Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1889, Image 1

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The Comto do Parla1 Addrosa to tbo
French Nation.
An Kxhnrtntlon to the Imperialists
and n Bon Thrown to the lloul-
ntiKlBta ItolRtnritiK Up
the Alliance.
Latent In Fronoh Politico.
( Coit/Ho'il ' IS * ? liy Jamr * Onnlon Oentt'tM
I'AIIIS , Sept. 2. [ Now York Herald Cnblo
Special to TUB Hi.n. | The manifesto
hlch the Comto do Purls has addressed te
the French nation Is purely and simply an
affirmation of the policy pursued by tha mon
archists. The solo object which the writer
Bcems to hnvo had In view wus to cxbort bis
nuppartcrs to remain faithful to the electoral
coalition over which tlio Comto do Louro
reigns supreme. Ho appeals firs I to the
monarchists , Catholic' und ProtUtnnt ,
Impel lallstB , und to the moder
ate-minded mon who , having sought
In vain to found an honest republic ,
car.not continue eternally "to defend against
tholr experience a reform of government
that has been condemned by results. "
The Comto do Purls calls upon the men
representing these different opinions to band
closely nnd ( Irmly together under the ban
ner of revision , nnd If they should comooutof
the bnttlo with the spoils of victory , the part
which Ihoir majority In the chutnber would
have to piny Is , first :
"Tbo most pressing ovIUvlll have to bo
remedied , nnd then the great question of a
revision o : the constitution will bo taken In
band. "
It is not , however , tbo coming chamber
which will give Franco her now constitu
tion. Accordlnc tp Iho Comto do Paris'
pluu , the nation , cither by the election of u
constitutional convention , or by means of
thu pleblscitum , or by the blending of these
two methods , will bo culled upon to form u
government. The Comto do Paris supposes
that when this moment arrives iho French
people will bo touched to the Jicart by thu
superior merits of monarchy , us represented
by his family , which has reigned the longest
in Franco , and thai pioferenco.will bo given
to this traditional monarchy rejuvenated by
the suffrages of thu people. Ho believes ,
moreover , that the superiors of
every other monarchy will bow
mcoltly to the verdict or ll.o nation , nnd
particularly the Imperialists.
The Comto do Purls docs not take into
consideration in his manifesto the possibility
that the French nation should , as it bus
done before , ucclnim a sovereign dictator
ruler who is not born of n. dynasty which
bus sut on the throne of Frunco for cen
turies , und the comto docs not say whether
such a ruler would meet with , from the rep
resentatives of the old dynnsty nud
its supporters , the submission , obe-
dicnco and loyalty which ho ex
pects from the Imperialists. He
does not say whether the princes of the
house of Franco would bo prepared. In thu
event of the vordlct of the nation being con
trary to their hopes , to become faithful and
devoted subjects of Pritico Jerome Nnoolopn ,
Prince Victor , or nny other elected chief of
stato. It seems , howcverthat this goes \vith-
outsaylug. In such cases , turn-about Is fair
play.Uoulnngor's nanio docs not appear in the
manifesto , which is not suiprising. Ho is
I not , however , overlooked. Ono part of the
| I document is evidently u soplothoBoulunKist
i ' party , culling upon the conservatives ,
, j os it does , not to break the pact uonclti Jed
\with \ Uoulungcr in view of the elections.
} "Whuro you have candidates , " the CinUo de
( Paris tolls the mountchlsts , "support'them
itnergotically ; elsewhere bo guided by the
/necessities / of combat and do not consider us
/enemies those who uro ilghiingtho sumo foes
/ ns you. " 1 hia can only bo rend us un ap
proval of the resolve of the LOinmlltco of
\ txvclvo not to contest the elections of the
1 ' general , of La Guerre. LnUsant nnd others
of tbo same party. This is n consecration of
the eleclorul coalition between tbo monarch
ists. Imperialists und Uoulunglsta.
Writing m thoFignro , Mugnurd has pointed
out that that part of the miinifeUo in which
the Houlungists nro alluded to Is rather
cold. There Is certainly no nbrasn which can
bo construed as expressing enthusiasm for
Boulungor or his parly. Nevertheless , the
nlllnnco , or at least common action , is main
tained for all practical purposes , and it is not
surprising to find thnt Cussagiiuc , Who is
ono of Iho warmest upholders of iho coalition ,
fully approves of the manifesto. "It Is , " ho
writes , "an absolute confirmation of the
policy which the Autorlto has preached all
along. "
Dig Hotting og the Coining Boat Unco ,
"With iho LIT tor the I < 'nvorito.
[ Cnpi/rf0M IBM by James flonton lienn'tt. ]
LONDON , Sopt. 2. fNuw York Herald
, Cable Special to TUB UBK. ] Odds of
0 to 4 are offered that Scarlo will defeat
O'Connor m the sculling mutch for the
championship of the world on next Monday.
The Australian contingent Is loaded down
with smiles nt the idea ot tholr favorite's defeat -
, feat , but they might bo moro confident or
\ thu odds would not bo so small. 'Iho Aus
tralians have moro money. It U said there
la 159,000 behind Soarlo , but the
flcuro Is entirely too lurge. At
any rate , not half the amount will betaken
taken ut the present odd a for the Ameri
can and the Canadians , who are backing
O'Connor , have nothing like so much money.
Englishmen , ns u rule , will back Soarlo.
. U'lioy know moro about him , They know
\ Altneh has beaten Hutilnn , and they know
. / Bcnrlo bus beaten both. Hanlan Ig/at , En-
* / gland's champions , therefore most of them
, , i' will put tholr money on the Australian , who ,
they can sot > at n glnnco , Is u man of im
mense strength , und who , however slouchy
ho may look on land , IH perfectly at homo in
a boat.
O'Connor is by no means
v I Ih out English backing , but his
continuant naturally usks for odds und will
notbOBUiUtlo.l with loss thnn 3 to 1 , whl-h
will probably bo the quotation on or before
the day of the nice. O'Connor has u host of
udmlrers. Ho is u splendidly built fellow
nnd much more graceful than hU rival , even
in a boat. Ho IH the moro artistic of the two.
Some say his style Is too pretty for business ,
out these who hnvo scon him ut work in
earnest know that ho puts erery pound of
his Btrougth to thu boatudvuntago.
