Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Lindsay and Daly Won't Shod Each
Other's Ooro.
Tlia Man From 8lntnhcrvllo ) Tips tlic
Settle ? lit 140 , WJillo.t h Otnnhiv ,
Man Wnlghji l < o < m Than 1UO
- Another Challenge.
Jinly Is lee tlcnvy.
Tbo Lindsay-Daly fight is off.
Dalftcamo hero ycttcrday noon from St.
Loiitf aceompriniod by his brother Dan , Bob
Farrell , tho' veteran light' ivolght , Joe Col-
HnSc&ilsoy Halllran nndahalf dozen others.
The whole-party , together with Jimmy Lind
say aad n number of the Gate City Club , ro-
palrcd to n well-known sporting resort to
discuss the arrangements for the mlllj which
wns booked for to-morrow night. Everything
thing- was satisfactory until it carao to weigh
ing In the men , when it was discovered that
Daly was over eight pounds over weight ,
weighing a trlflo loss than 119 pounds , when
the articles of agreement stipulated that both
men should woign less than 140. Lindsay
tipped the scales a fraction under 1SU pounds ,
Which puvo Ualv almost ton pounds the best
of it. Of course this put
nn effectual stoppage on all propa-
tlons for the light , as Lindsay would bo an
Incontinent rhump to go up against a fa
mous nnd experienced fighter with thco
odds against him. So * the battle was de
clared off , and the St , Louis contingent will
Icavo for homo this morning , disgusted
with the "knockor" whoever ho wns who
tipped them off that Lindsay could not got
under 115 pounds. The light was to have
been for a purse of $500 , hung up by the
Gate City Athletic club.
Charley Dalv , the St. Louis man , Is n big ,
raw boned fellow , with a terribly long roach ,
broad shoulders nnd stocky underpinning ,
and la undoubtedly a tough one to down.
Lindsay , however , is In great shape , and his
admirers all think that ho would have given
the Missourlan a good flght under any cir
cumstances. Daly loft word that ho would
challenge Lindsay for a flght at 133 pounds
for (1.000. and if ho' docs ho will flnd Jimmy ,
like Barkis , very willln' .
There is much disappointment over the
fiasco In sporting circles.
Knocked One Br tlio Scotchman.
BAHTOW , N. t. , Sept. 2. Jack Qulnn ,
Scotland's lightweight champion , and Jack
Buckley , known as "tlia Fulton Market
boy , " engaged In a prize flght near hero this
afternoon , London prize ling rules. The
flgtlt was Qulnn's almost from the start.
After the sixth round Buckley wanted to
stop , but the referee ordered him to go on.
In the twelfth round ho foil senseless on the
ropes. His seconds thoa throw up the
BDouge. _
Standing of the Clubs.
Following is the standing of the Western
association clubs up to and Including yester
day's games :
Omaha , 7 ; Denver , S.
1 DENVEH , Colo. , Sept. 2. Omaha took her
third straight game .from the Denver team
' ojtnyi apparently with ease. This ends the
jbuso bull season here , as the homo club will
"finish'tnojcuson at St. Paul on September 20.
' '
Score : <
Walsh out for running before fly WHS caught.
JKmror - .0 0010 001 3
Omaha 0 0410 0 2 7
Unmet ! rnns Denver 1 , Oranha 2. Two-ba B lilts
-Amtratt s , Crookn , Klrbr , WnMli. Homo urn Howe.
K.nacs molun Denver , fj Oninlm , 2. Double pliijs
White to Itowe. llase on bulls OH Kugan n , nn
iCIatUl. lilt by ball-Clark. Hrtick out-ly rxjnn
7 , I > .J Clark .1. 1'nssod btilla-Dalnn 1 , Coonoy 1. J.cft
on oases Denser 4 , Omaha 6. Time 1 15. Umn'.ro
niiUvnukoo 11 , Minnonpolis 2.
Mii.WAtiin'.EVls ' Sept. 2. Milwaukee
pounded Duke bard to day , making seven
runs In the ninth innlnp. Score :
Earned runs Milwaukee A , Minneapolis 1 Two
bniolilti Snttuii , AlorrlKnor , iMills , llurloy. Tlirvo
Im.iu lilts-MorrlaaoT. llusc.sstolon I'oornmn , Mill *
Ilunitle Double plnys BhotIt. Hulton. lloirlxsuy
lluku , Mlnnolmil. Ilussos on liiills1'uornluli 2. fhocl
2Ilcnulp , 1'OBIor , MoVoy , Duke " , Iftntzcn.trucl
out ljyDuvlea - > , by Duke 4. 1'nfsed ballk Hurler J
Wlkl I'ltcbci-DaTlos. 'J.ime--l : . ' > U. Umpire JieDer
Kr. .losnph 8 , HIOIIX Olty ft
Bv. Josnru , Mo. , Soot. 3. St , Joseph hil
Flanuuan hard aad often. The Holding o
Knoll , Goniim and Hotuling , the battcrj
won : of Devlin and ICrleg and the batting o
Curtis and Mahoney wpro brilliant features
. . _ a -
l tJlomClt ? U lOUlOUOl
Enrnoil ruru-8t. Joe 3. Tiro-biuro lilU-rurtli
Krlvif.MnUonoy , lllaclc. Uncio nmi Cnrtli , Kin
bunt ) on luillflir Di.vllit l.oir Kliiimitnii ft. Illtli
pitclipr-llonri'llricliulllm o. Ktriick put Hy Dtwll
v e. \ > r Klnn'iiruii 3. Hlulon lin -CurlU. . Cnrtwrliih
Krioll. Double nlayKuell to Arilnur to Cuttwrlcln
KrH'tf to biholltinhBO. I IKMOC ! t > allft Muridiy 1 , Kilt !
J. atati-lilS. Uinnlro-DoearUiT.
Ht. I'nul I ) , Don 31oii oi 8.
