THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBEK 4 , 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , An Incroaao In the Visible Forces Whoot Prloos Down. CORN ACTIVE AND FIRMER EARLY. Heavy Ilecotpti Itntlcntcd Tor tlio Future On URO n Reaction Fro- vision Interest Confined to I'ork Hogs CHICAGO PRODUCE MiYllllISTS. CHICAGO. Sept. 8. ISpccial Toloprara to TUB BnE.1 Whcqt opened up strong nt ° ! ® } ( nilvnnro from lust night's closing prica on antlclimtlon oi n dccrcaso In tlio visible supply. The flnal returns showed an Increase at 90,000 bushels. Smalt as tlio Increase wns , It created a chnngo of senti ment In the trading crowd und the heavy offerings speedily forced prices down. The dccllnn was small measured by the actual fractions , but as Indicative of a chnngo in tendency the depreciation can not bo said to bo altogether Important , Initial trading was on n basin of 78.fc for September , TO o for December and 8fl } o for May. December sold at TOJfo and May at 83o. This wa the top. The moro Impor tant subsequent fluctuations In December wore from 70o down to > 704 > @ 7.0c . | , up to ? PK@71 > % c , down to W ; , up to 70c , down to 7 c , up to 70 , ' < o , the closing being 70 , ' c May ranged ntSa fcJS'l cnnd closed at83Jtfc. September sold down from 78 c to ! % c and closed at < 7 c. Operations wcro on u fuirly liberal scale throughout the session , no exciting - citing news was alloat , and the day's busi ness was undisturbed bysonsatlonal episodes of any description. The commission houses with Now York und northwestern connec tions were good buyers during the early part of the session , and. Indeed , moit of thu day on soft spots. New York sent bearish ad vices , Nlghtcncalc , as usual , heading the list of bear chroniclers. Ills telegraphic ) tolls to Chicago must have been ? . " 0 or $ uO to-day , which is considerable money to spend in the gratuitous distribution of opinion in quarters wliero no return is over made. Nightengale's Intense interest in the market nt this juncture- explained by Chicago cage pcoplo on the theory that ho Is heavily short to foreigners and Is therefore desirous of getting his wheat to ship as chunp as pas sible. The market hero has about ceased to bo influenced by bearish Now York reports emanating from distinctly Interested sources. The northwest is bearish on crop news , but prices do not srjuaro with bulletins of waak- isli tenor. Minneapolis millers uro openly and almost unanimously bearish for the con fessed reason that they want to lay In sup piles as low down as prices can be forced , but no sooner is wheat beginning to Blip past them than they advance their buying limits. Simultaneously comes the news that there is an active demand for wheat at Minneapolis at } o advance over yesterday's prices. The corn market early wns firmer and active. The weather was still cool in the far west , but the corn belt was enjoying weather suited to the maturing of grain. The Liver pool market was quoted strong and advanc ing , but clearances yesterday from the At lantic sou board were li'fht , Iliero was an active Inquiry for cash corn , but a good deal of the offerings of No. 2 wcro bought on the account of a" heavy local speculator , who paij moro money than the regular shippers wore inclined to givo. A heavy Increase in the visible supply , amounting to 2,270,000 busholp , waa a weakening feature and brought about a reaction from the opening firmness , the temper of the local speculative element being in favor of the bear view of future values. The opening figures on Sop tcmber and October were 83 } c and 83c respectively , being % o bettor than Monday's closing llgures. but after advancing about Mo a moro weaker feeling prevailed and brought about a drop of J. c , October closing finally nt 8333 } o and September at 83c. Outs were quiet within u narrow range , May remaining fully steady , while near fu turea ruled } < @Xo lower. There was no pressure to sell May , though it is believed on Bomo sides that the short Interest in that month is nearly satisfied , as considerable covering has boon done in the past tow days and there isun undertone of mild weakness. Oats for this and next month were offered with considerable freedom by headers and the buying support was' light , with Septem ber sagging to lll o aiul October at 3 @ ; o premium. No. 2 oats to go to store sold chiefly at lli c , or o lower. No. 2 white for September sold nt21c. In the provision pit almost all the Interest developed was confined to pork. Hutchlnson