Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvortlsomonto will bo takonfor
these columns alter I2:3O p. m.
Jormo-Cnsh In atlvonco.
Ad ufi h3cntinjncler this hcsd 10 cents per
line for the lint insertion , 1 cent * for each sab.
pequent insertion , nnd tLAOpcr line per month.
No advertisements taken fo * leas than K cents
for nrntlnitrtlon. Seven words will b counted they raun run roniecuttvcly and
must be jwM in ADVANCK. All ndvcrtlso-
-mcntfl milst Iw handed in before 13-m o'clock p.
in , , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'artlos advert.elnp In the o columnand ! hav
ing tliolrhnswor * nddresred in rare ot Tun HER
Wllpleoso ask fov a chi > CK to enable them to set
their lettorn as none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers toad-
YcrtlsemonlHBhfuli ) be nncloscd In envelopes.
All aiUertlKomonto In these columns are pub
lished In both mornlUR and ovenlng edltloim ot
THH Jinn , the clrculat\on \ of which aggregate !
inoi'o than 18tX)0 ) paperj dally , nddplvcn the ad-
vcrtlBcrrt the benefit , not only ot the city circu
lation otTllR Ilp.n , but nlso of Council llludR ,
Lincoln and other cltleOnnd towni throughout
this section ot the countiy. *
Advertising forthtso columns v/111 be taken
on the above condition * , it the following busi
ness bouses , who arc-authorized agentn for THE
lltnsprclixl notices , and will quota the same
ratcsaacanbohad atthetnalnofflce. _
TOIIN W. nr.W iMiarmaoist , 820SoufhTento
u Btt0et.
OHAfilJ k I'DDV. Stationers and Printers. 113
South Iflth Street.
s H. FA HNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
, rnliig Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 624 North 16th
Street ,
.E0. W rAItH , I'harnmcbJt , 1BOB St. Msry'0
rr PBAUMAOr. XXX Farnam Street ,
- for a rollablo Swede of
kl ) ; is handy about a house. good stable
man and useful fellow , JIrs.UregauUV4 816th.
773 6
WANTI30 Immediately. " situation as as
sistant florist. Addruss 0 D , 602 anil 504
16th Bt. . , , 77Ct
A. PRACTICAL bookkeeper , who lius had
jtimftny years experience and who can al\o
the very best references , dodirofl a situation ,
Addresn It 67 , Bee offlco. 750-5 *
TJ1XPEHIKNOBD lady stenographer iloslrcs i a
JUMtuatlon about Oct. 1st , Remington opcit
tqrreferences from post and present employ
ers' Address N. JI. A very , 140 Main St. , North
lA Adams , , Mn 8. * 700 S *
By a young lady , position as
. . amanuensis ; expcrlencnd , is thoroughly
i ; competent and Is conildent of giving ; satisfac
tion ; Is rapid , nnat and accurate ; best ot
returenpus. Jlox 787 , Snenaudoab , Iowa.
M EN for ork in city , Albright Labor Agen
> cy , U iO Farnam st. W
WANTED An experienced steam laundry
man : ono who can run washers ; good
wages. Mr , . llrcga , ilUji 8 15 at , 77.1-6 ]
W ANTED--'nvo oxperleccod Dundlo wrap
pets. Nebraska Clothing Co. 778-fl
WANTKD 10good white waiters. 525 ; 15 col
ored waiters and 1 heaa waiter ; 10 farm
hands. : . ' yard men. dishwashers , roustabouts ,
etc. Mrs , llregn. 314H a 15. 773-5J
WANTD Young butcher , cor. 27th and
Loavenwortb. 753 4t
WANTKD A boy of some oxparTeuco in
calce shop , lialduir , Itith and Capitol avu.
754 it
WANTED A man In every locality to act
as private detective under our instruc
tions. Fund 4o for particulars. Central Detec
tive Hiiroau , Topeka , Kau. 7UJ-O.3
'XXT'ANTED Salesmen to handla staple article
V as ahldo line ; largo commisslini and oat > y
to selli Addt ess Samoa Colfoe Co. , Leaven-
Worth , 1C ansas. _ . - - 7CJ g _
\XTANTEn-10 bridge carpenters. Albrlght-
\V l.alor Agency , 1 120 Farnam. st. 7Bj-oa
i WASTED Two young men for light work
at I5 weekly , lloom 17 , 220 N. loth.
. . -v- . . . , , ' , _ 734 6t
"J.TI1HST-CLASS coot-makors wanted. Address
JP W. A.iMcKoB. Knoxvllle , la. _ 720 4 +
MANAGEH8 wanted everywhere to take
charge ot our bustnr S3. Adveitlso. distrib
ute circulars and employ nolp. Wages * 'X ) to $ U'6
per month. Expenses advances. State oxpori-
ence-'iWapes expected , also your preference tor
homo work or traveling. Sloan & Co , Mnnnfac-
tururs,23iJQeorgo street , Cincinnati. Ohio.
TT7"ANTED I tailors , 418H S 10th st.
WANTED Men of energy and pleasing ad
dress can secure remunerative employ-
niout by applying at room 420 , N. Y. Life bulld
og ,0rftn'ia. " 15-5 *
f\7 ANTED A young mail. for clothing store.
V T Must Bpoak Oermuu and understand the
business. H. Goodman. Talmaga , Nob. 710-4'
" \\MNTE J tit once , a good tlnnnr imd cornice
V man. Address , Kearney Cornice Works ,
Kearney , Kab. _ 705 6 *
iTsif VNTni ) A good olllco man to go east ;
V > must Invest $ -,51X1 : luustboacood tmslness
man. Address the Gee , S. Cline Publishing
House , 315 to 321 Wabash avo. , Chicago , Ills.
TTrANTBD EH weekly ropresentatlvo. male
V > or tomalo. In every community. Goods
ntaplo ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
peddling. Salary paid promptly , and expences
advanced. Full paitlculars and valuable sam
ple raso'froe. Wo mean ] ust whntwo say ; ad
dress at once , Standard Bllver ere Co. , lloston ,
' ' j
" First class pants maker at once
Address A. llergstrand. Fairmont Neb ,
TSrA NUTS n Men for Washington territory.
VV Albright's Labor Agoucy , 1120 Farnam st
_ tl 18
\\rANTED Tlvo traveling men In lumber
T business to fill our cedar posts , poles , etc.
on commission. .Write for particulars. J. U , care
Loril A ; Thomas Chicago. 111. _ U)5-4t )
W ANTED-Uarber. Il02 S. 13th Bt. ,
CU4t [
W ANTED Window dresser at The Folr,13th
and Howard ts. 680
rullablo canvaHserssteady employment
GOOD The Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas st.
822 B 13
ANTEB-Salesman to carry full line Call-
foinla Gloves on commission for this
territory. Helernncea runuirod , Havmond ,
& Co. . San Francisco , Cnl. 218-81 *
rr.lOHDRH lnSilays : "IiivoniKelO ordora In
f 12 calls. " vThoso extracts from ugenty let
ters ; ngcuta wanted In Nebraska. Adurass with
stamp. 0. K. Osbornu , lleatrlce. Neb. 1)41 ) aIT
\71TANTKP Experienced girl tor general
W h 'is9w6rkJKtt ) 8. lath. 77.
WANTBD-7llrl for general house work in
small fomlly , 613 8. " i'Sth st. ? > 0,4 _
"IXTANTKO-Trlmraers" milliners.'Hey-
V T man & Doichos , K18-15.U Farnam Ht.
I 757 4
WANTED Iinmodiately. n girl for.jrcnoral
tiounowork In family of two. Apply ssfl
Dodgu , HO-.1)
WANTKD deed girl , general housjworK.
Call 213jJ..4th stj 74'J it
"VXTANTDD Good competent slrl for general
T T liousenork , good wagus , inquire 010 8.-'nd.