DBS MOINES , la. , Sept , 3. The vlsll
ors wcro out-playod to-day ut every point 01
ceot the Hold. Score :
V i 8 J J 5 S S 0-
Run * * mej-l > Uotnea 5 , Bt. Paul 3. Two-bai
blU-OjiU.Uvirihy. Uouliloplttyj-Werrtck.T utk
lunn and lUwcs. liases btnlen-Connell 4 | Maculli
Zl Traffley. HnHtu. ll riMuriihr ud llawes. Il
on tmllly llariiii Maliuk ; buriuurS. Struck out
lly llnrt ! ll lnsa ! b'arurrl. I'Bisedtalls-Cody.
Wild Iltclics-llartls Mains , 1. Ttuie ot
liours and Ian mutuus. Uiuplro ilrtoJy.
The National Ijoatruo.
WASMISOTOH , Sept. 'J. Hosult of to-dy
Washlmuon 0 01010000-
Cleveland 0 0030013 *
Ua u blts WashliiKtou 0 , Olovolatfd
Errow WnshinBtoa 0 , Clovolund a Hu
torlcs Wnihinptoa , ICoofo end Daly ; Cloro-
Innd , Ueatln an 4 Sn tell ( To. Umpire Knight.
Sept , 3. Uoiull of first
parno :
I'hlladolphta.0 * OdOTBTlOOO ( 1
Uhlcufjo . . . . .0 000010001 3
Huso hlts-rPhiladolnhla 7 , Chlcapo 0 Er
rors 1'hlladelDhla 2 , Chicago n. Uattories
Pfnladolpula , c&Siy and Clomcntd ! cnlcairo ,
Dwyoraiiil IXarling. Umpire Lynch.
Hcsult ol second puma :
Chicago . 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Pmladolnhla . 0 * 3
" .IJasolills ChlcaftoO , Philadelphia 5. Er
rors ChlcaRO 0 , PhllndolDhla 3. BatterlcB
Chlcaso , Uumbort and Darling ; Philadel
phia ; Sandora and Schrivor. Umpire
Dwyeriot _
NBW Vonic , Sent. 2 Kosult of flrst game :
NowYorK. . 2 0
PIltsburK. . , , ! . 0
Uoso ht | Now York 13 , Plttsbnrg 10. Er-
rois Now York 4 , PittsburRSt. Uuttorios
TMow York , O'Day ' , and Ewinc ; Pittsbilrg ,
Morris1 and CarroU- Umpire Powera.
Uu ult or second { hunu :
Now Yorkj . .t..4Ui 0001 4 11
Pitlsbur'a . , . , , ,0 Ou-0 00000 0
IJiwo hfta-Now York 11 , PltUburg 7. Er-
rora Nc\V York 3 , PIttsbitr/r 0. H.ittories
Now York , Kcofe and Brown1 Piltsburg' ,
Qnlvln und Miller ,
BOSTON , Sept 2 , Uesult of first gatna :
Boston . I 8
Indianapolis . . . .0 03000000 3
Base hits- Boston 7 , IndlananotU. 8. Er
rors Boston 1 , ImllarnuiolU 2. Baitorl5s
Boston , Jladbourno n\\a \ Bennett ; Iudliinnp <
oils , IMsIo and Buckley. Umpires McQuaid
and Curry.
Hcsult of second Kama :
Boston . 1 0000000 0 1
Indianapolis . n U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base hits Boston G , Indlahapolls 4. Er
rors Boston 2 , Indianapolis 0. Batteries
Boston , ClurltBon aid Bennett ; Indianapolis ,
Uoylo and Backloy. Umpires McQuald and
The American An oclntlon.
BAI.TIKOHB , Sept. 3. Hcsult. . of to-day's
( tame :
Baltimore . 3 1040020 1 10
Louisville . 3
BROOKLYN , Sept. 3. Result of flrst
prume r
Brooklyn . 0 00100015 7
Cincinnati . 1 00300000 4
Hesult of second game :
Brooklyn . 0 1300000 1 4
Cincinnati , . . . .10 1 Ot 0 0 0 0 0 11
A , Sept. 2. Hcsult of tirst
KansasCity . 1 0035000 * 8
Athletics . . . . . . . 0 010300UO U
Hcsult of second Kiimo :
Athletics . . . .4000000000 4
Kansas Clty.O 4
Game called at tlia end of the tenth itmlng
on account of darkness.
- Amiuuur Games.
DBADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 3 [ Special
Telograui to Tnn BBE.J The third cumo of
ball Between the West Point and Denflwood
nines resulted in a sooro of 16 to 13 in favor
of West Point.
KEAIINKY , Neb. , Sept. 2. [ Special- Tele
gram to THE BED. ] The Claries huso ball
club tackled the Kearney champions here
this afternoon. An Indian pitcher with the
visiting team was the principal attraction ,
Kearney won by a score of 19 to 1.
Tim Diincluo Gun Club.
An orcanizatlon , called the Dundee Gun
club , was effected last week in the western
part of the city. In Dundee Place , and Mr.
Hanor elected president and Mr. J. W.
Bryan secretary and treasurer. Their flrst
weekly shoot , held yesterday , resulted us
follows : W. J. Attridgo , 11 ; R. Haner , 19 :
G. J. Root , 17 ; J. W. Bryan , 18 ; A. Ripgs ,
14 ; II. P. Hausen , 15. This was the flrst
shoot of the club and was at blue rocks ,
eighteen yards rise. The duos starts out
with a membership of but ton , but grcatci
things are predicted for it.
l < or NVliniHta Wntors.
Louii Mav , amomborof the United States
fish commission , AVa8 , In" th& city yestdrday ,
Ho came here expecting to receive a car load
of young lisa from the lower Mississippi ,
which have been awarded to Nebraska. The
flati were caught in the shallows d urine r
recent ovorflownnd cousistof wall-eyed pike ,
pickerel and black sun ilsh.
Omnha Talent at St. Joe.
"Red" Tinsley , said to ho from this city
and Tom Cully , from Kansas City , fought r
two-round battle at St. Joe Saturday night
Tlnsloy winning hands down. Frank Heitz
also from Omaha , according to St. Joe
papers , was behind Tinsloy , Tom Lungdor
performing the same service for Cully.
The WhPi-I Club RntnrtnliM.
