Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Yesterday's WoBtorn Aa-
5 soolntion Gamo.
- Apostles Victorious In Their
Gnmn' WHIi thp lowix rohlblllon-
Ists The Grand Circuit nnd
Other Ilnoes.
Stnnrtlnfr of tlio Cluhq.
Following is the standing of the Western
association clubs up ( o nnd Including yester
day's , Barnes :
Klcmx City O , St. .loscptl 9.
ST. Josi'.i'it , Mo , , Sept. 0. St. Joe , patched
up in the field , lost todnj's game. Flood had
the best of it against Crowoll , but the latter
had almost perfect support. The batting of
Curtis and 1'owoll was a f nature. Score :
Kamcd runs St. Joe 2. Tirn-bnto hlU KrlcK nnd
Powell , Hr t on bnll OIT Kloml ft ; nIT Orowull J.
Blruck out-Hr Flood 10 ! byUrowplin. Hit by pitched
ball lllACk.tnlen hnics I'owoll.CllnontulUonms.
Doubln plnjs Cllnoto Mun > hy. lllnck to llrxxnan to
I'owcll , llronnnn to Illrok to I'owclli 1'as od btlls
' - Krlcg 8. Wild rilebca Hood 1 ! Uowi'll 1. 'llmo of
liamo two lioun. Umpire Iioosclicr.
St. 1'nul a , Dos Motnos 2.
Ons MOINEA , la. , Sept. 8. The only error
mndo in tbo gnrao to-duy cost two runs nnd
gave the victory to St. Paul. Score :
DcsMolnos. 0 00002000-3
tjt , I'aul. . . . . . . .U 2010000'
Rons cnrncit l > c Molnc S , Rt 1'nul 1. Two-bmo
lilt Unlr. d'hrow-bn'o hit .Mnskroy. Doublu play
Connrll tn 1'nllon to Smith , llanos itolon Trnnliir ,
Werrlck. linicson balU-lly Mnlna . lilt by ball-
Mnlns. fitrnck out By Mnln * J , by Kennedy 2.
\Mlil nltcli Mnlns 1. 'llmo of game 1 hour nud IK )
minutes. Umpire Ilrloily.
Tlio Oinnhiis U'nllop Superior.
SOPERIOII , Nob. , Sept. 3-Special [ Telegram
to TUB 13iR. | The Raino of ball playr'd at
this ploco to-dny between the homo nlno anil
the Omaha club resulted In a score ot 10 to 4
in favor of Omaha. Goodrich , of the Supe
rior nine , made the only homo run during the
game. Pad Clark , of the Otuahaa , acted as
unipiro. _
, The National Ijonuito.
Sopt. 3. Kosult of to day's
ftamo : ,
uhicago . . . . o o o i a i or o0 4
Philadelphia. . . .0 00001010 2
Bas < > hits Philadelphia 9 , Chicago 8. < Er
rors Philadelphia 4 , Chicago 0. Batteries
PhtladelphIn , Glca8on nnd < ' Clements ; Clii-
caeo , j.llutchmsbn and Fart ell. .Umpiio
WABHINOTON , Sept. 3. Kosult of to-ddV'
Washington . 0 00000010 1
Cloycland . S 00000000 3
Bnso hits WnshinRton 0 , Cleveland 7.
Errors Washington 5 , Cleveland 1. Batteries -
tories Wasbmgton , Haddock and Daly ;
Cleveland , Cleveland , O'Brien and Zimmor.
Umpire Knight.
NEW YOUK , Sept. 3. Result of to-day's
f earno : , „
Now YorK. . . . . 0 0501310 0
JjMitsburg. . . . . . . . . .I 0000310 4
Game called nt the end of the eighth in
ning on account of darkness.
i : Bnso hits New York 13 , 1'lttsburg 8. Er
rors Now York 2 , PittsburgO. Batteries
Now York , Welch und Brown ; Pittsburg ,
Stanley , Field nnd Miller. Umpire Powers.
OM , Sopt. 3. Result of to-days game :
IndiaunpoliB..O 01000010-8
Boston . 8 0400000 J ) 7
Bane hits Boston 7. Indianapolis , 10 Er
rors Boston 2 , Indianauolld 2. Batteries
Boston , Muddon ana Bennett ; Indianap
olis , Uusle and Daly. Umpires McQuaid
nnd Curry.
Tlin American /VmooliUlon.
BAI/TIMOKB , Sept. 3. Result of to-day's
came :
Baltimore . 0 00020038 7
St. Louis. . . . . . . .0 000 , I
Piiii > AiRt.riiiji , Sopt. 0. Result of to-
dav'scaino :
Athletics . 0 0 0 3 I 0 2 U 1 0
I uusasClty . 3 4 0 02030 10
BJIOOKMN , Sept. . Result of to-day'a
pi mo ;
Brooklyn . 0 1 3 50118 0 10
Cincinnati . 0 1 0 100043 8
COI.DMIIUS , Sopt. 9. Result of to-day's
prime :
Columbus 4 0 0 100030 7
Louisville 0 0 3 000000 3
' lies MolncN Ilnoes.
Dns. MOINBS , In. , Sept. 3. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BBK.I The races at t'ho
Btatofnir to-day drew 18,000 penplo , the
chief attraction being Axtoll , the precious
thrco-ycar-old Iowa colt. lie was adver
tised to give nn exhibition trot , but as the
track was only a lialf-inilo trnoic und throe
Becondaslow , it was not ox pouted that ho
would lower his record. When the beauti
ful horse , driven by hUoxvucr , Mr. Williams ,
Urovo past tbo auiphlthcatur , they were
greeted by deafening chceis. After a good
Btart , bu went around the track at a rattling
pace , completing the mlln in 3'J2 ; , or , allow-
lup for the slowness of the truck , in "ilD ,
wlilch , for a half-mllo track , Is us good aa ho
lias dono.
The liorsu , Dos Molnes boy , owned by K.
O , Butchur , of Comauuho , la. , that ran In
the race yesterday , burst u blood vessel and
died this morning. Ho was valued nt $3,000.
The other races to-dny were for three-
year-olds nnd the ihroo-mlnuto class. In the
former Allerton , the famous in a to of Axtull ,
won the llrat two bouts , and then became
very luino niul was obllirod to leave thd
track. The race was won by Roderick Dhu ,
a black stallion , owned by Stout Broa. , Du-
bunuo. Best llmo 3:33 > f.
Tha second race was uon bv Nettle , a sorrel -
rol mure. Timo-2ao : > / , 3:8T : f.
Jletrolt Ituoos.