removed the mystery surrounding the Octo ber deal and assumed control. His brokers wcro in the market and the "Old Man" was , during a good portion of the day , within con- vpnlont distance of the pit , declaring his con tempt for trio construction placed upon the rule by Judge Smith the board's attorney governing the delivery of pork made in October on contracts. Judge Smith , it appears , hits had the question under consideration and has decided tbo point as follows : "Pork packed in barrels on and after October 1 and placed in ap proved ice storage and prepared and packed as required by the regulations relating to barreled mess pork , Is regular and deliver able on contracts , and it Is not necessary that such porn shall remain on Ice storage for thirty days or any number of days before It can bo delivered. " Judge Smith's solu tion of the knotty point met of course with the approval of the October shorts , but in the general trade a. good many sided with Hutchlnson. The latter declared that the attorney of the board was biased in bis views , and that unmerchantable property property not suitable for use or shipment could not bo considered prouer and legal delivery. At all events , tbo iu- tereht tukon In the matter overshadowed everything connected with the trade. Specu lation was generally u little slow , and oven In pork the operations in ado a rather poor bowing. Trader * were Inclined to desert the near deliveries , und If the wrangle over tbo delivery of Octobor-mudo pork is main tained January promise * to become the favorite month. The outstanding short In terest in October pork Is unquestionably largo and the settlements of the sauio are llUoly to bo attended with moro or loss trouble. In to-day's market prices showed wide and irregular changes , leased on yes terday's final quotations the closings Indl- catca an advance of 15o on September vork. 7Ko on September short ribs and lOo on October pork. September lard suffered a decline of 2Jfo , Octoberlard of 7kc , January lard of 60 und January pork and short ribs cf 2)c. _ < _ CHICAGO IAVK S10CK. CHICAGO , Sept. 8. | Special Telegram to TiiBUEi ! . ] CATTLE The fresh arrivals were larger than expectations , but the proportion of natives was only fair about one-third of tlio arrivals. Tlio quality was good , though there were no real prime beeves offered. The general market for natives was about steady. Home dealers reported "good" na tives a slmdo lower , while common to fair cattle wcro steadier , and In some cases deal er * reported them a shade higher. Dressed beef men bought 1004 to 1043-lb steers at 3.00@4.60 , and bulk at t3.05Q4.10. Some 1IH3-1U steers sold at H40 , some 1310 > lb steers at 14.45 , some 103Mb steers at $1.50. seine 1250 Ib Nebruskus at t3.l > 5 and some 1233-lb natives at W.20. Forty-three bead of 1,244- Ib Nubraakas sold at { 3.00. Shippers aud exporters bought 1,120 to 1,574-lb steers at | 3,15 < R4.CO. and bulk at ( U.UO@-l.a5. Four loads of 1,475-lb Nebraska steers sold at 11.GO , some l.UOO-lb Nebraska steers sold at 14.40 , soniB l.U'.KI-lb natives at { 4.55 and some 1,825-lb steers ut 13.55. Hous There was another down turn of 100. und probably would average tnoro than lOo or. nil cu ) se of heavy , prices being now nearly dowu again to the low-water murk of u wcokugo , Packing sorts told dowu to * a.05 < § > 3.75 for common to fair , and W.60 13,00 for good heavy , with best selected heavy at | 3.D5@4.10 , Light torts old at FINANCIAL Nr.w YORK , Sept. 0. | Spcelnl Telegram to Tun llniuj STOCKS The stock market appeared to accumulate strength over the short holiday , nnd the opening thl * morning WAR most nusplclous for the bulls. While thcro wns unusual nction on a few shares , tlio whole mnrkct kept broad and strong tip to the end of the hour. First prices were generally from } i to Ji per cent higher thnn Sftturdny's closing figures. Northern Pa cific preferred nnd Delaware & Hudson wcro exceptional With quins of } f nnd 1 per cent respectively. The most remarkable move ments wcro in Northern Pacitlo preferred nnd Chicago , Burlington k Qulney. The former , nfter opening up } ( per cent nt 7fif. } rose rapidly to 7 * . reacted to 75J , but after word rose again to TUg. IJurllngton opened UD J/ per cent nt 107 > jf. rose to 109 nnd do- cllued to 103) { ( from wlilch It rallied n frac- Ion. Other marked movements were ad vances of IJf per cent In Oregon Tronscon- tlnentnl to 87J { , Missouri Pnclflo 1 per cent , Chicago , St. Louis & PIttsburg preferred 1 percent. Northern P.uciflo