Some of iho dally reports of the work of
both men afford the latter considerable
amusement. Of course Iho report1 uro
Inaccurate , Those who road and
depend up MI them must think bath men nro
now of exceedingly alow stroke , an neither
is glvon credit , oven in spurts , for doing
moro than thirty to the minute. I watched
both men ut work to-day. O'Conner wus
coached by Lee , who Is suid to bo rowing as
fust ns lie over did In his life. Lee started
with uload of fifty yards , O'Connor wont
to woikuttwcnly-tlvo strokes to the wlnuto ,
gradually increased tbo stroke , nnd m u third
of a mlle wus utmost level with Lee. Neither
O'Conner or Scarlo spurts for moro than u
few hundred yards , us they are always under
watch , generally by thousands of eyes. In
spurting thU afternoon O'Conner put In nlno
Btrokeft in thirteen seconds , thirteen In sev
enteen unit a half and twenty-two In
thirty seconds. Mattorsou sot the pace for
Scarle. Muttorsou is conceded to bo the
fUKtcut mat > ou the Tlmtnon for u quarter of
.ft wile , but beyond that dlatauco stund * no
chance with Scnrlo. In the spurting to-day
Scarlo was timed for nine strokes In twelve
seconds , thirteen In sixteen and twenty-
thrco In thirty. It will bo seen that O'Con
nor's fastest Btroko Is about forty-six , whllo
Scnrlo got as high as forty-debt. Thcso
spurts were only for a short distance , but In
the coming ruco these who witness it may
expect Scurlo to run up to forty-six nnd O'Coo
nor to forty-four at moro thnn ono point In
the struggle in going nt a high pressure
rate. 13 o th men during their training have
done beautifully clonn work. .
The final deposit will bo mndc nt the Star
nnd Garter Thursday nleht. The rofcrco
will bo chosen at the same timo. O'Conner
said to-dav that ho did not know who tha
rcfcrco would bo , but expected ho difficulty
over the selection. O'Connor never looked
stronger In his Ufa and is quietly confident ,
The snmo may bo said of Sonrlo. It promises
to bo a great rnco and a fair ono.
American Railroad Slmrfs Trailed In
nt Strong 1'rloes.
[ C'oDI/Hoht tR91i\i \ James Uordan IJiimftf.t
LONDON , Sopt. 2. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB IJp.E.J American
shares opened strong , especially Milwaukee ,
which nro 1 up on the day to 75 % In splto of the
absence of Wull street prices nnd the consequent
quent Inactivity hero. In bonds , Ualtimoro
0 per cents of 1305 rose to 100 , nnd ox
dividend ditto of 1001 up 1 to 115 ok dividend.
Of course ttcro was the usunl amount of
room trading and speculating , but tlio public
abstained carefully from dealing , whllo the
lending Anglo- American houses wera doing
absolutely nothing. The fooling hero Is very
bullish. The she-litest support from Wall
street would lead to booming the whole
show. Canada Pacifies continue to bo well
pat ionized by the continent , who are filling ,
in large quantities of the stock. Business
otherwise Is qulto nt a standstill and feat
ures are few and far between. The growing
confidence , however , is not sentiment , but is
established on the reports of trade und truffle
Slnvln rhnlli'tnioH Smith.
ICopi/1 IgMctl XtO bu " " "
LONDON , Sopt. 2. [ Now York Her-
aid Cable Special to TUB HEK.I Frank
Slayin , the Australian pugilist , has dial-
lunged Jem Smith , under London prize ring
rules for the championship of England and
200 a side. IM11 Geode , the middleweight , has
been matrhca against Sluvin , under Marquis
of Quconsberry rules- for 20C a side , the
match to bo decided next month. Sluvm's
ndvcnt creates little speculation , and ho Is
not much feared , us his mutch with Geode
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Situation Unchanged nnd More *
lMn Go Our.
LONDON , Sept. 2. The grent strike is still
in force nnd the situation of utTuirs this
morning may bo suid to bo unchanged.
Neither side has made a move to-day and it
cannot be said what the day will bring forth.
Thrco thousand tailors who struck this morn
ing are parading the ntrecls.
Information bus been received by the police
tind by Homo Secretary Mutthows to the
effect that Burns to-day urged the
strikers to piococd to the docks
nnd expcll the men working ) there.
The dock companies express themselves ns
better satisfied with the aspect of affairs.
They have inci eased the number of men nt
work , composed of slrilters who huvo clven
up the fight and new men. The officials
of the companies state that plenty of laborers
would bo obtainable If the strikers' pickets
were abolished. It is assorted tliero is u
split amongst the strikers and thai a commlt
tuo has been appointed looking lo the aban
donment of the strike.
The Rochester coal whlppers and barge
men visited n largo number of vessels in the
river Mod way and forcibly compelled men at
work thr-ro to cease.
A mob of about night hundred strikers in
vaded the Albert docks this afternoon nnd
compelled the workmen there to cease their
ICndorsed By ' 1 ratios' Concross.
DUNDEE , Sept. 3. The Trades' Union congress -
gross In session In this city bus adopted res
olutions to the effect that the London strik
ers uro justified in their demands nnd that
the employers are arbitrary In tholr actions.
Thu congress also called upon the vurious
trades of the United Kingdom to render the
strikers all possible financial support.
Tliroc Thousand Looms Stop.
DI.ACKIIUKN , Sept. 2 Thrco thousand looms
have been stopped In this city owing to the
depression iu trado.
Gladstone Contribute.
LONDON , Sopt. 2. Mrs. Gladstone visited
the scene of the strike yesterday , and guvo a
check for the relief of the strikers.
St. Louis Becomes Heir to the IJnllc of
liiH Estittc.
. ST. LODIS , Mo. , Sopt. 2. The lust will nnd
testament of Henry Shaw , of botanical garden -
don fame , wus mudo public to day. The
bulk of his property goes to thu ulty of St.
Louis , although n number of relatives und
servants are handsomely remembered. The
famous garden and Tower Grove park nro
bequeathed to thu city to bo hold forever for
thu benefit of the public. To pcrputuato the
work begun by bhnw in the botanical gar
den he bequoattm u lot of property to Wash
ington university , the income to go towards
ttio establishment und conduct of a school of
botany. The worldly possessions of the de-
ccttscd ute between f1 1 , 000 , 000 and { 5,000,000 ,
How Mnlictoa Wus Itocolvad ,
SAN FHANCISCO , Sopt. 3 , The correspond
ent of the Associitod press at Apia , Samoa ,
Bays the meeting between King Mallotoa nnd
his rolatlyoj , when the oxllo returned from
the Maishal islands , was most affecting.
The greatest expressions of Joy were heard.
The king and the two chiefs who were with
him giva the highest pralso to Dr. Morgan ,
United States consul at the Marshal Islands ,
and dccluro thut had It not been for his ns-
itlslaneo they would huvo suffered severely.
Mullctou is broken down In health. Matiufa
will retain control of ntfulra for the present.