Dr.TJiOJT , Sept. 0. The twelfth annua' '
mcotititr of tlio National association of tiot
ting hordb breeders , and the annual meo'.lu ;
Ofho Michigan trotting horse breeders
association , opened to-day. Summary :
Stake for four-year-olds Harry Nobli
won , Phoebe Wilkcs , second. Best tlmo-
Special stokes for foals of 18SO Palo AH <
Bcllo won , Fortiinu soccncl , Dora Cossaol
third , Sanlialo fourth. Bust UniQ-aieu } ;
Throo-j'eur-old's stuko for goldinga ant
mures Queen won , Kdwyno second. Bus
time 2\Mt. \
For special fqsls of IgWJ Oueon Wilko
vron. BarthoUU Patction second. Best tmn
Giauil Circuit Itaooa.
Mass. , Sept. .HSpecln (
Telogrruint4TuKBBB.J The gra-id clicui
rotting- began hero to-day with two rnces.
The favorites were beaten in oacli , the Hart
ford gelding , Whalebone , getting the 2 ; SO
clnfs in slow time , whllo Qroonlnndor , n
ICcntuoky stnillon , walked nwny with the
2 :34 : class In straight bents. Frcdorlca and
3rccninndor both inailo new records for
themselves. The Ci 13 class , the 3:22 : stuko
> f f5COO , nnd the frco-for-all pnco nro on for
Wednesday. Summary :
VVMK 81,500 , 3i30 CLASS.
Whnlebono ( E. M. DoiiRO..B 54111
Frcderlcft ( Goldsmith ) . . .
MnutVMullerIrwln ( ) . 3 13450
Sulunn ( Turner ) . . . . . . . . . . .3 2552 Ro
LonaWllk'PS ( .NtcCarthyj..4 3 an 4 Ro
Tlmc-2:23 : , 2:24 : , 222 ; ,
ruusB C1.500 , 2:24 : CLASS.
Groonlnndor ( Uavis ) . . . 1 1 1
3 5
Former lioy ( ShUIIuslaw ) . , . 5 G 3
Allcne ( lliott.t . ? . 8 3 4
( Doblo ) . . . . , . 4 4 3 ; 23K , 322. ; a.-Sl ,
Hha'rarcs for to-d iv arc as folloxvs :
tfotflris SbUlons , 2:30 : Gorman Boy ,
Nutliiml. Ifjhus Fatus , Talavcnu , Graham's
Trpltlug , 2:2-1 : Frank A. , Spantnn , Robert
Ryactyk , Jennie Wllkos , Thalborg , Cricket ,
Kginont , TLIttlo Thorn.
Tiottinc , 3:20-Konn : Jack. Bird , Laura
Hello , Colonel V\'nllter , Charley U. , Dan II. ,
ifrnttlng , 2fU3 Bay Frank , Banquet , Arch-
bjilrt , Mlnnlu O. . iCnlgbt Tctnplhr , Yum
Yum , Wllkosmontarina. .
; coujjh can bo so quickly
3urcd by Shlloh'a Cure. Wo guurnntoo
it. FOP Biilo by Goodintin Drujj Co.
C2t > V. Gorilon'i Spjrcli Bofnrn tlio
Unllctl Conreclorntn Association.
* AYr.ANTAt Go. , Sopfc 3. In the course of a
speech to-day in accepting the chief corn-
man a of the United Confederate association ,
Governor Johu B. Gordon , after reviewing
the objects of the association as set forth in
tbo constitution , ; nl < l :
"A people without memories of heroic
deeds , heroic sufferings and sacrifices is a
people without a history. To cherish such
memories and recoil such u past ,
whether crowned with success cor con
secrated in defeat , la to idealize
jinncinlo nnd strength of character ,
intensify love of our country and convert de
feat unit disaster into pillars of support for
future manhood unil noble womanhood.
Whether the southern people under changed
conditions may over witness another civil
ization which shall cuual that winch bepuu
with their Washington nnd ended with their
Lcoi it is certainly true that devotion to tholr
glorious past Is not only the surest guaranty
of their future unity , . but is also the strong
est cluini they can present to the conlittence
nnd respect of the other sections of the
unlyn. "
And the Latter Rotnllntod With Ills
CHICAGO , Sopt. 3. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEB.I Mile. Xualltz , the premiere
danscuse in a summer spect icular show now
on at the Chicago opera house , had the worst
of a battle with , a tailor to-dny. The fair
! > allot dancer had taken several pair of
tights to a tailor for cleaning , and on calling
for them to-duy was assessed $10. This she
thought was too much , but the tailor "as
sured her It was a case of pay or no tights. "
The lady refused to pay the $10 nnd the
tailor hung on to the clothes. Then the
actress lit into him. She kickpd him simul
taneously with both feet under tliu cnla nnd
In the stomach , but the tailor countered
with his hotgonsoand the premiere danseuse
willed. Sha has sworn out n warrant
iigainst the tmlor.ami the case will bo settled
botoro Justipo Lyon.
St. iloscpti'i * Imposition.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo.Sept. . 3. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THIS J3BH.J The Now Er.i opposi
tion opened * to-duy.i It is estim.Uod that-
10,000 people passed the gates" Bach's
famous band of Milwaukee is in attendance ,
nnd gives concerts three times dally. The
Wild West sports in the amphitheater
[ iroved very interesting. Captain Jack
Crawford and fifty Apache Indians arrived
this evening. The prospects nro that tlie
Now Era exposition will bo the grandest suc
cess over known in St. Joseph.
Nnvul OIHucr Suspended.
WASHINGTON , Sept 3. The secretary of
the navy ban npptovcd the findings ana sen
tence ( n the case of Lieutenant John C. Ir
vine , who was tried bv a naval court martial
August 14. The ofiicer was charged with
scauualpus conduct , drunkenness on duty ,
neglect of dutv and absence without leave.
The court found him guilty and sentenced
him to suspension from und duty on
Furlough pay for three years and to retain
tils present uuhibur in his grade during that
HcldUplty Hiuliwnymnn.
TROT , N. \ . , Sent , 3 News has boon re
ceived thnt last Friday , whllo Mrs. Ralph
Branduthand children wcio passing over the
"Carry" on route from Raquott lake to tnelr
numtnor bouso in Hamilton county , the party
encountered robbers , who wont through their
trunks , destroying what thov did not wans.
Diamonds , jewelry und otliorarliolm amount-
lug to $ .2,000 wore stolon. The thieves es
caped. * _
Olnss AVorkcrs to StrlKc.
PiTTgutwo , Sobt. 8. At the conference of
window glass manufacturers and repre
sentatives ol the workers' association to-day
the manufacturers offered to compromise by
paying la-it year's wages. This was rejected
on the part of the workmen , who insist upon
un advanpo. The negotiations nro now off ,
and n long uind determined struggle is ex
pected. , _ _
A Wall > itrui't Fahiiro.
