Spokane Falls and all points
tention to commercial mon. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittredgo &
Bralnard , proprietors.
Wnnt to Bo Soldiers.
An examination of young men for appoint
ment from Nebraska to a cadctsblp at the
West Point Military academy was com
menced yesterday afternoon in the board of
trade ball.
Hon. Church Howe , of Auburn ; Prof. C.
D. Rokestrnw , superintendent of the Ne
braska City schools ; County superintendent
Bruner and Dr. V. H. Kuuflman , of Omaha ,
constitute the examining committee.
About fifteen hundred applications had
been received , but when the session opened
nt3UO : o'clock , only eleven candidates bad
reported. They were : J. H. O'Neill , G.
Ames , Matbow .Bernstein , J. W. Broatoh , H.
L. Howard , Omaha ; A. B. Wtltso , Falls
City ; John B.Jack , Peruo ; Geo. * Wood , Lin
coln ; Arthur ICuvunnugh. Tecumseh ; W. C.
Mvors , Cheney , and S. C. Whte. ( Unadllla.
This examination has Dcen undertaken nt
the instance of Hon. W. J. Connell , who
takes bis seat in the next session of con
In addition to the written examination on
the common branches there will also bo an
oral examination given to ouch applicant
privately. This will bo followed by a phys
ical examination. It Is expected 'that tbo
matter will bo finUhol by to-night unless
more applicants appear ,
Low Itntps
From Omaha and Council Bluffs via the
Northern Pacific to all points on the
North Paoiilc coast have bo placed in
oirect permanently. The stop-ovor
privilege given on Northern Pacillo
second-class tickets enables the intend
ing settler to personally inspect any
portion of Washington Territory. Free
second-class sleepers are run via the
Northern Pucilic from St. Paul through
to Tacoraa and Portland.
pUcod oa razarJL during
JL yesterdav.
3 't Forties and husband to L Stroud , lot
5 , blk 1. Elm wood purl : , wd t SOO
D U Patterson and wife to W II Bhuck-
mun , lot 1 , blk 4 , I'ntterson park , iv U. . . 430
G W Woodward nnd wife to II E It-eller -
pt lot C. blk. "ll > , llensoii'B add , w d 375
A A Belden and vrlfo to H and ii .E Law ,
lot 2 , m sub of t 10 acres uf sw mv 2-15-
1.1 , deed , , 3.0:0
3 U Uitson and wife to E U Hume , lot 4.
blkU , Uedford Place , qo d 1
E K Hume to J p Gibson , lot 4 , blk 15.
Uedford Place , wd . . . , 1.100
Byron Heed et al to ij J Johnson , o ; $ of
lot U , blk3. Campbell's add , wd 450
8 C Sherwood and wlta to Samuel Tingle ,
lots U to 8. bile 4 , Stterwood's ub , wd. . . 11,047
B C Slierwood and wife to 'Ihoa Whyte ,
lots A and 0. blk . ' 1. Bherwood's sub. w d. 3,883
8 0 Sherwood and wlfi to H W He wit ,
lots a to ii , blc 1 ; lot 18 , bit : a , Sherwood's
sub.wd > . 13,580
C L Porter to Jos I'orter , lots S3 , 20 and
'M , bit ] , lllmobauuli&ruttereoQ'8biiD ,
wd 1,500
B J Itoblnson to K II Cbarlton , lot in , blk
: . ' . UonUo's add , w d 8
J H JlcCormlck to 0 L Bhcrwood , lots 1
and il. Archer Place , n o d
M u'llrlen to Thomas O'Urlen , lot 2. Sum
mit Hill. w < l 7. IJ03
I. bchroeder. trustee , to \Vullalotsblk
&IJrown i'ark , w ( I , 5
Willis and wife to A Galet , pan of
lot 4J , Taylor's add , w d , 77
Sixteen transfers
Sick Headache
IS a complaint from which many suffer
1 and few are entirely freo. Its causa
Is indigestion and a sluggish liver , the
euro fur which is readily found in the
use of Ayer's Pills.
" I have found that for sick headache ,
caused by a disordered condition ot the
stomach , Ayer's 1'llls nro the most re-
llablo remedy. " Bumuul 0. Bradburu ,
Worthington , Mass.
"Alter the use of Aycr's rills for
many yvais , In my practice and family ,
1 am Instilled In suyiiiK that they are an
excellent cuthartla and liver medicine
BiislalnliiL' nil thocloiuismnde for them. "
W. A. VVcHtfoll , M. D. , V. 1 * . Austin
& N , W/ Hallway Co. , Ilurnet , Texas.
