THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 4 , 1889. NUMBER 77 , IDE SENATE COMMISSION. A. O. Hallowoll , of the Drovoro' Journal , Testifies * OMAHA PACKERS ARE HUSTLERS. - 4 That's the llcnson Iho Industry Thriven Hero No DUorlml- natlon Against St. Lonls. Cnttlo Client ) nud Stcnk IIIcli. CnicAOO , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.1 At to-day's ' mooting of the sanatoria ! committee on dressed hoof and transportation , Editor Goodull , of the Drovers' Journal , nnd A. C. Hallowell.of the Bnmo paper , wcro examined , Hallowoll , taking last week's receipts nod shipments ns a basis , said of 08,701 head of cattle received At the stock yards n largo proportion wcro from Texan nnd were thin nnd poor , being only fit for canning. These were used In the pitching houses. The shipments of llvo stoclc wore 2"Ml ! head. These shipped cast wcro the finer grades. In the course of A. O. Hallowoll's oxnm- iuatlon Senator Vest said ; "In your opinion how Is the dressed beef industry In St. Louis prospering ? ' . ' "I con not say of my own knowledge. " ' But 3 ou hnvo a pretty good ideal" "Well , I think St. Louis is urotty nearly holdlnp her own. " "How about Omaha and Kansas City ! " "Oh , the dressed beef industry there Is gaining very rapidly. " "Hoxv do you account for the difference between them and St. Louis ! " "I know of no reason except that St. Louis is too alow. " "What do you moan by that ! " "I mean that St. Louis has a general reputation for being slow , " There was a general laugh , nnd oven the stately senators allowed tholr features to relax. Mr. Hallowoll said that all the ship pers ho knew bud an Idea that St. Louis was n slow market , und us they wanted quick re turns they preferred to ship to Chicago. "How long have you boon horoi" ' 'About fifteen years. " "Now do you not think the dcorcssed con dition of trade in St. Louis is duo to some kind of a combination which discriminates against St. Louis dressed beef in favor of that shipped from Chicago ! " "No , sir , I do not. " "You have heard of such a combination. " "I hnvo hoard that three men were in a combination of that kind , but I do not think it was for the purpose of diverting trade from St. Louis , as one of the parties has ex- tcnslvo interests. In that city. " "Who Is this man ! " "SnmAUerton. " "Who wcro the others ! " "Isaac Wixul , and I think Nols Morris. " "You nro not sure about Mr. Morris I" "No , 1 am not. The matter was all settled a good while ago and I do not think it was of the Importance you attribute , to it. There was a plan by which they received ? 1S u car rebate on meat shipped from Chicago , but I think there wus a discrimination against Chicago which that rcbutu did not over- coma. " At the close of Hnllowcll's examination n recess was taken until this afternoon. Before fore adjourning , however , Senator Vest stated that the committee was hero for tha purpORQ of learning all theio Is to bo learned about the mutter in hand and proposed to do so. The dressed beef und stock yards people ple had paid no attention to the summons of the committee , but they must come foi ward and testify ; there wus no way out of It. Word was sent lo them to that effect. Charles E. Ingorsoll wus the fiist witness in the afternoon. Ho said that when ho first wont Into the dressed bo6f business there was twice the quantity of dressed beef sold to eastern buyers that theio is now. Under the old system there was a great deal moro competition. Out of a 1,200 pound steer witness believed about OT5 pounds of good buof could bo obtained. That class of beef would bring from S # to4 ccns a pound. ' When in the lust ten years were cattle tbo highest ! " "In Ib83. They commenced going up in 1831 and reached high wutor mark In June , lfaS2. A rapid decrease began in 18S5 , going- lower in 1880 , and it reached the lowest figure In 1B37. In 1SSS there was a slight improvement during the summer months , but that was only for the best grade of cuttlo. " "Now , " said Senator Vest , "it has been Enid hero that the enormous fall in the price of cattle In Ib83 was by over-production , but I sec since 1SS3 there has been a very marked decrease in the supply , and still the price went doxvn how do you account for that ! " "I hardly know how to account for It , " replied the witness. In the course of Mr. Ingorsoll's eKainlua- tion h < J was asked by Senator Vest : "Is it true that dressed beef men some times buy cattle by the train load by making ono bid only and then dividing ! " "I won't say they do , possibly. " "Wall , they buy by the train load and then divide the lot ! " "Yes , they do that. " "I thought so- the sumo thing , no competi tion. " Albert McCurdy , attributed the change in business methods Iu the yards to the fact that business had become moro systematized. "i'Doro'aro fewer buyers , " ho suld "but there ore more buying on orders. " "Has the chungo mudo meat any cheaper to the consumer ! " "Not a great deal , " ho replied , "The price of cuttlo nt the yards docs not affect the price of steak ; not us much as It should. " 'Iho witness volunteered the statement that the reduced prices wcro owing , in his judgment , to tha extortion practiced by the railways that Insisted on the old rate for llvo stock while a reduced rate was made fur droased articles. "I want to nsk. " said Chairman Vest , "if , in your judgment , the popularly called 'Big Foui' dressed beef men cuu regulate the murketl" "I think they could not. I don't think they do. " Senator Vest was moro Interested In thn lust witness than these preceding. It was Fred J. Itowlund , u young man , who said ho bud been In tha employ of Nelson Morris for three years previous to threw man ths ago , in tha capacity of office man nud filing clork. "Did your firm over have any business con nection with other drussad boot lirm , such as Armour or Swlftl" "Do I have to answer that ! " "That is uiy desire , " suld tha chairman. "Yes , they hud. There was u combination in cut beef , u combination to sustain prices in certain states. I can name tbo state * . " "What wus the agroimontl" "I did not say it was un agreement. I know there wus u combination , nnd that when the four firms sold dressed beef should bo sold ut a certain price m these states it wus iold at that figure. A Sudden Dimtll , UED BAXIC , N. J , , Sept. a Thomas Vin cent Murray , clglUocu years old , a son of Superintendent of Police Murray , of New- York , uiot a BUddoa death yesterday. ) la wua playing ball und ran to catch a fiy. As ho throw up his Immlho was seized with a sharp pain npur the heart nnd foil. Hovns y tukou homo und it WAI found that tha young man hud ruptured u blood vessel neur the liourt by over-exertion , Murray died two tours later. - * \Vunt n KquUalilo Itnnkrnpt d MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 0. An adjourned i ( netting of the national convention of com- tuercial bodies for formulating an equitable , Uniform bankrupt law , Is being hold in this tity , President J , L. Torroy , of St. Louis , preside * . ' 1 ho convention will endeavor to ( tut a bill before congress tbU winter. Vari ous amendments to tbo bill n ore offered by delegates uud were all referred to tbu com- bills. KXl'IjOSION ON SIUP.IJ VtU > , ATlilrty-Klclit Tonncr Bnratn With out Tntal ItcsultN. ( Cnpi/rfpfit / iSt9 bv Jama OorJnn TltnHtlt , } LONDON , Sopt. 8. [ Now York Hor- , ld Cable-Special to Tun BEE. ! Whllo cr majesty's turret ship Ajax xvns below ho Mull of Galloway on Monday nnd the TOW wcro at practice a thlrty-oigbt-ton RUB exploded , The crew had run out the pun to ra It when a shell exploded Insldo the gun , 'battering ' It n few foot from the ruuzzlo. arts of the gun blew outwards to sea , only a small portion going Insldo the turret Ono iluo jacket wns slightly wounded on the orukcad , The Aax ] is a guard ship on the Clyde. American Tourism ComtiiK ICnpi/rfo'it ' I8S9 IiJama | / dunlin ncnntlL , ] LONDON , Sept. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tan Br.E.l Homoward- ound Is the cry among Americans , and nicking In haste to catch the fast trains for Liverpool und Southampton. Among the ' ( mongers on the Teutonic , which will salt io-morrow , nra Ctmuncoy Depew , A. M. . 'aimer and James H. Osgood , Coming Alter Information. ICnpyrlght ISS3 JiJiinta / Goiilm ItennM " \ LONDON , Sopt. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bun. 1 Ellis Chine , president of tlio Association of Municipal Sanitary Engineers of England , will sail on ho Servia ou the 21st for the purpose of no * qualntlng himself with the methods adopted n the largo allies in the states for the dis posal of sowugo and refuse , and also with ia- crnal sanitary arrangements , The Muylinck : Commlttfio- . [ Oi/i | tghl ly > bu jumu Won ton lltnu'M , I LONDON , Sent. 3. [ Now York Herald lublo Special to TUB BEE.J Thu May- brick committee Imva decided to obtain bar counsel's opinion ns to tha best method whether by habeas corpus or in any other y of annulling tlio homo secretary 's do clsion in the cases of Mrs. Maybrick as being ultera vires in order to quash the verdict , and to liberate the prisoner. Subscriptions to this end are sought. NO SCriLKMEN C iTKT. Iho Great London Strike Still In Full Force. LONDON , Sept. 8. A deputation of ship owners , headed by Sir Donald Curnowailed upon tha officials ot the dook companies again to-day and urged tha acceptance of yesterday's proposal to allow ship ovvnois to employ tholr own men to load and unload vessels. Norwood , for the dock companies , replied that they could not accede to tha : iroposltlon , but would bo willing to enter Into a further discussion of all of the questions involved with a committee of shliitowncrs. The result of this conference pjfstroys the chauco of arriving nt a settlement of the strlko to-day and embitters the feeling of tbo men. At a meetinc of ship owneisthis afternoon a committee was appointed to confer with a committee of dock officials In accordance with Norwood's suggestion. The dock of ficials Rtato they have at work now n greater number of men than at any time since the commencement of the strike , and they do not propose to make any concessions. At n meeting held of the Tower Hill strik ers this morning It was decided to continue Lho strike. It was announced that donations ; o thn relief fund had bean received from Fiance , Germany und Switzerland. The chairman of the trades union congress at Dun dee , in an address dwelt upon the discon tent prevalent among the working classes owing to the uucortalnty of their employ ment and tbo unequal distribution of the fruits of their labor. Ho advocated the udop- .lon of a legislative enactment nukinir eight lours a day's work as a step iu the right di- iccllon. 31or Hopeful. ' LONDON , Sept. 3. It isbolioved the dock directors will yield by'lbursday. Mr. Noi- wood scut a telegram requesting a conicrenco with a deputation of strikers Into this evening. Burns , addressing n meeting to-night , justified the manifesto calling for a gincral strike on the ground that it hud drawn greater attention to the appeal for funds. Ho announced that bo in tended immediately to promote a strike in Glasgow. Ono hundred thousand relief tickets , of the value of a shilling each , were issued to-day. Liverpool Dock Men Sti-lko. LIVEUPOOL , Sept. 3. The dockmon who have been employed on craln and flour laden ships hero have struck for an increase of a shilling a day Iu their wages und work on all vessels has been suspended , 'Ilia Pollou Interfere. LONDON , Sept. 3. At Rochester tbo poilco have been compelled to interfere for the pro tection of men unloading vessels in the Med- wny , who wcrp attacked by strikers. OAPl'OKE OF POIIT-AU-INUNOC Iho City Occupied Without the Sliiiluest Disturbance. PoitT-AU-PaiNcii , Autjust 23 , via Now 'York , Sopt. 8 , [ Special Telegram to THE BBB.I At dawn this morning tno whole city was agog. Just before 0 o'clock the diplo matic corps , General Montmoronoy nnd sev eral American naval o dicers wont outsiao the northern wall and delivered up the city to Hlppnlyte's representative , General * Mon- point Jouno. This ceremony completed , the procession , composed of 2,300 , northern troops und headed by a man on horseback bearing the United States flag , followed by United Status Minister Thompson , Lieutenants Kelly nnd Huso of tbo United States navy und the foreign consuls , entered the city. There was not tha slightest , dlsturbancp und the whole affair was conducted with dignity. The northern men are a finer-looking race than thu southerners. They were m march ing order , with their knapsacks , canteens und huvorsacks with two days' rations. They wcro hotter uniformed than their southern countrymen and better urmed. There wcro about seven hundred cavalry and eighteen hundred Infantry. An hour later a second column came from thu cast Mdo from thu di rection of La Cope. At 1 o'clock this after noon a third column will enter from tha west. By night there will be 8,000 northern troous In the city. 