NEW YOKK , Sopt. 3. Tlio first of the fail
ures which 'have been expected on Wall
street , to , follow the recent advance in the
stoclr.iiiUr'kot , was announced to-day as that
of T , 13. Musgravo , of 'Musgravo & Co. Ho
was ouo of the most prominent uiambors of
the stopk exchange , having been connected
with it Hlnco 183' . ) . His liabilities uro esti
mated at $100,000.
American aolontlsts.
ToitoNTO , Sept. 81. At a mooting to-day of
the American association for the advance
ment of science , all the onlcors nominated at
yesterday's meeting were elected. George
L. Goodall , of Cambridge , Mass. , was made
president , The association will meet next
year at Indianapolis , on thu third Wednesday
In August.
Fntul FrHiu'hi Wrack.
WASHINGTON , Scot. 3 Iho caboose of
the north-bound freight train on the Vir
ginia Midland railroad this afternoon left the
track near A ceo ttlult , instantly killing T. R.
Hnnoy aud Ashton Ranuy , brothers , and well
known cottlo drovers of Warrouton , Va.
Conductor Faulkner was seriously injured.
YAKMOUrii , Mass , Sopt. 3. Tha observ
ance of the two hundred and flttloth anni
versary of the sottloiaont of old Yarmouth
hero to day 1ms drawn from all parts of the
country many natives of the oltt town , who
liua long loft for other scones.
. *
Ciuliolk'H in Convention.
PKOVIDKNCB , R. L , Sept. 8. The fifteenth
annual convention ot tbn Catbolio Young
Man's National union opened hero this morn
ing. After the appointment of committees
and call of the roll , the convention adjourned
until 3 o'clockthis afternoon.
The SolrmistB Adjourn.
TOUONIO , Sept. 3. Thu American associa
tion for the advancement of sclonco closed
its session to-day and adjourned to meet
next August m Indianapolis.
Slouplosii nights niiulo miserable by
that torrlblo cough. Slilloh's Cure in
the roinody toe you. For ealo by Good
man Drug Co.
Suloido of a Farmer Driven lusano
By Qrlof.
Tlio DCS JUolncs Oarnlvnl Festivities
In Full niast Defaulter Btoil-
innn'n ShnrtnKO BInilo Good
By Ills Bomlsmon.
Mlow HU lirnd Off.
Sioux Cttr , la. , Sept. 8. [ Special Tel
egram to Tit * BBB.I A. T. Shepherd , npros-
porous farmer near Rook Rapids , la. , sui
cided to day by blowing the top of his head
off with U double barreled shotgun , ills
wlfo died a few weeks ngo and.ho . was In
sane with grief.
A Track \VnlUcr Killed.
DAVENroiiT , la. , Sept. 3. . | Special Tele
gram to Tun UKR | A > Fronta , an Italian
laborer employed ftt4Falrport , about Uvonty
miles from Davenpo'rt , on thd Rock Island ,
wnl iced on the railroad truck in the dark this
morning und was struolc byn passenger
train , thrown upon the pilot nnd carried nil
the wny to this citv before being discovered.
Ho was fearfully crushed 'und dlod soon
after being taitcn off tho'cngino.
Soul Oin
DE3 MOINES , la. , , 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIR Bisn.j Dos Molues Innucuratcd
its carnival ot Scnl Oni Sod to-night with n
great spectacular performance. The main
event of the ovmilug was the trades display ,
In which were symbolical representations of
the past nnd present A band of thirty Mua-
quaklo Indians from tho. Tama reservation ,
rigged out in war paint and feathers , and
frontier coaches from the Jar west , with
cowboy attendants , .were conspicuous fea
tures of the parudt ) . 'There were about
seventy floats , representing the various in
dustries and commercial interests of DCS
Molncs , in Jlno , some of them bolncr " very
beautiful and elaborate in design" The
streets \\ero brilliantly Illuminated , and the
parade was witnessed by 50,000 people. To
morrow night the parade will b devoted to
military and civic organizations.
Stramnn'H Shortnec Settled.
WATERLOO ; la. , Sopt. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE , BKE. ] The shortngo of about
$11,000 in the uccount of , E. D. Stedman ,
treasurer of Bcnton county , which was
recently discovered , wns settled yesterday
by his bondsmen paying tUo county $7,017.
Iho balance of the shortage was outlawed.
A Uumordl Extension.
MASON Ciir , la , Sopt. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. | It Is stated .hero on
reliable authority that 'the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway company Is uow
making arrangements for the extension of
Us rood from Chamberlain through to the
Black Hills. The work will be commenced
as soon as the grcut Sioux reservation opens.
Railroad inon who have been mostly idle
during the summer look for a much bettor
A 1'ostofllco Robbery.
DAVENroiiT , la. , Sept 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The postofflco at Moline -
line , 111. , was entered by burglars last night.
The vault was forced open nud robbed of
stamps to the value of $1,350 and about ? 700
in cash. Tbo work was done by three mon ,
and the officers have slight clues to follow.
Union Labor Convention.
DEB MOINES , la , Sopt. 8. The union
labor party of Towa began its state conven
tion here to-night. Only a'touiporary organi
zation was effected ; adjourned till to-mor
" " , * * . - ' , i. i
Her LI To Almost Brought to a Close by
* > OJd Age.
NEW Yor.K , Sept. 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BuK.1 Mrs. Delia Stewart Parnell
is slowly dying of old ago und its attendant
infirmities at Bordontown , N. J. The doc
tors say her days are fast coming to a close.
Mra. Purnoll was found at her homo to-day
in a feeble condition , but she forced a faint
sin Ho when Informed of the rumor of her
"No , I am not dead , but dylnc1 she said.
"My life is slowly but surely ebbing away ,
and I realize my days arc numbered. As
they say out west , I am dying with my boots
on , nnd 1 will not give up until 1 have to go
to bed. My life 1ms been ono long scries of
trials nnd tribujations as far back as I con
remember , but during my darkest hours I
never thought of dying , for I expected to
live to see the Irish peoolo on their
native heath , led from under the bondage
they suffered from English tyranny and
oppression. But I do not believe Twill see
the happy day , for , whllo the light of my
existence is flickering , tbo uouo of Ireland's
Immediate freedom Is lessening day by day.
My son has been trampled upon for his views
on tbo rights of the Irish people , nnd my
heart has bled for every insult he has re-
teived. Whllo ho is suffering martyrdom
abroad , I am being trampled upon nt homo.
A certain man is trying to blast my reputa
tion , for he has instituted a law suit against
mo for the recovery of n sum of money which
I do not ewe him. This has necessitated
a great deal of labor on my part nud has
ruined my constitution. For over six months
I have been overhauling papers and docu
ments which have been accumu
lating about fifteen years. I have gene
through every ouo of these papers
three times nnd my oyoslght'has been ruined.