"Ayer'a Pills are the best medicine
known to mo for regulating the bowels ,
and for all diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over tlireu years from headacho. In
digestion , and constipation. I had no
nppetlto and was -weak and nervous
most of thu time. B ? using tlirco boxes
of Ayer's I'll la , and at tha name tlino
dieting myself , I was completely cured. "
1'hlllp Lookwnod , Topeka , Kansas ,
" I was troubled for years with indl-
gcstlon , constipation , and headache , A
few boxes of Ayer'a Pills , used in small
dally doses , restored ma to health.
They are prompt and effective. " W. IX.
Btrout , Mcndvillo ; Pa ,
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co , , Lowell , Mats.
Bold l > y Ml DrofgUU md D * ler la Mtdlcln * .
This powder never Yiulos. A marvel of pur >
ty , strength ixnd wholcsotnencss. More oco-
nomlcal tnan ths ordinary kinds , nml cannot
bo sold In competition with the multitudes ot
lor or tmorinefclit alum or t > ho phato powders.
Bold only iu can * . Royal llufclnn Ponder Com-
pony , Uia Well Street New York.
Finds u ro < ly for o < ir frlondi with tliobcH
nnil latuit nftho Benson In Men's nnilChildren's
Bulls , anil turnlililiiKY.
SlrunBorsnrolnvltnl to look In nt the Olnss
Front htore on Karnnm Street , wliollior pur-
ch lnK or not. wlioro they mar l > o sure of n
courteous welcomo.Vo sliull bo on Uutjr early
and lute.
o In the QTcnlna or coma In the morn I
when you nra looked tor or come with
warning. "
( Opposite i'uxtou Hotel. )
ODlce hours , 0 . m , to 8 p. in. Sundays , 10 n.
m. to ] p. m.
Kpe < * iilthts in Chronic , Mcrvous Skin and
Blood Dlsoa'-ea ,
p7Consultatlon at offlco or by mail free.
Medicines sent by mail or express , securely
vnctod , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro oulclcly , safely and permanently.
TJUDtmriQ nEUITTTV Bperraatorrhrca , semi-
rlbnVUUo LhDlLlil nal Lossus.Nlght Kmls
e'.ons. physical Decay , cirlslnp : from IniHscto
tlon. Kxcess or Indulcencc. producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. Pluip'oi on the face , aver-
nlon to society , easily nlscouraert , Jacc of conll
denco , dull , undtrorstudy or business , andllnds
llfo n burden. Safely , permanently and pri
vately cured. Consult Lira. Jletta fc Belts , HUS
Farnam St , Omcha , Neb ,
Bloofl anfl Skin Disease ?
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Kr/slpolas , Fever Sores ,
matches. Ulcers , Pains in the Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sere ' .throat. Mouth nnd Tongue , Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cuied whcra others
have failed.
ITirlnaTr Ifninnrir aiul Bladder Complaints ,
lUuIluYi Ulllldiy Painful. Dllllcult. too fro-
qnunt llurnlng or illoody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing. Weak
Back. Gonorrhcua , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Keasoni-
moval complete , without cutttut ; , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cured onected at homo by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To' YOIM Men and Mifldte-AeJ $ Men ,
PlIBP The iwtul eirects of early
AOIIDP uUllD Vice , which buncs orRnnlc
weakncsf , destroying both mind nnd oody , with
nil Iti dreaded ills , permanentlycurcd ,
! Adrosstlioao who have impaired
MBPW5 themselves by improper Iniliil-
penc-es nnd FOlltarj- habits , uhlch ruin both
body and mind , uuflttlrjg them tor bujinrss ,
itudy or marrmyp.
M AititiED Mr.N. or those onterlnR on that hap
py Ufa , aware of physical . .debilityquickly as
luted ,
is based upon fact * . 1'irst Practical Expo
rlence. Second Kvorycdso is especially studied-
thus fctartliiK aright. Tlilnl MoJloluos are pre ,
pared in our labntory exactly to suit each case ,
thus airectlnK cur 4 without injury
P7 Send 0 cents posttpo for celebrated w orlcs
on Chronic , Norrons and Delltate Diseases.
Thousand * cured , t3T" A friendly letter or cull
may savu you future tutTerlnc nnd shame , arid
add ( rolilen years to life. r-No letters on-
wered unless accompanied by i cents in stamps.