The Omaha Wheel club will entertain the
Lincoln Cycle club at their rooms on Dodge
street this evening. This afternoon th (
members of the two clubs will muke bo rui
to Council L5luffs , and returning la the evening
ing will hold A grand tirno in the hal
opposite the club house.
f-Iiccpsilcad liny Kncrs.
SnEErsiiKAi ) BAY , Sept. 2. Fully 25,001
people attended the Inaugural of the fal
meeting here to-day. Summary :
Five and one-half furlongs Volunteoi
won , Hanover second , Young Duke third
Time1:00 : 4-5.
Snphlro stakes , for two-year-olds , live am
one-half turlongs Magnate won , SInaloi
second , Miss Belle third. Time 1:09 : 1-5.
Dolphin stakes , ono 'ami ono-eighth miles-
Bnddhist won , Tavlstun second , Phtlnnde
third. Time 1:501-5. :
Grput fall selling stakes , ono and one
eighth miles Bronzoinnrto won , Oarsuiai
second , Swift third. Tlmo-lBfl : 4-5.
Ono mile Strideaway won , Maori second
Bridgelight third. Tiuo 1 :41. :
One ana three-sixteenth miles -Klngstoi
won , Fironzt second. Time 2:00 : 4-5.
Ono mile on turf St. John won , Eolo see
end , Lotion third. Time 1 :45. :
Dos Molnos Knees.
DCS MOINES , la. , Sept. 3. [ Speclo
Telegram to Tim BKE. ] iTno flrst races o
tbo state fair occurred to-day. The tlm
wa.3 not extra good , b'ut the races were ii
tcresting from their ploseness. The fin
event was the two-yoar-old stake , mil
heats , two out of threo. It was won by Ren
The second .race , 2:30 : class , three out c
flvo , was won by Eva M in "
CnioAao. Sept. 3. [ Special Tolegrai
to Tun BED. ] Summary of to-day'a race
at West Side :
Three-quarters of a mile Eva AVlso woi
Ruth second , Wrestler third. Time 1:20. :
Ono mile Rambler won. Spauldin ? set
end , Billy Plukorton third. Time 1:50K. :
Mile and one- eighth Martin Hussoll won
Sayra second ; Longllgbt third. Time 2lt :
Suven-elghths of a mile Lltbert , woi
Stove Jerome second , Countess third. Tim
1 :8J. :
Tttrco-fluartors of a mile Black JJiamon
won , Churchill Clark second , Catharine . '
third. Time IslStf.
Handicap steeplechase , short course-
EvanKclIno won , John Rober second , Rebury >
bury third. No time.
A Great Sale of Flyers.
HiiBBraiiEAD BAT , Sept. 3 Before the ra
Ing began to-day Colouel Bruce sold atpul
1m auction , in the paddock adjoining U
grand stand , a number of thoroughbreds be
longing to the Bryant & Scoggan and Locu :
stables , The star of tbo sale was the throe
ytmr-old , Proctor ICnott , winner of la
year's Futurity. The flrst bid was 810,00
The bidding wont along at a lively chip unt
J17.000 was reached , and at which ilguro I
was sold to W , A. Ferris , who represontc
Mr , Scaggun , Scaggan thus became so
owner of the horse ? Tbo details are as fo
Como-lo-Taw , M. Kally $3,250 ; Procto
Knott , W. A. Ferris , S1T.100 ; Robin Hooi
Porter Ashe , $1,000 ; JaUlo 'lows , D. i
Honltr , * iW ; llindoocraf t , J. R. Tompkin
* U.100 ; Bottlnn , W. A. Ferris , * l,250 ; Jai
S. P. Ewing , l.C50i Unolo Bob. M. Kell
rJ,400 ; Cerebus , O. B. MorrU , 4,000 ; R
membrancc. Bovcrwyck stables , ( 'JOO ; Prliu
George , S. W.Stroet , $ J,150 ; Dr.O , yearllai
by Sensation , dam Memento , W. O. Scull ,
$1,250 ; Jaoksoa B , L. Hayman , ? 1,150.
TWO STAOBS nonnun.
3Inskctl3Icit GoThrotiRliVclla
Tronsuro Iloxrfl.
SAM FnvNci'sco , Sept. 2.- Wells Fargo < fc
Co. received Information ta day that two of
their stnccs were robbed , ono nt Bodlo and
the ether at Forest Hill , Cain The RttiRO
running from Bodlo to Hawthorne ,
Nov. , was stopped this morning by
masked men , who demanded the treasure
box , from which they secured about $000.
.f ho passengers wcro not molested.
Karly thin mornitipr the stage from Forest
Hill was also stopped flvo miles from Auburn
bv a masked man. Ha secured u few hun
dred dollars from the treasure box.
IhirtHsonnd lit ftatltdnr.
CHICAGO , Sept , 2. C. S. Dougherty told nn
Associated Press reporter to-dnv ttnt onAu -
Kust 10 , ho received a letter from hh brother ,
Edward C. Dougherty , dated nt Zaruran ,
Ecuador , stilting ho had been hold a close
prisoner since Juno 15. Mr. Dougherty wont
o Ecuador seventeen yearn .ago , and has
teen cngngcil In various enterprises In tliat
ountry. Ho marrlddn nlcci of the prosl-
ontof Eciindor in 1837 , nnd recently hns
icon engaged In gold mining. The letter
; avu no reason for his Imprisonment , but re-
erred to the correspondence enclosed , which
ind been had with United States Consul
Joncral McGarr. No correspondence was In
1m letter when it reached here , nnd hm
brother thinks It was tampered with by the
authorities. Cablegrams sent by Mr. Dough J
rty.from Chlc.tgo since the receipt , of the
ctter have failed to elicit any reply , and ha
ins complained to the state department.
To cain hoiiith , wealth nnti prosperity
iso Milmlovitch's Hungarian black-
> orry juice. _ _
" '
Killoil by UU-otrlclty.
Nr.w YOUK , Sept. 2. DarwitT'A. Henry ,
uperintcndent of construction for the East
ilvcr Electric Light company , , was instantly
tilled this afternoon by a charge of cloc-
ricity In the coTnpany'a factory. ' Henry
vaa standing on u stopluddor , changing the
vires on the switchboard , wbcn-snddonly he
vas seen to totter and then fall to too floor.