I cannot aeo any more ; and "although it is
necessary for too. to , go over-tho papers
nuain , 1 cannot 'doit. The ncivcs of my
eves are burning , and I fear-that iri a short
time I shall bo totally blind , 'If my eyes are
not closed forever before that time comes.
The work must bo done , ' however , Tor there
are certain papers which must , bo fpund before
fore the stand 'which I have taken in this
lawsuit may bo vindicated. " > -
For a disodorcd liver try Beochnm's Pllu.
They Will flnlil Tholr Convention at
Huron To-Day.
HUHOK , S , D. , Sopt. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THU BEE. ] Many delegates to the
democratic state convention hero to-morrow
arrived this afternoon. The oinvttsj to-night
Indicates that either F. M , ZIobach. E. W.
Miller and P. F. McClur.o will bo nominated
for governor , nnd J. W. Hardln for lieuten
ant governor. The latter Is tbo choice of the
farmers. Judge Tupp , Judge Spencer nnd
Judge Thomas will bo nominated for the
supreme bench. Wright , of Sioux Falls ;
Harris , of Yanliton ; Van Buaklrk , of Water-
town , and Walsh , of Red Cloud , want the
congressional nomination. J. D. Lawlor is a
candidate for treasurer , and either Hudloy ,
Englo orCroofoot will i > o named .for attorney
general. The canvassing tO'inght Is quito
lively. _ _
Nebraska anil lowu Patents.
AVASHiNaiotf , Sept 8. ( .Special Tele
gram to TUB BEC. ] Patents Issueu to Ne
braska and Iowa inventors to-day as follows :
Nobraskana : Charles Flsbbaugh , York ,
Nob. , heater for stock watering tanks ; Solomon
omen Harbaugb , Genoa , Nob. , windmill ;
Willis D. Sherman , assignor to Upton Hy
draulic Drain nnd Tlio company , Omaha ,
Nob. , tlio machine.
lowans : J. 7 . Benson and Blanchard Rolf ,
la , , Implement for dehorning cattle ; Clark
Hardy , M. J. Taylor and J. B. Henibaw ,
Manning , la. , said Taylor assignor to Clark
nnd Ilenshaw , steam generator ; JessoB.
Carl , aaBicnor of one-half to A. Anderson ,
DCS Molnes. la. , vapor-burning etovo ;
Charles Lalrdson , Sioux City , la. , boiler ; C.
W. Doollttlo , Garden Grove , la. , road cart ;
William H. Joncks , Clinton , la. , decoy ;
Jonas P. McDowell , Foolo , la. , car coupling ;
William L. Sextou , Scrantqn City , assignor
of one-half to D. Barrowj Groeu county ,
Iowa , shovel for plows.
Nobody IIollovo * Ornlinm Mndo the
* fTnu In a IJnrrol.
BCPFXI.O , JN. Y. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TiHf-Br.B. ] ' ! will gamble nil I can
pet thai Grnhnm did not go over the falls
yc9torday"rsald a Niagara Falls man who
knows the barrel man , A newspaper man
who made n thorough Investigation of the al
leged trfp , while ho cannot provo that It did
not take place , Is confidant that It did not.
Weeks ngo ho wns told of what was up nnd
was asked it help out tno "fnko. " When the
first ImrrorVns sent over the falls n few
weeks agtfmj'sayB It was Graham's intention
to swim atitVo it , cot In nnd bo picked up ,
but this schema did not work because the
bnrrolwont to pieces. It has never boon
Graham's Intention to go over the falls , nnd
no ono nt Niagara behoves that ho did. Sometime
timengo n syndicate ot special friends
jumped Larry Donovan from suspension
bridge thnt Is , a dummy went
over , Donovan was picked up , nnd
taken ashore in n soaked condition , nnd the
papers throughout the country were treated
to extended accounts of the -great 100- foot
jump. Those same mon have since turr.od
thair attention to Grnhnm , nnd he , by tholr
aid , has done many things nt the falls that
ho did not do. Some of them , tt Is suspootod ,
have engineered Graham's trip. Indeed , in
some of the dispatches sent out. Ills stated
thnt Graham was driven to his hotel In a
bock In which wcro Buffalo reporters.
Strange , then , thnt no Buffalo paper has as
serted as n fuct that Graham' did go over tlio
falls. It is stated that n showman has been
backing the scheme with the intention of
adding Graham to his collection of mon
Reports of Missionary Kldgo
nnd Knoxvlllo AV anted.
WASHINGTON , Sopt. . A compilation of
tbo volumes of war records , comprising the
operations about Chattanooga and Knoxvlllo ,
including the battle of Missionary Hldcro , U
progressing rapidly under thu direction of
Mujor Davis.
The following reports of the battle of Mis
sionary Ridge and Knoxvlllo ore among
those missing , If the members of those or
ganizations having original reports or copies
known to bo such , will send them to Major
George B. Davis , oaro war department ,
Washington , they can still bo used in mak
ing the volumes. They should bo forwarded
as soon as possible :
Union Troops , Illinois , Infantry Regi
ments Tenth , Thirteenth , Sixteenth ,
Twenty-sixth , Thirty-fourth , .Fortieth ,
Forty-eighth , Fifty-fifth. Fifty-sixth , Sixti
eth , Sixty-third , Sixty-fifth , Eightieth ,
Eiiihty-second. Eighty-fifth , Elphty-Sixth ,
Ninetieth , Ono Hundred and First , Ono
Hundred nnd Thlrd.Ono Hundred and Tenth ,
One Hundred nnd Sixteenth and Ono Hun
dred nnd Twenty-Seventh.
Artillery First Light artillery , batteries
A , B , F , H , InudM ; Second Light , artillery ,
battery I , Bridge's buttery , Co gswcll but
tery , Elgin battery.
Iowa , Infantry Regiments Sixtieth nnd
Artillery First battery.
Wisconsin , Infantry Regiments Tenth ,
Eighteenth nnd Twenty-sixth.
Artillery Rirst Heavy artillery , company
C. Wisconsin1 Batteries : Third , Fifth , Sixth ,
Tenth and Twelfth.
Two Me ii Dlo In a Woll.
ST. HELENA , Cal. , Sept. 3. Will McPlko ,
a brother | W j ex-Unltod States District At
torney Henry C. MoPiko , went down in a
well in Dr : ' Chine's vineyard to-dny to sob
nbout makmg.soine repairs. Ho wns over
come by poisonous gases and fell into the
water. Martm Hickey , n workman , went to
his assistance and was also overcome. A
third workman. Lew Davis , was lowered
into the welt nnd'siiceeedod in cettlng a rope
around the bodies , nnrrowlv escaping from
being overborne blmsolf. Hlckey nnd
McPiko are.acad. .
, Now Mexico's Convention.