Address or call on
-s IIE'JTTS & , lll TTS ,
H08 Fointin Street , Omaha. Neb.
Three Nightsiml Saturday Matinee
Commencing "Thuroclay , Sept. 5th.
The Talented Vcrajig Actor , ROBERT
Under the management of AUGUSTUS 1'1'IOU ,
lutueltonutuilu Drama.
Saturday NlKht. r-ept. 7th. if
RobMTA , n .
liegular prices. Sic , We , 75c and ( I ,
Colllaeum grounds , cojnraeuclnp Monday oven-
and ull * eec , 7:30 j > . in.
Continental Clothing House
The largest and most complete Clothing and Furnishing House
west of New York City. More space is devoted for the sale of readymade -
made clothing than in any other retail house in the country.
No house can foe more thoroughly equipped in all its details for the
sale andrinanufacture of Fine Beady-Made Clothing. Our aim is to
furnish only first-class goods and nothing will he sold that is not
thoroughly reliable in every respect.
We will offer 150 Men's-Pure Worsted , Wide Wale Diagonal Coats and Vests , one of the
yery latest fabrics and thoroughly reliable in every respect. This material will be very popular
this season for coats and vests to wear with mixed trousers. These are new goods and the
coats and vests were made to sell for $18.00. We will offer them this week at $13 , and we feel
confident that this is one of the best values we have ever offered. The sizes are from 34 to 40.
Another Special Lot-Sack and Frock Suits ,
AVe will offer 100 Suits in sack and frock of a pure wool cassimcre in very neat mixtures , in
all sizes , sack anc frock suits at $15.00. We do not quote this as a specially low price suit , but
when the quality is considered , it is one of the best values a person can buy. We think it better
to embrace superior quality and popular price. This is in every respect suitable for a genteel
business suit , perfect fitting and made and trimmed equal to any of our better grades in all
sizes1 from 34 to 44 , at $15 per suit.
Our selections for the coming season are coming in every day and our stock already shows
a very choice assortment of the latest designs. We expect everything in by Sept. loth. Prices
in this department will be lower than the same quality of woVk produced by any other house.
We have always been acknowledged to be the leaders Boys' and Children's Clothing.
Our variety is larger and styles superior to any other stock in the west. We call particular
attention to our new design in a Boys' Vest Front Suit , age 4 to 9.
Our stock of three piece suits and kilts are larger than ever.
BOY'S SCHOOL . . , STTTTS-sPecialbargaillliliesi Boys
school Suits at $4 , $4.50 , 9& .
Don't buy your Fall Hat * until you have seen the Wilc'ox Hat , price $3.50 , five shapes in
stock. Money cannot buy any better article. Then , why pay fancy prices for any other make ?
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co ,
DES MOINES Proprietors , '
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha.
THJ.T , ttfrjaranteolspociucfor Hysteria , Dlzzl-
aess. Convulsions , fits , Norvoui Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by tha
ase ot alcohol or tobacco , Wokefulness , Mental
Depression , Sof caning nf the Drain , resulting In
Insanity and leadlnit to misery , decay and death.
Piemature Old Age. Barrenness. Loss of Power
In either sax. Involuntary Losses and Spormat-
orhiea caused by over-exertion o * the braln.self-
abuse or overindulgence. Each box contains
ene month's treatment , il 00 a box , or six boxen
for85,3 nt by mall prepaid on recelptof price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
ua for six boxes , accompanied with (3.00. we wlQ
tend the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money if tlio treatment does not effect
ft euro. Guarantees Issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , Urugglita , BoU J-senw , UlO Farnam
eUe t. Omaha H b _ -
ttiu II j ) Standard HM .
Ilcmedlcs for the cunTTw
private aliments ore un-
8uri > aiu c < l for imrity , etc.
SntUfaclloii Guarantied.
Onltr IttniLdy No. 1 for
bfmlnil Weiknrit or Vital
1'rlco tl 00
, 'o. 2 lor Ian Kuiiaan or iiiiyilcnldebility In married
men , or thouo tnUrlnu on that Immiy llfo. Price , tl 00
No SforOon rrbof or tflcet In eltlicr BOX. A combined
treatment for Internal anil local USD. Cures In I to B
darn. ' Jiosyrint-o or injection. Will not e/iim > strkture ,
piun or smarting llftamrcHl hundred ! of cases. Trice tl 00.