741 K
\\rANTKD-IIougekeaper for a widower with
TTU clilldren , prefer u Unrmnn between
ant ) : IJ years ; pastry cook , tx > ; S laundresses
forOg-lsii , t.'O ; girls tor general liounowork ;
goou girl for oilicur's family of " . | 1B ; cootc
and sepaai ) girl for same family ; Ubteudy
women us cuUdrens'niiraes ; lots of ort for
good girls. \ta. . Dreg3I4H a Utli.
_ v , _ _ _ _ _ _
T\7ANTliD Lady agents for ournewMcln.
VV tosh waterproof itugiau. Very Btyllsu ;
cloth ontsliloi uoUnng ) Ue them in Btovtu.
Agenta liu > e big trade. 1'rlcea 011 "Dulsy" nose
Bnpixirtors greatly reduceu. Wo glva agents
the greiktv t uhunce over ollorxd to muko money
this fall ou dur full line of fust selling goods ,
Addroun with stamp , li. H. Campbell , iit. Itan-
dolphtruet. . Chic-no. _ U7U-7I
WANTKDr-jUlrl for general noueeworlc In
family Q tliruo. German preferred ; aiiply
to gQ-fl Capitol aye. tiJ-
for general housework ;
cor California. 173
I\TTAN < TKD German girl to do cookluit and
m iVV wa liliiK. l > * t of Mages paid , Inquire J.
J , . Urandots. 4 B IBth at _ _ J _ SJ3 _ _
rpilllEK coed sewing plrls'to worron pants.
JL. Call at U14 N. IStli. up gtalra. TOJt
\lLr"XNTHl ) > flood girlTor general houaoworki
> VV good w-Kta paid. Apply atonce.aiiBCracu ,
WANTKD Experlcnced glrl for" * general
housework , lint. L. O. JOUBB , 718 No.Ut. .
4 > . > 9
WANTIIII llrat clava girl for goaoral nouso'
week , tnutt bo gooa cook and lauudross ,
llbeml vvagea. It 03 Iloo , liU7M (
" , ) week Frame !
ANTTD01rl to ilogenerol housework nt
31.8 Chicago _ t. _ _ . _ 4IT ( _
' "
W'ANTKt-apod gTrTror goneraVhousowort
t No , 1.131 North , f.M
WANTED A good com pet ntplrl for gcn
eral boticowort , washing and Ironing. CM
South 17th tre t. 4.H
ANTBD-noarti. private family , for man ,
wlto and child ; state prlco ; J 1 , llco.
iXJ-4j (
WANTRD-l'ermanent board. Ily two gen
tlemen , prominent in city , and wives , no
children , in private family , occupying house
with lawn and trees , near motor line In Council
lllnlTs or Omaha , latter part of this month.
Tabla must bo good and ample. Unexceptional
references given and rormlrcd. Address giving
terms and location. J , S this olllco. ifli-8
Hoomcra. boarders , Inquire 1013
Mason > t. TUB 7 *
WANTKD 2XJ.OOO yards of dirt , west of
Crelghtnn college , nt 6 cents. Domes A
Hill. Heal llatutc. 140di i'nrnani 500-8
ANTlTi F'fM-Bnt , a furnlshea house of 7
or.8 roomsi best of references fuinmhed.
Adrtress , wltlrpncp , II12 , Ilee olllco. 753 Of
" \7tTANTKD * or niinfurnlslicd or fnrnished
VV rooms f or housekeeping , close to business ;
state prlco and location , Address H 7) ) . lleo.
755 4t
1 wo or three unfurnished rooms
by gentleman nnd wife. Address with full
pftrtlctimrs. Kobert Wilson , Jr. , I' . O. Drawer
10. 7074 ;
WANTED- rent'an 8 orn-room house in
southwest fiart of city of Onmlm : nil mod-
pro lmproe'mciita ) ; nltiKle hounu doslrod. Ad
dress J. II. lUnnchard , Bo. Oimlm , Neb.
DUES9MAICINQ in families , 637So. 17th. avo.
Oil ) sat
tnNGAGKMKNT3 to dodrpssmaVlng In faml
-CJHra solicited. . .Miss Sturdy , BID B St.
KH sl
CTOR HKNT Ilamlsomo 10-room house , all
JL1 convlences , paved street , cable and horse
carsliminutes walk of postolllco. NathanBhel-
ton , init Farnam st. 704
Furnlaliea bbtiso for n family of
3 for the winter , conveniently located in
Rood neighborhood ; must have all modern con
veniences without basement. Address 1170 , Hue.
742 1) )
POH HENf'iFlrst clas * Ilbtisos and stores ,
Oeo. N. Hloks , New Yorn Life bldg. 7J7 7
O ' NICK 0-room cottages , with well and city
'water , ail N. 37th avenue. 718
"ClOlt HKNT Saveral'new 6-room cottages ;
JO rent S1G per month. Inquire of John H.
F. Lohmann , OJ4 B , 17th street. 717
OCT. 1st , ton room house ; all conveniences ;
perfect order ; centrally located. 712 N. luth.
" * OU half 2541 Davenport st.
small family , $11 , Inquire 518 Capitol uve.
TjflOll HUNT A fl-room cottrttto , nicely Blt-
JJ uatuil , on dark St. , bRtwuen Ibth and IDth ,
within ono blocft of cable arid motor lines city
tvatcr nnd gas , rent 8' . Jhcjulro 1430 N. Ibth st.
_ _ . IlbNT 7-rooni house , $1J per month. G-
L. Green. 310 8 16th. liM
TI OH KKNT 'IVo nine room brick houses on
V Park nvenuo , with all conveniences. Also
nine room fianio house ou same street , with all
conveniences ; price S3ft to 1Mr > per month. D. V
"holes. 210 First National Hank. BSO
H O USE for rent. 11)33 ) Dodge.
FOH HKNT 7-room Hat , $ ! " > per mo. abovu
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The
Fair. 233
THOU KENT A detached 0-room house , all
JU modern conveniences , Enq'2j2S ) Capitol avo.
IOII HUNT Wno large residence , hard wood
JP iluisli , all conveniences , low rent to pnvato
ily : 310 N Iflth st. 624
FOH KKNT The 0-room Hat occupied by Dr.
Gllmore , 2d lloor. No , 1813 Howard st. In-
qulro tit Gco1. Hlgglns , 1011 Howard ht. 523
ITIOH HENT-Immediately , a well furnished
J ? n room cottage , on cable and horse car ,
within ono ulo'ck of high school ; nice lawn ;
city water cistern , etc. Call at 2ilu Dodge st.
WI7-7 ]
fjlOH HKNT A' pretty 7-room house , conJ -
J veniently located , sfM.per month. Hath and
gns ; 22il ) California st. Inquire Ne tiler ton Hull ,
1112 Farnam st. 6tO 0
POH HENT $ i' > ; 7-room house , California
St. , near 23rd , bath , city watar , gas , etc. In
quire Hlugwalt llros. . llarker blk. uiK ) 0
171011 HKNT Flat D 622 S. ICth st , has all con
JO vcnltmces and ono ot the best 7-room Hats in
the city. For ; erms call on Her & Co. , 1112
Harnoy st. 503
Tj\OH HENT 7-rooraodhoubo , city water.bath ,
JO largo cellar , etc. , 2 Franklin st. Anply
roomooa. Slurchnnt's Nat'Ibank building
nio 4 *
TOH HENT 5 cottages , Omaha View , to reliable -
. liable parties. $ li per month , Hoggs A : Hill ,
real ostuto. 1108 Farnam. MO-B
OH HENT Fine 41an d 13-toom houses with
all modern improvements , Cass street , b -
. . .een24thand 2otli ats. , at low rates. H. T.