nnd Uock Island J { per cent and Hociting Valley IJf per cent to 189y. The general list was compara * tlvoly quiet nnd advanced only smnll frac tions , while a few stocks , among which Atchlson was the most conspicuous , were sluggish and Inclined to droop. The strength in Blocks continued to Increase until near the close , whan there was nome realizing , which caused the closing prices to full from \ { to 1 per cent. The best prices were touched after 12 o'clock. Now England cumo to the front und moved up 1 per cent Northern Pncltlu common touched 'M } , clos ing nt 85 # , nnd preferred 78& , 4 points over the close of last week , closing ut 77 - Bur lington , after touching 109. % , closed at 103 % . Hock Island touched 103. The total sales for the day were 870,000 shares. The followlnir worn the closing quotations : 0. 8.49 regular. 187 Northern 1'acldo. . BS fr U. B. 4s coupons . . .128 doprotorrod 77i U. s.4Vtsretumr . .lor. o. & ft. w 1ia U. 8.4M coupons. , ll.7fi do prof erred H334 I'ncintfiMot'iW 108 iN.Y.Otfntrtxl 107 Central PiiclOo JHU'l' ' . U.iK. . . . ! 2 ! { ChlcaiOAAlton..r 3 llock Island If ! ! 4 ClilcftRO , Uurltngton U..M. ftBt.1' 73 & 0ulncv . 108 J { do preferred IX.L.&W . St.Pnul&Omnha. . : t5'i lllnols Central . donretorrod 1004 ! tT.ilon Paclllo C4 . . . . 12 W..8t. L. & ! 17 ? * .nkoShora . 10IJS do preferred ; 5ti ? Central. . DD.j ? Western Union. . . . S5J MONET Easy at SJ ftO per cent. Pin MI : McitOANriLi : I'Apaii 5 < 57 per cent. STBULINO EXCHANGE Qulotnnd steady ; Ixty-duy bills , J.84tf : demand , Sl.ST . Mining Kiocks. Nnw YOIIK , Scut. 8. [ Special Telegram , o TUB BBB.I Oho following uro the mlii- HKstock quotations : Amador 10) ) Iron Silver SOJ > ledonla 11. B..UJO Mexican 470 Jrown Point < M ) Mutual H3 Colorado Con 1.0 Ontario aioo Con. Cat , & VR 7K1 Ophir _ . .4hT Commomvealth.VJ S.-xvngo 240 ) eadvroodT. 1-5 Sierra Nevada..205 Enroka Con K ) Standard UK ) lould * Curry..210 Union Con8ollda'd.i70 : Inlo & NorcrobS.W : ) Sewurd Con 175 lomestuko IKK ) Yellow Jacket U10 lorn Silver 125 puonuorc MAKICKTS. CHicxno. Sept. : t. llft p. ra. close- heat Lower ; cash and October , 77'ie ; December , 70J'c. Corn Easier ; cash , a5VcOctober,83"-18c ; ; November , S3c. Oats Steady ; cnsli , lOj e ; October , 19 'c ; December , 20J < p. Kyo Cash , 42c. Barley September , COc. Prime Timothy $1.80. Flax Seed Cash , $1.20 ; September , Whisky $1.02. Pork Lower ; cash. $10.40 ; October , ; 10.42 > ; January , $9.12i Lard Steady ; cash. $0.10 ; October , .00@i.02 ( > , ; December , 53.77. . Flour Steady ; winter wheat , S2.00 ® : .40 ; sprlnc wheat , S1.30@o.lO ; rye , $3.50 ® 'Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. S4.50@ 32J < ; short clear. ? 5.2o@5.87 ; short ribs , 5.0l ) . Uuttor Umhiingod ; creamery , 12318 } c ; dairy , 10315c. Cheese Unchanged : full cream Ched dars , 7J @ 7o ; Hats , 78c ; Young Amor- cas , 8@3 } c. EKRS Unchanged ; fresh , 14@15 Hides Uuchangod ; green saltoil , light green salted , 5@5 | o ; salted bull , 4f c : green salted calf , 5 > < c ; dry nint , 7o ; dry and salted hidbs , tlcj dry calf. 0@To ; deacons , each 20 ? . Tallow Unchanecd ; No. I solid paclcoJ , 4c ; No. 2 , a o ; cake , 4ir@l ! } ix Hecoluts. tohipmpnts. Flour . 18,000 20.000 Wheat . . . 147,000 145,010 Corn . 491,003 170.000 Oats . 245,000 127.COJ Nnw York. Sept. 3. Whoat-Recoipts , 722,150 ; exports , 58.000 : spot opened higher , closed weak ; now No. a red , S4 @S5o in elevator , 85 } @ 3l ! ; o afloat ; No. red , 82o ; ungraded rod. 77@87 gc ; op tions opened higher but closed with advance - vance lost ; No. 2 red , October , closed S4Xc. Corn Ilecalpts , 4'J3,000 bushels : exports , 50,000 bushels ; spot Arm , No. 2. 42o In store and elevator ; ungraded mixed , 41J @ 43c ; options lower aud weak ; October closed . Oats Receipts , 171,01)0 ) bushels ; exports , Coffee Options closed steady , twenty points up ; sales. 44,000 bags , Including Sep tember $15.50@15.X ( ) ; October. S15.00@15.70 ; spotUio , strong ; fair cargoes , $19.25. Sugar Raw nominal : roQiiod steady. Petroleum United closed at 98 c for Oc tober. Eggs Western , 1719o. Pork Strong und moderatlvely active. Lard Wouk ; western stcum , quoted , . Butter Western , 0@12 > fc ; do creamery , Cheese Western , 8r. LioulH. Sopt. 8. Whoatr Firm ; cash , ? fc ; September , 7GX@roXo- Corn Lower ; cash , 2U o ; September , % ® 29c. . Oats Steady ; cash , c8 > io ; September , 18a Pork Steady at $11.00. Lard Nominal at f5.UO. Whisky $1.W. Duttcr Qulot and uachangoil ; creamery , 15@l8p ; dairy , 12@l4o. Cincinnati , Sept. 3. Wheat Strong and higher ; No. 2 red , 77u. Oorn Easy ; No. 3 mixed. 