Perfect utility exists between himself und
Malletoa. _ _
The I'ubllu Debt MntonitMtt.
WASHINGTONSept. . 2. Following is
the debt statement issued to-day : Interest
bearing debt Principal , $3711,678,803 ; inter-
estSm, ( ! ; total , fSM.flQO.O&UO. Debt
on which Interest has ceased siuco maturity-
Principal ml interest , { . .O.VJ.SIO.-U' , debt
bearing no interest , $70.l7-,2Ja 07 : princl-
pal , * l,037u51.10l.2J ; interest , t J,175,001.I7 ! :
total , * liH'ib0lUJ OX Total debt leas avail
ublo cash items , $ l,127,23D,5il.t ! > 5 ; net cash In
treasury , W3,4W.Uuy.lH ; debt loss casn in
treasury September 1 , | IU8JT40U2.V-1 ; debt
lens cash In treasury August 1 , f 1,077UU-
D3i 1)0 ) ; increase of debt during month , 8,1.070-
( KI-.5 ; Incre.iso of debt slnco Juno 80 , 1W. > ,
$7UU4UO'i.70 ; totul cash In treasury available
for reduction , f4lS.6'j5i 7.75j totul catih In
treasury us shown by treasurer's gciiorul uo-
count ,
Iho Oihipco'H OHiui'rx IJnr q tutted.
Fouc MONIIOB , Vu. , Sept , 2 Commander
A , G , Kellogg and ouMcers , of the United
States Rteurnor Ossiiioe , were given a hand-
Bomo banquet nt the Hyglea hotel by William
P. Clyde , of the city line , steamers , for the ir
gallant action iu rescuing UiOBleauiur Ozunu
fiom Legitlmu ul Poit-au Prmu > six wuaKs
uco. A number of prominent army uud uuvy
oQlcora and civilian * woru uroscut ,
An Investigation of Thorn By the
Senate Commit too.
Mitch Speculation As To tlio Ro ulta
of Ilia Mission The Mom Golil
Blooded t'nnsotiROt * Wnr on
Ilccord llnglng.
Mnnauor Joltory Test I lien.
CHICAGO , Sept. 2. [ Special Tolcgrnm
to Tun Ur.B.J The United Stutos senate
committee to make Investigation Into the
Vorklngs of tlio interstate comruorco law as
applied to the carrying of Hvo stock and
dressed meats , began Its worlc hero to-day.
Senator Vest , of Mislsslppl , Senator Coke ,
of Texas , and Senator Farwoll , of Illinois ,
were present.
Considerable merriment was occasioned by
the ainbtirassrnent caused by the failure of
the members of the commlttuo to.recognize
GonerafMnnneer Jeffery when ho took the
chair this morning.
After waiting some time , "Is there anyone
ono else I" suggested Senator Vest.
"I have a subpaana , " said the general
manager of the Illinois Central.
"State your name nud place of business. "
"Edward T. Jeftory , of Chicago , Illinois , "
ho replied with BO mo irony.
"What is your business ! "
"I am in the railway profession , " with
emphasis on the 'profcsslon. "
"In what capacity I"
' General muuagcr of the Illinois Central. "
Senator Vest straightened himself and bo-
gnn to show great interest in the witness.
He began u search among his ptpors as if ho
hud unexpectedly got at the witness ho Just
Jeftery said the Illinois Central was not
interested in the stock yards and had no
agreement with that company as to trans
portation rates for stock. His road in com
mon with others , delivered stock to that cor
poration. In reply to u question us to the
comparative rates on live cattle and dressed
beef , Jeffrey replied Unit thu road bad rates
on BO many articles that ho wus unable to
answer. Ho said it was true that ho had
been examined by the intor-stato commerce
commission and that ho had then testified
that ho wus unable to say why the rate on
dressed beef from Sioux City , In. , to Chicago
was fiighor than that on live stock , except
that it had been so for a long time. This ,
however , applied ho suid only to Sioux City.
There were no through rates from other
points , such us Omaha or St. Louis , so It was
dilllcult to sav whether or not there was u
difference from ether points. Witness had
further testified on tha ) occasion that 1 cent
a ton per inilo for live stock and 40 cents per
100 pounds for dressed products would bo
about a fair ratp and would yield about
equal profit. Jeffery added that he had sub
sequently prepared some llgures on the sub
ject and hud sent them to Commissioner
Morrison In a letter. As far as ho knew that
letter had never been published and bo
would bo glad to submit a copy of it to the
At the conclusion of his testimony Mr.
JofTery was asked about the Central Truffle
ussoci.Uion. "It is a voluntary association , "
ho said , "to make rates on competitive trafllc.
There is such nmct work of lines within the
limits of this country that all truffle is com
petitive. For this reason , and that there
shall bo a fair und equitable basis of rates ,
the association Is maintained. The general
conduct of the business is in the hands of a
chairman with no executive powor. Except
in small localities the entire United States is
now governed by these associations. With
out that it is impossible to inako a fair
schedule. "
"It Is , then , an association to prevent com
petition J"
"In ono sense it is , but there is no rcdross
if u loud does not Hvo up to the contract. "
"Is tliero no penalty ! "
"Thoro Is none and that Is the trouble. I
hnvo an oulnion that much of the present
difficulty could bo remedied if two things
were done. If every agreement was sub
mitted to and ratified by thu inter-stato com
iiierco commission it could bo scon that they
were maintained. It is hard to do anything
because wo cannot punisti any agreement
breaker In any way. It would work to the
advantage of all the commercial intorcsts of
the country. "
Wilson T. Keenan , who has been selling
cattle nt the stock ynrds for twenty-four
years , and who was the first witness after
the noonday adjournment , xald the dressed
beef industry was inaugurated in 1879.
"Is it u profitable business ] " ho was
"I suppose it is , judging by the number
who have grown wealthy by it. "
Ho named the principal buyers for the
business to bo Armour , Swift , Morris and
Hammond ,
"Do you think they control the markotl"
"I think they do noU"
The receipts used by them ho put last week
at 40.0UO out of 70.00U head of cattle received.
The butchers , too , were supplied out of the
40,000. Ilis figures on the cost of feeding
cattle at the yards agreed with a provlous
"What , " asked Senator Vest , "in your
opinion , controls the prlco In the yards } "
"Tho supply und demandaltogotlior. There
is nothing else can do it. "
"Why Is it that the supply of cattle has
not kept p.ico with the papulntloiii"
" 1 have never boon ablu to learn. Wo nro
shippimr more live cattle now than over bo-
foro. "
"Is it true the prlco remains the same to
the consumer ! "
"It is. "
"Why then does not the law of supply nnd
demand , that varies the prlco to the shipper ,
vury the cost to the consumer ! "
Thn witness did not answer the question
directly , but uegan u discussion of the cost
of porter house Bleaks und funcy cuts.