Clarke. 2120 Cuss st. 2 %
FOH HENT 7-roora , 2-story house , barn tor
4 horses if desired. For terms for the winter
call on or address C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nat'l Hank. li
fOUBES for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
171011 HENT 4-rouin cottage near FortOma-
C ha. 8 per month. Sell for 11,100. D. V.
Sholes. 210 First National bank. E.15
FOH HENT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
nve. Inqulro , 2SJ4 Dodge. 811
SIXnew houses , 6 to 8 rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address , Neb. Jlortgago
Loan Co. , room 6ia I'jxton bl'c. I3a
FOH HENT llesldencis 210G Douglas st , now
pouso. all modem Improvements : not u
basement house. Enqulro of Jlorltz Aloyer ,
CoK loth and Jarnam. b23
FOK HENT 10-rooui house , steam heat , all
improvcments.-cheap rent. G. E. Thompson ,
room 214 , Sheely block , 15th anil Howard.
FUKNI8IIED room , sultablo for two , modern
conveniences , 018 B.'lOth. 3rd lioor. 762 4t
"I71OH HENT--2 pleasant rooms with llrst-class
JO board , gas , bath , &c. , turiui reasonable. Mlu
Douglas. 71 ( It
. . _ „ looms to ladles or gentlemen
1 by day or week. 311 N. mil st. 74J fit
TJUTlT UBNT A Ple | > 8ant. vroil nrnlshod room
JD with board. C-ll at 2215 Dodge. 688 W
IPOIt HUNT Elopant. Voom&ln modern brlot
1 esldonco. Kuqulro at 1KJ1 Cass m. 74S 5t
TjlUHNfSHlfl ) rooms for rent at 1814 Daveu-
JO port st , , from $ J per month. 730 8J
T71OH HENT-Fairidshed Hleeplng rooms. H
J : Howard .aooweok , 721-5 ;
T71OH UBNTi-Inmlshed teems , SiWJ Dodge.
JJ10H HEHT Furulslicd room. 1118 B. Otli.
THOK ItliNT JNicely furnished rooms , all
JO modern conveniences , ! U2 N , 15th st
, 683 ( A
TTIOll HENT A , well furnlsned front room.
JO plnubantly situated , sultablo for man and
Mite or two gentleuion. H PopDloton Avo.
tJUHl HUNT lllegant milto ot rooms with
JC tlrat-class table board , In new house , IK"
Chicago. b'JI-81 '
1 IGHTliousokcepliie rooms , JH , riVJN. _ hth.
1TUH HENlVLargo furnUhed room , O J North
J3 ituli at. UJJ
rpwo nice farnlahed , front rooms and two
J. uniall rooms. 00JN. 17th t. WO-It
"Vnci : rooms , good board , gas and bath , il.KQ
i-i to KUU a week ; motor passes door. U l N.
17th at. Mi fit
TTIOH IHNT OOlce room opposite the post
JL1 OIIICC. 10X 47J >
B15AUTIFUL house , nicely tarnished room ,
and Ural-class board. 4U7 N luth. 45-i ;
OH HENT Vurntshed rooms , Avilh board ;
17-3 Dodge St. * OI
ROOM \vlth or without board. 1613 Doduo.
_ | , -i-
filUIlNISHIJD rooms with all modern conyo-
JO ultincca , for gentlemen only , 17v Dodge Et.
17IOU 11KNT Elegant'furtilalied room forsln-
Jele g < iutlemau only , 724 (5 19th at , , cor. Leav-
enw onh. 637
GT room with bath. 619 8 Kth et.
T7IOU UENT Two furnUhed rooms on Bt ,
JL' Mary's avroue , to gentlemen only ; fix min
utes walk of business contvr , Iteferoma ra-
quered. Iiuiulre at store , 1U and 213 8 1Mb it ,
S' T. C L A III Uurupean hotel , cor. 13th and
'Dodge ; special rate oy weec or month.
FTJBNISnRD room * , with board , 1(09 ( Doug
las. 074-tf'
" \fllS. IL AlCnnrchtlthas taken nnd
J-'l.newly furnished No. 411 N. IBth St. , where
ilrst class accommodations mar bo found.
BM 7t
TPOU HRNT A nicely furnished largo front
A. room with alcove. All modern conveniences.
Close to cable and horse cats. 2J13 Cass At.
. board for n gentlemen , where
JLlthey can bo at homo. & 23 S : Mtn ave. ,
"VTICELY furnished suit ot rooms and ono sin"
J-'l gle room , All modern convenience * , private
family 2214 Furnam at. 033
R10U ItKNT Unfurnished back parlor with
* inrpet , for eno or two Rcntiomun , J.W7
CBBS 8t. & 6i4-tt
" 171011 HFNT 4 rooms , unfurnished , suitable
JL1 tor housekeeping , with nil modern improvo-
menta.JW a Webster gt. Prlco M. 681
FOli HfiNT Unfurnished rooms snltnolo for
housekeeping. In suites of 2 to 4 ; convenient
location. Hull's iUratlng Agency , 1500 Fnrnain.
603 si ?
" 1710 11 iTBNT-Store. 1111 Tftrnnm at. . 20 by 128
JL1 feet , 2 stories and cellar , Nathan Bhoitou ,
1014 Fariiani st. 703
rpo KENT Desirable waronousti room on
JL track. Apply to 0.V. . Keith , 714 1'nclllost.
_ _
T7IOH JtRNT The 4-Btory brick building with
JL' or wit limit power , formerly occupied by The
lloe Publishing Co. , 0 10 Farnam st. The build.
lug linn u tiro-proof cemented
llxturoi , wntor on all thu
lloors , gas , ute Apply at the ofllco of The lire.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 015
FOH IlKNT-Small building between Dodge
and Capital Avcuuo on ITtn sc. Suitable for
a shop. Wiper month. Hoggs & 11111 , Koal
Kstato. 140J Faruam. 600-8
TJ1OK HCNT Stores anil living rooms on Cum-
- -ingst. AlsohouseonCassst. Harris , room
411,1st Nat , llanlc. 231
"TjlOH UKNT A largo warehouse on Jones Bl
* - ' bet 13tli and 14th. three stories' and base-
ment. 4t bv lou foot , well lighted and very
strongly built , suitable for hoavv machinery
for manufacturing purposes , will lease for flvo
or more years at reasonable rent , Innulro of
Henry A. Homau , 413 S. 13th st. 1J Ct
T7IOH HUNT The corner room under the NoL -
-L braska National bank will soon bo for rent ,
the Kqnltabla Trust Co. removing to largar
quarto ra.
The space is abont double that occupied by
the C. li. & q. ticket olllco. Too Hoar is tiled
and the room win bo made desirable" for It. It.
ticket or broker's olllco. >
For particulars apply at bank , . 533
STU1NGKU ft Penny for saKs and tradosreal
estate agents ami building loans , Douglas
block , B o cor. ICth and Podge. ' 087 7
TTrnnro making a specialty or buyIntr , trad-
TT Ingriul selling all kludu of merchandise
stocks. Btadleman & Swan , 627 Pftxton block.
ATI EW Glebe hotel , 130S-1J10-1312 Douglas St. :
- . > Ei.OQ par day. 70J 4j
FTIHE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F.Gellen-
J-beck. Apply at Iloo ollice. UV )
w JI. LCNKE Send your address toll 08.1Jea
741 0 ?
ASELKCT private school for small boys and
irlrlswlll be opened September 10. lt > W , by
Mrs. F.K , Edgar. For particulars address 511
NS.'d st. COT 6 *
TJIINEST meals at the now Globe hotel , 130 ? ,
-E I.'IIU. 131' Douglas at. 7014 ]
C [ HAS. L. Todd does collecting , il Darker blk
< 43-a37J
rpllY dinner at new Glebe hotel , 1303,1310 , 131s
J. Douglas at. 703JJ
ECONOMISE In fuel by covering yoiu stsam
pipes with fossil meal nnn-nonductlng cov
ering , the most olllclent and cheapest of all
coverings. D. O. McEwan , western agent , lull
Ho ward st. 337s : ; J
CESSPOOLS , clslerns , prl\T vaults , etc. ,
cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean
ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , 1406 Farnam street. Tel. 203.