L'lio flesh on his right nand and .fingers was
turned to the tiono. His loft hand was
slightly scorched , and on his left elbow there
vas the Imprint of the wires. Dr. Hendor-
uon was immediately numinoncd from Bellevue -
vuo hospital. Ho nronounced Henry pulso-
ess , and said ho had ho had no doubt the
shock caused Instant doatn.
' ' IITW- Invalid
Kunsat C'ty'rt SuiuJnyIITW - *
KANSAS CITV , Sept. 2i Judge Boland , of
the police court , to-day handed down a de
cision of the test case made bvtho saloon
nen of the validity of the penalty 'clause of
.ho . Sundav laxv. The law is a city measure
md requires the trial judge to1 revoke the
iccnso of every saloonkeeper convicted of
selling liquor on Sunday. The city ordi-
lance confers tno power to revoke the
Iconsos uuon such judges. Judco.Bolund in
ils opinion holds ttio ordinance , und there
fore the law , is unconstitutional , and dis-
nisscd the cases of 11 f teen saloon men. The
city attorney will appeal.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler cures catarrh ,
icadache , nourulgia , asthma , hay lever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
An Indnstrlal Room.
READING , Pa. , Sept. 2. This section of
the Scnuylxill Valley experienced a big in
dustrial boom io-day. The rolling mill , pipe
and tub mills and foundry of the Reading
Iron company , after an idleness of six
months , resumed partial operations this
torenoon , and in u week's time are expected
to run full handed , when 2,000 men will again
DO Bteadilv employed. About a thousa d
men in other mills will also resume work.
Dnltotnna nn a Jnunt. ,
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , Sept. 2. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. J A party of eighty
persons , members of the commercial club ,
city council and brass band , left to-nlgnt on
u special train for Duluta. "A few weeks
ago a largo partyioff Duslncss'mon * front Du-
.uth were antortaincd hero , and they , in
turn have invited the Sioux -Falls people to
enjoy their hospitality. , .
Foraeror Oollum
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 2. J. Frank Collotn ,
the young attorney who was arrested about
: hreo weeks ago charged with a series of
forgeries aggregating about $227,000 , this
ovocInK made aa assignment to tno Minnesota
seta Title nud Trust company. Collom's
assets consist for the most part of real
estate located in tuis city and Gladstone ,
Pears' is the purest and test eoap
_ _
blxiy Prisoners Awiiltint ; Trial.
ST. Louie , Sept. 2. The present session of
the federal court for southern Kansas and
part of the Indian territory , xvhicb convenes
at Wichita , Kua. , to-day , promises to bo au
important ono. Over sixty prisoners are now
In jail at Wichita awaiting trial , thirteen of
whom are charged with murder. 'Over lCOO
witness have been subpaoned.
A. Venezuelan Commissioner at Ija t.
DEEH PAUK , Sept. 2. President Harrison
to-day appointed George O. Eaton , of Mon
tana , survey general of Montana , and Jonn
Little , of Ohio , commissioner on botialf of
the United States in the Venezuelan claim
commission. Tno latlcr has accepted the
position ,
* ,
For picnics , parties nnd banquets
Cook's Imperial extra dry , Clmtnpajjno
hus no rival ; there is not a hoaducno in
a caao. * .
All Quint at Now Itlvor.
CIIAIILESTON , W. Vo. , Sept. 2. Everything
is quiet on Now River up to this evening.
There was another lot of Wlhuh'cBter. rifles
shipped ycstorduyand trouble isnot , appre
hended. '
Victim of a Oos'f Blto. *
NUWAUK , N. J. , Sept , a , William Hoag-
land , aged twenty-seven , who was bitten "by
a niongrol cur about three weeks ago , died
at his homo this morning. " '
A DoHperado Shot. -
DBSHOH , Tex. , Sept. 2. "Jim" Dyer , a
notorious desperado , was shot and' mortally
wounded yesterday at mouth of Allen. Bayou ,
Visiting merchants will , find choice
line of dry fronds samples tit 405 Broad-
wuy. Council Bluffs. F. H. Orcutt.
Hon. N. W. KUwarUfl Dcnil.
SrnjxQKEiD , 111. , Sppfc. 2. Hen. N. W ,
Edwards died to-day , aged eighty.
Ocrmnii Itoinnn Catholics Blent.
CLEYBI.ANIJ , Sept. 3 The thlrty-fourtl
nnual convention of the Gorman Roman
Catholic Central sod oty began here to-day ,
Only routine business transacted.
Abstracts of titleto "Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work done
and verified to by aflidavit and certifi
cate of recorder. Claims located. J ,
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
A Prominent I'lillndolphlnii Dead.
Pnir.Aunr.pniA , Sept. 2. William C , Lud
wig , ono of the prominent business uion and
philanthropists of Philadelphia , di < ? d to-day ,
aged neventy-nlno years ,
A i'ionnur Gone.
KANSAS Crrr , Sept 3. J , B. McCoy. , one
of the pioneers of the west , died to-day al
his home in this city , aged soventy-elghi
Piles ! Plies ] 1'llest
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when
other ointment * have failed. It absorbs the
tumors , allays the itching at once , acts nsn
poultice , gives instant relief. Dr. Williams1
Indian Pile Ointment -preparoU only foi
piles and Itching of the prlvato parts , and
nothing elsa. Every bo * Is warranted. Sold
by druggists , or sent by mall on receipt ol
price , BOo and fl iM > r box.
WILLIAMS' M'FO CO. , Prop's.
Cleveland , O.
Observed From'tn.o Attahtlo to the
' | ( ecolies , t' Ionics anil
Trmlcni'lis'jlnys ' Pill Out the
iloitnl Holiday
t ,1
Wnrklncmnn Sliow Tholr Strnnjcth.