Finally ho said the consumer always paid
the same , because , while the demand for
high priced cutsot beef wus greater , the do-
in ami for the lower grades was less , BO the
uvcrago Is maintained. Ho was asked why
the utilization of all nnrts of thu beef did not
incrcasu the prlco. Ho replied that there
were moro cattlo. The point was { disputed
by Senator Vcat , who Insisted that the sup
ply was less.
Mr. Keenan was nsltod about competition
in bidding at the .yards. Hu thought it was
fulr und uctivo.
"Will the packers bid against each othor1 !
"Oh , yes , if the oattlo suits tlium. Hu
added , "Sometimes a packer does not want
u shipment , fn that case no asks others to
buy for him und then divide It. Thou there
is but ono bid mudo und they divide the
cultlo. "
"It is often sol"
Judco W11 cox und Mr. Larkln , dairymen
of Klgin , tostilleJ that the development of
thu dressed beef business hud revolutionized
thu cattle trade In Elcln. Local butchers no
longer bought cattle on thu hoof , but bought
beef already Uresieil from Chicago. 'Hie
prlco of cattle had fallen heavily , out there
had beun no drou in thu prlco of moat. Mr.
Larkln read llgurus showine an alleged do-
clliie In the prlco of live cattle slnco thn year
IbiO from M.7.r > per head to f 18.01. Then ho
took a ship at the railroads. Ho complained
thut tta dealers throughout the country
were rjfublnu' to buy Hvo stock , prufurr'ng
to order dressed beef from Chicago. Tic
idea brajght out wus that the freight turliT
on live stock wus higher than that on dressed
beef , thus the smaller dealers conslJori'.d it
to their advantUK'otobuy in Chicagoand th s ,
uccordiug to Mr. Uarliin'u notion , lo.'t Chi-
cave thu control of the Hvo Block market.
A number of other witnesses , principally
commission men nt the Union stock yards ,
wem examined tonight. Thomas Lirown ,
dealer iu exK > rt cattle , &ald :
"Yuars ugo wo hod plenty of bujers , nnd
If a man could not get his flguro hero ho went
oil to Nuw Yo k or Albany. The rallrouiU
stopped this by crushing othot > shippers ,
nnuthowrccKsof mixnyot ( horn nro to bo scon
about the stock yards to lAy , The dressed
beef tnulo has killed the Kvo cattle dealers. "
Drown said the drcssod boot men were not
frightened by iho plouro-pnqumonlo , because
Europe wouldn't take llvacaulo. The price
wont down and thcy were bcncfUtcd nccord-
inglp. Portions fit boot that could not bo
disposed of otherwise , ho said , were Used in
conning , .
, Pnltliorn Return's Pro n Now York.
Ciiiovao , Sept. -fSDiolal Tologrutn to
Tun 13KB.J Chnlrroun Fuithorn , of the
Western Freight association , bus returned
from his Now York cmiforonoo with the
jtrunk lines , minting to pro-rating pn north
western through business * and , will rnport
the result to the meeting- hla association
to-morrow. Chairman FmUiorn , of course ,
will not toll what success ho bail , provlous
to the inoctlntr , but tha general opinion
among railroad men Is the same as It wus
when ho started , thnt'lho trunk lines would
tnko the sumo action ns tha Control Truffle
roads und refuse nil pro-rating arrangement.
Chairman Fnithorn slopped in Buffalo on
his return , and It is the current belief thut
no succeeded in getting nt least a proposition
from the Lnko lines. In view of the fact
that Iho Uurllngtbtt & Northern positively
refuses to give up Its through business , nil
western roads unite Iu hoping some arranpo-
mont can bo tnado , It It cannot , the whclo
northwestern complication must again bo
reopened , fought out and settled. Western
roads especially dread n rate war or any re
duction in rates at present , ns they are nil
doing u lund-onlco business , tha main dlfll-
culty on all lines being u shortage of cars.
The only rates now iu effect , between Chicago
cage nnd St. Paul is \\\o \ \ 00-ccnt local rate
nud the low commodity tariff Issued to pro
tect Chicago merchants from eastern compe
tition vlu the Canadian Pacific nnd "ooo"
lines. Julgo ; Cooley In bu rccont decision
dcclurcd positively that .thero must bo no
Inrco difference between' the through rate
nnd the sums of tno locals. Consequently
quently , if no pro-rating arrangement
can bo mndo wltti eastern lines
nny rcducuon In the-proportion of the
through rate between Chicago and St. Paul
must make u corresponding reduction In local
With Canadian Pnpiflo nnd "Soo" rates as
they are at present , the Chicago-St. Paul
proportion of tbo through rate must be reduced -
duced to almost 15 cants , Thin will necessi
tate u reduction in local rates from thu CO
cent local rnto to not moro than a 20 cent
basis. The Burlington & . Northern has only
mi InsigniQacnt locul business , and the re
duction to It would not 'bo ' disastrous. All
other St. Paul Hues , howover. oxeapt the
Chicago , St. Paul & .Kansas . City , depend
almost entirely on tholr local business , and
tbo reduction to thorn would menu a loss in
freight earnings of about 771 per cent Even's
occur rapidly , however. In tvoateru railroad
ing , nnd the situation may'bo cleared or In
tensified by to-morrow , nlthl.
A Florco Unto Wnr.
CHICAGO , Sept. 2. fSjicclal Telegram to
THE Bee. ] The coldcst bloodcd passenger
rate war on record Is that now going ou
between the Pennsylvaniji ( road and the
Monon on business between Chicago , Indian
apolis , Cincinnati and tojilsvillo. It has
apparently developed inio , u case of freeze-
out. Ordinarily the road with tno longest
bank account would win , but in this case the
aetivo. partisanship of tlio Pullman company
with the Monon about ovenk up the contest
ants. The rates have nqw been roduucd
about CO ocr cent , the'Monon ' and Pennsyl
vania to-day quoting-n $7round , 'trip rate bo
twecn Chicago and Cincinnati and Louis-
villa. Assurances come from both sides thut
the ruto will ! > o still furtllor lowered before
the end of the week. The ilchtlius now been
going on for four weeks1 and the Monon
claims , in spite of it , that its passenger earn
ings for the first'twenty-nlno lays in August
show an increase of.ovor $10,000 ,
A Lull ! it Atchlnon Removals.
CHICAGO , Sept. 2. _ [ Special Telegram
to THE HUB. ] No further changes have been
made among the Atchlsoa officials , nnd word
has coma from headquarters that none
others need bo looked for before Mr. Manvel
assumes the duties of his. office , which will
ho September the 'Jib instead of the Gtb.