5il5 s5
LOST A poCKCt wallet this morning at B:30 :
between the corner of Uth ana Dodge ami
Douglas sts. , or else between the Omaha Nafl
bank and 15th and Douglas , containing SVX1 cur
rency and papers. If returned to tnls onice J1U )
reward will be paid and 110 questions nskedr
Address n < ; Ueiv - 72tf
LOST Near 24th and Jllnml Hts. , gold band
ring ; Initial "M. C. " on outside. Howard
for Its return to this office. 709-lt
'I OST Large , young close-haired St. Hernard
JLJ dog , yellow with white breast and feet , iw-
turn to 1130 Georgia are. , or 1X11 Douglas and get
roward. ' 53H
EODND Lady'H silk purse. Owner can liavo
by calling at Dee ollice. 777-tl
WANTED A stock of hardware.stovos , etc. ,
or a stock ot general merchandise. 1 have
Jl.OOO cash ; Jf.h&O notes , mostly secured by
mortgages equity In good Omaha property.
Address "C.' Gordon house , Holvoko.Colo.
771-5 ]
WANTED to Uuy A piece of acre property
near Omaha or Council Bluffs tnat will
grow in value. Address with description and
price II SlUeeoflice. 421
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves an'l
household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc
tlon & Storage Co. , 11.1 Farnam. 0-13
U'ANTED A lot nortli of California , east of
HOtu , cash customer .Goo. J. Paul. IB'M '
Farnam. ' 473
QTOHAGEat low rates at 1121 Farnam street ,
OOmahu Auction and Stonigo Co. 631
QTOHAOEaud forwarding. We collect and do-
Oliver goods of all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for
storage for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care
ful raeu for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moaerato
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco-ITS. 14th
et. Telephone Hi. Howell St Co. 635
mHACKAGE storage at lowest rates. W. 31.
JLllushman , 1311 Lfavenworth , 530 .
MA DAStn Wellington , jvorld-fenovyned as'
trologlst , test medium unc } dcbtlny.roader ,
just from Europe. Tells your Hfo from thu
cradle to tno grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speeay martlage with tliu ono you love ,
locates illseaso and treats with massage and
electric baths. All lu trouble should not fall to
consult thU gifted seeross. Parlor 0 , upatulrs.
417 S , llth ; olllco hour : , from 10 a. m. " to 10 j > . in.
4228 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medl
rat and business medium , Female ilitjeiiBo
aspeclalty. 110 N. 10th St. , rooms 2 and 3. 637
" 1T1OHTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenormun can. be
JD consulted ou all atralrs of life. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. No. 1110 N. 16th et. uSl-8.8'
GOOD homes for ladles during confinement ,
terms reasonable , B.17tlu Dr. Mrs.Hunt20
ma s3 < ]
MltS. M. Ohlenschloger.mld-wlfery homo for
ladles. Good accommodations and attend
ance , Low priced , 23U7 North 24th at. , Omaha.
062 CO *
QTANOAHD Shorthand School. Paxtou blk. .
IO(8Ucossor ( to Valentino's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school in the west Teachers
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert. Circulars.
p. a covercdroad wagoo , l
goad condition. Apply ( M N. Ifith st. 76"
"I710H BAliIJ-Chejp 4 large and small show
X' cafci , one smull safe ; also fine nurse ant
buigy. llranch * Co. , V.'ll llo\\ard street.
m < t
ONI7 safe , two liornes , phaeton , large ice
chest , suitable for grocery utore , one liui-nota
HOiLoold wagons. Neb. Morcgago Loan Co.
room &IJ Paxtou block. ( .10
"IJIOK BALE Ss'ork team , wagon and harness
Jc slnglo horse , harness and carriage , i
wagons , "sets heavy harness , or will exchange
tor brick. J. J. Wilkinson. 1417 Farnam. iu
FOU BALI ! A good phaeton und harness
only ITS. Inquire of W. M. Yules , Neb
Notional bank. B8H
SIIEKI' for gala , Ten thousand good w stcn
reeders. AdureaiJ. A. OUbert , lOLUU street
Uncolp. Neb. 70 lit
ST1UNGBU & Penny forsalr. and tradeti. rea
dtat * agents and bulltllng loans , Dougla *
block. e-cor. luth mid Dodge. OJ7 7 .
"H10H BALE or trade for buggy , light hal
JL ! pUttorm iprlDg wagonliOI N i'Jtn t.t.
| 7tOtt SALH Toutif , genllo horse , new bnggr
L1 ana harness , choapjuot. f , Tukoy , IStli and
A 100 tiuys tn \ re , h rne < siopen bngg . Bnnulro
P1818 Sherman nvo. . a r i o'clock. 44) )
jjibit'BA'iiK A m-liojiieil [ > ewer l'ort r engine
Jt ? in coed condition , weight B.IOO pounds , ryl-
ndcr ililtt. For partlealRrs apply to Inn Iloo
olllco. B 793
_ _
[ IMNK9T carriage toani'ln state , dark browns
JJ full 10 liands , weight' 1.150. Inquire W. II.
Mlllard , B. K. Cor lOtn Una Douglas , Omaha.
> , 700 s 13
MIDLAND Guaranty SJ Trust Co. . N. Y. Llfa
bldg.comploto nDitrnctn furnUhed and titles
o real estate czamlncdp l fccted < .v guatantned.
K3 !
QTIUNGEIl & Vcnny for * ales and tradcrcal
estate agents and bulldlnj loans , Douglas
) loct. so cor. ICth and Dolge. C87 7
" ] \ fONKr loaned on furniture , horse ? , Jewelry ,
-I'l-oto Special rates to parties in north and
vest part of city. JU. . Hmlugcr , 1417 Farnam.
T > HILADnLl'IIIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities perfect titles , accept loan *
nt their western ofllce. George W. V , Coattis.
room 7. Uonrd ot Trado. S40
MONRY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delav. J.
W. Snulrc , 1219 Farnam at. , First Notional
.mnk building. 511
P HIST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. Sholes , .10 First National bans.
MONEY to loan on any security
tor short tlmo. at low
rains. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage .Investment Company ,
room 400,1'axton block. 043
"DUILDINP loam. D. V. Sholos , 210 First
-O National bank. C43
MONKY loaned on furniture , hursoi and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co , ,
118 S. I'lth St. , opposite Mlllurd hotel. WJ
LOANS made on real estito and mortcagcs
bought. LoulBS.lteed isCo.ll.i3Qoardlrado
i ui5
TITONRY to loan on futalturo , horses , wagons ,
JJl. ots. , or on any approved security. J. W.
llobbms,1411K Farnam street , 1'axton hotel.
& 40
\y\rANTKD First class inside loans. Lowest
TT rates. Call ann see us. Jlutual Invest
ment Co. , U1 Darker bile. , luth and Farnam.6S1
MONBY loaned for 30.60 or 00 dnya on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J , WilkinsonK17 Farnam.
BKSIDENCK loani OK to 7 per cent ; no ad-
dltlonnl chawqfor commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Melklo , First Nat bank blag.
SHE Sholes. room 210. First Nat'l bank , betoro
making your loam. 54-
OjnOO.OOO to loan at 0 per'cent. . Lluahan & Ma-
Phoney , room .VJO 1'axton block. 54U
MONRY to loan on real estate security at
lowest rates. Before negotiating loaim see
Wallace , H.U10 , Urown bids. . ICth &
TlTONBYto loan. O. F. Davis Co. , teal estate
-UJLimd loan nsents.150VFarnixm st. 041
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
houshold goods , pluBOs. organs , dlamoiidH ,
lowest rates. The llrHtrdrgiinlzed loan olllco In
thn city. Makes loans from thirty to throe hun
dred and slxty-llvedaysa hlch can bo paid In
part or w hole , at any time , thus lowering Jho
principal und interest , iCall and sou usrnon
you Y , ant money. Wo daii asslut you promptly
and to your Advantabb without removal of
property or publicity. .Money always on hand.