SANTA FE , N , at , Sept. 8. The constitu-
tlonfUcon.yi3itron > Grganizclut noon In repre
sentative hall. J. Francias Chavez , of Va
lencia county,1 was elected permanent chair
man and committees were appointed. Tno
convention is about equally divided between
Spanish and Enclish speaking people.
Will Support Maliono.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. John M. Longston ,
of Virginia , n well known negro who is a
contestant for a scat in congress nnd who
was heretofore opposed to Mahonc , Is out in
n long Jotter in which he announces his In
tention to suuport the republican nominee in
the coming campaign in the Old Dominion.
A Clnclnmitl Hi-i-wor .Suicides.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 3. Conrad Fuchs , jr. ,
aged twenty-eight , unmarried , shot and
killed himself in bed at his mother's resi
dence this morning. Ho was tocietary of the
Adam Schultz Brewing company. No rea
son is known'for1 the net.
Bro\vn Jsot In Boston.
BOSTON , Sept. 3. 1'ho statement that
Gideon P. Brpwn , the missing wool mer
chant. is in Boston , is denied by Judge John
Lowell , who is acting as counsel for Mrs.
Dung TOILS to iii > n Sweetheart.
DENVEII , Sept. 3. Billy Johnson , aged
twenty-three , to-night shot and killed his
sweetheart. Jennie Scbock , and then sui
cided. Jealousy was the cause.
Three SsUti-rs Huloido.
LONPON , Sept.8. . Three sisters named
Cuvolier committed suicide at Vcslnox owing
to losses in betting.
Dodge Light Guards tobj Kntcrtnliiccl
by the Gmahn GuanlH.
The Omaha Guards have extended un invi
tation to the Dodge Light Guards to partici
pate In a dress parade with them on Monday
evening. After the parade the Dodo Light
Guards , with their friends , and the Omaha
Guards and tholr friends will commingle
in the pleasures of a hop. Tbo dress parade
and the bop will bo one of tbo greatest social
events ever known by the Omaha people.
All thu Omaha and Council Bluffs society
people will bo present. The committee of
arrangements will consist of the well-known
tocioty triumvirate , Mr , Altchlson , Mr. Adalr
and Mr. Doah.
Dodloiitloit at tjrenlcy Center.
The first church' building nt Grcoloy Cen
ter was dedicated on last Sunday , Septem
ber 1. It boloji 'stothoMoUiodJBtdonomliiu ;
tlon , but has feoen helped forward by nearly
all the Proieaiaiit people of the town. Rev.
J. W. ShaukrpnTsldlni ; elder of the Grand
Island discril-r/preached the dedicatory ser
mon to a fullVhduso and took a subscription
ot $300 to nwptf the expense of completing
the tower and furnishing the auditorium.
Iho church J/gi3x4Q / { foot , with side tower
and vestibule , The cost completed will bo
$1,800. Of this. amount Rev. E. H. Dupuy ,
the late pastaft bad collected $1,000. The
$300 subscription , nnd $500 expected from the
Church Extension Society , will place the
society nrautleullY free from debt. Rev. L.
Campbell , of rffcotia , preached in the after
noon , and inaho evening Rev. Dupuy de
livered his faROfrftll sorinon and left on Mon
day to reslintii his studies at Drew
Theological gbiuluary. The success of the
enterprise hauuum marvelous.
Foil 'ihrouch a Culvert.
A drunken man came to the police station
last nlcht , dragging ono log after him , and
claimed that heh&d been assaulted by a
gang of men wlio had beaten him with a
brick. Inquiry delobod the fact that ho had
wandered down to the railroad yards and bad
fallen through a culvert. Dr. Ralph , was
called and attended to a badly sprained nnklo
and other hurts that thu follow had sustained.
None of the injuries are serious.
POLLOCK Tuesday , September 8 , Pearlle ,
youngest daughter of John M. and Mar
garet W. Pollock , aged 3 years and 3 days.
Interment Wednesday at 3 o'clock in For
cst Lawn cemetery , from family residence.
3113 Harnoy street. Friends of the family
are invited to attend.
Cincinnati pupors please copy.
Governor Lowroy Thinks Tlioro Will
Bo No Unco War.
'JClicro Still Are Mitt tonnes' lint
Hi In KB Will Soon Bottle limn
Seine ContUolInc
AVcro Anr lilnok Mem Klllmt ?
NBW OitLttANs , Sept. 8. A Jackson , Miss. ,
special saj s : In au Intorvlow to- Jay Gov-
oruor Lowroy mode in sulistmico thla nn-
Bwcr to general questions on the stnto of
nfTnlrs In Lo Floro county : "On nrrjviiif * at
Greenwood I found so mo excitement unions
the people , not from any fonr of bloodshed
dcUvcon the races , but rather tlio inonaco of
the negroes nnd tholr delimit nttttudo of two
days bnfore , and tins probably was Intensified
by tbo fuct thnt the ucRroes.or nt leant quite a
number of thorn , wcro nrtuod with Win
chester r I lies. The inaccessibility of the
town lu the vicinity of the disturbance , ren
dered the getting of information from
there very Ulfilcult. In the mean
while thrco military companies hud
arrived nnd quite u number
of voluntcora from the surrounding counties
of Cnrrollton mid Grenada. The citizen vol
unteers , or n number of them , at loust ,
seemed detnrmlnod to Imvo mutters their
own wny. I feared that if thny went to the
scene of the disturbance in the exulted stale
in which , they were , they would do harm.
After u consultation , it was llnnlly decided
that UID military , instead of the citizen vol
unteers , should bo sent to the aid of tno
sheriff in enforcing the law. In conclusion
the governor said ho had no fours of further
The Capital Light Guards , of this city , ar
rived hero from Lo Floro county at 8 p. in.
to-dav ; They report that there had boon
nrtned negroes near Mjntor City , butthoy
'were dispersed before the arrival of the mili
tary. There wns a largo body of white men
urmed , who had ilocked tbero from various
points before the arrival of the troops.
These- men had dispersed the negroes and
captured their loaders.
The loports as to whether any negroes had
been It Hied , or the number captured were
conflicting./ negro was klllnd by an
other for refusing to Join them. Ono man
tola the oQIccrs that ho saw six deid : negroes.
Other reports place the number higher ,
while some denied that thcro hud been any
killed except the negro killed by another
'Urn troops captured and turned over to
tbo shorifT forty uegioes. It was reported
after the troops loft that ono negro leader
was hanged
The sheriff , under whoso orders the troops
wcro placed , notilled them they were needed
no longer , nnd they left by boat. A number
of the company told the Associated press
correspondent Unit it was impossible to pet
rellablo information as to occurred ;
that it was u certainty that from 300 to 1UU
iicijroea were armed und congregated , vowIng -
Ing vcngcaiiLO on Saturday night , nnd It wns
certain lurpe bodies of white men had dis
persed them and captured some of them , but
no true account could bo obtained. The
whl to people of Shellmound deserted the
place Saturday , and sought rot ugo in safer
Bid [ > ' ( tclini ; In Alabama.