35c. Oats-Quiet ; No.3uiixod,23 > jf(231Kc- ( Whisky Steady ut $1.03. Kansas Oily , Sept. 8. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 rod , cash , MW October , OTio ; No. 3 red , cash , September , GOo ; No 3 soft , cash , 0o * ! asked ; September , OJo. Corn Quiet ; No. a , cash. 2lu ) asked ; October. UUKo bid ; No. 3 white , cash , Octo ber , 34 > fo asked. Oats No. 2 cash , 17K ° asked. Ijlvorpniil , Sept 3. Wheat Quiet ; holders offer moderately ! California , No. 1 , 7edj7a Id per cental. Corn Firm : demand good ; new inlxod western , 4s l/d per cental. Aiinncupuliw , Sept. 8. Snmplo wheat linn : receipts , 170 cars ; shipments. SO cars , Closing : No. 1 hard , September , 76o ; on track , 78 > $ © 79c ; No. 1 northern , September , 74oou ; trucb , 75 > o : No , 2 northern , Septem ber , 71c ; on track , 73@74e. AIIl\v iiko , Sept. S. Wheat Easy ; cash , 73 c ; October , 74jtfo. Corn Dull ; No. a , aJS-'OKo. Oats-Dull ; No. 3 whlw , SlQilHQ c. Hye Firmer ; No. 1 , 43a Barley Fairly active ; No. 3 September , 6Sc. 6Sc.ProvUlons Firm ; pork , cash , $10.55. lt\VF4 8TOC1C Cliloatro , Sept , 3. The Drovers' Journal rei > ort8 as follows : Cattle Hocelpts , 1,100 , ; market steady but alow ; beeves , $4.40(34.70 ( : steers , $3.00@4.SO ; stockora and feeders , $1.0032.90 cows , bull * and mixed , $1.0033.00 ; ' cattle , $1.60@2.ttO ; western rangers , ' Hogs Receipts. 10,000 ; market slow and CQlOo lower ; mixed , $3. < U@4.35 ; heavy , JJ.WQ4.15 ; light , $3.00@i.70j skips , $3.403 Bheep lteceipU , 8,000 ; tiiurkut steady ; na tives. M.SO ( < K T t western , $ -1.4001.00 ; Tox- nns , $3.50(3 ( UO ; lambs , ? I.OX33.05. Knn rn City , Sopt. 0. Cittlo Uo- cclpU , 5,000 ; shipment * , 0,001 ; market nctlvormtlvfl ; beef steers strong and n slmdo higher ; good Texas lOo nlghor : common to cholcivcorn-fed stoorit , $ ; stockers nnd ftvedlng steers , JLCOOO ; cows , $1.W ! © 3.40 ; grass ranee steers , $1.50 ( 3.00. Hogs Kocclpt * , 0,403 ; shipments , - ; miirHot opened weak nnd lee lower , cloMni ? lO SOo lower ; good to choice light , $ .233 4.30 ; heavy nnd mixed , $3GOJH1C. Nntlonnl Stnak Ynrili , 1 < UU St. Ijoulfl , Sept , 3. Cattle Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments. 0,003 ; market steady ; fair to cholco heavy native 8teer , $3. 70041.40 ; stock- crs nnd feeders , fJ.OOQiSO ; range steers , . Hogs Receipts , 2,800 : shipments , COO ; market slow ; heavy , $3.05t.lO ; packing grades. $3.70@4.00 ; light , $ l.lll@UO. Rioux O.ty , Sept. 3. Cattle RocalpU , 1,100 ; shipments. 00 ; trmrkct a toady : fat steers. $2.90 ( < g&.40 ; stockers nnd feeders , $2.13Q2.75. Hogs Receipt * . 2,000 ; market lower ; light- mid mixed , $ J.50@3. 7fi ; heavy , $3.0Ji 3.SO. OMAHA I..1VK STOCK. Cnlilc. Tuesday , Sept , 3. With over 2,000 fresh receipts of cattle the buyers were ublu to bo n llttlo bearish. A few of the best native beeves sold at about yesterday's prices , but aside from thorn the buyers wcro generally talklug lower from the start. Instead of getting better If nny- thlng it got worse , and It would be safe to < iuolo the market 5@10a lowor. In some in stances buyers asserted tnat they got u re duction of lOo on some pretty fair natives. The prices paid for niittvo beeves ranged from $3.70 to $4.85. A good many salesmen thought that butchers' stock wns soiling lower , but the buyers claimed that they wcro getting u moro common grudo of cows. Some llttlo heifers brought $1.5o@1.75 , and n good share of thu cows went at $1.40(3)1.75 ( ) , Some good cows und heifers broimht , $1.8QW'J.10. A few western cows changed hands at $1.50@ 1.05. There is u good demand for bulls for distillery feeding and anything suitable for that purpose Is selling mostly ut $1.50@ ' .00. A few hcad-of range bulls sold ut $1.15(3)1.50. ( ) There were not many fresh stock cattle or feeders In the yards , but there was a good deal of Inquiry for catUo of that description and there were sovora. lioav.v buyers. The prices paid wore auout steady with yester day. A few loads of western feeders sold at (2.45 und some natives at $3.00. nous. The market went in the buyers' direction again to-duy und a lOcOcclino was recorded. Tlio receipts were the heaviest of tiny day since July 9 , when over 7,000 hogs were re ceived. That fact , together with the heavy run and lower murkcts at eastern points , en abled the buyers to gain a vnry considerable concession. The light hug men wcro able to buy light sorts at 1.80 which sold at 1.1)50 ) 4.00 on yesterday , but as high as $3.95 was paid for a very choice light loud. Good heavy hogs" sold largely nt $3.70@3.75 , but Itwus hard work to got over $3.05 for some of tbo late arrivals. The pieces of loads nnd heavy cuds sold ut $3.5u$3 ( GO. Slycp. There were n few sheep hero and a pretty fair bunch ( .old . at f3.bO , which was about a steady market. itoceiriii. iattlo . : . 