Delegates Aasomhloto Prepare a Con
stitution For the Prop-no 1 Stato.
CHBiRNNrVyo. . , Sopt. a [ Special Tolo-
grum to Tan HKE.J At high noon to-day
forty-flvo of the fifty delegates elected to
frame u constitution for the prooosod state of
Wyoming assembled In .the supreme court
room at the capitol building , The repub
licans have a majority df eighteen in the con
vention. A temporary organization ( vus
reached by the selection of H. S. Elliott , of
Johnson county ( u democrat ) , us president
and John 1C Jeff oy , of this city , ns secretary ,
The oath of ofllco was then administered by
Judge N. P. Curroll. The credentials
having been passed upon by u
committee the question of how nsonoy waste
to bo raised to moot the absolutely necessary
expenses of the convention caino up for con
sideration. No plan has yol boon formulated.
As there is no law uuderiwhich iho conven
tion was called into being- , congress cannot
now bo looked for to defray any expenses.
It has been proposed 'that ' the money bo
ru sod by personal indorsement to ono of
the local banks , and the legislature , which
meets next winter , bo uskod to reimburse
the amount.
An adjournment Intervened before a per
manent organization could bo nffectod.
Nuhrnsku nnd Iowa 1'oiiRlrinfi.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Sept. 3. | Special
Telegram to TUB BKE. ] Pensions granted
Nobruskaus ; Original invalid John Hubby ,
L. C. Ulount , Freeman Morryman , Silas
Middlolon. Increase Thomas C. Kliimb ,
Original invalid Armstrong Huston , Uobort
Vontuiiburg , William Paltiorlon ] , Samson
Ycomuns , Charles Kohlmeycr.
Pensions allowed lowilns : Original In
valid Albert F. MoMaslurs , Isaac N. Hall ,
Elijah Munbuck , Abraham E. Keith , John
Mulhollund , Edward M. Harrington , Amos
A. Williamson , Jospph' Deouicr , Luther
Ellis , Joshuu II. l rtfiu , William H.
Uoall. isaao Overly ; . ' Incrcaso Wll-
con U. Wllsoy. OriRiiuI widows , etc.
Hunnuh , molliDr of Wiqflold P. Kornlck.
Original Invalid Harlow .Everts , Montz
Vollmor , Henry S. Uhjsler. William A.
Thompson , Patsy Lynch. John Franklin ,
Koubeu H. Dunkon , William U. Alger ,
William Beems , Albert | l\7Grogg , .lames H.
Miller , Herbert H.N.lms. Chester Kicker ,
Harvey M. Duncan , 1 , Incrcaso Jamoa
Kpeakman. Original wfdows , etc. J QUO ,
widow of Sobort Tonoyv " ,
filill RtrtiKullneKor a Jury ,
CHICAGO , Sept , 2. Tup' examination of
talesman with u view to determining their
fitness or unlltnoss to 3oYvou Jurors in iho
Cronm case was rcaii'ini-i this morning.
NoihhiK of interest in that" connection bus
thus fnrdovolopod. ThpC'utlro forenoon was
occupied with urgumonts by counsel for de
fendants , who uskod thu court to broaden the
scope of allowable questions to bo asked , iu
the examination of talesmen. It was finally
arranged thut u sol of questions should bo
prepared and submitted to the court.
At. the nftcrnoon svHslon States Attorney
Loiigentickur presented to the court u list of
questions to the tuldsmon , which bus been
submitted by counsel for the defense , und
after Homo dlscuKilon Judge McCiinoll ud-
journed court until to-morrow that ho might
have time to look over tha questions.
The M !
JACKSON , Miss. , Sep't. 2. Gftyeruor Low-
roy arrived from-Qjwenwood this morning ,
huvlilg succcodca' getting the armed
whiles , who hud owerabled at Greenwood ,
to return to their homos , instead of going to
the seat of the threatened race war. ' 1 ho
thres military companies which left Greenwood -
wood last nlKht at ia o'clock hoyo not been
heard from , but u Li not believed there will
bo uuy conflict ,
Dr.Albort Polo , of Portland , Oregon ,
IClllod Near Fremont
Ho LIDS Unconsuliiui In tlio Woods
For Fourteen Hours licCoro l > ls-
covcrcil I'lnttsiuoiuh's Ex
position I'
From n Train niul K Illoil.
FUEMONT , Nob. , Sept. 2 ISpcclal Telegram
toTitn UEE. | Sunday nftcrnoon atSo'clock
n mnn wns found lying In nn Insensible con
dition beside tho' Union Pacific track olght
miles west of Fremont. Ho was lying In n
ditch nud was nearly obscured by tlio grass
mill weeds bending over him. He WHS picked ,
up and cnrrlcj to n fnrm house near by
where ho remained until physicians arrived
from Fremont to tuko chnrgo of him. Ho
wns then put aboard n special train sent af-
turhlm , broughMo iho city antltiikun totho
St. Julian hotel , where ho died between 11
andlti o'clock last night , without , having re
covered consciousness to toll the story of his
mishap. On his parson was found a roundtrip -
trip ticket from Portland to Chicago , $10 In
money , gold eye glasses and a gold wutoh ,
nnd also some curds bcarliTg this niuno Dr.
Albert I'olo , Portland , Oregon , the niuno
also being on tlio ticket. When found ho
had on a skull cap but no coat nor shoes.
The supposition is that tin was a passenger
on the tram pasting through Fremont Sat
urday night , west bound , at 10:14 : o'clock
nnd after taking off his coat and shoes for
tlio night had gone to the car platform , and
fallen off , nnd wns not found for fourteen
hours afterwards. Tlio man wus apparently
illty-llvo or sixty years old , with round ,
smooth face nnd bald head. Cornnor Lov-
rica summoned u Jury this morning for nn
Inquest. The jury went to tlio place where
Polo was found to examine tlio spot.
The coroner's Jury took ovidcnco nnd nd-
journed subject totho call of Coroner Dovries
to await word from tlio dead man's homo nt
Portland and tlio return of his tlcknt , which
was sent to Omihu In order to establish
the man's identity. A disuatch received
from Chcyonno at 10 o'clock said the man
occuui''d lower berth No. 5 on the sleeper
Tamego , wiiich left Omaha Saturday evenIng -
Ing , and that lie had apparently Jumped out
of the car window from his berth , the win
dow having bean found raised.