CHICAGO , Sept. 3. A dispatch from Bir
mingham , Ala. , says : The saloon row
between white meji and negroes , Friday
night , at Haverton's store , in Bibb county ,
the killing of John Lawrence by"two negro
burglars , und the lynching of the latter Sat
urday. have caused inucli Dad feeling- be
tween the two races , aca n murderous con-
flirt may bo Ci peeled at any moment.
The negroes huva mussed In and about
Ctntervulo and nro well armed. A Bibb
county man said that so great xvas the alarm
felt that Satuiday night two trusty citizens
weiosontto Mnshvillo , Turin. , for 100 Win
chester rilles. He said no work had boon
clone there slnco Friday , und if n conflict
came every negro in the county would bo ex
terminated. x
Ho Made IHnisi'lf Obnoxious at n
Louisiana Election.
Nnw OIILEANS , La. . Sept. 3. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Joseph Jacobs , a sup
porter of Minor and a deputy sheriff of
Franklin , La. , was shot this morning Just as
the polls were opened. Ho wns shot in the
back. Tno only particulars of the shooting
Is a dispatch received by Chairman Moore ,
of the democratic committee. It is stated
that Jacobs had been troublesome and onlc-
lous at the polls. Neither the commission
ers nor the by-standcrs Knew ho wns a
deputy sheriff. No announcement to that
effect had been made , so when ho diaw his
pistol una made a murderous assault ho was
shot down before ho could llro. Tha wound
is not necessarily fatal. No disturbance
whatever followed.
Price is ID looted.
NEW OUHIANS , La. , Sept. 3. Telegrams
from various points in the Third congres
sional district indicate the election of An
drew Price , tbo democratic candidate , by a
good majority , over H. C. Minor , republican.
The .affair at Franklin , in which a repub
lican deputy sheriff was shot and seriously
wounded , is the only disturbance so far re
Over Six TIioiiHniid Majority.
Nnw ORLEANS , Sept. 3. The Times-
Democrat claims the election of Prlco
( democrat ) to congress from this district by
a runjoilty of six or seven thousand.
Encourntrcs Catholic Immigration.
CLEVELAND , Sept. 8. At to-day's session
of the Central Gorman Roman Catholic soci
ety a resolution to encourage the iinmlgnf-
ton ) of Catholic foreigners to this country
was passed. It is proponed to pay especial
attention to farmers who will bo sent < a join
Catholic parishes in the west or banded to
gether to form now parishes.
Switzerland IM Sorry.
LUCEIIXE , Sept. 3 , In reply to the protest
of the American minister the Buudesruth
announces regret ot the wrongful , arrest of
the four American tourists at Berne on the
charge of being pilferers , and measures will
bo takoa to prevent such a blunder being
made agaiu.
Bit ; Flro at UUInli , California.
URIAH , Cal. , Sept. 8. An incendiary flro
was started in the Palace hotel to-day , de
stroying that structure , together with Wells
-Fargo & Co.'s express oflloo , the Western
Union telegraph ofllco , Hucd's theater nnd
several residences , The Odd Follows' block
was partially destroyed. Tbo loss will bo
Mrs. May brick's Cnlltlron Adopted ,
LONDON , Sept. 3. The children of Mrs.
Maybrick bavo been adopted by a lady and
gentleman of London , with the approval of
the relatives on both sides of the family.
HtonniRhip Arrivals ,
At Quoenstown The Alaska , from Now
York , for Liverpool.
At Hamburg The Bohemia , from Now
At London Tbo Rootia , from Now York
for Hamburg , passed the Lizard to-day ,
William U'Hrlon Horiouslr III.
DUUUN , Sept. 3. William O'Brlon , who
was removed to Galway jail yesterday , Is se
riously 111. The prison otUclals telegraphed
to the prison board that his condition is criti
An AKCC ! HumUvlcli.
SANDWICH , Mass. , Sept , 8. The two hun
dred and fiftieth anniversary of the Incor
poration of this town wa colebratoa to-day.
Visitors from all part * of the union arc
A Now Ncbrutiuu Dank.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. The First National
bank of Nellgb , Neb. , has been authorized to
commence business with , a capital of # 0,000.
Shrived nnil Flnoil by the 101(00 ( Mi\n-
Ills honor , Jiulgo Borkn , hold at o/irly ses
sion In the police court yostordiy morning In
order to allow himself nnd the various
prisoners the opportunity of hearing Uov.
Hewitt Tnlmngo discourse on the "Sunny
Sldo of Llfo.11
The first culprit was n stalwart Scandina
vian who wixs arrested whllo ho was drunk
niut swearing like n madman. Ho refused to
talk after being arrested and us his nnmo
could not bo ascertained ho wns christened
Bllzzatd. Tha new name proved a hooiloo
and brought htm the heaviest line of the
mornlnir , $13.50.
1'at McCnll admitted thnt ho had taken n
drop too much of tbo "cr.vrthor. " nnd paid
& > .r > 0 for his indiscretion.
Alf Bayer nnd Bain Olson pleaded guilty
to tbo charge of intoxication , und each departed -
parted $1.51) ) poorer.
John L. Sullivan at In nip ted to follow the
example of his illustriousnamosiko , John L. ,
by bunting n respectable young woman
named Kiln Haley , who lives at Thirteenth
nnd Pierce. The assault coil him (3 HO beside -
side * the night ho spant In ] ill.
Stephen Dally smashed the windows in
Hello Proston'n bawdy house , nud was
mulcted $13 50 for It , '
Jim Adams got angry with How-
ley , n loafer among bawdy houses , and drew
a revolver on him to shook htm , Ho did not
put his throat Into execution , nnd for his
forbearance ho was released with n line of
87 und costs.
rooicior uia
Ho AVns Consequently Arrested by n
IMun Oim Ilittnaitltnrlnn.
Mr. Rudolph Schmidt , n respectable ap
pearing traveling man from St. Louis , whllo
on his way tu his room nt the Barker hotel
Monday evening , happened to BOO the poor
horses attached to u crowded street car
struggling up the hill on Thirteenth below
"It's a shame , " said Schmidt , turning to
his companion , "to abusr ? poor dumb brutes
in that way. "
Before his comrndo could reply u tnombor
of the police force laid his hands on Schmidt
with the remark r
"Swourlng on the street , are youl you
blackguard , come along , with mo , " nnd hot
gave tbo traveling man a JerK that almost
toro his ooat.
Schmidt was indignant that ho should be
arrested on such a pretext , nnd refused at
first to go with the policeman. But the
ofllcor jerked out hla clnD , und us Schmidt
had heard how young Jninicson had suffered
under Bloom'H club a year ago. ho wout to
the look-up. The hearing of hU case was
continued until to-day.