2,100 Hogs . 0,800 Sheep . 1320 I'rlcai. The following is a table of prices paid in this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Prime steers , 1800 to 1000 lb < . . $3.90 ® 4.35 Good stoers. 1353 to Ui'j ' Iba. . . S.CJ 004.23 Good stoarj. 1053 to 130 J Ibs. . . 3.2.5 ( < b4.U3 Common dinners . 1.03 ( t 1.50 Ordinary to fair cows . 1.43 ( $1.75 Fair to good cows . 1.75 ftjl.90 Goodto choice cows . l.OJ ( str3.'lu Choice to fancy cows , holfOH. . 2.23 tti2.50 Fairto good bulls . 1.50 ( o > 3.00 Goodto choicobulls . 8.00 ( i 3.20 Light stockers and feeders . . . . 2.U.1 ( < $3.UO Good feeders. 950 to H031bs. . 3.53 r J2.90 Fair to choice light hoea . 8.80 W3.95 Fair to choice heavy hogs . 3.05 ( # 3.75 ommon to fair heavy hogs. . . 3.5U ( $3.00 Fair to choice mixud heirs . 3.70 ( ( 3.80 Ueproauncativa STEERS. f No. Av. l > r. No , Av. Pr. 43 . 1159 $3 70 87 . 1333 $ t 10 21 . 1243 375 73. . . 1379 415 15 . 1203 380 8S . 1330 420 83 . 118ti 385 87 . 1533 425 . KI71 405 83 . 1484 435 80 . 1519 410 cows. 10 . 851 140 25 . 970 175 24 . 799 145 11 . 1085 180 1 . 770 153 10 . 1030 185 1 . 1150 ISO 17 . 800 190 20 . 1019 155 24 . 1043 310 1 . 920 1 75 1 . 1270 3 25 OAXNEH3. 3 . 1090 100 5 . 010 115 3 . 700 115 23 . 894 145 IICI FEUS. 24 . 727 155 23 . 803 185 FCBUKItS. 41f . 931 3 CO 6TOOKEHS. 0 . 018 320 CAI.VE9. 3 . 330 225 3 . 233 253 STAGS. 1 . 1000 300 MIXED. 47 . 709 350 1YESTE11N CATTLE. Owner No. Av. Pr. 12 cows , range strays . 900 $1 CO 18 steers , raugo strays . 1310 3 05 14 steers , range strays. . . .1170 2 OS S steers , range strays. . . .1170 3 OS 7 steers , range strays . . . .1139 3 05 8 gtocrs , rungo strays . . .1108 8 00 4 fuodurs , range strays. . . OSO 3 45 8 feeders , rungo strays. . . 1011 a 45 Calvort 12 cows , range . . . 1030 175 1 steer , ranco . 1110 3 US Magor 16 cows , range . 071 105 81 feeders , range . 1090 3 45 Lynch 10 cows , range . 050 150 10 feeders , range . 1140 3 45 Bcujamiu & W. 7 feeders , range . 1140 3 40 Bennett 7 cows , range . 1009 105 1 cow , range . 1U5U 105 23 cows , ruugo . 1045 170 Sand Creole Land & Cattle Co. Istag , rungo . , .1280 150 1 bull , rungo . 1300 150 8 bulls , range . 1353 115 8 bulls , rungo . 1200 150 OCOWB , range . 973 1 70 IIOQH. ! 1. . .2S5 200 8 70 03. .31 * . V-80 3 S5 63 , .CO 120 8 70 711 , J 7 80 8 85 a. , .BOtJ 40 8 70 48. .Mill 80 3 85 63. . ,801 8 70 05. .210 40 8 85 03. . .203 200 8 70 47 , .103 80 8 85 63. . ' .274 480 8 70 73. .243 x < 80 fl 85 03. . .257 120 8 70 48 , .car T 8 85 S. . .240 120 8 70 73. .2311 SO 8 00 a. . .noi 200 8 70 co. .223' i 3 05 00. . .818 120 3 70 BltECP. , , „ No. IRAV. Pr. 60 Nebraska8. . . . . X.JtM * 3 80 57 Nobraskas. . . , . f.'i'.ioa ' ' 8 80 ' rf , ' \Mrnt tlio Uuycrn.Up. Showing the number of cnttlol , , hogs nnd fllicori purchased by the different buyers on his market during the past mpUlji , as com pared with previous months ! . ; C1TTLE. Swift & Co 9,623 O. H. Hammond & Co 0,807 \rmour-Cudahy 1' company. 6,003 3maha Packing Co 273 Shippers nnd feeders 16,250 Local 83 Total for August 80,510 Total for July 80.009 Total for Juno 82,844 Total for Mny 44.017 Total for April 45,834 Total for March 80,633 Total for February 27,151 Total for January 24,110 rtoag. O. H. Hammond & Co 11,724 Omaha Packing Co 17,035 Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 23,858 Swift&Co 2,711 J. P. SqUlrcs&Co 15,472 iClngan &Co 11.7U3 Cudahy 13ros 1,205 , iM. . Sinclair. . . . . . 710 John Morrcll & Co 651 E. A. Blackshtro 450 Total for August 80,100 , Total for July 111,0 0 Total for Juno 103,205 Total for May..t 104.U30 Total for April 02,008 Total for March 85,2'JO Total for February . . . . 82,476 Total for January 70,080 SHEEP. Reynolds & Co 250 J. B. Tierney 114 Swift & Co 707 G. H. Hammond & Co 440 Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 670 Uoogo & Sous . . . . ' 201 Poroako Bros 113 Total for August 3,403 Total for July 2.280 Total for Juno ' . 4,500 Total for May 5,2'JO Total for April . ' . . " . 