CnioAOo , Sept. 21 Labor day was honored
In this city to-d&y by proccsslons and num
berless picnics. , 'Iho largest procession wns
thntof the trades Mid labor assembly , m
which thousand's of 'romi marched to the
music of numerous tjam'l's. 'uVt the close of
the piirmlo the participants proceeded to
Kiilin'H park. The -trade * thltlnp part in
this celebration ere the printers , switchmen ,
hnrscshoerfc , carpenters , wood rarvors , Iron
moulders , yaa Utters , mncblnory con
structors , bricklayer * , Rtoncsmlths , cigar-
inakors and waiters. 'I ho Knights of Labor
paraded on the West rildif and nisd proceeded
to thu picnic grounds nt the springs. The
parade was In four divisions , comprising
thirty-seven tocaUisseuibllcs.
In Pennsylvania.
PmBiiUHOvSopu 2. Labor day WM oelo-
bruted in wesjcrA Pennsylvania to-day for
the first tim6. Business wns generally us-
poridcd , but the 'only public demonstration
in this city was the paruilo pf the united car
penters and joiners brotherhood , .in which
about two thousand men participated. Pic
nics were hold by the painters , marble cutters -
tors , slate roorers nndallclayers unions ,
and were voty * largely attended.
At Greenstuff ? the local labor brganlza-
tions and , \ho .grangers. , paraded , and after
wards held a monster meeting at which ad
dresses wcro tnado bv prominent labor load
ers favoring tho'eiRht-houi' movement.
in the coke region , the works wore gener
ally idle and u largo mass meeting was hold
In' Noiv YorK.
NEW YonK , Sopjt. 3. Labor day here was
ushered in by bright sunshine. From early
niornlnR the streets were crowded by
sturdy sons of.ojil. . It was noticed , however ,
that large number * pf working girls trudged
along as usual , with' their lunch in hand. They
work In cigar fuutdricv'and other concerns ,
the owners of which had no respect for labor
day. AH the exchanges Avoro closed and the
custom house was kept open an hour far
clearance purposes. At a mass meeting in
Cooper-union In1 favoci of the eight-hour
movement resolutions .wore adopted , sympa
thizing and pledging -llnanclal aid to the
London strikers. * '
At 1'h'iladnlpliin.
PHILADELPHIA , , Pa. , ' .Sept. 2 Delightful
weather favorbd rst observance inls th city
of Labor Day. Banks nod exchanges were
closed , as also were nearly all the mills * and
factories. Noifrtj ? , alltho , , stores and other
business rbtixblisJiraonts in the city- wore
closed in the afternoon.
The United Labor league sent a cablegram
to Burns , the leader of the Leaden strikers ,
tendering him feVee/tingand / sympathy.
Dissension at Nnwnrtt.
NEWARK , N.'tf.V.Septr 2. Dlfferoncesbo-
twcon tbo trac | < M'"fcssombly and tno Knights
of Labor causea tire parade bore to bo a fail
ure. The Knigrtsbad for orators Master
Workman Powc crly and ex-Governor Ab
bott. Mr. Powd trly hoped Labor day would
soon become a a , .Uoniil-hollduy.
How Iptrolf\&l \ > T > rated.
DETn6iT , Sejit. 2 iVibor .day was very
generally observed * hera to-djiy. The
Knlghts of Labqp paradtid. tha'stfcets and
had a picnic at Subuctzen paric.'h.'here was a
monstpcm ass .meeting at.ih/ } , J3riv-
in < fT'p4rtctfaifnps ; t&is. afternoon' , when "tho
eight houirquestion . agitated. *
* i * e
At Albany.
ALIIANY , Sept. 2.Labor day was celebrat
ed bore to-day by a parade , in which repre
sentatives of labor to the number of 3,000
were in line. They were reviewed by Gov
ernor Hill. A picnio was held in the after
noon , at which the eight-hour question was
St. IjouU Kc'mfMuliered.
ST , Louis , ijjept. 2. Labor day was pretty
generally observed hero b # the trades and
lubor unions . ' A largo procession of trade
organizations paraded the streets and re
paired to Concordia hall , whore an Immense
picnio was held. ,
Observed ul-San Frnnolseo.
SAN FrANcisco , Sept' 2. Labor day was
observed by the trades' unions in this city ,
though business was not suspended. A pa
rade was held in the morning , with probablj
two thousand poople.ln line. Tbo majority
of the men carried small American flags.
in I JIMP.
DBNVEH , Sept. 2. Labor "day was gener
ally observed hero , to-day. All the banks ,
state and federal dfllces and business houses
closed. A monstrous parade marched
through , tbo city to , the picnic grounds , where
tbo day was spent. (
Indianapolis Turn * OUT.
INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 2. In splto of the
rains which fell at intervals during the day
the , laboritcs had a very creditable parade
and this afternoon a largo mass meeting was
hold at two different points In the city.
The Cnmicks I'nrado.
MOKTHEAL , Sept. 2. To-day was observoc
as a legal holiday , ana the members of tbi
various labor organizations to the number o
7,000 paraded * the streets to the Champs d (
Mars , where sports wore Indulged in.
MEMPHIS , Tern. , Sept. 2. Labor day wa
fittingly observed hero , a large concourse o
working men parading ; and afterwards re
pairing to the park , where they 1 istonud ti
addresses on topic's of Interest.
BOSTOX , September 3. The observance o
labor day was , more general in Boston to
day than heretofore , B'uslncus was entirely
buspeuded. A Dip ? " procession was the feu
turn of the day. nqfr _
EVANSVIM.B , Mot SopU 2. The natlona
Labor day wft appropriately celebrated
There was a gennc&l suspension of buslnos :
and a largo parWMi
,11 rr
A&ti'ntuis City.
KANBAB CITVC | a There was no general
oral obBorvanqe.Oflaborday horo. A parade
participated in By Tno carpenters , caoiu ol
in the morning. | IfJ |
ft Holiday.
TOLEDO , SepUBabor day was observui
hero by the gencraV cessation of business
The parade wasJarp and imposing.
PAX'fON Bonfti1 , OsfAHA Special attention
tontion * to commercial man. Finest am
largest hotel Jn the west. Klttrcdgo I
Brainard , proprietors. ,
A VIllRRO Encutfoil In Uavn Over i
Hundred Lives Lost ,
LONDON , Sept. 2 A severe shocu of earth
qualto was ozperienced in Ereroum yeitci
day. Tbo village of Ksntzork has been en
gulfed in lava. A hundred and thlrty-ii :
lives were lost ,
Wo linvo sold 8. S. S. since tbo first da
wo comuieacod the drug business , and hav
beard sonio wonderful report * of iU offccts
Many use it with best results to cloan&o mu
lurla from the system , and for blood pouon
scrofula and sui'ti dUoiues It i * without i
rival. CoLuemvooi ) ft , Co. , Monroe , La.