'Iho populace- looked on without n demon stration , indeed with apparent Imliffcronre. The city Is In perfect ooutrol and all fears of a panic and not huvo passed away. To the United States moro ihau to any other coun- tiy thin good result is duo. The good sense and firm front of Admiral Gburnrdi showoJ uuv avll mlndud portion that the ICoarsargo was not , to bo trilled with. Her work Is done hero and in a few days sha will start home ward , possibly waiting for the Ualena , and if liar coming is long delayed Bailing before her arrival , HUNTING POIl LOST MILLIONS. In Old Mexico For Monte < ziiinn'o Hidden Troumiro. CITY or MEXICO , Sept. 8. Extensive cxca yatlons are being made at tha suburban town of Coyoucan , The object of these excava tions , wlucti are being mudo by private asso ciations , in to recover treasures of goli uud Jewels supposed to bo bid den there bv Emperor Montezumu ot tbo tlino of the Spauleh conquest. Senor Marcudo , ono of the puny cuKugcd in the work , is u lineal descendant of the lust Aztco mporor Cuanicnmc. Ho says ( hat be has in his possession hleroglyphta documents whica convince him that it wus there that Monto- in nm hid his treasure , the valuu of which U not less ' .bun 120,000,000 , while some put it (20,000,000. MANAGER JEFFERY RESIGNS , Ho Took Oflbnso at a Ruling of the Acting ; President. CHAIRMAN FAITHORN'S REPORT. It is a Complete Surprise to the "Wt'st- cin Freight People Tlio South * western Pnssanucr Asso ciation Ahjorbod. Too Much Superior Officer. CHICAGO , Sept. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun 13EE.J The Illinois Central railroad is without n general manager. E. T. Jeffery resigned peremptorily from ils ofllco to-day , the resignation going Into sffcct at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. The action was taken as the r9sult of un order given by Acting President Harriman , which practically overruled Instructions lyen by 1'rcsident Pish to General Manager Jeffery Just before the former's departure for Europe. The story of the trouble is an interesting ono and shows the folly of Igno rant superior officers meddling with the work of officials who uro without superiors In their department and with whom no fault can bo found. From a memorandum prepared by General Manager Jeffery and presented to Vice- President and Acting President Hurrltnon with his resignation , "It appears the first trouble arose on April 17 , 1889 , when the boar'd of directors , mooting iu Now York , iimuudcU the by-law In referenceto the maximum rates , being these established by the railroad and warchouso commissioners of Illinois , by adding the words : "And no reduction In such rates shall bo nmilo by any officer or employe of the Illinois Central rail road company without the approval of the president Is first had and obtatted , who shall Immediately report his action to the board. " Both before and after the change In the by-1 iw the matter had -boon thor oughly discussed In a conference between President Fish , General Solicitor Ayer and General Manager Jeffory. With the president's ofllco In Now York , In stead of In Chicago , where It had been for thirty years , it was ngieou on nil hands that the trafllc and commercial business of tbo company could not bo satisfactorily con ducted if all questions of rates must bo ro- ferrcd to the president. At a conference early in May , President Fish admitted the amendment should bo stricken out , and said lie would call u meeting of the board and bavo It changed. This was not done , and as President Fish was to sail for Europe July 10 , General Manager Jeffery had no recoursu but to band in his resignation , which ho did July 1. In his resignation , hoxvevcr. ho paid ho would stay with the company until Da- comber 31 , provided ho could exorcise the same powers ho had previously. This per mission was civen In u letter fiom President Fish dated July 5 , but in which no reference to the resignation was made. Yesterday morning Vice President Hurriman arrived In Chicago and ono of his first nets was to ver bally order General Manager JefTor.y to refer to him , while in Chicago , any application for a reduction of rates. General Manager Jeffery replied that ho had arranged this matter with President Fish previous to his departure for Europe , and iu vo\v ! of the acting president's order ho would hand him Ills resignation to take effect , at 5 o'clock In the evening. This was done and the .resignation was promptly accepted by Acting President Harriman In the following reply : "Your letter ointalning your resignation has just been handed to me. Believing , us I do , that the wishes of the directors , as ex pressed in the by-laws of the company , should bo respected , and un earnest attempt mudo to work under them , and that , if then found impracticable the by-laws should bo referred to the board for modification. I see no otnor course than to accept your resigna tion , which I do with deep reirret. " Hallroad men to whom this letter was shown doubted its being a genuine expres sion of opinion. It was tbo common belief that Mr. Harriman came to Chicago with no other intention than that of badgering Jeffery fory into a peremptory resignation which ho might accept dnung the absouco in Europe of President Fish. 