4,457 Total for March 10.031 Total for February 10,053 Total for J auuary 10,011 Live Stock Notes. C. Hedcer was in from Fulrbury. F. H. Patterson was In from StocKham. M. S. Holden was a visitor on the market. A. Mittner was In from "Waco with a car of bogs. Henry Cook , of Underwood , caino in with hogs. Uan Frazler , from Wayne , waa a visitor on the market. Hy Cooit , from Underwood , brought in a car of hogs. , r , C. D. Moore came in with hogs from Har vard , Nob. , S. H. BarncH wns In with a load of cattle from Howe , Nob. * S. M. Clarke came in frornHVuvorly with two cars of hogs. . , G. G. Vrcelaud wns m fronrJunlata , Neb. , with one car of hogs. , H. F. Church was In with twOloads of cattle tlo from Pierce , Neb. ( F. M. Sackett was in from Albion , Neb. , with one car of.shcep. W. B. Nicholas , from ArlJofvllle , was in with a load of cuttle. Simon Kelly was in froto Poullue , Nbb. , with hogs and cattle. ' . A. Lavcnburg was In frond Armour , Neb. , with four cars of cattle. , , J. Hastie , from Eagle , Neb. , was In with a car of cattle uad ono of lidgs. W. Woynnt came la fronr-Gcrraantown * , Neb. , with a car of hogs. * , C. Grlflln came in from Seymour with two cars of cattle and ono of hogs. Arthur Perry , of Wuhoo , was In with two cars of cattle , which were sold for C4.B5. J. M. Straban was in from Wuyno , Neb. , with thirteen cars of catt'.o ' and ono of hogs. SHROEDER & BEAM , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , COS feouthliUli Street , Ouiulia Boots and Shoos. KIRKENDALL , JOKES & CO. , Successora to Reed , Jonci & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Brots & Shoes Agents ( or Boston Uubber Sboo Co. , 1102.1101 and 1109 Hartley Street , Oumtiit. drawers. STORZ & 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Eighteenth itreet , Omnh , Neb. Cornlco. EAOLE CORNICE WORKS , lann&ctaren of Galvanized Iron Cornice Paper Boxoa. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Noi.llil and 1319 DougUi itreet , Omaha , Nib. Sash , Doors. Eto. M. A. DISBltOW & CO. , Wholeialo renufoclurcr of Sasn , Boors , Blinds ani Mouldings , Branch office , llth aad Irani atre U , Omaha. Neli. JJOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , jf Boors , Blinds , Uouldlniri , itnlr-work on I Interiorlianl wood tinUlj. ISiMl Nortli 161U ttreet , Umifia , Nab. a A OLAnKSTKAMMEATlNQ CO. , Pninps , Pipes andflgines , Bltim , water , rullwar and mlnln'tf tuppllti , to. VM , va and VH F riiain tru < t , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steaai and Water Snijplies , DallUar wlad "rallli , 918 and DJO Jime it. , Omaba. U. K. icon , Acting Maiuil r. IIRQWNELL Engines , Boilers aud Geijejal Machinery , She UroQ work , iteam pnmpi , , uw rallli. 1313-1S15 LviTenwirtU t reet , Umaua. Iron Works. PAXTON A VIERLINO IRON WORKS , Wrought and Gait Iron Building Work , Knglnet. biaiivrork , Ktnerat foundry , macLlne and lilackiuiliU work. ( Jfllcaanil wurki , U. 1' . Uf , and lllb itreet , Omaba. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , iannfacturers of Wire ndlron Railinss Deilc rallt , window Euardi. ( loner itandii. wire ilgii tc. 124 Nona icth ttraet , Oiaaba. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes , Yaulti , Jail work , Iron ibutteri and Ur vinapva , U. Audrcen. prop'r. Corner Uti and Jack -jo iti. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOUK YARDS CO. , OinaHa. limited , Agricultural Implomonta. OlIUItOmiL PARKER , Jealcrtn Agricnltnral implements , Wagoni Carriages imd bncclei. Jfmcn trcct. between Wh * n < lllh , Ornnha , _ L1XIKQEH & METOALF CO. , /Urlcnlt'l / ' Implements , WBIODS , Carriages Pugglea , etc. Wholet l . Omiha. Nebnufra. , OKEffDOIiF A MAJtTIN CO. , Who1 lo Dcnlcri In Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bngglcs Ml.roi , 005 and C07 Jones ltrcetOnnlia. 1IOLIKEMILUUKXA STODDAHD CO. , lltnttraclaren and job' era In Wanons , Bnggtes Rate ] , Plows , Etc. Cor. Cth and 1'ncino streets , Omaha , Artleta' Matorlola. A. IlObPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IS 13 Douclns tlrtet , Omaha , Nebruka. Boots and Shoos. ir. V. AtflRSE & CO. , JoDDers of Boots and Sloes. 1101,11W , 1106 lougl t itrcct , Omitha. ManufactorT. tjunimcritrcot , lloiton. Coal , Coke , Eto. JAMES IP. TUATVIlEtt COAL CO. , Miners and Shippers of Coal anil Cok Uoom 51. U. P. National llnnk.llulldlinr. Onm'iii. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LT\rE \ CO. Jokers of Hsrd tni M Coal , fOOBoutU 13th ttr.'st , Oiualin , Kebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , SWppers of Coal anil Coie , 214 South loth it.Oiuahn , Nob. LUMBERt ETC , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Eta Imported and American I'onlanA ocmont. BUU ogontfor Milwaukee cement nnd lywlilto liiuo. U1IAS It. LEE , MeriuBai'dwccdLuniuOr , Wood carpeti and parquet tloonni , ' . Oth aud DouglH ( tracts , Cm aim. Nub. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material afWholesale 16th street and Union 1'aclflc track , Omalia. LOUIS BRADFORD , Daler : in Lnniher , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. YnnU-Cornor ; th And Douglas. Offlca Corner luth and Uouiiiat. FRED. W. OR AY. Lnmhe1 , Lime , Cem&nt & , EtcEtc , , Comer 8tU and Douglas its. , Omalia. C. A' . DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher. 13th and California itrccU , Omaha , Nebraska. Mllllnory and Notions. L OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jolte in MUinery & Nolions XX , 210 and 212 Soutb llth street. Notions- J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furbishing Goods , 112) Uaracr Street , Omaha. Commission and Storage * RWDELL & RIDDELL , Stonge and Commission Mcrc'ianls ' , Bpcclaltles Butter , rgxt , cheese , poultry , gam * 1112 Howard street , Omaha , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb. KILPATJtICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers & Jolers in Dry Goods , Notions U cat's Xurnlsblng good * . Corner llth and Barney streets , Omaha , Nebraska. BELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Vcolens and Tailors'Ti'liuiii ' SnSoutli lUUntrtit. Furniture. DEWEY& S1ONE , Wholesale Bi.fc in Furniture , Farnnm itteot , Omalia , Nebraska. OUARLES SHIVERWK , Furniture , Omaba , Nebraska. Groceries- PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705 , TOT , 703 aud 711 South 10th > t , Ouinha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , llth and LeayannortU streets , Oomha , Nebraika. Hardware. W. J. BROA'ICH , Heoyy'Hirdware , Iron and Steel , Sprtnm , waxen Hock , bardtraru. lumber , oto. I0t _ _ nd nil Ilamer sliot , Omaba. _ ' LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD' WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Bardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , llctali. ibcet Iron , etc. Aganti for Howe icalti , illaml powder and I.ymaa barbe IIIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' tool and UufTalo icalca. 1405 IJouglal itreet. Omaha , Neb. JTpysi JEto. II. HARDY & CO. , Jobber ! Of Toys , Bolls , Albums , Fancy Goodi , Douse furnlihlni ! Roodi. children' * carriage * , 1201 J-'nrnam Hreet , Omalia , Neb. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Reflced and Lubricating Oils , Axle grcmo , etc. . Omaha. A. 11. PUbop , iUnag r , Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Bs lers , C rrr nice ttoek of printing , wrapping and wrltlal paperj pecjal attebUon Rlren to card paper PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PAUNAM"sTUEIiT. OMAHA andSurgii N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omalia , Ncl\ THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST FOR THIS TUKATMKNT OF . Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tlis Eye and Ear , PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISEASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM , LUNG AND THROAT DISEASLS , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPSY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc. J. W. MoMENAMY M. D. President . . , . . , , And Consulting Pltysicinn nnd Surgeon. Organized with a full staff of Sldlled Physicians , Surgeons and Trained Nurses , This establishment isu permanent medical institution , conducted by thoroughly educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill und cxiifiiionco. Tlio Institute bindings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , is com nosed of two largo thieo-slory brick biddings of over ninety yooins , containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Booms , Drug Store , laboratory. Offices. Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Deport * ment for Patients , m chaige of competent persons , constituting tlio largest and the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , ono of the three largest in the United Slates , and second to none. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omalui Medical and Surgical Institute tlio first choice. You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. Wo make this explanation for tlio benefit of persons who may feel inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate tlio fact that Omaha possesses tlio largest and most complete Medical aud Surgical Insti tute west of New York , with n capital of over 8100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. APPLIANCES FOll DEFORMI- 0APPLIANCES TIIUSSES. 