Hnmnol Shnwnltor'H Flosli Fnllfl From
I lift HollOH.
DA.TTON , O. , Sept. 3.--Somuol O. Show-
alter , aod twonty-nlno , voluntarily sub
mitted to 'ho injection of thoBrovvn-Scauard
elixir three weeks ago , hoping for relief from
rheumatism , and died from the effects of the
treatment. Immediately after the Injection
his limbs began to swell and hit whole sys
tem was soon permeated with blood poison ,
Qangrono set in und the flesh chipped oft In
flakes as lariro as a man's hand and ho became -
came a horrible object before death.
Advloo to Mothers.
Mrs. "VVinslow's Soothlnp Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , sottens
tno gums , allays all pains , cures wind
cello , and is the best remedy for dlar-i
rhuua. 25o u bottle.
Ho AVns Shown Kvcrythiiifr , Including
nn Knrthnunlcc.
When a friend comes from the east
and you tuku him out to HOC the sights ,
you sliow him every thlntr with an air of
proprietorship , says "Wondortono , " in
the Sm : Francisco Chroniclo. It does
not matter whether you hnvo boon hero
since 1310. or whether you came only a
month bolero your friend. You take
him through the park and you point out
all its beauties with that solf-satisfuo-
tiou which scorns to say , "I did all this. "
You drive him to the Cliff House and
show him the seals , and mnilo as If you
owned thorn. You dwell upon the beau
ties of the bay , and thu shipping seems
to belong to you. You oven direct his
attention to the elegant mansion of
Borne millionaire and speak of it in a
'tono as if you had made this millionaire
and paid for his houso. Your friend is
grateful. Ho feels as If California was
all your doing and he would
not have * enjoyed it if it
had not been for you. But ho
docs not Often carry it as far as a gen
tleman Who came out from the east a.
few months aeo. He had boon shown
everything ; ho had the marvelous
beauty and wealth of the state elabor
ately explained to him ; * ho had boon
dined and wined and made to enjoy him
self. Ho had been enthusiastically en
tertained one night with an elegant
dinner and plenty of good wine , and u
great deal of lively story tolling , and
ho was in an effusively admiring condi
tion , .It was about 1 o'clock in the
morning , and merry and mellow he
found himself in a circle of friends ,
joking and chatting , when suddenly
tno house began to shako , the windows
to rattle , the globes to jinclo. Ho was
happy and gay , and ho merely looked
up and said :
' 'That must have been a pretty heavy
wagon passing. "
' "That ! That was an earthquake ! "
"An earthquake ? You don't say so , "
ho said , as he roan and grasped his
friend's hand. "Thank you. You have
given mo the best time I over had in my
life. You have shown me the most
beautiful scenery. You have given mo
the best dinners , the best wine , and now
you have given mo an earthquake. I'm
obliged to you , deeply obliged to you.
I shall never forget your kindness ,
Ladles who value a refined complexion
must use Pozzom's Powder it produces a
soft und beautiful skin.
Low ltt t ts
From Omaha and Council Bluffs via the
Northern Pacific to al.1 points on the
North Pacific const have be placed in
ollcct permanently. The stop-over
priyileKQ given an Northern Pacific
second-class tickets enables the intend
ing settler to personally inspect any
portion of Washington Territory. Free
second-class sleepers are run via the
Northern Pacific from St. Paul through
to Tacoma and Portland.
His Delicate Attention to Ills Wile
mid Mntlier-ln-Iiaw.
A Moorish officer wo teen : to Jeddah
from Tadglor had his wife with him ,
says the Cornhill Magazine. She was
his only wife , and though only eighteen
years of age , had been married to him
five years and had had three children ,
one of whom was dead and the other
two alive and left behind at their homo
in Fez , whence they came. Ho had
twice before performed the Hadj , and
each time had boon accompanied uy his
young wife. This time they wore tak
ing her mother with them , and indeed
the thoughtful and considerate way in
which he treated them occasioned tni > a
good deal of surprise. This bigoted
Mussolman looked upon by his Euro
pean brethren as a jealous tyrant of
women , as one utterly incapable of ap
preciating their higher qualities , and
merely using them as a meajis where
with to gratify his coarse passions
could rertainly have shamed many of
them in this matter. The ship was
lying in the bay about a mile from the
city of Tan dor ; the sea was running
pretty high , and long before they came
alongside , both ladies were very sick.
Gently ho lifted them on board and laid
them down in a quiet corner , while ho
rushed about to seek the best place on
deck whereon to llx his tent. Then ho
tore open the packages , and drew out
from thorn carpets and pillows and cur
tains , Und in a short time a well-fitted
tent w'ns ready , and into it ho carried
the two women and laid them down and
made them comfortable. There they
laid till the next day , as much like two
bundle ! of clothes aa anything else , for
oven their faces and lianas wore invisi
ble , and I really believe they did not
move once , although in a few hours , us
soon as wo had got through the Straits
and entered the Meditterruucan , the
Boa became * perfectly calm , and u great
.deal of their indisposition must huvo
been of that inexplicable nature which
would liavo tried the patience of many
a Christian husband considerably. But
'he busied himself about and lit a fire
and prosontlv turned out a nice little
dinner and didn't lose Mb temper a bit
because they would have none of it , but
only ga/.ed sorrowfully at the provisions
that wore to bo wasted. Then ho made
them some tea and then some colteoand
loft nothing untried in the whole category -
gory of things to make them comfort
able , patiently sitting there fanning
ihoui , or nnon Htarting up to got thorn
some water or any other thing they
might want.
Olironic Jans 11 , HIT.
Btff < r 4 lam tim with D < ar > lU to tl > b < 4
u cmtnUA t tlm" , g < It. J t bi Oil * > trluj
JUT. btisi iUr ly ciiKli no i.-uro.