A Plntttiinnnth I'roject ,
PI.ATTS MOUTH , Neb , Sept. 2. [ Special to
THE BKE.J For several days some of the
enterprising business men of this city have
been trying to arrange for the holding of nn
agricultural and Industrial exposition to take
place early In October. A largo hall , 1 ± 2x254
feet , ' "I" shaped , will bo erected , and ample
space will bo allotted to each exhibitor In
order that his goous may bo advantageously
placed lieforo the public. Tbo exposition
hall , will be beautifully Illuminated with
elcctrio lights and the grounds adjoining will
bo handsomely decorated by electric lights
representing all the colors of tbo rainbow
and many other beautiful designs. All the
machinery on exhibit will bo run by electric
power , thus enabling the visitors to test the
qualities of each machine.
Messrs. Opperninn & Ballon , the chief pro-
lectors of tbo enterprise , have been in Omaha
soliciting exhibits from the wholesale men
und manufacturers of that city and received
assurance that a great many of them
would be on hand with displays of
their goods If they could bo guaranteed
room to exhibit in. Manufacturers , whole
sale anil retail merchants , mechanics , paint
ers , farmers , and everybody else who have
articles to exhibit uro cordially invited to
bo present. The exact time of holding the
exposition is not yet determined , but it is
now expected to take place early in October ,
nnd continue two weeks. Privilege of ex
hibiting will bo open to the world.
Corn Damaged By Droiizht.
CHEianTON , Nob. , Sept. 2. ( Special to
Tim HKK. ] For the first time in years the
corn crop in this vicinity is seriously dam
aged by drought. A section of country sur
rounding CrcTghton , about ton miles wida
and twenty long , has had no rain worth men
tioning for fully eight weeks. Although a
bettor stand was never known hero , this
lack of rain has almost entirely spoiled the
crop. On the nortn and south of this dry
bolt corn is splondld , and and oats are
threshing out a. larger yield per aero than for
many years.
Saturday. August 31 , the lost of four
special stock trains shipped from hero slnco
July 1 started for Chicago. It wns composed
of sixteen cars of steers that bad bccu fed
hero slnco October last , und were the prop
erty of W. II. Uuttorlleld. The _ ( ,0 head
com prising the shipment weio the finest
bunch ever put on the market from Crcigh-
ton. The lot.will average about 1S > 00 pounds ,
while forty will weigh over a ton , and four
turn the scales at 10.000 pounds.
Rcatrico'a Proposed Now Donor.
BEATincn , Nob. , Sept. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB UEE.J The rumor now goes
that the Rock Island will join with the Kan
sas City & Beatrice in building a line depot
In this city , and that the ration depot schema
has been abandoned on account of tuo Union
Pacific declining to concur m the plan. It Is
still n matter of doubt just where the now
depot Is to bo located , though knowing ones
hint Unit the favored section will bo Bell and
Third streets and not at Third and .Klla , as
the popular cry demands.
Ilnw Ciislilnj * Prospers.
OUSIIINO , Nob. , Sept. 2. IS'joclul to Tin :
EBB. ] Gushing ,1s a small town situated In
the northeastern part of Howard county.
No town in the county has as
fair prospects for making a city. It
now has thu U. & M. railway with fair pros
pects of getting the Union Pacific. It has
the Loup rlvor bordering on the south and
the beautiful little stream called Spring
creek to the west , and IH surioundcd by u
country admirably adapted to the require
ments of fanning , There were 200 cars of
com , 80 curs of hogs and CO cars of oattlo
shipped from this point the last year. Land
hero ranges from 810 to $30 per aero. The
town has nearly 100 Inhabitants and tlio pop
ulation will IncreaEO very rapidly in the naxt
year. Town lots are cheap. There are good
openings hero tor business of nil kinds.
Gushing has never until now hod u boom ,
Now Is thu time. An investment hero of
aiy kind will prove 11 protiublo ono.
Illslntr U.t , > 'n
RISING CITY , Nob. , Sept. 3. [ Spt'clal to
TiicUiiB. ] Uistng City Is a beautiful little
village of 750 Inhabitants , located 100 miles
west of Omaha on the Omttha & Hopubllcan
Valley branch of the Union Pacific railroad.
All brunches of business nio represented
here. The city has a graded school employ
ing four.toaohers ten months each year , and
four churches , the Methodist , L'ongioga-
tlonal , Lutheran and Christian , UUIng has
never had a boom , but has always oujo ud a
ttlcjdy , substantial growth. Hlslng Is sur
rounded by ono of the finest farming coun
tries west of thn Missouri river , and us uvl-
denca of this tliero was shipped fioui here
1 , (100 ( cars of farm products during the year
IbSS. That .record will bo bsutun during the
year IBM ) , outdoing any ether town In IJutkir
county , _
D/nvsou / County Politics.
LEXINGTON , Nob. , Sept. 2. [ Special to
TUB HUH. ] The political kettle , as fur us the
republican party is concerned In Daw.on
county , 1s beginning to boll , and the different
candidates uro gutting things icadyfortuo
convention , which occurs at this plnco Sep
tember 23. The ofllco of county clerk seems
to bo the fnvorlto. and a dozen or moro
exports nro ennorlv watching it. At C.
Maxwell nnd Hon. C. P. Duulnp nro promi
nently montlonid for the oftlco. Ono or two
dark horses In the convention are not an im
probability. A close vote Is expected.
Kr-nrn-yM Cotton Mill.
ICnAiiNBV , Nob. , Sept. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB HKK.I The contract for build
ing the Kcurnoy cotton mill wns signed this
afternoon by the company's representatives ,
who hnvo been hqro several days. Mr
George W. Cumnock started for Now En
gland on the nftoinoon train. Work Will begin -
gin on the mill within thirty days from the
time the note * for subscriptions nro do-
llvotcd. The plnnw forthokinill show nn In-
crcnscd capacity to 3,61)0 ) spindles mid will
require half a million of dollars to oulld nud
equip. Arrangements hnvo already been
umdo with the Union Pnclilc for n track to
-tlio mill silo. The great question is now
fullyjuna finally sottled. Glory enough for
ono day.
_ _
Killr-d By u Mo\\ln Machine- ,
UEATIUCE , Neb. . Sept. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to liii ! Ur.E. ] John Hiehnrdson , n
well known , highly esteemed nnd prosperous
farm ton mllea south of this city , foil from
tils mowing machine while returning from
near llluo Springs , Saturday afternoon , and
was run over , sustaining Injuries which re
sulted in his death this morning. Ho was
found on the road by the nolithbors an hour
after the accident , and the team was quietly
grazing n short distance iittny. Richardson
wns unconscious , and remained in that con
dition until yesterday , but ho was unable to
toll how the accident occurred. His lower
extremities weie completely wiral.wod. Ho
suffered no pain , but passed away peacefully
this morning.