No delay in making latns. 0. F. Heed & Co. ,
311 S. Llth St. , over Dltylinm & Sons. f > 53
MONKY to loan on furhfturc. horses , wagons
or securities of anv'klnd ; commercial nnd
mortgages notes bouglitftt fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted conlldentlnl. Collaterlal Loan
Co. , room ittl , Hamgo l\uJllng. | | f > o4
TO YOU want mon yt. If so don't borrow
JL/bofore getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from $ ftn J10.000.
I make loans on horifliold goods , pianos , or
gans , horrtps.mulos.wafpnpwarehouse receipts ,
uoiises , Ioa8csotc. . In any amount at the Ion 011
poislblfl rates , wlthoat'iifibHclty or removal of
property. _ , * , > ill V.n- - > .
Loans can bo made for one to six mouths and
you'can pay part ; at any tlm.4 , reducing both
principal and lntore . . If you owe a balance
on your f urniture r horses , or have a loan on
them , I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
It you need money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll Dullding , 15th
and Harnoy. fifr >
T RYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
JLiooO ] ; get our rates before borrow Ing and
savotnonoy ; loan on norses , turnituro. or any
npprovod security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old. and low- H20Sheoloy blk,15th & Howard st.
55(1 (
MONEY Loutis negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good rommorcla
paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A , floninn. 'cor
llltn and Farnam. 557
"VTEllllABKA Mort , Loan Co. will make you a
JLN loan on household goods ,
norses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , Howley block. South Omaha.
Kooms 513-51 ! ' . 1'axton block , Omaha , Keb.
TITONTIY to loan at low rates and no delay.
IVJLcapltal nntl surplus $ ltOO.OOO. Lombard
Investment Co. . 309 8 IStn'st. 009
ONEV to Loan Chattels , collateral real
M : estate. UtOl , Jlerchants'Nat'l bank bulldeln.
irmhlng chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to tea Tha Western Invest
ment Co. . room 412 Iloo blag. 13'J
MONEYtoloan-We make liberal advances
on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses and wagons , without removal , without
publicity , and at lower rotes than can be had
elsewhere in the city. Payments can be maan
at any time , which reduce both principal and
interest. Long and short time given and lib
eral extensions mnao. All business strictly
confidential , llefore you borroworrenow your
loan cull and got our rates. Hawkuyu Invest
ment Co. , roomt3 ! , 3d lloor. Douglas o lock , s. w.
corner 10th and Dodge streets. 3)-s-2t )
/ ? Per Cent money U. 302 , N..1T. Lire Ins pldg
M : ONEY : to loan on city or farm property.
Gee , J , Paul , 1UQ ] Farnam st 102
bubiness . ,
cheap rent , gcoda all now. It you want thin ad'
dresa Leek UoxSa , So Ouuihn.Neb. 751
T7)OH ) SALE Small grocery , aolng a fair cash
JO business , fresn stock ou nauil , very low runt
for any length of time. So. ajtu Bt. , No. 1210
QJI.uODbuvH the best pitying cash business In
PSouth Omaha. I'rolltj.ovar expenses in past
twoiyears , Jr.OOO. Investigate this , J. 1 * . livers
room 3 So. Omaha National llank , Bo. Omaha.
* 090-7
FOH SALE A stock.qt Jewelry , silverware ,
musical Instranientffdild sewing nmcnliuH.
$ I.OJU. ( Al o antory brick busluoss.hoube for
sale or rent. Terms , piurt/Kjash , Balance satis
factorily secured notea..A spioiidid opportun
ity for u practical manv'r Address I , II. Hollo-
baugh , Falln CityNeb. ban 710 13 * .
TT OUHALK Ortrade.Miurgo stocc ranch In
.1. western Iowa well IhiAvbrod and all umlur
fence ; with or vrlthoutt-ovock. H OJ , Ilee oltlco.
TTIOH HUNT One bartiji 11 stallsj large yard ;
JL' clean and convenieijt ; eiuiuire or Frost & ;
11 arris , Izard at , bet. KM und ikl bts. Ml-
TT < OH BALIS A nlcemew stock of millinery
JL1 goodfi , all now and btUUh : will sell very low-
Tor cst ) . or will trade for real estate , Address
700 N 10th. _ 717 8 *
A UK you looitlug iror'ytf opportunity to en-
ga o In the mercautllo-tiiumesai' It so come
and see as. W. It. B. k if. L' , , Itoom H Chamhor
of Commerce. Tel. 1 HO. d5 !
ClOlt dALK-A nice -lcan .stock ot stovei and
Jtinware on QUO ot the l > est streets In the
oity. A bargain. C , "K Qrlustead , room "I ,
Donijlua block. _ . . ct < > *
STltlNdUH & I'enny iaf 3t\\q \ \ > and trailBH.roal
estate ugcnta and uulldln loans , Douglas
blocK , s cor. Hth and llodgu. 687 7
WANTCD-A'panrlir with 3,00ato n.OOJ to
tabu a half Interdjf in a wall egtabliahed
tjraln und Boed business. Address IJox 1) ) ,
( Jrotnwood , Nou. T " . " Ib5
TJAOItHALK-Cueap-IurberBhop'aua4cimlM ;
J- good location ; uariuB buslueis. M. II , Vlera-
ing. Uet . Net ) . 60 i7
TPOH BALE Xlnrator'at Oakdale. Good loca.
JL tlon for craln , lire stock , lumber sod coal.
For particulars wrlta A. Truesdell , Fremont ,
WANTKD A partner in a brewonr doing ft
good business In a jiro peroua Kebrailca
town. Umiulro at room ft , Uttnuibor of Com
merce. Ttil. HID , 873
flO EXCHANOK A ranch for Omaha
.L business prooorty. Onn g ctlnnot land ; all
ImproTomcnts , with liorSns , cattle , hogs and
aRoodorop in ; 70 miles \vcatot Omahat line
land , all clear ot debt. Address J 3. Otnftlia
Ueoofllce. 774-OJ
IjlOlt KXCilANQK-lIorBM ana cattle , hard-
X' wnro nnd drug SIOOKB. I have J.UU ) worth ot
horses nnd cattle to trade for n residence prop ,
ertyswlll assume norno incumbranco , Merclmn-
dlso stocks for land or city property. All kinds
nf real and personal property for sale or x-
change. ( Ico. J. StornsclorlT , Heal Estnto Ix > an
an.l uxrhantco broker , room * : )17 ) and 'IIS , Flmt
National banK building. Telephone 404. 73-J-O
" WKNTV-TWO' bmlnoss "tiroporty. sT
13th. clear , for residence lot. 0. F. Harrison ,
Morchantd Nat , llank , ' 714
STK1NQUK& Penny for sales and trados.roal
estate acnts | and bultdlnir loans , Donelua.
block , s o cor. 16th and Dodge. 037 7
TTVlOUEXCHANOn-An otogant tract of land
JL'contrvlnlnK U'Uncros lu Antelope county ,
Nob. , with ordinary improvements.
A liuartor section In Hand county , Dakota ,
party improved ,
r.lghty acres near Council DlntTn , la.
Jtouso and lot on South liltli st ,
I.urgo amount of OH Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for need
or the erection of some houses. Oeo.
Sropcrty _ _ dcir.lT. 1st National bauk building. 318
rpo RXGIIANOn for mortgaged notes or for
X sale on easy payments :
Ono bay horse , ono platform spring wagon ,
onoket brass mounted harnrss , two now car
riages , and ono grocery man's delivery outfit.