'J ho whole trouble Is the result of alone foutl between the men , in which every Chica go railroad man heartily champions the side of Mr. Jeffery. Vice-President Harrimnn's order , which caused the resignation , Is a point blank over turning of President Fish's ruling , which gave General Manager Jeffery authori ty to ignore the amended by-law until December 31. It is doubtful If any railroad man was over spoken of in more complimentary terms than when it was known in July ho had sent , in his resignation. Anything said now must , In a measure , bo a repetition. It Is sufllclont that ho is recom mended as being ono of the most competent railroad men In the United States. Es pecially In the west ho has become known as the practical head of the great Illinois Cen tral railroad , his superior ofllcers all living in Now York. Pending the appointment of a now general manager , General Superintendent BOCK takes the place vacated by Mr. Jeffery. No other changes are at present contemplated. Mr. Jeffery was seen in his late ofllco , but had nothing to add to the above. Said no : "I am a subject for congratulation and am glad to get out of the harness. I have no dallnito plans and think I owe myself u rest , I have no intention of going awav from Chi cago. I hnvo lived hero thlrty-threo years and hope to llvo here the rest of my natural llfo. " . Fnithorn'H lloport n Surprise. CHICAGO , Sept. 3. [ Special telegram to Tun BKK.J The report of Chairman Falthorn to the Western Freight association thin morning was u complete surprise. It was surmised that his mission to New York to Induce the trunkjincs to make pro-rating arrangements with the Chicago roads bad been a failure. Not a member of the association thought otherwise until tbo chairman's report. It was in brief that tbo trunk lines' cxccutivo committee had the matter In charge and would notify tha Wc era Freight association of Itsdecision next Monday , It was thcroforo voted that the association adjourn until next Monday and that no road should break the statute by at tempting In any way to make individual pro rating arrangements with any eastern Chairman Falthorn seemed encouraged at the result of the trip and said ; "I see no reason why thu trunk lines should not uccopt our proposition , ni wo only ask what they grant the Canadian lines. I do not care to say what 1 think they will do , but In all equity and Justice it seems clear what they ought to do. " This matter of pro-rating Is an extremely important ono. If no arrangements can bo made It practically gives over to thn Cana dian Paciflc and "Soo" lines the vast north western through trafila formerly carried by the Chicago lines. The situation Is ren dered much moro complicated by the fact thai , the Burlington Northern must got Bomo through traftla even at low rates , us its local traffic Is insignificant. The whole situa tion has been repeatedly explained , but is now of special something decisive will bo done within a week , Southwestern Association Abso bod. CHICAGO , Sept. ; i.--fSpccial Telegram to THIS BEB.J The Western States Passenger association to duy absorbed the Southwest ern Passenger association. It was also do ciUeu not to recognize any cut or munlpu luted rates made by road * in otbor assocla tlons , and word was Bant to the central traf- tlo association that on the present cut rates from Fort \Vayno to tha Pacitlo coast , fui wet tern proportions would bo charged. It wan also decided not to use the present war rates between Chicago ana Cincinnati and Louisville and Indianapolis , us basing rates , OllOMN JUHV QUESTIONS. Mooted Points nt Ijitnt Uco.ldcd by Juilco McCoruicll , CIIICAOO , Sept. 0. Immediate upon tbo iponlng of the Cronin trial tills ; morning n discussion upon the propeif questions to bo submitted to the Jurors was resumed. The court stated there wore certain qucstlops ho could not permit , as hoidocmed thorn fin * iroper. Continuing , Judge McConnell snld : 'I should like-to have tlifc state now simply any that these three questions will bo per mitted : First , Hnvo you formed an opinion ns to whether Dr. Cronin Was tnkon to the Carl son cottage by the horse and bnppy oncagad by Daniel Coughlln irora Dlnan , the liveryman - man ) Second. Hnvo you an opinion ns to whether Martin Bunco , ono of the defend ants , was tenant of snld Carlson cot tngol Third , Havu you an opinion that the so-called Clun-nn-Gnel society Is In any way to blnmo for the death of Dr. Cronin I'1 The discussion finally settled that thcso questions would bo the only ones asked of the Jurore who hnvo road newspaper reports. Judge McConnell finally permitted the addi tion of these two questions : . "Havo you formed an opinion ns to whether the death of Dr Cronin was tha result of a conspiracy ? " and "Havo you formed an opinion as to whether any of thcso defend ants was a member of said conspiracy I" The panel was then called ana the lawyers entered the long and arduous task of select ing a jurv. * * The afternoon session was devoted entire ly to the examination of salesmen. Four men were tendered to the prosecution by the defense , but two of them were peremptorily challenged by the state nud excused. The remaining two men were held over until to morrow , and It is possible tho. Rtuto may con clude to accept ono or both ot these gentle men. No definite progress thcroforo in tha selection of a jury has been made thus far and tbo prospects nro that a full Jury will not DO secured untl1 the poiamptory challenges of both sides are exhausted and legal dis qualifications become tbo only pretext for re jecting a'juror. SAVED UV SNOW. Tlio Town of Jay Gould , Montana , HOB a Narrow Escape. HELENA , Sopt. 8. Rain and snow has ex tinguished the llrcs that have been raghit ? for the past month. In tbo vicinity of Elllston and Ten Miles snow to the depth of four to six Inches covers the ground. The tires ra ed tircoly Satur day and Sunday. Fifteen hundrnd people * it Is estimated , turned out at Elllston and other places to tight it. They worked all night Saturday and to half past 1 Sunday night Many came out with scorched faces , burned * clothing and b'oodsnot ' eyes. Hugo cinders wcro blowing in the air ana the arrival of ram and snow wcro never so Welcome as It was then. In the morning the top of the range was covered with snowo very rare oc currence ut this season of thayear. The flro still smoulders In tbo trunks , of trees , and may take a fresh start if the wind rises. Many bridges were burned as well as minors' cabins. The snowfall saved the town of Jay Gould and the gold mill and mining property located there. The lire at Ten Milos'wus ' disastrous. The timber in that section was Jlr , cedar and | ) Ine , und was said to bo t ho. 11 nest forest in Montana. Hundreds of the trees were four feet thick at the trunk. There Was ono pile of logs which stood twenty foot high and three hundred foot long. The area burned is very large and the occupation of the woodmen in that section is gone forever , as everything Is burned to ashes. ' BA.NH1OI PlKRHEfONT. Ho Expresses Hid Views on the Lo cation of th < i "World's Fair. CHICAGO , Sept. 8. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. | Edward' Pierropout , the veteran Now York banker and prescut head ot the banking house of Picrrepont & Mor gan , is In Chicago on his return from a sum mer visit In the Hocky mountains near Den ver , Ho has this to say of the world's ialr project : "It will bo u stupendous affair and something that no one city can successfully carry out as it should bo without the heartiest co-ouoration of congress. This should bo more than a moro appropriation. My exporieneo with foreign nations is that they thinic less of tbo Individual and moro of the government. To obtain their hearty co operation our government must show the greatest interest in the enterprise and Europe will then do likewise.1' Speaking of the rclativo claims of Ne\v York , Chicago and other cities , Mr. Picrrepont said : "I do not believe It Is going to lie an auction. Not only Is it a national affair , but an international. One million dollars moro or less In ono locality is going to settle tbo question. This must bo done , and from patriotic motives. , It must bo in the rlcht place , wherever that Is. Of course , I think that Is Now York , but congress may not. Both Now York and Chicago are work ing hard. Chicago is without doubt going to get assistance from the great railways in the west. " Mr , Plerrepont bus been looking after some of his railway interests. "This country is now going through tha crisis Eng land had , " ho said.Vo have too many roads , but I think 1 already see the chance for thu hotter In the growing prosperity of the country , that Is helping the roads. Wo shall certainly weather the storm that has depressed stocks. A 1 > I2N V1SK JMAN EJECTED. Itcv. Moore , Chosen Editor of the Western Christian Advocate CINCINNATI , Sept. 8. A special meeting of the general book committees of the Meth odist Episcopal church was hold In this city to-day to clrct a successor to tha late Rev , Dr. J. H. Bayllss , editor of the Western Chmtlan Advocate. Key. DoA'id H. Moore , of Denver , Coin , , was elected. , Dr. Moore is an Ohio man. Ho served in an Ohio regi ment during the wur , reachitlif tbo rank of lieutenant colonel. Ha 'graduated at the Ohio Wcsloyan university. ; preached at Columbus and Cincinnati nnd , was president of Wcsloyan Fcmulo collage , ut Clnclnatl before ho went to Denver , Wjiero ho now lives and where he was until recently at tbo bead of the Denver university . , ' DetJiity SaN FIUNCISCO , Sopt. 8f Tbo taking of testimony in the habeas corpus proceedings in the case of Deputy Marshal Naglo , who shot und killed Judge Terry-recently , was commenced In the United States circuit court to-duy. Several witnesses , were examined as to the past conduct "of/Mr. and Mrs , Terry und the threats made uy thorn. Couii sol for the dofonsa said they expected to prove that tbo lifo of Justicdlfield had boon tbroatencd long prior to'ltlio assault ut Liubrop , and that Naglo , /shooting / Terry , had ov ( ry reason to bollevp ( that unless ho did so these threats would llw carried out , and in acting us bo did , h3 merely did his duty us a sworn ofllcor of thfr law. Hlnatnd Out * Copper. DULCTII. Minn. , Sopt.f 3. [ Spoclal Tele gram to THE Unu.j At 4'o'clock a blast was touched off where workmen are excavating for the basement of ( ho new Presbyterian church ana u Urge amount of rook was dis charged , dlsclistng aa immeuso pleca of float or natlvo copper surrounded by a largo vein of what miners call gray copper. It is evidently part of the same vein which was struck boino months ago when excavating for tha Masonia temple. Its course will bo traced outmdu tno city limits , und If It holds out mining operations will commence at " onco. Aniorlcun Loalnnot * Honor Adjourn . CIIICAOO , Sept. 2. The supreme council of the American Letrlou of Honor cloned Its sessions hero to-duy with the Installation of the officers elected last THEY PLAYED WITH MATCHES Two Children Burned to Death at Dluo Springs. TRYING TO SAVE A MURDERER. The Attorneys or Cm-son File n Volu- in I n it n R mil o ( ' Exeoptlons An Interesting Post- olllco Fljihc. rhirnrd to Dentil In n llnrn. WIMOIIB , Nob. , Sept , 8. [ Special Tola- gram , to THE Her. . ] A lira broke out In n barn belonging to Hoy. Andrews nt Hind Springs , u suburb of this city , nt about Us 30 o'clock this afternoon. Two children of David Gay , aged three nnd four yours , were In the barn at the time , and the general sup position Is that they were playing with matches in the hay loft. The lira had gamed such headway when discovered that it was Impossible to save the children , nnd thotr charred nnd almost unrecognizable remains were found In the ruins. Mr. Gay Is n traveling salesman employed by the Dotup- stor Wind Mill company , of Beatrice. The loss on the barn Is about $300. A Voluminous Bill < > ! ' tCxqoptlons. HnATiucE , Nob. , Sept , 3. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn.j The attorneys of Carson , the murderer of Chauucoy West , who Is sentenced to hang November 1. to day filed n voluminous bill of exceptions. The data of hearing bos not yet been fixed. I'rnlrio Plros Around Hnrrlson. HAIIIIISON , Neb , , Sept. 3. [ Special to TIIE BEE. ] bparks from a locomotive passing west kindled a flro In the dry grass , and , fanned by a strong wind , It has swept over thousands of acres of prairie and created some little uneasiness as regards the safety of this place. The section hands nud others have fought the flames , nnd restricted their progress to such an extent as to prevent the destruction of houses and other buildings , but a largo quantity of hay , lying on the ground , rakoa Into winnrowsand stocked on the prairie , has been burned. It is estimated that 250 tons of hay already cut has been burned , besides denuding a largo area , from which nothing can now be obtained. Tnis is rendered moro serious by reason of the shortage of the bay crop through a dry season , atid hay had already become a valua ble article to the farmers The foreman of the section wticreon the fire originated has received orders to estimate the damage done , and is now engaged computing the loss sus tained In the track of the ilia. The lire Is now burning timber In the canyons , but no further