0M 0Q [ Q Best Facilities V , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Trcatmcjit ot 1 every form of Disease rcquirinur niBDICAL or SURGICAL TltEATJUJSNT. In. this ( Icpartment we are cspnciully successful. Our claims of superiority over all others are based upon the fact that" this is the only medical estabnshinelit inaiir ufacturinp surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. We liuva three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , SI the result of twenty years' experience. 1 The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the pst few years , , and electricity isnow acknowledged byall schools of medicine as the gieat remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and ear diseases ib U the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have tlio proper " apparatus. "Wo have lately purchased three of tlio largest and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the most powerful current. Persona treated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus und the common , cheap batteries , In use by many physicians. Over 3,000 dollar * ' .uvested in electrical apparatus. PRIVATE , SPECIAL , NERVOUS AMD BLOOD DISEASES. "Wo claim to bo the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. WcMenamy was ono of the first thoiough- ] y educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and his many i given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our book to 71101 , scnljret to any address. ) DISEASES OF 3E3T2TE3 "We have had wonderful success in this department in tha past yearr and have made many improvements tn our facili ties for treatment , operations , artificial eyes , ate. CASES TREATED BY LETT KH. - "We have greatly improved our facilities m-d wthods of treating cases by correspondence , and mo having bettor success m this depart. ment than ever before. Wo are fully up to tlio times in all the latest inventions in medical and surgical operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for investiga tion to , , patients or . . Wo any persons | * .it.vvt ] ui | 't < /nVvlli.imi | if u inviU ) 1(11 to correspond with or visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that a visit or consultation will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them- Belvos under our care. Since this advertisement flrst appeared , mnny loasting pretenders and frauds liava come until/one and many more will coiiu und go , remembered only ly tlieir wtfortunutt and foolish victims. "A wine man investigate * Jlrst and decides afterwards , A foil decides first , then invcstiyutea. " Me Omaha Mdical and Buryicul Jnxtitute fs indorsed ly the people and the press. More capital invested , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances. t isru ( tnento anil apparatus in vise , more awes treated and cured , more successful mmka.1 operations performed , than in all other medical establishments mthe West combined. 14A PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( SBALHD ) . CO TTDBiTTS : J nrr rirat-JIlBtorr. fiiicocss and AJvantnircs of tlio Oiimlm Mdllcnl nnd Bnr lpnl Jnstitnte. 1'urt hccoiid-CiiHONio IHKA | K8 of tliuXuiiffB. Hloiniich. J.lvur. Klilnurn. Hkln. 1'llcs , Cancer , . .' KpllDiisy. Itliouuiatlmi , Inlmlatlon. Tupo Worm. Electricity , Now lluim-dlci , oto. 1- ? Mra-nKVOHMitiff. Curvuturoof tliu Siiluu. Club I'eel , Hip Dlteiucs , 1'urulybla , Wry Nock , How Leira. Kuro Up , Kiirgleal Oiorutlons. | * ' " ? . ' s'x ' ' > HIHKABKH orMr.w , I'rlvntf. Special un < lNurroim DiscusesBpcrinntonliicn ( Seminal ? I"l'oUmt' | ) ' ( Vorlcoucle , Btrlcturo , Ulcot , BypUIIU , uu < l ull dUi-ui.cs or the Cwilto U Ilia DISEA5 ? ? OF VlfORJIIr'RI A ' ' * wr. WK UAVH lUTni.r * 3'fc"3f B..HJ Xrr WW V/iWI C..AlllJtlJ A 1.V1NJ-IN DKI'AllTMKNr Jfou WouKNDuiiiNu CoNriMtiueNT. ( Blrittly I'rlvulfJ , Only Ilcllublo aicdlcnl Jnstltiito ] > rnlcl t , ' Specialty of PJUVATE DISEASES. All Illnrjil Dlfpftws fnlly trc ( od. Brplillltlo Polroii rcmnved from llio fyntoro wltbou rocrourr. Nun Uoaiorutlvu 'Jre.itinoi't for las * of Vital I'owcr. I'litlufilnunulilo in vijUiinmiv * Do treatdl nt Uoino by oorrcaiMjiidoneo. All coiiiiiiiinicjlioim cuiiniluiitlul. MtdloliitH or liiuru. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , 13111 uud lIudKu lrcctaOxauliuNt > b