Will Uoltar , room fJ , Hoard Tradu building.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fi77
LAND in llox Putto Co. , A'tb. , to trudo for
unlnctimberod Giaai.a property or hard
ware. Address llox 8J. Alii ince. Nub. CHI it
GOOD clear lots to trade for Improved prop
erty with soiiiu tncumbrnnce. 0. S. ( Irlu-
stead , rooin-1 Douglas blk. ( U7 U
rro i.COIIANGC : ! For nlco clean s'tocfc ot
J-iiiorclmndlzo or Hardware ; must be good
Block , a choice farm of I'M ucres , W ) acios In cul
tivation , 40 pasture , gof a sptlng water , coed 7-
i oem house , all other nucos ury out-bulldingi ;
is second bottom land soil good , tltlo perfect ,
lying In .loKcrson Co , , Nob. , S'5 milus from
HtfloTo City. Call cm or address W. U. Gordon
& -Co..SteoloClty. Nob. 614
TjlOHKXCIIANaE-ror stock ot clean and
JOwellselectotl stock or merchandise or hard-
are , ( HI acres ot benntltnl lan l. all fenced and
never falling water , free and unlncuinborod ;
perfect title , laying adjoining the addition of
Flnrbury Heights. Falrbury li county seat of
Jellerson Co. Neb. This land will all be laid
out in town lots lu\a short time. Call on or ad-
drwia W , U. Uorden & Co. , Steele City , Nob.
WANT1JD Propcny In Columbus , O. . for
Omahaproporty. CF.HarrlsouMorchaat3'
National bank. 4C8
TTMOHTX acres near Mnrysvlllo , Kansas , liar-
JLU shall county , for vacant lei in Omaha. 0.
F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat , bank. TOO
T7\OU \ EXCllANOii-ClearlottnSo. Omaha to
JO trndn for residence lot In Omaha ; assume
difference. C , F. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Hank. -TO
" \Tr ANTED To trade for a stock of groceries ,
V > posh and lots on O. & 0. IJ. motor line.
Lota will bu put lu at thalr cash value. W. U.
K. & SI. E. , ilooui 11 Chamber of Commerce ,
Tel. mo. 016
W II AT have you tooirer In exchange- my
. St.tfX ) equity lu my double house ou
Latnrop st , near ICtn , or for my $ T > .0)0 ) equity In
my ( loiiule house oh Spencer st near 22 < l , or for
my $ ) , OflO equity In my double house on Wlrt st ,
east ofItli , all with modern Improvements , all
encumbrances ft years at 7 per cent rte farms
will be considered. W. T. Seaman , east side
Kith st. 1101 til ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages , -701
FORSALE legnntO-ro"om house In Orchard
Hill ; modern Improvements , etc ; on easy
terms. Also5 now S-room houses , each with-
full lots , small barn. etc. . in good location : will
have elot-trlo motor within : i blocks. Make of
fers. Address U GU , Ilee olllco. . 71U
ON E farm of 440 acres In Page county , lown.
One farm ot 120 acres in Adams county , In.
One farm ot 100 acres In Hock co < nty. Neb.
One farm of IBJ acres In Grand Forks , Dak.
Also Llnderman hotel furniture , Clarmda , la.
AH of the aUove aescrlbcd property must bo
closed out In sixty days , regardless of price.
Call or uiUhoss F. M. Park , Clurluda , lown.
010 s'W
LOOKI Lookl Lookl Manufacturers and
warehousemen. Investigate tills. Northwest
corner 10th and Pierce 8ts , Iidxl44 , only $13I > OJ ,
$1,5 0 cash ; 4 houses on this property , rents for
$1,000 per year ; above pricn gets the houses and
some of thu ground for nothing , but the Cali
fornia owner wants to sell. JI. A , Upton Coin-
pnny.-icth ana Farnam. 701
A FEW cottages , convenient to street cars , to
sell on monthly payments ; also 4 beautiful
lots near motor on Lowe ave ; prices way
down. There la a good Investment In this
property , as it Is sure to double In value soon.
F. Iv. Darling , room 43 , Darker blk. 775 B
THAVU some llrst-class rental proparty for
JLsale cheap within one mile of nostoince , on
paved streets and motor line. Tlios. F. Hall ,
811 Paxtonhlocfc _ 6i > 8 _
FOH BALK On easy terms , new 5-ruom cots
toge , cor , lot , near street car line. Addre s-
H C5 lion office. JDS dt
mo UUILUEUS wno can enter Into satlsfao-
JLtory bonds we can sell lots on those terms.K
cash , and balance ou second mortgage. We
have A1 nropertv for sale on these terms.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , city. 087 7
fl HE bestmoney'n worth of house analot now
JL for sale lu Omana Is that which I am now
completing near 31th St. , on paved Wlrt St. , in
Kountzo place. 8 bedrooms , 8 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , S bath rooms , U water closotn ,
largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furuaco
anil coal room and cellar , electric uells and
speaking tube , IS closotb. Prlro only $7,501 ou
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining :
at same price. W. T. Seaman , east side Ifltli st.
north ot Nicholas st , Omaha't ) largest variety
of wagons and carriages. BVJ
FOH S ALB 9-room house , barn and lot II ans
com Place , at a bargain , Harris , Ilonm 411
1st Nat. Hank. 601
"ITU ) U iALTJ Two of tne oest located trac K age
JL' lots , ou the northwest corner ot 21st and
Jzard Btreets , size laflrlOS feet For price and
terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Spallar-
berg , 1013 North iilat atruo : BJJ-sUU
T71OU SALK On the motor line In Walnut Hill
JD z f-rooin houbos with full lots , r > OxlfiO ; prlca
Sl.OOflj small payment do vn , balance easy.
HiiusetpVent. Inquire of K. O. Jlerrlil , 44th
and Seward uts. 4h7 at
EOIl SALE Lot" 3 , block 3. Sheridan place.
SKO , K. C. .Mayuo , 010 Ilroadwuy , Council
I tlullB. 703
T/tUlTSALB , real estate Hrlggs Pluce , 1 nave
JL1 in this desirable addition a number ot
choice lots for sale at low tlgures and terms to
suit your convenience. If yonare looking for
a ( hie residence location , let mo drive you out
and show yon these beautiful lots which I otrer
for sale. They belong to non-residents and
must be sold. Don't delay but call at once on
( Jeorgo.T , Sternsdorir , let Nat. bank tmlldtng.
Telephone 40t. ' 4t'l
QIONfJ.niT ifc Penny for sales and trades.felu
OcBtafo agents and imllillns loans , Dnuglas
block , s e nor. Kith nnd Dodge. 037 7
F I OR BALE An elegant cottage on easy
terms' J. H. Evans , H 309 , N , Y. Life. 7,0 7
"ITtOR SALE One ot the best lots In Walnut
JO Hill , close to motor and horse ry Hues , only
11,000. J , II. Lyons , K3UB , N. Y. Llto bldg.
, 743 6
FOH SALE , real estate Three cnoica lots in
Hrdlck Park addition , facing > th ave. Only
91,0 o each. A tine class ot residences surround
this property , and in less than two years they
will double in value , George J. Hternmlorif ,
1st Nut. baiu building. _ 442
FOH 8"ALE-Lot37blki : , Sheridan place. fli9
E. E. Jlayuo , Ult ) Hruadway , Council liluirs.
J 707-8
_ _ _
FOH SALE-lllg Hargaliu 0 lots. 20th and
Dodge streets. Hoggs ti Hill , Heal Estate ,
140tj Furnam. WO-s
TnoIi BALK-H,000 acres land In 'Nobrasicaj
JO 60x140 footlotH 13th a sacrillctng prlco.