damaco is feared. A llostoii bwlndlcr Exposed. HEBROX , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Special to THE Biiii. ] The scheme of a Boston man to swindle Innocent Investors by soiling a piece of Hebron property worth $2,500 for $25,000 has just been exposed hero. The first Intimation received hero was n letter of Inquiry to the First National bank from a would-bo eastern Investor , asking as to the desirability of an investment in lots in "Bclgravla Park , a beautiful suburb of Ho- bron. " Imagining that there might bo a full grown African in.tho wood pile , "MrlCollins and Mr. Bennett wrote for further particu lars , receiving copies of the advertisement , terms of sale , and other information. About the same time Postmaster Scott received a similar latter of inquiry and u largo printed pint and prospectus of "Bel- gravia Park. " In addition , George M. Hunt noticed the regular ap pearance of thu aavertlsomont in the Woon- sooket ( R. 1. ) Evening Reporter. It was also learned that a number of eastern papers were publishing the following advertljeinont , which is signed A. L. Gludwin , 18 School street , room 44 , Boston : It is three and one-half miles from the center of Hebron to the center of "Belgravia Park , " by section lines. It is altogether too far to bo ( > a beautiful suburb to Hebron , " No Hebron man is Interested in this scheme. It Is palpably an effort to soil a quarter-section of land worth fi om $2tOI ) to i,200 for the neat sum of $ .25.000 , und moro If the "price will bo advanced. " The land formerly belonged to J. G. Lyford , but the records show that on December 0 , 18&S , ho sold It to Dustm Lancoy , of Middlesex coun ty , Mass. , the consideration being l'L and other considerations. " Thnro Is another suggestive fact , and that Is there Is no plat on IIlo. Tbo statute of Nebraska relating to this mutter Is as follows : Any person who shall dispose of or offer for sulu or lo.iso any lots In any town , or ad dition to any town or city , uutll tbo plat thereof has been duly acknowledged anQ recorded as provided in this chapter , shall forfeit and pay $50 for each lot and part of lot sold or disposed of , leased or offered for sale. ' There has been , so far us can bo learned , no survey of the land Into lots or blocks. For the purposes of ot a "suburb to Hebron" the lots are practically unsalable to anyone knowing the f.icts. Hebron is a beautiful town , full of enter prise , push ana Intelligence. It Is already more than amply provided with subnrbs. It will extend a welcome greeting to all who come , but wants no additions to its popula tion through misroptesontatlon. Interesting 1'ostofllaa Fltchr. PAWNEB CITY. Nob. , Sept. 3. ( Special Telegram to THE Bun. | Dubois , u town In this county , Is enjoying a postoillce light that is interesting. Two banks are lighting over the postofllca removal. The State bunk has sheltered the postofllco since its Inception. The present postmaster promised to leave the ofllco where it was. Yesterday C. E. Casey served un order on him , signed by Clarkson , to remove the pOHtofllco to the other part of town at onco. Casey Is Inter ested in tbo Farmer's bunk in that portion of town und the removal is to bo made to-night. Appointed Postmaster at CoIiimlxiH. COLUMBUS , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UKK.J Curl Kramer received notice of his appointment as postmaster of this city to-day , His appointment is re ceived with general satisfaction. Indium * Dosenrato Graves. BI.AIK , Neb. , Sept , 8. [ Special to THE BEK. | For the lust few days there have been some Indians camping on the edge of town. They were noticed hanging around tbo cemetery , and Mayor ilallor found they had stolen nil the vases uud otbor ornaments on his daughter's grave. Ho und the city marshal went out to the camp and domnndud the ro'ics ' , but the Indians denied having them. But rather than bo arrested , they commenced to bring out the stolen goods , which consisted of forty or llfiy ornaments from the different graves. The mayor then gave them thirty minutes to skip , and they improved the opportunity , Fell Twenty-Two Foot. CoiUJinus , Nob. , Sept. 8. [ Special Tele gram to TilK BKE. ] Jack Spemmerhorn , of Kcarnoy , while plastering on the second story of the now Sheldon block , slipped und fell twenty-two feet into the basement. Ho was badly hurt In the buck and otherwise. His attending physicians think ho may re cover , Perkins County Keimblloan Ticket. GIUNT , Neb. , Sept. U. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] The republican county convention met at this place to-day. It was more harmonious than had been expected , The ticket Dominated wan a surprise to everybody , but two of the announced candi dates receiving a nomination. The ticket U regarded as a particularly strongoiihnnd will bar any Independent movement. Following Is the tlokot : Treasurer , E. M. Harrison ; clerk , J. B. Millar ; sheriff , T. II. Thompson : Judgo. U. F. Hastings : county superintend * ont , Mr. F. A. Uniting ; surveyor. H. H. Ar- tcrburn ; coroner , Daniel J. Finks. Snfo llobbory nt Wnlioo. WAHOO , Neb , Sopt. a [ Special Telegram to THE Bcn.J Last ulgnt professional cracksmen visited the lumber oftlco of D. li. Phelps , and nftor effecting an entrance through n window pror-codod In the most ap proved style to drill a hole between the lock handle anil combination knob , knock off the lock , open the outside door ana break In the Inner door and cash box with n sledge linm-- mcr and pocket thu cush , amounting to only $ .30 mid a few papers , and then left without arousing uny ono. The Work was neatly done and showed the artistic skill of profes sionals. Day nt Untnp Crook , CAMP QnonciB Citooic , ( via Fort Uoblnson , Nab. , ) Sept. 8. [ Spoc.lal to Tun Bun.t Of all the days that tried man's luuga yes terday was the most trying. At about 0IO : ! n gentle zephyr cuino stealing down Soldier creek canon und the boys in camp thought that Providence was going to bo particularly kind to thorn nnd fan their heated brows whllo they were tnklnir their day off. It WUR but u little whllo till the chap at Hio bellows ran his steam ruugo up to the top , nnd down came the wind , n perfect gale , and with It nil the loose land In Wyoming and western Nebraska , perincutlng everything not her metically sealed , keeping it up till the sun went down , _ Polk County Union Labor Candidates OSBOLA , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Special to THE BUB. | Tbo union labor party hold tholr con vention bcro yesterday and nominated the following persons for county oftlccs : Cleric , DanaD. Little ; treasurer , S. S , Snoll ; sher iff , X < . D. Hrmllton ; Judge , J. S. Shocsloy ; commissioner , L. H. Cahoon ; superintend- et\t of schools , Hon. Gcorgo Horst. Three out of the six are holding ollleo now. Liittlo , who Is now commissioner , wants to bo promoted meted to the clerkship. Oaccola candidates captured the three best nominations on the ticket clerk , troasutcr nnd judge. Pub io Hclioid Upntd nt EAMNO , Nob. , Sept. 8. [ Special to TIIK BUE.J The public school oncned again yes terday with u full corps of teachers. The following wcro retained from last year : Prof , W. U. Jackson , principal ; Miss Ijizzlo Ferris , grammar grade ; Miss Lootu Coo , In termediate ; Miss Sarah M. Parsons , pri mary. The latter Is n now teacher hero , but is n successful one , The prospects are very good for another successful school year. _ A ICnllrond Grosaliii ; Enjoined. BIUTIIICB , Nob. , Sept. 9. [ Special Tola- gram to TUB BEE. ] Word was received hero to-duy that the Burlington road has illcd an Injunction hi Pawnee county restraining the Kansas City & Beatrice road from crossing its track. The news Is reeeved hero with much indignation und will involve an annoy ing delay in thu completion of the latter road , _ murderer linunHtino Respited. LIXCOI.V , NcD. , Sept. 3. [ Spsuuil Tele gram to TUB BEE.I The supreme court has granted a respite to Haunstlno , the Custer county murderer who was to ba h-i'igad at Broken Bow on the Cth. Proceedings In error have boon begun und nothing further Will he done in the matter until after the supreme court passes on tbo case. County Commissioners Co in Inc. BIATHICE : , Nob. , Sept. 8. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Iho county board of super visoi s to-day accepted an Invitation to join the traveling men's excursion to Omahn to-morrow. The party , consisting of the traveling men's club , Beatrice b.ind , super visors and citizens , leave hero by spccl il train at 0:10 : to-morrow morning over the Burlington. A urn ins NOUFOLK , Nob. , Sopt. 3. [ Speoial lole- prnm to TUB BEE. ] A hearing was had in chambers before Judge Powers in the case ng.iinst C. Abrams , of Ponder , who was re cently held in $3,000 ball on the cbargo of ob taining cattle by false pretenses. Upou an application for a xvnt of habeas corpus Juugo Powers decided that no crime nad bocn com mitted and ordered Abrams released. Street Cnrs Tor Blair. BI.AIII. Neb. , Sopt. 3. [ Special to TUB BKE. ] Some Omaha parties and a few busi ness men in Blair are figuring on putting In u street car line hero. They are figuring on getting a Iranchlso from the city which will bo granted if put in at onco. Some parties Interested suy it will bo put In sure within u short titao. Eleotpct to Fill flip Vnonnoy. Lour CITV , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Special Telo ; gram to Tun BEE. ] At the meeting of the republican county central committee last evening W. It. Mcllor was elected chairman to 1111 out the unoxplrcd term of C. L. Adams. They also sot tbo data of holding thu county convention on September 23. tiivory Hum Ilimied. BEATIHCE , Nob. , Sopt. 8. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.J The Uvory barn of Gar diner & Clements , ut EUis , this county , was destroyed last night with its contents , har ness , etc , by firo. Loss , $1,500 , A BEAUTlFUIi WHETOJl. Mru. Hamilton Married to Got the Faintly Jewels , NEW YOHIC , Sept. 3. Mrs. Swlnton nnd her BOH , Joshua A , Mann , who woia con cerned in the Kobcrt Ray Hamilton scandal at Atlantic City , N , J. , are prisoner * ut police headquarters , this city , having bean arrested by detectives acting under Instruc tions from Inspector Byrnes. They nro charged with conspiracy. At the request of Elihu Hoot , attorney for Hay Hamilton , Inspector Byrnes last week bunted up the history of the woman who is Mrs , Hamilton , The facts unearthed reveals details of u con spiracy , ut the bottom of which Is tha woman who mudo the assuult on her servant In thu cottage at Atlantla City nnd whoso object was to force money from Hamilton and bo- coma tbo possessor of the family .riches. The Investigations of tbo directives have proved her to bo un unscrupulous character. The fact has been established beyond a dnubt that the child which Hamilton uvlduntly beltovcd he was thu father of has not u drop of his blood in-Its body. Inspector Byrnes has conclusive evidence that the child was bought from u midwife for $10 und palmed off us his own. The conspirators In the plot were Mra. Hamilton und Mrs. Uwlnton , The luttor 1ms made a confession ot the part she took. took.Hamilton Hamilton said when ho married tha woman ho thought ha had merely righted a wrong , but if ho was imppsed on ho would let the law take its course. Mrs. Swlnton says Eva has frequently told her nlnco her marriage- how she bud im posed upon bun , and said she hud carried out the schema Jn order to got the jewels and sllvcrwaro'loft bv Mr. Hamilton's mother to Ilobort Uny's wife. When she got posses sion of them she hulil she would inaku plenty pf money. Joshua Mann soya he und Eva had been living as man and wife for eight yearn. During the past vear sha bus given him (3,000 to live on. Ho admitted ho It new of the deception of which Hamilton wu the victim. Flood * ill AitHirla VIENNA , Sopt. 8. Many lives have been lost by floods in the mountain districts. OHIO'S COMING CAMPAIGN , It Will Bo a Hummer , But Forakof W.ll Wlu. CAMPBhLL IS A KNOWING ONE. The Doinoaratio Leader Will \VorIf Alt the Uunnlni ; Trlokq A Now Form for the Public Debt Statement. WASHINGTON BOUKAU , TUB Ovuu CIO FOUIITEKNTII SniK " ' WASIIINOTOS , D. C , , Sept. 