JEUU1AU tlrf. 1111 W. toattf J it. , Btlto , tU.
r rrns > nent Ouro * . OeUttr IT. llll.
11 y U vu pinlyiti from EtiriljU , ilii c u4
mot > lk sup , I toAl" Bt. Jtwts Oil , sfUr ou
&s uit > as wtlkid
liUly curnt btr. ) U. W. umna ,
4 , Ztnm ,
permanent Cures. Jut IT , 1 IT <
T us 0 luil Biutlfiij not sabjMt ta ktUckt
tin tbt ) > y o ( Bt. JicoH Oil WM p rafc-
: tVws kss ton B * rwanuc * l ti ptiatal
E. W. gfAllOIJB. Tot * , .
g CHARLES A-VOgHER COBalllmaft. . * t
. AUbiuto { . Varlco *
rein curid vltlmut plo orcptrttlon Addrcu
Deslon'Oupre Ol'nlque ' , Ttsowut
Son ! Ono Sod Iimuguratod as IClny
of the Event.
Oponlnic or the State Fair Arrest of
A lionox Hnnkar on n Ghnrga
ofKnibczzlcnient The Itltia
Gratia 1'nlncc.
Soul Onn Snt In King.
DBS MoiKcs , la. , Sopu 2 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tan liiin. ] The Dos Molnos carul.
vnl week opouod to-day by an elaborate ob
servance. The vnrlons trades assemblies
wore In line and paraded the < ttrrats , march
ing to the old fair grounds , whuro addresses
were delivered by Labor Commissioner
Hutch Ins and Judge iCavanugh and others.
The Rtnto fair started well to-day with
several thousand Visitors , and vor.v largo ex
hibits. Prostuont llayos , of the Stuto Agri
cultural Soelety.itoUvorctl hh annual address ,
and apccrhcn were piado by ox-Governor
Carpontftr , Hon. J. 1) , Qrlnnoll and other * .
1'o-nlght the city Is goner.iliv Illuminated ,
Inaugurating the carnival of King Bent Ono
Scd. Thu streets nro lined with illumina
tions of gas m colored globes , whllo arches
at street corners in fantastic designs glvo a
brilliant offcut with colored lights. Thu city
Is filling up very fast , and proator crowds
are expected to-morrow.
Hunker Arrrsicd For Knibrzzlninunt.
LBSOX , la. , Sept. 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun 13BB.J L A. Brooks' Exchange bank
closed Its doors this morning and assigned to
D. 1J. Herriott. The assignee was headed
off by the heaviest depositors , who hired an
engine and got to Bedford ahead of the reg
ular train'and attached all the property.
Brooks is under arrest. Five informations
have been lllcd against him far embezzle
ment. No bonds for apponranco have \ot
boon obtained. D. Bcstor , the cashier , was
arrested for rocdlvlnir deposits after the
bank was Insolvent. The liabilities are U | > -
wurds of $23,00 , ) , und the assets will proba
bly not exceed $10,000 !
The Blue Craws Pnlnop.
CiiEBToy , la. , aopt. 2. [ Special Tele ,
gram to Tin : BKB. ] Two hundred citizens of
Clarke county , armed with corn Rtalk canes ,
arrived this morning to celebrate Clarice
county day at the blue grass palaco. The
crowds were not so larguas during fair week ,
only about olio thousand coming in on trains.
The county made a tine showing. Tomorrow
row is Taylor county day , and exhibition
drills by Bedford's regimental bind and
military camp my are features of their pro
gramme. The exposition closes on the Ttn.
' .flip Nortliwrsrern's Ilonlv.
DKS MOINUS , In. , Sept. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIR Bcn.J The Chicago & North
western railroad comoany filed an answer
with the commlsslounra to the complaint , of
the Sargeants Bluffs Tile company. The
complaint was that tbo Northwestern had
made Joint rates with connecting roads in
one direction , but had not In another. The
company replies that the charge is true , but
that the joint rates were made In connection
with the Milwaukee road to meet competition
that did not exist in the ether direction.
They say that they do not aoo anything in
the law to forbid then ) doing so. but if the
commissioners do thov are willing to stop.
The Hillings Trial.
WATEIILOO , la. , Sept. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu BnB.1 District court convened
Here to-day , and the trial of M. E. Billings
for the murder of ICIncsloy was sot for next
Friday. Judge Nev will preside and W. L.
Baton , of Osage , and C. Y , Wellington , of
St. Paul , will appear for the defense. At
torneys Mullan. of Waterloo , and Hazlott
Dawson , of Wavorly , will roaresent the
Hit With a Shovfl.
GLADnnooK , la. , Sept. U. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] An affray that will
probably result In a murder took place among
a party of Italians working on the traok
two miles south of this place about noou
to-day. Ono man , whose name could not bo
ascertained , was struck on the head with a
shovel , severely fracturing his skull. Ho Is
not expected to live.
California , the Ijnnd of Discoveries.
Why will you lay awake all night , cough
ing , when that most effective and agreeable
California reinedv , Santa Abie , will give you
immediate rcliof ? SANTA ABIE is the
only Ruarnntcod euro for consumption ,
asthma and all bronchial complaints. Sold
only in largo bottles , at $1. Tlueo for S. ! 50.
The Goodman Drug Co. will Do pleased to
supply you , and guarantee relief when used
never fails to relieve catarrh or cold in the
head. Six months treatment , $1. By mull
1'Toin ' Japan.
Count Yaungntn.of Tokio , Japan , and suite ,
arrived in Omaha yesterday morning on
route to San Francisco , and are quartered at
the Murrav. Count Youngatn's staff in
cludes 1C. Nnkapamo , 1C. Tsudyukl. T. ICako ,
Y , Fora aki and 1C. Enclil. The 60unt and
these with him formed a portion of a'pnrty
who passed through hare ono \rook aeo ,
They have boon studying the Internal sys
tem 3 of governmental servlco and civil
engineering for two years in Germany and
Franco , with a vlaw to Innugur'atlng a change
of system In their own country. The count
wa * detained at Philadelphia on account of
sickness and will not bo able to sail from
San Francisco until the 10th instant.
An AUHntiKo Cure.