Inquire 1413 813th. Uoo. 11. l'otei3on.lU-HlHt
TJ1OH 8ALEcncapor will trade for Omaha lots
JO ICO acrts of mat-class farm laud , 4 miles
northwest of Silver Creek , Neb. Abstract
lurnlabed , K.G.Merrill , 44th and Bowarrtst.
7J4-lt )
_ _ _
mo JIANnPACTDHEH8-r will give ample
JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on tha Fremont , Klkhorn & Mlbsourl Valley
railroad , or on the Jllasourl Paclllo ( Hell Line
railway in Westlawn , just outside the city
limits , in West Omaha , conveniently aituatml as
regards access to the business centerof Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for the location of
any of the following indusirlni ;
Furniture Factory , llutton Eactory ,
Shoe Factory , Lard Hetlnery ,
Starch & Glucose W'ks , Soap Works.
Paper Mill. PurlUer Manufactory ,
Plow Works. Jtroom Factory ,
Harvester Worka , Woolen Mill.
Nail Work * . Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , Has Jlauufactory ,
Sa > h. Door and Ulmd Wire WorkH ,
Manufactory , Jlachlna Shops ,
Hour slid I < eed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn
is just out kl a the city llinftg , and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes.
if you are thlnLIng ot locating In Omaha II
\\ill pay you to investigate this.
Ueb. , N. HlclCf , New York Life building.
Omaha. _ . _ 7UO
1J10H SALE , real estate The motor tars are
41 nowruuulnicto Walnut HID , which makes
that addition u very desirable location. 1 hav
two brick houans of llvo rooms each that r-an b
bought at HgureH and terms to suit. George J
bternsdorff , 1st Mat. batik building. 4U
1710M SATVBichoIce farms near coott tnarVeti.
JL1 cheap and terms emy , or Trill take good
trado. Lorns & Co. . Sterling" . Colo. R86sOf
I7Klt S ALB On long lima and cany p r monts ,
JL1 handsom * . now.woll-bullt houses ot 8 , ft and
10 room * . All convonlcneos.good nMohborhoodJ
paved street * . Mreot cars , nnd within walking
distance of P.O. Nathan ShMton , 1014 i amain.
nviH SAI.H-r.13.73 acroi. tee. 15 , tp. 12. r. 0 w ,
JL1 Hamilton county Neb. Housr. stable , Sao
acres fenced , living wat r. Prlco $1,0 W. V , K.
Atkins , OT ner , railroad bldg. DoiiTer , Col. 5CS
ONU of the two house and lot bargains I
have been offering on Georgia ave , north of
Lea von worth , li now sold and occupied , became
of my very low price. The south house ot the
two still remains a bargain open to somebody.
First comes. llrst sorvnd. To bo approbated It
needs to ba examined intornallr. 1 positively
will not rent It , though aovoral times oiroroa
JV ) per month. Vrlcn , on verv easy tcrmsf'\oit ) .
W. T. Boaiunn. cast side lilthat. , north of Nlch-
om.i St.Omaha's largest variety of wngona and
carriages. M\9
FOll SAr.B Kasy-terms , Kount7ct place.
Two homes , oac1 ] 8 rooms , onch M.oa ) .
T o homes , oacn n rooms , each J-.POO.
Two homes , each IS rooms , each 17,500.
All with modern conveniences.
All large vahw nt tno prlco.
All within a square ot the motor line.
Don't lose those opportunities ,
For sale by the 6wncr. W. T. Seaman.
Kail nldo liith St. , north ot Nicholas st ,
0 inn tin's largest variety of wagons and car-
rlagas. 6f > 9
FOH BALE Lots In Stewart p'aco. will fur
nish money for building house , and pay
ments monthly. Hero la A chance to secure a
home. Harris , room 411. Int Nat. Hank. Mil
TJ11VH hundred itnd sixty acres good farm
JJ hum in Central Nebraska , to trade lor im
proved city property. Goo. N , Hic.s , Now York
Llf. Itulldimr ,
Nlco farm 100 acres lu Knox county , Nob. ,
to tratlo for house and lot. Gco. N. Hicks ,
NowYorK Life Hulldlmj.
Sovoiity-ilvo chose lot ; just outsldo city
HinltH , worth ISOU each ; price ot ontlro tract'X ' ) ; Incumbrniicooaly jo.000 ; owner's ociulty
$11,500. Lots lu Dundee Place , Juit north or
this propnrty , are selling for * IOJO to 81,8V ) .
dm tnulo this vroporty for first-class stock
To 13xchango--l 'lfteon nlco lots in Cottage
Place ou licit i.iuo Ity. , just the place foranlce
homo ; mognlllcont view , healthy location , only
twenty minutes * rldo from business center ! all
clear anil free of Incuinbruncoj. Can trade for
good house und lot.
For Trade One or the flnoit ploccs or resi
dence property in Council llluirs.olegant house ,
centrally lontteil , etc , ; will exchange for good
stock ranch and some cash ; it will pay you to
investigate this.
Gee , N. Hicks , Now York'Life Duildlng.
(134 7
BUY a homo In the center of the city , on
monthly payments. Iwlll sell you a lot In
Aldlno square , build a house of any kind , worth
from $ lCOJ upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly , Aldlno square is
on Grace street between ! _ ! d and "Jd streets ,
it has all the advantages mich as paved ntreets ,
seweraen , water , gas , and is a llrst class local
ity. Call at 1C01 Farnam strait and xe plans
ot building : ! and get llgurcs. IX j. O'Donahoe ,
/"lOMBand see us nnd investigate some of the
V-MiarKalns we have to olfar. Wo are contin
ually listing new properties and "If you don't
sco what vou want ask for It. "
For sale or exchange ono of the finest res
taurants in Omaha nt a bargain.
We have sovurdl line hotel properties to trade
for land or other good values.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at a bargain. Elevator complete , with
homo power , scales , ollloo furnished , eto. A
mio opening for a. practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots lu all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , forOtnahaproperty , 1,000 acres
of school land lease. In ono of the best counties
in the Ktote.
A tine residence property In Omaha View for
sale nt a bargain.
From $75,000 lo $100,000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for omaaa property.
For exchange tor Omaha property , ono of the
best farms in Hock county. Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
ou the place. Old ago and falling health of the
owner is reason for selling.
A line Wheeler county faim , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omuha property.
a I acres of line land In northwestern Iowa to
exchatiKO for Omana property.
For sulo or oxcnange for western lands , city
[ iropertv , merchandise orlivo stock , a line hotel
property In Iowa town of d.OUO inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a flno
business. Furmshea meals for two pahsenger
trains dally. Asnap for tuerhilitman.
WJ have unsurpasse. facilities for disposing
of property , having Homo 50) ) agents scattsred
over four or llvo states. List your prorerty
with us if you wish a quick turn. W. U. 1- &
M. E. , Room 14 , Chamber or Commerce , tolo-
phona 1440. -03
I71OK SAiE-12 cholco lots. Omaha Vlo\v.
JJ Special prices and terms to people wanting
thorn for homes. Jlopgs tc Hill , Heal Estate
1403 Farnam. 601) ) 8 _
IOH SAtiIi S houses on lot 07 ! ix83 on s o cor7
JL ? llth und Vlnton , 54.00J. Inqulie wltnlo.
Mi sl8j
TpOK SALE 2J , 41 or ( W foot ot lot 0 , bloct 7
JU at $ [ > r per fo'ot. ThU is within a quarter of
a blocs ot the new P. O. site , and will be worth
$1,000 Insiue ot a year.
The e H lot 8. block 101. cor , Douglas and 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas and LI ! on lOtli , price
$25,000 , $10,000 cash , balance in flveequal annual
The He li uw y sec 0. 114. r 13 e. Douglas Co. ,
price f 12.00) ) , 91,0)0 cash , balance easy.
Lot7. blk 3,50 , South Omulm , price81,200. terms
easy. W. It. K. &M. Eioom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce telephone 1410. 727.