Mnsln ( or Charity.
The following' is the programme for the
promenade concert to ba glvon under the
auspices of the St. Vinoant do Paul society
for the bonollt of the poor , at Exposition
hall , Thursday evening next :
1. Fest March G. Wolngartou
3. Overture , "The Tourist"H.
H. Schloppjgroll
3. Wnltz , "iSngiiTomont" J. Honzlcr
4. Serenade Jensen
5. Grand Selection , "Mantnna".Wallace
0. Song without Words ( cornet solo )
E. Curth
7. Polka , "Lifeof Pteasui-o".F. Wolinnkn
8. Polonaise , "Greeting the Spring , "
\ C. Apitlus
9. Selection , "BohomUn Girl" Balfo
TO. Duet from Attllla Vcrdl
11. Spa'iisb Serenade , "Li Palomi. "
Air. S. V. Balfour
12. Gallop , "Poltort'cister" C. Fnust
Advluuto Mothers.
Mrs , Wlnslow's Soothlnpr Syrup
should nlwnys bo ubod for children
toothing. It soothes the child , actions
tlio gums , allays nil puina , cures wind
colic , and ia the best remedy for diar
rhoea. 2oc a Bottle' .
Morn'llnliHi Pacific K
General Purchasing Agent KcKibben , of
tbo Union Pacilic , has just purchased forty-
seven roadonumes for the company. Thirty-
two of these came from tlio New York Lo
comotive works , ton of which are six-wheel
switch engines und twenty two len-whrel
passenger engines. Fifteen consolidated
freight engines were purchased fiom the
Kogcrs Locomotive works. All the cncmos
will pressed Into services on thu inuln lino.
General Manager Kinlb'ill , of the Union
Pacific , has returned from Chicago.
John W. Scott , division passenger agent of
the Union Pacific ut Kunsis City , is In
Omaha. Ho reports the business to bo grad
ually on tbo inc'ioasu.
Opetiinir Konrtoijnili Street.
The Union Pacific is preparing to open
South Fourteenth street : it u point whore Its
line Is intersected. Stringers and material
for the frame work woio deposited on the
ground to-day , and work will formally bo
commenced Thursday next.
HoViin | fimllnmncl. : ;
Eugene Welsh is the name of n healthy
who wandered into Donne's
young an sa
loon , on Ninth sticct , last night , and called
for beer , for which ho laid down n $30 gold
ploco. The bartender could not inako the
change , nnd Eugene was about to leave bis
hat , when a stranger pibsont volunteered to
settle the bill , and go up town with Euiieno
und got the chungo. The latter consented ,
and the twain repaired td tno saloon of Harry
Brandies , at Eleventh and Douglas streets.
Hurry hadn't ' JJJO In chungo , but sent ho
porter out nftcr it. Thu. stranger followed ,
and called thu pot tor ; saying that ho Wanted
to look at tbo gold piece Then lie deftly
substituted n $1 picco nnd floated uway. In
consequence Eugenuis ouffl'J.
Afros toil Tor .
Robert C. Multor , a young man employed
as collector for H. S. Uureess , n slilit raarn-
faeturer in the Rumgo bloclc , was arrested
on a warrant yesterday afturnoon charging
him .with embezzlement. Mnlter is from thu
east and of .1 good family. From hU youth
up to this time ho has had all the uiancy ho
could spend , und his offense conamts In goliifj
off on a jamboree with thu ( Inn's cash. Mr ,
Uurgess visited the city Jail yesterday after
noon and virtually agreed not to prosecute
him if ho refunded the money.
Oroploy U'unts Advertising.
\V. B , Wcelts , treasurer of Greoley rounty ,
has. written to > Secretary Nason un enthusl-
astlo letter in support of the State Develop
ment association. Groelov county , he says ,
is ono of the best for agricultural purposes
in Nebraska , but at present it scorns to bo
fioltiK backward instead of forward , soli-ly
for the wont of a llttlo enterprise und adver
tising. The letter was accompanied by u
$100 check for the association fund.
Marrlugo licenses were issued yesterday to
the following parties ;
Name and residence. Ace ,
j Hortrnm Schmidt , Omaha 29
| Annie E. WnRcner , Omuhn 2J
I Sam W. Atwull , Omaha 20
| Annie Rhinoliart , Omaha 10
j Wylle B. Nichols , Omaha , . .8fl
i Flora II. Stewart , Omaha , itO
i Robert Hurr , Omaha 21
lEstollu M , Nnhol ! , > tnaha. IB
Prrfurx to Kninalii In Oiniilin ,
Senator Mandcrsou will not join the Yost
commission , which will investigate the llvo
stock and dressed meat business at its DCS-
Blon in Chicago. Tlio senator is neil In
formed on this subject , ana finding the com *
mission has a quorum without him , ho ro-
inuins to take in the Merchants' week.
From Omaha und Council HluiTs vlutlio
Northern Pucillo to nil points on tlio
North Puolllo const Imvo bo placed In
oHoct permanently. Tlio btop-ovor
prlvllotfo jjivon on Northern 1'aclllo
Bocond-olubu ticliols enables the intend-
in % settler to iwrBotiully Inapoct any
portion of Washington Territory. 1-Voo
Bocond-clusa sloopora are run via the
Northprn Puuillo h-ora St. Paul through
to Tacoma uud Pot tluud ,
The Clilof Ransonfor the grcixt success
of Ilood'a Swmpirllln is found In thoimlelo
Itself. It Is Morlt Thnt Wlnn , and thd fart
thnt Hood's B.irsnpirllla actually accomplUlioa
all that Is claimed for It , has gUmi this m < yll-
duo n popularity nnd snt.i greater than nny
other sarsnp irllla or bloo I pnrllljr.
Hood's Sarsnpnrllln 19 sola by rtrus-
Klsts. $ lslxrorW. I'rojmrolbyC. I. llootl &
Co. , Apothacarlas , JU > nell , M IBS. Qlvo It a
IMiiln HulliUng )
Tlio d'tli cnllcttlitto ycnr will nnon Tuonlny , ttopUS.
Tim -imclnn nud clognnt biitldlnua linrn , nurlna
U > | m tyonr , nccomniuilntiSd niorottmnCOItosI lent
aludontft hvory Incl Hy | utrorded for acquiring a
tliorniiKh ViioiTloJoaot
Cliw lr , Kliitlioiimllra , In\r , Nclcncc , and
A thorotiplt cotnmnrct'il cour ols nlso n fonttiro of
tliolnHtttutlnn. f nodal mWnntiRtu will bo plncul
within tliu of tlio o do trlnx to iluJy
TIIK MIMM Drpnitmciit. for 1'Ojunitrr thirteen
Is ncpnrnte. Cnlnlnzuc Rtvii g full pnrllculHrBiT.ll
t > osi _ > nt In-con nmilini I nto ltp .T. i ; . > i < l h ,
C.N. < ' . , l > i-r < < l < lrlll , > i > ( rI > niii < < I' . O. , Ind.