So. 4. Sanative SptrlBe for men or women. Prcrents
, etc. No rubber nor Injection. 1'ackago
Gonorrhoea . I aslly used. 1'rlco II 00. Will ecnil a Healed
trial sample of remedy No. 1 or 2 on receipt ol 4 cts. In
itampafoi postaRO , Anyonoofllitbc'reniwJHsprompt
ly Bint ( t-ealed ) b/ man on receipt of the price , tl 00.
Utrrr.ll > r Wool tp eitherfcej , man led orslnglencntFr
_ _
The largest , fasten arid Dncst. In the world
Pnssonecr accommodations unexcelled.
New York to Liverpool vln ( ) ii" ' niilou > n
Tlia Cclolirntctirilio Flaunt StPiim-l Sopt.lBth
Cltv urJCuiiio I thlu in tlio WorlJ.I Oct. I6tli
New Yori to Ola'gow via Loadonderr7
1'unieRSla.,8ept. inn I Clrcassla Sept.zflth
Dovonla Sept. aist | Ethiopia Oct. 6th
New Ycrk to Azores , Gibraltar and Italy.
Utopia Sept. nth f Victoria Oct. lutu
Palaon , FSccond-CIu unit Htccniuo rale onlonott
tciiui. t.iciinUi.ii lIclntiiiducpil.nmTliiatullalilotore.
tum by iltutr tlie 1'ictureB'iue Clydo anil North of Ire.
land , or Hhtr Mcn y uiid tlouth of Ireland , or Kaclei
and OHiiallAr.
Kxturtlun * ( a 1'arU or Contlnentnl Tour * on low.
rsl tciins. Ira elein' Ciixulur ltUfin of : Credit and
Drafu for any amount at loitrttcuimit rotee. .Aimly to
any of our IdcfllnpfnU" orto
H. 8. llAT.r , .
0. ll. MA UBS.
D.bllll.l.a tiro"
Ilili , | xciae curpoM , CUKE or
HooTHiNa. ( AitUaout Cftrrtnti o.
d Sai aMrr pliU . < ! "p. Mont cue , | xr.
tlr cor d la Ibrt * Kontbf . fltalffd | ttmpiU 1 4
BAND ifiN ; UsuUBUOEia
I /Twi4r o/lAdUMndJi < JJ Bl i' * Dlwi
atl * ved with iwinf
SK .
a ctmUag to th. weUbt pat en tbe m.
Adtpted - u w rouBh country or firm
18W drl o C ? t gtUfuctlan.
to Doslrln exam *
SHOE DEALERS i n e the
Justly cel
ebrated lines ot Hoots aud Bboes , manufactur
ed oy U , M. Henderson & Co. , of Chlcauo- <
tories at Chicago , JLMxou , III * . , and Komi ( ) u IMC ,
WU.-Bliould write BAM. N , WATSON , resi
dence , FltBMONT. NKU. TravvUntf aicut.
Ilenlquamrs for Xtubbera.
Brownell Hall !
Cornei * of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Omaha , Nob.
TUB Rev , Rotert MGrty , S. T , D , , Reclor ,
Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars
Apply to the Rector.
THE NIJ PLUS UI/FKA of writing ma
chines Is noted for Its Suoed , Compactness of
key board. Simplicity of construtlon. Kaso
of operation anddurlullitv. Don'texperiment
with cheap machines ; you uno\v wlint you
are putting when you buy thn Itomlngton.
Don't rely on assertions made by HO called
competitors. An examination costH you
nothing and may BUVO you from purchasing
a worthless machine. Olio Huminplou holds
'ho World'sCliainplonshlti forspuvd.
8-icond hand machine ? , nil malcei for salo.
fho Crown Tyoowritorrlios capitals and
small letters , llguros. fractions , etc. , and Is
the most Ilai > ld , cheap miiclilno made. 1'rlco
tiO. Stcnographerj supplies of ull kinds.
Scud for circulars.
Jos. P. MEG-EATH , 1607 Farnam Street
A. B. MEYER & Co. ,
Dealers in Best Grades of
Coal I
103 S , 15th St. , Opposite Postofe
Storage Yards , Cor , Jcnss & 5th Sts , Telephone 1490 , I
We solicit a trial order- from you.
1018 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South JBth StreetOpp. Postoffico. Tclophono 140O.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers. Steam Pumps * * Etc.
0 ' frtr-u in , .