Kennipv Olnervos Labor Day.
KEAUNEV , Neb , Sept. 2. [ Special Tolo-
Ttram to Tun UKK ] The labor celebration
was the grout event hero to-day. All of the
trade unions In the city , with merchants nnd
manufacturers , formed Into a procession
nearly n aiilo long and inarched thiough the
principal streets of the cltv. The demon-
filiation was the strongest off r.ny over given
in this city. All that could get into the
opera house were ontort.ilrod by cheering
addresses by Judno Glllcspie , W. L. Green
nnd Hov. John Askin. This afternoon the
stores were closed nnd the entire city turned
out to witness this grand observance.
A Swltchnmn ltally : Alim-rlpd.
PiATTSMOUTit , Nob. , Sopt. 2. [ Special
to THU BEE.J This morning FrankMurphy ,
a C. , B. & Q. switchman at Pacific Junction ,
was knocked down and run over by several
cars , mangling his right log so badly that
amputation at the middle of the thigh was
necessary. Ho also sustained n very serious
fracture of the loft thigh , which the attend
ing surgeons deem an unfavorable complica
tion. ilis condition Is considered critical.
Will Tuko Oiiuilia l > y Storm.
BKATHIOB , Nob. , Sept. 2. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BEB. ] 1 ho traveling men's club
of this city are making elaborate prepara
tions to take Omaha by storm Wednesday.
The boys uro determined to bo there eighty
strong , with banners and band. Tlio excur
sion train which leaves here at 7:15 : in the
morning will also carry a big delegation of
citizens , who will go up to take care of the
IMattanioiUli's liloou-io Cars. .
PLATTSMO'DTU , Neb. , Sept. 2. [ Special to
Tna BEE. ] The long looked for electrometer
motor street cars have arrived from Phila
delphia and a force of moil unloaded thorn
to-day. The electrical apparatus Will bo at
tached as soon as possible , and the cars will
bo put into immediate operation. A great
delay has been suffered by thu non-arrival
of the cars.
Kovn I'nliii's I'lno Cropi.
NoniJEN , Nob. , Sept. 2. [ to THE
BRC.J The result of threshing in this com
munity develops the face that western ICoya
Paha loads the counties of the state in wheat
this season. The lowest record gives ! < }
bushel and the highest Sbushels. . The
quality la No. 1. Oats average 32 bushels.
Dawson County Crop * .
LEXINGTON , Neb. , Sopt. 3. [ Special W Tim
BEi-Corn ] is a splendid crop , as line as
over seen In this section , Thu hav crop Is
largo and of good quality. Now wheat is
coining into market. The grade is excellent ,
and will average twenty-fivo bushels to the
acre. _ _ _ _ _
Kxprcss Coinpinies i < .conomlz- .
KEAiixr.r , Neb. , &ept. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE.I The Wells-Fargo und
Pacific Express companies have consolidated
their business hero and opened the now
offleo to-dav. J. U. Miller , of Liucoln , has
taken ohargo of the business.
Tlio Ii'nther of ' 1 w "iity-two Children.
NouonN , Nob. , Sopt. 2. [ Special to THE
BEE.I Aaron Conger , a resident of western
ICeyn Putin , is the father of twenty-two chil
dren. He has juut proved up on a home
stead. Ho is now a widovvor.
A Sit loon an.l Grnocry
NKIWASKV CITS' , Nob. , Sept. 2 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun UuE.J Frank Crow's
urocery and Fastcnnuo' saloon wore burglar
ized last night and some money and goods
- j *
\ Negro llnviahnr Moots a Jlorrlbla
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Sept. 2. A special from
Somerset , Ky. , says : Win. Dates , a promi
nent and wealthy farmer residing a few
miles from Montlcollo , loft homo on business
with his wlfo , und loft two young daughters
in charge of tbo houso. Dates hud in las
employ u negro boy. Knowing the older
people were away ho oiitciod , and after
locking up the yountf girls succeeded
in ravishing the youngest , tigcd
twelve , Tlio ether girl escaped from thu
room nnd going to n neighbor's gnvo the
alarm. A posse immediately organl/od and
pursued the negro. Ho wus caught in
the woods nnd tied to a sluice. A rail pen
wus then built nround him. Coal oil was
pouted over him und upon the rails. A
match wus uppllcd , and the negro was
burned to death.
Tlio Mouth Ihilcnit Capital Klgltr.
CIUMU-HI.AIN , S. D , Sept. 2. [ Special
Telegram to THIS HUE. ] The fleht for the
location of South Dakota's capital la dully
growing warmer. Five delegate ) loft horn
this morning for Aberdeen , where u meeting
will bu held to-morrow to divide on ono or
moro towus to run In thu rucougulnat Ploiro ,
A strong combination Is sura to bo formed ,
und tlio result of the meeting is anxiously
awaited. _
For Violating llin i'ciiHlon linw.
iNiHAHtroMB , Sept. 3 Leo P. Williams ,
a member of thu legislature fiom Shelby
county , and Jane Fox , of C.vnthlu , the name
county , were arrested thU morning charged
with violation of the pension luws. Both
parties were bound over to the couit in the
sum of $1,000 ouch.
"Ulack lima" in Jail.
BussEMRit , Mich. , Sept. 2. The sheriff
arrived hero nt 1:80 : this morning with the
prisoner ' 'Black Hart" und ho was nafolv
jailed. Very little excitement was mani
No Vlslblo .supply Btatoinont.
CHICAGO , Sept. 3. The viMblo supply
gram statement was not made publto to-day ,
being Incomplete , owing to the cloning of cor-
tulu exchanges ou account of Luuor day ,
Tennessee Mnn Will Fight th *
Olvll Sorvioo Lav/ .
Ho Stxys the Commissioners nrox
Try I air to Him the Government
ItrllovcR the Act XJlioon-
fitttunnnnl ,
WASHINGTON ntniKAC , TUB Ovutu line , V
WASHINOTON , I ) . C. , Sonu \ !
Congressman Ilouk , of Tcnnessoo , snld to-
your correspondent in nn Interview : "At
the coming session of congress I propose to
test the sentiment of ilia house on this sham.
civil scrvico law , When the appropriation
bill comes up I will otter nn amendment
striking out the item making the appro
priation for Its support. Nino-tenths.
of the members know that the huv Is a fraud
and say so In private. Now , I am goincj to
suioko these fellows out und put them on.
record. Tliat Is the way It WLS : done during
Grant's administration , und that is the way
I am going to try It on now. Tulle u > out tho-
spoils system , why , these throe civil sorvlco
commissioners uro the blggostspo. Ism ju that
this country over saw. They am trying to-
gut possession of the ontlro government , and
they nro tint u great ways buhlnd it now. I
bellovo the civil scrvico law is unconstitu
tional nnd lain sure the supromc court would
so decidu it if the question over came botoro
thut tribunal. "
"As to the spoukershlp , I am not pledged ,
but wo southern members will vote for tho-
cundldulo who is willing to help our scctloa
guttbodoorkcopurship. J am fur Colonel
John M. Curs on for clerk. "
The Washington members of the Grand.