MAKfilUa N. n
Civil Kniilui-ui liijt. CliB-Ues. ln ) tncns ,
UT.HBV. P. 1) llUNTINiriON. Prcsujcnt.
LT. Cor.V. . VBHUKOIC. aiiptfrlnlii.tilent.
( Iortucrlr Morcnn I'urlt Jllntnrj AcaJcmy. )
rmporlur loc.nlon ; excellent f icllltlcs. 'llinnniKb
prouiiratlnn for collfKU. eclontllla rchool or liusl-
m > < . ( all term beams Hcpt 18ih. Itcvlty J.
tiTKVKNS , A. U . t'rlnMuruan Park , Cook Co , , 111.
llrooko null , lor Cilrl'i an t Vounz
8hortklsu ! Mcdlu Acndciny , for Iloysnnil Young Mon
Switliin C , MUze. A. M ,
Mcdln , Pennsylvania , near Philadelphia.
) . IJonnllnirBP1
I School for ( JlrU nml Voutiir I. irtlos VoroLm
cntuloEUO adrtrcEs O. ' 1 nAYlfH , ] , Ii. I ) . ,
MorBEUl'urk.Jll..ur 77 iludl on Street , Clilcago. 111.
wall ou-Uiulson. Col. O. .1. Wright. II. 8. ,
A. MM Supt. : [ J. t" . Hyatt , Copu ! tot ( 'allots. .
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Ininriioruto Hi ? tie ! ) ,0 l < lutitlo , for KUucatlon-1
mm Ctiurltnbo puri > o < c , nn I lt < trintnltu niuJo *
imrtot 1 10 iir sjnt Htntn tnnstUullon , In 1373 , by nil
uvenvtiulmliiK f upjlar vuto.
Annually , ( Jtini ) una Occtimliiirl. nnd H3
plncu In c.ich of the other ten iKintli3 ( cf tlio
Jear , and uru nil drawn In public , lU. . the Acad
emy of iluslc , New Orleans , ta.
For Inti-crlty of its Drawings , nnd
J'r.nnpt I'nyinont of PrUos.
Atloitaclas follous :
"Wo do licreliy tut wj 8Ji > > ; rUoho nrrango
incnt fumll Uiu Muntbr Ami tonl-Anuanl 1'rnn-
In xuf li o l.oul-llim biilu 1 tlo-y to npiny. and
in pcrso i ma in { o iinil iiintrol ib > > Dmwiiius ilium-
bolVDJ.iiiil tlint tlio auiuu uro ( unituctc'J will ) lion-
emj , fah-iii's ( , 11 , tl in xn < l tnlth t iwnnl ull imrllus ,
lujiliTuii itno.lto the coin pirty to u jt ils turll luata ,
vjth Iriul nl tin at uurtUnuturee attno'juU , la Its a4 *
Tortlsuniunts. "
Wo tlio iimlornlfnod llnnlis nnil I'nnki rii will \ii \
nil I'rUca Urnirn In Ilia 1 ouMamt btntu hot turln
vrlildi iniijr 1)0 prt-'roiilo 1 in out ( imnturi.
It. > f. WAUIdfiKV. 1'rcH. toulslnua NnUIInnk.
I'lKKitlJLANAir.V , l'rCB.,8tttto Nat'l Hunk.
A. I1AMW1N , I'loc. Nu\v.Orleans Nat'lllunk.
CAUL KO1IN , T'reu. Union Natlonitl Hank.
At the Aondomy of M joc | , N sw O--
loans , Tuesday , Buptomuur 1O ,
1OO , < ) OO riolcoti ut 'luoiny
nnuh. llnlvcH , $10 ; QunrtoiM , $5 ;
TontliH , $2 ; IwtMitlciho , .f l.
11KT IIV Mll/M.
I PUUKOP TUUIHlo , , . . rmo.tai
1 I'ltl/.IC ( IUltUHlB. . . . . . . i' , ti
I I'lll/1C < > V Ul.'IH In. . , , . . . , . . 6l.i )
1 I'lll/.K OK i'UII I
t ritl/.HS OK liiiiliira , , , , .
UK fiUUiini. . . " S6IHI
I'ltl/KHOK i.ouiiro. . . . . ; . ; MiW )
IU ) I'ltl/.KS OC f lur . , , , , ! . , , . IU1H )
.miiiro. , . , , . , , . .
I'rlioof Mlnro ) . / . , . , , . , . 0)001 )
( > J do of All uru , . , . . . . . , , . HIW >
10 ] ilu Kflnru , . .i. . . . . .
Tl.l.MI.SAI. I'llIiKH.
do 100 nrn , . , , , W.twj
fti do lUOuru , . , . w.'JWJ
to , . , , . , , tltUISOJ
NuTK. 'llckul lrnwlii | { Caiillul I'rliu * iiro not on-
HleJIo tonnliml 1'ilrm.
AGIN : rs
IVfollCMlli 1UTESor nnjr fur > lior lnformMInn
liolrul. wrto lu lblr Hi tnu uiiuimlvnol claa Ir
Btuiliu jrour r < Mili'iiuu. HltU Bln'u , lujniy. Mrool
Bud .Suiiibtr. Mure ruptil rotiirn mall ikllrery will
tin n urul liv > uur onolotliik u Hnru'oua tiuartiu
jrourfull nilUrun.
Address. M. A. UAUl'HIV.
Meiv Orlcanr , L * . f
or , M.A DAUI'HIN.
WaumntrtDn , n. O.
lly ordlnnrrl''llnrcoiUBlnlin/.MDVrvOidlflilMueil
> > n'l Coiiiiiutilci.Aoir Vork liicliaunB , lr ft
Registered Lellert containing Curtency li
New Orluum , f/n , ,
IIIKUKMIIKII , tliut tba r yniont of I'rlioa ll
r.u iiA.sT iiii n if KOIU NATIONAL IIANKM ot
Nun Orlpani. anil tliu lloketi uro tlznod br Iho prril-
dent of nn linututlunrlioui iliartenul rl lit aru
riictninltfil In tlio liltiliuit court * ! tlmiufuiu. bevruru
of all Imlluilonior nonjrinou > > cUeuio . "
O.S'H JXlI.Altl ) tlioi.rli-of ttio iioullcut | . rl tic
frnctlonof u'ricki't ISillHl ) nv urtlnsny Pmwinir.
Anytliliiu In our iiuui * ullur < l Iocl i llinu i
It u gwlntllu ,