'B. ! I Hon. H. Ii. Moray , of Hamilton , O. , who succeeds Jnmos E. Campbell , thu damoorallo candldato for governor of Ohio , Is registered nt the Ebbltt , Koprcsantntivd Moroy , In speaking of the Ohio campaign to-day , said that Campbell would make an excellent run , but Forukor would ba oloutod. Campbell , 4\ \ said ho , is a sagacious and methodical i politician. Ho will resort to many trioks and do a good deal In an Indirect way. Ha is the strong , st man tha democrats could have nominated. Mr. Mnroy , changing tin subject , said ho docs not bellovo there \ \ lba \ an extra session , and that Major McKmloy's prospects < for the spcukoNlup are brighter uow than they wore thrje months ago. A NEW FOllM FOll THE UnllT BTATRMCNT. Treasurer Huston is considering u new form for presenting the monthly debt state ment to the public. Ho said to-day : "Tho object of the chungo from the old form to the present ono , adopted under the Cleveland administration , was to swell the apparent size of the surplus. It is not n fair statement to sand out , for by tha system of bookkeeping carried out there ara a good many tilings out down as liabilities that should properly belong to the other sldo , or ruther could bo very materially reduced. For example , there Is an Item Inserted every month as u liability of several millions of dollars lars , this being a part of ono of the first Is sues of war notes. Now It Is known an an ab solute fact tlmt millions of these dollars have been destroyed , torn , buincdoiu out , de faced , nud in other ways made valueless , and it Is positively certain that they will never bo proscntoa for redemption , Pruutl- cally speaking , they have ceased to exist , and yet they are still carried on the state ment us liabilities that may cause a dsbuit ! > o- ment of funds at any time. Then , too , there aio fully $7,000OOJ of fractional currency still classed ns liabilities , when it Is also au absolute certainty they will never bo re deemed. LiitT the other notes , they h ivo m a largo Quantity been destroyed or defaced beyond recognition , and tbo remainder are in private collections us curiosities and will undoubtedly remain there. I am contidcnt that ut $15,1)00,000 now classed In the statement us liabilities might bo erased alto gether from the list. Yes , I urn thinking seriously - riously of having the form changed. " and the tro.isuiur sjt to sigulnx u check of $100.000. The following army changes for the wosk ending August ! ! 0 have been announced : Additional Second Lieutenant Winthrop 9. Wood , Second cavalry , appointed second lieutenant Tenth cavalry , vice Freeman , pro moted. , i Additional Second Lieutenant Gcorgo T. T-jiinghorn , Fifth cavalry , appointed second lieutenant Third cavalry , vice Herd , pro moted. First Lieutenant George A. Doddt Third cavalry , promoted to bo captain , vice Thompson deceased. 4 son , t Jiecond Lleutonnnt D. Frocdtnan , Tenth cavalry , to bo first Lieutenant vice Finloy , npuolntert regimental quartermaster. 1 Second Lieutenant John W. Herd , Third cavalry , to bo first lieutenant vice Dodd , promoted. Colonel Nathan A. M. DudlOy , First cnv- nlrv , retired August 20 , ISS'J. ' ( Act Juno 'JO , lbi ) Post Chaplain George W. Collier , retired August 20 , 1859. ( Act Juno SO , ISS'J. ) Captain John ( J. Thompson , Third cav alry , died August 31 , IbSD , at San Autonlo , Tex. Captain Joseph Y. Portor. assistant sur geon. resigned August 2J , 19S9. Colonel William W. Burns , assistant com missary general United States army , wua retired to-day on account of bavin ? reached sixty-four years of ago , The retlromont of Colonel Burns will uromoto Lieutenant Colonel Major Dub.irry to bo a colonel , Major John P. Hawkins to bo a liuutunant colopol und Captain William Edorkin to bo a major. MISCELLANEOUS. The comptroller of tha ci'ironcy to-day ap proved the selection of ' u First National bank , of Now York , nnd t < i American Ex change National banK , ( Cbloigo , us re serve agents for tha American National bank , of Omaha. Tbo following appointments have bocn mudo m the revenue service : C. A. Cutler , f torekoepor , Eighth Illinois district ; Charles H. Willard , guuger , Nebraska. Colonel William W. Burns , assistant com missary general of subsistence , was to-day placed on the retired list on account of ugo. Commissioner Tanner returned to Wash ington last night and 'to-day celebrated his return by naming a lurga number of pension boards. Among these appointed lo these po sitions are B. B. Baker , S. H. Ptueo and E. f 1 S. Pieedom , Curtis , Nob. ; James Stlnuoa was also appointed examiner at Lexington , Neb. , und Samuel Sadler and William II. Bamvvoll ut Orleans , Nob. A Itcpubllonn Vioto-y , CiiErr.NNB , Wyo. , Sopt. 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bi.E.j Tba business of the constitutional convention this morning was devoted to the election of a' permanent presi dent. Two candidate were In the llt'ld , A republican , Judge M. C. iiro n , of Lara- mlo City , WQB elected. U ho question of meeting the expenses of the toiiRlitutionul convention was to-duy re ferred to n special committee. The main ox pcnscs of thu convention will probably bo met by the legislature , which meets hero next winter , but ns thu convention called , llku the Idaho convention , without a congresslonul enabling act , there Is no abso lute wuy of meeting the minor expenses now. It Is probable that the money will bo raised by peraonul guarantees to tha bunks , us was first decided. Little was dona to-duy except the election of a permanent president und thu complement of officials usunllv re quired in u legislative body. Work can scarce ! } be commenced before Friday. Morn 83iilnra Itoauli Vl'jiorlu , VICTOIIIA , B. C. , Sopt. B. The scaling schooners Minnie. Ariel and Annlo C , Moor * have arrived bcro from the Bohnng sea with a largo number of sealskins. Thu first ves sel was boarded , Iu July , by tha officers of thu United States revenue cutter , Hush , und about llvo hundred skins were conllscatutl. A pruu crow was put aboard the vessel und it wus ordered to Sltka , but instead , came hero. 'Jho Vlslldo Kii | > ply. CHICAGO , Sept. U. The visible supply for the week ending August 31 , as com piled oy the secretary of thu Chicago iwurd. of tiado , Is us follows i Buithola Wheat . , . 14,8&U,003 Corn . , . , . , . 11,750,030 Outs . 0,180,000 Uyo . 025,000 Burley , . . , . 2W.OOO Died of Aulallo Choloru. Pmanuiio , Sept. 8. A special from TlfiJu , O. , says : Mrs. George Coons , of Little Sun- dusky , a vHlago fifteen inllos south of hero , died of wtmt the doctors pronouuco genuine Atiatlo cholera to-day. The pepplo thpra nro greatly excited and in any uro leaving thu village.