Army who went to tha unc.impnnnl nl Mil-
wall keo have returned nnd soma uf thorn uro
not satisfied with their treatment. Mr.
Char'es ' H. Ingramoxdepartment coui-
maiuler , said to u I'ost ropottar to-day :
"It the members of the oncninp.iiont had.
decided to en mo to Washington could
have entertained them four times as well as
wo were entertained iu Milwaukee und it.
would not have cost us moro than .20,000.
As u matter , of fact wo were not entei tallied.
in Milwaukee at all. Wo were overcharged
by uvery doiilor , there wus no banquet , no-
excursions , nnd not uvon enough badges to
go urouud. The town was decorated and ono
of the brewing companion dispensed plenty
of ueor , but that was all. Milwaukee is but.
a small town , and this affair wus too much. *
for it. "
Upon the approval of Secretary Proctor ,
Major General Schollcld has Issued the fol
lowing order :
The unriisDns of Fort Larauiio. Wyo. T. ,
Fort , Hayes , Kun. , nnd Fort Lyon , Colo. ,
will bo withdrawn nhd the several posts
named will bo abandoned , und the troops
thus withdrawn will bo assigned to ether sta-
tloiiB by the division commander.
A regiment of infantry will bo ordered
from the department of the Missouri or tho-
department of the Platte to take n station in
the dcpui tmcnt of Texas. The commanding-
general of thu division of tbo .Missouri will
give the necessary orders to curry thcso
changes Into effect as soon as it tun bo done.
with duo regard to economy.
Major ' . C. Clipper , Sixth cavalry , ordered -
dored to proceed fiom Foil Wtnjrato , N. M. .
to Fort Lewis , ' Colo. , nud ussumo command
of that post.
Tlio order relieving Second Lieutenant Her
bert G. Squ'ios. ' Seventh cavulry , from duty
ut St. John's college , Fordhum , N. Y. , Is re-
\ oKod.
Captain John J. Caguo , commissary of sub-
slstuncc , is grunted u month's Icavo.
First Lieutenant It Slovens , Sixth infan
try , ordered to duty us acting assistant.
quartermaster lit the uriny nnd navy hospital ,
Hot Spriugs , Ark. , relieving Captain Charles.
H. Ingulls , assistant quartermaster , ordered
to duty nt Vancouver uarracks , W. T. , reMoving -
Moving Captain William S. Patten , assistant
quartermaster , who is ordered to duty in this
Consldcraolo army patronage falls to the
credit of President Harrison during the
next few weeks nnd ha now bus at his dis
posal the appointment of un army chaplain
in the pluco of Post Chaplain GcorgoV. .
Collier , who retired August 29. To-day
Colonoi Wllllum Burns of tha subsUtonco
department will retire , leaving n vacancy of
the grudo of captain in that department , und
October 4 another similar vacancy will occur
in the retirement of Colonel A. Bcckwith.
This branch of patronage will bo still further
increased by the retirement September UO of
Major Iloyt , qumtormastor's department ,
which leaves u captaincy in this department
to bo tilled. A list of candidates for the
chaplaincy , and there uro many of them ,
has reached , the president at Ueor Park ,
nnd the name of the luok.y man Is looked
for daily in the list of appointments coming-
from thoro. The expectation nt the
war department is that u Vermont minister
Indorsed by Secretary Proctor will carry off
the prize. Thu list of candidates for the
thieo staff vacancies will also probably bo
forwarded to tbo president that is , such of
thorn as the secretary of war may consider
most worthy. These positions are open to
civilians as well us lieutenants of the line ,
but thu prosldunt's policy Is believed to bo
against selections from the former class.
There Is a strong Impression nt the war de
partment that thcso vucuncios will bo dis
tributed roglmentally that is , n lieutenant
each from the infantry , cavalry , and artil
lery will bo selected. Should this plan bo
carried out. which Is thought to have the
approval of the secretary of war , It is fur
ther believed that Firs I Lluutonunb Constan
tine C.iso , 4'hird iu tillcry , First Lieutenant
E. E. Dravo , Sixth corns , nnd First Lieuten
ant John Andernnn , Eighteenth Infantry ,
Bland a most excellent show Iu the ll/ht that
has alioadybogun Iu ( load ournost. Lieutenant -
tenant H. H. Oagood , I'hlrd artillery , nnd
First Lieutenant James C. , Fifth
urtillnry. are ulso regarded us strong-
Secretary of the Navy Tracy , who ro-
turncd to Wushlugton this morning , lias vury
little to way regarding the alleged defects
which have been discovered in the United'
States battle-ship TOXUB. 'Iho Bcciqtarynd-
mits that there have boon very suiloua criti
cisms regarding the plans of this vessel , but
suys thut thu report was in ado to his predo-
crasor , originally , and tint the subject IB
now butoro u board which has not > ot pre
pared Its report. In thu ubsoncoof this re
port the secretary declines to pass nny
criticism upon the woikof his predecessor.
Senator Hlddluborgcr has coino out
squarely us u mugwump. Hu declares in hla
pupor thut both purlieu are bud , and there-
feta ho cannot belong to either , but in tills
great omurgunoy , and In the future , no has
decided to study the tlckotu of each and will
Kivu his support to ( ho bent candidates of
botn , Ho will also command them to the
BUfTrago of his followers.
L'jwis 1) ) . Canllold was to-day appointed
postmaster at Fllluy , Gayo county , Nob.
Laikworthy nnd Monko , of Qulnuy , 111. ,
have been uwaided the contract for con
structing thu iipproauhcs to the ICcokuk , Iu. ,
public building , at u cost of ? 0,7a5.
Union ClKiir fjnlielHVorthlu * .
ST , Louis , Sopt. 2. In tlio United State *
circuit court to-day , Judge Th.iycr rendered
a decision to tbu effect thut thu tounlorfolt-
ing of the union label used on cigun cannot
bu prevented or punished. The ruling will
affect the clgurmukora' organization in tbo
United States and Is .dunned ,
very seriously , as it practically decides their
labels uro of no value whaluver.
* 'Jho MVnlliur
Nebraska und Dakota Fair ,
southerly ulnJs.
loiva Local rams , warmer , except in east
ern portion , lower temperature ; souther/ ]