POH SA'iE Cnolce farms near good mar
kets , rJeap and terms easy , or will take
good trade. Lewis Hi Co. , Sterllug , Colo.
ir\OK \ SALE Good , clean flO.COD investment ;
JL'write and ask me about it. 0. F. Harrison ,
Merchants' Nat'l bank. 4U7
TfilOH SALE Splendid 100 aero farm Kearney
JL co , at a great sacrifice , only 11,00) clown. 1JO
acres cultivated. Hoggs & Hill , real estate ,
140S Farnam 4140
HANSCOM place lot for sale Very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block 7. WxlW. Address F , P.O.
box SaO. 377
NICE 0-room cottage , near high school ; nt 31
xl32. $3,50) ) ; this is a birgafn. C. F ilar-
nsou , Merchants Nat. bank. 127
" \7fTJ5sold231otglast week in Orchard Hill ,
TT Highland Park , SuuiKlors&Hlmebaugh'a
add. and Walnut Hill. In fact , property on the
motor extension lines la looking up , ami now is
the opportunity to buy.
Wo have etllf the i > acres for $ l.OM close to the
Deaf and Dumb Institute. This is dirt cheap
for cash.
When we say wo liavo some property for sale
at rock-bottom prices wo mean It. ,
Don't forgot that wo have omo A 1 clear
farm property to exchange for encumbered
ally lots.
Stringer 4 Penny , Douglas block. (187 ( 7
Till RST National safety ddjioslt vaults. Rates
J3 to rent $5 to JH n year. 3jr Briftn. 8l2sl4
GLOHE HOIEIj-Nowly furnlshoU and fitted
up throughout : centrally located ; $2 pel-
day. 130.i-1310.lJ12. Douglas ft. 604
TITOIIHAY HOlICIj Newest , latest and only
liXiirst-class hotel In Omuha ; SJto $ l per day ,
11. Sllluway , proprietor. 6W
/1OZXEN8 Hotel , corner of 8th and Harnoy
W streets , $2.00 per day. No dark rooms.
Tuble ttiat-class. Try it. M. J. Franck lUl-iM
WINDSOR HOTBL-Corner ot luth and Jack-
son Htreets , 3 blocks from Union depot.
Item (2 a day house in the city. Mil
Notion to Oradc.rH
SEALED proposals 111 bo received a ; the of.
lice of tno undersigned until 1 o'clock p , m ,
Saturday September 7th , 18H1) , fpr bringing thn
lot , tAxM ) feet , ou the N , W , corner of Uth and
Dodge streets , Omaha , to grado.
Ulus entiirtttlned only for the lump job ; con-
tructor to of the eatth.
Architects , COU Pa ton Ulock , Omaha ,
s.'altm&a (
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Iloute from Omiilia nud Council
muffs leTHE
Chicago , AND Milwaukee.
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Ilock Island , Freqiort , llockfurd ,
Clinton , Dubnque , ] ) avenport ,
Elyln , Mndlsoa , Jancsrllle ,
Uclolt , Wlnoim , La Crcsso ,
AnJ all otber Important polntt Cast , Nortucut and
For tbrouuh ticket * call on the tl ket aceot at 1M1
Finiain street , la U rk r lllook , or at Unlva I'ACIOO
p pot ,
1'ulltann Blaipiri anil the flnvit Dining Can In thi
woriaare ruuon tbe mulullue ot tUa Chicago , Mil.
ukea & Bt. P ul Kallvtiy , anfi vitrr ttteatlon li
palil lo pmicDK r " 7 c0urt oui mploje of tha
It. llll.r.KU. Oeneral M nac r.
l. r.TDCKKU. AiilitintUeoeralMtnacer.
A. V. U. UAlll'lSNTlilt , General 1'auenEer and
UKO. K. UUAPFOBD. A olit t Genera
nd Ticket /lent.
T. J. OiaUK , Otntr * ! BopiriotfBdeak
ESTABLISHED 1861 C 180 So.
Chicago , Ills , i ClarkSt.
The Ri ular Old-Established
li til ! ) Trailing with tha GrcatMt
'Chronic ' , Ncryons anfl Private Diseases ,
Wr NERVOUS DHDIL1TY , Loit Manhood ,
Palling Memory , Enhauitlnc Drains , Ttrrlble
Dreame , Hend and Uack Ache and Ml the effect )
leading to ently dccuy tnd peihip * Consumption of
Insanity , treated scientifically by new ntlhodi with
never-filling mtccru ,
V3Q YPHIL1S nd ell bad Blood and Skin Dln
cosepermanf ntly cured ,
. -KIDNEY and URINARYcompklnUGleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vorleocele and all dltemeg
of the Qenlto-Urintry Organt cured promptly without
Injury In Stomach , Kidneys or cKherOiKiu-
arr No experlmtnti. Ago nj experlinct lm <
portant. Cociultntlon free nnd imcred.
9Seml 4 nli poit i ; = for Celebrnled Worltl on
Chronic , Nervous n.l . Delicate Di > e n.
A9ThoiP contmpUtlie M lTi fie tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
t centi , both K cents ( ttinun ) . Coniult the olj
Doctor. A friendly Itltcr or call may tave future tulTer.
lea nnd ihime , anil add golden ycnn to life.SjTllook
"Llle'a ( Secret ) Errors , " v > nt ( iumpi ) , MedlclM
nndwrilingi sent everynhrre , ( ecuro from.txpOBUro.
Moun.StoS. Sundayt 9 ( a u. Adtlreu
tDally Except Sunday.
C. ST , P. M.&O. Loav6 Arrive
Depot 35th & Webster sts. Ornnha. 'Omaha. '
Sioux City Express 1:03 p m 1:00 p m
Sioux City Ac'muiodat'n 7:40 a m 0:10 : p in
Ht. Paul Limited 0:45 : p in .0:35 : a m
Florence Passenger. 0 : < 15 a m Bn : : 'a m
Florence Passenger. . . . 5:20 p m GXI-P : : m
tFlorenco Passenger. . , 0TO u m 10:2 : > u m
tFlorenco Passenger. , . . 1:3) p m 6:15 : p m
Doily l-.xcejitSunday.
tSununy Only.
Running between Council Bluffs Bnrt Al
bright , in addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth-ana Twenty-fourth
streets afid atjlho Summit In Omaha.
ciiiCAao , notif iBLAiTn & PACJKIO.
II No. 3 , 6MpmA ; ) | No , 1 . . . . < iTiia am
O No. fl tisMip m I ) No , Ij..0il6p m
A No. 4 lO.OOumG No. . , , , . . , : > um
A Ho. 14 UtHpniJA No. 3 ,
No. 0 n , 40 a in No. 7 03T ; m
No. H ; 15pm No.i ; . . , .7:15 : a m
No , 4 . Ui'i'j u m No. fi , , . . , , , , . . , D ! l5 pw
A No , 3 . 0:40 : nmA | No. l.,7:00ara
A No. 4 . ; 40i > mA | . ; ( . . . , , . . . :
KANSAS. CITV , ST , JOSKl'H A ; ( iOUNt'lli
A No. 3 , . , . . .10:07 : H mA | No.ll , . . . . OlMlvm
A No. . , . , , . , . : > mA ! No. . , . . . , . . :
A No. 10 . ,7OiainA : | No. 0 , , . ' . . . .8r : > .riam
A No.l. . . . 7OOpJPA : | No , 11 . . ' , . 'JOOpi :
A No , 8. , . 4i3pmA : : | No , 7.1300m !
A daily ; II daily , mount Saturday ; 0 excap.1
Eunday ; D rxcejic Monday ; fH t mull.
Steck Piano
Reinarlcablo lor powerful eyinnathotlo
tone , pliublo action und ivbsOlwto dura
bility : SO yoara' record tbo boat gunran *
tco of the oxcollonuo of tljoso intrna-