Is only put up in largo t\Vo ounce tin boxes ,
and it nn.absolute euro for old sores , burnt ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all km arup.
tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Ooodmixn Drill ? company at
25 cents per box bv mall UO cents. ,
The Tnrk Com m Union.
There wns a special meeting of the park
coinmhslon yesterday afternoon nt 3 o'clo'clc.
It wa * occasioned bv the receipt by mall of
the skeleton working plans for Ilaivscom
park from Architect Cleveland.
They were carefully consldored and
adopted. Work will bonln Immediately.
The park superintendent wat Instructed to
repair the old conservatory mui provide for
removing il few ( lowers and plants from the
Capital avouuo beds and transplant thorn In
Hunscom park.
Vlnltorn TCI tint Fjilr anil Coliseum.
Bo sure and call on IIospo , 1513 Doug
las street , art and music rooms.
Win Climb Y'lko'u Ponk.
It Is authoritatively stated that the Denver
< fc Klo Grande will soon commence the con
struction of a line of raid from Manltou ,
Colo. , reaching to the summit of Plku's peak ,
! lhu intention of thocompany Is not only to
open up a now mining center , but to also
establish mi Important attraction to tourists.
Should the project bo carried out the ter
minal of the new road will irnvo a very high
altitude und will bo in Holds of perpetual
Mr. " E. Slattcry.'of Dulhl , Ln , says her
son , 14 years of nge.had u dreadful tlnio with
ulcers , sorua and Dlotchcs which followed
cnlckon pox. Alter using many remedies
without benellt , she gave him Swift's Spo-
cillc , which cured him sound and well.
Bco Mown Stands.
The morning , evening and Sunday Ben
can bo found regularly at the following
places :
Poxtori Hotel News Stand.
Millnrd Hotel News Stand.
Murrav Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel News Stind.
Windsor Hotel News Stand.
Canllold House News Stand.
Cnzzons Hotel News Stand.
Barker Hotul Nowa Stand.
Jophn & Co. , 30SNorth ; Sixteenth.
Dick Castcllo , 500 North Sixteenth.
J ( Itlch. 000 North Sixteenth.
Christ Wilrodt , 814 Nortli Sixteenth.
J. H. Head , 10JO North Twenty-fourth.
J. P. Hoy. 1115 North Twenty-fourth.
Hubin Bros. , 514 South Tenth.
Frank Kolblo , U1S South Tenth.
G. W. Stmnnalun , 903 South Thirteenth. ,
P. N. Mellhede , 513 Soutti Thirteenth.
J. I. Fruchauf , 414 South Fifteenth.
E. Wynmn , 110 South Fifteenth.
John Lemly , 1250 South Sixteenth ,
U. Eckel , 503 South Sixtenuth.
J. A. Dodsro , 1040 South Twentieth.
J. S. Caullleld , 1304 Farnaai.
A. Anderson , 21 , ) Cuming.
S. E. Hiinsen , 433 Cuming.
\V. 11. Pieard , 1TJ3 St. Mary's avonuo.
.T W. Mai tin. 12-10 Park avenue.
S. M. Mnrtinovitch , OU3 South Thirteenth.
Jos. Tiuiinans , 20th and Lake , cable dupot.
B. Kltchingmnn , 15tb and Capitol avo.
1)1100 STOKES.
F. F. Chamtior , corner Loavonvvortb
and South Tw ntv-ulnth. - \1 \
S. S. Lanyon , 2sOl ( Piirnnm.
C. S. Torbitt , 2lll ! Fnrnaui.
Peyton & Owen , 2101 Lcavouworth.
C. M. Cmsov , 2113 24th.
Caledonian Drug Store , 27th and Lake.
i h
Goo. Cooper , riorcants' Banic building.
H. Hiiberman , Granite block. \
Clyde Rateicm , Kamge Block.
J. S. Stott , Postotllce.
G. Ueutlier , at news stand and on stroot.
Patrons of TUB BED will notice 'tho ' above
uew ugcm-ips ut drug stores and elevators ,
which have boon placed for the 'further ac
commodation and convenience of BEH
Persons who fivil to procure Tnu Bun
when wanted , will confer favor by reporting
facts to tbo BKE ofllco.
Positively cured hy
these IjUtln Pils.
Tlipy also rcllpvo Jlls
ircsa fro'n Dj'spepsla. In-
dlgstlon and Too Hearty
KatlilR. A perfect rem
edy for niTdneBS , Nausea,1
Dro-A&lncss , Had Tnst
Ic the Jtouth , Coated
-i'onguu. Pain la the Bide ,
TOUPIU LtVJlli. They
regulate the Bowels. 1'urrly Vegetable.
Corner of Tenth and Worthington Streets , Cm ihn , Nob.
TliB Rev , Robert Dolierty , S , T , D , , Rector ,
Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars
Apply to the Rector.
Remington Typewriter
TUT. NIJ IT.US Ur.TltA of writing
rhlnn.s Is noKd for Hi Spoud , CuinimctnoHS at
key lionnl , Hlmplklty of loiiNtrutlun , l.usa
of operation undiluillillltv , Uou'tpxpirlmtmt
with clieupin.iehlnuM : you unow wnut you
nio Ki'ttliifj when yen bur tlio HoinliiKton ,
JJon't ruly on asscrtlnno miulo by po cullt l
computltoM , An oxiiinlnntloa costrt you
notlilniand may Have von from iiiirchiiRliiK
a v\oithl 8H nm < Jilnu , 'Ihu Kumlnpton hold *
\Vorld'itiiuiniiloii3lilp ( ; forHpmd ,
. G.K.ond lianilmaclilnas , all mnkoi for xaln.
U'lhoCrown 'lynewrlter wrltBS cnpltalH ami
Hinull litlcr , iluurna. fractions , t-tu. , and U
tlia most Hauld , Cheap miuhlno nm'lu. I'rlc *
t , ' ( ) . StoiifKruplior.-tHiiiilleauf | ) nil klnda.
Bond fur circulars.
JOS. P. MEGKEATH , 1607 Farnam Street
: 1018 Farnam Sireal , Omaha ,
1818 Douol asStro t , Om.4/.i ,